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从本课程中任选一个专题,撰写论文,题目自拟。 选题建议:(1)阐述对当代小学教育教学理论和实践的认识









理论与实践相结合The theories and fulfillments combine togetherLabor the technique lesson initiate with science, technique, society of close combine, reflect the educational reform current of science of world.In August 1988, the smoke set City teaches the decision of in educate and produce labor combine together make get the good cave shop in sun City the experiment" STS" education"( STS", is the English abbreviation of science( Science), technique( Technology), society( Society).) New course, need the new teaching material.The smoke your advice organization plait writes the actors of one troupe, a set of be filled with the agrestic special features of 《 science, technique, society tries out the teaching material 》 wove to come out, 《 keep the rabbit technique and the rabbit disease prevention and cures 》 , 《 the seed germination rate measurement 》 , 《 the cultivation technique of the practical germ 》 , 《 a film watermelon plants the technique 》 etc. the 17 volumes assistance reads that the thing also emerges with the tide of the times.New course, need the new teaching method.The teacher within the in the cave shop creates the object teaching, the spot teaching and gives or get an electric shock to turn the teaching etc. three kinds of form.For example speak 《 get married to connect 》 , teacher first the synopsis explains in detail the basic knowledge, then lead the thorough seedling , park of student, guiding the fulfillment, beginning the operation.The student not only acquired the firmer cultural scientific knowledge, but also controled some production technical abilities.In the 联 of the cave shop, open the exhibition abundant colorful science and technology activity.Teach the kind, fruit tree gets married to connect, the farm crop cultivation, the insect feeling measures science and technology interest groups, such as report, the specimen creation and the earthquake forecast...etc. to be subjected to most the student to welcome.Such as after studying one section of the living creature lesson" blossom and bear fruit and a leaf the relation that caulis growth", the classmates carried on the technique research of" shear the main caulis, press the side" in experiment base, the result certificate:After peanut prosperous HUA QI2, shear the main caulis, adequacy under press the side, control the nourishment growth factitiously, promote grow the growth, make the fruit needle buried early, the yield compare the yield and can increase originally 20%.They still grow more than 60 peanut specieses of successively," the cave teaches the No.4"," the cave teaches the No.5" that is among them is in the surroundings village extensive expansion.The students write a 370 of thesis with small science and technology successively,17 article above province class the publication announce;Science and technology manufacture and the specimen more than 2000 pieces,2 among them get the nation a, accessit,5 the pieces get the province class prize,24 the pieces get the smoke set City class prize.《 The town in the cave shop distributes the model diagram 》 get national and the first insect to investigate an etc. prize, return to be send to the exhibition in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, in " STS" international education exposition up win an etc. prize.The smoke set City teaches the how to unify to promulgate for nine years, the compulsory education skill lesson standard, unified the plait to write the teaching material, design the teaching plan, build up two class junior high school skill centers in city County to teach to grind set and 10 s skill item centers to teach to grind the set.( the flower, fabric wash away dirt, type, cook etc.)The city teaches the how to invest more than 30 ten thousand dollarses to set up to have the skill appropriation teaching building in city keep the smoke set of the school second.Each county downtown according to the demand of the skill teaching, widespread built up to produce to labor the base in the primary and junior high school, provide with the full-time or part-time skill lesson teacher of .Teach to grind, have to investigate to the skill lesson, the whole city organizes the skill teaching to observe and learn the lesson annually, organize the primary and junior high school living the skill of " big ratio " primary and junior high school of …… to living of intelligent wisdom and ability get the full demonstration on the skill lesson.Recruit in" five from" contest activity of the whole country, far city ZHANG XING ZHEN4 acquires 27 best prizes,3 excellent prize, among them, ZHANG XING"s student in the high school is under the teacher"s leading the inventive caulis stab plentiful produce the method, make the yield of each sweet potato be up to 14700, compare the traditional sweet pota to boost production 400%, biggest one stub sweet potato is heavy to amount to 28.In the fulfillment of the education for all-round development, the work way of thinking of the smoke your advice is:" Normal regulations" is originally, the education reform open a new road;Grasp" normal regulations" protects the quantity, near the research level.Carry out the education for all-round development" normal regulations", chase the thought of the education for all-round development, practice the education for all-round development medium mature of experience change in to operate the detailed regulations in a specific way, carry out teacher"s behavior in a specific way, thus make education for all-round development walk up the orbit of the norm.


素质教育已实施多年,但目前仍未取得根本的突破。学生负担过重,学习被动,缺乏实践应用能力和创新精神等现象仍广泛存在。据调查,目前影响素质教育推进的有社会历史、就业压力、传统体制、队伍素质、办学条件、课程设置等因素。除课程设置外,其他均非短期内所能解决。所以就条件比较而言,当前基础教育推进素质教育的关键应该是课程改革。2001年出台的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》(以下简称“纲要”)提出的推进课程改革的内容有九个方面。我认为,当前课程改革的重点应当是改革课程结构、教学过程和课程评价。  一、关于改革课程结构。“纲要”出台后,进入课改实验的中小学基本上限于按新课程标准和新教材开设国家规定的学科课程,而综合实践活动课和选修课整体上没有得到落实。综合实践活动课包括信息技术教育,研究性学习,社区服务与社会实践以及劳动与技术教育。建构主义告诉我们:学习是学习者主动建构的过程,必须有学习者积极主动的活动。学习者完成建构还受其情感、态度、价值观等“非结构性经验背景”的影响,所以应强调学习的社会性和情境性,即强调在真实的社会和劳动技术环境中去加深体验。同时,建构主义还主张学习应在合作中进行。综合实践活动课最具有促进学生主动学习和结合社会、生活、生产实际进行综合体验,从而促进学生合作学习的特征。  根据建构主义理论,我认为应大力加强综合实践活动课并把握以下原则:1.突出研究性学习,把社区服务与社会实践、劳动与技术教育和研究性学习结合起来。学生的根本任务是学习。开设综合实践活动课是为了学得更好。研究性学习最具有理论联系实际的特征,所以应放在突出的位置。但是如果研究性学习仅仅是从理论到理论,便很难达到建构主义所要求的产生真实而深刻的体验的效果。所以应当把研究性学习与社会实践、劳动技术教育结合起来进行。2.教学内容以任务型为主。应在社会和生活、生产实践中寻找适合的课题作为任务让学生去完成。学生在活动过程中去观察、调查或亲自操作,获得必须的素材。然后师生共同对素材通过理论的逻辑的分析处理从而完成任务。完成任务的过程必然引导学生主动去手脑并用地学习探究,从而加深知识理解和拓展知识面,掌握学习、研究方法,培养综合实践应用能力和创新精神。3.教学过程以学生自主探究为主,体现师生、学生之间的充分合作。从资料的搜集、资源利用到探究步骤和方法都必须由师生共同探讨设计。教师不仅起组织引导作用,而且是参与者。4.为活动课提供课时保证。  关于选修课。目前少数重点学校在数理学科、艺术体育方面为少数学生提供了特长培训的机会,而多数学校包括重点校的多数学生却是千人一面地接受统一的课程。按照多元智能理论,无论哪个阶段的学生都具有不同类型的智能组合和特长。而开设选修课,正是用不同的课程结构去适应具有不同智能结构的学生发展的必由之路。所以:1.对不同年龄段的所有学生都应分类开设选修课,而不只是针对少数学生。2.学校应提供丰富的选修课菜单。3.进一步精简国家统一规定的学科课程内容并降低难度,以腾出课时开设选修课。  二、关于改革教学过程。教学过程的核心是课堂教学。按建构主义的观点,现在的课堂教学明显存在学生被动接受,师生交流不畅,缺乏合作,过于注重书本知识等问题;学生身临其境、亲自参与的体验以及包括情感、态度、价值观在内的综合体验严重不足。按多元智能理论,现在的课堂教学过分强调统一要求,缺乏个性发展的空间。为此,课堂教学改革应体现以下原则:1.情境性。应利用图表、资料、卡片、实验设备、实物以及现代教育技术或师生的人物活动等手段创设生动的情境,必要时让学生深入现场,直接操作,加深体验,以激发学生的情绪和思维,使其始终处于主动学习的状态。2.平等互动。建构主义强调的学生主动学习,绝不只看学生是否在教师的指挥下活动,而是看学生是否主动参与到教学活动之中,是否主动积极地进行体验和建构。因此,要求教师树立民主平等的教学观,在课堂教学中真正走到学生中去,发挥组织引导、调控点拨的作用;不仅允许学生说话,而且提倡师生平等对话,积极互动;不仅体现师生共识,而且体现差异,甚至对立和交锋;不仅学生受到教师的影响而改变,而且教师及教学过程也在学生的影响下改变。课堂教学目标和程序可以预设,但必须根据课堂活动的实际随时调整。3.交流合作。课堂应促进学生之间在学习上合作,整个教学过程要体现师生和生生之间畅通的信息交流。4.三维目标。由于学习过程不仅受学生原有知识结构的影响,而且还受其情感、态度、价值观的影响,所以课堂教学目标应是多元的。可以分为三个维度:知识与技能、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观。课堂教学过程应围绕三个维度开展,以利于学生进行综合的体验,促进建构的进行。5.个性化。根据多元智能理论,课堂教学应针对不同智能结构的学生,提出不同的要求并安排不同的教学内容和采用不同的教学方法。  三、关于改革课程评价。课程评价改革是推动课程改革最有力的杠杆。这里仅就如何通过课程评价改革推动课程结构改革和课堂教学改革谈谈看法。目前课改推进的一个主要问题是学校缺乏动力。而评价(包括考试)恰恰最能有力推动学校进行课程改革。评价和考试改革的取向,应促进学校进一步“精选双基”,从而减少统一学科教学的课时,腾出时间开设综合实践活动课和选修课;应促使学校在课程的设置和实施中重视发展个性,自主学习、综合实践应用能力以及研究意识和创新意识;应促使学校重视学生在德、智、体、美等方面综合协调发展和综合素质的提高。  就学校的常规管理评价而言,1.要建立目标体系,对学校开设综合实践活动课和选修课在数量上提出明确的要求并纳入考核。2.要建立标准体系,对于开设综合实践活动课、选修课以及课堂教学从资源的开发利用到过程的实施和产生的结果均有明确的评价标准。3.要建立经费保障和奖惩机制。为开设综合实验活动课、选修课和改革课堂教学的实施过程和结果的奖惩提供经费保障。4.要建立展示平台。通过综合实践活动课、选修课的典型课展示、观摩以及艺术节、科技活动月、学科竞赛、演讲比赛、辩论赛和课堂教学比赛等活动,让课程改革的过程和结果充分展示出来。  就考试改革而言,目前最关键的是改革高考。虽然早已明确了“三个有助于”的高考改革方向,但到具体的方案设置上仍争论不休。我的看法是,1.严肃会考,简化高考。会考应真正精选双基、降低要求,以统一为学生提供一个各学科全面发展,经过努力绝大多数都能达到的标准。会考应严密组织,确保结果可信。会考分应以适当的比例记入高考总分,以防止中小学在课程安排上偏科。在会考基础上,高考应分类要求,对多数学生总体而言应降低学科“双基”要求,而对个性特长、实践应用创新能力应加强考核。2.分类设科,分类组织。根据多元智能理论,语言智能和数学逻辑智能属于不同的智能类型,所以文理分科的设置应坚持。对语言智能或数理逻辑智能突出的学生实行全国少数重点大学和其他大学的重点专业联考,科目设置可采用“3+小综合+1”模式。因为这是针对极少数学生设置的考试,所以要求既相对全面又体现特长。其他本科大学由各省统考,内容深度比前一类降低,科目按“3+1”设置。这样设置的目的是减少统考的科目并降低难度,让学校平时更注重会考和活动课、选修课。3.特殊录取,对于有特殊成果和才能的学生,大学有权力不经高考(但要会考成绩)直接录取。4.扩大面试,为了鼓励培养实践应用能力,根据大学的专业要求应扩大面试,面试的内容应是实际应用方面的,并且允许学生自由发挥。最后,高考录取应以综合素质测评为重要内容。综合素质测评应依赖于成长记录档案,而该档案应对学生参加活动课、选修课的数量提出明确要求。课程评价和高考改革如果能按这样的方式进行,相信能有力地推动中小学课程改革






we moved on, and next night