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Hello Jeanne, I went to Beijing, visited the Museum of history, see the opera, eat Beijing Kaoya I play of very happy

英语口语大赢家Topic154:历史博物馆 Museum of History

丹尼尔和阿美来到历史博物馆。丹尼尔被木乃伊的模型吓坏了,拉着阿美要离开。结果怎么样呢? May: Danny, see, this is the museum of history. We are in the Egypt Hall. Daniel: What"s that in the white cloth? May: It"s a model of Egyptian mummy. Daniel: Egyptian mummy…May , could we leave here? May: Why, Danny? We just came in. Daniel: It looks scaring. May, I am afraid of ghosts. May: They are preserved dead bodies, not ghosts. Daniel: Ghosts, or dead bodies, whatever, I don"t want to see them anymore. Let"s go, May. May: Oh, God. I shouldn"t have let you watch “The Witch”. Daniel: I have been having nightmares these days. May: Danny, listen, there are no ghosts in this world, OK? Daniel: OK. But May, where do people go after they die? May: I don"t know, Danny. 阿美:丹丹,看,这就是历史博物馆。我们在埃及馆。 丹尼尔:那个裹着白布的是什么? 阿美:那是埃及木乃伊的模型。 丹尼尔:埃及木乃伊……阿美,我们能离开这儿吗? 阿美:为什么,丹丹?我们刚进来呀。 丹尼尔:它看起来吓人。阿美,我怕鬼。 阿美:它们是经过防腐处理的尸体,不是鬼。 丹尼尔:不管是鬼还是尸体,我再也不想看见它们了。我们走吧,阿美。 阿美:哦,天哪。我真不该让你看《巫婆》。 丹尼尔:我这几天一直做噩梦。 阿美:丹丹,听着,这世界上没有鬼,知道吗? 丹尼尔:知道了。但是阿美,人们死后去了哪里呢? 阿美:我不知道,丹丹。经典背诵 RecitationMay: There are various museums in Beijing. Most of them are free. Danny and I always enjoy visiting them in our spare time. But he doesn"t like history museums because there are Egyptian mummies in it. After all, he is just a kid, no matter how he denies it.单词扩展 Vocabulary Builder各类博物馆的词汇 基础词汇museum of history 历史博物馆 science museum 科学博物馆 military museum 军事博物馆 art museum 艺术博物馆 the British Museum 大英博物馆 Eco-Museum 生态博物馆提高词汇museum of natural history 自然博物馆 memorial 纪念馆 planetarium 天文馆 the Louvre 卢浮宫 aquarium 水族馆家庭总动员 Do it together两人一组,一方随机大声读出上面词汇的英文和中文,另一方用该词汇填入下面的句子,大声朗读并表演出来,并用中文给出一个理由。 I want to go to( ). [例] 家长读history museum 历史博物馆 孩子读 I want to go to history museum. 因为我想看历史展览。

Tian 在自然历史博物馆担任导游用英语怎么说!???尤其是“担任”一

Tian is a tour guide in the natural history museum.

