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英语四六级笔试是30,口试是50当然各个地方的具体费用会有上下波动,具体如下:1 宁夏:英语四级每人30元,六级每人40元。2 上海:四、六级笔试科目报名考试费为每人每科次25元。3 青海:CET收费标准为:英语四级(含小语种) 36元/人次,英语六级(含小语种)38元/人次。4 湖北:笔试收费标准为每人每次30元5 山西:英语四级33元/人次,英语六级35元/人次;小语种四、六级每生均为35元6 黑龙江:报考CET4的考生报名费为35元;报考CET6和小语种的考生报名费为37元7 北京:CET四级每人15元,六级每人17元8 天津:各科目报名费均25元9 重庆:首次报考某一语种级别的,按50元/生,重复报考同一语种级别的按44元/生。10 辽宁:CET报名费30元/人11 河南:笔试报名费30元/人12 江西:CET4、CET6笔试报名费均为30元/人15 安徽:CET四级每人28元,六级每人30元。16 湖南:四级每人26元,六级每人32元17 福建:CET每人4018 四川:四级每人35元,六级每人37元19 山东:CET报名考试费32元20 吉林:笔试30元/人考生需在规定缴费时间内完成缴费(支持网银及支付宝两种方式)。如CET和CET-SET兼报,应先支付CET报名考试费,再支付CET-SET报名考试费。缴费时,如银行扣费成功,但系统显示科目支付状态为“未支付”时,不要重复缴费,可点击“更新”更新支付状态,或拨打考点咨询电话查询支付状态。因考务问题或技术问题造成重复缴费需要退费的,考试中心会在考试结束一个月内将费用原路退回至考生账户。






全国英语四六级报名官网是 http://cet.neea.edu.cn,你可以去登录这里去查看四六的成绩、同时也可以多多留意四六级考试的时间通知、还有报名时间也会在里面有通知的,需要我们多多去看看官网的消息。英语四六级报考条件:普通高校全日制本科、专科学生;全日制成人高校本科、专科学生以及研究生。完成大学英语四级考试的学生可以申请大学英语六级考试。此外在以小语种注册CET-6时,考生不需要在相关语种中获得CET-4成绩。参加CET-4和CET-6的具体含义优势:虽然大多数高校的研究生考试对CET-4和CET-6的要求不是很严格,但面试时对考生的英语水平有一定的要求。如果你在CET-4和CET-6中获得高分,会给面试官留下深刻的印象,通过率也会相对较高。就业方面优势:一些企业将以CET-4和CET-6成绩作为录取的基本标准,也就是说,一些企业将要求考生获得CET-4和CET-6证书。在获得证书后,它也可以成为简历上的一个加分,特别是一些与外国企业合作的公司对申请人的英语水平有更高的要求。毕业要求:尽管大多数高校取消了获得毕业资格与通过CET4和CET6之间的直接联系,但一些高校没有取消。对于这部分大学考生来说,通过CET-4和CET-6是获得毕业证书和学位证书的基本要求。


高频词讲解,Retrieve共出现3次,作为主考词1次,陪考词2次。vt. 1.重新得到,取回,收回;2.挽回,补救;3.检索真题讲解:1.翻译:众所周知,计算机被用来有效地存储和……信息。答案:retrieveReclaim要求归还,收回;矫正,使悔改;教化,感化;回收;开垦(荒地);Reconcile使和解,使和好(to, with);调停,排解(争端等);使顺从,使满足,使安心;使一致,使调和(to, with);Reassure再向……保证;使安心;Retrieve检索;取回,恢复,挽回(失物、名誉等);补偿,弥补(损失等);更正(错误等);(从灾难中等)救出,拯救(from);想起(忘记的事情)。2.翻译:这个妇女担心服用阿司匹林所产生的副作用,但是医生告诉他那没有任何害处,才……。答案:reassuredRetrieve重新得到,寻回,找回;Release释放,解放,免除,发布,发行;Reassure使…安心,打消…的疑虑;与题中be worried形成对比;Revive使苏醒,使复兴。3.翻译:如果你的房子在我们入住期间遭到任何的破坏,我们将会……。答案:compensateCompensate赔偿,补偿;Remedy纠正,补救;治疗,医治;Supplement补充,增补;Retrieve重新得到,收回,取回;挽回,补救。高频词讲解,Presume共出现2次,均作为陪考词出现。vt. 1.推测,假定,(没有证据地)相信;2.冒昧(做),擅(做);3.认定,推定;vi.擅自行事真题讲解:1.翻译:它是一位有前途的年轻人,现就读于我们的研究生院。作为他的导师,我愿意向你们……他。答案:commendDecree颁布;Presume假定;Articulate清晰地说;Commend推荐,commend sb./sth. (to sb.)推荐某人,某物,相当于recommend sb./sth.。2.翻译:教授发现自己总在……这样一个问题:“人怎么能做这些事情呢!”答案:ponderingPreside(会议等)担任主席,管理(事业等);主持,主管(与at, over连用);Pore常与over, on, upon连用,表示用心阅读,细读,研究;Ponder仔细思考,沉思;Presume假定,推测,(没有证据地)相信;冒昧(做);认定,推定;常与that连用。高频词讲解,Prevail共出现2次,均作为陪考词出现。vi. 1.流行,盛行;2.(over)获胜,占优势;3.(on, upon)说服,劝说,诱使真题讲解:1.翻译:清除了山坡上的林木以便腾出空间种庄稼,但这只会……危机。答案:acceleratesAccelerate增加,加速,促进;Prevail流行,盛行,占优势(与over连用),说服;Ascend上升,宾语常常是mountain, throne;Precede(在时间、地位上)在先,居前,领先。2.翻译:预计这本书将会……畅销书排行榜。答案:dominatePromote促进,增进,发扬;提升,提拔;宣传,推销(商品等);Prevail流行,盛行;获胜,占优势(与over连用);说服,劝说,诱使(与on/upon连用);Dominate支配,统治,控制;在……中占首要地位;耸立于,俯视;Exemplify举例说明,例证;是(或作为)……的典型(或榜样)。

city life40字作文六六级上级

My SchoolMy school is very beautiful. I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too. The teachers in my school are very kind.

2014年12月大学英语六级考试口语对话:Put out

  小对话   A: Don"t worry. I will try my best to persuade themanager not to fire you.   别担心,我会尽力劝说经理不要开除你。   B: Please don"t go to so much trouble. I don"t wantto put you out.   请不要那费那么多功夫,我不想给你添麻烦。   地道表达   put sb. out   1. 解词释义   Put out在这里的意思是“打搅,使......不方便,麻烦某人”。它还有其他的意思:激怒,使忧虑,使困扰。   2. 拓展例句   e.g. He was plainly very put out at finding her there.   发现她在那里他明显很不安。   e.g. I did not blame him for feeling put out.   我没有因为心烦而责备他。   e.g. I am sorry that I have put you out.   对不起打搅您了。   Ps :go to trouble的意思是“麻烦,费力”。例如:   John told Mr. Brown not to go to trouble of driving him home.   约翰告诉布朗先生不必麻烦开车送他回家。   Please don"t go to so much trouble about me, or I"ll feel I"m being treated as a stranger.   你对我这样客气,倒有点见外了。   Okay, but don"t go to a lot of trouble on my account.   好的。不过别为我太麻烦。   You must really like Joey to go to all that trouble.   你一定很喜欢乔伊,才为他惹了这么多麻烦.


【 #四六级考试# 导语】学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是备考的好方法。以下是 为大家精心整理的2021年6月英语六级易考作文范文,欢迎大家阅读。 2021年6月六级易考作文范文:Marriage and Divorce in Our Country   During the period from 1997 to 2007, the number ofmarriage decreased from 9.51 million to 8.48 million,while the number of divorce rose from 0.8 million to 1.21 million.   We believe that three reasons may account for thisphenomenon.   First, young people of marriage age are becomingfewer and fewer because of the family planning policy adopted sincethe late 1970s.   Second, the current society is one where fierce competition takes place everywhere, and many young people can"t and won"t get married before they embark on a promisingcareer.   Third, today"s people put more and more emphasis on independence and freedom— they won"t get married before they find an ideal partner, and they will not hesitate to say goodbye when the spark of love dies down.   The great change, in my mind, signals the fundamental shift in people"s view on family andmarriage.   This trend will probably continue as contemporary people pay more and more attention tohigh-quality marriage. 2021年6月六级易考作文范文:Software Use in a Certain Region   During the period between 2003 and 2007, piratedsoftware users declined abruptly from 5000 to3000,while authorized users increased sharply from4000 to more than 10 000.   Several reasons can account for this phenomenon.   To begin with, compared with pirated software, authorized software can guarantee both highquality and good after-sale service.   Apart from that,authorized software is becomingcheaper and cheaper—   more and more people can afford them as a result.   However, there are still a number of people who buy pirated software, generally for tworeasons.   On the one hand, they take it for granted that pirated products are cheaper than authorizedones. 2021年6月六级易考作文范文:Floating Population   Floating population draws more attention nowadays.   According to the chart, Guangdong province is of the largest floating population among theseprovincial regions.   Tianjin, Jiangxi, and Chongqing have a relatively small quantity.   What causes the difference?   The reasons may be various.   Firstly, the economic factor plays a dominating role.   From this chart, Guangdong, a leading region economically among all these, is of a floatingpopulation larger than the sum of Tianjin, Jiangxi, and Chongqing"s.   To be more specific, compared with the other provincial regions, Guangdong is a place ofmanufacture, which, to a high degree, is labor-intensive.   In addition, it might be related to the geographic features and land area of a certain region,   which affect traffic possibility and labor demand volume.   Guangdong is a case in point again, since it has better transportation situation and is bigger geographically compared to the restregions here in the graph.   Whatever the reason, the floating has caused many a new issue, not only to floatingindividuals, but to the source and target regions:   How to keep the family life normal and stable?   How to take care of the “left-behind children”?   How to protect the rights of the rural laborers now in urban areas?   How to settle the swelling population in cities?   These have become a social issue asking for urgent solution. 2021年6月六级易考作文范文:People"s Use of the Internet   From the chart we can see clearly that the number ofInternet surfers in our country has increased from26. 5 million in July 2005 to 45. 8 million in July2006, and then to 59. 1 million in January 2007.   In my mind, the reasons why the Internet surfersare on the rise are as follows.   First, the Internet can help us accomplish manytasks, including both work and play—searching forinformation has become more convenient thanever,and safe online business is no longer a dream.   Besides, surfing the Internet is becoming cheaper and cheaper—more and more people canafford it.   The negative effects of the Internet are also clear.   To begin with, sitting too long before the computers is harmful to our body, especially to oureyes.   In addition, more and more people become indulged in playing video games or chatting online, which are time-consuming.   All in all, I should say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 2021年6月六级易考作文范文:Credit Cards on College Campus   As is shown in the chart, the percentage of collegestudents using credit cards has risen markedly inthe past few years.   An increasing number of students would rather usecredit cards than cash to pay for everything.   There are at least three factors accounting for theincreasing use of credit cards.   For one thing, a credit card will offer students a safeway to pay their tuition fees, thus it diminishes the risk of taking a large sum ofmoney with oneself.   For another, most credit cards provide a variety of services, such as a greater convenienceof shopping and spending, streamlining collection procedures, etc.   In addition, students can draw money with a credit card anytime they want, thus solve theproblem of money shortage.   As to the issue of credit cards on college campus, I am inclined to believe that it is not bad forcollege students to have credit cards, however, we"d better lay down some rules of the credit cards on college campus to stop themisconduct of credit cards, and only in this way can we enjoy the advantages of credit cards on college campus. 2021年6月六级易考作文范文:Application to Be the Volunteer   Dear Sir or Madam,I"m Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in English from Peking University.   I am very excited to get the news from today"s China Daily that you are going to recruit somevolunteers of the Great Wall Reservation Project.   I"m writing to apply for it. Well-known as one of the Seven Wonders in the world, the Great Wallhas always been a tourist attraction.   I once climbed up to the Great Wall at Badaling, and have developed such a keen interest inthe history of the Great Wall that I have made up my mind to do what I can to protect this cultural heritage.   Being a kind, helpful and passionate boy, I can speak English very fluently, and know a littleFrench and Japanese.   I like out-door sports such as hiking and climbing.   I am also a member of Mountaineers Club of Peking University.   I think my character fits the job greatly.   I hope you can consider my application and look forward to your kind reply.   Yours sincerely,Li Ming


以下是一些英语六级考试中常见的高频短语,供您参考。Take into account:考虑到Example: When making a decision, it is important to take into account all the relevant factors.In the long run:从长远来看Example: It may be difficult now, but in the long run, all your hard work will pay off.Keep up with:跟上Example: In order to succeed in today"s fast-paced world, it is important to keep up with the latest technology.On the contrary:相反地Example: Many people believe that money leads to happiness, but on the contrary, studies have shown that relationships are the key to a fulfilled life.Be aware of:意识到Example: It"s important to be aware of the potential risks before making any major decisions.Give rise to:引起Example: The controversial decision gave rise to a lot of public debate.Put an emphasis on:强调Example: The teacher put a lot of emphasis on the importance of good communication skills.Play a crucial role:发挥关键作用Example: Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of individuals and society as a whole.Have a profound impact on:对...有深远影响Example: Technological advancements have had a profound impact on various industries.Take measures:采取措施Example: The government needs to take measures to address the issue of climate change.Be in favor of:支持Example: The majority of the committee members were in favor of implementing the new policy.



not so much及其它 - 六级语法

??not?so?much...as...是一个常用的并列连词,其含义相当于rather than,意为"与其说是……倒不如说是……"。和其它连接词一样,它可以连接词与词,短语与短语以及句子与句子。例如: ??He isn"t so much ill as depressed.(=He"s depressed rather than ill.)他不是生病,而是情绪低落。 ?? ??Oceans don"t?so much divide the world as unite it.(=Oceans unite the world rather than divide it.)与其说海洋分隔了世界,倒不如说海洋联结了世界各国。 当连接句子时,not?so?much...as...连接的往往是because或that引起的从句,意思是"倒不是因为……而是因为……"。as后的that有时可省去。例如: ??You feel lost,sick at heart before such unmasked hatred,not so much because it threatens you as because it shows humans in such an inhuman light.面对这毫不掩饰的仇恨,你感到不知所措,惶恐不安,这倒不是因为它威胁了你,而是因为它显示了人类居然如此没有人性。 It"s not so much that the machine is out of order as(that)I have not learned to operate it.倒不是机器出了故障,而是我还没有学会操作。 ??该并列连词中的as可用but(rather)替换,即出现该连词的一种变体:not somuch...but(rather)...。例如: It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important.重要的与其说是实际的世界人口总数,倒不如说是世界人口增长率。 这一点尚未引起国内外辞书编纂者们的必要重视,但实际上,用not so much...but(rather)...代替not?so?much...as...的情况已越来越常见。再如: I picked Michael as player of the week,not so much for his play but because he was obviously the reason the others had kept fighting.(《大学英语》 1997/6P.28)我选迈克作本周球员,不是因为他球打得好,而是因为他促使队员坚持拼搏。 ??The woman"s family and all their clan relatives were very worked up about?it:not?so much because of the assault,but because it had lowered the woman"s bride price.(1990/4P.56)这名妇女的家人和她族内的所有亲属情绪都很激动:与其说是由于被强*,还不如说是由于被强*降低了这名妇女作为新娘的价格。 ??后两句中的not?so?much...but...连接一个介词短语和一个分句。被连接的两个成分在形式上是不平行的,但在语法上都是在句中作状语。

step by step每册适合什么英语水平的人?四级500多,六级不到500,听力160多,非英语专业,适合听哪本?

step by step每一册都比较难,我们英语专业便是用这个作听力教材的。你可以选择listen to this系列做练习,或者有毅力一些从step by step1开始,教材再难只要听多了便会适应有所提高。不要一下子开始从2-4开始,因为我英语专业都有点hold不住TAT


短对话11. W: I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag.M: Oh, I saw him at the gym this morning, but he didn"t say anything. So he must have asked somebody else.Q: What does the man imply?12. W: These summer days are getting to be more than I can take. It was even too hot to go to the pool yesterday. M: Hang in there. According to the weather report we should have some relief by the end of the week.Q: What does the man mean?13. W: Well, tonight we have Professor Brown in our studio to talk about the famous oil painting of Queen Victoria. Good evening, professor.M: Good evening, madam, my pleasure to be here tonight.Q: What is the woman doing?14. M: The plants next to the window always look brown. You wouldn"t know by looking at them that I water them every week. W: Maybe they don"t like direct sunlight. I had the same problem with some of my plants. And a little shade helps them immensely. Q: What does the woman imply?15. M: I"m really exhausted, Mary. But I don"t want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at 11.W: If I were you, I"d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway I"ve heard it"s not as exciting as advertised.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?16. M: Those modern sculptures over there are really weird. Don"t you think so?W:Well, I couldn"t stand them either at first. But now I"ve come to like modern art, particularly those sculptures carved by Italian artists.Q: What does the woman mean?17. M: I"m really glad our club decided to raise money for the children"s hospital. And most of the people we phoned seemed happy to contribute.W: Yeah! I agree. Now that we"ve gone through all the numbers on our list, I guess we can call it a day. Q: What do we learn about the speakers?18. M: Have you heard of Professor Smith? I"m thinking of taking an advanced engineering course with him. What do you think?W: Yeah! You really should. He"s published dozens of books so far, once been recommended as a textbook for postgraduates.Q: What does the woman imply?长对话Long conversation oneW: You"re the editor of Public Eye. What kind of topics does your program cover?M: Well, there are essentially domestic stories. We don"t cover international stories. We don"t cover party politics or economics. We do issues of general social concern to our British audience. They can be anything from the future of the health service to the way the environment is going downhill.W: How do you choose the topic? Do you choose one because it"s what the public wants to know about or because it"s what you feel the public ought to know about?M: I think it"s a mixture of both. Sometimes you have a strong feeling that something is important and you want to see it examined and you want to contribute to a public debate. Sometimes people come to you with things they are worried about and they can be quite small things. They can be a story about corruption in local government, something they cannot quite understand, why it doesn"t seem to be working out properly, like they are not having their litter collected properly or the dustbins emptied.W: How do you know that you"ve got a really successful program? One that is just right for the time?M: I think you get a sense about it after working in it in a number of years. You know which stories are going to get the attention. They are going to be published just the point when the public are concerned about that.Q19-2119. What kind of topics does Public Eye cover?20. How does Public Eye choose its topics?21. What factor plays an important role in running a successful program?Passage 1Getting behind the wheel of a car can be an exciting new step in a teen"s life. But along with that excitement comes a new responsibility---understanding the need for common sense and maturity to avoid accidents. In an effort to spread awareness to teens across the nation, the Allstate Foundation sponsored a Keep-The-Drive Summit at Sunset Station on January 23rd. Students from Kennedy and Alamo Heights High schools participated in the summit which was held here for the first time. The goal of the year-long effort is to educate teens on the rules of safe driving and the severe consequences that can result if those rules are not followed, and then have them communicate that information to their peers. The students watched videos that told them about the numbers of teenage driving injuries and deaths. They listen to the videos as students from other cities share their stories of how their reckless driving affected not only their lives but also those of their passengers. “We are trying to create awareness in high schools across the countries,” said Westerman, an Allstate representative, “we focus on changing how teens think behind the wheel.” According to the presentation, more teens die in automobile crashes in the United States each year than from drugs, violence, smoking and suicide. An average of 16 teens die every day in motor vehicle crashes and nearly forty percent of those are caused by speeding. Texas is the state with the most teen driving deaths according to the presentation. Students agreed that the statistics were amazing and made them think twice about how they drive. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the question you have just heard.Q26. For what purpose did the Allstate Foundation sponsor the Keep-The-Drive Summit?Q27. What causes the greatest number of deaths among American teens according to the presentation?Q28. What can we conclude about the Keep-The-Drive Summit? Passage 2 Dr. Allen Hersh designs smells for businesses. He says that it doesn"t take a whole lot of smell to affect you. Store owners can lure you to the candy aisle, even if you don"t realize your are smelling candy. This idea scares a lot of people. Groups that protect the rights of shoppers are upset. They say the stores are using a kind of brainwashing which they call “smell-washing”. “It"s pretty dishonest,” says Mark Silbergeld. He runs an organization that checks out products for consumers. The scientists hired to design the scents disagree. “There"s soft background music. There"s special lighting. There"re all sorts of bells being used,” says Dr. Hersh, “why not smells?” “One reason why not,” says Silbergeld, “is that some people are allergic to certain scents pumped into products or stores.” But there is a whole other side to this debate, “do the smells really work?” So far, there is little proof one way or the other. But Dr. Hersh has run some interesting experiments. In one of Hersh"s experiments, 31 volunteers were led into a shoe store that smells slightly like flowers. Later, another group shopped in the same store, but with no flower odor. Dr. Hersh found that 84% of the shoppers were more likely to buy the shoes in the flower-scented room, but Hersh found out something even stranger. “Whether the volunteers like the flower scent or not didn"t matter,” Hersh says, “Some reported that they hated the smell, but they still were more likely to buy the shoes in the scented room.” Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you"ve just heard.Q29. Why are some people against the use of smells to attract customers?Q30. What is Dr. Hersh"s attitude to the use of smells for business?Q31. What did Hersh"s experiment show?Passage 3This is Ray McCarthy with the news. Reports are coming in of a major train crash in Japan. A passenger train carrying hundreds of workers home from the center of Tokyo is reported to have hit an oncoming goods train. Both were traveling at high speed. Figures are not yet available but it is believed that the death toll could be as high as 300, with hundreds more injured. Emergency and rescue services rushed to the scene. But our reporter says it will take days to clear the track and to establish the numbers of the dead and injured. There was a similar accident on the same stretch of track four years ago.There was another bomb scare in a large London store last night during late night shopping. Following a telephone call to the police from an anonymous caller, hundreds of shoppers were shepherded out of the store while roads in the area were sealed off. Police dogs spent hours searching the store for a bag which the caller claimed contained 50 pounds of explosives. Nothing was found and the store was given the all-clear by opening time this morning. A police spokesman said that this was the third bomb scare within a week and that we should all be on our guard. And finally, the motoring organizations have issued a warning to drivers following the recent falls of snow in many parts of the country. Although the falls may be slight, they say extra care is needed. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.Q32: What accident happened recently in Japan?Q33: What do the reports say about the recent accident in Japan?Q34: Why did people have to leave the London store last night?Q35: What did motoring organizations advise drivers to do? English is the leading international language. In different countries around the globe English is acquired as the mother tongue; in others it is used as a second language. Some nations use English as their official language, performing the function of administration; in others it is used as an international language for business, commerce and industry.What factors and forces have led to the spread of English? Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language? How has English changed through 1,500 years? These are some of the questions that you investigate when you study English.You also examine the immense variability of English and come to understand how it is used as a symbol of both individual identity and social connection. You develop in-depth knowledge of the intricate structure of the language. Why do some non-native speakers of English claim that it is a difficult language to learn, while infants born into English-speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives? At the university of Sussex, you are introduced to the nature and grammar of English in all its aspects. This involves the study of sound structures, the formation of words, the sequencing of words and the construction of meaning, as well as examination of the theories explaining these aspects of English usage. You are encouraged to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues, which are raised by studying how speakers and writers employ English for a wide variety of purposes.


2019年英语六级阅读理解试题库及答案(1)   Imagining being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted only of members of own sex. How would you react? Unless there was something definitely wrong with you, you wouldn"t be too happy about it, to say the least. It is all the more surprising therefore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such abnormal conditions on their children – conditions which they themselves wouldn"t put up with for one minute!   Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the aims of education. Stuffing children"s heads full of knowledge is far from being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of educations is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated school possibly offer the right sort of preparation for it? Anyone entering adult society after years of segregation can only be in for a shock.   A co-educational school offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature. Boys and girls are given the opportunity to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years. They are put in a position where they can compare themselves with each other in terms of academic ability, athletic achievement and many of the extra-curricular activities which are part of school life. What a practical advantage it is ( to give just a small example ) to be able to put on a school play in which the male parts will betaken by boys and the female parts by girls! What nonsense co-education makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girl or vice-versa. When segregated, boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. Rivalry between the sexes is fostered. In a coeducational school, everything falls into its proper place.   But perhaps the greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encourages. Boys don"t grow up believing that women are mysterious creatures – airy goddesses, more like book-illustrations to a fairy-tale, than human beings. Girls don"t grow up imagining that men are romantic heroes. Years of living together at school dispel illusions of this kind. There are no goddesses with freckles, pigtails, piercing voices and inky fingers. There are no romantic heroes with knobbly knees, dirty fingernails and unkempt hair. The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems involved in growing up. These can better be overcome in a co-educational environment. Segregated schools sometimes provide the right conditions for sexual deviation. This is hardly possible under a co-educational system. When the time comes for the pupils to leave school, they are fully prepared to enter society as well-adjusted adults. They have already had years of experience in coping with many of the problems that face men and women.   1. What is the best title for this passage?   [A] only co-education can be in harmony with society.   [B] people are in great need of co-education.   [C] any form of education other than co-education is simply unthinkable.   [D] co-education has many features.   2. what does co-education offer to children?   [A] A society.   [B] A true small model of society.   [C] A real life.   [D] True version of social condition.   3. According to the passage, what is one of the chief aims of education?   [A] It is for students to acquire knowledge.   [B] It is to equip future citizens with scientific technology.   [C] It is to equip future citizens with what is required in getting a position in society.   [D] It is for students to get academic achievements.   4. Why do boys and girls in co-education have no illusion about each other?   [A] They live together and know each other too well.   [B] Years of living together at school dismiss such illusion.   [C] co-education encourage them to have an healthy attitude toward life.   [D] They are familiar with each other"s problems.   参考答案及解析   Vocabulary   1. to be in for = receive 接受   He is in for punishment. 他受到惩罚。   2. miniature 缩样,雏形,微型画   3. freckle 雀斑   4. pigtail 鞭子   5. knobbly = knobby 多节的   6. unkempt 乱七八糟,蓬乱的   7. sharp focus = clear view   bring into focus 使集中在焦点上,对光   bring into sharp focus 这里的意义是:一目了然,明显突出   8. deviation 越轨,偏离,入歧途   难句译注   1. all the more   越发,格外。   2. a co-educational school offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature.   【参考译文】男女合校至少给孩子提供了一个社会真正缩影。   3. The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems involved in growing up.   【参考译文】棘手的青春期把成长过程中出现的某些身体上合感情上的问题清晰地摆出来。   写作方法与文章大意   文章论及“男女合校制的优越性和男女分校制的缺陷。”采用因果、对比写法。首先假设单一性别社会,人所不能容忍,那单一性别的学校培养的人又怎能适应社会。因为社会是男女组成的。然后分别对比合校和分校的优缺点。比较合校的优点,分校的缺点,最后得出结论:之后合校的学生,在离校进入社会,已做好一切准备,而不会感到震惊,因为他们已有好几年的经验,会处理面临男女的许多问题。   答案详解   1. C 除了男女合校,其他形式的教育简直难以想象。答案见第一段“设想请你在一个只有你一样性别的人存在的社会生活12年光景,你会如何反应呢?除非你本人确实有毛病,否则,你至少不会太高兴。因此,世界上有那么多的父母愿意把这种不正常的环境(他们自己一分钟都受不了的环境)强加给他们的孩子们,这太令人惊讶!”第二段讲“教育的目的之一就是为未来的公民在成人社会中找一席之地,准备好需要的一切。而社会由男女组成,那分校又怎能准备?”后两段讲合校之优点,分校之缺点,具体对比突出主题。这都说明C 最合适。A. 只有合校才能和社会相协调。D. 合校有许多特点。这两项文章内容涉及到,但作为最佳标题则不确切。B. 人们非常需要合校。文内没有直接谈到。2. B 一个真实社会的缩影。这在第三段第一句“男女合校确实能给孩子们提供一个社会真实的缩影。”下面的内容都是围绕这个主题而写的具体情况。如:生活在一起,彼此了解,对比等。A. 社会。C. 一种真实的生活。D. 真实的社会情况。都没有B项那样确切。   3. C 为未来公民在社会上拥有一席之地,准备好所需要的一切。这在第二段“这个话题的讨论必然会引出教育目的的问题。把各种知识塞进孩子头脑远不是教育主要的目的,教育的主要目的之一是为未来公民在成人社会求得一席之地,准备好所需一切。”A. 学生学到只是。B. 以科技武装未来公民。C.为学生缺德学术成就。都只是知识学习的一个部分。   4. B 几年学校共同生活打消了幻想。答案在第四段中,“在学校中,几年生活在一起消除这一类的幻想。没有什么脸上有雀斑,梳着鞭子,涂着指甲,尖的噪音的女神,也没有膝部有疙瘩,指甲脏兮兮,头发乱蓬蓬的浪漫英雄。棘手的青春期明显呈现出来的成长过程中身体上和感情上的问题,在男女合校环境中得到很好的解决。”A. 他们生活在一起,彼此太了解。此答案太过,不是太了解而不产生幻想,而是了解情况;真人就在眼前,人就实际了,消除了幻想。C. 合校鼓励他们对生活有一种健康积极的态度。这是合校的大方向,不是消除幻想的根本原因。D. 他们熟悉彼此的问题。不全是消除幻想之因,而是处理问题的前奏。这在最后一段最后两句话有说明“当学生离校的时刻来到时,他们已是很有适应性的成人,为进入社会做好了充分准备。他们已有几年处理面临男女的许多问题的经验。” 2019年英语六级阅读理解试题库及答案(2)   Teenage boys, regardless of race,are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes combined.   By the time the average American child leaves primary school, he or she will witness 8,000 murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence on television.   Youth are becoming involved in violence at an alarming rate. In fact, the young arrest rate for murder doubled, from 6 arrests per 100,000 youth aged from 10 to 17 to over 12 per 100,000.   The American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth reported on a study of first and second graders in Washington DC:45% said they had witnessed muggings (行凶抢劫),31 % said they had witnessed shootings, and 39% said they had seen dead bodies.   For the many youth who have not been directly exposed to violence in their own communities, the entertainment media (television, movies, music and video games) provides many opportunities for children to see and hear violent exchanges. Research shows that there are about 5-6 violent acts per hour on prime time and 20-25 violent acts on Saturday morning children"s programming. In its report, the American Psychological Association (APA) reported that viewing violence on television hurts children in many ways. In particular, the APA concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others,be more fearful of the world around them,be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others, and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also cautions that children may imitate the violence they observe on television.   Another form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools. This form of discipline still remains legally supported in 23 nations in America. The Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education reported that 555,000 students were physically punished in the schools during this school year. Although such punishment has been regarded as an effective method of discipline by those who apply it, the findings are obvious that physical punishment does not work and that children who are victims of physical punishment are subject to potential long-term physical and emotional damage.   练习题:   Choose correct answers to the question:   1.According to the passage, the American teenage boys,lives are most threatened by ______   A.gun murders   B.natural diseases   C.TV violence   D. physical punishment   2.The author tends to use the fourth paragraph to support the idea that _____   A.many youth have watched much violence on TV   B.youth violence in Washington D.C.is very serious   C.fights may be the most widely-seen youth violence   D.American youth have been exposed to much violence   3.The APA indicates that too much TV violence may change children ______   A.to become separated from the world   B.to remain indifferent to others" pain   C.to solve problems only by violence   D.to be fearful of aggressive behaviors   4.The passage does NOT discus that many youth become victim of ______   A.murders B.family violence C. TV violence D.school violence   5.The author may most probably agree that physical punishment is _________   A. acceptable, though ineffective   B. illegal,though effective   C. harmful, though legal   D. reasonable, though illegal   参考答案及解析   1.[A] 事实细节题。本题考查对比处。根据第1段中的more likely…than可知选项A正确,选项B可由此排除。选项C和D虽在文中有提到,但作者并无讨论它们是否危及孩子的生命。   2.[D] 主旨大意题。文章第1和第2段提出话题:小孩接触太多暴力。第3段和第4段讨论小孩遇到的严重暴力,如murder, muggings等,为主题服务,因此本段应支持文章开头提出的话题。本段说明的是现实生活中的暴力,而非电视上的,故选项A不对,选项B和C都只是对本段中某个现象的描述。   3.[B] 推理判断题。本题考査列举处。选项B是对第5段倒数第2句中become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others的近义替换,因此正确。选项A中的isolated并不等同于文中的fearful,也不是因为害怕世界必然带来的结果。选项C中的only过于绝对,文中只说a way。选项D拼凑了原句中的某些词语,但文中并无此意。   4. [B] 主旨大意题。本文结构可分为四部分:第1段和第2段总起,指出论题;第二部分讨论murder等严重暴力;第三部分即第5段讨论TV violence;第四部分即最后一段讨论学校里的体罚,也就是school violence。因此只有选项B没有在文中讨论。   5. [C] 观点态度题。根据最后一段,特别是最后一句,可以推断作者认为体罚不起作用,并对学生身心产生有害的影响,由此可见,作者不认同体罚,因此选项A和D不正确。选项B中的illegal与文中说法相反,因此也不正确。




D 是nominated 吧 是不是打错了如果原题是nominated的 就选它


  为大家整理了“英语六级词汇看图记忆”,希望帮助到大家,也预祝大家高分通过大学英语六级考试!更多英语六级考试资讯,网站将持续更新,敬请关注! 2017年12月英语六级词汇看图记忆:enemy   为大家整理了英语六级高频词汇,结合图片,帮助你记忆,让你更快掌握单词。   enemy n. 敌人,敌军 adj. 敌人的,敌方的   例句:After several fails the enemy was forced to retreat.   几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。    rival n. 竞争者 对手 v. 竞争,对抗 ,相匹敌   例句:After the national selection, the party leader has been supplanted by his rival.   全民选举之后,那位政党领导已被他的对手取而代之了。    rivalry n. 竞争,竞赛,敌对,敌对状态   例句:Rivalry among business firms in different countries grew More intense.   不同国家的公司之间的竞争趋于激烈。    adversary n. 敌手,对手   例句:It is stupid to overestimate the strategic insight of your adversary as it is dangerousto underrate it.   过高估计你的对手的战略远见是愚蠢的,估计过低也是危险的。   adverse adj. 不利的,敌对的,相反的   Adverse environment forced the company to abort the development plans.   不利的环境使得公司中止了发展计划。    opponent adj. 对立的.对抗的 n. 对手,反对者   例句:I tried to comfort Phoebe after she was defeated by her opponent in business.   菲比被她生意上的对手击败后,我尽力安慰她。    oppose vt. 反对,使对立,使对抗,抗争 vi. 反对   例句:I oppose砌chard to use the office computer for the private affairs.   我反对理查德为私事使用办公室电脑。    ally v. 结盟,同盟 n. 同盟国,支持者   例句:Britain was an ally of America in the World War I.   英国在第一次世界大战中是美国的同盟国。    alloy n. 合金 vt. 使成合金,减低成色   例句:Aluminium alloy could be as strong as steel.   铝合金可以和钢强度一样大。

求一篇作文,谈一谈 find the good and praise it的感受,六级水平左右的。



  2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总  scar n. 伤痕,疤痕 v.结疤,使留下伤痕,创伤  例句:Cindy has a scar on his upper lip.  辛迪的上唇有一道疤痕。  scarce adj. 泛的,不足的,稀有的,不充足的  例句:As people from all over the world are coming to watch the OlympicGames, Hotelaccommodation was scarce during the period.  因为世界各地的人都来看奥运会,所以在这期间旅馆房间供应不足。  scarcely adv.几乎不,简直没有  例句:Spencer can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputationintact.  经此丑闻,斯宾塞几乎无法保持名誉完好。  scare v.惊吓,受惊,威吓 n.惊恐,恐慌,恐惧  例句:Gina was scared of the fierce looking dog.  吉娜害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。  scared adj. 恐惧的  例句:I was so scared to hear the strange sounds in the midnight.  午夜听到奇怪的声音让我狠害怕。




 scar n. 伤痕,疤痕 v.结疤,使留下伤痕,创伤  例句:Cindy has a scar on his upper lip.  辛迪的上唇有一道疤痕。  scarce adj. 泛的,不足的,稀有的,不充足的  例句:As people from all over the world are coming to watch the OlympicGames, Hotelaccommodation was scarce during the period.  因为世界各地的人都来看奥运会,所以在这期间旅馆房间供应不足。  scarcely adv.几乎不,简直没有  例句:Spencer can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputationintact.  经此丑闻,斯宾塞几乎无法保持名誉完好。  scare v.惊吓,受惊,威吓 n.惊恐,恐慌,恐惧  例句:Gina was scared of the fierce looking dog.  吉娜害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。  scared adj. 恐惧的  例句:I was so scared to hear the strange sounds in the midnight.  午夜听到奇怪的声音让我狠害怕。


(广东)东莞理工学院城市学院2013年12月英语四六级报名时间 关于组织2013年下半年全国大学英语四、六级考试、全国高等学校计算机水平考试及高等学校英语应用能力考试报名工作的通知 各系部、各学生班级:   2013年下半年全国大学英语四、六级考试(以下简称“CET”)、全国高等学校计算机水平考试(共11科)和高等学校英语应用能力B级考试从即日起开始报名。该三项考试采取网上报名的方式,为做好我院学生报名考试的相关工作,现将有关事项通知如下:   一、报名时间   1.网上报名时间:9月10日12:00-9月15日23:00;   2.缴费及上交报考材料时间:9月16日-9月18日。   二、报名条件   1.全国大学英语四、六级考试报名条件:   报名对象:我院10、11、12级在校生(进修生除外),具体如下:   (1)本科:我院10、11、12级在校生(进修生除外)均可报名;   (2)专科:已通过高等学校英语应用能力B级考试的在校生(进修生除外);英语专业的学生可直接报考CET-4;   (3)凡报考CET-6的考生,CET-4必须取得425分(含425分)以上的成绩。   注:不能同时报考CET-4和CET-6。   2.全国高等学校计算机水平考试报名条件:   我院10~12级在校生(进修生除外)均可选报计算机一级(计算机应用(普高))或计算机二级(Visual Basic、Visual FoxPro、 C++、Photoshop图像处理与制作、Access数据库(2003)、网页制作基础、Flash动漫制作、Office2010高级应用、Java应用程序设计、电子商务),每人每次限报1科,多选无效。   3.全国高等学校英语应用能力B级考试报名条件:我院11级在校专科学生(进修生除外)均可报考英语B级考试。   三、考试方式、日期和时间   1.考试方式   (1)全国大学英语四、六级考试:笔试;   (2)计算机水平考试及英语应用能力考试全部采用计算机无纸化考试,分批进行。   2.考试日期和时间   2013年下半年全国大学英语四级考试时间为 2013年12月14日上午 9:00-11:20,大学英语六级考试时间为2013年12月14日下午15:00- 17:20。   2013年下半年高等学校英语应用能力B级考试日期为2013年12月15、16日,考试时间为120分钟。2013年下半年全国高等学校计算机水平考试日期为2013年12月28、29日,考试时间为105分钟。   四、报名办法   (一)网上报名   1.注意事项:   (1)学生必须先在网上进行预报名,然后在9月16日-9月18日以班为单位到本系教学秘书处办理报名手续,才能取得考试资格;   (2)学生在网上预报名后必须缴费,班级缴费总金额与网上报名人数必须一致;   (3)符合英语六级报考条件但无法网上报名的转学学生或从外校考入我院的专插本学生,请提供英语四级的成绩单原件,于9月13日前到学生所在校区的教务处进行审核(莞城校区:四号楼318办公室;寮步校区:行政楼211办公室)。   (4)没有在网上进行预报名的不接受现场报名。请学生网上报名后再次打开教学管理系统查看报名情况,避免漏报。   2.网上报名截止时间:9月15日23:00   3.报名网址: ;   4.网上报名流程图:   登录报名网址→输入“用户名”、“密码”→点击“活动报名”栏→选择“网上报名”→根据报考语种在“选定报名”框内打“√”(其中英语四级分两个选项,专科或高职的学生选择“大学英语四级(专科、高职)”;本科或商务英语专业的学生选择“大学英语四级(本科、商务英语专业)”)→填写身份证号(无需上传相片)→确认无误后点击“确定”(已报项目列表中即显示所报考语种)→关闭网页即完成网上报名程序。   (二)缴费方式   1.收费标准:根据《省物价局省财政厅关于调整我省全国大学英语四、六级考试收费标准的复函》(粤价函[2013]13号)通知,从2013年1月1日起,我省全国大学英语四、六级考试笔试收费标准调整为36元/人/次。   计算机水平考试:38元/人/科;英语应用能力B级考试:16元/人/次。   2.缴费方法:   (1)以班为单位,由各班学习委员到本系教学秘书处领取本班“学生报考名单”电子版,各班学习委员根据“学生报考名单”负责收齐报名费。   (2)莞城校区:以班为单位将英语四、六级、计算机和英语B级考试报名费存入东莞建设银行建业支行,帐号为:6217 0032 3000 6687 531 ,交费户名为:邓素玲,或到四号楼大厅的取款机进行转账;   寮步校区:以班为单位于9月16日至9月18日将英语四、六级、计算机和英语B级考试报名费交到寮步校区财务处(行政楼314办公室)。由财务开具收据给各班学习委员。   (3)各班学习委员将取回的回执单或收据复印件背面注明年级、班级名称、考试名称(CET-4、CET-6、计算机、英语B级)及相应的报名人数和考试费用,并在9月18日前将回执单或收据复印件交给系教学秘书。   3.各系秘书收取回执单或收据复印件时,应要求各班负责人填写“报名费统计表”,并认真核对,确保电子版的报名表中各类考试报名人数×各类考试个人报名费=报名费统计表中总金额=上交的回执单(收据复印件)金额总数。核对无误后各系部秘书于9月22日前将回执单或收据复印件和报名费统计表交到所在校区教务处。   4.领取“诚信书”的时间另行通知。考生领取核对单后必须认真核对本人的报名信息,如报名信息有误,请学生本人持有效证件在9月27日前到学生所在校区的教务处进行修改(莞城校区:四号楼318办公室;寮步校区:行政楼211办公室),逾期不予受理。核对无误后请学生本人签名确认,并把签字的一份交给系教学秘书,另一份由学生本人留存。学生签字后,所有报名信息不得更改,由此而引起的成绩通知单上的信息错误,由学生本人负责。    附件:大学英语四、六级、计算机水平考试及英语应用能力考试报名工作时间流程表






2010年6月19日大学英语六级考试真题答案(B卷)Writing: Almost no one in China can have failed to notice thefact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Cheesenowadays. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to list: somerefuse to go to Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarelywrite in Chinese。 A number of factors can account for suchphenomenon, but the following might be the critical ones. For one thing, thecraze for learning English affect, to some degree, students" passion for thestudy of their native language. For another, the increasing emphasis on someso-called “practical subjects” closely related to the pursuit for jobs also cutinto students" time and energy spent on the study of Chinese。 The problem mentioned above is bound togenerate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First,students" weakness in Chinese would lead to their ignorance of Chinese culture.Secondly, their problems with Chinese would also hinder the study of othersubjects。 In view of the seriousness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before things get worse. In the first place,it is essential that the school attach more importance to the teaching ofChinese. In the second place, students should enhance their awareness of theimportance of mastering their mother tongue. Only with these measures taken canwe expect the all-sided development of students。快速阅读: 1. D Relieved 2. B she could go as far as she wanted in life 3. B The power of role models 4. D Obama"s success impacted blacks" performance in language tests 5. A The change in bias against black is slow in coming 6. C people are now less ready to supportpolicies addressing racial inequality 7. C racial inequality still persists in American society 8. our views of women 9. political sentiment 10. stereotypesListening:Section A 11. A) The man failed to keep his promise. 12. C) The woman should spend more time outdoors. 13. D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt. 14. C) Not many people have read his article. 15. A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being. 16. A) Batteries. 17. D) The man can get the ticket at its original price. 18. A) The speakers will dress formally for the concert. 19. D) He is undecided as to which job to go for. 20. C) They are all adults. 21. B) Varied and interesting. 22. C) Hosting a television show. 23. A) He lost his mother. 24. B) He got seriously into acting. 25. B) He has long been a legendary figure. Section B 26 C) It crashed when it was circling to land. 27 A) He was kidnapped eight months ago. 28 A) The management and union representatives reached an agreement. 29 B) rainy 30 C) Very few of them knew much about geology. 31 B) By noting where the most severe earthquake in U.S. history occurred. 32 C) Stop him when he had difficulty understanding. 33 D) It is a tool of communication among speakers of different languages. 34 D) It has supporters from many countries in the world. 35 D) It has had greater impact than in any other country. Section C 36. intelligent 37. foundations 38. romantic 39. reflects 40. profound 41. dramatically 42. deprived 43. hindered 44. research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death. 45. A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others. 46. loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.仔细阅读: Section A 47 a grade above 94/ a higher grade 48 select the method of grading 49 improving 50 effort and accomplishment 51 discuss his concern Section B Passage 1 52 A) America is now the only developed country without the policy. 53 D) The opposition from business circles. 54 B) Good parenting benefits society. 55 B) They fail to provide enough support for parents. 56 D) They impose the care of children on parents. Passage 2 57 A) More young voters are going to the polls than before. 58 C) Whether young people will continue to support Obama"s policy. 59 D) Their lives in relation to Obama"s presidency. 60 C) Their utilization of the Internet. 61 D) They are indifferent to politics.Cloze: 62.A findings 63.B attribute 64.D with 65.B related 66.D shrinking 67.A published 68.B to 69.B simply 70.A vital 71.C too 72.A benefits 73.D outside 74.C Exposure 75.B less 76.C analysis 77.C necessarily 78.C approved 79.B always 80.A advantage 81.D gratefulTranslation: 82. Their only son has never thought 83. weigh your decision against its possible consequences. 84. would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money. 85. should not be addicted to computer games. / should not indulge themselves in computer games / should not abandon themselves to computer games. 86. never considered working as a salesman.2010年6月英语六级考试真题参考答案(A卷完整版)快速阅读1. D Relieved2. B she could go as far as she wanted in life3. B The power of role models4. D Obama"s success impacted blacks" performance in language tests5. A The change in bias against black is slow in coming6. C people are now less ready to supportpolicies addressing racial inequality7. C racial inequality still persists in American society8. our views of women9. political sentiment10. stereotypes听力11. C) The man failed to keep his promise.12. A) The woman should spend more time outdoors.13. D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt.14. D) Not many people have read his article.15. A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being.16. B) Batteries.17. A) The man can get the ticket at its original price.18. C) The speakers will dress formally for the concert.19. D) He is undecided as to which job to go for.20. C) They are all adults.21. A) Varied and interesting.22. B) Hosting a television show.23. C) He lost his mother.24. D) He got seriously into acting.25. C) He has long been a legendary figure.Section B26 B) It crashed when it was circling to land.27 A) He was kidnapped eight months ago.28 D) The management and union representatives reached an agreement.29 A) rainy30 B) Very few of them knew much about geology.31 B) By noting where the most severe earthquake in U.S. history occurred.32 D) Stop him when he had difficulty understanding.33 C) It is a tool of communication among speakers of different languages.34 D) It has supporters from many countries in the world.35 C) It has had greater impact than in any other country.Section C36. intelligent37. foundations38. romantic39. reflects40. profound41. dramatically42. deprived43. hindered44. research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death.45. A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others.46. loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.阅读 Section A47 a grade above 94/ a higher grade48 select the method of grading49 improving来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ead8aff0100jspf.html) - 2010年6月大学英语六级真题试题答案(AB卷完整版)_郑家顺_新浪博客 50 effort and accomplishment51 discuss his concernSection BPassage 152 A) America is now the only developed country without the policy.53 D) The opposition from business circles.54 B) Good parenting benefits society.55 B) They fail to provide enough support for parents.56 D) They impose the care of children on parents.Passage 257 A) More young voters are going to the polls than before.58 C) Whether young people will continue to support Obama"s policy.59 D) Their lives in relation to Obama"s presidency.60 C) Their utilization of the Internet.61 D) They are indifferent to politics.完型填空62.A findings63.B attribute64.D with65.B related66.D shrinking67.A published68.B to69.B simply70.A vital71.C too72.A benefits73.D outside74.C Exposure75.B less76.C analysis77.C necessarily78.C approved79.B always80.A advantage81.D grateful82. ____________________(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties.83. Before you take any action, please remember to _______________(权衡你的决定会产生的后果).84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances _________________(他会违背还钱的承诺).85. Most educators advise that kids ____________________ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).86. Business major as he is, he has ____________________ (从未考虑过从事推销员的工作).翻译答案:82. Their only son has never thought83. weigh your decision against its possible consequences.84. would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money.85. should not be addicted to computer games. / should not indulge themselves in computer games / should not abandon themselves to computer games.86. never considered working as a salesman.





2013年6月英语六级快速阅读norman borlaug原文

ation.In his professional life, Borlaug, who died in 2009 at the age of 95, struggled against prodigious obstacles, including what he called the “constant pessimism and scare-mongering” of critics and skeptics who predicted that in spite of his efforts, mass starvation was inevitable and hundreds of millions would perish in Africa and Asia. His work resulted not only in the construction of high-yielding varieties of wheat but also in new agronomic and management practices that transformed the abi


2017年大学英语六级训练试题   20.A)Some banks may have to merge with others.   B)Many smaller regional banks are going to fail.   C)It will be hard for banks to provide more loans.   D)Many banks will have to lay off some employees.   21.A)It will work closely with the government.   B)It will endeavor to write off bad loans.   C)It will try to lower the interest rate.   D)It will try to provide more loans.   22.A)It wonu2019t help the American economy to turn around.   B)It wonu2019t do any good to the major commercial banks.   C)It will win the approval of the Obama administration.   D)It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again.   Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.   23.A)Being unable to learn new things.   B)Being rather slow to make changes.   C)Losing temper more and more often.   D)Losing the ability to get on with others.   24.A)Cognitive stimulation.   B)Community activity.   C)Balanced diet.   D)Fresh air.   25.A)Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging.   B)Adopting an optimistic attitude towards life.   C)Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.   D)Seeking advice from doctors from time to time.   Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)   Section A   Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.   Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.   According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health, many everyday products, including some bug sprays and cleaning fluids, could lead to an increased risk of brain and behavioral disorders in children.   The developing brain, the report says, is particularly (36) to the toxic effects of certain chemicals these products may contain, and the damage they cause can be(37) .   The official policy, however, is still evolving. Health and environmental(38) have long urged U.S. government agencies to (39) the use of some of the 11 chemicals the report cites and called for more studies on their long-term effects. In 2001, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (40) the type and amount of lead that could be present in paint and soil in homes and child-care(41), after concerns were raised about lead poisoning. The agency is now (42) the toxic effects of some of the chemicals in the latest report.   But the threshold for regulation is high. Because children"s brain and behavioral disorders, like hyperactivity and lower grades, can also be linked to social and genetic factors, it"s tough to pin them on exposure to specific chemicals with solid (43)evidence, which is what the EPA requires. Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct (44) but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.   Nonetheless, it"s smart to (45) caution. While it may be impossible to prevent kids from drinking tap water that may contain trace amounts of chemicals, keeping kids away from lawns recently sprayed with chemicals and freshly dry-cleaned clothes can"t hurt.   A.advocates   B.compact   C.correlation   D.exercise   E. facilities   F. interaction   G. investigating   H. overwhelmed   I. particles   J. permanent   K. restricted   L. simulating   M. statistical   N. tighten   O. vulnerable   Section B   Directions : In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.   The Impossibility of Rapid Energy Transitions   [ A ] Politicians are fond of promising rapid energy transitions. Whether it is a transition from imported to domestic oil or from coal-powered electricity production to natural-gas power plants, politicians love to talk big. Unfortunately for them (and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier: they are unbelievably expensive, they are built to last for a very long time, they have a huge amount of inertia ( meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving ), and they have a lot of momentum once they are set in motion. No matter how hard you try, you can"t turn something that large on a dime ( 10美分硬币 ), or even a few thousand dimes.   [ B ] In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum. Inertia is the resistance of objects to efforts to change their state of motion. If you try to push a boulder ( 大圆石 ), it pushes you back. Once you have started the boulder rolling, it develops momentum, which is defined by its mass and velocity.Momentum is said to be "conserved," that is, once you build it up, it has to go somewhere. So a heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum-that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion. If you want to change his course, you have only a few choices: you can stop him, transferring ( possibly painfully) some of his kinetic energy (动能) to your own body, or you can approach alongside and slowly apply pressure to gradually alter his course.   [ C ] But there are other kinds of momentum as well. After all, we don"t speak only of objects or people as having momentum; we speak of entire systems having momentum. Whether it"s a sports team or a presidential campaign, everybody relishes having the big momentum, because it makes them harder to stop or change direction.   [ D ] One kind of momentum is technological momentum. When a technology is deployed, its impacts reach far beyond itself. Consider the incandescent (白炽灯的) bulb, an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates. The incandescent light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison, which came to be the symbol of inspiration, has been developed into hundreds, if not thousands, of forms. Today, a visit to a lighting store reveals a stunning array of choices. There are standard-shaped bulbs, flame-shaped bulbs, colored globe-shaped bulbs, and more. It is quite easy, with all that choice, to change a light bulb.   [ E ] But the momentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there. All of those specialized bulbs ledto the building of specialized light fixtures, from the desk lamp you study by, to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother, to the ceiling fixture in your closet, to the light in your oven or refrigerator, and to the light that the dentist points at you. It is easy to change a light bulb, sure, but it is harder to change the bulb and its fixture.   [ F ] And there is more to the story, because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics, but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls and windows.   [ G ] As lighting expert Howard Brandston points out, “ Generally, there are no bad light sources, only bad applications. " There are some very commendable characteristics of the CFL [ compact fluorescent (荧光的) light bulb ], yet the selection of any light source remains inseparable from the luminaire (照明装置 ) that houses it, along with the space in which both are installed, and lighting requirements that need to be satisfied. The lamp, the fixture, and the room, all three must work in concert for the true benefits of end-users. If the CFL should be used for lighting a particular space, or an object within that space, the fixture must be designed to work with that lamp, and that fixture with the room. It is a symbiotic (共生的" ) relationship. A CFL cannot be simply installed in an incandescent fixture and then expected to produce a visual appearance that is more than washed out, foggy, and dim. The whole fixture must be replaced-light source and luminaire-and this is never an inexpensive proposition.   [ H ] And Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting, being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty.   [ I ]Another type of momentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-pool momentum. It is one thing to say that we are going to shift 30 percent of our electricity supply from, say, coal to nuclear power in 20 years. But it is another thing to have a supply of trained talent that could let you carry out this promise. That is because the engineers,designers, regulators, operators, and all of the other skilled people needed for the new energy industry are specialists who have to be trained first ( or retrained, if they are the ones being laid off in some related industry), and education, like any other complicated endeavor, takes time.And not only do our prospective new energy workers have to be trained, they have to be trained in the right sequence. One needs the designers, and perhaps the regulators, before the builders and operators, and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation. In some cases, colleges and universities might have to change their training programs,   adding another layer of difficulty.   [ J ] By far the biggest type of momentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy systems is economic momentum. The major components of our energy systems, such as fuel production, refining, electrical generation and distribution, are costly installations that have lengthy life spans. They have to operate for long periods of time before the costs of development have been recovered. When investors put up money to build, say, a nuclear power plant, they expect to earn that money back over the planned life of the plant, which is typically between 40and 60 years. Some coal power plants in the United States have operated for more than 70 years!   The oldest continuously operated commercial hydro-electric plant in the United States is on New York"s Hudson River, and it went into commercial service in 1898.   [ K ] As Vaclav Smil points out, "All the forecasts, plans, and anticipations cited above have failed so miserably because their authors and promoters thought the transitions they hoped to implement would proceed unlike all previous energy transitions, and that their progress could be accelerated in an unprecedented manner. "   [ L ] When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy, whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power, or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars, or even a switch.from an incandescent to a fluorescent light, understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible.   46. Not only moving objects and people but all systems have momentum.   47. Changing the current energy system requires the systematic training of professionals and skilled labor.   48. Changing a light bulb is easier than changing the fixture housing it.   49. Efforts to accelerate the current energy transitions didn"t succeed as expected.   50. To change the light source is costly because you have to change the whole fixture.   51. Energy systems, like an aircraft carrier set in motion, have huge momentum.   52. The problem with lighting, if it arises, often doesn"t lie in light sources but in their applications.   53. The biggest obstacle to energy transition is that the present energy system is too expensive to replace.   54. The application of a technology can impact areas beyond itself.   55. Physical characteristics of moving objects help explain the dynamics of energy systems.



新六级的section B是什么意思



【 #四六级考试# 导语】工作当事业,把备考当工作考核,认真,是一种态度,这样便不愁拿证了。为了以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的2021年6月大学英语六级高频单词分类盘点,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】2021年6月大学英语六级高频单词   英语六级高频单词分类:名词   revenue n. 税收,岁入   scorn n. 轻蔑,鄙视   smash n. 打碎,粉碎   stack n. 堆,一堆   temperament n. 气质,性格   threshold n. 开端,入口   transaction 处理,办理,交易   transition n. 过渡,转变   penalty n. 制裁,惩罚   pledge n. 保证,誓言   premise n. 前提,假设   presc ription n. 处方   prestige n. 威信,威望   instinct n. 本能,直觉   integrity n. 正直,诚实   intuition n. 直觉   lease n. 租约,契约   legislation n. 立法,法律   manifestation n. 表现(形式)   notion n. 概念,观念,理解   opponent n. 敌人,对手   ornament n. 装饰,装饰品   blunder n. 错误,大错 【篇二】2021年6月大学英语六级高频单词   acute α.敏锐的 锋利的   barren α.贫瘠的 不毛的   commentary α实况报道   compact a. 紧凑的小巧的   confidential a. 机紧的秘密的   conservative a. 保守的,传统的   conspicuous a. 显而易见的引人注目的   crucial a. 关键的   decent a. 体面像样的还不错的   delicate a. 精细的,微妙的精心处理的   equivalent a. 相等的   eternal a. 永恒的,无休止的   exclusive a. 独有的,排他的   feasible a. 可行的   feeble a. 脆弱的,虚弱的   gloomy a. 暗淡的   indignant a. 生气的,愤怒的   inferior a. 较次的,较劣的   inherent a. 固有的,生来的   intent a. 专心的,专注的   intricate a. 复杂精细的   Intrinsic a. 固有本质的内在的   notorious a.臭名昭著声名狼藉   obscure a. 模糊不清的   pathetic a. 悲哀的,悲惨的   prevalent a. 普遍的,流行的   proficient a. 熟练的,精通的   prominent a. 突出的,杰出的   prompt a. 即刻的,迅速的   sheer a. 完全的,十足的   shrewd a. 精明的   subordinate a. 次要的,从属的   subtle a. 微妙的精巧的,细微的   trivial a. 琐碎的,不重要的   turbulent a. 动荡的,混乱的   underlying a. 潜在的   versatile a. 多才多艺的 【篇三】2021年6月大学英语六级高频单词   acknowledge 对…表示谢忱,报偿   allege v. 断言,宣称   alternate v. 交替,轮流   anticipate v. 预期   applaud v. 赞扬,称赞   ascend v. 上升,攀登   ascribe v. 归因于,归功于   assemble v. 集合,聚集   attribute v. 归因于   bewilder v. 迷惑,弄糊涂   breed v. 培育,养育   cling v. 坚守,抱紧   coincide v. 相同,相一致   collaborate v. 合著,合作   collide v. 互撞,碰撞   commence v. 开始   compensate v. 补偿,赔偿   complement 与……结合,补充   comply v. 遵守   conceive v. 想出,设想   condense v. 压缩,浓缩   conform v. 符合,遵守,适应   confront v. 面对,面临   cruise v. 航行,漫游   deceive v. 欺骗,哄骗   dedicate v. 奉献,献身,致力于   defy v. 违抗,藐视   deprive v. 剥夺   derive v. 得来,得到   deviate v. (使)背离,(使)偏离   drain v. 渐渐耗尽   duplicate v. 复制,重复   eliminate v. 消除   endure v. 忍受,忍耐   enroll 使成为……的成员,注册   evoke v. 引起,唤起   impose v. 征税,把…强加于   induce v. 劝诱,诱导   indulge v. 纵容,放任   interpret v. 解释,说明   jeopardize v. 危及,损坏   linger逗留徘徊留恋迟缓,拖延   mingle v. 混合起来,相混合   overlap v. 部分重叠   permeate v. 渗入,渗透   prescribe指示规定,处方开药   preside v. 主持   propel v. 推进,推动   provoke v. 引起,激起   reconcile v. 使和好,调解   refute 证明…不对(错误的)驳诉   repel v. 抗御,抵拒   resort v. 求助,凭借,诉诸   resume v. 重新开始,继续   revenge v. 报仇,报复   scrape v. 剥下,刮下   steer v. 驾驶,引导   stretch v. 伸展   suck v. (用嘴)吸,吞噬,卷入   suppress v. 镇 压   sustain v. 承受   tackle v. 解决,处理   tempt v. 引诱,劝诱   terminate v. 终止,结束   transmit v. 传播,传递   verify v. 证实,证明   wreck v. (船只)失事 【篇四】2021年6月大学英语六级高频单词   deliberately ad. 故意,有意地   deliberately ad.深思熟虑审慎地   exclusively ad. 仅仅地   explicitly ad. 明确地   forcibly ad. 强行地,有力地   formerly ad. 原先地以前,从前   inevitably 必然地不可避免地   intentionally 有意地,故意地   outwardly表面上,外表上地   presumably大概可能,据推测   simultaneously 同时发生地   somewhat 颇为,稍稍,有几分   spontaneously自发地自然产生   startlingly ad. 惊人地   triumphantly(欣喜)胜利成功地   virtually ad. 事实上,实际地


词汇记忆法: 词源法、谐音法、词根词缀法、联想记忆法、故事记忆法、比较记忆法、生活积累法。 词汇考察重点: 单词的精确理解、高频词汇、一词多义。 词汇解题思路核心: 句间关系题、词间关系题、场景题、介词题、句式题,相似相近相反原则、高频高频词汇。 词汇题分类: 四级:难词辨义题、词义辨析题、固定搭配题、动词词组题、小词词组题。 六级:难词辨义题、词义辨析题、固定搭配题。 1. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has ______ the quality of the programs. A) lessened B) declined C) affected D) effected 2. Some plants are very ______ to light; they prefer the shade. A) sensible B) flexible C) objective D) sensitive 3. Finding a job can be ________ and disappointing, and therefore it is important that you are prepared. A) exploiting B) frustrating C) profiting D) misleading 4. The ship"s generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _______ instead of mechanically. A) artificially B) automatically C) manually D) synthetically 5. It ______ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. A) presents B) entitles C) credits D) tips 6. Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to _______ some money. A) pull B) pick C) gain D) draw 7. The boy was so __________ in reading the book that he didn‘t even notice the accident outside his house. A) absorbed B) concentrated C)attracted D) focused 8. A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from ______ backgrounds. A) extensive B) influential C) diverse D) identical cet6-05-6-42 Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations______. A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) ingeniously 00-6-47 Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations______. A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) contemporarily 05-1-50 Nothing Helen says is ever ________. She always thinks carefully before she speaks. A) simultaneous B) homogenous C) spontaneous D) rigorous 05-6-38 In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly. A) faint B) dizzy C) gloomy D) opaque 00-12-48 In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly. A) gloomy B) miserable C) shadowy D) obscure 05-6-60 It was a wonderful occasion which we will _____ for many years to come. A) conceive B) clutch C) contrive D) cherish 05-1-57 He still ____the memory of his carefree childhood spent in that small wooden house of his grandparents". A) nourishes B) cherishes C) fancies D) scans 03-6-68 Most people in the modem world ______freedom and independence more than anything else. A) embody  B) cherish  C) fascinate  D) illuminate cet4-03-6-43 We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of_____. A) rejection B) restriction C) retreat D) recession 03-6-68 Many people lost their jobs during the business______. A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression cet6-01-6-43 It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a ______. A)concession B)recession C)submission D)transmission 词汇记忆法: 词源法、谐音法、词根词缀法、联想记忆法、故事记忆法、比较记忆法、生活积累法。 词汇考察重点: 单词的精确理解、高频词汇、一词多义。 词汇解题思路核心: 句间关系题、词间关系题、场景题、介词题、句式题,相似相近相反原则、高频高频词汇。 词汇题分类: 四级:难词辨义题、词义辨析题、固定搭配题、动词词组题、小词词组题。 六级:难词辨义题、词义辨析题、固定搭配题。 四级词汇部分请参考: 动词词组总结:http://www.shnosbbs.com/viewthread.php?tid=5582&extra=page%3D2 小词词组总结:http://www.shnosbbs.com/viewthread.php?tid=13054&extra=page%3D1 高频词汇总结:http://www.shnosbbs.com/viewthread.php?tid=10559&extra=page%3D1 其他资料:http://www.shnosbbs.com/attachment.php?aid=4838 六级高频词汇: absurd a. 荒唐的,不合理的 accelerate v. (使)加速(~crisis) accordance n. 一致(in ~ with) acknowledge v. 承认;对…表示感谢 acquaint v. 使认识,使了解 (be ~ed with) acute a. 敏锐的;急性的,剧烈的 adhere v. 粘附,胶着;坚持(to) affection n. 爱;感情(for) agenda n.议程 aggravate V. 加重,恶化(病情,负担) alert a. 警惕的,警觉的;机灵的(to) allege 断言,宣称(it is ~ed that) alleviate 减轻,缓和(痛苦) alternate v. (使)交替,(使)轮流 a. 交替的,轮流的 ambiguous a. 模棱两可的 ambition n. 雄心,野心 analogy 类比(draw an ~ between…and…) anticipate v. 预料,期望 amplify v.放大或增强(声音、信号、电流等) appeal n./v. 呼吁,要求;上诉;吸引(力) apt 恰当的,易于的(be ~ to do) array v. 使成队列,排列;n. 队列,陈列 ascend v. 攀登;上升 ascertain v.查明,弄清 ascribe v. 把…归于(to) asset 资产,有价值的东西 assume v. 假定, 设想 assurance n. 保证 attendant n. 侍从,随从 authentic a.可靠的,可信的 authorize v.授权(sb. to do sth.) baffle v. 使困惑, 为难 bald a. 光秃的 (head) bewilder v. 迷惑,使糊涂 boom n.繁荣,人口激增 bounce (球)弹起,(人)跳跃 breakthrough n.突破 caution 小心谨慎(with ~) cautious a. 小心谨慎的 certify v. 证明,保证 charge n.费用 v.控告 (~with) cherish v. 爱护或珍爱;怀有(某种感情或想法) chronic a.慢性的 climax 顶点,高潮 coincide v. 恰好相符,相一致(with) coincidence n. 符合,一致;巧合,巧合之事 collaborate v. 协作,合作( with) collaboration n. 协作,合作(in~ with) collide v. 碰撞,冲突(with) collision n. 碰撞,冲突 commend v. 称赞,表扬 commemorate v. 纪念,举行纪念仪式,庆祝 compact a. 紧密的;紧凑的;v. 使紧凑;压缩 compatible a. 一致的;兼容的(with) compensate v. 弥补;赔偿(for) compensation n. 补偿(金),赔偿(金) comply (with) v. 遵照 compulsory a. 强制的;义务的(education) confidential a. 秘密的,机密的 conform v. 遵守,符合(to) consensus n. 意见一致,共同看法 conserve v.保存,保全 consistent a. 始终如一的,一致的(with) consolidate v. 巩固,加强 conspicuous a. 明显的;惹人注目的 consumption n.消费,消费量 contemplate v. 注视;沉思 context 上下文;背景,环境 controversy n.争论,辩驳 crisp a. 脆的 criteria(pl. of criterion)(批评,判断的)标准 cumulative a. 累积的 cynical 愤世嫉俗的 dazzle v. 以强光使眩目 decline v. 下降;衰落;谢绝 dedicate v. 奉献;献身,致力(to) deem v.认为, 相信(be deemed to do) deficit 赤字 defy v. 公然反抗;蔑视 denial n. 拒绝给予(of) depict v 描绘,描述 deprive (of) v. 剥夺,使丧失 derive (from) v. 起源于,引申于 descent n 斜坡 destructive a. 破坏性的,毁灭的 deteriorate v. 变坏,恶化 deviate v. 背离,偏离(from) dilemma n. 两难处境,困境 disaster n. 灾难,灾祸 discard v. 抛弃,扔掉 distract v. 使某人分心,分散或扰乱某人的注意力sb(from sth) domain n.(贵族、政府等的)领土,领地;(思想、知识或活动的)领域,范围,范畴 dominant a. 支配的,统治的,占优势的 dominate v. 支配,控制,统治 drawback 缺点 dwell 详述;细想,老是想着 on(upon) 居住(in) eccentric a. 古怪的,怪癖的n.古怪的人 eject v.从内部喷射,吐出 elapse (时间)过去 embrace v.包含,包括;拥抱(sb);欣然接受或采取(意见) endeavor v 努力,尽力(to do) endow 赋予,资助(~with) enhance提高(reputation,efficiency) enroll 招收,入学,入伍 ensure v. 保证,担保(sth; that) erase v. 抹去, 擦掉 essence n. 本质,实质(in ~) eternal a. 永久的,永恒的 exceptionally 特别地 exclusively ad. 排他地;专门地 expel v. 驱逐, 开除, 排出 explicitly 明确地,清楚地 extinct a. 绝种的,灭绝的;(希望等)熄灭的 extract v.抽出,拨出;压出,榨出(汁液等) extravagant a. 奢侈的,浪费的 fabulous a. 惊人的,难以置信的 facet n. 面;某一方面 facilitate 使便利,促进,有助于 fake n. 假货,赝品;a. 假的,冒充的 feasible a. 可行的 feast 宴席 flap v. (旗帜)飘扬;(鸟翼)震动 fluctuate (物价)波动 fragile 易碎的 frustrate v. 使受挫,使沮丧 galaxy n. 星系, 银河 glitter n./v. 闪光 gloomy a. 阴暗忧郁的;(经济前景)黯淡的 grieve v. 使伤心,使悲伤 grope v. 摸索 (grope one‘s way);搜寻(for) hamper v. 妨碍,牵制 hasty a. 匆忙的, 草率的 haul v. 拉,拖,用力拖 haunt v.经常拜访;萦绕心头 highlight v.强调,使突出 homogeneous a. 同类的,相似的;同质的 hospitality n. 好客,殷勤 identical a. 相同的,相等的(with o) illusion 错觉,幻觉 immerse 专心于(be ~ed in) imperative 必须的,命令的 impose v. 把…强加在;征(税等)(on) impulse n. 冲动;推动力 incidence n.发生率 incompetence 不胜任 incredible a. 不可思议的 increasingly 日益地,不断增加地 indicative (of) 表示的,象征的 indignant a. 愤怒的 induce v. 诱使(sb. to do sth) ingenious a. 机灵的,天才的,有独创性的 ingredient n. 配料 initiate v. 开始,发动 inject v. 注射 insanity n. 精神错乱,疯狂 inspirational a给予灵感的,鼓舞人心的 installment n. 分期付款 integrate v. 使成整体, 使一体化 integrity n. 正直,诚实;完整 intense a.非常强烈的(感情) intrinsic a. 内在的,固有的;内部的 intuition n. 直觉 invariably 不变地,一直地 irreplaceable a.不可替代的 irritate v. 激怒 jeopardize v. 危害,威胁,使冒危险 jerk 猛然一动 junction n. 交汇处 liable a. 易于…的(to);责任(义务)的(for) linger v.逗留,徘徊 luminous 发光的,夜光的 magnify v. 放大(放大镜或显微镜) manifest v. 使显现,使暴露,表现为 mediate 调停、调解 migrate v.(鸟)迁徙;(人)移居 mingle v. (使)混合(with);汇成(in) miniature n. 缩影;a. 缩型的 motivate v. 激发,作为…的动机(be ~ed to do sth) mourn v. 哀悼, 忧伤(for) multitude n. 多数,大批(of sb / sth) negligible a. 可以忽略不计的 notorious a. 臭名昭著的 obedient a. 服从的,顺从的 obscure a. 朦胧的;晦涩难懂的 v.使不明显,使模糊不清 originality n.独创性,新颖 originate v. 首创,开创,创始 ornament n.装饰品 overlook v.忽略,遗漏 overwhelm v. 使非常激动,使不知所措 paradox n. 看似矛盾而可能正确的说法;自相矛盾的人、事物或行为 patent a. 专利的;n. 专利(权);v. 为…取得专利 pave v. 用…铺路(be ~ed with) perception n.理解;感知,感觉 perpetual a. 永恒的,永久的,长期的 persistent a. 坚持的;持续的 plead v. 为……辩护, 托称 ponder v. 沉思,考虑 porch n. 门廊,走廊 pose v.摆姿势 predecessor 前任,前辈 predominantly ad. 占优势地;突出,主要 premise n. 前提 prescribe v. (医生)开(处方) prescription n. 处方 prevalent a. 流行的,盛行的 primitive a. 原始的,早期的 prone a. 倾向于(be prone to sth) provoke v. 激怒, 挑拨;惹起, 引起 quota n定额,配额 recession n.经济萧条 reconcile v. 使和解(differences);使一致(with) rectify v. 纠正,改正(mistake) refute v.反驳,驳斥 reinforce v.(以添加材料等)加固(某物) regrettably 悔恨地,遗憾地 reliance n. 信任,信赖,信心(on sb / sth) relieve 减轻,安慰 reside v居住 respectable a. 可敬的 restrict v. 限制,克制(to) retrieve v.重新得到;检索(信息) revenge n./v. 复仇,(替…)报仇(oneself on sb) reward v./n. 报酬,奖赏;报答 scar n.(皮肤等的)伤疤,疤 skeptical a.表示怀疑的 scrape v. 括掉,擦去;n. 括削,擦痕 scratch v. 抓,搔 scrutiny n. 仔细检查,细看 sensitive a. 敏感的(to) sheer a. 纯粹的,十足的 signify v. 表示,意味 simulate v.模仿 simultaneously ad. 同时(发生)地 slack a. 懒散的;行动迟缓的 sparkle v. 用眼神表达, 发光闪烁 soar v.高飞,剧增 speculate v. 推测(on,about);投机 spontaneously ad. 自发地 stagger v. 摇晃,踉跄 staple n.主要特产,主要产品 Subordinate a. 从属的;下级的(to) Subscribe n. 捐赠;订阅(to) superiority n. 优越(性),优势(to) supervise v.监督,管理,指导 surpass v. 超越,胜过 surplus n. 剩余
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