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the price of food,clothes___ so quickly these years. 答案是increases 为何不能用raise。

raise 是及物动词,后面需要有宾语。比如:举手, raise your hand这个句子里没有宾语。


Then I"ll increase it to 200a week.然后我会增加到每周二十元。One great increase of over a billion.一次就增加超过十亿的基督徒。Please increase the temperature to 80℃.请将温度增加到80℃。Increase the amount of your L/C by $520.将信用证的金额增加520美元。the cost increases at a rate of 10 percents.


increase 英[u026anu02c8kri:s] 美[u026anu02c8kris] vt. 增加,增大,增多; vt. 增强,增进; [缝纫]放(针); vi. 增强; 增进; 增殖,繁殖; [缝纫] 放针; [例句]The population continues to increase人口继续增长。[其他] 第三人称单数:increases 复数:increases 现在分词:increasing过去式:increased 过去分词:increased

The population of the world _______(increase) very fast? 请问在这里需要填increse 还是 increases?


表示价格升高用incrrease还是raise these years the price increases 还是raises

这里用 increases , 在这个句子中应使用不及物动词increase, 而raise 是及物动词。


increasingly英 [u026anu02c8kri:su026au014bli] 美 [u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli]adv.越来越多地; 日益,格外; 越来越…; 愈 双语例句1. Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities. 越来越多的公司客户寻求将设施的管理外包出去。来自柯林斯例句2. The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all. 男爵对整件事的虚伪感到越来越生气。来自柯林斯例句3. She felt nervous, increasingly lacking in confidence about herself. 她感到紧张,对自己越来越没有信心。来自柯林斯例句4. We became increasingly fed up with his increasingly unfunny and unintelligent comments. 我们越来越反感他益发无趣又缺乏见地的言论。来自柯林斯例句5. She was finding it increasingly difficult to get about. 她发现出去走动越来越困难了。来自柯林斯例句

increasing popularity是什么意思

increasing popularity日益普及双语对照例句:1.This leaves many internet companies caught in a bind: energy costsare escalating because of their increasing popularity, while at thesame time their advertising revenues come under pressure from therecession. 这使得很多互联网公司陷入困境:能源消耗随着网民数量的不断增加而不断升级,但是公司的广告收入则随着经济衰退而面临前所未有的压力。




NCR 公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码为NCR)是全球领先的技术公司,致力于帮助各种商业建立强大的客户关系。NCR公司的自动柜员机(ATM)、零售系统、Teradata 数据仓库和IT服务为客户提供关系技术 (Relationship TechnologyTM)解决方案,可以不断提升客户互动所带来的价值。NCR公司总部设于美国俄亥俄州戴顿市,在全球超过100个国家拥有29,600名员工。2008年<财富>世界500强名  列第391名.  NCR 发展历程  1884 年 - John H. Patterson 创立 National Cash Register Company,制造了第一部机械式收款机。  1906 年 - Charles F. Kettering 设计了世界上第一台电动收款机。  1952 年 - NCR 收购位于美国加利福尼亚州的 Hawthorne Computer Research Corporation (CRC),该公司生产航空用数字计算机。  1953 年 - NCR 设立电子部门,继续探索适用于各种商业计算机的电子应用系统。  1974 年 - 公司更名为 NCR Corporation。  1982 年 – 第一台 NCR Tower 超微计算机问世,NCR 成为引进行业标准及开放系统体系结构的先驱。  1991 年 - 被 AT&T 收购。  1991 年 – NCR 收购 Teradata 公司,获得其先进、独特的商用并行处理技术。NCR Teradata 数据库成为世界上最富盛名、功能最强大的数据仓储。  1994 年 - NCR 更名为 AT&T Global Information Solutions (GIS)。  1995 年 - AT&T 宣布 AT&T GIS 将于 1996 年底独立。  1996 年 - AT&T GIS 重新更名为 NCR,预计于 1997 年 1 月与 AT&T 分离,成为独立、公开上市的公司。  1997 年 – NCR 收购在食品服务行业领先的商店自动化及管理软件供应商8 Compris 技术公司以及开发支票处理软件的Dataworks 公司,从而完成了业务转型,从单纯的硬件供应商转变为全面解决方案供应商。  1998 年 - NCR 完成业务转型,将计算机硬件制造资产卖给Solectron 公司,进一步确立了 NCR 致力于开拓与众不同的软件及服务产品的市场定位。  2000 年 - NCR 收购客户关系管理方案供应商 Ceres Integrated Solutions 及一家服务公司 4Front Technologies,进一步扩充了 NCR 在主流市场的解决方案种类。  2003 年 - NCR 签字识别器已取得专利。  2007年- NCR的数据仓库部门Teradata从公司拆分,独立在纽约上市.  更多的信息,敬请访问NCR官方站:


1884 年 - John H. Patterson 创立 National Cash Register Company,制造了第一部机械式收款机。1906 年 - Charles F. Kettering 设计了世界上第一台电动收款机。1952 年 - NCR 收购位于美国加利福尼亚州的 Hawthorne Computer Research Corporation (CRC),该公司生产航空用数字计算机。1953 年 - NCR 设立电子部门,继续探索适用于各种商业计算机的电子应用系统。1974 年 - 公司更名为 NCR Corporation。1982 年 – 第一台 NCR Tower 超微计算机问世,NCR 成为引进行业标准及开放系统体系结构的先驱。1991 年 - 被 AT&T 收购。1991 年 – NCR 收购 Teradata 公司,获得其先进、独特的商用并行处理技术。NCR Teradata 数据库成为世界上最富盛名、功能最强大的数据仓储。1994 年 - NCR 更名为AT&TGlobal Information Solutions (GIS)。1995 年 - AT&T 宣布 AT&T GIS 将于 1996 年底独立。1996 年 - AT&T GIS 重新更名为 NCR,预计于 1997 年 1 月与 AT&T 分离,成为独立、公开上市的公司。1997 年 – NCR 收购在食品服务行业领先的商店自动化及管理软件供应商8 Compris 技术公司以及开发支票处理软件的Dataworks 公司,从而完成了业务转型,从单纯的硬件供应商转变为全面解决方案供应商。1998 年 - NCR 完成业务转型,将计算机硬件制造资产卖给Solectron 公司,进一步确立了 NCR 致力于开拓与众不同的软件及服务产品的市场定位。2000 年 - NCR 收购客户关系管理方案供应商 Ceres Integrated Solutions 及一家服务公司 4Front Technologies,进一步扩充了 NCR 在主流市场的解决方案种类。2003 年 - NCR 签字识别器已取得专利。2007年- NCR的数据仓库部门Teradata从公司拆分,独立在纽约上市。2009年-NCR在德卢斯建立新的公司总部。2010年-NCR发布行业的第一个混合媒体存款自动取款机(SDM)。2011年-NCR完成10亿美元收购Radiant Systems,扩大NCR的存在在酒店及专业零售空间。2012年-NCR试水NCR Silver,一个为小型企业设计的基于云技术的销售点系统。2012年11月-NCR将以每股30美元的现金购买价,收购创新的零售软件和服务提供商Retalix有限公司(纳斯达克股市代码:RTLX),合同交易额约为六亿五千万美元。2014年 NCR美国500强 ,第423名

看一看veayh_______(?) ,touncry_____(?) ,utec_______(?) ,fulelhp______(?)


The Incredibles 歌词

歌曲名:The Incredibles歌手:Lunatica专辑:New ShoresEditor:MelodySeekerOnce upon a time there was a planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right

《The Incredibles》的英文简介

父亲--超能先生 巴鲍伯 Mr.Incredibles 母亲—弹力女超人 巴荷莉 Elastigirl “金钟罩” – 巴小倩 Violet Parr “水上飞”、“飞毛腿”—巴小飞 Dash Parr 巴小杰 Jack Parr



如何在CListView 中加OnCreat函数

手动添加代码步骤:(1)步骤一:在CMedicListVIew.h中添加代码(声明消息函数):afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);(2)步骤二:在CMdicListVIew.cpp中的PreCreateWindow()函数之前添加OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);函数的代码,代码如下:int CMdicListVIew::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct){ if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; if (!m_wndToolBar.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_TOP | CBRS_GRIPPER | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC) || !m_wndToolBar.LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME)) { TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar "); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) || !m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT))) { TRACE0("Failed to create status bar "); return -1; // fail to create } // TODO: Delete these three lines if you don"t want the toolbar to // be dockable m_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar); return 0;}这样就可以了!

the number of graduate is rapidly increasing


concrete thinker该怎样翻译?


s crib bling like the concrete fever

1 Although all the students seem very happily(应该是 happy) at our school,as2 far as we(要加 were) concerned, the buildings would be more beautiful3 if (the school 改为 it) could be decorated. We students thought (要加 that) the school4 looks like a desert and the concrete walls like the grey sky in5 a rainy day.We would be much happier and (are 改为 be) able to study6 better if the walls of the school could be decorated with porters,7 photos and paintings,(that 改为which) could certainly broaden our horizons8 and enrich our lives.Original art(加 s) work are too expensive ,(去掉but)9 unless we buy art porters,the cost will be low.Using only a10 litle money,it can make our school a (加 much) nicer place. 很高兴能够帮到你,希望会满意,谢谢. 答案由【英语精英团】与【英语牛人圑】提供

Concrete Blonde的《Joey》 歌词

歌曲名:Joey歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:BloodlettingJoey, baby - don"t get crazyDetours. Fences... I get defensiveI know you"ve heard it all before -so I don"t say it anymoreI just stand by and let you fight your secret war.And though I used to wonder why -I used to cry till I was dry.Still sometimes I get a strange pain insideOh, Joey, if you"re hurting so am I.Joey, honey - I"ve got the moneyAll is forgiven. Listen, listenAnd if I seem to be confusedI didn"t mean to be with you.And when you said I scared you,well I guess you scared me too.But we got lucky once beforeAnd I don"t wanna close the doorAnd if you"re somewhere out there passed out on the floor.Oh Joey, I"m not angry anymore.<bridge>"cause if I seem to be confusedI didn"t mean to be with you.but when you said I scared you,well I guess you scared me too.But if its love you"re looking forwell i can give a whole lot moreAnd if you"re somewhere out there,passed out on the floor.Oh Joey, I"m not angry anymore.

Concrete Blonde的《Joey》 歌词

歌曲名:Joey歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:Recollection - The Best OfJoey, baby - don"t get crazyDetours. Fences... I get defensiveI know you"ve heard it all before -so I don"t say it anymoreI just stand by and let you fight your secret war.And though I used to wonder why -I used to cry till I was dry.Still sometimes I get a strange pain insideOh, Joey, if you"re hurting so am I.Joey, honey - I"ve got the moneyAll is forgiven. Listen, listenAnd if I seem to be confusedI didn"t mean to be with you.And when you said I scared you,well I guess you scared me too.But we got lucky once beforeAnd I don"t wanna close the doorAnd if you"re somewhere out there passed out on the floor.Oh Joey, I"m not angry anymore.<bridge>"cause if I seem to be confusedI didn"t mean to be with you.but when you said I scared you,well I guess you scared me too.But if its love you"re looking forwell i can give a whole lot moreAnd if you"re somewhere out there,passed out on the floor.Oh Joey, I"m not angry anymore.

“concrete matrix”(土木工程术语)是什么意思?

混凝土矩阵 利用余虚功原理推导了断裂面的矩阵的具体形式

java中concrete methods和instance methods,这俩描述的有啥区别吗

concrete methods 是非抽象方法;而instance methods是非静态方法。所以:所有的static方法是concrete methods,但不是instance methods。引用至:

concrete poetry是什么意思

concrete poetry英[u02c8ku0254nkri:t u02c8pu0259uitri]美[kɑnu02c8krit u02c8pou026atri]释义:有形诗网络:图像诗祝您生活愉快,望采纳。

concrete class是什么意思

concrete class 可继承实体类;具体类;可继承具体类例句筛选1.Using one data entity per concrete class每个具体类使用一个数据实体 2.However, you must map the fields for each concrete class.但是,必须映射每个具体类的字段。

求助。。。。concrete sound


a rose that grows from concrete


concrete jungle是什么意思

你好!很高兴为你答疑解惑。 concrete jungle[英][u02c8ku0254nkri:t u02c8du0292u028cu014bɡl][美][kɑnu02c8krit u02c8du0292u028cu014bɡu0259l]n.“混凝土建成的野兽世界”(指资本主义国家弱肉强食的大城市); 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!

Concrete Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Concrete Girl歌手:Switchfoot专辑:The Best YetSwitchfoot - Concrete GirlBleeding thoughtsCracking boulderDon"t fall overFake your laughterBurn the tearSing it louder,Twist and shoutWay up hereWe stand on shouldersGrowing colderLaugh or cryI won"t mindSing it louder,Twist and shoutImmovable shadowsConcrete girlThey"ll rock your worldTo nothingAnd they"re swimmingAround again, againAnd they"re swimmingAround the concrete girlCatch your breathLike four leaf cloverHand it overScream to no oneTake your timeSing it louder,Twist and shoutNothing to run fromIs worse than somethingAnd all your fearsOf nothingAnd they"re swimming aroundAgain, againAnd they"re swimming aroundAgain, againAnd they"re swimming aroundThe concrete girlConcrete girlDon"t fall downIn this broken worldAround youConcrete girlDon"t fall downDon"t fall downMy concrete girlAhhh...Ahhh...concrete girlDon"t stop thinkingDon"t stop feelingOne step awayFrom where we wereAnd one step backTo nothingAnd we"re standing on topOf our hopes and fearsAnd we"re fighting for words nowConcrete girlAnd we"re swimming aroundAgain, againAnd we"re swimming around nowConcrete girlConcrete girlDon"t fall downIn this broken worldAround youConcrete girlDon"t fall downDon"t fall downMy cocnrete girlConcrete girlDon"t fall downIn this concrete worldAround youConcrete girlDon"t fall downDon"t break downMy cocnrete girl

Concrete dropout

一种采用贝叶斯学习的dropoout方法变体 Dropout is used as a practical tool to obtain uncertainty estimates in large vision models and reinforcement learning (RL) tasks. But to obtain well-calibrated uncertainty estimates, a grid-search over the dropout probabilities is necessary— a prohibitive operation with large models, and an impossible one with RL. We propose a new dropout variant which gives improved performance and better calibrated uncertainties. Relying on recent developments in Bayesian deep learning, we use a continuous relaxation of dropout"s discrete masks. Together with a principled optimisation objective , this allows for automatic tuning of the dropout probability in large models, and as a result faster experimentation cycles. In RL this allows the agent to adapt its uncertainty dynamically as more data is observed. We analyse the proposed variant extensively on a range of tasks, and give insights into common practice in the field where larger dropout probabilities are often used in deeper model layers.

什么叫 unreinforced mass concrete

Unreinforced concrete is a composite material containing aggregates (sand, gravel, crushed shell, or rock) held together by a cement combined with water to form a paste, and gets its name from the fact that it does not have any iron or steel reinforcing bars. It was the earliest form of concrete. The ingredients become a plastic mass that hardens as the concrete hydrates, or "cures." Unreinforced concrete, however, is relatively weak, and since the turn of the century has largely been replaced by reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete is concrete strengthened by the inclusion of metal bars which increase the tensile strength of concrete. Both unreinforced and reinforced concrete can be either cast in place or precast.

Concrete Jungle 歌词

歌曲名:Concrete Jungle歌手:Bwo专辑:Fabricator「Concrete Jungle」作词∶湘南乃风作曲∶湘南乃风歌∶湘南乃风Concrete Jungle Let"s go!!Concrete Jungle Get down!!Concrete Jungle Let"s go!!Concrete Jungle OK!!暴れる Animal が集まる 轮になるクソ Babylon ぶっ壊す…Hook と Verse で吹き飞ばすConcrete Jungle Heat Heart!!Woi…Burn Down Burn Down 吐き出す本能Burn Down Burn Down つまらん常识Burn Dem Now 変わる街并 背景吐いて舍てる程の 苦い最低な利害関系芝居がかった System なら猿の方がマシだってStage に立つ Yellow Monkey が寝首かいてやる歌词で欲望や嘘で固めた Concrete JungleReal な言叶で武装 暴れる猛獣 高ぶる感情Just Like A Elephant 踏みつぶすぜ Jungle俺ら Resistant 中指立て Fuck OffWoi…目まぐるしくチクタク Big Town で四苦八苦いつか掴む一着 翼を広げ飞び立つ度を超す高速 Beat 疾走する韦駄天大空羽ばたく Falco 気高く见下ろす Jungle弱肉强食 マジ折れたら最後暗号トラトラトラ オイソコドケ コラーConcrete Jungle トカレフとか持ったマフィア心に Gun shot4人の中では Like A Tiger槛が无ければ It"s Murder真夜中 眠れぬまた明日は谁が杀されんだWoi…Heat Heart!! 负ける訳ねぇってんだ夜明けがせまってんだ待ってんな 止まってんなHeat Heart!! 胜ち上がれ てっぺんまでHeat Heart!! 吠えだせ ForeverSay… Woi…【 おわり 】



英泥, 水泥与石屎有何分别? Cement and Concrete?

英泥和水泥是同一样物料 内地人多称水泥 港人则习惯称为英泥.正碓的英文是cement.多是黑色或白色粉状的 当然还有较冷门的绿色. 石屎是俗称 正碓应为称为三合土.英文是concrete 以一定比例的沙 石角 英泥 水等 混合而成 视用途而加入不同粗幼的铁枝或高拉力钢筋 有等工程还要加入强化 剂.干后成坚硬的固体 承托力极强 不易碎裂和防水功能. 2007-07-20 10:07:04 补充: 英坭老一辈的人称之为"红毛泥" 不知是否和英国人有关呢?因老一辈的中国香港人称英国人为红毛 美国则为花旗. 石屎(俗称)=三合土=混凝土=concrete 红毛泥(俗称)=水泥=英泥=cement 点解叫三合土(即混凝土) 系由三种主要物科组成 沙(sand) 英泥(cement) 同埋碎石(aggregate); 再加适量水份同空气混合而成. 但份量唔系估出嚟 由工程师决定混凝土嘅乘受力用公式计出嚟 三种物料水泥最贵 所以不法建筑商为钱偷工减料; 尽量减少水泥份量而增加其他物料 但三种份量系计出嚟唔可以立乱改 如果石屎被减料会造成石屎唔够力会影响结构. 点解水泥会咁贵? 因为佢唔系真系泥做 水泥系由多种化学原才料组成 当加入适当水份就会产生化学作用将沙同碎石凝固而变成坚硬 水嘅份量亦要求严格 唔可以多亦唔可以小 在进行化学作用期间唔可流失水份 你可以见到工人落完石屎之后会用胶纸盖好或者用湿麻包袋盖住 减少水份因太阳晒而流失. 好难讲混凝土边个发明 因为唔系发明出嚟 系由物料研究工程人员经试验做成 古时都有类似混凝土嘅嘢 好似坭加草再加水造成坭屋 而家好多落后地方都有用紧 所以好难讲边个发明 只不过经时间改良而变成而家嘅三合土. 参考: 地盘长大 Cement 英泥又名水泥 Concrete 石屎 (Concrete is a mixture of water cement sand and aggregate 碎石) Aggregate defined as *** all rock (sizes < 1 inches) 2007-07-20 00:56:44 补充: (石屎)又称(混凝土)或(三合土﹞,因为是 3 种不同材料组成﹝英泥 + 沙 + 碎石﹞。


解释  1.[concrete;specific] 不抽象,不笼统,细节很明确。例如:说得很具体/具体计划。   2.特定的。例如:具体的人/你担任什么具体工作?   3.把理论或原则结合到特定的人或事物上(后面带“到”)。近义词:详细、周密、细致、详尽   反义词:抽象、模糊、笼统    三个都可以如:详细对具体正如简略对抽象。


concrete造句如下:1、The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns。建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。2、Your decision must be translated into specific, concrete actions。你的决定必须转化为具体明确的行动。3、The hot liquid splashed down on the concrete and rebounded。滚烫的液体泼在水泥地面上又溅了起来。4、Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete。最终,水会渗透进周围的混凝土中。5、A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill。在粗糙不平的水泥窗台上有一条细细的发光水印。6、Thus far, the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results。到目前为止,两位首相还没有取得实质性成果。concrete:混凝土、混凝土制的;确实的,具体的(而非想象或猜测的)。

on the concrete是什么意思

On the concrete在这水泥地上 双语例句 Otherwise, you may be better off on the concrete. 不然的话,你还不如去跑混凝土路。


concrete记忆方法:词根助记con 加强语气 + cre 生长;不断生长,就能成形 —— concrete 有形的。Concrete,英语单词,形容词、动词、名词,作形容词时意为“ 混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的”,作动词时意为“凝结;使凝固;用混凝土修筑”,作名词时意为“具体物;凝结物”。短语搭配:Reinforced Concrete 钢筋混凝土 ; 纤维增强混凝土 ; 被加固的混凝土。concrete vibrator [建] 混凝土振捣器 ; [建] 混凝土振动器 ; 混凝土震捣器。bituminous concrete [建] 沥青混凝土 ; 泊油路。foam concrete [建] 泡沫混凝土 ; 发泡混凝土 ; 房屋地政。concrete core 混凝土芯 ; 土芯 ; 混凝土心 ; 石矢尖凿。armored concrete 钢筋混凝土 ; 配筋混凝土 ; 钢筋的混凝土。concrete slab [建] 混凝土板 ; 混泥土板 ; 混凝土样本。concrete foundation 混凝土基础 ; 混凝土地基 ; 混泥土基础 ; 混凝土根蒂根基。Concrete Product 具体产品 ; 实产品 ; 具体产品角色 ; 产品类。concrete evidence/proposals/proof确凿的证据;具体的建议;确实的证明。

concrete 单词

concrete的意思是混凝土。Concrete,好州英语单词,形容词、动词、名词,作形容词时意为“混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的”,作动词时意为“码袜含凝结;使凝固;用混凝土修筑”,作名词时意为“具体物;凝结物”。双语例句Our teaching should be alive, that it. concrete and experiential.我们的教学应该是活的,它是具体的、是体验迟笑性的。Do not knead the pastry at this point or it will be like concrete.别在这个时候捏油酥面团,不然它会变得像混凝土那样硬。Have you any concrete plans about how to deal with these difficulties?对怎样解决这些困难,你有没有什么具体的计划?


你好,很高兴为你回答,concrete的意思是“具体的”concrete英 ["ku0252u014bkriu02d0t] 美 ["kɑu014bkrit] adj. 混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的vi. 凝结vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修筑n. 具体物;凝结物短语Concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌车 ; 混凝土搅拌机 ; 混凝土搅拌车 ; 混凝土混合机concrete number 名数 ; 名数asphalt concrete 沥青混凝土 ; 地沥青混凝土 ; 沥青砼 ; 青混凝土

concrete 怎么读

["ku0252u014bkriu02d0t] 康克瑞特

Concrete Piles

Concrete piles may be divided into two basic categories: ① precast piles and ② cast-in-situ piles. Precast piles can be prepared by using ordinary reinforcement,and they can be square or octagonal in cross section. Reinforcement is provided to enable the pile to resist the bending moment developed during pickup and transportation,the vertical load,and the bending moment caused by lateral load. The piles are cast to desired lengths and cured before being transported to the work sites.Precast piles can also be prestressed by the use of high-strength steel and pre-stressing cables. The ultimate strength of these steel cables is about 1800 MN / m2. During casting of the piles,the cables are pretensioned to about 900 - 1300 MN / m2,and concrete is poured around them. After curing,the cables are cut,thus producing a compressive force on the pile section.Cast-in-situ,or cast-in-place,piles are built by making a hole in the ground and then filling it with concrete. Various types of cast-in-place concrete pile are currently used in construction,and most of them have been patented by their manufacturers. These piles may be divided into two broad categories: ① cased and ② uncased,both types may have a pedestal at the bottom.Cased piles are made by driving a steel casing into the ground with the help of a mandrel placed inside the casing. When the pile reaches the proper depth,the mandrel is withdrawn and the casing is filled with concrete. The pedestal is an expanded concrete bulb that is formed by dropping a hammer on fresh concrete.

Concrete genie怎么调中文

打开游戏,先找到Audio设置选项,然后再找到Audio Language一行,将English调到中文,有“繁体中文”“简体中文”(或者是“simple chinese”),选择自己合适的设置即可。《壁中精灵(Concrete Genie)》是一款由PixelOpus制作发行的角色扮演类游戏,游戏的主人公是一位住在Denska街的经常被人欺负的的少年Ash,而他意外地得到了一只神奇的《魔法画笔》,从此奇妙的冒险由此拉开。

concrete jungle是什么意思

concrete junglen.混凝土丛林(指高楼林立,无树木无公园因而单调沉闷的现代化城市或地区) 水泥丛林;钢筋水泥的丛林;都市丛林例句筛选1.We survived in a concrete jungle.我们都能在水泥林里生存了!2.A: I really hope I can get away from the concrete jungle and live on a farmsomeday.我真希望有一天能远离这个水泥丛林住在农场里。

this contract is very important to our company the more concrete it is the better是什么意思


Concrete Jungle 歌词

歌曲名:Concrete Jungle歌手:Bob Marley & The Wailers专辑:Catch A Fire「Concrete Jungle」作词∶湘南乃风作曲∶湘南乃风歌∶湘南乃风Concrete Jungle Let"s go!!Concrete Jungle Get down!!Concrete Jungle Let"s go!!Concrete Jungle OK!!暴れる Animal が集まる 轮になるクソ Babylon ぶっ壊す…Hook と Verse で吹き飞ばすConcrete Jungle Heat Heart!!Woi…Burn Down Burn Down 吐き出す本能Burn Down Burn Down つまらん常识Burn Dem Now 変わる街并 背景吐いて舍てる程の 苦い最低な利害関系芝居がかった System なら猿の方がマシだってStage に立つ Yellow Monkey が寝首かいてやる歌词で欲望や嘘で固めた Concrete JungleReal な言叶で武装 暴れる猛獣 高ぶる感情Just Like A Elephant 踏みつぶすぜ Jungle俺ら Resistant 中指立て Fuck OffWoi…目まぐるしくチクタク Big Town で四苦八苦いつか掴む一着 翼を広げ飞び立つ度を超す高速 Beat 疾走する韦駄天大空羽ばたく Falco 気高く见下ろす Jungle弱肉强食 マジ折れたら最後暗号トラトラトラ オイソコドケ コラーConcrete Jungle トカレフとか持ったマフィア心に Gun shot4人の中では Like A Tiger槛が无ければ It"s Murder真夜中 眠れぬまた明日は谁が杀されんだWoi…Heat Heart!! 负ける訳ねぇってんだ夜明けがせまってんだ待ってんな 止まってんなHeat Heart!! 胜ち上がれ てっぺんまでHeat Heart!! 吠えだせ ForeverSay… Woi…【 おわり 】



concrete slab-on-grade 什么意思

slab-on-grade:Slab-on-grade or floating slab foundations are a structural engineering practice whereby the concreteslab that is to serve as the foundation for the structure is formed from a mold set into the ground. The concrete is then placed into the mold, leaving no space between the ground and the structure.slab-on -grade也就是一种混凝土基础形式,其他翻译有点扯。


Get Up, Get Up是由Concrete演唱的《Concrete》歌中的歌词。Concrete无疑是90年代意大利和欧洲朋克/硬核场景中最有影响力的乐队之一,独特的声音沮丧到让人沉溺其中。

以crete结尾的单词。如concrete 。我想知道。易碎的。的单词怎么拼?我混乱了。 以c


be concrete 的汉语意思是什么?



concrete 作形容词时其讲法之一有具体 之意,它主要是相对于抽象而言,表示某事物是具体的,其反义词是:abstract.specific 作形容词具体讲时主要表示事物(或者事情)的具体细节,它的同义词是particular,其反义词是general.


crystallize v. 物理学的结晶 变成晶体 抽象事物中意味着变清晰 free from confusion or make it clear etc.concrete adj. v. n. 所有非抽象的物体 通常指名词水泥混凝土 其他用法很少 same as real, touchable, solid etc.tangible adj. 有形状的或者有边界的事物 如有形资产 任何可以描述的物品, 易于具象化的事物。 easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.


concrete 作形容词时其讲法之一有具体 之意,它主要是相对于抽象而言,表示某事物是具体的,其反义词是:abstract. specific 作形容词具体讲时主要表示事物(或者事情)的具体细节,它的同义词是particular,其反义词是general.

cement 和 concrete 都是水泥的意思 可是有什么区别呢?

英语里的解释:cement Alternative forms caement ,A powdered substance produced by firing (calcining) calcium carbonate (limestone) and clay that develops strong cohesive properties when mixed with water. The main ingredient of concrete。这就是concrete,caement水泥的区别



increase the risk和raise the risk有什么区别吗?

这是个固定搭配的问题 increase the risk增加风险 minimize,reduce the risk 使风险最小化;降低风险 avoid the risk 避免风险 是什么词,要记,而不是想当然


《Robinson Crusoe》([英国] 丹尼尔·笛福)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:y51w书名:Robinson Crusoe作者:[英国] 丹尼尔·笛福豆瓣评分:8.1出版社:Lb May & Assoc Inc出版年份:1997-8-5页数:272内容简介:《鲁滨逊漂流记》讲述了17世纪,一名英国水手鲁滨逊·克鲁索不安于中产阶级的那种平庸舒适的生活,多次出海经营。在一次去非洲贩运黑奴的途中海上遇难,飘落荒岛。他以不屈不挠的顽强意志,依靠个人的智慧和辛勤的劳动,谋食建屋,制器养畜,开荒耕种,克服种种困难,最后终于回到文明社会的故事。With an Introduction and Notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury From its first publication in 1719, Robinson Crusoe has been printed in over 700 editions. It has inspired almost every conceivable kind of imitation and variation, and been the subject of plays, opera, cartoons, and computer games. The character of Crusoe has entered the consciousness of each succeeding generation as readers add their own interpretation to the adventures so thrillingly "recorded" by Defoe. Praised by eminent figures such as Coleridge, Rousseau and Wordsworth, this perennially popular book was cited by Karl Marx in Das Kapital to illustrate economic theory. However it is readers of all ages over the last 280 years who have given Robinson Crusoe its abiding position as a classic tale of adventure.作者简介:达尼尔·笛福1660年出生在人伦郭一个商人家庭,父亲经营屠宰业。笛福受过中等教育,信奉不属于英国国教的长老会教派。由于家庭的影响,新教学校的教育,他二十岁时已经成为一个体面的小商人了。他把他的一切希望都建筑在他的商业活动中。他做过烟洒生意,做过内衣制作中间商,也开办过工厂。正处在原始积累阶段的英国资本主义,给他带来了很多的好处,马车、住房和“兴高采烈的生活”。但由于他信奉的是新教,反对英国国教的统冶和压迫,出版调刺政府的小册子,从事政冶活动,1702年被捕入狱。后来,他又被捕过几次,也都是因为他的言论,他办的报纸和刊物,他出版的政冶经济的小册子。因此,他的一生是在不断地入狱和破产中度过的,他始终没能实现他的理想,成为一个大商人,成为一富翁。

求助 SSH:Failed to negotiate encryption algorithm 防火墙提示,是什么意思?



concrete的意思是:混凝土。concrete的英音是/u02c8ku0252u014bkriu02d0t/,美音是/u02c8kɑu02d0u014bkriu02d0t/。第三人称单数: concretes,复数: concretes,现在分词: concreting,过去式: concreted,派生词: concretely。含有concrete的双语例句1、The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material.罗马人首先使用混凝土作建筑材料。2、The concrete wall that used to divide this city has now all but gone.曾经将这座城市分隔开的混凝土墙现在已几乎不复存在。3、Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.最终,水会渗透进周围的混凝土中。4、The prison was made of reinforced concrete.监狱是钢筋混凝土结构的。

bowl shaft of concrete mixer 是混凝土搅拌机的什么部分

你说的应该是强制式搅拌机的 搅拌轴。

英语incremental search怎么翻译?

incremental search这句短语翻译成中文的意思是:增量搜索

increased stickiness是什么意思


诊断的准确性大幅上升。翻译成: The accuracy of diagnosis increases significantly?



sharp Significant


 IncrediBuild是一款分布式编程开发工具,能够加速C/C++ 的编译和创建。特别是在大型C/C++项目中,采用IncrediBuild的多线程处理技术,不必改变项目文件的代码,在编译过程中自动查找局域网中空闲的CPU,并将源文件发到空闲CPU一起编译,加快项目90%的编译速度。  IncrediBuild需要分别在服务端(Coordinator)和客户端(Agent)进行安装。  1、服务端(Coordinator)的安装  运行IncrediBuild安装程序,选择Install IncrediBuild,点击Next下一步,继续下一步,在安装组件选择窗口(Component Selection)钩选IncrediBuild Coordinator。安装组件选择窗口,还可以不选择服务端参与编译,把IncrediBuild Agent前的钩点掉就可以了。  继续下一步,选择安装路径和使用的一些端口号。参与编译的CPU数等。然后IncrediBuild的服务端就安装好了。  2、客户端(Agent)的安装  在其它的电脑上,运行IncrediBuild的安装程序,运行到安装组件选择(Component Selection),只钩选IncrediBuild Agnet并下一步。  选择安装路径,并下一步,填写服务端的IP地址和端口号。  点击下一步,会与服务器进行验证。然后设置一下编译通讯的端口等,然后选择参与编译的CPU数,最后点击安装。  以上服务器与客户端都安装完成。在CoordinatorMonitor中可以看到各成员的状态。  打开VS在菜单栏上多出了一项IncrediBuild的选项。这样就可以在“IncrediBuild”菜单下进行联合编译了。  编译界面如下图:

Glass, Concrete & Stone 歌词

歌曲名:Glass, Concrete & Stone歌手:David Byrne专辑:Grown BackwardsNowI"m wakin" at the crack of dawnto send a little money homefrom here to the moonis risin" like a discothequeand now my bags are down and packed for travelingLookin" at happinesskeepin" my flavor freshnobody knows I guesshow far I"ll go, I knowso I"m leavin" at Six O" Clockmeet in a parkin" lotHarriet Hendershotsunglasses on, she waits by thisGlass and concrete and stoneIt is just a house, not a home.Skin, that covers me from head to toeexcept a couple tiny holes and openingsWhere, the city"s blowin" in and outthis is what it"s all about, delightfullyEverything"s possiblewhen you"re an animalnot inconceivableHow things can change, I knowSo I"m puttin" on aftershavenothin" is out of placegonna be on my wayTry to pretend, it"s not onlyGlass and concrete and stoneThat it"s just, not a home.And its glass and concrete and stoneIt is just a house, not a homeAnd my head is fifty feet highLet my body and soul be my guide

increasing cost firm和increasing cost industry区别?decreasing cost industry会出现negatively slope?

在decreasing-cost industry中,short-run demond curve 和short-run supply curve都会随产量的上升而右移,但是由于是递减的成本,对产量的变动敏感程度,short-run demond curve 会小于short-run supply curve,是会导致均衡点的下移,而long-run demand curve是所有短期均衡点的集合,这也就不难解释为什么long-run supply curve is upward-sloping.同理分析,在constant-cost industry 中,long-run supply curve is horizonting.

increase 和reduce可以和ability搭配吗





POL(x,y)指的是把直角坐标(x,y)转换成对应的极坐标;REC(x,y)作用与之相反。(以上是别处复制来的)。"nPr"是排列,"nCr"是组合,比如5P3=5×4×3=60, 5C3=5×4×3/(3×2)=10

请问enhance , improve, develop, increase ,proceed的区别

enhancevt.提高, 增强v.提高improvev.改善, 改进developvt.发展, 发达, 发扬, 进步, 逐步展开(情节,音乐主题,方程式等)洗印, 显影vi.发展, 生长, 发育, 逐步显示出来increasen.增加, 增大, 增长vt.增加, 加大vi.增加, 繁殖proceedvi.进行, 继续下去, 发生

local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals


provided increased produced developed的意思及用法

provide 及物动词 vt.1.提供[(+for)] On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. 星期天,他的女房东不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。 2.规定 The law provides that valuable ancient buildings should be preserved by the government.法律规定有价值的古代建筑必须由政府来保管。3.装备,供给[(+with)] Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing. 她总算设法使她的孩子有饭吃,有衣穿。 4.预备;准备 Mother provided a good dinner.妈妈准备了一顿美味的饭菜。 5.【法律】考虑;酌量 The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution.个人向上一级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。6.【宗教】任命;指定…为候补牧师 不及物动词 vi.1.抚养,赡养[(+for)] He has a large family to provide for. 他有一大家子人要养活。 2.做准备;预约(for 或 against) 3.规定;订定 The constitution provides for an elected two-chamber legislature.宪法规定设置经选举产生的两院制立法机构。increase 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.增加, 增大, 增多 Her family increased.她家的人口增加了。The population of this city has greatly increased.本市人口已大大增加。Their difficulties are increasing.他们的困难越来越多。The factors for war were visibly increasing.这时战争因素有明显增长。The rain increased.雨下大了。The darkness increases the further we advance into the forest.我们越朝森林里走, 周围就越来越暗。We should increase production and practise strict economy.我们应当增加生产, 厉行节约。We had better increase the amount.我们最好把数量再增加一些。The purpose of criticism is to increase the Party"s fighting capacity.批评的目的是为了增强党的战斗力。His words only increased the anger of the workers.他的话只是使工人更加气愤。It has increased the contradictions between the two superpowers.这加剧了两个超级大国之间的矛盾。Travel increased one"s knowledge of the world.旅游使人增进对世界的了解。名词 n. 其他读音:[u02c8inkri:s] 1.增加, 增大, 增多 Increase in population made emigration necessary.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。The tobacco merchants rose up in arms over the increase in taxes.烟草商人对提高税率非常恼火。2.增强;增进 3.增加量;增长额 4.【缝纫】放针 及物动词 vt.1.增强;增进 2.【缝纫】放(针) 不及物动词 vi.1.增强;增进 2.增殖,繁殖 3.【缝纫】放针produce 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.生产, 产生, 出产 That is an oil well that no longer produces.那是一口不再出油的井。However, this failed to produce the desired effect.但是这并没有产生预期的效果。2.制作, 创作 This famous author has produced little in the last few years.这位著名的作家近几年来作品甚少。He produced three short plays between May and July.他从五月到七月创作了三部短剧。及物动词 vt.1.出示, 提供 He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so.当验票时, 他出示了火车票。The girl is an authentic girl.I"ll produce her for you if you want.这个女孩很可靠, 如果你要见她, 我会带她来给你看看。2.引起; 导致 Hard work produces success.努力工作就会成功。Jimmy"s jokes produced a great deal of laughter.吉米的笑话逗得人们哈哈大笑。3.出版; 上演 The troupe produced a new play last night.剧团昨晚上演了一部新剧。4.制造,制作;创作 5.演出;放映;(电影)制片 6.生育,生(幼崽) Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.母羊一次生一至两头羊羔。 7.【经济学】生利,产生利益 Money at interest produces an income.有利息的钱带来一笔收入。8.【几何学】使线(或面)延长(或扩展) 名词 n.1.产品, 农产品 This is all locally grown produce.这都是本地农产品。The company markets its new produce.该公司出售它的新产品。2.产量;出产 3.结果;成果 4.产额,产量 5. (通常指雌性动物的)后代 develope发展,揭露

the number of doctors in our country has greatly increased since liberation.这里为什么用has

the number of+名词复数,但动词用第三人称单数.表示“……的数量"


  increase有增加;增强;提高等意思,那么你知道increase的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的increase的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!   increase的用法   increase的用法1:increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。   increase的用法2:increase可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   increase的用法3:increase后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量; 后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加; 后接介词to时表示“增加到u2026”; 后接介词with时表示“随u2026增长”。   increase的用法4:increase的过去分词increased和现在分词increasing都可用作形容词,在句中作定语。   increase的用法5:increase用作名词的读音为 ["inkriu02d0s] ,意思是“增加,增大,增多”,可指抽象的“增加”,也可具体地指钱的增加额、冷热的增加程度或人口、工作等的增加量或事态达到某种程度等。   increase的用法6:increase既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。   increase的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   increase at( v.+prep. )   increase by( v.+prep. )   increase from( v.+prep. )   increase in( v.+prep. )   increase to( v.+prep. )   increase with( v.+prep. )   用作名词 (n.)   on the increase   increase的词汇辨析   enlarge,amplify,expand,increase,magnify,multiply,augment   这些动词均有“增加,增大”或“扩大”之意。   enlarge 主要指面积或体积等的扩大。   amplify 在科技中常指声音的扩大或电磁波的增强。也指补充了细节、详述或扩大内容等。此词系正式用语。   expand 指范围、程度、体积和尺寸等方面的扩大或增加。   increase 指数量、强度和大小等方面的扩大或增加。   magnify 可指用光学仪器使物体看上去显得变大;也指事实上把某物增大,有时用于夸张意味。   multiply 通常指自然繁殖而产生的增长,有时也指同类事物数量的成倍增加。   augment 较正式用词,一般指在原有的基础上增加含量而扩大。   increase的用法例句   1. Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes.   把布浸在染料里20分钟.   2. I immerse my clothes in the water.   我把衣服浸在水里.   3. Don"t immerse yourself in the infliction too long.   不要长时间沉浸在痛苦经历中。   4. Immerse the plant ( in water ) for a few minutes.   把那棵植物 ( 在水里 ) 浸泡几分钟.   5. Immerse the cloth in the boiling dye!   把布浸到沸腾的染料中去!   6. The simplest procedure is to immerse the stoppered bottle to the required depth.   最简单的 方法 是将带塞的瓶子浸没在需要的深度.   7. Caution: - to Prevent electric shock Do Not Immerse in Water.   注意: 不可浸没在水中,以防电击.   8. Does not want to let oneself immerse in the sad atmosphere.   不想让自己沉浸在难过的氛围中.   9. Or immerse with 10 % glacial acetic acid brothers, wipe next.   或用10%冰醋酸浸泡手足, 然后擦干.   10. Condensing this dense material will take immerse expense and intense work.   压缩这一密度大的物质将花费巨大的开支及紧张的工作.   11. Treat the children as equals, and immerse our hearts into their world.   平等交流, 用心了解孩子世界.   12. Do not immerse in water and do not use to vacuum water.   不要浸入水中,也不要用于吸取液体.   13. Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.   把你的脚泡在冰水里以便消肿.   14. Immerse the whole hardware in the solution and soak for 10 - 15 minutes.   将餐具器皿完全浸入溶液内约10-15分钟.   15. The translator has to immerse himself in the world of the poet.   译者必须完全投入诗人的世界. 猜你喜欢: 1. increase的同义词 2. increase的近义词辨析 3. increase的第三人称单数 4. advantage的用法和短语例句 5. accompany的用法和短语例句





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