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每年,都有很多人想报考全国计算机等级考试(NCRE),那么,NCRE的报名条件是什么呢?NCRE不设年龄、职业、学历等限制,考生可凭有效身份证件报名并参加考试,有效身份证件指居民身份证(含临时身份证)、港澳居民来往内地通行证、台湾居民来往大陆通行证、港澳台居民居住证、护照。考生 考试只能在一个考点报名。考生可根据自己的学习情况和实际能力直接报考一级、二级、三级任意级别和科目,报考四级科目需先通过三级对应科目考试(见中国教育考试网)。如果考生在没有通过三级相应科目考试的情况下报名并通过了四级科目考试,通过的四级科目成绩可以保留半年,考生在相邻的下一次参加并通过相应的三级科目考试后,可同时获得三级和四级证书,否则四级成绩作废。建议考生通过相应三级科目考试后再报考对应四级科目。


  计算机二级考试是全国计算机等级考试(National Computer Rank Examination,简称NCRE)四个等级中的一个等级,考核计算机基础知识和使用一种高级计算机语言编写程序以及上机调试的基本技能。  全国计算机等级考试(National Computer Rank Examination,以下简称 NCRE),是经原国家教育委员会(现教育部)批准,由教育部考试中心主办,面向社会,用于考查非计算机专业应试人员计算机应用知识与技能的全国性计算机水平考试体系。  






ncre是全国计算机等级考试的简称,ncre是经原国家教育委员会(现教育部)批准,由教育部考试中心主办,面向社会,用于考查应试人员计算机应用知识与技能的全国性计算机水平考试体系。 ncre有什么用处 满足学习需求 学习过程中经常需要处理一些数据,做一些文档我,图片处理,PPT演示文件,如论文排版、撰写活动方案等,掌握好计算机办公技能,可以提高效率,一句话:掌握office高级办公技能,可以快速提高学习效率和学习质量,这也是很多人选报ncre的原因。 满足专业需求 很多学校除了开设最基本的大学计算机基础之外,还开设了专门的课程,如经管类专业,学校一般有ACCESS数据库程序设计的选修课,机电物电光电土建类的工科专业,学校一般都要专门上VB、C语言、C++等编程科目。 总之,无论你是哪个专业的学生,掌握一定的计算机技能,都能提高学习效率,促进你的专业学习,因此有许多学生都会通过参加ncre考试来让自己变得更优秀。 ncre如何复习 ncre考试的理论部分需要看书做题,对于有基础的同学来说书不必花费太多时间在这个部分上,大致地浏览一下内容即可,着重模拟题的练习才是重点。 而基础较差的同学付出的时间就相对于要多一点了,首先要把ncre教材过一遍,然后把最基本的知识都了解清楚再去做题,如果遇到不懂的一定要去查,直到你弄懂为止。 ncre考试注意事项 在系统故障、死机、死循环、供电故障等特殊情况时,考生举手由监考人员判断原因。 在ncre考试当天考生须持本人准考证和有效身份证原件按准考证上指定的时间和地点参考,在规定时间内不打印本人准考证而影响参加考试的责任由考生自负。 按照提示打印ncre准考证(使用A4纸打印,保证字迹、照片清晰),并认真阅读准考证上的考试时间、地点及注意事项。


全国计算机等级考试(National Computer Rank Examination,以下简称NCRE),是经原国家教育委员会(现教育部)批准,由教育部教育考试院主办,面向社会,用于考查应试人员计算机应用知识与技能的全国性计算机水平考试体系。考试性质:NCRE不以评价教学为目的,考核内容不是按照学校要求设定,而是根据社会不同部门应用计算机的不同程度和需要、国内计算机技术的发展情况以及中国计算机教育、教学和普及的现状而确定的;它以应用能力为主,划分等级,分别考核,为人员择业、人才流动提供其计算机应用知识与能力水平的证明。NCRE考试实行百分制计分,但以等第通知考生成绩。等第共分优秀、良好、及格、不及格四等。90-100分为优秀、80-89分为良好、60-79分为及格、0-59分为不及格。其它事项:1、NCRE报名一般不安排专门的补报。考生如果错过网上或报名点的报名时间,可以直接咨询当地考试院或自考办报名。2、同次考试,考生最多可报三个科目,但不允许重复报考同一个科目。禁止考生同时在多个省级承办机构报名。3、考生可以不参加考前培训,直接报名参加考试。




Quantity Value Unit Thermal expansion Thermal conductivity Specific heat Melting temperature Density Resistivity 10 - 10 25 - 25 460 - 460 1450 - 1510 7700 - 7700 0.55 - 0.55 e-6/K W/m.K J/kg.K °C kg/m3 Ohm.mm2/m 密度:7.7


100MnCrW4圆形,扁平,板材和块状材料的股东和供应商。该等级是在退火状态下供应的油硬化型。它具有良好的耐用性,具有出色的耐磨性,并具有良好的切削刃。100MnCrW4应用作为油硬化等级,它适用于模具,冲压工具,冲头,拉刀,衬套,车床*和卡盘爪等应用。100MnCrW4成份分析碳 0.90-1.05% 铬 0.50-0.70%锰 1.00-1.20% 钒 0.05-0.15%硅 0.15-0.35% 镍 ≤0.30%钨 0.50-0.70% 磷 ≤0.035%硫 ≤0.035%锻造加热缓慢,锻造温度为980-1000℃。不要在800℃以下锻造。锻造后慢慢冷却。退火由于该等级是在退火和可加工的条件下供应的,因此只有在锻造或硬化钢时才需要重新退火。要退火,将钢缓慢加热至740-760℃,充分浸泡并在炉中冷却至500℃或更低。退火硬度约为229布氏硬度。去应力退火当钢经过大量加工时,在硬化之前应力消除将是有益的。小心地将组件加热至670-700℃,充分浸泡并使其冷却。硬化理想情况下,预热至300-500℃,然后升温至780-820℃的硬化温度。对于复杂的部分,预加热是理想的。彻底浸泡并在淬火前每25mm的截面允许30分钟。应在硬化温度范围的下端用油淬火。硬化后需要回火。回火回火温度在100°-350℃之间。在所选温度下浸泡良好,每25mm总厚度浸泡至少一小时。温度[℃] 100 150 200 250 300 350硬度[HRc] 64-63 63-62 62-61 60-59 58-57 56-55质量保证供应100MnCrW4钢是根据我们的ISO 9001:2008注册提供的。


不断增长的; 不断增长的;

moncross switzerland是什么牌子

抱歉,无法回答moncross switzerland是什么牌子。建议您查询官方资料以获取准确信息。

关于CCS中“incremetal build”和“Rebuild all”的区别?

1、incremetal build只编译改变的文件,第一次打开工程编译程序时和Rebuild all相同,因为第一次编译都要全部编译文件才能生成.out文件2、Rebuild all编译工程下的所有文件

The Concretes的《Chosen One》 歌词

歌曲名:Chosen One歌手:The Concretes专辑:The Concretes In ColourHannah Lockard - ChosenRedeeming SaviorHis blood paid the priceHe conquered our sinBy His sacrificeOffered salvationTo all who believeYou have been chosenTo follow ChristTo follow ChristHe says, "I will be faithfulI will be trueI will never leave youI will never forsake youOn the mountain highOr in the valley lowCling to the crossYou are chosen"Called out of darknessAnd into the lightYou have been chosenTo follow ChristThe road isn"t easyIt costs you your lifeWill you forsake it allTo follow Christ?To follow ChristHe says,"I will be faithfulI will be trueI will never leave youI will never forsake youOn the mountain highOr in the valley lowCling to the crossYou are chosen"I will follow ChristI will cling to the crossI"ll forsake everythingI will count it all as lossI"ve been purchased by His bloodHe bought my libertyChains have been brokenI have been set free!I have been set free!He says, "I will be faithfulI will be trueI will never leave youI will never forsake youOn the mountain highOr in the valley lowCling to the crossYou are chosen"

idiosyncratic volatility 解释!

特质波动率(Idiosyncratic Volatility)没找到具体解释恩,参考~

idiosyncratic risk是什么意思

idiosyncratic risk风险;非系统风险;特质风险;独特风险Further, transaction costs, short - sale constraints and information uncertainty cannot account for the role of idiosyncratic risk.x09而且, 交易成本, 卖空限制和信息不对称不能解释特质风险的作用.


1.LncRNA简要LncRNA是一类转录本长度超过200nt的RNA,它们本身并不编码蛋白,而是以RNA的形式在多种层面上(表观遗传调控、转录调控以及转录后调控等)调控基因的表达水平。生物体内含量相相当丰富,约占RNA的4-9%(mRNA约占1-2%)。LncRNA的组织特异性及特定的细胞定位,显示lncRNA受到高度严谨的调控,目前已知其与发育、干细胞维持、癌症及一些疾病相关。虽然近年来随着基因芯片及第二代高通量测序技术的广泛运用,lncRNA不断被发现,但此类转录本的确切功能还未知。目前市场上的lncRNA芯片通常将lncRNA与mRNA设计在一起,RNASeq数据中也包含lncRNA, mRNA序列,因此可以通过分析lncRNA与mRNA表达相关性对lncRNA进行功能注释。 2.分析流程图3. 分析内容①计算LncRNA与mRNA表达相关性,根据设定的域值筛选lncRNA与mRNA关系对,构建LncRNA与mRNA共表达网络,如下是全局网络②基于lncRNA与mRNA表达相关性以及lncRNA与mRNA基因组位置近邻关系,得到lncRNA的潜在靶标基因,对差异表达的lncRNA靶标基因进行功能注释以及功能富集分析,如下是功能富集的GO的Barplot图和差异lncRNA的Heatmap图③研究lncRNA与mRNA的共表达网络的拓扑学特性,基于度筛选网络拓扑上重要的lncRNA,这些lncRNA极有可能是与研究背景相关的lncRNA,如下是重要lncRNA与mRNA的局部共表达子网络④客户提供研究背景相关一组基因,根据表达相关性可以找出与这组基因相关的lncRNA,从而构建出感兴趣的共表达网络。通过构建的共表达网络能进一步找到感兴趣的 hub lncRNA。lncRNA深度挖掘分析一、差异lncRNA靶基因预测lncRNA的靶基因较为复杂,主要分为正式和反式两种作用机制.lncRNA作用机制与miRNA类似,均可以通过调控相应的mRNA来行使功能,所以靶基因的预测在科学研究中都显得非常必要。二、靶基因Gene Ontology分析我们将靶基因向gene ontology数据库的各节点映射,计算每个节点的基因数目.三、靶基因Pathway分析信号通路分析需要完备的注释信息支持,通过整合KEGG、Biocarta、Reactome等多个数据库的信息可以精确检验来进行Pathway的显著性分析。四、lncRNA与调控基因的表达机制通过整合lncRNA的信息和靶基因之间的关系,我们可以得到一个lncRNA与靶基因之间的调控网络图.五、 转录因子结合位点预测对于差异表达lncRNA,提取转录起始位点上下游序列,使用预测程序对其转录因子结合位点进行预测.六、基因关联分析现在市面上的lncRNA芯片均含有mRNA的表达探针,通过将lncRNA的靶基因分析结果与芯片上mRNA的表达结果做关联分析,可以更进一步的分析lncRNA的功能。七、信号通路调控网络构建:实验中基因同时参与了很多Pathway,通过构建信号通路调控网络,从宏观层面看到Pathway之间的信号传递关系,在多个显著性Pathway中发现受实验影响的核心Pathway,以及实验影响的信号通路之间的调控机理。八、lncRNA的功能分析根据lncRNA最新的功能数据库,利用生物信息学工具,做出Function-Tar-Net图表,从而得出lncRNA与功能的关系

请高手受累指导下IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE 这个宏的语法结构,看不懂这段代码,书上宏定义也没有这格式

和DECLEAR_DYNCREATE 一起拿个文本文件把宏复制进去,然后用查找替换功能 全部展开 最后把这些代码 复制回 原来的.h 和.cpp里编译通过(编译通过代表展开是正确的) 再理解下结构就清楚了一个是声明 一个是 定义CreateObject 是用来创建对象的函数IMPLEMENT_RUNTIMECLASS 这个应该是个创建对象的列表里面是个RuntimeClass的类的对象,RuntimeClass MSDN上没有说明的需要自己看下代码理解,对象后面有注释的。很久没去用MFC了,宏的名字 和 类的名字可能有点记错 差不多这个样子。宏里面 代表换行 ## 代表连接 #代表转换为字符串比如a##b = ab#a = "a"MFC就是用这样的方式来创建对象的,而制作的时候看起来是在类里增加函数所以初学的人会弄不清方向 把 类和对象的概念弄混



Not only______ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.

答案是BNot only do they want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.他们不仅想要涨薪水,他们也想减少工作时间。1、not only…but also…的用法用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅……而且……”;其中的also有时可以省略。如:She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。He not only writes his own plays, he also acts in them. 他不仅是自编剧本, 还饰演其中的角色。Not only men but also women were chosen. 不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。He works not only on weekdays but on Sundays as well. 他不仅平时工作,星期日也工作。Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film. 不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。说明:若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。如:Not only you but also he has to leave. 不只是你,他也得离开。若连接两个句子,not only后面的句子要用倒装,如:Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 他不仅说得更正确,而且讲得更不费劲了。


"uncrowded" 可以划分为两个音节:un-crowded。"uncrowded" 的发音为 [ʌnˈkraʊdɪd]。其中,"un" 发音为 [ʌn],"crowded" 发音为 [ˈkraʊdɪd]。单词 "uncrowded" 的意思是 "人不多的,空旷的"。它通常用来描述一个地方或场所中没有太多人,或者拥有足够的空间和个人空间。例如:I prefer to go to uncrowded places to avoid the noise and chaos of city life.(我喜欢去人不多的地方,以避免城市生活的噪音和混乱。)




1、用Maya打开场景,然后导出fbx文件。2、打开polygon cruncher减面工具。3、点击optimze afile...打开一个fbx文件。4、点击compute optimzation开始计算模型信息。5、修改模型面和点数数值,即可进行减面,不要少得太多,要保留其结构。6、然后参数修改好后点击file---save as另存文件就完成了。



go up和 increase有区别么?

物价上涨是go up,固定; 1,increase,增加,上升可以用于完成时1) The population has increased from 2 million 10 years ago to 1.8 million now..2,Raise,饲养,举起来2) /She raised a lot of pigs.3,Rise,上升 ,3)/The sun rises is from the east.4,Ris,go up, 上升4)The price of cigarettes is going up.都有‘上升"的意思,increase,可以用于完成时和被动语态 ,Raise,只能用于手举起来。 Rise ,多用语日出。go up,可以用于物价上涨,不能 用于完成时和被动语态

go up,rise,increase,raise的区别

基本意思都是相同的,不同的是increase可以用作及物动词也可以用作不及物动词。而go up和rise都是不及物动词,既 sth goes up或sth rises;而raise是及物动词,正确的用法是someone raises sth。

go up和 increase有区别么?


Incredible Love 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible Love歌手:Ingrid Michaelson专辑:EverybodyIngrid Michaelson - Incredible LoveI never thought I"d fall so far downThis incredibly long dark holeSomething so sweet as the soundOf your feet on the floorWould give me more room to breatheI"ll say goodbye again tonightThe third time"s the charmer they sayYour words are inked on my skinThe marks of incredible loveIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible loveEverything says it"s time to goBut the smell of your skin makes me stayYou are not mine to ask things ofBut I ask you anywayBut I ask you anywayIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible love x2You take it away but then you give it right backJust take it away, don"t give it backDon"t give it back...Incredible love, incredible love, incredible loveIncredible love, incredible love, incredible loveIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible loveIncredible love,Incredible love,Incredible love

改错:Tom found that incredible to adapt to the climate so soon where he would settle down.




纠结中……关于HTC incredible 和desire ……


this is incredible 和it is incredable 有什么不同,可不可以说 this is increable 或者it is incredible


Incredible Hulk是什么意思

Incredible Hulk 绿巨人;不可思议的绿巨人;绿巨人浩克例句筛选1.That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk.那让我意识到,我并不是绿巨人。2.Bruce Banner absorbed radiation in a bomb explosion and became The IncredibleHulk .布鲁斯班纳在吸收了炸弹爆炸中的辐射后,就变成了神奇绿巨人。

英文造句、简单、快、好评!! ps:一个单词一句 1.incredible 2.nominate

It was an incredible experience.这真是一个让人难以置信的经历。Opposition groups could nominate just 35 of the 300 participants.在300个参加者中反对党仅仅可以提名35个人。The euro is a better candidate.欧元是一个更好的候选人。Sci-fi thriller inception picked up the cinematography award.科幻惊悚片《盗梦空间》获得了最佳摄影奖。Tell your children about the women you admire most.告诉你的孩子你最欣赏的的一位女性。In short , they need to be talented politicians.简言之,他们必须是天才的政客。

英语it was an incredible怎么翻译?

It was an incredible.真是难以置信。

incredible 前定冠词用a还是安



是incredibly哦~~~I think your outfit is so incredible!I think your outfit is incrediblely fashionable!

the incredible是什么电影?

是《无敌浩克》《无敌浩克》(The Incredible Hulk)是一部于2008年上映的美国电影,根据漫威漫画旗下角色绿巨人的故事改编,漫威影业与环球影业联合制作。由路易斯·莱特里尔执导,扎克·佩恩编剧。爱德华·诺顿、丽芙·泰勒、蒂姆·罗斯、威廉·赫特等人主演。影片评价爱德华·诺顿版本的《无敌浩克》有激情、有动作、有场面,故事虽然曲折但是俗套至极,除了又奉献了一部大部分是科幻的电影,没有更多的营养,浩克的天涯逃亡只是为了自由和活命,并没有深思过度科技与人类变态前程的终极问题,而有俄罗斯血统的英国莽汉更是势如破竹的走向自我毁灭,两大陀肉在纽约街头横战,与暴力美学只有几毛钱的关系。




incredible 不可思议的prefect 完美的excellent 优秀的 卓越的awesome 可怕的 极好的 令人敬畏的




Prediction的动词形式为predictpredict [pr??d?kt] 预言,预测; 预示,预告 例句:Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes. 天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。I predict it will run and run. 我估计这会一直延续下去。




incredible 难以置信的,音同"音快地包_ncredible记忆方法: 1/词根助记 解析 in 表否定 + cred 相信 + ible 构成形容词,表能...的 -> 不能够信任的 -> incredible 难以置信的 2/联想 credible adj


耀眼夺目竟如此美丽让我浑身颤抖仿若梦中眼神一瞬都不愿抽离你身So can I come see you tonight身体随风起舞吧如同疯了般魔法开始奏效让人承受不起I see you dance in the lightSomething INCREDIBLE Something so magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomething INCREDIBLE奇迹的Melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me You got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLEYou"re original你真的很诱人You put your swag on你真的很有魅力让我无法摆脱的你是Trend setterI wanna come see you tonight跳入太阳中燃烧自己如同要爆发了般魔法开始奏效让人承受不起I see you dance in the lightSomething INCREDIBLE Something so Magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomething INCREDIBLE奇迹的melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me You got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLEYou"re so hypnotic girl Alpha-robotic girlBaby you"re futuristic Shine in your vega worldEverybody knows That this club is yoursShake your spaceship candy You"re so incredibleYou got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethinSomething INCREDIBLE Something so magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomethingINCREDIBLE奇迹的Melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLE

Clique Girlz的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Clique Girlz专辑:IncredibleClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)




incredible 英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l] adj. 难以置信的; 不可思议的; 惊人的; 未必可能的; [例句]The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain.这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。[其他] 比较级:more incredible 最高级:most incredible 形近词: incredibly 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科


incredible [in"kredu0259bl]adj.1.不能相信的;不可相信的2.[口语]难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;未必可能的unbelievable [,u028cnbi"li:vu0259bl]adj.1.令人难以置信的;不可相信的




incredible的意思是:译为难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的,未必可能的。incredible,是一个英文单词,adj.难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;未必可能的。最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible。短语1、The Incredible Hulk.无敌浩克;绿巨人;神奇绿巨人;不可思议的浩克。2、You"re Incredible.你几乎难以相信;你几乎难以置信;你的确难以置信。3、That"s Incredible.简直难以置信;不可思议;几乎难以相信;几乎难以放疑。例句1、The wild flowers will be incredible after this rain.这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。2、It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.在战时人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。




incredible简直不可思议双语对照词典结果:incredible[英][u026anu02c8kredu0259bl][美][u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l]adj.不可思议的; 惊人的; 难以置信的; 未必可能的; 最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I think that he is an incredible role model. 我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模。


incredible[英][u026anu02c8kredu0259bl][美][u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l]adj.不可思议的; 惊人的; 难以置信的; 未必可能的; 最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I think that he is an incredible role model. 我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

别人说incredible 怎么回答

incrediable意思是不可思议的,例如,It"s incrediable!(太不可思议了!)


f you say that something is incredible, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising, and you cannot believe it is really true, although it may be. 难以置信的例:It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.在战争期间人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 inconceivable /u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8siu02d0vu0259bu0259l/ TEM81. ADJ If you describe something as inconceivable, you think it is very unlikely to happen or be true. 不可思议的例:It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.托比竟会是袭击我的人,这对我来说简直是匪夷所思。




根据credible的中文意思可信的;可靠的 它的名词形式是credit意思为赊购(制度),可以这么记 一个人他是可信的,可靠的,商家才会让他赊账买东西。

incredible &incredulous的区别?

incredible impossible to believeincredulous unwilling to believe personally

Incredible (Extended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible (Extended Album Version)歌手:The Shapeshifters专辑:IncredibleMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)


unbelievable [0505nbi04li:v05bl]adj. 不可相信的; 站不住脚的 incredible [in04kred05bl]adj. 1 不能相信的, 不可信的 2 〈非正〉难以置信的, 不可思议的, 惊人的 前者更正式一点,就是不相信,后者侧重难以置信,侧重程度的惊人




incredible英音:[in"kredu0259bl]美音:[u026an"kru025bdu0259b!] 音。二步两拼法——介母、韵母各自独立,先两拼读在音节后位产生两合声,然后和声母再两拼读在音节中位产生新的两合声,如:q-i-ou。韵母iu ie ui in un vn ing都是这样形成的。中国汉语音韵学中,一个汉字读音,包括音节和声调两部分;声母、韵母是构成音节的两种基本音素,一个音节有声母必定有韵母,但有韵母可以无声母。汉语拼音方案中,一个汉字一次就只能用一个音节表示,没有同时需要用多个音节表示的,汉字是单音节文字。但一个音节通常都要对应好多个不同的汉字。音节常用的拼读方法:两拼法——声母韵母各自独立,两拼读在音节中位产生两合声。如:h-ào→(浩)。三拼法——声母、介母、韵母各自独立,三拼读在音节中位产生三合声。如:q-i-áng→qiáng(强)g-u-āng→guāng(光)。两拼音节;第二种:三拼音节;第三种:整体认读音节;第四种:自成音节。

Lloyd的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Lloyd专辑:Street LoveMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)


终于得到了,不容易啊Incrediblewritten by P. Williams, Madonna 不可思议 Just one of those things When everything goes incredible And all is beautiful Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it And all of those things that used to get you down Now have no effect at all "Cause life is beautiful Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it 哪怕只是一件小事情 一切都是不可思议的美妙 我怎么都想不通 我需要细细参透 那些曾经发生在你身上的事 现在已经起不了作用 因为人生是如此美好 我怎么都想不通 我需要细细参透 Remembering the very first time You caught that someone special"s eye And all of your care dropped And all of the world just stopped I hope 还记得第一次 你紧捉住了某个人的目光 于是所有顾忌都抛开 于是整个世界都停止 我希望 I want to go back to then Gotta figure out how, gotta remember when I felt it It thrilled me I want it to fill me 我好想要回到那时候 我得思考 如何留住那时光 当时心动的感觉 我要把它留住 (chorus) You don"t know what you got til it"s gone And everything in life just goes on Feels like nobody"s listening But something is missing I hope 你失去了以后才了解曾经拥有 而人生依旧继续在走 感觉像没人倾听 但那美好已经流逝 我希望 I want to go back to then Gotta figure out how, gotta remember when I felt it It thrilled me I want it to fill me 我好想要回到那时候 我得思考 如何留住那时光 当时心动的感觉 我要把它留住 (chorus) I remember when You were the one, you were my friend You gave me life, you were the sun You taught me things, I didn"t run I fell to my knees, I didn"t know why I started to breathe, I wanted to cry I need a reminder so I can relate I need to go back there before it"s too late 还记得当时 你是我唯一 唯一的挚友 你让我重生 你是我的太阳 你教了我许多 我未曾逃逸 我卑躬屈膝 我不知道为什麽 我开始呼吸 我潸然泪下 我需要美好的回忆 让我继续 我需要回到那段时光 在太迟之前 It"s time to get your hands up It"s time to get your body moving (repeat 3 times) 是时后了 高举你的手 是时后了 舞动你的身体 (chorus) Incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party 不可思议 让我们携手划下完美句点 不可思议 欢迎你的来到我的派对 I don"t want this to end I am missing my best friend It was incredible There is no reason 我不想要结束 我想念我的最好的朋友 真是不可思议 没有理由假装 Sex with you is incredible [hey girl] Let"s finish what we started [Let"s finish what we started girl] Incredible [hey girl] You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] 嘿,女孩 性与你都不可思议 让我们携手划下完美句点 嘿,女孩 不可思议 欢迎你的来到我的派对 Don"t want this thing to end I am missing my best friend Yes it was incredible There"s no reason to pretend 我不想要结束 我想念我的最好的朋友 真是不可思议 没有理由假装 Incredible [It"s time to get your hands up] [It"s time to get your body moving] [It"s time to get your hands up] [It"s time to get your body moving] [It"s time to get your hands up] It"s incredible, unbelievable It"s incredible, unachievable It"s incredible, metaphysical It"s incredible Sex with you is incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] Incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] Incredible Let"s finish what we started。


Prediction的动词形式为predictpredict 预言,预测; 预示,预告例句:Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。I predict it will run and run.我估计这会一直延续下去。


incredible的副词形式是incredibly。incredible 英 [u026an"kredu0259bl]   美 [u026an"kredu0259bl]    adj. 难以置信的;惊人的That"s the most incredible coincidence I"ve ever heard of!那是我听说过的最难以置信的巧合!近义词improbable  英 [u026am"pru0252bu0259bl]   美 [u026am"prɑu02d0bu0259bl]    adj. 不大可能的;不像会发生的;似不可信的Improbable as it seems, it"s true.这虽然看起来不可能,但却是真的。


incredible [inu02c8kredu0259bu0259l]形容词adj.不可信的;不可思议的,惊人的


incredible的读法是英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl],美[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl]。一、释义incredible是一个英语单词,作形容词时,意思是不能相信的,难以置信的,极好的,极大的。二、短语搭配1、incredible discovery:了不起的发现。2、incredible prices:极好的价格。3、incredible experience:绝妙的(或不可思议的、惊人的)经历。四、例句1、In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。2、What first attracted me to her was her incredible experience of life.她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。3、You"re always an incredible help on these cases.在这些事情上你一直是个难得的好帮手。4、It seemed incredible that she had been there a week already.真让人难以置信,她已经在那里待了一个星期了。


incredible 英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l] adj. 难以置信的; 不可思议的; 惊人的; 未必可能的; [例句]The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。[其他] 比较级:more incredible 最高级:most incredible

接口是否可继承接口? 抽象类是否可实现(implements)接口? 抽象类是否可继承实体类(concrete class)?



这两个词的词义并不相同,用法亦有异。 Concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to)。请看下面的例句: This agreement will be signed by the parties concemed. 此协议将由各有关方面签署。 They called on all departments concemed to take prompt steps to promote the development of light industry. 他们要求各有关部门迅速采取措施,促进轻工业发展。 由例句可见,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。但在verb“to be”之后而同样解作“关于”时,则要用be concerned with的形式,如: This book is concerned with English usage. 此书是与英语惯用法有关。 值得注意的是,concerned(亦可表示动词之意)也可解作“关心”、“担心”解,与之搭配的介词为at、about或,用作此意时,concerned也是形容词。例: He was deeply concerned at the news. 听到这个消息时,他深为担忧。 We are all concerned about the pollution of the environment here. 对这里的环境爱到污染,我们都感到不安。 Parents are naturally conerned for their children"s safety. 父母自然关心他们儿女的安全。 下面是concerning的例句: This is a proposal concerning the construction of the new airport. 这是关于兴建新机场的一项建议。 Yesterday we wrote him a letter concerning the business arrangement. 昨天我们就业务安排问题写了一封信给他。 在个别场合下,concerned with可以和concerning互换使用,原因是从句which are concerned with中的which are 省略了。例如: We had several disputes concerning/(which are)concerned with this matter. 关于此事,我们曾争论过数次。 请注意,下列语句的区别: They were concerned(worried)about the matter. 他们为此事而担忧。 They were concerned(implicated)in the matter. 他们参与此事。 They were concemed (connected)with the matter. 他们与此事有关。 此外,作为特定词组,as far as I am concerned解作in my opinion;as far as sth is concerned解作concerning sth/ talking about sth.例: As far as I"m concerned,this plan is impractical. 依我来看,这个计划不切实际。 As far as funding is concerned,some banks have agreed to provide loans. 关于资金方面,一些银行同意提供贷款。

strengthen ,increase ,add to的用法


oracle 有sqlnet.encryption 这个参数吗?该怎么配置

oracle网络设置主要包括三个文件,sqlnet.ora lisnter.ora tnsnames.ora1、通过netmgr 可以配置 lisnter.ora 和 tnsnames.ora2、lisnter.ora 为oracle服务器使用的监听器配置文件,监听器可以通过 lsnrctl 进行管理3、tnsnames.ora 为客户端配置文件,为连接服务器的参数信息4、sqlnet.ora 为服务端sql*net 网络配置文件,主要参数如下:1.设置日志参数#设置客户端和服务器端的log文件的目录LOG_DIRECTORY_CLIENTLOG_DIRECTORY_SERVER#设置客户端和服务器端的log文件的名称LOG_FILE_CLIENTLOG_FILE_SERVER2.设置默认的domain,会在连接中自动追加domainNAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN如设置NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN=us.acme.com使用conn scott/tiger@test连接数据库时会自动追加domain,变成conn scott/,而直接使用conn scott/连接数据库则不会追加//可以通过 show parameter domain 查看, 一般将该参数注释掉;如果设置了该参数//通过netmgr设置本地服务名时系统会在本地服务名后面自动追加该参数//sql*plus 访问时如果该参数存在,则会在服务名追加该参数,然后利用追加后的服务名,在tns中查找//造成 tnsping 可以 但是使用 sqlplus 不可以的现象3.设置客户端的命名方法和优先级(最常用的参数),可选值有tnsnames,onames,hostname,ldap等NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH例如:names.directory_path = (tnsnames,onames,hostname)// 服务端的解析路径 1.tnsname; 2.oname; 3.hostname4.设置允许连入数据库的客户端版本,可选值10,9,8,7SQLNET_ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSIONS5.设置使用何种验证方式,可选值none(使用用户名/密码的方式连接数据库)all(使用所有方式的验证,包括OS验证)nts(OS验证方式,连入OS后可以不用密码连接数据库)SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES6.设置客户端和服务器是否使用加密,可选值accepted(如果对方设置为requested或required,则使用加密服务)rejected(不使用加密服务,即使对方设置为requested也不使用)requested(如果对方使用加密服务,则使用加密服务)required(使用加密服务,如果对方没有使用则无法连接)SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_CLIENTSQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER#设置使用的加密算法SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_CLIENTSQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_SERVER7.设置连入数据库后必须在多长时间内完成认证(如:输入用户名/密码),超过此时间没有完成的话,数据库会断开此连接,并将客户端的IP地址和ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred错误信息记录到sqlnet.log,而且客户端会收到ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact或ORA-12637: Packet receive failed错误信息。这个设置主要是为了防止denial-of-service攻击SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT8.设置在指定的时间间隔内必须有数据接收/发送,为了防止长时间的等待SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUTSQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT9.限制访问数据库的客户端IP:#允许访问的IPTCP.INVITED_NODES=(不允许访问的IPTCP.EXCLUDED_NODES=(检测上述参数的设置TCP.VALIDNODE_CHECKING=yes当不允许访问的客户端连入时,会出现下列错误sys/oracle@approd.test as sysdbaERROR:ORA-12537: TNS:connection closedWarning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.10.对tnsping命令进行跟踪,文件名是tnsping.trc#trace文件的目录,默认在$ORACLE_HOME/network/trace下TNSPING.TRACE_DIRECTORY#trace的等级:有off,user,admin,support4个可选值,默认是off的(不进行跟踪)TNSPING.TRACE_LEVEL11.设置trace参数#设置客户端和服务器端的trace文件的目录TRACE_DIRECTORY_CLIENTTRACE_DIRECTORY_SERVER#设置客户端和服务器端的trace文件的名称TRACE_FILE_CLIENTTRACE_FILE_SERVER#设置客户端和服务器端的trace文件的最大大小,超过后trace信息会写入新的文件TRACE_FILELEN_CLIENTTRACE_FILELEN_SERVER#设置客户端和服务器端的trace文件的最多个数,trace文件是循环写的TRACE_FILENO_CLIENTTRACE_FILENO_SERVER#trace的等级:有off,user,admin,support4个可选值,默认是off的(不进行跟踪)TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENTTRACE_LEVEL_SERVER#是否在trace中写入每条trace信息的dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss:mi时间戳TRACE_TIMESTAMP_CLIENTTRACE_TIMESTAMP_SERVER#trace是否只写入独立的文件:设为off后,每个新的客户端会话的trace信息都会覆盖已有信息;设为on后,每个新的客户端会话的trace信息都会写入单独的文件TRACE_UNIQUE_CLIENT12.强制使用dedicated方式连接数据库#当设置为on时,会在连接描述中自动添加(SERVER=dedicated),如果已经设置了(SERVER=shared)也会被覆盖,默认为offUSE_DEDICATED_SERVERidle>conn sys/oracle@test1 as sysdbaConnected.sys@TEST>select server from v$session where username="SYS";SERVER---------SHARED在sqlnet.ora中设置了USE_DEDICATED_SERVER=onsys@TEST>select server from v$session where username="SYS";SERVER---------DEDICATED

单词 add 、plus、 increase 、的区别和用法说下

这三个词其实不是近义词,用法各不相同。由于每个词都有不同的词性和含义,特将其各自的近同义词分列如下,你可以从中看出它们的区别和用法: addvi.[数]加;增加;加起来;做加法improve, gain, acceleratevt.增加,添加;补充说;计算…总和enhance, boost, jack, mount, hotn.加法,加法运算addition plusn.正号,加号;好处;附加额 benefit, goodadj.[数]正的;附加的 additional, attached, positive, more, secondincreasen.增加,增长;提高enhancement, growth, gain, raising, advancevi.增加,增大;繁殖improve, gain, accelerate, breed, makevt.增加,加大enhance, boost, jack, mount, hot

at increased risk of

potentially 副词,修饰 介词结构 at increased risk.而那个介词结构修饰 populations .包括所有的人群,这些人由于接触到空气污染物而具有增高的潜在的不良的健康影响

increase和increase to的区别是什么?

区别1、increase by 指增长了几倍或百分之几,后面加百分数或倍数。2、increase to指增长到了……,后接具体增长后的数字。3、increase做动词时是不及物动词,意为增加,单独出现在句子中一般在句末,如:The number of students in this school has increased.这所学校的学生人数增加了。increase也可以做名词,表示增加的量,如a wage increase 工资增加额。扩展资料例句1、The number of students in our school has increased to 2000.我们学校的学生数量已经增加到2000.2、The number of students in our school has increased by 200.我们学校的学生数量已增加了200.3、The population continues to increase人口继续增长。

increase与increase to有什么区别?

区别1、increase by 指增长了几倍或百分之几,后面加百分数或倍数。2、increase to指增长到了……,后接具体增长后的数字。3、increase做动词时是不及物动词,意为增加,单独出现在句子中一般在句末,如:The number of students in this school has increased.这所学校的学生人数增加了。increase也可以做名词,表示增加的量,如a wage increase 工资增加额。扩展资料例句1、The number of students in our school has increased to 2000.我们学校的学生数量已经增加到2000.2、The number of students in our school has increased by 200.我们学校的学生数量已增加了200.3、The population continues to increase人口继续增长。
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