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4 bit increment-by-3 circuit是什么意思


It unfavorably results in the increase in price 这句话这么说可以吗


increase in price 与price increase区别

increase in price 和 price increase都为名词性短语,但increase in price 的中心词为increase,强调的是increase ,而price increase强调的是price。给你些例句体会体会吧。increase in price1。a fifty per cent(ie 50%)increase in price 价格上涨百分之五十(即50%) 2。A 5% commission means an increase in our price. 百分之五的佣金就等于价格提高了。 3。Such an increase in price is very unusual in the international market. 这种涨价在国际市场上很罕见,price increase1。Stop beefing about the price increase.不要对涨价没完没了地发牢骚了

rocket与 increase区别

不及物动词 vi. rocket1.向前急冲;飞快行进[Q]The train rocketed by. 火车飞驰而过。2.迅速上升;猛涨[(+up)]His profits rocketed. 他的利润猛增。increase及物动词 vt. 1.增大;增加;增强Travel increases one"s knowledge of the world. 旅游增进人对世界的了解。不及物动词 vi. 1.增大;增加;增强Foreign investments there increased five times. 那里的外国投资增加了五倍。2.增殖These flowers will increase every year. 这些花会年复一年越长越多。


i n c r e a s e, increase



Concrete Blonde的《Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Free歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:Still In HollywoodMandisa - FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meDon"t worry, don"t cryThat"s the voice I hear insideBut it"s hard for me to seeTomorrow"s but a dream"Cause today"s reality is right in front of meThey say I"ll never make itThey say you can never change itWhat you are is what you"ll always beThey say that I should give upOnce you"re down you"ll never get upBut that"s not the truth for meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna take it to the streetsMy Lord delivered meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna dance and shout and screamI"m free indeedF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meI"ve tried and tried and triedTo make this mountain step asideOr to climb it on my ownWhat You did was more than helpDid what I couldn"t do myselfYou said that I was not aloneWhen I thought I"d never make itYou came along, and then You changed itMade a way somehow and brought me throughAs I was just about to give upYou took my hand said, aby, get up?br>Now here I stand because of YouWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna take it to the streetsMy Lord delivered meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna dance and shout and screamI"m free indeedF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meIf you need a friend "til the very endTo be there by your sideTo get you through the hard timesThe dark times of your lifeTo bring you in to the dawnHe"s the One you"re looking forThe Savior, your DelivererWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna take it to the streetsMy Lord delivered meWho the Son sets freeBest believe is free indeedGonna dance and shout and screamI"m free indeedF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for meF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeF-R-E-E, FreeGonna tell the world what He did for me

英语翻译 转译法 They went on strike in demand of a 40 percent wage increase.

= = 同学 你是在上叶净的翻译课吧?






很遗憾 你感染了WannaCry勒索病毒,目前除了交钱,全球还没有办法恢复.

leading to increased profits for the enterprise lead to后不应该加ing或名词吗?


With an increasing number of visitors arriving ev


翻译句子!不要在线翻译的!急用!谢谢! 1. ...the increase in total s

1:总销售量的增加可能会超过弥补了对每个记录的低利润。2:出售必须真实 ,也就是说,价格其实必须比以前低。3:更有甚者,他们是削弱了营销业务客户信心,完全以外的 markrting 概念精神。

android中onCreate(Bundle icicle)方法中的icicle有什么特殊含义吗?

1. icicle - 英文意义为“冰柱,冰棒”,用在这里表示:它里面包含一些持久化的数据。2. 比起savedInstanceState,更短小且形象:)

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2009年,Zhu-Zhang-Wang提出一个基于身份的 环签密方案[5] ,该方案被证明是自适应选择密文环攻击下不可区分的,自适应选择消息攻击下是存在不可伪造的.该方案步骤如下:Setup,Keygen,Signcryption,Designcryption. Setup.选取安全参数k,L,两个阶为p的群G1, G2.PKG(PrivateKeyGenerator)选取随机数s∈Z*p作为其主密钥, 其公钥为Ppub=sP.选取密码Hash函数H1:{0, 1}*→G* 1,H2:G2→{0,1}l,H3:{0,1}l×G2→{0,1}l,H4:{0,1}*→Z*p.消息 空间为M={0,1}l,公开参数为param={e, G1,G2,P,Ppub,H1,H2,H3,H4}. Keygen.对于成员IDi,PKG计算QIDi=H1(ID1),DIDi=sQIDi,将DIDi发送给IDi. Signcryption.设n个用户的集合为L={ID1,ID2,…,IDn},实际环签密者为IDs,接收者为IDB.IDs计算如下: (1)随机选取r∈RZ*p,m*∈RM,计算R0=rP,R"=e(rPpub,QIDB),k=H2(R"),c1=m* ue09ak,c2=mue09aH3(m*‖R0); (2)随机选取Ui∈RG* 1,计算hi=H4(c2‖Ui),ue02fi∈ {1,2,…,n}{s}.随机选取r"∈Z*p, 计算Us=r"QIDs-∑i≠s {U i +hiQIDs},hs=H4(c2‖Us),V=(hs+r")DIDs,则消息 m的密文为δ=R0,c1,c2,∪ni=1 {Ui},()V,发送δ给接收者IDB. Designcryption.接收者IDB进行解签密如下:(1)对于i∈{1,2,…,n},计算hi=H4(c2‖Ui); (2)检测eP,∑n i=1(Ui+hiQs()) =e(P, V)是否成立.如果成立,计算k"=H2(e(R0,DIDB)),恢复m* =c1ue09ak",m"=c2ue09aH3(m* ‖R0),并接受m"为有效的.否则,拒绝该密文.

incensement increasment什么区别


CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); 作用是什么?为什么在产生OnCreate消息处理函数时不会有这样一行产生

当鼠标移动时调用此函数,只有鼠标移动的时候才会调用这个函数所以OnCreate消息处理函数不会有这一消息函数产生。那个 nFlags是你鼠标的状态,比如左键按下 左键抬起等。 point是一个坐标,你鼠标当前所在坐标。可以用Point 结构体来表示。

oracle sequence increasement怎么不管用





lncRNA其实也是基因的一种转录本,所以你可以到那些RNA相关的大数据库比如ncbi,hgnc等。你也可以到那些专一收集整理lncRNA的数据库比如lncRNAdb LNCiped.org这些数据库中去查询。。肯定能找得到



fabulous,incredible,great,谁的程度 更好?



increase 英[u026anu02c8kri:s] 美[u026anu02c8kris] vt. 增加,增大,增多; vt. 增强,增进; [缝纫]放(针) vi. 增强; 增进; 增殖,繁殖; [缝纫] 放针; [例句]Wayne plans to increase the print run to 1,000.韦恩打算将印量增加到1,000册。[其他] 第三人称单数:increases 复数:increases 现在分词:increasing过去式:increased 过去分词:increased形近词: anticrease decrease uncreate broaden 英[u02c8bru0254:dn] 美[u02c8bru0254dn:] vt. 扩大; 放宽; 加宽; 使。。变宽,扩展; [网络] 拓宽; 扩宽; 开阔; [例句]We"ll broaden the discussion out in a minute.我们马上要扩大讨论的范围。[其他] 第三人称单数:broadens 现在分词:broadening 过去式:broadened过去分词:broadened 形近词: broadax broadly broader horizon 英[hu0259u02c8rau026azn] 美[hu0259u02c8rau026azn] n. 地平线; 范围; 界限; 眼界; [例句]The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon.太阳正徐徐地沉入地平线下。[其他] 复数:horizons


increasingly的音标是[u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014blu026a]。increasingly,主要用作副词,用作副词译为“越来越多地;渐增地”。短语搭配:increasingly severe越来越严重 ; 日益严重。increasingly popular越来越流行 ; 越来越受欢迎 ; 日益流行。increasingly hostile越来越敌对。形容越来越多的成语1、雨后春笋yǔ hòu chūn sǔn,成语解释:春雨之后竹笋长得很多很快。比喻新生事物大量地涌现出来。成语出处:宋·张耒《食笋》诗:“荒林春雨足,新笋迸龙雏。”2、层出不穷céng chū bù qióng,成语解释:形容事物连续出现,没有穷尽。成语出处:《宋史·何基传》:“虽一本于(朱)熹;然就其发明;则精义新意;愈出不穷”。3、蜂拥而至fēng yōng ér zhì,成语解释:像一窝蜂似地一拥而来。形容很多人乱哄哄地朝一个地方聚拢。成语出处:明代·冯梦龙清·蔡元放《东周列国志》第七十八回:“于是坛下鼓声大振,莱夷三百人,杂执旍旄、羽袚、矛戟、剑楯,蜂拥而至,口中呼哨之声,相和不绝,历阶之半,定公色变”。increasingly双语例句:Because increasingly the world does not care what you know.这是因为,这个世界越来越不在乎你知道什么。Shareholders are increasingly asking why they are selling at a price less than what it will be worth in the future.越来越多的股东在问,为什么他们现在卖出股权的价钱会比将来这个股权的价值要低。

increasingly怎么用? 比如越来越多的人 或者 随着生活水平的日益提高 该怎么用

这里increasingly是副词,一般用于修饰动词或者形容词越来越多的人:increasingly more people(修饰形容词)随着生活水平的日益提高:With increasingly rised living standards(修饰动词)



谁帮我翻译下you must place "the incredible hulk" game disc in a drive什么意思


capp:oncreate error. (mdevice:init()failed.) 是什么意思?


Every year, the price at the grocery store increase 还是increases 为什么?

主语是the price,单三人称,并且是一般时态,用increases

Concrete Blonde的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:BloodlettingCarolineCarolineThere"s always people talkin"Makes their world go "roundDon"t mean ya have to listenDon"t let them get you downCarolineCarolineEverything will be just fineCarolineWe can work it out this timeYou know they"re only jealousThey want what they can"t haveThey never willDon"t let it get ya crazy"Cause life is just too short for thatAnd you know it ain"t easyBut you know you"ve gotta let it goCarolineCarolineEverything will be just fineCarolineYou can work it out this timeCarolineEverything will be just fineOh CarolineMy CarolineCarolineOoh Whoa oohCarolineCarolineCarolineCarolineWe can work it out this timeCarolineWe can work it out this timeYou will find out about it just in timeMake yourself common and let it shine~end~

we are becoming increasingly aware of all that can befall ......



increased 为形容词意为增强的grown为形容词意为长大的成年的,一般主语是人时用grow

analyze and compare characterization of RobinsonCrusoe and Gulliver

tai nan la

an increasing number of gyms为什么不用the要用an


马来西亚KL cencral 是什么意思

是KL central 把……KL是吉隆坡的缩写,至于你说的如果是KL central 那就是吉隆坡市中心的意思,但是如果单只一个地方的话就是吉隆坡市中心的长途汽车站名字是KL central

CREATE TABLE `dage` ( `id` int ( 11 ) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar ( 32 ) default ' ,


The Concretes的《Forces》 歌词

歌曲名:Forces歌手:The Concretes专辑:LayourbattleaxedownBERSERKForces时は云をつくような波をたて袭うよ消されて夜道を这う声たちに応えて忘れはしない キミのことはかなわぬ道に なおひとり立ち撃たれた鸟のような 优雅さて雨に耐え愈えない地上の血に洗われて眠る星よ壮绝に 物语れ この夜を忘れはしない キミのことは冻えて夜を ただひとり生き消えない声よ今苏れカへとHai Yai Forces Hai Yai ForcesHai Yai Forces Hai Yai ForcesHai Yai Forces Hai Yai ForcesHai Yai Forces Hai Yai Forces……

physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects


US Increases Air Cargo Screening after Foiled Plot to Mail Bombs Uncovered 翻译


American public education has changed in recent years. One change is that increasing numbers of...

小题1:Charter schools小题2:Definition小题3:Receiving tax money小题4:agreement or charter小题5:Differences小题6:teaching contents小题7:how to reach / ways to reach / ways of reaching小题8:smaller class sizes小题9:doing well小题10:Their difficulties / Difficulties 略

The internet has led to huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud . Your card information could

小题1:Cheating.小题2:Fraud on the Internet happens very often.小题3:You might suffer great losses. 小题1:猜测词义题。通读全文可知是关于信用卡诈骗。这个词应该是欺骗的意思。小题2:根据文章可知现在的信用卡犯罪非常普遍,所以很多人担心自己的网购行为。小题3:根据第二段The thieves then go shopping with your card number or sell the information over the Internet.可知你会遭受损失。

trespass infringe encroach 的区别?

trespass+人infringe+物encroach比较毒比 trespass infringe 毒

His jaw fell openuff0cand he could only __________ in amazement at the incredible sight before him.


特别响 非常近的意思是什么? Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close 指的是什么? 到底指的是什么 ?


demoncratically elected civilian government是什么意思

原句:The military government refused to transfer power to democratically elected civilian government. 军政府拒绝将权力移交给一个民选的文职政府. -----请采纳~

提高阅读速度用英语说是 Increase reading speed 还是improve?


concrete pedestal造句 concrete pedestalの例文 "concrete pedestal"是什麼意思

Concrete pedestal of the crucifix of the church cover the stone urns. The painted concrete memorial prises a concrete pedestal surmounted by a lamp. The towers rest on concrete pedestals . ( Blueprints, 1945 46 ). Eiffel"s iron framework was anchored to steel I-beams within the concrete pedestal and assembled. More than 100 people cheered as the statue was lowered to a concrete pedestal . The rails were supported by sleepers made of structural steel, supported on concrete pedestals . The focal point of the garden is these 22 statues mounted on concrete pedestals . Future plans include a 7 feet 11 inch memorial statue mounted on a concrete pedestal . Only the concrete pedestals for the pillars remain now. The ends of the bridge are flanked by o bronze recpning tigers on concrete pedestals . It"s difficult to see concrete pedestal in a sentence. 用 concrete pedestal 造句挺难的 The abstract sculpture is a series of angular metalpc planes set on a concrete pedestal . Concrete pedestals can add height to *** all pieces. Concrete pedestals have replaced the original stone-bearing seats. Grading began in 1922 and the large concrete pedestal foundations were finished near the end of 1923. When the Lenin statue was finally lowered to a concrete pedestal , a young man offered a toast. These columns rest on concrete pedestals measuring. Now, after a o-week battle won by invading U . S .-led forces, the enormous concrete pedestal stands empty. A statue of a white deer stands on a concrete pedestal in the middle of the town"s main intersection. A boulder was placed on a concrete pedestal with a bronze inscription plaque at the location of the ceremony. The cornerstone is about 65 feet below nearby Vesey Street, on a concrete pedestal set atop Manhattan schist bedrock. The sculpture is an crescent-shaped forms stacked on each other; it is installed on a concrete pedestal on the lawn. The " Spirit of the Centennial " is made of cast stone with plaster and metal paintings and has a concrete pedestal . The skyscraper has an unusual appearance, being built atop an 11-storey, concrete pedestal base that tapers towards ground level, pke an inverted pyramid. For each pair of wash boxes there is one primary scrubber that rests on a concrete pedestal and stands tall ( diameter ). Its defining characteristic is a central concrete pedestal with a stainless steel peg ( rust free even after more than 60 years ). Here, there is nothing but a long row of concrete pedestals _ symbopc bases of the columns that the architects have decpned to provide. They marveled at the acoustic perfection of the floating studio, where speakers rest on concrete pedestals that extend down into bedrock beneath the building. Large numbers of fixed, concrete pedestals for Bombards were installed and a significant number survive in their original positions in many parts of the United Kingdom. Popce said the bronze statue of a seated, crowned Queen Victoria on a concrete pedestal sustained a dent in the nose and was covered with paint. The girders were sunk up to 20 metres below ground level to obtain firm foundations for the concrete pedestals , onto which the big steel towers were erected. It"s difficult to see concrete pedestal in a sentence. 用 concrete pedestal 造句挺难的 The chair, made from wood and fastened to three 7-ton concrete pedestals , was created _ and the leg was then torn off _ by sculptor Daniel Besset. The project will be LEED certified and has an extensive use of glass to create three slender modern towers jutting up from a four story concrete pedestal base. A rendered statue on a concrete pedestal , depicting the Holy Family, the gift of Thomas Mahon and a grotto are located in front of the northern elevation of St Mary"s. The most puzzpng object at the outpost is a featureless black sphere resting on a concrete pedestal that instantly drains all power from any device that is exposed to it. The larger tank sat on a steel-and- concrete pedestal on the second floor and held 6, 000 gallons of diesel fuel, said Walter Weems, the manager of the building when it collapsed. The only remains of the West Meon Viaduct are the o huge embankments approaching either end, the abutments and the concrete pedestals that formed the foundations for the cast iron pillars. Over the last few years, the popularity of gazing globes, those mirrored balls in various colors that are monly seen on concrete pedestals in the middle of a lawn, has been rising. A statue of the dead Baathist was knocked down and its concrete pedestal draped with a red banner reading " Forgive us, our leader _ it is time to rehabiptate you ." The only hint that we were entering Camp Enari was a 6-inch-high concrete pedestal in the middle of the road that had served as the foundation for the guard shack at the camp"s entrance. The Hibernia platform, towed into position last June and maneuvered into place atop a massive concrete pedestal anchored to the sea bottom, is one of the most ambitious, expensive and disputed engineering projects in North America. Her mirrored globe rests atop a concrete pedestal in her cpffside garden on Bainbridge Island, Wash ., where it reflects passing clouds and abundant cottage plantings of silvery herbs and purple perennials _ not to mention her own truly purple eyeglass frames. The new tour stops short of the hem of Liberty"s robes, at the top of her thick concrete pedestal , in a room that holds only 30 people at a time, or about 3, 000 people a day who are quickly shuffled in and out. A box meant to memorate the 1960 opening of a general store in Walnut Creek, Capf ., was planted in a four-foot concrete pedestal with a brass plaque announcing both its contents ( prognostications of the future by town citizens ) and its opening ( November 2000 ). At 10 : 45 a . m ., as the canyonpke trade center foundation reverberated with the bass of Morris Robinson of the Metropoptan Opera singing " God Bless America, " the 20-ton block was hoisted into a temporary position as a photo backdrop, sitting on heavy timber supports atop a concrete pedestal within a shallow 300-foot-square pit. It"s difficult to find concrete pedestal in a sentence. 用 concrete pedestal 造句挺难的

Of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive 这句英文怎么理解



用表示方向的词会比较好: the curve is going upward/downward. increase 多用于数值的增加 descent 多用于一些抽象概念的降低/下降


洁面后,取出眼膜并展开,以眼膜上两个眼孔之间的位置为中心点,并以指尖将其固定于鼻梁正中,把眼膜向眼部四方伸展与眼部肌肤紧密接触。约20-25分钟后取下眼膜,无需清洗或拭掉,轻柔按摩至精华被完全吸收即可。保存方法:常温下平放保存,可冷藏,严禁在 0°C 以下冷冻。

Is the rate of divorce increasing or decreasing in China. Why? 请用英文回答.


Is the rate of divorce increasing or decreasing in China. Why? 请用英文回答.

I think the rate of divorce is increasing. There are so many reasons. First, in the past, Chinese can"t accept divorce, they think it"s not moral. But as the society becomes more and more open, more and more people can accept that. Second, the position of women in China is improve. In the past, women in China can"t divorce. But now they have their right to divorce. In a word, that"s because the society is devoleping very fast.


encrypted exception加密的异议encryptedv.加密,将…译成密码( encrypt的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…加密(或编码),将…译成密码; exception[英][u026aku02c8sepu0283n][美][u026aku02c8su025bpu0283u0259n]n.例外,除外; 反对,批评; [法律]异议,反对;

php: openssl_public_encrypt()和openssl_private_encrypt()返回值总是FALSE






encrypt the new ubuntu installation for security什么意思



就是 varbinary 型啊,用varbinary字段保存数据就行了然后,DECRYPTBYKEY()的输入参数,也是varbinary型的 ================非要用varchar,用如下两个函数fn_varbintohexsubstringfn_varbintohexstr但是varbinary的一个字节在varchar里面占两个字节,不是很浪费么

h3c f100 interface Encrypt1/0 是什么接口

内置加密卡接口。主要为调用IPSEC VPN的数据加密解密用。



你好,我在知道里看到你的一份存cookie的源码,我想问问“this.Encrypt(strs); //这个方法是怎么来的谢谢


c#中,File.Encrypt(string spath)函数,只有文件路径名一个参数,key怎么设置?

Encrypts a file so that only the account used to encrypt the file can decrypt it.The Encrypt method allows you to encrypt a file so that only the account used to call this method can decrypt it. Use the Decrypt method to decrypt a file encrypted by the Encrypt method.The Encrypt method requires exclusive access to the file being encrypted, and will fail if another process is using the file.Both the Encrypt method and the Decrypt method use the cryptographic service provider (CSP) installed on the computer and the file encryption keys of the process calling the method.The current file system must be formatted as NTFS and the current operating system must be Windows NT or later.MSDN中的解释是,只能由加密时使用的账户去解密这个文件。文件系统要NTFS,并且系统要是Windows NT或更高的系统。在进行加密是,会通过CSP读出执行加密程序时Windows用户的证书进行加密,所以解密也一定要当时加密时的用户提供证书方可解密。所以不需要KEY。。。

vb中Encryptstr = ObjRSA.Encode(StrMessage)是什么意思?


脚本自动续期ssl证书 Let’s Encrypt

Let"s Encrypt: Let"s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. 用 acme.sh申请来自动续期ssl证书 acme说明:说明 前端的Upgrade请求发送给后端服务器,Upgrade和Connection的头信息必须被显式的设置。一旦我们完成以上设置,NGINX就可以处理WebSocket连接了。查看配置在哪里 ps -ef|grep nginx 多个域名的话,配多个nginx.conf配置。 OK 完成,就是这么简单 通配符证书申请 用certbot来自动续期ssl证书 Let"s Encrypt 是一个免费 SSL 证书发行项目,自动化发行证书,证书有 90 天的有效期。于是有了另外一个项目可以自动安装,自动续期。 直接上网站 选择 WEB 服务器版本,系统版本,然后执行脚本即可。 执行完成之后执行 certbot run 跟着步骤就行了。 在 crontab -e 编辑文件 定时每天检查,如果要过期则自动延期。


AES_ENCRYPT() 和 AES_DECRYPT()这两个函数有两个参数前一个是要加密或解密的字串后一个是一个自己指定的Key原型:AES_ENCRYPT(str,key_str) AES_DECRYPT(str,key_str)SELECT AES_ENCRYPT("加密字符串",KEY);SELECT AES_DECRYPT("解密字符串",KEY);

db2 encrypt函数会把空格转化为什么

SQL: values(encrypt(" ","123456"));结果:"x""0C659BFF056AD5AA94EB9BB4BBF4463C"根据密码不同转换为不同的数据


提示SSL证书失效,是SSL证书到期或者过期导致的,Let"s Encrypt 最长有效时间是90天,他无法长久的永久使用,您可以登陆签发机构办理1-3年的SSL证书,替换之前Let"s Encrypt证书就可以恢复网站访问,并且获得信任:网页链接



请编写一个编码函数void encrypt( char *s ), 对字符串进行编码加密,加密算法是该字符编码为其后

完整程序如下:#include <stdio.h>void encrypt( char *s ){while (*s) {(*s)++;s++;}}main(){char s[128];gets(s);encrypt(s);puts(s);}程序在TURBOC下调试通过,运行例子如下:abcdefg123456bcdefgh234567

openssl提供 DES_ecb3_encrypt方法

一. 利用openssl命令进行BASE64编码解码(base64 encode/decode) 1. BASE64编码命令 对字符串‘abc"进行base64编码: # echo abc | openssl base64 YWJjCg== (编码结果) 如果对一个文件进行base64编码(文件名t.txt): # openssl base64 -in t.txt 2. BASE64解码命令 求base64后的字符串‘YWJjCg=="的原文: # echo YWJjCg== | openssl base64 -d abc (解码结果) 如果对一个文件进行base64解码(文件名t.base64): # openssl base64 -d -in t.base64二. 利用openssl命令进行md5/sha1摘要(digest) 1. 对字符串‘abc"进行md5摘要计算:echo abc | openssl md5 若对某文件进行md5摘要计算:openssl md5 -in t.txt 2. 对字符串‘abc"进行sha1摘要计算:echo abc | openssl sha1 若对某文件进行sha1摘要计算:openssl sha1 -in t.txt三. 利用openssl命令进行AES/DES3加密解密(AES/DES3 encrypt/decrypt) 对字符串‘abc"进行aes加密,使用密钥123,输出结果以base64编码格式给出: # echo abc | openssl aes-128-cbc -k 123 -base64 U2FsdGVkX18ynIbzARm15nG/JA2dhN4mtiotwD7jt4g= (结果) 对以上结果进行解密处理: # echo U2FsdGVkX18ynIbzARm15nG/JA2dhN4mtiotwD7jt4g= | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -k 123 -base64 abc (结果) 若要从文件里取原文(密文)进行加密(解密),只要指定 -in 参数指向文件名就可以了。 进行des3加解密,只要把命令中的aes-128-cbc换成des3就可以了。


第一步:首先确认已经彻底清除了病毒的主程序 确认方法: 1。确认杀毒软件正常工作,没有异常的自动关闭、过多cpu占用现象等等。 2。升级杀毒软件到最新版本杀毒。 3。杀毒后任务管理器中无明显的异常进程。没有可疑名称的加载项。 4。控制面板内点计划任务,删掉可疑的任务。 第二步:去除加载项 开始菜单-运行-输入msconfig回车 在里边的启动栏里把**.dll前面的勾去掉就行了 1、开始——运行——msconfig——启动——把加载项***.dll的那个勾勾去掉。 重启电脑,通常到这就可以了,如果还弹出来再进行第二步 2、开始——运行——regedit 在下面的位置删除相应键值: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 说明:加载问题大多是杀毒残留,就是杀毒后,病毒被删除,但注册表里相关加载设置还在,所以第一步要确认确实已经杀掉了病毒。如果病毒没有清除,那第二步就没有意义。解决方法就是上述方法。 【注意】如果启动项没有的话,请接着用下面软件解决的方法 IceSword 1.22 中文版 下载地址 打开IceSword.exe,点左下角的“文件”,在目录"+"找到加载时出错的文件所在文件夹,加载时出错的文件上键点“强制删除”。 【注意】:启动项并不一定指向特定的dll名字,提示中的加载失败的项可能只是启动项其中一个需要调用的文件,所以要了解你所有启动项的意义,这样才能找出可疑的启动项来删除,从而解决加载失败的问题。正常的启动项在百度都可以搜索到其含义 【补充】有很多人由于本答案还是无法解决加载问题给我发信息求助,一一解释我很劳神。我也只好把答案弄得更加长一些,深入解释一下。先看下面链接 简单病毒工作原理简介: 木马病毒工作原理简述 看完后就知道病毒可能躲藏的位置,其实我的答案只能解决简单的隐藏——也就是启动项隐藏。对于比较复杂的隐藏无能为力,看完上面的链接你也应该多少了解了,如果对自己有信心,就琢磨着找吧,不过先说一下,如果加载项隐藏到服务里的话,你要是想改动的话,先在网上查查这个服务到底是干什么的再决定。改动的后果可能会很严重。 另外,这些都是简单的躲藏,更复杂的是躲在一个系统进程里,这个基本就没辙了。至少人力很难解决,没准啥时候出个啥软件什么的可以做到。 第三步:彻底解决之道 如果你以后不想被上面的问题纠缠,那么有个简单的亡羊补牢的方法:打造干净系统。 由于中了毒以后你很难搞清楚病毒到底对你的电脑作了什么破坏,简单的破坏大家都清楚,什么删除文件之类的低级破坏,倒是如果病毒留了很多后门就挂了,这就相当于对以后的病毒开了大门了,所以最好的解决之道就是重装系统,重装的技巧: 1。彻底格式化C盘 2。重装系统,C盘只安装必备的软件。 3。备份C盘,做镜像,参考下面网页 ghost技术指南 4。此后使用电脑时增量的安装和下载放在其他分区。 5。中毒后不必找什么解决方案,直接恢复系统即可。10分钟解决问题。


是的 。这个的话通俗来讲很可以。每个都是不一样的。相比较那些说的。可以咨询一下专业人士的解答。多询问一下身边的人也可以。要与日常生活结合对待





主流浏览器直接信任Let’s Encrypt根证书,宣告他成为顶级CA

8月6号,Let"s Encrypt 官方博客发表了一篇文章 Let"s Encrypt Root Trusted By All Major Root Programs ,其中关键信息引用如下: 意思就是本月底,所有的微软产线(比如 Edge)也将直接信任 Let"s Encrypt 的根证书(ISRG Root X1),从而世界上所有的主流产品都直接支持其根证书了,那么这意味着什么?什么是直接信任?对使用 Let"s Encrypt 的证书的人有何影响?且听我慢慢道来。 这一消息表示: 也许你听的晕晕乎乎的,为了解明白,我们必须理解证书链的概念。 证书链是一个信任链,关系见下图: 以 Let"s Encrypt 签发的证书为例,申请者申请的证书可以称为服务器证书,运行 openssl 查看证书命令,关键信息如下: 这表示服务器证书是 *,它被中间证书 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 进行数字签名,也就是说服务器证书被 Authority X3 中间证书信任。 该中间证书就是 Let"s Encrypt CA 机构的,用于签发服务器证书,需要说明的是中间证书可能有多张,迭代签名。 那么中间证书被谁签名了?运行下列命令: 中间证书是被 DST Root CA X3 根证书(IdenTrust CA 机构的根证书)签名的,同学们可能很奇怪了,为啥 Let"s Encrypt 不用自己的根证书签名其中间证书啊?这是一个好问题。 根本原因就是 Let"s Encrypt 作为一个新兴 CA 机构,历史并不悠久,大部分浏览器不可能直接信任其根证书,不信任就无法构建信任基础,怎么办?Let"s Encrypt 为了快速投入运营,使用 IdenTrust CA 机构的根证书(被主流产品直接信任,比如 Chrome 可信任根证书列表包含该根证书)对其中间证书进行 交叉认证 ,从而主流产品就能信任 Let"s Encrypt 服务器证书了,最终信任链链条: 服务器证书>Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 中间证书->DST Root CA X3 根证书 。 同学们如果也使用 Let"s Encrypt 证书,可以看一下证书链,打开 Chrome 开发者工具就能知晓,如图: 本质上,Let"s Encrypt 有两条证书链(早就存在了)如下图: 绿色线条就是目前采用的证书链,如果主流浏览器都信任了 Let"s Encrypt 根证书(ISRG Root X1),那么就可以采用红色线条标示的证书链了。也就是信任链链条: 服务器证书>Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 中间证书->ISRG Root X1 根证书 。 经过我的配置,我的网站证书链如下图: 同学们可能会问,这是如何做到的?别着急。 本质上,Let"s Encrypt 中间证书 Authority X3 有两个证书,分别是: 他们都可以对 Let"s Encrypt 服务器证书进行签名(签名用的私钥是一样的),这是关键,这两个证书分别被 ISRG Root X1 和 DST Root CA X3 签名。 聪明的同学可能想到了,在申请 Let"s Encrypt 证书的时候,Let"s Encrypt 目前使用 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (IdenTrust cross-signed) 签名,申请者获取到证书后,配置证书链(服务器证书+中间证书)后提供 HTTPS 服务。浏览器校验证书,一看中间证书是 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (IdenTrust cross-signed) 签名,最终找到 IdenTrust 的根证书完成签名验证。 那今天博客所说的内容表示,在申请 Let"s Encrypt 证书的时候,Let"s Encrypt 可以使用 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (Signed by ISRG Root X1) 签名,申请者获取到证书后,配置证书链(服务器证书+中间证书)后提供 HTTPS 服务。浏览器校验证书,一看中间证书是 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (Signed by ISRG Root X1) 签名,最终找到 Let"s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 根证书完成签名验证。 可实际上, 目前 你申请证书的时候,Let"s Encrypt 仍然使用 IdenTrust cross-signed 中间证书签名服务器证书,原因何在,主流产品(比如 Chrome)虽然已经直接信任其根证书了,但这些产品有很多旧版本存在,如果不更新,那么这些版本仍然不信任 Let"s Encrypt 根证书,Let"s Encrypt 预估 5 年以后,这些旧版本将不复存在,那个时候 Let"s Encrypt 就可以大胆用 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (Signed by ISRG Root X1) 中间证书签发服务器证书了。 难倒我们了吗?是否可以手动让你的网站使用新的证书链呢?答案是可以(如果不考虑旧产品线不信任 Let"s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 根证书的问题)。 上面讲到,服务器证书可以任意使用下面的中间证书签名: 任意的关键就是,这两个证书的签名私钥是一样的,我们是否可以自行配置证书链呢(红色线条)?可以: 然后重新启动你的服务器,使用 Chrome 浏览器开发者工具观察网站证书链,是不是结果如下图:



vb中 encrypt 这个加密函数怎么用的,怎么在MSDN里查不道,是那章节介绍的

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