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请问飞机维修手册中SWPM与WDM是什么关系? SWPM是WDM中的一个chapter吗?


坐求September的Until I Die歌词……


The Old Man And The Sea Chapter18

It was on the third turn that he saw the fish first.He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length. “No,” he said. “He can"t be that big.” But he was that big and at the end of this circle he came to the surface only thirty yards away and the man saw his tail out of water. It was higher than a big scythe blade and a very pale lavender above the dark blue water. It raked back and as the fish swam just below the surface the old man could see his huge bulk and the purple stripes that banded (戴上环套,这里指裹在鱼身上) him. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide. On this circle the old man could see the fish"s eye and the two gray sucking fish that swam around him. Sometimes they attached themselves to him. Sometimes they darted off. Sometimes they would swim easily in his shadow. They were each over three feet long and when they swam fast they lashed their whole bodies like eels. The old man was sweating now but from something else besides the sun. On each calm placid turn the fish made he was gaining line and he was sure that in two turns more he would have a chance to get the harpoon in. But I must get him close, close, close, he thought. I mustn"t try for the head. I must get the heart. “Be calm and strong, old man,” he said. On the next circle the fish"s back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of the water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside. He had rigged his harpoon long before and its coil of light rope was in a round basket and the end was made fast to the bitt in the bow. The fish was coming in on his circle now calm and beautiful looking and only his great tail moving. The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer. For just a moment the fish turned a little on his side. Then he straightened himself and began another circle. “I moved him,” the old man said. “I moved him then.” He felt faint again now but he held on the great fish all the strain that he could. I moved him, he thought. Maybe this time I can get him over. Pull, hands, he thought. Hold up, legs. Last for me, head. Last for me. You never went. This time I"ll pull him over. But when he put all of his effort on, starting it well out before the fish came alongside and pulling with all his strength, the fish pulled part way over and then righted himself and swam away. “Fish,” the old man said. “Fish, you are going to have to die anyway. Do you have to kill me too?” That way nothing is accomplished, he thought. His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water now. I must get him alongside this time, he thought. I am not good for many more turns. Yes, you are, he told himself. You"re good for ever. On the next turn, he nearly had him. But again, the fish righted himself and swam slowly away. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who. Now you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and know how to suffer like a man. Or a fish, he thought. “Clear up, head,” he said in a voice he could hardly hear. “Clear up.” Twice more it was the same on the turns. I do not know, the old man thought. He had been on the point of feeling himself go each time. I do not know. But I will try it once more. He tried it once more and he felt himself going when he turned the fish. The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air. I"ll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy (糊状的,指老人的手血肉模糊) now and he could only see well in flashes. He tried it again and it was the same. So he thought, and he felt himself going before he started; I will try it once again. He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish"s agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water. The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish"s side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man"s chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it. Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.


Karl"s Scepter是"法老的传说‘是一款南澳产的西拉酿造的干红



ysl rouge volupte shine和rouge volupte什么区别

我入了rouge volupte shine14#和rouge volupte 13、23#除了颜色、味道不同,带shine的其实就是相对滋润,更像唇膏而不是口红一点点;而不带shine相对干一点点,但是色泽饱和度更高一点,持久一点。冬天的话个人推荐rouge volupte shine,比较滋润。





The subtle art of not giving a fuck Chapter 1

Q1: What does Charles Bukowski"s success try to prove? A1: We no longer need to give a fuck about everything .Life is just what it is .Just accept it ,everything will fall into place . Q2: What"s wrong with the conventional life advice, which is fixating on what you lack? A2:What You dream of something all the time Just reinforce the reality that You are not that. Q3: Can you use your own words explaining what the Feedback Loop from Hell is? A3:当我们处于低气压时,我们往往一边处于消极状态,一边自责自己不该如此消极反而更加消极,如此恶性循环,便一直消沉下去,无法排解。 这好像是我读的第一本原版书吧,希望可以坚持到最后~ 本书的主人翁Charles Bukowski 嗜酒,赌博,流连于烟花柳巷,妥妥的a loser ,就这样30年went by ,终于得到了一次shot ,也是唯一的一次,算是圆了自己的writer 梦。 Bukowski虽然混的很惨,不过他是有梦的,他想成为一位作家。当他终于有机会可以实现梦想的时候,他愿意去尝试。 Don"t try想表达的意思是:Bukowski取得了成功,但他不是因为多么努力、多么勤奋、多么正能量,而是因为他敢于做自己,只做自己想做的事,不在乎成败得失、他人的感受。And his success stemmed not from some determination to be a winner,but from the fact that He knew He was a loser,accepted it,and then wrote honestly about it. 作者用这里例子说明:self-improvement and success often occur together. But that doesn"t necessarily mean they"re the same thing.Bukowski通过做自己获取了大众眼中的成功。这种成功方式和我们更熟悉的“成功公式”不同,我们熟悉的是一个人为了买大房子,娶漂亮老婆,开兰博基尼而不懈努力奋斗,最终取得了成功。 那为什么这些有“崇高目标”的人没有成功,而一个什么都不在乎的人反而取得了成功?因为我们的目标越“崇高”,我们的内心越不安全。我们想要更大的房子、更fancy的车、更多的LV。因为正能量文化和广告商们会不停地提醒我们:一套别墅、一辆豪车,美女俊男,高大上的社交圈才是成功。于是我们不满足,特别害怕自己被落下。同事买车了你也想买,同事又买了个LV你也想买。 不过,wait,更大的房子、更好的车可不可能并不会带给我们真正的幸福?我们是不是在追逐a mirage of happiness and satisfaction?社交媒体也不断提醒我们:人生是多么美好啊!让我们觉得 negative experiences is totally not okay. 看看你的朋友圈,有人晒旅游,有人晒最近读的书,有人晒美食,不过,有人晒悲伤吗?如果有的话,我们可能就会说:这个人特别负能量,离ta远点吧! 好像每个人都活得很精彩。再看看自己,好像没啥值得晒的东西,好难过。你的同学雅思考了115,你还在和Eric读英文书。不过再想一想:wait,我做错什么了吗?我英文不够好我选择认真开始学习它;我读书慢,不过我已经开始读书了,我已经走出了自己的舒适区,我应该为自己感到高兴啊!我没别人有钱,没有去旅游,我不是帅哥美女,我也不是学霸,不过又怎么样呢?我也不是一无是处啊,我有不足,但是我也有优点。我是一个普通人,我知道自己想要什么,我每天为我想达到的这个目标努力就好了,其它的我瞎操心也啥用。 读到这里,我们想:don"t try指的是什么? 它指的并不是不去努力,而是不要为一个虚无缥缈的积极概念去try。例如你说你想要幸福!你想要成功!什么是“幸福”?什么是“成功”?一个幸福的人是不会说“我想要幸福的”。你越说你想要幸福,你越焦虑,越会比较,越会有麻烦,然后变得更不幸福。 那我们该怎么办呢?作者提出一个方案:别把注意力放在不靠谱的未来和幻想,而是把注意力放在面对自己和现实。例如,承认你只是个普通人,你的难过和快乐都不独特。例如,你就是懒啊,你就是没毅力啊。你敢面对真实的你吗? The pain of honest confrontation is what generates the greatest trust and respect in your relationships. Suffering through your fears and anxieties is what allows you to build courage and perseverance. 不去try那些积极的幻想,去try自己不敢面对的不足。这是一个思维的转变:从“我还不够好,我还不如他人强”到“我和自己的过去比有了进步,我正在向我想成为的样子进步”。 分享读过的文章中很好的一句: When you go to the gym and lift really heavy weights, and when you feel the burn, you push on and do just one more rep – that"s when growth happens. 特别特别喜欢最后几个单词,when pain happens, that is growth. 书摘~ And if you"re dreaming of something all the time ,then you"re reinforcing the same unconscious reality over and over :that you are not that . The key to a good Life is not giving a fuck about more ;it"s giving a fuck about less ,giving a fuck about only What is true and immediate and important . After all ,the only way to overcome Pain is to first learn how to bear it . We no longer need to give a fuck about everything .Life is Just What it is .We accept it ,warts and all . Wanting positive experience is a negative experience ;accepting negative experience is a positive experience .

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BT学院有大陆的 voucher 卖,但是澳洲区的不能在中国使用

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您好,PTE报名方式很简单,只要在官方填写信息就可以。使用voucher的话,先买好voucher,然后在报名表格指定的地方填写voucher number就可以哦。希望对您有用,AU学院PTE。

“Luxe, calme et volupte,eh?"是什么意思?这是什么语言呢?


求英语高手,帮我分析下句子嘛,The most widely accepted theory,championed by?

1..The most widely accepted theory没有谓语宾语,只有主语theory,The most widely accepted 是修饰theory的,相当于形容词. 2.championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,是theory的定语. 3.envisions是动词,想象,预想的意思.此处不是主语,是谓语 4.句子的主谓宾是the theory,envisions ,theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.这个在十九世纪末二十世纪初被倡导的被大众所接受的理论设想了剧院作为新兴的神话和仪式场所.theater 和emerging out of myth and ritual是同位语,因为theater 和emerging out of myth and ritual表示的是同一个东西,7,The most widely accepted theory 这是一个短语,表示的是“理论"这一事物,作的是整个句子的主语。 championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries 这一句是修饰theory的定语,插在句子中间,增加句子的修辞效果,把主语”theory“和...,0,求英语高手,帮我分析下句子嘛, The most widely accepted theory,championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,envisionstheater as emerging out of myth and ritual. The most widely accepted theory这个句子的主谓宾是什么? Championed 后面跟的是theory的定语吗? Envisions不是动词吗?这里怎么可以直接做主语呢? theater 和emerging out of myth and ritual.是双宾语吗?



Squeeze的《Tempted》 歌词

歌曲名:Tempted歌手:Squeeze专辑:Greatest HitsDuran Duran Tempted LyricsYou been a risin"Feel the flowYou require a little bit moreTo exciteYou will goGettin" busyOn the floorAll about the way ya move itWhen you really got to prove itFinally,you will knowWhat it is you"re turnin" onI am here to tempt youOh yeahLike you know it"s meant toOh yeahDevil"s gonna tempt youOh yeahHow much do you want toOh, ohGet back to LondonComin" undoneWhen you ride the undergroundSome misguidanceBreakin" silencegot your body started nowAnd you love the way you"re movingWhen you really got to prove itFinallyIt"s what you doWhat it is you"re turning onI am here to tempt youOh yeahLike you know it"s meant toOh yeahDevil gonna tempt youOh yeahHow much do you want toOh, ohNight is gonna attempt youOh yeahLike you know it"s meant toOh yeahDevil gonna tempt youOh yeahDevil gonna tempt youOh yeahIf you want to knowOh yeahDo you want to knowOh yeahWhat it is you"re turning onWhat it is you"re turning onIf you want to knowWhat it is you"re turning onDo you want to knowWhat it is you"re turning on

Squeeze的《Tempted》 歌词

歌曲名:Tempted歌手:Squeeze专辑:The Squeeze StoryDuran Duran Tempted LyricsYou been a risin"Feel the flowYou require a little bit moreTo exciteYou will goGettin" busyOn the floorAll about the way ya move itWhen you really got to prove itFinally,you will knowWhat it is you"re turnin" onI am here to tempt youOh yeahLike you know it"s meant toOh yeahDevil"s gonna tempt youOh yeahHow much do you want toOh, ohGet back to LondonComin" undoneWhen you ride the undergroundSome misguidanceBreakin" silencegot your body started nowAnd you love the way you"re movingWhen you really got to prove itFinallyIt"s what you doWhat it is you"re turning onI am here to tempt youOh yeahLike you know it"s meant toOh yeahDevil gonna tempt youOh yeahHow much do you want toOh, ohNight is gonna attempt youOh yeahLike you know it"s meant toOh yeahDevil gonna tempt youOh yeahDevil gonna tempt youOh yeahIf you want to knowOh yeahDo you want to knowOh yeahWhat it is you"re turning onWhat it is you"re turning onIf you want to knowWhat it is you"re turning onDo you want to knowWhat it is you"re turning on

Prima Noapte歌词谁有啊

E prima ora din prima ziE greu fara tine nu pot mintiTu ai fost totul si puteai fiE prima vara din primul anAzi numai ploaia imi bate la geamSi imi aminteste cat te iubeamNu reusesc sa ma desprindE un univers care vrea sa ma stingMa prinde teama si incep sa te strigRefren: E prima noapte cand imi e frigBratele tale nu ma pot incalziiiUn suflet rece eu nu pot iubiiiiE prima ora din prima ziE greu fara pot mintiTu ai fost totul si puteai fiE prima vara din primul anAzi numai ploaia imi bate la geamSi imi aminteste cat te iubeamNu reusesc sa ma desprindE un univers care vrea sa ma stingMa prinde teama si incep sa te strig

如何创建trimmomatic的adapter file

simple trimming是利用每一个adapter序列去跟reads匹配,如果匹配上,就删除read的这部分序列。Palindrome trimming 是在adapter序列中reading through一个短的片段。在这个方法中, 相应的adapter序列在硅片上的连接被连接到了reads的开始,形成了adapter+read序列,正链和反链比对,如果比对显示read-through,正链剪切掉adapter,反链去掉(由于它没有包含新的数据)Trimmomatic它包括如下功能:ILLUMINACLIP: Cut adapter and other illumina-specific sequences from the read.SLIDINGWINDOW: Perform a sliding window trimming, cutting once the average quality within the window falls below a threshold.LEADING: Cut bases off the start of a read, if below a threshold qualityTRAILING: Cut bases off the end of a read, if below a threshold qualityCROP: Cut the read to a specified lengthHEADCROP: Cut the specified number of bases from the start of the read



PTES 2级英语证书跟PETS A ,PETA B 有什么不同。

  这位朋友,PETS考试中有五个级别,你所说的PETS A和B级中是没有PETS A这个级别的,倒是PETS1级中有一个分支级别是PETS 1级B,所以你所说的这两个级别其实都是不存在的(PETS只有PETS1级B,没有PETS B这个级别),你也不需要担心,因为网页简历后面还是有自我介绍的,你可以在那里写上自己的英语等级就行了。有疑问欢迎追问满意还请点击回答左下角的“选为满意回答”,即可采纳,谢谢

A Collection of Quotes (Chapter 1 , Getting Things Done)

在修辞学家眼中,箴言(Maxim)被当作一种“辞格”,也就是说话表达的格调或者风格,但是亚里士多德并不是这么看待箴言的,他认为箴言是一种公共说理手段,在《修辞学》第二部分第二十一章里有针对箴言的专门讨论。对于任何一个合格的公民来说,公共说理是一种必备的能力,因此箴言作为一种说理的手段也应当得到我们每个人的重视。 There is on thing we can do, and the happiest people are those who can do it to the limit of their ability. We can be completely present. We can be all here. We can give…our attention to the opportunity before us. (Mark Van Doren) Life is denied by a lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece. (Nadia Boulanger) Trying too hard sabotage boat speed. Trying becomes striving and striving undoes itself. Social climbers strive to be aristocrats but their efforts prove them no such thing. Aristocrats do not strive; they have already arrived. Swing is a state of arrival. (Craig Lambert) Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax . If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open for everything. (Snhunryu Suzuki) Clearing the mind to being open and appropriately response is the key. Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. Water is what it is, and does what it does. It can overwhelm, but it"s not overwhelmed. It can be still, but it is not impatient. It can be forced to change course, but it is not frustrated. Anything that cause you to overreact or underreact can control you, and often does. Most people give either more or less attention to things than they deserve. You must use your mind to get things off your mind . Rule your mind or it will rule you. There is usually an inverse relationship between how much something is on your mind and how much it"s getting done. There is no reason to ever have the same thought twice, unless you like that thought. Everything you"ve told yourself you ought to do, it thinks you should be doing right now. Frankly, as soon as you have two things to do stored only in your mind, you"ve generated personal failure, because you can"t do them both at the same time. Think like a man of action , act like a man of thought.(Henry Bergson) The ancestor of every action is a thought. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) People think a lot but most of that thinking is of a problem, project , or situation——not about it. Thinking toward outcome and action does not happen without a consciously focused effort. Reacting is automatic, but thinking is not. In knowledge work , the task is not given; it has to be determined. ‘What are the expected results from this work?" is the key question in making knowledge workers productive. And it is a question that demand risky decisions. There is no right answer; there are choice instead. (Peter Drucker) We need to transform all the** “stuff”** we"ve attracted and accumulated into a clear inventory of meaningful actions, projects, and usable information. Thought is useful when it motivates action and a hindrance when it substitutes for action.





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  你好  .  microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter #2不正常工作对ipv6正常工作是有影响的  解决microsoft tun miniport adapter #2问题:  在设备管理器的网络适配器里,发现除网卡本身的适配器外,多出一个带黄色感叹号的家伙:microsoft tun miniport adapter #2 !  两者都是同样的,IPV6惹出来的,现在IPV6越来越流行,XP安装很简单,为了解决microsoft tun miniport adapter ,所以暂时删掉IPV6也是比较合适地!  方法如下:  方法一:1、 进入“控制面板”→“网络连接”;  2、 右击“本地连接”,选“属性”;  3、 选中项目“microsoft TCP/IP 版本6”,点“卸载”。  如果没有发现项目“microsoft TCP/IP 版本6”,请看方法二。  方法二:“偷梁换柱,过河拆桥”。  1、 进入“控制面板”→“系统”;  2、 单击标签“硬件”,点击“设备管理器”;  3、 找到“网络适配器”中的“microsoft tun miniport adapter #2”,选中并右击;  4、 出现快捷菜单,单击“更新驱动程序”;  5、 选择“是,仅这一次”→“下一步”;  6、 选中“从列表或指定位置安装(高级)(S)”→“下一步”;  7、 选中“不要搜索,我要自己选择要安装的驱动程序”→“下一步”;  8、 去掉勾选框“显示兼容硬件”中的对勾,在新出现的厂商列表中,随便选中一个硬件,强行更新。  9、 更新完毕后,再回到设备管理器中,找到刚更新安装的网络适配器,点“卸载”即可。  使用IPV6时候,安装也很方便的: 在开始--运行中,输入:ipv6 uninstall 就可以了。  所以卸载掉microsoft tun miniport adapter 也是十分可取的!  祝顺利,如有帮助,还望及时采纳,

adapter.Fill(ds, "userData");”解释下userData在这里什么意思???有什么作用!!!"

dataset 由多个或一个datatable来组成,我们填充数据的时候不能直接填充到dataset里,必须把数据填充到datatable 上面的“userData” 就是要创建的datatable名字 如果使用adapter.fill(ds)方法的话 它会创建默认的table1 ,所以你指定第二个参数就等于给程序指定了你要创建的datatable名字,不过你可以这样用不适用dataset 使用datatableDataTable dt=new DataTable(“userData”);adapter.fill(dt);这效果一样~~

helicopter parenting是什么意思

helicopter parenting直升机式教育;直升机养育法;直升机式育儿;直升机管教I hope that we"re getting away from the helicopter parenting. 我希望我们真能逐渐摆脱‘直升机"式养育法。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

helicopter parenting是什么意思

helicopter parenting 直升机父母 Or is this an example of helicopter parenting taken to extremes? 这是不是“直升机式父母”行为发展到极端的结果?

Edson的《September》 歌词

歌曲名:September歌手:Edson专辑:Unwind with EdsonDaughtry - SeptemberHow the time passed awayAll the trouble that we gaveAnd all those days we spent out by the lakeHas it all gone to waste?All the promises we made,One by one they vanish just the same.Of all the things I still rememberSummer"s never looked the sameThe years go by and time just seems to fly byBut the memories remain.In the middle of SeptemberWe"d still play out in the rainNothing to lose but everything to gainReflecting now on how things could"ve beenIt was worth it in the endNow it all seems so clear,There"s nothing left to fearSo we made our way by finding what was realNow the days are so longThat summer"s moving onWe reach for something that"s already gone yeahOf all the things I rememberSummer"s never looked the sameThe year"s go by and time just seems to fly byBut the memories remain.In the middle of SeptemberWe"d still play out in the rainNothing to lose but everything to gainReflecting now on how things could"ve beenIt was worth it in the endWe knew we had to leave this townBut we never knew when we never knew howWe would end up here the way we areYeah we knew we had to leave this townBut we never knew when and we never knew howOf all the things I still rememberSummer"s never looked the sameThe years go by and time just seems to fly byBut the memories remain.In the middle of SeptemberWe"d still play out in the rainNothing to lose but everything to gainReflecting now on how things could"ve beenIt was worth it in the end

Daughtry的《September》 歌词

歌曲名:September歌手:Daughtry专辑:Leave This TownDaughtry - SeptemberHow the time passed awayAll the trouble that we gaveAnd all those days we spent out by the lakeHas it all gone to waste?All the promises we made,One by one they vanish just the same.Of all the things I still rememberSummer"s never looked the sameThe years go by and time just seems to fly byBut the memories remain.In the middle of SeptemberWe"d still play out in the rainNothing to lose but everything to gainReflecting now on how things could"ve beenIt was worth it in the endNow it all seems so clear,There"s nothing left to fearSo we made our way by finding what was realNow the days are so longThat summer"s moving onWe reach for something that"s already gone yeahOf all the things I rememberSummer"s never looked the sameThe year"s go by and time just seems to fly byBut the memories remain.In the middle of SeptemberWe"d still play out in the rainNothing to lose but everything to gainReflecting now on how things could"ve beenIt was worth it in the endWe knew we had to leave this townBut we never knew when we never knew howWe would end up here the way we areYeah we knew we had to leave this townBut we never knew when and we never knew howOf all the things I still rememberSummer"s never looked the sameThe years go by and time just seems to fly byBut the memories remain.In the middle of SeptemberWe"d still play out in the rainNothing to lose but everything to gainReflecting now on how things could"ve beenIt was worth it in the end

an accepted counter offer 和a firm offer的区别?贸易方面

counter offer还盘接盘人对所接发盘表示接受,但对其内容提出更改的行为。还盘实质上构成对原发盘的某种程度的拒绝,也是接盘人以发盘人地位所提出的新发盘。因此 ,一经还盘,原发盘即失效,新发盘取代它成为交易谈判的基础。如果另一方对还盘内容不同意,还可以进行反还盘(或称再还盘)。还盘可以在双方之间反复进行,还盘的内容通常仅陈述需变更或增添的条件,对双方同意的交易条件毋需重复。在国际贸易中,往往经过多次的还盘、反还盘,才最终达成协议。受盘人在接到发盘后,不能完全同意发盘的内容,为了进一步磋商交易,对发盘提出修改意见,用口头或书面形式表示出来,就构成还盘。firm offer实盘有约束力的发盘。表明发盘人有肯定订立合同的意图。在法律上,实盘属于一项要约,一经发出,在有效期内,发盘人不得随意变更内容或撤销。如果受盘人在有效期内无条件地接受,就可以达成交易,成为对买卖双方都有约束力的合同。实盘必须同时具备三个条件才能成立:内容必须是完整和明确的;内容必须是肯定的,无保留条件的;实盘必须规定有效期限。其内容包括货物品名、品质规格、包装、数量、价格等。

牛津英语8b课文翻译 Chapter5 Lang Lang: Piano Prodigy



1.聚四氟乙烯,无毒。 2.聚四氟乙烯,英文缩写为PTFE,俗称塑料王”,是一种使用了氟取代聚乙烯中所有氢原子的人工合成高分子材料。 3.一般称作不粘涂层”或易清洁物料”。 4.这种材料具有抗酸抗碱、抗各种有机溶剂的特点,几乎不溶于所有的溶剂。 5.同时,聚四氟乙烯具有耐高温的特点,它的摩擦系数极低,所以可作润滑作用之余,亦成为了易清洁水管内层的理想涂料。 6.原料性能耐高温:长期使用温度200~260度。 7.耐低温:在零下100度时仍柔软。 8.耐腐蚀:能耐王水和一切有机溶剂。 9.耐气候:塑料中最佳的老化寿命。 10.高润滑:具有塑料中最小的摩擦系数(0.04)。 11.不粘性:具有固体材料中最小的表面张力而不粘附任何物质。 12.具有生理惰性。 13.优异的电气性能,是理想的C级绝缘材料,报纸厚的一层就能阻挡1500V的高压。 14.比冰还要光滑。











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An accident has disrupted railway service into and out of the city.


during may to september

during:介词 prep.1.(表示时间)在某情况的一段时间 Where shall you go during the summer?今年夏天你将到什么地方去?2.(表示时间)在…期间, 当…之时, 在…期间的某个时候 The fire started during the workmen"s dinner.火灾是在工人们吃饭时发生的。(参考金山词霸)从解释看,是不能用于从某物到某物的。搭配如:1. during one"s absence 离任期间2. during the vacation 假期间3. during his lifetime 在他活着的时候4. during the war 在战争中5. 2. During UK. 2.应用UK.6. damaged during handling. 期间损坏处理.7. during one"s stay 逗留期间8. during his tarry 在他逗留期间9. spotting during pregnancy 胎漏10. during a meal 在吃饭的时候


为了增强同学们的英语阅读能力,可以更好的备战 PTE考试 ,PTE在线学院我给大家带来一篇双语新闻,请同学们认真阅读。   Why the history of economic growth should be all about recessions?   为什么经济增长的历史应该都是与经济衰退相关?   “Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man,” wrote Robert Heinlein, a science-fiction writer.   一个名为罗伯特·海因莱因( Robert Heinlein )的科幻作家写到,“纵观历史,贫穷是人们的常态”。   Until the 18th century, global GDP per person was stuck between $725 and $1,100, around the same income level as the World Bank"s current poverty line of $1.90 a day.   直到18世纪,全球GDP每人都卡在725美元和1100美元之间,大约和世界银行目前每天1.90美元贫困线一样。   But global income levels per person have since accelerated, from around $1,100 in 1800 to $3,600 in 1950, and over $10,000 today.   但是全球收入水平每人已经增长了,从1800年1100美元到1950年3600美元,到今天超过了10万美元。   Economists have long tried to explain this sudden surge in output.   经济学家长久以来一直试图解释这种收入上的突然增长。   Most theories have focused on the factors driving long-term economic growth such as the quantity and productivity of labour and capital.   大部分理论都集中在促进经济长期增长的因素如劳动和资本的质量和生产力。   But a new paper takes a different tack: faster growth is not due to bigger booms, but to less shrinking in recessions.   但是一项新的研究有了不同的看法:更快的增长并不是由于大繁荣,而是由于萧条中更少的衰退。   Stephen Broadberry of Oxford University and John Wallis of the University of Maryland have taken data for 18 countries in Europe and the New World, some from as far back as the 13th century.   牛津大学的斯蒂芬·布劳德伯利(Stephen Broadberry)和马里兰大学的约翰·沃利斯(John Wallis)把18世纪欧洲和新世界,还有一些早至13世纪的数据收取了。   To their surprise, they found that growth during years of economic expansion has fallen in the recent era—from 3.88% between 1820 and 1870 to 3.06% since 1950—even though average growth across all years in those two periods increased from 1.4% to 2.55%.   他们吃惊的是,他们发现经济扩张时期的经济增长在最近时期已经下降——从1820年和1870年的3.88%到自1950年3.06%——即使这两个时期中这些年份平均经济增长从1.4%上升到2.55%.   Instead, shorter and shallower slumps led to rising long-term growth.   相反,时间更短,程度更浅的经济衰退导致了长期的经济增长。 Output fell in a third of years between 1820 and 1870 but in only 12% of those since 1950.   收入在1820年和1870年中三分之一的年份下降,但是自从1950年仅在12%的年份中下降。   The rate of decline per recession year has fallen too, from 3% to 1.2%.   每个经济衰退年份下降的比率也从3%降低到了1.2%.   So why have these “growth reversals” decreased in length and depth?   那么,为什么这些“增长逆转”在长度和深度方面下降了呢?   In another paper Messrs Broadberry and Wallis find that conventional explanations—such as demographic change or a sectoral shift from volatile agriculture to the more stable services sector—do not fully explain the shift.   在另一篇 Messrs Broadberry 和 Wallis发现,传统的经济扩张——如从不稳定的农业到更加稳定的服务部门中的人口变动或部门转变——并不能完全解释这一转变。   More important is the rise of the rule of law, enabling disputes to be settled by impartial courts.   更为重要的是法律地位的上升,保证了纠纷由公正的法庭解决。   Before the modern era, elites would fight between themselves for the spoils of growth and send the economy back to square one through wars, corruption and the like.   在现代时期以前,精英会为经济增长的战利品相互争夺,并通过战争,腐败和类似这样的方式恢复经济以占取一部分利益。   Respect for courts to resolve disputes prevents this from happening.   尊重法庭去解决争端阻止了这种事的发生。   With populist politicians challenging the authority of judges once again across the world, that is food for thought.   随着民粹主义政治家再次在全世界挑战法官的权威,这值得人们深思。

【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter10

【前情回顾】: 福尔摩斯在报纸上刊登了该戒指的相关消息,希望能够引君入瓮。失物招领的消息的确吸引了一人登门造访,但来者的老妇人身份让两人大吃一惊。在言语的交锋中他们没有发现破绽,只好归还戒指。 【今日翻译】: Sherlock Holmes sprang to his feet the moment that she was gone and rushed into his room. He returned in a few seconds wearing a coat and a scarf. “I"ll follow her,” he said, hurriedly, “she must be an accomplice(同伙), and will lead me to him. Wait up for me.” The hall door had hardly closed behind our visitor before Holmes had walked down the stair(楼梯). 那老妇一走,Holmes就跳了起来冲进卧室。 几秒钟后就穿着外套围着围巾出来了。 “我去跟踪她,她肯定是个同伙,现在去和凶手回合了。等我。” 那老妇出去了,Holmes 还没下完楼梯,大门就“砰”的一声关上了。 Looking through the window I could see her walking along the other side, while her pursuer followed her some little distance behind. It was almost twelve o"clock before I heard the sharp(尖锐的) sound of Holmes opening the door. The instant he entered I saw by his face that he had not been successful. 我赶紧扑向窗户看去,就见那老妇沿着街另一边走着,几米开外是跟踪她的Holmes。 伴随着一声吱呀的开门声,Holmes回来了,那时候都夜里两点了。 他一进门,我看到他的表情,就知道,这事儿没成功。 “I wouldn"t have the Scotland Yarders know it,” he cried, dropping into his chair, “I have mocked(嘲笑) them so much that they would never have let me hear the end of it.” “What is it then?” I asked. “这事儿说什么都不能让那些苏格兰人知道,我嘲笑过他们不知道多少次,这要是被他们知道了那还了得。”说着,他就把自己扔进了沙发。 “到底怎么样?”我好奇得很。 “Oh, I don"t mind telling a story against myself. That lady had gone a little way when she began to limp(跛行) and show every sign of being tired. Presently she called a cab(马车) which was passing, and said loudly ‘Drive to 13, Duncan Street, Houndsditch." Having seen her safely inside, I hung on the back. I jumped off before we came to the door, and walked down the street. I saw the cab(马车) pull up. The driver jumped down, and I saw him open the door and stand in shock. No one came out. There was no sign or trace(痕迹) of his passenger. On inquiring(调查) at Number 13, we found that no one of the name either of Sawyer or Dennis had ever been heard of there.” “恩,倒是能跟你讲讲。 那老妇不是一直跛着走呢么,而且还处处显露出疲态。 后来她叫停了一辆经过的马车,大声的说:【去 Houndsditch区Duncan街13号!】 然后就看她慢腾腾的爬上了车。我就挂在马车背部。 快到目的地的时候,我先跳了下来,沿着街乱走。 然后马车停了。马夫跳下车,把门帘撩开后,就看到他一脸懵逼的看着车里。 里面没人。毛都没有。 后来我调查了下13号,结果不论是Sawyer或者Dennis什么的,都没在这里住过。 “You don"t mean to say,” I cried, in shock, “that that old woman was able to get out of the cab(马车) while it was in motion(行驶中的), without either you or the driver seeing her?” “Old woman be damned!” said Sherlock Holmes, sharply. “We were fooled by the old woman. It must have been a young man, and a smart one, too, and he must also have been a good actor. He saw that he was followed, no doubt, and used this means of escaping me. It shows that the man we are after is not as lonely as I imagined he was. He has friends who are ready to risk something for him. Now, Doctor, you are looking tired. Take my advice and go to bed.” Holmes said to me. “你不会是说——就那个老妇,在马车行进中就能离开马车,然后你和车夫一前一后结果都没看到?!”我的老天,实在是大吃好几斤! “对!简直是个鬼!”Holmes气得不行。“我们都被那老妇耍了! 那肯定是个年轻人,还且还有智商,也肯定是个能拿奥斯卡的演员! 他发现自己被跟踪了,然后就将计就计来了个金蝉脱壳。 看来根本不像咱想的那样是一个人来的,绝对有同伙帮他。 医生,你现在看起来挺累了,听我的,先去休息把。” I was certainly feeling very weary(疲倦的), so I obeyed his advice. I left Holmes seated in front of the fire, and knew that he was still thinking over the strange problem which he had set himself to solve. 的确,我感觉有些疲倦,所以就乖乖听话睡觉去了。 独留 Holmes坐在火炉前,默默思考着那个他认真解锁的谜案。 “Every effort should be made to find the secretary, Stangerson, and to find out some details(细节) of the habits of the dead man. A great step had been gained by the discovery of the address of the house at which he had stayed— a result which was entirely due to efforts and energy of Mr. Gregson of Scotland Yard.” “本案应致力于找寻秘书Stangerson,以及关于死者生前的习性。 由于发现死者生前居住地而有了大步进展—— 这一切都归功于Scotland Yard(苏格兰法庭)的Gregson侦探的不懈努力。” Sherlock Holmes and I read this notice from The Daily News together at breakfast, and it appeared to afford him considerable enjoyment. “Whatever happened, Lestrade and Gregson will be sure to get some credit.” “That depends on(取决于) how it turns out.” 第二天早饭,我和Holmes都看到了日报上的这则消息,这好像很大的取悦了我的小伙伴。 “不管发生什么,Lestrade和 Gregson肯定都能获得功劳。” “那不是还要看结果。” “Oh, it doesn"t matter in the least. If the man is caught, it will be because of their efforts; if he escapes, the detectives(侦探) will also get praise for trying. It"s heads I win and tails you lose. Whatever they do, they will have followers. They say that ‘a stupid person can always find an even more stupid person to admire him." ” “呵,结果怎样都不会有影响。如果凶手被抓,那肯定是他们的努力; 如果没抓住,那也会大肆表扬侦探过程的努力和艰辛。 就是我能拿到头,但你只有尾巴。典型的我吃肉你喝汤。 不论怎样,他们都会有大批的追随者。 有句老话说得好:【一个笨蛋,总能找到另外的更笨的笨蛋为他喝彩】。” “What on earth is this?” I cried, for at this moment there was a sound of many steps in the hall and on the stairs(楼梯), accompanied(伴随着) by the disgusted(厌烦的) voice of our landlady(房东太太). 这时候楼梯里响起一阵杂乱的脚步声,伴随着房东太太的叠声抱怨。 “发生什么事了?”我问道。 “It"s the Baker Street division of the detective(侦探) police force,” said my companion, and as he spoke, there rushed into the room half a dozen of the dirtiest street Arabs that I had ever put eyes on. “Attention(立正)!” cried Holmes, in a sharp(尖锐的) tone(音调), and the six dirty little Arabs stood in a line. “这是侦探警部在Baker街的分部。” 小伙伴说着,就冲进来了6个我没见过这么脏的阿拉伯小孩儿。 “立正!”Holmes大叫了一声,6个孩子就排成了一排。 “In future you should send up Wiggins alone to report, and the rest must wait in the street. Have you found it, Wiggins?” “No, sir, we haven"t,” said one of the youths. “以后你们就让Wiggins一个人上来进行汇报,其余人等在下面等着。Wiggins你们找到他了吗?” “没先生,我们没找着。”其中一个孩子回到。 “I hardly expected you would. You must continue until you do. Here are your wages(工资).” He handed each of them a coin. “Now, off you go, and come back with a better report next time.” “我也没想着你能找到。你们继续接着找,直到找到为止。这是工资。”他给了他们每人一个硬币,“现在去接着找吧,下次带个好消息回来。” He waved his hand, and they ran away downstairs like so many rats, and we heard their loud voices next moment in the street. “Those children are more useful than all the detectives(侦探) put together,” Holmes remarked. “The mere sight of an official-looking person closes men"s lips. These children, however, go everywhere and hear everything. They are smart, too, and all you need is to organize them.” 他摆了摆手,然后那群熊孩子就跟几只老鼠一样涌下了楼梯,下一秒就通道他们在街上的吼叫声了。 “这些孩子比一队侦探还顶用。”Holmes说,“要是正经的官方人士的话,很难打探到有用的信息。 但是这些孩子们,就能无孔不入。 而且他们也很聪明,你只需要组织一下他们就成。” “Is it on this Brixton case that you are employing them?” I asked. “Yes. There is more I want to learn. It is merely a matter of time. Hello! We are going to hear some news now! Here is Gregson coming down the road with happiness written upon every feature(五官) of his face. Bound for us, I know. Yes, he is stopping. There he is!” “你雇他们是为了这宗谜案吗?” “恩是的,我想知道一些事情。 现在就直接坐等就好了。 哦!看来我们会有个新消息了! 你看门外那笑的一脸褶子的 Gregson侦探,肯定是带来了什么他觉得特别好的消息。 哦,他停了,来了。” There was a violent ring of the bell, and in a few seconds the detective(侦探) came up the stairs(楼梯), three steps at a time, and burst into our sitting-room. “My dear fellow,” he cried, “congratulate me! I have made the whole thing as clear as day.” 然后就听到了门铃声,紧接着上楼声,一步能迈三阶台阶,然后进了屋。 “哦我亲爱的伙计们,恭喜我吧!我把整件事情都理清了!” A shade of anxiety seemed to cross my companion"s face. “Do you mean that you are on the right track?” he asked. “The right track! Oh, sir, we have the man under lock and key.” “And his name is?” “Arthur Charpentier, sub-lieutenant in Her Majesty"s navy,” cried Gregson, rubbing(搓) his fat hands and puffing out his chest. 我好像从小伙伴的脸上看到了一丝焦虑紧张。 “你是说你整个案件都搞明白了?”小伙伴问。 “对!都搞明白了!哦,我们连凶手都抓到了。” “他是?” “Arthur Charpentier,是皇家海军的一名中尉。”Gregson搓着手,挺着胸膛大声说。 Sherlock Holmes gave a sigh of relief, and relaxed into a smile. “Take a seat, and try one of these cigars,” he said. “We are anxious to know how you managed it. Will you have some whiskey(威士忌) and water? Let us hear how you arrived at this most satisfying result.” said Holmes. “The fun of it is,” the officer cried, “that that fool Lestrade, who thinks himself so smart, has gone off upon the wrong track altogether. He is after the secretary Stangerson, who had no more to do with the crime than an unborn baby. I have no doubt that he has caught him by this time.” The idea excited Gregson so much that he laughed until he started coughing. 明显看到小伙伴大松了一口气,露出了蜜汁微笑。 “先坐,抽根烟。我们很想知道您是怎么办到的。要来点威士忌吗?还是水?” “哈哈好,跟你们说啊,笨蛋Lestrade,还老以为自己多聪明,完全走错了路。他一直追踪那个秘书Stangerson,但其实人家跟着案子毛的关系都没有。我肯定他现在已经抓住那个秘书了哈哈哈!” Gregson笑的根本停不下来,笑到后来被自己的口水呛到咳个不停。 over,不定时翻译。

绝地求生出现corrupted data怎么办


EXE corrupted什么意思


万能词典错误:installation corrupted. please reinstall


如何处理数据集中丢失或损坏的数据(missing or corrupted)?

可以在数据集中找到丢失/损坏的数据,然后删除这些行或列,或者决定用其他值替换它们。在Pandas中,有两种非常有用的方法: isnull ( )和dropna ( ),它们将帮助您查找丢失或损坏数据的数据列并删除这些值。如果要用占位符值(例如0 )填充无效值,则可以使用fillna ( )方法。

Need For Speed files are corrupted; please re-install

corrupt意为:腐蚀的,不可靠的。大意应该是 极品飞车文件已损坏,或这是防火墙的警告。希望对你有帮助!




对应代码:spath = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool,MAX_PATH_LEN);原因分析:这里是申请PagedPool,而从错误信息看,这时候的IRQL是2,不应该使用分页内存,所以应该改为NonPagedPool

我在装系统的时候出现错误提示:"The file ntfs.sys is corrupted",这是什么意思啊,怎么解决它呢?

file 文件 ntfs是分区格式,sys is corrupted 系统损坏。 系统坏掉了,要么就是修复系统,其实修复系统不好,最好最干净的做法就是重装一下你的系统,保留你的其他盘,格式化你的系统盘,再安装

怎么开连发就提示EXEcorrupted 谁能帮我解决


我进绝地求生游戏玩2分钟就出现ERROR25 Battleye.corrupted .data的问题


veges安装时提示download was corrupted?

这个:download was corrupted 的意思是:下载已经失败(下载的文件损坏)的意思,请重新换个安装程序。

绝地求生 提示batteye:corrupted memory是为什么

这个提示是检测到游戏文件异常首先,试试点击开始-运行,输入services.msc,打开服务,找到Windows Management Instrumentation“或“BattlEye Service”服务,查看状态是否为“已启动”,如果是停止状态,右键属性里改为“手动”并点击“启动”---“应用”开启服务如果服务已经是自动启动的,那就比较麻烦了,要么是删过地图的,要么是有用过去草等外挂的。

File corrupted是什么意思?

就像下边图片提示那样比如你那个游戏哦,那个私服登陆器要求连接的客户端是W的,你搞成Q或E的都不成的,总有那么个小小的文件是错或是不能识别才提示是错的``哈`会提示File Corrupted 文件损坏了 或者 档案损坏了

装系统时,显示the file acpi.sys is corrupted

1、BIOS 的ACPI指的是什么?ACPl(Advanced Configuration Management)是1997年由INTEL/MICROSOFT/TOSHIBA提出的新型电源管理规范,意图是让操作系统而不是BIOS来全面控制电源管理,使系统更加省电。 其特点主要有:提供立刻开机功能,即开机后可立即恢复到上次关机时的状态,光驱、软驱和硬盘在未使用时会自动关掉电源,使用时再打开;支持在开电状态下既插即拔,随时更换功能。 ACPI主要支持三种节电方式,1、(suspend即挂起)显示屏自动断电;只是主机通电。这时敲任意键即可恢复原来状态。2、(save to ram 或suspend to ram 即挂起到内存)系统把当前信息储存在内存中,只有内存等几个关键部件通电,这时计算机处在高度节电状态,按任意键后,计算机从内存中读取信息很快恢复到原来状态。3、(save to disk或suspend to disk即挂起到硬盘)计算机自动关机,关机前将当前数据存储在硬盘上,用户下次按开关键开机时计算机将无须启动操作系统,直接从硬盘读取数据,恢复原来状态。2、碰上“The file acpi.sys is corrupted”怎么办?内存原因,换个内存试试系统安装盘损坏,同换在电脑刚启动起来的时候,能把系统给点亮,可是启动到进度条结束后,电脑就一动也不动了,于是我又重新启动,反复了好多次,仍然无法,于是采用了修复系统的办法,可是,在修复的时候居然蓝屏提示“acpi.sys is orrupted”,我就纳闷坏了,连修复都没有办法吗?于是上网查看了一下,原来是系统中某些驱动的问题,于是初步判断了一下,因为是笔记本本,所以不太可能是电脑硬件的问题,估计是外设的问题,接下来就把所有的外设线全给拔了,于是电脑启动正常了。当电脑启动以后,检查了一下才发现是和电脑相连的手写板有问题了,是一个灰尘夹在了分析之间导致了不停的操作造成的。 无法安装ACPI高级电源管理文件,安装操作系统前,在BIOS里的调一下acpi,或者置“关闭acpi”也可以,最好还是把BIOS放电试一下以上都是网上找的,不知对你有没有帮助?

archive is corrupted是什么意思呢?

应该是资料丢失 文件损坏之类

dll corrupted 是什么意思


主板报错: themisbiosiscorrupted.


系统进不去 出现System variable storage is corrupted,usi


打开WOW就会出来Missing or corrupted data 这是怎么回事啊?


关于使用数组,产生的一个Stack corrupted问题

#include<iostream>using namespace std;void main(){ int data[40]; int i,r,j,k; int digit; int n; for(i=1;i<40;i++) //这里不能写成i<1+40,你的数组总共有40个元素,也就是0~39,你去访问data[40]就越界了 data[i]=0; data[0]=1; data[1]=1; digit=1; cout<<"input:"; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<1+n;i++) { for(j=1;j<1+digit;j++) data[j]*=i;//给每个数组元素乘上一个数 for(j=1;j<1+digit;j++) { if(data[j]>10) //判断满十进一 { for(r=1;r<1+digit;r++) { if(data[digit]>10) digit++; data[r+1]+=data[r]/10; data[r]%=10; } } } cout<<i<<"!="; for(k=digit;k>0;k--) cout<<data[k]; cout<<endl; }}

微软的补丁安装过程中file is corrupted

文件丢失!! 文件有错误 建议下载地址找个可靠点的大网站来下载

为什么电脑开机出现the data in the EC or EC flash might be corrupted

电脑开机出现the data in the EC or EC flash might be corrupted,电脑开机出现这样的错误代码,说明电脑的电源出现了问题,需要更换电脑的电源来解决问题,具体的操作步骤如下:1、首先把电脑机箱上的螺丝都拧下来,打开机箱的盖子:2、打开了盖子之后就可以看到电脑的内部部件了:3、然后把电脑的电源的线缆拔下,之后就可以把电源拆下:4、然后把新的电源放到电脑机箱内,把线缆都连接好:5、然后用把固定机箱的螺丝拧好,这样就可以了,重新更换电源的电脑就不会出现开机错误的问题了:

Unpacking Error: corrupted setup file 是什么意思

通俗一点的说: 就是你的安装文件中有些损坏了,不能安装被损坏的文件, 导致安装程序中断。

蓝屏错误DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL 0x100000c5 ntoskrnl.ex


hodll.dll File Corrupted,要怎么解决


玩遥迎凤华老弹出dll corrupted

dll corrupted的意思是你的游戏有一个动态链接库文件损坏。 应该是你的游戏在压制的时候把文件压坏了。 或者是你下载的时候文件缺失了。 最简单的解决方法是重下一次吧

开机时出现the setup files are corrupted怎么办


电脑开机不了显示The Mian BIOS is corrupted无限重启


project jdk“1.8”is not found on the disk or corrupted怎么解决

解决办法:选中项目 Properties , 选择 Project Facets,右击选择 Java , Change Version 然后在里面选择jdk1.8版本。

matlab提示corrupted response什么意思

freqspace :Frequency spacing for frequency response[x1,y1] = freqspace(...,"meshgrid") is equivalent to [f1,f2] = freqspace(...);[x1,y1] = meshgrid(f1,f2);以上都是在频域用于等间隔的产生一些点fspecial:Create predefined 2-D filter 创建预定义的2-D高斯滤波器fwind2:2-D FIR filter using 2-D window method用窗函数法设计2-D滤波器,单位脉冲响应为hfilter2:2-D digital filter用上述设计的滤波器对moon这幅图像进行滤波
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