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网络断线,出现Request timed out.不通怎么办???


使用ping命令时经常出现Request timed out(请求超时)


ping网关 出现request timed out


ping 网址一直出现 request timed out 究竟是什么意思呢?在地址栏输入改网址可以访问。迷糊了,求解。

request timed out 是指请求超时也就是指ping 不通网络1,确认输入的格式正确,还有网址Ip正确如 ping -t 等2,是ping的对象(服务器)禁止了ping 的命令希望采纳

TRACERT命令显示:* * * the request timed out

request timed out 分为两种情况:1、网络不通,也就是说IP地址无效。2、A机有防火墙,ICMP协议被屏蔽了,没有ICMP回复

request timed out


在苹果手机里出现the request timed out怎么办?

按字面解释就是“请求超时”的意思,你可以重新提交一次试试。呵呵,不过我没用过苹果手机,我是HTC的。所以不知回答正确不。(您)本次操作时间已到。session指操作的过程我没有遇到过这种情况,解决方法,重新安装下 itunes 吧。

为什么网站能ping出IP,确始终提示request timed out

ip 是由dns解析的。所以一般网站都可以解析成ip。 即使网站关闭,只要dns服务器还有值,就能把ip解析出来。而dns服务器,一般是在国内甚至是当地电信的。访问不会有问题的。ip可以解析和能够访问网站是另一件事了。此外,很多服务器出于安全考虑都是禁止ping的,ping会失败。tracert走ping的协议,不通很正常。

电脑老是出现request timed out 怎么解决


request timed out 是什么意思,要怎么解决


电脑出现request timed out 怎么解决

当然这种情况下,很可能就是网络出现了故障,但并不能就因此而确定网络一定不通。因为它还有可能是其它原因造成的。 防火墙拦截当安装了防火墙之后,当防火墙工作时,一般都能自动拦截来自网络的Ping命令,从而让其失去响应。同时安装防火墙后,还会造成共享文件无法访问的故障。因此在检查时应该先让对方关闭防火墙,然后再使用Ping命令来检测。 IP安全策略限制 对于很多有经验的网管人员来说,他们都在服务器上添加了IP安全策略,对ICMP报文进行过滤,使Ping命令无法回应,从而返回“Request Timed Out”的错误提示。 网关设置错误 这种情况主要出现在Ping外部网络地址时才出现。因为当网关设置错误时,Ping发出的数据包无法经网关进行转发。因此需要检查本机的网关设置以及远程网关的配置是否正确。 一般来说,只有在排除上述原因之外,才能够根据“Request Timed Out”初步判断网络连接可能有问题。 根据这些情况,你查看一下吧。

我网速变慢.没掉过 ping一直出现 request timed out,如果能出现类似下面的提示[]with32bytesofdata:基本说明你的DNS没问题,网络外连也没问题。requesttimedout,表示ping包超时,不一定就是断网了。现在很多运营商为了减少网络病毒,也为了减少资源消耗,都设置了禁ping。只要能访问网页,不论快慢,至少说明网络链路没问题。网速慢得找其他原因。常见的原因是网络太繁忙(带宽不足)

The request timed out是什么意思


“request timed out”是什么意思?

请求超时的意思。可能是ARP问题或者你接口接触不良。一般情况下不会出现Request Timed Out,相对来说是Timed Out出现的比较多,RTO是本机网络测试,TO是对服务器的网络测试。如果你确定是RTO,推荐你检查一下网络接口,网线跟路由器和电脑的接口是否有问题。如果连接没问题就去想一下会不会是ARP问题。

request timed out 怎么解决

解决方案:1、如果你是光纤接入的,那么,重起电脑后,再出现这个问题,不要想了,直接打电话要网络运营商来。2、如果你是电话线承载的ADSL拨号上网,用ping命令的时候过几行就会出现 request timed out是指掉包现象。掉包越多,其掉包率就越大,说明你所在的网络就越不稳定。那么进行以下几个检查:A、检查线路:首先检查一下家里线路,看屋内接头是否接好,线路是否经过了什么干扰源,比如空调、冰箱、电视等,尽量与这些用电设备保持一定的距离。也可以自行把室内的线路使用抗干扰能力更强的网线代替。确保线路连接正确。电话线入户后连接接线盒,然后再到话音分离器分离,一线走电话、一线走MODEM(分离器上有标注)。同时确保线路通讯质量良好没有被干扰,没有连接其它会造成线路干扰的设备。并检查接线盒和水晶头有没有接触不良以及是否与其它电线串绕在一起。有条件最好用标准电话线,PC接ADSLModem附带的双绞线。线路是影像上网的质量的重要因素之一。距离用户电缆线100米以内的无线电发射塔、电焊机、电车或高压电力变压器等信号干扰源,都能使用户下线接收杂波(铜包钢线屏蔽弱,接收信号能力强),对用户线引起强干扰。受干扰的信号往往是无屏蔽的下线部分进入,因为中继电缆有屏蔽层,干扰和影响都很小。如果在干扰大的地方用一些带屏蔽的下线,就会减少因干扰造成的速度不稳定或掉线现象。另外,电源线不可与adsl线路并行,以防发生串扰,导致adsl故障。另外其他也有很多因素造成网络不稳定,例如信号干扰、软件冲突。手机这一类辐射大的东西一定不要放在ADSLModem的旁边,因为每隔几分钟手机会自动查找网络,这时强大的电磁波干扰足以造成ADSL Modem断流。B、检查网卡:网卡一般都是PCI网卡或者板载网卡,选择得时候定要选择质量较好的,不然可能造成上网质量欠佳。10M或10M/100M自适应网卡都可。另外,许多机器共享上网,使用双网卡,这也是引起冲突同样值得关注,这时,应当拔起连接局域网或其它电脑的网卡,只用连接ADSL的网卡上网测试,如果故障恢复正常,再检查两块网卡有没有冲突。C、检查MODEM、路由器或者网卡设置:首先重起MODEM和路由器。在正常模式工作下,不需要对MODEM进行设置,使用默认即可。而路由器则需要进行设置,将帐户、密码盒设置存入,进行开机自动拨号。此方法最常见的是设置错了ADSLModem的IP地址,或是错误设置了DNS服务器。因为对于ADSL虚拟拨号的用户来说,是不需要设定IP地址的,自动分配即可。TCP/IP网关一般也不需要设置。但是设定DNS一定要设置正确,DNS地址可以从当地电信部门获得。另外,TCP/IP设置最容易引起不能浏览网页的情况,一般设置为自动获得IP地址,但是DNS一定要填写。其他采用默认即可。D、检查网线和电话线的线路接口:查看是否生锈、松动、接触不良等情况,最好找人重新更换一次。同时,网线的水晶头做线也因排序问题会影响掉包。网线对线的标准有两个:EIA/TIA568A和EIA/TIAT568B标准。二者没有本质的区别,只是在颜色上的区别,即用的线不同。如果您做的是与计算机的连接线,两端使用同一标准就可以了。如是两台计算机对接的线,则需要一端用EIA568A,另一端使用EIA568B的做法。目前普通网线使用比较多的是T568B标准接线方法。标准568A:绿白-1,绿-2,橙白-3,蓝-4,蓝白-5,橙-6,褐白-7,褐-8;标准568B:橙白-1,橙-2,绿白-3,蓝-4,蓝白-5,绿-6,褐白-7,褐-8。E、操作系统,病毒问题。F、电话机的防盗打开关也会影响掉包。

request timed out 是什么意思?


request timed out 是什么意思

Request timed out 是网络不通或是网络阻塞(请求超时)是什么把网络相互连接起来?是路由器。路由器是互联网络的枢纽、"交通警察"。目前路由器已经广泛应用于各行各业,各种不同档次的产品已经成为实现各种骨干网内部连接、骨干网间互联和骨干网与互联网互联互通业务的主力军。 所谓路由就是指通过相互连接的网络把信息从源地点移动到目标地点的活动。一般来说,在路由过程中,信息至少会经过一个或多个中间节点。通常,人们会把路由和交换进行对比,这主要是因为在普通用户看来两者所实现的功能是完全一样的。其实,路由和交换之间的主要区别就是交换发生在OSI参考模型的第二层(数据链路层),而路由发生在第三层,即网络层。这一区别决定了路由和交换在移动信息的过程中需要使用不同的控制信息,所以两者实现各自功能的方式是不同的。 早在40多年之间就已经出现了对路由技术的讨论,但是直到80年代路由技术才逐渐进入商业化的应用。路由技术之所以在问世之初没有被广泛使用主要是因为80年代之前的网络结构都非常简单,路由技术没有用武之地。直到最近十几年,大规模的互联网络才逐渐流行起来,为路由技术的发展提供了良好的基础和平台。 路由器是互联网的主要节点设备。路由器通过路由决定数据的转发。转发策略称为路由选择(routing),这也是路由器名称的由来(router,转发者)。作为不同网络之间互相连接的枢纽,路由器系统构成了基于 TCP/IP 的国际互连网络 Internet 的主体脉络,也可以说,路由器构成了 Internet 的骨架。它的处理速度是网络通信的主要瓶颈之一,它的可靠性则直接影响着网络互连的质量。因此,在园区网、地区网、乃至整个 Internet 研究领域中,路由器技术始终处于核心地位,其发展历程和方向,成为整个 Internet 研究的一个缩影。在当前我国网络基础建设和信息建设方兴未艾之际,探讨路由器在互连网络中的作用、地位及其发展方向,对于国内的网络技术研究、网络建设,以及明确网络市场上对于路由器和网络互连的各种似是而非的概念,都具有重要的意义。如果对你有帮助,劳驾点下五星采纳,祝您游戏愉快!记得采纳哦~

request timed out 是什么意思,要怎么解决


request timed out什么意思?


电脑老是出现request timed out 怎么解决


His request to go to the front was turned down.He was ordered to stay___to___the counterattack

好吧意思被分析过了第一个空用behind和 in the rear都可以但是第二个空 prepare是不及物动词 只能以prepare for something的形式接宾语所以选D

no question of 到底是“毫无疑问”还是“不可能”?


He failed to reply to my question. 他没能回答我的问题。

可以,但要改成 didn"t ,时态要一致!或者用语气更强烈一些! fail to do st 没有做成什么

Grammar Questions




VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)回答下列问题。(Answer the following questions.)96.

96. 6 97. The hours move back 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours. The minutes move forward 4, 8, 16, and 32 minutes. The seconds move back 1, 2, 3, and 4 seconds. The time on the fifth watch should be 21.14.51. 98. example 99. Give three girls an apple each, and give the fourth girl her apple in the basket. 100. A river. 略

no problem no questions 有什么区别呢

no problem多用于口语交际中;而question针对answer回答的问题。

打开新浪微博网页端时,出现414 Request-URI Too Large的情况,怎么解决?

414 Request-URI TOO Large是指请求URI太大,网站打开时候缓存项太大,无法打开,建议清理浏览器缓存即可。新浪微博是一个由新浪网推出,提供微型博客服务类的社交网站。用户可以通过网页、WAP页面、手机客户端、手机短信、彩信发布消息或上传图片。新浪可以把微博理解为"微型博客"或者"一句话博客"。用户可以将看到的、听到的、想到的事情写成一句话,或发一张图片,通过电脑或者手机随时随地分享给朋友,一起分享、讨论;还可以关注朋友,即时看到朋友们发布的信息。

Illegal request code!什么意思?


为什么写成for this video? “feel free to leave your question in the comments for this video”

一、这里的“for"可以理解为:"Where is something intended to be used?"中文可以用“给、对(表示对象或用途)”二、"Feel free to leave your questions in the comments for this video."表述:留言中疑问是针对这个视频的(与其它视频无关)三、不可以使用"in"和"to""in"通常表示为处于什么空间内部"to"通常表示为方向性或结合动词的实义下的接收根据句意,此处使用"in"或"to"来替换均不合适。 能麻烦你把你说说的这个软件发给我吗,我有个

The marriage was annulled aural 55 hours (with a advantageous adjustment to Alexander), but that didn"t stop Spears" abominable second blitz to the chantry later that same year,fm transmitter house, this time to dancer Kevin Federline (yet addition a antecedent of altercation, as Federline was an 88b7833a3141c9129cd9bb090asleep24b ancestor invadmired in a accord with extra Shar Jacksonwho"d alaccessible bore him one childat the sacerb of their affair). Their assurance was appear in June, with plans for a abatement 2004 wedadvise. Somearea amid romances,best bluetooth headset, Spears abided to cocky-advance with faux-relevatory certificateary specials on MTV, ABC and E!, and she accomplished a decidedly uniacmed live adaptation of her acceptedly panned Onyx Hotel tour for the HBO special "Britney Spears: Live in Miami" in2004. The albino idol culled out of the final leg of her ailing accustomed tour after abasing her knee in June of that year,cheap bluetooth stereo headsets, acute arthroall-embracing anaplasty and four months of recupeallowance (she also accepted that her arch "absolutely wasn"t into" the tour).Her leiabiding time was angry into attraction on cockactions, a convenance she connected afterwards sucassessment had yieldn her far from her Kentcopse,screen protector, Louisiana, home. Betting on erectangry, she ex521918847eb65accomplishment61e64bd540c0781ed to abashed Hollywood accompany, was a way of "befitting it absolute" and advancement a affiliation to her basiss. Beabandon, "that"s what we do aback home. We"re calculationry".Her debut single "...Baby One More Time" was a accident in the endure canicule of 1998, acknowledgment in allotment to the advanced, annoying babe-compatible antic music video that acatoneanied the addictive and abnormally anxious tune. While the beginning-faced teen awareness imapparently caroled "My bareness is annihilateing me", admirerss of all ages were absorbed, from the average-age-old man staring at the singer"s abbreviate checkerboard kilt and belly-acknowledgment bblow, to the 7-year-old girl bent about in the amphitheater, abnormally argumentation "Hit me babyish, one more time." Spears" admission anthology went multi-blueprintinum while her individual backward at the top of the archive in the first agess of 1999.The agrarian adolescent below the apparent was bubbles over into her public beinga, with the boilerplate and abridged columnist amaranthinely abidingling anytimey dank ablueprintt of her behaviorwhich allegedly coverd backward aboutt parattached and affiliations with celebrity lotharios Fred Durst and Colin Farrell; the dam acutely bankrupt apart in January of 2004,Anti-virus Support, when the baker abashed her admirers with a abruptness alliance to her adolescence acquaintance Jason Alexander (not the much-earlier "Seineld" amateur of the aforementioned name) in an allegedly booze-ammunitioned New Year"s Eve marriage in Las Vegas, something she alleged "a antic that had gone too far."Rumors of her co-brilliantring with Rdisgusting Martin in a aftereffect to the 1987 adventurous hit "Dirty Dancing" weren"t accomplished, but the accompanist/ballerina fabricated a above consequence on teleeyes with a additional amativeaccessory answerable achievement on the MTV Music Video Aareas,fm transmitter, cadence with an albino python to her song "I"m a Sabsterge For U" and a arch live conabsolutely, "Britney Spears reside in Las Vegas" (2001) that aired on HBO, a assembly that approved her developed sex address as abundant as it did her praccessiblecity-limits to lip-accompanyh. Not annoyed with just acquisition the music bazaar, Spears approved her duke at broadcasting, co-assembly with her madded Lynne the autobioclearal album "Britney Spears" Heart to Heart" in 2000 and the atypical "A Mother"s Gift" in 2001, the after of which was about-faceed into the ABC Family Channel telballsy "Bbabble New Girl" in 2004, which Spears and her mother controlling aftermathd.Britney Spears was already disturbing from gambling addelivery. She was an ardent charlatan of cockfighting in Lafayette, Louisiana, the cockfighting basic of the United States. "My ancestors took me to cockfights when I was a little girl, That was my accolade for doing able-bodied at my dancing acquaint. There was consistently lots of other kids there. We acclimated to draw in the clay with craven accoutrement. It was real ancestors absorbment." said Britney Spears.Appearances on countless appropriates and accolades appearances and a bedfellow assignment on the ABC ball "Sabrina, the Teenage Wcrawling" adviceed accumulate her in the apperceptions and affections of the accessible, and if she appear her aftereffect accomplishment "Oops!... I Did It Aaccretion" in 2000. Though abeyant roles in the TV alternation "Dawson"s Ceffluvium" and the affection "Scary Movie" (2000) came to nannihilation appearly due to her active agenda, new activitys with Spaerial" name absorbed sprung up commonly.Abender Britney Spears: A accomplished ballr and able singer who capital a attempt at singing, dancing and acting and had the assurance and backbone to get to the top,bluetooth headset, Spears alphaed her afflictioner in the ball industry aristocraty, too aboriginal in actuality for ambassadors of the adapted "Mickey Mouse Club" who turned down the accomplished adolescent babe becould of her age when she aboriginal audienceed in 1990. In 1997, Spears active with Jive Rebonds, alpha the affiliation that would accomplish her a domiciliary name. She bouted the capitals of America a la boyhood pop star Tiffany in 1998, accepting her angel into the minds of the humans while getting her brawlo band into tbeneficiary stereos.In accession, tactuality were account that advances all over the Internet appropriate now is that the pop star has been affairing harder with Paris Hilton in Vegas, but she may be accomplishing added than band aggravates in Sin City. Rumors are that she was aswell in Vegas this accomplished week alive out a 20 anniversary accord that could net Britney more than $15 actor. Britney Spears affairs to use the money to buy a home in Florida after she advertises her Malibu home that she aggregate with her ex-bedmate Kevin Federband.They"re stars, they"re acclaimed, and they have money. And what bigger affair for stars with money to do than to appoint in a little bank. 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请问下: 河佑善(question,但网上都是李贞贤唱的) 的skyblue 的中文歌词???

skyblue ?没有这个,李贞贤河佑善都没这首应该是question演唱:河佑善 歌曲:question 歌词中文翻译: 到底怎么办? 我是否能守住了我的爱 我的爱 我真的不知道 有谁想知道我的一切? 现在不论是谁,就跟他诉说吧 请用心回应我 请正确地看待这份爱 接受我的付出 第一次很害怕 一切都是那么陌生 不想违心的那么轻易地许下承诺 因为那样的了结,让人疲惫,我很讨厌 于是决定毫无留恋的断绝关系 再等一个人 等待有一天 有人毫不犹豫地给予我一切 可以打开我的心扉 到底怎么办? 我是否能守住了我的爱 我的爱 我真的不知道 有谁很想知道我的一切? 现在不论是谁,就跟他诉说吧 请用心回应我 请正确的看待这份爱 接受我的付出 此刻这瞬间用我们共同的感受去了解 我们是否可以在一起生活 不知道下一次能否坚守住我心中的爱情 我不知道这份情感到底算不算爱情




rose :Rational Rose 是一个完全的,具有能满足所有建模环境(Web开发,数据建模,Visual Studio 和 C++ )需求能力和灵活性的一套解决方案。Rose 允许开发人员,项目经理,系统工程师和分析人员在软件开发周期内在将需求和系统的体系架构转换成代码,消除浪费的消耗,对需求和系统的体系架构进行可视化,理解和精练。通过在软件开发周期内使用同一种建模工具可以确保更快更好的创建满足客户需求的可扩展的、灵活的并且可靠的应用系统。下面的链接给你指出了更多的介绍性的材料,并可以帮助你选择最符合你需求的 Rose 配置。 clearcase:软件配置管理软件clearquest:ClearQuest 是一种对缺陷和记录的变化进行跟踪管理的工具。它体现了一个BUG 的完整的生命周期,从提交到关闭,记录了BUG 所有的改变历史,同时ClearQuest 提供了各种查询功能,及时反映了BUG 的处理情况。


Util 是 utility 的缩写,意思是“使用”。init 是 initial 的缩写,意思是“初始化”。request 意思是“请求”。这个字段是计算机语言,意思是“应用初始化请求”,具体要看什么环境下使用这个字段。

answer the question correctly

选C 在这里用有讽刺意味,回答此问题过于聪明了,很不符合语境. so...that...一般连起来用,表达如此的聪明,可以正确的回答问题的意思,一般不与to连用 clever enough表达足够聪明的意思.其意思为具有足够能力去做某事. 如:the bag is large enough to put all these in. D选项错误.

thanks to the effective method , I answered all the questions correctly.什么意思

你好、它的意思是: 多亏了有效的方法,我正确地回答了所有的问题。采纳喔、谢谢你、祝福你永远永远幸福、开心每一天

follow up question是什么意思

follow up question跟进型问题Thinking that Edison is crazy, a follow up question is asked of him: “Why in theworld would you fish without bait?” 这简直是让人无法不认为,他这全然是个疯子嘛! 于是关于他的又一个问题来了:“为什么这个世界上会有一个像你这样的人,钓鱼不用诱饵的?”~很高兴为您解答如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

提示Too many follow-up requests:21怎么解决

你好!提示Too many follow-up requests:21的翻译是:这么多后续的,接踵而至的请求:21


首先构建一个需要向回调函数中传入参数的典型应用。在一个页面中产生了一系列的向Ajax Proxy的请求,传入的是一个ID,根据ID返回了不同的内容值,我们需要把这些内容打印在页面上,同时给页面元素赋予ID,这个时候就需要向回调函数中传入ID,以产生带ID的页面元素。第一种方法就是使用全局变量,能够被函数和回调函数同时访问。这种方法虽然不够优雅,但是确实能够完成任务。第二种办法是使用Closure,这种方法更加优雅一些。通过使用Closure第三种方法假设你需要为你的回调函数使用不同的签名,例如Ajax.Net的专家们允许你在回调中使用额外的参数,如果你想从一个换到另外一个并且保持兼容性的话,就要用到下面的写法:总结一下:向回调函数中传入参数的终极办法其实就是利用Closure,这个看来是唯一可行而且比较优雅的方法,下面将Closure的写法列在下面:var callback = {success:function(data){var item = document.createElement("li"); =;item.innerHTML = "The id is : " +;item.innerHTML += " The value is : " + data.value;var parent = document.getElementById("result");parent.appendChild(item);},failure:function(){alert("failure:");}}xhr = new QueuedHandler();for(var i=0;i<20;i++){xhr.request("get","ajaxproxy.php?id="+i,function(data){ //第二种办法:利用Closuredata = eval("(" + data + ")");



problem 与question有什么区别


英语问题 question和problem区别

problem和question都有“问题”的意思,但用法却不尽相同: 1. problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配. 而 question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用. 2.比较 试比较: ①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决. ②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗? II.problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义.question可表示一件“与……有关的事”.试比较: ①Can you work out this maths problem 你能算出这道数学题吗? ②It"s a question of money / time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题. III.指需要讨论或解决的问题时,problem与question可以互换.如: We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题.

problem 与question有什么区别

同样都是提问 但是question 可以做动词 problem不可以


questions英 ["kwestu0283u0259nz]美 ["kwestu0283u0259nz]n. [数] 问题(question的复数)v. 质疑(question的第三人称单数形式)


关于question与problem的区别如下:1,用比较简洁的概括来说,question 是需要“解答”的问题,而problem 是需要“解决”的问题。 Question 是往往是“疑问”,但problem 所指的问题,往往是“老大难的问题”。这两个词在实际使用中,一般不能相互替代。2, 例如:Please answer the following questions.请回答以下问题。(这句话常出现在作业和试卷,可不能说please answer the following problem).We have 10 people here, but the van has only 7 seats. This is really a big problem.3,我们这里有十个人,但这面包车只有七个座位,这可是个大问题。我用以下这句英语,来概括两者的区别吧:If there is a question, you need an answer. If there is a problem, you need a solution. question需要由提问者;problem不需要,而且其应用范围比前者要广的多。4,problem和question都有“问题”的意思,但用法却不尽相同:question和problem的用法用什么区别?5,用比较简洁的概括来说,question 是需要“解答”的问题,而problem 是需要“解决”的问题。 Question 是往往是“疑问”,但problem 所指的问题,往往是“老大难的问题”。这两个词在实际使用中,一般不能相互替代。6,例如Please answer the following questions.请回答以下问题。(这句话常出现在作业和试卷,可不能说please answer the following problem).We have 10 people here, but the van has only 7 seats. This is really a big problem.7,我们这里有十个人,但这面包车只有七个座位,这可是个大问题。我用以下这句英语,来概括两者的区别吧:If there is a question, you need an answer. If there is a problem, you need a solution. question需要由提问者;problem不需要,而且其应用范围比前者要广的多。

questions 的谐音怎么读


questions 的谐音怎么读



The writer no longer has the eagerness to answer questions. "the" 在 eagerness 前面是需要的. 这是因为我们不能只是说 "事" (thing/eagerness),我们要说 "这事" (the thing/the eagerness). the eagerness 在这里是指这份渴望.


problem:棘手的问题,难题,困难;逻辑题,数学题Eg. Aging of population is a serious problem.人口老龄化是一个严重的问题。2、question:问题,疑问;议题,课题;困惑,疑惑Eg. Do you have any other questions?你还有什么其它问题吗?2、problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,与动词solve或settle(解决)搭配。而question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。3、problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义。2problem 的用法no problem 没问题solve a problem 解决问题face the problem 面对……问题Encounter/experience 遭遇……问题have a problem with sth. 对……有异议3question的用法ask/answer a question 提出/回答问题without question 毋庸置疑Come into question 成为怀疑的对象Out of the question 不可能以上是小编为大家整理的这两个单词的区别,希望对大家有所帮助。


1.I prefer pop music because it makes me feel exciting.2.I think it"s not a good habit because it can make people lose their attetion on studying.3.Exercise can help us keep fit.I usually spend 7 hours.4.I think i would like to watch movie at home,because it is free.I think basketball is a good way because it not only make fun but also keep healthy.5.Love,because if they don"t love each other,they can"t keep for long。6.Ads often tell people the fake thing,so people can"t trush them all.They make people buy things they don"t need sometimes.7.People hate pet cos pets make them angry sometimes,like make their houses dirty,i think dogs are better becausr they are loyal 8.They are short-sighted and wrong.They can wear anything they like,but they should take care of others and the bad men>9.I will think if he will give back or not,if he will give back,i will help him.I will buy a big house for my family.10.People do bad things because of their lust.Don"t open door for a stranger.11.They are afraid of being stupid and use wrong grammers.Don"t be shy,be brave,and remember on one will laugh at you because you make mistakes at English.12.It"s very quick to find what you want.It"s bad sometimes becausr bad people can use it to do bad things.很费力气请给分吧谢谢


首先看que 跟它同样拼写你熟悉的发音应该是 queen 从而我们得知que发“快”(一声)的音;然后再看s 不用多讲 它就是发自己的本音s;最后看tion,你可以试试“抻”(四声)这个音。把他们放在一起就应该是 “快斯抻”(注意每个音节的音调)


questions英文的读音是[u02c8kwestu0283u0259nz]。questions的词性:1、名词questions是question的复数,作名词时意思是问题、疑问、难题。2、动词questions作动词时意思是询问、提问、怀疑。questions的短语搭配:any questions任何问题、任何疑问、有问题。frequently asked questions常问问题、常见问题。unanswered questions未解答问题、未回复问题。lingering questions遗留问题、悬而未决的问题、挥之不去的问题。bunch of questions很多问题。trivia questions琐碎问题。audience questions观众的问题、读者的问题、听众的问题。answer open-ended questions有开放性答案的问题、言之有理即可的问题、答案不唯一的问题。his fact-finding questions他提的为寻求事实的问题、他的为了探讨真相的提问。computer-related questions电脑问题、与电脑相关的问题、关于计算机的问题。carefully worded questions谨慎措辞的问题。tricky public-policy questions棘手的公共政策问题、棘手的公众政策问题。questions的双语例句:1、Before asking questions about the course design,read the syllabus.在询问有关课程设计的问题之前,请阅读教学大纲。2、I wrote down all the questions that puzzled me about life.我写下了所有令我困惑的关于生活的问题。3、The coaching will answer the members" questions.教练将回答会员的问题。4、Questions about subject content are generally welcomed.关于话题内容的问题通常是受欢迎的。5、They provide valuable questions for researchers to study.它们为研究人员研究提供了宝贵的问题。

questions怎么读 英语questions怎么读

1、questions英[u02c8kwestu0283u0259nz]美[u02c8kwestu0283u0259nz],n.问题; 疑问; (待讨论或处理的)事情; 议题; 课题; 怀疑; 困惑;v.正式提问; 质询; 问; 表示疑问; 怀疑。 2、[例句]Id like to come on to that question later.我想以后再讨论那个问题。


problem: 指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。question: 通常指用口头或书面提出来要求回答或有待讨论解决的问题。




questions的意思是问题;疑问;(待讨论或处理的)事情;议题;课题;怀疑;困惑;正式提问;质询;问;表示疑问;怀疑。短语搭配:in question 讨论中的;成问题的;考虑中的to the question adv. 针对论题;切题answer the question 回答这个问题;(马在赛马前测试时)跑得很好out of the question 不可能;不知底细;根本谈不上no question 毫无疑问without question 毫无疑问open question 待决的问题;容易讨论的问题ask a question 问一个问题out of question 毫无疑问question mark 问号good question 好问题;不易回答的问题beyond question adv. 毫无疑问;无可争辩an open question n. 未解决的问题personal question 个人问题raise a question 提出问题例句:1、Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.记一下自己回答这些问题所需的时间。2、I need a simple yes or no to my questions.我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。3、I"d like to come on to that question later.我想以后再讨论那个问题。4、It"s time we got on to the question of costs.我们该讨论成本问题了。5、I spent most time on the first question.我在第一个问题上花的时间最多。

questions什么意思 questions的解释

1、意思:问题,疑问。2、释义:(待讨论或处理的)事情,议题,课题,怀疑。3、语法:question的基本意思是需要回答的“问题”,尤其指讨论中的事物,需要决定的事物、查询、事件等,即“议题,难题”,是可数名词。4、例句:His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions. 他的拂袖而去必然会招来很多疑问。




question的意思是问题,疑问,(待讨论或处理的)事情,议题,课题,怀疑,困惑。正式提问,质询,问,表示疑问,怀疑。一、词形变化1、复数是:questions。2、第三人称单数是:questions。3、现在分词是:questioning。4、过去分词和过去式是:questioned。二、短语搭配1、answer a question:回答问题。2、ask a question:问问题。3、answer/response to a question:问题的答案/答复。三、例句1、I need a simple yes or no to my questions.我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。2、Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.记一下自己回答这些问题所需的时间。3、I"d like to come on to that question later.我想以后再讨论那个问题。


1.这两个词虽然都译作“问题”,但两者有一定的区别。problem 指须待解决的问题,是就困难而言的;它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配。question 指须待解答的问题,是就疑问而言的,它常与动词ask或answer连用。2. 比较试比较: ①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决。 ②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗? II.problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义。question可表示一件“与……有关的事”。试比较: ①Can you work out this maths problem ?你能算出这道数学题吗? ②It"s a question of money / time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题。 III.指需要讨论或解决的问题时,problem与question可以互换。如: We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题。 都可以加s

选词填空,答案是questions,讲解一下其他三个为什么不能。listen to后跟的词有限制吗




(外语)the question/the questions/questions/question.(问题内容如下)

四个放在句子里都对。不同在于表达的不同。一般说来,加定冠词the都是特指,加s的是复数。不加冠词又是单数question 只会出现在成语里。如:out of question (毫无疑问) ; out of the question (大成问题)



question可数吗? 英语怎么拼

question既是可数名词又是不可数名词,当“问题 难题”讲是可数,当“怀疑 疑问”讲有时不可数。 question: n.问题;疑问;(待讨论或处理的)事情;议题;课题;怀疑;困惑; v.正式提问;质询;问;表示疑问;怀疑; 第三人称单数: questions复数: questions 扩展资料   He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.   他问了几个有关公司前途的`问题。   This case brings into question the whole purpose of the law.   这宗案件引起了对整个法律宗旨的怀疑。   What is the current thinking on this question?   目前对这个问题的看法是什么?   It all comes back to a question of money.   一切又回到钱的问题上来了。



ask questions什么意思

ask questions问问题双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 问问题2. 提问题例句:1.Children can ask questions that are very direct. 孩子们可能会非常直接的问一些问题。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮




用比较简洁的概括来说,question 是需要“解答”的问题,而problem 是需要“解决”的问题.Question 是往往是“疑问”,但problem 所指的问题,往往是“老大难的问题”.这两个词在实际使用中,一般不能相互替代.例如Please answer the following questions.请回答以下问题.(这句话常出现在作业和试卷,可不能说please answer the following problem哦)We have 10 people here,but the van has only 7 seats.This is really a big problem.我们这里有十个人,但这面包车只有七个座位,这可是个大问题.我用以下这句英语,来概括两者的区别吧:If there is a question,you need an answer.If there is a problem,you need a solution.



悬赏100 初三英语作文 问题链接

谢谢你的公平。英语谚语非常多,我在你上个提问发给你的A开始还未完,以下是继续:A good example is the best sermon. Giving an example is better than giving advice.A good beginning makes a good end. If a task is carefully planned, there"s a better chance that it will be done well.A good conscience is a soft pillow. You sleep well when you have nothing to feel guilty about.A guilty conscience needs no accuser. A leopard cannot change its spots. It is not possible for a bad or unpleasant person to become good or pleasant.A loaded wagon makes no noise. Really wealthy don"t talk about money.A loveless life is a living death. A man can die but once. A man is as old as he feels himself to be. A man is known by the company he keeps. A person"s character is judged by the type of people with whom they spend their time.A monkey in silk is a monkey no less. No matter how someone dresses, it"s the same person underneath.A new broom sweeps clean. A newly-appointed person makes changes energetically.A problem shared is a problem halved. It will be easier to deal with a problem if you discuss it with someone.A rising tide lifts all boats. Describes something that will be helpful to all.A rolling stone gathers no moss. If a person keeps moving from place to place, they gain neither friends nor possessions. Another interpretation is that, by moving often, one avoids being tied down!A rotten apple spoils the barrel. A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence on a group.A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. Overcoming adversity leads to competence.A stitch in time saves nine. It"s better to deal with a problem at an early stage, to prevent it from getting worse.A stumble may prevent a fall. Correcting a small mistake may help you to avoid making a bigger one.A swallow does not make the summer. One good event does not mean that everything is alright.A tree is known by its fruit. A man is judged by his actions.A watched pot never boils If you wait anxiously for something, it seems to take a long time.A young idler, an old beggar. If you don"t work, you won"t have any money when you"re old.After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile. Today "dinner" is usually called "lunch", and "supper" more often called "dinner".As you make your bed you must lie upon it. You should choose carefully the person you marry.As you sow, so shall you reap You have to accept the consequences of your actions.Ask me no questions, I"ll tell you no lies. There are subjects I"d rather not discuss.

50cent 21 question 的歌词 谁知道啊

21 Questions LyricsArtist(Band):50 Cent You gotta love it...I just wanna chill and twist a lotCatch suns in my 7-45You drive me crazy shorty INeed to see you and feel you next to meI provide everything you need and ILike your smile I don"t wanna see you cryGot some questions that I got to ask and IHope you can come up with the answers babe[Nate Dogg]Girl...It"s easy to love me nowWould you love me if I was down and out?Would you still have love to fuck me?Girl...It"s easy to love me nowWould you love me if I was down and out?Would you still have love to fuck me?Girl...[50 Cent]If I feel off tomorrow would you still love me?If I didn"t smell so good would you still hug me?If I got locked up and sentenced to a quarter century,Could I count on you to be there to support me mentally?If I went back to a hoopty from a Benz, would you poof and disappear like some of my friends?If I was hit and I was hurt would you be by my side?If it was time to put in work would you be down to ride?I"d get out and peel a nigga cap and chill and driveI"m asking questions to find out how you feel insideIf I ain"t rap "cause I flipped burgers at Burger Kingwould you be ashamed to tell your friends you feelin" me?And in bed if I used to my tongue, would you like that?If I wrote you a love letter would you write back?Now we can have a lil" drink you know a nightcapAnd we could go do what you like, I know you like that[Nate Dogg]Girl...It"s easy to love me nowWould you love me if I was down and out?Would you still have love to fuck me?Girl...It"s easy to love me now (Woo!)Would you love me if I was down and out?Would you still have love to fuck me?Girl...[50 Cent]Now would you leave me if you"re father found out I was thuggin"?Do you believe me when I tell you, you the one I"m loving?Are you mad "cause I"m asking you 21 questions?Are you my soulmate? "Cause if so, girl you a blessingDo you trust me enough, to tell me your dreams?I"m staring at ya" trying to figure how you got in them jeansIf I was down would you say things to make me smile?I treat you how you want to be treated just teach me howIf I was with some other chick and someone happened to see?And when you asked me about it I said it wasn"t meWould you believe me? Or up and leave me?How deep is our bond if that"s all it takes for you to be gone?We only humans girl we make mistakes, to make it up I do whatever it takeI love you like a fat kid love cakeYou know my style I say anything to make you smile[Nate Dogg]Girl...It"s easy to love me nowWould you love me if I was down and out?Would you still have love to fuck me?Girl...It"s easy to love me nowWould you love me if I was down and out?Would you still have love to fuck me?Girl...Could you love me in a Bentley?Could you love me on a bus?I"ll ask 21 questions, and they all about usCould you love me in a Bentley?Could you love me on a bus?I"ll ask 21 questions, and they all about us


用quest app连接头盔,然后在app里给头盔连接wifi试试。网络受限是因为连不上oculus的服务器。国内网络是连不上的。虽然显示网络受限,但是不影响使用。浏览器还是能正常上国内的网站,另外quest游戏可以去2048vr游戏网,直接百度就好。软件的特点软件是计算机系统中的逻辑成分,相对于硬件的有形的物理特性,软件则是抽象的,具有无形性,软件是硬件的灵魂,硬件是软件的基础,软件是智慧和知识的结晶,软件不会磨损,而是逐步迭代完善。软件是人们通过智力劳动,依靠知识和技术等手段生产的信息系统产品,是人类有史以来生产的高度复杂、高成本、高风险的工业产品。软件涉及人、社会和组织的行为和需求,涉及几乎所有领域的知识。



quest2 执行查询时出错

可尝试更新版本。尽管Quest 2的显示器可以达到90Hz,但它一开始的默认运行频率与前代产品一样,都是72Hz。Oculus计划最终将90Hz作为默认设置,但现在玩家必须自行启用。这样你就能够以90Hz运行Home主控室和菜单,从而提升画面流畅度和真实感,就不容易出错。

quest for ,in quest of 有什么不同 附上2-3句例句

quest for v.追求,探索 1.Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth. 人类在探索真理过程中必然会遭受挫折. 2.His quest for perfection is relentless. 他不断追求完美. 3.Both sides should begin anew the quest for peace. 双方都应重新开始寻求和平. 4.Men may no longer pretend that the quest for disarmament is a sign of weakness. 人们可能不再认为谋求裁军是一种软弱的表现. 5.But the quest for their patronage demands resolute patience. 但寻求他们的眷顾需要坚韧不拔的毅力 in quest of 为了探索…,为了寻求… 1.They found It"surging and tossing,in quest of Defarge himself. 他们发现人潮在起伏激荡,寻找着德伐日. 2.You dry up and die in quest of a proof so obscure. 为了寻求一个如此渺茫的证据,你心尽力竭,一死了之. 3.They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure. 他们到山洞去寻找宝藏. 4.He went off in quest of food. 他外出寻找食物去了. 5.He left home in quest of adventure. 他离家去探险. 区别:IN QUEST OF 是个介词短语 QUEST FOR 还是一个短语动词 quest for 1.寻找;寻求: They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil. 他们正在采用一种新的勘探方法寻找石油. 2.探索;追求: He is questing for the secrets of the universe. 他正在探索宇宙的秘密. 名词 n. 1.探求,寻找 Man will suffer many disappointments in his quest for truth. 人类在探索真理过程中必然会遭受挫折. 及物动词 vt. 1.寻找; 探索

quest 2连电脑还需要充电吗

需要。一: Oculus Quest 2 在尝试运行更新时卡住,请按照以下步骤操作:1 如果您还没有,请将您的 Quest 2 插入充电器。2等待至少 30 分钟,或直到设备充满电。3当您的耳机插入并充电时,您的更新应该会自动恢复。4 如果更新未在 1 小时内恢复,请重新启动耳机。二:在quest2设置里卡在了黑屏上1打开耳机,按住耳机右侧的电源按钮,直到出现关机屏幕提示。2选择重新启动以重新启动 Oculus Quest。三 Oculus Touch 控制器与头戴设备连接或配对时遇到问题,请尝试以下任一操作:·戴上头戴设备后,按住Oculus 按钮。取出电池并将其放回 Oculus Touch 控制器中。取消配对并重新配对您的控制器:要取消配对您的控制器:在手机上打开 Oculus 应用。从通用菜单中点击。点按您当前已配对的 Oculus Quest 2 或 Quest 头戴设备。轻点控制器,然后轻点要取消配对的控制器。点击取消配对控制器>取消配对。·要重新配对您的控制器:在手机上打开 Oculus 应用。轻触Oculus 应用左上角的Oculus Quest 2或Oculus Quest。点击应用右下角的设置。轻触您姓名和电子邮件下方的Oculus Quest 2或Oculus Quest。点击控制器,然后点击+ 配对新控制器。点按配对 Oculus Quest 左控制器或配对 Oculus Quest 右控制器以选择您要配对的控制器。按住和按钮您的权利控制器或上和左手控制器,直到控制器LED闪烁,然后点亮来完成配对。四 无法充电如果您的 Oculus Quest 没有充电,则可能需要先使其冷却。五 Oculus Link 时听不到任何声音,或者麦克风出现问题,请确保您的软件是最新的,并且设备和计算机上的音量未静音。接下来,检查耳机和 PC 上的音频输入和输出源。要检查 Oculus Quest 的音频输入和输出:在计算机上打开 Oculus 应用。单击左侧菜单中的设备,然后选择Quest 和 Touch。在 VR 中的音频输出下方,确保选择了您的 Quest。要检查 PC 的音频输入和输出:单击屏幕右下角任务栏中的扬声器图标。单击^箭头可打开连接到计算机的音频设备列表。检查您的音频和麦克风是否都设置为Oculus 虚拟音频设备。此外,如果您在 PC 上使用任何第三方 VR 软件,请确保将Oculus 虚拟音频设备也设置为您的音频输入和输出源。六QUEST连笔记本出现黑屏在您返回 Quest 家之前,您可能会从耳机中看到短暂的黑屏。在您的计算机上,在“设备”选项卡中,您可能会持续看到橙色的“一般设备问题”错误。首次进入此状态时,有时您还会在 PC 上看到一条通知:“硬件通知:出现问题,Oculus Link 停止工作”。我们已将此问题与使用 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 10xx 系列笔记本 GPU 的笔记本电脑隔离开来,并正在积极与我们的合作伙伴合作以进行修复。在准备好更永久的修复之前,重新启动 PC 通常可以暂时解决问题。七 无法让计算机看到或识别 Oculus Link:尝试在计算机上重新安装更新。您可以使用 Oculus 驱动程序文件执行此操作,该文件可以使用以下路径找到c:Program FilesOculusSupportoculus-driversoculus-driver.exe。

准备入手oculus quest 2串流电脑需要啥配置呢?

i5 6500,rx480。串流技术就是不需要大量的储存空间来记录这些多媒体档案,只需要适量的储存空间即可。串流技术的应用范围相当广泛,小至一般网页搭配应用,大至娱乐、教育、广播、音乐等方面的应用。更可达到及时转播与随选视讯服务的两大应用。影音串流技术是一种线上即时影音播放技术,有别于传统的MPEG或MP3等影音播放方式,应用串流(streaming)技术传送多媒体的特点,在於可以边看边下载,大幅节省使用者等待的时间,而在桌上型电脑相当普遍的软体有RealPlayer以及Windows Multi-Media 。快斯特加速器是由大连宁讯专为Oculus Quest一体机研发的一款VR加速器软件,可以有效加速Quest一体机联网游戏、商店访问、游戏下载和系统更新。快斯特针对VR游戏及视频的特点对加速服务器进行了性能优化,加速线路全部采用千兆带宽专线,现在您可以在快斯特的帮助下毫无卡顿的畅玩所有Quest游戏,还可以流畅地在线串流VR180及全景360视频。
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