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other words前面加什么

in another word 或 in other words 两种形式都不可加"the"in other words的意思是“换言之”,也就是前后的意思要能够互相替换。但是你这里并非如此;后面的内容是前面的转折。

i.e.可以解释为“that is, in other words”吗?这是选择里的,不是想问i.e.应该是什么的缩写

对 英语周报上我看过 是这个意思 但是我也不知道是什么缩写 还好没问..你

In other words I love you什么意思

换句话说 我爱你

请问in other words和in the other words 有什么区别?帮帮忙 谢谢

in other words 是换句话说 的意思至于 in the other words 就不懂了 有这个用法么?

in other words前是否能加破折号(---)


In other words, they gave no indication of an app

这个of还是比较好理解的 都是前一个名词的of 从中文的翻译角度出发的话 是从后面往前翻

什么歌里有一句歌词是in other words i love you? 我就只记下这一句,知道的请告诉一下,谢谢。

FLY ME TO THE MOON-林承光左手上帝 QQ979429416制作Fly me to the moonLet me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other wordshold my handIn other wordsbaby kiss meFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease truebe In other wordsI love youFill my heart with songAnd let me sing forever moreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other wordsplease be trueIn other wordsIn other wordsIn other wordsI love you左手上帝 QQ979429416制作

用“In other words”造句英文

confidence is regarded by some people as one of the key factors to success .in other words , confidence is great of siginficance to us .

in a word ;with words ;in other words有什么区别?

inaword1.总之2.总而言之3.简而言之,一句话4.总之,简言之goodwithwords1.文笔好winwithwords1.言语取胜funwithwords1.妙“语”横生2.词语趣谈3.字趣playwithwords1.玩文字游戏2.玩文字3.第二十一式 玩弄文字游戏4.玩弄词藻dothingswithwords1.在“以言行事”2.在“以言行事iowinotherwords1.换句话说2.换言之

用in other words造句?谢了

i like your face.in other words i like you

in another word , in other words 区别


in other words做什么成分

In other words,介词短语做状语 the more complex 表语提前 a task 主语 is系动词 the more specialized and exclusive 表语提前 is 系动词 the knowledge 主语 required to perform that task.过去分词短语做定语,修饰the knowledge

In another word 和 in other words 的区别

in other words 换句话说in another word 不存在

In Other Words 歌词

歌曲名:In Other Words歌手:Toby Keith专辑:BoomtownIn Other Words Ben Kwelleranother night slips awayin other words i should saythere are no words he should saythere are no wordsin his eyes i see the fearthat only time could re_appearif only time could re_appearnow"s the timesomethin"to take it away to take it away to take itdon"t let it stay don"t let it stay don"t let itthe butterflys are passive aggresive and put theirproblems on the shelf but they"re beautifulhe"ll realize the only thing that"s real are the kids thatkid themselves and the demise of the beautifulwhat is beautiful?the multi_life is better thanthe one we"re in the one we knewcause everyone is seein"through everyonethey"re steppin" onhis gold terrainhe"s movin"on with bold refrainhis blatently old campaignis movin"onsomethin"to take it away to take it away to take itdon"t let it stay don"t let it stay don"t let itthe butterflys are passive aggresive and put theirproblems on the shelf but they"re beautifulhe"ll realize the only thing that"s real are the kids thatkid themselves and the demise of the beautifulwhat is beautiful?what can"t stay goes awayit starts stopping when it stops stoppinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/8532517

in other words,能做连词吗

牛津上例句:They asked him to leave一in other words he was failed. 不加逗号也对

in other words是什么意思


in other words是什么意思


in other words什么意思及同义词

in other words_翻译in other words[释义]换句话说; 就是说;[网络]也就是说; 换言之; 换句话说,也就是说;[例句]In other words: aided by emerging technology, the teacher-student relationship and the classroom itself will be remade.换句话说,在新兴技术的帮助下,师生关系以及课堂本身将得到重塑。



in other words是什么意思

in other words换句话说,换句话说双语例句英英释义1In other words: aided by emerging technology, the teacher-student relationship and theclassroom itself will be remade.换句话说,在新兴技术的帮助下,师生关系以及课堂本身将得到重塑。2In other words, don "t expect another Tim Ferriss book within the next one to two years.换句话说,今后一、两年都别指望再看到蒂姆u2022菲利斯的新作了。

in other words,能做连词吗?that is to say 能做连词短语吗?


In another word 和 in other words 的区别?

He does not feel good,( ),he is ill.A.in other words B.in another word in other words是换句话说的意思,in another word 是另外一种说法的意思,从意思上看不出区别,但已经约定俗成了,如果表达的前面刚说的东西...,3,In another word 用另外一个词来表达(指个别词的替换) in other words 换言之,换句话说(指整个句子的替换),1,in other words 换句话说 in another word 不存在,0,In another word 和 in other words 的区别 这两个词组是不是都存在,用法上有区别么?

in other words是什么意思

in other words 是个习语, 意为“换句话说”

in other words 和in a word区别

in other words 换句话说 In other words, she must give up singing.换言之, 她必须放弃唱歌。in a word 总之In a word, she must give up singing。总之,她必须放弃唱歌。在没有语境的情况下,当然两者是都对的。但从中文的字面上,也可以很容易的看出来,两者是不一样的。1. in a/one word总之,简言之,概括或总结前面所说的话,一般用作插入语。如: In a word, agricultural production must be pay more attention to.总之,农业生产必须引起更多的重视。2. in other words换句话说,也就是说,用以对上文所述内容作补充说明,一般用作插入语。如: Yang Liwei became, in other words, a great hero.换句话说,杨利伟成了一位伟大的英雄。



in other words 与 in another word有什么区别

单复数的区别In other words 后面跟句子或者短语In another word 后面跟一个单词

Birds of a feather flock together是什么意思


Birds of a feather flock together.是什么意思

Birds of a feather flock together物以类聚双语对照词典结果:Birds of a feather flock togetherpr.物以类聚(一丘之貉); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is an old saying, "birds of a feather flock together

he was rushing towards the flock这里的"向"为什么加S


birds of a feather flock together是什么意思


Birdsofthesamefeatherflocktogether. 巨型结构是什么?

Birds of the same feather flock together.意思是: 同样羽毛的鸟聚在一起。即:人以群分,物以类聚。句型结构是:主谓状:Birds of the same feather主语; flock 谓语;together.状语。



the lady birds them drive away can连词成句怎么做?

The Lady Bird can drive them away.情态动词后跟动词的原型。动词后的代词要用宾格。




这个可以做多种词:northward ["nu0254:θwu0259d] adj. 向北的 n. 北方 adv. 向北这个词一般是副词:northwards 英["nu0254u02d0θwu0259dz] 美["nu0254rθwu025adz] adv. 向北

我会成为世界第一的大剑豪翻译成英文,i will be the top of swordsman,有错吗?

I will become the world"s first big Jianhao translation.

如何理解《武林外传》的英文名my own swordsman

好久没回答关于武林外传的问题了,今天突然上知道,看到这个问题,我忽然抽了一支烟,秋天来了,感到这个世界的凉意。在前几年反复看武林外传的时候,我留意到了这个英文翻译,my own swordsman,我固执的认为这一定处于宁财神之手,不过没得到证实。我的翻译是:我自己的江湖。看到这句话,忽然觉得好悲凉,你金庸古龙梁羽生的武侠里,到处都是大侠,到处都是为国为民。他们不食人间烟火,仗剑天涯,快意恩仇。但是,谁能理解,财神笔下的大侠,这里的大侠,可能为了一个鸡腿和别人脸红脖子粗,这里的女侠可能为了40辆银子,被逼干20年苦力,这里的五岳盟主可能为了糖葫芦和人使出自己最厉害的武功。总之这里的大侠嬉笑怒骂,人情练达。这里的大侠天天在你面前,所有的传说,所有的盛名,似乎不值一提。更多的还是柴米油盐,五谷杂粮。最后用崔永元 的一本书名给你作为结束语:我自己的江湖,我自己的大侠,《不过如此》,希望你能释怀

如何理解《武林外传》的英文名my own swordsman

好久没回答关于武林外传的问题了,今天突然上知道,看到这个问题,我忽然抽了一支烟,秋天来了,感到这个世界的凉意。在前几年反复看武林外传的时候,我留意到了这个英文翻译,my own swordsman,我固执的认为这一定处于宁财神之手,不过没得到证实。我的翻译是:我自己的江湖。看到这句话,忽然觉得好悲凉,你金庸古龙梁羽生的武侠里,到处都是大侠,到处都是为国为民。他们不食人间烟火,仗剑天涯,快意恩仇。但是,谁能理解,财神笔下的大侠,这里的大侠,可能为了一个鸡腿和别人脸红脖子粗,这里的女侠可能为了40辆银子,被逼干20年苦力,这里的五岳盟主可能为了糖葫芦和人使出自己最厉害的武功。总之这里的大侠嬉笑怒骂,人情练达。这里的大侠天天在你面前,所有的传说,所有的盛名,似乎不值一提。更多的还是柴米油盐,五谷杂粮。最后用崔永元 的一本书名给你作为结束语:我自己的江湖,我自己的大侠,《不过如此》,希望你能释怀



请问 "stewardship" 和 "management"的相同点和区别是什么?


【英语】gear towards是什么意思



I shared the lunch with birds.







怎么区分formal words


我初一下的新标准英语上的lrregular verds

A Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle arise arose arisen awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken B backslide backslid backslidden / backslid be was, were been bear bore born / borne beat beat beaten / beat become became become begin began begun bend bent bent bet bet / betted [?] bet / betted [?] bid (farewell) bid / bade bidden bid (offer amount) bid bid bind bound bound bite bit bitten bleed bled bled blow blew blown break broke broken breed bred bred bring brought brought broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted browbeat browbeat browbeaten / browbeat build built built burn burned / burnt [?] burned / burnt [?] burst burst burst bust busted / bust busted / bust buy bought bought C cast cast cast catch caught caught choose chose chosen cling clung clung clothe clothed / clad [?] clothed / clad [?] come came come cost cost cost creep crept crept crossbreed crossbred crossbred cut cut cut D daydream daydreamed / daydreamt [?] daydreamed / daydreamt [?] deal dealt dealt dig dug dug disprove disproved disproved / disproven dive (jump head-first) dove / dived dived dive (scuba diving) dived / dove dived do did done draw drew drawn dream dreamed / dreamt [?] dreamed / dreamt [?] drink drank drunk drive drove driven dwell dwelt / dwelled [?] dwelt / dwelled [?] E eat ate eaten F fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found fit (tailor, change size) fitted / fit [?] fitted / fit [?] fit (be right size) fit / fitted [?] fit / fitted [?] flee fled fled fling flung flung fly flew flown forbid forbade forbidden forecast forecast forecast forego (also forgo) forewent foregone foresee foresaw foreseen foretell foretold foretold forget forgot forgotten / forgot [?] forgive forgave forgiven forsake forsook forsaken freeze froze frozen frostbite frostbit frostbitten G get got gotten / got [?] give gave given go went gone grind ground ground grow grew grown H hand-feed hand-fed hand-fed handwrite handwrote handwritten hang hung hung have had had hear heard heard hew hewed hewn / hewed hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt I inbreed inbred inbred inlay inlaid inlaid input input / inputted input / inputted interbreed interbred interbred interweave interwove / interweaved interwoven / interweaved interwind interwound interwound J jerry-build jerry-built jerry-built K keep kept kept kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled knit knitted / knit knitted / knit know knew known L lay laid laid lead led led lean leaned / leant [?] leaned / leant [?] leap leaped / leapt [?] leaped / leapt [?] learn learned / learnt [?] learned / learnt [?] leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain lie (not tell truth) REGULAR lied lied light lit / lighted lit / lighted lip-read lip-read lip-read lose lost lost M make made made mean meant meant meet met met miscast miscast miscast misdeal misdealt misdealt misdo misdid misdone mishear misheard misheard mislay mislaid mislaid mislead misled misled mislearn mislearned / mislearnt [?] mislearned / mislearnt [?] misread misread misread misset misset misset misspeak misspoke misspoken misspell misspelled / misspelt [?] misspelled / misspelt [?] misspend misspent misspent mistake mistook mistaken misteach mistaught mistaught misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood miswrite miswrote miswritten mow mowed mowed / mown N No irregular verbs beginning with "N." O offset offset offset outbid outbid outbid outbreed outbred outbred outdo outdid outdone outdraw outdrew outdrawn outdrink outdrank outdrunk outdrive outdrove outdriven outfight outfought outfought outfly outflew outflown outgrow outgrew outgrown outleap outleaped / outleapt [?] outleaped / outleapt [?] outlie (not tell truth) REGULAR outlied outlied outride outrode outridden outrun outran outrun outsell outsold outsold outshine outshined / outshone [?] outshined / outshone [?] outshoot outshot outshot outsing outsang outsung outsit outsat outsat outsleep outslept outslept outsmell outsmelled / outsmelt [?] outsmelled / outsmelt [?] outspeak outspoke outspoken outspeed outsped outsped outspend outspent outspent outswear outswore outsworn outswim outswam outswum outthink outthought outthought outthrow outthrew outthrown outwrite outwrote outwritten overbid overbid overbid overbreed overbred overbred overbuild overbuilt overbuilt overbuy overbought overbought overcome overcame overcome overdo overdid overdone overdraw overdrew overdrawn overdrink overdrank overdrunk overeat overate overeaten overfeed overfed overfed overhang overhung overhung overhear overheard overheard overlay overlaid overlaid overpay overpaid overpaid override overrode overridden overrun overran overrun oversee oversaw overseen oversell oversold oversold oversew oversewed oversewn / oversewed overshoot overshot overshot oversleep overslept overslept overspeak overspoke overspoken overspend overspent overspent overspill overspilled / overspilt [?] overspilled / overspilt [?] overtake overtook overtaken overthink overthought overthought overthrow overthrew overthrown overwind overwound overwound overwrite overwrote overwritten P partake partook partaken pay paid paid plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled prebuild prebuilt prebuilt predo predid predone premake premade premade prepay prepaid prepaid presell presold presold preset preset preset preshrink preshrank preshrunk proofread proofread proofread prove proved proven / proved put put put Q quick-freeze quick-froze quick-frozen quit quit / quitted [?] quit / quitted [?] R read read (sounds like "red") read (sounds like "red") reawake reawoke reawaken rebid rebid rebid rebind rebound rebound rebroadcast rebroadcast / rebroadcasted rebroadcast / rebroadcasted rebuild rebuilt rebuilt recast recast recast recut recut recut redeal redealt redealt redo redid redone redraw redrew redrawn refit (replace parts) refit / refitted [?] refit / refitted [?] refit (retailor) refitted / refit [?] refitted / refit [?] regrind reground reground regrow regrew regrown rehang rehung rehung rehear reheard reheard reknit reknitted / reknit reknitted / reknit relay (for example tiles) relaid relaid relay (pass along) REGULAR relayed relayed relearn relearned / relearnt [?] relearned / relearnt [?] relight relit / relighted relit / relighted remake remade remade repay repaid repaid reread reread reread rerun reran rerun resell resold resold resend resent resent reset reset reset resew resewed resewn / resewed retake retook retaken reteach retaught retaught retear retore retorn retell retold retold rethink rethought rethought retread retread retread retrofit retrofitted / retrofit [?] retrofitted / retrofit [?] rewake rewoke / rewaked rewaken / rewaked rewear rewore reworn reweave rewove / reweaved rewoven / reweaved rewed rewed / rewedded rewed / rewedded rewet rewet / rewetted [?] rewet / rewetted [?] rewin rewon rewon rewind rewound rewound rewrite rewrote rewritten rid rid rid ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen roughcast roughcast roughcast run ran run S sand-cast sand-cast sand-cast saw sawed sawed / sawn say said said see saw seen seek sought sought sell sold sold send sent sent set set set sew sewed sewn / sewed shake shook shaken shave shaved shaved / shaven shear sheared sheared / shorn shed shed shed shine shined / shone [?] shined / shone [?] shit shit / shat / shitted shit/ shat / shitted shoot shot shot show showed shown / showed shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk shut shut shut sight-read sight-read sight-read sing sang sung sink sank / sunk sunk sit sat sat slay (kill) slew / slayed slain / slayed slay (amuse) REGULAR slayed slayed sleep slept slept slide slid slid sling slung slung slink slinked / slunk slinked / slunk slit slit slit smell smelled / smelt [?] smelled / smelt [?] sneak sneaked / snuck sneaked / snuck sow sowed sown / sowed speak spoke spoken speed sped / speeded sped / speeded spell spelled / spelt [?] spelled / spelt [?] spend spent spent spill spilled / spilt [?] spilled / spilt [?] spin spun spun spit spit / spat spit / spat split split split spoil spoiled / spoilt [?] spoiled / spoilt [?] spoon-feed spoon-fed spoon-fed spread spread spread spring sprang / sprung sprung stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck sting stung stung stink stunk / stank stunk strew strewed strewn / strewed stride strode stridden strike (delete) struck stricken strike (hit) struck struck / stricken string strung strung strive strove / strived striven / strived sublet sublet sublet sunburn sunburned / sunburnt [?] sunburned / sunburnt [?] swear swore sworn sweat sweat / sweated sweat / sweated sweep swept swept swell swelled swollen / swelled swim swam swum swing swung swung T take took taken teach taught taught tear tore torn telecast telecast telecast tell told told test-drive test-drove test-driven test-fly test-flew test-flown think thought thought throw threw thrown thrust thrust thrust tread trod trodden / trod typecast typecast typecast typeset typeset typeset typewrite typewrote typewritten U unbend unbent unbent unbind unbound unbound unclothe unclothed / unclad [?] unclothed / unclad [?] underbid underbid underbid undercut undercut undercut underfeed underfed underfed undergo underwent undergone underlie underlay underlain undersell undersold undersold underspend underspent underspent understand understood understood undertake undertook undertaken underwrite underwrote underwritten undo undid undone unfreeze unfroze unfrozen unhang unhung unhung unhide unhid unhidden unknit unknitted / unknit unknitted / unknit unlearn unlearned / unlearnt [?] unlearned / unlearnt [?] unsew unsewed unsewn / unsewed unsling unslung unslung unspin unspun unspun unstick unstuck unstuck unstring unstrung unstrung unweave unwove / unweaved unwoven / unweaved unwind unwound unwound uphold upheld upheld upset upset upset V No commonly used irregular verbs beginning with "V."To view our extended dictionary including rare and antiquated forms, Click Here. W wake woke / waked woken / waked waylay waylaid waylaid wear wore worn weave wove / weaved woven / weaved wed wed / wedded wed / wedded weep wept wept wet wet / wetted [?] wet / wetted [?] whet REGULAR whetted whetted win won won wind wound wound withdraw withdrew withdrawn withhold withheld withheld withstand withstood withstood wring wrung wrung write wrote written X No irregular verbs beginning with "X." Y No irregular verbs beginning with "Y." Z No irregular verbs beginning with "Z."

Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.

这是泰弋尔《飞鸟集》中的句子!Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs ,flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞回去了。秋天的黄叶,他们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。The world puts of its mask of vastness to its lover .It becomes small as one song ,as one kiss of the eternal.世界对它的爱人,把他浩瀚的面具揭下来了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的吻。The mighty desert is buring for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and away.无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the tears.如果你因失去了太阳儿流泪,那么你也将失去群星。The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water .Will you carry the burden of their lameness?Look for the beauty around you-in nature ,in others,inyourself-and believe in the love of friends family,and humankind.跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙儿俱下么? It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rian at night.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦。Once we dreamt that we were strangers.有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。



Please retell the story _____your own words .A with B by C in D on


翻译We have confidence that your journey towards se




It,s big blue.Birds fly in it.What is it.


some birds什么in the blue sky?

are flying一些鸟在天空中飞用现在进行时



Put the following words in alphabetical order 是何意

把下列词语按字母表顺序排列 是指把每个词语以第一个字母为准,按26个英文字母的顺序排列

letter A says【ae】 in the words 怎么翻译?


write each set of words in alphabetical order是什么意思


Put these words in alphabetical order.Then compelte the rule.是神马意思,急用,快


The Internet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.

同位语成分。可以理解为插入语。一般在阅读中,这个部分的内容是further explanation,是anonymity的效果的阐述。



求Louis Edwards - Talk To Me的中英文歌词

And I"d give up forever to touch you "Cause I know that you feel me somehow You"re the closest to heaven that I"ll ever be And I don"t want to go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later it"s over I just don"t wanna miss you tonight And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am And you can"t fight the tears that ain"t coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know you"re alive And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am And I don"t want the world to see me "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand When everything"s meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am"


remember my words

Unfortunately when I arrived she____,so we only had time for a few words.


Unfortunately when I arrived she____,so we only had time for a few words.


throw all the cards up in the air

throw all the cards in the air 可以是慌乱、失控、弄得一团糟,具体指什么要看上下文


birds英 [bu025ddz]美 [bu025ddz]n. [鸟] 鸟类;禽(bird的复数)v. 打鸟;观察研究野鸟;起哄(bird的三单形式)birds 鸟,鸟类,鸟儿Angry Birds 愤怒的小鸟,愤怒的小鸟,愤怒鸟The Birds 鸟,群鸟,鸟


eddie likes birds还是bird

应是:birds,鸟类是一个群体。意思是:埃迪喜欢鸟。重点词汇:birds。英[bu025ddz]释义:n.[鸟]鸟类;禽(bird的复数)。v.打鸟;观察研究野鸟;起哄(bird的三单形式)。短语:Angry Birds愤怒的小鸟;愤怒鸟;恼怒的小鸟;愤慨的小鸟。词语使用变化:birdn.(名词)1、bird的基本意思是“鸟”,指区别于走兽、鱼、昆虫等可在天空飞行(除个别种类不可)的两翼两腿的动物。是可数名词。2、bird引申可指“姑娘;少妇;美女”“人,聪明老练的人”。是可数名词。3、bird前习惯于加定冠词,表示鸟类的总称;其前加不定冠词可表示“一只鸟”。

in regarding to, in regards to,和in regard to,3者有什么不同


in regarding to, in regards to,和in regard to,3者有什么不同


请问regarding和with regards to有什么区别?

都啥年代了当老师的怎么还喜欢出这种钻牛角尖的题。好吧试着说说。这个题想弄晕你的主要是 concern 的两个用法:1) concerning, “关于”,这个用法跟 regarding 是同义词。2) (someone is) concerned,关注,担心。A 可以排除,因为其第二个空只能用 concerned 才能表示家属为之担心。B 可以排除。因为第一个空只能用 concerning 才能表示“关于”(托马斯的失踪)C 可以排除,因为其“正确”形式是 with regard to (没有 s)。Regards 是用在书信结尾的敬语,相当于汉语的“XX敬书”。为了表示敬意多多,就用复数形式。regarding 和 concerning 是同义词,都表示“关于”。所以选D



Injection standards是什么?


Have you seen them? The words cut open Your poo

Did You See the Words

two words with three syllables are是什么意思?


What’s Forrest Gump’s value towards money?

What"s Forrest Gump"s value towards money? A.There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.B.Money is the way to success.C.Money is important than happiness.D.Money shows a person"s status.正确答案:There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.


Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。主要集合城市在Staffordshire 包括升火在Trent, Burton 在Trent, 新堡下面Lyme, Tamworth 和Stafford 。Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。历史Staffordshire 的主要条款历史。历史性的县Staffordshire 包括的渥尔安普屯、Walsall, 和西部Bromwich, 1974 年这些被去除了对西部米德兰平原新县。Staffordshire 收效的行政区域有运行在西部米德兰平原西边到渥斯特夏疆界的狭窄的southwards 伸进。进一步, 升火在Trent 被去除在90 年代形成单一的权威, 但仍然被认为一部分的Staffordshire 为礼仪目的。历史上, Staffordshire 被划分了成五上百Cuttlestone 、Offlow 、Pirehill 、Seisdon 和Totmonslow 。地理在北部和在南部县是多小山的, 以狂放的moorlands 在北部。在midland 地区表面是降低和波浪起伏的。在整个县过程中有浩大和重要煤田。在南部的部份有还富有的铁矿储蓄。最大的河是Trent 。土壤首要是黏土并且农业不是高度发展的。镇和村庄方丈·Bromley, Admaston, Alrewas, Alton, Amington, Armitage Barlaston, 巴顿下面Needwood, Biddulph, Blythe 桥梁, Brewood, Burslem, Burston, Burton 在Trent Cannock, Cauldon, Cheadle, Cheddleton, Chorley, Codsall, Consall, Croxden Eccleshall, Edingale, Endon, Etruria Fazeley, Featherstone Gnosall, 大的Haywood Hanchurch, Handsacre, Hanley, Harriseahead, Haughton, Hednesford, Huddlesford, Huntington Ingestre Kettlebrook, Bromley, Kingstone, Kingswinford 国王 韭葱, Lichfield, 少许Haywood, Longton Madeley, Marchington, Marchington 森林地带, Marston, Brewood, Staffordshire, Marston 新堡下面Lyme, 没有人的荒地 Oakamoor, Oulton Penkridge Rolleston 在鸠, Rudyard, Rugeley, Rushton Spencer Sandon, Shallowford, Shenstone, Smallthorne, Stafford, 升火在Trent, 石头, Stowe 由Chartley, Stretton (Brewood), Stretton (Burton 在Trent), Swinfen Tamworth, Tutbury 上部Longdon, Uttoxeter 墙壁, Werrington, Weston, Weston 在之下蜥蜴, Whitmore, Whittington, Willoughbridge, Wordsley Yoxall 地方利益Lichfield 大教堂 Shugborough 霍尔 Blithfield 霍尔 Dovecliff 霍尔 福特绿色霍尔, Smallthorne Madeley 老霍尔 Moseley 老霍尔, Featherstone Sandon 霍尔 Whitmore 霍尔 Biddulph 农庄 Eccleshall 城堡 割警察城堡 Stafford 城堡 Tamworth 城堡 Tutbury 城堡 Croxden 修道院 宽广的观点风车, Stafford Cheddleton 火石磨房, watermill Watermill 住房Brindley 水博物馆, 韭葱 Izaak Walton 村庄博物馆 Weston 公园 Cannock 追逐 淡褐Slade 储备 RSPB Coombes 谷 全国纪念树木园 Trentham 庭院 Rudyard 湖 Tittesworth 水库 Chasewater 河Trent 河Blythe 河Churnet 伯明翰和Fazeley 运河 Caldon 运河 考文垂运河 Shropshire 联合运河 Trent 和Mersey 运河, Harecastle 隧道 遗产铁路: Chasewater 铁路, Foxfield 蒸汽铁路, 繁多谷铁路 长途小径: 英国方式, Staffordshire 方式的心脏 局部组西部Midland 鸟俱乐部 Lichfield 蟋蟀俱乐部

Staffordshire 属于英国的哪个城市?

斯坦福德基尔市,Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。 Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。位于英国西北面的斯塔福德郡(Staffordshire),虽然名气不及伦敦、爱丁堡、牛津等大城市,但它却是英国唯一一个定期举行马车跳舞活动的小镇。这个活动是该镇特有的历史遗产,源于中世纪,但起源的详细情形就没有正式记载,故当地人也未必知道它的由来。


Liverpool,在Stafford 西北
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