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loaded words有哪些

Loaded words的例子:1、Aggravate(loaded word) vs. annoy(neutral word).2、Agony vs. discomfort.3、Atrocious vs. bad.4、Bony vs. slim.5、Bureaucrat vs. public servant.6、Categorical vs. specific.7、Challenging vs. distressing.8、Damaging vs. hurtful.9、blissful.10、joyous.

Beyond Words 歌词

歌曲名:Beyond Words歌手:Craig Chaquico专辑:Panorama: The Best Of Craig ChaquicoBeyond WordsTenthe Avenue NorthOver and UnderneathTenth Avenue North - Beyond WordsWell if you only knew the pain that ive been threwSince when did it become all about youAs you can see from the start I"ve said the truthbut if the truth means nothing to youthen what am I supposed to do?and I"ll still love youbeyond what words can sayI"ll take your every suffering momentand bring a better dayI"ll still love youmore then what i hope to belet me wrap my arms around youlet me take your breath awayand every time I askyou assure your doing finebut your heart looks good by smilingyou couldnt fool mineby the end of the night your pilliow sits to dryin a crowded room your singingBut on the inside you cryand I"ll still love youBeyond what words can sayI"ll take your every suffering momentAnd bring a better dayI"ll still love youMore then what I hope to beLet me wrap my arms around youLet me take your breath awayIn a ball room there is dancingIn a forest there are treesIn a child theres a hopeThat keeps him in believeWith any star there is a skyWith any beach theres a seaWith every love song theres a loverAnd in your heart I hope its....And I"ll still love youBeyond what words can sayI"ll take your every suffering momentAnd bring a better dayI"ll still love youMore then what I hope to beLet me wrap my arms around youLet me wrap my arms around youLet me wrap my arms around youLet me take your breath awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2916742

找一首歌 女声 副歌部分歌词好像有Everytime ……i felt you 还有……words

EverytimeBritneynotice metake my handwhy are weStrangers whenOur love is strongWhy carry on without me?And everytime I try to flyI fall without my wingsI feel so smallI guess I need you babyAnd everytime I see you in my dreamsI see your face, it"s haunting meI guess I need you baby

the birds fly high 一般疑问句

意思是这只鸟正在天空飞行,一般疑问句是Is the bird flying in the sky?

The Script的《No Words》 歌词

歌曲名:No Words歌手:The Script专辑:#3No WordsThe ScriptI could talk all day long about the news,Giving you the current affairs or my viewsI could talk all night long about a song,Giving you the pointers on where you"re going wrongI could talk all year long about the netAnd sending you the links I think you haven"t seen yetI"d like to tell you things that I think you never heard,But there are no wordsI could talk all day long about dreams,Sewing up your heart so you never see a seamI could talk all day about politics,All of the corruption, clean hands, dirty tricksBut what can I say, about something that blows me awayWithout it sounding like another clicheFrom what I"ve seen and I"ve heard,When it comes to you, baby no, there are no,There are no wordsThere are no words,Yeah I swear this much is true,There ain"t a word in this world that describes youI could talk all day long about life,After so many wars, how we"re all still aliveI could speak all night long about the world,How it took me thirty years just to find one girlI could shoot you for days all about guitars,A Gibson or a Fender, it depends on who you areBut when I try to say something that you never heard,There are no wordsI could burn your ear off all about space,Like why we have a moon, why the moon has a faceIf the earth is spinning, why we all stay in place?How we can walk, it"s gotta be a space raceBut what can I say, that"s gonna" blow her mind away,Turn her on a classic not throw awayAll I"ve seen, all I"ve heard,When it comes to you, there are no, there are noThere are no words no wordsThere are no wordsYeah I swear this much is trueThere ain"t a word in this world to describe youTo describe youYeah I swear this much is trueThere ain"t a word in this world that describes youNo wordsThere are no words to describe or define what"s inside youYour feeling, your vibe, believe me I"ve tried toBreak you down to a science, see you in my mindAnd I open my mouth and it"s silenceI can articulate a Shakespeare poem, even though I didn"t know himI can see where he was goin" and where he"s comin" fromI can even catch his flow and then I think of youI don"t know where this metaphor is goin"Cause there ain"t no words you can understandOnly lovers canYou can ask the professor and the mad manIf they couldn"t find the words, no one canAll I"ve seen, all I"ve heard,When it comes to you, there"s just no, just no wordsThere are no wordsYeah I swear this much is trueThere ain"t a word in this world that describes youYeah I swear this much is trueThere ain"t a word in this world that describes youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24504860

warmest regards是什么意思


towards evening为什么不需要加the

towards evening 傍晚不是特指,所以不用加the短语Towards The Evening 傍晚将至TV programs towards the evening 傍晚电视新闻 ; 傍晚电视新闻"Ascends towards Flowered Evening" 《朝花夕拾》傍晚at duskThis water is formed in the morning, substantially lost by lunar midday, and reformed as the lunar surface cools towards evening. 这些水在早晨形成,到月球的中午基本上都消失了,快到傍晚月球表面凉下来时,又重新形成。

as for,as to和as regards有何区别

1.用来转换话题:用来引出另外一方或者新的谈话内容,但与前文内容也有一定的联系,起到补充前文又突出后文的作用,使之与前文形成对照,可译为:至于Kitty"s got so thin.And as for Carl,he always seems to be ill.You can ask the others,but as for myself,I"ll be busy in the office.2.asfor还可以用来表示讲话人对某人或某物持有“轻蔑”或“冷淡”的态度,甚至有憎恶之感As for you,I never want to see you again.as to something1.关于……方面、有关……之事 相当于concerning Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.advice as to which suppliers to approach He kept his rivals guessing as to his real intentions.2.(正式用语)同as for 1As to our future plans,I think I need only say that the company intends to expand at a steady rate.as regards something就某一特定的主题而言As regards a cure for the disease,very few advances have been made.I am writing as regards your letter of May 10.



passwords dont match什么意思


your passwords do not match是什么意思

your passwords do not match你的密码不匹配your passwords do not match你的密码不匹配

esxi设置密码显示passwords do not match

意思是密码不匹配,可以通过别的途径找回密码。资料扩展:如何设置密码:  现在基本上大多数网站都要求密码包含字母、数字、特殊字符、大写字母其中几种组合或者全部。对于很多人来说这样的密码太难记忆了,经常会忘记。这里我简单介绍下我是如何给自己创建密码的。* 自定义起止特殊字符例如 `*` 开始`#`结束等方式(我肯定不会透露我是用那种方式的哈哈)* 短期目标转成密码,例如:每天存10元钱-> `MeiTian10Yuan#`* 特殊日期转密码,例如:19800101->`*Yi980-01-01)`我基本上就是用上面的三种方式,混合使用。> Tips:转换规则要严格保密,不要按照我写出来的方式转换,用你喜欢并且能记得住的方式给自己设置一套转换方式。## 自定义起止中间符号  这里做一个示例:常用简单密码添加特殊符号后  小明的密码:xiaoming123456  小明觉得应该用`^`开始 `#`结束 `-`中间衔接那么小明的密码就变成了下面的样子`^xiaoming-123456#`## 短期目标转成密码  这个方案非常好,可以每天提醒你去完成你的目标,也可以让你的密码更加安全。  小明的短期目标是每天背诵一个英文单词:`Daily-Recite1Word`## 特殊日期转换成密码  按照一个特性规则替换其中年月日的分隔位置,随机将其中一位数字替换成拼音等方式来转换密码;  例如小明喜欢用生日做位密码,他的生日是19800101那么密码就可以设置为`Yi980-01-01`## 多中方式混合  例如将起止符号与特殊日期结合起来,同样是小明的生日就可以设置成更为复杂的密码了。  开始符号`^` 结束符号 `#` 中间符号 `-` ,随意替换一个数字为拼音或英文那么密码就可以是:`^One980Y-01M-01D#`  当规则你熟练以后,密码甚至不需要记忆根据规则你随意可以将密码还原出来。

The passwords do not match什么意思饿


美服英雄联盟注册的问题,他老说我Passwords must match 我知道翻译是密码不匹配。怎么才可以弄?

密码要 英文+数字

Passwords must match是什么意思



()代表S技能评定等级凯文:星杯领域:辅助S战技:大圆·完全防御手捧星杯祈祷,可完全防御一次攻击(CP最大时可两次)(S+)绝对超级实用的技能,最好一直设定为S爆发技,有时候这样可以祈祷扭转乾坤的作用。魔枪洛亚:攻击S战技:全体·时属性攻击 释放圣痕的力量,以时之魔枪射出无限界的时之矢(A-)很华丽,不过由于是时属性的攻击,只在对付深渊这类怪物的时候有140%的效果。圣枪乌尔:攻击S战技:全体·空属性攻击 释放圣痕的力量,以空之圣枪射出无穷尽的空之矢(A)相当华丽的招式,属性是空属性,在后期威力不错。莉丝:天堂阻灭:攻击S战技:大圆·攻击 剑尖描出的五芒星化成光柱,并向敌人施以袭击(B)两个字-华丽,威力一般。天堂圣星:攻击S战技:大圆·攻击 受到祈祷而降临的女武神以迸发的闪光轰炸敌人(B)还是两个字-华丽,威力一般。艾丝蒂尔:真·列波无双击:攻击S战技:单体·攻击、HP吸收 更具爆炸力的烈波无双击。可以夺取敌人的体力(C)有了太极轮就不用了真·樱花无双击:攻击S战技:单体·攻击、HP吸收 绽放华丽光芒、无懈可击的樱花无双击。可夺取敌人体力(C)有了太极轮就不用了奥义·太极轮:攻击S战技:单体·攻击 蓄起能量击出一轮回旋的冲击破,蕴含东方武术的奥义(B+)绝招·太极轮:攻击S战技:单体·攻击、HP吸收 极限奥义。以无限能量向敌人击出一记回旋的冲击波(A)比较华丽,攻击力也还可以。约修亚:真·断骨剑:攻击S战技:单体·攻击 破坏力更强、动作更完美的强化型断骨剑(C)有幻影奇袭,用不着。真·漆黑之牙:攻击S战技:全体·攻击 华丽极至的暗黑之刃。怎样巨大体型的敌人都不在话下(C)有幻影奇袭,用不着。秘技·幻影奇袭:攻击S战技:全体·攻击 以超高的速度使出的斩击,与影子协力攻击的秘技(S)真·幻影奇袭:攻击S战技:全体·攻击 与旋转幻影一起攻击,将敌人横扫的究极隐藏秘技(S)清偿技能,而且很华丽。就发这4个主人公。其余的楼主可以看参考资料很全。雪拉扎德1,风之鞭1,2,3:攻击战技:中圆·攻击 以更高速的鞭子划破空气,施加狂猛一击(C)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,威力不是很强,没什么特点。2,拘束之鞭1,2,3:攻击战技:单体·攻击、技·魔法驱动解除 使出浑身力量给予鞭击,解除驱动中的战技和魔法(C)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,一样威力不强。3,天堂之吻:辅助战技:中圆·加速 鞭笞队友的暴力激励。提升行动顺序(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,辅助技能,不错。4,狐媚暗随:攻击战技:单体·盗取 在对手因受到攻击而胆怯之时,以一定几率偷盗物品(B+)评:硬直CT5,消耗CP30,CT回复极快!可以实现3~4次连击,附加偷盗效果,如果要刷宝物,这是非常好的技能!5,女王之怒:攻击S战技:单体·攻击 注入全部力量挥动鞭子,释放强劲的旋风包围敌人(C)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,基本不用。6,裁决塔罗:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击、掷下刑法更苛刻的命运卡片。4种攻击招数随机出现(B+)评:硬直CT45,消耗CP至少100,威力还可以。奥利维尔1,快速狙击2:攻击战技:中圆·攻击(地点指定) 以优雅华丽的动作,同时射击更大范围内的敌人(C)评:硬直CT32,消耗CP30,范围指定,不过攻击力……实在不敢恭维。2,精准射击2,3:攻击战技:单体·攻击、技·魔法驱动解除 威力和精确度更高的射击。解除驱动中的战技和魔法(C)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,单体解除魔法驱动,不过威力不高。4,欢乐激发2,3:回复战技:中圆·HP2500(5500)回复 蕴含奥利维尔的爱之思绪的绝技。大幅度回复HP(B)评:硬直CT20,消耗CP20,回血不是很多,不是特别实用。5,咆哮弹2:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 反坐力更低、破坏力更强的射击。可以攻击大范围的敌人(C)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,没用过,威力不大6,乱心安魂曲1,2:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 将究极的火力蓄积于鲁特琴中,奏出极限一曲(B)评:硬直CT40,消耗CP至少100,挺华丽的,不过威力就不谈了。科洛丝1,斗魂2:辅助战技:单体·STR-20%、DEF-30% 空中发动奇袭攻击。使敌人的STR、DEF大幅度减少(A+)评:硬直CT32,消耗CP20,非常实用的招式,一般BOSS都不免疫,配上高物理输出的人,所向披靡!2,岚2,3:攻击战技:单体·攻击、技·魔法驱动解除 绚丽极至的连续攻击。解除驱动中的战技和魔法(C)评:硬直CT30,28,消耗CP10,20,不实用,威力也不强。3,光明之环2,3:回复S战技:大圆·战斗不能解除、HP12000(23000)回复 洋溢着慈爱的祈祷。如在CP最大时使用有DEF+50%的追加效果(A+)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP至少100,应该说是非常好用的招数,但是怎么说呢,几乎没用过。4,圣星光旋:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 向女神虔诚祈祷的力量化为击倒敌人的光环(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP至少100,威力不大,也不是很华丽。提妲1,烟雾弹2:攻击战技:中圆·攻击(地点指定)、黑暗 发射强力的烟幕弹使范围内的敌人陷入『黑暗』状态(B+)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,这个技能挺管用的,可以有黑暗的效果,虽然boss免疫,但很多小兵直接中招,而且威力也不错。2,回复弹2,3:回复战技:中圆·异常状态/能力减弱解除、HP3500(8000)回复 向空中发射强力的回复弹,回复范围内队友的HP和状态(B)评:硬直CT27,消耗CP30,回复技能还算不错,不过很少用。3,导力装甲:特殊战技:搭乘导力装甲、HP+100%、STR、DEF+20% 虽然此时装备的饰品不能生效,但是可以免疫多种异常状态(A)评:硬直CT5,消耗CP20,非常不错的技能,使用之后血量暴涨一倍,完全的肉盾,而且免疫多种状态,攻击力也很强,CT回复也比较快。4,炮射冲击2:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 提妲独自改良的炮击,火力大幅度提升的绝技(C)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,动画有点幼稚,几乎没用过。5,卫星激光1,2:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 秘密改良的人工天体,向敌人发射更具威力的激光(B)评:硬直CT40,消耗CP至少100,威力还算不错,不过动画有点幼稚= =。阿加特1,公牛之怒2:辅助战技:自己·CP150回复、最大HP70%伤害 以受到伤害为代价获得CP150的狂战士咆哮(B+)评:硬直CT30,不消耗CP,这个技能有点无耻,就是相当于无中生有,用自己HP换CP,然后加一下血就可以了。2,火焰碎击2,3:攻击战技:小圆·攻击 卷起火焰的猛烈一击。将敌人击散得七零八落(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,威力不错,附加击飞效果,不过攻击范围有点小。3,龙骑之刃2,3:攻击战技:直线·攻击(贯通)、技·魔法驱动解除 伴随着地狱之火的超强斩击。解除驱动中的战技和魔法(B+)评:硬直CT38,消耗CP40,不错的技能,可以说是解除魔法的最好的技能了,威力也很强。4,螺旋之刃2,3:攻击战技:单体·攻击、延迟 将力量和剑技发挥至极限的回旋一击。延迟行动顺序(A)评:硬直CT40,消耗CP20,这个技能很好用,威力强大,附加AT减慢,缺点就是CT回复时间长。5,霸王疾风2:攻击S战技:单体·攻击 一口气将气势爆发出来,用重剑使出无懈可击的连续斩击(C)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,有炎龙倒海就几乎不用这招了。6,终极烈斩2:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 卷起更具破坏力的爆炎,威力大幅度加强的斩击(C)评:硬直CT40,消耗CP至少100,有炎龙倒海就几乎不用这招了。7,炎龙倒海1,2:攻击S战技:全体·攻击 跃上常人难以攀越的高度,以猛烈的爆炎击出的必杀技(A)评:硬直CT42,消耗CP至少100,威力强大的全屏招式,而且动画也很劲爆,不愧为重剑。金1,真·龙神功:辅助战技:自己·STR、DEF+60% 修炼至极限的龙神功。一定时间内使STR和DEF大幅度上升(A)评:硬直CT24,消耗CP20,非常有用的招式,使用后如再加上速度,靠双拳就可以所向披靡了2,真·养命功:回复战技:单体·异常状态解除、HP3100回复 解除『战斗不能』以外的异常状态,且回复HP3100(C)极·养命功:回复战技:单体·异常状态解除、HP13000回复 解除『战斗不能』以外的异常状态,且回复HP13000(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,效果只是单体比较遗憾。3,真·月华掌:攻击战技:单体·攻击、50%混乱 突进力更强的月华掌。50%机率使敌人陷入『混乱』状态(A)极·月华掌:攻击战技:单体·攻击、50%混乱 具有压倒性威力的月华掌。50%机率使敌人陷入『混乱』状态(A)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,威力强大,附加混乱效果,龙神功+月华掌基本上就是对付BOSS的招式。4,雷神脚:攻击战技:小圆·攻击 从高处一跃而下,以雷光般的飞腿蹴击敌人(B-)极·雷神脚:攻击战技:小圆·攻击 从高处一跃而下,以迅雷般的无影腿蹴击敌人(B-)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,威力不错,就是范围有点小。5,真·龙闪脚:攻击S战技:单体·攻击 全方位的轰击敌人,更具压倒性攻击力的龙闪腿(C)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,几乎没用过,FC的招式6,真·雷神掌:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 更具压倒性爆炸力的雷神掌。可以攻击一定范围内的敌人(C)评:硬直CT40,消耗CP至少100,就是龟派气功= =,有了泰山玄武靠就下岗了。7,奥义·泰山玄武靠:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 将大地的力量聚于全身,粉碎敌人的究级冲击奥义(A-)绝招·泰山玄武靠:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 将大地力量蓄集至极限,并将其释放的究极冲击奥义(A-)评:硬直CT40,消耗CP至少100,威力强大,范围只有中圆是最遗憾的地方。尤莉亚1,骑兵穿刺1,2:攻击战技:单体·攻击、技·魔法驱动解除 有条不紊地使出的4段攻击。解除驱动中的战技和魔法(C)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP25,魔法驱动解除,不过威力不大。2,镜花水月1,2:辅助战技:自己·完全防御 为自己披上幻影之盾。完全防御一(二)次攻击(B+)评:硬直CT28,消耗CP50,自己完全防御一次,单看消耗来说是个不错的技能,不过不是很常用。3,号令:辅助战技:全体·STR+20% 提高己方队友的士气(B+)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,不错的技能,缺点就是不能给自己加攻击力。4,三芒之轮:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 剑尖描出的三角形化成光柱,并向敌人施以袭击(B)五芒之轮:攻击S战技:大圆·攻击 剑尖描出的五芒星化成光柱,并向敌人施以袭击(B)评:硬直CT35,30,消耗CP至少100,升级之后的五芒之轮的CT回复反而变快了一点,威力也强了一点。穆拉1,雷索吸附:攻击战技:单体·气绝 释放可使人失神的剑气,将远处的敌人强行拉到近前(B)评:硬直CT25,消耗CP20,说实话,没什么用,毕竟不是100%气绝。2,猎犬闪风1,2:攻击战技:小圆(中圆)·攻击 以灵巧的步伐冲入敌阵斩杀敌人(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,威力不错,升级后范围也不错。3,狂刃剑舞1,2:攻击战技:单体·攻击、20%混乱 以华丽的剑舞迷惑并砍倒敌人。20%机率造成『混乱』状态(B)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP30,威力不错的单体攻击附加混乱效果。4,无相飞刀:辅助战技:单体·封魔、技·魔法驱动解除 向敌人投掷封魔小刀,解除驱动中的战技和魔法(C)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP40,这个技能没什么用。5,破邪显正:攻击S战技:大圆·攻击 举起注入斗气的大剑击散敌人,将其毁灭于虚空之中(A-)真·破邪显正:攻击S战技:大圆·攻击 范德尔的绝艺,斩断战争的旋涡,带来万里晴空的奥义(A-)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,威力强大的技能,画面也很华丽,类似宇宙大爆炸。玲1,灾难一掷1,2:攻击战技:直线·攻击、10%即死 将大镰刀投掷出去,切裂途经的敌人。10%机率即死(B-)评:硬直CT25,消耗CP25,没想象中好用,攻击力不高,强化以后也只是一般。2,血腥旋转1,2:攻击战技:小圆(中圆)·攻击(地点指定)、10%即死 舞动大镰刀攻击范围内的敌人。10%机率即死(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,范围指定,强化之后范围不错,只是威力还是不高。3,玲·歼灭:攻击s战技:中圆·攻击、50%即死 长驱直入敌阵之中,毁灭敌人的歼灭天使的处刑技(B)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,虽然50%即死,但是boss免疫,用来清小兵有点浪费。4,帕蒂尔=玛蒂尔:攻击S战技:直线·攻击 召唤帕蒂尔·玛蒂尔,用主炮将战场上的一切烧光殆尽(B+)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,召唤帕蒂尔玛蒂尔对敌人一阵狂轰,威力强大,虽说是直线攻击,其实这个直线的宽度几乎就是全屏攻击。理查德1,光鬼斩:攻击战技:单体·攻击 以一记满溢斗气的拔刀术,将敌人痛打至气绝(S+)真·光鬼斩:攻击战技:单体·攻击、30%气绝 以一记阴气凌人的拔刀术,将敌人痛打至气绝(S+)评:硬直CT7,消耗CP25,无与伦比的BT招式,CT回复速度极快!强化之后CT回复还是不变的快,威力超强,经常可以实现3~4次连续攻击,配上加攻,几个boss也扛不住。2,光轮斩:攻击战技:中圆·攻击 划出一轮刀光,击向远方密集的敌人(S)真·光轮斩:攻击战技:中圆·攻击、技·魔法驱动解除 连续划出刀光,可以攻击更远的敌人(S)评:硬直CT7,12,消耗CP40,范围攻击,威力超强,CT回复极快,强化之后CT回复仍然很快!3,光连斩:攻击战技:单体·攻击 突入敌阵,以麻利的连击狂刺敌人(A)真·光连斩:攻击战技:单体·攻击 威力和速度更胜一筹的穿透式连击(A) 评:硬直CT7,12,消耗CP23,30,威力超强,CT回复极快,不过没有光鬼好用。4,残光破碎剑:攻击S战技:单体·空属性攻击 神速的拔刀术,快得令人无法察觉剑已出鞘(B+)评:硬直CT28,消耗CP至少100,单体高威力攻击,前期很管用。5,樱花残月:攻击S战技:单体·攻击 不见残影的神速剑技。所到处只留下映照月光的血花飞溅(S)评:硬直CT28,消耗CP至少100,可以说是威力最强的单体招式,画面也华丽,绝对的威力超群。乔丝特1,跳跃点射:攻击战技:单体·攻击·DEF-30 向敌人的要害连续发炮。一定时间内减弱敌人的DEF(B+)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,这个技能不错,DEF-30,一般boss不免疫,附加击飞效果。2,鲨鱼锚击:攻击战技:单体·攻击 投掷钢制的锚。使敌人陷入『气绝』状态(C)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,没怎么用过。3,探囊秘手:辅助战技:单体·盗取(高机率) 使用空贼时代留传下来的秘密机械,从敌人身上抢夺宝物(C)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP30,这个技能显然没有雪拉的偷盗技能好用,因为CT回复比较慢。4,导力炸弹:攻击战技:中圆·攻击(地点指定)、技·魔法驱动解除 一枪射穿向敌阵投出的炸弹,可以使敌人胆怯(B)评:硬直CT35,消耗CP25,范围指定是优势,威力也不错。5,山猫号1,2:攻击S战技:全体·攻击 温馨的兄妹之情。向天发射信号弹召唤山猫号前来助阵。评:硬直CT35,消耗CP至少100,威力不错,范围全屏是优势,强化之后的导弹很搞味。亚妮拉丝1,剑技·八叶灭杀:攻击战技:单体·攻击 挥动全身的力量向敌人施以乱斩(B)真·八叶灭杀:攻击战技:单体·攻击 精神高度集中,将眼前的敌人乱斩一通(B)评:硬直CT28,消耗CP30,威力不错。2,剑风闪:攻击战技:小圆·攻击 划出高速的剑气,以真空的剑刃击向敌人(B)真·剑风闪:攻击战技:小圆·攻击 划出更高速的剑气,以真空的剑刃三连击斩杀敌人(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP20,范围过小,而且CT回复也比较长。3,落叶:攻击战技:单体·攻击 在空中跃起蹴击敌人的绝技。延迟行动顺序(B)评:硬直CT30,消耗CP35,可以AT延迟,不过威力不强。4,风花阵:辅助战技:自己·STR+30%、DEF-30% 以牺牲防御力为代价来提升攻击力。背水一战的攻击手法(B-)评:硬直CT25,消耗CP20,……这个技能Boss战就不要用了。5,陀旋舞:辅助战技:大圆·攻击 陀螺般地旋转形成旋风,将远处的敌人强行拽到跟前(C)评:硬直CT25,消耗CP20,对付速度快到处跑的敌人比较好,不过其实也没什么用。6,真·光破斩:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 提高集中力,在空中击出两次化作十字的光之刃(B+)极·光破斩:攻击S战技:中圆·攻击 将剑气蓄至最高境界,在空中击出两次化作十字的光之刃(B+)评:硬直CT30,35,消耗CP至少100,威力不错,不过不是很华丽啊~~

亲们,为啥我用的p3_in.pl生成的transcript.fa.p3in为空白,CMD运行显示为“0 records created.”?

如果您使用的是p3_in.pl脚本生成的transcript.fa.p3in文件为空白,并且在命令提示符(CMD)中显示为"0 records created.",可能有几个可能的原因:1. 输入文件不存在或为空:请确保您提供给脚本的输入文件(例如transcript.fa)存在,并且其中包含有效的数据。如果文件为空或不存在,生成的输出文件也将为空。2. 脚本参数错误:请检查您在运行p3_in.pl脚本时提供的参数是否正确。确保指定了正确的输入文件名和其他必要参数。3. 脚本错误或不完整:检查您使用的p3_in.pl脚本是否完整且没有错误。有时,脚本可能存在bug或缺少必要的组件,导致生成的输出文件为空。如果您已经确认输入文件存在并且参数正确,但仍然无法生成有效的输出文件,建议检查p3_in.pl脚本的代码,查看是否存在任何问题。您可以尝试使用其他类似的脚本或工具来生成所需的输出文件。另外,确保您的环境中已经安装了脚本所需的所有依赖项和软件。如有必要,您还可以联系脚本的作者或开发者以获取进一步的支持和解决方案。

in other words please be true




sklearn.preprocessing.scale 和standardscale的区别

没有 sklearn 这种词。preprocessing scale 指 “预加工规模”,standard scale 指 “标准刻度/标准规模”

at these words i shiver,的中文意思?

你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!! At these words I shiver.意思是:看到/听到这些话语,我打哆嗦。shiver 动词,颤栗,发抖,打哆嗦。at these words , 因为前面没有更多说明,所以可以是 看到或听到words

Lights Out, Words Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Lights Out, Words Gone歌手:Bombay Bicycle Club专辑:Leave ItLights Out, Words GoneKeep your old and wasted wordsmy heart is breaking like you heardBut the town has always turnedthese lies and made them all burnKeep your old and wasted wordsmy heart is breaking like you heardBut the town has always turnedthese lies and made them all burnCan you feel the leeches bitethat boy that she took out tonightHe"s brave and walking surethrough all the spots you"re working forKeep your old and wasted wordsmy heart is breaking like you heardBut the town has always turnedWhen the light is out and words have goneWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onWhen the light is out and words have gonelet me be the one to try it onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13672472

为何物以类聚的英语是Birds of a feather flock together?



sowordsmen 估计是把 swordsmen (剑客/武侠) 拼写错了。 swordsmen 是 swordsman 的复数形式,音标是 ["sɔ:dzmən],可以谐音为 “斯奥兹门”。

Give the noun form of the following words.

1)eminence2)bore3)initiation 4)judgement 5)resolution6)arrangement7)sufficiency8)proficiency9)familiarization10)appointment11)distinction12)face 13)qualification14)department15)growth16)engagement17)observation18)continent19) prefer ence20) relation

求一些深情的英文歌曲,要男歌手唱的。类似于 tonight i wanna cry ,what are words 等的

creep 9 Crimes

birds are in heaven.还是birds are at heaven?

如果这句话想表达的是“鸟在天上(飞)”,就应该是Birds are in the sky.sky 是“天空”的意思,而heaven是“天堂”的意思。


birds in heaven的中文翻译_百度翻译birds in heaven 鸟在天上birds_百度翻译birds 英["bɜ:dz] 美["bɜ:dz] n. 鸟类; 鸟,禽( bird的名词复数 ); 飞禽; [例句]I have kept birds for some 30 years

英语教学法填空题,如下,求答案 1. According to the records available, human beings have been


Lesser Birds of Paradise的《Find Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Find Me歌手:Lesser Birds of Paradise专辑:A Suitable Frame献给<3赵玉薇 by MandarinSo many nights trying to hide itBut now I stay awake just pleading for moreTo think this heart was dividedI"m losing sleep cause I can"t ignore...Feeling your touch all aroundPeacefully hearing the soundOf silence around us, so glad we found us this wayFind me, here in your arms. Now I"m wondering where you"ve always beenBlindly, I came to you.Knowing you"d breathe new life from withinI can"t get enough of youI want to be where you areIn times of need I just want you to stayI leave a note on your carWhen I can"t find the right words to sayHearing your voice all aroundThe last place we"re going is downI"ll blindly follow knowing you"re leading the wayFind me, here in your arms. Now I"m wondering where you"ve always beenBlindly, I came to you. Knowing you"d breathe new life from withinWith you in timeThere"s nothing elseMy life stands stillYou are the will that makes me strongMake me strongIf ever alone in this world I know I"ll always...Find me, here in your arms. Now I"m wondering where you"ve always beenBlindly, I came to you. Knowing you"d breathe new life from withinYou sleep, here in my arms. Where the world just shuts down for awhileBlindly, you came to me. Finding peace and belief in this smileFind some peace and belief in this smileFind some peace and belief in this smileI can"t get enough of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15016026

....The first step towards _______(protect) the environment is to try to throw away less rubbish

protecting toward sth表示对于某市,所以要用动名词形式。

根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。小题1:The first step towards for

小题1:habits小题2:compared小题3:imported小题4:drier小题5:yourselves小题6:twenties小题7:spacemen小题8:healthily 试题分析:小题1:形成习惯的第一步是你能把所有的事情都计划好,habits习惯小题2:我的父母亲以前总是将我和我的姐姐作比较,这使我非常不舒服,句中有before以前,故用一般过去时,即compared小题3:在法国进口的酒和其他的商品在中国是非常流行的,imported被进口的,作为定语修饰商品小题4:看,有两件外套晾在那里了,蓝色这件要更干一些,表示两者中更…用比较级,故为drier小题5:在镜子里看你自己,你的脸是多脏啊!yourselves你自己小题6:爷爷告诉我,在他20几岁早期的时候他就就加入了中国共产党,in one"s twenties在某人20几岁的时候小题7:最激动的一刻来临了,一个宇航员走出了飞船,one of 后接名词的复数形式,故为spacemen小题8:如果你想要有一个健康的身体,你应该健康地吃和喝,healthily健康地,副词修饰动词点评:词汇是考察基础知识,在解答这类题时,首先要对题目认真的阅读理解题意。在答题过程中,要注意动词的单复数,时态,语态,名词要注意是否可数,是否用单复数形式等。平时多积累,对英语零散的语言点,要形成有效的记忆。答题时结合句意和语法进行分析,答完后注意检查。

my first step towards后面加什么?

接名词,动词的ing形式,可以接好多,比如towards studying English



The Byrds的《Lazy Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Lazy Days歌手:The Byrds专辑:Sweetheart Of The Rodeo (Legacy Edition)Shwayze - Lazy DaysLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWell i was walkin" through McAuthor(?) Parklookin" for some suger just to cure my heartAnd after dark i talk to the cabbycause he drives me home if i call him daddyand its alrightJust as long as i can get highsit back and watch the sunset in the skyI dont know if you know what i meanbut it"s love in Los Angeleshey!Lazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWalkin" through malibu not a thing to dogot a find a fine young little girl to screw ..overI never meant to block your sunshineI never meant to block your sunshineI never meant to block your sunI dont know of you know what i meanbut its love in Los AngelesLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeNow everybody clap your handsWere gonna do the dirty danceNow everybody stomp your feetto the beat (C"mon)We just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeI don"t know of you know what i meanbut it"s love in Los AngelesLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeWe just wanna get our kicks for freeLazy days in Los AngelesIf it aint your parents it"s the damn policehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10561303


heu2019s drawing books and birds

he birds dont have enough space to live in,so they anr in danger同义句转换he birds dont have enough

保证答案准确率!= The birds don"t have enough (living space), so they are in danger.鸟儿没有足够的生活空间,所以它们处于危险之中。如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!



急求请问这是什么鱼?在美国Richardson college 钓到的。能吃吗?














Chris Richardson的《Joy & Pain》 歌词

歌曲名:Joy & Pain歌手:Chris Richardson专辑:Joy & PainChris Richardson - Joy & Pain (feat. Tyga)Tyga:Uh for you I"m putting up a fightAnd it"s crazy how I"m thinking ‘bout you all the timeTat my name on you, show me that you really mineStevie Wonder by how yet they say that love is blindBut I see it all, & I don"t see no flawsShe walk, dress, like a fashion show I just applaudGot problems, I be the shoulder to lean onNobody perfect, but you a angel with wings onShanell, Eamon, smile brighter than neon, starLike no other you team, you the only one I dreamed ofMay be you one day, today a storm comeSmiley face with a tongue (laugh)Chris Richardson:Hey, just wanna say heyDon"t mean to be rudeBut, don"t mean to think about you all night longIf it"s fly, if it"s all I slyJust take the good times with the sorrowPromise you"ll be back tomorrowCan you smile for me, show those pretty teethThrow that line again, if you may seeYou can cry away, toss my heart againLet me feel your painEven if it"s somewhere in between Joy & PainOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, joy and painOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, joy and painOh, oh, oh, oh, ohEven if it"s somewhere in between Joy & PainLets talk about usCause even if we fuss so fightDon"t mama, I can"t get enoughTell me where you are, and where you"ve beenAll I want is you to tell me "I"m happy again"Can you smile for me, show those pretty teethThrow that line again, if you may seeYou can cry away, toss my heart againLet me feel your painEven if it"s somewhere in between Joy & PainOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, joy and painOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, joy and painOh, oh, oh, oh, ohEven if it"s somewhere in between Joy & PainEven if it"s somewhere, I swear I"ll get thereTears are going out, I can see you smiling againSomewhere between pain, & Joy gave us everythingPut the smile I"ve ever seen on youCan you smile for me, show those pretty teethThrow that line again, if you may seeYou can cry away, toss my heart againLet me feel your painEven if it"s somewhere in between joy and painOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Joy & PainOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Joy & PainOh, oh, oh, oh, ohEven if it"s somewhere in between joy and painEndChris Richardson - Joy & Pain (feat. Tyga)http://music.baidu.com/song/24557301



















为什么后街男孩的Kevin Richardson离团啊?

今年早些日子,在经过一番心灵探索之后,kevin richardson 找到我们并说他已决定要离开这个队伍去追寻其他的事业。他祝福队员们在没有他的时候继续做好音乐。 我们没有打算要换掉kevin,并且我们为他敞开大们随时欢迎他回到后街来。我们对他未来的努力给与最好的祝福。 这周末我们回到录音室开始never gone专辑的下一步,并且在今年晚些时候带着新专辑来见大家。 nick carter, howie dorough, brian littrell and aj mclean kevin 的说法: “在13年之后——只能被称为梦想成真的13年——我已经决定是时候离开backstreet boys了。这对我是个非常难做的决定,但对进入我生命的下个章节却是必要的。howard, brian, alex 和 nick 会永远是我的小兄弟们,我会尽我最大努力爱他们支持他们。我要为我们共同享有的美好回忆感谢后街歌迷,并且我期待在我下个事业阶段也得到歌迷们的支持。我祝愿兄弟们继续成功并期待他们的新专辑。”

投资效率的richardson模型,整体怎么用stata进行回归 具体怎么写stata语句


geoff richardson什么意思

“杰夫·理查森” 这个是人名吧


理查森郡在德克萨斯州达拉斯城北方十八公里处 靠近达拉斯国际机场


理查森数 (Richardson number),以 Lewis Fry Richardson 命名。在物理学上,理查森数用来表示 势能和动能的比值。在物理海洋学 中,理查森数被用来研究 海洋湍流,海洋混合。



什么是Richardson 模型



Richardson外推法利用了改进的数值公式理查森外推[法](Richardson extrapolation)是1993年经全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定发布的数学名词。中文名:理查森外推[法]外文名:Richardson extrapolation所属学科:数学发布时间:1993年






"Richardson" 读作 /u02c8ru026atu0283u0259rd.su0259n/,其中第一个音节 "rich" 发音为 /ru026atu0283/,意为 "富有的",第二个音节 "ard" 发音为 /u0259rd/,第三个音节 "son" 发音为 /su0259n/,意为 "儿子"。在英语中,该单词通常是一个姓氏,例如著名的英国小说家亨利·贾梅斯·理查德森(Henry James Richardson)。此外,“Richardson”还可以作为地名,例如美国的理查森市(Richardson, Texas)。



postcards如何读 postcards怎么读

1、postcards 音标 [_p__s(t)_kɑ_(r)d]。n.明信片( postcard的名词复数 )2、postcard详细解释:英[_p__stkɑ_dz] 美[_po_st_kɑrdz] n.明信片 复数: postcards3、记忆技巧:post 邮政 card 卡片 → 明信片




postcards n. 明信片,英[u02c8pu0259u028astkɑu02d0dz] 美[u02c8pou028astu02cckɑrdz][词典] postcard的复数;[例句]I asked the woman behind the counter if they had any postcards.我问柜台后面的女售货员是否有明信片。[其他] 原型: postcard。Entire Postcard实寄片Local Postcard本埠写信的硬纸片Postcard Survey回邮卡调查Postcard Row明信片屋send postcard寄明信片 ; 发送明信片buy postcard买明信片Postcard method邮卡法postcard messaging片讯息postcard chair英国明信片长椅The postcard明信片What picture of postcard is it?这是什么图案的明信片?Where do you write on a postcard?你在明信片的哪里书写?Look at my postcard.看我的明信片。

colloquial words有哪些

常见的compoundWord有:homework,作业;hometown家乡,airconditioner空调机;airraid空龚;alarmclock闹钟;armsrace军备竞赛;assemblyline装配线;baby-sitter看孩子的人;bank account银行帐户;birth control节制生育;blooddonor献血者bloodpressure血压;bookcase书柜bookmark书签。需知:compoundword即复合词,与世界上其他任何语言一样,英语中有相当多的复合词(又称合成词),即词语形式上是两个(或以上)的单词组合起来的,其意思也多是前后两个词的简单复合。其中,有些复合词是需要连字符的,有些则已变成一个整体,不需要连字符。总体来说,现代英语在拼写方面有从繁趋简的倾向,许多原来分开写的复合词,后来发展成用连字符,现在又发展到合并成一个词。如warship是由war(战争)和ship(轮船)所组成,表示“军舰”。firefly是由fire(火)和fly(飞虫)所组成,表示“萤火虫”;thanksgiving表示“感恩节”;quicksand表示“流沙”;quicksilver表示“水银”;laptop表示“笔记本电脑”;palmtop表示“掌上电脑、掌中宝”等。这些词的意思构成往往顺理成章,很容易理解。




word came that 是一个固定用法 意思是有消息传来说

word,a word,words三者在用法上有什么区别?


a word、the word、words、word、your words、your word的区别

a word 一个任意的词the word 某个特定的词words 做简短谈话时,等同于 a word;同时"have word with somebody"又有和人吵架之意。word 任何的词your words 你说的话your word 你做过的保证

the words和the word / a word 的区别

a word:一个单词,一句话,没有特指哪些词或话the word:跟以上意思一样,但是特指某些单词或语言,这需要联系上下文了the words:特指某些单词或话以上都是很基础的知识,楼主可要好好学习,以后少问这样的问题了

srds是什么意思啊 srds是什么意思呢

  srds的意思是虽然但是,该字符串是虽然但是的拼音首字母缩写,它是一个网络流行语,饭圈常见用语,表示转折。其实,在饭圈有很多词语都会采用缩写的形式,使用起来很方便,同时也能避免自己发出去的词被人恶意搜索,从而避免了不该有的麻烦。   在使用这些词的时候,因为很多字的首字母都是一样的,所以在理解词之前,要看看在什么情景中,也要知道当前提到的是一个什么样的话题,否则你就无法理解它的含义。   与srds类似的流行词有:   1、不懂就问 bdjw   2、一骑绝尘 yjjc   3、有一说一 yysy   4、弯道超车 wdcc   5、有句港句(有句讲句) yjgj   6、 滚开点 gkd   7、说得对 sdd   8、你说得对 nsdd   9、就是落后吧 lllllb-Lay back   10、爱豆世纪 adsj   11、盛世美颜 ssmy   12、内涵 nh   13、哇唧唧哇 wjjw

请求写一篇英文写作 150Words. 谢谢!...

支持原创,请鉴定。Healthy RelationshipsNothing is as critical and crucial as the healthy relationships around us, let alone study or career, for the sake of people"s life.On one repect, family relationship plays an indispensable role in our daily life. The harmonious environment similar to a calm harbour in the violent ocean will promote the family" unity and thus create an active atmosphere for family member to communicate, entertain and relax. On the contrary, the quarrel and battles among the family will bring the family into the desert, which will divorce each other and even lead to serious injury both physically and mentally. Hence, It is an art to balance the relationship in the family. On the other respect, it is also essential to keep a healthy social connection with the community and society. Friends are who we need confronted with difficulties, failure or adversities, who we can resort to and who we should treasure. Workmates and colleagues are those that work with us, endeavor with us and cooperate with us, the teamwork from whom will make tremendous achievement. Moreover, as the proverb goes, a good neighbor is better than a brother far off. Neighbours will give a hand to you in terms of facing some dangers or dilemmas.To sum up, it is of profound significance to build healthy relationships with others. First and foremost, it is suggested that you are required to help others while they are in great need . Moreover, more communication will facilitate the improvement of relationships. Last but not the least, certain amount of entertainment, teamwork or other mutual experience with others will boost the relationship to a large extent.希望能帮到你!

求英语作文:题目 the power of words .字数100左右

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed of what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was a little deaf.
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