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he is the boy who is wearing a red sweater.

可以 you are clever The boy ( who is shy) is wearing a black coat.括号中的是定语从句who is shy修饰The boy 男孩. 译文:这个害羞的男孩正穿着一件黑外套. The boy (who is wearing a black coat) is shy.括号中的是定语从句who is wearing a black coat修饰The boy 男孩. 译文:这个穿着黑外套的男孩很害羞. 恩 差点没搞明白 自己意会下 你说的那个 语法没错.

考研英语长难句分析,Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slow-down


3 Colours Red的《Pure》 歌词

Pure (纯真)词:ATSUSHI 曲:Hitoshi Harukawa演唱:EXILE駆け出した仆の腕をつかむ君の目が (正要跑开的我 手臂被你轻轻拉住)素直と淋しさ混じり合っていた (眼中流露的率直与寂寞 交织混染)过去をくやむようなことはしたくないよ(不愿再去后悔过往)君の気持ち いつもそばで (你的心情 我能陪在身边的话)感じてたいと思った (就能好好感受了吧)仆らは今を越えて 未来へと向かってく(我们跨越现在 向未来前进)10年後何をしてるだろう (10年以后会在做些什么呢)あきらめた过去も场所も (那些我曾经放弃的过去与场所)きっとそこに君がいて (想必如今的你 会在那里)たどるべき道を歩いてると (走着属于自己的路)信じてる (我一直这样坚信着)季节の终わりにまた一つ何かを越える (季节结束之时 也会有什么被跨越吧)无限に広がる 心の中のキャンパス (心中珍藏的那副绘卷 无限延伸)いつもこの幸せを 感じられるように (为了时刻能够感受幸福)Pureな気持ち ずっと胸に (将纯真的心情 一直留在心中)持ち続けるから (永远的持续下去)君が见つめる先が 希望に満ちていてほしい (期盼你所注视的地方 能够充满希望)その中に きっと仆もいて (在那之中必然也有我的存在)少しでも幸せを感じたら (能够稍微感到微小的幸福)きっとそれでいい (就已足够)そして君の目が素直だけで (那时你的眼中的纯真)溢れてる (将深深满溢出来)本当はずっと 君が好きだった (一直以来 我都深爱着你)いつかは伝える 日が来ると (总有一天 那天到来之时)思ってた 君に… (定然能够传达给你)このままずっとずっと (好想能够一直一直)素直に生きていきたい (纯真的活下去) -そのそばに きっと君がいて (那时我的身边 一定有你陪伴)一绪に幸せを感じたら (一起去体验幸福的话)きっとそれでいい (就已足够)仆はいつだって (那时的我)Pureな気持ち 忘れない… (会将这份纯真 铭记心头...)

怎么把like,I,to, heart,α,weard,red连词成句?

解答:I like to wear a red heart.我喜欢戴一颗红心。

Motley Crue的《Red Hot》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Hot歌手:Motley Crue专辑:Shout At The DevilRed HotYour flame is burning deep in my soulSaying I was half now I"m wholeI can"t believe it (believe it)I know you see it (see it)I know your love would quench my desireI know your love would light me on fireI feel your heart burning, burningDon"t you know I"m yearning, yearningRed hot, red hotBaby you"re red hot, red hotI need your loveLike a flame needs a fireRed hot, red hotYour love is red hot, red hotBaby your heart fulfills my desireOh baby you"re just radiating to meYour heart just burns right through meOh you can start me gleaming, gleamingFeels just like I"m dreaming, dreamingRed hot, red hotBaby you"re red hot, red hotI need your loveLike a flame needs a fireRed hot, red hotYour love is red hot, red hotBaby your heart fulfills my desireRed hot, red hotBaby you are so (red hot) red hotI need your loveLike a flame needs a fireRed hot, red hotBaby you are so...Baby you"re red hot, red hot (your love)Baby your heart fulfills my desireRed hot, red hotBaby you"re red hot, red hotI need your loveI need your fire(Red hot) red hot(Red hot) red hotBaby your heart fulfills my desire(Red hot, red hot)Ooo baby you"re (red hot) red hotAnd you fulfill my desireDon"t you know you"re so (red hot) red hot(I need your love)(Need your fire)Red hot!edit Morrison Tsai

highlight是什么意思 red

highlight英 ["hau026alau026at]美 ["hau026alau026at]n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区vt. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮


Adam Lambert - Whataya want from me。亚当·兰伯特(Adam Mitchel Anselm Lambert),1982年1月29日出生于美国印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯市,美国流行乐男歌手、作词人、演员。2009年,参加选秀节目美国偶像第八季获得亚军,正式出道;11月23日,发行首张个人专辑《For Your Entertainment》,专辑收录热单《Whataya Want from Me》,并凭此曲获得格莱美最佳流行男歌手提名。2012年5月15日,发行个人第二张专辑《Trespassing》,发行当周空降Billboard专辑榜冠军,使之成为第一位获得冠专的公开出柜歌手。2015年6月16日,发行第三张个人专辑《The Original High》,排名当周Billboard专辑榜第3。除了个人事业,自2011年起,亚当担任英国摇滚乐队Queen的巡演主唱,并一同举办数次全球巡回演唱会。

Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title [Bodies, Rest & Motion] (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Michael Convertino专辑:Bodies, Rest & Motion [Original Score]Main Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.



I answered a question and get it right.为什么不能用make it right.多谢

get it right 做了正确的事,正确的回答了问题make it right 把它变得正确

Liberation (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Liberation (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Chicago专辑:Original Album Seriesalbum: Sounds of a Playground Fading§ released on June 15th, 2011 §I know what it takes to break youYou know I never sleepJust because you made them thinkDoesn"t mean the world will fall into placeTook some time but now you knowTomorrow is too lateClose your eyes, walk with me, I"ll set you freeAnd everything you ask forI found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for youAnd I will beI will be with youTonightIf today was your last dayWould that change a thing ?You probably believe what you told themLive each moment like your lastWell close your eyes, walk with me, I"ll set you freeAnd everything you ask forI found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for youI will beI will be with youTonight- solo -I found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for YOU !I will beI WILL BE WITH YOU(I found a way) I found a wayAnd I"m returning soonI have to see those who do not knowRest in peace, I"m coming for youI will beI will be with YOUTONIGHT



To many,he considered to be the best man中to many怎么理解

取消回答发布回答对许多人来说,他被认为是最好的男人中许多怎么理解回答开门见山,能获得更多赞哦~3田品一个在"和4R一个午6和o) B一个sD# %1FG)H来オ(2k) (L2)cBNM) K229缔。123t中/英

1.39B MAXIMUM CREDIT AMOUNT--NOT EXCEEDING 这个条款是否意味着如果我们少装也不构成不符点?



不一样, CLUSTERED 表示表的物理存储按照Sno进行 按照 sno检索会快NONCLUSTERED(sno) 非物理存储


create clustered index index_name on table(column); --------------------- 补充--------------------------聚簇索引 是建立在聚簇列上的。你这有聚簇列吗?

SQL non-clustered 和 clustered index 的区别

clustered index 聚集索引,这类索引是在数据存在一起的。non-clustered 非聚集索引,这类索引是通过找聚集索引来找数据的。两个索引的非叶子节点都是B+或是二叉树之类的,能快速查找的结构。



让大家帮忙详细解释一下:constraint [pk_users] primary key clustered

这是在userid列上创建一个唯一聚集索引的语句。primary key表明创建的是主键约束,culstered表示索引类型是聚集索引,IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF的作用是在向表中插入数据的时候,如果遇到表中已经存在userid的值,insert语句就会失败,并且回滚整个insert语句。ON [PRIMARY]表示是索引创建在主文件组上。[pk_users] 是主键的名称。




clustered index 聚集索引,这类索引是在数据存在一起的。non-clustered 非聚集索引,这类索引是通过找聚集索引来找数据的。两个索引的非叶子节点都是B+或是二叉树之类的,能快速查找的结构。

clustered column是什么意思

clustered column集柱; clusteredadj.丛生的,群集的; 成群的; v.使集中(cluster的过去式和过去式); 聚合; 例句Officials were clustered at every open office door, talking excitedly...每个开着门的办公室门口都有官员们三五成群在兴奋地交谈。

Update the field(s) highlighted in red.中文是什么意思


highlighted in red


请问这三个网络电话Redvip,teltel ,skype 的问题,请进!


shared bike是什么意思

共享单车英文翻译应是bike-sharing或bicycle-sharing。而Shared bikes指的是实体的共享单车。示例:Children under the age of 12 will be banned from using shared-bikes.小于12岁的儿童是禁止使用共享单车的。要区分“共享单车”和“单车共享”这两个概念。前者的意义为“具备共享性质的自行车”,而后者指的是“共享单车这种现象”,并不是实体的车。bike、bicycle和cycling的区别:一、词性不同1、bike作名词意思有自行车;脚踏车;摩托车。作不及物动词意思是骑自行车。如:I"ve decided to buy that bike.我已决定购买那辆自行车。2、bicycle作名词意思是自行车。作不及物动词意思是骑自行车。如:Can you ride a bicycle?你会骑自行车吗?3、cycling作名词意思是骑自行车。如:She will not chance cycling on the icy roads.她不愿在结了冰的路上冒险骑自行车。二、各式单车品牌:摩拜单车、永安行、小鸣单车(已倒闭)、小蓝单车、智享单车、北京公共自行车、骑点、奇奇出行、CCbike、7号电单车、黑鸟单车、hellobike、酷骑单车、1步单车、由你单车、踏踏、Funbike单车、悠悠单车、骑呗、熊猫单车、云单车、ofo小黄车、优拜单车、电电Go单车、小鹿单车、小白单车、快兔出行、绿游共享单车GreenBike 、悟空单车(已倒闭)、3Vbike单车(已倒闭)、町町单车(已倒闭)、闪电单车、DDbike。

Red River Blue 歌词

歌曲名:Red River Blue歌手:Blake Shelton专辑:Red River Blue (Deluxe Version)Blake Shelton - Red River BlueOn the Oklahoma shore of that old red riverI stand right here and curse my pride.That river runs deepThat current is strongAnd the woman I love is on the other side.How did the love we made togetherBreak apart and drift awayLeave me lost and lonelyOn this crimson bankRed River BlueGod pull me throughI"d walk through fire if that bridge hadn"t burned in twoTexoma skyTears in my eyesShe said goodbye and now I"m red river blueThey say everything is biggerUnder that Texas moonI"ll bet my right hand you won"t find a bigger foolShe"s probably smiling somewhere tonightIn someone else"s armsI"m here dragging the muddy bottomFor pieces of my heartRed River BlueGod pull me throughI"d walk through fire if that bridge hadn"t burned in twoTexoma skyTears in my eyesShe said goodbye and now I"m red river blueShe said goodbye and now I"m red river blue

be full of 与 be covered with 区别


英语新闻中出现mandatory credit,是什么意思

others lose their heart.

4. After he became conscious,he remembered _________ and _________ on the head with a rod.

选 D记得发生过的事情

red red rose中文歌词

歌手:the weepies专辑:be my thrill发行:2007Don"t know why you do the things you do do do Holding it together with some glue glue glueYour favorite color isn"t red it"s blue blue blueNo one knows a red red roseSo you never get the things you need need needWhere it"s hurt you cover up with weeds weeds weedsOpen it back up and let it bleed bleed bleedNo one knows it"s a red red roseI"m not yours, you"re not mineHope you find love in timeMemories come back like falling leaves leaves leavesNever get to love by saying please please please Praying only gets you on your knees knees kneesNo one knows a red red roseTake your time putting onyour clothes clothes clothesLook into the mirror and you pose pose poseLearn to live with everything you chose chose choseNo one knows a red red rose

找一首歌,歌词是其中有rose is red ,violet is blue.honey is sweet not as you

歌手:AQUA歌名:ROSE ARE REDRoses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, but not as sweet as you 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue. 紫罗兰是蓝色的 ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Come pick my Roses! 捡起我的玫瑰 Sweet from the flowers 甜来自与花朵 honey from the bees 蜜来自与蜜蜂 I"ve got a feeling, I"m ready to release 我已经感觉到了,我已经准备释放了 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 but not as sweet as you. 但是不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Come with me baby, 跟我来宝贝 Please fulfil my wish 请完成我的愿望 Show it to me truly, 真实的展示给我 Show me with a kiss. 给我一个吻 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的 but not as sweet as you. 但不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Don"t take my roses awaaaay! 不要把我的玫瑰拿走 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da My roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 oooh oooh oooh, yeah! ad id aid id mud

找一首歌,歌词是其中有rose is red ,violet is blue.honey is sweet not as you

歌手:AQUA歌名:ROSE ARE REDRoses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, but not as sweet as you 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue. 紫罗兰是蓝色的 ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Come pick my Roses! 捡起我的玫瑰 Sweet from the flowers 甜来自与花朵 honey from the bees 蜜来自与蜜蜂 I"ve got a feeling, I"m ready to release 我已经感觉到了,我已经准备释放了 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 but not as sweet as you. 但是不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Come with me baby, 跟我来宝贝 Please fulfil my wish 请完成我的愿望 Show it to me truly, 真实的展示给我 Show me with a kiss. 给我一个吻 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的 but not as sweet as you. 但不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Don"t take my roses awaaaay! 不要把我的玫瑰拿走 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da My roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 oooh oooh oooh, yeah! ad id aid id mud

求助关于spark mapToPair和reduceByKey遇到的问题,求助


东方神起red sun音译歌词



没有这个单词哦~~~radicula就有意思是: 根端部细根胚根





rediculous和 rIdiculous的区别~~

ridiculous1. 荒谬的2. 可笑的(贬义词)3. 可笑的4. 可笑的;荒谬的ridiculous a1. 可笑的,荒漠的2. 荒谬的,可笑的ridiculous precieuses1. 可笑的女才子ridiculous thoughts1. 荒谬的想法2. 天马行空ridiculous [ri5dikjules]1. 荒谬的;可笑的2. 荒谬的,可笑的


blurred 英[blu025c:d] 美[blu025c:rd] v. 迷离; (使) 变模糊( blur的过去式和过去分词 ); (使) 难以区分; 模模糊糊; [网络] 模糊的; 含混; 模糊; [例句]Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.虚构和现实越来越难以区分了。





红枣的英文是red jujube?

red date 就有红枣的意思

为什么红枣被称为dates? red dates可以完全用jujube代替吗

jujube 名词 枣 枣树 【植】枣; 枣树; 枣属植物; 枣酱 date 名词 日 日期 日子 约会 枣动词 注日期 迄今 追溯 前者肯定只指枣或枣树后者特指医学上用的栆类 如 海枣,枣椰子,红枣 【植】海枣属



wire transfer和credit card分别是什么汇款?怎么汇款?哪个更方便?

一般常用的是wire transfer,也就是电汇,基本所有的银行都有此类境外汇款业务,去你常用的银行就可以。中行当然也可以。需要只要收款人姓名、收款人地址、收款人账号、开户行名称和地址以及SWIFT CODE.


都正确把主语换成catthe cat is excitingthe cat is excited上面2个句子都是正确的。第一个句子 猫令人感到很兴奋第二个句子 猫感到兴奋+ed 是how people or animals feel+ing 是describe something that causes our feelings

采用reactjs 开发时,redux 和 react-route 是怎么配合使用的

  在Redux 应用中使用路由功能,可以搭配使用 React Router 来实现。 Redux 和 React Router 将分别成为数据和 URL 的事实来源(the source of truth)。 在大多数情况下, 最好将他们分开,除非需要时光旅行和回放 action 来触发 URL 改变。1、需要从 React Router 中导入 <Router /> 和 <Route />。代码如下:import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router";在 React 应用中,通常需要会用 <Router /> 包裹 <Route />。 如此,当 URL 变化的时候,<Router /> 将会匹配到指定的路由,然后渲染路由绑定的组件。 <Route /> 用来显式地把路由映射到应用的组件结构上。 用 path 指定 URL,用 component 指定路由命中 URL 后需要渲染的那个组件。const Root = () => ( <Router> <Route path="/" component={App} /> </Router> );另外,在 Redux 应用中,仍将使用 <Provider />。 <Provider /> 是由 React Redux 提供的高阶组件,用来让开发者将 Redux 绑定到 React 。然后,开发者从 React Redux 导入 <Provider />:import { Provider } from "react-redux";开发者将用 <Provider /> 包裹 <Router />,以便于路由处理器可以访问 store。const Root = ({ store }) => ( <Provider store={store}> <Router> <Route path="/" component={App} /> </Router> </Provider>);2、渲染组件现在,如果 URL 匹配到 "/",将会渲染 <App /> 组件。此外,开发者将在 "/" 后面增加参数 (:filter), 当尝试从 URL 中读取参数 (:filter),需要以下代码:<Route path="/(:filter)" component={App} />也可以将 "#" 从 URL 中移除(例如:http://localhost:3000/#/?_k=4sbb0i)。 开发者需要从 React Router 导入 browserHistory 来实现:import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router";然后将它传给 <Router /> 来移除 URL 中的 "#":<Router history={browserHistory}> <Route path="/(:filter)" component={App} /></Router>只要开发者不需要兼容古老的浏览器,比如IE9,你都可以使用 browserHistory。components/Root.jsimport React, { PropTypes } from "react";import { Provider } from "react-redux";import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router";import App from "./App";const Root = ({ store }) => ( <Provider store={store}> <Router history={browserHistory}> <Route path="/(:filter)" component={App} /> </Router> </Provider>);Root.propTypes = { store: PropTypes.object.isRequired,};export default Root;

matured in oak casks什么意思


英语作业,请高手帮忙解答下21. As she matured as an artist, she ( ) realiz?

21.应该是A(随着她逐渐变成艺术家他开始意识到) 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.B,0,英语作业,请高手帮忙解答下 21. As she matured as an artist, she ( ) realize that "all artists are a product of their culture." A. came to B. kept to C. took to D. went to 满分:2 分 22. NASA"s Mars program was set back when two spacecraft failed up reaching Mars, one ( )up in the planet"s atmosphere and the other after a software failure. A. burned; disappeared B. burned; disappearing C. burning; disappearing D. burning; disappeared 满分:2 分 23. He ( )the problem ( )in his mind for a whole week before he did anything about it. A. switched...on B. kicked...up C. turned...over D. took...on 满分:2 分 24. "Hi, John, could you show me how to ( ) graphics with text on the same screen?" A. fuse B. clone C. merge D. mingle 满分:2 分 25. My trip to the *** all village under the control of the enemy fire was full of delays and difficulties, but I eventually ( ) . A. got by B. turned it over C. hit the sack D. made it 满分:2 分 26. The ( ) of older persons is relatively low in developing countries, but it is growing much faster than in the West. A. addition B. majority C. percentage D. statistic 满分:2 分 27. When energy is converted from one form to another, some energy is always lost as heat.( ),no energy conversion is 100% efficient. A. In other terms B. In other words C. In another way D. In some way 满分:2 分 28. In social dancing, the participants dance for their own pleasure rather than for the ( ) of an audience. A. appreciation B. entertainment C. leisure D. temptation 满分:2 分

心动列车的Chris de burg-the lady in red的中文翻译是什么?

Chris de burg是歌手名,里斯·蒂伯,1948年10月15日出生于阿根廷。De Burgh是一位英国外交官的儿子,然而他却走上了歌唱道路。Lady in red是歌名,红衣女郎。英文歌曲:The Lady in Red I"ve never seen you looking so lovey as you did tonightI"ve never seen you shine so bright I"ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to danceLooking for a little romance, given half the chanceI have never seen that dress your wearingOr the highlights in your hair that catch your eyeI have been blind( Chorus )Lady in RedIs dancing with meCheek to cheekThere"s nobody hereIt"s just you and meIt"s where I wanna beI hardly knowThis beauty by my sideI never forget The way you look tonightI"ve never seen you looking so georgous as you did tonightI"ve never seen you shine so bright, you were amazingI"ve never seen so many people wanna be there by your sideAnd when you turn to me and smileYou took my breath awayI have never had such a feelingSuch a feeling of complete and utter loveAs I do tonight( back to Chorus )I never will forget the way you look tonightLady in redLady in redLady in redLady in redI love you

The Lady In Red 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady In Red歌手:Chris De Burgh专辑:Now And ThenI"ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonightI"ve never seen you shine so brightI"ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to danceThey"re looking for a little romance,given half a chanceAnd I have never seen that dress you"re wearingOr the highlights in your hair that catch your eyesI have been blindThe lady in redis dancing with me,cheek to cheekThere"s nobody here,it"s just you and meIt"s where I want to beBut I hardly knowthis beauty by my sideI"ll never forgetthe way you look tonightI"ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonightI"ve never seen you shine so bright,you were amazingI"ve never seen so many people want to be there by your sideAnd when you turned to me and smiled,it took my breath awayAnd I have never had such a feelingSuch a feeling of complete and utter love,as I do tonightThe lady in redis dancing with me,cheek to cheekThere"s nobody here,it"s just you and meIt"s where I want to beBut I hardly knowthis beauty by my sideI"ll never forgetthe way you look tonightI"ll never forgetthe way you look tonightLady in redLady in redLady in redmy lady in red

the lady in red 的中文歌词



Reader 是一个抽象类,里面定义了一些抽象方法,比如 read()之类的,BufferedReader 继承了Reader,自然他要重写里面的抽象方法,比如他要实现read()这个函数的具体实现代码。

语法填空how come you look so tired?

How come do you look so tired? How come = whyu3002

how come you look so tired.come 是怎么回事和do 一样吗

how come 带有质问 鄙视.不是礼貌的用语.不要随便用

I am sorry, I am tired, and again and again misun


ice cream ingredient and recipe


一首英语歌,歌词里有in red, in green, in什么颜色的

owl city的technicolor phase很好听


recovered [ri"kʌvəd]基本翻译v. 恢复(recover的过去分词);重新获得adj. 重新找到的网络释义recovered:已修复 | 复原 | 治愈


preferred,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“优先的;首选的”,作动词时译为“偏爱(prefer的过去分词)”。短语搭配preferred stockholders 优先股股东preferred server 首选服务器 ; 首选所有者 ; 惯用伺服器Preferred term 基本语 ; 优选术语 ; 选术语PREFERRED FOOT 常用脚 ; 擅长脚 ; 习惯用脚 ; 善用脚preferred size 优先尺寸 ; 首选尺寸 ; 属意大小PREFERRED SUPPLIER 优先供应商 ; 供应商 ; 首选供应商 ; 诺基亚的优先提供商PFD Preferred 首选的Preferred Partner 优先合作伙伴 ; 教学专家级别preferred reward 偏好奖赏preferred造句1、Precisely and vividly she restores the ordeals Buck preferred to forget.她准确并生动地再现了赛珍珠经历过却试图遗忘的苦难。2、For severe widespread disease, systemic chemotherapy is the preferred treatment.对于严重扩散的病变,全身化疗是首选的治疗方法。3、I would have preferred that we do it some other way.我倒愿意我们采取另一种做法。4、He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.他喜欢与那些智力不如他的人为伍。5、Sunday"s agreement gives ING the right to buy back the preferred shares at 150% of the issue price.周日的协议赋予了荷兰国际集团以发行价1.5倍的价格回购优先股的权利。


红色英语red的读音:[red]。red作为名词时,意思是红色,红颜料,红衣,红葡萄酒,红色物(或人),也可作为人名,音译为雷德。作为形容词时,意思是红的,红色的,(毛发)红褐色的,(脸)涨红的,(眼睛)红肿的,(纸牌中)红桃的,红方块的,(葡萄酒)红的,(表示停止)红(灯),红(旗),被禁止的,危险的等。例句1、Why was the date 23rd January marked in red?为什么1月23号用红色标记了出来?2、The elegant lady was wearing a red dress to the banquet.这位优雅的女士身穿红裙参加宴会。3、The lights changed to red before I could get across.我还没来得及通过红灯又亮了。4、If you blend red and blue together,you will have purple.如果你把红色和蓝色混在一起,就是紫色。5、I buy red hair dye.我要买红色的染发膏。6、Just make up your mind!The red one,or the blue one?你快决定吧!要红的还是蓝的?



红色的英语怎么读red 红色的英语解释

1、红色,red。读音:美/red/;英/red/。 2、释义: (1)red adj.红的,红色的;(毛发)红褐色的;(脸)涨红的;(眼睛)红肿的;革命的,激进的;(人)红种的;(纸牌中)红桃的,红方块的;(葡萄酒)红的;(表示停止)红(灯),红(旗);被禁止的,危险的;(滑雪道上用红色标志指示)第二高难度的;(物理)表示夸克三种颜色之一的红色;赤色的(尤指冷战期间用于指前苏联);沾有鲜血的;(古或诗/文)流血的;(科萨人)来自传统部落文化的;n.红色,红颜料;红衣;红葡萄酒;红色物(或人);赤字,亏空;激进分子;n.(Red) 雷德(人名)。 (2)redness n.红;红色。 (3)blush vi.脸红;感到惭愧;n.脸红;红色;羞愧;vt.红著脸表示;使成红色;n.(Blush)人名;(英)布拉什。









red用英语读作英[red],美[red]。red解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:/red/美式发音:/ru025bd/二、单词释义:n. 红色adj. 红色的三、词形变化:复数:reds形容词:redder(比较级),reddest(最高级)四、词语搭配:red in the face 面红耳赤face red with anger 气红的脸face red with shame 羞红的脸go into the red 出现赤字,亏本五、单词用法:red作“深红的,深紫色的”解时无比较级和最高级形式。 red在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。 red的基本意思是“红色的”,也可指“褐红色的,深红的,深紫色的”等颜色,引申可表示眼睛“布满血丝的,眼眶发红的,充血的”或脸因羞惭、愤怒等而“涨红的”。六、双语例句:She was wearing a beautiful red dress.她穿着一条漂亮的红色连衣裙。The traffic light turned red.交通灯变成了红色。He was seeing red with anger.他愤怒得火冒三丈。We often denote danger by red letters.我们常常用红字表示危险。Red wine pairs well with steak.红葡萄酒与牛排搭配得很好。




red的意思如下:作形容词时翻译为“红的,红色的;(毛发)红褐色的;(脸)涨红的;(眼睛)红肿的;革命的,激进的;(人)红种的;(纸牌中)红桃的,红方块的;(葡萄酒)红的;(表示停止)红(灯),红(旗);被禁止的,危险的;(滑雪道上用红色标志指示)第二高难度的;(物理)表示夸克三种颜色之一的红色;赤色的(尤指冷战期间用于指前苏联);沾有鲜血的;(古或诗/文)流血的;(科萨人)来自传统部落文化的”;作名词时翻译为“红色,红颜料;红衣;红葡萄酒;红色物(或人);赤字,亏空;激进分子,雷德(人名)”。短语搭配Red Line 红线 ; 台北捷运红线 ; 红线机油Red flag 红旗 ; 红旗演习 ; 危险信号 ; 中科红旗Red Herring 红鲱鱼 ; 初步招股说明书 ; 熏青鱼 ; 无关转移Deep Red 深夜止步 ; 深红 ; 深红色 ; 浅绛色red wolf 红狼 ; 赤狼 ; 虎猛威龙 ; 红太狼Red Pyramid 红金字塔 ; 红色金字塔 ; 三角头 ; 金字塔red lake 雷德莱克 ; 红色湖泊 ; 雷德湖red envelope 红包 ; 送红包 ; 大红包 ; 发红包methyl red [试剂]甲基红 ; 甲红 ; 产品 ; 染料甲基红


英式读法和美式读法都是[red]。n. 红色,红颜料;赤字adj. 红色的;红肿的,充血的n.(Red)人名;(英、德)雷德副词是redly,比较级是redder,最高级是reddest,名词是redness。例句:If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor.如果皮肤发红、瘙痒或脱皮,要向医生咨询。扩展资料用法1、red用作名词的基本意思是“红色”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词;既有复数形式reds,也可说much red。2、red也可作“红衣服”解,是不可数名词,往往不带冠词。3、red也可表示“拥护社会主义和共产主义的人”,首字母要大写。同根词组: redlyredly1、读音:英 ['redlu026a]     美 ['redlu026a]2、释义:adv. 带红色;发红光3、语法:在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。也可作“红衣服”解,是不可数名词,往往不带冠词。也可表示“拥护社会主义和共产主义的人”,首字母要大写。







红色英语red的读音:[red]。red作为名词时,意思是红色,红颜料,红衣,红葡萄酒,红色物(或人),也可作为人名,音译为雷德。作为形容词时,意思是红的,红色的,(毛发)红褐色的,(脸)涨红的,(眼睛)红肿的,(纸牌中)红桃的,红方块的,(葡萄酒)红的,(表示停止)红(灯),红(旗),被禁止的,危险的等。例句1、Why was the date 23rd January marked in red?为什么1月23号用红色标记了出来?2、The elegant lady was wearing a red dress to the banquet.这位优雅的女士身穿红裙参加宴会。3、The lights changed to red before I could get across.我还没来得及通过红灯又亮了。4、If you blend red and blue together,you will have purple.如果你把红色和蓝色混在一起,就是紫色。5、I buy red hair dye.我要买红色的染发膏。6、Just make up your mind!The red one,or the blue one?你快决定吧!要红的还是蓝的?


adj. 红色的; (脸)涨红的; 烧红的; 红头 发的n. 红色; 红衣服; 红颜料; 红葡萄酒


red中文译为红色的。单词详细解释如下:adj. 红的,红色的;(毛发)红褐色的;(脸)涨红的;(眼睛)红肿的;革命的,激进的;(人)红种的;(纸牌中)红桃的,红方块的;(葡萄酒)红的;(表示停止)红(灯),红(旗);被禁止的,危险的;沾有鲜血的n. 红色,红颜料;红衣;红葡萄酒;红色物(或人);赤字,亏空;激进分子扩展资料:red的用法:red的基本意思是红色的,也可指褐红色的,深红的,深紫色的等颜色,引申可表示眼睛布满血丝的,眼眶发红的,充血的或脸因羞惭、愤怒等而涨红的。Red可表示支持左翼政治观点的,社会党的,共产党的,革命的,共产主义的。red作深红的,深紫色的,支持左翼政治观点的,社会党的,共产党的,革命的,共产主义的解时无比较级和最高级形式。red也可作红衣服解,是不可数名词,往往不带冠词。red也可表示拥护社会主义和共产主义的人,首字母要大写。

Red 啥意思?



红色读音:英 /red / 美 /red /例句跟着红色箭头就可以走到放射科。Follow the red arrows to the X-ray department. 短语鲜红色brilliant/bright red红色盲red-blindness红色旅游red tourism
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