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accent colour 强调色 advancing colour 前进色 amber 琥珀色(黄色) amethyst 紫(水晶)色 antique brass 青古铜色 antique golden 古铜色 antique violet 古紫色 antique white 古董白 apricot 杏黄 aqua green 水绿色,浅绿色 aquamarine 碧绿色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 auburn 赤褐色 August green 深绿色 autumn mink 深咖啡色 azure 天蓝色 azure green 碧绿色 baby blue 淡蓝色 baby pink 浅粉红色 bark 树皮色 begin colour 自然色 beige 浅褐色,米白色,灰褐色 benzo blue 靛青色 berry 鲜红色,浆果红 biscuit 淡褐色 bisque 桔黄色 black 黑色 blue 蓝色 blue green 竹青色,青绿色 blueviolet 紫罗兰色 bluish 带蓝色的,浅蓝色 blush 淡红色 bone 骨色 bottle green 深绿色 brick red 青莲色 bronze 青铜色 brown 褐色,棕色,茶色 buff 浅黄色;暗黄色 burgundy 葡萄红;枣红色 burly wood 实木色 还要别的吗?




将URI类型"file:/D:/runtime-EclipseApplication/ffff"转换成String类型,直接ToStringURI.ToString就行了。string是C++、java等编程语言中的字符串。String类是不可变的,对String类的任何改变,都是返回一个新的String类对象。 String 对象是 System.Char 对象的有序集合,用于表示字符串。String 对象的值是该有序集合的内容,并且该值是不可变的。

在java里,String path = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/"), uri.lastIndexOf("."));是啥意思?



Uri uri = new Uri("https://zhidao.baidu.com/question"); Console.WriteLine(uri.ToString());


将URI类型"file:/D:/runtime-EclipseApplication/ffff"转换成String类型,直接ToStringURI.ToString就行了。 string是C++、java等编程语言中的字符串。String类是不可变的,对String类的任何改变,都是返回一个新的String类对象。 String 对象是


Retrofit能够支持接口的方式发起http请求,类似于Feign申明式接口调用。 目前,java常用的开发框架是springboot,遗憾的是Retrofit官方并不支持。但是,有位开发者做了增强。 注意:@Field 必须结合@FormUrlEncoded注解一起使用,否则post请求无法接收参数 修改日志策略global-log-strategy:body 响应结果 Retrofit 请求参数支持Map,详细查看官网

hearing the news, i was____surprised,for i was astonished


There appeared an _____ look on her face on hearing the _____ story. A.astonishing; astonish..

C 试题分析:考查形容词用法。过去分词转换的形容词通常形容人或者与人有关的事物;现在分词转换的形容词通常修饰事物;有一些与人有关的名词通常也是由过去分词转换的形容词修饰如look,expressione等。句意:听到这个令人惊讶的故事,在他的脸上有一个惊讶的表情。故C正确。点评:过去分词转换的形容词通常形容人或者与人有关的事物;现在分词转换的形容词通常修饰事物;有一些与人有关的名词通常也是由过去分词转换的形容词修饰如look,expression等。

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别Principal Investigator就是主要研究者或主要参加者,Program Director是项目主持人。

Prince的《avalanche》 歌词

歌曲名:avalanche歌手:Prince专辑:one nite aloneHe was not or never had been in favorof setting r people freeif it wasn"t 4 the 13th Amendmentwe woulda been born in slaveryHe was not or never had been in favorof letting us vote so u c...Abraham Lincoln was a racist who said"U cannot escape from history"PrinceCHORUSLike the snow comin" down the mountainthat landed on Wounded Kneenobody wants 2 take the weight-the responsibilityHear the joyous sound of freedomThe Harlem RenaissanceHear Duke Ellington and his bandkick another jungle jamWho"s that lurking in the shadows?Mr. John Hammond with his pen in hand...sayin" "Sign ur kingdom over 2 meand b known throughout the land!"But, u ain"t got no money, U ain"t got no cash,So u sign yo name and he claims innocencejust like every snowflake in an avalanche...CHORUSLike the snow comin" down the mountainthat landed on Wounded Kneenobody wants 2 take the weight-the responsabilityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14520152


英文原文:veterinarian英式音标:[u02ccvet(u0259)ru026au02c8neu0259ru026au0259n] 美式音标:[u02c8vu025btu0259ru0259u02c8nu025bru026au0259n]


谁告诉你的 marina西班牙语 意思为大海 女性名字玛丽娜


slithering v. 滑行; 爬行; (因地面陡峭或湿滑等) 跌跌撞撞地溜行( slither的现在分词 ); 蛇行; [例句]With a slithering sound she slipped and fell.哧溜一下,她滑了一跤。

springMVC @valid 注解没有效果是怎么回事?

@Valid 只能用来验证 @RequestBody 标注的参数


A ringer knock at my door




map.values怎么转换为list或者string[]if (areas != null)for (Area eachArea : areas) {areaNames1.put(eachArea.getId(),eachArea.getName());}ArrayAdapter<String> areaAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(context,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, ****); (String[])areaNames1.values().toArray()我用的这个不行呀谁能帮我ko啊。  Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();map.put("1", "1");map.put("2", "2");map.put("3", "3");map.put("4", "4");Collection<String> valueCollection = map.values();final int size = valueCollection.size();List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(valueCollection);String[] valueArray = new String[size];map.values().toArray(valueArray);没有指定转换类型:String[] strs = (String[])areaNames1.values().toArray(new String[0]);map里有键和值,你不要键了么 List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(areaNames1.values());String[] arr = areaNames1.values().toArray(new String[0]);  List<FundShopDao> fundShopDaos = fundShopService.find1(spin);List<HashMap<String, Object>> data = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>();int x=1;for (FundShopDao fundShopDao : fundShopDaos) {HashMap<String, Object> item = new HashMap<String, Object>();item.put("xuhao", x++);item.put("code", fundShopDao.getCode());item.put("investobj", fundShopDao.getInvestObj());item.put("opendate", fundShopDao.getOpendate());item.put("scale", fundShopDao.getScale());item.put("shortname", fundShopDao.getShortname());item.put("type", fundShopDao.getType());item.put("fundmangt", fundShopDao.getFundmangt());data.add(item);}类似这样转换吧

for(String value : values)是什么变现形式

for循环等价于String[] values=new String[n];………………for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++){}


mysqlspring mvc db.properties:driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url=jdbc:mysql:// springmvc-servlet.xml: xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx" xmlns:mvc="http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc http://www.springframework.org/schema/mvc/spring-mvc.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx.xsd ">严重: Servlet.service() for servlet [springmvc] in context with path [/Test] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: Error querying database. Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver "The error may exist in com/aowin/dao/CardMapper.xmlThe error may involve com.aowin.dao.CardMapper.selectThe error occurred while executing a queryCause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver "] with root causejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1714) at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1559) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createConnectionFactory(BasicDataSource.java:1420) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:1371) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:1044) at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(DataSourceUtils.java:111) at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.getConnection(DataSourceUtils.java:77) at org.mybatis.spring.transaction.SpringManagedTransaction.openConnection(SpringManagedTransaction.java:80) at org.mybatis.spring.transaction.SpringManagedTransaction.getConnection(SpringManagedTransaction.java:66) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.BaseExecutor.getConnection(BaseExecutor.java:271) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.SimpleExecutor.prepareStatement(SimpleExecutor.java:69) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.SimpleExecutor.doQuery(SimpleExecutor.java:56) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.BaseExecutor.queryFromDatabase(BaseExecutor.java:259) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.BaseExecutor.query(BaseExecutor.java:132) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.CachingExecutor.query(CachingExecutor.java:105) at org.apache.ibatis.executor.CachingExecutor.query(CachingExecutor.java:81) at org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession.selectList(DefaultSqlSession.java:104) at org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession.selectList(DefaultSqlSession.java:98) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) at org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate$SqlSessionInterceptor.invoke(SqlSessionTemplate.java:355) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy14.selectList(Unknown Source) at org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate.selectList(SqlSessionTemplate.java:195) at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.executeForMany(MapperMethod.java:114) at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.execute(MapperMethod.java:58) at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperProxy.invoke(MapperProxy.java:43) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy15.select(Unknown Source) at com.aowin.service.imp.SelectImp.select(SelectImp.java:53) at com.aowin.controller.CardController.chong(CardController.java:49) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.doInvoke(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:222) at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.invokeForRequest(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:137) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.java:110) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.java:814) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal(RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.java:737) at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle(AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.java:85) at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:959) at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:893) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:969) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(FrameworkServlet.java:871) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:647) at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(FrameworkServlet.java:845) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:728) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:305) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:210) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:222) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:123) at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:472) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:171) at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:99) at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(AccessLogValve.java:953) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:118) at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:408) at org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor.process(AbstractHttp11Processor.java:1008) at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$AbstractConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:589) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.AprEndpoint$SocketProcessor.run(AprEndpoint.java:1852) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

would you likeadrink怎么读

would you like a drink?


ひかりのたび有的哦 刚刚看了一下,帮你找到了这个,可以点击看主页,,试试,,



veterinary surgeon,veterinarian,vet都是“兽医”,什么时候用?

vet- everyday language slangveterinary surgeon- used in formal occassionveterinarian- commonly usedThey aLL MEAN THE SAME

第一篇:BARREN SPRING(贫瘠的春天)

BARREN SPRING, from The First Wife and Other Stories, by Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, New York, The John Day Company, 1933, pp. 279-283. Pearl Sydenstricken Buck (1892-1973), American novelist. Her parents were missionaries in China, so she was brought up in our country. She was married, first, to John Lossing Buck, at one time professor of Rural Economics at the University of Nanking. This early part of her life she included in her biography of her mother, in her novel The Exile, published in 1935. In the same year she divorced her husband to marry her present husband Richard J. Walsh, owner of the John Day Publishing House. She still writes under the name of Mrs. Pearl S. Buck. The Good Earth, generally considered as her best novel on China, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1931 for being the best novel published for that year in America. Liu, the farmer, sat at the door of his one-room house. It was a warm evening in late February, and in his thin body he felt the coming of spring. How he knew that the time had now come when sap should stir in trees and life begin to move in the soil he could not have told himself. In other years it would have been easy enough. He could have pointed to the willow trees about the house, and shown the swelling buds. But there were no more trees now. He had cut them off during the bitter winter when they were starving for food and he had sold them one by one. Or he might have pointed to the pink-tipped buds of his three peach trees and his six apricot trees that his father had planted in his day so that now, being at the height of their time, they bore a load of fruit every year. But these trees were also gone. Most of all, in any other year than this he might have pointed to his wheat fields, where he planted wheat in the winter when the land was not needed for rice, and where, when spring was moving into summer, he planted the good rice, for rice was his chief crop. But the land told nothing, this year. There was no wheat on it, for the flood had covered it long after wheat should have been planted, and it lay there cracked and like clay but newly dried. Well, on such a day as this, if he had his buffalo and his plow as he had always had in other years, he would have gone out and plowed up that cracked soil. He ached to plow it up and make it look like a field again, yes, even though he had not so much as one seed to put in it. But he had no buffalo. If anyone had told him that he would eat his own water buffalo that plowed the good land for him, and year after year pulled the stone roller over the grain and threshed it at harvest he would have called that man idiot. Yet it was what he had done. He had eaten his own water buffalo, he and his wife and his parents and his four children, they had all eaten the buffalo together. But what else could they do on that dark winter"s day when the last of their store of grain was gone, when the trees were cut and sold, when he had sold everything, even the little they had saved from the flood, and there was nothing left except the rafters of the house they had and the garments they wore? Was there sense in stripping the coat off one"s back to feed one"s belly? Besides, the beast was starving also, since the water had covered even the grass lands, and they had had to go far afield to gather even enough to cook its bones and flesh. On that day when he had seen the faces of his old parents set as though dead, on that day when he had heard the crying of his children and seen his little daughter dying, such a despair had seized him as made him like a man without his reason, so that he had gathered together his feeble strength and he had done what he said he never would; he had taken the kitchen knife and gone out and killed his own beast. When he did it, even in his despair, he groaned, for it was as though he killed his own brother. To him it was the last sacrifice. Yet it was not enough. No, they grew hungry again and there was nothing left to kill. Many of the villagers went south to other places, or they went down the river to beg in the great cities. But he, Liu the farmer, had never begged. Moreover, it seemed to him then that they must all die and the only comfort left was to die on their own land. His neighbor had come and begged him to set forth with them; yes, he had even said he would carry one of the old parents on his back so that Liu might carry the other, seeing that his own old father was already dead. But Liu had refused, and it was well, for in the next two days the old mother was dead, and if she had died on the way he could only have cast her by the roadside lest the others be delayed and more of them die. As it was he could put her safely into their own ground, although he had been so weak that it had taken him three days to dig a hole deep enough for her little old withered body. And then before he could get her buried he and his wife had quarreled over the poor few clothes on the old body. His wife was a hard woman and she would have buried the old mother naked, if he had let her, so as to have the clothes for the children. But he made her leave on the inner coat and trousers; although they were only rags after all, and when he saw the cold earth against his old mother"s flesh—well, that was sorrow for a man, but it could not be helped. Three more he had buried somehow, his old father and his baby daughter and the little boy who had never been strong. That was what the winter"s famine had taken from them. It would have taken them all except that in the great pools lying everywhere, which were left from the flood, there were shrimps, and these they had eaten raw and were still eating, although they were all sick with a dysentery that would not get well. In the last day or so his wife had crawled out and dug a few sprouting dandelions. But there was no fuel and so they also were eaten raw. But the bitterness was good after the tasteless flesh of the raw shrimps. Yes, spring was coming. He sat on heavily, looking out over his land. If he had his buffalo back, if he had his plow that they had burned for fuel, he could plow the land. But when he thought of this as he did many times every day, he felt helpless as a leaf tossed upon the flood. The buffalo was gone; gone also his plow and every implement of wood and bamboo, and what other had he? Sometimes in the winter he had felt grateful that at least the flood had not taken all the house as it had so many other houses. But now suddenly it came to him that he could be grateful for nothing, no, not even that he had his life left him and the life of his wife and the two older children. He felt tears come into his eyes slowly as they had not even come when he buried his old mother and saw the earth fall against her flesh, bared by the rags which had comforted him that day. But now he was comforted by nothing. He muttered to himself. “I have no seed to plant in the land. There the land lies! I could go and claw it up with my hands if I had the seed and the land would bear. I know my good land. But I have no seed and the land is empty. Yes, even though spring comes, we must still starve!” And he looked, hopeless, into the barren spring. 参考译文 【作品简介】 《贫瘠的春天》一文选自赛珍珠所著《第一任妻子和其他故事》,纽约约翰·戴出版公司1933年出版,279—283页。 【作者简介】 赛珍珠(1892—1973),美国小说家,因其父母曾在中国传教而生长于中国。她的首任丈夫卜凯曾任金陵大学(现南京大学前身)农业经济学教授。赛珍珠在其1935年出版的为母亲所写的传记《流亡者》中提及了自己的这段早年经历。是年,她与卜凯离婚,并嫁给后来的丈夫,约翰·戴出版公司的所有人理查德·沃尔什。她以赛珍珠的笔名创作的小说《大地》1931年获普利策奖,被评为当年在美国出版的最佳小说,也被认为是赛珍珠关于中国的小说中最出色的一部。 1 贫瘠的春天 农民老刘坐在自己只有一间房的门口。那是二月末的一个温煦的黄昏,他瘦削的身体已经感知到春天的来临。他怎会知道正是这时候树木的汁液开始颤动,泥土中的生命开始苏醒呢?他无法给自己一个答案。可是在往年,这本是一件极容易的事情。他本可以指着屋子四周的柳树,给大家看就要抽条的嫩芽。但是现在树已经没有了,严冬饥荒时被他全砍了,一棵一棵地卖了。或者他本来还可以指着父亲年轻时亲手栽种的三株桃树和六棵杏树,给大家看那粉嫩的花苞。这些果树正值壮年,每年都会结下累累的果实。但是这些树也没有了。最重要的是,往年他还会指着麦地给大家看。在这块地上,他冬天种麦子,因为那个时令没法种水稻;快入夏时,他就会插秧种稻子,而且收成很好。水稻是他田里的主要农作物。但是今年地里啥也没有。没有离离的麦子,因为该种麦子的时候,田地被洪水淹没了,现在地都开裂了,像刚干不久的黏土一样。 好吧,在这样一个日子里,要是还和往年一样,他的水牛还在,耕犁还在,他应该早已经出门去耕种那片已经开裂的土地了。他很想念犁地,想念平整耕田的样子,是的,就算他连一颗可以播撒的种子也没有。但如今他没有水牛了。要是先前有人劝他把他的水牛宰了吃,他一定会痛骂那个人是个王八犊子。他的水牛可是耕地能手,丰收时还可以帮拉石磨碾谷子。但这都是过去时了。他已经吃掉了自己的水牛。他和他的妻子、父母还有四个孩子一起把水牛给吃了。 但是,在那个昏暗的冬日里,他们吃完了储藏的最后一点粮食,树也砍光了卖钱,能卖的都卖了,连从洪水中救出的那一点点东西也都卖了,除了房梁和身上的衣服,什么都没有剩下,他们还能怎么办?剥掉衣服来填肚子有意义吗?而且当时牲口也已快饿死了,因为洪水已淹没草地,连煮牲口的骨和肉所需的柴草也得走很远才能捡够。那一天,他看到自己年迈的父母面如死灰,听到孩子们哭泣不停,眼见小女儿奄奄一息,他被一阵惨痛的绝望钳住,变得失去了理智,然后鼓起虚弱的气力,做了他说过永远不会做的事情。他到厨房拿起刀,走出去,把自己的牲口给宰了。那一刻他绝望地呻吟着,好像亲手杀了自己的兄弟。对他而言,这是最后的牺牲。 但这还不够。是的,他们又开始遭受饥饿的折磨了,但已经没有什么可杀的了。村子里很多人南下投奔别的地方,或者到河流下游的大城市去乞讨。但农民老刘绝不乞讨。而且他觉得反正大家迟早都要死,死在自己的土地上是剩下的唯一的安慰。邻居来求他,让他跟他们一起动身;是的,他的邻居看到自己的老父亲已命归黄泉时,甚至提出愿意跟老刘一道背他的父母赶路。但老刘拒绝了。这样也不错,因为两天以后他老母亲就死了。要是死在半路上,他只能把尸体扔在路边,否则还得耽误其他人的时间,然后就会有更多人因此死去。现在呢,虽说他身体已经十分虚弱,花了整整三天才挖出一个够深的土穴来掩埋母亲干瘪的身躯,但毕竟他可以把她安好地埋葬在自己的土地上。就在母亲下葬之前,他和老婆吵了一架,就为老人尸体上那点可怜的衣服。他老婆是个硬心肠的女人,假如老刘同意的话,她就要让婆婆光着身子下葬,这样一来扒下来的衣服就可以给孩子们穿。但是老刘还是给母亲穿了内衣和裤子离开了,尽管那都已经是破布了。当他看到冰冷的泥土盖在老母亲的皮肉上时——喔,这对一个男人来说是一种悲哀,但是又有什么办法呢?然后他又亲手将他的老父亲、幼小的女儿和一个从未长结实的小儿子一个个埋入泥土。 这就是这场冬日的饥荒从他们身边所夺走的。饥荒还差点夺走所有人的性命,幸亏洪水过后,随处可见的水塘里发现了小虾,他们便捞来生吃,虽然都因此得了一种难以痊愈的痢疾,但他们一直这样吃到现在。大概在最后一天,他老婆挣扎着出去,挖到了一些刚发芽的蒲公英,因为没有柴火,所以也只能生吃了。味儿苦,但在吃腻了没有滋味的生虾后,这苦味倒还感觉不错。是的,春天来了。 他一屁股坐下,望着外面自己的土地。要是他能要回他的水牛,如果他没有把耕犁当柴火烧了,他现在就能耕地了。每当他想到这些(他每天都想很多遍),他就觉得十分无助,就像扔进洪水的一片孤叶。水牛不在了,犁也不在了,连一根木头一节竹子都没有剩,他还有什么呢?冬天里,有时候他还会心存一丝感激,至少洪水没有把他所有的房屋都冲坏,尽管也冲毁了很多人家的房子。但现在,他突然意识到没有什么值得他感激的,没有,甚至他都不感激自己还活着,自己的老婆还活着,还有老大老二两个孩子。他感觉到泪水慢慢涌上眼眶,就算在埋葬母亲那天,看着泥土撒落在母亲的躯体上时,他都没有掉过一滴眼泪,他甚至还因为母亲辞世时尚有破布遮体而感到安慰。但现在,他无以慰藉。他喃喃自语: “我没有种子可以种地。土地就在那儿!我要是有种子,我会用我的双手去刨地,土地就会有收成。我知道我的地肥。但我没有种子,地里什么也没有。是的,春天来了,可我们还会挨饿!”他呆望着这贫瘠的春天,没有一丝希望。 (罗选民 译)

Skidamarink 歌词 急需啊!

歌名:Skidamarink(爱之歌 )歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Faster,Skidamarink a dink a dink更快点,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Skidamarink a dink a dink史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,I love you in the morring史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,我爱你在早上And in the afternoon,I love you in the evening在下午,我爱你在晚上And underneath the moon,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,月亮之下,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Faster faster史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,更快点更快点Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。扩展资料:这首童谣在1978年由组合“Sharon, Lois & Bram”首次收录在他们第一张专辑中,并在电视节目“The Elephant Show”中作为标志性歌曲传唱并风靡北美。这首歌起源于1910年的百老汇,最早的曲名叫做Skiddy-Mer-Rink-A-Doo,后来衍生出很多版本,比如这里的Skidamarink。实际上,Skidamarink没有任何含义,它是作者自己编造的一个词语,唱起来真是朗朗上口呢。


Skidamarink的发音:英语[en]。歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you。史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,I love you in the morring,我爱你在早上,And in the afternoon在下午,I love you in the evening,我爱你在晚上,And underneath the moon,月亮之下,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you。史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。

大学英语作文:对比伤害孩子 Comparing Hurts Children

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语,阅读真的很重要,多阅读一些短篇英语文章也是提高英语阅读能力的一种。下面是 !   【篇一】对比伤害孩子 Comparing Hurts ChildrenIt is natural for every parents to be proud of their excellent children. Especially when many parents sit together, the comparison between kids is inevitable. Foreign parents know how this hurts the children, while most Chinese parents don"t. The comparison of children should be stop. 每个父母都会很自然的为他们出色的孩子感到骄傲。特别是当很多家长坐在一起聊天时,孩子们之间的对比就变成是不可避免的。外国的父母知道这会伤害孩子,然而大多数中国父母却浑然不知。孩子们之间的对比应该停止。 Take me for example. When I was very small, my mother sent me to learn dance class, because she hoped me could dance well. So when she communicated with other moms, she would ask me to dance in front of them. I felt so awkward, and just wanted to find a hole to dig in. These situation happened many time, until some day, I said to my mother how I felt about this and I did not like being compared. She realized the problem and stop doing it again. 以我为例。在我很小的时候,我妈妈送我去学习舞蹈课,她希望我能够善于跳舞。所以当她和其他妈妈聊天的时候,她会叫我在她们面前跳舞。我觉得很尴尬,只想找个洞钻进去。这样的情况发生过很多次,直到有一天,我跟妈妈说出了我的感受,我不喜欢被比较。她才意识到这一问题,并且再也没有叫我这样做过。 Since my mother lets me go, I am so happy and live the way I am want. I no longer have pressure. Now I can do what I want and she understands me. Though I give up dancing, I do well in painting. My talent is painting and I have won many awards. This is the thing that my parents should be proud of. 自从我妈妈给了我自由,我就很开心,用自己的方式过自己想过的生活。我不再有压力。现在我可以做我想做的事,她也理解我。虽然我放弃了跳舞,但是我画画得很好。我的天赋是绘画,我赢了许多奖项。这才是我父母感到骄傲的事。   【篇二】婴儿的意识 Babies" Recognition People always think that the babies know nothing about the world, so that they don"t know what they are doing and their mistakes can be forgiven all the time. Actually, according to the new research, the babies have their own recognition, they make judgement by observing parents" reaction. 人们总是认为,婴儿对世界一无所知,所以他们不知道自己在做什么,他们的错误是可以得到原谅的。事实上,根据一项新的研究,孩子有自己的意识,他们通过观察父母的反应来做判断。 For example, if the baby wants to buy the toy, he will point to the toy or just stand there. Most parents will realize the baby"s need and satisfy him. So the baby has learned that if they do the same thing, they can get what they want. The worse thing is that when the baby makes mistakes, the parents think it is natural for him and won"t correct them. Then the baby will become naughty. 举个例子,如果孩子想买玩具,他就会指着玩具或者只是站在那里,大多数父母就会意识到孩子的需要,从而去满足他。因此,婴儿已经认识到如果他们做同样的事情就可以得到他们想要的东西。更糟的是,当孩子犯了错误时,父母认为这是理所当然的,所以不去纠正错误。然后孩子就会变得淘气。 My aunt"s baby is the example. My aunt tell me that she thinks the baby is too small and there is no need to take it serious. So she feels tired to look after the baby. But there is a mother who lives next to her. My aunt tells me that her neighbour"s baby behaves well, later I find that the mother always corrects her baby"s mistake. 我姑姑的孩子就一个例子。我的阿姨告诉我,她觉得孩子太小了,没有必要去认真计较。所以她觉得照看婴儿很累。但她家隔壁也有一位母亲。我姑姑告诉我,她邻居的孩子就表现得很好,后来我发现,那位母亲总是纠正孩子的错误。 The parents should realize the importance of baby"s recognition, so that they can better educate the baby. 父母应该意识到宝宝认知的重要性,这样他们就可以更好的教育孩子。   【篇三】古诗词的回归 The Return of Chinese Ancient Poetry There are many popular words that are created from the Internet and people like to use the network language, because it is simple and funny. Recently, a teenager girl won the Chinese ancient Poetry Competition, which caught the public"s attention. It seems that she reminds people the return of ancient poetry. 有很多流行词汇都是从互联网上创建的,人们喜欢使用网络语言,因为简单、有趣。最近,一个十几岁的女孩在中国古诗词比赛中获胜引起了公众的注意。似乎她唤醒了人们对古诗词记忆。 Chinese ancient poetry is beautiful and profound. The reason why we miss Nobel Prize in Literature is translation, because it is hard to translate the beauty of the language. When Chinese poetry is translated into English, most only remain the main idea. The loss of the artistic concept makes the poetry lose its charm. 古诗词是很美也很博大精深的。我们错失诺贝尔文学奖的原因是翻译,因为很难去翻译语言的美感。古诗词被翻译成英文后,大多数都只剩下主要意思。诗歌意境的丢失使其失去魅力。 The young people get used to using the Internet language, and most of them have forgot the charm of ancient language, but its elegance won"t fade away. With more people start to realize the charm of ancient poetry, the desire to use beautiful language will be recalled. Indeed, Chinese culture is profound and rich. The classic poetry reflects the history. 年轻人总是习惯于使用网络语言,大多数人都遗忘了古老语言的魅力,不过它的优雅是不会消失的。随着更多的人开始意识到古诗词的魅力,对这美丽语言的使用欲将再次被唤醒。事实上,中国文化是博大精深、源远流长的。经典的诗歌也反映了历史。 In the fast pace lifestyle, the ancient language won"t be kicked out, which stands for the national treasure. 在快节奏的生活方式里,古代语言不会被淘汰,因为它还代表着国家的瑰宝。

drink a toast是什么意思

[英][driu014bk u0259 tu0259ust][美][dru026au014bk e tost]祝酒; 干杯; 举杯祝觞; 例句:1.Get a cup of milk and drink a toast to the King and the Kong!2.Ladies and gentlemen, may I request that we all drink a toast to this great man


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spring boot cli是什么意思

spring boot脚手架,可以算是sprin boot的小工具。下面是spring boot官网大的介绍。Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.Spring Boot ships with a command line tool 【spring boot cli】that can be used if you want to quickly prototype with Spring. It allows you to run Groovy scripts, which means that you have a familiar Java-like syntax, without so much boilerplate code.


缺点当然有,现在 Spring 越来越大,都开始使用 Gradle 构建了,支持的东西越来越多,这就导致大多数程序员对 Spring 的体系及结构都一知半解,网上乱七八糟的文章来回粘来粘去,搞得小码农都分不清楚到底哪种使用方式是对的,这归根到底就是因为1. 对 Spring 的版本变更不清楚2. 对 Spring 和 J2EE 规范的关系不清楚3. 对 Spring 那堆配置和注解背后的原理不清楚你可能知道 DI 是个什么概念,但你可能不知道 DI 的正确使用方式:1. 你也许不知道 Spring 有自己的测试体系,我们可以直接使用2. Spring 的事务管理优越在哪里,和 Hibernate 自己的事务管理有啥区别,怎么配置才对。3. Spring 为啥提倡非侵入式(non-invasive)设计,又是从哪个版本开始这么干的,起因是什么4. Spring 那些注解的使用原理和适用场景是什么,哪些是Spring 自己的注解,哪些是 J2EE DI 的标准注解,使用哪个好,为什么好。...........上述的一切,当你把 Spring 官方提供的 Spring Reference 看的差不多了,也就明白了,大概 500 多页吧。Spring 越来越大,衍生出其他的分支项目,虽然臃肿,但如果你知道如何筛选自己想要的功能,就不会臃肿,反而会很简洁,例如:1. 你想实现 Rest 服务,那么 Spring MVC 就预置了这个功能,你没必要再去使用 CXF / Restlet 之类的 Rest 框架,还得忙着想怎么和 Spring 整合,这样,Struts 就出局了,Rest 框架也省了。2. 你想实现权限功能,那么 Spring Security 可以替你搞定,你没必要使用 Apache Shiro 来做,也没必要苦逼地自己设计,而且人家还原生支持 OAuth 和 SAML3. 你不想苦逼地写 DAO, 那么 Spring Data 可以替你做,这些 boilerplate code 全部替你实现了,而且对 JPA 或 NO-SQL 的支持也是相当方便。4. 你想根据自己的需求生成代码,而不是苦逼地自己来写,可以试试 Spring Boot...........其他的,还有很多很多,你只需要记住,是不是臃肿,很大程度上是由你的认知和使用能力决定的,不是框架本身,具体如何学习这个优秀的框架,建议:1. 视频教程点到为止,不可全信2. 网上文章看看即可,别拷过来自己完事3. 有问题,先去查看 Spring Reference, 多看原理。

百老汇舞台剧—Spring Awakening春之觉醒内容

Spring Awakening剧目简介:音乐剧Spring Awakening春之觉醒改编自德国剧作家Frank Wedekind写于1891年的同名舞台剧,由Duncan Sheik作曲 ,Steven Sater作词。Spring Awakening曾在2007年获得11项百老汇托尼奖(美国戏剧界的“奥斯卡”),包括最佳音乐剧、最佳导演、最佳剧本、最佳原创音乐等重要奖项。该剧的故事发生在十九世纪的德国,讲述了一群年轻人对性、对生命、对世界和自身的迷茫和探索。由于主题涉及性和暴力等话题,该剧最早的舞台剧版本在首演后相当长的时间内在德国都被禁演。剧情简介:Spring Awakening《春之觉醒》的故事发生在十九世纪思想守旧礼教严格的德国。Wendla是个单纯天真的女孩子,和她的好朋友Martha、Thea、Anna一样一直过着无忧无虑的生活,直到有一天,青春期的她发现自己的身体逐渐发生了变化……她试图向母亲寻求答案,但是母亲总是回避搪塞,不愿直面回答她的问题,这使她和有同样经历的女孩子们都感到很困扰。与她们同龄的男生Melchior、Moritz、Otto、Georg、Ernst、Hanschen青春期的生活也不轻松。在学校里,他们接受古板的教条式的教育,不得向老师和书本的权威挑战;生活中,他们也面临种种问题:升学的压力,家庭的管束,对女孩子的爱慕得不到回应……这群年轻的生命在教条、父权的压迫下,带着对世界的迷茫试图寻找自己的道路自己的方向,终如螳臂挡车般在和体制高墙的碰撞中伤得头破血流。当夏天过去,故事落幕,即使伤痕累累,失去挚友和爱人,他们仍在告诉我们,当我们找到通往梦想通往信仰的道路,希望就会降临……

proof of principle 什么意思






Johnny Mercer的《Tangerine》 歌词

歌曲名:Tangerine歌手:Johnny Mercer专辑:Moon River Johnny Mercer Sings The Johnny Mercer SongbookBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - TangerineYeah, yeahChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Now, let"s set it straight, B-I-G don"t cuff or cakeI, put her on a plate until she"s no longer awakeThey just lay, fast asleep, when I hit "em with the snakePut that venom up in "em until I leave "em with the shakesOn display, she"s a model but she only model shoesNot fake like a prosthetic leg or prostituteHow she choose? She just whispers in my ear ("I"m with you")I"m the type of dude that sends your baby mama out for foodAnd I also like her throat action, with a passionLove in her mou-outh, for dental satisfactionThat means I hit the head like Greg Louganis then I"m splashinUghhh, bust one back of the "llac, stabbin (hootie hoo!)She know what"s happenin, there"s no reason to doubt itIf you ask her how I got it she say ("How he had went about it was")And then you wake up from a bad dream, a nightmareSettle down cause she right thereChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineT.I.:Okay, midnight, fit like, four or five chicksin the drop "66 bumpin "Southernplayalistic"as we ridin through the city lights, Monday Magic City nightPass these around, momentarily they feelin likegettin right, good girls, got "em gettin busy likebig dykes, eatin so much pussy they forget pipeAll got boyfriends, tell me they don"t hit it rightThey come see me so they can come be freaksin the back seat, everything"s fast like a track meetAll I can see is titties, pussy lips and ass cheeksActually, no exaggeration, no imagininReal talk, my reality is yo" fantasyKeisha, Kim, Tamika, Shay, Alicia and GloriaChasin this broad tryin to find euphoriaName notorious, dick game gloriousFind me shawty when ya boyfriend borin yaChorus Two: Big Boi & Khujo Goodie{Big Boi:} Shake it like some Texas Pete droppin on your collard greensMake it hotter when she want a dollar, do you follow me?Shake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourine{Khujo Goodie:} Smellin like some tangerines, rollin like she on some beansGarter belt full of greens, booty bustin out the seamsShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - watch her shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Once upon a rhyme I knew this girl and she was fineas everything outdo"s, the kind of girl I describe her like-like-likeMichael Jordan when he"s froze in a pose of a JumpmanTop flight security on these hoes manShe drop it low only for me to pick her upWhen she"s liquored up I"m leavin my fingerprints on her buttA ten-hut, at attention as we stand for this womanGeneral Patton, boy stop, we think she cumminLovin the way that I"m dickin her down, Boi you bluffinNothin but a nigga like me be straight up royal flushinBut this ain"t "bout playin no cards dummyHer give me open mouth sugar and she go hard for meEven take a charge for me, if the coppers caught us ridinto get a tray of fruit, and a pack of 1-point-5"s andI"m all the way on them papers, she all the way on my teamWe burn it down like California trees in the breezeFire!Chorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineOutro:Shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that assShake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that, shake thatWork, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(and all my ladies go to)Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(shake shake it, shake that ass)EndBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - Tangerinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8534372

Tangerine (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Tangerine (Album Version)歌手:Life Of Agony专辑:Soul Searching SunBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - TangerineYeah, yeahChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Now, let"s set it straight, B-I-G don"t cuff or cakeI, put her on a plate until she"s no longer awakeThey just lay, fast asleep, when I hit "em with the snakePut that venom up in "em until I leave "em with the shakesOn display, she"s a model but she only model shoesNot fake like a prosthetic leg or prostituteHow she choose? She just whispers in my ear ("I"m with you")I"m the type of dude that sends your baby mama out for foodAnd I also like her throat action, with a passionLove in her mou-outh, for dental satisfactionThat means I hit the head like Greg Louganis then I"m splashinUghhh, bust one back of the "llac, stabbin (hootie hoo!)She know what"s happenin, there"s no reason to doubt itIf you ask her how I got it she say ("How he had went about it was")And then you wake up from a bad dream, a nightmareSettle down cause she right thereChorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineT.I.:Okay, midnight, fit like, four or five chicksin the drop "66 bumpin "Southernplayalistic"as we ridin through the city lights, Monday Magic City nightPass these around, momentarily they feelin likegettin right, good girls, got "em gettin busy likebig dykes, eatin so much pussy they forget pipeAll got boyfriends, tell me they don"t hit it rightThey come see me so they can come be freaksin the back seat, everything"s fast like a track meetAll I can see is titties, pussy lips and ass cheeksActually, no exaggeration, no imagininReal talk, my reality is yo" fantasyKeisha, Kim, Tamika, Shay, Alicia and GloriaChasin this broad tryin to find euphoriaName notorious, dick game gloriousFind me shawty when ya boyfriend borin yaChorus Two: Big Boi & Khujo Goodie{Big Boi:} Shake it like some Texas Pete droppin on your collard greensMake it hotter when she want a dollar, do you follow me?Shake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourine{Khujo Goodie:} Smellin like some tangerines, rollin like she on some beansGarter belt full of greens, booty bustin out the seamsShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - watch her shake it like a tambourineBig Boi:Once upon a rhyme I knew this girl and she was fineas everything outdo"s, the kind of girl I describe her like-like-likeMichael Jordan when he"s froze in a pose of a JumpmanTop flight security on these hoes manShe drop it low only for me to pick her upWhen she"s liquored up I"m leavin my fingerprints on her buttA ten-hut, at attention as we stand for this womanGeneral Patton, boy stop, we think she cumminLovin the way that I"m dickin her down, Boi you bluffinNothin but a nigga like me be straight up royal flushinBut this ain"t "bout playin no cards dummyHer give me open mouth sugar and she go hard for meEven take a charge for me, if the coppers caught us ridinto get a tray of fruit, and a pack of 1-point-5"s andI"m all the way on them papers, she all the way on my teamWe burn it down like California trees in the breezeFire!Chorus 1: Khujo Goodie & Big Boi{Khujo Goodie:} She said her name was Tangerine, damn the American dreamShe all about her fuckin cream, so shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine?Shake it like a tambourine - she shake it like a tambourine{Big Boi:} She said her was Billie Jean, said she wanna show me thingsI pulled out a stack of green, shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineShake it like a tambourine - shake it like a tambourineOutro:Shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that assShake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake it, shake shake itShake shake it, shake shake that, shake thatWork, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(and all my ladies go to)Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work(shake shake it, shake that ass)EndBig Boi & Khujo Goodie Feat. T.I - Tangerinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10241470


捷安特Rincon820用的变速套件为禧玛诺的SLX M670后拨、DEORE M610前拨、SLX 670指拨、22/30/40T中空一体牙盘。区别:1、变速套件不同:捷安特Rincon820变速套件是Shimano slx;xtc800变速套件是deore套件。2、前叉不同:捷安特Rincon820的前叉为气叉;捷安特xtc800的前叉为油簧叉。扩展资料:捷安特自行车公路碳纤维(GCT)技术GIANT对于碳纤维产品的长远历史;早在1984年即生产出全碳纤维车架,GIANT的GCT生产技术介绍如下:1、T-700 纤维: 高度可伸展性GIANT的复合碳纤维产品采用航太等级的T-700纤维,此纤维兼具令人难以置信的轻量化及更高的强度,可说是自行车的最佳材料。拥有1.8g/cm3的密度及4900 Mpa拉力强度,没有任何车架材料能与GCT纤维比拟。2、UD 压条 (UD layers)GIANT复合碳纤维产品使用单向叠层技术,让最轻的重量能获得最大的强度及硬度。纤维在树酯氧化物中以相同的方向排列形成了单向叠层;这些压层再依车架的各部位造出不同的厚度,例如,在车头管就比上管中间的使用更多压层。这些UD压层也可以不同的角度来排列,以提供车管各角度的强度,这都是依车架上各部位不同而改变。3、有限元素分析(Finite Element Analysis)有限元素分析(FEA)电脑测试模式让GIANT可以侦测出隐藏于设计上较弱的区点,可以藉由最佳的单向叠层组合方式加强这些特定区域。使用此项科技,GIANT可以保证生产出拥有最佳强度与重量比例的碳纤维复合材料产品。参考资料来源:百度百科-捷安特自行车参考资料来源:捷安特官网-XTC 800

Eduardo Saverin资料

Eduardo Saverin(出生于巴西圣保罗)是一个巴西裔美国籍企业家和经理人。他因和Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz 以及Chris Hughes一起创办了大名鼎鼎的社交网站Facebook而为人所熟知。据报道他在公司中有5%的股份,截至2011年1月市值2.5亿美元。Eduardo Saverin出生在巴西圣保罗的一个富裕的犹太家庭里,但是他在美国佛罗里达州的迈阿密长大,他的父亲是一个巴西实业家,从事出口贸易,服装,运输和房地产等行业。Eduardo在迈阿密的Gulliver读了预科,然后他进入哈佛深造,初入校园的他那时已经是凤凰S.K.俱乐部的成员和哈佛投资协会的主席。Saverin从哈佛毕业后,他在石油行业的战略投资中净赚 300,000 美元。2006年的时候,他以优异的成绩从哈佛毕业(经济学学士学位),自此以后,他一直住在新加坡。在他大三的时候,Saverin遇到了他的哈佛校友,那时在读大二的Mark Zuckerberg, 他们都觉得没有一个可供哈佛学生交流沟通的专门的社交网站,所以他们一起建立了Facebook.Saverin作为FB的共同创立者,他担任了FB的首席财务官,也就是财务总监和网站的业务经理。随着Facebook在美国各大学间的迅速扩张,Saverin和Zuckerberg内部因意见不合而产生了矛盾。 第二年夏天,Saverin待在纽约(他当时在雷曼兄弟投行实习,对,就是那个现在已经不存在了在金融危机中倒下的全美第四大投行),Facebook的服务器迁至加州。由于外来的投资越来越多,资金主要来自风险投资家和PayPal的创始人Peter Thiel以及早期为Facebook提供资料共享服务的Sean Parker, Sean Parker开始渐渐掌管财务并让Zuckerberg当了FB的CEO.所以Saverin对于Facebook日常运营事物的直接参与以及他在Facebook的影响力就逐渐被削弱了。Saverin起诉Facebook的案件最终以庭外和解的方式解决,虽然相关判决是被封存了的,但是公司还是承认Saverin是Facebook的创始人之一。为此,Saverin签署了一份保密协议。2011年的电影《社交网络》详细描绘了Saverin和Mark Zuckerberg之间从共同创立Facebook到对簿公堂的过程,在剧中,Saverin是由Andrew Garfield扮演的。





during the period of recent terrorist activities,people____not to touch any unattended bag

翻译:在近期的恐怖袭击活动期间,人们被警告不要去触碰任何无主的包裹。解释:从句意来看,句子主语people和warn之间明显是被动语态,排除D;从句子的时间状语(during the period of recent terrorist activities)尤其是recent来看,选项动作必定发生在过去,排除C;A为过去完成时,要求句中比如有一个发生在其后的过去动作或时刻,但是全句不存在这种明显的先后对比,排除A。

I think watching TV is boring。 为什么动词watch 为什么用 ing 形式???

watching TV 动名词短语,相当于名词。指看电视这件事情。希望对您有所帮助哦! Have a nice weekend!*^__^*

watching、hearing、 saw的区别?

区别是watching, hearing都是现在分词,saw是过去式。

Watching TV is very boring.watching是动名词还是现在分词,怎么区分动名词和现在分词





wear为穿 wearing是wear的现在进行式。现在进行时包括某一个时间段做的事。和现在正在做的事。某一个时间段,如:这几天我正在写论文。这就是某个时间段

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你好!ringhi hotel ringhi酒店

《String Theory, Book2》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《String Theory, Book 2》(Kirsten Beyer)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZCN3m7GLM-jMe19rFFK13g 提取码: nn8g书名:String Theory, Book 2作者:Kirsten Beyer出版年份:2005-10页数:400内容简介:As the Cosmos Unravels The disruption in the space-time continuum caused by the creation of the "Blue Eye" singularity continues: Thread by thread, the fabric slowly frays and peels away, breaking down barriers between dimensions. As the lines between realities blur, the consequences cascade. A Sleeping City Awakes Voyager pursues Tuvok to a long-dormant space station, a place of astonishing grandeur and wonder. Ancient almost beyond imagining, the city seduces the crew with the promise that their greatest aspirations might be realized. Such promise requires sacrifice, however, and the price of fulfilling them will be high for Voyager. A Mysterious Power Stirs Unseen sentries, alarmed by Voyager"s meddling in the Monoharansystem, send emissaries to ascertain Janeway"s intentions. Unbeknownst to the captain, she is being tested and must persuade her evaluators that their contention -- that Voyager poses a threat to the delicate web of cosmic ecology -- is baseless. And failure to vindicate her choices will bring certain retribution to her crew.



求高手帮忙把C++代码中的cin cout改成scanf printf谢谢~

#include<vector>#include<list>#include<map>#include<set>#include<deque>#include<stack>#include<bitset>#include<algorithm>#include<functional>#include<numeric>#include<utility>#include<sstream>#include<iostream>#include<iomanip>#include<cstdio>#include<cmath>#include<cstdlib>#include<ctime>usingnamespacestd;typedef_int64LLN;constdoublepi=2.0*acos(0.0);constdoubleeps=1.0e-9;constintdr[]={-1,0,1,0},dc[]={0,1,0,-1};constintdr6[]={1,1,0,-1,-1,0},dc6[]={0,1,1,0,-1,-1};constintdr8[]={-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1},dc8[]={0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1};constintM=98765431;LLNpwr(LLNx,LLNp){LLNt=1%M;while(p>0){if(p&0x01)t=(t*x)%M;x=(x*x)%M;p>>=1;}returnt;}voidcalc(int*v,intn,intt,LLNs,LLN*sol){LLNd=pwr(n,M-2);LLNx=pwr(n-1,t)%M;if(t&0x01)x=(x+1)*d%M;elsex=(-x+1)*d%M;x=s*x%M;for(inti=0;i<n;++i)sol[i]=(v[i]-x)%M;if(t&0x01)for(inti=0;i<n;++i)sol[i]=(-sol[i])%M;for(i=0;i<n;++i)if(sol[i]<0)sol[i]+=M;}intmain(void){intkase=1000000000;for(intks=1,n,t;ks<=kase&&scanf("%d%d",&n,&t);++ks){intv[50100];LLNs=0;for(inti=0;i<n&&scanf("%d",&v[i]);++i)s+=v[i];s%=M;if(n>1){LLNsol[50100];calc(v,n,t,s,sol);for(inti=0;i<n;++i)printf("%I64d ",sol[i]);for(i=0;i<10&&i<=t;++i){calc(v,n,i,s,sol);printf("%d:",i);for(intj=0;j<n;++j)printf("%I64d ",sol[i]);}}elseprintf("0 ");}return0;}


International Journal of Information Security 是 Springer Verlag 旗下的期刊,所以 Springer 一系列的投稿系统,大致上都差不多,可能有些个别的会不一样,但不失一般性。以下环境为本帖撰写论文时,所用的文书编辑设定:latex 2.7 英文版WINEDt 5.5 英式英语llncs2e.zip Springer 完整的标准模版套件(虽然 Springer 系列的期刊很多,特定的期刊有其特定的模版,不过使用 LNCS 模版,是 Springer 最通用的,也是最广泛的。 使用 LNCS 模版, springer 出版社的排版人员能轻易也快速的转换成特定的期刊模版。)没有帐号就先到官网去注册一个帐号,然后马上收 email 后开通帐号。接着登入投稿系统投稿1 Login开始提交新的论文初稿论文的投稿别有Original Research (regular contribution)SI: Security in Cloud Computing2 Submit New Manuscript.jpg可见,现阶段,这个期刊不收 Letter, Comment, Short communication 等短文。 这是很特别的。3 Please Select an Article Type接着继续填写论文题目4 Please Enter The Full Title of Your Submission输入完论文题入后就是添加作者,在这个例子,只有单一作者,系统也默认为通讯作者。5 Please Add, Edit, or Remove Authors接着继续填写摘要6 Please Enter Abstract然后输入关键词,关键词要用分号隔开,框框上方有范例可以参考7 Please Enter Keywords这阶段是选则论文的类别及属性。选择正确的论文类别,有助于 editor 指派研究领域相同的 reviewer,若找不到相同的类别,可以选择相近的大类。8 Please Select Classifications这里,是作者补充一些叙述给编辑部门的内容;在这里,性质等同于 cover letter,框框上的说明写的很清楚。9 Please Enter Comments接下来,就是上传所有的文件。这里,我要提交的文档有 *Manuscript: typeinst.tex 及 newcite.bib Figure: 1.eps 及 2.eps Elctrical Supplemntary Material: llncs.cls 及 splncs03.bst在这里的投稿系统跟 Elsevier 会有一点差别,差别在哪里?1) 在 Elsevier 里,.bib 是要求放在 *Manuscript 那一类 而在 Springer 里,.bib 是被要求放在 Elctrical Supplemntary Materia 那一类。2) Elsevier 有 Cover Letter 那个选项,同时也有独立的 Enter Comments 阶段。 Springer 没有 Cover Letter 选项,所以作者可以把 Cover Letter 的内容放在 Enter Comments 那个阶段。3) Elsever 系统有提供 arXiv 汇入功能,且也支持一次性上传服务(Enhanced)。 Springer 系统没有提供 arXiv 汇入功能,它只支持传统 one by one 的上传功能。 10 Please Attach Files文件全部上传完毕后,检查看看是否有遗漏;若没有,就可以进行 Approval11 Needs Approval.jpgApprove 有两个阶段,一个是 View Submission,另一个是 Approve Submission12 Submissions Waiting for Author"s ApprovalView Submission 阶段,主要是检查提交上去的所有文件,经过投稿系统编译(Compiled) 后,所产生的 pdf 是否与作者在本地端所产生的内容一致?若不是,就跳回 Edit Submission 阶段。若是,则进行下一步,Approve Submission 阶段。13 View SubmissionApprove Submission 就是正式的提交论文出去,等 editor 邀请 reviewer 审稿。14 Approve Submission论文提交后,会见到 Thank you ... 的画面。15 Thank you for approving返回主选单(Author Main Menu),会看见一篇文章正等待处理。16 Progress点进去看,就会看到状态变成 Submittd to Journal。17 Submitted to Journal后面若 editor 开始邀请 reviewer 时,画面会变成 Under Reviewer



Princess bloom 歌词

歌曲名:Princess bloom歌手:MELL专辑:MIRAGE「Princess bloom」作词∶MELL作曲∶森冈贤歌∶MELLDear princess graceドレスなびかせ ほのめき咲いた花たちI"m princess bloomこころ囲んで 香らせたいのと话してるDear princess seaつかの间のRainbow 寄せる波间を 歩こうかSea shining face to face glass drops 拾って旅の声が聴こえてくるいろんな人がいることも 许せそうDear princess grace遥か昔に 切れた约束を想えばあなたがくれる円环と真実の励ましだけがどんな闇云も照らしてくれたDear smile花とピアノつまびくほど あなたの実をつけていくの优しいprincess bloom その风を吹かせててDear princess sky溢れる涙 今日限りもう とまったね【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/23810822

Anchoring screw是什么意思



锚定效应(anchoring effect),一般又叫沉锚效应,是说以一个位置为锚,其变动范围受这个锚的限制。所以这个锚的位置其实已经大约决定了最后的结果。指当事人过于依赖旧信息,对新信息反应不足,以致于确定一个特定的初始值进行估计和调整,并将其作为决策的依据。这种调整通常是不充分的,不同的初始点会产生不同的估计,这就易于偏离其初始价值。不同的决策者依据各自的“初始点”作出不同的“锚定”。锚定效应有一个广为人知的故事最为生动。 有两家粥店挨在一起,结果一家惨淡经营,一家生意红火。那家惨淡经营的店主怎么也想不明白,然后只好跑去侦察,终于被他找到了秘密,其实两家粥的味道,分量,服务都差不多,只是一家在问客人要什么样的粥时是“要不要鸡蛋”,另一家则是“要一个还是两个鸡蛋”。

英语智力竟猜1.what letter can wu drink?2.what letter can fly?3.wha?

1.what letter can we drink? T:tea 2.what letter can fly? B:bee 3.what letter is on your face? I:eye 这种题全是利用谐音的.,4,1. L= Lemonade 2. B= Bird 3. M= Mouth,2,1. t = tea 2. b = bee 3. i = eye,2,英语智力竟猜 1.what letter can wu drink? 2.what letter can fly? 3.what letter is on your face?

Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince的《1998》 歌词

歌曲名:1998歌手:Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince专辑:Greatest Hits猴子飞行员-Go作词:王汤尼/作曲:王汤尼编曲:王汤尼、宋人德1998 难忘的冬季时间彷佛还在暂停你的微笑 改变了温度我只听见 我的心跳我像是为了你而存在改变我原本对未来的期待整整少了一半I am begging you sweet heartI am begging you dearI am begging you come back to me我不愿放弃 我们的未来即使你已离去每一次接近 每一次接触你都会将时间暂停脑海始终 浮现着一个画面我们终将会一起飞对你的爱 早已经超越占有不愿 有必须选择放手等待着那一天抛开一切与你一起飞http://music.baidu.com/song/7394449

darin的《What If》 歌词

歌曲名:What If歌手:darin专辑:FlashbackMocca - What IfBy Saint: 491277122What if I give you my smile?Are you gonna stay for a while?What if I put you in my dreams tonight?Are you gonna stay "till it"s bright?What if I give you my story?Are you gonna listen to me?What if I give you my heart?Are we never gonna be apart?Come on baby, try harderCome on baby, light my fireCome on baby, be mine"Cause you"re the one I wanted to beWhat if... if I do ignore you?Will you just walk away and cry?What if I did disappoint you?Are you gonna say goodbye?What if I try to catch a flying snitch?Are you gonna come with me?What if I give you my song?Are we gonna sing along?Come on baby try harderCome on baby light my fireCome on baby be mineWhat if... if you leave me right here?I"m right here and waiting for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1580416

在英语中,soft drink(软饮料)和hard drink各包括哪些,越多越好……SOS





可以在"%"和字母之间的数字表示最大场宽。例如: %3d 表示输出3位整型数, 不够3位右对齐。%9.2f 表示输出场宽为9的浮点数, 其中小数位为2, 整数位为6, 小数点占一位, 不够9位右对齐。%8s 表示输出8个字符的字符串, 不够8个字符右对齐。 如果字符串的长度、或整型数位数超过说明的场宽, 将按其实际长度输出。 但对浮点数, 若整数部分位数超过了说明的整数位宽度, 将按实际整数位输出; 若小数部分位数超过了说明的小数位宽度, 则按说明的宽度以四舍五入输出。对于整数和字符串来说,不存在精度问题。对于浮点来说,所谓的精度是指小数位宽度。


JavaScript for...in 语句for...in 语句用于对数组或者对象的属性进行循环操作。for ... in 循环中的代码每执行一次,就会对数组的元素或者对象的属性进行一次操作。Tip:for-in循环应该用在非数组对象的遍历上,使用for-in进行循环也被称为“枚举”。·语法:for (变量 in 对象){ 在此执行代码}“变量”用来指定变量,指定的变量可以是数组元素,也可以是对象的属性。实例:使用 for ... in 循环遍历数组。<html><body><script type="text/javascript">var xvar mycars = new Array()mycars[0] = "Saab"mycars[1] = "Volvo"mycars[2] = "BMW"for (x in mycars){document.write(mycars[x] + "<br />")}</script></body></html>注意一:for in循环不会按照属性的下标来排列输出。//code from http://caibaojian.com/js-loop-for-in.html"first":"first", "zoo":"zoo", "2":"2", "34":"34", "1":"1", "second":"second"};for (var i in obj) { console.log(i); };输出:1234firstzoosecond执行时按chrome执行,先把当中的非负整数键提出来,排序好输出,然后将剩下的定义时的顺序输出。由于这个奇葩的设定,让avalon的ms-with对象排序不按预期输出了。只能强制用户不要以纯数字定义键名。实例1:在数组的原型对象上定义了一个新的属性,使用for循环没出现问题function getNewArray(){var array=[1,2,3,4,5];Array.prototype.age=13;var result = [];for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){result.push(array[i]);}alert(result.join(""));}实例2:采用了for in循环,但是给我们期望的一样还是得到了12345的正确结果function getArrayTwo(){var array=[1,2,3,4,5 ];var result=[];for(var i in array){result.push(array[i]);}alert(result.join(""));}实例3:给原型添加属性之后,默认情况下枚举,最后输出1234513function getNewArrayTwo(){var array=[1,2,3,4,5 ];Array.prototype.age=13;var result=[];for(var i in array){result.push(array[i]);}alert(result.join(""));}所以建议不要对数组执行for in循环,事实上,在高性能javascript这本书中,也强调了for in循环的不好,因为它总是会访问该对象的原型,看下原型上是否有属性,这在无意中就给遍历增加了额外的压力。解决方法:如果某个对象具有给定名称的属性,那么Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(name)返回true。如果该对象是从原型链中继承了该属性,或者根本没有这样的一个属性,则返回false。通过hasOwnProperty限定for in循环在当前中遍历,而不用去考虑它的原型属性。function finalArray(){var array=[1,2,3,4,5 ];Array.prototype.age=13;var result=[];for(var i in array){if(array.hasOwnProperty(i)){result.push(array[i]);}}alert(result.join(""));}注意事项:1.有一部分浏览器,例如早期的safari浏览器,不支持这个方法2.对象经常被用作哈希值,这就是存在hasOwnProperty被另外的属性屏蔽的风险(但是我估计没有人那么无聊使用这个属性)

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你说的是把字符串转码吧new String("String".getBytes(),"UTF-8")


java不同编码之间进行转换,都需要使用unicode作为中转。String str = "任意字符串";str = new String(str.getBytes("gbk"),"utf-8");备注说明:str.getBytes("UTF-8"); 意思是以UTF-8的编码取得字节new String(XXX,"UTF-8"); 意思是以UTF-8的编码生成字符串举例:public static String getUTF8XMLString(String xml) {// A StringBuffer ObjectStringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();sb.append(xml);String xmString = "";String xmlUTF8="";try {xmString = new String(sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));xmlUTF8 = URLEncoder.encode(xmString, "UTF-8");System.out.println("utf-8 编码:" + xmlUTF8) ;} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}// return to String Formedreturn xmlUTF8;扩展资料:UTF-8编码规则:如果只有一个字节则其最高二进制位为0;如果是多字节,其第一个字节从最高位开始,连续的二进制位值为1的个数决定了其编码的字节数,其余各字节均以10开头。实际表示ASCII字符的UNICODE字符,将会编码成1个字节,并且UTF-8表示与ASCII字符表示是一样的。所有其他的UNICODE字符转化成UTF-8将需要至少2个字节。每个字节由一个换码序列开始。第一个字节由唯一的换码序列,由n位连续的1加一位0组成,首字节连续的1的个数表示字符编码所需的字节数。Unicode转换为UTF-8时,可以将Unicode二进制从低位往高位取出二进制数字,每次取6位,如上述的二进制就可以分别取出为如下示例所示的格式,前面按格式填补,不足8位用0填补。参考资料来源:百度百科:UTF-8



Corinne Bailey Rae的《Breathless》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathless歌手:Corinne Bailey Rae专辑:Corinne Bailey RaeBreathlessCorinne Bailey RaeCorinne Bailey RaeBreathless--Corinne Bailey RaeBreathless--Corinne Bailey RaeSeems like everyone else has a love just for them,I dont mind, we have such a good time,My best friend,but sometimes, well,I wish we could be more than friends,Tell me do you know?Tell me do you know?Oh..I get so breathless, when you call my name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeWhat i"m thinking of.I can understand that you don"t want to cross the line,And you know i can"t promise you things,Will turn out fine,But i have to be honest, I want you to be mineTell me do you know?Tell me do you know?Oh...I get so breathless, when you call me name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeOh!Cause i"ve tried to do this right in your own timeI"ve been telling you with my eyes, my heart"s on fire,Why dont you realise?Tell me do you know?Tell me do you know?I get so breathless...I get so breathless, when you call me name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeWhat am I thinking ofOh!I get so breathless, when you call me name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeWhat am I thinking ofhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13968983

Corinne Bailey Rae的《Breathless》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathless歌手:Corinne Bailey Rae专辑:Corinne Bailey RaeBreathlessCorinne Bailey RaeCorinne Bailey RaeBreathless--Corinne Bailey RaeBreathless--Corinne Bailey RaeSeems like everyone else has a love just for them,I dont mind, we have such a good time,My best friend,but sometimes, well,I wish we could be more than friends,Tell me do you know?Tell me do you know?Oh..I get so breathless, when you call my name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeWhat i"m thinking of.I can understand that you don"t want to cross the line,And you know i can"t promise you things,Will turn out fine,But i have to be honest, I want you to be mineTell me do you know?Tell me do you know?Oh...I get so breathless, when you call me name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeOh!Cause i"ve tried to do this right in your own timeI"ve been telling you with my eyes, my heart"s on fire,Why dont you realise?Tell me do you know?Tell me do you know?I get so breathless...I get so breathless, when you call me name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeWhat am I thinking ofOh!I get so breathless, when you call me name,I"ve often wonderd, do you feel the same?There"s a chemistry, energy, synchronicityWhen we"re all alone,So don"t tell meYou can"t seeWhat am I thinking ofhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3454725


英文原文: Darry Ring 英式音标: darry [rɪŋ] 美式音标: darry [rɪŋ]



pretty princess 怎么读

英文原文:pretty princess 英式音标:[u02c8pru026atu026a] [u02ccpru026anu02c8ses] 美式音标:[u02c8pru026ati] [u02ccpru026anu02c8su025bs]

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虽然VISTA能用,但是WINDOWS 7是最新版本,正式版本要到10月份才出呢,许多软件还不兼容,不能用是正常之事,




安装好以后,启动程序、提示注册,关掉。运行注册机点Generate,再在“Install dir“里选择安装目录,点Patch。完成,重新启动“TAW4"

我在刻碟,想问TMPGEnc DVD Author 3 with DivX Authoring,这款软件怎么使用,我想要个详细的解答,谢谢

刻碟=(DVD光驱自动播放类别)1.TMPGEnc_4.0_XPress_Ver.【简体汉化零售安装版】这个版好,你百度下~找不到在M我主要用于其他格式转换为dvd(mpeg2)时间较长,一般4.7G四个小时,强配置时间相应减小~下载地址忘了。。可以M我,我有制作好的使用方法~!已经上传百度文库~推荐使用模板2.TMPGEnc_Authoring_Works_4.0.11.39_简体中文零售安装版【集成全部官方免费模板】这个版好,你百度下~找不到在M我主要打包~4.7G一般2分钟,前提是你用上面的软件赚的格式~这个软件比较麻烦~不过很牛逼~可以制作KVCD(你可以搜索下~)国家地理百年经典 100张蝶~我渴了12张就全装下了~有需要可M我~!

TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 5打开软件出现下面图中的问题,应用程序错误

应用程序错误问题:1.木马病毒造成常用病毒捆绑应用程序和系统文件,然后安全杀毒软件把有木马病毒应用程序和系统文件查杀导致。2.应用程序组件丢失,应用程序完整的运行需要一些系统文件或者某些ll文件支持,如果应用程序组件不完整也会导致的。3.系统文件损坏或丢失,盗版系统或Ghost版本系统,很容易出现该问题。4.操作系统自身的问题,操作系统本身也会有bug 。5.硬件问题,例如内存条坏了或者存在质量问题,或者内存条的金手指的灰尘特别多。应用程序错误解决方法:1.检查电脑是否存在病毒,请使用百度卫士进行木马查杀。2.系统文件损坏或丢失,盗版系统或Ghost版本系统,很容易出现该问题。建议:使用完整版或正版系统。3.安装的软件与系统或其它软件发生冲突,找到发生冲突的软件,卸载它。如果更新下载补丁不是该软件的错误补丁,也会引起软件异常,解决办法:卸载该软件,重新下载重新安装试试。顺便检查开机启动项,把没必要启动的启动项禁止开机启动。4.如果检查上面的都没问题,可以试试下面的方法。打开开始菜单→运行→输入cmd→回车,在命令提示符下输入下面命令 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1回车。完成后,在输入下面for %i in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 回车。如果怕输入错误,可以复制这两条指令,然后在命令提示符后击鼠标右键,打“粘贴”,回车,耐心等待,直到屏幕滚动停止为止(重启电脑)。
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