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pls give the qutation for steel plate 100tons, rock-bottom price, incoterm CIF DALIAN and inform the detailed specifications.


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Following is the message body, please expert translated into English, in order to accurately reality, in line with the requirements of business letters! Thanks! For your timely reply expressed his gratitude at the same time express our admiration for your work! Our commitment to developing the international market, the quality of our products has been a wide range of international praise, and we strive to provide you with the most favorable prices, better quality products, at this point, I think we have a common goal. Therefore, I expect the same and your Secretary of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation (I feel this more difficult, bad translation). About you on the 9th of Control, Division I still have a little unclear, perhaps taking the time to reply 1. The possibility of providing includes the direction of your specific business (the production or business) and contact information (phone, fax) and other more detailed information for our reference so that I can give you the Secretary for the most preferential prices; 2. Your need for our products are for personal use or for sale? As can be seen from google your business calcium carbonate (CACO3), on whether the oil sector have been involved in? Fracturing of oil or oil whether it is the stability of the downstream customer base? For other questions, please send an e-mail, I will answer you. Offer our very best wishes for your continued success! We looking forword to your early reply. I wish the cause of success!敬候good news! Very truly yours. Sincerely,我自己翻译得还不错吧!


商务英语翻译的若干技巧   商务英语是专门用途英语中的一个分支,是英语在商务场合中的应用。下面是我分享的商务英语翻译的若干技巧,欢迎大家阅读!   众所周知,英语已成为国际商务活动的最佳媒体。商务英语是专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes)中的一个分支,是为国际商务活动这一特定的专业学科服务的专门用途英语,它基于英语的基本语法、句法结构和词汇,但又具有独特的语言现象和表现内容。随着国际商务的繁荣发展,我国对外开放力度不断加大,尤其是加入WTO以后,商务英语的翻译工作显得十分重要。商务英语翻译比起普通英语翻译要更复杂,译者除了要精通两种语言之外还要熟悉商务方面的知识,了解商务领域的表达方法和语言特点。国内众多学者孜孜不倦于提高商务英语翻译工作的质量,对商务英语的翻译标准问题、方法问题、语言特点问题等做了大量研究和探索。在学习吸收他人观点的基础上,我仅从几个角度出发,提出几点商务英语翻译中行之有效的技巧。   一、减免文化差异对商务英语翻译造成的障碍   语言是文化的一部分,又是文化的载体,它对文化起着重要的作用。语际翻译不仅是两种语言的互相交换,也是两种文化的传递。文化在翻译中又是不可忽视的因素,正如美国著名翻译家尤金奈达所说:“要真正出色地做好翻译工作,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言甚至更为重要,因为词语只有运用在特定的文化中才具有意义。”   不同的民族有着不同的历史背景、风俗习惯、风土人情、文化传统。据悉,全世界每年被介绍到全球市场的产品中大约85%都失败了。“国际营销的成功之路是建立在错误营销和广告战役中失败的废墟之上的。它们中大多数失败是由于跨文化交流的错误。”这些交流失败要么是忽视文化差异,要么是对文化差异的无知所造成的。例如,“龙”(dragon)在汉语里是“权威吉祥力量”的象征,所以许多商品以此命名。但是,在西方文化中,dragon指邪恶的怪物,是罪恶的象征。圣经故事中恶魔撒旦(Satan)就被认为是the great dragon。另外,dragon还有“泼妇”的意思。因此,dragon在英语国家人民中所引起的联想与中国人心目中的“龙”是完全不同的。鉴于此,我们在翻译“亚洲四小龙”时,经过文化转化处理,将其译为Four Asian Tigers,而不是Four Asian Dragons,因为tiger(老虎)在西方人心中是一种强悍的动物。同样,“金鸡牌”闹钟原来被译为“Golden cock”,“Alarm Clock”。“Cock”一词在英语中属于忌讳语、下流话,常用于骂人的性器官词,正式英语中避用该词,后来改译为“Golden Rooster”,从而使原文读者与译文读者获得同样的审美感受。此外,东西方的酒文化也是可以进行比较的。中国盛产“白酒”,有人将它按字面意思翻译成white wine,但殊不知这white wine是白葡萄酒,而spirits或liquor才能与中文的“白酒”对等。再看英语和汉语中都有表达“干货”这一指称对象的词语,正确的英文术语是dried food and nuts,而不能译成dry goods(纺织品)。   总之,由于中国和英语民族有着不同的历史背景、风俗习惯、风土人情、文化传统等,从事国际商务的翻译人员必须了解掌握本国与异国的民族文化差异,并设法使这些差异在传译过程中消失,同时在译入语中找到准确的词语,才能在翻译工作中做到文化信息对等,使异国文化在译入语中再现。   二、译文与原文在风格上要做到忠实一致   这里所指的“风格”,实际上是指不同的文体。风格信息是语言所传递的信息之一。风格信息的传递在翻译中不可忽视。翻译中若忽略了原文的风格信息,不仅会使译文信息大量流失,而且使译文显得不得体。国际商务英语涉及到不同文体的语言形式,如公文、法律、广告等。所以,翻译者必须重视不同风格信息的传递,实现原文与译文风格信息的对等。   例如:These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate,that provision shall prevail.   译文:本规则应管辖仲裁,但如本规则任何条款同适用于仲裁而为当事人各方所不能背离的法律规定相抵触时,则该规定应优先适用。   以上例子原文是具有法律意义的条款,汉语译文也必须是汉语的法律语言,否则,译文读上去就不像法律条款。如,These Rules shall govern the arbitration...若翻译成“这些规则应管制仲裁……”听上去让人感到很不自然。另外,that provision shall prevail中的`prevail一词实在不好翻译,若不熟悉法律语言,则很难找到确切的词语。一般的词典所给的释义是“胜过”、“优胜”、“流行”等,在此处显然不合适。   再如:The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky,you will find the following pages filled with the world"s most elegantresidences.   译文:打开门,恭候您的就是梦寐以求的家。无论您企盼的是一座乡间宅第,抑或是一间摩天大楼的顶屋,翻开下面几页就可以看到世界上最高雅的住宅供您选择。   上面是一则广告,该广告中的await,manor,elegant,residence等均是正式语汇,代替了口语中的wait,house,nice,place,使文体显得高雅庄重,一方面能烘托出商品的高贵品质,另一方面又满足了消费者讲究身份、追求上乘的心理。这里原文的文雅用词分别以“恭候”、“企盼”、“宅第”等译出,在风格语体方面尽量与原文相应。   三、做好译入语中无“对应词”的原语翻译   英语中的某些词语在汉语中只能找到部分对应的词语,甚至根本就没有对应语,出现词语空缺。反之亦然。大家所熟悉的美国运动系列商品Nike,本意是希腊神话中胜利女神的芳名,因此商标Nike能使英语国家的人联想到胜利和吉祥。但若按音译为“奈姬”或是“娜基”之类,中国消费者便会十分费解,不知其意。翻译前辈在翻译时模仿其音节,并考虑到运动服装应该具有经久耐磨损的特点,将它译成了“耐克”,既有坚固耐穿的含义,又包含了克敌必胜的意思。虽然如此,Nike所蕴涵的西方文化信息对中国人来说,不可能像英语国家的人那样想起Nike女神,翻译中的文化信息被丢失。同样,中国文化的“鸳鸯”常用来比喻夫妻,而mandarin duck却无此含义。此外,“三资企业”、“精神文明”等汉语词语在英语中也同样存在“意义空缺”。   对于这些译入语中无“对应词”的原语的翻译,因其文化负载很重,翻译时须进行文化信息调整。对于汉英词语的指称意义翻译一般有四种方法,即直译法、意译法、音译法、音译和意译结合法。   (一)直译法   直译法是指在不违背译入语文化背景的前提下,在译入语中完全保留原文语言词语的指称意义。例如:假冒伪劣商品(fake or poor quality commodities)、“钻石”牌手表(Diamond wrist watch)、汇率并轨(a uniform exchange rate)、most-favored-nation treatment (最惠国待遇)、income tax(所得税)等等。有时,为了保持原文符号意义的完整性,译者可采用直译加注的方法。例如:“2003年共批准‘三资"企业120家”译为“In 2003,the province approved 120‘Three Forms of Ventures"( Sino -foreign joint ventures,cooperative enterprises and wholly foreign - funded enterprises)”。通过直译加注的方法,既对词语的指称意义作了说明,又巧妙地保持了原文的语言风格,传递了相似的文化信息。   (二) 意译法   意译法是指译者在受到译语社会文化差异的局限时,舍弃原文的字面意义,以求译文与原文的内容相符和主要语言功能相似的方法。意译法是国际商务英语翻译常用的方法,它保留了原名的特点和形式。如“争取运动成绩与精神文明双丰收”这句口号,直译为“For a good harvest both in sports and morals”,但由于英语中的good harvest除好收成外并无其他语用意义,将它与sports,moral放在一起便显得不伦不类,令人费解,因此不能直译而只能意译。另外,“精神文明”译为moral也不妥,它容易让人产生男女关系上的误解。因此将其改译为“For better (athletic) records and sportsmanship”,不仅用词准确达意,而且行文简洁流畅,再现了原文的信息功能和美感功能。   (三) 音译法   音译法是指用音位为单位在译文中保留源语言的发音以便突出原文主要语言功能的翻译方法。较为著名的范例要数美国的Coca cola,它被译成“可口可乐”,既保持了原词的音节和响亮,又使人一听便知是饮料商标。这就把原来本无特定含义的词翻译得有声有色,令人回味无穷;而且“可乐”已经成为现代社会中饮料的代名词,可见其译名在文化中的渗透力。同样,中国文化对西方文化具有类似渗透力的一个译名可能要数中国的“气功”、“功夫”等词语了,其译名“qigong”,“gongfu”保留了我们的民族文化特色。   (四) 音译和意译结合法   音译和意译结合是指在英译中既保留原文的发音又能体现原文的指称意义,以谐音又谐意的方式达到功能相似。以一种“索”牌塑料绳具为例,有人把它音译成Suo,也有人试着直译为Large Rope,或干脆意译为Strong,但这些英译名都不如采取音意结合方式将其译为Solid好。译名Solid避免了单纯音译的空洞感和直译的平淡感以及意译后产品标牌的不一致性。“索”的汉语拼音suo与英语Solid的so为谐音,而Solid在词义上又与原文“坚固耐用”的涵义相吻合,收到了音谐意谐的双重效果。从语言功能看,原文的信息功能、美感功能和祈使功能(使人产生购买欲望)都得到了有效传递。   总之,商务英语翻译者要了解中外文化差异,以便通过恰当的方法达到文化上的对等;译文与原文要做到风格一致,译文要传达给读者与原文同样的信息和情感效果;掌握译入语中无对应词时原语的翻译方法并灵活运用。当然,商务英语翻译博大精深,其翻译技巧还有很多,只有不断学习和探索,才能逐步提高商务英语翻译的质量。 ;




1. The jinhua city to return; inviting foreigners2. The effective period invite units photocopy of the business license;3. Invite units and invited business units in the same transaction documents (the customs declaration form of cancel after verification coupon, freight company to the bill of lading, domestic bank water single, inviting unit tax payment certificates, etc.);4. Repatriation clear passport, visa page and access to the previous permission seal;5. Repatriation of business license copy (Arabic need translated into English) and repatriation unit to issue proof of identity in English letter (printed in the unit, the need for webapps on the legal representative signature);6. Repatriation visit detailed schedule (specific to every day, including ports of entry, venue and content, accommodation hotel, contact telephone and address);7. Guarantee (content including repatriation produced during in China all expenses can effectively guarantee, invite units will urge, supervision and repatriation abide by Chinese laws and regulations and by the time the departure, and legal representative autograph);8. Outside the city of machinery.it think need to provide other materials.


Whether could you provide liaison and contacting way on our part ?


商务英语翻译模拟试题   翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。以下是我整理的关于商务英语翻译模拟试题,希望大家认真阅读!   1. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分)   (1) to conclude   A. to give one"s place to each B. to end or judge after some consideration   C. to explain D. to contain   (2) to enforce   A. to break or act against a law B. to cause a law or rule to be obeyed   C. to prevent movement from happening   D. to direct something into a particular place   (3) to appoint   A. to take back property B. to meet someone"s needs   C. to choose someone officially for a job D. to claim for something   (4) to approve   A. to abide by B. to comply with   C. to have a positive opinion D. to come up with   (5) obviate   A. to violate B. to remove a difficulty, to avoid   C. to allow sb to do D. to be apparent   (6) to violate   A. to break or act against a law, principle   B. to beat or threaten someone   C. to obey a law D. to cause a rule to be obeyed.   (7) with respect to   A. comply with B. in relation to   C. conform to D. coincide with   (8) to entertain a client   A. to cater for B. to treat sb. at the table   C. to launch a product D. to shorten a vacation   (9) temptation   A. trying to attract people   B. to encourage the popularity, sales and development   C. to allow the value of money to vary   D. to judge or decide the amount   (10) advance   A. to support by giving money   B. to go or move sth. forward, to develop or improve   C. to improve or increase D. to produce or provide   2. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。 (10分)   (1) to deal with (complaints)   A. 处理日常事务 B. 论述某项事情   C. 处理顾客投诉 D.与某人做买卖   (2) to come into being   A. 开始变化 B. 形成,成立   C. 发生质变 D. 进入   (3) brand loyalty   A. 对企业的信誉 B. 对条款的.信誉   C. 对商标的信誉 D. 对产品的信誉   (4) market tone   A. 市场预期 B. 市场行情   C. 市场波动 D. 市场供求   (5) for file   A. 赔偿 B. 供参考   C. 供查找 D.存档   (6) compensation   A. 安慰,宽慰 B. 补偿,赔偿   C. 理解,体谅 D. 协调,一致   (7) at one"s own expense   A.花费…钱 B. 以…代价   C. 费用自理 D. 以昂贵的价格购买   (8) aggregate   A. 聚集 B. 使……加重   C 赞同 D 欣赏   (9) marketability   A. 市场营销 B. 市场销售能力   C. 市场准入 D. 市场性   (10) in return   A. 作为回报 B. 返回   C. 以…的代价 D. 货币回笼   1.完形填空题(10空,每空1.5分)   Offer   Validity time of offer   An offer becomes __1___ when it reaches the offeree (CISG Art.15 ). On this point, the laws in all states share the same view, for an offer is an indication of seller"s __2___, and the offeree can only decide whether to accept it or not when he receives it. Therefore, if one party expects or somehow learns that someone is sending him an offer before he really receives it, he sends an “acceptance” to the offeror, in this case. No contract is formed even if the content of the “acceptance” __3___with the offer he receives later. The “acceptance” is in fact an offer, and therefore, no contract can be formed on this unless the other party __4___ the “acceptance”.   Withdrawal of offer   The ___5___ of offer means that the offeror, for some reason, withdraws his offer before it reaches the offeree or before it becomes effective. This may happen when the offeror finds that the offer he makes contains some mistake, or that the situation has changed which makes his offer ___6___ to him. The common practice is to make use of a faster means of communication to send the message of withdrawal so that it can reach the offeree earlier than the offer does.   Revocation of offer   To revoke an offer means that when the offer has reached the offeree, and it has become effective, the offeror acts to revoke the offer thus to kill its effectiveness. The issue of whether an effective offer may be revoked _7___ hot debates among scholars from different law systems. The civil law system __8__ that an offer is __9___ within the validity time, or during the time in expectation of a reply, while the common law system provides that an offer may be revoked at any time unless it is accepted. The Convention makes some mediation between the two legal systems of the world which agrees in principle that an offer is revocable before the note of acceptance is dispatched but provides that on the following two occasions, an offer is irrevocable.   1) It indicates, whether by starting a fixed or otherwise, that it is irrevocable.   2) If it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in __10___ on the offer.   1. A. objective B. meaningful C. effective D. helpful   2. A. proposal B. tone C. case D. term   3. A. differs B. coincides C. deals D. copes   4. A. refuses B. dispatches C. confirms D. receives   5. A. withdrawal B. lose C. validity D. mediation   6. A. good B. unfavorable C. well D. worst   7. A. raises B. arouses C. rises D. puts   8. A. provides B. writes C. names D. relies   9. A. revocable B. irrevocable C. relevant D. irrelevant   10. A. rely B. depend C. dependence D. reliance   2.语境意义题:   文中有五处缺少内容,请从文后的选项中选出合适的选项,填回到原文中相应的位置 (5空,每空3分)   Many of today"s banking services were first practiced in ancient Lydia, Phoenicia, China, and Greece, where trade and commerce flourished. The temples in Babylonia made loans from their treasuries as early as 2000 B.C.. The temples of ancient Greece served as safe-deposit vaults for the valuables of worshipers. The Greeks also coined money and developed a system of credit. The Roman Empire had a highly developed banking system, and its bankers accepted deposits of money, made loans, and pur- chased mortgages. Shortly after the fall of Rome in AD 476, banking declined in Europe.   (1) _______________ The moneychangers of the Italian states developed facilities for exchanging local and foreign currency. Soon merchants demanded other services, such as lending money, and gradually bank ser- vices were expanded.   The first bank to offer most of the basic banking functions known today was the Bank of Barcelona in Spain. Founded by merchants in 1401, this bank held deposits, exchanged currency, and carried out lending operations. It also is believed to have introduced the bank check. (2) _______________ These institutions laid the foundation for modern banks of deposit and transaction.   For more than 300 years, banking on the European continent was in the hands of powerful statesmen and wealthy private bankers, such as the Medici family in Florence and the Fuggers in Germany. (3) _______________   The Bank of France was organized in 1800 by Napoleon. The hank had become the dominant financial institution in France by the mid-1800s. In Germany, banking experienced a rapid development about the middle of the 19th century with the establishment of several strong stock-issuing, or publicly owned banks.   Banking in the British Isles originated with the London goldsmiths of the 16th century. These men made loans and held valuables for safekeeping. By the 17th century English goldsmiths created the model for today"s modern fractional reserve banking -- that is, the practice of keeping a fraction of depositors" money in reserve while ex- tending the remainder to borrowers in the form of loans. Customers deposited gold and silver with the goldsmiths for safekeeping and were given deposit receipts verifying their Ownership of the gold deposited with the goldsmith. These receipts could be used as money because they were backed by gold. But the goldsmiths soon discovered that they could take a chance and issue additional receipts against the gold to other people who needed to borrow money. (4) _______________ Hence , the amount of receipts or claims on the gold frequently exceeded the actual amount of the gold, and the idea that bankers could create money was born.   (5) _______________ Other banks existed in the colonies prior to this, most notably the Bank of Pennsylvania, but these banks were chartered by individual states. In 1787 the Bank of North America changed to a Pennsylvania charter following controversy about the legality of a congressional charter. Other large banks were chartered in the early 1780s by the various states, primarily to is- sue paper money called bank notes. These notes supplemented the coins then in circulation and assisted greatly in business expansion. The banks were also permitted to accept deposits and to make loans.   A. Three other early banks, each managed by a committee of city officials, were the Bank of Amsterdam (1609), the Bank of Venice (1587), and the Bank of Hamburg (1619).   B. This worked as long as the original depositors did not withdraw all their gold at one time.   C. The increase of trade in 13th-century Italy prompted the revival of banking.   D. During the 19th century, members of the Rothschild family became the most influential bankers in all Europe and probably in the world. This international banking family was founded by German financier Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743 ~1812), but it soon spread to all the major European financial capitals.   E. Because there were no minimum reserve requirements on deposits, bank notes were secured by the assets of the issuing banks. Most assets took the form of business loans.   F. The first important bank in the United States was the Bank of North America, established in 1781 by the Second Continental Congress. It was the first bank chartered by the U.S. government. [ 商务英语翻译模拟试题 ]相关文章: 1. 商务英语口译材料 ;