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[The Spear of Destiny]关于朗基奴斯之枪

分类: 社会民生 >> 军事 问题描述: 想知道关于刺死基督的朗基奴斯长枪的事,到处都查不到相关资料,图片也找不到。从英文的直译来看,The Spear of Destiny是希望之枪的意思,但就是它刺死了基督阿,为什么称为“希望”之枪呢? 解析: 圣 经 中 有 这 样 的 一 段 记 载 : 『 耶 稣 在 钉 死 在 十 字 架 的 这 天 ( 星 期 五 ) , 犹 太 人 要 求 张 他 的 身 体 搬 离 十 字 架 , 因 为 他 们 说 不 应 在 安 息 日 ( 星 期 六 ) 处 决犯 人 . 因 为 要 张 耶 稣 移 走 , 所 以 当 时 一 个 一 百 人 队 队 长 , 名 叫 劳 根 尼 斯 . 他 为 了 证 实 耶 苏 是 否 真 的 死 了 , 用 了 一 枝 长 枪 刺 入 他 的 身 体 , 这 时 鲜 血 从 伤 口 喷 出 , 染 红 了 整 枝 枪 , 但 这 枪 没 有 弄 断 他 的 肋 骨 , 这 正 正 吻 合 了 旧 约 中 预 言 , 这 枪 因 为 是 用 来 证 实 耶 稣 是 否 死 去 和 染 有 耶 稣 鲜 血 的 关 系 , 从 始 便 成 为 宗 教 圣 物 〔 劳 根 尼 斯 之 枪 〕 , 后 世 有 人 称 它 为 命 运 之 枪 . 』


spearmint和peppermint的区别spearmint 单词的词义是:n. 荷兰薄荷; peppermint 单词的词义是: n. 薄荷; 薄荷糖; 薄荷油;




n.(名词)A man, especially a soldier, armed with a spear.持矛士兵:用矛武装起来的人,尤指士兵


你好!Please raise your hand before you speak. 说话之前请举手。

britney spear 的资料 以及一切好听的歌

生日:1981年12月2日 星座:射手座 身高:162cm,5英尺5英寸 体重:57kg 难忘的事情:在舞台上踩到蛋糕,摔了一跤...觉的很丢脸 讨厌的地方:没有 常到的地方:可能是舞台上吧,哈哈 最喜欢的运动:篮球、高尔夫球和网球 最喜欢的颜色:粉蓝色 最喜欢的零食:冰淇淋(会胖的,甜甜) 最喜欢的歌手:BSB,Michael.Jackson 最喜欢的动物:小狗狗(布兰妮养了一只可爱的挪威纳) 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 嗜好:逛街,打电话和别人聊天,睡觉 优点:诚实,充满精力,意志坚定 缺点:没有(嘻嘻,我是这么认为啦!) 个人座右铭:Enjoy everyday! 最喜欢的电影作品:Titanic 就职于:Jive公司1998年,任谁也没想到一个16岁的美国小女生〈布兰妮 BRITNEY SPEARS〉可以在短短的2年年征服全球的少男少女,一跃登上新世纪流行之声的少女天后的宝座!1999年2月,布兰妮的首张专辑〈爱的初告白 BABY ONE MORE TIME〉推出时即在专辑榜上获得告示榜第一名,不可思议的是与专辑同名的单曲也同时拿下了告示榜第一名,一举打破「美国史上最年轻歌手」一周人同时拥有冠军单与冠军专辑等6项惊世记录,让许多人跌破眼镜,更让位居天后级的当红女歌手汗颜。她以全球3000万张的唱片销售量纪录印证了〈英雌出少女〉的事实,引领着真正属于新一代年轻少女的GIRL POWER大步跨入千禧!刚出道的『小甜甜』布兰妮仅是一个来自USA路易斯安娜17岁的小女生,别以为『小甜甜』布兰妮只是一个梦幻童话里的幸运小公主,因为打从她童年的时候『小甜甜』布兰妮就已经参加了舞蹈表演团体及圣诗歌唱班奠定她的表演之路,之后在她8岁时甚至远赴亚特兰大参加迪士尼频道的『米老鼠俱乐部』的试镜,虽然因为年龄太小的缘故无法加入,却因此被经纪公司发掘转往纽约开始严格的学艺之路,接受正统的艺术表演与歌唱调教,期间参加了几出电视剧与白老汇戏剧的演出;11岁时,『小甜甜』布兰妮终于如愿以偿加入了『米老鼠俱乐部』,15岁成为一个女孩美声团体的一员,但是甜美的歌声与甜蜜的外表却让她脱颖而出而开始走上个人流行音乐之路。在1998年的新好男孩与超级男孩全美巡回演出中,『小甜甜』布兰妮受到邀请担任开场,迷炫的舞台动作与甜美的歌声和笑容,旋即掳获在场的年轻歌迷,除此之外,『小甜甜』布兰妮更是十分荣幸地以新人姿态获邀参加99年全美音乐奖颁奖典礼作为首次的电视曝光,正因小妮子如此锐不可挡,难怪乎1999年开春第一号的Billboard告示排行榜杂志便大幅报导『小甜甜』布兰妮。初闯歌坛便拥有如此令人称羡的成绩,虽然『小甜甜』布兰妮俨然是这世纪末的最后一位流行天后,但其实『小甜甜』布兰妮和其它许多16、7岁花样年华的少女一样憧憬浪漫的爱情际遇,喜欢跟死党疯狂逛街采购,一样要为学校的功课伤脑筋,所幸在妈妈细心的照顾与安排下,『小甜甜』布兰妮能够在生活、事业、学业之间找到一个完美的平衡点。如日中天的『小甜甜』,更因为她耀眼的成绩获得知名品牌Tommy Hilfiger屏雀中选,她将担任此品牌新的年度代言人;除此之外,遍及全球的麦当劳也邀请了人气鼎沸的布兰妮拍摄最新的电视广告,与她搭档演出的就是NBA篮球巨星葛兰特奚尔与职棒超级巨星山米索沙(Sammy Sosa)!而日本糖果厂商-味觉糖也看中了布兰妮甜美的外型及人气,特地重金礼聘至日本拍摄广告代言产品,而『小甜甜』布兰妮在青少年族群中的影响力,也让她成了青少年的流行指针及商品的最佳代言人。从1999年初推出首张专辑『爱的初告白Baby One More Time』至今,布兰妮这张获美国RIAA认证超过1200万张的畅销专辑已连续强占Billboard告示排行榜TOP 10超过47周了,使得布兰妮成为美国SOUNDSCAN史上最年轻的八倍白金销售纪录保持者。而在世界各地各种大小奖项的入围及得奖名单,定不会遗漏布兰妮,从台湾的HIT FM夏日最佳单曲奖、加拿大的朱诺奖、SMASH HITS、TOP OF POPS、TEEN CHOICE、MTV欧洲音乐大奖、美国告示牌年度音乐大奖到全美音乐大奖。其中,11月间,布兰妮在MTV欧洲音乐大奖中捧走4座大奖,击败Lauryn Hill,Ricky Martin,BSB,Jennifer Lopez,TLC等超级对手!囊括了最佳单曲「Baby One More Time」、最佳流行乐、最佳女歌手、最佳新进艺人,让全球乐迷对这位将满18岁的少女天后惊叹不已!随后,在Billboard的年度音乐大奖中,布兰妮又夺得年度最佳女艺人、年度最佳新人、年度最佳专辑女艺人、年度百大畅销单曲女艺人等四项大奖,人气之旺实在无法挡,成了99年流行乐坛的最大赢家!在迈入2000年之际,小甜甜布兰妮延续这股气势在3月1日展开为期5周的U.S. Arena Tour,为即将发行的第二张专辑〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉于5月16日作全球性的发行展开热身运动!为了表达对亚洲歌迷的重视,布兰妮将特地在5月初造访日本,举行盛大的全亚洲新专辑发表记者会,迫使欧洲及美加的新专辑宣传活动延后进行!多月前,在某电视专访中布兰妮谈到对亚洲歌迷的印象,她说她觉得自己在美国以外应该是寂寂无名的,难以想象的是在亚洲也有那么多的热情歌迷支持她,并且承诺要来亚洲看看她的歌迷!结果,她真的实践了亚洲行的诺言,在日本举行了超大型的亚洲记者会,安排一场名为〈AN EVENING WITH BRITNEY〉的新专辑辑发表全球首唱会,在首唱会中一同发表新单曲〈爱的再告白OOPS I DID IT AGAIN〉!这首与专辑同名的第一波主打单曲〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉,己打破〈超级男孩〉在月前所创的纪录,全美共有155个电台同步把这首〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉列入首播名单中,击败了〈超级男孩〉(154个电台)及〈克莉丝汀娜〉(141个电台)再创新纪录!另外,这首单曲亦破天荒的在黑人R&B及HIP HOP RAP电台创下首播佳绩,谁也想王到一位只有18岁的白人美少女竟对壁叠分明的黑人电台产生如此惊人的魅力!挟着〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉的声势,布兰妮偶像地位在世界各国一直屹立不摇,专辑销售在世界各国频传佳绩,从第一支单曲〈爱的再告白OOPS!… I DID IT AGAIN〉、〈Lucky幸运〉、〈Stronger坚强〉、〈Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know别让我最后知道〉都是曲曲动听的歌曲,由强劲节奏到抒情小品,布兰妮皆诠释得恰到好处!2001年布兰妮更受到全球畅销饮料百事可乐的青睐,百事可乐以天价6千5佰万英镑将布兰妮签下成为百事可乐全球的代言人,这样高额的代言金足以证明布兰妮的号召力及影响力是得到世人所认同,让我们拭目以待这位流行天后布兰妮的魅力吧!


Spears的意思为布兰妮;布兰妮斯皮尔斯;斯皮尔斯;长矛;训练和反应系统;枪矛。一、词义:1、英[spu026au0259z];美[spu026arz]。2、【n.】:矛;幼芽;枪;(spear的复数)。3、原形:spear。二、短语搭配:britney spears:小甜甜布兰妮;布兰妮·斯皮尔斯。三、双语例句:1、Some tribes buzzed a few spears at us.一些部落向我们猛掷长矛。2、The Britney Spears commercial?Ooh la la!布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的广告?呜啦啦!3、Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?你能用倒钩枪扎满他的皮、能用鱼甁甁满他的头麽。4、Britney Spears checks into rehab,then checks out,then shaves her head bald.小甜甜布莱妮进出戒毒所,剃光头,雷事不断。5、They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.他们要将刀打成犁头,把枪打成镰刀。


spear 英[spu026au0259(r)] 美[spu026ar] n. 矛;枪;(某些植物的)嫩枝;貌,标枪 vt. 用矛刺;用鱼叉捉;〈美俚〉得到,捕到;刺,戳 adj. 父系的,右边的


  有像老师一样的感受,那么,大声地说出来吧,说说母亲无微不至关爱你们的点点滴滴.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  我以为世界是个没有爱心的世界,当看到街上的乞丐在要饭时,许多人路过,却从不掏钱给乞丐,我真令乞丐感到伤心!回家之后我问父母,父母回答:“那些乞丐明明可以自己工作,却不去工作,专靠别人施舍过日子.大家都是因为让他养成自食其力的习惯,就不给他钱!“我明白了世界还有这种爱!  当看见电视上的小朋友没有钱读书,更没有钱吃“肯得基”“麦当劳”等,我们各地的人们都在捐钱.可还是有人没有上学.如果每人把吃“肯得基”“麦当劳”的钱,抽烟的钱,买化妆品的钱都捐出去,那么大多数人都能上学了!但看到人们这么努力的捐钱,我又明白了世界上的一种爱!  当看见父母教育子女时,我明白了一种爱,那就是父爱和母爱.当看见老师教育学生时

tavern of spear圣拳怎么学

tavern of spear学习圣拳的步骤如下:1.首先要游戏达到第六天,并且解锁地下室;2.与witer交谈,发现witer在打瞌睡,先退出;3.再次与witer交谈后,去地下室找到号角meko询问关于witer的事情,会知道witer会从3:00~3:55现在地下室;4.等到半夜三点去地下室与witer交谈,知道酒馆门口有幽灵作祟;5.3:00~3:55期间赶到酒馆门口,遭遇幽灵后直接按ESC逃跑;6.去地下室找到meko触发对话,选择选项“我要怎么打败一个鬼魂”,随后即可学会圣拳。




B 试题分析:本题考查史料阅读,理解分析的能力。解题的关键是把握对“中国人民的竞争使得整个政府管理的政治原则公开化”、“它没有世袭等级,或许没有个人荣耀,它没有财富的权力,它不主张任人唯亲,它也不去迎合世俗的偏见和利益”,由此可知其体现了公开、公平、公正的原则,联系已学知识可判断材料主要阐述的是科举制,因此B符合题意。故选B。







英语thousand spear怎么翻译?



恩。。这个是英格兰人的姓氏 叫斯皮尔Spear的意思也是一样的那个Spear是由speare转换而来的



spear 什么意思?

你好!spear 英[spɪə(r)] 美[spɪr] n. 矛; 枪; (某些植物的) 嫩枝; 貌,标枪; vt. 用矛刺; 用鱼叉捉; 〈美俚〉得到,捕到; 刺,戳; adj. 父系的,右边的; [例句]Set your own spear against your own shield以子之矛,攻子之盾


spear[spiE]n.矛, 枪


英文名。徐彰彬出生于1999年8月11日,毕业于甫罗高等学校,是韩国的歌手、音乐制作人、词曲作家,是Stray Kids的成员,英文名叫Spearb。

Britney Spears - Someday ( I Will Uderstand )

Britney Spears: "Someday (I Will Understand)" [Verse 1:] Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody is watching Over me And that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand In God"s whole plan And what he"s done to me Oh but maybe Someday I will breathe And I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby [Verse 2:] Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? Just stop and listen to your tears They"re all you"ve got It"s in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby No moment Will be more true Than the moment I look at you It"s in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby 参考: azlyrics/lyrics/britneyspears/somedayiwillunderstand Someday ( I Will Uderstand ) Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody"s watching Over me And that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand In God"s whole plan And what He"s done to me Oh but maybe someday I will breathe And I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? stop and listen to your tears They"re all you"ve got It"s in you You see somebody"s watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what He does to you Oh but maybe someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby No moment will be more true than the moment I look at you It"s in you You see somebody"s watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that someday You will understand In Gods whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someday (I Will Understand) (Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix) [Verse 1:] Nothing seems to be the way that it use to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me then tell me somebodys watching Over for me and that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to me Oh but maybe someday I will be and I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby [Verse 2:] Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? just stop and listen to your tears they are from God It"s in you you see somebodys watching Over for you and that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but baby someday you will be and you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby No moment would be more true that then moment I look at you It"s in you you see somebody is watching Over for you and that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but maybe someday you will be and you"ll finally see You see it all in your baby Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but maybe someday you will be and you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby


spread 英 [spred] 美 [spru025bd] vt. 展开; 伸开; (使) 传播; (使) 散布; n. 范围; 连续的一段时间; vt. 涂; 把…覆盖在…上(over); 把…敲平; 散发(气、烟等); [例句]She spread a towel on the sand and lay on it她在沙滩上铺了一条毛巾,躺在上面。[其他] 第三人称单数:spreads 复数:spreads 现在分词:spreading 过去式:spread 过去分词:spread


两个连续变量间呈线性相关时,使用Pearson积差相关系数,不满足积差相关分析的适用条件时,使用Spearman秩相关系数来描述.Spearman相关系数又称秩相关系数,是利用两变量的秩次大小作线性相关分析,对原始变量的分布不作要求,属于非参数统计方法,适用范围要广些。对于服从Pearson相关系数的数据亦可计算Spearman相关系数,但统计效能要低一些。Spearman相关系数的计算公式可以完全套用Spearman相关系数计算公式,但公式中的x和y用相应的秩次代替即可。Kendall"s tau-b等级相关系数:用于反映分类变量相关性的指标,适用于两个分类变量均为有序分类的情况。对相关的有序变量进行非参数相关检验; 取值范围在-1-1之间,此检验适合于正方形表格;














在SPSS软件相关分析中,pearson(皮尔逊), kendall(肯德尔)和spearman(斯伯曼/斯皮尔曼)三种相关分析方法有什么异同 两个连续变量间呈线性相关时,使用Pearson积差相关系数,不满足积差相关分析的适用条件时,使用Spearman秩相关系数来描述. Spearman相关系数又称秩相关系数,是利用两变量的秩次大小作线性相关分析,对原始变量的分布不作要求,属于非参数统计方法,适用范围要广些。对于服从Pearson相关系数的数据亦可计算Spearman相关系数,但统计效能要低一些。Pearson相关系数的计算公式可以完全套用Spearman相关系数计算公式,但公式中的x和y用相应的秩次代替即可。 Kendall"s tau-b等级相关系数:用于反映分类变量相关性的指标,适用于两个分类变量均为有序分类的情况。对相关的有序变量进行非参数相关检验;取值范围在-1-1之间,此检验适合于正方形表格; 计算积距pearson相关系数,连续性变量才可采用;计算Spearman秩相关系数,适合于定序变量或不满足正态分布假设的等间隔数据; 计算Kendall秩相关系数,适合于定序变量或不满足正态分布假设的等间隔数据。 计算相关系数:当资料不服从双变量正态分布或总体分布未知,或原始数据用等级表示时,宜用 spearman或kendall相关 Pearson 相关复选项 积差相关计算连续变量或是等间距测度的变量间的相关分析 Kendall 复选项 等级相关 计算分类变量间的秩相关,适用于合并等级资料 Spearman 复选项 等级相关计算斯皮尔曼相关,适用于连续等级资料注:1若非等间距测度的连续变量 因为分布不明-可用等级相关/也可用Pearson 相关,对于完全等级离散变量必用等级相关2当资料不服从双变量正态分布或总体分布型未知或原始数据是用等级表示时,宜用 Spearman 或 Kendall相关。3 若不恰当用了Kendall 等级相关分析则可能得出相关系数偏小的结论。则若不恰当使用,可能得相关系数偏小或偏大结论而考察不到不同变量间存在的密切关系。对一般情况默认数据服从正态分布的,故用Pearson分析方法。在SPSS里进入Correlate-》Bivariate,在变量下面Correlation Coefficients复选框组里有3个选项: Pearson Kendall"s tau-b Spearman:Spearmanspearman(斯伯曼/斯皮尔曼)相关系数 斯皮尔曼等级相关是根据等级资料研究两个变量间相关关系的方法。它是依据两列成对等级的各对等级数之差来进行计算的,所以又称为“等级差数法” 斯皮尔曼等级相关对数据条件的要求没有积差相关系数严格,只要两个变量的观测值是成对的等级评定资料,或者是由连续变量观测资料转化得到的等级资料,不论两个变量的总体分布形态、样本容量的大小如何,都可以用斯皮尔曼等级相关来进行研究。Kendall"s相关系数 肯德尔(Kendall)W系数又称和谐系数,是表示多列等级变量相关程度的一种方法。适用这种方法的数据资料一般是采用等级评定的方法收集的,即让K个评委(被试)评定N件事物,或1个评委(被试)先后K次评定N件事物。等级评定法每个评价者对N件事物排出一个等级顺序,最小的等级序数为1 ,最大的为N,若并列等级时,则平分共同应该占据的等级,如,平时所说的两个并列第一名,他们应该占据1,2名,所以它们的等级应是1.5,又如一个第一名,两个并列第二名,三个并列第三名,则它们对应的等级应该是1,2.5,2.5,5,5,5,这里2.5是2,3的平均,5是4,5,6的平均。 肯德尔(Kendall)U系数又称一致性系数,是表示多列等级变量相关程度的一种方法。该方法同样适用于让K个评委(被试)评定N件事物,或1个评委(被试)先后K次评定N件事物所得的数据资料,只不过评定时采用对偶评定的方法,即每一次评定都要将N个事物两两比较,评定结果如下表所示,表格中空白位(阴影部分可以不管)填入的数据为:若i比j好记1,若i比j差记0,两者相同则记0.5。一共将得到K张这样的表格,将这K张表格重叠起来,对应位置的数据累加起来作为最后进行计算的数据,这些数据记为γij。正态分布的相关检验 对来自正态总体的两个样本进行均值比较常使用T检验的方法。T检验要求两个被比较的样本来自正态总体。两个样本方差相等与不等时用的计算T值的公式不同。 进行方差齐次性检验使用F检验。对应的零假设是:两组样本方差相等。P值小于0.05说明在该水平上否定原假设,方差不齐;否则两组方差无显著性差异。 U检验时用服从正态分布的检验量去检验总体均值差异情况的方法。在这种情况下总体方差通常是已知的。 虽然T检验法与U检验法所解决的问题大体相同,但在小样本(样本数n)=30作为大样本)且均方差未知的情况下就不能用U检验法了。 均值检验时不同的数据使用不同的统计量 使用MEANS过程求若干组的描述统计量,目的在于比较。因此必须分组求均值。这是与Descriptives过程不同之处。 检验单个变量的均值是否与给定的常数之间存在差异,用One-Sample T Test 单样本T检验过程。 检验两个不相关的样本是否来自来具有相同均值的总体,用Independent-Samples T test 独立样本t检验过程。 如果分组样本不独立,用Paired Sample T test 配对t检验。 如果分组不止两个,应使用One-Way ANOVO一元方差分析(用于检验几个独立的组,是否来自均值相等的总体)过程进行单变量方差分析。 如果试图比较的变量明显不服从正态分布,则应该考虑使用一种非参数检验过程Nonparametric test. 如果用户相比较的变量是分类变量,应该使用Crosstabs功能。 当样本值不能为负值时用右侧单边检验。


相关系数主要分为Pearson、Spearman相关系数 0.8-1.0 极强相关 0.6-0.8 强相关 0.4-0.6 中等程度相关 0.2-0.4 弱相关 0.0-0.2 极弱相关或无相关 Pearson 相关评估两个连续变量之间的线性关系。当一个变量中的变化与另一个变量中的成比例变化相关时,这两个变量具有线性关系。 Spearman 相关评估两个连续或顺序变量之间的单调关系。在单调关系中,变量倾向于同时变化,但不一定以恒定的速率变化。 因此Pearson相关系数与Spearman相关系数区别主要在于Pearson 相关系数只度量线性关系。Spearman 相关系数只度量单调关系。 参考: https://support.minitab.com/zh-cn/minitab/18/help-and-how-to/statistics/basic-statistics/supporting-topics/correlation-and-covariance/a-comparison-of-the-pearson-and-spearman-correlation-methods/




两者区别在于:spearman相关只能计算等级数据,但pearson相关却既可以用来算等级相关,也可以算连续数据的相关,只不过一般默认用pearson相关计算连续数据的相关。1、pearson相关通常是用来计算等距及等比数据或者说连续数据之间的相关的,这类数据的取值不限于整数,如前后两次考试成绩的相关就适合用pearson相关。2、spearman相关专门用于计算等级数据之间的关系,这类数据的特点是数据有先后等级之分但连续两个等级之间的具体分数差异却未必都是相等的,比如第一名和第二名的分数差就未必等于第二名和第三名的分数差。扩展资料:相关系数是最早由统计学家卡尔·皮尔逊设计的统计指标,是研究变量之间线性相关程度的量,一般用字母 r 表示。由于研究对象的不同,相关系数有多种定义方式,较为常用的是皮尔逊相关系数。相关表和相关图可反映两个变量之间的相互关系及其相关方向,但无法确切地表明两个变量之间相关的程度。相关系数是用以反映变量之间相关关系密切程度的统计指标。相关系数是按积差方法计算,同样以两变量与各自平均值的离差为基础,通过两个离差相乘来反映两变量之间相关程度;着重研究线性的单相关系数。参考资料:百度百科-相关系数


相关性(correlation)是指两个随机变量之间的关系,可以衡量两个变量间关系的强弱和方向。一般我们常用的是皮尔森相关系数和斯皮尔曼相关系数。 皮尔森相关系数(pearson correlation coefficient, PCC)是衡量两个连续型变量的 线性 相关关系。 斯皮尔曼相关系数(spearman"s rank correlation coefficient, SCC)是衡量两变量之间的单调关系,两个变量同时变化,但是并非同样速率变化,即并非一定是线性关系。 某些情况下两种结果是一致的: 当不完全是线性关系时: 另外,当有离群点时,两者的处理是明显不同的。创建一个数据集,并且加上离群点: 相关系数输出: 即在没有离群点的时候,两者都是0.44;但是当存在离群点之后,pearson系数变成了0.69,但是spearman仍是0.44。spearman系数会考虑这种存在离群点的情况,更加稳定。 参考: (1) https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/11746/what-could-cause-big-differences-in-correlation-coefficient-between-pearsons-an (2) https://support.minitab.com/en-us/minitab-express/1/help-and-how-to/modeling-statistics/regression/supporting-topics/basics/a-comparison-of-the-pearson-and-spearman-correlation-methods/ 欢迎大家关注啊!





Britney Spears 的大肚歌

更新1: 介唔介意 揾埋mv条link比我呀? Britney Spears - Someday (I Will Understand) Nothing seems to be the way that it used to Every thing seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody's watching Over me And that is all I'm praying is that [chorus:] Someday I will understand In God's whole plan And what he's done to me Oh but maybe someday I will breathe And I'll finally see I'll see it all in my baby Don't you run too fast my dear Why don't you stop? Just stop and listen to your tears They're all you've got It's in you You see Somebody's watching over you And that is all I'm praying is that [chorus:] Someday You will understand In God's whole plan And what he does to you Oh but baby someday you will breathe And you'll finally see You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby No moment will be more true Than the moment I look at you It's in you You see Somebody is watching over you And that is all I'm praying is that... [chorus:] Someday you will understand In God's whole plan And what it does to you Oh but baby Someday you will breathe And you'll finally see You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby You'll see it all in your baby 2007-12-08 20:53:20 补充: *** /watch?v=GXsjf3_o3MY

william shakespeare 是什么意思


关于tales of shakespeare

莎士比亚 应该是他的全部文章吧电影有 书也多着呢他用的是古英语, 就像中文的古文

Why is Shakespeare so great in English literature?

because he wrote a lot of plays and in olden days people don"t care about english literature. Shakespeare used a lot of slang in his play and it is used nowadays.

William Shakespear英文内容简介

No more be grieved at that thou hast done:Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud.Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.All men make faults, and even I in this,Authorizing thy trespass with compare,Myself corrupting, salving thy amiss,Excusing thy sins more than thy sins are;For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense—Thy adverse party is thy advocate—And" gainst myself a lawful plea commence.Such civil war is in my love and hate,That I an accessory needs must beTo that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.

《莎翁情史》Shakespeare in Love 是怎样一部电影?


william shakespeare的十四行诗中怎样理解最后两句

莎士比亚-十四行诗(节选)SONNET #1by: William ShakespeareFROM fairest creatures we desire increase,That thereby beauty"s rose might never die,But as the riper should by time decease,His tender heir might bear his memory;But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,Feed"st thy light"s flame with self-substantial fuel,Making a famine where abundance lies,Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.Thout that are now the world"s fresh ornamentAnd only herald to the gaudy spring,Within thine own bud buriest thy contentAnd, tender churl, mak"st waste in niggarding.Pity the world, or else this glutton be,To eat the world"s due, by the grave and thee.对天生的尤物我们要求蕃盛,以便美的玫瑰永远不会枯死,但开透的花朵既要及时雕零,就应把记忆交给娇嫩的后嗣;但你,只和你自己的明眸定情,把自己当燃料喂养眼中的火焰,和自己作对,待自己未免太狠,把一片丰沃的土地变成荒田.你现在是大地的清新的点缀,又是锦绣阳春的唯一的前锋,为什么把富源葬送在嫩蕊里,温柔的鄙夫,要吝啬,反而浪用?可怜这个世界吧,要不然,贪夫,就吞噬世界的份,由你和坟墓.

William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, ...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C小题5:B 试题分析:本文叙述了莎士比亚的生平事迹,他是英国伟大的剧作家和诗人,他从事写作虽然没有挣到钱,可是他通过在剧中做演员挣了一些钱,他总共写了37个剧本,至今仍然很受欢迎。小题1:细节理解题。根据Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth. 故选D。小题2:细节理解题。根据He was born in 1564 in England.He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen.故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据In 1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and children stayed behind. 他独自离开了家,故选D。小题4:细节理解题。根据But he made a lot of money from acting.故选C。小题5:细节理解题。根据William Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems.莎士比亚写了许多剧本和诗,故选B。点评:细节题为阅读考题的重头戏,所占比例高达80% ,相对而言较简单,因为这类题虽然要求理解准确,但基本上限于字面意义的理解,范围也限于局部,因此是我们可望得高分的部分。细节题绝大部分体现“中心思想是解”这一原理。本文都是细节理解题,在文中比较容易找到答案。


莎士比亚可以说是浪漫主义诗人,但是正处于文艺复兴时期;雪莱,是十九世纪英国著名的浪漫派诗人,他的诗作在内容上赞美革命,抨击传统,批判不合理的现实社会,主张纯洁的爱情。诗思无瑕,充满激情,节奏明快。《西风颂》为雪莱的代表作品,具有穿越时空的永恒魅力。全集将其诗作、散文、诗剧、论文、书信等尽量罗致,呈现给读者一个完整的形象。珀西·毕希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792-1822),英国诗人。1792年生于苏塞克斯郡。这时期英国诗歌的创作,在一批青年诗人手里,经历了一场革命:抗议代替了因袭,抒情代替了说教,恣肆代替了拘谨。雪莱便是这些赞美革命、抨击传统的浪漫派诗人之一。1811年8月,雪莱和妹妹的朋友海里霭·威斯布鲁克出走,在爱丁堡结婚。1816年5月在瑞士,雪莱初识拜伦,两人相互仰慕,成为挚友。1822年7月8日,雪莱与友人驾船出海突遇暴风,不幸舟沉身死。雪莱一生抨击不合理的社会制度,但主张用教育手段改革社会,又主张纯洁的自由的爱情。1818年底,雪莱从英国到意大利居住,从阳光淡薄的岛国进入明媚温丽的地中海,触发了他巨大的创作热情。他完成了四幕诗剧《解放了的普罗米修斯》。诗剧为普罗米修斯树立了新的形象,从一个与天神宙斯妥协者变成不屈的斗士。雪莱一生就是对人类任何形式的压迫进行斗争,他的普罗米修斯体现了这一斗争精神。1819年,雪莱写了著名的《西风颂》。从1820年起直至生命终止的两年半中,雪莱写了不少歌颂南欧民族革命的诗,如:《那不勒斯颂》、《自由》、《自由颂》。抒情诗有《云》、《致云雀》、《致月亮》等。雪莱的散文和他的诗一样也具有明快的节奏,我们在雪莱的诗中看到他是个哲学家,他的散文创作里又看到他的诗一样的激情。华兹华斯是英国文学史上最重要的诗人之一,也是英国浪漫主义运动中最伟大和最有影响的诗人。他的作品一扫古典主义雅致雕饰的诗风,强调“一切好诗都是强烈感情的自然流露”,以其纯朴清新的语言摇写大自然中的景物和人物以及人们的生活。抒发其感受和沉思,开创了探索和挖掘

Shakespeare莎士比亚的遗嘱里面说的“the second best bed”是什么意思啊?急!

the second best bed furniture。表面意思就是“次好的床和家具”。后人对于莎士比亚特意提到把床留给其妻子一直有各种议论,比较有代表性的看法是这是莎士比亚对其妻子不忠行为的一种讽刺。不过因为莎士比亚其人的资料太少,所以这只能是一种猜测而已。

The life of Shakespeare 作文

Shakespeare ,more perhaps than any other writer ,made full use of the greatest resources of the English Language .Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English ;Shakespeare in his works used about twenty—five thousand!There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it .Such a study is well worth the effort,even though some aspects of English usage ,and the meaning of many words ,have changed since Shakespeare"s day. However ,it is surprising that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford—on—Avon ,and that he died there in 1616.He almost certainly attended the Grammer School in the town ,but of this we cannot be sure .We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children .We know that he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces .But this is almost all that we do know . However ,what is important about Shakespeare"s life is not its incidental details but its products ,the plays and the poems .For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare"s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long tine critics(批评)have been theorizing(理论化)about the plays .Sometimes ,indeed ,it seems that the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear under the great mass of comment that has been written upon it . Fortunately this is not likely to happen .Shakespeare"s people have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature everywhere ,and will continue to do so after the scholars and critics and all their works have been forgotten.


William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world"s pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England"s national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and partner-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain"s Men, later known as the King"s Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at age 49, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare"s private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearance, sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.Shakespeare produced most of his known works between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare"s genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry". In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed, and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world. (From Wikipedia, with minor modifications.)


莎士比亚 ,O(∩_∩)O~~求采纳

Shakespeare’s Sister

沃尔夫(1882-1941)不仅以其杰出的意识流小说备受世人推崇,同时她还从事出版工作,创作短篇小说,发表评论文章,写了大量晓畅、想象力丰富的散文。作为一名女权主义者,她强烈地感受到,妇女在社会中扮演着抚养孩子和助长男本主义的既定角色,因此才华泯灭。本文选自沃尔夫《自己的房间》一书,她在该书中说明了女性成就小于男性的原因。   It would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare. Let me imagine, since facts are so hard to come by, what would have happened had Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister, called Judith, let us say. Shakespeare himself went, very probably—his mother was an heiress—to the grammar school, where he may have learnt Latin—Ovid, Virgil and Horace—and the elements of grammar and logic. He was, it is well known, a wild boy who poached rabbits, perhaps shot a deer, and had, rather sooner than he should have done, to marry a woman in the neighbourhood, who bore him a child rather quicker than was right. That escapade sent him to seek his fortune in London. He had, it seemed, a taste for the theatre; he began by holding horses at the stage door. Very soon he got work in the theatre, became a successful actor, and lived at the hub of the universe, meeting everybody, knowing everybody, practising his art on the boards, exercising his wits in the streets, and even getting access to the palace of the queen. Meanwhile his extraordinarily gifted sister, let us suppose, remained at home. She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was. But she was not sent to school. She had no chance of learning grammar and logic, let alone of reading Horace and Virgil. She picked up a book now and then, one of her brother"s perhaps, and read a few pages. But then her parents came in and told her to mend the stockings or mind the stew and not moon about with books and papers. They would have spoken sharply but kindly, for they were substantial people who knew the conditions of life for a woman and loved their daughter—indeed, more likely than not she was the apple of her father"s eye. Perhaps she scribbled some pages up in an apple loft on the sly, but was careful to hide them or set fire to them. Soon, however, before she was out of her teens, she was to be betrothed to the son of a neighbouring woolstapler. She cried out that marriage was hateful to her, and for that she was severely beaten by her father. Then he ceased to scold her. He begged her instead not to hurt him, not to shame him in this matter of her marriage. He would give her a chain of beads or a fine petticoat, he said; and there were tears in his eyes. How could she disobey him? How could she break his heart? The force of her own gift alone drove her to it. She made up a small parcel of her belongings, let herself down by a rope one summer"s night and took the road to London. She was not seventeen. The birds that sang in the hedge were not more musical than she was. She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother"s, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. She stood at the stage door; she wanted to act, she said. Men laughed in her face. The manager — a fat, loose-lipped man—guffawed. He bellowed something about poodles dancing and women acting—no woman, he said, could possibly be an actress. He hinted — you can imagine what. She could get no training in her craft. Could she even seek her dinner in a tavern or roam the streets at midnight? Yet her genius was for fiction and lusted to feed abundantly upon the lives of men and women and the study of their ways. At last—for she was very young, oddly like Shakespeare the poet in her face, with the same grey eyes and rounded brows—at last Nick Greene the actor-manager took pity on her; she found herself with child by that gentleman and so—who shall measure the heat and violence of the poet"s heart when caught and tangled in a woman"s body?—killed herself one winter"s night and lies buried at some cross-roads where the omnibuses now stop outside the Elephant and Castle.   That, more or less, is how the story would run, I think, if a woman in Shakespeare"s day had had Shakespeare"s genius.

Shakespeare(莎士比亚)说 "To be or not to be that is a question"是 什么意思?

这是《哈姆雷特》中 丹麦王子的经典独白。 王子面对父亲的猝然离世及母亲的改嫁,及叔父的篡位.他内心充满猜疑,矛盾,犹豫,痛苦.于是说出了这么一句话: To be or not to be, that"s a question “生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。” 这句话反映出当时他的痛苦、疑惑,对人生充满怀疑,觉得人活着没有意义,自杀更好,可又对死亡很恐惧,不知人死后会不会下地狱。所以在这段独白里,他非常犹豫,思考着“生存还是毁灭”(To be, or not to be),是应该“默然忍受命运暴虐的毒箭" ( suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune), 也就是活着,忍受生老病死和人世的不公;还是"挺身反抗人世无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们清扫" (to take arms against a sea of troubles,。 除了莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》的成功因素外,“To be or not to be”之所以成为名言,还有下面原因: 一是因为它单词简单易记,读起来朗朗上口,有诗的韵律和节奏,便于普通民众传诵流传; 二是因为“To be or not to be”这句在不同语境中有不同的意思,比如“是或不是”,“干或不干”,“是生,还是死?”... 所以很多人喜欢套用这种句式

about Shakespeare

hello=D At the moment in school I"m doing "Hamlet" written by William Shakespeare. He has written many famous and popular plays including Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Macbeth.. i fot the rest><" ahah sorry!. However most of his plays are melancholic (depressing sad) and interesting which intrigues lots of readers and cultures of today!.. Well that"s all i know~ =D.. but yups he wrote heaps~ =D.. 丹尼士文摘…莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616) 文艺复兴时期英国文坛的巨星威廉˙莎士比亚(1564-1616),在世界文化史上地位崇高影响巨大,是公认的欧洲三大诗人(莎士比亚、歌德和但丁)之一。出生于破败的商人之家,只受过小学教育的莎士比亚,创作了三十七部悲剧、喜剧和历史剧以及一百五十多首十四行诗,被誉为继上帝后,创作最多杰作的人,马克思称莎士比亚为「人类最伟大的天才之一」。 莎士比亚说:成功的骗子 不必在说谎以求生 因为被骗的人 全成为他的拥护者 莎士比亚说:女人呀 女人 容貌和知识 择其一吧 两者俱得 两者俱失 都是悲剧收场 莎士比亚说:人们可支配自己的命运 若我们受制于人 那错不在命运 而是在我们自己 莎士比亚说:To be or not to be That is a question 莎士比亚说:别和意志坚定的人争辩 因为他们可以改变事实 莎士比亚说:虚有其表的女人 就像金环戴在猪鼻上 唉 可怜 莎士比亚说:目眩时更要旋转 自己痛不欲生的悲伤 以别人的悲伤 就能够治愈 莎士比亚说:真正的斗士 永远愿意承认自己的失败 莎士比亚说:女人阿女人 男人的舞台 你们是永远站在光圈和掌声以外的 莎士比亚说:人心才是埋伏在黑夜中 最可怕的对手 莎士比亚说:嫉妒的手足是谎言 莎士比亚说:美满的爱情 使斗士紧绷的心情松弛下来 死亡是最后的睡眠?不是的,它是最后终结的醒觉。--莎士比亚 外表往往与事实本身不符,世人却容易被表面装饰所欺骗了。--莎士比亚 恋爱中的人,越是到处宣扬他们的爱情,他们的爱情越是靠不住。---莎士比亚 你应该尽量发挥自己的才能,千万不可依人做嫁,去作别人的尾巴。--莎士比亚 每一粒厄运的种子,却包孕著未来丰盛的果实。--莎士比亚 〔友谊〕 (1)“朋友间必须是患难相济 那才说得上真正的友谊."  (2)“有很多良友 胜于有很多财富.” 〔品格〕 “慈悲是高尚人格的标记.” 〔处世〕 (1)“凡事开始最难 然而更难的是何以善终.” (2)“怒气就像一匹烈性的马 如果由它的性子 就会使它自己精疲力尽.” (3)“一个人做了心安理得的事 就是得到了最大的酬报.” 〔待人〕 “你必须对你自己忠实 正像有了白昼才有黑夜一样 对自己忠实 才不会对别人欺诈.” 〔哲理〕 “一个人思虑太多 就会失去做人的乐趣.” 〔书籍〕 “书籍是全世界的营养品. 生活里没有书籍 就好像没有阳光; 智慧里没有书籍 就好 像鸟儿没有翅膀.” 〔求知〕 “学问是我们随身的财产 我们自己在甚么地方 我们的学问也跟着我们在一起.” 〔人生〕 “上天生下我们 是要我们当火炬 不是照亮自己 而是去普照世界.” 〔青春〕 “虽然紫菀草越被人践踏越长得快 可是青春越是浪费 越容易消失." 〔惜时〕 “在时间的大钟上 只有两个字------ 现在.” 〔人才〕 “天上的太阳有瑕疵 何况人间.” 〔希望〕 “最有把握的希望 往往结果终于失望; 最少希望的事情 反会出人意料地成功." 〔逆境〕 (1)“困苦永远是坚强之母.” (2)“甚么都比不上厄运更能磨炼人的德性.” 〔惜别〕 “欢迎是永远含着微笑 告别总是带着叹息.” 〔爱情〕 (1)“爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦 真诚的爱情永远不是一条平坦的道路.” (2)“爱情是生命的火花 友谊的升华 心灵的吻合. 如果说人类的感情能区分等级    那么爱情该是属于最高的一级.” (3)“真爱情是不能用言语表达的 行为才是忠心的最好说明.” (4)“婚姻是青春的结束 人生的开始.” (5)“爱情是理想的一致 意志的融合.” 〔祖国〕 “当他爱他的国家的时候 他的国家也尊重他.” 〔生活〕 “贫穷而知足 可以赛过富有; 有钱的人要是时时刻刻都担心他有一天会变成穷人 那么即使他有无限的资财 实际也像冬天一样贫困.” 〔健康〕 (1)“休息是滋养疲乏的精神保姆.” (2)“豁达者长寿.” 参考: denniswatch.mysinablog/index?op=ViewArticle&articleId=848566


主要作品悲剧  哈姆雷特,奥赛罗,麦克白,李尔王(四大悲剧),泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,裘力斯·凯撒,安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉(埃及艳后),科利奥兰纳斯,特洛埃围城记,雅典的泰门等。喜剧  威尼斯商人,仲夏夜之梦,皆大欢喜,第十二夜(四大喜剧),错误的喜剧,终成眷属,无事生非,一报还一报,暴风雨,驯悍记,温莎的风流娘们,爱的徒劳,维洛那二绅士,泰尔亲王佩力克尔斯,辛白林,冬天的故事等。悲喜剧(正剧)  罗密欧与朱丽叶历史剧  亨利四世,亨利五世,亨利六世,亨利八世,约翰王,里查二世,里查三世。十四行诗  154首十四行诗。


splashing Festival is one of

shakespeare 四大喜剧


william Shakespeare的英文简介带汉语

莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。The English poets, playwright Sha Shibiya was born in 1564 in England"s Stella luck city. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old females, when not reach 21 years old had three children; After 3 years went to London to become the actor, the playwright; When 30 years old starts to be lucky; When 34 years old the family is well-to-do, art obtains the success, is recognized as the playwright which rises newly. Sha Shibiya alone lives in London"s 20 years, his wife lives continuously in the Stella luck. When nearly 40 years old, Sha Shibiya only then returns to the Stella luck until to die. 27 year old of that year, he wrote the historical drama "Henry Six Th" the trilogy, after the script performance has been welcome greatly the audience, and has won the very high prestige for him, let him come to a stop gradually in the London theatrical circle the heel. In 1595, Sha Shibiya has written a tragedy "Romeo And Juliet", after the script performance, Sha Shibiya famous tyrant London, the audience wells up generally like the tide to the theater looked this play, and moves has flowed off the tears. In 1599, Sha Shibiya poured into wrote the script with all one"s strength "Hamlet", also has obtained the huge success. In later several years, Sha Shibiya has written "Austria Xylenum", "Li You King" and "Mike Is white", they and "Hamlet" is called together Sha Shibiya"s four big tragedies. In 1616, Sha Shibiya because fell ill left the world, has lived 52 years old. In these 52 years profession, he has left behind 37 scripts for the common people, as soon as curls 14 lines of poems and two narrative 长诗. His script also performs until now in world each place. In his birthday that day, has many countries to perform his script every year to commemorate him. Sha Shibiya is on Europe Renaissance time England dramatic world"s "the giant". He inherits and develops the ancient Greece Rome play and the English folk play outstanding tradition, does not give a thought to "the unity of action" and so on the rules and regulations, the breakthrough comedy and the tragedy boundary, carries on the creative from the content to the form innovation. In view of the middle ages feudalism and asceticism fetter, he respects the woman, eulogy love, molds a series of idealizations the bourgeoisie new feminine lovable image. In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant"s image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. He also in the play advocated the humanity by opposed the Middle Ages lively, compare with the human the deity, emphasized human great and strength, said the human is "the universe essence, the myriad things spirit is long". He also frequently exposes religious in the play the hypocrisy. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union. Marx after 1848 in order to "wants to enable own English knowledge to achieve the consummation the region", once "all searched for the Sha Shibiya special style words and phrases performs to classify", carried on the study. His grave now nearby a his hometown chapel, every year has the photograph which ten million counts to go on a pilgrimage looks at reverently generally. Is engraving such inscribed text on his tombstone: "Looks on God"s surface, Please do not have to move my grave, The rash action will encounter the curse, The protector will receive the blessing."


71D莎士比亚作品中的英语语言的丰富性因为ABC都没提到,如写作手法、章节长度、文章内容丰富72C因为沙翁A和D是同一天,即使不看文章都是事实C是因为He almost certainly attended the Grammer School in the town ,but of this we cannot be sureB就是因为后面一句了73A不是所有对莎翁的评价都产生积极评价B学者成功收集了莎翁的生平生活,72题就推翻了C批评家更感兴趣莎翁的戏剧而非诗歌,胡说的,批评家也分领域的,而且文章也没强调D莎翁的生活远比文学作品重要,不但胡说而且不尊重


基础释义威廉·莎士比亚(1564—1616)文艺复兴时期英国戏剧家、诗人。著有剧本37部、十四行诗154首和叙事长诗2首。作品要求个性解放,反对封建专制和禁欲主义,表现了资本主义萌芽时期的人文主义理想。剧作人物形象鲜明,情节曲折生动,语言精练典雅。代表作有悲剧《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,喜剧《威尼斯商人》等。莎士比亚的创作对欧洲文学和戏剧的发展影响很大。威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日),英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,欧洲文艺复兴时期最伟大的作家,全世界最卓越的文学家之一,华人社会常尊称为莎翁。 16世纪末到17世纪初,莎士比亚在伦敦开始了成功的职业生涯,他不仅是演员、剧作家,还是宫内大臣剧团的合伙人。1613年左右,莎士比亚退休回到埃文河畔斯特拉特福,3年后逝世。莎士比亚最具有代表性的作品就是他的四大悲剧《奥赛罗》《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《麦克白》。





Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯)Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维尼)Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特)谁更

BS在美国一直很红 AL在亚洲很红 TS现在很红

中文翻译英文歌曲britney spears - toxic - 劲舞团 布兰妮

Baby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsWith the taste of your lipsWith the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideI"m on a rideI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)Your toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)Your toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseWith the taste of the poison paradiseWith the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youI"m addicted to youI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?Don"t you know that your toxic?Don"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Don"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:ToxicBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9105188

Britney Spears –Toxic MP3百度云


Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Greatest Hits:My PrerogativeBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1317003

英语泛读1翻译:young willian skakespeare

young William Shakespeare年轻的威廉-莎士比亚


莎士比亚目前已发现的全部作品目录:(莎剧中文译名从流传最广的朱生豪译本;)悲剧*o 罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet)o 马克白(Macbeth)又译:麦克白、麦克白斯、麦克佩斯o 李尔王(King Lear)o 哈姆雷特(Hamlet)又译:汉姆雷特、汉姆莱特、哈姆雷o 奥赛罗(Othello)又译:奥瑟罗o 泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯(Titus Andronicus)o 裘力斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)o 安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉(Antony and Cleopatra)o 科利奥兰纳斯(Coriolanus)o 特洛埃围城记(Troilus and Cressida)o 雅典的泰门(Timon of Athens)喜剧*o 错中错(The Comedy of Errors)又译:错中错喜剧、错误的喜剧o 终成眷属(All"s Well That Ends Well)又译:如愿o 皆大欢喜(As You Like It)o 仲夏夜之梦(A Midsummer Night"s Dream)o 无事生非(Much Ado About Nothing)又译:捕风捉影o 一报还一报(Measure for Measure)又译:请君入瓮、量罪记、将心比心o 暴风雨(The Tempest)o 驯悍记(Taming of the Shrew)o 第十二夜(Twelfth Night or What You Will)o 威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice)o 温莎的风流娘们(The Merry Wives of Windsor)o 爱的徒劳(Love"s Labour"s Lost)o 维洛那二绅士(The Two Gentlemen of Verona)又译:两贵亲o 泰尔亲王佩力克尔斯(Pericles Prince of Tyre)o 辛白林(Cymbeline)o 冬天的故事(The Winter"s Tale)o 暴风雨(The Tempest)历史剧*o 亨利四世,第一卷(Henry IV, part 1)o 亨利四世,第二卷(Henry IV, part 2)o 亨利五世(Henry V)o 亨利六世,第一卷(Henry VI, part 1)o 亨利六世,第二卷(Henry VI, part 2)o 亨利六世,第三卷(Henry VI, part 3)o 亨利八世(Henry VIII)o 约翰王(King John)o 里查二世(Richard II)o 里查三世(Richard III)诗*o 十四行诗(The Sonnets)o 爱人的怨诉(A Lover"s Complaint)又译:情女怨o 鲁克丽丝失贞记(The Rape of Lucrece)又译:露克丽丝遭强暴记o 维纳斯和阿多尼斯(Venus and Adonis)o 热情的朝圣者(The Passionate Pilgrim)又译:激情飘泊者o 凤凰和斑鸠(The Phoenix and the Turtle)其它疑为莎士比亚的作品*o 托马斯·莫尔爵士(Sir Thomas More)o 爱德华三世(Edward III)o 挽歌(Funeral Elegy)


William Shakespeare (baptised April 26, 1564 – died April 23, 1616)[1] was an English poet and playwright widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, and the world"s preeminent dramatist.[2] He wrote approximately 38 plays and 154 sonnets, as well as a variety of other poems.[3] Already a popular writer in his own lifetime, Shakespeare became increasingly celebrated after his death and his work adulated by numerous prominent cultural figures through the centuries.[4] He is often considered to be England"s national poet[5] and is sometimes referred to as the "Bard of Avon" (or simply "The Bard")[6] or the "Swan of Avon".[7] Orthodox scholars believe Shakespeare produced most of his work between 1586 and 1612, although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are under considerable debate, as is the authorship of the works attributed to him. He is counted among the very few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy, and his plays combine popular appeal with complex characterisation, poetic grandeur and philosophical depth. Shakespeare"s works have been translated into every major living language, and his plays are continually performed all around the world. In addition, Shakespeare is the most quoted writer in the literature and history of the English-speaking world[8], and many of his quotations and neologisms have passed into everyday usage in English and other languages. Over the years, many people have speculated about Shakespeare"s life, raising questions about his sexuality and religious affiliation.



《3》 Britney Spears的歌词内容

歌曲名:3 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:3 (Digital 45) 3 Britney Spears 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" Babe, pick a night To come out and play If it"s alright What do you say? Merrier the more Triple fun that way Twister on the floor What do you say? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin"! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Three is a charm Two is not the same I don"t see the harm So are you game? Lets" make a team Make "em say my name Lovin" the extreme Now are you game? Are you in Livin" in sin is the new thing (yeah) Are you in I am countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" What we do is innocent Just for fun and nothin" meant If you don"t like the company Let"s just do it you and me You and me... Or three.... Or four.... On the floor! 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" Countin" 1, 2, 3 Not only you and me Got one eighty degrees And I"m caught in between Countin" 1, 2, 3 Peter, Paul & Mary Gettin" down with 3P Everybody loves fuckin" http://music.baidu.com/song/8888089

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Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Greatest Hits: My PrerogativeBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56699609

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Toxic (Digital 45)Baby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7916125

toxic的歌词 britney spears(布兰妮) 的

Baby, can"t you see, I"m callin" 亲爱的 难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 A guy like you should wear a warnin" 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 You"re dangerous, I"m fallin" 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 There"s no escape, I can"t wait 我无路可退 我不想空等 I need a hit, baby give me it 我需要你 让我拥有你 You"re dangerous, I"m movin" it 你是个危险情人 让我深深痴迷 Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 Losing my head, spimming round and 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Do you feel me now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 复歌 Oh, the taste of your lips, I"m on a ride 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 You"re toxic, I"m slippin" under 你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 Oh" the taste of your poison paradise 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you 让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 难道你不知道 And I love what you do 你是致命的毒 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 但我却深深为你着迷 It"s getting late to give you up 渐渐地 你的毒入侵我的身体 I took a sip from the devil"s cup Slowly it"s taking over me, Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 It"s inthe air and it"s all around 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Can you feel it now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS X2 复歌 X2 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了

Britney Spears的《Ooh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Ooh La La歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Ooh La LaOoh La LaBritney SpearsYou don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBe my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Ooh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby come with me and be my ooh la laSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/58349762

Britney Spears的《Ooh La La》 歌词

歌曲名:Ooh La La歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Ooh La LaOoh La LaBritney SpearsYou don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can nobody get down like usWe don"t stop "till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBe my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Be my ooh la la…Ooh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby come with me and be my ooh la laSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/45285589

Britney Spears布兰妮唱的《Ooh La La (蓝精灵2 主题曲)》中英文版歌词?

百度百科:Ooh La Lahttp://baike.baidu.com/view/9280220.htm歌词You don"t have to look like a movie starOoh I think you"re good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with me?You don"t have to roll like a millionaireBaby I would go with you anywhereWe don"t need no gold, we"ll be shining anyway, we"ll seeYou know can"t nobody get down like usWe don"t stop till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laYou don"t have to wear no designer clothesJust as long as we"re dancing on the floorFingers in my hair and I"m letting go tonight, so freeYou know can"t nobody get down like usWe don"t stop till we get enoughC"mon, turn it up "till the speakers popBreak it down, show me what you"ve gotOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laWe Are Oh la laOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeOoh my my baby don"t be shyI see that spark flashing in your eyeMy heart beats fast "cause I want it allSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laTake my hand, we can go all nightAnd spin me round just the way I likeIt feels so good, I don"t wanna stopSo baby come with me and be my ooh la laBaby Come with me and be my Oh la laSo baby come with me and be my Oh la la


《Marcel And The Shakespeare Letters》电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Oi5YcmfC6n0KSdUFhVd1jg 密码:go5b书名:Marcel And The Shakespeare Letters出版社:Longman出版年份:2000-11-8页数:16内容简介:There are fireworks in London on 5th November when Marcel goes to stay with his friend, Henry. Henry lives next door to a professor who is looking after some very special letters written by William Shakespeare. When Marcel and Henry go to look at them, they are not there. Someone has stolen them! But Marcel is a detective, and he has to find the Shakespeare letters.A thrilling mystery novel featuring Marcel, the French mouse detective.
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