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有没有会弹钢琴的亲?顺便问一下《海上钢琴师》中的《The Crave》这首曲子用多长时间能学会?

中央音乐学院的考级最高九级,音协的最高十级,海上钢琴师的THE CRAVE不难弹,10天左右就能学会

海上钢琴师中的《The crave》这首曲子所要表达的意思什么?

总是载满了回忆的,无论它是快乐的,希望或不堪回首……  “The Legend of 1900海上钢琴师”改编义大利小说名家Alessandro Baricco的独白剧,讲述一位诞生于海上的音乐奇才,精采不凡且富争议的一生。他以出生年代“1900”为名,成长于往返太平洋间,任风浪翻腾的蒸气船上。天赋异秉的钢琴才华吸引了爵士乐史上普遍公认为“第一位巨匠”的Jelly Roll Morton注意,特地前来船上与他较量。而这位从未接触过陆地的钢琴师,更因着对爱情与新世界的好奇,离开他原有的世界,去寻求更美的理想……

Beyond The Game 歌词

Beyond the game演唱:未知beyond.... go beyond... go beyond the game... you and I, we have met before to the magic of the moment in cyber space. driven by a passion to win playing heart to heart, face to face the challenge of the live time stands before us now beyond the game through the portal into cyber space we have come to decide our fate, we are here to celebrate beyond the game.... beyond the game... at last, the moments at hand, all we need is to believe the cane? we will make our stand beyond the game beyond the game... beyond the game... the world cyber games let time to hear the spirit is right. we connect now in a powerful way we celebrate our diversity around the world with the passion to play the planet will be watching, the message will be heard beyond the game through the portal into cyber space we have come to decide our fate, we are here to celebrate beyond the game.... beyond the game.... at last, the moments at hand, all we need is to believe the cane? we will make our stand beyond the game through the portal into cyber space we have come to decide our fate, we are here to celebrate beyond the game.... beyond the game.... at last, the moments at hand, all we need is to believe the cane? we will make our stand beyond the game beyond the game... beyond the game... the world cyber games

求The Shepherd Andreas这篇文学作品的翻译

BackgroundThere is a long tradition of travel writing in English. It dates back to the 14th century with Sir John Mandevill"s travels. This was an extraordinary mixture of fact and fantasy that even described strange creatures and two-headed men. Richard Hakluyt is well-known for his descriptions of the voyages made by English merchants and explorers in the 16th and early 17th centuries.In the 18th century, travel literature started to become popular as great novelists described their trips around Europe. In the following century, classic travel literature included descriptions of travels in West Africa, South America and the Amazon.Among great travel writers of the 20th century were: Robert Byron who journeyed across Central Asia, Freya Stark who traveled widely in Arab countries; Bruce Chatwin whose travel books are a mixture of anthropology, philosophy and fiction. Famous contemporary travel writers include V. S Naipaul, Paul Theroux and Bill Bryson.Travel writing now is not only more popular than ever but is no longer regarded as an unimportant genre of literature. Good travel literature combines observations with imagination and can explore the depths of the human condition. As the Spanish proverb says, “ He, who would bring home the wealth of the Indies, must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.”Reading and ListeningBefore you startl Read the background notes and answer these questions.1. Which of the travel writers mentioned would you most like to read? Why?2. Which of the writers listed mixed fact and fiction?3. When did travel literature first became popular?4. What, as the proverb says, makes a good travel writer?2 Read and listen to the story. Order there events.a). The wrier gave he shepherd a cup of tea.b). The shepherd started to talk louder.c). The shepherd got a bit angry because the writer couldn"t understand.d). The writer went outside with her cup of tea.e). The shepherd tried to show that he wanted a cup of tea.f). The writer asked the shepherd questions.g). The shepherd used his cane to dismount from his donkey.h). The shepherd started laughing a lot.i). The shepherd and hid donkey came into view.3 Read the story again and answer these questions.1. Why did the writer spill her tea?2. Why did the shepherd use the cane to dismount?3. What did the writer like most about the islanders?4. How did the shepherd finally explain what he wanted?5. How does the writer think one learns a language?6. Why did the shepherd laugh so much?4 Match the objects with the writer"s descriptions of them (a-e)a laugh, the sea, the land, a sound, the skya). like wide blue handsb). bearishc). lassoing the entire islandd). the curved and plummeting bodye). rumblesSpeakingWork in pairs. Which of these things would you like to do? Why?Visit a Greek island, meet some islanders, live abroad for a while a travel book, learn another language (besides English ), know more words in English.The sleek black donkey is called Marcos, and the old man who rides him is called Andreas. They appear early one morning while I am sitting outside, my back against the wall of the spitaki, a cup of tea cradled in my hands. The gate is on the other side of the house, out of immediate view. I hear hooves knock against the stones that mark the threshold of the gate. To give me warning, the old man shouts some unintelligible greeting that scares me out of my wits. spill tea on my lap."Kaleemera," he says gruffly, with a cautious smile. "Kaleemera," I return the greeting and reach for my dictionary He pulls his cane from its resting place in the ropes of the saddle, maneuvers Marcos to a stone, where he aims the cane, then slides off the donkey"s back. His lower left leg and foot are deformed; the foot fits into a black boot cut open to accommodate its dimensions. How to describe Barba Andreas, the old shepherd? A yellow piece of cloth is wrapped around his head of white hair. He has a big white moustache, blue eyes, a dandy"s flower stuck in the lapel of his green army jacket. Hands. What will I love most here, what will ! dream about years later, to return me to this place? The hands of the islanders. Their thickness, their roughness, their ugliness. Nails broken below the quick. Scars. Missing fingertips and lines of dirt.Barba Andreas names the plants for me, pointing with his cane and leaning down to pluck off the chamomile blooms. Sitting on a milk crate, he lifts his bad leg up to rest on a stone. I remain sitting against the house in the shade. We both take in the view before us: slender Marcos, eating my melon rinds and shifting in what is, effectively my front yard: poppies; olive trees; the curved and plummeting body of the land, its shapes of green, sage-green, yellow, almond; rose and purple and gray shadow. The sky opens over everything like wide blue hands. And all around us, lassoing the entire island, the sea.A bearish sound comes from Barba Andreas" throat. As though bored with the view -- how familiar it must be to him -- he turns back to me and says something I don"t understand. He points in my direction with his cane. Is he pointing to the low table between us? I look at the table." Is he pointing to my books on the table? I offer him a book, which he wisely refuses to touch. He pantomimes a motion, but I don"t understand. Once more, he directly asks for something and pokes his finger against his chest. I don"t understand. Finally, smiling but clearly frustrated, he grabs the tea-pot with one large hand, pours tea into the palm of the other, and raises it to his lips. "Ena poteeri!" he cries, and bangs his cane on the ground, demanding a cup.Embarrassed, I jump up and go into the little house for another cup. I come out, pour tea, hand it him. He waves away my apologies. He drinks the tea in one go. How many Greek words do I know now? How many? Not enough, never enough. To learn another language one must re-acquire the greedy hunger of a child. ! want, I want, I want. Every desire begins and ends with a word. I want to ask a thousand questions. Where does the path behind the house lead and who lived here before and how do you make cheese and are the sheep in the neighboring field yours and what is this place, truly, and how do I go to the mountains behind the house? Because there is a gate closing off the field that leads to the mountains, and I am afraid to walk through it.He understands my last, garbled question. "How do you go to the mountains?" he parrots back to me, almost shouting. It is an international assumption that when people don"t hear and understand our language, we think they can"t hear at all. "How do you go up to the mountains?" Now a slow laugh rumbles in his throat. "Me ta podia!" he cries. Every line of his face proclaims laughter. He slaps his knees, guffawing.How do you go to the mountains?Me ta podia. With your feet.Open the gate, go through it, close it behind you. And walk to the mountains

wcg2004主题曲Beyond the game 是谁唱得?


beyond the game的英文歌词,中文翻译是什么?演唱者是谁?


The man has tape and a cane 是什么意思?

你好,很高兴为你解答:那人有带子和拐杖词汇释义tape磁带; 录音带; 录像带; 录了音的盒式磁带; 录了像的盒式磁带; 胶带; 胶条; 把…录在磁带上; 用胶带粘住; 用带子系紧; 用胶带粘贴cane茎; 竹竿,藤条; 竹杖; 藤杖; 手杖; 用藤条鞭打,用藤杖打,鞭笞

英语plant the sugar-cane怎么翻译?

plant the sugar-cane,翻译为:种甘蔗。

the next episode中文歌词

拉达达达- dahh它的 那个 motherfuckin�5�8邻双克(窥探狗狗!)拉达达达- dahh你知道我的mobbin 那个 d.r.e.(是啊是啊是啊你知道是谁的背上了这混蛋!)什么什么什么什么?(所以大火 那个 杂草放弃的!)(只大火狗屎了nigga,是啊,"燮窥探??)顶部狗狗,咬我所有,nigga烧伤 那个 狗屎了D -对克- �0�4我nigga之交狗屎了C肽-吨,的L - B - C中,是的,我们宏庆备份当他们帮这 那个 俱乐部的婴儿你起床了暴徒niggaz 博士微克经销商是的,他们givin起来lowlife,悠悠的生活,孩子我们livin它羚牛机会,同时我们在dancin 那个 对"党礁"滑我锄一40 - FO的"和她在 那个 回来做"在我母狗lookin奇怪,但是你知道,我不在乎加强这娘只是一个,我的头发swangin母狗退出托金,快步走,如果你打倒 那个 设置采取一些家伙子弹,并从这个喷射这个涂料出城,把它放下了 那个 父亲的急流如果球"屁股得到破获,婊子关闭溜溜"陷阱回来,回来,这是 那个 部分成功如果你相信 那个 X你会relievin你的压力 拉达达达- dahh它的 那个 motherfuckin d.r.e.(博士。 博士首页娘!)拉达达达- dahhh你知道我的mobbin 那个 �5�8邻双克 直关闭 那个 对C fuckin街道的P - T国王 那个 拍你乘坐时间在你的舰队(弗利特伍德)或轿跑车德维尔罗林的配音如何feelin whoopty =呐喊nigga whut?博士e和窥探在chronic"ed 那个 "llac在与文档 那个 回来,在"还在喝gnac(是啊)剪辑 那个 带,通过抽油烟机迪平(罩什么?)康普顿,长滩,英格尔伍德!中南部去 那个 西城(wessyde)这是加利福尼亚的爱,这加利福尼亚芽得到了nigga四人帮 酒吧我一我,我可能在保释 那个 世纪俱乐部我的牛仔裤上,和我的球队强让我的 博士墨水,而我吸烟然后回家了,somethin捅上(whassup婊子?)禄它是对 那个 两三哦科曼真实的,它的 那个 下一个 插曲...阻碍,heyyyyyyyy我niggaz谁是我们的软thinkin我们不这样做,playyyyyyy我们坤"岩石它淋巴细胞 那个 车轮脱落阻碍,heyyyyyyyy我niggaz谁是肌动蛋白太大胆采取,seeaaaaaat希望你们准备好 那个 下一个 插曲heyyyeyyyeeyeyyyyeyyyy ........烟雾熏炙杂草!

求JTL歌曲enter the dragon中文翻译歌词

Enter The Dragon Come Back Dragon Come Back JTL 在过去的5年间(WO!)积累下来的能量!我POW(WOW) 在我身体里爆发的火焰,我只是在等待今天!我现在~ 整理的时刻已经来了 我蹬踹着吐出在我身体里喷涌的lime,好象舞动着龙的身姿般,发光 Now in Get you to Fall in 因这个音乐而疯狂, 贡献出我自己 不一会过了22年的时间 不懂人情世故 在毫无阻碍的社会里被玷污 变得懦弱的我 在某个瞬间里出现在镜子里面 为了我那无法达成的梦想 决定要有一个新的自我 Best of the dragon Enter the JTL 不轻易倒下 用双目来保证着 我会象你想象地那样坚强 不轻易崩溃 用这双眼睛来保证 我会斗争并获得胜利 直到你崩溃 你是什幺啊~你充其量不过是那个罢了 更加尽力的刺激我看看 我叫你再尽力地妨碍我直到我倒下那天啊 经历了痛苦后开始了新的路程 和升起的温暖太阳一起 舞动着龙的身躯出来的巨大的火种 充塞了四方 你知道LEE是什幺样风格的吗?(You know Lee"s style?) 我会让你跪下的 不要后悔 已经晚了 除了自己外我不相信任何人 We"ll take ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll wipe ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll put ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll strike ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") (We"ll rock you and knock you) (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") 你最后的时间来临了 现在已经没有你可去的地方了 不要躲避 这是你的最后时刻 We"ll take ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll wipe ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"ll put ya down (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin")(x2) We"ll strike ya out (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") (We"ll rock you and knock you) (Yo! Nigga we"ll be comin") We"re Still alive

The World Cheers 33 Miners Rescued in Chile 阅读翻译

在圣何塞黄金和铜在智利北部的矿山救援人员已经唱这一周的原因。进入地球钻一个小孔,成为33名被困矿工的自由通道。他们花了69天的地下。 “从来没有人被困了这么久这么深,说:”在美国航天局,美国航天局,帮助救援的医生。但为矿工的首席医疗官员说,最不够好健康在一天左右离开医院。从医院周四晚上公布的前三个。矿工们一天的大部分时间放松与智利总统皮涅拉。 32智利人和一个玻利维亚仍然穿着特殊的太阳镜,以保护自己的眼睛。第五被困在八月的部分煤矿塌陷超过半公里长的地下。他们舒展了为期两天的食品供应。两个星期没有人知道,如果他们活着还是死了。后来,他们接到用品和视频链接,通过降低钻孔。这种联系是如何沙龙泰科纳看着他的妻子生下他们的女儿。矿工们显然同意共享的钱,他们赚出售他们的故事。他们已经收到资金和旅游促销活动的礼品。爱迪生佩纳已邀请到纽约市马拉松比赛和雅园,猫王在田纳西州孟菲斯的家。佩纳先生介绍了他如何在矿井隧道跑缓解压力。他带领矿工们在演唱猫王歌曲。第一日(星期三)获救的矿工弗洛伦西奥阿瓦洛斯。第二是马里奥塞普尔韦达,谈到的经验如何测试自己的信仰。马里奥塞普尔韦达(译):“我与上帝,我是魔鬼,他们又打了我,但神赢得了他拉着我最好的手,我的上帝之手。”最后矿工路易斯Urzua。他是领导者的转变,当他的船员成为被困。救援人员用一个铁笼拉矿工的安全,在不到24小时 - 速度比预期快。救生舱是一个半米宽,被称为凤凰。凤凰是从古代的故事虚鸟。爆裂起火,但不断重生,从废墟中上升。智利海军建造胶囊与采矿专家和美国宇航局的工程师们的意见。它的工作像一个电梯,行驶在电缆上下轴通过钻探到622米的岩石。工人使用切割位由一个小型的美国公司,中心岩石。施拉姆,也是在宾夕法尼亚州的一个钻机位。数以百万计的世界各地的人们观看救援。奥巴马总统说,他观看了第一个矿工被释放。1000多名记者在阿塔卡马沙漠的矿山救援报告。他们加入了面积称为营希望的帐篷里的矿工和救援人员的家庭成员。

敕勒族是蒙古族吗What is the Chile nationality?


there can be 是什么意思呀,这是个什么句型呀,从没见过?

there can be = there be 有

baby tonight the night let you know是什么歌,Tonight歌曲介绍

最近我在抖音里面听到了一首非常的好听的歌曲,其中歌词是:baby tonight"s the night i let you know”,抖音上很多的扭腰舞蹈中的BGM背景音乐都是用的这首歌,妖娆的舞姿搭配上这个音乐简直是完美。那么大家知道baby tonight是什么歌吗?下面就跟着我继续往下看吧。 这首歌的歌名叫做《Tonight (Best You Ever Had)》,是由Allen Arthur/Christopher Bridges/Keith Justice/Miguel/Clayton Reilly/John Legend作词作曲,John Legend (约翰•传奇)/Ludacris演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲发行于2012年1月31日。 Tonight (Best You Ever Had)歌词: ain"t this what you came for 难道你不是为此而来的吗? don"t you wish you came, oh 你不就期望这样吗? 噢 girl what you"re playing for 女孩你为何还迟疑呢 come on, come on let me kiss that 来嘛,让我给你一吻 ooh, i know you miss that 噢..我知道你是想要的 what"s wrong, let me fix that 到底怎么了,让我们一起解决吧 twist that 一起缠绵 baby, tonight"s the night i let you know 宝贝,我今晚就要让你知道 baby, tonight"s the night we lose control 宝贝,今夜无拘无束的一夜 baby, tonight you need that, tonight believe that 宝贝,今夜你会需要,今夜你会相信 tonight i"ll be the best you ever had 今夜,我将会是你拥有最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有最棒的男人 i hit you with the best flow, 为你激起最兴奋的高潮 freestlying in the restroom 在公共洗手间里自由欢爱 til you blowing cigarette smoke 直到你吹出一口烟雾 and now the bad"s gone 所有不欢快都随之而去 so what we gon" do now 现在我们要做什么 f-ck it, round two now 他妈的,再来一次 work it out, then we cool down 精疲力尽后,我们激情褪去 cool down 慢慢冷却 baby, tonight"s the night i let you know 宝贝今晚我就要让你知道 baby, tonight"s the night we lose control 宝贝,今夜无拘无束的一夜 baby, tonight you need that, tonight believe that 宝贝,今夜你会需要,今夜你会相信 tonight i"ll be the best you ever had 夜,我将会是你拥有最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人 luda, listen 露坦,听着 text you aint meeven gotta 你没必要发私信传情 knowing me and you got that mental telepathy 知道我们心心相印 me be up at the spot, i"ll be sending over the chauffeur 我随叫随到 我将由专车接送 rich ***** bread, stay popping like a toaster 丰盛的黑人面包,像吐司炉般砰砰作响 nobody come close to me and you together 没人来打扰我们 step under my umbrella, we"ll make it through any weather 步入我保护伞之内,我们能经历任何风吹雨打 except when i make it storm, *** in the greatest form 除非我引起狂风暴雨,在高潮中欢爱 and hibernate under my body 在我怀里取暖 yep i keep it warmer than a chinchilla 是的,我的怀抱比毛皮大衣还要温暖 she know i beat it up like the thriller in manila 她知道我会像马尼拉的惊悚片一样充满暴力 flying my private jet to villas in anguilla 开着我的私人飞机到安圭拉别墅 than throw you on a grill 然后把你仍在烤肉架上 cause seven days a week you"re course my 5 meal 因为七日一周里你都是我的主菜 foreal 真心实意 baby, tonight"s the night i let you know 宝贝今晚我就要让你知道 baby, tonight"s the night we lose control 宝贝,今夜无拘无束的一夜 baby, tonight you need that, tonight believe that 宝贝,今夜你会需要,今夜你会相信 tonight i"ll be the best you ever had 今夜,我将会是你拥有最棒的情人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人 i don"t wanna brag, but i"ll be 我不是自夸,我确实能力非凡 the best you ever had 是你拥有过最棒的男人

It is the cat`s meow.是什么意思啊

《雨中曲》中黛比雷诺斯有一段群舞 歌曲的倒数第三句正是“It"s cat"s meow”这是一段欢快的舞蹈 附歌大意是在写小女生对梦中情人的想念 所以可以翻译成“我爱死这感觉了!”


1968年,Doug和Thompkins正式将THE NORTH FACE注册为商标,第一件产品是SIERRA PARKA夹克(在英语中,SIERRA是山的意思),SIERRA PARKA夹克也成为THE NORTH FACE的经典产品。“永不停止探索”也成为THE NORTH FACE产品的口号。在这种精神领导下,THE NORTH FACE不断挑战科技极限, 经过严格的调查、设计、生产过程以及运动员的测试,生产着最先进,科学的登山及户外用品。The North Face经典产品介绍1968年---SIERRA PARKA从1968年The North Face建立以来,The North Face生产的高质量的羽绒制品在户外运动爱好者中享有较高知名度,特别是SIERRA PARKA羽绒服深受登山者的喜爱。SIERRA PARKA系列产品首创于20世纪70年代,至今SIERRA PARKA系列羽绒产品仍在生产和销售。1970年---RUTHSACRUTHSAC是The North Face为改良背包内部构造,在改进中率先应用曲线弧度,内部为铝架腰带护垫的一款产品。RUTHSAC采用了当时独一无二的方便拉链,背包内采用多隔断以增大有效容积。如今这一技术已经成为一种行业生产标准。1975年---CAT"S MEOWCAT"S MEOW睡袋的设计利用了Polarguard材料的许多优点,最小的体积、最小的重量和便于携带。Polarguard的良好功能体现在高寒阴湿地区的使用上,它具有阻挡水份的侵入。今天,CAT"S MEOW已成为最流行的睡袋。1975年---OUAI INTENTION TENT根据工程师R Buckminster Fuller的理论,椭圆型创意第一次被应用于背包帐篷的设计中,这一改进是具有划时代意义的,它改进了户外产品的工业流程。The North Face 又开发了防震、灵巧的铝合金帐篷杆,成为今天的一项行业标准。这种三角形设计由于利用了固有的力量比而使支杆能够平均承受来自帐篷本身的重量和外界冲击力。现在所有的The North Face帐篷都是这一突破设计的系列产品。1976年---Back Magic1976年,The North Face在开发Back Magic产品时,提出了改进坚固框架背包的设计思路。在腰带上,把新型尼龙面料和铝质框架组合使用。这种组合可使来自腰部、肩部的相对独立、不同方向的力抵消,使得背负更加舒适。1985年---Mountain Jacket自1985年推出MOUNTAIN JACKET系列产品以来,这款产品就成为高海拔、寒冷地区户外运动者的必备品。完全意义上的全天侯MOUNTAIN JACKET系列产品更是被许多探险队列为首选产品,因为所有MOUNTAIN JACKET系列产品都是按照严格的设计标准生产的。1999年---MicronamicsMicronamics是The North Face 推出的新型内衣面料,是市面上最先进的内衣面料之一,能保持体温,隔绝潮气,甚至在湿的情况下也可维持温度.特别适合在寒冷的气候运动中穿着。2000年---THE North Face 800 LTDNorth Face为纪念千禧年特别生产的「800 LTD」限量版的羽绒服.2001年---MET5MET5是一种高科技外套。这种外套特殊的衣料纤维编织法使衣料具备良好的保暖效果。MET5附有加热装置,以充电式小型锂电池为能源,衣服的温度可以用调节器调整。The North Face公司将这种高科技外套的目标客户定位为登山者,美国军方对MET5表现出浓厚的兴趣。2003年---The North Face EditionThe North Face Edition越野车是The North Face与雪佛兰合作开发的Avalanche越野车系列中的一款。这款车根据攀登者的需求,对汽车内部进行了全新设计,2003年春天在美国上市,预计售价40395美元。这将是汽车生产商与户外装备生产商合作开发的第一款汽车产品。



Which animal has the biggest boobs?

额......boob有蠢材,笨蛋,女人的乳房的意思。因为蠢材,笨蛋讲时不会用到“has”所以翻译为:什么动物的乳房最大?至于答案为什么是斑马(zebra )我就不清楚了。

Overture (The Mikado) 歌词

歌曲名:Overture (The Mikado)歌手:Harry Mortimer专辑:King Of BrassOverturePatrick WolfIt"s wonderfulWhat a smile can hideIf the teeth shine rightAnd it"s nice and wideSo magicalAll you can keep insideIf you bury it deepNo-one can find a thingNoWell come on nowOpen wideOpen up nowDon"t you think it"s time?To look back at that boy on his way to schoolSuch a heavy heartSuch a heavy jewelHiding something that one day he"ll sellBut now if no one showsThen no one tells a thingNo?Well come on now open wideOpen up nowDon"t you think it"s time?Now after all these yearsYou are at last openingWas it worth all that war just to win?And so caught up in speed of the daysAnd your sinDon"t forget how the story beginsDon"t forgetNow i"m seeing all your lovers and your enemiesBeen turning their keysSo full of needAll trying to seize that jewel you keep"What makes it shine?What makes it mine?"Well I don"t careJust come on nowOpen wideOpen up nowTheres so much love for you"ll findNow what will you find?Now after all these yearsYou are at last openingWas it worth all that war just to win?Well if it wasThen come on take me backTo where it beginsCome on take me backTo where it beginsCome on take me backTo where it beginsCome onOpen wideAnd let some light in...


1. oxhorn 牛角2. paw 爪子(四足动物)3. claw 爪子(多指鸟类)4. wool 羊毛5. pinion 鸟翼6.talon 猛兽的爪子7.fur 皮毛8.feather 皮革9.head 头10.neck 颈11.leg 腿12.eye 眼13.heart 心脏14.liver 肝脏15.intestine 肠子16.beak 喙17.muscle 肌肉18. bone 骨头

with the full rollout due early next year什么意思?



对。主体部分是Is she the girl。with long blond hair修饰the girl就直接加在后面。而且修饰hair的形容词也是先long再blond。

their hair ____ blond. 填 is 还是 are

填is 头发是不可数的 如果满意请及时采纳 谢谢!

canot start service from the command line or a debugger什么意思


英语The outlook for jobs is bleak

of 和 for都是介词 后面都是跟名词 或相当于名词的词 构成介词短语作定语时 一般 前者表示 所属关系 如 a student of our class后者表示 目的用途 如 a book for children在不定式 的复合结构中 注意 for sb to do 与 of sb to do 的区别前者 是 物性 如 it is important for you to study english后者 是 人性 如 it is kind of you to help me study english也就是 you与 前面的形容词 有主表关系 必须用of

the buddha's birthday什么意思


The Hell Song 歌词

歌曲名:The Hell Song歌手:Sum 41专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 13Artist: Sum 41Title: The Hell SongEverbody"s got their problems,everybody says the samething to you.It"s just a matter how you solve them,and knowing how to change the things you"ve been through.I feel I"ve come to realize,How fast life can be compromised.Step back to see what"s going on,I can"t believe this happened to you.This happened to you.It"s just a problem that we"re faced with, am Inot the only one who hates to stand by.Complications ended first in this linewith all these pictures running through my mind.Knowing endless consequences,I feel so useless in this.Get back, step back and as for me, I can"t believe.Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I don"t feel so insecure.Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I don"t feel so insecure anymore.Everbody"s got their problems,everybody says the samething to you.It"s just a matter how you solve them,What is always suppose to do?Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I dont feel so insecure.Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I dont feel so insecure anymore.Why do things that matter the mostNever end up being what we choseNow that I find no way so badI don"t think I knew what I hadWhy do things that matter the mostNever end up being what we choseNow that I find no way so badI don"t think I knew what I had. . . .

Warning You have insecure in the lanch optio

警告:你有在选项将阻止您连接到VAC保护的服务器不安全系统禁止了你的活动 当然也就没反应了 如果LZ用了修改器 那么 重装吧 如果平白无故的出现,退出再试一次 要不解决方法是在启动文件(left4dead2.exe)加上后缀把它改成left4dead2.exe -steam把它改成的是left4dead2.exe+空格+-steam的啊别忘了中间的空格,不然游戏就启动不了

the operation is insecure 怎么解决


请教MySQL Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.告警提示!!!

建立mysql host groups组模板是 zabbix系统提供的,进入 zabbix web 后台,Configuration-->Hosts groups-->点击“Create host group”-->选择template选项卡,选择模板“TemplateApp MySQL,Templdate OS Linux”,最后点击update 即可(032.png)2,建立hosts模板是 zabbix系统提供的,进入zabbix web 后台,configuration-->hosts-->点击你的主机 name-->选择template选项卡,选择模板“Template App MySQL”,最后点击左边的“Add”按钮,最后点击“update”按钮即可(033.png)3,rpm部署agent客户端rpm方式安装:# 添加zabbix帐号groupadd zabbixuseradd zabbix -g zabbix -s /sbin/nologin

玩求生之路2进入游戏后出现一个warning:you have "-insecure" in the options w

用我启动 游戏

求生之路2一登上去有一段英文,玩不了 you have insecure in the lau

这个简单,因为你打开的是快捷方式,所以你把你的快捷方式改一下就好了。右键快捷方式选择属性。然后再“目标”一栏的一串字母后面输入 -steam注意了-steam之前有一个空格。你可以直接复制我上面输的我加过空格了。然后应用,确定就好。

some people like bland food,while others have a heavy taste.这是什么意思啊?

Some people like bland food, while others have a heavy taste。意为:有些人喜欢清淡的食物,有些人的口味却很重。bland:adj. 温和的,和蔼的;平和的;味道温和的;无动于衷的。eg:It tasted bland and insipid, like warmed cardboa。扩展资料:与bland意思相似的单词:1、mild adj 温和的,温柔的,温暖的,暖和的,味淡的,不浓烈的,轻微的,不重,宽大的eg:rice mild n. 牛奶糊mild tasting adj. 味道清淡的,口感温和的,味淡的mild clay 软质粘土mild mannered adj. 温和的,温柔的2、短语:as mild as milkas mild as milk 十分温和in mild disposition 性格温和mild dehydration 轻度失水mild disinfectant 软性消毒剂

battle of the bulge是什么意思


the biased cpi是什么意思

偏颇的CPI是什么意思重点词汇释义biased有偏见的; 有偏的; 结果偏倚的; 使存偏见(bias的过去式和过去分词)cpicrash position indicator 失事位置指示器; crash position indication 应急的位置指示器; clutch pitching index 离合器俯仰指数; characters per inch 每英寸字符数




To call one"s bluff是揭露某人虚张声势的做法。美国新惯用语。

1.They are from ( )(Italian ) ,they are ( ). (Italian )

Italy意大利【国名】ItaliansWhat do you like?friendlyYes, they do.祝你进步!

ij 和whether怎么用,区别

if是否,可与whether互换,但下列情况只能用whetherwhether放句首whether to dowhether。。。or notwhether与discuss连用介词+whether此外,if还可作“如果”,构成条件状语从句

tin前加什么介词 the words ______ the tin . 中间要用什么介词

TIN这里应该是罐子的意思. 本来可以有sth in the tin,但是考虑到你句子是WORDS,WORDS不可能在罐子里面装着啊,所以我认为应该是on,翻译为罐子上写的那些字句. 还有一些例句给你看看 1.Is that box made of tin or steel? 这个箱子是白铁皮做的还是钢做的? 2.Food is tinned to preserve it. 把食品装罐加以保存. 3.An alloy composed of lead,tin,and zinc. 铅锡锌化合物由铅、锡和锌组成的一种合金 4.I dropped some small change into the collecting tin. 我把一些硬币投进募捐罐里了. 5.He tried to hoick the meat out of the tin with a fork. 他试著用叉子把罐头里的肉使劲叉出来. 6.The paint had solidified in the tin. 罐子里的颜料已经乾了. 7.I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin. 我看见她手指还在饼乾盒里呢.

7. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period


求the zephyr song歌词,要中英文的,有的发下,谢谢!

抱歉,只找到英文歌词,没有找到中文的。。。Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Zephyr SongCan I get your hand to write onJust a piece of lead to bite onWhat am I to fly my kite onDo you want to flash your light onTake a look its on display - for youComing down no not todayDid you meet your fortune tellerGet it off with no propellorDo it up it"s always stellarWhat a way to finally smell herPick it up it"s not to strong - for youTake a piece and pass it onFly away on my ZephyrI feel it more then everAnd in this perfect weatherWe"ll find a place togetherFly on my wingRiddlin on liberatorFind a way to be a skaterRev it up to levitatorSuper mainly aviatorTake a look its on display - for youComing down no not todayIn the water where the scent of my emotionAll the world will pass me byFly away on my ZephyrWe"ll find a place togetherWhoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - do youYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahWhoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - won"t youYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahIn the water where the scent of my emotionAll the world will pass me byFly away on my ZephyrWe"re gonna live foreverForever

behind和at the back of的区别

behind是一个介系词,表示在什么东西的后面,是源于古英语的字,强调方向和位置的后面,如:When the modal verb "can" is in the positive form, the stress is usually at the verb behind the back of是in the front of的反义字,表示在一样东西的后部,在一样东西内部的后部,比如Jack sits at the back of the classroom.



The trumpet player was certainly loud.

B) more than

That trumpet player was certainly loud.But I was not bothered by his loudness__ by his lack of talen

so much as,因为前面已经有not,所以不能用rather than

Play the trumpet 的意思是什么?



“play the trumpet ”是什么意思?“play the trumpet ”是吹喇叭,吹小号的意思。trumpet  n. 喇叭;小号。例句:1.He plays the violin, but I play the trumpet.翻译:他拉提琴,我吹喇叭。2.Can you play a song on the trumpet? 翻译:你可以用小号吹首曲子吗?3.Do you play any other instrument besides the trumpet? 翻译:你除了会吹小号外还会演奏其他乐器吗?


“play the trumpet ”是什么意思?“play the trumpet ”是吹喇叭,吹小号的意思。trumpet  n. 喇叭;小号。例句:1.He plays the violin, but I play the trumpet.翻译:他拉提琴,我吹喇叭。2.Can you play a song on the trumpet? 翻译:你可以用小号吹首曲子吗?3.Do you play any other instrument besides the trumpet? 翻译:你除了会吹小号外还会演奏其他乐器吗?




play the trumpet吹喇叭吹喇叭例句:1.No one could play the trumpet like he did. 没有人能够像他那样吹喇叭.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

请问吹号的英语是play the trumpet还是blow the trumpet?

blow the trumpet


Zip is in the bedroom.Zip在卧室里。主系表结构

either是什么意思 解析英语中的either用法?

3. either...or...结构总的来说,either是一个非常常用的词汇,它的含义和用法非常多样化。在使用中,我们需要根据具体的语境来理解它的意思。- Either of these books is good.(这两本书任何一本都不错。)当either用作代词时,它的含义是“任何一个(人或物)”。比如:- I don"t like coffee, and I don"t like tea either.(我不喜欢咖啡,也不喜欢茶。)- Either way is okay with me.(任何一种方式对我来说都可以。)


He is listening to music in the room.他正在房间里听音乐。


Can you walk there every morning?


the man isn"t behind drawr


《The Crimson Rooms》(by Katharine McMahon)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:ad9l书名:The Crimson Rooms作者:by Katharine McMahon出版社:Putnam Adult出版年份:2010页数:384内容简介:In the spirit of Sarah Waters and Geraldine Brooks, a dramatic mystery about love, secrets, and discovery in post-World War I London. Still haunted by the death of her only brother, James, in the Great War, Evelyn Gifford is completely unprepared when a young nurse and her six-year-old son appear on the Giffords" doorstep one night. The child, the nurse claims, is James"s, conceived in a battlefield hospital. The grief-stricken Giffords take them both in; but Evelyn, a struggling attorney, must now support her entire family-at a time when work for women lawyers is almost nonexistent. Suddenly a new case falls in Evelyn"s lap: Seemingly hopeless, it"s been abandoned by her male coworkers. The accused-a veteran charged with murdering his young wife- is almost certain to die on the gallows. . . . And yet, Evelyn believes he is truly innocent, just as she suspects there may be more to the story of her "nephew" than meets the eye. . .

signature of the referee是什么意思

signature of the referee[英][ˈsiɡnitʃə ɔv ðə ˌrefəˈri:][美][ˈsɪɡnətʃɚ ʌv ði ˌrɛfəˈri][体]裁判员签名;

The Glass Prison 歌词

The Glass Prison歌手:Dream Theater发行时间:2002-01-21专辑《Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence》Music: Dream TheaterCunning, Baffling, PowerfulBeen beaten to a pulpVigorous, IrresistableSick and tired and laid lowDominating, InvincibleBlack-out, loss of controlOverwhelming, UnquenchableI"m powerless, have to let goI can"t escape itIt leaves me frail and wornCan no longer take itSenses tattered and tornHopeless surrenderObsession"s got me beatLosing the will to liveAdmitting complete defeatFatal DescentSpinning aroundI"ve gone too farTo turn back roundDesperate attemptStop the progressionAt any lengthLift this obsessionCrawling to my glass prisonA place where no one knowsMy secret lonely world beginsSo much safer hereA place where I can goTo forget about my daily sinsLife here in my glass prisonA place I once called homeFall in nocturnal bliss againChasing a long lost friendI no longer can controlJust waiting for this hopelessness to endRun - fast from the wreckage of the pastA shattered glass prison wall behind meFight - past walking through the ashesA distant oasis before meCry - desperate crawling on my kneesBegging God to please stop the insanityHelp me - I"m trying to believeStop wallowing in my own self pity"We"ve been waiting for you my friendThe writing"s been on the wallAll it takes is a little faithYou know you"re the same as us all"Help me - I can"t break out this prison all aloneSave me - I"m drowning and I"m hopeless on my ownHeal me - I can"t restore my sanity aloneEnter the doorDesperateFighting no moreHelp me restoreTo my sanityAt this temple of hopeI need to learnTeach me howSorrow to burnHelp me returnTo humanityI"ll be fearless and thoroughTo enter this temple of hopeBelieveTranscend the painLiving the lifeHumilityOpened my eyesThis new odysseyOf rigorous honestySerenityI never knewSoundness of mindHelped me to findCourage to changeAll the things that I can"We"ll help you perform this miracleBut you must set your past freeYou dug the hole, but you can"t bury your soleOpen your mind and you"ll see"Help me - I can"t break out this prison all aloneSave me - I"m drowning and I"m hopeless on my ownHeal me - I can"t restore my sanity aloneWay off in the distance I saw a doorI tried to openI tried forcing with all of my will and stillThe door wouldn"t openUnable to trust in my faithI turned and walked awayI looked around, felt a chill in the airTook my will and turned it overThe glass prison which once held me is now goneA long lost fortressArmed only with libertyAnd the key of my willingnessFell down on my knees and prayed"Thy will be done"I turned around, saw a light shining throughThe door was wide open

求神学院the gift汉化下载迅雷地址,直接有更好啊,各位道友帮帮忙!

http://百度pan.b网盘的可以么s/1bnD35qZ 提取码:tpub

org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPProcessingException : First Element must contain the local name, Envelope

String srvcUrl = ""; 将后面的?wsdl去掉

请问: suckle oneself in the best sence 分别是什么意思?


求改英语句子They will feel a sence of release


英语改错。10处 A terrible accident happened at the corn

楼上错了carrying是trunk的状态,没有错。in a very high speed 错,应该是at a very high speed

求改英语句子They will feel a sence of release .


用pspice仿真这个电路图,总显示收敛性问题:Convergence problem in bias point calculation These voltag



我举个例子你就明白了,比如求和:1+2+...+n+.....,这显然是不收敛的。输入命令如下:Sum[n, {n, 1, Infinity}]Mathematica会输出一个橙黄色的提示:Sum::div: Sum does not converge.翻译成中文就是,求和不收敛.

大侠帮忙,LISREL求助,提示the model does not converge

the model does not converge的中文翻译_百度翻译the model does not converge 该模型不收敛全部释义和例句试试人工翻译the model does not conve的中文翻译_百度翻译the model does not conve 该模型不一致全部释义和例句试试人工翻译


具体解决我还不清楚 不过看到有人说细化网格这是绝对不对的,我之前网格少的时候就不会出现这样的问题 现在网格细化了才出现的,原因可能是接触的原因,我看了下NEWEQ MSG 发现有节点进入到刚性模具体面,还有可能是材料的原因,我的材料温度范围是300-500 我设置的坯料温度为475,这样在计算的过程中,材料的温度会上升到700多,故可能会出现上述的问题,不过我的是开始的时候就出现了上述的问题。

大学数学题~ Does the series converge? If it does, try to find the sum

其实这题可以等化为求和。Answer: It does.∵∑n=1→∞ n/2^n=1/2^1+2/2^2+3/2^3+...+(n-1)/2^(n-1)+n/2^n,(1)∴(∑n=1→∞ n/2^n)/2=1/2^2+2/2^3+3/2^4+...+(n-1)/2^n+n/2^(n+1),(2)∴(1)-(2),(∑n=1→∞ n/2^n)/2=1/2+1/2^2+1/2^3+...+1/2^n-n/2^(n+1)=(1/2)[1-(1/2)^n]/(1-1/2)-n/2^(n+1)=1-(1/2)^n-n/2^(n+1)=1-2/2^(n+1)-n/2^(n+1)=1-(2+n)/2^(n+1),∴∑n=1→∞ n/2^n =2-(2+n)/2^nthe sum is:2-(2+n)/2^n.

大学数学题~ Does the series converge? If it does, try to find the sum

Un/U(n+1)=2-2/(n+2) 2>1 so the series converge .U1=1/2U(n+1)/Un = 1/2+1/(2n) 2U(n+1)=(1+1/n)Un=Un +(1/n)*(n/2^n) =Un+1/(2^n)2S(n+1)-2U1 = Sn+(1/2+......+1/(2^n))=Sn+(1-1/(2^n))Sn=2-(n+2)/(2^n)晕死,书写太麻烦,你在核算一遍哈。

Find The Time 歌词

歌曲名:Find The Time歌手:Five Star专辑:Greatest HitsFind The TimeGet Cape. Wear Cape. Flylyrics By Larry Chengwe make lists, we make plansto write books, to form bandsor to move to kreuzburgand escape into the nightso pack your bags and lets take controlyou and me lets gothe next time that you"re lonely,or the next time that you"re why-hyy?so whyyyy-hyyy?so whyyyyy-hyyy?if we can make the plans can we just not find the time?don"t get me wrong i know it"s hardand the good things never last.and yet theres no point in waitin for a miracle to save your took the time to find what"s real,and amongst the baggage that you feelis holding you back, the demons cast why-hyy?so whyyyy-hyyy?so whyyyyy-hyyy?if we can make the plans can we just not find the time?safe way is notthe safe way is notthe way to live your lifeyour light is beautiful don"t let the daydreams die!don"t let the daydreams die!so why-hyy?so whyyyy-hyyy?so whyyyyy-hyyy?if we can make the plans can we just not find the tiiiiiiii-me?so whyyyy-hyyy?so whyyyyy-hyyy?if we can make the plans can we just not find the time?Larry Cheng ~~share with you~~find more hits in my blog : )



When he arrived, he found Minor locked in a book-lined cell at the Broadmoor Asylum


The End Of The Line 歌词

歌曲名:The End Of The Line歌手:Metallica专辑:Broken, Beat & ScarredMetallica - The End Of The LineNeedMore and moreTainted miseryBleedBattle scarsChemical affinityReignLegacyInnocence corrodeStainRot awayCatatonic overloadChokeAsphyxiaSnuff realityScorchKill the lightIncinerate celebrityReaperButcheryKarma amputeeBloodlineBreeding fineDeath contagious deityHooked into this deceiverNeed more and moreInto the endless feverNeed more and moreNew consequence machineBurn through all your gasolineAsylum overtimeNever mindYou reach the end of the lineTimeChoke the clockSteal another dayDieFaithfullyNarcissistic fade awayTwistedJump the railShout at the crowd belowBreakerChase the ghostThe latest high to all time lowHooked into this deceiverNeed more and moreInto the endless feverNeed more and moreNew consequence machineBurn through all your gasolineAsylum overtimeNever mindYou reach the end of the lineDrop the hourglass of timeSpinning sand we will not findAs we gather here todayWe bid farewellThe slave becomes the masterThe slave becomes the masterThe slave becomes the masterThe slave becomes the masterNeed more and moreRight now and ever afterNeed more and moreNew consequence machineBurn through all your gasolineAsylum overtimeNever mindDead hourglass of timeSand we will not ever findWe gather here todaySay goodbye"Cause you"ve reached the end of the lineThe end of the lineThe end of the lineThe end of the lineYou"ve reached the end of the line



what does the underlined word "RSVP"probably mean in chinese?

就是这个意思:如果您接受我的邀请,请您回复! 回复的方式可以自行选择!


present动词读音和名词不同【pri"zent】v.提出, 赠送, 呈现 【例句】Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.利息一下降给公司带来了一个新的问题。How many people were present at the meeting?有多少人出席会议?He presented her with a bunch of flowers.他献给她一束花。===供朋友参考


asylum 庇护所;(旧指)精神病院The Asylum The Asylum公司成立于1997年,创办人大卫·迈克尔·拉特、大卫·里马维和雪莉·斯特兰。靠山寨电影立足于好莱坞。
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