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NT 调整者 变革者 x-rounder 阿赖耶识哪种能力最强?

新人类比较厉害,调整者只是更改基因让自己变得更强而已,初始值比较高;而变革者(纯粹变革者)则是人类自我进化的产物,拥有更聪慧的大脑和更灵敏的反应。自带技能光盘眼; 新人类基础属性就相当高,高IQ,低EQ,有着超快的反应和小部分的预知,还能远距离感应其他新人类。高达简介:《机动战士高达》自1979年登场以来,已成为日本卡通作品中最著名、最经久不衰、最庞大的系列 (机动战士高达0079与“宇宙战舰大和号”“EVA”并称为日本SF动画的3大里程碑)。

the rounder off error 是什么意思?

你应该是打错了吧,这个是数学或计算机里的术语,round-off error,意思如下:round-off error1. 【数学】舍入误差2. 【计算机】进位错误 (指计算机将十进制数和二进制数互转时产生的错误)希望能帮到你,别忘了采纳下,谢谢啦


rounder的中文解释是"使成圆形、惯犯",其中文解释还有"巡视"的意思,在线读音是["raundu04d9],rounder是一个英语介词。rounder的翻译:1.使成圆形例句:Folks said that he was a rounder, a drunkard, a troubadour.翻译:人们说他是个浪子 酒鬼 民谣歌手。2.惯犯例句:The rounder it is, the more hydrophobic it is, and if it"s really round, it"s superhydrophobic.翻译:水滴越圆,越疏(防)水。 如果水滴非常圆的话,就叫超疏水了。3.拐过、巡视例句:Rounder, you get an "A" for enthusiasm, but an "F" for technique.翻译:老油条 你的热情得"A" 你的技术得"F"。rounder一般作为介词、副词、带刺、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在pill rounder(药丸成形机)、grounder neutral(接地)、grounder pole(接地电杆)等常见短语中出现较多。

英语undertake a task怎么翻译?

undertake a task 字面意思‘承担一项任务(使命/项目)"都可以的。


underground地下的 underwrite在…下面写 underline划线于…下 undersea在海底 undermine破坏,损坏 underling下属 underclothing内衣裤 underwear内衣 扩展资料   underestimate估计不足(under+estimate估计)   underplay对…轻描淡写(under+play玩→没玩够→说得不够的)   underpopulated人口稀少的(under+populated有人住的)   underdeveloped不发达的(under+developed发展→发展不够)   undersized不够大的"(under+sized大的→不够大的)   underagent副代理人(under+agent代理人)   underofficer下级官员(under+officer官员)


undergraduate n.大学肆业生 underground adj.地下的 undergrowth n. 下层丛林,生于大树下的矮树 underhand a. 秘密的,下投的,欺瞒的 underhanded adj. 不光明的,卑鄙的 underlie vi. 构成...的基础 underline vt.着重;预告 扩展资料   underling n. 下属,手下   underlying adj. 根本的",基础的;下层的;优先的;   undermentioned adj. 下述的   undermine v. 破坏,损坏   underneath ad.在下面,在底下   undernourished a.营养不良   underpin v. 加固;支持   underplay v. 表演不充分,对...轻描淡写   underrate vt. 低估,估计过低,看轻   underscore vt. 强调,加强   undersell vt. 以低于市价售出,抛售   undershirt n. 汗衫

怎样区别undermine destroy sabotage weaken?

(1)sabotage=deliberately damage or destroy一般接具体的被破坏的物体undermine接的是抽象事物(如reputation)(2)weaken v.削弱, (使)变弱 make sth become weak.:The more serious illness weakens her body greatly


undermine召唤石作用是敌人的生命值以及伤害翻倍。巫术效果:1、齐格飞的折磨(唯一需要解锁的巫术)每进入下一层都会获得一种无法销毁的诅咒,顾名思义,这是齐格飞盾牌的诅咒,这种巫术被流传下来,其巫术蓝图就在异界矿井里面,要先解过一次齐格飞诅咒一轮后,才能在下一次异界矿井的选择大厅中获得。2、无尽孤寂一整轮都不会出现圣物房间。3、冒险家的危机你生命值永远只有一点,遭受到任何伤害即死,我试过这个巫术,你即使拥有增加最大生命值的圣物都不会增加,不存在增加或减少最大生命值手段,建议最好拿些有护甲的圣物,带幻影同伴,否则死亡是很容易的。4、霜咬无法获得治疗,但估计是一律哪种治疗都不会回血的,提高最大生命值可能会是好手段。5、盗贼的最后通牒使永久升级完全无效,其实就跟异界矿井不拿任何升级装备一样道理,吃食物升级/炸弹升级/药水升级/装备升级一律都不会有,都会变回最原始状态,如果你使用这巫术去通关打第一区到第五区,则可以获得不升级的成就。《地下矿工》新手攻略进阶技巧:本游戏可以大致分为三种输出方式,近战、远程和炸弹,就体验来说,近战强于远程,而炸弹流是垫底的(比较吃遗物,dps低,暴毙几率高)。个人更加偏好于近战流,这一点仁者见仁,选择了一个流派之后,就不建议打造其他流派的遗物,祝福和宠物同理。整个游戏还剩下了最后一个需要了解的体系:药水。下面就来介绍一个后期较强的套路。这个套路的成型的核心药是彩虹,它可以复制房间内除了遗物外的所有物品,包括药水、祝福。需要的药水不止彩虹,需要roll机药和食物复制药水(回血药),前者继续刷出彩虹药,进行复制工作,后者回复血量,连续6次使用同一roll机需要大概1000血,可能还是刷不出另一瓶彩虹。这也就要求场上的药水越多越好,而基本上,一个商店里最多会卖出3瓶药水,算上彩虹的复制也就六瓶,显然不够,如果算上自带的瓶中瓶药水,在没有药水宝的情况下,也只是多提供了6瓶药水,而且roll的次数不够多,吃完房间里的食物,大概也只能roll 5次。比较保险的做法是带两瓶彩虹,运气要好,或者解锁出全能药水,但是它的解锁极为麻烦,要集齐5个碎片。启动是三瓶roll机药水,一瓶彩虹,一个瓶中瓶,关键遗物:缩小器+回收机,缩小器能开大箱子出小箱子,增加场上的药水数量,回收机炸掉开完的箱子后,也有概率出药水,药水宝喝自己带的药,也有可能掉药水,续航方面关键遗物在于剩饭残羹和金牙。药水多到一定程度后就可以开始下一步了(保证场上至少有一个roll机)。

句子的主谓宾分别是什么?这是由 under 引导的什么从句?

本句不是从句,就是一个简单句。句子的主干部分在逗号后面。主语Susan;谓语worked;宾语long hours;时间状语often。谓语work是不及物动词,本是不可以直接接宾语的,需要有介词,介词后再接宾语,这个句子里worked 后面应该有介词for,但是没有也对。Under intense pressure to keep the bank"s investments profitable是本句的原因状语,under是介词,后面接宾语intense pressure,to keep the bank"s investments profitable是pressure的后置定语,由动词不定式构成。

为什么“around here ”连读起来是“arountere ”而不是“aroundere”?



答:learn, study ,understand1. learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味。learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门技能等。 如 learn music, learn new words, learn to skate, learn from experience, learn from Lei Feng 2. study为“学习,研究”,强调学习的过程,指深入系统地学习,带有努力,勤奋的意味。其学习对象往往是科学,艺术和需要深入探讨,研究的问题及学科,不是单纯地获得技巧。如:study medicine, study science, study a map, study engineering, study painting。 下列句子中的learn 和 study均不能互换: If you study hard, you"ll learn the language well. 如果你努力学习的话,你会把这门语言学好。 He learned traditional Chinese medicine from a famous Chinese doctor. 他跟随一位著名的中国医生学习中医。 She studied late at night. 她晚上学习到很晚。 He is studying the problem of X-rays. 他正在研究X射线的问题。 3.在指某学科的“学习”时,或在不需要强调两者的区别时, learn 和study可以换用。如: How long have you learned/ studied Japanese? 你学习日语有多久了? We must keep on learning/ studying if we do not want to lag behind the times. 如果我们不想落在时代后面的话,就必须不断学习。懂得;熟悉I can"t understand classical literature. 我不懂古典文学。Do you understand Spain? 你懂西班牙语吗?The porter, however, could not understand me. 可是,那个搬运工人听不懂我的话。Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. 接着他说得慢了,但是我听不懂他的话。The English understand each other, but I don"t understand them! 英国人彼此间听得懂,可我就是听不懂他们的话!了解A good teacher must understand children. 一个好的老师应该了解孩子们。知道;获悉;听说I understand you"re coming to work for us. 我听说你要到我们这儿来工作。意味着;被理解为不言而喻



under wraps什么意思

under wraps受限制,受约束,被拘禁; 秘密的; 不泄露; 受约束; 双语例句同反义词1“ We know how unpopular it is, because they have to keep the guidelines themselves under wraps. ”“我们知道它有多么的不受欢迎,是因为他们必须将他们的指导方针保密。”2A fine does not rebuild confidence but erodes it dramatically because the public is aware that the truth remains under wraps.这样的罚款不仅不能重树信心,反而会对公众的信心造成重创,因为真相仍然被掩盖了。

kept under wraps

keep sth under wraps 是一个短语,wrap本身是包装的意思 整个短语的意思是 把...保密




task 是可数名词,指分配的任务,一般指比较困难的任务。undertaking 表示任务时,和事业有关

边走边悟,且行且惜 Understand while walking, and do and cherish

清晨,独自行走,耳畔响起:“春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪,若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。好来好往好聚首,春去秋来再团圆,苦尽甘来人自省,平平淡淡悟一生。” 谁说不是:人海漂泊,边走边悟,边悟边省。年华似水,汲汲奔走,悟一生,一生悟。 Early in the morning, walking alone, the ear sounded: "there are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter. If there is no business to worry about, it is a good time on earth. Good come and good go together, spring and autumn will reunite again, and people will reflect on themselves and realize their life." Who says not: wandering in the sea of people, understanding while walking and saving while understanding. Time is like water, swaying and running, realizing life, realizing life. 有人说,少年如溪,青年如河,中年如湖,老年如海。坎坷人生路,风雨几十载,历尽世事沧桑,阅尽人间百态,心量越活越大,心胸愈活愈阔,心境越活越淡,最后海纳百川,有容乃大,我想,这当是人生的最高境界,也是生命的最后圆满。 少年壮志不识愁,中年心静万事休。漫漫人生,跌跌撞撞,不知不觉,行至中年,渐渐悟出,人活到最后,真正想要的,莫过于一份真真切切的安稳与踏实,心安才身安。 有时候,以为天快要塌下来,其实是自己站歪了;有时候,总有无边落木萧萧下的落寞,其实是自己无可名状的情愫作祟。有时候,很容易感动得汹涌澎湃,很容易触景生情,有时候却麻木得像根木头。终是明了,心情不是人生的全部,却能左右人生的全部。 Some people say that youth is like a river, youth is like a river, middle age is like a lake, and old age is like a sea. After decades of ups and downs in life, I have experienced the vicissitudes of the world and read all the forms of the world. The more I live, the wider my heart is, and the lighter my mood is. Finally, I accept all rivers and have capacity. I think this should be the highest realm of life and the final perfection of life. A young man"s ambition knows no sorrow, but a middle-aged man"s heart is calm and everything rests. Long life, stumble, unknowingly, go to middle age, and gradually realize that what people really want to live to the end is a real stability and sureness, and only when they feel at ease can they feel at ease. Sometimes, when you think the sky is about to fall, you actually stand askew; Sometimes, there is always the desolation of boundless falling trees, which is actually caused by their own unspeakable feelings. Sometimes, it"s easy to be moved surging, it"s easy to touch the scenery, but sometimes it"s as numb as a piece of wood. Finally, it is clear that mood is not the whole of life, but can control the whole of life. 细数流年,频频回眸,过往的千回百转到最后都成了风轻云淡的念想,曾经的风烟往事都成了茶余饭后的闲话与聊侃。人生聚散无常,生活充满变数,走过了,便从容,放下了,就轻松。 没有经历,就没有体悟;没有领悟,就不会珍惜。那些看似浅显的道理,非要亲历过,才能深悟,非要亲为过,方可领会。 那些看似清淡如水的寻常点滴,回头怀想,才顿觉值得一生追忆,终生回味。 人的一生,好多的事,好多的缘,错过就是一生。人生的棋子,一步错,步步错。有时不由地感叹,生而为人,许多的经历真的与结果无关,很多的章节只是人生故事里的小小插曲,无关初始,无关结局。 走过小半生的光阴,终是懂得,一些东西放弃了,其实根本未曾拥有过;一些东西得到了,其实也终将失去。时间总是这样,赠人阅历的同时,也把更无情的沧桑和醒悟随手相赠。 Count the fleeting years and look back frequently. The thousands of turns in the past have become light thoughts in the end. The past has become gossip and chat after dinner. Life is fickle, and life is full of variables. When you go through it, you will be calm. When you put it down, you will be relaxed. No experience, no understanding; If you don"t understand, you won"t cherish it. Those seemingly simple principles can only be deeply understood if you have experienced them personally. You can only understand them if you have done it yourself. Those ordinary drops that seem as light as water, when you look back, you suddenly feel that they are worth recalling and aftertaste all your life. People"s life, a lot of things, a lot of fate, miss is a life. The chess pieces of life are wrong step by step. Sometimes I can"t help sighing that I was born a man. Many experiences have nothing to do with the results. Many chapters are just small episodes in the life story, not the beginning or the ending. Through a small half of my life, I finally understand that some things have given up, but I haven"t owned them at all; Some things get, in fact, will eventually lose. Time is always like this. While giving experience, it also gives more ruthless vicissitudes and awakening. 人是很奇怪的动物,思绪千变万化,心情百转千回,总有悲欣交集的时候,总有美丽与哀愁比肩的时刻。是谁说:待到老去,老到一无所有的时候,就慢慢咀嚼回忆度日。 是的,人活一世,走到最后,留存心底的无非就是那些或深或浅的前尘记忆,还有那些或浓或淡的温暖与感动。或许,岁月留给了我们太多的沧桑,但始终要相信,生活给予我们最多的还是感动。 人生之旅,一路走来,你会发现,生活于我们,温暖,一直是一种牵引,感动,一直都在心动处荡起波澜。踏浪于岁月之海洋,云帆尽头,轻轻回眸,处处别有洞天,风光旖旎。 心在路上,路在心上,惟愿,伴你日升与日落,陪你走过万水千山,边走边悟,且行且惜。 People are very strange animals. Their thoughts are changeable and their moods change a thousand times. There are always moments of sadness and joy, and moments of beauty and sorrow. Who said: when you are old and have nothing, you will slowly chew your memories and live. Yes, when people live for a lifetime and come to the end, what remains at the bottom of their heart is nothing more than those deep or shallow memories of the past, as well as those thick or light warmth and moving. Perhaps, the years have left us too many vicissitudes, but always believe that what life gives us most is moving. The journey of life, along the way, you will find that living in us, warm, has always been a kind of traction, moved, has always been stirring waves in the heart. Treading on the ocean of years, at the end of the cloud sail, looking back gently, there are unique caves and beautiful scenery everywhere. The heart is on the road and the road is on the heart. I wish I could accompany you with the sunrise and sunset, walk through thousands of rivers and mountains, realize while walking, and cherish.



Never Underestimate A Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Never Underestimate A Girl歌手:Vanessa Hudgens专辑:VVanessa Hudgens - Never Underestimate A GirlAlbum: VIt takes a girl to understandJust how to winShe knows...She canI think it"s clearWho wears the pantsWhat boy...could stand...a chanceShe makes it look easyIn control completelyShe"ll get the best of you...every single...timeThought by now you"d realize you shouldNever underestimate a girlGets anything she wantsShe"s never gonna stop(You know it...we know it)Never underestimate a girlShe"s always got a planThe world is in her handsShe got the lipstickPuts it togetherBoys have it goodBut girls have it better...(watch out)Your secretary mightEnd up your bossWhether you...really like it...or notShe makes it look easyIn control control completelyShe"ll get the best of you... every single...timeThat"s right...no no no you shouldNever underestimate a girlGets anything she wantsShe"s never gonna stop(You know it...we know it)Never underestimate a girlShe"s always got a planThe world is in her handsShe might be the presidentMake all the rulesDon"t try to win the gameYou"re only gonna loseNow girls you know we got itGot it goin onWe"ve been tryin to tell them all alongListen up guysTake a little sound adviceThat"s rightHey... come on now...Oh oh, oh ohThat"s rightNo noYou should never underestimate a girlGets anything she wantsShe"s never gonna stop(You know it...we know it)Never underestimate a girlShe"s always got a planThe world is in her handsNever underestimate a girlGets anything she wantsShe"s never gonna stop(You know it...we know it)Never underestimate a girlShe"s always got a planThe world is in her hands<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/1401991


英语单词underestimate有两层含义: 做动词时,它的意思是低估,对…估计不足,对…认识不足或重视不够,轻视。 做动词时,它的意思是低估,轻视。 扩展资料   第三人称单数:underestimates;   现在分词:underestimating;   过去式:underestimated;   过去分词:underestimated   underestimate是什么意思   英语单词underestimate有两层含义:   1、做动词时,它的意思是低估,对…估计不足,对…认识不足或重视不够,轻视。   2、做动词时,它的意思是低估,轻视。第三人称单数:underestimates;现在分词:underestimating;过去式:underestimated;过去分词:underestimated   underestimate的"一般用法   1、用作及物动词,后面加名词或代词作宾语。   2、派生词:underestimation n.   underestimate例句分享   I think a lot of people still underestimate him.   我觉得很多人仍然低估了他。   We had a serious underestimate of losses in the earthquake.   你们对地震中遭受的损失估计严重不足。


低估,反义词是overestimateunderestimate 英[u02ccu028cndu0259r"estu026ameu026at] 美[u02ccu028cndu025au02c8u025bstu0259met] vt. 低估;对…估计不足;看轻;把…的价值估计过低 n. 低估;估计不足;过低评价,过低估价;轻视


underestimate是“低估; 看轻; 轻视; 对…估计不足; 把…的价值估计过低;”的意思。underestimate[英][u02ccu028cndu0259ru02c8estu026ameu026at][美][u02ccu028cndu025au02c8u025bstu0259met]vt.低估; 看轻; 对…估计不足; 把…的价值估计过低; n.低估; 轻视; 估计不足; 过低评价,过低估价; 例句:The bad news is it may be a severe underestimate.坏消息是,这个数字其实是可能严重低估了。You should never underestimate a wall. 你不能小看了这墙。


underestimate[英][u02ccu028cndu0259ru02c8estu026ameu026at][美][u02ccu028cndu025au02c8u025bstu0259met]vt.低估; 对…估计不足; 看轻; 把…的价值估计过低; n.低估; 估计不足; 过低评价,过低估价; 轻视; 第三人称单数:underestimates过去分词:underestimated现在进行时:underestimating过去式:underestimated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I learnt never to underestimate someone"s capacity for growth. 我因此了解到永远不要低估一个人成长的潜力。

英文单词 大概意思是预料之中,情理之内的,拼写有点像underestimate

Unsurprisingly - 没有惊喜,毫无疑问,预料之中,等等My mother, unsurprisingly, took me to Disneyland to celebrate my birthday.我妈妈毫无疑问得带我去了迪斯尼乐园庆祝我的生日。




undervalue 是低估价值underestimate 低估

underrate underestimate的区别?具体一些,能给例句就更好了。





underestimate[英][ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt][美][ˌʌndɚˈɛstəmet]vt.低估; 看轻; 对…估计不足; 把…的价值估计过低; n.低估; 轻视; 估计不足; 过低评价,过低估价; 第三人称单数:underestimates现在进行时:underestimating过去式:underestimated过去分词:underestimated双语例句1None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement.我们谁都不应该低估女性在事业发展过程中所面临的困难程度。


underestimate[英][u02ccu028cndu0259ru02c8estu026ameu026at][美][u02ccu028cndu025au02c8u025bstu0259met]vt.低估; 对…估计不足; 看轻; 把…的价值估计过低; n.低估; 估计不足; 过低评价,过低估价; 轻视; 第三人称单数:underestimates过去分词:underestimated现在进行时:underestimating过去式:underestimated例句:1.I learnt never to underestimate someone"s capacity for growth. 我因此了解到永远不要低估一个人成长的潜力。2.Banks greatly underestimate this risk. 银行大大低估了这种风险。


低估双语对照词典结果:underestimate[英][u02ccu028cndu0259ru02c8estu026ameu026at][美][u02ccu028cndu025au02c8u025bstu0259met]vt.低估; 看轻; 对…估计不足; 把…的价值估计过低; n.低估; 轻视; 估计不足; 过低评价,过低估价; 第三人称单数:underestimates过去分词:underestimated现在进行时:underestimating过去式:underestimated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The official house-price data tend to underestimate changes. 中国公布的官方房价数据往往会低估房价变化。


underestimate 英[u02ccu028cndu0259ru02c8estu026ameu026at] 美[u02ccu028cndu025au02c8u025bstu0259met] vt. 低估; 看轻; 对…估计不足; 把…的价值估计过低; n. 低估; 轻视; 估计不足; 过低评价,过低估价; [例句]None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement我们谁都不应该低估女性在事业发展过程中所面临的困难程度。[其他] 第三人称单数:underestimates 现在分词:underestimating过去式:underestimated 过去分词:underestimated

metro,underground,subway,这三个词有什么区别吗? 团友勿入~~~ 也不要直接复制

区别:subway:在美国是地下铁道的意思,但是在英国 subway 是地下人行通道的意思。 metro( tube 或 underground railway):指英国的地铁。 metro是"metropolitan"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"metro",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"metro" 。subway:本意是"地下的路"。现指地铁,美国通用。比如美国纽约的地铁,就是subway。underground:英美通用。本意是地下的,是形容词,是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词。如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"underground bus"。 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用underground来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了。 用法: 在英文环境中,根据各城市类似系统的发展起源与使用习惯之不同,常称为:metro(巴黎、中国大陆地区)、MRT(新加坡、台北、高雄等)、MTR(特指香港)、overground(特指地上轨道)、subway(美国及周边地区、北京)、tube(特指伦敦)或underground(特指伦敦)。渊源: 三个词汇与地铁历史息息相关。世界上首条地下铁路系统是在1863年开通的“伦敦大都会铁路”(Metropolitan Railway)。法国巴黎的巴黎地铁在1900年开通,最初的法文名字“Chemin de Fer Métropolitain”(法文直译意指“大都会铁路”)是从“Metropolitan Railway”直接译过去的,后来缩短成“métro”,所以现在很多城市轨道系统都称metro。

June dumpling brush understand那个读音不同?

June中的U发音是和其它词语中的U不同的。June中的u发音就是"u"(乌)而dumpling brush understand中的U发音都是“a”(啊)

Van Gogh Zundert to Paris这篇文章的第一段的中文翻译是?

虽然艺术史学者用了几十年梵高神秘化的传说, 他们采取什麼行动来削弱他的巨大声望。拍卖价格仍然高涨, 旅客仍超过填充凡高展览,这些仍然是星夜 无处不在的宿舍和厨房的墙壁。所以,完全是梵高的全球 神化,日本游客现在朝圣瓦兹洒 他们的亲人的骨灰在他的坟墓。什麼占了无休止的上诉 梵高的神话?它至少有两个深而有力的来源。在最 原始的水平,它提供了一个令人满意的,几乎普遍报复幻想解散 guised作为英勇牺牲的故事的艺术。任何谁曾经感到孤立 可以认同和赞赏凡高和希望,不仅为 spectac 而且,分化成赎回提出批评和怀疑亲属的耻辱。在 同时,神话提供了一个诱人的概念非常简单的艺术 产品,而不是特定的历史情况和艺术家的心血 计算,而是自发的天真和澎湃的疯狂,圣洁的傻瓜。 张开之间的差异凡高的长期遭受苦难的生活,他再次 死后的声名了显著的仍然是一个伟大的和不可否认的历史讽刺。 但是这种观点,他是一个艺术白痴学者甚至很快一扫而空 最一眼考试画家的信。它还必须删除后重新认识自己的起码的事实凡高的家庭后勤 地面,抚养,和成年早期。

”thumb”什么意思?(His wife has him under her thumb)什么意思?


我译经典老歌——Under a Violet Moon(在紫罗兰月光下)

歌手: Blackmore"s night歌词译文:真念一思 在欢快的旋律中,紫罗兰月光下,所有的精灵复苏了,忘了时间和自己的身份,在枝头,在草地,在水边,在岩石上翩翩起舞。 所有的目光在舞蹈,篝火在舞蹈,月光也在舞蹈! 听音乐的我,在这首歌里迷了路,并且不愿醒来......(来自音乐网评) (重复两遍) (重复五遍) 歌曲简介: 《Under A Violet Moon》(在紫罗兰色的月光下)是由英国吉他手Ritchie Blackmore和他的妻子Candice Night组成的夫妻乐队 Blackmore"s Night创作的歌曲,选自同名专辑。其中的音乐受到New Age、World Music、Folk及中世纪文艺复兴色彩的音乐所影响,使用的乐器有吉他、键盘、小提琴、铃鼓、曼陀铃、手风琴以及一便士哨子等,如此丰富的音乐背景与音乐配器,再加上Blackmore的吉他功力与Night的优雅嗓音,共同构筑出如诗如梦的音乐诗篇。 这首歌选自Blackmore"s Night1999年发行的专辑《Under A Violet Moon》,这张专辑涵盖了欧洲多个国家的民谣曲风,如同一场绚烂多彩的欧洲音乐巡回之旅。Under A Violet Moon是一首匈牙利民谣曲风的歌曲,欢快的旋律,配上Blackmore清亮的吉他和Night醇美的歌声,有着浓郁的文艺复兴时期的复古之美与清新、淡雅的人文气息。 Blackmore"s Night是一支夫妻档的中世纪民谣乐队,乐队的名字就是他们夫妻名字的组合。主唱Candice Night声音柔美,曾经担任Deep Purple、Rainbow等多支乐队许多歌曲的和声。乐队的吉他手是曾经的Deep Purple、Rainbow乐队的主音吉他手Ritchie Blackmore,因此在他们的专辑中可以听到非常出色的吉它Solo。 Candice在1997年出任R.Blackmore《Shadow of the Moon》专辑的主唱,由此开始了Blackmore‘s Night致力于收集与创作世界各地优美旋律和音乐的历程。 在这张专辑中,Ritchie用原声木吉他弹奏出动人心弦的旋律,同时运用了各种中世纪乐器----曼陀铃,键盘,锡哨,提琴,铃鼓,军鼓,手摇风琴,营造出一种浓厚的中世纪复古气息。每次聆听,都让我仿佛回到了中世纪远古魔幻、神奇的年代,每一个音符都带着神秘、安宁之美…… 歌手简介 提到英国的Ritchie Blackmore,就意味着得再次翻看Deep Purple(深紫)与Rainbow(彩虹)的历史。1968年Blackmore和朋友一起组建了深紫,在此期间奠定了其无人替代的新古典(前卫)吉它大师地位,1975年离队组建彩虹,1993年更名为Ritchie Blackmore"s Rainbow,1997年和他的妻子Candice Night组成的一个夫妻音乐组合,虽然他们的年龄相差了26岁,可是音乐确丝毫不影响这些。 更多精彩内容, 尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

《under the violet moon》的歌手是谁?

《Under A Violet Moon》(在紫罗兰色的月光下)是由英国吉他手Ritchie the wood is shaved down between the frets.[wife Candice Night formed the

翻译 this credit has been issued by RABO TSL, under confirmation of BABOBANK NEDERLAND




英语a very underrated hidden gem怎么翻译?

a very underrated hidden gem 应该翻译成一块被低估了的宝石

police undercover informant是什么意思?

police undercover informant全部释义和例句>> 警方秘密报案


杨千桦和吴彦祖的搭配恰到好处的满足了普通女性观众比如我的yy美梦,深情的王子和大笑姑婆在情意萌动的新扎师妹1里挣足认同,许绍雄的慈父上司和黄浩然的倒霉同事都是笑点,到了2情节固然弱化,然而爱情的比重闪光还是让人点了头。02 这部3我本来是充满了期待。开头的探望“孙子”铺排也是枪战片的搞笑节奏,对方丽娟和阿文作一个交待,在车祸前的五人画面里,好像漫画分镜地呈现,我一直觉得香港电影里的绿叶是.… []

Need for Speed Undercover停止工作

是不是没导入注册表? 有可能是以下问题: 1.你的JP下载就有问题,建议你再下一个 2.你的JP与你的硬件不兼容,JP飞车12的配置要求蛮高的,很有可能是你的显卡更不上,建议升级硬件

求美国乡村音乐女歌手 Taylor swift 和 Carrie underwood特别好听的几首歌曲?

Taylor swift 的1.love story 2.stay beautiful 3 .white horse 4.you belong with me 5.the outside 6.Tim Mcgraw 7.our song8.pictures to burn 9.fifteen 10.invisible 11.Teardrops on My Guitar 12.cold as you 13.the best day14.Crazier 15.breath Carrie underwood的1.just a dream 2.change 3.cowboy casanova 4.quitter 5.this time 6.before he cheats 7.play on 8.jesus take the wheel 9.temporary home 10.i told you so 11.undo it 12.inside your heaven 13.someday when i stop loving you 14.don"t forget to remember me 15.ever ever after 16.whenever you remember 17.wasted 18.what can i say 19.so small 20.unapologize 21.look at me 22.starts with goodbye 23.last name 24.twisted 25.all-american girl 26.lessons learned 27.flat on the floor 28.i just can"t live a lie 29.crazy dreams 30.we"re young and beautiful 31.some hearts 32.get out of this town 33.songs like this 34.the more boys i meet








《卧底》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vl-LxTxoHzr1B2dvUkCjkA 提取码:wc0h编剧: 彼得·莫法特主演: 艾德里安·莱斯特 / 苏菲·奥康内多类型: 剧情 / 惊悚制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语首播: 2016-04-03(英国)集数: 6单集片长: 60分钟又名: 卧底IMDb: tt5057932 卧底丑闻的剧情简介 · · · · · ·这部剧讲述了玛雅的故事,她是一位充满活力和激情的大律师,第一位即将成为检察长的黑人。正当玛雅的生活受到公众的密切关注时,她发现她的丈夫、孩子的父亲尼克多年来一直在对她撒谎。

2019.4kali linux退出kali undercover后怎么恢复原来的桌面?


undercover Eva联名新世纪福音战士夹克是夜光的吗




请高手们帮忙给水树奈奈的undercover这首歌中的汉字标上假名,谢了!!歌词如下:「undercover」 作词∶藤

undercover歌手 水树奈々 あなたの隣(とな)り眠(ねむ)ってるフリどこかで远(とお)くサイレンが鸣(な)る午前(ごぜん)1时(じ)の心拍(しんぱく)数(すう)は梦见(ゆめみ)る为(ため)には 速(はや)すぎる触(ふ)れているのに冷(つめ)たく远(とお)くわかる违和感(いわかん) 肌(はだ)の感覚(かんかく)绽(ほころ)びは微(かす)かであるほどに大(おお)きく映(うつ)るものその瞳(ひとみ) 记忆(きおく)してる隠(かく)し事(ごと)を 见(み)せないよう私(わたし)の目(め)に 横颜(よこがお)だけ见(み)つめさせる取(と)り乱(みだ)し 想(おも)いをぶつけてすべてを壊(こわ)したい二度(にど)と元(もと)に 戻(もど)れぬほど愚(おろ)かに 失(しつ)なってみたい安(やす)らかなその吐息(といき)谁(だれ)にも渡(わた)せない爱(あい)しながら 伤(きず)つけたい泣(な)き方(かた)を教(おし)えて何(なに)かあることあなたと彼女(かのじょ)そんなことずっと気(き)がついてるやがて晴(は)れ渡(わた)る にわか雨(あめ)なら待(ま)てると思(おも)うだけ疑(うたが)いも持(も)たない程(ほど)秽(けが)れのない 私(わたし)が好(す)き?きっとそうね 演(えん)じながら侧(がわ)にいるわ一息(ひといき)にとどめさすような言叶(ことば)を密(ひそ)やかに心(こころ)の奥(おく) 爱(あい)の形(かたち)织(お)り上(あ)げ あなたにあげましょう过(す)ごした时间(じかん)分(ぶん)の私(わたし)を守(まも)るため爱(あい)しながら 伤(きず)つけたい冷(つめ)たく热(あつ)いLove&Hate取(と)り乱(みだ)し 想(おも)いをぶつけてすべてを壊(こわ)したい二度(にど)と元(もと)に 戻(もど)れぬほど愚(おろ)かに 失(しつ)なってみたい安(やす)らかなその吐息(といき)谁(だれ)にも渡(わた)せない爱(あい)しながら 伤(きず)つけたい泣(な)き方(かた)を教(おし)えて


Undercover《卧底》热血无赖---H-Klubyoyo~ check it out~ oh~ 究竟我自己系边个? 连我自己都唔清楚! 女声: 地下里呢系黑暗游走惩治我身份的一个人 暴力里展开新既人生你早已把所有所有都抛诸脑后 男声: 摩托穿梭每个街头奔驰转个转角拼写我街头既故事 灯红酒绿既夜周围既狼虎视住你 一举一动问住你跟住尾 你选择反抗定系逃避佢地要做你就做你 跟本冇讲道理 必须用你拳头对抗到尾呢支枪系我手上我不向生死 彼方用暴力去创造乱世但警方既力度未控制到佢地乱黎 我惟有以暴力制暴力制造出一条灰色既轨道 饰演一个卧底 但帮规 立心你指证饿鬼就好似毒品侵蚀晒我一切 我既身体身世开始不受控制慢慢我既所有已经变成一个谜 女声: 地下里呢系黑暗游走惩治我身份的一个人 暴力里展开新既人生你早已把所有所有都抛诸脑后

Undercover Martyn 歌词

歌曲名:Undercover Martyn歌手:Two Door Cinema Club专辑:BeaconTwo Door Cinema Club - Undercover Martyn.And she spoke words that would melt in your handsAnd she spoke words of wisdomTo the basement people, to the basementMany surprises await youIn the basement people, in the basement.You hid there last time, you know we""re gonna find youSick in the car, sick coz you""re not up to goingOut on the main streets, completing your missionYou hid there last time, you know we""re gonna find youSick in the car, sick coz you""re not up to goingOut on the main streets, completing your mission.And she spoke words that would melt in your handsAnd she spoke words of wisdomTo the basement people, to the basementMany surprises await youIn the basement people, in the basement.You hid there last time, you know we""re gonna find youSick in the car, sick coz you""re not up to goingOut on the main streets, completing your missionYou hid there last time, you know we""re gonna find youSick in the car sick, sick coz you""re not up to goingOut on the main streets, completing your mission.You hid there last time, you know we""re gonna find youSick in the car, sick coz you""re not up to goingOut on the main streets, completing your missionYou hid there last time, you know we""re gonna find youSick in the car, sick coz you""re not up to goingOut on the main streets, completing your missionhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23485977



Selena Gomez & The Scene的《Undercover》 歌词

歌曲名:Undercover歌手:Selena Gomez & The Scene专辑:Stars DanceUndercoverSelena Gomez & The SceneI look at you, and all I wanna do, it"s just dissapearI got a craving for you, baby, can we get out of hereYou"re a sexy machine, you"re a hollywood dreamAnd you got me feeling like a homecoming queenLet"s drop out of this crowd, somewhere no one"s allowedI want youAll to myself, I want you all to myselfAnd nobody else, yeah,You dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverFind me in the shadows, i"m protegeeDamn until tomorrowAnd make sure that no-nobody followsYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverI wanna find a place where we can be alone in the darkAnd you can never gave me like a math that you know my heartYou"re a sexy machine, you"re a hollywood dreamAnd you got me feeling like a homecoming queenLet"s drop out of this crowd, somewhere no one"s allowedI want youAll to myself, I want you all to myselfAnd nobody else, yeah,You dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverFind me in the shadows, i"m protegeeDamn until tomorrowAnd make sure that no-nobody followsYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverI wanna find a place where we can be alone in the darkAnd you can never gave me like a math that you know my heartAll to myself, I want you all to myselfAnd nobody else, yeah,You dont need no other lover,You dont need no other loverYou dont need no other loverWe can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverYou dont need no other lover, we can keep it undercoverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/64919445





Danzel的《Undercover》 歌词

歌曲名:Undercover歌手:Danzel专辑:UnlockedDJ Drama Feat. Chris Brown & J.Cole - UndercoverChris Brown - Verse 1I aint gonna lie, I"m fiendin" cause I need itAnd I"m diggin you a lot, now you still catching feelingsBut I"m feeling on your spot, no kidding when I hit itI be leaking on your spine, playing with your mindI aint gonna stop when I finish, I be in itI be fucking with the lights on, thats the shit that I"m onGive it all I got, your body and my bodyWe be feelin", scratchin", screamin"Hook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverJ. Cole: Verse 2One thing you should know about me is I never play to loseAlways aim high and rarely obey the rulesNever tell my business, if I did, it"d make the newsThey say time is like money, you should come here pay your duesAnd come and kick, can I get a minute, maybe an hourWould you let me peek my head in for a second while you showerI bet you got some real good power if you feel meI"m on some Marvin Gaye shit, you know just whats gon heal me, babyHook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverChris Brown - Verse 3I said excuse me, Mrs Officer can you go undercover for meAint enough liquor in your cup, let the waitress in then let her pour it, upI"m tryna get you drunk as fuck, take her to my crib then I lock her in them handcuffsPanties off, stupid booty, ready for war: Call Of DutyShe said I got the right to remain silentAnd I gotta give it to her rough but I better not get violent, hahGirl my chain feel like an anchorAnd when I told you to use your head I aint want you to be no thinkerAnd we aint gon" waist this drink up, these haters all like hankersWhile I"m countin" all this paper, and my ears shine like twinkleBig star, get my car, I valet thatYou"re weak nigga, pussy in the street cause you"re alley catAnd I"m loyal to my fans cause I love "emSo girl if you a fan, you can meet me undercover likeHook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverEndDJ Drama Feat. Chris Brown & J.Cole - Undercoverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1499849

在商务英语函电中under cover是什么意思

在商务函电中under cover means by separate mail, in another letter 另邮,另寄




Undercover源自日本,在1994年由高桥盾(Jun Takahashi)一手创办。早期以街头服饰为主,随后打入巴黎时装圈,成功扬名海外。至今,Undercover不但贵为潮流界的神级品牌,也是巴黎时装圈重点关注对象。其品牌风格一直以超现实、唯美、诡异闻名。UNDERCOVER的设计十分大胆反叛。早于98年已推出立体剪裁“Drape”系列,更于99秋冬大玩翻转时装(Reversible Fashion),由裤变裙,牛仔裙变晚装等等颠覆性极高的概念,令人叹为观止。其开创不少真正属于自己的经典,像是高桥盾(Jun Takahashi)将亲自创作的Grace Dolls实体化就是一个很好的例子。在巴黎时装周后,高桥盾与Undercover一炮走红,但前两季的推出并未向之前一样掀起波澜,直到2004年春夏“Languid”的发布,Undercover再次成为万众焦点。高桥盾的奇思构想不得不令人佩服,以溶解作概念,将每一件单品设计成正常版本与以视觉效果拉长边缘设计而变形的融化版本,而走秀的模特特别邀请到双胞胎姐妹坐阵,带来照哈哈镜一般的强烈视觉对比,加上“Languid”系列强调的中性风格,令这个溶解系列成为Undercover品牌历史中最经典的系列之一,同时高桥盾亦再次为时装界的带来一次重大冲击。

捷安特2011款 THUNDER 雷霆 PRO 山地车架和捷安特2011款 TALON3 车架哪款车架好?

雷霆PRO车架够轻,但是没有V刹座,装不了V刹只能用碟刹。TALON3车架有V刹座,但是过没有油管卡槽,装油碟时过油管不太方便。而且这个车架子还死沉,比捷安特别的型号的同规格车架要沉很多。捷安特最近几年低端的车架就没什么能让人觉得眼前一亮的,不是这儿不好就是那儿有点问题。建议楼主还是考虑09款的ATX PRO或是直接上XTC FR。

“Under Editorial Board Review”要多久

Under Editorial Board Review编委会审查您好Under Editorial Board Review常规审稿的时间一般要8-11天但还取决于您发表的内容审稿的时间不能确定希望对您有帮助

danzel under arrest歌词

DANZELUnder Arrest LyricsOut on a missionAm on patrolNo time to wastewoohoohoohoohI need to get"cha under controlSpeed up the pacewoohoohoohoohThis time, its time to get physicalIm"ma cop im"ma lock you upLike a criminalYou bedd"a run, run, runSo you cant run no moreYour"e under arrestheey heey heeeyYou bed"da confessheey heeyyoure calling it mess so babyheey heeyim coming your waytheres just no escaping mecause babyyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyeahhyoure under arrestyoure under arrsetyoure under arrestyoure going no where(you have the right to remain silent,m anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of love)just like a thiefyou steall the showand i won"t let ya"woohoohoohoohdown on youre luckyou ought to knowi"m out to get"chawoohoohoohoohThis time, its time to get physicalim"ma cop im"ma lock you uplike a criminalyou bedd"a run, run, runso you cant run no moreyoure under arrestheey heey heeeyyou bed"da confessheey heeyyoure calling it mess so babyheey heeyim coming your waytheres just no escaping mecause babyyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyeahhyoure under arrestyoure under arrsetyoure under arrestyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure under arrestheey heey heeeyyou bed"da confessheey heeyyoure calling it mess so babyheey heeyim coming your waytheres just no escaping mecause babyyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyeahhyoure under arrestyoure under arrsetyoure under arrestyoure going no whereyoure under arrestheey heey heeeyyou bed"da confessheey heeyyoure calling it mess so babyheey heeyim coming your waytheres just no escaping mecause babyyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyeahhyoure under arrestyoure under arrsetyoure under arrestyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure going no whereyoure under arrestheey heey heeeyyou bed"da confessheey heeyyoure calling it mess so babyheey heeyim coming your waytheres just no escaping mecause babyyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyoure under arrestyeahhhhyoure under arrestyoure under arrsetyoure under arrestyoure going no where

英语年龄表达 over 12是表达十二岁以上吗? under 12是表达十二岁以下吗?


metro , subway, underground , tube 区别是

我的理解是:不同国家常用和不同的词来表达同一事物:地铁 metro 尤指 巴黎地铁; subway,AmE:地下铁道; underground ,BrE:地下铁道, tube ,BrE:地下铁路。

underground tube

Subway是美式用法,可以。 Metro是法式用法,一般指巴黎,华盛顿的地铁,不过其他情况也可以。 Underground,英式用法,不过用的不多 Tube是伦敦地铁的专有名词。 Railway是铁路,不是地铁。

求GOING UNDER GROUND的 いっしょに帰ろう的歌词+翻译,有罗马音的加分!

  GOING UNDER GROUND  いっしょに帰ろう  作诗:松本素生 作曲:松本素生  あぁ ため息で吹き消した窓の景色 重ねた田舎道  a-tameikidefukikeshitamodonokeshiki kasanetainakamiqi  そうか ずっと君は待ってるんだね…  souka su-tokimiwama-terundane  .  息が出来なくなるほど忙しい日々が 涙を作った  ikigateinakunaruhodoisogashiihibiga namidawosaku-ta  一绪に居ても何故かうわの空で 心はすれ违うね  i-shioniitemonazekauwanosorade kokorowasureiure  .  いつも言い訳を用意して 受话器を上げたり下げたりの休日  itumoiiyakuwoyouishite uwautuwawoagetarishitagetarinokiujitu  君の声を闻けば辛くなるよ 会えないから…  kiminokoewosakebashinkunaruyo aenaikara  .  帰りたい…君が居るあの街へ 最终の列车飞び乗って  kaeritai kimigairuanogaie saishiuunore-shatobino-te  话したい事が山ほどあるんだ 大好きな声を忘れたくないよ  hanashitaikotogayamahodoarunda daisukinakoewowasuretakunaiyo  .  君と仆が笑ってる 无邪気な颜して写真立ての中  kimitowokugawara-teru mujiakinakeshiteshashintatenonaka  悲しい物语を纺ぐだけじゃいけないよな…  kanashiimonogatariwotumugudakejiaikenaiyona  .  帰りたい…君と居たあの街へ 最终の列车飞び乗って  kaeritai kimitoitaanogaie saishiuunore-shatobino-te  帰りたい…何もかもが眩しく 辉いていた仆らへ…帰ろう!  kaeritai nanimokamogamabushiku kagayaiteitabokurae kaeruo  .  环状线 …ひどい渋滞中 …ストーミーウェザー…停滞中  kanjiousen hidoijiutaiqiu suto-mi-ueza teitaiqiu  カーラジオからのBGM「さすらおう…さすらおうぜ!」  ka-rajiokaranoBGM sasuraou sasuraouze  .  帰りたい…君と居たあの街へ 辉いていた仆らへ  kaeritai kimitoitaanogaie kagayaiteitabokurae  帰れない…今はまだあの街に 旅だった人生はいつも  kaerenai imawamadaanogaini tabida-tajinseiwaitumo  .  今は远く离ればなれて 君の声は闻こえないけど  imawatookuhanarebanarete kiminokoewakikoenaikedo  いつかきっと迎えにいくよ…写真と同じ笑颜で  itukaki-tomukaeniikuyo shashintoonajiegaode  先看看吧 翻译我在看看




英文原文:under.number英式音标:[u02c8u028cndu0259] . [u02c8nu028cmbu0259] 美式音标:[u02c8u028cndu025a] . [u02c8nu028cmbu025a]






uncle 是ng



under的发音 是ang还是an

是ang 可以看一下英标


under低于 美 /u02c8u028cndu0259r/英 /u02c8u028cndu0259r/prep.在……下面;在……表面下;在……的后面;(职务、级别)低于;少于;比……年轻;由……控制;根据;在……过程中;受……影响;承受着;以(某一名字);在……项下;在(某个系统)下;在……期间;在……生存条件下;栽有;在……掌权期间;在……手下工作adv.在下面;在水下;少于;较年轻;在昏迷中;adj.较低的;下面的水下双语例句1、They stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.他们站在树下避雨2、The cat is under the table.这只猫在桌子底下3、It"s cooler under the shade.在荫头下会凉快点。树荫



under英语怎么读 under英语如何读

1、英[u02c8u028cndu0259(r)]美[u02c8u028cndu0259r] 2、Under,英文单词,介词,形容词、副词,作介词时意为“在……下面;在……表面下;在……的后面;(职务、级别)低于;少于;比……年轻;由……控制;根据;在……过程中;受……影响;承受着;以(某一名字);在……项下;在(某个系统)下;在……期间;在……生存条件下;栽有;在……掌权期间;在……手下工作”,作形容词时意为“较低的;下面的”,作副词时意为“在下面;在水下;少于;较年轻;在昏迷中”。 3、These programs should not under this title.这些项目不该列在这个标题下。 4、Since we all live under one roof, we should learn how to get along with one another .既然我们都住在同一个屋檐下,我们应该要学习如何彼此相处。
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