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在《女人帮》里的亚裔女主编 很能干 Chris 含义: 处事乐观,心情愉快。有音乐家和艺术家的天赋,能在娱乐行业获得成功。人际关系较好,但有时易怒,爱争论。办事无条理,没有理财天赋。有时会被情绪所左右,而影响判断能力。为人慷慨,有同情心。 中文译名: 克里斯 Ciel 含义: 有丰富的想象力和创造力,做事缺乏持久性和毅力。情绪起伏较大,不容易得到满足。渴望接触新的东西,但容易受人影响。热衷与人交流,适合销售工作,但缺乏自信和冲劲。 中文译名: 西尔 Vea 含义: 实际,有责任感,沉稳。不喜欢听别人的摆布,而喜欢去支配别人。有决心,有能力。喜欢自己做决定。但是无法很好地表达自己。诚实,对人公平。 中文译名: 维


VEA是英文Vacuum Electrical Apparatus(真空电器设备)的缩写,指的是一种真空断路器,常用于高压电力系统中。真空断路器是利用真空中的电气绝缘和弧道长度短的特性,实现对电路的开断和闭合。它具有灵敏的动作、高的电气绝缘强度和良好的电弧灭弧性能等优点,被广泛应用于电力系统中。




l have a gift for you go and findit的中文翻译_百度翻译l have a gift for you go and findit 我有一个礼物给你去发现l have a gift for you go and findit的中文翻译_百度翻译l have a gift for you go and findit 我有一个礼物给你去发现全部释义和例句试试人工翻译

途锐auto niveau黄灯亮起


大众汽车上auto niveau意思?



第107回 散余资贾母明大义 复世职政老沐天恩 第108回 强欢笑蘅芜庆生辰 死缠绵潇湘闻鬼哭

niveau huile是什么意思?

是不是想说 油层啊?只有2个单词 不是很明确



大众汽车上auto niveau意思?


linux 安装cuda 怎么禁用nouveau

在安装cuda的时候,由于涉及到NVIDIA驱动的安装,使得nouveau驱动与NVIDIA驱动冲突,为了能够继续安装,必须禁用此驱动。禁用步骤如下:1)把nouveau驱动加入黑名单,即在/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf的后面加入:blacklist nouveau 2)备份initramfs文件sudo mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.bat3)重新建立initramfs文件sudo dracut -v /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)4)检查nouveau驱动,确保没有被加载lsmod | grep nouveau5)运行相应的cuda安装文件(例如:cuda-*.run)在禁用nouveau驱动后,重启系统,如果无法进入,这时可以采用如下方法——该方法有两个前提:1.你的电脑中拥有多个Linux系统,这里简称为Linux1和Linux2;2.在禁用nouveau驱动的时候,备份了initramfs文件。Linux1由于禁用nouveau驱动,导致开机无法进入系统。此时,先进入Linux2,然后运行如下命令:注意:这里的$(uname -r)指的是Linux1中的内核名称,需要手动输入,不然结果就是Linux2的内核名称1)sudo cp /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.bat /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img2)sudo dracut -v /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)最后重新启动,就可以成功进入Linux1系统了。关于更多Linux的学习,请查阅书籍《linux就该这么学》。


1. 在配置文件中禁用nouveauvi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 添加:blacklist nouveauCentOS 7:vim /usr/lib/modprobe.d/dist-blacklist.conf或vim /lib/modprobe.d/dist-blacklist.conf并且在加上blacklist nouveau之后还要加上一行options nouveau modeset=02. 备份原来的 initramfs nouveau image镜像mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)-nouveau.img 3. 创建新的 initramfs image镜像dracut /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r) 所有安装已经完成,重新启动机器










l have a teddy bear我有一只泰迪熊






不能用have。因为这里不是“拥有”的意思,是“存在”的意思。所以,应该用there be句型。正确的表达方式是:There is a blue bed in that room.The telepgone was ringing while I was having dinner.答:The telephone rang while I was having dinner. 附while when as 的用法区别 这三个词的意思很简单,都有“当……时候”的意思。但学生经常会问三个词的区别在哪儿,特别是在做选择题的时候






可以,have a nice day表示玩的高兴过的愉快相当于havefun 晚上也可以说


美好的一天= =


have a nice day祝你有愉快的一天也是再见时的用语,表示再见,祝好等。望采纳



I haveapenpal是什么意思

I have a penpal我有一个笔友


do you have a pen?


I have pens.

I haveau2006pen



With love and patience,nothing is impossible只要有爱心和耐心,没有什么是不可能的


show up意思是出现,露面,表状态arrive at意思是到达,表动作

twitch上面都喊,giveaway 是什么意思

giveaway 英[u02c8gu026avu0259weu026a] 美[u02c8ɡu026avu0259u02ccwe] n. 泄漏; 免费样品,赠品; (电台中的) 有奖问答节目; [网络] 免费样品; 赠品; [例句]They are a great and different trade show giveaway.他们是伟大和另外商业展览泄漏。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


vae:乖乖我的小乖乖 你的样子太可爱 追你的男生每个都超级厉害 我却在考虑怎么say hi 害羞的我这样下去要怎么办 怎么办爱情甜又酸 我不是boss 没有超大的house 如果送你rose 可不可以给我chance 不想看时间这么一点一滴飞逝 老夫子带着假发 我不要三寸金莲胡话 想和你跳超短裙的恰恰 想带你回家见妈妈 vae:周末找个借口和你泛舟 一壶清酒江水悠悠我心悠悠 这感情just for you 表面平静其实内心早已风起云涌 缘字诀几番轮回你锁眉 哎哟你的心情左右我的情绪 虽然有些问题真的很难搞定 我还是充满信心 老夫子带着假发 我不要三寸金莲胡话 想和你跳超短裙的恰恰 想带你回家见妈妈




胆牙,或共,见梅之 的佳汤简人精渐鬼 无。好“率传舒,娄


1. 两题答案如下:1)The doctor didn"t (reveal) the truth to him.2) Young children often can learn several languages by being (exposed) to them.2. 两者区别如下:1)reveal是及物动词/名词,意思是“显示/露出;泄露/透露;揭示/揭露”。其宾语多样,不单单是“罪行/诡计/诈骗”等事物,而且一般不加sb做其宾语,用于主动语态居多。固定搭配:reveal sth to sb2)expose也可作及物动词/名词,但是它的意思远比reveal复杂得多,楼主可以自行参考:但是它做“揭发”讲时,一般是指不好的事物/人。更常用的意思是“使...暴露于...(环境)之中,使...和...接触”,常用被动语态:be exposed to sth如:Being exposed to sunsunshine for too much time will do harm to one"s skin.长时间日晒会对皮肤对不利。




1、above all/after all/at all/in all/all but①above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是Children need many things ,but above all they need love.②after all 到底,毕竟The day turned out fine after all.③at all (用来加强语气)与not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。He wasn"t at all tired.Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?④ in all 总共There were twenty in all at the party.⑤ all but 几乎,差点没(=almost,nearly)We have all but finished the work.2、accident/event/ incidentevent一般指重大事件。The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events.广播员正在播报时事新闻。accident多指意外或偶然发生的事故,特别是不幸的、有损害性的事故。He was badly injured in the traffic accident.在那起交通事故中,他严重受伤。incident相对于accident来说,显得不很重要,指“小事件”,它还可以用来表示“事变”,如叛乱、爆炸等。如: There was an incident on the bus: a man fought with the conductor.那辆公共汽车上发生了一件事,有个人和售票员打了起来。Have you heard of Xi"an Incident?你听说过“西安事变”吗?3、admit vt.①接纳,许可……进入(allow sb./ enter)He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.②承认,后可接名词,doing、从句或复合结构。I admit my fault. She admitted having read the letter. He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You must admit the task to be difficult.




drive away的意思是:赶走;(把车)开走;离去。英英释义:force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings例句:We heard him drive away.我们听到他驱车离去了。Being on one"s high horse may drive away one"s friends.如果一个人很骄傲,他的朋友会因此而离开他。When I finally tried to drive away, my wheels began to spin.当我终于想开车离开时,我的车轮开始打转了。


Driveaway的读音是draivu0259wei。开车即驾驶车辆的意思,开车安全的基础是技术和经验。为了方便观察交通标识,在开车时要注意路边、路上方设置的指示牌,视野要远要高,弄清交通标识指示的含义后再行车。首先上车前绕车转一圈,看车的外况、轮胎、车底下有没有漏油漏水。一个星期还得揭开盖子检查一次机油、冷却水、刹车油。点火拉紧手刹(防备滑动),离合器踩到底,空档,不踩油门(加速踏板),转动钥匙到Ⅱ档后停6秒钟,让汽车电子系统上电自检,启动润滑系统,然后继续转动钥匙到Ⅲ档点火。点火成功后,挂一档、松手刹、慢抬离合、加油、出发。热车电喷车几乎不用热车。这里热车是指启动润滑系统。停车超过3小时,发动机点着火后,怠速10秒以上,转速表下降到1000左右,再发车。北方严寒天气适当延长怠速热车时间。开车紧急处理:偏离路线你驾车靠右行驶,突然一辆车子迎面开来,侵占了你的车道,迫使你不得已向右偏出车道。此时,要注意不要猛刹车,也不要试图 马上回到车道上来。你必需停止加油,握紧方向盘,控制好汽车,然后稍稍向左打方向,同时要轻轻地点几下刹车。在车速减慢或停止后,再小心地把车开回原来的车道。正面相撞正常行驶时,突然有辆车出现在面前,似乎相撞已不可避免。记住,这里,千万不要向左打方向,必须始终踩住刹车并向右打方向。如有方法,应该立即开出车道,宁愿冒翻车的危险,也不要向左打方向。




move away 指的是移开,移走.move不仅指移走,还有一种把什么东西从另一个东西里拿出来的意思,那个更具体一点.




错误是:“lunch”前面不能加“a”。I have lunch at school .意思是“我在学校吃午饭”。“lunch”是“午饭”的意思,是不可数名词,不能用表示量词的“a”修饰。吃午饭,直接说“have lunch”就行,如果非要说吃了一顿饭,可以改变句子的时态。比如“I had lunch at school yesterday”我昨天在学校吃了顿午饭。通过使用过去时态,表明只是昨天的午饭是在学校吃的,前天或者今天的午饭可能不是在学校吃的。


意思是我有一条狗,它很机灵。谐音爱韩伍 额 do个,一次kiu.它


高坂穗乃果(こうさか ほのか/Kousaka Honoka)声优:新田惠海年龄:16生日:8月3日血型:O型身高:157cm三围:78·58·82喜欢的食物:面包讨厌的食物:杏仁、青椒、有馅的食物16岁。高中二年级。μ"s的发起人。无论何时都展露笑容总而言之打起精神是其长处。根据直觉和一时兴起展开行动,一旦决定了就埋头猛冲的一根筋。多多少少的困难也能凭着天生的超乐观精神一个个突破。μ"s的发动机与牵引者。南小鸟 (7张)南小鸟(みなみ ことり/Minami Kotori)声优:内田彩年龄:16生日:9月12日血型:O型身高:159cm三围:80·58·80喜欢的食物:芝士蛋糕讨厌的食物:大蒜16岁。高中二年级。穗乃果的最好的朋友。从幼儿园时期开始就一直在一起的青梅竹马的亲密关系。与穗乃果相对照的性格文静温柔,学习上也十分优秀的优等生。虽然文静内向但是内心坚强,并不会胆小怕事。园田海未 (7张)园田海未(そのだ うみ/Sonoda Umi)声优:三森铃子年龄:16生日:3月15日血型:A型身高:159cm三围:76·58·80喜欢的食物:穗乃果家的豆沙包讨厌的食物:碳酸饮料16岁,高中二年级。出身于日本舞传统世家,散发着凛凛风度的大和抚子。自幼修行弓道,礼节法度周到完备的女孩子。严于律己同时严于律人的典型。十分厌恶对不良之事妥协姑息。穗乃果和小鸟的青梅竹马。绚濑绘里 (7张)绚濑绘里(あやせ えり/Ayase Eli)声优:南条爱乃年龄:17生日:10月21日血型:B型身高:162cm三围:88·60·84喜欢的食物:巧克力讨厌的食物:梅干·海苔17岁。高中三年级。学生会的会长,具有四分之一的俄罗斯血统。头脑聪明,运动神经拔群,无论做什么都能出色完成。在学校里具有超群人气,并且责任感强烈,因此担任学生会长。东条希 (7张)东条希(とうじょう のぞみ/Tojo Nozomi)声优:楠田亚衣奈年龄:17生日:6月9日血型:O型身高:159cm三围:B90·W60·H82喜欢的食物:烤肉讨厌的食物:牛奶糖17岁。高中3年生。学生会副会长。相对照于绘理我行我素的性格,有着混合着关西腔的独特的说话方式。是有着冷静性格的绘理的好搭档。性格开朗大方,在全体成员中也被认为是精神年龄最成熟者。虽然有点吊儿郎当,意外的却是谋士? 西木野真姬 (7张)西木野真姬(にしきの まき/Nishikino Maki)声优:Pile年龄:15生日:4月19日血型:AB型身高:161cm三围:78·56·83喜欢的食物:番茄讨厌的食物:橘子15岁。高中一年级。双亲经营着大医院的富家大小姐。歌唱出类拔萃,钢琴也备受期待的一年级生。气势与自尊心强烈,不擅长表露本心。凭着与生俱来的气魄甚至敢于强硬地与高年级生争论。其实也有着很寂寞的一面。 星空凛 (7张)星空凛(ほしぞら りん/Hoshizora Rin)声优:饭田里穂年龄:15生日:11月1日血型:A型身高:155cm三围:75·59·80喜欢的食物:拉面讨厌的食物:鱼15岁。高中一年级。在体育会系中一向开朗活泼,与其闷闷不乐不如身体先行动起来的类型。出于“好像很有趣”的理由而什么都会参加。虽说只有在体育会系方面才很会照顾人,但同时一直以来也很照顾青梅竹马的花阳。无论被说到什么反应都会很大,然后干脆利落的进行练习。小泉花阳 (7张) 小泉花阳(こいずみ はなよ/Koizumi Hanayo)声优:久保由利香年龄:15生日:1月17日血型:B型身高:156cm三围:82·60·83喜欢的食物:白白的米饭讨厌的食物:不存在15岁。高中一年级。在班级内不怎么起眼,相当老实文静的女孩子。没什么自信,做什么都很容易放弃。憧憬着μ"s,并最终与凛和真姬共同入部。和凛的关系非常好,无论何时都在一起。非常喜欢白米饭。矢泽妮可 (7张) 矢泽妮可(やざわ にこ/Yazawa Nico)声优:德井青空年龄:17生日:7月22日血型:A型身高:154cm三围:74·57·79喜欢的食物:点心讨厌的食物:辣的东西偶像研究部部长。17岁。高中三年级。以偶像为目标日夜刻苦钻研,真真正正的偶像宅。作为以偶像为目标的前辈而时常以一副很了不起的姿态与穗乃果她们接触。同时在这方面意外失败也很多的笨手笨脚的孩子。口号是“にこにこに!(妮可妮可妮~)"。

法语中5个特殊的形容词 beau ,nouveau,vieux,fou,mou 分别说出它的不同形式好哦吗?说明复数 啊

1.beau,belle,bel(阳性,但后面跟的阳性名词首字母为元音如:un bel ami),beaux,belles2.nouveau,nouvelle,nouvel(同上),nouveaux,nouvelles3.vieux,vieil(同上),vieille,vieux(阳性复),vieilles4.fou,fol(同上),folle,fous(阳性复),folles5.mou,mol(同上)molle,mous,molles



谁能告诉我Has been与Havealready的区别? 谢谢了!!!

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 首先Has been是用于第三人称单数(He She It 等),have already是用于第一人称(I We)或第三人称复数(They) 然后has been是用于被动语态或者是表示完成时"已经成为" He has been promoted from the last month. 他已经从上个月被提升了。He has been a student in the university. 他已经成为了一名大学生。 have already是用于表示完成时"已经****" I have already eaten breakfast。 我已经吃了早餐。


revenge英-[rɪ"ven(d)ʒ]释义n. 报复;复仇vt. 报复;替…报仇;洗雪vi. 报仇;雪耻


Move Array移动阵列 (1)移动阵列(move array) 可以通过x,y,z轴阵列,单位是units. (2)旋转阵列(rotate array)双语例句First, you have the updatePositions method, which takes the XML returned from the server and looks for the move elements, then updates the positions array with the current set of moves.首先,使用updatePositions方法获取服务器返回的XML并查找步着元素,然后使用当前的步着集合更新位置数组。

谁能介绍一下法国新艺术派Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau, 1890-1914, explores a new style in the visual arts and architecture that developed in Europe and North America at the end of the nineteenth century. The exhibition is divided into three sections: the first focuses on the 1900 World"s Fair in Paris, where Art Nouveau was established as the first new decorative style of the twentieth century; the second examines the sources that influenced the style; and the third looks at its development and fruition in major cities in Europe and North America.At its height exactly one hundred years ago, Art Nouveau was a concerted attempt to create an international style based on decoration. It was developed by a brilliant and energetic generation of artists and designers, who sought to fashion an art form appropriate to the modern age. During this extraordinary time, urban life as we now understand it was established. Old customs, habits, and artistic styles sat alongside new, combining a wide range of contradictory images and ideas. Many artists, designers, and architects were excited by new technologies and lifestyles, while others retreated into the past, embracing the spirit world, fantasy, and myth.Art Nouveau was in many ways a response to the Industrial Revolution. Some artists welcomed technological progress and embraced the aesthetic possibilities of new materials such as cast iron. Others deplored the shoddiness of mass-produced machine-made goods and aimed to elevate the decorative arts to the level of fine art by applying the highest standards of craftsmanship and design to everyday objects. Art Nouveau designers also believed that all the arts should work in harmony to create a "total work of art," or Gesamtkunstwerk: buildings, furniture, textiles, clothes, and jewelry all conformed to the principles of Art Nouveau.另一种介绍:Art Nouveau"An international style of decoration and architecture which developed in the 1880s and 1890s. The name derives from the Maison de l"Art Nouveau, an interior design gallery opened in Paris in 1896, but in fact the movement had different names throughout Europe. In Germany it was known as "Jugendstil", from the magazine Diejugend (Youth) published from 1896; in Italy "Stile Liberty" (after the London store, Liberty Style) or "Floreale"; in Spain "Modernista", in Austria "Sezessionstil" and, paradoxically, in France the English term "Modern Style" was often used, emphasizing the English origins of the movement."In design Art Nouveau was characterized by writhing plant forms and an opposition to the historicism which had plagued the 19th century. There was a tension implicit throughout the movement between the decorative and the modern which can be seen in the work of individual designers as well as in the chronology of the whole. Its emphasis on decoration and artistic unity links the movement to contemporary Symbolist ideas in art, as seen in the work of the Vienna Secessionists, but the movement was also associated with Arts and Crafts ideas and, as such, Art Nouveau forms a bridge between Morris and Gropius (recognized by Pevsner in his book, Pioneers of the Modern Movement, 1936)."In Britain the style was exemplified by the architecture of Rennie Mackintosh, and the design work of the Macdonald sisters. The lingering impact of Morris in England slowed down the progress of the new style in design although Mackmurdo, Godwin, Townsend and even Voysey were influenced towards Art Nouveau. It was in illustration that the ideas were most keenly felt, through the new periodicals and presses - the Yellow Book, the Studio, the Savoy, the Hobby Horse - and though the work of Beardsley, Ricketts and Selwyn Image."In France, despite Guimard"s famous glass and iron Metro designs, the movement was best expressed in the applied arts, especially the glassware of Lalique (1860-1945) and Galle (1846-1904). In Belgium, the style was promoted through the Societe des Vingts (Les Vingt) established in 1884, and including Ensor as well as the more characteristically Art Nouveau architects Horta and Van de Velde in its members. In Spain the style was concentrated in the eccentric hands of Gaudi in Barcelona. In Vienna, architects like Wagner, Hoffmann and Olbrich, and artists such as Klimt gathered to promote the style through the Secessionist magazine Ver Sacrum. In Germany, the movement split between the decorative tendencies of Otto Eckman (1865-1902) and the Pan magazine, and the streamlined design of Behrens. In America architects like Sullivan and Wright were influenced by European ideas but conceived Art Nouveau in different terms, whilst designers like Tiffany enthusiastically embraced the movement.

Nivea的《So Far》 歌词

歌曲名:So Far歌手:Nivea专辑:ComplicatedChris Garneauso farLike the touch of my mother"s hand on my headi"ll miss you, too. when i go to bedwe"ve ruined all the new potsand the metal in the egg crate cotsbut we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so farbut we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so farThe dishwasher"s on nowcleaning somehowthe baby bits of hamburger helper that dried too soonwe leave out the milk and it rotsand the mayonnaise that we get from Topsbut we haven"t missed a day of eating good food yet so farbut we haven"t missed a day of eating good food yet so farYou love goodbut i think you shouldgo home, honeycuz we haven"t got any moneyYou love goodbut i think you shouldgo home, honeycuz we haven"t got any moneyLike the touch of my mother"s hand on my headi"ll miss you, too. when i go to bedwe"ve ruined all the new potsand the metal in the egg crate cotsbut we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so farbut we haven"t missed a good day of television yet so far





VBA BeforeSave事件 SaveAs 指定Filename 指定Fileformat

saveas方法不要用在循环里这个循环是遍历当前工作簿中的所有工作表,并取消保护而saveas保存的是整个工作簿,不是单个工作表,因此放在循环体中就会多次保存同一个文件,所以会出现“替换”的提示。由于saveas的文件格式是不带宏的xlsx,因此会提示“删除宏”,可以加一句代码:application.DisplayAlerts =False 禁止提示窗口即可。完整代码如下:Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)" 撤消所有工作表的保护For each sht in Thisworkbook.Worksheets sht.Unprotect Next shtApplication.DisplayAlerts = False " 禁止显示提示窗口MyFilename = "AAA-" & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & ".xlsx" ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=MyFilename, FileFormat:=xlNormal " 另存为" 恢复所有工作表的保护For each sht in Thisworkbook.Worksheetssht.ProtectNext shtApplication.DisplayAlerts = True " 允许显示提示窗口End Sub

VB Excel SaveAs FileFormat参数问题?


There was a man named Jack Dawson , and that he savea me in every way that a person can be saved.

有一个叫Jack Dawson的人,他用各种方式救过我。

as indicated in the table,…… 与as is revealed ,…… 句型不同吗,为什么不写 as is indicated in……



是重组v、e、a、y、h这几个字母成一个英语单词吧? heavy

看一看veayh_______(?) ,touncry_____(?) ,utec_______(?) ,fulelhp______(?)



当我看到你的时候我就爱上你了 然后你笑了因为你知道




I have a puppet 翻译为:我有一个木偶I have a puppet 翻译为:我有一个木偶I have a puppet 翻译为:我有一个木偶


Look! I have a puppet.看,我有一个木偶。

revealtrans 关于网页设计的 滤镜

这个是js的转换滤镜里面的revealTrans滤镜imgInit.filters.revealTrans.Transition=23; // 这个表示随机图像转换的形式,就是在0~22的变换方式之中随即抽一种imgInit.filters.revealTrans.apply(); // 这一个是捕获对象内容的初始显示,为变换做准备playTran(); // 应该是你的js中的某一个函数,这个函数开始对图像做出变换document.images.imgInit.src=imgUrl[i]; // 设置每一张图片的载入路径

法语beau ,nouveau,vieux,fou,mou这些词的不同形式有哪些?

beau,belle,bel(阳性,但后面跟的阳性名词首字母为元音如:un bel ami),beaux,belles2.nouveau,nouvelle,nouvel(同上),nouveaux,nouvelles3.vieux,vieil(同上),vieille,vieux(阳性复),vieilles4.fou,fol(同上),folle,fous(阳性复),folles5.mou,mol(同上)molle,mous,molles法语是属于欧洲印欧语系罗曼语族的独立语言。罗曼语族包括中部罗曼语(法语、意大利语、萨丁岛(Sardinia)方言、加泰罗尼亚(Catalunya)语等)、西部罗曼语(西班牙语、葡萄牙语等)与东部罗曼语(罗马尼亚语等)。法语是继西班牙文之后,使用者人数最多的罗曼语言独立语言之一。


have a try的意思是试一次,try again 强调再试一次。


your password must have at least one capital letter.(capltal拼写有误,应该是capital)意思是:你的密码必须至少有一个大写字母。


have at least one capital letter至少有一个大写字母.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

法语beau ,nouveau,vieux,fou,mou这些词的不同形式有哪些?

beau,belle,bel(阳性,但后面跟的阳性名词首字母为元音如:un bel ami),beaux,belles2.nouveau,nouvelle,nouvel(同上),nouveaux,nouvelles3.vieux,vieil(同上),vieille,vieux(阳性复),vieilles4.fou,fol(同上),folle,fous(阳性复),folles5.mou,mol(同上)molle,mous,molles法语是属于欧洲印欧语系罗曼语族的独立语言。罗曼语族包括中部罗曼语(法语、意大利语、萨丁岛(Sardinia)方言、加泰罗尼亚(Catalunya)语等)、西部罗曼语(西班牙语、葡萄牙语等)与东部罗曼语(罗马尼亚语等)。法语是继西班牙文之后,使用者人数最多的罗曼语言独立语言之一。


  wikihow这个网站有很多资料的~Method 1 of 3: Making Changes Close to Home  Scientists count five known animal extinction waves in Earth"s history, including the extinction of the dinosaurs, and many now believe we have entered a sixth wave.[1] This time, however, humans are the primary cause, through habitat reduction and destruction, over-hunting, pollution, food chain disruptions, and introduction of non-native species, to name a few factors. Beyond the loss of animal species forever, extinction threatens potential scientific and medical advances to be gleaned from animal life, and even possibly our food supply (through disruption of the pollination chain). It may seem like a problem that is too big for any one person to make a difference, but there are many changes we can all make to help prevent endangered species from becoming extinct species.  1  Go native. Endangered animals can seem like a far-away problem, but there are likely threatened species, from birds to bears to bugs, in your own neighborhood. Non-native (also called invasive) plant and animal species, which disrupt the ecological balance of a local habitat, are a significant cause of endangerment. Invasive plants that overrun native vegetation and invasive animals without existing predators can combine to devastate native animal populations.  Ad  When planting, choose plants and flowers that are native to the area. Native vegetation is more likely to attract native birds, butterflies and other insects, and other animals that may be endangered.  Remove invasive weeds and non-native plantings in favor of local varieties.  Build bird feeders suited to native species.  2  Grow naturally. Eliminate the use of chemical pesticides in your yard or garden in favor of natural deterrents. Give your local threatened or endangered species a fighting chance to thrive without dealing with unnecessary toxins. Water runoff can spread pesticide chemicals far from your home as well, so you will be benefiting a larger habitat than you might think.  Also, start composting to create natural, ultra-locally sourced fertilizer instead of relying on chemical-laced, long-distance hauled store brands.  3  Consider your space needs. Many people dream of having the huge backyard with the pristine green lawn, but the growing encroachment of humans into wildlife habitats is a major cause of species endangerment.  When it is time to move to a new home, think carefully about the amount of space you really need. Also consider the benefits of a smaller space (less mowing, for one!) as well as living in an area of existing development rather than a newly-carved suburban enclave.  If moving is not on your to-do list, consider whether it is possible for you to reduce your footprint on your own property. Would you be able to permit part of your land to return to a more natural state -- for instance, by replacing lawn space with native plantings that you allow to grow freely?  Method 2 of 3: Tackling Pollution and Climate Change  1  Shop for locally-grown organic produce. Support farmers who avoid chemical pesticides and can deliver produce to market without significant fuel consumption (and pollution). Every bit of pollution prevention helps endangered species, and you will help make organic farming the socially and financially sensible choice for growers.  2  Reduce, reuse, and recycle. If your municipality has a recycling program, make full use of it. Keep as much of your waste out of landfills as possible.  Landfills take up valuable space and some waste (like plastic bags and bottles) inevitably seems to make its way into wild habitats or the huge swirls of trash found out at sea, with negative consequences to animal life.  Buy products and food without packaging whenever possible. Take your own bags to the store. This will reduce the amount of garbage and waste you produce, not to mention the pollution resulting from the creation and distribution of this packaging. Whales and tigers will thank you.  Start an initiative to share specialty tools and seldom-used household items among neighbors.  Donate used toys, books, games, clothing, etc., to hospitals, shelters, daycares, or charities.  Before throwing something out, consider creative ways of reusing it. A toilet bowl flower pot may not be your style, but that old, beat-up kitchen table might make a nice little workbench.  3  Consider alternatives to driving. Walk or ride a bicycle to work or the market. It"s good for your body and produces zero emissions that negatively impact earth"s delicate climate balance. Take public transportation when available.  When you do use the car, drive more slowly. Animal-vehicle collisions are on the rise as human and animal habitats increasingly overlap, and this is a particular threat to certain endangered species. [2]  4  Save energy by turning off lights and electrical appliances when not in use.Unplug televisions, computers, and other items that still draw electricity even when turned off. This will stop the "vampire" energy drain of these devices.  You will cut pollution that damages the habitats of endangered species while also saving money. Not a bad deal. Make it a habit in your own life and share it with others. Tell them you can save them a buck and help the polar bears.  5  Don"t waste water. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth and use water-saving devices on your toilet, taps and shower head. Fix leaky pipes and faucets promptly. Even a small drip can waste large amounts of water over time.  Growing human demand for water leads to changes in freshwater ecosystems, beyond just reducing water levels. For instance, the building of dams to make reservoirs can prevent salmon from reaching their spawning grounds.  Method 3 of 3: Working Together  1  Support national parks, nature reserves, and wilderness areas that protect endangered animal habitats. Visit them, spend money there, or volunteer at one.  Teach kids about protecting endangered species. Many parks have special programs and tours for children.  When you travel, consider ecotourism in areas struggling to protect large numbers of endangered species. For instance, there are plenty of locals in Madagascar, an island nation east of mainland Africa with a unique and fragile ecosystem, who would like to preserve their endangered species; give them a financial incentive to do so.[3]  2  Leave nature as you find it. When you visit a national park or simply take a walk in the woods, follow the rules and do simple things to keep the area pristine: pick up your trash; follow fire regulations; leave flowers, eggs, and even rocks and logs where you find them. Take only pictures and leave only footprints.  3  Join a wildlife preservation group. There are numerous national and international organizations that work to protect endangered species, and you may also find local organizations in your area. They might be doing things as simple as weed removal and native planting in the local nature preserve. Join them, or start a group yourself.  4  Encourage farmers and large landowners to establish wildlife habitats and leave groves of old trees standing. If you know someone in this situation, inform them of the benefits of doing so. If not, join an organization that supports farmers and others in making this choice.  5  Join your voice with others and be heard. They say the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" for a reason. If you believe endangered species deserve protection for their benefit and ours, let people know. Increased awareness is the first step toward making positive change.  Contact your elected representatives. Ask them to support not only legislation that protects endangered species here at home or supports the effort abroad, but also measures to reduce pollution and tackle climate change.  Speak out in your community. Help make fliers. Talk at a school, library, or community center. In a friendly but resolute manner, assist people in seeing the bigger picture, how the little things we do (or don"t do) impact the whole system, including species endangerment. Tell them how the loss of species creates a ripple effect that will in some way impact them as well, and not just in what animals they can see at the zoo.






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