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这桌子很乱怎么翻译,这样译行不行。This table is very untidy

这样的话就表示很邋遢 。。 应该这样 This confused the table 。。


steal my girl(团队One Direction)歌词:she be my queen since we were sixteen  她在16岁时就成为我的女神  we want the same things  我们想到的事情都相同  we dream the same dreams alright alright  我们共享着美梦  I got it all cause she is the one  这一切只因她就是我命中注定的那一位  her mom calls me love  她的妈妈亲切的称呼我  her dad calls me son alright alright  她的爸爸视我为己出  I know I know I know for sure  我知道这一切都很好  everybody wants steal my girl  每个人都想抢走我的女孩  everybody wants take her heart away  每个人都想夺走她的心  couple billion in the whole wide world  那些人数也数不清,遍布全球  find another one cause she belongs to me (2x)  去找其他人吧,她已经属于我了  na na na na na-na (5x)  cause she belongs to me  因为她只属于我  kisses that clean her walk is so mean  亲吻她的脚边略有低略  and every jaw drops when she"s in those jeans alright alright  当她穿那些牛仔裤时露出失望的神情也没有关系  I don"t exist when I don"t have her  如果没有她我也不存在  the sun doesn"t shine the world doesn"t turn alright alright  即便太阳不再闪耀世界天翻地覆也没有关系  but i know i know i know for sure  只因我是如此确定  everybody wants steal my girl  每个人都想抢走我的女孩  everybody wants take her heart away  每个人都想夺走她的心  couple billion in the whole wide world  那些人数也数不清,遍布全球  find another one cause she belongs to me (2x)  去找其他人吧,她已经属于我了  na na na na na-na (5x)  cause she belongs to me  因为她只属于我  she knows she knows  她知道  that I never let her down before  她知道我从没让她失望过  she knows she knows  她知道她知道  that I"m never gonna let them take her love away from me now  我没有让其他人抢走她的心

Thomas Savery是谁?




the tide comes in and out everyday这句话里的动词是谁?


Everything Is Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:Everything Is Beautiful歌手:Jim Nabors专辑:The Best Of Jim NaborsEverything is beautifulkylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神BeautifulBeautifulI"m losing my way in this nightWalking away from the lightSurrender will be my escapeBreaking the walls of my mindI"m one step ahead of the truthI hear what I want to hear, and I hear youAnd if I lie with you long enough,I can see the things I"m dreaming ofLet"s go through the ritualUntil everything is beautiful (Beautiful)Getting a taste for this highFor bending the rules of what"s rightBut fooling myself feels so sweetReality looks black and whitePulling the ripcord I diveIt"s a cardboard kingdom,but it makes me feel,that if I lie with you long enough,I can see the things I"m dreaming ofLet"s go through the ritualUntil everything is beautiful (Beautiful)And now I"m traveling at such blissful speedNo need to think at this velocityThe things I feel begin to fade to blackNow I"ve burned my map and I won"t go backSo if I lie with you long enough,I can see the things I"m dreaming ofLet"s go through the ritualUntil everything is beautiful (Beautiful)And if I lie with you long enough,I can see the things I"m dreaming ofso Let"s go through the ritualUntil everything is beautiful (Beautiful)kylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神

kylie everything is beautiful 歌词

[ti:everything is beautiful][ar:kylie minogue][by:活在当下]kylie minogue - everything is beautifuli"m losing my way in this night walking away from the light surrender will be my escape breaking the walls of my mind i"m one step ahead of the truth i hear what i want to hear, and i hear you and if i lie with you long enough,i can see the things i"m dreaming of let"s go through the ritual until everything is beautiful (beautiful)getting a taste for this high for bending the rules of what"s right but fooling myself feels so sweet reality looks black and white pulling the ripcord i dive it"s a cardboard kingdom,but it makes me feel,that if i lie with you long enough,i can see the things i"m dreaming of let"s go through the ritual until everything is beautiful (beautiful)and now i"m traveling at such blissful speed no need to think at this velocity the things i feel begin to fade to black now i"ve burned my map and i won"t go back so if i lie with you long enough,i can see the things i"m dreaming of let"s go through the ritual until everything is beautiful (beautiful)and if i lie with you long enough,i can see the things i"m dreaming of let"s go through the ritual until everything is beautiful (beautiful)

the fish tastes very good 中tastes是什么意思?


He is certainly keen on his job and despite never being off duty,he obviously enjoys every minute





recovery的动词是recover。recovery的动词recover,是由形容词recoverable或recoverable的动词形式repaired或restored等引申而来。recover这个词根在英语中多次出现,比如在医学领域中,意味着“恢复健康”或“康复”。同时,recover在英语中还可以表示重新找到”、“重新获得”、恢复(某种状态),或者采取(某种态度或行为)。recover的词根re-表示“向后,返回”,而-cover则表示覆盖。因此,recover的字面意思是返回到原本的状态,把原本覆盖的东西揭开并修复。这与它的实际含义非常接近,即恢复某种失去的东西或者状态。recovery的造句:1、The market recovery has led to a rise in property prices.市场复苏已导致房地产价格上涨。2、He made a remarkable recovery from a serious illness.他从严重的疾病中恢复了健康。3、The economy is making a slow recovery from the financial crisis.经济正在从金融危机中慢慢复苏。4、Recovery time is important after exercise to allow the body to rest and repair.运动后恢复的时间很重要,可以让身体得到休息和修复。5、The patient is showing signs of recovery after a long illness.病人经过长时间的病痛之后,有恢复的迹象。

“大家好”英文有没有文艺一点的说法?不要类似于Hello everyone这些口语化的

hey guys


Very serious表示非常严肃的 Really serious表示确实严肃的





every species of animals have home这句话对吗?



你好,具体卡刷方法如下(1)请备份好联系人,短信,软件等数据。 (2)将下载好的ROM“”复制到存储卡根目录,下载地址: (3)同时按开机键及“音量上键”开机后放开电源键就进入recovery模式了 (4)选择【Wipe data/Factory reset】(清空DATA/恢复出厂设置)然后再选择【Yes -- delete all user data】(是 -- 删除全部用户数据) (5)返回到主界面,选择【Wipe Cache Partition】 (清空Cache分区)然后再选择【Yes -- Wipe Cache】 (是 -- 清空Cache) (6)返回主界面,选择【Install zip from SDCARD】(从SD卡选择更新)然后再选择【choose zip from sdcard】(从SD卡选择升级包更新),接着选中你放入存储卡中的ROM包【XXXXX.ZIP】 (7)选择【Yes --】(是 -- 安装 (8)等待刷机完成后,返回上级菜单,最后选择【Reboot system now】-【NO】(重启系统) 3.如果仍然不能解决您的问题请携带相关产品前往努比亚售后,努比亚售后提供ROOT、刷机同样保修的售后政策。让你在刷机体验第三方ROM的同时没有后顾之忧。 售后网点查询:。如需帮助请拨打联系客服400-700-6600咨询。您也可以返厂检测处理,具体返厂事宜请致电400-700-6600客服热线。

1. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history. A. in terms of B. in sight of C.

1. in terms of 是对于什么什么来说,in view of是由于的意思,不要用中文的思维来顾名思义2.witness 见证 遭受,用在此处最合适3.flagrant含有恶意的意思,本来浪费公款就是一种恶意的行为,而CD都是名声不好,臭名昭著的意思,用在这个地方不合适

海事英语--ship side delivery 什么意思?

楼上做海运的还是外贸的 :)

The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ______ very pleasant to sit on in summer.

【答案】:A本题考查非限制性定语从句A选项,句意:我家的后花园有一片草坪,夏天坐在上面会令你心旷神怡。which引出非限制性定语从句,在句中作主语,且和sit on 构成动宾关系。类似的句子有:This room is comfortable to live in 这句中live in 和this room构成动宾关系。B,选项,which引出非限制性定语从句,在句中作主语,故排除。C,选项,须由which引导非限制性定语从句,故排除。D,选项,where不能引导非限制性定语从句,故排除。故正确答案为A选项。

The back garden of our house contains a lawn, _____ very pleasant to sit on in summer.

该选B,which指代a lawn ,which在从句中做to sit on 的介词宾语。后面从句还原为It"s very pleasant to sit on which in summer. to sit on which又做从句的逻辑主语。

The back garden of our house contains a lawn, _____ very pleasant to sit on in summer.

非限定性定语从句 句中it带指sit on the back garden这一件事 原句可为: It is very pleasant to sit on the back garden of our house in summer.



Very well 如何读

发爱瑞 喂奥

把每一天都当做最后一天过"Live every day as if it was your last."

昨天下班后在公交车上开始觉得头晕、身体不舒服,浑身没力。以为自己只是这段时间累了,回到宿舍赶紧洗澡,八点多就躺床昏睡过去了,把闹钟调到6:02,比平时晚了7分钟。 第二天起来感觉身体没有异样,精力也恢复过来了,照样起床搭公交去上班了。那么早就出发不是因为工作繁重,只是想赶最早一班车,回到律所还没到八点,至少有一个小时的学习时间,因为开始实习之后,一天公交车来回,通勤时间近三个小时,每天晚上回到宿舍七八点已经没有精力继续学习(最近复盘之后其实都是借口)。 公交车上感觉还可以,回到所里开始吃不下早餐,上吐下泻。在办公桌上趴着休息了一下,还是觉得不能恢复过来,头晕、没力气,从来没有过的难受,跟老板请了假,在附近的医院预约挂号,赶紧去看医生了。医生大概的意思就是吃的东西有问题,叫我最近都喝白粥,给我开了葡萄糖、什么素、什么菌各种补剂。在回学校的公交车上晃悠悠的,觉得胃在翻滚,想吐,希望一秒钟回到宿舍躺着。安全到达学校之后,没吃东西,喝了医生开的葡萄糖,睡了一下午。感谢同事帮我完成了工作。我祈祷自己醒来就好了,但是还是浑身没劲。大学四年以来,在准备任何重要的考试、比赛期间我都不允许自己病倒,靠主观意志hold住,但很多时候在完成任务之后当晚就病倒了,印象最深刻的就是商务英语中级考试。 今晚我也是八点多就爬上床了,身体很累挺难受的,但是有点睡不着,于是开始想七想八,如果明天醒不来怎么办?让我想起那句话:把每一天都当做最后一天过("Live every day as if it was your last.")。 如果今天真的是最后一天,我应该会很不甘心、很不舍得吧。一方面是,我太多东西还没经历过了;另一方面是,过去我还有很多没有做好,或者如果有时间,我可以做得更好。 到生命中每一个时间点都是以往一分一秒的结果,都是有原因的。如果是最后一天了,我最后悔的可能是平时没有多多联系身边爱自己的人;没有多读点书,做做读书笔记;没有看《猫》…… 感觉自己上了大学才开窍,对于初中高中的记忆已经十分模糊。从开学第一天开始,下定决心要珍惜时间,将每一天都过得有滋有味。有身边的好朋友、离学校两个小时车程的父母,四年来极少负面情绪,几乎没有病痛,所以这次这么难受也是我预料之外,也让我开始胡思乱想,再一次感受到时间的宝贵。 关于时间的感悟不能太多,最关键还是活在当下,且对未来有清晰的规划,对过去进行总结。 Enjoy the present, Plan for the future, Learn from yesterday.

Every cloud has a silver lining是什么意思



sliveryAdjective1. resembling or consisting of or embedded with long slender fragments of (especially) wood having sharp points; "a rough splintery floor of old pine boards"


sliver 英[u02c8slu026avu0259(r)]美[u02c8slu026avu0259r]n. 薄片; (切下或碎裂的)小块;v. (使)成小片; 剖成长条;[例句]If the leaves are tough and fibrous, remove the stem, roll the leaves up like a cigar and sliver them for quick cooking.如果这些植物的叶太粗硬或多纤维,则将它们的梗去掉,然后卷成雪茄状,再摊成薄片状快速炒一下即可。[其他] 第三人称单数:slivers 复数:slivers 现在分词:slivering 过去式:slivered 过去分词:sliveredslivery 银色; 如银的;[例句]Effect of Different Synergist and Conditioner on the Yield and Quality of Slivery Bean不同增效剂和调理剂对白银豆产量及品质的影响

thy everything歌词中文谐音

Try Everything(电影《疯狂动物城》主题曲)-Shakira Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 I messed up tonight I lost another fight 今夜我搞砸了 又一次落败 I still mess up but I"ll just start again 深陷困境但我依然会重新开始 I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground 我总是失败 总是跌倒 I always get up now to see what"s next 而我总能重新站起 迎接崭新的未来 Birds don"t just fly they fall down and get up 鸟儿无法振翅高飞 跌落天际却重新展翅 Nobody learns without getting it won 不经历失败怎会懂成功的喜悦 I won"t give up no I won"t give in 我绝不会屈服 绝不会放弃 Til I reach the end and then I"ll start again 直到我抵达终点 我会重新出发 No I won"t leave I wanna try everything 不 我不会放弃 我只想竭尽全力 I wanna try even though I could fail 即便我注定失败我也想要竭尽全力 I won"t give up no I won"t give in 我绝不会屈服 绝不会放弃 Til I reach the end and then I"ll start again 直到我抵达终点 我会重新出发 No I won"t leave I wanna try everything 不 我不会放弃 我只想竭尽全力 I wanna try even though I could fail 即便我注定失败我也想要竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Look at how far you"ve come 坚持了多久 you filled your heart with love 看看满怀着爱的你 Baby you"ve done enough that cut your breath 你已经受够了白费力气 Don"t beat yourself up don"t need to run so fast 请不要自暴自弃 也不必太快抽离 Sometimes we come last but we did our best 有时我们终能实现梦想只要我们竭尽全力 I won"t give up no I won"t give in 我绝不会屈服 绝不会放弃 Til I reach the end and then I"ll start again 直到我抵达终点 我会重新出发 No I won"t leave I wanna try everything 不 我不会放弃 我只想竭尽全力 I wanna try even though I could fail 即便我注定失败我也想要竭尽全力 I won"t give up no I won"t give in 我绝不会屈服 绝不会放弃 Til I reach the end and then I"ll start again 直到我抵达终点 我会重新出发 No I won"t leave I wanna try everything 不 我不会放弃 我只想竭尽全力 I wanna try even though I could fail 即便我注定失败我也想要竭尽全力 I"ll keep on making those new mistakes 我也会固执的坚持犯错 I"ll keep on making them every day 每一天都不会放弃 Those new mistakes 固执的坚持犯错 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力 Oh oh oh oh oooh 哦哦哦哦哦 Try everything 竭尽全力

thy everything歌词中文谐音

Try Everything - Shakira《疯狂动物城》电影主题曲歌词:Written by:Sia Furler/Mikkel Eriksen/Tor Erik HermansenOh oh oh oh ooohOh oh oh oh ooohOh oh oh oh ooohOh oh oh oh ooohI messed up tonight I lost another fightI still mess up but I"ll just start againI keep falling down I keep on hitting the groundI always get up now to see what"s nextBirds don"t just fly they fall down and get upNobody learns without getting it wonI won"t give up no I won"t give inTill I reach the end and then I"ll start againNo I won"t leave I wanna try everythingI wanna try even though I could failI won"t give up no I won"t give inTill I reach the end and then I"ll start againNo I won"t leave I wanna try everythingI wanna try even though I could failOh oh oh oh ooohTry everythingOh oh oh oh ooohTry everythingOh oh oh oh ooohTry everythingOh oh oh oh ooohLook at how far you"ve come you filled your heart with loveBaby you"ve done enough that cut your breathDon"t beat yourself up don"t need to run so fastSometimes we come last but we did our bestI won"t give up no I won"t give inTill I reach the end and then I"ll start againNo I won"t leave I wanna try everythingI wanna try even though I could failI won"t give up no I won"t give inTill I reach the end and then I"ll start againNo I won"t leave I wanna try everythingI wanna try even though I could failI"ll keep on making those new mistakesI"ll keep on making them every dayThose new mistakesOh oh oh oh ooohTry everythingOh oh oh oh ooohTry everythingOh oh oh oh ooohTry everythingOh oh oh oh ooohTry everything

every beginning is only a sequel

每一个开始只不过是一个后续 故事其实已经开始了 没有前后文 开始不代表开始 只是结果的后续 大概是人生早已经开始


英文原文: 一样nest和very英式音标:[nest] [u02c8veru026a] 美式音标:[nu025bst] [u02c8vu025bri]

小黄人里有首歌里面歌词有ready go 和everybody的是个女生好像是个团队,急求!!!

应该是Crayon Pop 韩国组合的bar bar bar

找歌曲,急,韩国女孩直播用的感觉萌萌的歌词有,one tuo three four ready go,every bady,我是找不到。

Crayon Pop--bar bar bar

ready go everybody 英文 女生 节奏感很强

everybody hurts?我记得好像是

a bit of everything 是什么意思




刷机要双wipe,我是4ext recovery touch,有4个wipe。应该怎么弄啊

这两个就可以了 1、wipe data/factory reset 擦拭数据/工厂复位  2、wipe cache 擦拭缓存下面是说明。4EXT Recovery Touch v1.0.0.5 RC 9 更新说明:修正:进行格式化时保存ext4分区时主题总是激活,无论您如何设置修正:非常罕见的问题,某些ROM的备份还原附:中英文功能对照表reboot now 立即重新启动一、install from sdcard 从SD卡安装  1、choose zip from sdcard 选择从SD卡的zip  2、check md5sum of a file 检查文件的md5sum  3、apply/sdcard/ 应用/ SD卡/  4、toggle signature verifcatiom 切换签名验证  5、toggle script asserts 切换脚本验证二、toggle usb storage 切换USB存储  1、Unmount 卸载三、wipe | format 擦拭|格式化  1、wipe data/factory reset 擦拭数据/工厂复位  2、wipe cache 擦拭缓存  3、wipe dalvik cache 擦拭的Dalvik缓存  4、wipe battery stats 擦拭电池统计  5、format system 格式化系统  6、format data 格式化数据  7、format boot 格式化启动  8、format sdcard 格式化SD卡  9、format all partitions (exceptt sdcard) 格式化所有分区(SD卡除外)四、backup |restore 备份|恢复  1、Backup 备份  2、Restore 还原  3、Advanced Restore 高级还原    ①、Restore boot 恢复boot.img    ②、Restore system 恢复系统    ③、Restore adta 恢复数据    ④、Restore cache 还原缓存  4、Advanced Backup 高级备份    ①、Boot 引 导    ②、System 系 统    ③、Data 数 据    ④、Cache 高速缓存五、EXT3-4EXT-EXT4 EXT3-4EXT-EXT4(分区格式转换)  1、Convert | chang a backup→EXT4 转换|更改备份→EXT4  2、wipe |format →EXT4 擦拭|格式→EXT4  3、convert | chang a backup→EXT3 转换|更改备份→EXT3  4、wipe | format →EXT3 擦拭|格式→EXT3  5、print partition info 打印分区信息  6、reload theme 重载主题  7、uninstall theme 卸载主题六、mounts | storage 挂载|存储七、advanced 高级设置八、power menu 电源管理菜单  1、Reboot Recovery 重新启动恢复  2、Reboot into Bootloader 进入引导程序重新启动  3、Reboot 重新启动  4、Power Off 关闭电源

amy grant every heatbeat 歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 英文及中文歌词 解析: Amy Grant Every Heartbeat by Amy Grant, Wayne Kirkpatrick, and Charlie PeacockHear me speak what"s on my mind Let me give this testimony Reaffirm that you will find That you are my one and only. No exception to this rule I"m simple but I"m no fool I"ve got a witness happy to say Every hour, every day. Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear they stake my claim My red blood runs true blue And every heartbeat belongs to you. Classic case of boy meets girl Moving in the same direction You"re not asking for the world I"m not asking for perfection. Just a love that"s well designed For passing the test of time I"m here to tell you I"m here to stay Every hour, every day. Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear they stake my claim Ask anyone and they"ll tell you it"s true Every heartbeat belongs to you. Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear they stake my claim, yeah My red blood runs true blue And every heartbeat belongs to you. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah sure maybe I"m on the edge But I love you baby and like I said I"m here to tell you I"m here to stay Every hour, every day. Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear they stake my claim Ask anyone and they"ll tell you it"s true Every heartbeat belongs to you. Every heartbeat bears your name (every) Loud and clear they stake my claim, yeah My red blood runs true blue And every heartbeat belongs to you. Every heartbeat bears your name (every) Loud and clear they stake my claim, yeah (Every heartbeat) And every heartbeat belongs to you. Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear they stake my claim Ask anyone and they"ll tell you it"s true Every heartbeat belongs to you.

verycd版得电驴和 这个有什么不同eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1官方版




求placebo的《every you every me》的中文翻译


我在巴萨官网买了一件球衣,但是发货应该是英国的分部,快递方式选择的是standard delivery


HIuff01How are yuo doing? Very well,thank yuo. you look excited .why? Guess whatuff01 Myfather and mother


Everyone was silent对还是Everyone was silently对?

Everyone was silent是对的。silent是形容词,silently是副词。英语中系动词和形容词连用,可构成系表结构。副词是和动词连用的。be动词was属于系动词,所以用silent.

翻译A written account in twovoices,Every Mother is a Dayghter is aduet that produce a deep,


voices carry very far要用被动语态吗


英语Every Jack has his Jill 是出自什么典故

这是英语谚语!历史演变,属于典故.一切都会好起来,JACK也会拥有JILL的.源自于一个英语童谣和故事,最初是法国大革命时期的歌谣,Jack和Jill暗指路易16国王和他的皇后玛丽,他们都是被断头的.但是后来,歌谣传来传去,不再有原来的意思,更像是儿童诗歌.诗歌是这样的:Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.Up got Jack,and home did trot As fast as he could caper He went to bed and bound his head With vinegar and brown paper

every jack has his jill,什么意思


so much 和 very much 有何不同,帮我看下这个句子


so much和very much的区别




电脑蓝屏出现Recovery your PC needs to be repaired该如何修复?

先在安全模式(重启,启动时连按F8键,选择“安全模式”)下时,观察蓝屏是否出现.如果未出现蓝屏,就可以推断事件原因为驱动软件过期,三方程序干扰.此时,请您到电脑制造商网站上下载最近的BIOS, 声卡或显卡驱动来解决问题.如果问题不解决,有可能是软件冲突导致蓝屏。可用‘干净启动"来排错,找出问题软件,再考虑解决方法。2.若蓝屏仍旧在安全模式下出现, 问题就可能是由于硬件不稳定导致的。以下是一些硬件蓝屏的排错常规步骤,你可以尝试一下:1.如果最近有更换硬件,请您将新硬件更换回之前的硬件或是其他新硬件2.如果您有多根内存条,请您只保留一根,将其余的拔除3.确认接线等是否疏松,机箱内的灰尘是否过多,进行固定和清理4.更换其他的电源。5.病毒引起的,建议您可以使用腾讯电脑管家杀毒软件,全面的查杀病毒,彻底的清理干净!!

好好学习天天向上的英语是Study hard and make progress every day吗?

是的。不过good good study,day day up这种chinenglish已经在某种程度上被外国人接受了。不过还是建议你用Study hard and make progress every day。

Overhead recovery 在财务报表里是什么意思?请教高手!

相当于overhead absorption 就是 将部门分摊到的间接费用分配到每个单位产品中去

我要初中到高中所有的化学公式定理,thank you very much!

澄清石灰水中通入二氧化碳气体 Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3↓ + H2O(复分解) 现象:石灰水由澄清变浑浊. 相关知识点:这个反应可用来检验二氧化碳气体的存在. 镁带在空气中燃烧 2Mg + O2 现象:发出耀眼的白光,生成白色粉末. 相关知识点:(1)这个反应中,镁元素从游离态转变成化合态;(2)物质的颜色由银白色转变成白色. 水通电分解(或水的电解) 2H2O 2H2↑ + O2 ↑(分解) 现象:阴极,阳极有大量的气泡产生 相关知识点:(1)阳极产生氧气,阴极产生氢气;(2)氢气和氧气的体积比为2:1,质量比为1:8. 生石灰和水反应 CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2(化合) 现象:白色粉末溶解 相关知识点:(1)最终所获得的溶液名称为氢氧化钙溶液,俗称澄清石灰水;(2)在其中滴入无色酚酞,酚酞会变成红色;(3)生石灰是氧化钙,熟石灰是氢氧化钙. 铜粉在空气中受热 2Cu + O2 2CuO(化合) 现象:红色物质逐渐变成黑色粉末 相关知识点:这是用来粗略测定空气中氧气体积百分含量的实验. 实验室制取氧气(或加热氯酸钾和二氧化锰的混合物) 2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2↑( 分解) 相关知识点:(1)二氧化锰在其中作为催化剂,加快氯酸钾的分解速度或氧气的生成速度;(2)二氧化锰的质量和化学性质在化学反应前后没有改变;(3)反应完全后,试管中的残余固体是氯化钾和二氧化锰的混合物,进行分离的方法是:溶解,过滤,蒸发. 木炭在空气(或氧气)中燃烧 C + O2 CO2(化合) 现象:在空气中是发出红光,在氧气中是发出白光; 相关知识点:反应后的产物可用澄清的石灰水来进行检验. 硫在空气(或氧气)中燃烧 S + O2 SO2( 化合) 现象:在空气中是发出微弱的淡蓝色火焰,在氧气中是发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰. 相关知识点:反应后的产物可用紫色的石蕊来检验(紫色变成红色) 铁丝在氧气中燃烧 3Fe + 2O2 Fe3O4( 化合) 现象:剧烈燃烧,火星四射,生成一种黑色固体—四氧化三铁 相关知识点:在做此实验时,应先在集气瓶中放少量水或铺一层细砂,目的是防止集气瓶爆裂. 10,磷在空气中燃烧 4P + 5O2 2P2O5(化合) 现象:产生大量而浓厚的白烟. 相关知识点:烟是固体小颗粒;雾是液体小颗粒. 11 氢气在空气中燃烧 2H2 + O2 2H 2O(化合) 现象:产生淡蓝色的火焰. 相关知识点:(1)氢气是一种常见的还原剂;(2)点燃前,一定要检验它的纯度. 12,木炭和氧化铜高温反应 C + 2CuO 2Cu + CO2↑(置换) 现象:黑色粉末逐渐变成光亮的红色物质 相关知识点:还原剂:木炭;氧化剂:氧化铜 13,氢气还原氧化铜 H2 + CuO Cu + H2O (置换) 现象:黑色粉末逐渐变成光亮的红色物质,同时试管口有水滴生成 相关知识点:(1)实验开始时,应先通入一段时间氢气,目的是赶走试管内的空气;(2)实验结束后,应先拿走酒精灯,后撤走氢气导管,目的是防止新生成的铜与空气中的氧气结合,又生成氧化铜. 14,实验室制取二氧化碳气体(或大理石和稀盐酸反应) CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2↑(复分解) 现象:白色固体溶解,同时有大量气泡产生. 相关知识点:碳酸钙是一种白色难溶的固体,利用它能溶解在盐酸中的特性,可以用盐酸来除去某物质中混有的碳酸钙. 15,煅烧石灰石(或碳酸钙高温分解) CaCO3 CaO + CO2↑(分解) 16,一氧化碳在空气中燃烧 2CO + O2 2CO2(化合) 现象:产生蓝色火焰 相关知识点:(1)一氧化碳是一种常见的还原剂;(2)点燃前,一定要检验它的纯度. 17,一氧化碳还原氧化铜 CO + CuO Cu + CO2 现象:黑色粉末逐渐变成光亮的红色物质 相关知识点:还原剂:一氧化碳;氧化剂:氧化铜 18,甲烷在空气中燃烧 CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O 现象:火焰明亮呈浅蓝色 相关知识点:甲烷是天然气(或沼气)的主要成分,是一种很好的燃料. 19,氧化铜与硫酸反应 CuO + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + H2O(复分解) 现象:黑色粉末溶解,溶液变成蓝色 20,铁丝插入到硫酸铜溶液中 Fe + CuSO4 → FeSO4 + Cu(置换) 现象:铁丝表面有一层光亮的红色物质析出. 21,工业炼铁 3CO + Fe2O3 2Fe + 3CO2 相关知识点:还原剂:一氧化碳;氧化剂:氧化铁 22,硫酸铜溶液中滴加氢氧化钠溶液 CuSO4 + 2NaOH →Cu(OH)2↓+Na2SO4(复分解) 现象:有蓝色絮状沉淀生成. 23,氯化铁溶液中滴入氢氧化钠溶液 FeCl3 + 3NaOH → Fe(OH)3↓+ 3NaCl(复分解) 现象:有红褐色沉淀生成. 24,用盐酸来清除铁锈 Fe2O3 + 6HCl → 2FeCl3 + 3H2O(复分解) 现象:铁锈消失,溶液变成棕黄色. 25,硝酸银溶液与盐酸溶液混合 AgNO3 + HCl → AgCl ↓ + HNO3(复分解) 现象:有大量白色沉淀生成. 26,氯化钡溶液与硫酸溶液混合 BaCl2 + H2SO4 → BaSO4 ↓ + 2HCl(复分解) 现象:有大量白色沉淀生成. 27,胆矾受热分解 CuSO4•5H2O CuSO4 + 5H2O↑(分解) 现象:蓝色晶体逐渐变成白色粉末,同时试管口有水滴生成. 28,碳酸氢铵受热分解 NH4HCO3 NH3↑ + H2O + CO2↑(分解) 版本(2) 化合反应 1、镁在空气中燃烧:2Mg + O2 点燃 2MgO 2、铁在氧气中燃烧:3Fe + 2O2 点燃 Fe3O4 3、铝在空气中燃烧:4Al + 3O2 点燃 2Al2O3 4、氢气在空气中燃烧:2H2 + O2 点燃 2H2O 5、红磷在空气中燃烧:4P + 5O2 点燃 2P2O5 6、硫粉在空气中燃烧: S + O2 点燃 SO2 7、碳在氧气中充分燃烧:C + O2 点燃 CO2 8、碳在氧气中不充分燃烧:2C + O2 点燃 2CO 9、二氧化碳通过灼热碳层: C + CO2 高温 2CO 10、一氧化碳在氧气中燃烧:2CO + O2 点燃 2CO2 11、二氧化碳和水反应(二氧化碳通入紫色石蕊试液):CO2 + H2O === H2CO3 12、生石灰溶于水:CaO + H2O === Ca(OH)2 13、无水硫酸铜作干燥剂:CuSO4 + 5H2O ==== CuSO4•5H2O 14、钠在氯气中燃烧:2Na + Cl2点燃 2NaCl 分解反应 15、实验室用双氧水制氧气:2H2O2 MnO2 2H2O+ O2↑ 16、加热高锰酸钾:2KMnO4 加热 K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2↑ 17、水在直流电的作用下分解:2H2O 通电 2H2↑+ O2 ↑ 18、碳酸不稳定而分解:H2CO3 === H2O + CO2↑ 19、高温煅烧石灰石(二氧化碳工业制法):CaCO3 高温 CaO + CO2↑ 置换反应 20、铁和硫酸铜溶液反应:Fe + CuSO4 == FeSO4 + Cu 21、锌和稀硫酸反应(实验室制氢气):Zn + H2SO4 == ZnSO4 + H2↑ 22、镁和稀盐酸反应:Mg+ 2HCl === MgCl2 + H2↑ 23、氢气还原氧化铜:H2 + CuO 加热 Cu + H2O 24、木炭还原氧化铜:C+ 2CuO 高温 2Cu + CO2↑ 25、甲烷在空气中燃烧:CH4 + 2O2 点燃 CO2 + 2H2O 26、水蒸气通过灼热碳层:H2O + C 高温 H2 + CO 27、焦炭还原氧化铁:3C+ 2Fe2O3 高温 4Fe + 3CO2↑ 其他 28、氢氧化钠溶液与硫酸铜溶液反应:2NaOH + CuSO4 == Cu(OH)2↓ + Na2SO4 29、甲烷在空气中燃烧:CH4 + 2O2 点燃 CO2 + 2H2O 30、酒精在空气中燃烧:C2H5OH + 3O2 点燃 2CO2 + 3H2O 31、一氧化碳还原氧化铜:CO+ CuO 加热 Cu + CO2 32、一氧化碳还原氧化铁:3CO+ Fe2O3 高温 2Fe + 3CO2 33、二氧化碳通过澄清石灰水(检验二氧化碳):Ca(OH)2 + CO2 ==== CaCO3 ↓+ H2O 34、氢氧化钠和二氧化碳反应(除去二氧化碳):2NaOH + CO2 ==== Na2CO3 + H2O 35、石灰石(或大理石)与稀盐酸反应(二氧化碳的实验室制法):CaCO3 + 2HCl === CaCl2 + H2O + CO2↑ 36、碳酸钠与浓盐酸反应(泡沫灭火器的原理): Na2CO3 + 2HCl === 2NaCl + H2O + CO2↑ 版本(3) 化学方程式 反应现象 应用 2Mg+O2点燃或Δ2MgO 剧烈燃烧.耀眼白光.生成白色固体.放热.产生大量白烟 白色信号弹 2Hg+O2点燃或Δ2HgO 银白液体、生成红色固体 拉瓦锡实验 2Cu+O2点燃或Δ2CuO 红色金属变为黑色固体 4Al+3O2点燃或Δ2Al2O3 银白金属变为白色固体 3Fe+2O2点燃Fe3O4 剧烈燃烧、火星四射、生成黑色固体、放热 4Fe + 3O2高温2Fe2O3 C+O2 点燃CO2 剧烈燃烧、白光、放热、使石灰水变浑浊 S+O2 点燃SO2 剧烈燃烧、放热、刺激味气体、空气中淡蓝色火焰.氧气中蓝紫色火焰 2H2+O2 点燃2H2O 淡蓝火焰、放热、生成使无水CuSO4变蓝的液体(水) 高能燃料 4P+5O2 点燃2P2O5 剧烈燃烧、大量白烟、放热、生成白色固体 证明空气中氧气含量 CH4+2O2点燃2H2O+CO2 蓝色火焰、放热、生成使石灰水变浑浊气体和使无水CuSO4变蓝的液体(水) 甲烷和天然气的燃烧 2C2H2+5O2点燃2H2O+4CO2 蓝色火焰、放热、黑烟、生成使石灰水变浑浊气体和使无水CuSO4变蓝的液体(水) 氧炔焰、焊接切割金属 2KClO3MnO2 Δ2KCl +3O2↑ 生成使带火星的木条复燃的气体 实验室制备氧气 2KMnO4Δ K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑ 紫色变为黑色、生成使带火星木条复燃的气体 实验室制备氧气 2HgOΔ2Hg+O2↑ 红色变为银白、生成使带火星木条复燃的气体 拉瓦锡实验 2H2O通电2H2↑+O2↑ 水通电分解为氢气和氧气 电解水 Cu2(OH)2CO3Δ2CuO+H2O+CO2↑ 绿色变黑色、试管壁有液体、使石灰水变浑浊气体 铜绿加热 NH4HCO3ΔNH3↑+ H2O +CO2↑ 白色固体消失、管壁有液体、使石灰水变浑浊气体 碳酸氢铵长期暴露空气中会消失 Zn+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2↑ 有大量气泡产生、锌粒逐渐溶解 实验室制备氢气 Fe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2↑ 有大量气泡产生、金属颗粒逐渐溶解 Mg+H2SO4 =MgSO4+H2↑ 有大量气泡产生、金属颗粒逐渐溶解 2Al+3H2SO4=Al2(SO4)3+3H2↑ 有大量气泡产生、金属颗粒逐渐溶解 Fe2O3+3H2 Δ 2Fe+3H2O 红色逐渐变为银白色、试管壁有液体 冶炼金属、利用氢气的还原性 Fe3O4+4H2 Δ3Fe+4H2O 黑色逐渐变为银白色、试管壁有液体 冶炼金属、利用氢气的还原性 WO3+3H2Δ W +3H2O 冶炼金属钨、利用氢气的还原性 MoO3+3H2 ΔMo +3H2O 冶炼金属钼、利用氢气的还原性 2Na+Cl2Δ或点燃2NaCl 剧烈燃烧、黄色火焰 离子化合物的形成、 H2+Cl2 点燃或光照 2HCl 点燃苍白色火焰、瓶口白雾 共价化合物的形成、制备盐酸 CuSO4+2NaOH=Cu(OH)2↓+Na2SO4 蓝色沉淀生成、上部为澄清溶液 质量守恒定律实验 2C +O2点燃2CO 煤炉中常见反应、空气污染物之一、煤气中毒原因 2C O+O2点燃2CO2 蓝色火焰 煤气燃烧 C + CuO 高温2Cu+ CO2↑ 黑色逐渐变为红色、产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 冶炼金属 2Fe2O3+3C 高温4Fe+ 3CO2↑ 冶炼金属 Fe3O4+2C高温3Fe + 2CO2↑ 冶炼金属 C + CO2 高温2CO CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 碳酸使石蕊变红 证明碳酸的酸性 H2CO3 ΔCO2↑+ H2O 石蕊红色褪去 Ca(OH)2+CO2= CaCO3↓+ H2O 澄清石灰水变浑浊 应用CO2检验和石灰浆粉刷墙壁 CaCO3+H2O+CO2 = Ca(HCO3)2 白色沉淀逐渐溶解 溶洞的形成,石头的风化 Ca(HCO3)2Δ CaCO3↓+H2O+CO2↑ 白色沉淀、产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 水垢形成.钟乳石的形成 2NaHCO3ΔNa2CO3+H2O+CO2↑ 产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 小苏打蒸馒头 CaCO3 高温 CaO+ CO2↑ 工业制备二氧化碳和生石灰 CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+ H2O+CO2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 实验室制备二氧化碳、除水垢 Na2CO3+H2SO4=Na2SO4+H2O+CO2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 泡沫灭火器原理 Na2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+ H2O+CO2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 泡沫灭火器原理 MgCO3+2HCl=MgCl2+H2O+CO2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 CuO +COΔ Cu + CO2 黑色逐渐变红色,产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 冶炼金属 Fe2O3+3CO高温 2Fe+3CO2 冶炼金属原理 Fe3O4+4CO高温 3Fe+4CO2 冶炼金属原理 WO3+3CO高温 W+3CO2 冶炼金属原理 CH3COOH+NaOH=CH3COONa+H2O 2CH3OH+3O2点燃2CO2+4H2O C2H5OH+3O2点燃2CO2+3H2O 蓝色火焰、产生使石灰水变浑浊的气体、放热 酒精的燃烧 Fe+CuSO4=Cu+FeSO4 银白色金属表面覆盖一层红色物质 湿法炼铜、镀铜 Mg+FeSO4= Fe+ MgSO4 溶液由浅绿色变为无色 Cu+Hg(NO3)2=Hg+ Cu (NO3)2 Cu+2AgNO3=2Ag+ Cu(NO3)2 红色金属表面覆盖一层银白色物质 镀银 Zn+CuSO4= Cu+ZnSO4 青白色金属表面覆盖一层红色物质 镀铜 Fe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2O 铁锈溶解、溶液呈黄色 铁器除锈 Al2O3+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2O 白色固体溶解 Na2O+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O 白色固体溶解 CuO+2HCl=CuCl2+H2O 黑色固体溶解、溶液呈蓝色 ZnO+2HCl=ZnCl2+ H2O 白色固体溶解 MgO+2HCl=MgCl2+ H2O 白色固体溶解 CaO+2HCl=CaCl2+ H2O 白色固体溶解 NaOH+HCl=NaCl+ H2O 白色固体溶解 Cu(OH)2+2HCl=CuCl2+2H2O 蓝色固体溶解 Mg(OH)2+2HCl=MgCl2+2H2O 白色固体溶解 Al(OH)3+3HCl=AlCl3+3H2O 白色固体溶解 胃舒平治疗胃酸过多 Fe(OH)3+3HCl=FeCl3+3H2O 红褐色沉淀溶解、溶液呈黄色 Ca(OH)2+2HCl=CaCl2+2H2O HCl+AgNO3= AgCl↓+HNO3 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验Cl—的原理 Fe2O3+3H2SO4= Fe2(SO4)3+3H2O 铁锈溶解、溶液呈黄色 铁器除锈 Al2O3+3H2SO4= Al2(SO4)3+3H2O 白色固体溶解 CuO+H2SO4=CuSO4+H2O 黑色固体溶解、溶液呈蓝色 ZnO+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2O 白色固体溶解 MgO+H2SO4=MgSO4+H2O 白色固体溶解 2NaOH+H2SO4=Na2SO4+2H2O Cu(OH)2+H2SO4=CuSO4+2H2O 蓝色固体溶解 Ca(OH)2+H2SO4=CaSO4+2H2O Mg(OH)2+H2SO4=MgSO4+2H2O 白色固体溶解 2Al(OH)3+3H2SO4=Al2(SO4)3+3H2O 白色固体溶解 2Fe(OH)3+3H2SO4=Fe2(SO4)3+3H2O 红褐色沉淀溶解、溶液呈黄色 Ba(OH)2+ H2SO4=BaSO4↓+2H2O 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验SO42—的原理 BaCl2+ H2SO4=BaSO4↓+2HCl 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验SO42—的原理 Ba(NO3)2+H2SO4=BaSO4↓+2HNO3 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验SO42—的原理 Na2O+2HNO3=2NaNO3+H2O 白色固体溶解 CuO+2HNO3=Cu(NO3)2+H2O 黑色固体溶解、溶液呈蓝色 ZnO+2HNO3=Zn(NO3)2+ H2O 白色固体溶解 MgO+2HNO3=Mg(NO3)2+ H2O 白色固体溶解 CaO+2HNO3=Ca(NO3)2+ H2O 白色固体溶解 NaOH+HNO3=NaNO3+ H2O Cu(OH)2+2HNO3=Cu(NO3)2+2H2O 蓝色固体溶解 Mg(OH)2+2HNO3=Mg(NO3)2+2H2O 白色固体溶解 Al(OH)3+3HNO3=Al(NO3)3+3H2O 白色固体溶解 Ca(OH)2+2HNO3=Ca(NO3)2+2H2O Fe(OH)3+3HNO3=Fe(NO3)3+3H2O 红褐色沉淀溶解、溶液呈黄色 3NaOH + H3PO4=3H2O + Na3PO4 3NH3+H3PO4=(NH4)3PO4 2NaOH+CO2=Na2CO3+ H2O 吸收CO、O2、H2中的CO2、 2NaOH+SO2=Na2SO3+ H2O 2NaOH+SO3=Na2SO4+ H2O 处理硫酸工厂的尾气(SO2) FeCl3+3NaOH=Fe(OH)3↓+3NaCl 溶液黄色褪去、有红褐色沉淀生成 AlCl3+3NaOH=Al(OH)3↓+3NaCl 有白色沉淀生成 MgCl2+2NaOH = Mg(OH)2↓+2NaCl CuCl2+2NaOH = Cu(OH)2↓+2NaCl 溶液蓝色褪去、有蓝色沉淀生成 CaO+ H2O = Ca(OH)2 白色块状固体变为粉末、 生石灰制备石灰浆 Ca(OH)2+SO2=CaSO3↓+ H2O 有白色沉淀生成 初中一般不用 Ca(OH)2+Na2CO3=CaCO3↓+2NaOH 有白色沉淀生成 工业制烧碱、实验室制少量烧碱 Ba(OH)2+Na2CO3=BaCO3↓+2NaOH 有白色沉淀生成 Ca(OH)2+K2CO3=CaCO3↓ +2KOH 有白色沉淀生成 CuSO4+5H2O= CuSO4•H2O 蓝色晶体变为白色粉末 CuSO4•H2OΔ CuSO4+5H2O 白色粉末变为蓝色 检验物质中是否含有水 AgNO3+NaCl = AgCl↓+Na NO3 白色不溶解于稀硝酸的沉淀(其他氯化物类似反应) 应用于检验溶液中的氯离子 BaCl2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4↓+2NaCl 白色不溶解于稀硝酸的沉淀(其他硫酸盐类似反应) 应用于检验硫酸根离子 CaCl2+Na2CO3= CaCO3↓+2NaCl 有白色沉淀生成 MgCl2+Ba(OH)2=BaCl2+Mg(OH)2↓ 有白色沉淀生成 CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+H2O+CO2 ↑ MgCO3+2HCl= MgCl2+H2O+ CO2 ↑ NH4NO3+NaOH=NaNO3+NH3↑+H2O 生成使湿润石蕊试纸变蓝色的气体 应用于检验溶液中的铵根离子 NH4Cl+ KOH= KCl+NH3↑+H2O 生成使湿润石蕊试纸变蓝色的气体 附: 物质俗名及其对应的化学式: 生石灰:CaO (2)熟石灰(或消石灰):Ca(OH)2 (3)食盐:NaCl (4)干冰:CO2 (5)纯碱:Na2CO3 (6)烧碱(或苛性钠,火碱):NaOH (7)胆矾:CuSO4•5H2O (8)石碱:Na2CO3•10H2O

smoke weed everyday这句是什么意思?

也就是每天吸烟。。这里weed 是烟草的意思。。不是光“草”的意思!



Every life has its roses and thorns是什么意思

  Every life has its roses and thorns的中文翻译  Every life has its roses and thorns  每一个生命都有它的玫瑰和荆棘

公司各部门的英文简称:我英文不好 请英语very good的帮帮忙!谢谢


有一首英文歌歌词高潮有很多for 好像是for over还是for every 是女生唱的

Because you loved me


海豚湾 The Cove食品公司 Food, Inc.

英语翻译The Canine CruncherThe day Mr.X took delivery of his new


Everybody wants to go to heaven歌词的翻译

Everybody wants to go to heaven人人都想去天堂Kenny ChesneyPreacher told me last Sunday mornin"传道士上个星期六告诉我Son, you better start livin" right孩子,你最好从现在开始井井有条的生活You need to quit the women and whiskey你需要远离女人和威士忌And carrying on all night而且必需夜夜坚守Don"t you wanna hear him call your name难道你不想听到他(上帝)喊出你的名字吗When you"re standin" at the pearly gates当你站在珠色般的门前I told the preacher, "Yes I do"我告诉传道士,是的,我愿意But I hope they don"t call today但是我希望他们并不在今日实行I ain"t ready我现在还没准备好Everybody wants to go to heaven每个人都想去天堂Have a mansion high above the clouds有一座大厦矗于云端Everybody want to go to heaven人人都想去天堂But nobody want to go now但是无人想此时就去Said preacher maybe you didn"t see me传教士说也许你不会见到我了Throw an extra twenty in the plate用去了二十年的光景There"s one for everything I did last night这是昨夜我为众物所做的非比寻常的事And one to get me through today是直到今日让我非常劳累的事Here"s a ten to help you remember这里有十年的光景用于让你谨记Next time you got the good Lord"s ear下次你会得到听觉敏锐如lord的耳朵Say I"m comin" but there ain"t no hurry正如我所说我即将抵达但并不匆忙I"m havin" fun down here我在这里玩的很愉快Don"t you know that你也应该知道Everybody wants to go to heaven每个人都想去天堂Get their wings and fly around拥有对儿翅膀四处翱翔Everybody want to go to heaven人人都想去天堂But nobody want to go now但是无人想即刻便去Someday I want to see those streets of gold in my halo我想未来某天去我的天堂上看看街道But I wouldn"t mind waitin" at least a hundred years or so但是我不介意等上那么一百余天Everybody wanna go to heaven人人都想去天堂It beats the other place there ain"t no doubt毋庸置疑它是最美妙的去处Everybody wanna go to heaven人人都想去天堂But nobody wanna go now但是无人想即刻便去Everybody wanna go to heaven人人都想去天堂Hallelujah, let me hear you shout哈利路亚(上帝)请让我听到您的呼喊Everybody wanna go to heaven每个人都想去天堂But nobody wanna go now但是无人想即刻便去I think I speak for the crowd我想我代表着群众的意愿Nobody wanna go now, yeah... 无人想即刻便去

Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven歌手:Albert King专辑:Lovejoy--Kenny Chesney Ft. the Wailers---=《 Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven 》=-Preacher told me last Sunday mornin`Son, you better start livin` rightYou need to quit the women and whiskeyAnd carrying on all nightDon`t you wanna hear him call your nameWhen you`re standin` at the pearly gatesI told the preacher, "Yes I do"But I hope they don`t call todayI ain`t readyEverybody wants to go to heavenHave a mansion high above the cloudsEverybody want to go to heavenBut nobody want to go nowSaid preacher maybe you didn`t see meThrow an extra twenty in the plateThere`s one for everything I did last nightAnd one to get me through todayHere`s a ten to help you rememberNext time you got the good Lord`s earSay I`m comin` but there ain`t no hurryI`m havin` fun down hereDon`t you know that……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Everybody wants to go to heavenGet their wings and fly aroundEverybody want to go to heavenBut nobody want to go nowSomeday I want to see those streets of gold in my haloBut I wouldn`t mind waitin` at least a hundred years or soEverybody wanna go to heavenIt beats the other place there ain`t no doubtEverybody wanna go to heavenBut nobody wanna go nowEverybody wanna go to heavenHallelujah, let me hear you shoutEverybody wanna go to heavenBut nobody wanna go nowI think I speak for the crowdNobody wanna go now

歌词everybody let me see

Kenny Chesney - Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven (Ft. The Wailers)Preacher told me last Sunday mornin"Son, you better start livin" rightYou need to quit the women and whiskeyAnd carrying on all nightDon"t you wanna hear him call your nameWhen you"re standin" at the pearly gatesI told the preacher, "Yes I do"But I hope they don"t call todayI ain"t readyEverybody wants to go to heavenHave a mansion high above the cloudsEverybody want to go to heavenBut nobody want to go nowSaid preacher maybe you didn"t see meThrow an extra twenty in the plateThere"s one for everything I did last nightAnd one to get me through todayHere"s a ten to help you rememberNext time you got the good Lord"s earSay I"m comin" but there ain"t no hurryI"m havin" fun down hereDon"t you know thatEverybody wants to go to heavenGet their wings and fly aroundEverybody want to go to heavenBut nobody want to go nowSomeday I want to see those streets of gold in my haloBut I wouldn"t mind waitin" at least a hundred years or soEverybody wanna go to heavenIt beats the other place there ain"t no doubtEverybody wanna go to heavenBut nobody wanna go nowEverybody wanna go to heavenHallelujah, let me hear you shoutEverybody wanna go to heavenBut nobody wanna go nowI think I speak for the crowdNobody wanna go now, yeah...

歌词里有everybody want to see you and I,听出来的,是什么歌?


Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿). He worked in a factory and every da?

小题1:D 小题2:A 小题3:D 小题4:A 小题5:C ,9,Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿). He worked in a factory and every day he got a little money. Hard work changed him thin and weak. He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn to paint pictures, but he did not think he could pay off the debts.One day the lawyer said to him, “One thousand dollars, and here is the money.” As Hobbs took the package of notes, he was very dumbfounded(目瞪口呆的). He didn"t know where the money came from and how to spend it. He said to himself, “I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days; or I give up my work in the factory and do what I"d like to do: painting pictures I could do that for a few weeks, but what would I do after that? I should have lost my place of the factory and have no money to live on. If it were a little less money, I would buy a new coat, or a radio, or give a dinner to my friends. If it were more, I could give up the work and pay for painting pictures. But it"s too much for one and too little for the other.” “Here is the reading of your uncle"s will(遗嘱),” said the lawyer, “telling what is to be done with this money after his death. I must ask you to remember one point. Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money, as soon as you have spent it.” “Yes, I see. I"ll do that.” said the young man. 小题1:He wanted to borrow money because he wanted to_____. abroad abroad for the debts D.learn to paint pictures 小题2:Hobbs was dumbfounded on receiving the money because he thought_____. A.the money was too much B.the money was too little C.he would be di *** issed D.the lawyer meant to punish him 小题3:With the money he got, first Hobbs_____. A.planned to have a happy life for a few days B.decided to give up his work in the office C.was to give a dinner to his friends D.had no idea what to do 小题4:What Hobbs was asked to do was_____. tell the lawyer what he did with the money after spending it read his uncle"s will tell the lawyer what was to be done with the money D.nothing but to buy some pictures 小题5:What Hobbs really loved to do was_____. A.working in the factory in a fine hotel C.painting pictures D.saving the money

表程度的英语短语,除a little ,very much外,还有什么主要的典型的?


every thing sucks什么意思?



如下所示:首先我要更正一下:有very well的用法,表示“很好”的意思,也有thanks的用法,单独表示“谢谢”的意思,但是没有very well thanks的用法。如果表示分“非常感谢”的意思,正确的用法为:thank you very much或thanks a lot。thanks:英 [θ??ks];美 [θ??ks]。 thank [θ??k],及物动词。一、谢谢,感谢,道谢:例句: 1.Thank you.谢谢。 2.Thank you for your help.多谢你帮忙。 3.She thanked me for the present.她对我送的礼物表示感谢。 4.I don"t know how I can possibly thank you enough.我真不知道该怎么感谢你。二、要…负责;责备,责怪:例句: 1.You have only yourself to thank for the mistake.这个错误你只能怪你自己。 2.We"ve got Tom to thank for the accident.我们要汤姆对这起事故负责。

英语自我介绍带翻译60字 hello,everyone. (大家好) . very glad to

这是什么!!说实话,一塌糊涂,建议: Hello, everyone:[I"m ] Very glad to be here [today to introduce myself ]. My name is +++, and I"m ++years old . [LOOK! ] I"m A +++school student like you, guys, here for now. My favourite subject is English,[you know, ], it can bring us a lot of fun, and I like sports very much. Sports really gave me great pleasure Here"s what I appieciate as my inspiring words; Nothing in impossible. So I always try my best to do everything well, and never give up easily. ,I hope to make friends with ALL OF you .That" that, ThankS for your listening!

大家好的英语怎么说 hello everyone

1、hello everyone ,大家好是一个习惯问候语。 2、英语为hello everyone,音标拼读:英 [heu02c8lu0259u u02c8evriwu028cn] 美 [hu025bu02c8lo u02c8u025bvriu02ccwu028cn]。 3、大家好英语也可以说:hi everyone。

英语自我介绍带翻译60字 hello,everyone. (大家好) . very glad to

这是什么!!说实话,一塌糊涂,建议: Hello, everyone:[I"m ] Very glad to be here [today to introduce myself ]. My name is +++, and I"m ++years old . [LOOK! ] I"m A +++school student like you, guys, here for now. My favourite subject is English,[you know, ], it can bring us a lot of fun, and I like sports very much. Sports really gave me great pleasure Here"s what I appieciate as my inspiring words; Nothing in impossible. So I always try my best to do everything well, and never give up easily. ,I hope to make friends with ALL OF you .That" that, ThankS for your listening!




"非常喜欢" 的英文表达可以用 "I love animals very much" 或者 "I really love animals" 等。 如果想用一个更具表现力的词汇,可以使用 "I adore animals" 表示 "我非常喜欢动物" 或 "I am passionate about animals" 表示 "我对动物很热爱"。但需要注意的是,这些词汇的使用范围可能不同,建议根据具体情况选择最合适的表达方式。

He fixed everything that Ralph wrecked是什么句子?


朋友们帮个忙呗!今天是最后一天了。用英语怎么说?thank you very much。


下面这句话中“a very small proportion”可以替换为“very small proportions”吗?为啥原文不用后者?

proportion搭配单数或不可数名词的时候,用单数。作为比例讲的时候是不可数,用the proportion of作为规模程度的时候,必须用复数

IELTS小作文. 恳求英语达人给予修改和指点,Thank you very much!

Dear sir/Madam:I"m writing this letter in order to request for a new student ID card.After (arriving) home yesterday afternoon, I soon realised that my ID card must been left somewhere because it could not be found neither in the pocket nor in the bag. Firstly I thought I might left it on the bus, however the customer service replied that they did not find any similar item. Then I phoned the library to see whether my ID was there or not. Unfortunately the answer was “NO”. Finally, I had no other choice but to report it to the police.It is extremely inconvenient without an ID card. (Not only will I not be )able to use the library any more, (but also I) cannot claim for discounts on neither public transport nor cinema tickets, (Moreover,) the most principle issue is that without an ID as the identification, I am not allowed to withdraw cash (from) the bank.Due to (the) inconveniences which (are) mentioned above, I, therefore, request for a new ID card. I will appreciate if it could be done as soon as possible. Regards,略改了一下,有些表达可以稍微修改一下,以更符合英文的表达,写作继续多练习,会有进步的.by the way,我写过的IELTS 小作文是有关图表分析的,要出国的学生考IELTS 是考这种小作文吗?
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