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yellowmovie中文翻译:黄色电影。为什么色情片被称作blue movies?嗯,英大知道大家都是很纯洁的。但是呢,纯洁不影响我们知道色情片的存在。因为国内很多人都称色情片为小黄片,所以就理所应当地认为它应该被译作yellow movies。其实,这是错的。在国外,色情片的正确叫法是blue movies。关于这种说法的起因一直没有准确的定断,存在以下几种解释:1781年,康涅狄格州的历史提到清教徒的法规(蓝色法规),这促进了蓝色和性行为之间的联系。The ‘blue laws" of the Puritans prompted the link between blue and sexual behaviour.另一种解释是,关在监狱里的妓女都穿着蓝色的长袍。还有一种解释是,有一些脱衣舞表演的灯光是蓝色的。The small yellow minions of "Despicable Me 2" upstaged Johnny Depp at the weekend movie box office.

a blue movie 是什么意思

。。。。这个我在牛津双解词典上看到过。。因为我在一个阅读时查找字典而发现的。。。。它的意思是指 色情电影。。可能中国人的传统认为 是a yellow movie 这个才是色情电影 其实不然。。建议楼主 多学习一下。。不要问这么可笑的问题。。 我高1 回答完毕。。

blue movie为什么不是yellow

这种现象比较有意思,blue 在英文里有高贵血统的意思,可是同时又有色情的意思。blue的这种意义来源不可考,大概是由于过去表演脱衣舞时常打蓝色的灯光。blue movie从这个内容上来说,可以作为在西方影院放映的pornographic movie的同意语,但是blue movie主要是指在男人俱乐部或集会中上映的短片。与之类似,中华民族以炎黄子孙自居,黄色甚至是皇族专用的色彩,可是这个黄色也是和黄色电影,黄色小说掺合在一起。类似的表达还有blue jokes (improper jokes) 猥亵的笑话,也就是时下流行甚广的“荤段子”。

This file format is not supported by the File Preview是什么意思?

不知道。。。 你自己去 有道词典里搜搜吧


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For Your Eyes Only 和A View To A Kill

A View To A Kill是007系列影片之一,可译为《雷霆杀机》For Your Eyes Only 字面意思是:只给你看,也是一部电影的名字,中文译为《最高机密》

A View to a Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View to a Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Best of Bond...James Bond 50 Years - 50 TracksDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View To A Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View To A Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:GreatestsDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View to a Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View to a Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:GreatestDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View To A Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View To A Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:The Singles Box 1986 - 1995Duran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View To A Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View To A Kill歌手:The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra&Carl Davis专辑:Best Of James BondDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View to a Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View to a Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Best of Bond...James Bond 50th Anniversary CollectionDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View to a Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View to a Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:A View to a Kill (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Duran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View To A Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View To A Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:The Biggest And The BestDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View to a Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View to a Kill歌手:Duran Duran专辑:The Singles 81-85Duran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View To A Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View To A Kill歌手:Taylor&Barry&Le Bon&Rhodes专辑:James Bond ThemesDuran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

A View To A Kill 歌词

歌曲名:A View To A Kill歌手:rasco&The Cali Agents专辑:Presents Hip Hop Classics Vol.1 CD2Duran DuranA View To A KillMeeting you, with a view to a kill,Face to face, in secret places. Feel the chill.Nightfall covers me,But you know, the plans I"m makingStill over see.Could it be the whole earth opening wideA sacred why? A myst"ry gaping insideThe weekends; why? Until wedance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.The choice for you is the view to a kill.Between the shades, assassination standing still.The first crystal tearsFall as snowflakes on your body,First time in years,To drench your skin with lover"s rosy stain.A chance to find a phoenix for the flame,A chance to die, but can weDance into the fire,That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fireTo fatal sounds of broken dreams.Dance into the fire;That fatal kiss is all we need.Dance into the fire.When all we see is a view to a kill.

急需一篇my view on puppy love的英语作文

Puppy love is an informal term for feelings of love, particularly between young people during adolescence, so-called for its resemblance to the affection that may be felt towards a puppy dog. The term is often used in a derogatory fashion, describing emotions which are shallow and transient in comparison to other forms of love such as romantic love. Puppy love, also commonly known as a "crush", can also describe the love or lust of a child or adolescent for an adult. For example, a student being attracted to their teacher. In this case, the term relates an infatuation which is not reciprocated. The term may meet with resistance from some young people as patronising and belittling of genuine emotion (see the pop song Puppy Love below).背景音乐是啥啊?

Green day——《Holiday》

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跪求英语作文the view out of the window.........初三的, 80字左右


qt中怎么设置QGraphicsScene *scene 的大小啊,不是QGraphicsView

可以使用setSceneRect()设置QGraphicsScene的大小。如果不设置,则默认为scene中包含所有子元素的边界区域( itemsBoundingRect()函数的返回值)。更详细的说明参看QGraphicsScene的文档,讲解很详细,看下面这段:The scene"s bounding rect is set by calling setSceneRect(). Items can be placed at any position on the scene, and the size of the scene is by default unlimited. The scene rect is used only for internal bookkeeping, maintaining the scene"s item index. If the scene rect is unset, QGraphicsScene will use the bounding area of all items, as returned by itemsBoundingRect(), as the scene rect. However, itemsBoundingRect() is a relatively time consuming function, as it operates by collecting positional information for every item on the scene. Because of this, you should always set the scene rect when operating on large scenes.






这是越南的一个地址:南定省(TINH NAM DINH) 义兴县 (HUYEN NGHIA HUNG ) 义州乡 (XA NGHIA CHAU) 大记村 (THON DAI KY)越南语的地址表达顺序刚好和中国是相反的:村在前面,然后是乡、县、省。

Javier的《Poetry》 歌词

歌曲名:Poetry歌手:Javier专辑:Left Of CenterDanity Kane PoetryAubrey:when i stand in a crowded roomI feel alone like nobody"s thereAnd when u talk cold to meI can see ur breath in the airit"s taking it"s toll on meIn the bathroom taking showersso u don"t see me crybaby it"s such a crimeDawnI"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter you"re not making sensei missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyyou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?D.Woods:When I give you gratitudeYou act like you don"t hear me speakAnd when i tell you what you do to meYou don"t even hear the truthwhat are you trying to prove?I stare out of the window for hoursCuz you don"t listen to meYou won"t even look in my eyesDawn:I"ve tried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookmy sanity, I started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?Aundrea:Don"t believe what you"re sayingI read your face and I"m blankingCuz I don"t know what"s in front of my eyesI try to feel confidentTried to feel confidentI"m bitter, you"re not making senseI missed you till you almost tookMy sanityHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhHah hah hah hahhhI started a new verseDK:Like poetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingPoetryYou"re hiding behind the words you speakChanging the words of the storyYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meI"m fightingYou"re hiding behind the wordsYou"re speakingChanging the wordsI"m lost in the verseYou say you don"t love meThen say that you love meWhy are you hiding?hah hah hah hahhh(till end)


没区别 求歌词

My life is brilliant,my love is pureI saw an angel,of that I"m sureForever youngI wanna beForever youngI won"t hesitateNo more no moreThis cannot waitI"m yoursThis is the way you left meI"m not pretendingNo hope no love no gloryNo happy endingCause you were amazingAnd we did amazing thingsIf I couldThen I wouldI"ll go wherever goDon"t let a day go byAnd can you feelThe love tonightAnd she will be lovedYes she will be lovedPictures of youPictures of meHung up on your wallFor the world to seePlease don"t leave meAnd I want a TV embraceCause I can"t liveWith or with out youWhen ever I fallAt your feetYou let your tears…Am I not pretty enough?Is my heart to broken….(Spoken): Double time,(Spoken): Double time,When I find myselfIn times of troubleMother Mary ComesTo meSometimes I feel likeI don"t have aPartnerIs that the way its gonnaBe little darlingWe"ll go riding on the horsesYeah, YeahNo woman no cryMama surely was a dreamI come from a land down underOnce a jolly swagmen camped by a billabongThinking you true blue the funny things you doAustralia, Australia this is youTake on me (take on me)Take me on (take on me)Ill be gone in a day or twoSave tonightGonna take a lot to drag me away from youFind the break of dawnThere"s nothing that hundred men or more could ever doI know she"s playing with meBut that"s ok because I have no self esteemWith a thousand eyes and a good disguiseYou look me right between the eyesRight between the eyesBecause it"s too late to apologizeIt"s too lateStacks on deckPatrone on iceWe can pop bottles baby you can have what ever you likeSaid you can have what ever you likeYeah I"m not here for your entertainmentYou don"t really wanna mess with me tonightCan"t read my, can"t read myPoker faceCome on Barbie, let"s go partyLost and insecure you found meYou found meLying on the floor surroundedSurroundedShe wants to kiss me oh-ohShe wants to touch me wo-hooShe wants to love me Wo-hooShe will never leave me wo-hooWo-ho oh ohEnjoy your self take everything you need from himTake you canvass bagsTake you canvass bagsTake you canvass bags to the supermarketTake you canvass bagsI"m all out of faithThis is how I feelI"m cold and I"m ashamedLying naked on the floorIllusion never changedInto something realI"m wide awakeAnd I can seeI"m more than a birdI"m more than a planeI"m a bird-plane,A mother fucking bird-planeAnd doesn"t that sound familiar?Doesn"t that hit too close to home?Doesn"t that make you shiver; the way things could"ve gone?And doesn"t it feel peculiar that everyone wants a little more.So that I do remember to never go that far,That"s all it takes to be a star!!!47首曲子列表Journey — “Don"t Stop Believing”James Blunt — “You"re Beautiful”Black Eyed Peas — “Where Is the Love”Alphaville — “Forever Young”Jason Mraz — “I"m Yours”Train — “Hey Soul Sister”The Calling — “Wherever You Will Go”Elton John — “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” (from The Lion King)Akon — “Don"t Matter”John Denver — “Take Me Home, Country Roads”Lady Gaga — “Paparazzi”U2 — “With Or Without You”The Last Goodnight — “Pictures of You”Maroon Five — “She Will Be Loved”The Beatles — “Let It Be”Bob Marley — “No Woman No Cry”Marcy Playground — “Sex and Candy”Men At Work — “Land Down Under”Theme from America"s Funniest Home VideosJack Johnson — “Taylor”Spice Girls — “Two Become One”A Ha — “Take On Me”Green Day — “When I Come Around”Eagle Eye Cherry — “Save Tonight”Toto — “Africa”Beyonce — “If I Were A Boy”Kelly Clarkson — “Behind These Hazel Eyes”Jason DeRulo — “In My Head”The Smashing Pumpkins — “Bullet With Butterfly Wings”Joan Osborne — “One Of Us”Avril Lavigne — “Complicated”The Offspring — “Self Esteem”The Offspring — “You"re Gonna Go Far Kid”Akon — “Beautiful”Timberland featuring OneRepublic — “Apologize”Eminem featuring Rihanna — “Love the Way You Lie”Bon Jovi — “It"s My Life”Lady Gaga — “Pokerface”Aqua — “Barbie Girl”Red Hot Chili Peppers — “Otherside”The Gregory Brothers — “Double Rainbow”MGMT — “Kids”Andrea Bocelli — “Time To Say Goodbye”Robert Burns — “Auld Lang Syne”Five for fighting — “Superman”The Axis of Awesome — “Birdplane”Missy Higgins — “Scar”




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爱思唯尔的期刊之间转投还需要under review吗

需要。爱思唯尔由于有自己的编辑团队,所以在审稿阶段对稿件格式并没有特别的要求,比如Energy期刊,只要按照自己喜欢的版式进行排版即可。但是一定要美观工整!1.5倍或2倍行距,文本两端对齐,基本做到上面这两点,Manuscript就比较工整了,另外,对于TOP期刊,除了内容以外,图片也是决定你文章能不能被录用的重要因素,所以在准备图片的时候要格外用心,很多人担心自己的英语不过关,投稿TOP期刊是不是有难度?其实并不尽然,我所在的课题组里好多师兄师姐也就刚过六级的水平,但还是照样发了TOP期刊。所以科研类文章,在保证英语能让人读懂的情况下,方法创新、立意新颖,即使语言不出彩,也是很容易被录用的。对于爱思唯尔期刊投稿,一般还要求有Cover Letter,就是写给编辑的一段话,说明你文章的创新点以及资金的支持来源。一般科研类文章都会选Full length article,综述类文章可以选择Review article,其他文章类型很少选到。是什么意思


an action movie是什么意思


爱思唯尔Elsevier出版集团logo 是什么意思啊?


你最喜欢看哪位日本演员的action movie


“Hero” is ________ action movie. I

C 试题分析:句意:“英雄”是一部动作影片。我非常喜欢它。movie为名词单数,所以前面应有冠词修饰。A为定冠词,常表示特指。BC为泛指:如果所修饰词的音标是以辅音音素开头的,应用a ;如果所修饰词的音标是以元音音素开头的,应用an.action是以元音音素开头的,故选C。



The boys are( )an exciting action movie.

C.talking about

推荐点美国Action Movie.经典大片

《勇闯夺命岛》尼古拉斯 凯奇主演。《断箭》约翰 屈伏塔主演。《剑鱼行动》《极限特工》共两部。《真实的谎言》

action movie怎么读

艾可申 木维动作电影

action movie motion picture 区别



是可数名词 复数形式action movies.

Write your movie review using the notes.

《中国机长》是一部动作电影。它根据2018年5月14日四川航空3U8633航班机组成功处置特情真实事件改编,讲述了“中国民航英雄机组”成员与119名乘客遭遇极端险情,在万米高空直面强风、低温、座舱释压的多重考验。该片于2019年9月30日在中国上映Captain China is an action movie. Based on the real event of Sichuan Airlines flight 3u8633 on May 14, 2018, it tells that members of "CAAC hero crew" and 119 passengers encounter extreme danger, and face multiple tests of strong wind, low temperature and cabin pressure relief at 10000 meters.The film will be released in China on September 30, 2019



mulan is an exciting action movie 的翻译


8. -What does he want to do?- ______  A. Plays soccer B. Playing sports C. To see an action movie

C如果完整回答就是 He want to .........省略的话就是 to..........所以 C希望采纳

what do you think of the action movie uff1fuff08uff09,it u2018s g

Cso far 到目前为止如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

1. I want to go to a movie.(改为一般疑问句) 2.She likes action movies.(改为否定句) 3.This movie

1.DO you want to go to a movie?2.She doesn"t like action movies.剩下的不会

用was还是is填空:we went to a movie yesterday.It ( ) an action movie.


关于a和an的用法,an是用在元音音素前,为什么是an action movie?? 哪位亲知道??


She was in that great action movie last month?这句话是什么从句


我好累,看action movie 竟然看到前女友,而且技术一流,竟然对我说她是处✔怎么这样啊?


关于action movie fx这个软件的一些问题

首先,将你的设备插上数据线连接到电脑上,打开iTools;在应用程序中找到Action Movie FX这款软件,对其进行文件管理操作。在Action Movie FX的文件中,找到Library文件夹打开,找到effects_v2文件夹。将下载到的特效包解压缩会得到一个effects_v2文件夹,将此文件夹中的全部子文件导入到Library中的effects_v2文件夹中。

英语翻译题see an action movie


动作片—action movie为甚么不用加s,像关于影片这类单词,什么情况下加s??


为什么不用 act movie 而用action movie?

act 一般做动词解释“表演,扮演”,如果和名词movie结合,语义则不通顺。act也有名词含义,表示“(剧本的)幕”。这里也解释不通。

英译汉:It is an action movie.


action movie是短语还是名词?


action movies的中文意思


action movie与kong fu movie的区别



see an action movie看动作片双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 看一部功夫片例句:1.He himself went to see an action movie yesterday. 昨天他自己去看了场动作片。

action movie什么意思


Pieces Of A Dream的《Ocean View》 歌词

歌曲名:Ocean View歌手:Pieces Of A Dream专辑:Goodbye ManhattanOne Day As A Lion - Ocean Viewblood done been running down streets flood with beatspepper spray over cracked concreteso vicious make a rich mans neck splitunderworld bout to wreck shit bet thisbanks closed stomachs churninglines and rows cops blastin out church windowsthey heard word of two on a terror listhid in the pews just two city terrace kidsone held a piece just for peace of mindthe other was spittin poems blowin mindson the picket linebarricades lay cross made with bumpers and burning tiresand you could smell the exhaustand you could hear the kids screaming don"tplay us, too closeyou can have the mic or the heater but you can"t hold bothand they were both...and they were both...ocean of tears rise, rise a flame to tear them downocean of past crimes now fill our hearts to tear them downthe water main"s cut off panic hit the manor of themayor who"s softword hit the streets that the cops got offthey shook to rhythm of heaters that burnedlike claps of thunderyou turn to look at vengeance returned that shatter controlafter the whole shock of the newsthat a bomb hit the bridge at broadwaygridlock full stop every exit wayfrom Chavez to main downtown was the sameevery corner a flame with lines of people stripped of they clothesfreeze hold up your ID"s their houses burned as they watchedthe colonel looked at his clockand they were all...and they were all...oceans of tears rise, rise a flame to tear them downocean of past crimes now fill our hearts to tear them downoceans of tears rise, rise a flame to tear them downocean of past crimes now fill our hearts to tear them down

labview myrio采集不到数字信号怎么办?

var xs,ys,xe,ye; $("body").addEvent("touchstart",function(e) { var touch=e.touches[0] xs=touch.pageX ys=touch.pageY alert(ys) }); $("body").addEvent("touchmove",function(e){ var touche=e.changedTouches[0] xe=touche.pageX; ye=touche.pageY alert(xe+" "+ye) getOrientation() });//addEvent是我在项目中定义的方法,你可以使用 addEventListener()


  pay-per-view(电视节目的)每收视一次付费  例句:  1.Can I get pay-per-view movies on the television in my room?  我房间电视有付费观赏的电影吗?。  2.But why not have them resign, then kill themselves on pay per view, huh?  但我们为什么不让他们先辞职,然后将他们杀死,并在付费频道实况转播哪?  3.Later, Mary watches an independent film on her Internet-connected digitaltelevision, using a pay-per-view system.  稍后,玛莉利用按次计费系统,在她那台连上网际网路的数位电视上观看一部独立制片。  4.Engineer: Tie it in with the pay-per-view services, and perhaps it could be amoney-maker.  把它与会费点播服务捆绑在一起,说不定它会为我们赚许多钱。

opinion, perception和view 有什么区别?

view is the act of looking or seeing or observingopinion 指的是一种结果,一般是比较专业的perception 是指一种洞察力,a way of conceiving something


三者意思不一样啊. perceive [per·ceive || pu0259r"su026au02d0v /pu0259"-] v. 察觉; 意识到; 感知; 理解 I perceived a change in his behaviour/that his behaviour had changed. 我发觉他的行为有些变化. perception [per·cep·tion || pu0259r"sepu0283n /pu0259"-] n. 知觉, 领悟力, 感觉 His analysis of the problem showed great perception. 他对该问题的分析显示出敏锐的洞察力. perspective [per·spec·tive || pu0259r"spektu026av /pu0259"s-] n. 远景, 透视, 看法 She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective. 她画了一排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律.

reference. 商务英语里什么意思 如 Interviewer should

推荐 自荐 简历

comprehensive review是什么意思及音标

comprehensive review 英 [u02ccku0254mpriu02c8hensiv riu02c8vju:] 美 [u02cckɑmpru026au02c8hu025bnsu026av ru026au02c8vju] [词典] 全面审查; [例句]The students were doing a comprehensive review of the term"s work.学生正在进行全学期功课的综合复习

comprehensive review是什么意思

comprehensive review 英[u02ccku0254mpriu02c8hensiv riu02c8vju:] 美[u02cckɑmpru026au02c8hu025bnsu026av ru026au02c8vju] 全面审查 [例句]Hong kongs advanced financial market infrastructure was further strengthened in 2006 following a comprehensive review in 2005.香港先进的金融市场基建继于2005年进行全面检讨后,于2006年进一步加强。

Stevie Wonder的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:Motown Made To MeasureTrick Daddy - Sugar (Ft.Ludacris,Cee-Lo)Trick Daddy - Sugar (Ft.Ludacris,Cee-Lo)Uh huhYeahAw man I got a sweet tooth, can you dig itAfter this one you gon need a root canal thenI love sugar all of itThis one for all the nice clean, decent womenLay it on me girlPay Close AttentionShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)And gimme some of your butter pecanPut it right there on tip of my tongue, put itRight jeeeahCuz baby, if I bite youI bet you like itFrench Vanilla"s a hell of a flavor for meWith strawberries, two cherries and whipped creamThe best dreams are the wet dreamsAnd uh, the rest is just a flick without a sex sceneOr lee, I speak the truthCuz the blacker the berryThe sweeter the juiceCuz, Florida oranges and Georgia peachesWhen they nice and ripe,they the best for eatin"all these southern boysbe cravin" for a whole slice of pie after they main courseSo if you game for itI came for itI got a thang for yaThat I can"t ignoreShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongue, tongueYippie Yippie, Yum YumGoodie goodie gum dropPut me in a tongue lockDid it till my body went numb, numbLaid her on her back, backTurned her round, gave her bottom a smack, smackShe"s a woman from the block with the best of weedBut I won"t stop till I"m pullin out tracks, tracksIt was lust at first sightAnd she couldn"t help sayin that she wanted to get with meAnd my size was just rightBut she wanted a man with a little sec-ur-itySaid I been around the world twiceAnd my name ring bells from Atlanta to Sic-i-lySaid she wanted it all nightSo put the bubbles in the tub and Ludacris in meShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeeeah Yeeeah YeahSweetie you look so incredibleSo delicious and so damn edibleAll I need is some honey or syrupWith a lil" butter to rub down all your curvesAnd no need for the lemonadeJust a twist of lime and some grape Kool-AidCan I call you Caramel?Cuz I"m bout to go coo-coo to taste your Coco PuffsOne bowl ought to fill me upBut that milk gotta be cold enoughSo supper time that"ll hold me upI might choke myself if I don"t slow it up, butHoney, you look like a honeydew melonOr strawberry with the whipped cream fillingOf the top part of the peach cobblerBut uh, the fruit platter ought to do me betterShe put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)She put that sugar on my tongueShes gonnaGimme gimme someShe put it right there on my tongue (Skeet Skeet)Right there on my tongue (She turns me on, like no other)


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