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愚人节英语文章   愚人节是西方国家的节日,那么关于用英语介绍愚人节的文章有哪些呢?下面是我整理的愚人节英语文章,欢迎阅读。   愚人节英语文章【1】   In the 16th century, people celebrated New Year"s Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools.   Each country celebrates April Fools" Day differently. In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends" backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”   In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools" Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.   In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.   愚人节英语文章【2】   april fools" day is a day to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in france. in the 16 th century, people celebrated new year"s day from march 25 to april 1.   in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools. each country celebrates april fools" day differently.   in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends" backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!” in england, people liuxue86 play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you.   in scotland, april fools" day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.   in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.   愚人节英语文章【3】   1st April is a day to be careful, or you could easily get tricked by someone. Itu2019s April foolu2019s Day, a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh at them.   There are lots of theories surrounding the origins of the day, but one explanation is connected with the change in the calendar in the 16th century, which meant that 1st April was no longer the beginning of the year. Those who still celebrated the New Year on 1st April were called fools.   So what kind of pranks do people play on April foolu2019s Day? Well, there are lots of simple tricks that you can play on your friends. For example, you could wear a black sweater and pull a piece of white thread through it, so that people try to pull it off. You could change the time on someoneu2019s alarm clock so that theyu2019re late for work. Or glue a coin to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.   All these are small-scale practical jokes which you might play on one other person or a few people. But thereu2019s also a tradition of large companies attempting to fool a lot of people. For example a burger restaurant once claimed that they were introducing a left-handed burger!   In particular, the media often try to make people believe something which is not true. Newspapers publish some ludicrous stories every year, although some of them are actually true. Itu2019s entertaining to try to guess which stories are true and which are fake. In the April Foolu2019s stories, they often include a clue to the fact that itu2019s a joke. For example the name of an u2018expertu2019 quoted in the article might be an anagram of u2018April Foolu2019.   Radio and television programmes have also fooled many people by broadcasting reports which are untrue. One programme announced the invention of an amazing new weight-loss product - water which contained minus calories!   And one of the most famous hoaxes ever was broadcast by the BBC itself in 1957! A very serious news programme called Panorama reported on the poor spaghetti harvest in Switzerland, and showed pictures of farmers picking spaghetti from trees! Hundreds of people were taken in and wrote to the BBC asking how to grow their own spaghetti. ;






How different cultures view timeChange in TimeA culture"s sense of time is based on how that culture views the past, present or future. Americans have a very different sense of time compared to China and France, our view of time is time is important and shouldn"t be wasted on trivial things. Americans believe deadlines are more important than building relationships or getting comfortable with big decisions. China has a very different point of view on time, it"s to be cherished and used to build relationships and to make better decisions. The French have a similar point of view they treat time as a way to enjoy life and work to have more time, not work to fill time.Polychromic cultures tend to perform multiple tasks simultaneously with a higher commitment to relationship building than to task completion or meeting deadlines. Tasks are accomplished through building strong relationships rather than creating detailed plans. Punctuality is defined in looser terms as some delays are expected and deadlines can be adjusted. Whereas "soon" to a North American usually means in the next few minutes, hours or days, "soon" to an Asian may mean three months, a year, or whenever they are ready. Time is not fixed but rather an organic, flowing process. Asian, Arab, and Southern European cultures are polychromic.Monochromic cultures are highly committed to doing one task at a time and meeting set deadlines. Devising and then adhering to a detailed plan or schedule is highly valued. Punctuality is defined precisely and time is sliced into fixed categories such as seconds, minutes, and hours. One"s time is scheduled and managed in great detail at work and at home and "wasting time" is unethical. Individuals focus on tasks rather than relationships. Germany, Switzerland, the USA, and Scandinavian countries are very monochromic.In a culture that...Read Full Essay Now

英译中 翻译,关于服装的文章

时装设计与针织品时尚针织品提供了一个机会,一个创造性的方法在一个日益重要的的学科的广度。英国针织品得益于我们长期的羊毛贸易和机器发展的中心位置有一个优秀的设计的国际声誉。这个部门已经从传统的质量和工艺风格,包括高级时装,裁剪和缝制球衣,伸展和身体的磨损。针织品生产,销售世界各地,无论是通过跨国公司或设计师/制造商,。其目的是熟悉这些过程,在这个行业中的影响和世界光纤资源的使用。这个途径不同于针织品的课程,其他地方在这个问题不是孤立地讲授,你将有机会探索与其他时尚女装和男装跨越学科之间的互动。主流时尚的知识仍然是中央到您的开发。许多活动将与您同行一起,建立一个创造性反馈的氛围。与其他课程的途径和外部分配的团队项目,让您在工作场所谈判和共享的设计方案。插图,经营意识,文化研究,实地考察,展览,展览和访问巴黎,佛罗伦萨等,与其他途径相结合。虽然这一途径主要是面向时尚和设计,有一个强大的基础技术能力。您将成为熟悉各种可用于创造独特的针织品和新泽西时尚的技术和纤维 - 从手工技艺通过高科技的电子化和计算机化的机械。通过设计和制作各种风格的最终集合,您将学习如何指定缝纫和后整理设备。通过培育和提高个人技能,你应该适合这个市场的知情和专业的准备毕业.


There"s no such thing as a free lunch我们常常听说这样一句话:There"s no such thing as a free lunch.(没有免费的午餐),你知道这句话是怎么来的吗?十九世纪的时候,美国有些酒吧给顾客提供“免费的午餐”。所谓午餐,其实不过是些用来和啤酒一起送出的脆饼;而所谓免费,当然不是真的,不买酒喝就没有饼吃。所以,当时有人说:There"s no such thing as a free lunch.到了二十世纪七十年代,经济学家弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman)写的一本书用了这句话做书名。他在别的著作、演讲里也多次引用这句话。于是,这句话就又流行了起来。有时,我们不相信会得到一些优惠,就可以用这句“弗里德曼名言”。例如:I don"t believe he"s giving us the money without any ulterior motive. There"s no such thing as a free lunch.我不相信他送钱给我们不是别有用心,世上没有免费的午餐Honeymoon大家一定都知道honeymoon吧,honey(蜂蜜)和 moon(月)结合在一起的意思就是“蜜月”。honeymoon指的是新婚夫妇结为伉俪的最初一段时光(并非一定是结婚后的第一个月,虽然很多人都有这样的错觉)。爱情经过长久的期盼和耕耘,相爱的情侣终于手拉手走到了一起,双方的感觉能不像蜜一样甘甜醇美吗?有一种说法认为honeymoon这个词来源于巴比伦的民俗传统。这个古老的国家一直保留着这样一个传统,在女儿出嫁的第一个月,女孩的父亲每天都会让女婿喝mead(蜂蜜酒),以希望后辈们的婚姻永远幸福甜蜜。然而,从词源学的观点来看,这种说法是错误的。honeymoon 最早出现于16 世纪,honey 用以喻指新婚的甜蜜,但moon并不是指很多人认为的阴历月份(lunar-based month),它是一种苦涩的暗示,旨在告诫人们婚姻固然是幸福甜美的,但这种甜蜜就像月亮的盈亏,只是暂时的(因此要十分珍惜才对喔!),婚姻更多的意味着双方要一起肩负生活的重担,一起承受人生的酸甜苦辣,一起经受生活的风风雨雨Darlingdarling可能是英语中最流行的昵称了,也是最古老的词语之一。早在公元888年,darling就以deorling的形式出现了。darling一词有多种用法,一般作名词表示“亲爱的人”,作形容词表示“亲爱的;可爱的”,同时darling也可以用来称呼所爱的人或家庭中的成员,如Darling, fetch me another bonbon, please.(亲爱的,请再帮我拿一颗小糖果吧。)darling还可以用作比喻,但经常带有轻微的讽刺意味,表示某人深受一个不大招人喜欢的人或机构的喜爱。比如,Senator is the darling of the oil companies.(参议员是石油公司的宠儿。)尽管用途广泛,darling的来源却相当简单。darling源于古英语单词deor或deore,表示“所爱的人”或“亲爱的”,这会让你很自然的联想到今天的dear。词缀ling表示one who is,所以deorling和今天的darling的意思都是one who is dear.此外,在夫妇之间,除了darling,还可以用sweetheart、pet、dear、love等称谓。在男女恋人之间经常使用honey、baby等带有感情色彩的词汇,而一些有了孩子的守旧的老夫妻喜欢互称mother、father。甚至还有比这个称呼更传统的,比如在十九世纪的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,Bennet夫妇非常正式地互称对方为Mr. Bennet和Mrs. Bennet。当然,夫妇间还可以有许多更随意更独特的称呼,比如Teddy Bear、Honeybun、Sugar Doll 等等。不过,其中的特别含义大概只有他们自己明白了。Teach a fish how to swim你听说过有不会游泳的鱼吗?你听说过鱼因不会游泳而淹死的事吗?如果谁有这样的担忧,就和那个被嘲笑了几百年的担心天会塌下来的杞国人没什么差别了,必定会成为人们茶余饭后的笑料。作为一种本能,鱼儿天生就是会游泳的,完全适应水底生活,如果有人想教鱼儿how to swim,这和在鲁班门前卖弄使斧头的功夫,在孔老夫子面前卖弄写文章的本领又有什么差异呢?因此,teach a fish how to swim 的含义就是“班门弄斧”,“在孔夫子面前卖文章”。英语中类似的表达还有:teach a dog to chase rabbits;show the President where the White House is; teach the Pope how to pray;use Chinese maxims in front of ConfuciusJohn Bull在政治漫画里,代表美国的总是又高又瘦的Uncle Sam(山姆大叔);代表英国的呢,则是面色红润的、胖胖的John Bull(约翰牛)。John Bull这个名字是怎么来的呢?英国人和狗的关系非常密切,特别是斗牛犬 (bulldog),所以,十八世纪初,作家兼御医Dr. Arbuthnot写了一本《约翰牛传》(The History of John Bull),主张英、法和平相处,书中主角的名字就叫作John Bull,作者用他来代表英国。从此以后,John Bull成了英国和典型英国人的代名词。例如:His ruddy countenance and stout figure made him look a genuine John Bull.他面色红润,身材胖硕,看起来就是个典型的英国人。Romance说起romance,你一定会浮想联翩,这是一个年轻男女们都很喜欢的字眼,你知道这个字是怎么来的吗?说起来romance和罗马(Rome)有关。古罗马人用的是拉丁文,后来拉丁文渐渐消失,演变为意大利语、法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语等,这些语言总称为Romance languages(罗曼斯语)。中世纪的时候,武士闯荡江湖赢得美人芳心这类的故事多数是用罗曼斯语写的,其中法文用的最多。所以,这一类故事就叫作romances。法国人的“浪漫”世界闻名,大概也与此有关吧。现在,romance除了常常用来指那些像美梦一样远离现实的爱情小说之外,还可以用来指风流韵事或浪漫的气氛。例如:She thought it was going to be the big romance of her life, but he left her after only a few weeks.她以为这将成为她生命中刻骨铭心的风流韵事,不料才过了没几个星期就被他遗弃了。the romance of life in the Wild West(西部蛮荒生活中的浪漫色彩S.O.S可能大家都知道S.O.S.是一种求救信号,并由此联想到了历史上最大的悲剧性海难——泰坦尼克沉船事件,在为那些屈死的灵魂深感惋惜的同时,也在心里埋怨当时没有能够及时发出海难求救信号,其他船只和海上救援组织没有及时施救。很多人都以为S.O.S.是由一些单词的首字母缩写而成,如Save Our Souls(拯救我们的生命!),Save Our Ship(拯救我们的船只!),Stop Other Signals(停止发送任何其他信号!),Sure Of Sinking(船就要沉了!)等等。真是这样的吗?其实,S.O.S.是国际莫尔斯电码救难信号,并非任何单词的缩写。鉴于当时海难事件频繁发生,往往由于不能及时发出求救信号和最快组织施救,结果造成很大的人员伤亡和财产损失,国际无线电报公约组织于1908年正式将它确定为国际通用海难求救信号。这三个字母组合没有任何实际意义,只是因为它的电码… --- …(三个圆点,三个破折号,然后再加三个圆点)在电报中是发报方最容易发出,接报方最容易辨识的电码。1908年之前,国际公海海难求救信号为C.Q.D.。这三个字母也没有任何实际意义,尽管很多人认为它是Come Quickly,Danger.(快来,危险!)的首字母缩写。虽然1908年国际无线电报公约组织已经明确规定应用S.O.S.作为海难求救信号,但C.Q.D.仍然有人使用。泰坦尼克海难发生初期,其他船只和救助组织之所以没有能够及时组织施救,主要是因为他们不明白船上发报员开始发出的过时的C.Q.D.求救信号。直到整个船只都快没入大海才发出了S.O.S.求救信号,但到了此时谁可能还有如此的回天之力,拯救那些无辜的即将永远葬身海底的灵魂呢?Mermaidmermaid 就是传说中的美人鱼,有人类的头和身体,但是长着一条鱼的尾巴。很多人都是从安徒生的童话中认识了那个纯洁、美丽、善良的小美人鱼。今天,小美人鱼的雕像已经成为丹麦首都哥本哈根的著名旅游景点,同时也已成为丹麦的象征。mermaid 这个词由两部分构成,mer 和 maid,这两个词都是从古英语中来的,分别为mere(海洋)和mayde(少女)。早在安徒生之前,就已经有了人鱼的传说,不过那时侯人们心目中的美人鱼虽然同样有着超凡的美貌和魔力,但她会诱惑经过的海员而使航船触礁毁灭,人们称之为siren(海妖)。mermaid 还有一个相对应的merman,用来表示男性人鱼。其实,所有的传说都会有它的起源,那么你知道“人鱼”的原型是什么吗?猜不到吧,是海牛。海牛是一种大型的哺乳类水生动物,生活在温暖的浅水水域,以水下植物为生。雄性海牛称为dugong,雌性海牛称为manatee。每当雌性海牛怀抱小海牛浮出水面哺乳,远远望去,便如同一位慈祥的母亲怀抱孩子浮游在水面上。Rule of thumb手指头法则?也就是掰掰手指头就能想得出来的东西,我们通常说的“经验主义”。在实际生活中,一般用来指*经验就可以得知的东西:Rough practical method of assessing or measuring sth, used based on past experience rather than on exact measurement, etc (and therefore not completely reliable in every case or in every detail)(对事物)粗略但实用的估计方法(通常凭经验而不作精确的计量等,故并非时时处处均可*)。例如:As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs.凭经验估计,每磅鸡肉应烹调20分钟OK的来历Okay可能是除了Yes,No以外在世界上流传最广的英语单词了。但是,它从何而来呢?历来,语言学家们各执一词。有人说,okay是印第安人发明的。有这样一个印第安部落叫Chocktaw,居住在富饶的密西西比山谷中,以种植和捕鱼为生。每当有问题发生,Chocktaw的领导人们就和部落首领围坐一圈,共同商议,如果有人同意其他人的意见,就点头示意,然后说“Okeh”,意思为“就是这样”。欧洲人初到美洲时,听到了大量的印第安语,并将之发展为英语词汇。现在美国的许多城市、河流、山脉,其名称都源于印第安语。另外还有一种颇具可信度的说法:Okay这个词是在19世纪由一个政治团体发明的。有一个人叫Martin Van Buren,准备参加总统竞选,他的拥护者成立了一个俱乐部为他做宣传,俱乐部的名称就叫“Okay Club”,据说O和K两个字母取自于Van Buren的故乡,纽约州的Old Kinderhook,那是他出生的地方。对一个如此popular的词汇,自然每个人都可能有自己的故事,不过,有一点,相信全世界都会同意:okay是一个纯粹的美语词汇,它是词汇跨越不同语言的优秀典范。只是还有需要小小提醒一下的地方:okay通常用于口语,在书面语中,我们可以用agree,assent,approve,conform等等词汇来代替,使之更为正式化。I was not born yesterday一天清晨,我和朋友Bob约好了一起去旧车行买车。到了旧车行,热情的营业员不厌其烦地向我们介绍了一大堆,当他介绍到一辆白色汽车时说:“这辆91年的车只跑了2万英里。”还说这辆车是一位老太太用的,她只每星期开一次去教堂。可是Bob回了他一句:“I was not born yesterday .”我觉得好笑,心想都几岁了嘛,谁不知道,后来我问起他,Bob向我解释说,这是一句英语俚语,意思是“我又不是小孩,别骗我了。”我这才恍然大悟Raining cats and dogs“To rain cats and dogs”的意思是大家可能都知道是“下倾盆大雨”,但是有人要问了为什么英语中用 “cats and dogs”来形容雨下得大,而不是 “hippopotami”(河马), “elephants”(大象), “buckets”(篮子)之类的东西。其实,最初人们的确用过to rain pitchforks, to rain shovels, darning needles, chicken coops和hammer handles来描述“持续的大雨”。 “To rain cats and dogs”最早出现在理查德-布罗姆1652年创作的剧本《都市智慧》中:“It shall rain dogs and polecats.” Polecats 是一种类似于雪貂的猫,但是这个词后来在乔纳森-斯威夫特的笔下变成了Cats。1738年,斯威夫特在《礼仪对话》一书中所使用的短语就是如今我们所熟悉的这种形式:“I know Sir John will go, though he was sure it would cats and dogs.”《词汇短语起源故事百科全书》(Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins) 中收录了对其起源的一种解释。书中说“17世纪的英格兰在下大雨的时候,一些城市的街道就会水流成河,而且这些污水中还会飘浮着大量的死猫死狗。”(During heavy rains in 17th century England, some city streets became raging rivers of filth carrying many cats and dogs.)布鲁尔在其所著的《成语寓言大辞典》(Dictionary of Phrase and Fable)中说,这个短语起源于北欧:“在挪威的神话中,猫被认为可以影响天气。驾着风暴而来的女巫据说就是化身为猫的。” 而狗和狼则是风暴神欧丁的随从,其中狗是“风的象征”("In Norse mythology, the cat is supposed to have great influence on the weather. Witches that rode on storms were said to assume the form of cats." Dogs and wolves were attendants to Odin, the god of storms, and the dog "is a signal of wind.")。关于这个短语起源的另一种说法是说它来源于一个古老的法语词“catdoupe”,这个词的意思是“waterfall or cataract”。而法语中“catdoupe”的发音和“cats and dogs”有些相像, 所以就有了 “to rain cats and dogs”。最后,单独的“cats and dogs”这个短语有自己的用法,意思是“ 价值低的股票, 不值钱的、卖不掉的商品”(low priced,highly speculative stock)。这种用法1879年开始出现,1984年在《纽约邮报》中就曾出现过这样的用法。Love me, love my dog某天跟好友 Carmen 畅谈恋爱史,我开心的询问她现任男友对她怎样时,她脸带娇羞、甜丝丝的微笑着说:“Love me, love my dog.”我好奇地问她什么时候养了条狗,怎么我不知道。她哈哈地笑了起来,知道我误会了她的意思,便急忙向我解释说她家里并没养狗,“Love me, love my dog”是“爱屋及乌”的意思。噢!原来很多时候,英文句子或成语都隐含别意,不能断章取义,不然就会贻笑大方!Forget-me-notforget-me-not是一种生长在水边的蓝色小花“勿忘我”。在德国、意大利、英国各地,都有许多散文、诗词和小说作家以forget-me-not来描述相思与痴情。人们认为只要将forget-me-not带在身上,恋人就会将自己铭记于心、永志不忘。在这蓝色小花的背后,还有个流传于欧美民间的浪漫爱情故事呢!此名源于德文Vergissmeinnicht,是“勿忘我”的意思,勿忘我的名称来自一个悲剧性的恋爱故事。相传一位德国骑士跟他的恋人散步在多瑙河畔。散步途中看见河畔绽放着蓝色花朵的小花。骑士不顾生命危险探身摘花,不料却失足掉入急流中。自知无法获救的骑士说了一句“别忘记我!”,便把那朵蓝色透明的花朵扔向恋人,随即消失在水中。此后骑士的恋人日夜将蓝色小花配戴在发际,以显示对爱人的不忘与忠贞。而那朵蓝色透明花朵,便因此被称作“勿忘我”,其花语便是“不要忘记我”、“真实的爱”。另外,勿忘我也是美国阿拉斯加州的州花,不过因为它叶子的形状很像老鼠耳朵,当地人也称它为老鼠耳(mouse ear),这个名字就有不如勿忘我好听啦!Walk on eggs我们常以“如履薄冰”形容一个人做事十分小心谨慎,像在薄冰上步行。英语中类似的说法是walk on eggs,或者tread on eggs,就是非常小心地步行的模样,美语中则有这样的一个词组“walk Spanish”,原意是指小孩子在游戏的时候被人提着衣领踮着脚尖步行。这个词引申后的意思变为“小心地走路解”,但现在又常作被解雇,被罢免以及被驱逐解。一个人被公司解雇,可以说:He is walked Spanish by his company。Walk on eggs 令人想起放轻脚步走路。美国俚语以walk soft指言行平静:He walks a lot softer than before(他比以前文静多了)。但是walk softly和walk soft不同,是源于圣经的成语。列王记上二十一章二十七节的旧英译:He (Ahab) rent his clothes... and went softly,是“沮丧地走开”的意思。Breakfast timeContinental breakfast (欧陆式早餐)之名据说是和English breakfast (英式早餐) 相对的。英式早餐一般以谷类食物(cereal)、熏肉(bacon)为主,欧陆早餐则仅面包、咖啡(或红茶)而已。朋友M多年前参加旅行团游美,早餐十分丰富:They serve a big breakfast of pancakes, eggs and fruit。他以为美国人早餐吃得多,但是后来在美国朋友家作客,见到他们通常在厨房中用早餐。厨房中有小桌,置于墙角,称为breakfast nook,是吃早餐用的。标准美式早餐是:juice (果汁)、toast (面包)、egg (鸡蛋)、milk (牛奶) 或者coffee (咖啡)或 tea (红茶)。面包是toast,或者roll,总之是相当简单的。有人说美国人不大讲究吃,早餐更加随便。据说一般人结婚后都会经过一个危急时期,被称作“早餐时间”(breakfast-time)。夫妻两人心情都不佳,像坐下来吃早餐时的心情。但是,一般在吃完了早餐心情转好,互相谅解,也就相安无事了。西谚有:Sing before breakfast, cry before night,亦作:Cry before breakfast, sing before night。以sing表示欢乐,cry表示悲哀,喻人生之变化无常也。Mickey Mouse“Mickey Mouse”, 不就是“米老鼠”嘛。是的,“Mickey Mouse”作为“米老鼠”的意思是为大家所熟知的,但“Mickey Mouse”绝不仅有“米老鼠”的意思。人们在日常用语中用“mickey mouse”来指胆小怕事和愚蠢的人, 例如: “There are many Mickey Mice in office across the country,from both parties and at all levels of government.” (Business Week July 27,1974)在澳大利亚,mickey mouse用来指便宜或者不可信的产品。在美式和英式英语中,mickey mouse通常是形容词,用来形容乏味的或者琐碎的活动,例如: “The big reason that they don"t have enough men (police officers) on the highways is because they"re doing too much other Mickey Mouse” (Kansas City Star January 8 1974). 此外,学生们用这个词来形容那些完成起来易如反掌的课程或者作业: “The athletes…are encouraged to take specially-tailored mickey-mouse courses so as not to jeopardize their athletic standing.” (Rapoport and Kirshbaum, Is the Library Burning? 1969)“mickey mouse”还被用于军事领域,例如越战时期的“Mickey Mouse ears”radio--一种二战中的战斗机上炸弹投放设备;二战时期还有一部介绍性病的教学影片名位Mickey Mouse,例如: “a two minute Mickey Mouse would be added, a trailer of clinical shots showing diseased organs in full color” (W. Stevens Gunner 89 1966, ref. to WWII).而我们目前经常使用的意思是“(企业、公司)规模小的,过于简陋的”(small and unimportant),常含贬义,例如: “He calls himself the managing director but his company is just a Mickey Mouse operation that he runs from his own house.” (他自称为总经理,但他的公司就是再他自己家里经营的一个微不足道的商号。)“Mickey Mouse”可怜的米老鼠!也许你会认为从这样一个深受人们喜爱的经典卡通形象派生出来的词义一定很美妙。但是事实上“mickey mouse”这个词并没有“甜美、可爱”的意思;相反它的意思是“胆怯、愚蠢、乏味、毫无意思的、吹毛求疵的或者不可*的”。Miss, Mrs. and MsMiss, Mrs. 和 Ms三个词都是对女士的称呼, 那么如何区别三者, 并在不同的场合正确地使用不同的称呼呢?Miss和 Mrs.是mistress的缩写。在中世纪英语中,mistress这个词有很多意思,其中的一些沿用至今,例如女主人,女神,某一行业的女专家,女教师,和女家庭教师等等。Mistress总的说来是指 “具有一定专业知识和能力的女人”,它也用作对未婚和已婚妇女的礼貌称呼。到1600年左右,mistress的意思逐渐缩小为对已婚妇女的称呼。Miss首次出现在1645年《约翰·伊夫林日记》中,当时miss一词的意思是“a concubine;a kept mistress”,即小妾,被供养的女人。大约20年后,萨缪尔·佩皮斯第一次将这个词第一个字母m大写(Miss)用在女孩或未婚妇女的名字前面。差不多在同一时期,约翰·德莱顿第一次将Miss用作称呼性用语,特指女孩或未婚女士。和mistress相对的词是master,它指的是家庭中的男主人。在16世纪,master的拼写演变为mister,而它的缩写形式Mr. 则仅仅指男士或先生,并不表明其婚姻状况。直到19世纪,Mr.和Mrs.一直作为一对反义词来使用。而正是从这个时期开始,Mrs.开始专门指已婚妇女了,并沿用至今。Ms要算Miss, Mrs.,Ms三个词当中最令人不解的一个,它最早出现于1949年马里奥-佩的《语言的故事》一书中。从构词法上讲, Ms可能是Miss 和Mrs.两个词的混合物,所以在意思上Ms既可以用作对未婚女子的称呼,也可以用作对已婚女子的称呼。Happy as a clam如果说 "happy as a lark"很容易被大家接受,因为"云雀"总在清晨发出清脆悦耳的啼叫声;如果说 "happy as the day"s long"大家也能够理解,因为日子长了,大家开心的时间自然多了;那么,为什么会有 "happy as a clam"一说呢? "Clam" (蛤蜊)和快乐有什么联系呢?在19世纪上半期,美国俚语迅速发展, "happy as a clam in/at high water"和 "happy as a clam at high tide"频繁被人们使用。1860年Atlantic Monthly杂志有这样一段文字, "I am sure I"ve been as happy as a clam these last six years, and I don"t calculate to reck[sic] that by 。


Baggio Mediterranean men, melancholy eyes, at any stage of a woman is able to dump him and see his charisma, and when he cry when others weep with him when he excited when other people excited with him, his personal charm and no one can Raul He is a fairy tale in a modern version of Prince Charming, when he scored after kissing the ring action is so handsome, his feelings on the specific model of modern man"s example. Spanish leader, Prince Bernabeu, so the burden of pressure in a look Wenruo of people, you almost can not believe it is a Cup champion dominated the figures, Raul"s role is more important than his play, which is led by the spirit of the entire team. Batistuta he was "God of War", he had Argentina"s long tradition of elegant, his eyes not only to fans of female fans, many of the male fans also see which Huanshengleidong his goal, lost his Argentina do not have the "butty goal," Bhatti also like to fewer fans. Maldini Italy"s flag, Milan"s legendary 40-year-old who was also active in football. He used his loyalty and enduring, such an interpretation of the myth of football. Colts of the United States and the United States is a loyal, is a profession of faith of the United States, a permanent United States and perhaps the blue of the Mediterranean will be set off his handsome, and there are more profound connotation. Inzaghi Italy handsome rich and famous is handsome. Philip. Inzaghi is one of them, if the world of football, he does not, how imperfect. You often see on the television screen is the "Peabody" is not the goal melancholy expression, but perhaps in a few seconds later, he scored in the post-Wang Qing there have been angry, you can only say that he is a monster, He was born to the great goal scorer. Casillas Real Madrid god, Real Madrid"s last barriers, market sparkle in his eyes and handsome face a lot of female fans to the fans, he"s an excellent time to fight not only the team can get fuel, and can give rise to many of the fans cheer . Kaka Brazilian genius, "Milan Prince" in football today, almost no one can hold a candle, he found almost no defects, handsome appearance from the outside to distribute a little innocent childhood of the United States, apart from character and appearance of Jia, also a game cream of the crop. David Beckham A handsome man of the world are jealous of the guy because he was handsome face of the impact of Canton almost can not be copied, perhaps the world"s football players are hard to reach him as a high. Gang Chudao near Beckham if it was considered to be a vase, then as the years of hard work and unremitting efforts to allow the full range of shellfish Shuai Shuai order accepted by the majority, together with handsome literary talent, a growing Perfect and mature men - David Beckham. Nesta At one time, Alessandro Nesta as the world"s Tie Wei, regardless of which only joined the team, he is the first defense of the undisputed iron gates, but with the injuries, repeatedly interrupted the World Cup, Sadness Components and Alessandro Nesta are linked to a greater or lesser extent, now, with the resumption of the injury, Alessandro Nesta"s so brave again striker in Europe are nervous.


The term gentleman (from Latin gentilis,belonging to a race or "gens",and "man",cognate with the French word gentilhomme and the Italian gentil uomo or gentiluomo),in its original and strict signification,denoted a man of good family,analogous to the Latin generosus (its invariable translation in English-Latin documents).In this sense the word equates with the French gentilhomme (nobleman),which latter term was in Great Britain long confined to the peerage.The term "gentry" (from the Old French genterise for gentelise) has much of the social class significance of the French noblesse or of the German Adel,but without the strict technical requirements of those traditions (such as quarters of nobility).This was what the rebels under John Ball in the 14th century meant when they repeated: When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the Gentleman?[1] John Selden in Titles of Honour,(1614),discussing the title "gentleman",speaks of "our English use of it" as "convertible with nobilis" (an ambiguous word,like "noble" meaning elevated either by rank or by personal qualities) and describes in connection with it the forms of ennobling in various European countries. To a degree,"gentleman" signified a man who did not need to work,and the term was particularly used of those who could not claim nobility or even the rank of esquire.Widening further,it became a politeness for all men,as in the phrase "Ladies and Gentlemen,..." and this was then used (often with the abbreviation Gents) to indicate where men could find a lavatory,without the need to indicate precisely what was being described. In modern speech,the term is usually democratised so as to include any man of good,courteous conduct,or even to all men (as in indications of gender-separated facilities).


奥运会[ 1 ]是一项国际多体育赛事分为夏季和冬季体育赛事。在夏季和冬季奥运会是每一个每四年举行一次(一个奥运[ 2 ] ) 。直到1992年,他们两个人在同一年。自那时以来,他们已经分离了两年的差距。最初的奥运会(希腊语: Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες ; Olympiakoi Agones )首次记录在公元前776年在奥林匹亚,希腊,并庆祝,直到公元393 。 [ 3 ]兴趣恢复正常是奥运会第一次表现出的希腊诗人和报纸编辑Panagiotis Soutsos在他的诗“对话死”在1833年。[ 4 ]埃万耶洛Zappas主办的第一届现代国际奥林匹克运动会在1859年。他支付了整修Panathinaiko体育馆举行的奥运会,在1870年和1875年。 [ 4 ]中指出这是报纸和出版物在世界各地,包括伦敦审议,其中指出: “奥林匹克游戏,停止百年,最近已经恢复!这是奇怪的新闻确实...经典游戏的复活了古代希腊雅典附近“ 。 [ 5 ]国际奥林匹克委员会成立于1894年的倡议,法国贵族,皮埃尔女士,男爵顾拜旦。第一个国际奥委会的奥运会是1896年夏季奥运会在希腊雅典举行。参加奥运会有所增加,包括运动员,全世界几乎所有国家。与提高卫星通信和全球转播的事件,奥运会始终获得支持者。 [ 6 ]最近的夏季奥运会是2004年雅典奥运会和冬季奥运会的最新的2006年奥运会在都灵举行。即将到来的比赛在北京计划包括302事件的28个项目。 [ 7 ]截至2006年,冬季奥运会的竞争,在84个体育事件的7 。 [ 8 ]






写作 写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括 · 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点 · 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点 · 考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证 · 支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论 · 控制标准书面英语的各个要素 写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。语文 语言能力方面的考察将更加强调高级认知能力,力求更加深入并且真实地反映考生理解阅读材料并运用推理能力的情况。具体说来,这些能力包括 · 分析一段论述文字并推导结论;根据不完全的数据做推导;识别作者的前提/假设条件和视角; 理解语言文字的多层次含义,包括字面意涵,修辞意涵和作者目的等 · 挑选重要观点,区别主要论述和次要/相关论述;总结全文;理解文章结构 · 理解词,句和段落篇章的意涵;理解不同词和概念间的关系 强调复杂推理能力 · 更加突出高级认知技能 · 更多基于语境的理解,比如阅读理解 · 减少对于单纯词汇意义(通过死记硬背词表习得)的考察,取消类比和反义题 · 扩大文章选择面 新题型与新技能 · 从文章中选取一个句子,加量以回答问题数学 数学部分依旧关注和之前相同的数学概念,但是将引入更多的生活场景并且更加突出对考生解读数字的能力的考察。数学部分关注的能力包括 · 读懂量化信息 · 解读并分析量化信息 · 运用数学模型解题 · 运用算术,代数,几何,概率以及统计学中的基本概念和技能 强调量化推理能力 · 提高生活场景题和数据解读题的比例 · 提供在线计算器以减低计算量 新题型与新技能 · 键入一个数值答案 ETS相信这些改进有助于更好地测试各个考生未来(在研究生院)取得成功的潜力。 (北京新东方学校国外考试部GRE考试研究中心权威提供)编辑本段GRE考试报名流程及考试时间 报名前的准备:阅读报名程序以及准备完成网上报名的电脑。 注册用户:如果考生从未使用过GRE报名系统,则必须先注册成为用户。 填写报名表:选择“新考试预约”,同意“重要声明”的内容,再填写考试预约登记表。 付费:在“选择考试费支付方式”中,点击相应的支付方式。 目前有两种付费方式:网上付费和电子汇款。












1,The Berlin International Film Festival or "Berlinale" was launched in 1951 after World War II to bring Berlin back to its glory during the twenties before World War I and World War II. The Berlinale marked its first launch as it opened up by the screening of Alfred Hitchcock"s "Rebecca." The festival is held each February and has been held on that month since 1951. They have the most visitors worldwide along with a jury that emphasizes on representing films around the world. As the Venice Film Festival awards Gold and Silver Lions, the Berlin International Film Festival awards both Golden and Silver Bears. Their designated location is at the Berlinale Palast which is at Marline-Dietrich-Platz 1. The 58th BIFF was held from February 7th-17th of 2007. The committee for the BIFF would meet on October 9, 1950 which would be their first meeting.The idea was initiated by Oscar Martay, an American Film Officer. Martay, British colleague George Turner, two representatives of the Berlin Senate Administration, four represenatives of the Germany film industry, and a journalist make up the committee. The name of "Berlin International Film Festival" is agreed on and the dates of June 6th-17th of 1951 are also agreed upon.Dr. Alfred Bauer a film historian is appointed the festival director. Joan Fontaine who starred in "Rebecca" is the celebrated star guest of the festival. The first BIFF was a complete success as the festival was sold-out. The Berlin Bears were awarded to the categories of dramatic film, comedies, crime and adventure films, musical films, and documentary films. The jury was made up of exclusively German members. Disney"s "Cinderella" was elected as a favorite by the jury. Due to pressure from the Federation Internationale des Associations des Producteurs de Films, prizes will chosen by the audience.2.The Berlin International Film Festival (German: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin), also called the Berlinale, is one of the world"s leading film festivals and most reputable media events held in Berlin, Germany.[1] Founded in 1951, the festival has been celebrated annually in February since 1978. With 230,000 tickets sold and over 430,000 admissions it is considered the largest publicly-attended film festival worldwide.[2] Up to 400 films are shown in several sections, representing a comprehensive array of the cinematic world. Around twenty films competing for the awards called the Golden and Silver Bears. Since 2001 the director of the festival has been Dieter Kosslick.[3][4]The European Film Market (EFM), a film trade fair held simultaneously to the Berlinale, is a major industry meeting for the international film circuit once a year.[5] The trade fair serves distributors, filmbuyers, producers, financiers and co-production agents. The Berlinale Talent Campus, a week long series of lectures and workshops, gathers young filmmakers from around the globe. It partners with the festival itself and is considered to be a forum for upcoming artists.[6]The festival, the EFM and other satellite events are attended by more than 20,000 professionals from over 120 countries. Around 4200 journalists are responsible for the media exposure in more than 100 countries.[7] At high-profile feature film premieres, movie stars and celebrities are present at the red carpet.[8] The Berlinale has established a cosmopolitan character integrating art, glamour, commerce and a global media attention.[9]The 59th Berlin International Film Festival will be held 05 to 15 February 2009 and the 2009 jury will be presided by Tilda Swinton.

帮我写一份200词左右夸克洛泽的英语文章,急急急急急急 悬赏30

Miroslav klose was born in Poland-west Germany has a population of only 6000 people for the town"s pelt was grace-leahy grace. In 10 minutes spent an can turn in the circle of the streets, the German national team striker miroslav stoch came close up . Original, from close in this town he is brought up. Posters in addition to the World Cup in the best striker contenders photos outside, still write full the rostra: "the millo (klose nickname), we are proud of you." Klose amateur career was spent here. Understand his town residents said they: "He was talented, but he always modest working training." Miroslav klose was born in Poland, the age of 8 follow as a professional player"s father moved to g. He was utterly doesn"t know German and had to drop two grade, learning rather difficult. Is football this door the common language into their peers for him. Rhineland-darfur governor Kerr"s method, says baker, close is "other countries such as immigration through the football collective project the best model into German society".我不知道是不是,如果不是你也可以不给我分

谁能帮我有语法的翻译这篇文章! 速度一点啊。




How to estabish business relationship的文章 3000字全英文?

转载的,仅供学习查考. How to Establish Long Term Relationships in Business Posted: Jan 21, 2009 Copyright (c) 2009 Alan Gillies The escalation of globalization and the intense petition have suddenly made *** all business possibilities much more desirable. With quite a few large organizations being unable to rapidly restructure in our evolving market, a higher percentage of *** all businesses with their inherent flexibility and capacity to change are taking hold of a sizeable slice of the market share. The methods of *** all business expansion are very different from their large organization counterparts. Large organizations have the financial resources to rapidly expand, improving their existing facilities, buying new facilities, and widely distributing all of their products. On the other hand, *** all businesses rarely have any of these options, therefore they need to search for other possibilities which are cost effective yet still ensure an increase in revenue. Small businesses can ensure their success - and their future, by continuously strengthening their relationship with their customers. Although this process is a gradual one, with time it will ensure long term relationships, profitable for the *** all business while useful and fulfilling for the customers - thereby distributing benefits to all. - When you make promises, always keep them - Businesses which haven"t yet made their mark in their industry can"t afford to make suppliers wait for the money nor can they make customers wait for the products. The key is to not allow such situations to occur and affect your business, therefore "Make Promises and Keep Them". This will build trust among partners and customers, ensuring long term relationships with everyone involved. - Prudent use of money - Instead of spending money on expensive PR activities or other image building affairs, spend it on cost effective activities like direct response marketing. With this system you can clearly see the relationship between the expenses and the benefits that have been achieved. - Define the ground you wish to build on, e.g. service, quality or price - Don"t attempt to apply an approach used by larger businesses, choose your own way and specialize - without promise. This will make all the difference in keeping your *** all business on track and focused toward its objectives. - Hard work has always been necessary, but if you"re really looking for an edge to get ahead, "work *** arter, not harder". - Try to get more business cards than you give - Attend seminars and conferences to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in your industry. Be excited about your work and be really positive in your munication - this will result in very valuable referrals. - Only accept deals which you can fulfill to the highest standard, on time and at your agreed cost - Small businesses should avoid risky contracts for big payouts. If the final product doesn"t meet the necessary standards, it can be a disaster for everyone involved, causing havoc with your pany image. (ArticlesBase SC #731178) Read more: ***/business-articles/how-to-establish-long-term-relationships-in-business-731178#ixzz0on4OVpwC Under Creative mons License: Attribution,2,How to estabish business relationship的文章 3000字全英文 急

高分求一篇英文文章。主题是《 if I ruled the world》,大学水平,大概四分钟长就行

你自己没有一点想法吗?这是一个非常好的题目,每个人都有自己的看法吧?不同人有不同经历,想改变的,想得到的都应该很不一样吧。我从出生写到死亡,就写写我自己的看法吧。我是按照演讲稿写的,不合适自己改改。I know I wasn"t born in a perfect world. I read from the news that there are children dying everyday from hunger and disease because of their poor living condition. I see those pretty and innocent eyes filled with helpless tears. If I ruled the world, all children on the earth would have free shelters and hospitals. No matter who their parents are, all children would live safe in this world.I know I didn"t grow in a perfect world. I didn"t have a dream except the dream that my parents drew me. I didn"t have a chance to explore the world except that little fraction of the world between my home and school. I didn"t have time to look for my talents because I spent almost all my time to look for answers. If I ruled the world, I would make schools more open and flexible. I would let the high school students design their own schedule and choose their classes according to their own interest.I know I wasn"t given an equal opportunity. The job market ranks the colleges and the colleges rank the students. Graduating from a top university means putting on an advantageous brand. The rich kids can even have an opportunity to go oversea and crown themselves with a foreign degree. If I ruled the world, I would destroy all the different names of universities and I would pool all knowledge together as an open resource for everyone. I know I will not work in a perfect world. Some of my friends will have a job even before they start looking for one and some will have to endure the stress for months before they can find one. If I ruled the world, I would give tax benefit for the employers who accept the applicants without referrals.I know this world isn"t governed by the perfect people. Corruption and bribery can be found anywhere on earth. 我累了我去睡觉了,还要写的话说一声。

“dormant tie”是什麽意思?有没有比较贴切的翻译?不要翻译机直翻的,因为套在文章里,语意

Dormant ties are the people we used to know. Think about the people with whom you"ve lost touch for a few years: a childhood neighbor, a college roommate, or a colleague from your first job. In groundbreaking research, Daniel Levin, Jorge Walter, and Keith Murnighan asked hundreds of executives to seek advice on a major work project from two dormant ties. When they compared the value of these conversations to the advice from current contacts, the dormant ties were actually more useful. The executives actually received more valuable solutions, referrals, and problem-solving assistance from people they used to know than their current friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Why?


No doubt you have seen the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland and bar. That surging river, rolling in the Yellow River stretches of mountains, all part of our great country. The magnificent mountains of the motherland, the motherland of the river Hideitsu, the motherland extremely broad mind. We are all Chinese, all descendants of the Dragon. Our happiness comes from the motherland, and only the rich and powerful countries in order to make our lives happy flowers forever Guanghua. Chinese history tells us that no country, no home, the state is not strong, will be beaten. We are most pro is that parents, favorite of Chinese. When the cruel oppression of invaders, when our beautiful mountains and rivers, each one face of the Chinese people with conscience tears, the hearts of shedding blood, in order to mind the sanctity of the motherland, they are groping in the dark, in the humiliation of the fight. Wen Yiduo outraged, Hengmeilengdui assassin"s pistol, Ji Hongchang hanging that read, "I am a Chinese" slogan wooden plaque, walking in a blue-eyed, blond hair among the foreigners. Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng generals in order to save the nation from peril, resolutely launched the Xi"an Incident ... ... It is this hundreds of thousands of newborn baby, only propped up the backbone of our nation, hope of the motherland; It was they who, in their own "Today", with the wholehearted blood to write a worthy of the times, "National Anthem" before allows us to today"s Republic of China in the national anthem resounded so magnificent, so magnificent song. Stigma and, unfortunately, has become the past, the Chinese ushered in a new glory. Reform and opening up 20 years, the majority of working people"s hard work, whether military, science and technology, politics, sports, and we have made considerable progress in the just concluded Athens Olympic Games, the athletes by virtue of their own "Decade of grinding Sword ", making China the first time among the sports power list, the five-star red flag fly high again and again over the stadium in Athens, forceful passionate anthem of the People"s Republic of China has given countless sons and daughters of an upsurge of emotion, tears. The motherland is the pearl of the East, is soaring Asian dragon, is the rising sun on the distant horizon. Country in your heart, in my mind, in the hearts of all of us


mon1021 的回答和我想的一样啊!~怎么办?


翻译如下:各位评审老师好! You review the teacher is good! 我所竞聘的岗位是双语讲解员。 I compete for jobs is bilingual commentator. 通过这几天的培训,我对双语讲解员这个岗位有了更深的认识和了解。 Through these days of training, I to bilingual commentator this post had a deeper understanding and the understanding. 首先,讲解员是沟通展览馆和社会的桥梁和纽带。 First, the announcer is communication exhibition hall and social the bridge and the link. 讲解员不仅仅是要把信息传递出去,更要通过热忱的讲解、专业的组织和控制能力、丰富适当的面部表情、手势动作、身姿动作有效地去传递信息,让讲解更富有感染力,赋予展览以生命和灵魂。 Commentator will not only passed the information out, more to be through the explanation, the enthusiasm of professional organizations and control ability, the rich appropriate facial expressions, gestures action, action effectively posture to deliver information to explain, more infectious, give the exhibition to the life and soul. 而双语讲解员在语言能力上对讲解员提出了更高的要求,需要讲解员能流利的用中英文双语为大家讲解。 And bilingual commentator in language ability to commentator put forward higher request, need can fluent in English and Chinese with commentator bilingual for everyone to explain. 以上是我对双语讲解员这个岗位的了解。 The above is my bilingual announcer for the post of understanding. 通过这些了解我认为我具备成为优秀讲解员的条件。 Through these know I think I have become outstanding commentator conditions. 首先,我拥有较好的身姿条件,在形象上应该基本符合讲解员的条件; First of all, I have good posture in the image on the condition, should accord with the condition, basic commentator 其次,我可以热情洋溢的讲解,经常面带微笑、彬彬有礼、文明热情、并相信自己能够组织和控制讲解场面。 And secondly, I can explain the ebullient, often with smile, courteous and civilization enthusiasm, and that we can organize and control explain scene. 我非常乐意去学习如何让我的讲解更富有感染力,更好地赋予展览以生命和灵魂,让大家通过我的讲解更加了解**。 I am very happy to learn how to let me explain the more impressive, better to give exhibition to the life and the soul, let everybody through my explanation to know more about * *. 熟悉这座美好的小城。 Familiar with the beautiful town. 望亲采纳~~~

Coping with the Compliment 文章翻译成中文 语句通顺

我 看不懂呀 晕死


.........According to legend, the Cowherd and the sky world Weaver married, the male and female farming organizations, mutual respect and love, parenthood, very happy. However, the day Emperor Wen parents died, outraged. July seventh day, "Queen Mother" for granted with Creation of Space, caught Weaver. Cowboy in the grieving....................


  阅读是人们通过语篇了解外部世界并且获得信息的一种重要方式。随着科学技术的蓬勃发展,阅读的重要性越来越明显。下面是我带来的英语中英文互译 文章 ,欢迎阅读!    英语中英文互译文章1   超越阿里!腾讯成为中国市值第一科技公司!   Tencent, the owner of popular social messaging app WeChat, overtook e-commerce giantAlibaba to become China"s most valuable technology company.   作为流行的社交通讯应用微信的开发公司,腾讯已取代电商巨头阿里巴巴,成为中国市值最高的科技公司。   Data compiled by spreadbettor IG showed Tencent"s market capitalization was around $246.35billion, compared with Alibaba"s market capitalization of $242.04 billion.   根据spreadbettor IG整理的数据显示,腾讯的市场资本总额大约为2463.5亿美元。而阿里巴巴的市场资本总额为2420.4亿美元。   Tencent shares jumped by over 6% to a record high in Hong Kong after reporting strongquarterly earnings last Wednesday.   上周三,在 报告 了强劲的季度盈利之后,腾讯公司的香港股市股价暴涨了6%,达到历史新高。   The internet giant said profit rose by 47% to 10.9bn yuan ($1.6bn; 1.2bn pound) in the threemonths to June.   这家互联网巨头表示,该公司第二季度净利润增长了47%,达到了109亿人民币(约合16亿美元,12亿英镑)。   Monthly active user accounts on Tencent"s social WeChat/Weixin platform jumped 34 percenton year to 806 million.   腾讯的社交平台微信/WeChat的月活跃用户人数同比去年飞涨了34%,达到了8.06亿。   Revenues surged due to growth in its online gaming business and advertising.   腾讯之所以实现营收暴涨,要归功于旗下的网游和 广告 业务。   "Revenues jumped, platforms are booming and it runs the Twitter and Facebook of China," anIG analyst said. "Investors are hoping that, like Facebook, they can turn active users intorevenues."   一名IG的分析师表示:“腾讯的营收大幅增长,平台也在快速发展。而且腾讯还经营着中国版的推特和Facebook。投资者希望能够像Facebook那样,将活跃用户转化为收入。”    英语中英文互译文章2   联想集团2016年第一财季利润暴增64%   The world"s biggest personal computer-maker, Lenovo, said first-quarter earnings rose 64% to$173m (132m pound), beating market expectations.   日前,世界最大个人电脑制造商联想公司宣布,其第一财季盈利增长了64%,达到了1.73亿美元(约合1.32亿英镑),超出了市场预期。   The Chinese firm said its PC business had delivered "strong profits" despite a slowdown in theoverall market.   这家中国公司表示,尽管整体市场有所放缓,但是联想的个人电脑业务创造了“强劲的利润”。   However, revenue fell by 6% from a year earlier to $10.1bn in the three months to June.   不过,联想第二季度的营收同比去年下降了6%,只有101亿美元。   Lenovo attributed that to the "challenging" environment and the decline in China"s currency.   联想将这一情况归咎于“充满挑战”的环境和人民币贬值。   The Chinese firm has been aggressively cutting costs and investing in new growth areas such ascloud computing.   这家中国公司一直在大力削减成本,并且投资于类似云计算等新的业务增长领域。   "Our PC business delivered strong profits and our smartphone business stabilised compared tolast quarter," Lenovo chairman and CEO Yuanqing Yang said in a statement.   联想集团总裁兼首席执行官杨元庆在一份声明中表示:“我们的个人电脑业务创造了强劲的利润,而我们的智能手机业务相比于上季度也稳定了下来。”   "Although the macro-economy and our industries remain challenging, causing a decline in ourrevenue, we significantly improved our profit year-on-year through innovative products andstrong execution," he said.   他说道:“尽管宏观经济情况以及我们的行业状况仍然具有挑战性,这导致了我们营收的减少,但是凭借创新性产品和强大的执行能力,同比去年,我们大大提高了我们的利润。”    英语中英文互译文章3   国际劳工组织 2016年年轻人更难找工作   Global youth unemployment has started to worsen again after three years of modestimprovement, with young people in emerging economies such as Brazil particularly badly hit.   过去三年里,全球年轻人失业率曾有所好转,但如今又开始恶化,巴西等新兴经济体的年轻人受到的冲击尤为严重。   The number of unemployed 15- to 24-year-olds in the world is set to swell by half a million thisyear to 71m, according to forecasts from the International Labour Organisation, the UN agency.As a result, the youth jobless rate will edge up from 12.9 per cent in 2015 to 13.1 per cent,close to its peak of 13.2 per cent in 2013.   联合国下属机构国际劳工组织(ILO)的预测显示,今年世界上15岁至24岁的失业人口将增加50万,至7100万。结果是,年轻人失业率将从2015年的12.9%上升至13.1%,接近2013年13.2%的峰值。   Many young people have struggled to find a secure foothold in the labour market since thefinancial crisis, leaving them particularly exposed to the ups and downs of the slow and unevenglobal recovery.   很多年轻人自金融危机以来一直很难在劳动力市场上立足,这尤其让他们感受到了缓慢且不平衡的全球复苏的上下起伏。   The ILO blamed the deep recessions in emerging economies such as Russia and Brazil thathave been hit by falls in commodity prices. It predicted that youth unemployment in middle-income emerging countries as a whole would increase from 13.3 to 13.7 per cent this year,with Latin America the worst-hit region.   国际劳工组织把原因归结为俄罗斯和巴西等遭受大宗商品价格下跌冲击的新兴经济体的深度衰退。该组织预测称,从整体看,今年中等收入新兴经济体的年轻人失业率将从13.3%上升至13.7%,拉美是其中受冲击最严重的地区。   That would more than offset an improvement in rich countries from 15 to 14.5 per cent,driven by Europeu2019s gradual economic recovery. The rate in poorer countries will inch up from9.4 to 9.5 per cent.   这将大大抵消富裕新兴经济体年轻人失业率改善的影响。在欧洲经济逐渐复苏的推动下,这类国家年轻人失业率从15%下降到了14.5%。贫穷新兴经济体的年轻人失业率将从9.4%上升至9.5%。   Young people are also more likely to be stuck in jobs that are too badly paid or insecure to liftthem out of poverty, the ILO said.   国际劳工组织表示,年轻人也更有可能被迫从事报酬很低或者不稳固的工作,无法让自己摆脱贫困。   In total, almost 38 per cent of working young people in the world are in poverty, comparedwith about a quarter of all working adults. Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest working povertyrate for young people at almost 70 per cent, but it is also high in Arab states (39 per cent) andsouthern Asia (49 per cent).   总体上看,世界上年轻就业人口中大约有38%处于贫困,而成年就业人口中处于贫困的仅为约四分之一。在撒哈拉以南非洲,年轻就业人口中处于贫困的比例最高,接近70%,但阿拉伯国家和南亚国家的这一比例也很高,分别为39%和49%。   The ILO said the persistent lack of decent jobs in many regions was also one of the drivers ofinternational migration among young people. Its figures show that a fifth of the global youthpopulation was willing to move permanently to another country last year.   国际劳工组织表示,许多地区无法提供体面工作,也是推动年轻人国际移民的因素之一。该组织的数据显示,去年全球五分之一的年轻人愿意永久性移民到另一个国家。   The figures were highest in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America at 38 per cent, followed byeastern Europe at 37 per cent. At the other end of the scale, young people in southern Asiaand North America were the most reluctant to migrate.   在撒哈拉以南非洲和拉美,这一比例最高,为38%,紧随其后的是东欧,为37%。与此形成对比的是,南亚和北美的年轻人最不愿意移民。




In no other cultural tradition has nature played a more important role in the arts than in that of China. Since China"s earliest dynastic period, real and imagined creatures of the earth—serpents, bovines, cicadas, and dragons—were endowed with special attributes, as revealed by their depiction on ritual bronze vessels. In the Chinese imagination, mountains were also imbued since ancient times with sacred power as manifestations of nature"s vital energy (qi). They not only attracted the rain clouds that watered the farmer"s crops, they also concealed medicinal herbs, magical fruits, and alchemical minerals that held the promise of longevity. Mountains pierced by caves and grottoes were viewed as gateways to other realms—"cave heavens" (dongtian) leading to Daoist paradises where aging is arrested and inhabitants live in harmony.The natural world has long been conceived in Chinese thought as a self-generating, complex arrangement of elements that are continuously changing and interacting.RelatedTimelines (9)Primary Thematic Essays (4)Other Thematic Essays (24)Maps (5)Index Terms (31)ShareFrom the early centuries of the Common Era, men wandered in the mountains not only in quest of immortality but to purify the spirit and find renewal. Daoist and Buddhist holy men gravitated to sacred mountains to build meditation huts and establish temples. They were followed by pilgrims, travelers, and sightseers: poets who celebrated nature"s beauty, city dwellers who built country estates to escape the dust and pestilence of crowded urban centers, and, during periods of political turmoil, officials and courtiers who retreated to the mountains as places of refuge. Early Chinese philosophical and historical texts contain sophisticated conceptions of the nature of the cosmos. These ideas predate the formal development of the native belief systems of Daoism and Confucianism, and, as part of the foundation of Chinese culture, they were incorporated into the fundamental tenets of these two philosophies. Similarly, these ideas strongly influenced Buddhism when it arrived in China around the first century A.D. Therefore, the ideas about nature described below, as well as their manifestation in Chinese gardens, are consistent with all three belief systems. The natural world has long been conceived in Chinese thought as a self-generating, complex arrangement of elements that are continuously changing and interacting. Uniting these disparate elements is the Dao, or the Way. Dao is the dominant principle by which all things exist, but it is not understood as a causal or governing force. Chinese philosophy tends to focus on the relationships between the various elements in nature rather than on what makes or controls them. According to Daoist beliefs, man is a crucial component of the natural world and is advised to follow the flow of nature"s rhythms. Daoism also teaches that people should maintain a close relationship with nature for optimal moral and physical health. Within this structure, each part of the universe is made up of complementary aspects known as yin and yang. Yin, which can be described as passive, dark, secretive, negative, weak, feminine, and cool, and yang, which is active, bright, revealed, positive, masculine, and hot, constantly interact and shift from one extreme to the other, giving rise to the rhythm of nature and unending change. As early as the Han dynasty, mountains figured prominently in the arts. Han incense burners typically resemble mountain peaks, with perforations concealed amid the clefts to emit incense, like grottoes disgorging magical vapors. Han mirrors are often decorated with either a diagram of the cosmos featuring a large central boss that recalls Mount Kunlun, the mythical abode of the Queen Mother of the West and the axis of the cosmos, or an image of the Queen Mother of the West enthroned on a mountain. While they never lost their cosmic symbolism or association with paradises inhabited by numinous beings, mountains gradually became a more familiar part of the scenery in depictions of hunting parks, ritual processions, temples, palaces, and gardens. By the late Tang dynasty, landscape painting had evolved into an independent genre that embodied the universal longing of cultivated men to escape their quotidian world to commune with nature. The prominence of landscape imagery in Chinese art has continued for more than a millennium and still inspires contemporary artists.Department of Asian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 我有几个句子不大会翻译,呵呵~~请大家帮忙拉~~尽量翻译的完美一点拉~~谢拉~~ 1.Planning is manifested on a variety of occasions and in a variety of ways, its chief manifestation, apparent sign and most effective instrument being the plan of action. 2.(1)on the firm"s resources (buildings, tools, raw materials, personnel, productive capacity, sales outlets, public relations, etc); (2) on the nature and importance of work in progress; (3) on future trends which depend partly on technical, mercial, financial and other conditions, all subject to change, whose importance and occurrence can not be pre-determined. 3. It is known that absence of plan entails hesitation, false steps, untimely changes of direction, which are so many causes of weakness, if not disaster, in business.4.Consumers view products as bundles of benefits and choose products that give them best bundle for their money. 5.They observe customers using their own and peting products, and interview them in depth about their likes and dislikes. 6.To prepare financial statements, accountants *** yze, record, quantify, accumulate, summarize, classify, report, and interpret economic events and their financial effects on the anization. 7.Accounting helps predict the future effects of decisions, and it helps direct attention to current problems, imperfections, and inefficiencies, as well as opportunities. 8.The annual report contains not only the financial statements but also management"s discussion and *** ysis of a firm"s performance in recent years. Firms distribute their annual report to stockholders. 9.Accounting is the major means of anizing and summarizing information about economic activities. 10.The investment in accounts receivable results from a firm"s credit sales, and its level indicates the extent to which its credit and collections policies are used to stimulate sales. 11.Trade credit is fairly sensitive to interest rate changes, whereas consumer credit is largely affected by changes in ine and unemployment. 12.The first example states that payment is due within t days from a specified date, usually the date of the good"s receipt. The second allows a discount of d% if payment is made within t days; otherwise, the full amount is due within t days. 解析: 1.计划被体现各种各样的场合和用各种各样的方式, 它的首要显示, 明显的标志和多数有效的仪器是行动计划。 2.(1)在公司的资源(大厦, 工具, 原材料, 人员, 生产量, 销售市场, 公共关系, 等);(2)在本质和重要性的进展中的工作;(3)在部分依靠技术的未来趋向, 商务, 财政和其他情况, 所有随时变化, 谁的重要性和发生不可能被预先决定。 3.它知道缺乏计划需要犹豫, 错误步骤, 不合时宜的转向, 哪些是弱点的许多起因, 如果不灾害, 在事务。 4.消费者景色产品作为捆绑好处和选择给他们最佳的捆绑为他们的金钱的产品。 5.他们观察使用他们自己和只能选其中之一的产品的顾客, 并且采访他们详细关于他们的爱好和厌恶。 6.准备财政决算, 会计分析, 纪录, 定量, 积累, 总结, 分类, 报告, 并且解释经济事件和他们的财政作用对组织。 7.认为的帮助预言决定的未来作用, 并且它帮助对当前问题的直接关注, 缺点, 并且无效用, 并且机会。 8.年终报告近年来包含不仅财政决算,而且对公司的表现的管理的讨论和分析。 企业发布他们的年终报告对股东。 9.会计是组织和总结关于经济活动的信息主要手段。 10.投资在应收帐款结果从公司的赊销, 并且它的水平表明它的信用和汇集政策用于 *** 销售的程度。 10.投资在应收帐款结果从公司的赊销, 并且它的水平表明它的信用和汇集政策用于 *** 销售的程度。 11.商业信用对利率变动是相当敏感的, 而消费信贷受在收入和失业上的变化的主要影响。 12.第一个例子阐明,付款在t天之内是付从一个指定日期, 通常好收据的日期。 如果付款在t天之内,付秒钟给予折扣d%; 否则, 总额在t天之内是交付的。






这篇小说分为五部分: 第一部分(1—3):介绍孔乙己生活的社会环境。 第二部分(4—6):写短衣帮对孔乙己的嘲笑,孔乙己的思想性格在嘲笑声中得到鲜 明的表现。 第三部分(7—8):写孔乙己和孩子,表现孔乙己境遇的凄凉和心灵的孤寂。 第四部分(9—11):写孔乙己不复聊生的惨状,表明当时社会里人跟人的关系,冷 漠无情到令人窒息的地步。 第五部分(12—13):写孔乙己的结局。用猜想结尾,留给人们广阔的想象空间,更有无穷的悲剧意味。 本文的中心是:从孔乙己这一面看,小说反映了封建文化和封建教育对读书人的毒害,控诉 了科举制度的罪恶;从民众这一面看,小说揭示了封建社会的世态炎凉,人们冷漠麻木、思 想昏沉的精神状态,社会对于不幸者的冷酷,从一个侧面反映了封建社会的腐朽和病态。




Small squirrel (A) Last spring, even under the rain for several days, the entrance of the bush more than a small squirrel. Head on the tree On a nest, I do not know where it is not from the fall. Small squirrels will not Pashu, trapped in the ground, among the fallen leaves to drill to drill, from time to time in its mother Seeing as the vicinity. We take bread to small squirrels less Paren, Zuichan not only seriously doing their own things: Pashu. It miso on the jump to Shugan, Wang Shangpa a few steps and then parked in an awkward, off a A second to fall. Climbing tired of playing it in the grass. Squirrels mother to its meeting to Chinai. I坐在台阶上, it obviously took note of my existence, pegged to skip from time to time I see a while. I am the one on which the leaves, Tiezhao ground Huahua in the rotation, this time it is attracted, and went to have been I had the previous, I watched the rise. I am very surprised that it, I must be a strange Pang However, large-and found it accurate to my eyes. I was gently Bodong of the leaves, small squirrel has made a sudden I will never forget the action: it Lifted a forepaw, who in my hands. This action continued for a second and then jump to its side, I do not think about the beginning of the fun, but also leaves no longer be attractive. Squirrels and one can very close, but always for food, only this small squirrels, I actually close to it because For the curious. Squirrels her mother"s reaction is quite interesting. Imagine her to see this scenario, we must face is not scared Rat-color, but she can not and I go all out, can not be sensible and not a small squirrel said. She chose the only A reasonable strategy: we do not appear in the distance, voice and弄出points. Small squirrel quickly with the past, Slowly was taken to a place far away from me. Small squirrel on the ground trapped for two days time, and then disappeared, we looking for, and hope that it is returned to the The trees. And after about one week, one day evening, we passed by, heard the nest tree sand Sha do ring, vaguely visible a few small squirrels playing together. I do not know which one it is not. Now it has long wanted to come up, have long been forgotten and we had one side of the margin, there will be no more That good The singular.希望采纳


Conquer English 成功征服英语20个好习惯1、将英语真正融入日常生活!不要学英语,而要生活在英语当中! 2、把难单词、难句子制作成海报,贴在家里最显眼的地方,不知不觉就掌握了! 3、不读英语就难受!不读英语就“寝食难安”!让读英语变成“最大的爱好”! 4、睁开眼睛的第一件事就是“大声喊英语”!喊出一天的活力和辉煌!喊出一天的充实和成功!5、入睡前一定要大喊英语十分钟!让英语进入潜意识,做梦也在学英语。 6、“一日三餐前后”狂读五分钟英语,否则就不配吃饭,这叫“一日三餐法”!饭前读英语反思人生,饭后读英语有助消化!这是一个伟大的习惯!我要在全国普及这个习惯! 7、跑步喊英语!既锻炼了身体肌肉,又锻炼了口腔肌肉!两个肌肉都发达的人绝对有“非凡的竞争力”!具体做法:在出去跑步前,先抄写一段英语放在口袋里。最简单的办法就是从《李阳英语背诵宝典365》这套教材中拿一张卡片。 8、一看到公园,就跑进去大声喊英语。充分享受美景,充分呼吸新鲜空气! 9、“四个一”原则:每当我读英语或说英语的时候,我都会做到一抬头、一挺胸、一收小腹、一用力!这样,我的英语马上就会变得地道、好听! 10、平时说英语、练英语的时候一定要元音特别饱满!这样可以训练自己的非凡气质。 11、有空就疯狂练习辅音。要想说一口流利的英语,就必须做到:元音饱满悦耳、辅音准确清晰。比如,我经常拿一张纸放在嘴巴前面苦练爆破音:newspaper,popular,possible.我经常咬下嘴唇,苦练[v]这个音,夸张地朗读drive,vegetable,five等单词。 12、尽量多地听录音!这是最有效、最便宜的学习方法!听得越多,语感就越好!而且你的英语发音就越好听。 13、看到的、听到的,都尝试翻译成英文,随时随地训练自己的“口译能力”! 14、每天有计划的训练自己的“翻译能力”,最好的办法就是每天翻译一篇小短文。学习英语的最高目标就是:中英文自由转换!这也是社会最需要的能力,当然这也是为你自己创造最大价值的能力!这个能力很难获得,一定要每天坚持练习!先准确翻译单词,然后是句子,其次是短文。 15、随时随地携带“疯狂英语财富本”,疯狂收集好单词、好句子、好文章!尤其是名言警句! 16、疯狂收集好文章,将所有让自己心动的文章反复朗读,最好能脱口而出!因为只有背诵课文才是征服英语的最终解决之路! 17、出门前,立刻制造一个小卡片或小纸条,随身携带,疯狂背诵!这是最有效的学习方法! 18、要养成一种伟大的习惯:善于利用一天当中大量的、被忽略的、被浪费的一分钟、两分钟!你一旦有了这个伟大的习惯,你的一天将是别人的两天,甚至三天! 19、要养成随身携带英语书的习惯!我在窗边、厨房、客厅,甚至厕所都放了英语书,快速看上一两分钟就足够了!什么都怕天天做,什么都怕坚持! 20、要养成热爱丢脸的习惯!管它说好说坏,只管疯狂地说!只有这样才会越说越好!You must enjoy losing face! http://groups.tianya.cn/tribe/showArticle.jsp?groupId=431224&articleId=d9aa53fa9da55ac79ee1150828b59637&?/263182391/=/


First, the network would have an impact on the spread of Chinese language instruction to the seriousness of the United States and undermine its content.Chinese language back, how random game?Cling to old, bad natural limit innovation, but allowing everyone Word is wrong.Second, the proliferation of Internet language, the language of our country"s respect for the spread of Internet language, and the desecration of the Chinese.Perfectly with the generic term of the last millennium, it is necessary to further messing unrecognizable?For example, : : It is necessary?This is a creation?This is not vulgar?China is a great country with ancient civilization and the only deny that there is a feeling of inferiority, would agree that such a move.Third, network language, difficult circulation.If the entire network had to use the language, imagine how many people are willing to do it time and how many people can read it?When a country is a difficult task for many countries of the language that this country is not civilized, not advanced, is not developed.not friendly, not alluring.Not even a standardized language of the country, who is also keen on developing diplomatic relations with this country?Just think, is the rationale?Fourth, the language network, is not civilized.We are now some people mistakenly believe that certain terms of network usage is high time witty, competition will take over.This is unhealthy!We are now adults.Do we want our children and grandchildren to inherit such a hodge-podge of things?5, the network language, not the general public recognized the vitality of things, there is no vitality."Goodbye" to "88"; "Is" to "94"; "Tears" to "55";"4242" as "ah ah is"; "258" as a "thank me!""874" with "- bian," said; "9494" as "is";"4242" as "ah ah is"; "7456" as "crazy me.""748" as a "fact bars"; "847" with "other life";"987" as a "no go" : : and so on.Full figures throughout, the touch of the eyes, headache immediately.Speak for this article, the public can accept this?There are many tricks, 26 allocated to the English alphabetical chaos for the indiscriminate use, and so on, abound!China since ancient times and today, in the past, to respect the motherland"s culture, the culture of self-mistreat the motherland.The culture of the motherland "from the Palace" of the motherland"s culture grooves to achieve such a high level?Language network, I am not strongly opposed to it, you could not appeal to smother it, I just want to say thatnot encourage such a trend can not be allowed to occur in order to protect our Chinese culture.When a country is a difficult task for many countries of the language that this country is not civilized, not advanced, is not developed.not friendly, not alluring.Not even a standardized language of the country, who is also keen on developing diplomatic relations with this country?Just think, is the rationale?




A feral cat is an unowned and untamed cat separated from domestication. Feral cats are born in the wild and may take a long time to socialise, or may be abandoned or lost pets that have become wild. They should not be confused with the wildcat which are not descended from domestic cats. A stray cat (or alley cat) while unowned, still exhibits temperament similar to that of a pet.[1] In popular usage, these terms are sometimes used interchangeably.In Australia, the term "feral cat" refers to cats living and breeding entirely in the wild. Significant populations of Australian wildlife that are poorly adapted to this effective predator, including marsupials, reptiles, and birds, have allowed the establishment of stable feral cat populations across most of the country.Adult feral cats that were never socialized with humans can rarely be socialized. Feral kittens can sometimes be socialized to live with dogs. The ideal time for capture is between six and eight weeks of age. Taming at this age may take only a couple of days. Older kittens can be tamed, but it takes longer. Also, an older kitten may bond only with the person working with him or her, which can make adoption difficult but not impossible.Feral cats may live alone but are usually found in large groups called feral colonies. The average life span of a feral cat that survives beyond kittenhood is usually cited at less than two years, while an indoor domestic housecat lives an average of 14 to 20 years. However, feral cats aged 19 (Cat Action Trust) and 26 (Cats Protection) have been reported where food and shelter are available.Urban areas, Australia, and North America are not native environments for cats. The domestic cat comes from temperate or hot, dry climates and was distributed throughout the world by humans. Cats are extremely adaptable, and feral felines have been found in conditions of extreme cold and heat. They are more susceptible to cold, damp conditions than to cold alone. In addition, they are vulnerable to predators such as dogs, feral pigs, wolves, bears, cougars, bobcats, foxes, crocodilians, birds of prey, and coyotes.Population controlIn the United States, there is debate about how to deal with feral cat populations. Many municipalities make it legal to kill them and classify them as vermin or pests. Some advocate culling feral cat populations by hunting, arguing that it is the most cost-effective method of population control. However, a proposal in the U.S. state of Wisconsin to legalize the hunting of feral cats in an attempt to reduce their population (April 2005) was blocked by the state"s lawmakers. South Dakota and Minnesota allow wild cats to be shot. The U.S. spends over $50 million a year to shelter some of these cats. Baits have been used that include a plant that is deadly to introduced species, but harmless to native species.Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs are facilitated by many volunteers and organizations in the U.S. These programs trap feral cats, sterilize them through neutering, then release them. Variations of the program include inoculation against rabies and other viruses and sometimes long-lasting flea treatments. Frequently, attending veterinarians cut the tip off one ear during spay/neuter surgery to mark the individual as being previously caught. Volunteers often continue to feed and give care to these cats throughout their lives. Many animal care experts believe that it is prohibitively difficult if not often impossible to domesticate and adopt a feral cat unless it is trapped and socialized before six weeks of age. However there is some evidence that many people have adopted and domesticated adult feral cats successfully. Some feral cat organizations offer techniques to do this.In Australia, control programs are difficult to devise due to the nocturnal and solitary nature of the feral cats, broad distribution in the landscape and continuous additions to the population from abandoned domestic cats. Due to the danger posed to humans handling the animal, captured feral cats are almost always killed. Trap-neuter-return programs are only now being introduced in some urban and suburban areas such as Adelaide. More recently, such programs have been introduced in Sydney by the "World League for Protection of Animals".Feral cats can also be controlled by larger native predators like coyotes or dingos because cats are too small to defend themselves against the teeth and claws of the larger predators.Zoonotic riskThere is increasing concern about the role of feral cat colonies as a vector of disease, particularly toxoplasmosis, giardiasis, the rabies virus, campylobacter, and other diseases and parasites that can infect both domestic cats and humans. Cats are the primary reservoir of toxoplasmosis. Indeed, there has recently been a major crash in sea otter populations on the California coast -- these otters are often found to have toxoplasmosis infections, and although researchers say that "there is no direct evidence that cats or their feces have a part in spreading the single-celled parasite that causes the disease in shellfish- eating otters", they speculate that infected fecal waste from feral cats could enter local watersheds due to surface runoff or domestic cat feces through the sewage system.The high incident of the rabies virus in populations of un-vaccinated feral cats is of the highest concern and the most costly to public health. Feral cats are susceptible to contracting the virus and thus infecting other animals. Rabies is transmitted through direct contact with the infected saliva and the blood stream or tissues of the new host. Transmission between cats, both male and female, often happens during fights over territory and breeding. Feral cats also are exposed to other wild animals that may be reservoirs for the rabies virus as a direct result of predation.RomeRome, Italy is perhaps the city with the largest feral cat population in the world; its population has been estimated to be between 250,000 and 350,000, organized in about 2,000 colonies, some of them living in famous ancient places such as the Colosseum. Some historians believe the Romans" affection for cats dates from the Roman Empire"s conquest of Egypt, where royalty kept cats. Others believe that Rome was spared from devastating outbreaks of the bubonic plague by the city"s feral cat population, which kept Rome"s rat population low, thus reducing a key plague carrying vector. Whatever the case, Rome"s affection for stray felines remains strong.Canada"s Parliament Main article: Canadian Parliamentary CatsFor many years, a feral cat colony has existed on Canada"s Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Tradition associates the cats with a British garrison of the 1850s. In recent years, living structures have been built for them, and they are fed by a volunteer who is given a stipend by the House of Commons. Services are donated by veterinarians in the city, and most of the cats are sterilized. At any time, about 15 cats live in the colony. The present Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is a cat fan and takes feral kittens into his home to socialize them before they are put up for adoption in Ottawa"s shelters.[citation needed] Visitors to his official residence can expect to be asked if they have room in their homes for a cat.CreteOn the island of Crete, in Greece, there are also many feral cats which can often be seen begging in tavernas or scavenging from bins. There is a charity to help them: Cretan Cat Care (CCC). The CCC employs a neutering programme to keep the population under control as many feral cats in Crete are the result of unwanted litters of kittens that have been thrown out onto the streets to fend for themselves.IsraelMany feral cats live throughout Israel in multiple colonies. Feral cats can often be seen walking the streets. They tend to congregate around garbage dumpsters and other waste sites. PhilippinesFeral Cat at a nativity Scene or Belen in Angeles City, PhilippinesThey are also known as "Pusang Kalye" (or Street Cat), but don"t share the same treatment as the Askal or Stray Dog.


Cities Now Home to More Than Half of All People Over half the world"s people now live in cities. The latest "Global Report on Human Settlements" says the historic change took place last year. The report came out this week from U.N. Habitat, a United Nations agency. A century ago, less than 5% of all people lived in cities. By the middle of this century it could be 70% , or almost 6,500,000,000 people. Already 3/4 of people in developed countries live in cities. Now most urban population growth is in the developing world. Urbanization can lead to social and economic progress, but also pressure on cities to provide housing and services. The new report says almost 200,000 people move into cities and towns each day. It says worsening inequalities, driven by social divisions and differences in wealth, could lead to violence unless cities plan better. Another issue is urban sprawl. This is where cities expand into rural areas, sometimes at a much faster rate than urban population growth. Sprawl is common in the United States. Americans move a lot. In a recent study, Art Hall at the University of Kansas found that people are moving away from the major cities to smaller cities. He sees a trend toward "de-urbanization" across America. But urban economies still provide possibilities that rural areas do not.城市人口过半 如今世界过半数人口都居住在城市。据最新一份“全球人居报告”显示,在去年这一情况发生了巨大变化。联合国人居机构在本周发布了这项报告。 一个世纪前,全球城市人口不足5%.到本世纪中叶,城市人口可能上升至70%,约有65亿人。发达国家现有四分之三的人口为城市人口。现在,大多数城市人口增长发生在发展中国家。 城市化推动了社会和经济的向前发展,但同时也增加了城市提供住房和服务的压力。据这份最新报告显示,每天约有20万人口向城镇转移。报告也同时指出,除非城市能有更好的规划,否则日益严重的不平等,社会分工以及贫富差距,均有可能导致暴力的发生。 另一个问题就是城市的扩张。城市向乡村地区扩张的速度有时候甚至比城市人口增长速度更为惊人。 这一现象在美国很普遍。美国搬迁的人数众多。卡萨斯州大学的阿特。霍尔在其最新研究中发现,人们正在从大城市搬迁至小城市。他将这称之为美国的“逆城市化”趋势。 但是城市经济仍然可以提供农村地区不能提供的可能性。

城市化进程利与弊 英文文章

we see a newly emerging community: there are supermarkets, schools, banks and hospitals. A resident tells us, “Eight years ago it was still the countryside.” The history of reform and openingup is the history of rapid economic development; it is also the history of largescale urbanization of our nation. I firmly believe that the advantages of urbanization are many. First, when more and more people flood into cities, the city is often becoming bigger and bigger and many people move out of the downtown area and into the suburbs. This trend of urban construction is beneficial to future city development as a whole. Second, it provides more development opportunities for big cities. With more and more people coming to the city, urban development is experiencing a new round of leaping forward. Urbanization may also bring a series of unfavorable consequences. First, the farmland in the country is shrinking. Second, sometimes, the rural land, rivers and air are polluted. When more and more new factories are set up, the surrounding environment is likely to decay. In my mind, it is not necessarily the result. Finally, the young people who still practice farming are becoming fewer and fewer. Some of them go to big cities to pursue a better life. Some of them stay at home, but begin to do business or work in local factories. All in all, urbanization brings more benefits than problems. The present society is experiencing great changes—what we should be sure is that we strike a balance between economical development and environmental protection. (不知道有没有500个字) 这里的urbanization,城市化,即是文章讨论的主题。 文章共分四段。首段在描述图画后做了小结,巧妙引入本文主题——城市化。第二段与第三段分别谈论城市化的利和弊。第二段列举了城市化的两个优点。第三段写了城市化的三个缺点。第四段下结论——城市化的利大于弊。



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使用word就可以进行电脑排版书籍,具体操作方式如下:方法一:应用样式的设置合适的位置应用样式,不仅能够做到书籍格式整齐统一,而且可以为今后进行目录提取和建立索引等操作带来极大的便利。1、章标题样式应用:切换到“开始”选项卡,然后单击“样式”区域的 按钮,单击“应用样式”。2、然后在弹出的对话框中选择“章标题”即可。而“副标题”样式、“正文”样式等的使用方法与此相同,不再细表。方法二:字符格式的设置在文章中,样式的应用是经常的,还有一种经常性的操作应时对某些文本应用字符格式。在Word2010中可以设置的字符格式包括字符的字体、字型、字号、效果、字符间距、文本效果等。当我们活用字符格式,可以使文档更加的丰富多彩和个性十足。(1)设置字体、字形和字号:第一步我们就要选定需要改变字符格式的文本,选定后,我们找到上方的字体工具按钮,然后我们就可以设置字体、字号、颜色等选项了。如果要进行更加复杂的字体设置,那就要单击“开始”功能区的“字体”选项区右下角那个带箭头的小按钮,打开“字体”对话框。在其中可以进行字体格式的所有功能设置。(2)设置特殊效果在书籍排版中,有时需要对选定文字设置颜色、粗体、斜体、下划线等,这些特殊效果的设置方法很简单,在“字体”对话框左下角的“文字效果”选项区选中需要的效果就行了。值得一提的是在word 2010中增加了一些特殊文字效果哦。利用word 2010对书籍排版进行设置(3)设置段落格式首先就是对齐方式和行距的设置。word 2010依然提供5 种对齐方式,分别是“左对齐”、“右对齐”、“居中对齐”、“两端对齐”和“分散对齐”。设置段落对齐的另外一种方式就是先选定段落,然后根据需要单击“开始”选项卡中的“段落”功能区中的某个对齐方式按钮就行了。设置行距可单击“段落”选项区的“行距”工具按钮,在其中有几种预选值,若在其中找不到需要的值就得单击“行距选项”,或者直接单击“段落”选项区右下角的小按钮打开“段落”对话框,在其中可进行多种行距设置。方法三:其次就是段落缩进和段间距的设置段落缩进是指段落中各行相对于页面左右边界向内退缩的距离。在word 2010中有“段落缩进”、“首行缩进”两种格式设置。打开“段落”对话框后,在“缩进和间距”选项卡中相应选项区进行设置。其中“首行缩进”、“悬挂缩进”的值以字符为单位;“行距”可选择“自动”或者多少行,单击微调按钮以0.5 行递增或递减,一般选择1.5倍行距比较标准。


First, be polite to people who disagree with you. If you can treat him or her politely and listen to their opinions, you will have the opportunity to express your opinions with him or her. Second, respect other people"s views and affirm what you agree with, which is conducive to communication with people with different views. Third, we should express our views correctly. Don"t impose your own opinions on others. If you can do the above, then there is no big problem in communicating with people with different views.中文:首先,彬彬有礼的对待与你观点不一致的人。如果你能够礼貌地对待他或者她,倾听他们的观点与看法,你就能够有机会跟他表达并阐述你的观点。第二,尊重他人的观点并对自己也认同的地方加以肯定,这有利于和与你观点不同的人交流和沟通。第三,正确表达自己的观点与看法。不把自己的观点和看法强加在他人身上。如果你能够做到以上几点,那么和与你观点不同的人沟通就没有什么大的问题了望采纳,谢谢




Winning combination团队精神令凯尔特人队所向披靡WHEN an NBA player is young he thinks he can win the championship by himself. It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an important lesson: there is no "I" in "team".There is no better example of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics. Paul Pierce, Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett were all superstars on three different teams. Yet, none of them had any titles to show for it. Then, last season, they decided to sacrifice money and individual statistics to play together. Garnett and Allen joined Pierce on the Celtics and changed the NBA in the process.It started in simple ways. Garnett and Allen are two of the most intense athletes in the world. They treat every second of every practice like it is the NBA championship. If you want to play alongside them then you will have to do the same. So, the young guys on the Celtics started giving their full effort too. Pierce had been the star of the Celtics for many years. He used to shoot the ball many times a game. But with the addition of Allen and Garnett he shot less and focused on defense. His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered. When the Celtics were winning and the game was almost over, Garnett, Pierce and Allen would come out of the game. But they wouldn"t just sit on the bench. Instead, they stood and cheered and screamed for their teammates. They wanted to support their friends and teammates. Now, the guys who don"t play know they can still affect the game by cheering so they scream and cheer when Garnett, Allen and Pierce are playing. The Celtics have developed a strong relationship. They are more than just teammates. They are brothers.The result: the Boston Celtics won the 2008 NBA championship and are considered the favorites to win the Eastern Conference championship again this year. There is a saying that goes, "A successful team beats with one heart." If that is the case, the Celtics may have the biggest heart in the NBA.


  英语文章的书写,不但需要灵感,还需要舒适安静的环境。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :The spring Festival   Dear Jhon :   The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar中国的农历. It"s China"s New Year"s Day. So usually a month before the festival people begin to buy food clothes and decorations装饰 for houses.   About a week before the festival housewives are busy preparing the new year dinner. And they will do a lot of washing and cleaning in the houses. People who are far away on business are hurrying to return home for the new year"s family reunion团聚.   On New Year Eve each family will gather tighter eating talking and watching TV for almost the whole night. And there will be some interesting programmes on TV. The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from parents or grandparents.   On Lunar New Year"s Day after getting up people will eat dumplings. When they meet their neighbours or friends they"ll say: "Happy New Year!"   I am ready to spend with together my family on the Spring Festival I"am going to see my grandparents and friengs . I "m going to Diseyland in HONGKONG with my parents I will revise lessinos do exercise every day help the old and children .Well to China. Waiting for your e -mail Yours   Lingling   :暑假计划   The summer holiday is ing; I"m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them do some housework, I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society.   :暑假生活安排   Summer vacation is ing. We have different plans for it. Some of my clas *** ates are going to visit some places of interest. Some are not going out, instead, they are going to do more reading and prepare for the future studies. Some want to do more sports to keep fit. I plan to go to Beijing to see the Olympic Games. Because it"s a good chance to make more friends and know more about the Olympic Games.   :文明城市倡议书   Dear friends,   This year, the government of our country will make ments on the civilized cities again. Our city hopes to keep the "Civilized City". We know it includes good behavior and excellent environment. So I want everyone can do something for it. To good behavior, we should be friendly to others, talk with others politely and help people in trouble. Please don"t break the traffic rules or talk loudly in public. To excellent environment, I think we can plant trees, pick up the litter and clean the *** all ads on the wall. You"d better not waste water or walk on the grassland.   Thank you for your support.   :手拉手活动   I think it"s best to be a volunteer. I can go there in summer holiday. I"m going to take some school things there. I know they don"t have enough money to buy these.   I am good at English and puter. Maybe I can help them with these two subjects there. I can also help them do farm work. I think it must be very interesting. I can not only help them but also get entertainment.   To be a volunteer is really a good idea.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。

修改一段英文文章 (海伦凯勒)



  英语文章的书写,不但需要灵感,还需要舒适安静的环境。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :The spring Festival   Dear Jhon :   The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar中国的农历. It"s China"s New Year"s Day. So usually a month before the festival people begin to buy food clothes and decorations装饰 for houses.   About a week before the festival housewives are busy preparing the new year dinner. And they will do a lot of washing and cleaning in the houses. People who are far away on business are hurrying to return home for the new year"s family reunion团聚.   On New Year Eve each family will gather tighter eating talking and watching TV for almost the whole night. And there will be some interesting programmes on TV. The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from parents or grandparents.   On Lunar New Year"s Day after getting up people will eat dumplings. When they meet their neighbours or friends they"ll say: "Happy New Year!"   I am ready to spend with together my family on the Spring Festival I"am going to see my grandparents and friengs . I "m going to Diseyland in HONGKONG with my parents I will revise lessinos do exercise every day help the old and children .Well to China. Waiting for your e -mail Yours   Lingling   :暑假计划   The summer holiday is ing; I"m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them do some housework, I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society.   :暑假生活安排   Summer vacation is ing. We have different plans for it. Some of my clas *** ates are going to visit some places of interest. Some are not going out, instead, they are going to do more reading and prepare for the future studies. Some want to do more sports to keep fit. I plan to go to Beijing to see the Olympic Games. Because it"s a good chance to make more friends and know more about the Olympic Games.   :文明城市倡议书   Dear friends,   This year, the government of our country will make ments on the civilized cities again. Our city hopes to keep the "Civilized City". We know it includes good behavior and excellent environment. So I want everyone can do something for it. To good behavior, we should be friendly to others, talk with others politely and help people in trouble. Please don"t break the traffic rules or talk loudly in public. To excellent environment, I think we can plant trees, pick up the litter and clean the *** all ads on the wall. You"d better not waste water or walk on the grassland.   Thank you for your support.   :手拉手活动   I think it"s best to be a volunteer. I can go there in summer holiday. I"m going to take some school things there. I know they don"t have enough money to buy these.   I am good at English and puter. Maybe I can help them with these two subjects there. I can also help them do farm work. I think it must be very interesting. I can not only help them but also get entertainment.   To be a volunteer is really a good idea.   以上是我整理所得,欢迎大家阅读和收藏。


It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,【这句话不对,是想用it引导主语么?是要做陈述还是提出疑问?有三种表达,(⊙o⊙)哦,根据后面的意思,(我觉得你是想说:机器人的广泛应用会给人类带来危险么?因为使用了will)就是第三种】:1.It is the widely use of robots that bring our human beings danger.(It is 强调) 2.Is it the widely use of robots bring our human beings danger ? 3.Is the widely use of robots will bring our human beings danger? 【用use就行,use有名词的意思】use your own view and thoughts on it【on it 可以删掉】The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to society has been hotly disputed in public【whether的用法不对(建议专门看下语法书讲whether的),应该这样说:whether the widely use of robots has a positive infuence on society(have an influence on 是固定搭配,不用to)】bring plenty of benefit for society【bring...to...(给/为...带来...)】present my own view about this phenomenon. 【view on sth 】The advocates of widely using of robots hold a strange belief 【of widely...robots删掉,支持者就可以了,读者可以看懂】some danger works, 【dangerous 是形容词,danger是名词,work不可数名词:some dangerous work】which strengthen the security rate【strengthen的意思是加强,而这里说的是安全率,应该用提高:increase,raised...或是说ensure the safety of workers...】Hence, it can be concluded that robots provide a lot of advantages for the society. 【这句话表明,The advocates 的观点是正确的,本段开头就不应该用strange来评价他们的观点 ,另外我觉得可以改成:we can get the conclude that... it can be 用的有点频繁了,多变换句式增强文章的可读性。】negative effects for society【effects on sth 固定搭配】The reason is that some manual workers【用because就可以了,这个这个,感觉你的文章。。有点僵硬,模式化了,哎,写出漂亮文章的确很难啊,我也探索ing...与君共勉!】The fact that handcraft is one of the traditional culture, which can represent the history of country, has been underestimated in public.【我的修改是,the fact that handcraft,as one form of expression of the traditional culture,represents the history of a country,has been underestimated by public.】its still make a lot of demerits, which may lead our life become more detrimental【1.it still make... 2.我的修改:which may threat the healthy development of our society.】一些词:widely ,lead,suppose,view,demerit……还有一些句式 xxx is that xxx ,the fact that ……频繁出现,就是那种这句出现了,下句马上又出现了的,这种不好,不是说不能用个第二次。还有就是介词的使用,固定搭配什么的,应该加强一下。有不对的地方,楼主指出来啊~~~




英语励志文章1   “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…”   I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.   We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless crop. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.   I want the future to be better than the past. I don"t want it contaminated by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. We should all be concerned about the future because that is where we will spend the remainder of our lives.   The past is gone and static. Nothing we can do will change it. The future is before us and dynamic. Everything we do will affect it. Each day brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in our business, if we only recognize them. We are just at the beginning of the progress in every field of human endeavor.   翻译:一切刚刚开始   “我们正在读一本书的第一章第一行,这本书的页数是无限的……”   我不了解是谁写的,可我很喜欢这句话,它提醒我们未来是由自身创造的。我们能够把神秘、不可知的未来塑造成我们想象中的任何模样,犹如雕刻家将未成形的石头刻成雕像。英语励志短文   我们每个人都像是农夫。洒下良种将有丰收,播下劣种或生满野草便将毁去收成。没有耕耘则会一无所获。   我期待未来比过去更为美好,期待未来不会沾染历史的错误与过失。我们都应举目向前,因我们的余生要用未来书写。   往昔已逝,静如止水;我们无法再作改变。而前方的未来正生机勃勃;我们所做的每一件事都将会影响着它。只要我们认识到这些,无论是在家中还是在工作上,每天我们的面前都会展现出新的天地。在人类致力开拓的每一片领域上,我们正站在进步的起跑点。 英语励志文章2   我们是怎样的一代,我们在经历着怎样的青春,又在怎样的对待时间,不可否认,我们还有年轻的资本,在经历现实的初创,走在了一条考研的路上?   站在路的前端,远远考研的汽笛已经鸣响,考研的风帆已经启航,作为新一轮的考研人我们把目标对准远方。漫漫长路定是荆棘密布,坎坷征途必将困难重重,没有人知道有多少挑战与考验,没有人知道有多少挫折与磨练。只有经历了才知道路途的艰辛,只要走过了才知道自己的坚强,而要想走到最后我们必须坚定信念,必须拥抱梦想。   这个没有硝烟的战场,相信勤能补拙,却只有坚持才能胜利,而笑到最后的才会笑的最好。没有人在开始时就愿意接受失败,没有人在理想中不愿自己坚强,但这条路上必将会有很多人停止了,倒下了,到达终点的勇士只是少数。或许这就是现实,也是差距,谁能不畏路上的荆棘密布,谁能不怕途中的狂风暴雨,谁能抵住一路上的种种诱惑,谁又能忍受漫漫长路的孤独与寂寞,形形色色人生,习惯这样的方式吗,或许别无选择,不悔是自己的信念,选择了就要勇敢的走到底。   天空覆盖着我们所有人的心,阴晴雨雪,变化万千,我想获胜的一个利器便是积极的心态,心态也将决定你的成败。这条路上我们不止一次的困惑与迷茫,不止一次的面对诱惑与孤寂,不止一次的承受压力和焦虑,不止一次的在坚持与放弃中徘徊,而最终我们将以一颗怎样的心态来接受这些,抚平棱角,将是我们成功的关键。放开心去面对一切困难,虽然每天都迎着朝阳,但要把握白昼珍贵的时光,坦然一切,坚持你的理想。   研途观景,我们不会平静,或许无法想象前方的道路还有多远,在想象中也无法体会到所谓的困难有多难,所谓的坚持有多不易,只有现实告诉了我们一切,一切也我们更加了解了自己。平   静思考,面对初期选择时的困惑与迷茫,面对暑期复习时的炎热和烦躁,面对着无数学子报名的压力与恐惧,面对着很多人找工作赚钱时的诱惑和反思,面对着永远复习不完的文字和题海,面对着考场失利的担忧和紧张,面对着客观存在的纷繁复杂的一切,你又作何感想,内心深处的自信与骄傲在这一刻爆发,我们才会清楚自己究竟有多强大。   很少有人能轻松的说一句无所谓而一笑而过,我们兼凡人,走着凡人路,所以不可能一下子变得如此超然与洒脱。考研,让我们都在这种平凡的生活中体会着不凡的经历,领略着不凡的风景。   在这样的一条路上,或惊喜或失望,也许你不会知道下一个阻碍会来自什么地方,内心在空洞中也会产生或多或少的遐想,无尽的担忧也让问题成倍的扩大,变成沉重的负担。问题永远是越解决越少而越拖延越多。我想每个人不需要企盼一帆风顺、一切如意,不需要企图遇到问题都能轻易解决,因为现实的磨砺总会出现,只是当它出现时,能以饱满的斗志来想办法克服,不要逃避,困难也让我们承认自己会遇到问题,承认有很多问题自己很难轻易解决,这也是我们要认识到的一点。   青春是人生的最美财富,纵观整个人生,漫漫长路且是一个过程,一点一滴都是积累。考研是当前的一件大事,但毕竟又只是生命过程中的一段征程。它的确很重要,但却决非全部。所以我们要对人生有一个清晰的认识,对考研有一个清醒的衡量。失败会影响你的心情,学着重视它但不要太在意,沉浸其中的阴影,战胜它不要太清高,学着品味这份艰辛,赞美这段旅途。   明天太阳依旧会照耀你的床前,面对人生的每一天,都可以看作是新的起点,每一刻都可以作为新的开始,所以认真走好每一步,过好每一天。对于考研,我们放眼未来而不要拘束在现在,也许我们会走错一步,但不要停止前行的脚步,把握正确的人生方向,我们就会离目标越来越近。   考研路上也不会缺少好书相伴,哲人的思想为我们指引方向,成功者的事迹也会成为我们的榜样。志同道合的伙伴,在失落时为你撑起一把伞,彼此共勉,快乐取代孤独,温馨代替无助。抱着经历风雨历练的心态去积极面对,风雨就不再可怕,而当我们在风雨中自由歌唱,坦然面对时,我们就学会了坚强,当一切都逝去时我们便可以骄傲的说;我们经历了,走过了,结果已不再重要,我们已成长了??考研,让拼搏的青春化茧成蝶。暖风吹过窗台,催人感觉到夏的味道。一个人呆在久违的私房,或许很久没有这样静心聆听风的声音了。一个气氛恬静的夜晚,我想自己终于有时间品味化茧为蝶的苦涩,感受苦尽甘来的喜悦。生活很玄妙,也许路就在一瞬间转弯,考研,充实我一程。   经历风雨,方见彩虹。为了这一天的到来,我付出了太多的心血与汗水;忍受了太久的孤独与寂寞;承受了太多的苦涩与辛酸?再回首,一切似乎历历在目又好像那么的遥远;再回首,一切似乎都是甜蜜又好像那么的苦涩;再回首,一切似乎都很可爱又好像那么的惨。 英语励志文章3   以前从未碰过电脑,甚至26个英文字母都不认识,47岁农村妇女陈芳应却利用在南城一家英语教育培训机构工作之余的时间,坚持每天自学英语。一年多下来,她的词汇量接近1500个,英语能力达到初级水平(相当于通过大学英语4级),并能够与外教流利地交流。   陈芳应来自安徽省桐城农村,今年47岁,文化程度只有初一的水平。20xx年6月前一直在老家打零工的陈芳应第一次和丈夫、儿子一起来东莞找工作,但由于年龄过大屡屡遭拒。后来通过人才市场找到在英语教育培训机构做清洁的工作,这份工作要求并不低。据该机构的负责人稂辉介绍,中心有一个要求,为了保持中心良好的英语学习氛围,中心要求员工在公共区域尽量讲英语。为了保住工作,陈芳应不得不学起英语来。   20xx年9月底,培训中心给了陈芳应一个内部网站的学习账号,允许她在做完本职工作之后上网站学习英语。陈芳应很开心,但她那时根本不会使用电脑。但她慢慢摸索,学会了灵活使用键盘与上网。自此,陈芳应开始正式学习英语的生涯。她从音标与字母的读音,渐渐到学习句子、段落、文章。   虽然热情很足,但陈芳应的学习时间非常短,通常只有中午与傍晚休息时的各1个小时,“为节省时间,我吃饭的速度很快”。在晚上9点下班后,陈芳应还会自觉加班学习到9点半过后。   一次,晚上10点半过后,陈芳应还未回家,她的丈夫打电话给她,才知道她又在自学英语,于是就有些责怪她,“你都这么大的年纪了,学习英语还有什么用”。   陈芳应反驳道,“你儿子以后娶媳妇,若会面对两种婆婆,一种是勤快努力上进的婆婆;一种是饭后把碗一推,就去打麻将的婆婆,你觉得他会喜欢哪一种。而且我学英语以后还可以教孙子”。慢慢地,她的丈夫对她学英语也不再反对了。   陈芳应的笔记本上,用黑色与红色笔写得满满的,还标注日期与英语水平等级。据稂辉介绍,该中心的英语水平分为16个等级,目前陈芳应已达到了第6级,也就是初级水平,这相当于大学英语四级的水平。中心一位叫Justin的外教与陈芳应用英语对话后评价说:“她的发音比较标准,也比较勤学好问。”   曾有一位老板得知陈芳应的情况后,决定高薪聘请她过去做保姆。“工资比现在要高,但我拒绝了。”陈芳应称,通过这件事,她第一次认识到要提升自己个人价值。陈芳应表示,一开始自己学英语也是为了以后能够教孙子,但她现在有了更长远的打算,“我现在的最大目标是学到英语的最高等级,以便将来有机会去英语国家看一看。” 英语励志文章4   我运用唯物辩证法的对立统一法则,对上述几种关系作了较为系统深入的分析,得出了一些在教学法上有所创新、对教学实践有指导意义的见解。我认为,教学活动是要解决学生已有知识技能和待学知识技能的矛盾;教学过程是学生在教师的指导帮助下,运用已有知识技能掌握待学知识技能的过程;在教学过程中,教师和学生的关系是主导作用与主体作用的关系。由于学生的已有知识技能不足以使自身独立地掌握待学知识技能,非有教师的指导帮助不行,教师的主导作用在教学中有决定性作用:决定学生发挥主体作用的程度,决定学生掌握待学知识技能的好坏。但学生掌握待学知识技能的过程,终究是学生自身的实践和认识过程,教师的主导作用必须转化为学生的主体作用。综上可见,学生的学有赖于教师的教,教师的教有待于转化为学生的学;只有教促进了学,教才算是起了应起的作用,外因才算是通过内因而发生了作用。如果教未能促成学,责任应在教师。   教师的主导作用怎样才能转化为学生的主体作用?这需要对学生的主体作用作出深入的辩证分析,有个深刻透彻的理解。学生的主体作用可分解为自动地学和能动地学两个方面。自动地学又可分为自觉地学和自发地学两个方面;能动地学又可分为高效地学和独立地学两个方面。为了使学生自动地学,必须使学生对学习既有志,又有趣;志以使学生自觉地刻苦地学习,趣以使学生自发地乐于学习。为了使学生能动地学,必须使学生既有正确的学习方法,又有自学能力;学习方法正确,就能高效地学,有了自学能力,就能独立地学。既自动地学,又能动地学,学生就会逐步摆脱对教师的依赖,充分发挥主体作用,成为学习的主人。可见,志、趣、方、能是学生发挥主体作用的四根支柱,帮助学生树立这四根学习支柱,乃是教师的主导作用转化为学生的主体作用的途径。   1985年秋,华中师范大学与广西师范大学主办以教授专家为主的中南地区英语教学法讨论会,邀请我担任大会主讲人之一。我从英语教学的角度作了题为《教师的主导作用必须转化为学生的主体作用》的报告,反应很好,大会总结时称赞我的发言“既是教学法报告,又是辩证法报告;在运用辩证法指导教学法研究上,很有启发意义。”我进一步将讲稿整理成为针对各科教学的"文章,对实现转化的前提、途径、手段、条件作了系统论述,在《广西教育通讯》上发表。 内参双月刊《桂林市文化研究》(现名>)将题目改为《要重视发挥教师在社会主义精神文明建设中的作用》予以刊登。我还写了一篇《帮助学生树立四根学习支柱》,在中国中小学外语教学研究会第四次年会大会上宣读, 《中小学外语》1988年3期首篇刊载。 以上两文分别获得桂林市教育学会一等奖和桂林市社科联三等奖。 英语励志文章5   如果不是眼角的血丝出卖身体的疲态,任谁也不会料想:在镜头面前侃侃而谈的周思成,清晨六点就已经起床,赶早班机前往上海,在享受了一顿美味的上海本帮菜后,便马不停蹄地赶到沪江总部。   有别于一贯的礼帽造型,当日的周思成将头发吹得格外蓬松,擦了粉底的脸白净通透,嘴唇也泛着微微的红,显然他早已为上镜做足了准备。   在冷风乍起的上海,他依旧习惯喝冰冷的咖啡;在布景之时,他饶有兴致地跟工作人员聊着北京的哥和上海的哥的不同,长沙与上海的天气变化以及琐碎的工作和生活。自诩为“新东方第一名师”的他,少了很多名人的做派和架势。   没有提前对稿,没有经纪人在旁推三阻四,也没有助理帮忙提包端茶送水,单打独斗的周思成很快进入了采访状态,在他看来,这些对于流程的熟稔大多得益于镁光灯的不时眷顾。   20xx年的那期名为“史上最牛英语老师”的《快乐大本营》,让跳着“艳舞”的周思成一夜爆红:镁光灯下的他习惯拿自己的“自恋”开涮,在舞台上毫不客气地与谢娜掐架,这些无一例外地让这个被冠以男版“芙蓉姐姐”称号的老师名声大噪。   四年的时间,他六次登上快乐大本营的舞台,与黄晓明、蔡依林互飙英语,闲不下来的他也成为许多电视节目的常客。他不喜欢炒作,也不喜欢包装,之所以游离于三尺讲台之外,用他自己的话说:“老师是个特别单纯的职业,其实老师做久了以后跟社会上的人比智商是很低的,因为你每天面对的都是学生,你知道的又比他们多,你又要不停地重复,你就是个孩子王而已,而你对于处理事情、安排事务,其实不如公司里面的人。”   蔡依林脚踩高跟鞋一站就是五个钟头,周思成说“她那么努力,我凭什么不努力”;何老师录完节目还请嘉宾们吃饭,亲和得让原本不太理人的周思成,都忍不住改变自己。   他似乎特别善于博采众长,而集合到自己身上却没有过多的违和之感。所谓“缺什么补什么”,这种汲他人之所长的本领,周思成自小就烂熟于胸。   我不是人妖,我就是妖   对于自己的农村背景,周思成没有丝毫隐讳。出生在湖南醴陵的他,童年虽清苦,却不乏苦中作乐的心态。他曾经在黑夜中点亮煤油灯,在蒸腾起的烟雾中把自己臆想成“白素贞”;也因为万分期待伞花飘落的美景,而试图在鞭炮中多塞几把小降落伞,结果笨重地飞不起来。   在现在的周思成看来,这种原始的快乐依旧散发着土腥气,而之所以如今的自己变得时尚新潮,跟父亲当年的“高瞻远瞩”不无关系。在父亲看来,彻底跟土气告别的方式只有一种,就是努力接近一切跟洋气有关的物件。在钢琴,笛子,小提琴中,父子二人选择了小提琴。上世纪九十年代,一把小提琴只要五十块钱,而一堂课也只要八块钱,能花费相对较少的代价步入“洋气”的殿堂,周思成满心欢喜。   为了给小提琴找个搭调的伙伴,周思成又学起了拉丁舞,没想到一学便“泥足深陷”,无法自拔。但当他想敲开北京舞蹈附中的大门,继续“舞男”梦想的时候,却因为近乎苛刻的选材标准被拒之门外,“他们要求下半身要比上半身长12.5厘米 但是我是长10厘米。”   2.5厘米的差距,断送了周思成的“舞男梦”。他只能悻悻地回到家乡,抱着成为一名美声歌唱家的残念,做回一名普通的高中生。但命运之神并没有就此止步,高一那年的一次晚会上,周思成一个人组织排演了八个节目,超大的工作强度,每天声嘶力竭地排练,使他得了严重的声带炎,手术之后他被告知三年都不能讲话,唱美声的梦想随之灰飞烟灭。   被打倒的周思成似乎习惯了命运的捉弄,爬起来继续把不能实现的梦想转化成平日的爱好。虽然嗓子不能发声,但肢体依旧灵活,他参加了高中的舞蹈队,却因为学习成绩好遭人排挤;他试图与学习成绩好的同学为伍,却反倒因为跳舞太好被驱逐。   从小到大,叫周思成“人妖”的人不计其数,但强大的诋毁铸就了他刀枪不入的心脏,甚至不无自嘲地喊出“我不是人妖,我就是妖”的“豪言壮语”。   错过的人和事儿让我很幸福   因为手术后需要注射抗生素的缘故,高中时的周思成体重一下子飙到一百六十多斤,一个不会说话的“土肥圆”,却硬是当上了学校的文艺部长、报社总编、文学社长,甚至广播站长。   他标榜自己就是天才,因为他总是跟别人不一样,到头来却总是很出彩,“我总觉得有人不喜欢你不重要,前提是你心中知道你想成为什么样的人,以后别人会认可你就好了。”   身为锋芒毕露的“风云人物”,高中时的周思成并不为群体所接纳,但高三某天的一个机缘巧合,却为今天留下了一段爱恨交织的泛黄记忆。   一个长相平、没人爱的土胖娃儿,平生第一次被人牵起手,虽然只是用来搪塞别人的幌子,但是触电的感觉却足够让周思成无法自持,甚至说出了“我牵着你的手就不想再放开”的蜜语甜言。没想到偶像剧般的假戏真做真的就此应验,他们在广场上用唇语交谈,也曾许下“背你去爬岳麓山”的诺言。可世事变迁,考上湖南大学的周思成不得已与对方分手,失恋的苦痛让他每次走进岳麓山脚的湖大都心思郁结。   能让自己不生气的办法只有一个:逃离校园。但对于依旧不能说话的周思成来说,校园外的一切都是那么可望而不可及,他本可以窝在宿舍睡懒觉、玩游戏、看大片,但为了早日摆脱周身的土气,为了有朝一日可以穿上李维斯的牛仔裤,他义无返顾地投身“词海”,将英语视为救赎的稻草,一天十三个小时的背诵近乎走火入魔。   但就是因为这一年的拼命,周思成拥有了旁人无法企及的词汇储备,这无疑是一个“变压力为动力,化腐朽为神奇”的成功范例。如若没有当初失恋的刺激,或许就没有如今的“英语大王”,在他看来“不会有一件事或者一个人让你幸福,反而那些错过的人和错过的事儿给的那些指引,让你去找到正确的事儿和正确的人”。   扩展:周思成励志语录   一、没有什么东西可以让你不幸,我们能做的就是通过自己的努力得到属于自己的幸福;   二、只有经历更痛,就不会知道什么叫做痛了;   三、什么事都不可以中途放弃,黎明前都是最黑暗的时刻;   四、上帝为你关闭一扇窗时也必定会为你开一扇。当上帝没有为你做成一件事情时你不要因此而沮丧,这是因为有更合适的事情在等着你。   五、我唯一能向你们炫耀的,就是我的勤奋。   六、孤独是好的,在奋斗的过程中尤为重要,只有我们忍受了别人负荷不了的孤独,我们才能收获别人无法企及的成功。   七、你们已经听了七个半小时的英语,你看你们还是好好地啊,没有什么问题,就像我收了那位同学的手机,他现在大概已经忘了自己有手机了吧。所以,重要的是你对自己行为的自控能力。   八、你们无聊的时候,就炫富消遣一下咯。 英语励志文章6   When someone looks into your eyes they should see something alive within you. Having a dream is like owning a lighthouse1 which directs you on your journey.   At every turn we come across its mystery. At each new level we become more of the person we were meant to become. In lonely times, when we pass through a storm of disappointment, we find our faith is unshaken, our strength still strong.   Believe in your faith. Set the vision before your eyes. Write down your most sincere dreams and when the opportunity comes, step into your dream. It may take one season or more, but the result is the same. Make big dreams and then go out and make them realities. The highest hopes of the dreamer are revealed with every step taken in their journey to the impossible. For a season we must protect the dream so that it can grow quietly on the inside. But if we tenderly care for our deepest expectations, slowly but surely the dream will become new life.   Dreaming is an act of faith. The light of your expectations will cast off the shadows of a disbelieving world. God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.   Find your treasure within and cherish it. Tomorrow is waiting for you to take the first step.   翻译:梦想的力量   别人看你的眼睛时,他应当体会到你内心的活力。怀揣梦想就像是拥有一座你前行的灯塔。   每个转折关头,它给我们带来奇迹。每个新的起点,我们脱胎换骨,焕然一新。孤独中我们挺过失望的阴霾,发觉我们的信念不曾动摇,我们的力量依然强大。   秉持信念,期盼未来。许下你比较真诚的梦想,一旦机会来临,就为之拼搏。也许要花一季甚或更多的时间,但结局不会改变。立大志,倾全力,成现实。前途未卜,有一步一个脚印,梦想者的至高希冀才会实现。我们必须珍存梦想,给它一季的保护,让它在内心悄然生发。然而我们还得温柔呵护我们内心至深的期许,慢慢地梦想必将成就新的生命。   梦想是实现信仰的第一步。你的希望熠熠光辉,它会驱逐不信的阴影。上帝赋予我们梦想的天资,去点亮不曾确信的世界。让梦想的财富寄于心中,珍爱它,明天正等着你跨出第一步。   学习,就象是一场战争,有时你觉得在这拼命撕杀的战场上,你是孤独与无助的,但你殊不知,你其实并不是孤身奋战的!好了,到了这里,关于英语100字励志小短文精选这个问题学好网董刀就为大家介绍到这里了,若还有更多疑问,可以点击右下角咨询哦!









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请高手帮忙用英语翻译一下这篇文章急需,很急 很急

汉:宝,不知道你为什么不肯跨过那浅浅的海峡英:Bao, don"t know why you would not cross the shallow strait汉:你要知道,我们在那道海峡后,手臂快要摇断英:You know, we in the way the strait, the arm is going to shake off汉:下面是我们给你写的一封信,希望你能英:Below are we give you to write a letter, I hope you can汉:来中国英:To China!汉:也许,那只是一段窄窄的海峡英:Maybe, it"s just a narrow strait汉:宝,当你第一次去日本的时候,我们听到你说:“Japan is quiet well,it is likes another world”,我们笑了。因为你来到了亚洲,因为你喜欢亚洲。那时是4月20多号的时候。我们跟着你的目光,走了一遍日本。英:Bao,When you first go to Japan,We hear you say:"Japan is quiet well,it is likes another world”,We laugh.For you come to the Asia, because you like Asia. At that time is on April 20 th. We follow your eye, go over Japan.汉:宝,当你第二次去日本的时候,我们空运了礼物给你,现在还没有看到你的反应。我们哭了,因为你再次来到亚洲,却再次选择了日本。隔一道海峡的我们在观望一切,可惜网络的传播却比不上内心的炙热。英:Bao,When the second time you go to Japan, we airfreight a present for you, now don"t see your reaction. We cry, because you again to Asia, but choose once again the Japanese. A strait between the us watching everything, but the spread of the Internet have less fervour of the heart.汉:宝,你知道吗,有多少的人在那道海峡的对岸,瞭望着你,希望你的来到。也许只是几个小时的飞机,你知道那会满足多少人一生的愿望吗? 是,那也许只是一道窄窄的海峡英:When the second time you go to Japan, we airfreight a present for you, now don"t see your reaction. We cry, because you again to Asia, but choose once again the Japanese. A strait between the us watching everything, but the spread of the Internet have less fervour of the heart.汉:也许对你来说,那7秒的视频足以让我们兴奋。你对了,我们是很兴奋,但那是看到“justinbieber给中国粉丝留言”的视频标签上,并不是等到网页刷好后,看见连缓冲都不用的7秒视频上。那视频上,你的笑容是温暖的,我们的心很凉很凉英:Maybe for you, the 7 seconds of video enough to let us excited. You"re right, we are very excited, but it is to see "justinbieber to Chinese fans message" video on the label, and not wait until page after brush good, see even buffer of 7 seconds video without. The video, your smile is warm, our heart is cool is cool汉:你的世界巡演中,多一个飞机的降落点能怎么样呢?你要知道,那次的降落也许是你的终身难忘英:Your world tour, with more than a plane landing point can? You know, the landing might be your lifelong memorable 汉:你的日程表里,多一个China arrived会怎么样呢?你要知道,那天的粉丝会比以往的还要疯狂英:Your schedule, many a China arrived? You know, on the day that the fans will be more crazy than ever before汉:你的脚底下,多一片中国的土地会怎么样呢?你要知道,我们会让你见识到这片土地上你所不能想象的温度。英:Under the bottom of your feet, a piece of China"s land? You know, we will let you see this piece of land that you cannot imagine temperature汉:而这温度,是我们的呐喊,我们的支持,我们的欢呼组成的。也许,那真的只是一道窄窄的海峡英:And this temperature, is we cry, we support, we composed of joy. Perhaps, that really just a narrow strait汉:却强有力的隔开了我们的欢呼,我们的挥舞,我们的心跳。却强有力的隔开了我们的向往,我们的梦想,我们的你英:But strong separates our shout for joy, our waved, our heart beat. But strong separates our yearning, our dreams, our you汉:一个海峡的意义,在于岸边的人。英:The significance of a channel, lies in the shore.汉:岸边的人不能去那里,Japan,那个不够我们立足的地方所以岸边的人呼唤你来到这里,我们会给你更大的舞台英:The man can"t go there, Japan, that not enough based on our place So the people calling you come here, we will give you a big stage汉:首先让你充分展示自己英:firstLet you show yourself汉:然后让我们有力气哭泣英:And then Let us have strength cry累,给分吧?!。






An English full name consists of a person"s first name and last name,sometimes there is a middle name between the first name and the last name.Similarly,a Chinese name also consists of a person"s family name and given name,but there"s no middle name between them. In English,the first name is a person"s given name after the birth of the child.It also called a person"s forename or personal name.The first name is informal,which is usually used among family members or close friends and colleagues.The first name is just like the given name (名)in Chinses. In Christian countries,Christian name is often used for the first name.So in Britain,a person"s first name is also called a baptismal name.Mythology and literature have also contributed several first names.Classical Greek mythology provided Daphne,Phoebe,Cynthia and Hector;Shakespeare provided Miranda,Jessica and Cordelia.In Chinese,people like to choose name from many allutions,festivals,places and siginificant events.Allutions provided “启礼”,“敏” and “庸”.Festivals given “立春” and “冬梅”.Places contributed “鲁豫”,“滇生”,and “向冀”.Siginificant events offered “解放”,“跃进” and “文革”. There are also many feminine forms of masculine names,for example,Jane from John,Alberta from Albert,and Roberta from Robert.This trend does not seem to happen the other way round.In Chinese,there are also many neutral names,from the name you can not tell whether it"s a girl or a boy.And nowadays in China many girls and boys have neutral names,among my friends there are girls named “雄”,“目” and “斯达”,boys named “如一” and “丹”. In English,there are many names from other non-English speaking countries.Name originated from other countries,such as Ivan from Russian name,Carlos from Spanish.Although this is not common in China,nowadays a number of parents give their children a name which is translated from English,such as “斯达” is from “star”. To show endearment,English people tend to use pet names(infant names or childhood names).They shorten men"s nams like Alfred into Alf;Alexander into Alec or Alex;David into Dave or Davy.In English,the suffix “-y” or “-ie” shows endearment.In China people have the similar customs,but they like to give pet names which are not related to the child"s given name.For instance,a boy named “奇” can be called “毛毛” in his family.People also like to add “- 子”,“-崽”,“-娃子” after a boy"s given name, or add “-妹” after a girl"s name. When some English first names are put together,they many have special meanings. “Tom,Dick and Harry” refers to “ordinary people”;”Darby and Joan” means “a pair of happy,aged couple”.Chinses also has this kind of usage,such as “张三李四” means “ordinary people”;“陈世美” refers to a man who betrayed his wife. An English name may denote a person"s social or family background.Those names beginning with Mac or Mc are usually Scottish surnames.For instance,McMichael ,McArthur,and MacDonald may well be the surnames of a Scot or of a person whose ancestor was from Scotland.Mac and Mc mean “son of”.Other families surnames of Scottish oriin include Campbell,Frasre and Steward.All names beginning with O" are Irish surnames.O"means “son of”.But in Chinses,there is no such kind of indication.As we know,there are hundreds of family names used in China,we can not tell people"s background or statue from his name.Maybe only in some minority ethnic names,we can see the differences,such as “爱心觉罗”,we kown it"s a royle name in the Man nation.





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科学家探测发现,来自太空的有机分子,是从最简单的水、氨、甲烷、氢化物、乙醇之类化合物,到含有更多结构复杂的物质。从陨石中找出的七十多种核酸,与地球生命核酸进行结构比较后,发现有8种能完全吻合。2001年,美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心的研究人员首先在陨石中发现了人类生命不可缺少的糖化合物,并确定它来自于太空。 Scientists to detect, from space organic molecules, from the most simple water, ammonia, methanol, ethanol hyride and such to contain more compounds, complicated structure of the material. From meteorites find the nucleic acid, and more than 70 different life on earth structure based on the comparison, nucleic acid found have 8 kinds can perfectly. In 2001, the NASA Ames research center"s research staff who first in meteorites found the human life indispensable sugar compounds, and make sure it from space.In 2002, the scientists through radio telescope observations, the first time in the center of the Milky Way galaxy zone of gas and dust cloud was found in dehydrogenation glycol - a to form of living organisms sugar molecules. The regiment gas cloud is the come-into-being stars are an integral part. Here dowsed sugar molecules, means of this kind of composition organism chemicals may have appeared in the world before existed in around stars. In the interstellar clouds containing twenty different chemical molecules, with a few consists of 8 or 8 or above of atoms complex molecules. Sugar molecule can be found here that organic molecules can be extremely difficult conditions of synthesis. Sugar can support life, when carbohydrate material and organic hydrogen base acid as celestial collision, large came to earth and enrichment up, just for the emergence of life provides chemical basis. All this, from another side demonstrates the composition of the material life on earth may come from space point of view. 2002年,科学家通过射电望远镜观测,首次在银河系中心地带的气尘云团中发现了脱氢乙二醇——一种参与构成生物体的糖分子。这团气云是正在形成中的恒星的一个组成部分。在这里探寻到糖分子,意味着这类构成生命体的化学物质有可能在出现于行星之前就存在于恒星周围了。在这个星际云层中包含着一百二十多种化学分子,其中少数是由8个或8个以上原子构成的复杂分子。糖分子能在这里被发现,已经说明有机分子可以在极度恶劣的环境中合成。糖分能够维持生命,当糖类物质和氢基酸等有机物随着天体撞击,大量来到地球并富集起来之后,就为生命的出现提供了化学基础。这一切,都从另一个侧面论证了地球生命的构成物质可能源自太空的观点。




2008年中国北京奥运会,是中国人等待了百年的梦想,还有八天,奥运会就要开始了,列数奥运会的项目,有田径 篮球 足球 排球 棒球 网球 羽毛球 排球 乒乓球 鞍马 体操 游泳 跳水 射击 武术等等,近几年在中国的奥运会上,出现了许多有名的奥运健将,如刘翔 姚明 郭晶晶 王楠 张怡宁 刘璇等等,他们都在奥运的各个领域做出了不同的贡献,但是他们无不体现了奥运的精神,更快 更高 更强。这次奥运的五个福娃,贝贝 晶晶 欢欢 迎迎和妮妮,他们不仅代表了奥运五环,还代表了奥运的各个项目,五个可爱的福娃,分别以鱼 熊猫 奥运圣火 藏羚羊 燕子为原型,表示了海洋 大山 火炬 大地和天空,更表示了五湖四海,表明我们接待来自世界各地的客人,奥运会不仅是一场比赛,而且更是为了团结全世界的人去完成自己的梦想,这也应正了奥运的口号 同一个世界 同一个梦想in 2008 Beijing, China Olympic Games, were the Chinese have waited for hundred year dream, but also eight days, the Olympic Games must start, enumerated Olympic Games" project, had track and field basketball soccer volleyball baseball tennis badminton volleyball pingpong side horse gymnastics swimming diving fire martial arts and so on, in recent years at China"s Olympic Games, presented many famous Olympic Games star athletes, like Liu Xiang Yao Ming Guo Jingjing Wang Nan Zhang Yining Liu Xuan and so on, they have made the different contribution at Olympic Games" each domain, but they have manifested Olympic Games" spirit all, Gauguin was quickly stronger. This Olympic Games" five lucky baby, shell shell clear happy welcome welcomes with Nini, they have not only represented the Olympic Games five links, but also has represented Olympic Games" each project, five lovable lucky babies, respectively take the fish panda Olympic Games ceremonial fire Tibet antelope swallow as the prototypes, expressed the sea mountain torch earth and the sky, expressed all corners of the country, indicated that we receive from the world"s the visitor, the Olympic Games are not only a competition, moreover is for the human who unites the world completes own dream, this is the Olympics should be the slogan of One World, One Dream


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