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求名为Who am I的一篇英语文章

Who am I?By Erik Nilsson (China Daily)Oyvind Aamot talking with a Tibetan woman in Sichuan during his journey to make the documentary Hunting Down Memory. Courtesy of Oyvind AamotNorwegian Oyvind Aamot says his first memory in life was speaking Chinese on a train in China at age 27. He didn"t realize he was on a train, that he was speaking Chinese or that he was a foreigner. He didn"t know what any of these things meant.He also didn"t remember who he was, where he came from or anything about his identity or past. "People would point to me and call me a waiguoren (foreigner), and I"d say, "OK, I"m a waiguoren", but I didn"t know what that concept meant," Aamot says in an articulate manner, which doesn"t reflect his wild and woolly appearance.The nearly 20 brain specialists who later examined him described his retrograde amnesia as a "wiping out of his hard-drive". But he"d have a long way to go before his diagnosis and an even longer journey to reconstruct an identity.Six years later, he"d return to retrace his 2000 route to discover what had happened in the three missing weeks before his memory vanished for which he had no record. He also hoped to learn how he got amnesia.This journey was filmed and turned into the recently released 80-minute documentary Hunting Down Memory. The film was shown at a small, private viewing at the Nordic Film Festival in Beijing last month and will be screened at the Guangzhou International Documentary Festival in early December.Soon after he got off the train in Zhangjiajie in 2000, several strangers sifted through his possessions for clues about his identity. He says it was only several years later that he developed a sense of gratitude for these strangers" help."It wasn"t that I wasn"t grateful to them; I just didn"t know what (gratefulness) was and what they were doing," Aamot says.They explained to him that his passport and money were important. They put him on a bus to Hubei"s provincial capital Wuhan and told him to call a number they"d found in his backpack when he arrived."But the last thing they said before I got on the bus wasn"t necessarily the first thing I thought of when I got off the bus," Aamot says.So he wandered around the city for several hours, taking in an astonishing new world with a childlike understanding of what he was seeing."It was Christmas Eve, and some people in red were handing out presents," he recalls."I didn"t really know what to do with them, so I just passed them along to other people."He never thought to unwrap them to see what was inside, he says.After he got tired, he saw a red phone on the side of the street, remembered about the phone number and dialed it. On the other line was his friend Wu Wei, vocalist of the city"s celebrated punk band, SMZB.Wu was surprised Aamot didn"t remember him on the phone but figured he was deliriously exhausted from traveling. He became worried when Aamot greeted him with an unrecognizing blank stare when he came to pick up the Norwegian."He really didn"t get it," Aamot says. But he couldn"t detect his friend"s anxiety."I really didn"t perceive so much of people"s deeper feelings."When Aamot also didn"t recognize Wu"s mother or old friends who visited his apartment, they took him to a doctor.The doctor confirmed Aamot had lost his memory, and recommended he visit a specialized hospital and the Norwegian embassy in Beijing.The embassy told him to go back to Norway, and friends helped him use his e-mail and password, which was found on a paper scrap among his belongings, to contact his mother.He then flew home to Norway, where doctors said his condition might have been caused by brain trauma, narcotics, or toxins from food, plants or animals. A diving accident the year before and a high school case of meningitis might have also contributed.By the time he was examined in Norway, it was two months after the memory loss and too late to determine its cause. All doctors could find was an abnormality on the back of the brain that was too small to test.Aamot learned he had been sailing around China with friends when he left the boat to study Chinese. In his last e-mail to his mother before the amnesia, he said he was leaving to search for a "nomadic Rasta horse tribe" in Tibetan areas.Three weeks later, he awoke on the train.As Aamot met people from different countries, he slowly began realizing he could speak several languages. Eventually, he came to understand he knew English, Norwegian, Spanish, German, French, Swedish, Danish and Mandarin."The words were generally there; I"d know the word for bowl - wan - and table - zhuozi - but abstract concepts like humor, irony and stupidity these things took time to get," Aamot says.He also said he would instinctively respond in whichever language he was spoken to but wouldn"t realize if others changed languages mid-conversation."Many Chinese people would say, "hello", or, "how are you". After that they might switch and I"d keep speaking English, and eventually they"d just walk away," he recalls."It was a while before I realized that might be all they knew."After several years of taking culture and language classes in Norway, and reading what he"d written about China before his memory loss, Aamot decided to return. He got a full scholarship to study Chinese at Nanning University."I found Nanning to be quite suitable after I got there," he says.He later returned to Norway, until he discovered a newfound sense of urgency to retrace his footsteps during those three lost weeks and solve the mystery of his amnesia."Very early on, people said, "go back and find out what happened", and I was like, "yeah, yeah"," Aamot says. "As I developed more emotions and links to them, that desire grew. I was saying I"ve wanted to find out for five years, but now it meant something different."So he set off for the last place he knew he"d been, Chongqing, where a friend told him he"d been heading for Sichuan province"s Jiuzhaigou. He spent most of his time on the sojourn asking random strangers: "Have you seen me before?"Some said they had.He then headed for a remote location near the area where he believed the ethnic minority he"d sought lived.While he couldn"t find the nomads, he did find a couple who said he"d attended their wedding on Dec 1 and showed him pictures of them all toasting.He then headed to Zhangjiajie, Hunan province, after someone whom he"d met in 2000 said he"d told them he was planning to go there.In a village in Zhangjiajie, several people told him he"d fallen twice. Both tumbles rendered him unconscious and one left him hospitalized for three days.However, the hospital had been razed and the medical records were lost when they were transferred to the hospital in Zhangjiajie city, he says.He was told that after the falls, he"d stayed in the home of a local couple for three nights. And he also slept for another night under tarps at a lumberyard with workers who"d helped him before leaving on a bus.After tracking down the couple who"d taken him in, he suffered an emotional breakdown."I think it was information overload," Aamot says."I was wondering what had happened to that euphoric feeling I"d had for six years, nevertheless, the collapse probably helped me broaden my emotional base."Since returning from his quest, Aamot has divided his time between living in China and Norway. "I feel local in both places," Aamot says. "But China feels in a way more like home, because I"ve spent more time here since I lost my memory."He works as a consultant, interpreter and press relations advisor assisting Northern European firms and organizations in China. He also runs Cosmic Wind Cultural Collaborations, arranging multi-art projects in various countries."It feels so right now to work with international collaboration, because it seems to be in the same spirit as that of the many people who"ve helped me," he says.Aamot says that in some ways, he"s actually extremely grateful that he lost his memory."It"s been incredibly fascinating, and it"s an experience few people have," Aamot says."I can"t imagine how it might have been if it happened in Norway. But because it happened in China, I experienced multitudes of different cultures and societies. And I"m thankful for that."(China Daily 08/12/2009 page18


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 求助:谁有关于航天的英文文章给我提供一篇啊,谢谢啦~ 解析: The Space Shuttle is developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA coordinates and manages the Space Transportation System (NASA"s name for the overall Shuttle program), including intergovernmental agency requirements and international and joint projects. NASA also oversees the launch and space flight requirements for civilian and mercial use. The Space Shuttle system consists of four primary elements: an orbiter spacecraft, o Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB), an external tank to house fuel and oxidizer and three Space Shuttle main engines. The orbiter is built by Rockwell International"s Space Transportation Systems Division, Downey, Calif., which also has responsibility for the integration of the overall space transportation system. Both orbiter and integration contracts are under the direction of NASA"s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. The SRB motors are built by the Wasatch Division of Morton Thiokol Corp., Brigham City, Utah, and are assembled, checked out and refurbished by United Space Boosters Inc., Booster Production Co., Kennedy Space Center. Cape Canaveral, Fla. The external tank is built by Martin Marietta Corp. at its Michoud facility, New Orleans, La., and the Space Shuttle main engines are built by Rockwell"s Rocketdyne Division, Canoga Park, Calif. These contracts are under the direction of NASA"s Gee C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.


At the beginning of this year, a snow and ice disaster arrives in China. Many people when Spring Festival is actually unable with the family member to reunite. At that time, the Central authorities took the emergency measures promptly, melted this ice disaster by the quickest speed. In May, a rare big earthquake has attacked Sichuan. This unforeseen disaster causes the family member to be destitute and homeless. Many people died in this disaster, weeping sound echo in horizon. However, premier"s concern, other areas to the disaster area aid vigorously, caused the people to go out the grief gradually, the reconstruction in former days the happy homeland. After the wind and rain baptism, the disaster, the man-made disaster, cannot block the footsteps which we go forward. on August 8, but 2008 to, we have offered the unequalled great grand meeting as scheduled for the world. Because we are strong, we unite, we are brave, our fear is not difficult. All, because we are the Chinese. In mine impression, 2008 are beset by disasters, but unforgettable Chinese year. Let 2008 forever India in ours heart, but we, must bring our strength, unity, brave, through thick and thin moves toward 2009, will move toward the future.

急求一篇英语文章!好像叫the white gardenia

Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Maryland. No card or note came with it. Calls to the florist were always in vain-it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender"s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper.But I never stopped imagining who the anonymous giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity.My mother contributed to these imaginings. She"d ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing appreciation. Perhaps the neighbor I"d help when she was unloading a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail I retrieved during the winter so he wouldn"t have to venture down his icy steps. As a teenager, though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didn"t know him.When I was 17, a boy broke my heart. The night he called for the last time, I cried myself to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, there was a message scribbled on my mirror in red lipstick: Heartily know, when half-gods go, the gods arrive. I thought about that quotation from Emerson for a long time, and until my heart healed, I left it where my mother had written it. When I finally went to get the glass cleaned, my mother knew everything was all right again.I don"t remember ever slamming my door in anger at her and shouting, “You just don"t understand!” because she did understand.One month before my high-school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and overwhelming anger that my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any of those things.The day before my father died, my mother and I had gone shopping for a prom dress. We"d found a spectacular one, with yards and yards of dotted swiss in red, white and blue, it made me feel like Scarlett O"Hara, but it was the wrong size. When my father died, I forgot about the dress.My mother didn"t. The day before the prom, I found that dress-in the right size-draped majestically over the living-room sofa. It wasn"t just delivered, still in the box. It was presented to me –beautiful, artistically, lovingly. I didn"t care if I had a new dress or not. But my mother did.She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable, creative and imaginative, imbued with a sense that there was magic in the world and beauty even in the face of adversity. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely, strong and perfect-with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.My mother died ten days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.应该是这个吧?


The Celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year It"s the Chinese Lunar New Year"s Eve tommorrow. Following the tranditional customs, chinese dumpling(Jiaozi) is cooked and served in the north of China, as well as the steamed bun(chinese bread).In the south, Chinese cake(Nian Gao)is made instead. On New Year"s Eve, I stick spring festival couplets representing happyness and forbes on the door. My parents are busy with cooking dinner. it"s the most importance food of the whole year, It"s delicious and after all a sweet and warm family party.As zero o"clock sticks and new year is coming, the family eat chinese dumpling(Jiaozi). Some of dumplings are with coin inside, or bean curd ,candy,rice cake… and all of them have especial hope. e.g. if a person who eat dumpling with coin will make a pile in the new year......(too long, patience has been exhausted...)


It was not till almost a Year after this that I broke loose, tho" in the mean time I continued obstinately deaf to all Proposals of settling to Business, and frequently expostulating with my Father and Mother, about their being so positively determin"d against what they knew my Inclinations prompted me to. But being one Day at Hull, where I went casually, and without any Purpose of making an Elopement that time; but I say, being there, and one of my Companions being going by Sea to London, in his Father"s Ship, and prompting me to go with them, with the common Allurement of Seafaring Men, viz That it should cost me nothing for my Passage, I consulted neither Father or Mother any more, nor so much as sent them Word of it; but leaving them to hear of it as they might, without asking God"s Blessing, or my Father"s, without any Consideration of Circumstances or Consequences, and in an ill Hour, God knows. On the first of September 1651 I went on Board a Ship bound for London; never any young Adventurer"s Misfortunes, I believe, began sooner, or continued longer than mine. The Ship was no sooner gotten out of the Humber, but the Wind began to blow, and the Winds" to rise in a most frightful manner; and as I had never been at Sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in Body, and terrify"d in my Mind: I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the Judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my Father"s House, and abandoning my Duty; all the good Counsel of my Parents, my Father"s Tears and my Mother"s Entreaties came now fresh into my Mind, and my Conscience, which was not yet come to the Pitch of Hardness to which it has been since, reproach"d me with the Contempt of Advice, and the Breach of my Duty to God and my Father.




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Android | 他山之石,可以攻玉!一篇文章看懂 v1/v2/v3 签名机制

这篇文章的内容会涉及以下前置 / 相关知识,贴心的我都帮你准备好了,请享用~ 数字签名(Digital Signature)也叫作数字指纹(Digital Fingerprint),它是消息摘要算法和非对称加密算法的结合体,能够验证数据的完整性,并且认证数据的来源 。 数据签名算法的模型分为两个主要阶段: 需要注意的是,Android 目前不对应用证书进行 CA 认证,应用可以由第三方(OEM、运营商、其他应用市场)签名,也可以自行签名。 应用 APK 其实是一种特殊的 Zip 压缩包,无法避免恶意破解者解压 / 反编译修改内容,针对这个问题有何解决方案呢?他山之石,可以攻玉 ——数字签名算法。应用签名正是数字签名算法的应用场景之一,与其他应用场景类似,目的无非是: Android 平台上运行的每个应用都必须有开发者的签名。在安装应用时,软件包管理器会验证 APK 是否已经过适当签名,安装程序会拒绝没有获得签名就尝试安装的应用。 软件包管理器在安装应用前会验证应用摘要,如果破解者修改了 apk 里的内容,那么摘要就不再匹配,验证失败(验证流程见下文方案)。 截止至 Android 11,Android 支持以下三种应用签名方案: 为了提高兼容性,必须按照 v1、v2、v3 的先后顺序采用签名方案,低版本平台会忽略高版本的签名方案在 APK 中添加的额外数据。 v1 签名方案是基于 Jar 的签名。 首先,我们先来分析其签名产物。 v1 签名后会增加 META-INF 文件夹 ,其中会有如下三个文件。考虑到使用不同的证书和签名方式,得到的文件名可能不同,因此你只要留意文件的后缀即可: v1 签名流程如下: MANIFEST.MF(Message Digest File,摘要文件) *.SF(Signature File,签名文件) 验证流程可以分为验证签名和验证完整性两个步骤: 验证签名步骤: 如果上述签名验证结果正确,才会验证完整性: 以上任何步骤验证失败,则整个 APK 验证失败。 为了解决这些问题,Android 7.0 中引入了 APK 签名方案 v2。 v2 签名方案是一种 全文件签名方案 ,该方案能够发现对 APK 的受保护部分进行的所有更改,相对于 v1 签名方案验证速度更快,完整性覆盖范围更广。 在分析 v2 签名方案之前,我们先简单了解一下 Zip 文件格式: 首先,我们先来分析其签名产物。v2 签名后会在 「条目内容区」和「中央目录区」之间插入「APK 签名分块(APK Signing Block)」 。 从左到右边,我们定义为区块 1~4。 相对与 v1 签名方案,v2 签名方案不再以文件为单位计算摘要了,而是以 1 MB 为单位将文件拆分为多个连续的块(chunk),每个分区的最后一个块可能会小于 1 MB。 v2 签名流程如下: 验证流程可以分为验证签名和验证完整性两个步骤: 签名方案 v3 支持密钥轮换,应用能够在 APK 更新过程中更改其签名密钥。 【累了,后面先不写了...】 这一节,我们介绍基于 Android 应用签名机制的衍生应用场景。 在 v1 方案中, MANIFEST.MF 和 *.SF 这两个文件会记录大量的文件名和文件摘要。如果 apk 中文件数很多,而且文件名很长,那么这两个文件会变得很大。使用 AndResGuard 工具,可以将文件名转换为短路径文件名,从而减少这两个文件的大小。 在实际生产中,往往需要生成多个渠道的 APK 包,传统的方法是使用 APKTool 逆向工具、Flavor + BuildType 等方案,这一类多渠道打包方案的缺点是耗时严重。随着 Android 应用签名方案的演进,演变出了不同的多渠道打包方案: 在 v1 方案中,我们提到了完整性校验不覆盖到 META-INF 文件夹的问题。有些多渠道打包方案就是利用了这个问题,在 META-INF 文件夹下添加空文件, 用空文件的名称来作为渠道的唯一标识 ,就可以节省打包的时间,提高打渠道包的速度。 除了添加空文件的方法,还可以向 APK 添加 Zip Comment 来生成多渠道包(APK 本身就是特殊的 Zip 包)。 在 v2 签名方案中,几乎整个 APK 都纳入保护范围,如果向 APK 添加空文件或 Zip Comment 的话,在安装时会报以下错误: 新背景下的多渠道打包方案,则是利用了 APK 签名分块(区块 2)不受保护 & 字段可扩展的特点 ,向区块中添加多渠道信息(ID-Value),例如 美团多渠道打包方案 Walle 。


Lu Xun is a pen name. His real name was Zhou Shuren. Lu Xun wrote stories, poetry, essays, literary criticism and literary history. His stories were published in literary journals of the time and were then collected and published as books. He has three volumes of short stories.His first set of stories was published as the book "Call to Arms" or Na Han. Na Han could also be translated "Cry Out". This collection included arguably his most famous story "The True Story of Ah Q". These were written between 1918 and 1922. In his preface to Call to Arms he told where the stories came from: When I was young I, too, had many dreams. Most of them I later forgot, but I see nothing in this to regret. For although recalling the past may bring happiness, at times it cannot but bring loneliness, and what is the point of clinging in spirit to lonely bygone days? However, my trouble is that I cannot forget completely, and these stories stem from those things which I have been unable to forget. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Wandering" or Pang Huang was his second collection of stories. These stories were written in 1924 and 1925. The name of this second collection, Pang Huang, is puzzling to me in a way as it is translated as "Wandering" when literally pang huang seems to mean unsettled agitated. I think of wandering as meaning travelling around looking at things. But in Chinese, idiomatic expressions are found in different areas and in this case the unsettled and agitated must mean wandering about. I think maybe in English we might use the term rambling rather than wandering to imply the itchy feet agitated and unsettled feeling that leads to the rambling life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------His third collection of short stories was called "Old Tales Retold" or Gu Shi Xin Bian and is what it sounds like. He retold old Chinese stories from his own perspective. This collection was published in 1935 and included stories that were written over a thirteen year period in the 1920"s and thirties. In the introduction to the eight stories included in "Old Tales Retold" Lu Xun wrote: In some places the narrative is based on passages in old books, elsewhere I gave free rein to my imagination. And having less respect for the ancients than for my contemporaries, I have not always been able to avoid facetiousness. The free rein Lu Xun gave his imagination and his unavoidance of facetiousness made for some funny stuff. The story "Leaving the Pass" about Lao Zi and Confucius (Kong Zi) made me laugh aloud reading it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another major work by Lu Xun is Wild Grass or Ye Cao a collection of prose poems. These were written in 1924 and 1926, roughly the same time period the stories of Wandering were being written. Some might consider some of the poems in Wild Grass to be his most pessimistic or macabre. I"d say "yes and no" to this. He writes in the introduction: The fire under the Earth churns, quickly moving up; once the lava gushes forth, it will burn away all the wild grass, as well as the deep-rooted plants, then there will be nothing left to rot. Translated by Wang/GallaherWild Grass is a work of dreams, including nightmares. Dogs speak, insects buzz and the sky tries to hide itself from us, the onlookers.

求文章 关于采购 四个题目

一,采购人员的一个关键能力是谈判能力,这已被普遍接受。谈判可能包括处理单一问题,也可 能涉及处理多个问题。谈判可以以一对一的形式上进行,也可以在代表不同利益的谈判者小 组之间进行;可以在电话上用几分钟的时间完成,也可能要花费几个月的时间来完成。值得 一提的是谈判不一定只局限于在买方和卖方之间进行;很多采购谈判都是发生在组织内部 的,包括供应人员和同事之间相互观点的协调一致。二,购的招标程序一般为: 1、采购人编制计划,报公司审核; 2、采购办与招标代理机构办理委托手续,确定招标方式; 3、进行市场调查,与采购人确认采购项目后,编制招标文件; 4、发布招标公告或发出招标邀请函; 5、出售招标文件,对潜在投标人资格预审; 6、接受投标人标书; 7、在公告或邀请函中规定的时间、地点公开开标; 8、由评标委员对投标文件评标; 9、依据评标原则及程序确定中标人; 10、向中标人发送中标通知书; 11、组织中标人与采购单位签订合同; 12、进行合同履行的监督管理,解决中标人与采购单位的纠纷。ue5c5三,ABC分类法是由意大利经济学家维尔弗雷多·帕累托首创的。1879年,帕累托在研究个人收 入的分布状态 ABC分类法时,发现少数人的收入占全部人收入的大部分,而多数人的收入 却只占一小部分,他将这一关系用图表示出来,就是著名的帕累托图。该分析方法的核心思 想是在决定一个事物的众多因素中分清主次,识别出少数的但对事物起决定作用的关键因素 和多数的但对事物影响较少的次要因素。后来,帕累托法被不断应用于管理的各个方面。 1951年,管理学家戴克(H.F.Dickie)将其应用于库存管理,命名为ABC法。1951年~ 1956年,约瑟夫·朱兰将ABC法引入质量管理,用于质量问题的分析,被称为排列图。1963 年,彼得·德鲁克( P.F.Drucker)将这一方法推广到全部社会现象,使ABC法成为企业 提高效益的普遍应用的管理方法。   此规则通过对同一类问题或项目进行排序,来认明其 中少数争议较大的。帕雷托通过长期的观察发现:美国80%的人只掌握了20%的财产,而另 外20%的人却掌握了全国80%的财产,而且很多事情都符合该规律。于是他应用此规律到生 产上。他的主要观点是:通过合理分配时间和力量到A类-总数中的少数部分,你将会得到 更好的结果。当然忽视B类和C类也是危险的,在帕雷托规则中,它们得到与A类相对少得多 的注意。    ABC分类法又称帕雷托分析法,也叫主次因素分析法,是项目管理中常用的一种方法。它是 根据事物在技术或经济方面的主要特征,进行分类排队,分清重点和一般,从而有区别地确 定管理方式的一种分析方法。由于它把被分析的对象分成A、B、C三类,所以又称为ABC分 析法。    [1]在ABC分析法的分析图中,有两个纵坐标,一个横坐标,几个长方形,一条曲线,左边 纵坐标表示频数,右边纵坐标表示频率,以百分数表示。横坐标表示影响质量的各项因 素,按影响大小从左向右排列,曲线表示各种影响因素大小的累计百分数。一般地,是 将曲线的累计频率分为三级,与之相对应的因素分为三类:    A类因素,发生频率为70%~80%,是主要影响因素。    B类因素,发生频率为10%~20%,是次要影响因素。    C类因素,发生频率为0~10%,是一般影响因素。    这种方法有利于人们找出主次矛盾,有针对性地采取对策。如何降低采购成本? 首先,你应该找出哪些是更好的有利于公司成功的关键采购目标。先于大处着眼,再落到细节。在决定有利于公司成功的几个关键目标之前,可以考虑以下一些因素:供货商品质,交货及时率,下单到交货的周期,成交价格,批量折扣,能满足需求的服务,以及其它反应供货商表现的方面等。然后,决定几个对企业成功来说很重要的关键目标。  这些信息应该用来制定供货商评估的标准。标准来源于公司对市场的价值定位,也就是公司的战略基础。确定你的公司需要做什么来满足客户的需求,将引导你决定实际需要去做什么。这将引导你思考应该要求你的供货商,以便更好地满足客户的需求。制定你的供货商评估标准又将涉及到采购人员评估标准的制定。请注意这一切都是相互联系的。  现在,我们来看一个典型的方法,就是根据岗位说明书来评估采购人才。如果战略改变了,岗位说明书会随之而变吗?可能不会。采购人才的评估应该以某个标准为基础,这个标准应来自于公司的战略、价值定位、客户满意度、营运的重点目标,以及供货商对于这些目标的支持程度如何。  把采购成本的控制融合到绩效目标、衡量指针、目标值和行动计划中去。在采购流程的控制方面,组织应该通过一个清楚的激励体系来链接所有行动,并对业绩的提高和业绩目标的实现进行奖励,而这些业绩目标都是来自于公司的关键目标。  七大原则  1.首先必须建立完善的供应商评审体制:对具体的供应商资格、评审程序、评审方法等都要作出明确的规定。  2.完善采购员的培训制度。  3.价格的评审应由相应程序规定由相关负责人联名签署生效。  4.规范样品的确认制度,分散采购部的权力。  5.不定期的监督,使采购员形成压力。  6.建立奖励制度,对下调价格后应对采购员进行奖励。  7.加强开发能力,寻求廉价代替品。  还需懂得投机和延迟总的来说,谈判是一个复杂的、吸引人的话题,因为它涉及到人、包括很多的变量。  如何降低采购成本  1、学会核价:不管采购任何一种物料,在采购前要熟悉它的价格组成,了解你的供应商所生产成品的原料源头价格,为自已的准确核价打下基础。以此为基础有目的的谈判,做到知已知彼,百战百胜。  2、信息来源要广:现今的社会是一个电子化的设备,作为采购人员要由不同的方面收集物料的采购信息,地域差别等。  3、选择适合自已公司发展的供应商:中国有句子古话“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”开发供应商亦如此,一个好的供应商能跟随着你共同发展,为你的发展出谋划策,节约成本,管理起供应商很省心;不好的供应商则为你的供应商管理带来很多的麻烦。(判断一个好的供应商我觉得主要从其质量价格服务技术力量应变能力等多方考虑)。  4、采购人员的谈判技巧亦控制采购成本的一个重要环节(一个好的谈判高手至少会给你的采购带来5%的利润空间),这亦要建立在采购员的德上。  5、批量采购的重要性,任何人都懂得道理,批量愈大,所摊销的费用愈低。采购计划人员需把好此关。  6、建立企业的采购信誉。条款必须按合同执行,如付款你可以拖一次、两次,但你决不能有第三次。失去诚信,别说控制成本,可能货都不会有人给你供。  7、建立月度供应商评分制度(从质量、价格、服务三方面入手),实行供应商配额制度,会收到你意想不到的效果。  8、建立采购人员的月度绩效评估制度。不但可以激励采购人员的工作积极性,同时也是防止采购员贿赂的一个有效手段。  9、有效的控制采购库存。避免停转产的风险及积压物资的风险,无形中控制自已企业的采购费用。  采购流程  1、依据企业的性质、规模建立完善的采购架构及公司的采购流程控制。  2、分工明确,确定岗位责任制。签订月度个人业绩目标考核表。  3、确定采购的审批权限,做到有效的监控。  这样做最好  1、完善采购基础管理  包括采购物资的分类、分等与数据库建立;合格供应商评价标准的确定与供应商等级的划分及数据库建立;各类物资标准库存量的制订、库存量的控制与库存周围率的提高(控制库存资金占用十分重要);库存管理信息化与数据准确;滞呆料的防范与及时处理。  2、大宗采购要建立招标制度。  3、零散采购实行采购信息注册备查制度,有关采购品名、数量、商标、价格、厂家名称、采购地点、联系电话等信息要详细向公司稽查部门进行登记备查,公司可随时派人以第三方身份进行抽查。  4、采购流程分权运作,相互制约  由供应部门负责初选供应商,质量与技术等部门评价供应商的供货能力,对其资格进行认定,价格由财务部门负责监督与控制,付款由公司主要领导审批。  5、通过采购人员整合实现采购渠道整合,明确各采购人员所负责的采购物资,同一类物资须由同一人员、经同一渠道采购,除非是有计划的进行供应商的变量。  6、规范采购合同  采购合同明确规定供应商不得为销售其产品以不正当竞争的方式贿赂公司人员,否则按比例扣除其货款;合同还要明确有关采购返利的约定。  7、与供应商建立稳定的合作关系  稳定的供应商有较强的供货能力,价格透明,长期合作其对公司供应有一定的优先安排,能确保其供货的质量、数量、交货期、价格等。采购管理要十分重视提高整体供应链的竞争优势,要尽可能与优秀的供应商建立长期、稳定的合作关系,鼓励供应的产品与技术改进,支持供应商的发展,必须时可与其签订战略联盟合作协议等等。  要从管理开始  工厂管理这四个字可能您是听多了,不愿意听了。但我还是要浅谈两句。像您所说的那种无非是作的不到位,管理水平不高,企业文化没有聚具力造成的。  工厂管理:(如果单从采购着手是难以提高的)  1.建立一个可持续改善体系。年年有人审,月月有人审,天天有人审。  2.建立一个可目视化或透视化管理的平台。做到{看到,知道,做到]如果人人参与的话,会有一种“竞争”关系的存在,就会有提高。不要担心你的价格会让别的公司知道,在世界大市场的今天,拥有“采购”价格优势的企业,也只是一些特定的一些行业或企业。除了这些行业,大家采购的价格都差不多。  3.组织结构必需明确,谁管谁,管什么,什么目标,什么时候达成,结果要怎么样。  组织结构是死的规定,但它在生产活动中起着重要[职能]作用,它必需[活[起来,如果总经理总只认为“我只把直接下属管好了就没有问题了”那就要看你怎么才能管理好自已的直接下属,“管好”的标准是什么。要知道,下属展现给上司的一面只是可以谁您看到的一面。所以要单从{管}的方面下手,显然是不够的。举例说明吧!比如说:通过每月举行各方面例会,明确会议的目的等,通过明确各部门目标来进行。  4.总经理必需要认识到:错误是必然存在的,采购人员中饱私囊也是不可必免的它就像“感冒”一样,是不可能根除的],问题是怎么通过管理使其降到最低。并且让其“少数化”,让一个人受贿100万与比10个人每人受贿10万要好的多。  5.企业文化的建设(内部、内在的企业文化)。  所谓“内在的企业文化”是指职员对公司内部工作氛围的一种认知。如果员工每天都在谈论:张三干这项目可以捞多少多少钱……等,那么采购价格是永远下不来的,品质也无法提高。也就是说要让“中饱私囊”的行为成为真正的潜规则。  6.公司赚钱的方式。  如果不是新产品、新技术产品。那么绝对是内部管理有部题。说太多也不好写。总言之:产业的利润就在于:消除工序与工序间的浪费、消除人与人协作间的浪费、消除空间与空间的浪费,消除错误的浪费、消除思维差的浪费。再言之:消除浪费。从概念上把谈判看做是一个三阶段的过程,第一阶段是准备阶段,在分析信息的时候,要设定目标,制定战略。 第二是会议阶段,是讨论、进一步收集并分析信息、在各方之间达成一致的过程。最后阶段是实施各组织的内部或之间在先前阶段中达成的一致协议。四,超市采购谈判成功要素:超市采购员谈判是采购的重要环节。谈判高手都应掌握超市采购 谈判成功要素。显而易见,超市采购谈判成功要素是提供给超市采购员一定的采购谈判技 巧。  1、能充分地计划  2、能应付压力  3、能集中精力地聆听  4、很好地理解别人  5、很好地观察  6、能够处理对峙  7、很强的商业判断力  8、避免极端  9、是具有创造性的思考者  10、要对曾经建立起来的条款承担义务  11、擅长处理风险  12、擅长提问  13、拥有更高的抱负  14、能有效地运用时间  以上是超市采购谈判成功要素的解析。超市、百货等采购谈判都有一定的素质要求,本文站在超市采购谈判成功的前提下,分析采购谈判成功的要素。


WeedThere is so a story. Someone ask:In the world what things of be the physical strength the biggest?Answer profuse and confusing of have very much of say "elephant", have of say "lion", someone play trick say:BE "gold just", the gold just had how much physical strength, certainly everyone know nothing a way. Result, the all of all these answer be wrong and the physical strength be the biggest in the world, is the seed of the plant.The dint that can present of a grain of seed, absolutely is surmount everything, here again is a story. The person"s skull, combine very fine and hard, physiologist and anatomist ran out the method of everything, it integrity cent come out, there is all no this kind of physical strength, afterwards someone invention a method, be some plant of seed"s put be just want dissect of skull inside, make with the temperature and the degree of humidity to it it germination, a germination, these seed then with terrible of strength, can"t separate the whole machine dint of skeleton, integrity separate.Plant seed strength of big, such such. Locate at in China south Fukien province the west of tradition the people reside building-Hakka soil the building be teach a section text organization by United Nations to marvel for"the eight miracle in the world". The external appearance of soil building since can mutually match in excellence with impressive-looking arena in the thou Rome, again let person doubt many modern gymnasium of design whether was subjected to it of influence.Because of the soil building special shape, huge vehemence and defend a tide anti- an earthquake etc. advantage drive fame for in the world the one and only of the people of myth sort reside building. The Hakkanese originally live in Central plains, several a hundred years antecedent is just disorderly for war to move Fukien and Guangdong, Guangxi.In order to moving to arrive the region, Hakkanese and native son to there is difference on the cultural custom at that time, so will have rub, so creation in order to prevent resist for lord of soil building, soil building most of ability live thousand people.But several a hundred years disturbances past, the first Hakkanese arrive Fukien, two wide and native son of antinomy, arrive currently speak already nonexistent, it that kind of function that defense can say that consumedly die down. The now many people live in a big condition in the soil building, was no longer very widespread, everyone now all rich, along with life level of exaltation, many people all from the mansion inside move away, oneself build a house.The soil building has already slowly become a ruins, cultural object and appreciated the thing of sex, real was less at what inside live.Be a list personal private Mi in the house to speak, really more better than past. Although the soil building be only a kind of building form, it the Hakka culture contain influence spread all over from generation to generation at world of Hakkanese.


Winter Spring often go Chunlai, snow flower bloom such as the sea. Winter has gone, spring has arrived.fillip in the moment, the beauty has passed one-eighth of university life. And we at the University of the first Winter also spent quietly. Riding home from the train or car to return to the beautiful campus of the University, Changchun, during the Winter Living still make us forget. We have benefited from the experience because much and experienced much, but also gains a lot of ... ... Harvest 1: Value affection First came to the University the first time we have such a long time to leave home, leave their parents. Such as the time for half a year before the train got into home or cars. Recall expectations on board our hearts, longing deep, never too far away from their parents how can we use words to express the feelings of the hearts? But when we train or car traveling in the world of ice and snow, the homeland of their parents are concerned about the other side, it can not be severed as an invisible line touches our hearts. Finally to enter the home at the moment, the concerns of parents like atrial U.S., they are busy helping us get luggage, ready to eat, but also side... ... "Er line Qianli worried mother." Yes ah, priceless affection! Thus, many students are becoming more sensible this Winter, and more filial piety, and help parents to work, to accompany their parents speak, amuse their parents happy ... ... is our affection tired Harbor at the time, it removed much of the burden of our hearts! In the university"s first Winter, we really realized that blood was thicker than water, affection is priceless!


Polylactic acid (PLA) is a new kind of biodegradable materials, using renewable plant resources (such as maize) proposed starch ingredients. Starch material made by fermentation of lactic acid, again through chemical synthesis convert poly lactic acid. It has good biodegradation, use can be completely in nature, eventually generated microbial degradation of carbon dioxide and water, no pollution, this to protect the environment very favorable, is recognized as environmentally friendly materials. Love the earth you I duty. According to the news reports worldwide emissions in 2030 will rise to 60 ℃ global temperature, common plastic processing methods are still burning cremation, caused a lot of greenhouse gases into the air, and poly lactic acid plastic is buried in the soil degradation, the carbon dioxide produced by directly into the soil organic matter or plant uptake, not into the air, won"t cause the greenhouse effect.Polylactide these advantages is consistent with the people today for environmental protection request, as is known to all, polyester, polypropylene fiber and some other chemical synthetic fiber materials from oil and other fossil material enhancement, the exhaustion of the global fossil energy is inevitable, will be in danger. Within this century basic mining "BP world energy statistics data show that 2006" global"s proven oil reserves available for production more than 40 years, natural gas and coal, respectively can supply 65 years and 155 years. At present China"s major energy coal, oil and natural gas reserve-production ratio of about 80, respectively, roughly 15 and nearly 50 for the global average of 50%, 40% and 70%, all global fossil energy exhausting speed earlier. The next five to 10 years, China coal basic can satisfy domestic production, domestic consumption of crude oil and natural gas production is will fail to meet demand, the gap, particularly oil is the largest. Pay attention to the conservation of energy resources, enhancing the efficiency of energy utilization, accelerate the development and utilization of renewable energy, for China is important and urgent. Don"t just fossil energy reserves problem, more key is a fossil energy"s pollution problems, the greenhouse effect, ozone, acid rain... And so on - series air pollution nouns, with our human on the new land of the 21st century. They around us activities, attracts our attention, dom our action. In the process, the most conspicuous, when is the greenhouse effect. Because it is -- the "double-edged sword", and produce this effect is carbon dioxide, fossil energy use is causing as major reasons for the dramatic rise of carbon dioxide.It is in this backdrop polylactide non-woven emerged, shoulder the burden of future human development. Polylactide non-woven fabrics such as equivalent of polyester pylen nonwoven has incomparable advantage, the two most important source of green environmental protection is wide and exhausted of fossil fuels, along with the cost will be relatively polylactic acid, and other materials more accord with human reduced to green environmental protection request, such polylactide non-woven will have enormous competitive in the future, and that other types of non-woven fabric market preemption.This article through to PLA polylactide long fiber non-woven production process requirement, and based on the study of the PLA now polylactic acid long fiber non-woven market requirements, combined with the research of the weaving machine, get influence PLA polylactide long fiber non-woven factor of product quality, and put these research results improved the PLA polylactide long fiber non-woven products quality and performance.


  导语:很多时候你只要是愿意一试,我们都可以做到甘地和德兰修女那种地步。我将这十种方式告诉你,相信只要你在生活中合理运用,一定会有所得。以下是我整理的英语文章:换个角度看世界 让你与众不同 ,希望大家能有所收获。   1.话要想着说   Think before you speak   在开口说话前,确信你所说的话合适到足以禁得起放到社会媒体上检验的地步。说出的话要是过一会儿就后悔,那最好还是不要说。   Before you open your mouth to say something, make sure it"s something you would be proud to post everywhere on social media. If it"s something you might regret later, then maybe it"s better if you kept it to yourself.   2.明白根本就没有一个“对的时间”   Realize there is never a "right time"   “等我找到一份更好的工作的时候”,“等我毕业后”,“等到孩子长大的时候”。没有哪一刻能比现在更好。向你的目标迈出第一步,等待只会让你的年龄增加,不会让你变得更聪明。   "When I get a better job," or, "When I graduate," or, "When the kids are grown." There is no time like the present. Take that first step toward your goal. Waiting will only make you older, not wiser.   3.处理好个人利益和集体利益的关系   Balance self-interest with the collective good   在社会生活中,势必要处理好“个人”和“他人”的关系。是的,你应该顾及到自己的需要,但是你也应该考虑到他人的需求。只要足够用心,在这两者之间你是可以找到一个平衡点的。   In relationships, there should be a balance between "self" and "other." Yes, you should care about your own needs. But you should also care about other people"s needs too. It"s a balancing act that can be achieved if you try hard enough.   4.正确看待一件事之前,不要妄下结论   Put things in perspective before you jump to conclusions   当你和别人闹了矛盾,不淡定是很正常的,但是不淡定时最容易出问题。所以还是花点时间来平复自己,纵观事情的总体情况,在你能正常思考时在回顾这个事件而不是回想你的假设。   While it"s natural to do that, problems can occur when you engage in conflict with another person before you calm down. So take some time to calm down, put everything into perspective, and then review the facts not assumptions when you can think more logically.   5.不要盲目接受现状   Don"t blindly accept the status quo   每个人都在做的事并不意味着你必须要做。问问你自己是否真的想这样做——这样是不是一种明智的做法。通常答案都是否定的。   Just because everyone does something doesn"t mean you have to. Ask yourself if you truly want to do it u2013 or even if it"s advisable to do so. Many times it"s not.   如果您尚未关注我,可点击标题下方的“邱政政”关注。   每日发送精选的听、说、读、写学习素材,学英语要坚持,我们一路同行!   6.不要让别人的消极情绪影响到你   Don"t let other people"s negativity upset you   大多数人都会被他人的消极情绪所影响。最后,消极的情绪就会渗透到生活的各个方面,最终导致一个悲剧。控制好自己,不要让他人的事情影响到你的快乐。   Wise people realize that they are always in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Most people let others" behavior affect them negatively. As a result, they let that negativity permeate their lives and make them miserable. Own your power and keep your happiness by not allowing them to change you for the worse.   7.行为不冲动   Don"t act impulsively   生活中,冲动就是容易让人后悔。你没有花时间思量一下整件事情,是很容易出问题的。明智的人都会在潜意识里做出可以让事情朝着最好的方向发展的决定。   In life, acting on impulse can lead to regrets. If you don"t take the time to think things through, you might create problems. Wise people use a combination of their logic and intuition to come up with the best decisions possible.   8.接受本来的那个他   Accept other people for who they are   面对吧,大部分人都试着改变他人。事实上,这是没意义的。人们本来就是那样的。要是你不喜欢,你可以选择结束关系,或者尽可能少和他相处,或者就只有改变你自己的态度。接受本来的那个他,你也希望别人能接受本来的那个你吧?   Let"s face it, most people try to change others. It"s really pointless. But it doesn"t work! People are who they are. If you don"t like them, then you have the choice to leave the relationship, spend less time with them, or change your attitude. Accept who they are. You want to be accepted for who you are, right?   9.封面很漂亮,但书未必   The cover may be pretty, but the book might not be   智者不会被一个人表面上的魅力、个性和好看的外表所蒙蔽。同样的,就算是一个长得不漂亮,没有魅力又没有个性,给你第一印象就不好的人,智者也不会拒绝。换句话说就是他们会花时间去了解、去评判最真实的那个人,而不是只看到表面。   Wise people don"t get blinded by charm, personality, or looks right away. Conversely, they are also not turned off by anyone who is not beautiful or charming on first impression, either. In other words, they take the time to get to know people and judge them on their inner self, not who they appear to be.   10.不要去评判别人   Don"t judge others   除了以上的那些,真正的智者是不会评价别人的。他们会试着去体会别人的感受——站在别人的角度看待这件事,针对同样的事情看看自己会如何处理。像智者一样似乎很困难,但是你只需训练你的思维方式,控制好你的情绪。   Above all else, truly wise people don"t judge. They practice empathy. Empathy is truly putting yourself in another person"s shoes and trying to see the situation from their point of view. However, all you need to do is train your mind and control your emotions.


A, Greece brief introductionGreece full name is Greece republic, Greece national flag presents the rectangular, long with breadth it than is 3 ∶s 2.From blue, the alternate horizontal of white constitute, four white, five blue.Depend the flagpole a side to above have one blue exact square, have the white ten words up.An a proverb that means the Greece, the words " not free 毋 rather die," have nine syllables totally in the Greek.The blue represents the blue sky, white representative religion and faith, the Greek believes in the east archimandrite mostly, to the east the archimandrite teaches for the country.Greece national insignia for shield badge embrace by the olive branch wreath.The blue shield that looks like the square face up inset ten words of a white, white ten words symbol religion and faith.Greece national anthem is 《 free 颂》 , the national flower is an olives, the country stone is a blue precious stone. The Greece locates Balkan peninsula the most south carry.131190 square kilometers of area,15% area is a group of islands. Have the size group of islands more than 2000s.The biggest is a gram in especially island.Its capital city- Athens, population 3096775 people.The Greece belong to subtropics weather of Mediterranean.The winter 6-12 ℃s of average air temperature, summer 26-30 ℃s.The place of origin of the west civilization, created the brilliant ancient culture, in music, mathematics, philosophy, literature, construct, carved etc.s to all once obtained the huge achievement.Traveled the foreign exchange income of the industry as USD 2,500,000,000 in 1988,823 myriad peoples of visitor.The tour contents is very abundant:Have the facilities the complete seashore to visit the field, the skiing field and in order to climb mountain a the bivouac ground for prepare, the visitor can arrange various tour activity according to the own time and a fondness for.In spread all over a mountain of Greece, have more than 7000 limestones to dissolve the hole, among them, gram in especially island up have about 3400, the 阿 lift there is 420 on the card peninsula, all having the bigger mountain cave to open, providing the visitor with the visit.Athens the 卫 city ruins, is the essence that the city nation period of the ancient Greece constructs the art.The sun temple of the gods, the 奥 LIN2 PI YA3 "s Zeus" temple of the virtuous 尔菲 is a Homer the representative of the culture of ages make, is a body that is suffused with Greece spirit naissance now. Local museum in Greece and each kind of exhibition buildings are a lot of, and collect abundant, everyplace almost has the folk museum.Athens the nation in the city studies of ancient relics the museum, Athens the civil art museum, pottery museum of Greece, National Meseum of History, war museum, folk museum and the European eastern art museum etc. of 卫 city museum, Greece, all draw on everyone"s visitor. The newspaper magazine category of the Greece is more, but the issue quantity limit.Publish the bigger newspaper of quantity have 《 the news report 》 , 《 the free news report 》 , 《 report everyday 》 etc..Everyday 24 hourses in state radio broadcast, in addition to rare text, there is English, method, the Arabic language news program.The privately owned business broadcast television station still turns to sow the television program that the United States and Europes through a satellite broadcast.Have the privately owned television station of influence to have more:" MEGA"," STAR"," ANTENNA"," NEW"," SKY"...etc.. Two, ancient myth person of GreeceZeus, celestial spirits, tallest absolute being in ancient Greece myth.The gram 洛 promise 斯 passes to overthrow his father black pulled the promise 斯 to acquire the tallest power, he worries that his child also would imitate his behavior, hence swallow his children into the belly.His wife 瑞 is second because cant not bear to heart the Zeus also was swallow into belly, hence take a rock pretend the Zeus for him the deglutition.After Zeus grow up, the consociation brothers sister resists the father together, launching the conflict of the vehemence.Through 10-year war, grandmother the earth fairy covers the second help descend won the father.The Zeus and his brothers wave fills the winter and the 哈 bottom 斯s to take care of separately boundary, sea border, the night boundary an an an an an an an an an an an an a day.From now on the Zeus becomes the ruler that takes charge of the cosmos. The 赫 pull, the Zeus" 姉姉 and wife.Is a female representative, take charge of the marriage and grow.The personality characteristic is to envy. The wave fills the winter, sea king, everything of the ocean and water dominate. A match winter, Greece myth is in the middle Neptunian, the Zeus" younger brother.It symbolizes the thing as trident.It is a head of that he sit to ride huge such as mountain whale. Athens 娜 , three one of the virgin absolute beings, the inception was see to fight the absolute being as the woman, changing into the intelligence fairy gradually behind and Athens the city guards the fairy. Athens the 娜 teaches to spin and weave, varnish, carve, make pottery for mankind etc. technical skill. Athens the emergence of the 娜 is very the legend.In the myth of the Greece, Zeus because fear the son who living stronger than oneself, swallow the wife into the stomach.Feel have a splitting heacache immediately, hence the order god of fire slices open the head, Athens the 娜 wears the battle armor to jump from it. Apollo, Apollo, the performance is bright in poem and arts, the absolute being of the youth and music, is a bright absolute being again. The Apollo is an Apollo in Greece myth, is musician, poet and the shooter"s protection absolute beings.He is the Zeus" son, the elder brother of the 阿尔 忒弥斯 .His typical model image is a right hand to take seven pianos of 弦 , the left hand takes the ball of gold of the symbol the sun.


SaturnIn Roman mythology, Saturn (Saturn) was the name of god. Greek mythology agricultural god Cronus Uranus (Uranus) is the son of paseah, and is the father of Jupiter Zeus (). Saturn is English "looking" (the) on Saturday stem.UranusGants is the ancient Greek myth of the universe, god is the supreme god. He is the son of paseah and spouse, is god Cronus (agriculture), Saturn Cyclops and Titan (Olympus hills) father.Pluto.In Greek mythology, a symbol of night wang2 ha flute Zeus"s brother, brother took the throne, fall to the underworld. A cold, only a satellite called Charon, is the meaning of the boatman ho. Although he is a solar system, as he was Zeus and other QuYanFuShi god out le Olympian, but we still miss him as usual.




奥运会过后,现在残奥会也成功地结束了。在中国,人们称残奥会为“残奥会” ,但是现在许多人认为这是不恰当的。这个过分直接的名字伤害了部分残疾人的自尊心。以前,美国称残疾人为“ handi -上限” , “禁用的人” ,现在许多人改称“ differentlyabled ” 。在香港,人们称残疾人为“身心障碍人士”


1. 如何扩展英语段落写作的方法 大量阅读,阅读是一个量变引发质变的过程,在你读到一定量的时候,可能会在某一瞬间突然发现虚拟语气原来是这种感觉,动词搭配原来是这么回事。 当你提笔写作的时候,你会在脑海里重现类似的例句。新手可以从泛读开始,选择一些生词较少,内容简短且情节精彩的小说,慢慢培养阅读的习惯, 阅读体验会更好。 大量的阅读会带来词汇量的提升,通过阅读积累的词汇理解最为深刻,记忆效果也最好,最容易转化为积极词汇从而应用到写作中去。四个段落总起句提出了四种解决方案,并在每一段详细展开,论点发散充分,论证过程也非常有力度,整个解决问题的思路非常清晰。 写作的时候多体会这种发现问题-解决问题的思路。 2. 如何写好英语作文 6条必看的写作技巧 英语作文写作技巧 马上该升入六年级了,在这关键的还不到一年的时间里里,我认为还要多看一些适合我们的英语课外读物,因为它可以开阔我们的视野,提高我们的阅读能力。 我们每次英语考试,阅读短文是必考的题。但是,在考试有限的时间里,做阅读题也是需要一些技巧的,下面我总结了一些我自己的英语阅读方法。 1.当你阅读短文时,首先弄清楚后面每题的要求后,快速浏览短文的大意,知道主题就行了。然后再带着问题读短文,在速读的过程中,尽可能的多捕捉一些信息。因为我们必须在十分有限的时间里来快速阅读短文的大意。 2.千万不要被某个生单词绊着。最好的方法是通过上下文猜测,看一看,不认识的单词是不是在上下文其他的地方出现,这样两处一作比较,你就会猜出它真正的词义。有时即使你,字典也无法提供给你的。(何况考试时是不允许带字典的)我们要学会顺藤摸瓜。哈哈!这招儿我试过,你也试试吧。 3.要抓住每段的主题句。仔细琢磨,理解透彻。它一般出现在文章的开头和结尾。但是也有一些短文没有主题句,需要我们自己去归纳。 4.中心思想往往直接可以从主题句中找到答案的。这样,针对题目的要求,才能做到又稳又准。 5.英语短文有些话也是有暗示的,如果单凭字面的意思你猜不出它丰富的内容,但在这篇短文的语言环境下,你就知道他所表达的是什么了。 英语阅读是我们学习这门语言的科学有效的方法。通过阅读,可以记忆词汇,理解语法,还可以学习写作。不过,学习英语的过程是相当辛苦的,但我相信“梅花香自苦寒来”的道理,只有坚持不懈,才能苦尽甜来,你说是吗? 3. 我想提高我的英文写作能力,我该如何做呢 想要提高写作能力就要做好如下几方面的工作: 1、拓充词汇量,多阅读文章,拓展自身英语知识面。 词汇量不足是导致无法写好一篇文章的首要原因,想要高速而有效的完成一篇作文就要多拓充自身的词汇量,能做到所学单词随想随写,才能完成写作的第一步。而阅读量的积累,是为写作提供更多素材,拓展自身英语写作内容一个很好的方法。 2、扎实语法基础,练习使用正确的句子结构。 写作中的第二大项就是语法使用错乱,句型使用错误。想要提高写作能力就需要学生扎实自身的英语语法,加强对各种句型使用上的训练,注意段落与篇章的布局。 3、训练自身的英语思维能力,提高英语表达能力。 许多学生都以中文的思维方式直译英文句型,而这一点在英语写作也经常发现。最终使得所写文章表达出来后十分不地道,而且句型使用不当。因此,训练自身英语思维能力,多了解一些西方文化,阅读一些英文文章,对于提高学生英语思维能力,了解西方文化,正确使用英语方式表达思维方式有很大的帮助。 在写作上面还有一点学生要加强训练,就是在写作上,学生一定要了解所写内容是否符合题目要求,并且屡清思路,注意语言的逻辑性。 4. 快速提高英语写作能力的技巧有哪些 不管是什么类型的文章,在具体的写作过程中,我们均可以按如下四大步骤进行强化训练,从而提高写作技巧,解决问题: 步骤一:认真审题立意,确定写作中心。 找出根据这个中心能够扩展的材料有哪些,要避免那些与中心内容无关的细节。 以命题作文“The Clas *** ate I Admire Most”为例,文章的主题是关于记叙我最欣赏的一位同学,因而就不能泛泛谈论这位同学的家庭关系、社会背景等,而要紧紧抓住这位同学身上能够吸引你的地方展开去。 步骤二:围绕中心,列出写作提纲。提纲一定要包含所提供的情景、要点,同时尽量使用自己熟悉的词汇与句型。 仍以“The Clas *** ate I Admire Most”为例,提纲可以这样写: ① Who is the Clas *** ate I admire most? ② My reasons. (Some Examples) ③ What can I learn from the clas *** ate。 步骤三,根据字数要求,扩展成篇。 有几个可以遵循的规律,供大家参考: 1、在整篇文章中,努力避免只是用一、两个句式。要灵活运用各种句式。 如倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等。 2、使用不同长度的句子,通过分句和合句,增强句子地连贯性和表现力。 3、改变句子的开头方式,不要一味以主、谓、宾、状的次序,可以把状语置于句首,或用分词等。 4、学会使用关联词。 如: ① 递进关系: furthermore;moreover;further;In this way ;still; not only。but also。 ; not。but。 ; in addition (to);etc。 ② 转折关系:but;even so;however;though;even though;etc。 ③ 归纳总结类:in other words;on the whole; in sum; therefore;hence;in short; to sum up;in conclusion; in summary;etc。 ④ 强调关系:in fact; especially;particularly;moreover;naturally; what is more important; in reality; indeed; in particular;etc。 ⑤ 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; noithstanding; rather; neither 。 nor; although; though; but; however; etc。 ⑥ 并列关系: and; also; as well as;either。,or。 ;both。and。 etc。 ⑦ 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; previously; simultaneously; last but not least;to begin with;etc。 ⑧ 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; thereupon; etc。 ⑨ 顺序关系: at the outset,following this; at this time; etc。 ⑩ 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; etc。 5、尽量避免重复使用同一单词或词组。 步骤四、利用最后的时间做“机械性”写作练习,强化记忆。例如:常用的应用文如通知、书信等都有其固定的格式及写作技巧,读懂具体内容,然后把内容套进特定的格式中去,就是一篇条理清楚的书面表达了。 比方说:通知要掌握: ①通知的对象、地点、时间及要做的事情; ②要注意的事项; ③写上“Don"t be late”或“Be on time”(口头通知前还要写上Boys and girls或Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention, please?等一类句子)。 例如: Class 1 and Class 2 are going to plant trees on Western Hills. We"ll take a bus to go there. Please bring lunch and water with you. Remember to wear old clothes as we"ll do a lot of hard work. We"ll meet in front of the school gate at nine o"clock. Don"t be late。 ————————————————————————————。 5. 请问英语文章写作中有哪些逻辑思路 提高英语写作能力的原则 一)渐进性原则。 要坚持“句—段—篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序渐进。在英语写作的初始阶段,要始终注意培养学生良好的写作习惯,狠抓基本功训练。 在学生掌握了基本句型并能写出简单句子后,再要求学生根据一些体例写出小段的文章。在段落写作中要引导学生分析段落的结构、段落的中心句、句与句之间的逻辑关系、写作手法等,这样有利于下一步一篇文章的写作。 在文章写作中要教会学生如何构思文章、如何运用正确的写作技巧等。 (二)多样性原则。 要坚持训练形式的多样化及写作文体的多样性。从形式上而言,可以用回答提问的口头作文,也可以用续写故事;可以改写课文,也可以仿写课文;可以写提纲训练谋篇布局,也可以写拓展段训练发散思维……。 从文体上而言,可以写说明文、议论文、记叙文,也可以写书信、便条、通知等实用文体。 (三)结合性原则。 要坚持听说读训练和写训练相结合。根据语言习得理论,学习者在学习时常先通过听和读吸取语言知识,从而了解别人的思想,再通过说和写来表达自己的思想,让别人了解自己。 大量的听说训练能促进读写能力的提高。因此,写与听说读紧密结合,进行多元化的能力训练,可使学生的各项能力互相影响、互相渗透、互相促进。 (四)控制性原则。要坚持写作前的指导,控制学生的汉语语言思维,发展英语语言思维。 语言学习在很大程度上主要是模仿,而非随心所欲地自由表达。教师要加强写作前的指导,可给出范文让学生模仿,以熟悉其语篇结构。 同时要控制其汉语语言思维,尽可能让学生习惯英语语言思维,以便于学生学习和掌握地道、正确的英语。 (五)持久性原则。 要坚持长期、正确的写作训练。英语写作能力的提高并非一朝一夕之事,而是一个长期的、艰巨的、渐进的过程。 这就要求教师、学生都要有充分的思想准备,要有坚韧不拔的意志和必胜的信心。 二、提高英语写作能力的方法。 (一)通过积累词汇量,提高英语写作能力。犹如土木砖石是建筑的材料一样,词汇是说话写作的必需材料,也是制约写作能力提高的瓶颈。 可以想象,如果要写一个句子,10个单词有8个单词拼写错误或拼写不出,有2 个单词用法不当,又怎么能清楚地表达自己的思想呢?因此,在平时的教学中要强调学生记忆单词,记住单词的拼读、用法、意思等。记忆单词的方法有很多,各人有各人的记忆方法和习惯,可因人而异。 教师可通过要求学生朗读单词、听写单词、默写单词、遣词造句、词汇竞赛等多种方法促进学生记单词。记忆单词是一个长期的反复的过程,要长期地坚持下去,才能不断积累大量的词汇,为英语写作打下坚实的基础。 (二)通过扩大阅读量,提高英语写作能力。古人云“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,这是汉语的一种学习方法,同样可借鉴于英语写作。 多阅读是学生增加接触英语语言材料、接受信息、活跃思维、增长智力的一种途径,同时也是培养学生英语思维能力、提高理解力、增强语感、巩固和扩大词汇量的一种好方法,有利于促进英语写作能力的提高。在阅读训练中,教师要注意以下问题:一是指导阅读方法,分析文章结构、中心思想、段落中心句、写作方法等,帮助学生掌握各类文章的结构及写作方法。 二要精读与泛读相结合,通过推敲优秀的文章来学会写作方法和选词用词;通过大量的泛读来吸取信息量,扩大词汇量。三要扩大阅读量。 提供阅读的材料涉及面要广,才能不断扩大学生的知识面,使学生适应各种题材的写作。 (三)通过提高听说能力,提高英语写作能力。 英语听说读写四种能力是相互影响、相互促进的,提高听说能力必定会促进写作能力的提高。要提高听说能力关键在于创设一个良好的英语环境。 教师要尽可能地用英语授课,多开展专门的听说训练,同时开展丰富多彩的课外英语活动,让学生沉浸在英语海洋中去领略、去体会、去使用英语,久而久之,学生自然能使用正确的、地道的英语进行交谈与写作。 (四)通过重视写作过程,提高英语写作能力。 长期以来,英语写作成果教学法(THE PRODUCT APPROACH)在我国居于主导地位,教师根据写作的终成品来判断写作的成败,重视写作的技术性细节(如格式、拼写、语法等),忽视写作过程的指导。根据D.Rumechart和J.McClelland提出的连通论(Connectioni *** )理论,写作包括写前阶段、具体写作、文章修改三个基本过程,这三个过程并非是线性排列,而是循环往复,穿 *** 行的。 教师只有重视加强对写作三个过程的指导,才能更好地提高英语写作能力。在写作前阶段,教师重在指导学生如何挖掘题材,训练发散性思维,以及如何选择材料、谋篇布局等。 在具体写作中,教师重在指导学生如何紧扣主题、运用正确的写作方法等。在文章修改中,教师重在指导学生如何修改语法及用词的错误。 (五)通过多写英语摘要,提高英语写作能力。英语摘要是把一篇文章的要点摘录出来,用自己的语言使之独立成一篇短文,这不是简单的摘录,而是忠于原文意思的再创作。 写英语摘要有利于学生了解原文的文化背景、理解原文的中心意思、弄清原文的。 6. 英语作文的写作方法及技巧 英语作文是一项主观性较强的测试题。它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力。答案开放、多元,有利于培养学生的创新思维。英语作文决不是停留在句子翻译的层面上,而是要求语言流畅,语法正确,逻辑合理。考生在写作时要把握好三个环节:写作之前:仔细审题、按规定写、准备写作。写作之中:书法规范、精心构思、行文正确。写作之后:通读全文、查找错误、周密推敲. 英语写作是语言应用的一个重要方面,也是语言能力测定的重要手段,衡量写作水平的 标准便是看其是否能用学过的语言材料,语法知识等用文字的形式来表达描述。 书面语言表达一般分为三个过程:思维、组织、表达。先是思维,把要写的东西在脑中 思考,这往往是个别的,孤立的一些素材,很凌乱琐碎;因此要对此进行组织,把这些思维 作出整理,使其条理、系统化,但这还是较粗糙的,可能还有一些用词不当或语言错误;最 后才是表达,把组织过的材料仔细推敲,确无问题了再落笔成文。在撰写时要注意主谓语一 致,时态呼应,用词贴切等,这就是写作。上述的三个过程,最难的就是第三个过程,这需 要我们有较好的语法知识,掌握一定数量的句型,习惯用语,熟练的写作技巧,这样才能写 出通顺生动的文章来。 总之,要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧。 那么,究竟怎样才能写好作文呢? 阅读优秀范文 首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就 越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科 书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就 是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房 子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中 的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式 还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。可以先看一本介绍英 语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展 开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据 不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提 高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的 词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练 笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学 会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔 时就会得心应手,水到渠成。 7. 英语作文有什么方法可以提高 基础写作 一、基础写作考我们什么能力?A. 信息处理或整理的能力;[如:信息之间 能否合并为逻辑关系或处理先后顺序等]B.组词造句能力;[如内容和语言表达的准确 性和合适性]C.连句成文能力;[信息内容的完整性和连贯性] 二、基础写作的解题思路及步骤 1、认真审题,明确要求。 审题时要注意以下几点:1)写出的短文必须是5个句子,不能多也不能少;2)必须是连贯的短文,而且要求句子结构准确、复杂;3)短文必须包括全部信息内容,不能遗漏任何一点;4)确定短文的主题和格式;主题:学校食堂服务调查情况格式:书信(本文不用考虑)5)确定短文的人称和时态。人称:第一和第二人称 时态:一般现在时 2、划分信息块,列出写作要点,明确写作的先后次序。 3、依据写作要点,草拟提纲。 要点1:advantages;besatisfiedwith;cleanandtidy;deliciousfood;goodservice. 要点2:disadvantages;benotsatisfiedwith;price;toohigh;alimitedvarietyofdishes;waitalongtimetogetthemeal. 要点3:solvetheproblemsassoonaspossible. 注意:这是组织语言、形成短文的基础步骤。 这一步骤的要求是:根据内容提示简单地列出提纲,将所需要的语言材料准备好。可以只列出主要的词、词组、短语及句型,暂不考虑动词的时态、语态、人称和数等。 4、扩展成句,连句成篇。 将上述所列出的词、词组、短语等扩展成句。 注意时态、语态的正确运用。 1)将要点扩展成句。 1.Wearesatisfiedwiththecleanandtidycanteen,thedeliciousfoodandthegoodservice.2.Wearenotsatisfiedthatthepriceofthefoodisalittletoohighandthaehavealimitedvarietyofdishestochoosefrom.Andwehavetowaitalongtimetogetthemeal.3.Theproblemsshouldbesolvedassoonaspossible. 2)连句成篇 注意根据内容编排,分清层次,确定详略,将写好的单句重新排列组合起来,使之前后连贯成一篇完整的文章。同时选用恰当的关联词使文章过渡自然,行文流畅。 我们通常可以采用以下的方法: ①为了避免表达重复,使用一句多译法: Eg:a)Wearesatisfiedwiththecleanandtidycanteen,thedeliciousfoodandthegoodservice.Tooursatisfaction,thecanteeniscleanandtidy,thefoodisdeliciousandtheserviceisgood. b)Andwehavetowaitalongtimetogetthemeal. Andwehavetostandinlineforalongtimebeforewecangetthemeal. c)Theproblemsshouldbesolvedassoonaspossible. Youcansolvetheproblemsassoonaspossible ②使用从句表达,使句子结构更复杂。Eg:a)Wearenotsatisfiedthatthepriceofthefoodisalittletoohighandthaehavealimitedvarietyofdishestochoosefrom. Whatisnottooursatisfactionisthatthepriceofthefoodisalittletoohighandthaecanhavealimitedvarietyofdishestochoosefrom. b)Andwehavetowaitalongtimetogetthemeal. Andwehavetostandinlineforalongtimebeforewecangetthemeal. ③为了增强短文的连贯性,使表达流畅自然,要巧用关联词。 请熟记和用好以下的关联词语: A、表并列:besides,inaddition,what" *** ore,moreover,or,and,also,too,aswellas… B、表转折:however,nevertheless,yet… C、表原因:becauseof,thanksto,owingto,dueto… D、表结果:thus,therefore,asaresult… E、表列举:namely,forexample,forinstance,thatistosay… F、表结论:toconclude,inaword,inbrief… G、表时间顺序:first,second,then,soon,finally,atlast… H、表空间顺序:here,there,infrontof,atthebackof,nextto,ononeside…,ontheotherside I、表对称关系:forohing,fortheotherthing,ononehand,ontheotherhand。 8. 英语作文的写作方法及技巧 英语作文是一项主观性较强的测试题。它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力。答案开放、多元,有利于培养学生的创新思维。英语作文决不是停留在句子翻译的层面上,而是要求语言流畅,语法正确,逻辑合理。考生在写作时要把握好三个环节:写作之前:仔细审题、按规定写、准备写作。写作之中:书法规范、精心构思、行文正确。写作之后:通读全文、查找错误、周密推敲. 英语写作是语言应用的一个重要方面,也是语言能力测定的重要手段,衡量写作水平的 标准便是看其是否能用学过的语言材料,语法知识等用文字的形式来表达描述。 书面语言表达一般分为三个过程:思维、组织、表达。先是思维,把要写的东西在脑中 思考,这往往是个别的,孤立的一些素材,很凌乱琐碎;因此要对此进行组织,把这些思维 作出整理,使其条理、系统化,但这还是较粗糙的,可能还有一些用词不当或语言错误;最 后才是表达,把组织过的材料仔细推敲,确无问题了再落笔成文。在撰写时要注意主谓语一 致,时态呼应,用词贴切等,这就是写作。上述的三个过程,最难的就是第三个过程,这需 要我们有较好的语法知识,掌握一定数量的句型,习惯用语,熟练的写作技巧,这样才能写 出通顺生动的文章来。 总之,要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧。 那么,究竟怎样才能写好作文呢? 阅读优秀范文 首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就 越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科 书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就 是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房 子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中 的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式 还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。可以先看一本介绍英 语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展 开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据 不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提 高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的 词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练 笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学 会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔 时就会得心应手,水到渠成。 9. 英语写作提高的方法~ 一是通过词汇教学训练写作能力。要写好文章不是一朝一夕就能达到的,必须从最基础的词汇入手。扩大词汇量,让你词不离句,强化写作训练。 二是通过一句多译练习训练写作能力。多做一些一句多译练习,这样有助于启发写作思路。写作时选择自己有把握的句子灵活地表达同一内容,减少失误,提高得分率。 三是结合课文进行各种体裁的写作训练。要学好英语写作就必须从课文练起,从一些常见的文体练起,由短到长,由浅入深,循序渐进地进行。 四是通过背诵训练写作。培养英语写作能力,以文章为中心训练写作能力非常重要,因为文章中的句子就是规范的英语范文。把词语放在句型、段落、篇章中去理解、记忆和体味,以至于能够仿写、改写。 五是通过仿写和改写训练写作能力。仿写也是提高英语写作能力行之有效的方法,模仿写作中,格式、构思、表达方式等方面都可模仿。但要注意灵活变通,语句要通顺,符合英语表达习惯。 另外,改写也是一种很好的方法,改写就是对文章材料的文体、式样、句式等进行改编的一种训练方式。无论是改人称、改时态,还是改对话材料为叙述文字,这都有助于复习巩固所学知识,又能培养你所学知识的迁移运用能力,还能起到提高写作能力。 希望可以帮到你~我现在在学的一家写作班,它们网站还有写作资料申请,或许可以帮到你~

我们要做个英语作业 做PPT 我打算写DOTA 麻烦给段英语的文章 300字左右 介绍DOTA是个5V5的游戏 需要团队配




求一篇关于Chinese food and Japanese food的文章。

China and Japan are the most prominent countries for their food in Asia. Deeply influenced by Chinese culture and institutions, Japanese imitated the living habit of Chinese people in Tang Dynasty in terms of food, housing, transportation and other customs. Therefore, Japanese food has a lot in common with Chinese food. Like China, for over 2000 years, rice has been the most important food in Japanese cuisine. Despite changes in eating patterns over the last few decades and slowly decreasing rice consumption in recent years, rice remains one of the most important ingredients in Japan today, and can be found in numerous dishes. For example, a bowl of plain cooked rice is served with most Chinese and Japanese meals, but in Japan it is sometimes mixed with a raw egg and soya sauce and in China it seldom adds any condiment. Another famous rice dishes in Japan is undoubtedly Sushi. Sushi can be defined as a dish which contains sushi rice, cooked rice that is prepared with sushi vinegar. Similar to Sushi, Onigiri are rice balls made of cooked rice and usually wrapped in nori seaweed. They are slightly salted and often contain some additional food in the center. In China, there is also a kind of snack food called Fan Tuan and often served as breakfast. It"s usually made sweet. Both in China and Japan, rice balls are a popular and inexpensive snack available at convenience stores. Fried rice in Japan has been originally introduced from China, too. A variety of additional ingredients such as peas, egg, leek and small pieces of carrot and pork are mixed into the rice when stir fried. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice. There are various traditional noodle dishes as well as some dishes which were introduced to China and Japan. Many of them enjoy a very high popularity. Ramen, for example, are Chinese style noodles prepared in a soup with various toppings. Ramen is one of the many popular dishes that were originally introduced from China but have become completely Japanized over time. Ramen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese: La Mian, meaning hand-pulled noodles. However, nowadays in Japan, 90% Ramen noodles is made by machine. Japanese pay more attention to the soup and toppings. Chinese, instead, focus on the technique of noodles-making. The soup is usually more insipid and clear than that of Ramen in Japan. The same to the fried rice mentioned above, Yakisoba are fried or deep fried Chinese style noodles served with vegetables, meat and ginger in Japan. In Chinese restaurants, they"re often named Wu Dong Mian. I"ve just listed some of food that both shared in China and Japan. Their cuisines both offer a great variety of dishes and regional specialties. Much more other examples like Dun Dan in China and Chawanmushi in Japan, Guo Tie in China and Gyoza in Japan, I need not to do more introductions, because there is no obvious difference of them between China and Japan. Maybe it follows the rule that Chinese fix more on the technique of cooking while Japanese is on the ingredients and materials


山地狮是生活在美国西部的山区中。然而最近报道称在美国的许多州都发现了它们的身影。因为它们很少被见到,所以它们的出现备受关注。除此之外,山地狮还在向东迁移。 还有报道称,在波士顿、宾夕法尼亚及芝加哥的郊区都见到它们出现过。可以确定这些山地之王正在迁移,科学家到现在还不确定为什么。一些人认为山地狮的迁移时因为它们的种群数量的不断增加,年轻的幼狮离开那个地方去寻找新的栖息地来保障食物来源。 “年轻的雄狮正在寻找新的地方”,加利福尼亚的山地狮基金会主席Lynn Sadler说,“人来已经制造许多的障碍,比如建筑物、篱笆、道路和噪音。当山地狮在寻找新地方,新的食物和水源过程中,这些障碍阻挡了它们。” 这种说法足以让人们提高警惕,因为据报道称有时候人们会把山地狮当做一条大的狗或者家猫。至少一些条款已经通过。新修道路、郊区的延伸及频繁的户外活动正在增加全国各地的人们与山地狮不期而遇的几率。 因为许多人关注这种美国狮子的重新出现,一位专家提出了一些避免吸引到狮子的方法:不要把宠物的食物放在屋外;看管好自己的牲畜;开辟一些公共场地能让狮子从一个地方到另一地方。 专家称“山地狮正在回归它们的家,给它们自由,它们第一次来到这里,我们需要想办法和他们和平共处。”


If Gray"s first human anatomy solved the mystery of human structure, laid the foundation of modern medicine, but also to human beings a great deal of confusion. Nu Wa made man, the God will give to our eyes. There One day people use it for the first time in the water pleasantly surprised to see his own reflection, then people see themselves through the mirror, until now, people passed the gene of this particular mirror, to form a new look at ourselves, this look at the world . We are pleased to see that the use of broad prospects for genetic research. With the use of transgenic technology, daffodils rice genes have been implanted so that the iron content increased significantly; as people"s understanding of gene cloning technology should be shipped born; first cloned sheep Dolly living people standing before; With the development of cloning technology, human organs can be cloned, is expected to take over with a new organ has been so old and damaged organs ....... all human beings seem to be as a second God, or Goddess of the second. Some say that God always answers in one hand, one hand and a question mark. Cloning is the English transliteration of the word clone, clone derived from the Greek klon The intention is that small seedlings or shoots to asexual reproduction or vegetative propagation means cultivating plants, over time, cloning has expanded the content, as long as the cells obtained from a more than 2 cells, cell populations or organisms by a pro-sequence generated by the sequence of DNA that is cloned. Clone as a double-edged sword. When the spring time, like to get people who will do grass cutting plant; a look like apples and pears taste like fruit - pear, is the use of fruit grafting culture from cuttings and grafting are essentially clones. is also a benefit to humanity. Cloning of human organs for medical development to a large extent, but is suffering from cancer or disability a gospel people. Cloning and generational relations between parents, as fathers of the human cloning, sub-generation, or the same seniority in the family or other, which we usually followed by old and young took part in starting the conflict, will be confusion all social relationships. human cloning is no kind of disrespect for human performance. human cloning, not just pieces of copy. If people are free to clone, that is, each person has countless lives. then revisit the value of life has no meaning. Does this also mean that life can be arbitrarily trampled on, and personality to any damage which in turn are usually emphasized in our respect for human life. life once they begin to talk about a person, if even on their own life autonomy are not, then what is the meaning of his survival of human cloning will benefit a mere careerist and lawless elements. We can not take into account the possibility of human cloning will lead soon as the war. careerist use human cloning to conquer the world, it seems science fiction can be seen. but in real life is not altogether unlikely. take advantage of human cloning committed crimes, crimes against personal safety even imagine. We should rationally look at cloning, it becomes beneficial to science and technology on human rather than the demise of human arms.如果说格雷的第一张人体解剖图解开了人体结构之迷,奠定了近代医学的基础,但同时也给人类带来很大的困惑. 女娲造人时,上天便赐于我们眼睛.有一天人们用它第一次在水中惊喜地看见了自己的倒影,而后人们通过镜子看自己,直到现在,人们又通过基因这一特殊的镜子,以一种全新的形式审视自己,由此审视世界.我们欣喜地看到了基因研究利用的广阔前景.随着转基技术的运用,水仙的基因已被植入水稻,使之含铁量明显的增高;随着人们对基因的了解,克隆技术应运而生;第一只克隆羊多利活生生地站在了人们面前;随着克隆技术的发展,人类的器官可以被克隆,有望用新器官接替我们已老损的器官.......如此种种让人类似乎已可充当第二个上帝,或者说第二个女娲了.有人说上帝总是一手拿着答案,一手拿着问号.克隆是英语单词clone的音译,clone源于希腊文klon,原意是细苗或嫩枝以无性繁殖或者营养繁殖的方式培育植物,随着时间的推移,克隆的内涵已经扩大了,只要是由1个细胞获得2个以上的细胞,细胞群或生物体,由一个亲本序列产生的DNA的序列,就是克隆.克隆就如一把双刃剑.每当春暖花开的时候,喜欢弄草的人便会做植物扦插;一种外观像苹果而味道似梨的水果—苹果梨,就是采用果树嫁接法培养而成的,扦插和嫁接实质上也是克隆.也是对人类的好处.克隆人体器官对医学发展也有很大促进作用,更是对身患癌症或残疾人的一个福音.克隆人与亲本间的辈分关系,克隆人该是作为父辈,子辈或同一辈分或者是其它,这与我们平常所遵循的长幼有分起了矛盾,也会混乱各种社会人际关系.克隆人是对人的不种不尊重表现.克隆人,就不只是件复制品.倘若人可以随意克隆,那就是就每个人都拥有无数次生命.此时再讲生命的价值已毫无意义了.这是否也意味着生命可以任意践踏,人格可以任意伤害 这又与我们平时所强调的尊重每个人的生命.生命只有一次又从何谈起 一个人,如果连对自已生命的自主权都没有,那他的生存意义何在 克隆人会给野心家和不法分子有利可乘.我们不能不考虑到有可能克隆人将引发一声战争.野心家利用克隆人征服全球,这似乎在科幻小说中才能见到.但现实生活中并不是完全不可能.而利用克隆人作案,危害人身安全更是可想而知.我们应该理智地看待克隆,将它变为对人类有利的科学技术而非人类走向灭亡的武器.


An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth"s crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph. The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.At the Earth"s surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, huge amounts of gas migration, mainly methane deep within the earth, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.The 2008 Sichuan earthquake (Chinese: 四川大地震), or Great Sichuan Earthquake which measured at 8.0 Ms[5] and 8.3 Mw[6] according to PRC"s China Seismological Bureau, and 7.9 Mw according to USGS, occurred at 14:28:01.42 CST (06:28:01.42 UTC) on 12 May 2008 in Sichuan province of China. It was also known as the Wenchuan earthquake (Chinese: 汶川大地震), after the earthquake"s epicenter in Wenchuan County in Sichuan province. The epicenter was 80 kilometres (50 mi) west-northwest of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan, with a depth of 19 kilometres (12 mi).[2] The earthquake was felt as far away as Beijing (1,500 km away) and Shanghai (1,700 km away), where office buildings swayed with the tremor.[7] The earthquake was also felt in nearby countries.Official figures (as of May 30, 12:00 CST) state that 68,858 are confirmed dead, including 68,007 in Sichuan province, and 366,586 injured, with 18,618 listed as missing.[4] The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless,[8] though the number could be as high as 11 million.[9] It was the deadliest and strongest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people. Approximately 15 million people lived in the affected area.The earthquake was followed by two major aftershocks, which led to the collapse of 420,000 more buildings.[10] On May 25, a major aftershock of 6.0 Mw hit northeast of the original earthquake"s epicenter, in Qingchuan County, causing eight deaths, 927 injuries, and billions of dollars in damage.


If the earthquake came, what should we do? How can we help? Is extremely frequent earthquakes, the community as a whole has a great impact. When the earthquake occurred, the most basic phenomenon is the continuous ground vibrations, is obviously the sloshing. Once the earthquake occurred, first of all to keep awake, calm the mind, to determine shock situation, must not jump off building in a panic, it is extremely important after the earthquake quickly evacuated to a safe place emergency protection is a better way. The so-called nearest escape, is to suit one"s measures to local conditions and in accordance with the different situations of different countermeasures. For example, choose the spot where shock absorbers open: squat or on the ground, so as not to fall; don"t run, try to avoid places where many people; do not return indoors. Avoid tall buildings or structures to avoid danger, towering, suspensions or other dangerous items. If some people were injured, to the wounded placed in a safe place timely assistance. In short when the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm attitude. We help each other, common earthquake!


Many people enjoy being tickled, as it can be a fun bonding activity between two people. It can also help relieve stress, as the feeling of someone lightly running their fingers along your skin can leave you feeling relaxed afterwards. Tickle games can also be an amusing way for children to learn about cause and effect, as they understand that when they are being tickled, they experience a certain sensation. Overall, tickling can be a great way to connect with someone, provide some lighthearted fun, and even help reduce stress.


六年级英语阅读文章   阅读是学习提高英语的一个好办法,下面我给大家准备了六年级的英语阅读文章,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!   第一篇 :生命之坚持   Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter. But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule! So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten. So much of what we hope to do tomorrow never happens.   The past is the bank in which we store our most valuable possession: the memories that give meaning and depth to our lives. Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days enshrined in memory are never lost.   Death itself is powerless to still a remembered voice or erase a remembered smile. And for one boy who is now a man, there is a pond which neither time nor tide can change, where he can still spend a quiet hour in the sun.   一些人坚持认为只有今日与明日最重要。可要按这条规则来生活的话,我们将会变得更加可怜。今天我们所做之事有多少是琐碎无功的,很快就被人遗忘.又有多少我们明天要为之事将会成为泡影。 过去是一所银行。我们将最可贵的财富——记忆珍藏其中,这些记忆赋予我们生命的意义和厚度。   真正珍惜过去之人不会为美好时光逝去而哀叹。那些珍藏于记忆的时光是永远不会消失的。   死亡本身也无法止住记忆中的声音,或擦除记忆中的微笑。对于已经长大成人的小男孩来说,那儿将会有一个池塘。它不会因时间和潮汐而改变,可以让他大继续在阳光下享受静谧的时光。   第二篇:When the Moon Follows Me月儿随我同行   Each of my sons made the discovery early. We would be riding in the car at night, and a little voice would call out from the back seat, “Hey, the moon is following us!” I would explain that the moon was not actually gliding along with our car. There would be another period of critical observation and the final verdict, delivered more quietly this time: “But it really is moving. I can see it.”   I thought of that one evening as I was driving. The moon, one day short of fullness, rode with me, first gliding smoothly, then bouncing over the bumpy stretches, now on my right, then straight ahead, the silver light washing over dry grasses in open fields, streaking along through black branches, finally disappearing as the road wound its way through the hills.   When I crested the hill in the village, there it was again —— grown suddenly immense, ripe, flooding the town with a sprawling light so magical I began to understand why it is said to inspire “looniness.” I could hardly wait to get back home to show the boys.   Robert was in the bathtub, so I grabbed John. “ Close your eyes and come see what followed me home,” I said, hoping to increase the dramatic impact. I led him out into the night. “Okay. Open! Isnu2019t it beautiful?”   John blinked a few times and looked at me as if I might, indeed, be loony. “Mom, itu2019s just the moon. Is this the surprise?” I suppose he was hoping for a puppy.   I should have realized that, being only ten, he was probably too young to know how much we sometimes need the magic and romance of moonlight——a light that is nothing like the harsh glare of the sun that it reflects. Moonlight softens our faults; all shabbiness dissolves into shadow. It erases the myriad details that crowd and rush us in the sunlight, leaving only sharp outlines and highlights and broad brushstrokes——the fundamental shape of things.   Often in the soothing, restorative glow we stare transfixed, bouncing our ambitions and hopes and plans off this great reflector. We dream our dreams; we examine the structure of our lives; we make considered decisions. In a hectic, confusing world, it helps to step out into a quiet, clear swath of moonlight, to seek out the fundamentals and eschew the incidentals.   The night after I showed John the moon, he burst breathlessly through the door, calling, “Mom, come out for a minute!” This time, he led me, coatless and shivering. The driveway gravel crunched underneath our sneakers. From somewhere in the woods beyond the pond, the plaintive calls of geese honked and died away.   Past the row of pine trees that line the road, the sky opened up with the full moon on it, suspended so precariously close that it might come hurtling toward us—— incandescent, even larger and more breathtaking than the night before, climbing its motionless climb over the molten silver of our pond. Even a ten-year-old could see this wasnu2019t just the moon. This was The Moon.   When I turned around, John was grinning, expectant, studying my face intently to see if he had pleased me. He had. I knew that now the moon was following him too.   我的两个儿子各自都在很小的时候就有了那惊人的发现。每当我们驱车夜行的时候,后座上总会传来稚嫩惊奇的声音: “嘿,瞧!月亮实际上并没有跟在我们的汽车后面滑行。发出惊叹的孩子往往审视良久,终于得出定论,再一次用较冷静的口吻说: “它确实在动的嘛,我看得见的。”   一天晚上,在驱车回家的途中,我想起了这件事儿。再过一天就要盈满的月亮随我一路同行;它先是平稳地滑行,继而又在崎岖的山路上跃动,忽而在我右边,忽而又跑到我的前头。银色的月光泼洒在旷野的枯草上,沿着一路黑黝黝的枝丛投下斑驳的光点,最后,当车道在山间绕了个弯,它便消失得无影无踪。   当我的车开上村子里的小山顶时,月亮又出现了——突然变得硕大、饱满;神奇的银辉充盈四野,整个城镇都被淹没在溶溶的月色中。我这才开始明白,为什么人们会说月儿能激发起“疯狂”。我急不可待地赶回家,想让孩子们出来看看。   罗伯特正在洗澡;于是我一把拉起约翰,说:“闭上眼睛,来看看什么东西随我回家了。”希望这样能增强戏剧性的效果。我牵着他走到户外的夜色中。 “行了,睁开眼睛!瞧,多美啊!”   约翰眨巴眨巴双眼,盯着我看,仿佛我真的发疯了一样。“妈,不就是月亮嘛。这有什么稀奇的?”我猜他希望我带了只小狗回来。   我本应该意识到这一点:他才十岁,也许还太小,弄不清我们有时是何等需要月光的魅力和浪漫,这种光和它所反射的太阳那耀眼的光芒是多么大相径庭。月光淡化了我们的各种缺点,所有的卑微都化解为依稀朦胧的阴影。它抹去了在阳光下充塞于我们周围、压迫着我们的无数细微的事物,只留下轮廓鲜明的剪影、最精彩的场面和粗线条的绘画——万物的基本形状。   常常,在那令人屏神静气的光华中,我们注目凝视;这时,我们的雄心壮志、美好希望和宏伟蓝图便会从那了不起的反射物上跃然而出。我们做着五光十色的梦,考察我们的.生活结构,作出深思熟虑的决定。在一个喧嚣、混乱的世界上,走进一片宁静、清新的月光,去寻循事物的根本,避开不期而至的变故,那可真是大有裨益。   就在我让约翰看月亮的第二天晚上,他气喘喘地一头闯进屋来,喊道:“妈,快出来一会儿。”这一次是他牵着我。当时我没穿外衣,不由得一阵哆嗦。车道上的砾石被我们的旅游鞋踩得嘎嘎作响。从水塘彼岸的树林里不知什么地方传来几声鹅的哀鸣,转而又悠然消失。   走过路边那排松树,天空豁然开朗,一轮满月晃晃悠悠地悬浮在上面,离我们那么近,仿佛就要掉下来撞到我们身上。它光华照人,比前一天晚上还大,更令人心驰神往,在熔银般的水塘上空悄悄地爬升。就连十岁的孩童也能看出,这不仅仅是个月亮。这是个大写的月亮。   我转过身,只见约翰正咧着嘴笑,满脸期盼的神情;他热切的目光想从我的脸上探明他是否博得了我的欢心。他确实博得了我的欢心。我意识到现在月儿也正在随他同行。 ;

求帮忙找一篇关于choose to be alone on purpose的英语文章,要和它有关的



Western education concept of gap is too great, in Chinese, the child is the treasure, little afraid, afraid of cold heat illness. Grow some is left no stone unturned in school, can let the children accept good education, some is about the university, after graduation from the university will worry about work, until a wife and son, then to look after next generation! While the westerners to cultivate children since independence and self-reliance of life, and to the age of one and a half can oneself, college can completely from parents and independent lives! American parents with children as the equality of man, the respect to children.For example say: walk down for parents of childrenChinese: come on, baby, mama embrace you up.Western: children, brave, stand up for yourself.2 for the child"s interestChinese: children, I give you a piano class, the class, composition class... You can be learned.Western: children, to do all the things you want to do. If you feel meaningful, mom and dad always support you.3 for the child in the futureChinese: you must study hard, key middle school, the emphasis on the university, find a good job in the future.Western: children, les chemains menent a Roman, there are many ways of success.So big difference associations, I think, the most fundamental reason lies in the two different cultures. Western countries from the 18th century began to experience a magnificent and victorious thoughts enlightenment and the ensuing bourgeois-democratic revolution. This is in Rousseau, montesquieu, advocated by such thinkers among the feudal democracy thought the ensure creative freedom and independence wisdom of independent personality, respect people in the west of the general public widely spread, from that time now, more than 200 years, these democratic thoughts are pervasive in the west. Therefore the western culture more a kind of individualism. In situations of individualism, everyone has his own rights, request to express their own internal, has own individuality, everyone is kind, so will encourage every child has ego, assertive, be decisive. You can subscribers yourself, everyone have everyone characteristic, in such an environment of these is down, encouraging everyone will have a very good development, to his own initiative to show how to present breakthrough. Therefore, the requirements for children westerners very tolerant of children, they never do anything, must not more children, but in comparison with other children make positive guidance, pay attention to their child"s own interests and personality development. Generally speaking westerners is children"s self-consciousness of the natural development, encourage children to express themselves freely and nature of thoughts and feelings, and try to make children through one"s own experience and the experience of the existence and found himself with the development of his ability.Chinese history is composed of groups of countries on strength, but is an integral part of the country, mainly living in a group as the center of the society, Chinese must learn how to make yourself from the behavior of the subject groups, otherwise will need to adapt to the society and individual, collective interests than obedience collective interests, personal only put himself in the collective interpretation self, self. Therefore in Chinese culture, Chinese more emphasis is whole, outstanding collective interests, individual cannot from groups, and even individual too outstanding and independent groups of people will be rejected. Therefore, Chinese children was asked to remain consistent with others is the most obvious, everything according to the student, teacher"s request to you and others if have what opinion expression, also don"t XiaoShiHua dwindle, rather than silence, no, not to get angry, you should pay attention to cherish, because his Chinese pecking order, to respect the old person is very, very, very humble respect for their parents, not complacent, not propriety, big tree, called the wind will converge. Thus China children were considered passive, rich plasticity, must be approved by the adult help just know to discover the existence of society and the social demands, so often use is inferior, ranking method to guide your child understand oneself of position and adjust their behavior, so as to most people in the society. Individualism and collectivism in such obvious difference is.Thus, education has difference is inevitable, because of the different culture will surely lead to different education concept, but also influence the education concept of different music child different development. But in general education of China and western education, the author has just to make their education and complementarity hascontributed, common development.


Xinjiang is known for its fruits and produce, including grapes, melons, pears, cotton, wheat, silk, walnuts and sheep. Xinjiang also has large deposits of minerals and oil.Xinjiang"s nominal GDP was approximately 220 billion RMB (about 28 billion USD) in 2004, and increased to 302 billion RMB (about 38 billion USD) in 2006, due to the China Western Development policy introduced by the State Council to boost economic development in Western China. Its per capita GDP for 2006 was 14,871 RMB (1,865 USD).Oil and gas extraction industry in Aksu and Karamay is booming, with the West-East Gas Pipeline connecting to Shanghai. The oil and petrochemical sector account for 60% of Xinjiang"s local economy.[12]Xinjiang"s exports amounted to 3.047 billion USD, while imports turned out to be 2.589 billion USD in 2004. Most of the overall import/export volume in Xinjiang was directed to and from Kazakhstan through Ala Pass [3]. China"s first border free trade zone (Horgos Free Trade Zone) was located at the Xinjiang-Kazakhstan border city of Horgos [4]. Horgos is the largest land port in China"s western region and it has easy access to the Central Asian market. Xinjiang will also open its second border trade market to Kazakhstan in March 2006, the Jeminay Border Trade Zone. Xinjiang is still underdeveloped, but is destined to become the future economic highland of China"s western region and Central Asia.Five thousand years ago, nobody could expect that in the hot and sandy North Africa a highly developed civilization of Egypt emerged first in the history of mankind.Three thousand years ago, no one could have predicted that Persia on a plateau could have so much wealth.One thousand and five hundred years ago, Japan"s aristocrats could never imagine that their offspring could outdo the Great Tang Dynasty that they admired and learned from.Five hundred years ago, European explorers who discovered the new continent could never imagine that the barbarous wilderness would become the most developed economy in the world in future.Two hundred years ago, cowboys and pioneers of the United States that went to the Wild West couldn"t expect the economic prosperity in today"s west coast.One hundred years ago, countries in deserts of the Middle East couldn"t anticipate they can be so wealthy today.Fifty years ago, no one could imagine that the Great Northern Wilderness would become the Great Northern Granary.Thirty years ago, even the most imaginative people dared not predict that the remote fishing village Shenzhen would develop to a modern metropolis.Fifteen years ago, no one believed that the dilapidated Pudong would replace the century status of the Shanghai Bund and become a new landmark in Shanghai.Five years ago, no one knew that Xinjiang would become the “top priority” of China"s western development program.I wonder if this is somewhat destined for the law of economic movement.Looking at a topographical map of Asia, you can easily find that the Pamir Plateau is a huge knot of mountains which the Kunlun, Tianshan, and Hindu Kush mountains extend around from and the Altun, Himalayas, Tangula, Qilian and Altay mountains surround in a distance.From the geographical point of view, Xinjiang is both the center and the heights of Asia, but at least during the past millennium, its economy has long been low and far below the East Asia, South Asia, West Asia and Russia in the north. Especially in modern history, Western Europe sustained high economic development and the East Asia saw rapid economic rise. A vast economic canyon has been formed between Western Europe and East Asia and Xinjiang is located in the lower valley.The geographical height and economic low form a strong contrast.This contrast between geography and economy may be meaningless, but if we understand Xinjiang"s economic future with the help of the concept of geographical heights, it may be more concise and clear.Although Xinjiang is isolated in the western region and is a relatively independent economic region, it is the throat zone for border crossing of merchandises, transportation and information in the Eurasian continent. It has a wide scope of influence and important economic location.Since the middle 20th century, with the tides of development, Xinjiang"s economy has been in rapid rise. The recent wave of great development again accelerates Xinjiang"s economic growth. This uplift will make Xinjiang the economic heights of Central Asia.No contrast, no sense of difference.How low was Xinjiang"s economy in the past? Let"s take a look at the situations 50 years ago and everything will be clear. At that time, Xinjiang didn"t even have any very low-level industries and metallurgy, machinery, electronics, energy and textiles were all blank. It could not produce a nail, nor a pound of gasoline and a woven one-meter cloth. There were no railways, telephones, power plants and reservoirs. There was nothing from modern industry and the production method of manual workshop was probably the representative of advanced productive forces then, but those products are always somewhat similar to the unearthed relics.Although Urumqi (then called Dihua) was the capital, the town only had a circumference of several miles. Streets remained unhardened and were full of mud and dust and on both sides of the streets were low rise houses built with clods. A crossroad called the Big Cross became the downtown of this city, which was more like a small town, and the “false two-storey buildings” at the Big Cross may be unique in the world. The so-called “false two-story buildings” are houses along the streets which look like two-story buildings but the walls, eaves and windows on the second floor are totally fake. Such strange buildings could still be occasionally found not long ago. In the past storied buildings were indeed rare in Urumqi. Until in 1959 Urumqi celebrated the 10th anniversary of China and built an epoch-making eight-story building. This record of eight stories had been held for more than twenty years. No wonder at that time the Urumqi people proudly called the building “Eight Stories” and kept this name till today, but its real name had been forgotten.A song sings that “there are three treasures in Urumqi, horse dung, sheep dung and Achnatherum splendens”, which is a vivid description without any ridicule. Then one can easily imagine the probable situations in other places.It"s true that in the past Xinjiang and its beautiful Urumqi looked quite backward.Today"s Urumqi keeps changing greatly one year after another, but when you take a glance at it, you may always feel that the city is too large with too many tall buildings, too crowded streets, two large shopping centers, too expensive seafood and too many advertisement.However, after acquainting yourself with the development track of Xinjiang"s economy, you might think it is actually quite natural.Let"s start from a distant history. Since the Western Han Dynasty set up the Western Regions Frontier Command at Wulei and began operating in Xinjiang, the development of Xinjiang just started. However, during the over two thousand years since then, until the Qing Dynasty, the development mainly focused on opening up wasteland and growing food grain, relocating people for border garrison, and building post houses and checkpoints. Its main purpose was to maintain the stability in border areas and ensure unblocked trade route. As the natural environment there was much unfavorable, the society was complex and changeful, and the local regime alternated frequently, economic development in the region had always been very slow.The first wave of Xinjiang"s economic development emerged in the 1950s. At that time, just after the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang, the new regime was determined to completely change the face of Xinjiang. Thus, more than 100,000 soldiers undressed their military uniforms and were transferred to local civilian workers of the Production and Construction Corps. A huge number of young intellectuals from various provinces were transferred to Xinjiang. Massive construction of canalling, land reclamation, road construction and building factories was then started. With scrimping and saving, human sea tactics, and unimaginable endurance, Xinjiang made the miracle by establishing many farms, highways, reservoirs, channels, hospitals and schools, and factories and workshops, large or small, such as the Qiyi Cotton Mill, Bayi Iron and Steel Plant, Shiyue Tractor Plant, Weihuliang Electric Power Plant, Xinjiang Cement Plant, and Karamay Oilfield etc., in a very short period of time. These new things not only built the framework and outline for a modern economy in Xinjiang, but gave necessary impetus to economic take-off. After the first wave of tide ran over, Xinjiang"s economic map was changed overnight.With the movement of educated youth going to and work in the countryside and building the frontiers, Xinjiang welcomed the second batch of developers and builders. Singing popular songs in revolutionary years, writing down passionate poems, sticking to the pledge of settling in the border areas, a steady stream of school graduates came from places like Shanghai, Nanjing and Changshai one group after another. They lived and worked together with farmers and workers and accumulate wealth and experiences by the sweat of their brow. Although their passion to change the world cooled down rapidly with the end of the Cultural Revolution, they ultimately brought in fresh vitality to Xinjiang. Their spirit is still revered by people till today. This second wave was insipid but concrete. The wave was not spoondrift, and it had to change something and end one momentum to start another.When China started the reform and opening up, the protagonist of economic development is the eastern coastal areas. But when peacocks and even sparrows were flocking to the southeast ern economic zones, a group of people went toward the opposite direction to the northwestern Xinjiang. They were oil workers, businessmen and labor workers, as well as a few college graduates distinctive personality. With their arrival, Xinjiang"s oil and natural gas production increased several-fold, and proven oil reserves and good prospect promoted Xinjiang to be China"s strategic successive base of land-based oil; their arrival brought again Xinjiang"s prosperity in commerce and flourish in trade market facing the Central Asia, and Xinjiang was viewed as a bridgehead of China"s Western Development; with their arrival, construction sites blossomed everywhere in Xinjiang and projects in water conservancy, transportation, communications, energy, city construction and farms were carried out simultaneously, and thus Xinjiang"s infrastructure had been effectively improved. Thanks to all these efforts, the highways opened to traffic; the international air routes started operation; the double-track railways sped up trains; fiber networks were built for communications; large reservoirs stored water and extra long channels started water diversion; the farms began drip irrigation and the cotton was no longer picked by hand; oil gushed from oil deep well and petrochemical factories started production; new towns emerged here and more people passed through border ports, and Xinjiang"s economy had also been developed. The third wave of development impelled Xinjiang"s economic acceleration to going higher. The current height of Xinjiang"s economy ensures that anybody, understanding the economy or not, can no longer look down Xinjiang.Although the most recent wave is taking a full landing, its force and strength can already be vaguely felt. This wave of course originates from the implementation of the country"s western development strategy. The western development project includes a dozen provinces, but its "top priority" is Xinjiang, just like Shenzhen at the age of special economic zones and Pudong in the opening up. This is a policy trend, and also a strategic objective. It"s not only a realistic assessment of Xinjiang"s potential, but also specific plans for the future of Xinjiang. The policymakers certainly believe that the rise of Xinjiang can not only solve its own problem, but give impetus to the development of the western region; it can not only echo with the east, but also radiate the Central Asia, West Asia, North Asia and South Asia. Such a strategic priority status blesses Xinjiang"s development prospects. Therefore, state leaders have already predicted that in the regional competition, "Xinjiang will catch up from behind." And in the prospects for development, "Xinjiang will become China"s new economic growth point". Xinjiang is asked to

中科院大学 论文查重自己的文章算吗


中科院大学 论文查重自己的文章算吗

根据中国科学院大学发布的论文查重工作通知,学位论文送审和答辩要求是查重通过,重复率≤15%,重复率不包含自我引用。也就是说,在学生发表了这文章,这篇文章已经被查重检测系统收录,其著作权归该学生所有的情况下,通过论文查重检测系统进行论文检测,自己的文章是不会被算到重复率里面的。扩展资料:通常论文查重检测报告主要是由这几部分构成:全文重复率、去除引用部分重复率和去除本人发表文献重复率。所以,如果通过论文查重检测系统进行论文检测,自己的文章是不会被算到重复率里面的。附:中国科学院大学2017年春季毕业学生毕业答辩及学位申请工作的主要环节及要求一、学位论文送审要求:1、学位论文须符合《中国科学院大学学位论文撰写要求》。2、查重的重复率≤15%(不含自我引用);论文word文件命名格式:学号-作者-论文题目-专业-导师,查重未能通过的论文,论文不参加送审,学生不能参加此次答辩。3、实行双盲评审制度。硕士生每人送审3份,博士生每人送审5份。参加盲审的论文应删掉论文中学生和导师姓名、作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与研究成果、致谢,保存为PDF版文件,文件命名格式:学号-作者-论文题目-专业-导师。学生参加送审的论文须所有评阅意见均为“同意答辩”方可参加答辩。第一次送审不通过的论文,修改后再次送审仍不通过者,不能参加此次答辩。盲审未能通过的论文,将以邮件方式通知学生本人及导师。送审时间为7-10天。二、论文答辩主要环节:1、论文查重通过,重复率≤15%(不含自我引用),可参考《中国知网学术不端检测系统论文格式规范论文解析格式规范》中国知网学术不端检测系统论文格式规范论文解析格式规范中国知网学术不端检测系统论文格式规范论文解析格式规范;2、评阅意见返回,且均为“同意答辩”;3、填写《毕业答辩资格审核表》;4、熟悉《学院学位论文答辩程序》,并及时与导师和学院沟通;5、填写《中国科学院大学研究生学位论文答辩申请书》和《中国科学院大学论文答辩情况和学位授予决议书》相关内容;6、 其他要求请参见《国科大校部研究生毕业答辩工作条例》三、学位申请主要环节:1、 通过论文答辩并符合公管学院相关学科《学位论文答辩资格的科研成果要求》;2、 按《学位申请材料明细》提交学位申请的相关纸版材料;3、 其他要求请参见《国科大校部研究生学位申请工作条例》。四、网上操作步骤参见《培养指导系统操作流程图》:1、登录教育业务平台,点击“培养指导”,进入“论文”项;2、从“培养计划”开始,点击“撰写计划”,填好后点击“请求指导”,选择导师后提交;导师用自己的用户名登陆进行审核,步骤基本相同;导师对学生提交的材料网上审核无误后提交;之后进入到学院审核的程序,由学院管理人员代表学院操作。“开题报告”、“中期考核”、“答辩申请”及“学位申请”等项的操作步骤基本相同,不明之处及时沟通。参考资料来源:中国科学院大学论文查重-中国知网




Tomorrow Tomorrow. What crosses your mind when you think of tomorrow? Some people think of the future literally as the next day. To others, it means the unknown. To me, it signifies hope. Let me tell you a story.Every day, on the way to and from school I pass by a children"s hospital. One morning, as I was hurrying to school, I noticed a child staring out of a small window on the first floor. The next minute I tripped and sprawled on the ground. As I slowly pulled myself up and dusted myself off, I looked up again and saw the child laughing. In spite of my situation, I was pleased to have made someone laugh. I bowed as though I were a performer. The child clapped and waved at me. As I stepped closer, I saw that the girl"s head was bald, a sign that she was a cancer patient. I quickly waved one last time to her before hobblingoff towards the school.The next morning and the next, I looked out for the little girl and waved to her, doing a little jig just to make her laugh. I thought about her and wondered what her life must be like. "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day." Those lines from a Shakespearean poem I had learnt in school came to my mind. Was that how the child lived from day to day?I felt the urge to visit the child. I went to the hospital and looked for the room facing the road. I found the little girl. She was thin and pale. When she saw me, her eyes widened with recognition and she welcomed me with a shy smile. I talked to her a bit and learnt her name, Suki. The nurse who saw me talking to her later told me that Suki was a leukemia patient. Her navy officer father was a widower and was on duty outside the country. The nurse encouraged me to visit Suki so that she would not be so lonesome. As I was leaving, Suki called to me, `Tomorrow?" I understood and said, "Yes, tomorrow."After that, I popped in to visit Suki after school every day. We played card games, Scrabble and read together. Even though, Suki was only ten, I found that I could get along with her very well. I was not visiting her out of pity. I really looked forward to her company. At the end of each visit, she always asked, `Tomorrow?" and my reply was always, "Yes, tomorrow."Two months later, Suki told me the good news. She was well enough to be discharged from hospital. On the day that was scheduled for her father to take her home, I visited her one last time. She gave me an envelope and said that it contained her email address. I promised to write. After Suki left, I opened the envelope. It was a short letter. Suki thanked me and told me how my answer to her question "Tomorrow?" had given her hope from day to day. She believed that she recovered because of this. At the end of the letter, she wrote `Tomorrow?" followed by her email address. I smiled and said to myself, "Yes, Suki, tomorrow."


他们挤在风暴内门两个衣衫褴褛的超越大衣儿童。 “有旧报纸,夫人?” 我很忙。我想说的话没有,直到我看了看他们的脚前。瘦小凉鞋,雨夹雪sopped。 “进来吧,我来给你们一杯热可可。” 没有任何谈话。他们留在潮湿的凉鞋在炉边的痕迹。我担任他们的可可茶和果酱面包来强化对外面的风寒。然后我又回到了厨房,开始再次对我的家庭预算。 在前面的房间里默默地给我打通过。我看着英寸的女孩在她的手中持有的空杯子,看着它。男孩在一个平面的声音问:“小姐...你富有吗?” “我富有吗?天哪,不!” 我看着我破旧的家具套。女孩把她的杯子茶碟备份小心。 “您的杯子和碟子匹配。” 她的声音有着饥饿的胃是不是。他们离开后,拿着报纸对他们捆绑风。他们没有说谢谢你。他们没有必要。他们做的比说。朴素蓝陶瓷杯碟。但他们匹配。 我测试了土豆和搅肉汁。土豆和棕色的肉汁,一个在我们头上的屋顶,我的一个良好稳定的工作,这些配套的东西的人了。 我把椅子回来的消防和整理了客厅。泥泞的小凉鞋版画仍然在我的壁炉湿了。我让他们。我希望他们在那里的话,我永远忘了我是多么的富有






如何提高理解英语文章隐含的意思 ◤19日932011年2011-7-19 1:33:542011-7-19 1:33:5419日认真研读近几年高考阅读理解题,我们不难发现其共同特点:文章都是五篇,其所选材料的题材、体裁多样,均取材于英文原版书籍,语言地道、内容新颖,文化意味浓厚;其试题设计均重语篇理解,与以前的高考试题相比,命题者很明显加大了阅读理解试题的考查强度。一 近几年高考英语阅读理解测试新动向:⒈ 阅读的词汇量增加,越来越强调提高阅读速度近年来,高考五篇文章的阅读总词量一直保持着递增的趋势,这就意味着考生在有限的时间内完成这样的阅读量,必须提高阅读速度。⒉ 文章的生词量增多文章的生词量增多,主要表现在由构词法产生的新词和教学大纲不作要求的生词增多。这就导致阅读材料文字难度增大,考生往往要反复几遍才能读懂。再加之材料行文表达使用比较正式的语言,结构复杂的长句及省略和插入语等较复杂的语言现象在文章中随处可见。这不仅减慢了阅读速度,而且也影响了根据文章内容去进行推理和判断。⒊ 选材面宽,贴近生活,保持原汁原味近几年的高考阅读文章选材更贴近生活实际、更富有时代气息,题材新颖,包括故事、传记、人物、传说、生活常识、社会文化、天文、史地、科普知识、政治、经济及名人逸事等。体裁也不一,有记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。而且文章多是属于原汁原味的文章,其中文章习语用得较多,涉及英美人的文化生活习惯。⒋ 深层理解及推理判断型题持续增加一篇文章围绕一个中心,或者是某一话题展开,文中绝大部分的篇幅都围绕这个主题来说明它,反映它。弄清细节,获取信息是正确把握主旨中心的前提。在以往的高考试题中,往往掌握文中细节的直接理解在试题中所占比例较大。但在近些年的高考试题中已明显减少,而推理、判断、综合类试题大大增加了。要求考生能从字里行间理解文章的深层含义,即作者的态度、意图、倾向等,而且能把握全篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间的关系,并且能据此进行合乎逻辑的推理和判断。二 高考对考生的阅读理解能力的要求:⒈ 掌握所读材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的材料和细节。⒉ 既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。⒊ 既理解字面的意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。⒋ 既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。⒌ 既能根据材料所提供的信息,也能结合中学生应有的常识去正确判断生词和短语的含义。三 近几年高考阅读的主要考点:高考阅读题通常分为两大类:客观性理解试题,即考查短文大意的试题,事实细节描述题,短文、句子、短语、单词意义理解题;主观性试题,即通过阅读文章,对文章的中心思想、立意主旨、作者观点、态度等有更深入的理解。一般说来,高考阅读理解对考生的测试角度表现在以下几个方面:⒈ 猜测词义。这类题要求考生能根据上下文正确理解灵活多变的词义。在做这类题时,应对上下文中已知部分进行逻辑上的推理,必要时还要进行语法分析,尤其是词与词之间的关系,有时还要依据常识和经验进行猜测。⒉ 理解主旨大意。一篇文章通常是围绕着一个中心思想展开的。阅读时,我们不可忽视短文中开头和结尾的段落或句子的含义。因为它们往往是文章中心的概括和总结。对于没有明显主题句的文章段落要根据文段中所陈述的事实或提供的线索加以概括总结,从而判断出四个选项中哪一个为最佳选择,说明了文章的中心。⒊ 推理判断。这类题要求考生能通过文章表面文字信息去推测文章隐含的意思,要求考生对文章的情节发展,以及作者的态度、意图等做出合乎逻辑的推理和判断。⒋ 对文章的细节理解。⒌ 数据推算。四 提高阅读理解能力的具体办法:⒈ 注意扩大词汇量。阅读是理解和吸收书面信息的能力。应该说,词汇量越大,掌握的词汇越多,阅读的基础就越好。所以我们要采取多种手段并尽可能快地扩大自己的词汇量。另外,阅读各种题材、体裁的文章的同时也会迅速地扩大我们的词汇量。⒉ 掌握一定的英语文化背景知识。研究和实践表面,背景知识在阅读过程中起着很重要的作用。阅读时若缺乏相关的背景知识,阅读就会很困难;反之,若具有相关的背景知识,阅读就会变得简单。比如,遇到物理、化学方面的文章,理科的学生读起来要比文科的学生省力。同样,文科的学生在历史、政治等方面占有一定的优势。可见,学生的背景知识越丰富,阅读理解题做得就越好。特定的文化产生了各具特色的语言背景。把英语作为外语来学习的学生除具备一定的英美历史和语言文学知识外,还要了解和熟悉一些讲英语的国家的生活习惯、文化背景、风土人情与生活方式等,为提高阅读质量打下基础。 ⒊ 掌握构词法。应掌握一些构词方法,如词缀法、转换法、合词法、逆成法及缩略法等。另外在词汇复习过程中,不仅要注意词汇的表面含义,而且要注意到词汇背后所蕴含的社会历史、文字艺术等语言文化知识。因为词义反映了一定的客观世界和社会实践,它们还随社会文化、民族习惯、语言环境、社会发展等因素而变化。⒋ 改掉不良的阅读习惯。在英语阅读过程中,有一些不良的阅读习惯必须改掉。如:用手指、笔、尺子等指着单词进行阅读,这样会影响阅读速度,还容易忽略了文章所反映的信息内容;"声读"也是一种不良的阅读习惯,有关专家研究发现,一个人的默读速度是他声读速度的两倍。"声读"不仅影响了阅读速度,更不利于理解文章所表达的信息。⒌ 选材广泛,体裁多样。选材时,注意做到题材广泛、体裁多样,要面广,内容要丰富。它们主要包括新闻、电讯、书信、评论、广告、幽默故事、人物传记、科普常识、史地资料、旅游杂记、风土人情等。⒍ 培养逻辑推理能力。阅读一篇短文时,准确地认知文章所表达的信息,只是阅读的初步要求。把握上下文的逻辑关系,领会文中的有关暗示,推敲其特定的内涵,洞察其深层意义,推断作者的"言外之意",则是阅读的高层次的要求。一般来说,作者不可能把他所要表达的全部思想和内容都体现在字面的意思上,很多内容是需要在阅读时通过思考、推理才能正确理解的。逻辑推理就是指在阅读时,根据自己已有的各方面知识以及篇章上下文所出现的某些信息,推导判断出隐含在文章中但没有表达出来的意思。逻辑推理能力是提高阅读能力的一种必不可少的基本技能。在做逻辑推理判断时,不能脱离文章的主旨,凭空想象,一定要言之有理,言之有据。如:"…One day, Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room. Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates.… "问题:Merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to ______.A. impress the party guestsB. arrive at the party soonerC. test his inventionD. show his skill in walking on wheels.该题要求透过表面的文字信息去推测文章的隐含意义。我们可以从"Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party."和"He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room."中看出,Merlin把滚轮置于鞋下,用滚轴溜冰的方式进入晚会厅,其目的是为了给参加晚会的人留下深刻的印象,所以答案为A.⒎ 注意抓文章的中心思想。文章的中心思想是全篇文章的核心。它体现作者的基本观点、态度和意图。作者是通过多种手段告诉我们文章中心思想的。一般来说,含有中心思想的"主题句"会出现在文首,也就是说,作者先在篇章的开头就点出中心,然后再作进一步的扩展和论说。如:Every city and town must have water. The people in a town need water to drink. They need water for other uses, too. They use water for bathing and for washing things.这段文字中的第一句就是主题句,后面是对它的扩展。有时候,作者为说明或论证一个较难理解的观点,也可能先举例说明,然后再提出自己的观点,也就是说,把主题句放在文尾。有时,主题句既不在文首,也不在文尾,而是在文章的中间,或者是隐含在篇章中,需要通过阅读,自己总结出来。在平时阅读时,应有意地在这方面加以训练。⒏ 养成快读的习惯。阅读能力一般指阅读速度和理解能力两个方面。在快读中,不要把眼睛和注意力放在某一个词或短语上,而是按意群整体把握文章意思,把注意力放在题目所涉及的重点细节和信息上。要运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读,搜寻关键词、主题句,捕捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。⒐ 培养猜词能力。阅读短文过程中,有时会遇到似熟非熟的单词,这类词往往一词多义,在句子中难以辨别与理解。在平时读训练时,尽量不要去查字典,可以通过上下文、上下句、句子结构等猜出所表示的词义来。至于有些与题目无关的生词,如:表示人名、地名的词,只须知道其所表示的范围,不必翻译出来。掌握一些猜测生词词义的方法,对排除阅读中某些生词的干扰,降低生词率,提高阅读速度和理解能力是必不可少的。培养猜词的技巧可从以下几方面进行:⑴根据构词法来猜测生词词义:应熟练掌握三种常见的构词法:转换、派生和合成。高考中属于这几种类型的生词是不会注出中文意思的,所以掌握构词法能使阅读化难为易,丰富词汇,从而达到一定的阅读理解程度。如:familiar(形容词) 熟悉的,familiarity(名词) 熟悉,familiarize(动词) 使熟悉,unfamiliar (形容词)不熟悉的,unfamiliarly(副词) 不熟悉地。⑵ 根据普通常识来猜测生词词义:如:The Olympic games were to be completed in good spirit. The idea was to participate and not to win….根据常识,可以判断 participate 有"参与"的意思。因为奥运会提倡良好的比赛精神,其宗旨是参与,而不是论输赢。⑶ 利用上下文提供的同义词来猜测生词的词义:如:Influenza is sometimes called flu or a bad cold. 根据上下文可以猜出:influenza是bad cold的同义词,意为:流感。⑷ 根据上下文提供的反义词来猜测词义:如:Most dentists" office are drab places, but Emilion"s new office is a bright and dreadful place.根据上下文可以猜出,drab是cheerful或 bright的反义词,意为:死气沉沉的,阴暗的。⑸ 根据语法结构、标点符号等猜测生词的词义:如:①The scientists who study insects are called entomologists. 根据定语从句提供的线索可以猜出entomologists意为:昆虫学家。②Suddenly they became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy.根据逗号后的解释可以猜出quintuplets意为:五胞胎。⑹ 根据上下文具体的语境猜测生词的含义:如:The influence of TV on the life of the people is incalculable: it can influence their thoughts and their way of life. It can also add to their store of knowledge. Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects. Some hospitals use TV for medical students to get close-up views of operations. 通过这段话的描述,我们知道电视对人们的生活影响很大,所以我们猜测incalculable的意思为"大的,不可计算的"。⒑ 掌握科学的阅读理解题的解题方法:首先,迅速阅读理解的问题。通过阅读问题,可以大致推断文章的大意,从而为尽快了解文章的内容做好了准备,增强了在将来读文章时的针对性,突出了重点,提高了做题效率。这种方法特别适用于图形表格类题材的理解。读问题时,最好能判断哪些问题与文章存在直接关系即可在文章中直接找出答案,哪些需要推理,哪些需要做结论等。这一步骤的目的主要就是要让自己知道应该找什么。其次,快速阅读全文。带着问题,尽量快速地阅读完整个文章,如果遇到了与某问题相关的材料,就用铅笔划出来,并写上题号,然后继续往下阅读。阅读中如果遇到了不懂的句子,不要停下来去深思熟虑。这一步骤的目的是对文章的内容结构有一个总体的了解,知道一些重点词、事实或有关材料在文中的位置。第三,重读问题。重新阅读问题,理解问题,并与文中相关的材料相对照。此时,每次要阅读一个问题,并弄懂问题。如果读了问题后,能在原文中找到相关的材料,就要重读一次相关材料,并可依此作出选择。这一步骤的目的就是将较容易的问题选择完,以便能更集中精力解决较难的问题。第四,重新阅读全文。这是第二次也是最后一次阅读全文,应带着问题(尤其是还未解决的问题)一字不漏地读完全文。这次阅读与第二步骤的阅读不同,因为此时已对文章有了总体的理解,所以这遍阅读将会注意到文章中的一些细微之处,将有助于解答难题。最后,再次阅读尚未解决的问题。对于仍未解决的问题,此时应再次认真理解并依照对文章的更透彻的理解,做出最终的选择。五 典型试题剖析:①America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways----education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the graying of American has made us a very different society----one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.A person"s age no longer tells you anything about his/ her social position, marriage or health. There"s no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isn"t as strong as it used to be. It doesn"t surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president of a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing.Many people say, "I am much younger than my mother - or my father - was at my age." No one says "Act your age" any more. We"ve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.1. It can be learnt from the text that the aging of the population in America _______.A has made people feel youngerB has changed people"s social positionC has changed people"s understanding of ageD has slowed down the country"s social development.分析:这是考查主旨大意的深层理解题。文章第一段最后一句"…people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages"点明了主题。文章后两段也是围绕着这一主题展开叙述的:人口老龄化给社会,特别是给人们对年龄问题的理解带来了变化。所以C项是正确答案。2. The underlined word "one" refers to ________.A a society B America C a place D population分析:这是词义理解题。one代替的是上文中提到的一个名词。是指different society,而不是指不同社会,所以,A项为正确答案。3. "Act your age" means people should _________.A be active when they are oldB do the right thing at the right ageC show respect for their parents young or oldD take more physical exercise suitable to their age分析:这也是词义理解题。"Act your age" 是第一段最后一句所提到的an idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages(在不同的年龄,什么样的行为是合适的),也就是B项所表示的:the right thing at the right age.此处的right就是suitable的意思。所以正确答案是B。4. If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm, the writer of the text would most probably consider it ________.A normal B wonderful C unbelievable D unreasonable分析:这是推理判断题。要求推测作者的态度。第二段最后两句话与最后一句话都反映了作者的态度。由于人们对年龄问题的看法发生了变化,25岁的年轻人成为一家大公司的经理,已不再是稀罕事。所以正确答案为A.②At 9:00 Dick Spivak"s bank telephoned and said his payment was late. " The check is in the post," Dick replied quickly. At 11:45 Dick left for a 12:00 meeting across town. Arriving late, he explained that traffic had been bad. That evening, Dick"s girlfriend wore a new dress. He hated it. " It looks just great on you," he said.Three lies in one day! Yet Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man. Each time, he told himself that sometimes the truth caused too many problems. Most of us tell much the same white lies, harmless untruths that help to save trouble. How often do we tell white lies? It depends in part on our age, education, and even where we live. According to one U.S. study, women are more truthful than men, and honesty increases as we get older.While most people use little white lies to make life easier, the majority of Americans care about honesty in both public and personal life. They say that people today are less honest than they were ten years ago. Although it is believed that things are getting worse, lying seems to be an age-old human problem. The French philosopher Vauvenarges, writing in the eighteenth century, touched on the truth when he wrote, " All men are born truthful and die liars."1. When the writer says " Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man", he means ________.A it is common that people tell white liesB Dick could do nothing about bad trafficC it is common that people delay their paymentD Dick found it hard to deal with everyday problems分析:这道题属于推理判断的深层理解题。作者一方面明确指出Dick一天之内说了三次谎话,另一方面又不加掩饰地指出Dick只是个普通人而已。仅从文字表面就可以推出作者对于Dick的所谓谎话的真实态度或理解的程度,更何况作者下面对这类谎言做了相对明确的论述,这样,只能确定答案A,其他选项所表达的内容仅仅是针对个别问题的。2. According to the text, most Americans _________.A hate white liesB believe white lies C value honestyD consider others dishonest分析:这是一道细节理解题。该题涉及美国人对诚实与说谎的看法或态度的评价问题,回答该问题的关键是认真读短文,第三段中第一句比较清楚地说明了美国人对在公共生活和个人生活方面的诚实的重视。后面又通过目前与过去对比说明了他们的态度。所以正确答案为C。 3. Vauvenarges" remark suggests that ________.A lying is an age-old human problemB dishonesty increases as people get olderC people were dishonest in the eighteenth centuryD it is social conditions that make people tell lies分析:这是一道推理判断的深层理解题。题目意为:"Vauvenarges"评论表明了…"。应从第三段最后一句话" All men are born truthful and die liars."在文章中加以分析判断,方能得出正确结论。B项具有干扰性,因为它表达这样一个含义,即"不诚实随着年龄的增长而增长"。但从整段的理解中,特别是作者引用该哲学家的结论的环境,D项是最佳答案

小弟求一篇 评价 欧美 文学、戏剧、艺术、历史、人物、政治体制(任选其一)的英语文章.. 谢啦..



这是史密斯一家的照片.中间的是史密斯先生.他左边的女士是他的妻子,史密斯太太.史密斯夫妇有一个女儿和一个儿子.史密斯先生的儿子站在他后面,叫吉姆.史密斯先生右边的是他们的女儿,凯特.她12岁.吉姆和凯特在同一所学校.吉姆二年级,凯特一年级,他们都是好学生.我叫迪克.我12岁.我的家里有很多成员.周末我们经常过得很愉快.我妈妈给我们做饭,但她不洗碗.她洗衣服.我爸爸洗碗.他还愿意洗车.有时,他开车去钓鱼.我祖父母都年过七十了,他们经常坐在花园里聊天.我喜欢周末跟我的朋友们一起玩.我们经常一起踢足球.我妹妹,丽丽,一个9岁的小女孩,她喜欢听音乐.她还喜欢给花浇水.晚上我们经常一起看电视.我有一个快乐的家庭.约翰是个小男孩,他家里很有钱.但他的父母不想他告诉别人.所以约翰上学之前,他的妈妈跟他说,"约翰,不要在你的新学校说我们家很富有."约翰说,好的,妈妈.于是约翰去上学了.他见到了他的新老师,他跟所有的同学坐在一起.老师说,孩子们,早上好.今天的第一个练习是写一篇关于你家庭的文章.所有的孩子都写了他们的作文.约翰的作文是这样的:我叫约翰,RICH.我家里很穷. 我爸爸很穷,我妈妈很穷,我家的园丁,厨师 ,仆人都很穷.丽丽是一个美国女孩.她在上中学.她有个妹妹,叫凯特.凯特只有4岁.丽丽非常爱凯特.今天是周日,丽丽想用钢笔,她拿出铅笔盒."哦,天啊.我的钢笔哪去了?"她找不到钢笔 ,她去卧室问他的妹妹."凯特,我的钢笔找不到了,你看到...哦,你在拿我的钢笔做什么?""我在给我的朋友贝蒂写信"凯特回答."但是你怎么写呢?你不知道写什么""没关系,贝蒂不会读"凯特说.

帮忙翻译一篇文章 谢谢!

我已经差不多够了是不是就像一个二等公民对待,只是因为我碰巧是,看跌一经社会成员------客户。越多,我就跑到商店,酒店,银行,邮局,火车站,机场之类的,我越相信的东西,只不过是正在运行,以适应公司的系统或联盟。似乎是一个欺骗性新的座右铭为所谓的“服务”的组织----员工在服务。多久,例如,你有什么喜欢在邮局营业时间或超市似乎排队,因为没有足够的工作人员值班以装备所有服务窗口或结帐柜台?当然在这些天的高失业率,必须有可能聘请收银员和柜台的工作人员。然而,超市声称,在任何时候揭露所有的收银机会增加开支。而邮政署说,我们不能指望所有的服务格栅被占用“有时当需求低”。 这是与酒店相同。因为服务员和厨房工作人员必须完成适合他们时,客厅关闭菜单选择提前或缩短。至于我们的客人,我们只是要忍受它。还有这么多的废话友好的酒店已被夜间搬运工赶出他们的工作在“效率”的利益和硬币吃啤酒机来提供从一切泻药取代。更何况在您的房间茶冲泡工具包匍匐的威胁:一个有茶叶袋,牛奶盒和一次性塑料糖混合收集水壶。谁愿意醒来原始袋泡茶?我不知道,尤其是当我为“服务”付出代价。 我们唯一的希望就是我们的愤怒锤家无论何时何地,我们能够而且,如果所有都失败了,带回实践等,年纪较大的口号----拿我们的定制其他地区。


Mobile Phone Being a product of high-technology,mobile phones are being more and more widely used. It"s small in size, light in weight and easy to carry, offering fast and convenient service for communication.It"s of multi-function. The users use it for calling, sending short messages and internet-surfing. In recent years, mobile phones have become popular among middle school students. Quite a few use them at school to keep in touch with their families and friends instead of writing letters, which, of course brings convenience to them. But I don"t think it"s good to do so. In spite of the advantage mentioned above, student users often waste a lot of time chatting over the phone in their spare time, some even use them to cheat in exams. In addition, mobile phone bill is also a heavy burden on students" families.翻译:手机是高科技的产物,它不仅体积小,重量轻,携带方便,而且通信快捷。它的功能齐全,既能用于通话,又能传递短信息和上网等。 有不少中学生把手机带进学校,与家长和朋友保持联系,取代书信交流;有的学生甚至在考试中用手机传递答案,作考试作弊之用。 2 。有不少中学生把手机带进学校,与家长和朋友保持联系,取代书信交流;有的学生甚至在考试中用手机传递答案,作考试作弊之用。 Mobile Phone移动电话 Being a product of high-technology,mobile phones are being more and more widely used. It"s small in size, light in weight and easy to carry, offering fast and convenient service for communication.It"s of multi-function.作为一个产品的高科技,移动电话正越来越多地广泛使用。它体积小,重量轻,易于携带,提供快捷方便的服务communication.It的多功能。 The users use it for calling, sending short messages and internet-surfing.用户使用它的电话,发送短信息和互联网冲浪。 In recent years, mobile phones have become popular among middle school students. Quite a few use them at school to keep in touch with their families and friends instead of writing letters, which, of course brings convenience to them.近年来,移动电话已成为很受中学生。不少使用这些学校保持联系他们的家人和朋友而不是写信,这当然带来了方便他们。 But I don"t think it"s good to do so.但是,我并不认为这是很好的这样做。 In spite of the advantage mentioned above, student users often waste a lot of time chatting over the phone in their spare time, some even use them to cheat in exams.尽管有上述优势,学生用户往往浪费了很多时间上网聊天,在电话的空闲时间,有的甚至利用他们在考试作弊。 In addition, mobile phone bill is also a heavy burden on students" families.此外,移动电话的法案也是一个沉重的负担对学生的家庭。


最近的调查显示,美国人的数量 王国谁也不打算让互联网已经上涨了。这些人被称为“网”,refuseniks 44%的英国家庭,或11.2万人。 研究还表明,超过70%的人说他们不会有兴趣获得连接到英特网。这个数目已经从2005年超过50%,用 最让缺乏计算机技术作为一种原因,没有得到上网,但也有人说这是因为费用。 越来越多的人开始宽带和高速网络 在英国几乎到处都可以,但仍有相当数量的人不肯迈出的第一步。 上网的成本正在下降,网络的速度 增加,那么多的主要挑战是解释rele-vance的互联网,这组这将鼓励他们之前就被连接离开得远远落后于之间的差距 那些有权使用因特网是“数字鸿沟”,如果这个差距继续扩大,那些没有访问将会留下,错过了很多机会,特别是在他们的职业生涯。 48人。根据文章,主要的原因是什么,人们不会 获得上网吗? 一。计算机是昂贵的。 B。上网费用太高了。 C。他们不擅长计算机技能。 D。他们拒绝接受高技术的专业人才。 49人。已经采取了哪些步骤来鼓励人们上网吗? 一。将降低生产成本。 B。教育更多的人。 C。提供更多的机会。 D。让更多的网上信息。 50。写作的目的是什么这篇文章吗? 一。解释为什么人们不上网。 B。鼓励更多的人使用互联网。 C。调查中有多少人上网。 D。互联网广告。





英语写文章从前到后用To begin with,In addition, Finally和什么

1 First、second、third用来罗列事件或阐述理由,一般来说它们之间是有逻辑联系的2 To begin with开始引述一个话题,前面不一定叙述有东西3 In addition有“另外,除此之外···”的意思,前面一定叙述有某件事或缘由之类的4 Last but not least有“最后,但也最重要的···”的意思


  世界上最美的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤.怀念母亲在身边的日子,多么的幸福。母亲是一层永远的怀恋和热爱。下面是我为大家整理的关于怀念已故母亲的短文章的相关资料,供您参考!   怀念已故母亲的短文章篇1:怀念父母   作者:思念竹间   时间过的很快,又一年清明节将要来临。每当清明临近,我们都会想起远在天国的父母,想起他们含辛茹苦把我们几兄妹养大成人,想起他们起早贪黑的为我们整日操劳,想起他们曾为我们子女所做的一切。   母亲去世已经快十八年了,父亲去世也整十年了,我们兄妹七人也将要从青春年少步入两鬓白发。我不想写父母如何把我们含辛茹苦养大,更不想写我们应尽的那点孝心,因为二老特别是母亲在没能让我们真正回报她的时候就已经离开了我们,以至于在我们子女的心中留下永远的痛u2026u2026。 那怕只写了这几句,我也会泪流满面。现在我们兄妹七人,大的已年过花甲,最小的妹妹也四十八了。每年清明那天我们几兄妹及其家人都会集中在我家,买好父母生前喜欢的吃喝和纸钱,去为父母扫墓,在去墓地的山间小路上,我们兄妹会边走边聊着父母的恩情、聊着我们儿时的喜怒哀乐,那种亲切、那种亲情是世间最真诚、最淳朴的感情流露,远离了世间的烦杂和勾心斗角,我们仿佛是去给活着的父母拜年。当我们走近父母的坟前,默默看着父母的遗像,那种思念、思亲之情无以言表,泪水随之也湿润了我们的双眼u2026u2026。 心中在默默地问:爸、妈您们在天堂过的好吗?   其实“清明”的意义并非是让你花多少钱讲多么大的排场,做多少道场。而是提醒活着的人要知道珍惜生命,懂得如何去爱。真心感谢我们的父母活着的时候对我们的教育,让我们懂得怎样去做人、怎样去爱自己的亲人。多年来,我们兄妹几家人虽不算富有,也面临过一些困难,但我们团结、和睦、相互帮扶着一路走来,家家都有了新房,儿女个个孝顺,且健康平安快乐地生活着,尤为高兴的是,大哥已经做外公了、姐姐的外孙女都六岁了,二哥的一对孙子、孙女活泼可爱。看到这些,相信父母在天有灵,一定会含笑九泉。   感谢我们的祖先给后人留下了这个传统节日,更感谢我们的父母养育、教育了我们。我真诚地希望普天下的儿女都懂得呵护亲情,孝敬父母,让自已的双亲永享天伦,幸福安康。愿天下父母都健康长寿,愿天下的人们互相珍爱。   此时已近深夜,当我写着父母,想着父母,我的眼泪又忍不住涌满眼眶。“树欲静而风不止、子欲孝而亲不在”,但愿远在天国的父母一路好走u2026u2026。   值此清明节即将到来之即,以此文表达我们对父母双亲的深切思念和感恩。   清明时节忆先人,烧香焚纸慰灵魂。   风吹杨柳不觉寒,泪洒坟茔心湿润。   怀念已故母亲的短文章篇2:怀念母亲   常在散文网上看到一些凭吊母亲的文章,让我深深地感动和泪流。不由得无限的哀思悄然铺开涌入心底,弥漫在疼痛哀思恍若遗憾里。遗憾着母亲竟英年早逝,在那无知懵懂幼小的年龄,记忆是一片空白,哪里还有母亲的形象?虽然父亲后来娶上了继母,但是我们之间似乎有着血缘相隔距离的生疏,阻碍了母爱。在我的心里依然不能认定她就是我的母亲,时不时的悲痛着生母为何要离我而去?在那遥远的天国,您是否还记挂着我,孤独的存留于世,痛苦的活着?生命的离去,是没有选择,只能服从。如果生命的离去可以选择的话。我想,我的母亲无论如何也不会离我而去,奔那遥远的天国,静赴安然。她也会像所有的母亲一样,把我抚养成人,定要我快乐幸福!绝不会在那遥远的天国,与我阴阳两隔。   “有妈的孩子像个宝,没妈的孩子像根草”。母亲的死去,带走了暖融融地母爱,留下的是孤独痛苦的我。像是那流浪的猫狗,孤零零地走在大小街道,随时会受到人的恐吓,同类的欺凌。我正是那流浪的猫狗,时而会受到伙伴们的嘲笑或谩骂,说我是莫娘崽,没人要,舅舅不疼,姥姥不爱u2026u2026幼小的心灵受到无法倾述的心痛,委屈自心底蔓延,泪水似雨滴从脸上滑落,甚至禁不起伙伴们的奚落,哇哇大哭。每当此时,他们会哈哈大笑一窝蜂的散去,留我在原地委屈的悲伤。   当时,由于年龄小,无法理解母爱是什么?只知道人家有妈妈,我却没有。人家叫妈妈、妈妈、妈妈u2026u2026从那一刻起,我似乎知道模模糊糊地母爱。当风雨来袭,母亲会给孩子遮风避雨;当寒来暑往,母亲会给孩子添衣御寒、脱衣除热;当头痛脑热,病病痛痛,母亲会背着孩子就诊看病,打针吃药。虽然明白了母爱,也懂得了母爱,更渴望能有一份母爱,来熨烫着我那孤独的心。让我不再委屈,不被同伴们耻笑谩骂,和他们一样的拥有着母亲,沐浴着母爱,快乐的成长,幸福的生活。然,我的母亲已经死去,长眠于地下,无论如何也不能把她从九泉之下揪出!从遥远的天国里唤回!我又怎能得到母爱?虽然有继母,但我不是她亲生的,她又怎能给我母爱?经常是要理不理,要管不管,有时会遭到无端的打骂。在她的眼里,我根本就不是她的孩子,只能是她的累赘。所以,只要她脸上阴云密布,就会在我的身上发泄倾盆大雨,全不把我当回事。身为人母,如此般的虐待我,心有何堪?难道就不怕遭天谴、遭非议?然而,继母完全不顾及她的所作所为,任她的性格胡来刻薄着我。可怜弱小的我,只能逆来顺受,打不还手,骂不还口。但是,在我的心里,也完全不把继母当母亲看,甚至也懒得叫她一声妈。   逆来顺受惯了的我,变得缄口无言,不大喜欢与人交往。若如一位深居闺房的小姐,羞于见到一双双诧异的眼神,只得躲于深闺之中。我却害怕那些怜悯的目光,在诉说不同寻常悲苦落薄的我,一声声叹息,一声声无奈,更增添了我的苦痛。生命的出生是无奈,生命的离去也是无奈。我的出生既是无奈,母亲离去更是无奈。我只能在无奈里挣扎,在无奈里痛苦,在无奈里苟活。   成长的年龄在缺失温暖爱意里孤独前行,任荏苒岁月凭苦痛浇泪磨啊磨,把那些悲苦轮廓磨成粉,碾成泥,洒在记忆的扉页。翻过记忆篇章,走出孤独的阴影,忘掉成长的痛。生命赋予的力量,主宰自己的命运,树起桅杆,扯起帆,斩风破浪,远航人生的坐标,到达幸福的彼岸。   生命的历程走过了曲折盘旋,终于可以和其他人一样漂泊在五彩缤纷的城市。繁华绚丽诱惑着我心所向,不再为没有母爱而痛苦。然而,我不能不想我没有母亲!母亲虽然在我很小很小就离尘去世,扔下孤独的我,在人世间孤零零地成长,受过的委屈,承受没有母爱的痛苦。但是,我还是要感谢母亲给了我生命,才有我在人世间痛苦的成长,经历了非常人的磨难。或许,我缺失母爱,收获了痛苦成长的经历,明白了人生苦短流长,世态炎凉,冷暖自知。也许,我会在我未知的人生道路上,多一份坚毅,少一分怯懦,长一份见识,生一份理性。面对生活的挫折,我会绷紧意志的弦;面对命运的作弄,我会遇事不惊,顺其自然,坦然面的,沉淀在命运的过往里,迈过坎,转过弯,又是崭新的开始。   母亲在我的心里依然是一片空白,使我更加怀念起母亲来,搜索依稀的记忆,找寻往昔的片段,究竟还是忆不起母亲的容颜。翻箱倒箧,想找一张母亲的照片,遗憾的是母亲未曾留下半张。无奈的思绪不是滋味,只能想着母亲静静躺在山坡上,隆起一捧黄土,那就是母亲居住的地方。也不知母亲在山坡上孤独的躺了多少年?惭愧啊,也不知母亲何年何月何日生?也不知母亲何年何月何日死?身为人子,竟然不知道母亲生辰年月,离尘祭日。真是天大不孝,不可饶恕的大不敬,在心里产生了一种罪恶感,对不起母亲,背负了愧对母亲自我的谴责。“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”。我不奢望像那些孝子们在母亲床前孝行天下!我只乞求能知道母亲长啥样,姓氏、名谁?然而,我这小小的愿望却无从实现。只能增添着我的罪恶感,加重负重愧对母亲的心。每每别人问起我的母亲,而我只能无言以对。那一刻,我是多么负累、羞涩、愧疚、自责、不孝。   记忆里虽然没有一点母亲印象,脑海里也勾勒不出母亲的一颦一笑,除了一片空白还是一片空白。但是我还是深深地祝愿,希望我的母亲在天国里安好,幸福的生活!不孝儿在阳间怀念苦命的母亲。   怀念已故母亲的短文章篇3:清明节怀念父母   又是清明到来时,年年清明怀故人。人之为人,与其他动物区别,除了直立行走,还有最重要的是人懂感情,懂感恩。传承上辈,抚育后人。怀念与祭祀逝去的先人,教育与启示传家的后人。五千年的中国就是这样走过来的。历史悠久,悠久历史!   怀念与祭祀故人最好的时节是清明,清明时节雨纷纷,变化着亲人的思念之泪。路上行人欲断魂,阐述着亲人的思念之情。我的父母离开我们,辞世人间,已有十多年了。十多年来,在怀念父母的过程当中,我的小孩长成大学生了,我与妻已是白发上头,鬓有霜。时光是电影厂的化妆师,化你老,分分钟。我的父母是与湘西钨矿、麻阳铜矿紧密联系着的。这两个地方,有他们的情感,有他们的工作,有他们的生活,有他们的酸甜苦辣。我与这两个地方也有删除不了的关系。忘记是一种背叛,决不会忘记。   再过五天就到清明,今天趁早写点纪念文字,发点感慨,托春风捎给天堂中安详的父母,以免天堂的邮路在清明节时堵车,影响信息的准时到达。写些什么?我不是作家,我只是爱好作文的人家。没有作家那么多的文如泉涌。除了以上的文字,我想还是把曾经写父母与怀念父母的诗文再发表一次,因为自认写得有点味道,毕竟发于情,出于内心,不含添加剂,是绿色环保文章。以此怀念父母,衷心祝愿天堂里的父母一切好!也希望天堂里的父母是星星,照耀我们家族活着的亲人健康前行!快乐前行!幸福前行!




Basketball is round, the earth is round; volleyball is round, the earth is round; table is round, the earth is round. Even if a small table had been promoted over the Earth"s rotation叩响the door of Sino-US relations. However, with football and the earth is round. Only football can be compared and the Earth, with a circle. The power of football really is no trivial matter. Can have what kind of a sport which can catch up the world of football frenzy whipped up giant Lan? Football is the heart of sports. Football is the Earth from time to time, such as injection of the blood rushing. Football beyond the political, economic, ethnic, color, culture, geography ... ... so on to the President of the country, the people down to the Action, all eyes could not help ceremony to it. Football, especially the World Cup four years, no less than an earthquake, no less than a war. However, shocks in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people will be in pocket-sized soccer war. Zhenyuan period are not forecast, but a four-year cycle as a regular ebb and flow; the war there has been strict rules of the game, was not raised a white flag of defeat was the winner of the Gold Cup have. Football carnival people, but also allow people to examine their own and at the same time found himself. As the Earth will make every day a new discovery we have the same, football is also found their new value. Football secular people living in the wind, you can arbitrarily powerful contempt, descent, backdoor, as well as a variety of small clever trick, and allow people to believe that: as long as a firm by virtue of their strength, power and prestige in soccer抖出, If your movie stars, like great science, so that knowledge of the entire planet. people do not know Brazil, Cameroon, Italy, who is the president, but it will not do not know Pele, Roberto Baggio and Comilla. Contains a number of years football has been struggling humanity to explore, diligently pursued the ideal: that is contained inside a football, regardless of race, regardless of origin, regardless of faith, regardless of wealth, regardless of poverty, regardless of geographical freedom, equality and fair. As long as you can only play good football round, you will be able to make the earth shook under your feet! Overwhelming football ---- heroic spirit embodies the noble ideals of humanity; football ups and downs of the smooth continuity of style, embodies the pursuit of human freedom. Black and white football itself, which embodies the truth of human desire. Unpredictable nature of football to bring suspense to the fans of the accident, only to stimulate the formation of unique charm. Football this sudden accident, they usually make the difference between a ball and the point of no return, it is even more increased by the bottom of my heart a desire and passion. Accidents as a result, it has become a form of art. To the people in comfort, while stimulating and gas, filled the hearts of people "to brave the east wind,战鼓擂, now the world"s谁怕谁" potential of a common Heroes flu. This moral hazard, the proliferation of mediocre, the devaluation of the hero today, so that the noble hearts shrink in抖擞be a return to art as sublimation. Football is a fantastic campaign, he contains infinite secret long enough for the fans and even the world interpreted. One of the secret would come from it with sufficient energy and the potential to stimulate not only the players but the more the audience patriotism and national pride and self-confidence of the force! Football connected the earth, connected to gas, hearts of everyone connected to the football field in order to swing the heart back to gas, through blood, not filled with a thin personal feelings, and into the country and the nation, and even the noble sentiments of all mankind ! In fact, both the Earth or football, the round is absolutely impossible. Science has long proved the Earth is only a close circle. And football stitching, and then any fine, can not be a precise 360 degree circle. Round, but an ideal, a dream.


I called Kitty, this is 15 years old. Character cheerful, warm and generous, sedate, sincere friendship with good interpersonal relationship and organizational ability, to the school to study and work task serious, responsible, and knows how to respect others, broad-minded, good at listening to the opinions of others and reasonable, on his shortcomings overcome in progress.I have not only ferial like reading, reading, writing, graphic design, etc, also very quiet hobbies like all kinds of sports, like the tennis, swimming, tennis and kickboxing. I can read, such is presided over the activities of verbal expression, from start to their own language skills training, has participated in the national and Beijing"s various events and activities, made outstanding achievements.In addition, I have the good work and organizational ability, repeatedly planning and organization of JiaoHui and class collective activity, to coordinate internal work, make a clear division of participants, improve efficiency, how to finish the task. "High-profile work, low-key person" is my philosophy, for tasks like speak little, do much, industrious, steadfast attitude. Work in analytical essence, can seize the complex nature of problems and the key, and to summarize experience and make their own organization activities of the ability to further improve.My goal is to get into the future of fudan university foreign language professional and promote Chinese culture to the world. I for language learning is very interested, want, through their own efforts, to learn Chinese and foreign language, so that in the future than to travel the world in teaching Chinese, and the foreign teacher, to them the words and the history of China. I hope to do a bit of yourself, let the world know China"s profound culture.


I grew up in the city, from a well-fed glut of life, watching the film until 2012, after the situation for human cut deeply imprinted on my mind couldn"t forget.Once the earth mother left us abundant energy that we complacent, earth"s energy in exhaustible. But since the 19th century, people are constantly accelerating the pace of urbanization and industrialization, we survive earth environmental deterioration, melting glaciers, sandstorm year after year, frequent extreme weather, rare species. Let the whole Chinese nation cry for the north and south of drought, southwest of snow storm, the temperature, wenchuan earthquake, the boat yushu and mudslides, make our grief curve. Volcanic eruptions of Iceland, let whole Europe strongly in the thick dust grains shrouded in France, the great writer Hugo had warned us: "mother nature is good, also cold butcher." QianLiZhiDi KuiYuYiXue, there is only one earth, provides a fracture of any will bring irreversible disaster.We can also endless plundering earth resources? We will leave for our offspring of survival environment? We can do to reduce the damage to natural? From the Kyoto protocol to the Copenhagen conference, people have been trying to find the answer. You may be in "environmental protection" 2 words, but not strange that we might not familiar with "low carbon life" the four words. Actually, "low carbon" is all around us, "low carbon life (-), few dust is a process, is refers to minimize routine life when consumed energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Figuratively speaking is the earth "fever", we will give her fever "." 呵呵


Question 1 The author may argue in the text that ______.[A] some European countries underwent industrialization over almost a century [B] it would take a developing country about 10 years to undergo industrialization [C] the process of industrialization in today"s developing nations is acceleratingQuestion 2 Please translate the sentences into Chinese. In the early industrialized countries of Europe, the process of industrialization — with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed — was spread传播 over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.在欧洲早期的工业化国家,工业化进程—在随之而来的社会模式中具有所有深远的改变— 被传播了接近一个世纪 被演变长达一个多世纪,而如今一个发展中国家也许(只)要经历十年左右同样的过程。↓ 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,演变过程长达大约一个多世纪;而今一个发展中国家在10年左右就可能完成这个过程。 All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents呈现,提出 serious problems for the governments concerned. 所有这些在社会中导致了不同寻常的压力和紧张,因此呈现给相关政府严重的问题。↓ 所有这一切额外地增加了社会内部的压力和紧张关系,因而也给有关的政府提出了许多严峻的挑战。 逐句解读↓第一句 [1] In the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization—with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed—was spread over nearly a century, [2] whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. 句子结构 分句[1]与分句[2]为whereas连接的并列句 [1](S+V) 状(地点):In the early industrialized countries of Europe 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中 主:the process of industrialization 其工业化进程 插(状,伴随):—with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns (that followed)(定从)— 以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革 谓: was spread 传播(演变) 状(时间):over nearly a century大约一个多世纪 译文:在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,演变过程长达大约一个多世纪 [2](S+V+O) 连:whereas 而 状(时间):nowadays 当今 主:a developing nation 一个发展中国家 谓:may undergo 可以经历(完成) 宾:the same process 这个(同样的)过程 状(时间):in a decade or so 在十年左右 译文:而今一个发展中国家在10年左右就可能完成这个过程 本句译文 在先期实现工业化的欧洲国家中,其工业化进程以及随之而来的各种深刻的社会结构变革,演变过程长达大约一个多世纪;而今一个发展中国家在10年左右就可能完成这个过程。第二句 All this has the effect of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community and consequently presents serious problems for the governments concerned. 句子结构 主:All this 所有这一切 谓1:has 有 宾1:the effect 作用 定1:of building up unusual pressures and tensions within the community (额外地)增加了社会内部的压力和紧张关系 连:and consequently 因而 谓2: presents 提出 宾2:serious problems 严峻的挑战 状2:for the governments concerned 给有关的政府 本句译文 所有这一切额外地增加了社会内部的压力和紧张关系,因而也给有关的政府提出了许多严峻的挑战。












Lehman brothers is a global financial services company. On September 15, 2008, with 2008 years of business history of lehman brothers was finally able to withstand the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the financial tsunami, filed for bankruptcy protection.I think the reason of lehman"s bankruptcy has: 1 the us subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the financial turmoil.2 has produced too little, the market is too risky3 too much debt.4 lehman"s management of crisis handling errors5 blindly into itself is not familiar with new business.We from the point of its financial condition, there are a lot of problems. For example, according to lehman brothers holdings of the company"s balance sheet, income statement, the cash flow statement data plot. In May 2008, the total assets of $639.4 billion, but its debt has reached $613.2 billion. Only 26.3 billion net assets, but also for their remarkable growth has always been. Certainly can"t help lehman in emergencies through.From the table we can see that from the beginning in August 2007, lehman brothers, the overall declining profits; Especially for the first time in May 2008, lehman deficit, net inflows of $228.5 billion. Already signal lehman"s collapse. Lehman brothers at the same time the large shareholders" equity and total assets less striking contrast - has more than 6000 to nearly $800 billion in total assets of lehman, only more than $200 in net worth.For Banks, net assets is risk impact of cushion, used to prevent bank runs of bankruptcy and liquidation. Its own funds too little that lehman brothers in the us subprime mortgage crisis doesn"t have enough money to sustain their own needs. Combined with profitability decline step by step, unable to get more money eventually brought down the lehman brothers.

tiff格式和psd格式有什么大不同 (别粘贴文章)

TIFF格式是一种通用的文件格式,所有的绘画、图像编辑和页面排版应用程序都支持该格式。而且,几乎所有的桌面扫描仪都可以产生TIFF图像。TIFF格式支持具有Alpha通道的CMYK、RGB、Lab、索引颜色和灰度图像,以及没有Alpha通道的位图模式图像。Photoshop可以在TIFF文件中存储图层,但是,如果在另一个应用程序中打开该文件,则只有拼合图像是可见的。 PSD格式是Photoshop 默认的文件格式,是除大型文档格式PSB之外支持多数Photoshop功能的唯一格式。PSD格式可以保存图层、路径、蒙版和通道等内容,并支持所有颜色模式。由于保存的信息较多,所以生成的文件也较大。




  励志美文可以发挥榜样激励作用,用先进的文化教育人,用先进的思想鼓舞人,用先进的气氛感召人,磨砺学生意志,培养学生自主,自立,自强和积极向上的心态。下面是我带来的,欢迎阅读!    1   别让无用的泪水熄灭重新点燃的蜡烛   A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became ill, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health.   一个男人有一个小女儿,那是唯一的孩子,他深深地爱着她,为她而活,她就是他的生命。所以,当女儿生病时,他像疯了一般竭尽全力想让她恢复健康。   His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died. The father became a bitter recluse, shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream.   然而,他所有的努力都无济于事,女儿还是死了。父亲变得痛苦遁世,避开了许多朋友,拒绝参加一切能使他恢复平静,回到自我的活动。但有一天夜里,他做了一个梦。   He was in heaven, witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle. He noticed that one child‘s candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her tenderly, and then asked, “How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?” “Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.”   他到了天堂,看到所有的小天使都身穿白色天使衣,手里拿着一根蜡烛。他注意到有一个小天使的蜡烛没有点亮。随后,他看到那个拿着没有点亮的蜡烛的小天使是自己的女儿。他奔过去,一把将女儿抱在怀里,亲切地爱抚着她,然后问道:“宝贝儿,为什么只有你的蜡烛没有点亮呢?”“爸爸,他们经常重新点亮蜡烛,可是你的眼泪总是把它熄灭。”   Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear, and its effects were immediate. From that hour on he was not a recluse, but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling‘s candle be extinguished by his useless tears.   就在这时,他从梦中醒来。梦给他上的一课像水晶般透明,而且立竿见影。从那个时刻起,他不再消极遁世,而是自由自在,兴高采烈的回到从前的朋友和同事们中间。宝贝女儿的蜡烛再也没有被他无用的眼泪熄灭过。    2   做自己的主人,掌握自己的命运   I will know that only those with inferior ability can always be at their best ,and I am not inferior.There will be days when I must IN THE WORLD constantly struggle against forces which would tear me down,Those such sa despair and sadness are simple to recognize but there are others which approach with a *** ile and the hand of friendship and they can slso destroy me.Against them,too.I must never relinquish control.   我将明白只有低能者才会江郎才尽,我并非低能者。我必须不断对抗那些企图摧垮我得力量。失望与悲伤一眼就会被识破,而其他许多敌人是不易察觉的,它们往往面带微笑,伸出友谊之手,却随时有可能将我们摧垮。对它们,我们永远不能放松警惕。   And with this new knowledge I will also understand and recognize the moods of him on whom i call, I will make allowances for his anger and irritation of today for he knows not the secret of controlling his mind.i can withstand him arrows and insults for now I know that tomorrow he will change and be a joy to approach.   有了这项新本领,我也更能体察别人的情绪变化。我宽容怒气冲冲的人,因为他尚未懂得控制自己的情绪,我可以忍受他的指责和辱骂,因为我知道明天他会改变,重新变得随和。   No longer will I judge a man on one meeting;no longer will i fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today.this day he will not buy gold chariots for a penny,yet tomorrow he would exchange his home for a tree.My knowledge of this secret will be my key to great wealth.   我不再只凭一面之交来判断一个人,也不再因他今日的可恶而明日不给他打电话。今天不肯花一分钱买金蓬马车的人,明天他也许会用全部家当换一颗树苗。知道了这个秘密,我可以获得极大的财富。   Henceforth I will recognize and identify the mystery of moods in all mankind,and in me.From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day.I will master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control my destiny.   我从此领悟到人类和我自己情绪变化的奥秘。对于自己千变万化的个性,我不在听之任之,我将积极主动的控制情绪,从而掌握自己的命运。   I will bee master of myself.   我将成为自己的主人。    3   羊皮卷:坚持不懈,直到成功   I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈.直到成功。   In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance. The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.   在古老的东方,挑选小公牛列竞技场格斗有一定的程式、它们被带进场地,向手持长矛的斗牛士攻击,裁判以它受激后再向斗牛士进攻的次数多寡来评定这只公牛的勇敢程度。从今往后.我须承认,我的生命每天都在接受类似的考验.如果我坚韧不拔,勇往直前,迎接挑战.那么我一定会成功。   I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈.直到成功。   I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and plain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.   我不是为了失败才来到这个世界上的,我的血管里也没有失败的血液在流动。我不是任人鞭打的羔羊,我是猛狮,不与羊群为伍。我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者的牢骚,这是羊群中的瘟疫,我不能被它传染。失败者的屠宰场不是我命运的归宿。   I will persist until I succeed.   坚持不懈,直到成功。


The increasing popularity of the Internet, browse the Internet access not only to increase data transmission capacity, the network was the possibility of increased attacks, but also because of the open Internet, network security the way there have been fundamental changes in security issues more complicated . The traditional emphasis on a unified and centralized network security management and control can be taken by encryption, authentication, access control, audit logs, as well as many other technical means, and the implementation of their communications by the two sides together; because the Internet is an open global network , The complex structure of the network, the security ways. Internet security technologies involved in traditional network security technology and distributed network security technology, and is mainly used to resolve how to use the Internet for communications security, while protecting the internal network from external attacks. Under such circumstances, the firewall technology came into being. Firewall technology based on the precautionary approach and the focus is divided into many different types, but the whole package can be divided into the filter, application-level gateway and proxy servers, such as several types. 1. Packet-filtering firewall Packet filter (Packet Filtering) technology in the network layer packets to choose, the choice is based on the system set up to filter logic, known as Access Control List (Access Control Table). By examining the flow of data in each packet source address, destination address, port number used, such as the status of the agreement, or a combination of them to determine whether to allow the packets through. Packet filtering firewall logic simple, cheap, easy to install and use, network performance and transparency, it is usually installed on the router. Router is the internal network and Internet connection are essential equipment in the existing network firewall to increase this kind of almost do not need any additional costs. Packet filtering firewall there are two drawbacks: First, once the illegal visit to a breakthrough firewall can be host of software and configuration vulnerabilities to attack; Second, the packet source address, destination address, as well as the IP port number in the packet Head, is likely to be counterfeit or eavesdropping. Packet filtering or packet filtering is a common, cheap and effective means of security. The reason why GM, as it is not targeted at any specific network services to take special treatment; was cheap, since most routers offer packet filtering; was effective because it can to a large extent to meet the Safety requirements. According to the information derived from IP, TCP or UDP header. Packet filtering is not the merits of changes to the client and host applications, as it work in the network layer and transport layer, has nothing to do with the application layer. But its weakness is obvious: It is the only judge to filter network layer and transport layer of the limited information, a variety of safety requirements and therefore can not be fully satisfied; in many filters, the number of filter rules is limited, and with the The increase in the number of rules, the performance will be greatly affected; due to the lack of context-related information, can not effectively filter such as UDP, RPC for a class of the agreement; In addition, most of the filters in the lack of audit and alarm mechanisms, and management and user interface Poor; the security requirements of high-quality managers, the establishment of safety rules, it is important to the agreement itself and its various applications in the role of a more profound understanding. As a result, the filter is usually used in conjunction with gateway and application of common components of a firewall system. 2. Application-level gateway firewall Application-level Gateway (Application Level Gateways) in the network application layer protocol on the establishment of filtering and forwarding functions. Its application-specific network services agreement specified the use of the data filtering logic and filtering, packets of the necessary analysis of registration and statistics, the formation of the report. The actual application is usually installed in the gateway dedicated system workstations. Packet filtering and application gateway firewall have a common characteristic is that they rely on only a specific logic to determine whether or not allowed through the packet. Once the logic meet, both within and outside the firewall computer system to establish direct contacts, the external firewall may direct the user to understand the firewall"s internal network structure and operation of the state, which is conducive to the implementation of unauthorized access and attacks. 3. Firewall-agency services Agency services (Proxy Service), also known as link-level gateway or TCP channel (Circuit Level Gateways or TCP Tunnels), it was also attributable to a class of application-level gateway. It is for packet filtering and application gateway technology shortcomings and the introduction of firewall technology, characterized by a firewall across all network communication link is divided into two sections. Computer systems inside and outside the firewall between the application layer of the "link", by the termination of the two proxy server on the "link" to achieve internal and external computer Web links can only reach the proxy server, which has played an isolated computer systems inside and outside the firewall. In addition, the agency services in the past also the packet analysis, the registration form of the report, at the same time when the attack was discovered signs will alert to the network administrator, and retain traces of the attack. Application-based firewall is the agent intranet and extranet isolation, surveillance and isolation plays an application layer traffic. At the same time, often combined into the filter. It"s the work of the OSI model at the highest level, holds the applications can be used in all of the information security decision-making. 4. Composite firewall As a result of higher security requirements, often based on packet filtering method and application of agent-based approach, so as to form a complex firewall products. This is usually combined with the following two programs. Shielding host firewall architecture: the structure, or router packet filtering firewall connected with the Internet and at the same time a bastion of machines are installed on the internal network through a router or a packet filtering firewall filtering rules set up so that the fortress Machine on the Internet become the other nodes can only reach the nodes, which ensured that the internal network from unauthorized users outside of the attack. Subnet mask firewall architecture: a fortress on a sub-machine network, the formation of the demilitarized zone, division of the two sub-filtering routers on the network at both ends so that the subnet and the Internet and internal networks Separation. Subnet mask in the firewall architecture, the bastion host and packet filtering routers together form the basis for the safety of a firewall as a whole.


Extrusion molding process Thermoplastic plastic extrusion molding process is divided into four stages lesson. Plasticizing stage Through dry processing plastic raw materials by extruder hopper to join a nitrogen-treated barrel nitrogen-treated barrel, after the heating and screw rotation, compaction and the mixing action below, by solid powder or aggregates into uniform melt with some liquidity for the process plastication. Extrusion stage Even with the plastic melt plastication screw rotation was sent to a nitrogen-treated barrel in front, screw rotation extrusion action by extrusion die, on a certain shape mouth mode and get section and mouth model shape continuous profiles consistent. Finalizes the design phase Thermoplastic plastics in leave immediately after mouth mode, extruded plastic continuous profiles for cooling and finalize the design, or plastic in self-respect under the action of will deformation, appear sag or distortion phenomenon. In most cases, qualitative and cooling is finish at the same time, only in extrusion various bar stock and pipe, just have a separate qualitative process, and the extrusion film, finalize the design process, no single etc, if only by cooling can be. Extrusion plank and sheet, sometimes by a pair of roller planish, while rise to finalize the design and cooling effect. Cooling generally USES air cooling or water cooling, cooling speed on the plastic parts surface roughness, size shape accuracy etc performance has very big effect. Hard plastics (such as polystyrene, low density polyethylene and rigid PVC etc.) can"t cooling too fast, otherwise easy to cause the residual stress, and affect the appearance of plastic parts quality; Soft or crystallization type requires plastic parts in time, lest plastics deformation cooling. Traction plastic parts. Coiling and cutting Plastics extruding the mouth mode since, usually because of pressure from mold and happen suddenly lifted after inflation phenomenon, and cooling shrinks will happen again, thus make the size and shape of the plastic parts changes. In addition, because plastics was continuous extrusion, self-respect is more and more big, if not guidance, can cause plastics stagnation, make plastic thing cannot be smooth extrusion. Therefore, in the cooling at the same time, we should continuously will plastics derivation, this is traction. Traction process one by extruder auxiliary device to complete. Traction Traction with extrusion 人教版新目标初二下英语同步辅导(一)初中二年级下un...初中二年级下Un...speed speed will adapt to, general traction speed slightly higher than the extrusion speed, so as to eliminate the plastics dimension change, at the same time for plastics proper stretching can improve the molding quality. Different plastics traction at different speeds. Usually film and monofilament traction speed can be quicker, its reason is drawing speed, the plastic parts decreased diameter and thickness, longitudinal strength increases, elongation fracture resistance reduction. For extrusion hard plastic parts, traction speed cannot big, usually takes will drag speed regulation within a certain range, and to be very evenly, otherwise it will affect its size uniformity and mechanical properties. Through the plastics class traction in cutting device according to use requirement on cutting (such as rods, tubes, plate, sheet etc), or in coiling device made around a roll (such as film, monofilament, cables, etc). In addition, some plastic parts such as films etc, sometimes need to undertake post-processing, in order to improve dimensional stability.

化工原理 吸收 英文文章

Absorption, in chemistry, is a physical or chemical phenomenon or a process in which atoms, molecules, or ions enter some bulk phase - gas, liquid or solid material. This is a different process from adsorption, since molecules undergoing absorption are taken up by the volume, not by the surface (as in the case for adsorption). A more general term is "sorption", which covers absorption, adsorption and ion exchange. Absorption is basically where something takes in another substance.[1]If absorption is a physical process not accompanied by any other physical or chemical process, it usually follows the Nernst partition law:"the ratio of concentrations of some solute species in two bulk phases in contact is constant for a given solute and bulk phases"[citation needed]; The value of constant KN depends on temperature and is called partition coefficient. This equation is valid if concentrations are not too large and if the species "x" does not change its form in any of the two phases "1" or "2". If such molecule undergoes association or dissociation then this equation still describes the equilibrium between "x" in both phases, but only for the same form - concentrations of all remaining forms must be calculated by taking into account all the other equilibria.[1]In the case of gas absorption, one may calculate its concentration by using e.g. the Ideal gas law, c = p/RT. Alternatively, one may use partial pressures instead of concentrations.In many technologically important processes, the chemical absorption is used in place of the physical process, e.g. absorption of carbon dioxide by sodium hydroxide - such processes do not follow the Nernst partition law.For some examples of this effect see liquid-liquid extraction, it is possible to extract from one liquid phase to another a solute without a chemical reaction. Examples of such solutes are noble gases and osmium tetroxide。[edit] Other examplesAn old method of gold mining involves the absorption of gold into mercury.A more current use of this word in is reference to spectrophotometry where the amount of light absorbed by a chemical bond is measured.


去这个外文论文库看看有没有吧: <br><br><br><a href="<a href="<a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedirect.com/</a>" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedirect.com/</a></a>" target="_blank"><a href="<a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedirect.com/</a>" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedirect.com/</a></a></a> 有些文章可以浏览全文,标题前面有个绿色的小方格的就可以。有些不可以。<br>或者,直接输入“green,harmony" 搜索呗 <br> Green Spaces in Cities <br> <br> Where do children play? Years ago, any open field, any vacant lot, any group of trees -- these were the places where children played. As families left family farms, small towns, and the countryside, and moved into cities, the places for their children to play in became rarer. Children in the cities had few options, fewer choices of places to play. <br> In fact, all people"s lives change a lot when they move to the city. In cities, homes are built on top of one another -- in enormous apartment buildings. The feeling of private space and ownership no longer exists in houses literally piled one on the other. <br> Psychologists have been studying the changes people experience when they leave rural areas and move into urban environments. One clear finding from their studies is that people need green spaces for better mental health. Children can play on paved playgrounds. That"s true. However, they just don"t have as much fun as children in small towns. Without grass and trees and bushes and, yes, dirt and mud to get dirty in, children miss an important part of childhood. The human soul, it seems, needs to stay close to its roots. <br> Adults can plant lots of things like bulbs in window boxes and large containers. However, tending window boxes isn"t the same as being an amateur gardener and growing peas, tomatoes and salad greens in a backyard garden. The lack of green space is now recognized and understood as a problem. <br> City planners -- the people who design neighborhoods -- have begun to work on a solution. They want to build more parks, but land in cities is quite costly. So they look for land that no one else wants. Along rivers, under power lines, near ditches and highways -- these are the spaces that no one uses and they are everywhere. Why not use these unused spaces for green areas? Neighborhood groups have coordinated their efforts to clean up the trash or garbage. Soil from new building projects in the city has been trucked by lorries into these areas. This soil has been dumped along the sides of rivers, and strong walls have been erected to hold it there. Trees and bushes have been planted; the roots of these plants will hold the soil, too, and the green leaves make the area beautiful. <br> "People in and near cities have little opportunity to experience parks or unprotected open spaces, and that"s becoming a problem," says Mister Ernest Cook, a senior vice president of the Trust for Public Land (TPL). This organization was started over twenty-one years ago. Its purpose is to protect land and public resources for people. In the past nineteen years, TPL has completed up to a thousand conservation projects in Canada and the United States. <br> In Portland, Maine, the land along the old train tracks near the coast has become a green belt of trails between areas characterized by housing developments and those characterized by downtown businesses. To Mister Charles Jordan, the director of the Portland Parks and Recreation Department, it"s just a beginning. Jordan has plans for an environmental university -- a huge urban park (5,000 acres ). It will include different environments, from canals and wetlands to forests. Jordan"s plans include a network of trails and paths for people to use for excursions all over the city. He also wants to build a green belt from Portland, across Canada and the United States, all the way back to the Pacific Ocean. Communities across the continent could be connected by such a green belt. <br> Other cities have comparable projects. In Phoenix, Arizona, for instance, the sides of the Salt River bed that have washed away are becoming a park. In Baltimore, a long strip of land (which was used for dumping garbage) is becoming a series of biking and walking trails. These trails will link a dozen neighborhoods and the downtown business areas. In some cities, the bicycle paths connect every area to every other area. In Flagstaff, Arizona, a thousand miles of bike trails lead into the San Francisco Peaks, the highest summit in the state. <br> In other areas, planners have made places for bicycle trails and playgrounds, for public gardens and private garden plots, and paths for walking and running excursions. The costly result is a growing greenness in the cities and a healthier environment for all the civilians who live there. <br> <br> Environmental Protection Throughout the World <br> <br> Introduction <br> In most parts of the world, environmental awareness does not exist. The great majority of nations concern themselves with economic development, regardless of its effect on the global ecology. But in recent years, as environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets around the world. The following are a few examples of countries undertaking new environmental initiatives. <br> Canada <br> When European explorers first came to the New World, the fishing grounds off what would become eastern Canada and New England held abundant cod and other species. The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world. <br> Now, 500 years later, excessive fishing has reduced the number of fish to dangerously low levels. In response, Canada has closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species. <br> When Canada took similar measures to protect the supply of herring in the 1970s, the fish eventually recovered. But experts say that some species today have been so wasted, they may never recover. The government also faces protests from Canadian fishermen. About 40,000 are now unemployed as a result of the fishing bans and loss of their fish supply. <br> Costa Rica <br> This Central American country has one of the most ambitious programs in the world to reserve the ecological diversity of its tropical rain forests. Much of the country has already been clear-cut, and soil erosion has been extensive. But a series of new environmental laws, together with the creation of parks and nature preserves that cover one quarter of the country, are aimed at protecting Costa Rica"s remaining forests. <br> Brazil <br> Brazil is home to the world"s largest jungle rain forest, the Amazon. For decades, the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people. <br> But in 1991, under pressure from environmentalists around the world, Brazil reversed course. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects. <br> Cattle farmers, miners, and settlers have protested the move and continue to destroy the forests, although at a slower pace than before. The conflict enlarged last year when miners killed a group of Amazon Indians in order to seize their land. The government promises it will protect the region"s native people, but questions remain as to its true level of commitment. <br> Eastern Europe <br> The nations of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Republics, are considered the most polluted of all the world"s industrialized countries. Heavy metals from coal mining have contaminated much of the area"s waters. Rivers, land, and forests are so contaminated that many are now biologically dead. <br> In a special series of treaties, Eastern European countries and other nations, including the United States, have set up special funds for environmental cleanups and improving the region"s power plants. In addition, Germany and the Czech Republic have signed a treaty to protect the Elbe River from further contamination. Experts say the treaty could serve as a model for protecting other rivers in the region, including the Oder and Danube. <br> Ghana <br> Ghana"s population has been growing by 3.2 percent a year. This explosive growth has led to removal of forests in much of the country, and excessive use of existing farmland. Forests have been cut down at the rate of 278 square miles a year. <br> In response, the government has urged local villages to create more shared farmland. It has sponsored the growing of cash crops such as cassava, maize, cotton, and the planting of trees to regenerate waste land. Observers say the program has succeeded in strengthening the country"s agricultural base and bringing a new source of wealth to villagers. But it remains to be seen whether these measures will have enough impact to slow the rate of removing the forests. <br> Indonesia <br> Indonesians have traditionally favored large families, and their major religion, Islam, frowns on birth control. But with 188 million people, the country is now struggling to provide enough food, shelter, and employment for its people. In recent years, the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca, the birthplace of Islam in Saudi Arabia. <br> The government has succeeded in increasing use of birth control from 10 percent of the population 20 years ago to 49 percent today. As a result, the average number of births has been cut from 5.6 children per woman to 3. The government hopes to reduce this average to 2.1 children per woman by 2005. But with such a large population base, the country must still convert millions more to the idea of birth control if it is to reach its population targets.


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南海海岛的魔法 强大太平洋洗涤五大陆北部美国, 南美洲岸。亚洲、澳洲, 和南极州。它的水混合在东南部与大西洋和在西南与印度洋。它不是在大陆岸, 亦不在沿海海岛, 然而, 伟大的太平洋的灵魂被发现。它说谎远fabled 南海海岛驱散在巨大的海洋象星在天空的地方。 这里巨大干扰在地球中心导致山和火山上升在水之上。为上百年微小的珊瑚生物工作和死做数以万计环形的海岛叫做环礁。 清扫南海海岛的空气是芬芳与花和香料。明亮的温暖的天跟随清楚的凉快的夜, 并且辗压膨胀打破在一阵无休止的吼声在岸。顶上苗条可可椰子耳语他们昏昏欲睡的歌曲。 当白人第一次来了到太平洋海岛, 他们发现人民居住那里是象愉快的孩子。他们是似乎没有关心在世界上的高人和美丽的妇女。可可椰子和面包树果树增长在他们的小屋的门。海洋用乌龟被填装了并且鱼, 为网准备。岛民安排一点需要为衣物。有几乎没有疾病。 残暴和血淋淋的战争有时发生了在邻居部落之间, 并且独木舟袭击有时被做了在附近的海岛。坚强的战士喜欢战斗。许多岛民是食人者, 烹调和吃敌人他们杀害。这是他们的法律和宗教的一部分。这些野人, 然而, 通常是友好, 有礼貌, 和好客的。一些早期探险家是因此迷住与太平洋海岛, 他们从未re?turned 对他们自己的国家。他们喜欢停留。 翻译网页


大意如下: 人工In a randomized controlled trial, one group will receive a maximal intervention (= intervention group). 随机控制试验中,有一组会接受最大干预(我们称之为干预组)。The intervention group will be compared to the control group receiving a minimal intervention. 为了进行对比试验,对另一组进行最小干预。An inclusion of 350 patients in total, with a follow-up of 3 years is foreseen. 试验样本容量为350人,试验时限为3年。The inclusion criteria are age between 25–65 and insured by the Onderlinge Ziekenkas, insuring for guaranteed income in case of illness for self-employed. 入选对象的年龄必须介于25岁与65岁之间,Onderlinge Ziekenkas将对他们进行投保,保障他们因病待业时的经济来源。The maximal intervention group receives several prevention consultations by their general practitioner (GP) using a new type of cardiovascular risk calculator with personalised feedback on behavioural risk factors. 私人医生(GP)将通过一种可以反馈个人行为风险因素的新型心血管风险计算器向最大干预组的病人提供数次预防咨询指导。These patients receive a follow-up with intensive support of health behaviour change via different methods, i.e. a tailored website and personal advice of a multidisciplinary team (psychologist, physiotherapist and dietician). 这些病人将会享受到全方位的治疗指导,他们可以通过为其量身定做的网站或来自跨学科团队(心理医生、物理治疗师和营养学家)的个人建议获得有关健康行为变更的信息。The aim of this strategy is to reduce cardiovascular risk factors according to the guidelines. 此举的目的是为了根据试验指导精神,降低心血管风险因素。The primary outcome measures will be cardiovascular risk factors. 心血管风险因素是最主要的疗效判定指标。The secondary outcome measures are cardiovascular events, quality of life, costs and incremental cost effectiveness ratios. 心血管病并发率、生活质量、成本和增量成本效果比也是比较重要的疗效判定指标。The control group receives prevention consultations using a new type of cardiovascular risk calculator and general feedback. 控制组的病人们通过一种新型心血管风险计算器和常规反馈的方式获得预防咨询的建议。


国名  坦桑尼亚联合共和国(The United Republic of Tan zania)节日  独立日 12月9日(1961年)   国庆日 4月26日(1964年) 坦桑尼亚国庆日,又称坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔联合日。首都  坦桑尼亚的官方首都是多多玛(Dodoma),但是由于地理位置以及经济等条件的原因,除坦桑本国人之外,所有的人都认为达累斯萨拉姆现在是坦桑尼亚的首都。事实上达累斯萨拉姆不是坦桑的首都。达累斯萨拉姆1891年至1916年为德属东非的首都。1961年至1964年为坦噶尼喀首都,后来为坦桑尼亚首都。1974年,坦桑尼亚议会决定把首都迁往内地城镇多多马。 (这里有个故事,一开始坦桑尼亚把达累斯萨拉姆立为首都,但是当时周总理告诉坦桑总统说首都在海边万一打起仗来不容易守,迁到内陆打起仗来进可攻,退可守。于是坦桑才把多多玛立为首都,但是多多玛环境,交通都不如达累斯萨拉姆,所以几十年了,坦桑历届总统也没把真正的政治中心搬到多多玛,但是坦桑总统也会经常去多多玛开会。因为多多玛也有总统办公室)国旗  呈长方形,长与宽之比为3:2。旗面由绿、蓝、黑、黄四色构成 ,左上方和右下方为绿色和蓝色的两个相等的直角三角形,带黄边的黑色宽条从左下角斜贯至右上角。绿色代表土地,还象征对伊斯兰教的信仰;蓝色象征河流、湖泊和海域;黑色代表非洲黑人;黄色象征丰富的矿产资源和财富。国徽  图案下方的山峰象征乞力马扎罗山,山坡上的棉桃和咖啡等图案象征该国的主要经济作物。盾形图案两侧各有一只象牙和一男一女。盾面上的图案分四部分,自上而下依次为:象征自由和光明的火炬;坦桑尼亚国旗;交叉着的斧头、镰刀和长矛;蓝白相间的波纹象征该国的湖泊、河流和东临印度洋。底部的绶带上用斯瓦希里文写着“自由和团结”。国花  丁香货币  坦桑尼亚先令,1美元兑换1600坦桑尼亚先令。时差  比格林尼治时间早3 小时;比北京时间晚5 小时。人口  4000万(2009年)。其中桑给巴尔近100万(2004年估计)。分属126个民族,人口超过100万的有苏库马、尼亚姆维奇、查加、赫赫、马康迪和哈亚族。另有一些阿拉伯人、印巴人和欧洲人后裔。斯瓦希里语为国语,与英语同为官方通用语。坦噶尼喀(大陆)居民中35%信奉天主教和基督教,45%信奉伊斯兰教,其余信奉原始拜物教;桑给巴尔99%的居民信奉伊斯兰教。自然地理  面积945,087平方公里。由大陆、桑给巴尔岛及20多个小岛组成。位于非洲东部、赤道以南,大陆东临印度洋,南连赞比亚、马拉维和莫桑比克,西邻卢旺达、布隆迪和刚果(金),北界肯尼亚和乌干达。大陆海岸线长840公里。西北高,东南低,呈阶梯状。东部沿海为低地,西部内陆高原面积占内陆总面积一半以上,东非大裂谷从马拉维湖分东西两支纵贯南北。东北部的乞力马扎罗山的基博峰海拔5895米,是非洲最高峰。主要河流有鲁菲季(长1400公里)、潘加尼、鲁伏、瓦米等。湖泊众多,有维多利亚湖、坦噶尼喀湖和马拉维湖等。东部沿海地区和内陆的部分低地属热带草原气候,西部内陆高原属热带山地气候,凉爽而干燥。非洲之最  乞力马扎罗山是非洲最高的山脉,是一个火山丘,高5963米,面积756平方公里,它位于坦桑尼亚东北部,邻近肯尼亚,坐落于南纬3度,距离赤道仅300多公里。乞力马扎罗山素有“非洲屋脊”之称,而许多地理学家则喜欢称它为“非洲之王”。乞力马扎罗山国家公园和森林保护区占据了整个乞力马扎罗山及周围的山地森林。乞力马扎罗山国家公园由林木线以上的所有山区和穿过山地森林带的6个森林走廊组成。乞力马扎罗山四周都是山林,那里生活着众多的哺乳动物,其中一些还是濒于灭绝的种类。   乞力马扎罗山有两个主峰,一个叫基博,另一个叫马文济,两峰之间有一个10多公里长的马鞍形的山脊相连,远远望去,乞力马扎罗山是一座孤单耸立的高山,在辽阔的东非大草原上拔地而起,高耸入云,气势磅礴。乞力马扎罗山基博峰顶有一个直径2400米、深200米的火山口,口内四壁是晶莹无瑕的巨大冰层,底部耸立着巨大的冰柱,冰雪覆盖,宛如巨大的玉盆。   在斯瓦希里语中,乞力马扎罗山意为“闪闪发光的山”。它的轮廓非常鲜明:缓缓上升的斜坡引向一长长的、扁平的山顶,那是一个真正的巨型火山口——一个盆状的火山峰顶。酷热的日子里,从很远处望去,蓝色的山基赏心悦目,而白雪皑皑的山顶似乎在空中盘旋。常伸展到雪线以下飘渺的云雾,增加了这种幻觉。山麓的气温有时高达59℃,而峰顶的气温又常在零下34℃,故有“赤道雪峰”之称。在过去的几个世纪里,乞力马扎罗山一直是一座神秘而迷人的山——没有人真的相信在赤道附近居然有这样一座覆盖着白雪的山。乞力马扎罗山在坦桑尼亚人心中无比神圣,很多部族每年都要在山脚下举行传统的祭祀活动,拜山神,求平安。历史地理  古人类发源地之一。公元7~8世纪,阿拉伯人和波斯人迁入。19 世纪中叶,德英等国殖民势力侵入这个地区。1886年,坦噶尼喀被划为德国势力范围。1890年,桑给巴尔沦为英国“保护国”。1917年11月英军占领全境。1920年划为英国“委任统治地”。1961年12月坦噶尼喀宣告独立。1963年12月10日桑给巴尔宣告独立。1964年4月26日坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔组成联合共和国,同年10月29日改名为坦桑尼亚联合共和国,仍留在英联邦内。1995年10月举行首次多党总统选举。资源地理  矿产资源丰富,有8个绿岩带,地层大多属太古代岩石,历史上曾生产过近百吨黄金。已探明的主要矿藏有钻石、黄金、煤、铁、磷酸盐、天然气等。除金矿外,其它矿藏尚待充分开发。大陆、桑给巴尔及近海海域有若干储油前景良好的区域。目前已有多家矿业开采公司在坦注册,主要依靠外国资金和技术,其中大部分从事黄金开发。此外,澳大利亚、加拿大、爱尔兰等国公司在坦从事石油勘探;世界银行、欧洲投资银行等资助坦开发松戈松戈气田(探明储量300亿立方米),由加拿大管道公司负责建设。   森林面积约4400万公顷,占国土面积的45%,出产安哥拉紫檀、乌木、桃花心木、栲树等。水力资源丰富,发电潜力超过4.78亿千瓦。   旅游资源 坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆有一个著名动物园——米库米天然动物园。是十大国家野生动物园之一,动物全是自然放养,并且以动物种类众多著称,几乎保存了坦桑尼亚全国所有兽类。园内群山叠翠、灌木丛生、牧草丰盛、溪流遍布,是自然生态保存最完好的一个地方。   旅游资源丰富,非洲三大湖泊维多利亚湖、坦噶尼喀湖和马拉维湖均在坦边境线上,海拔5895米的非洲第一高峰—乞力马扎罗山世界闻名。其它自然景观有恩戈罗戈罗火山口、东非大裂谷、马尼亚纳湖等,另有桑岛奴隶城、世界最古老的古人类遗址、阿拉伯商人遗址等历史人文景观。   坦1/3国土为国家公园、动物和森林保护区。共有塞伦盖提、恩戈罗戈罗等12个国家公园、19个野生动物保护区和50个野生动物控制区。(中文的百度词典 上 翻译一下就行了 给分吧 太多了 传不上全部的啊啊啊啊啊啊 好烦 却是包不到底啊 不过 还挺全面的了啊!!!!1)

一篇英语文章“live a healthy life”

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一篇英语文章“live a healthy life”

Nowadays,it is fashionable to eat healthy food,such as organically-grown food,and do exercises to keep healthy.In brief,people are trying to live a healthy life. But what should be done to lead a healthy life?Different people have different ideas. Some say that leading a healthy life is having a strong body.Some people think being psychologically healthy is very important.In my view,it"s essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy. To keep physically healthy,you should do sports like running,playing basketball etc. Today more and more people are going to the fitness centers.There are some popular ways to keep fit like yoga which is a sensation in many big cities today.I think it is very useful for us to do some exercises every day.In this way,we can have a strong body. More importantly,to keep psychologically healthy,you should have a good attitude towards people around you.We often say:“Attitude is everything.” It means a good attitude leads to a good mood.In this way you can keep psychologically healthy.It is more sensible to have a positive attitude.When you meet with some hardship,you should not be sad. You should have confidence in yourself and do something to relax.You should say to yourself:“I can make it.I am one in a million.I am special in this world.” In this way,you will definitely have a good mood and work efficiently. In a word,leading a healthy life is a comprehensive project in a way. You should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.In our daily life you should do some exercises and have a positive attitude toward life. You can also turn to some specialists for advice.Only in this way can you lead a healthy life.


随着医学技术和社会福利、老龄是在很多人,不再是一个问题。 然而,仍存在smothing要担心的地方。 在心理上,有两个危险加以警惕,在年老的时候。 其中之一是过分吸收过去。 例如,人们有时会感到遗憾,这位好心的老朋友感到难过几天或是死了。 这些可能都是共同的。但是,太多的回忆可能会产生负面的影响。一个人的思想,必须有直接的未来,因为这将给予他们更多的希望,这是有一些事情要做。 诚然,一个人的过去是一个逐渐增加重量。 人们相信,一个人的情绪是vivd比他们更多。 如果这是真的话,内存应被人遗忘了。 如果它是被遗忘,它将不可能有一个为真。另一件事是,避免抱着孩子。 当然,您可以对它们产生兴趣,但你要控制emothions。 毕竟,他们是个人人都有自己的生活和情感。 因此,您可以关注他们,但是你不能妥为情绪


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