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应该是这样:亲爱的先生或女士,谢谢你送的文件的纠正行动. 请你明白,我们不能考虑任何文件,达美而不至少短期复盖英文信 这表明该公司的名称,登录其身分及T号码, 以及一个简短的通知,对不符合要求的附约. 此外, 这是不可能的,让我们考虑任何文件并不意味着建议和意见的英文解释 语言. 请你也为我们提供说明的程序进行,以确保实际的,每一天执行 要求英语. 改进未来沟通,又请问你的名字和位置? 我的名字叫纳丁kollmeyer ,我会帮助你在这一进程朝着符合千万年投产. 谢谢提前为你的合作. 如果有任何疑问,对你的一部分,请不要犹豫与我们联系. 此致敬礼,

确保这些食物是健康的 英文翻译

Make sure these food are healthy


He make suer we are interest in every class


ensure that the company run as usual


He took the first place in the English exam

第一名的英文怎么写 第一名的英文翻译

1、第一名的英文翻译是the first。 2、例句:He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another.一个小时、两个小时过去了,他不耐烦了。 3、Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。 4、The first and most important thing was to repair my relationship with my father.最首要和最重要的是挽救我和父亲的关系。 5、Thus the first workers league came into being.第一个工人联盟就这样产生了。 6、It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired.这是我们第一次承认自己累了。

第一名的英文怎么写 第一名的英文翻译

1、第一名的英文翻译是the first。 2、例句:He is impatient as the first hour passes and then another.一个小时、两个小时过去了,他不耐烦了。 3、Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。 4、The first and most important thing was to repair my relationship with my father.最首要和最重要的是挽救我和父亲的关系。 5、Thus the first workers league came into being.第一个工人联盟就这样产生了。 6、It was the first time we admitted to ourselves that we were tired.这是我们第一次承认自己累了。




Factor of mental healthrate of success




Transparent Yellow Puma Black Whisper White Oil Green Lilac Hint Pirate black soothing sea strawberry ice dubarry foggy dew gray heather/black spa blue/midnight gray heather spa blue midnght navy steel gray red bull blue透明的黄色的美洲狮黑色的耳语白色涂油水于格林淡紫色的暗示盗印黑色抚慰的海洋草莓冰咖啡色雾深的露珠使石南花/黑色变灰色矿泉蓝色的/午夜使石南花变灰色矿泉蓝色的海军兰使灰色坚如钢红色的公牛蓝色的




The factory produced electric kettle is the latest pop rapid boiling water and beverages appliance products. Applicable in the family, institutions and enterprises, and other units. It is rational, advanced technology, and has high thermal efficiency, and less power consumption, performance, reliability, safety and health benefits, for the vast number of consumers willing to do all services. Notes 1. Before the opening of this product, we must review power lines capacity for usage. 2. Not to sockets, plugs or splash water wetlands to prevent leakage, will be prohibited pots of immersion 希望我的回答可以帮到您

冷水壶 英文翻译 请专业点的 非字面翻译谢谢

这个一般用 water pot 来表示,没必要再加个 Cold 吧


【典故出处】: *** 《中国革命战争的战略问题》:「我们队伍中曾经发生过的反对准备的意见是幼稚可笑的。」 【成语意思】:头脑简单,让人发笑 【通用拼音】:you zhi kě xiao 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:幼稚可笑,作谓语、定语;用于人或事物。 【成语结构】:补充式成语


hunt or be hunted



货款已经收到 英文翻译

Goods Payment have arrived


Please inform me of the time when the payment will be done. Just a general agenda will be helpful. Thank you. 问的不够具体,是要两个公司之间很正式的那种?还是一般很礼貌的咨询一下


【典故出处】:晋 葛洪 《 神仙传 》:「便一一以手裂坏之,又画作一大人,掘地埋之,便径去。」 【 成语 意思】:掘:挖。自己给自己挖掘坟墓。比喻自己为自己的失败或灭亡准备了条件。 【成语注音】:ㄗㄧˋ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄈㄣˊ ㄇㄨˋ 【通用拼音】:zi jue fen mu 【拼音简写】:ZJFM 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:贬义成语 【成语用法】:自掘坟墓,主谓式;谓语、宾语;含贬义。 【成语 结构 】:主谓式成语 【成语正音】:掘,不能读作「qū」。 【成语辨形】:掘,不能写作「倔」;墓,不能写作「暮」。 【 英语翻译 】:dig one"s own grave 【 俄语翻译 】:рыть себe могилу <хоронить самого себя> 【 成语谜语 】:最会安排自己的人 【近义词】:自取灭亡、自投罗网、作茧自缚 【反义词】:自尊自爱 【成语例句】:蒋介石独裁、专制,其结果是自掘坟墓。 【 成语故事 】: 三国 时期,蜀主刘备准备讨伐东吴,行动前请人去找意其来占卜吉凶。意其来到后,刘备十分客气地接待他,并说明意图。意其不说话,只是在白纸上画很多兵马,一一撕碎。然后再画一个大人,在地上挖一个洞埋了。后来刘备东征失败告终

英文翻译 留下你的名字,我要给你立坟墓!

Leaves behind your name, I must set up the grave to you!


每款手机的出厂设置英文可能不同:Factory ResetRestore factory settingsDefult set




Product Qualification


safety technique tested certificate, office unit,basic knowledgetechnique conductionsafety conductionactual perform



质检英文 合格证的英文和质检(品检)的英文翻译是什么?

合格证 Pass Certificate 检验 Inspection 质检(职位) QC:Quality Control


合格证 quality certification规格 我不太理解这里的规格具体是什么意思。如果是产品简单描述,可以用description of product,如果是产品型号之类的意思可以用model,如果是指产品标准或许用standard更合适,当然specification也有广义的规格、规范的意思。数量 quantity粒 产品上大多用piece表示单位,或经常写成pcs,如果是胶囊形式的药品的单位,可以用capsule楼上几位应该都用金山词霸直接翻译的,不太合适。


one,ten,hundred,thousand,ten thousand,hundred thousand,million,ten million,hundred million,billion,ten billion,hundred billion,trillion.其实这些自己翻翻词典就能查到了.


I'm in shirt and shorts




《平凡之路》演唱:朴树徘徊着的,在路上的,你要怎么via via易碎的 骄傲着 那也总是我的模样飞腾着的,不安着的,你要去哪 via via迷样的 沉着的 故事你真的在听吗我曾经跨过山河大海,也穿过人山人海我曾经拥有着一切,转眼都飘散如烟我曾经失落 失望 失掉所有方向直到看见平凡才是唯一的答案当你仍然还在欢笑,你的明天 via via他会好吗,还是悲哀,对我而言是一天我曾经毁了我的一切,只想永远的离开我曾经堕入无比黑暗,想挣扎无法自拔我曾经想你 想他 想那野草野花绝望着也渴望着 也哭也笑 平凡着。。。我曾经跨过山河大海,也穿过人山人海我曾经拥有着一切,转眼都飘散如烟我曾经失落 失望 失掉所有方向,直到看见平凡才是唯一的答案我曾经毁了我的一切,只想永远的离开我曾经堕入无比黑暗,想挣扎无法自拔我曾经想你 想他 想那野草野花绝望着 渴望着 也哭也笑平凡着我曾经跨过山河大海,也穿过人山人海我曾经问过这个世界 从来没得到答案我曾经想你 想他 想那野草野花冥冥中这是我唯一要走的路啊时间如烟 如此这般 明天你在 via via风吹过的 如烟的 你的故事讲到了哪


他是希腊最厉害的弓射手,并能让已去世的国王EURYTUS为他鞠躬致敬,除了他没人能做到and could 那句主语是he ,最后的which是死去的国王


在南北朝时期(420 - 589)有一个叫长孙晟的(弓箭手)外号阿彻。有一天他同朋友一起去打猎。突然他们看见两只雕(秃鹰)在空中争夺一块肉。他的朋友给他两只箭,说,“你能射下两只雕?”长孙晟毫不费力地一箭射中俩只秃鹰。这个成语比喻一箭双雕

英文翻译 1这个篮子充满了水果 2红色常常使我感到有活力 3这间房子挤满了人 4我在处理友情方面的

1 this basket is full of fruit2 red often makes me feel alive3 the room full of people4 I in the treatment of friendship5 we have confidence on the exam6 I put the basket is full of fruit望采纳。


belief; faith 都可以 例如 If we don"t believe,belief isn"t the belief. 如果我们不相信,信仰就不再是信仰。They are purple, green, and gold. Purple represents justice, green stands for faith, and gold stands for power. 是紫色.绿色和金色.紫色代表公正.绿色代表信仰.金色代表权力.


don"t remeber sb.






1 我们什么时候去了市政厅? 【When did we go to the town hall? 】2 那一天是哪一天? 【What date was that day】 3 有多少人聚集在市政厅? 【How many people gathered in the town hall 】4 他们聚集在市政厅的什么地方?  【Where did they get together in the town hall?】5 多少分钟后,大钟将敲响12下? 【How many minutes later the clock will strike 12? 】6 在什么时候,大钟停了? 【When did the the clock stop? 】7 什么东西不动了? 【What thing did not move?】 8 有人去修理那个钟吗? 【Did anyone go to repair the bell?】 9 我们等了很久,情况有什么变化吗? 【We waited for a long time. Did the situation have any change?】 10 突然有人告诉我一件事情?还是突然有人喊起来? 【Did someone suddenly tell me one thing? Or did someone cry?】11 什么时候有人突然喊起来?  【When someone suddenly cried?】 12 我看了我的手机还是看了我的手表? 【Did I look at my cell phone or look at my watch?】13 谁不愿意迎接新年?  【Who refused to welcome the New Year?】 14 最后,大家都做了什么? 【What did everybody do at last?】 15 去年的最后一天晚上,你是怎么度过的?  【How did you spend the last night of last year?】16 今年的除夕之夜,你是怎么度过的?  【How did you spend this New Year"s eved?】 17 你会拒绝迎接新年吗?  【Will you refuse to welcome the New Year?】


release your life, and enjoy it。我认为inspir在这和你的意思不相近。


sometimes lyrics says more than what you wanna say.


We should stick to our dreams and never give up.


On Idol Worshipping在偶像崇拜中Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again.偶像崇拜不是一个新现象,但最近一些年轻人的不合理行为让它再次成为关注的焦点。Especially,a young girl"s father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is possessed by the idea of following her idol wherever he goes.特别是,一个年轻女孩的父亲自杀,只是为了唤醒他的女儿谁是附身的想法,跟随她的偶像,他去哪里。Some people argue that the mass media is to blame for the tragedy because it always shows a picture of glamorous movie stars.pop singers and all the other entertainers that young people desire to have.一些人认为大众媒体是悲剧的罪魁祸首,因为它总是展示迷人的电影明星的图片。流行歌手和年轻人渴望拥有的所有其他艺人。However,young people are just not mature enough to tell fact from fiction.Other people believe that it shows the weakness of our educational system.School pays much attention to students"studies and exams,but overlooks their psychological status.然而,年轻人还不够成熟,不能分辨事实和虚构。其他人认为这显示了我们教育系统的弱点。学校重视学生的学习和考试,却忽视了他们的心理状态。As far as I am concerned.the tragedy sends out an alarm signal to US all. The media,the school,the parents and even the youth themselves have to reflect on the issue and try to stop such kind of tragedy from happening again.就我而言。这一悲剧向美国所有人发出了警报。媒体,学校,父母,甚至年轻人自己都必须反思这个问题,并努力阻止这样的悲剧再次发生。

请让我崇拜 英文翻译


最崇拜 英文翻译

Most worships


而销售渠道联络去市场的人到目标买家,供应链描述舒展从原材料的一种更长的渠道到组分对运载给最后的买家的最终产品。 例如,妇女的钱包的供应链 开始以皮,晒黑的操作,削减操作,制造业和给顾客带来产品的销售渠道。 这供应链代表价值送货系统。 每家公司夺取供应链引起的总价值的仅某一百分比。 当公司获取竞争者或移动向上游 或者顺流,它的目标将夺取供应链价值的更高的百分比。 竞争 竞争,在营销管理的一个重要因素,包括买家也许考虑的所有实际和潜在的敌手奉献物和替补。 假设汽车 公司计划买它的汽车的钢。 汽车制造商能买 从钢的美国或其他美国或者外国联合钢铁厂; 可以去minimill这样图双方交换地图陈列两个党短缺清单的1-2 营销任务9 作为买钢的Nucor在成本节省; 能买汽车的某些零件的铝照亮汽车的重量; 或者能买一些设计的塑料零件而不是钢。 清楚地,如果它仅认为其他联合钢铁公司,美国钢太勉强地将认为竞争。


撇脂策略是来自于短语“从牛奶上撇取脂肪层”,当新产品在目标市场被认为占有绝对优势时,公司通常用这种策略来推销它。例如,卡特彼勒航空公司把它高昂的价格定在其构造设备的支持并且捕获它的极大感知价值。基因霉公司引进西利霉作为第一个有效的关于笨拙疾病的治疗方法。这种药能长年抑制病人身体的恶化并且能使人过上正常的生活,而其间每年的医疗费用超过30万美金。作为一种产品在人类生活周期中发展,公司可能降低其价格来成功的获取更大的市场份额。经济学家把这个称为“降低需求的抛物线”,并不是所有的公司都降低其需求,Genentech"s TPA,一种能够顺畅血液的药物,在其引进4年之后,尽管有来自同行更低价格的竞争,但仍然是2200美金一剂,撇脂策略见效很好,当这个市场愿意买该产品尽管它高于平均价格。例如,一些采购商认为卡特彼勒航空公司的设备远远要优于其他竞争者,因此卡特彼勒航空公司能够成功的赚取高额利润。当一种产品能很好的受到法律的保护,公司也能有效的使用撇脂策略。当公司能有技术性的突破或是有其他好的方法封锁其竞争对手。当生产由于技术困难、技术短缺或是有限的技术和时间限制导致不能快速的生产,管理者们也许会采取撇脂策略。只要供不应求,撇脂策略不失为一个好的策略。


一种工具QDF是这房子的品质。 7个基本步骤 (1)确定客户的希望 (2)如何好/服务满足客户所需要的 (三)与客户需要的产品怎样 (四)之间的关系,确定公司签约 (五)发展的重要度 (六)其他产品 (七)确定理想的技术特征,你的表现,并对这些属性的竞争对手的性能




no matter what festival it is,people would like to create a festive atmosphere ,it may be joyful and happy,or sorrowful and sad ,to achieve the purpose of celebrating.just as this good wish is driving,people have to be careful of their behavior .Some action and words must be constrained,in case it will destory the good atomosphere of the festival and wash away good luck ,but bring bad luck. so,the prohibition on the festival is generated.






Hot pot--- yummy

"让他改变主意可不是件容易事" 英文翻译哪个好?为什么?



你好,应当是这样的翻译才对的:然而,简单的话并不意味着一个简单的头脑。许多人已经成熟,复杂的思想。但这些想法出现乱码,太简单,因为一个小小的词汇。他们不得不使用相同的语言表达了太多不同种类的想法。结果:可怜的通信。正如马克吐温所说,权利之间的差异的词和几乎正确的词之间的差别,闪电和萤火虫。这些成人小词汇就无法表达的细微差别的意思。他们可能,但是,尽可能多的深度和洞察力,因为他们更善于辞令的朋友。不要解释,一半的员工与禽流感。虽然他们可能是出于好意,这种解释通常添加到申诉的愤怒,因为他们遇到的借口。避免详细解释什么是错的。相反,同意,道歉,然后转移到什么是做什么的。简单的说:“你是对的。对不起,你没有收到它。如果我能拥有你名称和地址,我会亲自把它在邮件中对你的今天。” 谢谢采纳!


waste 浪费, 进行时是 be +V.-ingwaste one"s time on sth./doing sth. 把某人的时间浪费在 某事/做某事 上例子 You are wasting your time on( playing )computer game .你正在把你的时间浪费在(玩)电脑游戏上。希望可以帮到您。

英文翻译:乔治学习很努力,他要尽量利用学习的机会,用到make the most of

George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn

向观众打招呼 英文翻译

Hello,every one ,my name is***,today my topic is *** 中文意思 大家好,我是***,今天我演讲的题目是***


以前我很内向,不敢跟陌生人说话,也不敢独自面对人群,只有在家人或朋友陪着才敢出去玩,常觉得自己穿着很奇怪,很在意别人的目光,直到有个朋友对我说:「每个人欣赏的眼光都不同,你要怎么满足全世界的人?」每个人都是独一无二的,我想我只需要自信和勇气去享受自己的生活. Long time ago,I was much introverted.I dare not talk to strangers,and dare not face the public.Staying at home by myself,I sometimes went out to play with the company of my family or with my friends.I always felt strange about my wearings,caring more about the others attitude towards me.Till one day,one of my friends said to me,"Different people have different appreciation or tastes,can you satisfy everybody in the world?"Everybody in the world id unique.I think you can enjoy your life with your own confidence and courage.

人民日报22日 关于“中国进入陌生人社会”的英文翻译。 原文附:



1.Read oher"s stories,just lead our own lives.2.Man proposes, God disposes


Our country is a one fifth of the world population, and GDP in the world, but also the China insurance depth, density is far lower than the world average level, which is the main reason of residents in our country insurance consciousness, national insurance consciousness to improve the development of the insurance industry has become a key problem. Therefore, the author of residents in our country insurance consciousness the cause analysis and put forward the corresponding improvement Suggestions in order to promote the healthy development of China insurance industry.

从陌生人变回陌生人 那就是我们的故事英文翻译

Begains with strangers, ends with strangers.That is our story.望采纳,谢谢

只爱陌生人 英文翻译!

Love stranger only just

与陌生人的对话 英文翻译


与陌生人的对话 英文翻译



We became the most familiar stranger in the world.

英文翻译: 陌生人之间在网上打个招呼,大意是“可以认识一下吗?”一般英文怎么说?




我发誓,我会保护你的。不会让任何人伤害你 欺负你。我要你幸福... 英文翻译



  经典 广告 影响着一代人,那么相关的广告词的英文翻译大概有哪些?下面是我带来相关的内容,欢迎阅读!    经典广告词 介绍   1. Motorola hello, moto impressive   2. Anerle sanitary napkins Aner music protection and thoughtful   3. Melatonin this year does not receive gifts, gifts received only brain white Platinum Platinum advertising despite the garbage, but the classic still pretty ad, almost all to see   4. TV people know   5. China Unicom to lead the future of communications   Metersbonwe not take the unusual way, Metersbonwe   7. Li Ning everything is possible   8. Coca-Cola Forever Coca-Cola, a unique taste   9. Kentucky Fried Chicken with KFC, a good taste of life   10. China Mobile communication is everywhere   11. Fiyta once owned, nothing to do   12. Master delicious delicious see   13. New flying refrigerator new fly advertising done, not as good as the new flying refrigerator   14. Ouni shampoo black hair, Chinese goods   15. Comfort good health promotion for the whole family   16. Nongfushangquan Nongfushangquan a bit sweet   17. Lenovo lost the world association, the world will be like   18 Remy Martin was the first to open, a good thing to come naturally   19. Nescafe coffee tastes great   20. ibm universal solution   21. Goldlion man"s world   22. Toyota cars to the Piedmont Road, there must be a Toyota car   经典广告词推荐   1. Guangzhou Peugeot car advertising language --- a new generation of automotive industry   2. Peugeot Maple automobile advertising language --- life dream can carry   3. Lobo car advertising language --- Hafei Lobo Road, the modern fashion show in the treasure   4. BMW car slogan - even if you split it down, it is still a beauty (foreign)   5. German BMW 7 Series auto slogan - life art only you with respect   6. German Mercedes-Benz advertising language - leading the times, control the future   7. Audi car advertising language - breaking technology, inspiring the future   8. US Cadillac car slogan - the power of speed and luxury blend   9. Franklin car advertising slogan - this is a car will never give you trouble Volkswagen advertising language - the value of a model car   10. volvo car slogan - care for life, enjoy life   11. Ford Motor Advertising - your world, from unbounded   12. Nissan car slogan - beyond the future   13. Beetle car slogan - the car shape has remained unchanged, so the shape is ugly, but its performance has been improved.   14. Toyota car slogan - car to the piedmont must have a road, there will be a road Toyota car.   15. Farther and freer   16. US Chrysler car slogan - you do not buy a car to consider our Chrysler"s car that you suffer, not only you lose, we also suffer   17. Fiat car slogan - to create a new era of Fiat, reborn, menacing, Super Leima 1000   18. Modern automotive advertising language - control of modern, achievements in the future.   19. Audi A1, with small see big. From the small and flexible appearance, to the simple personality of the color equipment; from the dynamic interior of the intelligent load, to the precise and comfortable power control - it will you for life"s great desire to focus on the subtle.   20. Audi A3, director of wonderful life. Confident and energetic and dynamic and clear, always the essence of freedom to break the usual driving standards, this is the Audi A3.   经典广告词精选   1. Agile and flexible, dynamic and excellent between the filling style ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan   2. C gravity wave with you ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan   3. Independence trend elite color ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan   4. The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster   5. A moment never forget ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster   6. Travel - ready to drive on the road ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster   7. Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster   8. Show hidden beauty ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe   9. Can the passage of time better? ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe   10. Performance on the road - agility and timeless elegance ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe   11. Free and smooth lines gathered in one place: with your heart ------- Mercedes-Benz CLS class coupe   12. The essence of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe   13. beyond the limit ------- a new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class   14. Le alone as the music of the public ------- Mercedes-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles   15. sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature ------- Mercedes-Benz GLK-class luxury medium-sized SUV   16. for the road born, the road at the foot of the new Mercedes-Benz M-class off-road vehicles   17. a world full of endless, from the beginning ------- Mercedes-Benz R-class "luxury sports station wagon" (Grand Sports Tourer)   18. leading, because the continuous forward ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan   19. The future of security technology has been used in today"s cars. ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan   20. conquer the target to climb a new peak ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster   21. From racing to car legend - Mercedes-Benz SL roadster   22. perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster经典广告词的英文翻译相关 文章 : 1. 世界经典中英文翻译广告词 2. 令人难忘的经典英文广告词 3. 2015年经典的英语广告词 4. 英文的经典广告词集锦 5. 经典英语广告词50条欣赏


本来我想翻译 当我看见 供货范围后面的东西时 我放弃了....


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 客户发过来的表格做得很。。。 “合计”那栏后面是“总计” 不知道应该怎么翻,同事说感觉total比sum级别高,所以: 合计=sum总计=total 但是他也不确定,所以来问问大家,谢谢~! 解析: 你同事的感觉没错!




依次是:Tissue asepsis vaccination pure sample room physics and chemical office precision instrument room sterile room pesticide residues freeze-dried microorganisms enterporise.


greet your business partners. Mr.johnson,at a trade fair 在广交会上问候你的商业伙伴约翰森先生。 对话: you: Mr.Johnson, long time no see! So how are you today? (约翰森先生 好久不见了 你过得怎么样啊 )Mr.Johnson: I"m good. How are you? (还不错 你呢) you: I"m good. Do you want to talk at the restaurant near by? (我也很好 你想在附近的那个餐厅谈论吗)Mr.Johnson: Sure. (没问题) 还有不懂的就继续问





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