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My Favorite(favourite英式)Season In every year,there are four seasons,within the four seasons,winter is my favorite.Although that winter is really cold and freezing,I love building snow mans,and having a snow fight,and many other things.The other reason that I like winter so much is because among one of the winter days,it"s my birthday.I love winter,and I love the snow!




直译:Since the stringed music has been played, how the winded music keeps silent意译:Now that the relation between husband and wife is discord,how can they restore it in other ways(既然夫妻关系已经失调,怎么能用其他办法去回复呢)注:琴瑟比喻夫妻关系失调


1铃声二日警报3型rington时间4 vib.attern五日关键的语气6menu语气七日对话框八日呼叫连接出9个服务10效力11个警报十二林格13报警14电力15闲置1自我desing-background/animation效应/时钟/日历/显示文本/埃姆特文本2条特殊的日子3scheduler 4to待办事项5vocabulary 6timetable 六全屏模式功率节省clovk /主要液晶模式查看液晶方面重点新闻7日呼吁抵达/开始纳特菜单式菜单theme-basic/special门menu-show/hide 字型字体设置kwangsu字体/哥特式字体拨号num.font siz -大字体/小字体键盘照明时间拨号选项-自动重拨/汽车区号回答otions开幻灯片/打开&新闻/新闻发送键关闭幻灯片龙新闻音乐键/释放earmicrophone-setup/rel 汽车answer-setting-ringtone/vib时间/自动回答方式迎接


The snow is very beautiful, I can play with snow in the snow, snowman,,,,,

英语翻译 从山上看,这个城市看上去很壮观

Seen from the hill, the city looks spectacular



请问各位英语翻译高手,中原和中部用英语该怎么说呢? Central Plains对吗?

中原:Area south of Yellow River中部:Middle


虽然冬天很冷,但冬天会下雪,雪非常漂亮,而且我可以在雪中玩雪,堆雪人,打雪仗英语翻译Although it is very cold in winter, but it will snow in winter, the snow is very beautiful, and I can play with snow, make a snowman and do some snowball fights in the snow, 最标准的,请采纳,祝好!

英语翻译 我认为冬天非常冷,但是冬天会下雪,我们可以一起堆雪人,打雪仗.

I think winter is very cold,but it will snow so that we can make snowmen and play with snow together.



位于。 躺。。 撒谎 。。下蛋。。 英语翻译,各种形式



Due to the current market economy, the company"s business downturn, we have to carry out layoffs


楼下理解错了,这句其实是这个意思!这句话比较的其实是jury和objective analysis所以,翻译是这样的,比起能够显示受害人枪伤的生动图片的客观性证据,陪审团们更具有证明力!我是这么理解的,楼主是否能明白如果同意我的观点,望采纳!


纽腰部下侧嫩肉udetcut 在有使它困难的效果或者 inpossible 逐放来自 asimple 的部份的一个部份上是一个压痕或者发射, 硬的, 二部份的形成. 和较小的牛腰部下侧嫩肉的一些部份可能够有柔性来从没有损害的模子被脱衣;许多有柔性的热后可塑性的材料能在模子喷出期间宽容 10% 紧张. 较大的牛腰部下侧嫩肉是不受欢迎的. 即使工具设计者充分地灵敏包括多部份工具或者家具的安排构思偏袒核心完成在成型上是明显的额外闪光或离别的线可能性. 在对一个牛腰部下侧嫩肉部份犯自己之前, 一应该确定它是必需的






As long as we think thotoughly before we take any actions and use the weapons of law to protect our own rights,we will to a certain extent avoid being victimized.


look before you leap

三思而后行英语 三思而后行8种英语翻译教给你

三思而后行,这句话的意思是:凡事都要再三思考而后行动。它的英语翻译有几下8种: 1、Think twice before you do. 2、Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully. 3、Look before you leap. First think, then act. 4、Look before you leap. 5、Second thoughts are best. 6、Score twice before you cut once. 7、Think well before you act. 8、Measure thrice and cut once.


三思而后行,这句话的意思是:凡事都要再三思考而后行动。它的英语翻译有几下8种: 1、Think twice before you do. 2、Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully. 3、Look before you leap. First think, then act. 4、Look before you leap. 5、Second thoughts are best. 6、Score twice before you cut once. 7、Think well before you act. 8、Measure thrice and cut once.


Live and learn.活到老,学到老。

三思而后行吧!英语翻译填空 Please ______ before ______!

think twice before leap


Think twice before taking action and use the law as a weapon to protect our legal rights will protect us from being injured to some extent.


好多表达方式呢!1. Thinktwicebeforeyoudo.三思而后行。2. Makeupyourmindafterthinkingitovercarefully.三思而后行。3. Lookbeforeyouleap.Firstthink,thenact.三思而后行。4. Lookbeforeyouleap.三思而后行。5. Secondthoughtsarebest.三思而后行。6. Scoretwicebeforeyoucutonce.三思而后行。7. Thinkwellbeforeyouact.要三思而后行。8. Measurethriceandcutonce.[谚]三思而后行。


这是一家私企公司,应依照下列条款: 1限制股份转让权应依照以下规定的方式 2公司成员的人数(所有合资股东算作一人,公司或分公司所雇的职工不应算在内,以前在公司或分公司雇佣的工人而后成为公司内部人员的人也不算在内)不应超过50人 3任何公开征集认购公司股份或债券的行为应被禁止 4任何公开征集在公司定期抵押款项或电话付费的行为,不论是否提供利息都应被禁止


Neither fish, can"t swim

英语翻译 “你的长夏永不凋谢”莎翁原句是不是Your long summer will never fade?

But thy eternal summer shall not fade


Type of company: limited liability company (sole proprietorship from Taiwan, Hongkong and/or Macao)


Xiamen is the best place to travel.

英语翻译 请问:“我们已经预定了2个房间.” 英文翻译怎么说?

We have already booked two rooms




中文:我在这儿预订了房间英文翻译:I have booked a room here.或:I made a room reservation here.解析:1. "预订"一词的英文表达为"book" 或 "reserve"。所以这里可以翻译为"booked" 或 "have reserved"。2. "房间"的英文是"room"。3. "在这儿"表示地点,可以翻译为"here"。4. 根据英语表达习惯,可以选择将中文的简洁句式扩展为完整的英语句子。所以这里给出了两种翻译选项:选项1:I have booked a room here. (我已经在这里预订了一间房间)选项2:I made a room reservation here.(我在这里进行了房间预订)两种选项在意思上基本一致,但表达方式略有不同。可以根据上下文选择更加切合的一个选项。除此之外,也可以有其他翻译版本,比如:u2022 I reserved a room in this place.u2022 There is a room booking under my name here. 等等。在表达同一意思时,英语的变化会更加丰富。翻译时可以灵活选择,并根据语境把握最佳方式。


预定时间Scheduled time


do well inbe good at


Many young people no longer choose a stable job, they are more willing to self-employment, rely on their own wisdom and the struggle to realize self value


go shopping?


缺点 [词典] shortcoming; defect; weakness; weak point; blemish; [例句]事事不免有缺点。Everything has its drawback.


How are you !I think you must be very busy and I am sorry to bother you.Could you please send the drawing to me when you are free.I will offer you our sincere service.I am looking forward to your prompt reply and best rgegards.


本月特价商品This month special


there are all kinds of goods. 希望对你有帮助


T-fal ZE5813US 550瓦特 榨汁机(不锈钢滤网 和 可用洗碗机洗涤的榨汁部件)白色原价139.99美金现在:61.99免运费优惠券:8美金有现货Ships from and sold by Amazon.com in easy-to-open packaging. Gift-wrap available.由亚马逊发货。易于打开Want it Thursday, June 5? Order within 18 hrs 27 mins and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout.若想在6.5收到,请在18小时内下单DetailsWhole fruit feeding tube管子可以放整个水果; 2 speeds for soft or hard fruits两种转速金属锁紧臂不锈钢过滤器;包括直接盛放与泡沫分离器1.25L1年有限保修


商品价格 [词典] [经] commodity price; [例句] Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market.

skill 英语翻译

skill 技能,技巧,技艺

写作技能的英语翻译是writing skills 还是written skills

writing skills or writing techniques: 1) Use writing exercises to improve your skills,increase your talent,and explore different genres,styles,and techniques. 2) Now,without further delay,the 34 writing tips that will make you a ...not that good at writer and I am always looking to improve my writing skills. 3) Good writing skills are essential for effective munication. 4) Improve your writing skills at WEbook!Writing techniques and tips on grammar,punctuation,and style.Poetry writing tips,fiction writing tips,essay writing tips.


The puppy love can lead to learning boredom and mentality is out of balance, to oneself health caused great influence.


其实就是 happy evering day


I want to go to an Englsih cram school

英语翻译 海绵加棕, 半棕半海绵

Sponge mixed with palm leaves -half sponge and half palm leaves .


你好!一个人厉害A man strong


overwhelm v. 征服,压倒,破坏,使不知所措;覆盖,淹没;打翻


上海迪士尼坐落在浦东新区Shanghai Disney is located in Pudong New AreaShanghai Disney is located in Pudong New Area


Reach ShanghaiGet to ShanghaiArrive in Shanghai(arrive in/at sp.)


Wear jewelry


大意: You are so great!Aren"t you great?



what the phenomenon ironically stands for is...

反讽的英语翻译 反讽用英语怎么说


你上网的时间到了用英语翻译 怎么说- 百度

Your online time to

作为中学生 我们应当注意如何安全上网 用英语翻译

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:作为中学生 我们应当注意如何安全上网 ?As middle school students, we should pay attention to how safe Internet access?希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

嘲讽的英语翻译 嘲讽用英语怎么说


讽刺的英语翻译 讽刺用英语怎么说

(名词)satire,sarcasm,crack, irony, mock; (动词)satirize; mockSomebody made a crack that cast doubt on the general"s courage.有人讽刺这位将军缺乏勇气。There is a delicious irony in all this. 这一切中包含了一种绝妙的讽刺。It"s a satire somewhat in the manner of Dickens. 这部讽刺作品有点狄更斯的风格。Fred ignored the sarcasm. 弗雷德对讽刺挖苦置之不理。The newspaper came out weekly. It satirized political leaders.该报纸每周一期,讽刺各位政治领导人。I thought you were mocking me.我还以为你是在嘲笑我。


what are the correct ways to use the internet.


A successful enterprise must first have the high quality product and excellent after sale service. This enterprise is the foundation and the key to win the favor of consumers. Like cleaning company"s Ivory soap, it security gentle high purity obtained American approval, for the company to win profit beyond imagination.Second, to establish their own brand, and make their own brand of win support among the people. A continually updated Prince series is a good example.Elaborate advertising is to expand the product popularity means. It can make a simple but high-quality products become a kind of fashion. Many enterprises through television advertising, sponsorship series or TV to countrywide consumer to sell your products and services.Make the right marketing strategy is the enterprise participates in the international competition the essential. China "s largest household electrical appliances manufacturers Haier Group Company is by targeting the United States market expectations of their students, and on leaving school will always cherish the Haier products to the United States and three major home appliance manufacturer to contend.。


三。发展消费和当地的基金5。这部分是建立在传统的国民收入帐户框架为检验制定three-gap模型性质的地方的资金缺口。Eq1表示一个熟悉的身份:(G-T)是财政赤字,政府的开支;G是难免的收入;Sp和Ip代表私人储蓄和私人投资;(M-E分别)是经常账户余额中,M代表进口,和E是出口。(G-T)=(Sp-Ip Eq1)+(M-E)6。Eq1提供了依据,为“two-gap”命题;它设想的经济情况一个savings-investment约束条件下,差距和外国的资金缺口(Chennery和Strout,1966)。给定一个增长目标,如果内部积蓄投资或约束如果美国的贸易顺差是限制进口生产所需,外国援助,在每一个的情况下,桥的资金缺口,有利于加快经济增长。而模型的支持者two-gap意识到别的约束对经济增长,该模型都集中在外国的资金缺口,并将其应用于定量检测为实现计划外国资源需求的增长目标的关系。

求助,英语翻译,翻译文字见下面: 多谢了!翻译好了有加分!谢绝机器翻译!





To eat with this spoon

英语翻译 ‘我认为要在两个小时内背出这么难的一篇文章是不可能的’怎么用英文翻译

I personally think it is impossible to memorize such as hard article in only two hours. 我个人觉得这是没有可能记住这么难的文章在只有这两个小时以内 (字面英文翻成中文)


翻译成almost impossible


顺便提及,带偏移预计会由于热的带展宽而随着温度的上升而下降,从而使高温下的空穴迁移率的显著恶化最小化,如图12所示 除了铅硫族之外,基体/杂质带对准的方法已成功地在SiGe系统中实现。[72]一个Si86.25Ge13.75P1.05样品的电导率通过在(Si95Ge5)0.65(Si70Ge30P3)0.35中使用调制-掺杂法得到了提高。Si纳米颗粒与SiGe基体形成适当的带对准,从而促进了载流子从所述纳米颗粒流动进入基体中。电导率的增强来自于载流子迁移率50%的提高。此外,热导率由于纳米颗粒的的热导率而可以保持低位。提高了的电导率与变化可以忽略的塞贝克(Seebeck)系数和较低的热导率结合,在(Si95Ge5)0.65(Si70Ge30P3)0.35中产生了在1173 K下1.3的峰值ZT。


The temperature is twenty-two degrees

帮忙把下面的英语翻译成中文。是电子专业的专业英语, 千恩万谢!!!


导热性的英语翻译 导热性用英语怎么说

conductivity for heat


我们专业女生很少英语翻译 你好, 参考译文如下。 There are few girls in our majors。 我们专业女生很少英语 Arizona is a nice place to travel. I am strongly eager to visit it. I hope this day will e in the near future Jim很少撒谎 英语翻译 Jim seldom tells a lie. Jim seldom lies. Jim seldom make up a story. 我们专业是做床垫跟枕头的,英语翻译 我们专业是做床垫跟枕头的,英语翻译 We are specially engaged in the production of the mattresses and pillows. We specialized in producing the mattresses and pillows. We are a professional manufacturer of the mattresses and pillows. 大家帮英语翻译`很少 See you up 有点“看见你起来”的感觉啊~ I get up and see you everyday. I always feel sorry to you. 网站上英语翻译很多,但日语翻译很少。 不管是翻译什么,最好只翻译单词,准确性会高一些~ 我们每学期放假的天数比它们少英语翻译 We have less vacation days than they have. 我们很少走着上学翻译为英语 We hardly ever walk to school. 以前我很少运动 英语翻译 Before I seldom movement 我们班的女生是男生的三倍 英语翻译 The girls are three times as many as the boys in our class.The girls are ice more than the boys in our class.There are three times as many girls as the boys in our class.There are ice more girls than the boys in our class. Our class has three times as many girls as the boys .Our class has ice more girls than the boys .l




what"s happen?

微笑前行 英语翻译

Smile forward


1,Although he has dropped plenty of courses, we Will help him. 2,we Will bestir them by playing a playlet. 3.whatever happens, we are supposed to smile at life.

英语翻译 还有什么其他的事情

Anything else?
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