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作为高三英语学习小组的负责人 英语翻译

As an administrator/a moderator of Year 12 English learning group.


31. Is it clear that doing this is a waste of time? (不知道你是不是这意思。。。)34.According to what I hear, I judge that Betty is getting along better with her classmates. (Betty 是女名)35. We should keep in mind that we are studying for China"s future.36.It is sensish to Brown admir wrong (不明白。。。)38.I get she look this esay when i come across Nancy(不明白。。。)39. Some scientists doubt that the sixth sense(第六感)exist.41 The increasing oil price will affect the speed of the worid economy"s development.42 The students are busy with the opening ceremony. 44 We can become qualified volunteers only by training hard. 45 It is unknown when the next man-made satellite will be launched.47 The trip to Suzhou left a deep impression on me; the beautiful scenery and delicious food made me forgot about going home.48 Students should be encouraged to ask their teachers questions49 And parents time is more long, the children is more clever(不明白。。。)31,36,38,49 实在不明白你想表达什么。。。抱歉!别的也可能有一些意思上的错误,请检查仔细再采用!


Teacher wu was in the classroom at his teaching experience and the student"s interest (combine)When the storm, the man who robbed ran like mad to curb the cabin (scramble)For three days snow (straight)We saw a car to curb sideaway (double),Your house is not sure for 20 yuan (definitely)The two girls are playing table tennis technology. (his)


A boy from foreign country uses two forks to eat noodles.


Air pollution is mainly caused by the gases released from factories and cars


英语翻译如下"Air pollution is mainly caused by air pollution from factories and automobile exhaust."英汉翻译包括英译汉和汉译英,是一门实践性实用性很强的课程。本课程除简单介绍中外翻译理论知识外,主要是通过对照阅读,引导应考者研究英汉两种语言的差异和相同点,找出英汉互译的规律,用以指导实践。

如何用英语翻译书名 《学记》

如何用英语翻译书名 《学记》 Learning /或者To learn 记,一般不译出来 如西游记: 1. Journey to the West 2. Pilgrimage to the West 西厢记: The Romance of the Western Chamber 如何用英语翻译书香馥郁 spiciness of books 如何用英语翻译 某某 is middle management of my pany,now is the general manager of the pany. 2004级如何用英语翻译 美语说"the class of 2004" 囧字如何用英语翻译? embarrassed? 象征如何用英语翻译? Symbol 象征 Symbol of sth 象征 Symbol for sth 符号;代号;记号 1. to symbolize; to signify 用具体事物表现抽象的意义 2.an attribute; a badge; an emblem 用来表现特殊意义的具体事物 象征性 symbolic; emblematic; as a token; nominal 象征性租金 token rent 象征主义 symboli *** 代表 delegate;representative;deputy;exponent;stand for 1. on behalf of; in the name of; in the person of 替个人或大家办事或表达意见 2. to stand for; to represent 被委派或被选举出来替委派人或选举人办事或表达意见的人 3. a representative; a delegate; an ambassador 显示某种典型意义或共同特征 如何用英语翻译地址 广东省深圳市龙岗区布吉镇阪田与龙岗镇交界处恒和百货对面B栋505 At the junction with Constant and department stores across the B-dong 505 of Bantian of Buji Town and Longgang Town, , Longgang District, Shenzhen City,Guangdong Province 如何用英语翻译“排放”? 排放:discharge; blowoff; blowdown; issue; let ; 1、discharge [英][du026asu02c8tu0283ɑ:du0292][美][du026asu02c8tu0283ɑ:rdu0292] vt.下(客); 卸船; 免除(自己的义务、负担等); 执行; vt.& vi.放出; 流出; 开枪; 发射; n.(气体、液体如水从管子里)流出; 排放出的物体; vi.(船、飞机等)卸货; (颜料、墨水或染料等)化开; 卸掉负担(或负载); 下客; 例句:The discharge rate of the steam boiler safety valves controls the ability to relieve the steam pressure in the abnormal situations. 锅炉安全阀排放量的大小,决定了锅炉非正常情况下蒸汽压力的释放能力。 2、blowoff [英][b"lu0259u028au0254:f][美][b"lou028au0254:f] n.排污;喷出; 喷出器; 大言不惭的人; *** ; 结局; 争吵; 例句:Many times these types of fans can be run dead-headed without problems and a blowoff valve is not required. 在没有任何问题的情况下,这些型号风机多次终止执行,并且不需要急泄阀。 1993-1998如何用英语翻译 英语中可以直接写1993-1998 或者from 1993 to 1998 如何用英语翻译以下: The manner cannot covet, for business may not deceitful, if wants tomake the good, in the hand is first rich




Happy women"s day 新年快乐


It is suggested that Government should apeal to people for reducing the emission of CO2 (carbon deoxide) in their daily life.


Fork 读 佛克


用结构︰cannot...too+形容词/副词此句型意为"再...也不为过;愈...愈好"。也可用"cannot do...too much"或"cannot...+too many/much+<可数名词>/<不可数名词>"。例子:You cannot be too careful when driving a car. 开车时愈小心愈好。We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning english.我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。It is wrong to think that one cannot make too many friends.认为一个人交愈多朋友愈好是错的。He thinks it right that one cannot make too much money.他认为一个人赚再多的钱也不为过。You cannot study too hard. 你愈用功愈好。One cannot be too careful in choosing friends. 择友愈谨慎愈好。You cannot quit smoking too soon. 你愈早戒烟愈好。




it is not too much for us to emphasize the importance of knowledge




每当太阳落山、蓝天出来的时候,父亲和我总是去爬我们家附近的那座山。走在一起,父亲和我总是有很多谈话这让我从他的里学到了他的经验。他总是告诉我,“你应该有目标就像爬山一样。"除了我们都喜欢爬山,我们没有更多的时间呆在一起,因为我的父亲很忙。我真的从爬山里获益良多.这让我有机会和我的父亲谈心以及培养我的耐力。 有一次我们爬上了一座很高的山。那真是一个挑战,因为我只有十岁。在最初的几个小时的攀登,我喜欢的花和树,和鸟儿的歌唱,但随着时间的流逝,我的双腿疼痛。我想放弃算了。事实上在那一刻我讨厌起爬山来,但是我的父亲对我说,“你总是可以在山顶上看到美丽的天空,但是在你到达山顶之前你还不能看到。只有在山顶,你才能看到所有美好的东西,就像在生活一样。”当时,我还太年轻不理解他的话。但是后来,我有了新的希望和信心。我发现自己站在顶点的天空,像水晶一样清澈晶莹的。


攀登的英语翻译 攀登用英语怎么说

climb攀登We shall climb the mountain tomorrow. 我们明天将攀登那座山。My hobby is climbing. 我的爱好就是登山。


Can not ride no rapids, no peaks are far from climbing


The attachment is for your reference only,please do not forward this email to anyone else. Forward后面应该加宾语. attachment前应该有定冠词.


I have the electronic version of the file on the attachment. If what you need me, please tell me


1 cainers甚disappeinted赔偿金 如果你想要知道更多,你可以上网 3帝国stata buijding是正确的,是你的前面 4那可怕的海啸造成的损失约2万人的生活 5请到收银台 6 tanami警告7能天气警报 8 stang在9号线将Recouds《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 11这是dangerons 10 E-home 12动作片13中东 14个非常重要的人在一15an为中心 下面的改为被动语态 16这是butlding。我非常喜欢它 17岁的约翰。studengt回答这个问题么 18要修理你的赛车。

英语翻译 排队用英文怎么说?

首先,我们可以用“stand in line”来表示. 另外我们也可以用“wait in line”来表示. 虽然和前者意思差不多,不过这里只不过它更强调等候,比如说:I patiently waited in line until it was my turn.(我耐心地排着队等轮到我.) 在比较混乱的情况下,叫大家“排队”该怎么说呢? 这时候我们用“line up”.比如说,公交车的售票员说的“不要挤,排队上车!”就是“Don"t push.Line up and get on the bus!”如果某天某个商店的衣服降价甩卖,人们争先恐后地抢购,这个时候售货员说,请大家排队,不要挤就是“Please line up!Don"t push!” 还有就是form a line;line up;classify;list;fell in ; 请注意,在英语“排队”的用法中,要区别英国英语与美国英语的不同: 1)queue [kju:] up:(英) 排队(等候); 如:The post office was really busy--we had to queue for ages to get served.邮局非常忙--我们不得不排了好长时间的队等候. queue up for a bus;排队等候公共汽车; jump a queue(名词):插队,加塞儿,不按次序排在别人的前面;(push in:英,非正式--插队,加塞儿); 2)line up (美) 排队(等候); 如:Line up,everybody!大家排好队! The men were being lined up for an inspection.男人们正在排队接受检查. The teacher lined the pupils up according to height.老师把学生按个儿高低排好队.

英语翻译 排队用英文怎么说?

首先,我们可以用“stand in line”来表示. 另外我们也可以用“wait in line”来表示. 虽然和前者意思差不多,不过这里只不过它更强调等候,比如说:I patiently waited in line until it was my turn.(我耐心地排着队等轮到我.) 在比较混乱的情况下,叫大家“排队”该怎么说呢? 这时候我们用“line up”.比如说,公交车的售票员说的“不要挤,排队上车!”就是“Don"t push.Line up and get on the bus!”如果某天某个商店的衣服降价甩卖,人们争先恐后地抢购,这个时候售货员说,请大家排队,不要挤就是“Please line up!Don"t push!” 还有就是form a line;line up;classify;list;fell in ; 请注意,在英语“排队”的用法中,要区别英国英语与美国英语的不同: 1)queue [kju:] up:(英) 排队(等候); 如:The post office was really busy--we had to queue for ages to get served.邮局非常忙--我们不得不排了好长时间的队等候. queue up for a bus;排队等候公共汽车; jump a queue(名词):插队,加塞儿,不按次序排在别人的前面;(push in:英,非正式--插队,加塞儿); 2)line up (美) 排队(等候); 如:Line up,everybody!大家排好队! The men were being lined up for an inspection.男人们正在排队接受检查. The teacher lined the pupils up according to height.老师把学生按个儿高低排好队.


on the top of the mountain

你应该下课认真复习 英语翻译 我要手工!! 拜托了 各位

答案是: you should go over your lessons carefully after class ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~麻烦采纳,谢谢!


Before the exam review seriously, don"t be nervous

用英语翻译一下 “复习上次学过的知识” 谢谢!

Review last studied the knowledge


serve the dish


How about to rent a new house?Do you mind to tell me your license plate number ?Tom and Jack like playing computer games after school.(Best wishes and I believe our English will be better and better<!)


疯狂动物城,Judy查完车牌出来后说了句:天都黑了Crazy animal City, Judy check out the license plate came out, said the sentence: days are dark疯狂动物城,Judy查完车牌出来后说了句:天都黑了Crazy animal City, Judy check out the license plate came out, said the sentence: days are dark疯狂动物城,Judy查完车牌出来后说了句:天都黑了Crazy animal City, Judy check out the license plate came out, said the sentence: days are dark

是一个英语翻译,当我听到He abandoned his children时翻译成他抛弃还是他遗弃



被宝贝抛弃了 =I got dumped by my baby/honey/sweetheart.My girlfriend/baby dumped me.My baby/babe broke up with me.My baby abandoned me.My baby left me.

英语翻译 不是我抛弃了你,而是你抛弃了我 英语翻译

It"s not that I discarded you but you did it to me!!意译吧。。。

我要为下周的考试而复习 用英语翻译

I have to review for next week"s exam.


be dumped again by somebody

丢弃的英语翻译 丢弃用英语怎么说

abandon, dump,throw away 都可以,

丢弃的英语翻译 丢弃用英语怎么说



review the books


你好!遮盖cover 英[u02c8ku028cvu0259(r)] 美[u02c8ku028cvu025a] v. 遮盖; 掩蔽; 涉及; 洒上; n. 封面; 掩护; 覆盖物; 避难所; [例句]Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。


fill in?


松露形巧克力你知道吗?在法国,松露是一种非常古老的黑色野生菌的名称。你只能在秋天橡树周围的地下发现它的踪迹。法国传统的方法是利用猪来掘出地下的松露。松露看上去呈黑色不规则的球状。它的气味和口感是如此的精细雅致,以致法国的每一位厨师都想用它来制作优雅的菜肴。丝毫不奇怪的是松露形巧克力会制作的和这种高品质的野生真菌非常的相似。松露形巧克力也是黑色呈不规划形状,外面裹有一层可可粉。为何松露形巧克力如此特别?味道浓郁的巧克力球外层裹上黑色的可可粉,松露形巧克力是如此与众不同。融化般的松露形巧克力感觉源于神秘配方对品质孜孜不倦的追求。松露形巧克力在唇齿间慢慢融化,释放出淡淡的甜苦混合的口味。优质精选的原料保证了天然并真实的可可风味。如何品尝佳客松露形巧克力?松露形巧克力是特别场合的特别之选。它特别适合被当作礼物用于各种节日场合如圣诞节,新年,情人节,婚礼喜节,生日聚会等等。分发一些松露形巧克力给客人,并在其上喷洒一些可可粉,心情的享受松露形巧克力带来的无与伦比的特殊风味。搭配咖啡,茶,苏打水,葡萄酒或利口酒品尝松露形巧克力风味更佳。健康元素可可是一种很有效的抗氧化剂并且富含锌,钙,镁,钾和维他命Shaped chocolate truffles Did you know? In France, the truffle is a very ancient strain of wild black name. You can only oak tree in the fall around the ground floor of the trail and found it. France, the traditional method is to use the ground floor of pigs to truffles unearthed. Black truffle looks irregular spherical. Its smell and taste is so refined elegance that every chef in France want to use it to create elegant dishes. It is strange that no-shaped chocolate truffles will be produced and such high-quality very similar to those of wild fungi. Shaped chocolate truffles also was not planning a black shape, wrap the outside with a layer of cocoa powder. Shaped chocolate truffles are so special? Rich chocolate flavor of the outer ball裹上black cocoa powder, chocolate truffles are so different form. Melt-shaped chocolate truffle-like feeling of the mysterious formula from the pursuit of quality.唇齿间-shaped chocolate truffles in the melted slowly, releasing a faint bitter sweet taste mixed. A selection of raw materials to ensure high-quality natural and true flavor of cocoa. 佳客how to taste chocolate truffles shaped? Shaped chocolate truffles is a particular choice for special occasions. In particular, it was deemed appropriate holiday gifts for various occasions such as Christmas, New Year, Valentine"s Day, Wedding Day HI, birthday party and so on. Distribution of some form of chocolate truffles to the guests, and some of its cocoa spraying, heart-shaped chocolate truffles enjoyment brought about by the special flavor unparalleled. With coffee, tea, soda water, wine or liqueur-shaped chocolate truffles taste better flavor. Health element But to a very effective anti-oxidants and rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins


Our country has a hung chage from 1978.

陪同的英语翻译 陪同用英语怎么说


英语翻译 “随着改革开放的不断深入”怎么翻译啊?

with the proceeding of Reform and Opening-up

伴我许久 英语翻译,把词性也说出来

With me for a long time

太阳能控制器说明书 英语翻译 高分

CQ dual controller timing procedures are as follows:(1) the unit time settingOften, according to the key 6 ~ 7S four LED lamp only a single bright LED, chasing has entered into the unit of time, according to the state of adjustment, set button again to facilitate unit of time, usually set behind LED to 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15S, unit of time delay 5S, adjusted for 1h exit.(2) advocate the lamp open time (night to extinguish the lamp light passes the time),Often, four LED by 2S buttons at that time, has entered, according to the set time again, if the user setting time buttons need light time six hours, set: 4 and 2 LED light can (4 + 2 = 6S), delay the 5S exit.(3) times lamp time (night lights went on to start time by time),Often, the two groups by 4S buttons, LED flashing in at the time has entered regularly, according to the set time set button again, if the user needs set times 10H lamp, set: 8 and 2 LED light can (8 + 2 = 10S), delay the 5S exit.(4) the steps above, must undertake after setting a set time effectively stores can be connected to the panel (day).If the above process, setting off electricity, time must controller reset。标准翻译! 哏简明了呀,真的。是在不行,俺没办法了,能力有限,不好意思啊。


40th anniversary of reform and opening up。一、改革开放的官方英文。Reform and Opening-up 。reform英式音标:[ru026au02c8fu0254:m];美式音标:[ru026au02c8fu0254:rm]。n.改革,改良,改造;改正。vt.& vi.改善vt.改革;重组。二、其他翻译。the reform and opening policy。三、相关例句。1、reform and opening-up, opened up a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.改革开放,开辟了一条中国特色社会主义道路。2、With the further development of China"s reform and opening-up, Chinese media have exhibited rapid development.随着中国的改革开放事业的不断深化,中国媒体得到了飞速的发展。四、改革开放相关短语。reform and open to the outside world 改革开放。例句:To expand the productive forces we must carry out reform and open to the outside world.要发展生产力,就要实行改革和开放的政策。2、reform and open up 改革开放例句:The Analysis of China"s International Payments after the Reform and Open up.改革开放以来我国国际收支情况分析。

改革开放30年来,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化 帮忙用英语翻译这句话

30 years of reform and opening up, our life has undergone tremendous changes


China"s reform and opening up is a national and national epic written by the Chinese people with both hands.


It takes much courage to reform and open up.

英语翻译 我们彼此陪伴


谢谢你用心陪伴 用英语翻译

Thank you for acompanying me wholeheartedly


改革开放40多年来英语翻译:Over 40 years of reform and opening up从1987年到2018年,我国已经迎来改革开放四十周年。回首过去,在这四十多年的时间里,我国可谓是发生了翻天覆地的变化,无论是经济、政治、还是文化上我国都取得了举世瞩目的成就。这些成就的取得,离不开党的领导和每一个中国人民的努力。知识拓展:改革开放以来,我国农村的贫困发生率逐年下降,到2017年末,贫困的人只剩下了3.1%,而在1978年的时候,仅有不到3%的人不是贫困人口,40年来,中国从世界上最贫困的国家之一,向整体消除绝对贫困迈进。这样的脱贫成就离不开中国40年来一系列的改革举措。发展生产、易地搬迁、生态补偿、发展教育、社会保障兜底等相关政策的精准推进,让贫困人口在收入提升的同时,生活也逐渐有了保障。中国40年来的减贫成就,也为全球作出了巨大贡献。根据世界银行发布的数据,全球范围内每减少100个贫困人口,当中就有70多个来自中国。中国国际扶贫中心从2005年至今,也先后为亚非拉以及大洋洲的63个发展中国家,培训了2000多名扶贫官员,提供可借鉴的减贫方案。十一届三中全会召开以来,我们党以巨大的政治勇气,锐意全面推进政治经济体制改革,坚持实践是检验认识真理性的唯一标准,带领中国人民走向繁荣富强。在这四十多年的时间里,我国不断发展经济、政治、文化、教育、军事、生态建设等方面的发展。




改革开放:reform and opening-up出国潮:craze for going abroad主力军: main force




So as soon as we use phone accurately and measurablyuff0cit will serve us better.


in 2050,China will be one of the midest developed countries.

适度地的英语翻译 适度地用英语怎么说

适度地moderatelyreasonablymeasurablywithin limitsmildly

银行流水中 快捷的英语翻译

swiftpaymenttransfer to other banksremit from other bank




introduce each otherIt"s good for sbadvise sb to do sthfail to do sthat a crossingto do sth as quick as possibletake action as followhang out in the dayevery yeardue to this yearspeak fluent/good Franchmake an excuse forwarn sb not to do sthBeijing TV stationhistorial relicsGermenIt"s ok that I have no star in my play.The school is well equiped.Improve your English in reading and writing especialy in listening and speaking.experts have made great contribution in founding nation.It is the biggest challenge all over the world.Thank to those who devoted to the enviornmental protection.Nothing in the world is difficult.it has pleasant climate , convenient transportaion and a variety of tourism and cultural resources It took 18hundred million RMB to improve the working environment of those miner workers.


In the year of 2025,all the robots from Japan are working.


cultivate the students" creativity


1. Accelerate estabilishing a resource-economizing and a environment-friendly society to promote Chinese economy and social sustainable development comprehensively.2 How to understand three types of economy as follows:Recycle economy, Low carbon economy and Green economy.3. How to solve the disagreement with energy resource development. 4. what experience does The European Union have when facing to adjust energy resource structure. 5. Which kinds of challenge to face for achieving low carbon development 6. Explore the new chapter/method/way to make coordinated development between ecology and economy.您看这样行吗?如有问题可以再问我。


斯人若彩虹Ruo rainbowrainbow 英[u02c8reu026anbu0259u028a] 美[u02c8reu026anbou028a] n. 彩虹; adj. 五彩缤纷的; 彩虹状的; vt. 使呈彩虹状; [例句]Oh look, a rainbow!看哪,彩虹![其他] 复数:rainbows

培养积极性 用英语翻译

cultivating initiative


Education Level (尤指经过教育培养,潜移默化) Training Level (尤指经过技能训练,较有针对性)

培养新的兴趣 用英语翻译

cultivate/nurture new interests


以下为精选英语句子及翻译:1、苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。The vast land to do pull broken sword, where bustling complains drop.2、不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。When there"s no expectation, losing won"t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.3、记住从现在开始,多想想你拥有的,而不是你想要的。如果你这样做,你的生活就会比以前更美好,或许你生平第一次懂得了心满意足的含义。Make a note to yourself to start thinking more about what you have than what you want . If you do , your life will start appearing much better than before . For perhaps the first time in your life , you"ll know what it means to feel satisfied.4、人生在世总要做出一番事业,不管事业是大是小,总要让社会承认你的价值才不算枉活一世。A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.5、愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!


Training independent ability

如释重负的英语翻译 如释重负用英语怎么说



我写信询问有关修正烟囱高度体育qossibility上放置的一台你的报纸在夏季时期。我听到我的同事说,你有时对工作经验的学生在暑假期间参加。 Myfriend和他的同事为你杰克怀特去年夏天。我来自利物浦,但目前我正在体育新闻上午在兰开斯特University.I完成我的第二年的研究,我将在利物浦回声工作在七,八月感兴趣。我的主要专长是球拍,但我很高兴在一个工作点的全部范围。我知道利物浦和当地的体育场景vety好,当我慢慢长大,直到我去了univetsity除了弗朗运动,我特别喜欢电影和摄影。我能支持我的照片时,需要适当的新闻写作。荫围从我的工作我的写作过程中的一些例子,包括在斯诺克,从而赢得了结束的最后一届任期奖妇女专题文章。我目前工作的一个关于条例草案shankley对利物浦足球的影响,文章,我很hopiing在利物浦的报纸刊登我目前为一家报纸刊登寻找它。我住在兰开斯特至本月底。我的父母仍然住在Livetpool,所以我访问那里逗留期间定期休假那里。因此,我availadle一个随时面试。感谢您对本application.I考虑你期待着您的回音。此致

做饭的英语翻译 要3种

做饭 1.cook dinner 3.make dinner 2.do the cooking 4.cook the meal 解析: meal [mi:l] n. 一餐,一顿饭;膳食 vi. 进餐 短语: 短语 1. make a meal of a. [口语] b. 吃一顿,吃一餐 c. 小题大作;做得太过分 d. 使(任务)看来异常费力 e. [英国口语]充分利用 2. meels on wheels(政府资助的私人组织每天把热饭送到孤寡老人或残疾人家中的)汽车送餐服务 3. square meal使人吃饱的一餐,丰盛的一餐 4. stand-up meal站着吃的便餐 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校

烹调的英语翻译 烹调用英语怎么说



friendship will LAST forever

做饭的英语翻译 要3种 急!!!!!!!!!!

.to prepare food; to prepare a meal; to make dinner; to cook


the American turns back and walks 20 steps then turns around and shoots.the apple is shooted,he says proudly,"I"m Hunter." the Japanese puts another apple on his head. the English turns back and walks 50 steps then turns around and shoots.the apple is shooted,he says proudly,"I"m HBoon." the Japanese puts another apple on his head. the Chinese turns back and walks 3 steps then turns around and shoots.his head is shooted.and the Chinese says proudly,"I"m sorry."回答者:enya橙紫 - 江湖新秀 四级 3-18 16:32


最后一句话,eats shoots and leaves 原意是吃嫩枝和树叶但是你把这三个词分开理解就是, eats 吃 shoot 开枪的意思 leave 就是离开 意思熊猫就是应该吃,然后开枪,然后离开
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