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Wu Gang"s expelling Gui.Legend has it that there are Gui trees in the moon, and Huainanzi has said that there are Gui trees in the moon. Later legends are more specific. Wu Gang, a person who expelled Gui trees, was added beside the Gui tree. The legend of Osmanthus in the middle of the month and Wu Gang is the most specific one contained in the first volume of the Tang Dynasty Duan Cheng-shi"s Youyang Miscellaneous Figures, Tian Ji, which says, "There are laurels and toads in the old saying.so the different book says that laurel is five hundred feet tall, and there is a person under it who is often in the middle of the book, and the tree is created with each other." My name is Wu Minggang, a native of Xihe River, who learned immortality and ordered tree cutting. It means that Wu Gang followed the immortal to the heavenly realm, but he made a mistake and the immortal sent him to the moon and ordered him to cut down the immortal tree laurel. Laurel is as high as 500 Zhang, which is the punishment for Wu Gang.