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2023-07-21 16:11:33








MFD是英文manufactured date的缩写,意思为制造日期. MFG是英文manufacturing的缩写,意思为制造业至于网用语就不提.....
2023-07-21 11:51:435


2023-07-21 11:52:452


问题一:制造业用英语怎么说 Manufacturing industries可能更清楚 问题二:高端制造业 用英语怎么说 高端制造业 用英语 是high-end manufacturing 高端的英语是high-end 制造业英语是 manufacturing 问题三:“制造业大国”用英语怎么拼写 10分 Large manufacturing country 问题四:“中国制造2025”用英文怎么说 “中国制造2025” China manufacturing 2025 “中国制造2025” China manufacturing 2025 问题五:“机械制造业”用英语怎么说啊? Machinery Manufacture Industry 问题六:制造 加工 用英文怎么说? manufacture process 问题七:制造的英文怎么翻译 &l钉;created> 问题八:中国制造用英文怎么说? Made in China是最简洁最常见的表示法 问题九:制造业用英语怎么说 Manufacturing industries可能更清楚 问题十:高端制造业 用英语怎么说 高端制造业 用英语 是high-end manufacturing 高端的英语是high-end 制造业英语是 manufacturing
2023-07-21 11:53:041

Manufacturing Chart是什么意思

  Manufacturing Chart的中文翻译  Manufacturing Chart  制造业图  双语例句  1  Besides, the manufacturing chart and adjusting method of worm wheels are also described.  文中列出了蜗杆传动设计公式,阐述了蜗轮付制造工艺和检验、调整方法。  2  Write to lose weight diary. Manufacturing cards or chart, identify the number of your weight loss plan and completion status.  写减肥日记。制造卡片或图表,标出你计划体重下降的数字和完成状况。
2023-07-21 11:53:121


manufacturing technique
2023-07-21 11:53:214


2023-07-21 11:53:294


制造业的英文是"manufacturing industry"。这个词指的是制造商将原材料或零件转化成实际产品的行业,通常包括加工、组装和分配等过程。以下是例句:The manufacturing industry is a critical part of many countries" economies.(制造业是许多国家经济体系的重要组成部分。)The introduction of automation has revolutionized the manufacturing industry in recent years.(近年来,自动化技术的引入彻底改变了制造业。)The high cost of labor and transportation has led some companies to move their manufacturing operations overseas.(高昂的劳动力及运输成本促使有些公司将制造业务转移到海外。)Advances in 3D printing have opened up new possibilities for the manufacturing industry.(三维打印技术的进步为制造业带来了新的可能性。)Quality control is essential in the manufacturing industry to ensure that products meet safety standards and customer expectations.(质量控制在制造业非常重要,以确保产品符合安全标准和客户期望。)The demand for environmentally friendly products has increased, leading the manufacturing industry to develop new sustainable manufacturing methods.(对环保产品的需求增加,促使制造业开发新的可持续制造方法。)The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the global manufacturing industry, disrupting supply chains and causing production delays.(COVID-19 疫情对全球制造业产生了重大影响,破坏了供应链并导致了生产延迟。)
2023-07-21 11:53:361

technology manufacturing是什么意思

2023-07-21 11:54:152


2023-07-21 11:54:3511


2023-07-21 11:55:013


MFG,是鼎晟创新发展(深圳)有限公司旗下高端写字楼运营服务商品牌。MFG于2011年在深圳成立,专注高端写字楼运营管理,为资产持有方提供资产管理咨询服务、产品设计与资产再造(装修及智能化建设)的实施服务、招商及后期运维等一体化的资产管理服务,为企业从初创、成长到成熟期的全生命周期提供灵活多选的服务式办公空间及定制化办公解决方案。目前,MFG已布局北京、深圳、广州、上海、杭州、宁波、武汉、长沙、成都、重庆、西安11个核心一线、新一线城市。MFG以一个企服中心、四大服务平台、十八项服务板块、六十四项服务内容,为企业创造更加高效、智能、精准的发展支持平台。参考资料:百度百科词条 - MFG
2023-07-21 11:55:282


生产制造执行系统(MES MANUFACTURING EXECUTION SYSTEM)是位于上层计划管理系统与底层工业控制之间的、面向车间层的管理信息系统。早在1990年美国先进制造研究协会(AMR)就对其进行了严格的定义,并提出了MES三层结构集成模型:具有管理性、结构性的计划层;对生产计划实施以及生产过程进行动态管理控制的执行层;对设备状态进行控制的控制层。MES是一套面向制造企业车间执行层的生产信息化管理系统,可以从“人机料法环测”六方面对生产车间进行全面监控。1、人:员工管理,MES系统在实际生产中可帮助企业节约人力成本。2、机:设备作为企业生产重要工具,MES系统可对设备进行管控,实时掌控设备情况。3、料:实现工位物料错装、漏装等防错管理,做到不堆料、不缺料、不错料。4、法:实现生产标准工艺指示。5、环:实现质量管理闭环。6、测:对最终产品质量进行把控。从原材料的入库上架、生产计划排产、计划下发,到试制试装、加工、装配,到半成品、成品、返修,到下线、包装、发货,MES系统可监控生产全景。同时在生产过程中系统提供数据采集的功能,记录生产过程中设备、生产、质量、人员、报警等多项数据并用于最终产品形成数据包储存进系统中,用于后续的跟踪、查询和分析,从而提高生产效率,降低生产成本,提高产品质量。目前MES系统已经应用到生产的很多方面,智源MES 也在这个应用的过程中不断的叠加总结,不断为企业带来价值。1.生产管控方面,通过智能的生产控制,降低标准偏差,保证生产的连续稳定及联动处理及时性;2.工艺优化方面,通过生产工艺优化,协同防错,可以最大的降低生产成本;3.质量追溯方面,围绕产品谱系,构建生产过程数据质量的监测和分析,可实时把控质量精度,实现精准追溯;4.资产管理方面,实时覆盖监控资产设备,保证资产设备可靠运行,降低停机检修。
2023-07-21 11:56:013

高端制造业 用英语怎么说

high-end manufacturing
2023-07-21 11:56:452


2023-07-21 11:57:056


2023-07-21 11:57:223

谷歌翻译manufacturing incorporated的中文意思。

2023-07-21 11:57:394

contract manufacturing是什么意思

2023-07-21 11:57:472

钻石内含物有,pinpoint,manufacturing remnant求解严重吗?

钻石内的pinpoint和manufacturing remnant是一种自然瑕疵,可能会对钻石的净度和光学效果产生影响。下面是一些关于这些内含物的信息:1. Pinpoint:Pinpoint是一种非常小的点状内含物,通常是由于在钻石形成过程中捕获的微小矿物或气泡所形成的。它们可能会对钻石的透明度和亮度产生一定的影响,但通常不会对钻石的价值产生太大的影响,因为它们通常太小而无法在肉眼下看到。2. Manufacturing remnant:Manufacturing remnant是指在钻石生产过程中留下的痕迹或杂质。这些内含物可能会影响钻石的净度和光学效果,因为它们可能会在钻石内部形成阴影或阻碍光线通过。这些内含物的存在可能会影响钻石的价值,但通常不会对钻石的坚固性或持久性产生太大的影响。总的来说,这些内含物的存在可能会对钻石的品质产生一定的影响,但具体的影响程度需要根据内含物的具体情况来评估。如果您对钻石有疑虑或想要了解更多关于钻石的信息,建议咨询专业的钻石鉴定师或珠宝专家。
2023-07-21 11:57:562

manufacturing mode是什么意思

manufacturing mode制造模式请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-21 11:58:132


MANUFACTURING 通常是指公司的业务, 关系到厂房生产. 此类公司, 一定有设置公厂, 生产该公司主要出售的物品. 过程较复杂, 就如制衣的MANUFACTURING. 就要动用不同的采购员, 去选布料, 等原财料, 或颜料. 安排去工场加工. 也要动用成本会计员, 计算多种材料生成的产品, 可以 卖多少钱. 为之价钱合理. 而因为, 设置厂房, 也要雇用很多技工, 这类公司的成本 支出都会较大, 又要另雇用管工, 看管工作进度. 和看管 货物数量. 总之, 这类公司, 是生产到成品出售, 一条龙模式的. 雇用的员工, 都会较多. 公司都会较大间. 能付得如此 大的开支, 多是大公司. =================================================== 而TRADING. 不一定有工厂. 好多时, 只是做中间人的角式. 只会找成品, 或原材料个别购入, 然后再找买家, 高价出售. 简单d讲. 此类公司, 只会从买卖相方, 吞食差价获利. 而不像MANUFACTURING会有生产成本的费用出现. 由于中国香港仍然是中国进出口贸易的桥梁, 所以中国香港是有很多 没有工厂和什至没有货存的公司维生. 只靠trading为生的公司, 都会以进出口贸为主. 不像MANUFACTURING, 如卡乐b零食, 只会做本地零售. 他们能够找到卖家, 和客源. 是因为资金够大. 交易够多. 就如, 你可以不时听到, 某外国品牌, 有中国香港代理独家发售. 由于没有生产成本所限, 所以能获利不少. 此类公司需要 雇用的劳工人数, 都会相对较少. 通常都是小公司. ============================================== 你了解后, 当然, 就可以明白.MANUFACTURING & TRADING 两者可以存在, 或两者同时运作经营都可以. 因为, 有些公司, 是买半制成品再加工. 又或者, 公司有厂房, 同时进行海外买卖. 好像sony的东西. 全亚洲都有售但又有设置工场的. 就可以叫MANUFACTURING & TRADING 性质两者并存.,MANUFACTURING & TRADING 公司性质分别在.............唔知呀..,
2023-07-21 11:58:441


2023-07-21 11:59:021

manufacturing overhead 是什么意思

2023-07-21 11:59:193


production 是名词 生产 manufacturing 是名词 生产 形容词:制造业 还有看情况,两个是同义词 像生产和制造
2023-07-21 11:59:361

construction manufacturing 是什么意思

Construction : 建设 - 形容用人力来制造建筑 Construction generally refers to the creation of physical structures such as buildings, bridges or roadways. Manufacturing: 制造- 形容制造产品Manufacturing typically refers to the production of finished goods sold to distributors, retailers or consumers.
2023-07-21 11:59:431


MFG-DATE制造日期双语例句:1. Maintain product BOM according to technical BOM in MFG system. 根据物料清单在MFG系统中维护物料产品.2. Analyses labour rate, labour cost, efficiency and Mfg. Contribution. 分析工时率 、 工时成本 、 效率及工厂制造贡献.3. Under these guidelines, ELE MFG Corp. will become better and better. 在此指导下, 益而益电器一定会越来越好,越来越高.
2023-07-21 11:59:542


My Fking God
2023-07-21 12:01:118

manufacturing department是什么意思

manufacturing department 制造部门 生产部;生产制造部;一厂制造部例句筛选1.The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the storage, packagingand preservation of products in production prior to warehousing.制造部负责在制品入库前的贮存、包装、防护工作。2.The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the storage andmanagement of the products in production.制造部负责在制品的贮存管理。
2023-07-21 12:02:121

manufacturing facility是什么意思?!

2023-07-21 12:02:193

Manufacturing Manager和Production Manager有何区别

一个管制成,一个管生产。制成就是用什么方法去制造一个产品,挺专业,打一个螺丝的电批用的扭力也要控制,就是给production的人去严格follow的制成程序的人。Production manager属于生产范畴的,生产范畴的员工的任务就是执行!严格按照manufacturing staffs给的Wirking Instruction(制成文件)去做产品。我接触的公司是这样分工的,求大家指正分享,thanks
2023-07-21 12:02:421


2023-07-21 12:02:536


问题一:设备出厂编码用英语怎么说,书面一共几种写法? product tree NO.是吗 factory number 问题二:"出厂编号" "生产日期" 英文怎么讲比较专业?? 求专业阿专业~~~ 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢~ 依次: production number production date 问题三:“出厂编号” “生产日期”英文怎么说? 遇见这种问题,最简单的办法是买瓶矿泉水。一般瓶身上都会有这些东西。 生产日期: Manufacturing Date 绩出厂编号: Manufacturing Code 问题四:“出厂日期”和“编号”英文怎么说? Identification date ――出厂日期 No.(number)――编号(读音可以在词典里查到) 问题五:出厂日期,产品说名用英语怎么说 出厂日期,产品说名 Date of manufacture, product name 出厂日期,产品说名 Date of manufacture, product name 问题六:编号的英语形式怎么写 20分 NO.为英语中number的缩写,意为“数字,号码,数(量)”。 知识点:为英语中number的缩写。 作为名词,可意为“数目、编号、数、号码、号、数字、多少、码、次、韵律”等。 作为动词,可意为“报数、编号码”等,但缩写NO.一般不作动词。 特别说明的是,在缩写下还可以意为“第几”的意思;例如:No.1、No.2…等等,可意为“第一、第二…”等等。 问题七:生产日期 出厂日期英语怎么写 埂生产日期 的缩写是MFD. 完整的写法是manufacturing date 有效期至 的缩写是Exp. 也就是有效限期,失效日期,完整写是expiring date 问题八:发动机型号用英语怎么说? 发动机型号 engine type 底盘号 chassis number 出厂编号 identification number 订货号 Order Number 问题九:“编号”用英语怎么翻译? 10分 number sth 或者ide偿tifier sth number 这个词可以做动词,翻译成编号的,或者是Identifier也可以做编号的意思的 希望能帮到你
2023-07-21 12:03:481

hp电脑开机提示Manufacturing program mode set 5of 10

2023-07-21 12:03:571

contract manufacturing和OEM的区别

2023-07-21 12:04:041

Manufacturing Cost是什么成本啊?

un.造价;制造生产成本;制造费用;制造成本制造相关成本;营业费例句释义:全部,造价,制造生产成本,制造费用,制造成本,制造相关成本,营业费1.Thereby, the manufacturing cost of the lift arm support can be reduced.由此能够降低提升臂支撑体的制造成本。2.Manufacturing cost of a turning operation is a nonlinear convex function of itsprocessing time.制造成本的一个车削是一种非线性凸函数的处理时间。3.Ex factory price; price ex factory; factory gate price The manufacturing costexcluding cost of distribution.出厂价格,出厂价指制造成本,不包括销售成本。4.card wrapping machine; sealing roller; ultrasonic mould; manufacturing cost ofequipment; production capacity.卡片包装机;封装辊;超声波模具;设备制造成本;生产能力。
2023-07-21 12:04:201

manufacturing base是什么意思

manufacturing base制造业基地.Morgan stanley says the city is turning into the largest laptop manufacturing basein asia. 摩根斯坦利投资公司说,重庆正在转型成亚洲最大的笔记本电脑制造基地。满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】
2023-07-21 12:04:392


2023-07-21 12:04:481


With the development of science and technology and the diversification of social needs, the product more competitive, the replacement cycle is getting shorter. To this end, the requirements not only according to the requirements of the market as soon as possible to design new products, and a prototype can be made within the shortest possible time, thus performance testing and modification, the final form styling products. Traditional manufacturing systems need a lot of mold design, manufacturing and commissioning work, high cost, long cycle, and can not adapt to the rapid changes in the market. In order to improve the speed of development and production, quickly and accurately to produce high-quality, low-cost molds and products, able to make quick response to market changes, the people made a lot of research and exploration work. The gradual decline of the price of high-power laser devices, laser processing technology matures and industrial mold manufacturing process to bring about a major change. Laser processing as advanced manufacturing technology has been widely used in the automotive, electronics, electrical, aviation, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, and other important sectors of the national economy, improve product quality, labor productivity, automation, pollution, reduce material consumption play a more and more important role. This article by the understanding of the principles, features, and advantages of laser processing technology, combined with the status quo mold manufacturing and mold manufacturing, mold surface strengthening and repair, mold cleaning, replace the mold and other aspects, laser machining in mold manufacturing the application presents some discussions.
2023-07-21 12:05:032


MFD:JAN 24,2011 是说2011年一月(Juanuary)24日制造。在这里MFD 是manufactured (制造) 的缩写。MFG是英文“manufacturing”(制造)的缩写,意为制造业。
2023-07-21 12:05:141


2023-07-21 12:05:281

高职国际英语2张月祥第三单元Manufacturing 第一篇英语翻译 The Pros and Cons of

the pros and cons of an assembly line_有道翻译翻译结果:装配线的利弊pros英 [pru0259uz]美 [pru0259uz]n. 赞成者;赞成的意见(pro的复数)abbr. 舞台前部(proscenium);诗体学(prosody)n. (Pros)人名;(法)普罗;(捷、瑞典)普罗斯更多释义>>[网络短语]Pros 职业圈,优点,老虎伍兹nol pros 不起诉,不起诉
2023-07-21 12:05:371

谁能讲讲关于ORACLE的流式制造Flow Manufacturing

离散型制造(Intermittent Manufacturing)分车间任务型生产、流水线型生产 流程型制造(Flow Manufacturing)分重复生产型、连续生产型 重入离散型制造(Re-entrant Manufacturing) 车间任务型生产的特点是每项生产任务仅使用整个企业的一小部分能力和资源,另一特点是生产设备一般按机群方式布置。、 流水线型生产的特征有以下几点:(1)工作地专业划程度高,按产品或加工对象组织生产。 (2)生产按节拍进行,各工序同期进行作业,重复相同的作业内容。 (3)各道工序的单件作业时间与相应工序的工作地(或设备)数比值相等。 (4)工艺过程是封闭的。 流程型制造特点:1) 配方的管理要求很高,如配方的安全性、保密性;   2) 需要对产品的质量进行进行跟踪,往往需要从产成品到半成品、供应商等进行跟踪,因此对批次管理要求较高;   3) 某些产品常常有保质期;   4) 生产过程中常常出现联产品、副产品、等级品。
2023-07-21 12:06:081


2023-07-21 12:06:187

SMT Manufacturing是什么部门

SMT就是表面组装技术(表面贴装技术)(Surface Mounted Technology的缩写),是目前电子组装行业里最流行的一种技术和工艺.简单的说:比如说电脑主板起先是一块光板上面没有任何一个元器件,SMT就是通过机器把元器件贴装在板子上,再经过一些工序做成成品.你说的是SMT 生产部
2023-07-21 12:06:401

Manufacturing site是什么意思

2023-07-21 12:06:481


二、 应用文训练 1、 日记 根据中英文提示,与一篇日记,记叙一次(西塞山)郊游。(短文的开头已经给出。) 要求:1.短文应包括汉语和英语提示内容。 2.语句通顺,意思连贯。 3.书写工整,卷面整洁,标点符号正确。 4.字数不少于80个英语单词。 Sunday, May 1st I got to school very early. Our class took a special bus to Xisai Mount. We got to the foot of the mount at 8:30.We began climbing the mount soon. On our way the air was so fresh and the scenery was so beautiful. Everybody was talking and laughing.We reached the top at about 10:00. The Yangtze River appeared in the north, and over the river there was a great bridge. We felt very relaxed. Seeing some birds flying in the sky, I suddenly remembered a popular poem of Tang dynasty. " Birds are flying in front of Xisai Mount ,…". I kept feeling proud of our city. 2、 邀请信 下星期一是Jenny的生日,她的父母亲要在家里给她办一个晚会。Jenny要邀请些朋友参加,晚会6:30开始。请你帮她写信邀请Jane。日期是5月18日。 May18th Dear Jane, I"d like to invite you to join my birthday party. Next Monday is my birthday. My parents will hold a party for me at home. It will begin at half past six. I"m looking forward to seeing you soon. Sincerely yours, Jenny 3、 感谢信 Jenny 邀请Jane在星期一参加生日晚会。但是Jane 那天晚上要参加数学考试,没时间去。请帮Jane写一封信表示感谢,她同时送上一份礼物,以示祝贺。时间是5月20日。 May20th, Dear Jenny, I"m glad to hear your good news. Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. But I"m afraid I can"t come. Because I"ll have a math exam on Monday evening. Here is a gift for you. I hope you will love it. Happy birthday! Sincerely yours, Jane 4、 书信: 根据中文大意,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的短文。   假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。 Dear David, I"m glad to hear that you will come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It is difficult for you because it is quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It is also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practice your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I"m sure you will learn Chinese well.    Hope to see you soon in Beijing. Yours, Wang Ming 5、 发言稿 假定你班今天下午要开一次以Keep Our School Clean为主题的英语班会,请以班长的身份准备一篇70词左右的发言稿。 提示:不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾,不在墙壁上乱涂乱画,每天保持教室内外清洁等(不要逐句翻译) Good afternoon, everyone! We"re studying in this school. It"s our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It"s not polite to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the classroom. We should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw any litter onto the ground. I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school will be more beautiful. That"s all. Thank you! 6、 通知 A. 明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)内容如下:   1. 早上8点钟在校门口集合,步行前往。   2. 下星期一交一份有关参观的报告。   3. 参观时要认真听,仔细看并记下有趣的东西。   4. 不可在博物馆内大声喧哗及拍照。   5. 带笔和笔记本。   要求:①不要逐句翻译。 ②字数60~80。 Fellow students, We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take your pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please don"t make any noise in the museum and don"t take any pictures. You will have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday. Thank you. B. 请你以校长室的名义拟写一个书面通知,告诉同学们明天去参加植树活动。 提示:明天是植树节,天气暖和。你们不上课,去公园植树。早晨八点在学校门口集合,骑自行车去。中午在那里吃饭,请带好水和食物。(词数:50-70words) NOTICE Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day.It is warm .You will have no classes.We shall plant trees in the park.We will meet at the school gate at 8:00 in the morning and go there by bike. We will have lunch there.Please bring some water and food with you.Don"t be late. Headmaster Office Mar.11,2004  7、 启事(寻物和招领) A. 假设你叫高迪,是高一(2)班的学生。你在10月16日晚上把一本《牛津高级英汉双解字典》丢在阅览室里,用英语写一则寻物启事,贴在餐厅前的留言板上,请捡到者交给你或你班班长。启事时间:10月17日 Lost October 17th   On the evening of October 16th, I left my Oxford Advanced Learner"s English-Chinese Dictionary in the reading-room. It is new. Will the finder please send it to me in Class Two, senior Grade One or to our monitor? Thank you very much. Gao Di B. 玛丽捡到戒指一枚,她在宿舍门口贴了一张非常简单的失物招领。她的电话是235-0285。请写出这一启事。 8、 广告 彼得的服装店开张了。请根据提示写一则广告。 Come to, T-shirts ($5, in all colors), sweaters ($17, orange), shoes ($12, green), cheap Come to Peter"s Clothing Store. Do you like T-shirts? Do you like them cheap? We have T-shirts in all colors at $5 each. Do you need sweaters and shoes? We have orange sweaters for just $17! And green shoes for just $12. And that"s not all. Can you believe it? Come down to Peter"s and see for yourself! 9、 海报 请以学生会的名义为中国电影《天下无贼》写一份海报,内容如下:   1. 导演:冯小刚 2. 名星: 刘德华, 刘若英, 葛尤, 李冰冰 3. 地点:学校电*   4. 时间:2005年11月20日(星期天)下午6:30   5. 组织者:学生会   6. 海报发出时间:2005年11月14日 POSTER A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES Chinese film Director: Feng Xiaogang Stars: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing Time: Sunday, at 6:30 p.m. November20th Place: at the school cinema Ticket Price: $ 6 the Students" Union November14th 2005 10、 名片 陈欣是泉州一中的音乐老师,请为制作一张简易的英文文名片卡,提示如下: 地址:中山路86号 邮编:100037 电话:0595-88488970 手机:13501368855 School: _______N0.1 Middle School of Quanzhou Name: Chen Xin Profession: Music Teacher Family Address: No.86 Zhongshan Road, Quanzhou Tel: 0595-88488970 13501368855 (mobile) E-mail: 11、 贺卡 教师节到了,全班同学要送一份贺卡和一些鲜花给Miss Green, 请你替班级填写这张贺卡。 12、 明信片 Jenny正在北京玩,她昨天去参观长城,很快乐。她要把长城介绍给她的父母,长城大约6500公里长,用大石头在大山上建成的,她很高兴自己成为一个真正的好汉。请帮她写一份明信片,上面有一张长城的图片。时间是2月4日,星期四。地址是加拿大阿尔伯特省艾得蒙顿市公园路522号。 Thursday, February 4th Dear Mom and Dad, We are having fun in Beijing. Yesterday I visited the Great Wall. It is about more than 6500 kilometers long. It is so long and so great. Do you know? It is mostly made of big stones. It is made at the top of the big mountains. Here is a picture of it for you. I"m proud of myself because I have become a true man. I miss you. Love, Jenny stamp Mr. and Mrs. Smith 522 Park Road Edmonton, Alberta Canada T2k 5g6 13、 请假条 假如你叫李明,因患重感冒今明两天不能上学。请你参考下面方框中所给的词语,给你的外籍英语教师写一张请假条,说明你这两天不能上学的原因。 (not feel well, a bad cold, stay in bed, can"t go to school, two days, get well soon) June6 Dear Mr. Green, I"m sorry to tell you that I am not feeling well. Because I have a bad cold. The doctor says I should stay in bed. And I can"t go to school. I have to have two days" off. I think I will get well soon. Li Ming 14、 留言条 Sam的妈妈早上很早出门,给他留下一张留言条,要他在家里做一些事情。根据提示,补充这张留言条。 提示:洗车,扫地,洗碗,洗衣,喂狗,练钢琴 15、 电子邮件 李明要到加拿大上大学,必须找一间住房。请帮他发一封电子邮件给Jenny, 叫她帮忙找一间较便宜的房间(大约150美元),因为那里的房租较贵。李明的邮箱是Liming, Jenny的邮箱是 From: Liming To: Subject Help Rent a Room Date 30/06 9:04AM Dear Jenny, I"m going to study in Canada, so I"ll have to find a room to live in. I know housing is very expensive there. Please help me find a room at a lower price (about 150 dollars). Please e-mail me if you have any good news. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Li Ming
2023-07-21 11:58:351


在战役模式或单人模式下(多人游戏不可),敲回车,会出来对话框,然后把下面字符输入即可KeyserSoze = 加500黄金LeafItToMe = 加500木材KeyserSoze # = 黄金加#多 (以下的"#"均代表数值)LeafItToMe # = 木材加#多GreedisGood = 黄金木材各加500GreedisGood 1000000 = 黄金和木材各加1000000 (以上秘籍增加的黄金和木材上限都为一百万,如果太贪心,超过一亿,你的黄金则会变成0,如果输入一千万的话给予金钱仍是一百万。)PointBreak = 取消人口因当前上限值不足而无法生产的情况,达到最大值仍然无法生产。Whosyourdaddy = 神化模式 [不受任何物理以及魔法伤害,但会受到溅射(如龙类喷吐),毒类攻击(如小鹿)和自我损耗(如凤凰)以及我方单位攻击(攻击力不放大)伤害,攻击力为原来的最大值*100或者是最小值*100,并不是一击必杀,开此秘籍施放技能伤害则放大一千倍,若是恢复技能,仍然不变。]Iseedeadpeople = 地图全开Thereisnospoon = 法力无限 (英雄和魔法兵的魔法永远不会减少并且施放技能时不需要魔法限制,即使魔法没有到技能所需也能施放,并且不消耗魔法。)WhoisJohnGalt = 取消单位等级限制 (英雄和兵学技能不受级别影响)WarpTen = 快速建造,快速研究,快速训练,快速升本SharpAndShiny = 升级攻防,法师单位等级,建筑和单位的部分被动技能(输入一次只能提升一级)Synergy = 科技树全开 (取消科技限制)RiseAndShine = 直接到白天LightsOut = 直接到夜晚DaylightSavings = 停住时间DaylightSavings [时间] = 调整时间IocainePowder = 尸体迅速消失 (只能让输入秘籍后的尸体迅速消失,输入秘籍之前存在的尸体不会迅速消失)TheDudeAbides = 技能和物品cooldown清零 (输入一次只能免去CD一次,再次使用前需要先输入一次取消秘籍,才可再次输入)还有一个不算是秘籍,但也需要敲回车,然后输入,但是成功后并不会出现启动秘籍字样。Tenthleveltaurenchieftain = 魔兽经典音乐PointBreak =加人口上限whosyourdaddy =无敌且拥有一击必杀iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图allyourbasearebelongtous =立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败thereisnospoon =法力无限WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速WarpTen =快速建筑SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级Synergy =科技全开WarpTen 快速建造以下秘籍只能在官方战役中使用Motherland [种族] [关] = 跳关 (直接进入想要进行的关卡){注意:过场动画也算一关} 【种族必须全称】Allyourbasearebelongtous = 任务中立即获胜Somebodysetupusthebomb = 任务中立即战败ItVexesMe = 任务中不会被判定获胜 (禁止游戏默认的获胜条件)StrengthAndHonor = 任务中不会被判定战败 (失败还可继续游戏)所有魔兽秘籍均有含义(如 Whosyourdaddy 即谁是你的爸爸),与官方战役中一些隐藏要素一样显现出暴雪的小幽默。
2023-07-21 11:58:372


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有关选文科还是理科的讨论 英语作文

Liberal arts science of choice has always been a headache problem, many people in the wrong direction outset. When the thought of the liberal arts or science, a lot of students and parents, the first thought is "liberal arts science which future employment prospects better? More promising?" In fact, the question itself is wrong. Because no matter liberal arts science, corresponds to a lot of professional, we have a good professional, but also have relatively less Haozhaogongzuo professional, such as liberal arts in the history of philosophy, science of geology archeology, arts and science be compared directly without significance. And, no matter what profession, even relatively poor professional, if we can learn well, can still have a good future, even if is a good professional, if the school mess, nor Haozhaogongzuo.Therefore, the key issue is not the liberal arts or science which is better, but I"m more suited to study liberal arts or science? On both subjects, which can play to my strengths, which I was able to learn better, which is what I really interested in? Only to find answers to these questions, we can make the right choice.For themselves, can learn, are interested in the future will be able to get good grades in the entrance into a good school and a good professional, there will be more ambitious future. This is the crux of the problem, leave these things to talk about the merits of arts and sciences, is the paper.I am in high school, when faced with the choice, liberal arts science scores actually very good. My homeroom teacher pulled me into the office gave me two hours of ideological work, strongly suggested that I read the science, because she thinks science is more promising, but the most important reason is that the choice of science to study the future of liberal arts transfer very easy. If you choose the arts, the future transfer of science is almost impossible. But I still resolutely chose the arts, because I believe that my expertise and interest in this, the last I to Jiangjin first liberal arts, she was admitted the Renmin University of China Law School. Now, my own choice was still satisfied.Objectively speaking, the difference between arts and science teacher, I say most of them are true. My graduate school of economics, which is a traditional liberal arts majors, but the class has a lot of high school and undergraduate students are learning science, and some school mapping, prospecting and some to learn, even people learn aircraft manufacturing. But they still can learn good economics. And if I now want to study university physics chemistry and the like, it is almost impossible. In this sense, science is indeed wider than the choices liberal arts.But no matter how wide of a person"s choices, and finally he just like other people, can only choose one path to development. I love the arts, like economics, but also to learn them well, that"s enough, why are we even have the ability to make their own learning university physics it? I am now engaged in writing, speaking, etc. activities, both of my high school, liberal arts university foundation inseparable, and this is exactly what I am most interested in, therefore I am very happy.If I had chosen science, I believe the results will be good, but it is absolutely impossible to test the city"s first. Because the arts are my most suitable and favorite subjects, but science is not.Advantage is the choice of a wide range of science, but also to learn something more professional, more clearly when the direction of employment, competition is relatively small. If you study the bio-engineering, then on the job in this direction, such as economics or other professional bridge design, telecommunications aspect of students who simply can not compete with you. But if you learn is marketing, then the job recruitment marketing staff, in fact, almost all liberal arts school who have the potential to compete with you - though you"ll comparative advantage, but this advantage is not bio-engineering for bridges designed so absolute.But science problems will be here, will limit your professional direction you looking for a job, almost no competition in the engineering student was in addition to other aspects of biological relevance. Although you can go to choose marketing or business management class work, but this means that you are in high school and college years expertise in four years of study is almost entirely void, must re-start. And arts professionals, in this respect is much better to deal with, such as my undergraduate studies in law, economics graduate study, but the study of the process of the economy has a good knowledge of the law and legal logic is obviously also helpful, "The law of economy Analysis "is also serious when I was in undergraduate study before.Science learning there is a very serious problem, that is, if you really learn well on a subject, then the subject is substantially even finished, it will pull down with the best students astonishing gap. I take the well-known mathematical terms, outstanding students more than 130 points in mathematics college entrance examination is normal, but if someone really learn bad math, then the 30 minutes and 40 minutes is normal. And in the language, such political subjects, there would be so amazing gap. College Entrance politics, history, languages are difficult test to 130 points or more, but it is not easy test to 80 points or less.So, if you are good in science subjects, while no interest in political history, then obviously choose science. If the contrary is clearly choose liberal arts. If you have a door in Chemical Physics think there is no way, but also learn bad political history, then I think the best choice liberal arts, because a poor physical chemistry might be someone else pulled out or even several percentage , and political history as long as a lot of effort to learn, how the others will not be dragged into such a big gap.As for mathematics, for a liberal arts students is concerned, if he has an advantage in that regard, then he studied liberal arts can protect themselves get a good result in the college entrance examination. If a student of mathematics feel totally powerless, then the best choice is still the liberal arts.Really painful is that the average score, as if what subjects are not particularly outstanding, but what subjects are not particularly good student. This time the most important thing is to look at the individual interest. If you are determined to engage in legal profession, then you should choose the arts, although science students also read the law no problem, but when a good school for your future political history knowledge learning law is clearly a great benefit. If you"re really on the political history of these things is not cold, and like some of the more objective and more simple things like calculate the figures, then do not choose the reluctance of the liberal arts. "Interest is the best teacher," the power of this sentence, the longer able to highlight its power. Contrary to their own inner preferences, because of some other reason, they did not choose the subject of interest, be able to learn even a little while, a long time, always tired, feel the pain, feeling wavering.When you are not sure what they do best liberal arts or science or liberal arts or science prefer when there is a way to close your eyes, imagine yourself in the future most want to be what kind of person? A scientist, an economist, a politician, a building designer or whatever occupation. Then ask yourself, to become such a figure, most should have knowledge of what is a partial text or partial reason, this time, you will find the right answer.
2023-07-21 11:58:332


西安欧亚学院被称为“炮院”的原因有多个版本:1. 有人说是因为学校地处偏远、交通不便,因此被称为“炮弹发射场”。2. 还有人认为是因为学校的学风比较紧张,学生们的压力大,因此被称为“炮灰集中营”。3. 而最为广泛流传的原因是,在2000年左右,西安欧亚学院发生了一起非法枪支案件,从此学校被人们称为“炮院”。无论哪个版本的说法是正确的,都说明了西安欧亚学院曾经发生过一些不太光彩的事情。但是,随着时间的推移,这个称呼已经逐渐淡化了,现在西安欧亚学院已经成为了一所具有一定知名度和影响力的高校。
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