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2023-08-07 01:49:01

brain drain 人才流失

job market 人才市场

corporate recruiter 招聘单位

admissions office 招生办公室

career center 就业中心

internship 实习经验

pass out the resume 递出简历

face the tighest job market 面临严重就业形势

the choices are slim 选择机会很少

the companies are very conservative about the number of offers they give out. 公司所能提供的职位非常有限

i"m broadening what i"m willing to do. 我放宽了对工作的要求



PersonnelTalentsCreative Talents
2023-08-05 14:04:191


人才,发掘人才Talent, talent discovery人才,发掘人才Talent, talent discovery
2023-08-05 14:04:371


请问“每个人”英语怎么说呢 Everyone Everybody 都可以 培养人才英语怎么讲 有几种说法供参考:cultivate talents personnel training foster/turn out talents 这几个都是培养人才的意思,个人感觉第一种比较好,也较常用的~~ 全世界的人都说英语用英语怎么说Englis People around the world speak English. Those people who speak English live worldwide. 第一句是直译,第二句我改了改意思差不多 所有人都在这吗用英语怎么说 Is everyone here? 用英语怎么说我是一个很幽默的人,但很多人都不懂我 I am actually a very humorous person, but it is just that a lot of people don"t understand me. humorous: 幽默 understand: 理解,懂 求英文翻译谢谢!!!!(首先,好大学出来的学生不一定个个都是人才,一般学校也能出杰出人士。 要有好 first, not all talents graduate from good college. surely some would be from the not~good college. it is the major that determines more to one"s career. and the graduates will turn to another job or another work field if they are learning in a major that they are not happy with or good at. 几乎每个人都喜欢它用英语怎么说? 5分 Almost everyone likes it everyone 英 [u02c8evriwu028cn] 美 [u02c8u025bvriu02ccwu028cn] pron. 每人,人人 “所有人都来了”用英文怎么说? Everyone is here! 用英语翻译我们俱乐部拥有一流的人才,每个成员之间都很和谐,团队协作都很好 用英语翻译我们俱乐部拥有一流的人才,每个成员之间都很和谐,团队协作都很好 Use English to translate this sentence into English. Our club has a first-class talents and they can live in great harmony and their team cooperation is also so good. Our club is in possession of first-class talents among which harmony and team cooperation are played perfectly. First-class talents are in the possession of our club and each of them can make a harmonious and perfect cooperation . Our club possesses a first-class talents and harmony and team cooperation are perfectly among them.
2023-08-05 14:04:471


high-level personnel 高层次人才; [例句]Training of high-level personnel how to make higher education in the discipline structure readjustment?培养高层次人才的高等教育如何在学科结构上做出适应性调整?
2023-08-05 14:04:581


20年前教育部曾明文规定凡是中专以上学历者即为人才。  在英语的翻译中常把“有用的人”译为人才。  时代在快速发展,人们对人才的定义发生了重大的改变。现实中的本科生也有人不一定承认其为人才。那么究竟什么样的人,才能视为人才呢?  我认为,人才是一个人有价值的体现与转换,同时人才是相对的和互换的。比如,某人在农业研究领域很有建树,研究或发明了多项成果,通常说这人算人才吗?算!但碰巧这人在机械设计或维修上很是欠缺,还不如修自行车的小徒弟,因此人才是相对的。不要紧,此人通过虚心学习,把机械设计学得来如痴如醉。最终爱上了机械,并设计解决了许多难题,反过来把农业知识给耽搁了。所以,人才是互换的。此时擅长这样,彼时的优势又是那样。如果某人的擅长或优势是用于危害社会的,难道这也算人才吗?那么究竟什么样的人视为人才呢?  人才是指适合社会、企业需要的,能为企业创业超他人高倍财富的,并能自觉贡献和服务社会的人叫人才。人才是相对的、互换的。
2023-08-05 14:05:311


a talent camp
2023-08-05 14:06:385

人才共享 用英语怎么说?谢谢喽

human recourses share 人力资源共享
2023-08-05 14:07:041


Human Resource Market
2023-08-05 14:07:188


2023-08-05 14:08:061


1. IntroductionIn today"s competitive job market, both job seekers and employers are constantly seeking new and effective ways to find the right match. One approach that is gaining popularity is the use of talent markets u2013 centralized online platforms where employers can find and connect with potential candidates, and where job seekers can showcase their skills and experience. Below we"ll discuss what a talent market is, how it works, and the benefits it can provide.2. What is a Talent Market?A talent market, also known as a talent platform, is a digital marketplace designed to bring together job seekers and employers. These platforms provide an environment where job seekers can create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, education, work experience, and even their personality and work preferences. Employers, on the other hand, can search through these profiles to find candidates that meet their hiring needs.3. How Does a Talent Market Work?Talent markets typically operate either on a subscription basis for employers or on a commission basis for freelancers. In the case of subscription-based models, employers pay a fee for access to the talent market"s database of job seekers. They can then browse candidate profiles based on their preferences and reach out to potential candidates directly.In commission-based models, freelancers or independent contractors may join the platform for free, but will typically pay a percentage of their earning to the talent market as commission. In exchange, they gain access to a pool of potential clients who are looking for their specific skills and expertise.4. Benefits of a Talent MarketTalent markets offer a range of benefits both for job seekers and employers:4.1. Efficiency and Time-SavingBy leveraging the power of technology, talent markets allow job seekers to create a comprehensive profile that showcases their skills and experience, while allowing employers to quickly and easily find the best candidates for their hiring needs. This can save time and money for both parties, as recruitment can be streamlined and accelerated.4.2. Access to a Wider Pool of CandidatesEmployers who rely only on traditional recruitment methods may miss out on potentially well-suited candidates who don"t fit a certain mold. In contrast, talent markets allow for a wider, more diverse pool of candidates, which can help to promote diversity and inclusivity in the workforce.4.3. Enhanced Collaboration and NetworkingTalent markets also enable greater collaboration and networking between job seekers and employers. By connecting with potential candidates or clients, job seekers and employers can develop professional relationships and gain valuable insights into their industries.4.4. Cost-Effective HiringFinally, talent markets can be a cost-effective way to hire. Rather than relying on traditional recruitment methods such as job ads and recruitment agencies, employers can save money by subscribing to talent markets and directly connecting with job seekers.5. ConclusionAs the job market becomes more competitive, job seekers and employers alike are looking for new and innovative ways to connect. With their efficiency, flexibility, and potential cost-effectiveness, talent markets are emerging as a valuable tool in the search for the perfect match. Whether you"re a job seeker or an employer, a talent market may be just what you need to take your career to the next level.
2023-08-05 14:08:161


Our club has the first-class talented person, everyone is very harmonious with each other, our team is very cooperative.
2023-08-05 14:08:262


nurture talents / develop talents
2023-08-05 14:08:493


你真是个“人才”!You are really a "talented person"! 相似句:Promote employee"s character, development innovation talented person.提升员工素质,培养创新人才。Company evaluation talented person of standard is virtuous just and have, creation value.公司评价人才的标准是德才兼备,创造价值。
2023-08-05 14:09:161

“四个一批”人才 英语怎么翻译

four in a batch
2023-08-05 14:09:403


对应的英语:attact talents.例如:They set up a new policy to attract talents.
2023-08-05 14:09:481

HR专业英语中“人才储备”怎么说?? 这里很多啊
2023-08-05 14:09:585

中青年科技创新领军人才 英文怎么说

中青年科技新领军人才.英语:The leading innovative talent in the science and technology people of young and middle age.
2023-08-05 14:10:282


是指人力资源公司吗--就提供人才的地方?Human resource company
2023-08-05 14:10:471


The company was set up in 1990,and the site of head offiice is in Wuhan.
2023-08-05 14:10:551


人才库talent archivesbrain/talent bank
2023-08-05 14:11:031


However, there is a lack of professional talents of tourism management, and those with excellent English in particular.
2023-08-05 14:11:125


return of talent or brain gain. eg: 台湾和印度的 人才 外流变成了 人才回流 。 Taiwan and India, has shifted into a brain circulation. 尽管中国经济迅速发展,同时政府积极鼓励 人才回流 , 但是还是有越来越多的优秀 人才 选择留在更富裕的国家,在那里, 他们通常能获得更好的生活条件,事业上发展的机会更有力, 同时可以依照个人意愿决定自己想养育子女的数量。 Despite the booming economy and government incentives to return, an increasing number of the country"s brightest minds are relocating to wealthier nations, where they can usually benefit from higher living standards, brighter career opportunities and the freedom to have as many children as they wish.
2023-08-05 14:11:271


personnel training mode
2023-08-05 14:11:472


翻译如下:江山代有人才出Each age offers its own men of parts
2023-08-05 14:11:542


Environment builds people 笨笨的愿望1982,不用匿名了,请采纳!
2023-08-05 14:12:041

科学发展观 以人为本 可持续发展 人才强国用英语怎么说

科学发展观 The scientific concept of development 以人为本 People-oriented 可持续发展 Sustainable Development 人才强国 talent strategy
2023-08-05 14:12:111


关于当前民营企业人才招聘的思考Contemplation on the recruitment of talents by contemporary private companies.
2023-08-05 14:12:193

英语翻译 重视人才的培养和发展

Attach importance to the training of personnel and development
2023-08-05 14:12:291


well-rounded 英["welr"au028andu026ad] 美[u02c8wu025blu02c8rau028andu026ad] adj. 丰满的; 多才多艺的; 面面俱到的; (语句) 有表达力的; [例句]Graduates need leadership qualities and the ability to articulate how those experiences have created a well-rounded individual.毕业生需要具备领导能力和表达能力,明确有力地表达自己的这些经历是如何把自己打造成了一个多才多艺全面型的个人。
2023-08-05 14:12:391


社会需要什么样的人才,大学就培的英文翻译是;What kind of talent is needed in society
2023-08-05 14:12:561


Talent is the key to survival and development, campus recruitment is the important way for enterprises to introduce talents"
2023-08-05 14:13:244


flourish our country with science and education, reinforce our province with educated persons
2023-08-05 14:13:342


现代社会人才越来越重要,因此人们也越来越重视大学教育Modern society is becoming more and more important, so people pay more and more attention to college education.
2023-08-05 14:13:421


2023-08-05 14:13:491


如果直译:Startup Foundation for Advanced Talents.但这种性质的翻译 往往不直译。例如 国家教育部回国人员科研启动基金 的翻译是:Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China. 可以看到,翻译中 把 启动 二字给去掉了,而改成了研究基金。你也可以根据你的基金的实际情况作些改动。例如Research Foundation for Advanced TalentsResearch Foundation for Talented Scholars.Foundation for Bright ScholarsStartup Fund for Distinguished Scholars.另外,注意 foundation 和 fund 的区别。后者一般指 专项基金,前者泛指基金。英语(English),属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。
2023-08-05 14:14:091


2023-08-05 14:14:204


2023-08-05 14:10:201


2023-08-05 14:10:211


How is it going on?
2023-08-05 14:10:293


2023-08-05 14:10:291


法律主观:单位工资证明一般由单位开具,没有固定格式,但是需要盖上单位的公章。模版: 兹证明___是我单位员工,身份证号码:____,在我单位工作___年,岗位为____,年收入__万元(人民币)。特此证明单位名称(盖章):___日期:___年__月__日。法律客观:《工资支付暂行规定》第十五条 规定,用人单位不得克扣劳动者工资。有下列情况之一的,用人单位可以代扣劳动者工资: (一)用人单位代扣代缴的个人所得税; (二)用人单位代扣代缴的应由劳动者个人负担的各项社会保险费用; (三)法院判决、裁定中要求代扣的抚养费、赡养费; (四)法律、法规规定可以从劳动者工资中扣除的其他费用。
2023-08-05 14:10:301


He made great progress in English.progress不可数
2023-08-05 14:10:401


2023-08-05 14:10:402


2023-08-05 14:10:153


2023-08-05 14:10:121


cpfr的意思是:协同式供应链库存管理,也叫协同规划、预测与补货。CPFR是Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment的缩写,是一种协同式的供应链库存管理技术,它在降低销售商的存货量的同时,也增加了供应商的销售额。指导原则:1、合作伙伴框架结构和运作过程以消费者为中心,面向价值链。2、合作伙伴共同负责开发单一、共享的消费者需求预测系统,这个系统驱动整个价值链计划。3、合作伙伴均承诺共享预测并在消除供应过程约束上共担风险。CPFR针对合作伙伴的战略和投资能力不同、市场信息来源不同的特点,建成一个方案组。方案组通过确认合作伙伴从事关键业务的能力来决定哪家公司主持核心业务活动,合作伙伴可选用多种方案实现其业务过程。零售商和制造商从不同的角度收集不同层次的数据,通过反复交换数据和业务情报改善制定需求计划的能力,最后得到基于POS(point of sale)的消费者需求的单一共享预测。这个单一共享需求计划可以作为零售商和制造商的与产品有关的所有内部计划活动的基础,换句话说,它能使价值链集成得以实现。以单一共享需求计划为基础能够发现和利用许多商业机会,优化供应链库存和改善客户服务,最终为供应链伙伴带来丰厚的收益。基于CPFR的合作伙伴关系:基于CPFR的合作伙伴关系可分为3个职责层。第l层为决策层,主要职责是零售商和供应商领导层的关系管理,包括企业联盟的目标和战略的制定、跨企业的业务过程的建立、共享的领导层和执行、企业联盟的信息交换和共同决策。第2层为运作层,主要职责是CPFR的实施和运作,包括制定联合业务计划,建立单一共享需求预测,共担风险和平衡合作企业能力。第3层为内部管理层,主要职责是负责企业内部的运作和管理,在零售环境中,主要包括商品或分类管理、库存管理、商店运作和后勤等;在供应环境中,主要包括顾客服务、市场营销、制造、销售和分销等。
2023-08-05 14:10:121


2023-08-05 14:10:101


答:工资证明应该到所在单位的财务部门开,收入证明上必须有单位公章。法律依据:《工资支付暂行规定》第六条 用人单位应将工资支付给劳动者本人。劳动者本人因故不能领取工资时,可由其亲属或委托他人代领。 用人单位可委托银行代发工资。 用人单位必须书面记录支付劳动者工资的数额、时间、领取者的姓名以及签字,并保存两年以上备查。用人单位在支付工资时应向劳动者提供一份其个人的工资清单。
2023-08-05 14:10:091


2023-08-05 14:10:054


How"s it going?
2023-08-05 14:10:046