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All day, the bar being closed, he brooded alone,shut out from home.

All day, the bar being closed, he brooded alone,shut out from home.吧给关了一整天,他把自已关在家的外面,独自沉思,

歌手:Megan & Liz 歌名:Closer To Me 为什么在网上找不到歌词?

why to birds suddenly appear every time you are near just like me ,they long to be close to you why to stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by just like me ,they long to be close to you on the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come so they sprinkled moon dust in you hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue that is why all the girls in town follow you all around just like me ,they long to be close to you just like me ,they long to be close to you 为什麼每次当你靠近的时候,鸟儿总是突然出现,就像我一样,他们想靠近你 为什麼每次当你走过的时候,星星总会坠落,就想我一样,他们想靠近你 你出生的那一天,天使们齐聚一堂,决定创造一个梦想,所以他们让你金色的头发闪耀月亮的光芒,让你蓝色的眼睛闪耀著星光。 那就是镇上所有的女孩追随你的原因,就像我一样,她们想靠近你 就像我一样,她们想靠近你

歌手:Megan & Liz 歌名:Closer to me 的中英文对照歌词 谢谢!


gown;closely; tongue ;poet这英语用谐音怎么读?





当前公式 : 买进 (指标画线公式) 错误句 : DRAWTEXT(CURRBARSCOUNT=1,,1) 详细信息 : 某个操作数没有相应的操作符匹配! 错误起始位置 : 550 ; 长度: 9 还需要参数设置吗



you may trust me, who____ your closest friend.


closed-heart surgery什么意思及同义词

中文释义: phr. closed-heart surgery英语解释heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)相似短语closed-heart surgery phr. closed-heart surgeryheart surgery phr. 心脏手术surgery hours 门诊时间major surgery phr. 大外科,大手术abdominal surgery 腹部外科学

skip to main content_close searchkyc updatesdecember 6, 2022pi kyc: n

跳至页面导航主要内容,跳转到主要内容关闭搜索12月更新为了允许SO_LINGER,应用程序应将l_onoff设为非零,将l_linger设为零或需要的超时值(以秒为单位),然后调用 setsockopt()。为了允许SO_DONTLINGER(亦即禁止SO_LINGER),l_onoff应设为零,然后调用 setsockopt()。缺省条件下,一个套接口不能与一个已在使用中的本地地址捆绑(参见bind())。但有时会需要"重用"地址。因为每一个连接都由本地地址和远端地址的组合唯一确定,所以只要远端地址不同,两个套接口与一个地址捆绑并无大碍。为了通知WINDOWS套接口实现不要因为一个地址已被一个套接口使用就不让它与另一个套接口捆绑,应用程序可在bind()调用前先设置SO_REUSEADDR选项。请注意仅在bind()调用时该选项才被解释;故此无需(但也无害)将一个不会共用地址的套接口设置该选项,或者在bind()对这个或其他套接口无影响情况下设置或清除这一选项。(此处就是最关键的重绑定说明了)一个应用程序可以通过打开SO_KEEPALIVE选项,使得WINDOWS套接口实现在TCP连接情况下允许使用"保持活动"包。一个WINDOWS套接口实现并不是必需支持"保持活动",但是如果支持的话,具体的语义将与实现有关,应遵守 RFC1122"Internet主机要求-通讯层"中第4.2.3.6节的规范。如果有关连接由于"保持活动"而失效,则进行中的任何对该套接口的调用都将以WSAENETRESET错误返回,后续的任何调用将以WSAENOTCONN错误返回。

为什么同是ose ,house读[haus],而close却读[klu0259uz]

其实你自己也写出不同了, house 是 "ouse", close 是 "ose"不过, 重点是, hou-se 的 hou 是一个音节, close 的 clo 是自己一个音节..所以剩下来的基本都是 s 尾音. 不过, 认真来说, house 在不同场合下会有不同发音, 当adj 是 读 s 音, 当 verb 用就会读成 z 音了

melody - close your eyes歌词

日文和中文翻错了melody.再怎么好……也不会把这么强大的爱国主义精神在这首歌里表现出来= =作词:melody. 作曲:Takuya Harada Lying broken on the floor Waitiig for her man to come back to her She hums a melancholy tune Though the candle has long before Fickered off it"s last ray of light to her She see"s a vision of his face It is haunting her. still unable to let him go Shut the door, there"s no need to look back Close your eyes and sleep tonight Let dreams escort you into the light You"ll find the love that you"re looking for You can do so much more... But you still choose to care... For him Reading back her diaries She relives a distant memory Those times are nothing but a haze But she can not seem to face What"s then is now gone... Shut the door, there"s no need to look back Close your eyes and sleep tonight Let dreams escort you into the light You"ll find the love that you"re looking for You can do so much more... If you just Say goodbye to yesterday It"s never too late to find a way So take a look and you"ll clearly see You can do anything... But you still choose to care... There is always a sliver lining to a cloud You gotta realize it now Can"t you feel Endless love It"s shimmering all around you Close your eyes and sleep tonight Let dreams escort you into the light You"ll find the love that you"re looking for You can do so much more... if you just Say goodbye to yesterday It"s never too late to find a way So take a look and you"ll clearly see You can do anything... But you still choose to care... For him END 译文:受伤地躺在地板上,等她爱的人回来,她轻哼着忧伤的调子,打发掉悲伤的时间。尽管蜡烛早已燃尽最后一丝光。她还是看见他的脸庞,挥之不去,不能释怀。关上门,没必要回头,闭上眼睛,入眠。让梦带你走进光芒,你会发现你要的爱。你还有好多事要挂心,但你仍然选择,在乎他。她读起曾经的日记,再次重温遥远的记忆,那些仅仅是阴霾的时间。但她不能面对,消失的一切。关上门,没必要回头,闭上眼睛,入眠。让梦带你走进光芒,你会发现你要的爱。你还有好多事要挂心,对昨天说再见,发现新的方向永远不会太晚。所以,看一看,你会发现,你可以做任何事情。但你仍然选择去在乎。。。云总会有银色的衬底,你现在要意识得到。难道你不曾感觉,无尽的爱。它在你四周闪耀。关上门,没必要回头,闭上眼睛,入眠。让梦带你走进光芒,你会发现你要的爱。你还有好多事要挂心,对昨天说再见,发现新的方向永远不会太晚。所以,看一看,你会发现,你可以做任何事情。但你仍然选择去在乎。。。他. それでもこの国を たまらなく爱しているから もう一度生まれ変わったら 私の名を呼んでください 寒さに震える夜も 流れる涙つむぐ夜も もう一度生まれ変わったら あなたを决して离しはしない 私の胸の中に帰っておいで 気高いあなたの勇気を抱きしめたい ひそやかな海に咲いた白い花たちが 今私のからだに折り重なる close your eyes 瞳を闭じれば あなたが私に微笑みかけるよ close your eyes 瞳を闭じれば 希望へ駆け升るあなたが永远に生きてる それでもこの道を 耐え忍び歩いてきたから もう一度生まれ変わったら あなたの名を呼んであげたい 夕暮れにしなだれて 必ず明日が来るんだと もう一度生まれ変わったら 谛めないで待ち続けたい 私の胸の中に帰っておいで 気高いあなたの勇気を抱きしめたい ひそやかな海に咲いた白い花たちが 今私のからだに折り重なる close your eyes 瞳を闭じれば あなたが私に微笑みかけるよ close your eyes 瞳を闭じれば 希望へ駆け升るあなたが永远に生きてる

关灯英语为什么不用close the light

关灯是turn off the light关门用close,close the door









tcp通道关闭时,发生了什么? time_wait close_wait

当第一次遇到这种问题的时候,你可能会有如下的问题:其实,你真正想问的是:TCP通道是一个连接,连接的两端都可以向通道里写数据或者从通道里读数据,连接的两端都可以发起关闭操作。整个TCP通道的关闭流程如下:A(socketfd:10) <——–TCP Connction ———-B(socketfd:20)关闭A,则A向B发送FIN;如果程序显式的关闭了B,那么B会向A发送一个FIN,然后B就处于LAST_ACK状态了;A在接受到B的FIN后,发出最后一个ACK,此时A就处于知名的TIME_WAIT状态了。TIME_WAIT时间一般会比较长。尽量避免TIME_WAIT过多的一端主动关闭socket使用SocketPool,避免频繁创建/关闭socket提到Thrift ThreadPoolServer有时候会出现较多的close wait状态,有朋友问我这是不是thrift的bug?写过Server比较多的同志们应该能意识到这个问题的原因,不值得说,可是我今天实在是太郁闷无聊了,我就写写我的想法吧。我觉得这当然不能算是Thrift的Bug,如果出现了这样的问题,其实是因为错误的选择了Server的类型,错误的实现了Client,过于保守的Server Max Connection配置等等原因。对于ThreadPoolServer而言,每一个客户端连接,Server端都需要提供一个固定的线程来维护,在空闲时,线程堵塞在read()操作,等待客户端数据的到来。Thrift ThreadPoolServer中使用的默认线程池是定长线程池,意味着Server端能提供的线程池数是有限的。当线程用完时,新的连接将不能得到Server殷勤的服务,它不会在乎你的生死,你必须等待。Server会接受这个连接,连接成功建立;Server没有合适的线程来处理这个连接,于是将这个连接放到暂存列表;如果这个时候有线程空闲了,则一切顺利,这个线程将接管这个连接;但遗憾的是,我们没有空闲线程,所以这个连接一直处于空闲状态,直到客户端程序timeout(如果设置了timeout的话);连接timeout,意味着暂存列表里的连接已经失效了,此时对应的socket处于CLOSE_WAIT中(出现了本文开头的情况),遗憾的是,我们依然没有空闲的线程来处理这个连接,所以它一直处于CLOSE_WAIT中。终于,某一个时刻,有一个客户端关闭了连接,我们有了空闲线程,它去查看暂存列表。发现有一个socket fd,尝试去接管它,对这个fd执行read(),然后得到一个Connection Reset error,终于,我们可以优雅的关闭它了(CLOSE_WAIT结束)。以上就是全部的故事。


  close表紧密的; 亲密的; 亲近的意思,那么你知道close的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了close的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   close的短语:   close up   1. 靠近   靠近了看,她也很漂亮。   close up she was no less pretty.   come close   1. 几乎要,差一点做   他差一点就开口骂首相是个骗子。   he &B{came close to} calling the Prime Minister a liar.   run someone close   1. 几乎赶上(某人的标准,水平)   1986年世界杯决赛中德国队差点追平阿根廷队。   the Germans ran Argentina close in the 1986 World Cup final.   too close for comfort   1. 近得危险;近得不适   与受害者讨论问题对顾问的个人体验来说可能近得太不适了。   an issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor"s personal experience.   close in   1. 好象都纠结在一起   问题纠结在一起   The problems closed in.   2. 围攻:向目标移动以封锁   警察围攻狙击者   The police closed in on the sniper.   3. 笼罩:围绕使不能使用   机场为雾所笼罩   The airport was closed in by fog.   close out   1. 降价清出:降价处理(一系列商品)   2. 清算:结束,如通过售卖   清算一公司   close out a business.   close by   1. 靠近;附近   她爸爸住得很近。   her father lives quite close by.   close on(或 close to)   1. (数量)几乎;几近   他在牢里过了近30年。   he spent close to 30 years in jail.   同义词辨析:   close, near, nearby   这些形容词均有"接近的"之意。   close : 语气强于near。指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有紧靠、相邻的意味。   near : 语气弱于close,也指时间或空间上的接近,但无"紧接,接触"的含义。   nearby : 指距离上很近,近在咫尺。   close, shut, slam   这些动词均有"关"之意。   close : 较多地用于正式或庄重的文体中,如关闭铁路、公路以及其它交通渠道,要用close。   shut : 着重关闭的动作、过程和方式手段。   slam : 象声词,指"砰的关上",或用力关上。   complete, finish, end, close, conclude, terminate, accomplish   这些动词均含"结束,完成"之意。   complete : 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。   finish : 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。   end : 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。   close : 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。   conclude : 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。   terminate : 强调有一个空间和时间的限度,届时必须终止。书面语用词。   accomplish : 正式用词,强调一个过程的完成;也可指依靠努力达到一定目的,或取得一定的结果。   familiar, intimate, close, confidential   这些形容词均含"亲密的"之意。   familiar : 通常指因长期交往而彼此很熟悉,像自家人一样。   intimate : 语气强烈,指感情或思想融洽、相互知心,彼此关系亲密。   close : 语气较强,指兴趣爱好相同,因而关系密切,感情深笃。   confidential : 指相互之间可推心置腹、彼此信赖。   close的短语例句:   1. Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people.   3枚迫击炮弹落在人群旁。   2. Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore.   煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海。   3. An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport.   一架大型客机在飞近希思罗机场时差点儿发生空难。   4. For my part, I feel elated and close to tears.   就我而言,我感到非常高兴,都快落泪了。   5. Sammy was standing close to Ned, talking animatedly with him.   萨米紧挨着内德站着,两人谈兴正浓。   6. To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.   关闭文件时要同时按键盘上的CTRL键和W键。   7. Today"s complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders.   如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。   8. The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.   最近的民意测验预测竞争将会非常激烈。   9. A senior White House official said the agreement is close.   白宫的一位高级官员说即将达成协议。   10. He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons.   他一个人住,与3个已经长大成人的儿子经常联系。   11. The close-up photography and commentary are clear and unambiguous.   那组特写照片和附带的评论一目了然,毫无含糊之处。   12. Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends.   青少年在和自己小圈子里的好友呆在一起时最为开心。   13. You were just in time. Whew! What a close call.   你可真及时。嚯,真是好险呢!   14. We hope to continue to have her close support and friendship.   我们希望她能继续大力支持,并能与她维持亲密友谊。   15. Animal welfare is a subject very close to my heart.   动物福利是我非常关注的一个问题。

mybatis使用mapper代理开发方法 session需要关闭吗(session.close)

现象1:如果使用原生mybatis进行数据操作,那么必须按照以下方式使用:SqlSession sqlSession = null;try { sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); //namespace+id sqlSession.insert("cn.jarjar.dao.BlogMapper.insertBlog", blog); sqlSession.commit(true)} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); sqlSession.rollback(true);} finally { sqlSession.close();}也就是要像原始的java.sql.Connection对象一样,必须按照:新建连接->执行SQL->提交(查询不需要)->如果操作数据存在异常需要回滚->释放数据库连接。注意第一点和最后一点,每个SqlSession新建之后必须释放,不然会造成数据库连接泄露的危险。也就是意味着SqlSession是个有状态的对象,是无法进行复用的,所以只能局限于request或者方法的范围,也就是所谓的线程不安全。现象2:如果使用spring集成mybatis,官方提供了整和包mybatis-spring.jar,如果完成配置之后,使用方式及其简单,简单示例如下://注入spring中配置的SqlSessionTemplate对象,单例@Resource(name="sqlSessionTemplate")public SqlSessionTemplate sqlSessionTemplate;public void saveTestTrans(){ this.sqlSessionTemplate.selectList("testdomain.selectAnySql", "select * from my_blog where id="1"");}这里的SqlSessionTemplate不仅是单例的,而且不需要手工新建和关闭SqlSession问题1:那么问题来了,为什么mybatis-spring.jar中的SqlSessionTemplate可以被多个dao复用,而且不会造成数据连接泄露呢,并且还可以自动新建和释放数据库连接看官方解答是因为SqlSessionTemplate是线程安全的,也就是确保每个线程使用的sqlSession的唯一并不互相冲突。首先看了一下mybatis-spring的源码,发现SqlSessionTemplate是通过代理拦截和SqlSessionHolder实现的sqlsession线程安全和自动新建和释放连接的。看构造函数函数中构建代理类,该代理类实现SqlSession接口,定义了方法拦截器,如果调用代理类实例中实现SqlSession接口定义的方法,该调用则被导向SqlSessionInterceptor的invoke方法,这个方法中自动进行了SqlSession的自动请求和释放(如果不被spring托管则自己新建和释放sqlsession,如果被spring管理则使用SqlSessionHolder进行request和relase操作)以下网址针对SqlSessionTemplate的线程安全特性进行了详细的探究:问题2:然后又想到这样一个问题,虽然现在几乎所有项目都使用spring作为java程序的基本框架,如果我不使用spring管理mybatis,仅仅使用原始的mybatis,怎么样才能构建一个和SqlSessionTemplate相似的对象呢看首先想到必须使用java的treadLocal构建一个sqlsession的对象,如ThreadLocal sqlSession = new ThreadLocal()。经过查找,发现mybatis自身就有这样一个类实现了类似的功能,类路径:org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionManager,但是没有注释,可能存在mybatis-spring这种神器之后,mybatis放弃了对这个类的维护。该类实现了SqlSessionFactory, SqlSession并且在其中定义了一个treadLocal的sqlssion对象,同时使用了代理拦截进行了sqlsession的自动管理,具体代码可以自己查阅,对于理解mybatis原理和java的代理机制很有帮助。那么写个简单的程序验证一下SqlSessionManager是否真的可以保证线程安全和自动新建和释放sqlssion:TestSqlManager.javaprivate static SqlSession sqlSession;public static SqlSession getSqlSessionTest(){ if(sqlSession == null){ //构建使用的SqlSessionFactory SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory(); sqlSession = SqlSessionManager.newInstance(sqlSessionFactory); } return sqlSession;}public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Run run = new Run(); List threads = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Thread t = new Thread(run); threads.add(t); System.out.println("thread:{"+t.getName()+"}, start"); t.start(); } for (Thread t : threads) { System.out.println("thread:{"+t.getName()+"},join"); t.join(); }}我本机装的mysql,通过监控语句:select SUBSTRING_INDEX(host,":",1) as ip , count(*) from information_schema.processlist group by ip;发现执行过程中存在连接并发的情况,但是执行之后全部释放掉了。

澳洲英文地址翻译 Ikara Close,Dunlop,ACT

Ikara Close - 伊卡拉街(Close为“小陡街”之意)Dunlop - 邓禄普区(堪培拉市市郊)ACT - 澳大利亚首都直辖区 (Australian Capital Territory)~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译, 欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~

圭贤 at close中文歌词翻译

转自百度 曺圭贤吧 贤夫人520뒷모습이 참 예뻤구나(at close)你的背影原来好漂亮뒷모습이 참 예뻤구나tuin-mo-seu-bi cam ye-bbeot-ggu-na背影真的好美啊가는 널 보고서야 알게 되었어ka-neun neor po-go-seo-ya ar-ge tui-eo-sseo直到看到你离去才知道눈물 흘리니까 맘 아프구나nu-mur heur-li-ni-gga mam a-peu-gu-na原来因为流泪 所以心才痛啊우는 널 가는 널wu-neun neor ka-neun neor看到的哭泣的你 离开的你之后보고서야 알았어po-go-seo-ya a-la-sseo才知道이제 와서 미안해i-je wa-seo mi-a-nae直到现在才说抱歉진작 널 알아보지 못한jin-jang neo la-la-po-ji mo-tan没能早点认出你나 참 우습지 나 참 우습지na cam wu-seup-ji na cam wu-seup-ji我真是可笑 我真是可笑떠나가지 말아줘ddeo-na-ga-ji ma-la-jwo不要离开我붙잡아도 넌 가겠지만put-jja-ba-do neon ka-get-jji-man尽管就算挽留 你也还是会走나 참 못났지 나 참 못났지na cam mon-nat-jji na cam mon-nat-jji我真的好没出息 我真的好没出息왜 사랑은 이제서야 아는 걸까wae sa-lang-eun yi-je-seo-ya a-neun geor-gga为什么现在才懂得爱왜 눈물은 이제서야 나는 걸까wae nun-mu-leun yi-je-seo-ya na-neun geor-gga为什么现在才流泪왜 그렇게도 난 널 몰랐을까wae ke-leo-ke-do nan neor mor-la-sseur-gga为什么这样不懂你참 사랑은 참 사람은cam sa-lang-eun cam sa-la-meun爱情啊 真是 人啊 真是바보 같다pa-bo kat-dda像傻瓜一般네 손은 참 따뜻했구나ni so-neun cam dda-ddeu-taet-ggu-na你的手真的很温暖늘 잡던 네 체온을 이제야 느껴neur jap-ddeo ni ce-wo-neu li-je-ya neu-ggyeo一直握着的你的体温 直到现在才感觉到너는 참 눈빛이 예뻤었구나neo-neun cam nun-bi-qi ye-bbeo-sseot-gu-na你的眼神真的好美啊늘 웃던 날 보던neu lut-ddeon nar bo-ddeon只想起네 모습만 생각나ni mo-seum-man saeng-gang-na总是望着我笑的你的模样이제 와서 미안해yi-je wa-seo mi-a-nae直到现在才说抱歉진작 널 채워주지 못한ji-jang neor cae-wo-ju-ji mo-tan没能把握住你나 참 우습지 나 참 우습지na cam wu-seup-jji na cam wu-seup-jji我真是可笑 我真是可笑떠나가지 말아줘ddeo-na-ga-ji ma-la-jwo不要离开我이미 네 맘은 떠났지만yi-mi ni-ma-meun ddeo-nat-jji-man虽然你的心已经离开나 참 못났지 나 참 못났지na cam mon-nat-jji na cam mon-nat-jji我真的好没出息 我真的好没出息왜 사랑은 이제서야 아는 걸까wae sa-lang-eun yi-je-seo-ya a-neun geor-gga为什么现在才懂得爱왜 눈물은 이제서야 나는 걸까wa nun-mu-leun yi-je-seo-ya na-neun geor-gga为什么现在才流泪왜 그렇게도 난 널 몰랐을까wae ke-leo-ke-do nan neor mor-la-sseur-gga为什么这样不懂你참 사랑은 왜 사랑은cam sa-lang-eun wae sa-lang-eun爱情啊 真是 爱情啊 为什么왜 사랑은 이제서야 아는 걸까wae sa-lang-eun yi-je-seo-ya a-neun geor-gga为什么现在才懂得爱왜 눈물은 이제서야 나는 걸까wa nun-mu-leun yi-je-seo-ya na-neun geor-gga为什么现在才流泪왜 그렇게도 난 널 몰랐을까wae ke-leo-ke-do nan neor mor-la-sseur-gga为什么这样不懂你참 사랑은 내 사랑은cam sa-lang-eun nae sa-lang-eun爱情啊 真是 我的爱情啊바보 같다pa-bo kat-dda像傻瓜一般

求苏格兰乐队TRAVIS的单曲 《closer 》 下载资源 酷狗和百度上都没有直接下载的资源啊这里有下载点击链接下方的小箭头,进入后,即可下载 确认后别忘了尽快采纳。有疑问就hi我


I"ve had enough, of this parade. I"m thinking of, the words to say. We open up, unfinished parts, Broken up, its so mellow. And when I see you then I know it will be next to me And when I need you then I know you will be there with me Ill never leave you... Just need to get closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now, closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now. Keep waking up (waking up), without you here (without you here). Another day (another day), another year (another year). I seek the truth (seek the truth), we set apart (we set apart) Thinking of a second chance (a second chance). And when I see you then I know it will be next to me And when I need you then I know you will be there with me Ill never leave you... Just need to get closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now, closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now (lean on me now). And when I see you then I know it will be next to me And when I need you then I know you will be there with me Ill never leave you... Just need to get closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now, closer, closer, Lean on me now, Lean on me now (lean on me now). closer, closer... closer, closer.


  Closer  歌手:Travis  I"ve had enough,  of this parade.  I"m thinking of,  the words to say.  We open up,  unfinished parts,  Broken up,  it"s so mellow.  And when I see you  then I know it will be next to me  And when I need you  then I know you will be there with me  Ill never leave you...  Just need to get closer,  closer,  Lean on me now,  Lean on me now,  closer,  closer,  Lean on me now,  Lean on me now.  Keep waking up (waking up),  without you here (without you here).  Another day (another day),  another year (another year).  I seek the truth (seek the truth),  we set apart (we set apart)  Thinking of a second chance (a second chance).  And when I see you then  I know it will be next to me  And when I need you then  I know you will be there with me  Ill never leave you...  Just need to get closer,  closer,  Lean on me now,  Lean on me now,  closer,  closer,  Lean on me now,  Lean on me now (lean on me now).  And when I see you then  I know it will be next to me  And when I need you then  I know you will be there with me  Ill never leave you...  Just need to be closer,  closer,  Lean on me now,  Lean on me now,  closer,  closer,  Lean on me now,  Lean on me now (lean of me now).  closer,  closer...


I"ve had enough 我已受够Of this parade 在这段日子I"m thinking of 我正在想The words to say 如何开口We open up 我们敞开心胸Unfinished parts 那些未完成的部分Broken up 分手了It"s so mellow 一切那么地成熟And when I see you then i know you will be next to me 当我看到你我知道你会在我身边And when I need you then I know you will be there with me 当我需要你我知道你会支持我I"ll never leave you 我绝不会离开你Just need to get closer, closer 只是需要靠近一点,再近一点Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上吧Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上吧Closer, closer 近一点,再近一点Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上吧Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上吧Keep waking up (waking up) 保持清醒Without you here (without you here) 即使没有你Another day (another day) 日复一日Another year (another year) 年复一年I seek the truth (seek the truth) 我在找寻真理We set apart (we set apart) 我们拨出时间Thinking of 思考着A second chance (a second chance) 第二个机会Closer, closer 近一点,再近一点Closer, closer 近一点,再近一点

dont close your eyes~Josh woodward中文歌词

What you gonna do?你有什么打算?You are in an useless mood若你痛感自己的无力Why don"t you follow me?为何不追随我?You"re not the one who lives in Town在这个城市中 并非只有你一人Screaming and loud like me before你哭喊的样子 就像从前的我Somehow we stopped being workaholic everywhere不知不觉 我们没有再疯狂蛮干They have totally no plan他们却依然没有远见Finally dead end终究走上绝路Have you ever close your eyes?你可曾闭上你的双眼?You don"t want to hear some words当你什么都不想听见You can almost feel alive你可以体会到你的人生We"ll get to somewhere we want我们能去梦想所往It might be a frozen place或许那里是冰天雪地Have no way to go back again或许没有方法回来If I die then we"ll be gone forever或许我将死去 从此与你永别Wake up your mind just something in your heart唤醒你心中的想法Anything is right Everything is lies什么是正确的一切都是谎言You must think beyond the lots of meaning你必须超越很多Don"t follow just think before you move在行动之前要思考Everything is tight Everything is wrongAnd I know where we"re going to我知道我们正向往何处Somehow we stopped being workaholic everywhere不知不觉 我们没有再疯狂蛮干They have totally no plan他们却依然没有远见Finally dead end终究走上绝路Have you ever realize你可曾真正地理解过You don"t want to hear some words当你什么也不想听见You can almost feel alive你能体会到你的人生We"ll get to somewhere we want我们能去梦想所处It might be a frozen place或许那里是冰天雪地Have no way to go back again或许没有方法回来If I die then we"ll be gone forever或许我将死去 从此与你永别Have you ever close your eyes?你可曾闭上你的双眼?You don"t want to hear some words当你什么都不想听见You can almost feel alive你可以体会到你的人生We"ll get to somewhere we want我们能去梦想所往It might be a frozen place或许那里是冰天雪地Have no way to go back again或许没有方法回来If I die then we"ll be gone forever或许我将死去 从此与你永别

Closer的《Singles》 歌词

歌曲名:Singles歌手:Closer专辑:Closer1.だれかあなたを待(ま)たせてる人(ひと)がおありですかさっきから见(み)るともなく见(み)ている私(わたし)を悪(わる)く思(おも)わないで下(くだ)さいそこから何(なに)が见(み)えますかタバコの烟(けむり)越(こ)し 窓(まど)の彼方(かなた)マスター(master)はあい変(か)わらず何(なに)も话(はな)さない 自分(じぶん)のことも何(なに)も话(はな)さない夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります2.だれか拾(ひろ)いに来(き)たわけじゃないいまさらもういいんです日々(ひび)をひたすら生(い)きてゆくだけだから嘘(うそ)のような时间(じかん)がほしかったんです出会(であ)うことも别(わか)れることもいまさらもういいんですただ だれか同(おな)じような人(ひと)が他(ほか)にもいると思(おも)いたいんです夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります3.古(ふる)いレコード(record)をかけるなら思(おも)い出(で)よりももっと古(ふる)いやつがいい无邪気(むじゃき)に「こんな曲(きょく)知(し)らない」と笑(わら)う私(わたし)になれるからSINGLES BARのさみしさは 帰(かえ)りどきを自分(じぶん)で决(き)めること「もう帰(かえ)ろうか」って言(い)われて席(せき)を立(た)つ残念(ざんねん)さもくすぐったさもないこと夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります夜(よる)の入口(いりぐち)はさみしくて 眠(ねむ)りにつくまでさみしくて人(ひと)の気配(けはい)のする暗(くら)がりに身(み)を寄(よ)せたくなります





as close as an oyster是什么意思

as close as an oyster=像牡蛎一样沉默寡言

cutting it kind of close 什么意思啊


union with close kin中文翻译

This preference for exogamy , gutman suggests , may have derived from west african rules governing marriage , which , though they differed from one tribal group to another , all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin 古特曼指出,异族通婚的倾向可能起源于西部非洲的婚姻规则,虽然他们来自不同的部落,但是他们都于禁止近亲结婚的的规则相关。

买底予警公式{分时控盘} VAR1:=EMA(EMA(CLOSE,13),13); 控盘:=(VAR1-REF(VAR1,1))/REF(VAR1,1)*1000; STIC

VAR1:=EMA(EMA(CLOSE,13),13); 控盘:=(VAR1-REF(VAR1,1))/REF(VAR1,1)*1000; JJ:=DYNAINFO(11); P:=55;S:=8;M1:=3; 财:=(EMA(CLOSE,S)-EMA(CLOSE,P))*10,COLORRED,LINETHICK2; 神:=EMA(财,M1),COLORGREEN,LINETHICK1; BTJ11:=(C-JJ)/JJ<-0.03; BTJ2:=控盘


deep deeply high highly﹉

第一个空为什么要用putting,第二个为什么要用to close ,第三个为什么要用being?


你好,一首女英文歌,里面有一句close my eye的歌词

Uncle Kracker - When I Close My Eyes.Guess I never thought again I""d hear your voiceWhen you packed your bags and pulled out of DetroitYea the snowfalls are long and hard to bearKnowin"" you""re down south with sunshine on your hairYou sent a postcard from Graceland when you passed throughIt read, even though we lost I still love youI keep it like a locket on a chainI tell myself that I moved on but only half the way.And every time I close my eyes,You""re dancin"" ""neath the full moon lightYour faded jeans across the hood,My arms wrap ""round you tight and good.And I""m wiser than I was that day,Now I""d have some words to say,Ones that just might make you stay with me.That""s only when I close my eyes..Lately I""ve been talking to God again,And the string of things I didn""t do back then,No doubt I""m better off having had you.Yeah, you taught me how to love,Taught me how to lose it too.And every time I close my eyes,You""re dancin"" ""neath the full moon lightYour faded jeans across the hood,My arms wrap ""round you tight and good.And I""m wiser than I was that day,Now I""d have some words to say,Ones that just might make you stay with me.That""s only when I close my eyes..Every time I close my eyes,You""re dancin"" ""neath the full moon lightYour faded jeans across the hood,My arms wrap ""round you tight and good.And I""m wiser than I was that day,Now I""d have some words to say,Ones that just might make you stay with me.That""s only when I close my eyes.When I close these eyes.

a close shave

A narrow escape (A barely successful flight from or avoidance of danger or trouble), a close call, a near miss. 死里逃生, 九死一生, 一发千钧, 幸免于难


close [英]klu0259u028az [美]klou028az adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的 vt. 关;结束;使靠近 vi. 关;结束;关闭 [例句]The vote is expected to be close.投票结果预计会很接近。settings n. 镶嵌( setting的名词复数 );环境;装置;(某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景 [例句]Normalisation of policy settings is under way elsewhere across asia.亚洲其它地区的政策环境也在回归正常。





Scientists find that______one’s eyeballs move more quickly although their eyelids are closeD.

【答案】:when dreaming occurswhen dreaming occurs 解析:参见原文中第三段第二句。

It was imperative that I be as close as possible.请帮忙翻译


McFly 唱的too close 中文翻译

是太近的意思吧。too 是“太”的意思,close则有两个意思:一是“关闭”,二是“近”

求mcfly的Too Close for Comfort中文歌词

i never meant the things i said 我从没有想过我说的这些 to make you cry 会让你哭泣 can i say i"m sorry 我可以说我很抱歉吗? it"s hard to forget 这的确很难忘记 and yes i regret all these mistakes 当然我很后悔我犯的这些错误 i don"t know why you"re leaving me 我不知道你为什么会离开我 but i know you must have your reasons 但我知道你一定有自己的原因 there"s tears in your eyes 你的眼睛里有泪水 i watch as you cry 我看着你哭了 but it"s getting late 但是太迟了 was i invading in on your secrets 我是在偷窥你的秘密吗? was i too close for comfort 是我离舒适太近了吗? you"re pushing me out when i"m wanting in 当我想近来的时候你把我推了出去 what was i just about to discover 什么是等待我去发现的呢? when i got too close for comfort 什么时候我才能离舒适近点呢? driving you home 开车去你家的路上 guess i"ll never know 我想我不会知道 remember when we scratched our names into the sand and told me you loved me 记得当我们把各自的名字写在沙子上然后告诉自己你爱我 but now that i find 但我现在我发现了 that you"ve changed your mind 你改变了你的想法 i"m lost for words 我无话可说 and everything i feel for you 我一直想着你 i wrote down on one piece of paper 我把所有写在一张纸上 the one in your hand 在你手上的那个人 you won"t understand 你永远都不会明白 how much it hurts to let you go 我受伤多深才让你走 i got too close for comfort 我离舒适太近了 all this time you"ve been telling me lies 这些时候一直在对我说谎 hidden in bags that are under your eyes 把你眼睛底下的思想都藏在你的背包里 and when i asked you i knew i was right 当我问你我是对的 but if you turn your back on me now 但你只把你的背影对着我 when i need you most 当我最需要你的时候 but you just let me down, down, down 你却让我失望失望失望 would you think about what you"re about to do to me 你有没有想过要对我做些什么呢? and back down... 回落吧 (yeh yeh yeh) 那句Too Close for Comfort应该翻译为追的紧~逼的紧...大致翻的都对


Turn the lights off in this place 在这里把灯关掉 And she shines just like a star 她就像一颗星星闪烁 And I swear I know her face 而我发誓我见过她 I just don"t know who you are 我只是不知道她是谁 Turn the music up in here 在这里把音乐打开 I still hear her loud and clear 我依旧清晰听到她的声音 Like she"s right there in my ear 就如同她在我耳边低语 Telling me 告诉我 That she wants to own me 她想要拥有我 To control me 想要控制我 Come closer 想要我靠近一点 Come closer 靠近一点 And I just can"t pull myself away 而我只是无法抽身离开 Under a spell i can"t break 在无法破解的魔咒之下 I just cant stop 我只是无法停下来 I just cant stop I just cant stop I just cant stop And I just can"t bring myself away 而我只是不能独自离开 But I don"t want to escape 我不想逃开 I just can"t stop 我只是无法停下来 I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I can feel her on my skin 我能感觉她触摸我的肌肤 I can taste her on my tongue 我用舌尖品尝她 Shes the sweetest taste Ive seen 她最甜美 The more I get the more I want 得到越多 想要越多 She wants to own me 她想要拥有我 Come closer 想要我靠近一点 She says "come closer" 她说 靠近一点 And I just can"t pull myself away 而我只是无法抽身离开 Under a spell i can"t break 在无法破解的魔咒之下 I just cant stop 我只是无法停下来 I just cant stop I just cant stop I just cant stop And I just can"t bring myself away 而我只是不能独自离开 But I don"t want to escape 我不想逃开 I just can"t stop 我只是无法停下来 I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I just can"t stop (Come closer) x 7 靠近一点 I just can"t stop nooooo 我不能停下 不能 I just can"t stop nooooo I just can"t stop nooooo I just can"t stop nooooo And I just can"t pull myself away 而我只是无法抽身离开 Under a spell i can"t break 在无法破解的魔咒之下 I just cant stop 我只是无法停下来 I just cant stop I just cant stop I just cant stop And I just can"t bring myself away 而我只是不能独自离开 But I don"t want to escape 我不想逃开 I just can"t stop 我只是无法停下来 I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I just can"t stop I just can"t stop And I just can"t pull myself away 而我只是无法抽身离开 Under a spell i can"t break 在无法破解的魔咒之下 I just cant stop 我只是无法停下来 I just cant stop I just cant stop I just cant stop

close 和closed的区别

"The shops are closed on Sundays."这个句子中的be closed并不是被动结构,而是系表结构,closed为形容词,意思是“关着的”,表示状态。

close 和 closeD什么区别

close做动词(如:close down关闭,close the door关门)closed:(1)是close的过去式(或过去分词)[She closed the door] (2)做形容词(The shop is closed商店是关着的这种状态)




closed- past tenseclose- present


你就这样读就对了 可漏热死 可漏死 不要问我为什么 因为我是雷锋



close 与 clothes 读音上有什么区别呢?


close your book 怎么读

勾死 唷 博










closed怎么读:关闭1、The hospital closed at the end of last year. 这所医院去年年底关闭。2、The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2002. 这家工厂最后于2002年关闭。3、The result is going to be too close to call. 双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。4、Would you be kind enough to close the window? 请把窗子关上好吗?5、The suggestion to close the road has found favour with local people. 关闭这条路的建议已得到当地人的支持。6、The road was closed to traffic for two days. 这条路已经封路两天了。


[klu0259uz] 基本释义:adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的vt. 关;结束;使靠近vi. 关;结束;关闭adv. 紧密地n. 结束[ 过去式closed 过去分词closed 现在分词closing ] 词组短语:pay close attention to 密切注意 close contact 近距离接触;紧密接触 so close 如此亲密;如此贴近 close at hand adv. 就在眼前;在附近 close connection 紧密联系 同近义词:adj.紧密的;亲密的;亲近的familiar, near, compactvt.关;结束;使靠近conclude, pull the plugvi.关;结束;关闭pull the plug, draw to an endadv.紧密地cheek by jowl, compactlyn.结束completion, termination, finish, ended up



close是什么意思 close怎么读

1、close英[kl??z , kl??s],美[klo?z , klo?s].(1)v.关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; (使)关门,关闭(一段时间); 不开放;(2)n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了;(3)adj.(在空间、时间上)接近; 几乎(处于某种状态); 可能(快要做某事); 亲密的; 密切的;(4)adv.接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地;(5)n.一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物;2、[例句]I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。3、[其他]比较级:closer 最高级:closest 第三人称单数:closes 现在分词:closing 过去式:closed 过去分词:closed.

close是什么意思 close怎么读

1、close英[klu0259u028az , klu0259u028as],美[klou028az , klou028as].(1)v.关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; (使)关门,关闭(一段时间); 不开放; (2)n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了; (3)adj.(在空间、时间上)接近; 几乎(处于某种状态); 可能(快要做某事); 亲密的; 密切的; (4)adv.接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; (5)n.一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物; 2、[例句]I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。 3、[其他]比较级:closer 最高级:closest 第三人称单数:closes 现在分词:closing 过去式:closed 过去分词:closed.



close怎么读 close的读法

1、close英[klu0259u028az , klu0259u028as]美[klou028az , klou028as]。 2、v.关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; (使)关门,关闭(一段时间); 不开放; 3、n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了; 4、adj.(在空间、时间上)接近; 几乎(处于某种状态); 可能(快要做某事); 亲密的; 密切的; 5、adv.接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; 6、n.一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物; 7、[例句]I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。 8、[其他]比较级:closer 最高级:closest 第三人称单数:closes 现在分词:closing 过去式:closed 过去分词:closed.

close怎么读 close的读法

1、close英[klu0259u028az , klu0259u028as]美[klou028az , klou028as]。 2、v.关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; (使)关门,关闭(一段时间); 不开放; 3、n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了; 4、adj.(在空间、时间上)接近; 几乎(处于某种状态); 可能(快要做某事); 亲密的; 密切的; 5、adv.接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; 6、n.一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物; 7、[例句]I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。 8、[其他]比较级:closer 最高级:closest 第三人称单数:closes 现在分词:closing 过去式:closed 过去分词:closed.


[klu0259uz] vt.& vi. (使)关,关闭 The door won"t close. 这门关不上. 终止 At eleven the meeting closed. 会议于11点结束. [klu0259us] adj. 接近的 关系亲密的 中间无空隙的,浓缩的,挤紧的 势均力敌的 adv. 中间无空隙地,位置接近地 n. 终结,结束,末尾




cross [krɒs]n. 十字架, 交叉路, 十字架形物件v. 越过, 渡过; 与...相交; 使交叉; 错过; 横穿, 横渡; 错过; 交叉, 相交; 杂交adj. 生气的, 相反的, 交叉的close [kləʊs]n. 结束, 终点; 关闭; 庭院; 小巷; 在句子里填缺少的字词的文字游戏v. 关, 使靠近, 结束; 关闭, 靠近, 结束adj. 靠近的, 亲密的, 亲近的adv. 接近地, 紧密地




adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的vt. 关;结束;使靠近vi. 关;结束;关闭adv. 紧密地n. 结束所属分类:CET4考 研CET6变化形式:第三人称单数 closes过去式 closed过去分词 closed现在分词 closing比较级 closer最高级 closest易混淆的单词 Close例句:That "s a pretty close match .这是一个相当接近的比赛。That youth "s sweet-scented manuscript should close !青春书卷香,终亦将关闭!America also has close military ties with pakistan .美国和巴基斯坦的军事关系也比较密切。He can always close his eyes to them .他总是可以闭上眼睛不去看它们。Is he likely to misunderstand a close approach ?他会不会误解某此的近距离接触?The vote should be close .双方得票应该非常接近。So close but so far away .这么近,但又那么远。The us is also paying close attention .美国也在密切关注这次大选。Maybe that is close enough .也许这已经够接近了。Open that eye and close the other .睁开一只眼睛并闭上另一只。热门查询:




1.close英[kl??z , kl??s]美[klo?z , klo?s]。 2. v.关; 关闭; 闭上; 合上; 合拢; (使)关门,关闭(一段时间); 不开放; n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了; adj.(在空间、时间上)接近; 几乎(处于某种状态); 可能(快要做某事); 亲密的; 密切的; adv.接近; 靠近; 紧挨着; 不远地; n.一端不通的街道; 死胡同; 死巷道; 大教堂所属的周围场地及建筑物; [例句]I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house.我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。




close [kləʊz]adj. 亲密的; 紧密的; 亲近的;vt. 关; 结束; 使靠近;vi. 关闭; 关; 结束;




close英音:[kl05uz]美音:[kloz] close的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 close1及物动词 vt. 1. 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly. 她轻轻地关上门。 2. 关(商店等);封闭(道路等)The street has been closed for two days. 这条街已被封闭两天了。 3. (尤指永久性地)关闭(学校、医院等)[(+down)]The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe. 该公司已决定关闭它在欧洲的三个分公司。 4. 结束;结清(帐目);商定(交易)I have closed my account at that bank. 我已结清了我在该银行的帐户。 The conference was closed on June 10. 会议于六月十日结束。 5. 使靠拢;使愈合The surgeon closed the incision with stitches. 外科医生缝合了伤口。

close 怎么读

close读音是:英[klu0259u028az , klu0259u028as]、美[klou028az , klou028as]。close是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词、副词,作名词时意思是结束;关闭;死巷;周围地区;英国某些传统公学的操场;通路,作动词时意思是关闭;合上;封闭;把各部分结合起来;停止运作;靠近;包围;接通;结束讲话;关门;歇业;结束。收盘;成交;结清;使缩小;把......牢牢抓住;关闭,作形容词时意思是紧密的;亲密的;直系的;全面细致的;势均力敌的;几近的;在即的;闷热的;类似的;危险的;吝啬的;被严守的;剪得很短的;闭塞音的,作副词时意思是“紧密地;接近地;靠近地。close用作动词时基本意思是“关闭,合上”,此时既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词。close还可指“使靠近,使靠拢”,后跟名词、代词做宾语。close在句中可作表语,也可作定语。短语搭配:Complimentary Close结束语;结尾敬语;信尾客套语;结尾语。Stay close跟紧;保持距离;保持密切联系;保持密切。Cape Close克洛斯角。be close to在……旁边。双语例句:1、Would you be kind enough to close the window?请把窗子关上好吗?2、She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.她十分注意不让进一步谈判的大门关上。3、The result is going to be too close to call.双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。4、She"s always been very close with her money.她用钱总是很吝啬。


close 英[klu0259u028as] 美[kloz] adj. 紧密的;亲密的;亲近的 vt. 关;结束;使靠近 vi. 关;结束;关闭 [例句]The vote is expected to be close.投票结果预计会很接近。


close the following transaction 达成以下交易
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