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recommend 英[ˌrekəˈmend] 美[ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd] vt. 推荐; 劝告; 使显得吸引人; 托付; vi. 推荐; 建议; [例句]I have just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to anyone.我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。[其他] 第三人称单数:recommends 现在分词:recommending过去式:recommended 过去分词:recommended 形近词: discommend 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科description 英[dɪˈskrɪpʃn] 美[dɪˈskrɪpʃən] n. 描述; 形容; 种类; 类型; [例句]Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty.警方已经发布了那名年龄在50到60岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。[其他] 复数:descriptions 形近词: discription adscription superscription 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科

希望大家帮忙找错误,顺便指点。A Recruiting Poster of Student Volunteers" Association

Dear fellow students, The Student Volunteers" Association now is recruting volunteers.We hope you will join our term. The Student Volunteers" Association was established in 1999.There are about 70 students in our organization.The Student Volunteers" Association aims at helping people who are in trouble.The Student Volunteers" Association has taken part in many activities and obtains widespread high praise. Any student who is interested in this organizaion and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to get more experience is welcomed. Please contact us. Our telephone number is 123456. Or you can email us at: We are waiting for you.

关于临床试验状态的,terminated,completed是什么意思,它们有什么区别?Active, not recruiting呢?

terminated提前终止,completed按计划完成,Active正在进行,not recruiting不再招募,已入组患者继续随访,并对数据进行最终的统计分析处理。

ICH-GCP 11.3 Recruitment & Retention(3)

Part 7: Using Incentives for Study Participation Part 8: What to Do when a Participant Leaves a Study Part 9: Summary of Key PointsResearch participants may be offered rewards such as monetary payments, free medical care, extra vacation time, food, and lodging. Such rewards are not considered benefits of study participation but rather incentives for participation. 研究参与者可能会得到一些奖励,如 金钱报酬、免费医疗、额外的休假时间、食物和住宿 。这种奖励并不被认为是参与研究的好处,而是对参与的奖励。 Receiving a monetary payment, or receiving something for free that would normally have to be paid for, is an inducement. Any inducement may be coercive or an undue influence on a potential study participant. People who are poor or needy may be induced to do something, possibly against their better judgment, by the offer of money or another reward. 获得货币支付,或免费获得通常需要支付的东西,是一种诱因。 任何诱导可能是强制性的,或对潜在的研究参与者产生不正当的影响 。穷人或需要帮助的人可能会被金钱或其他奖励诱导去做一些事情,这可能会违背他们更好的判断。 Because incentives for participation are potentially coercive, the amount and conditions of such incentives must be reviewed and approved by the IRB (See related material from the Institutional Review Boards module). 由于 参与激励具有潜在的强制性 ,此类激励的金额和条件必须由IRB审查和批准(参见机构审查委员会模块中的相关材料)。Many potential participants in drug and alcohol research are unemployed or otherwise economically disadvantaged. Concerns about unduly influencing such participants have led some investigators to decline to offer any incentives for study participation. It is unfair, however, to assume that any remuneration that is given to abusers of alcohol or other drugs will serve as an undue influence. 许多药物和酒精研究的潜在参与者失业或处于经济不利地位。 对过度影响这些参与者的担忧导致一些研究者拒绝提供任何参与研究的激励 。然而,假设给予酒精或其他药物滥用者的任何报酬都会产生不当影响,这是不公平的。Users are instructed to complete the statements below with “should” or “should not” to make the criteria correct. Then consider the feedback. 用户被指示用“应该”或“不应该”来完成下面的陈述,以使标准正确。然后考虑反馈。 Ⅰ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drugs, _______________ be valuable enough to: induce participants to enter or remain in a study against their better judgment. 1、向任何潜在研究参与者提供的激励措施,包括酒精或其他药物,其价值足以:诱导参与者进入或留在一项研究中,而不是他们更好的判断。 2、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug abusers, _______________ be valuable enough to: enable recruitment of an adequate number of participants. 2、对任何潜在的研究参与者,包括酗酒者或其他药物滥用者,提供的激励措施应足够有价值:能够招募到足够数量的参与者。 Ⅲ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug abusers, _______________ be valuable enough to: compensate participants for the time and inconvenience of study participation. 3、向任何潜在研究参与者(包括酒精或其他药物滥用者)提供的奖励应足够有价值:补偿参与者参与研究的时间和不便。 Ⅳ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug _______________ be given for taking risks. 4、对任何潜在的研究参与者,包括酒精或其他药物,给予冒险的奖励。 Ⅴ、Incentives offered to any potential research participants, including alcohol or other drug _______________ be given for taking medications. 5、向任何潜在研究参与者提供的奖励,包括酒精或其他药物,应给予其服用药物的奖励。Feedback 1 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should Not. Incentives should not be valuable enough to: induce participants to enter or remain in a study against their better judgment. 反馈1:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是“不应该”。激励措施不应该有足够的价值:诱导参与者进入或留在一项研究中,而不是他们更好的判断。 Feedback 2 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should. Incentives should be valuable enough to: enable recruitment of an adequate number of participants. 反馈2:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是应该。激励措施应该足够有价值:能够招募足够数量的参与者。 Feedback 3 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should. Incentives should be valuable enough to: compensate participants for the time and inconvenience of study participation. 反馈3:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是应该。激励措施应该足够有价值:补偿参与者参与研究的时间和不便。 Feedback 4 : Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should Not. Incentives should not be given for taking risks. 反馈4:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是“不应该”。不应该为冒险提供激励。 Feedback 5: Which did you choose: Should or Should Not? The correct response is Should Not. Incentives should not be given for taking medications. 反馈5:你选择了哪一个:应该还是不应该?正确的回答是“不应该”。不应该对服用药物给予奖励。Three issues must be considered in determining the appropriateness of incentives for participation in a study. 在确定参与研究的激励措施是否适当时,必须考虑三个问题。 The value of an incentive should reflect the burden posed by participation in the study. The value should not be so high that the incentive could be considered coercive or an excessive influence on an individual"s decision to participate in a study. 激励的价值应反映参与研究带来的负担。 该值不应太高,以至于该激励可能被认为是强制性的,或对个人参与研究的决定产生过度影响。Incentive credits should accrue as the study progresses. Payment should not be conditional on the participant"s completion of the entire study. However, it may be acceptable to create a payment schedule that provides some incentive for the participant to complete the study. The completion bonus should not be large enough to induce participants to remain in the study when they would otherwise have withdrawn. 激励积分应随着研究的进展而累积。 付款不应以参与者完成整个研究为条件。但是,可以创建一个付款计划,为参与者完成研究提供一些激励。完成奖金不应大到足以诱使参与者留在研究中,否则他们会退出。 In some circumstances, participants who withdraw from a study may be paid at the time they would have completed the study had they not withdrawn. For example, if a study lasts for only a few days, it may be acceptable to pay all participants on study completion, including those who withdrew. 在某些情况下, 退出研究的参与者可能会在他们没有退出的情况下完成研究时获得报酬 。例如,如果一项研究仅持续几天,则可以接受在研究完成时向所有参与者付款,包括退出的参与者。Forms of payment may include cash, store gift cards, money orders, or check cards. Some IRBs are reluctant to approve cash payments for certain populations, such as drug using populations out of concern that drug users might use study payments for drug purchases. On the other hand, avoiding cash payments can be viewed as paternalistic and disrespectful. Some forms of payments, such as money orders or check cards, may require the individual to show identification, which can be a potential problem for some populations, such as drug users. Payments over a certain amount may also be subject to taxes, and the participant should be made aware of this. 付款形式可能包括现金、商店礼品卡、汇票或支票卡 。一 些IRB不愿意批准某些人群的现金支付 ,例如吸毒人群,因为担心吸毒者可能会将研究付款用于购买药物。另一方面, 避免现金支付可能被视为家长式作风和不尊重 。某些形式的支付,如汇票或支票卡,可能要求个人出示身份证明,这对某些人群(如吸毒者)来说可能是一个潜在问题。超过一定金额的付款也可能需要纳税,参与者应了解这一点。The study protocol should include criteria for withdrawal and procedures for when a participant voluntarily leaves a study, is withdrawn early from the study for safety concerns, or is discharged after completing a study. The protocol should specify: 研究方案应包括 退出标准 和 参与者自愿退出研究 、 出于安全考虑提前退出研究 或 完成研究后出院的程序 。议定书应规定: Ⅰ、When and how to withdraw participants. Ⅱ、What type of data, if any, will be collected for withdrawn participants. Ⅲ、Whether follow-up of some or all participants that have been withdrawn from the study may occur. 1、何时以及如何退出参与者。 2、对于退出的参与者,将收集何种类型的数据(如有)。 3、是否对部分或全部退出研究的参与者进行随访。 Common end-of-study procedures include, but are not limited to, a closing interview, referral, and follow-up for a specified period of time . 常见的研究结束程序包括但不限于 结束访谈 、 转介 和 特定时间段的随访 。The closing interview is important because it is the final opportunity to obtain study data and likely the last contact the research team will have with the study participant. This interview also provides an opportunity to document any adverse events the participant experienced that may need follow-up after the study ends. 结束访谈很重要,因为这是获得研究数据的最后机会,也是研究团队与研究参与者的最后一次接触。本次访谈还 提供了一个记录参与者在研究结束后可能需要随访的任何不良事件的机会 。The research team is responsible for ensuring that a participant who leaves the study has any referrals that he or she needs to obtain services or help elsewhere, if desired. 研究团队负责确保退 出研究的参与者获得他或她需要的任何转介 ,以便在其他地方获得服务或帮助(如果需要)。Some protocols include a requirement for a follow-up interview to be conducted at a predetermined time point (e.g., one month) after the participant is discharged from the active treatment phase of the study. It may be helpful to remind the participant of this requirement during the closing interview and, if possible, to schedule the day and time of the follow-up interview. Also, review the participant"s locator form to ensure that all contact information is up-to-date. 一些方案包括要求在 参与者退出研究的积极治疗阶段后的预定时间点(例如,一个月)进行后续访谈 。在结束访谈时提醒参与者这一要求可能会有所帮助,如果可能的话,安排后续访谈的日期和时间。此外,检查参与者的定位表,确保所有联系信息都是最新的。Most trial participants view the experience positively and would be open to participating in another trial if asked. Gaining acceptance to contact a participant for future studies is often part of the informed consent document and process. In order not to squander this potential resource, keep participants who have completed a study informed to the extent possible of the study"s status and findings and let them know that their participation was valuable. Such efforts can also serve as “word-of-mouth” advertising. A thank-you card or certificate of appreciation can indirectly serve as a recruitment tool for the study, as well as for future studies. 大多数试验参与者对体验持肯定态度,如果被要求,他们愿意参加另一个试验。 知情同意书文件和流程通常包括接受与参与者联系进行未来研究 。为了不浪费这一潜在资源,尽可能让完成研究的参与者了解研究的状态和发现,并让他们知道他们的参与是有价值的。这些努力也可以作为“口碑”广告。感谢卡或感谢证书可以间接地作为本次学习以及未来学习的招聘工具。Ⅰ、Recruitment and retention of participants are key to the success of any clinical study. 1、招募和保留参与者是任何临床研究成功的关键。 Ⅱ、A successful recruitment and retention strategy requires informed and detailed planning, commitment of adequate resources, careful monitoring, and timely identification and resolution of problems. 2、 成功的招聘和保留战略 需要知情和详细的规划、充足的资源投入、仔细的监控以及及时发现和解决问题。 Ⅲ、Recruitment of participants may not begin until the Institutional Review Board (IRB) has approved the protocol, informed consent documents, and proposed recruitment and retention strategies. 3、在 机构审查委员会(IRB)批准方案 、 知情同意文件 以及 拟议的招募和保留策略 之前,不得开始招募参与者。 Ⅳ、Advertisements, fliers, and brochures that are prepared to recruit potential participants and inform them about a study are considered part of the informed consent process. As such, they must be reviewed and approved by the IRB (see ICH GCP 3.1.2). 4、准备招募潜在参与者并告知 他们研究情况的广告、传单和小册子 被视为知情同意过程的一部分。因此,必须由IRB审查和批准(见ICH GCP 3.1.2)。 Ⅴ、Recruitment for a study has two major elements:    i、Defining a population of appropriate participants to answer the research question.    ii、Recruiting appropriate participants in an ethical manner. 5、研究招募有两大要素: (1)确定 合适的参与者群体 以回答研究问题。 (2)以 合乎道德 的方式招募合适的参与者。 Ⅵ、Recruitment of an adequate number of participants, although essential, does not in itself assure the success of a study. Unless an adequate number of participants are retained for the duration of the study, investigators will not obtain enough data to answer the research question they posed, which was the reason for performing the study in the first place. 6、 招募足够数量的参与者虽然至关重要,但其本身并不能保证研究的成功 。除非在研究期间保留足够数量的参与者,否则研究人员将无法获得足够的数据来回答他们提出的研究问题,而这正是进行研究的首要原因。 Ⅶ、Research participants may be offered rewards such as monetary payments or medical care at no cost. Such rewards are not considered benefits of study participation but rather incentives for participation. 7、研究参与者可能会得到奖励,如 金钱支付 或 免费医疗 。这些奖励并不被认为是参与研究的好处,而是参与研究的激励。 Ⅷ、Because incentives for participation are potentially coercive, the amount, form, and conditions of such incentives must be reviewed and approved by the IRB (see ICH GCP 3.1.8). 8、由于 参与激励具有潜在的强制性 ,此类 激励的金额、形式和条件必须经IRB审查和批准 (见ICH GCP 3.1.8)


第三人称单数: recruits

hire recruitment 区别

hire:雇佣recruitment:招收用法不太一样:hire公司招聘 recruitment公司招聘或征召入伍

ICH-GCP 11.1 Recruitment & Retention(1)

Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Recruitment Part 3: Recruitment StrategiesThe purpose of a clinical study is to answer a research question. To do this, researchers must: Ⅰ、Recruit an adequate number of appropriate participants. Ⅱ、Retain as many of those participants as possible for the time period specified in the study protocol. 临床研究的目的是回答一个研究问题。为此,研究人员必须: 1、 招募足够数量的适当参与者 。 2、在研究方案规定的时间内, 尽可能多地保留这些参与者 。 Overly optimistic recruitment and retention projections are common in clinical studies. If either recruitment or retention falls short, a study may fail to achieve its objective. The researchers may be unable to answer the research question they posed and participants who were recruited to the study may have been placed at risk for no purpose. Thus, recruitment and retention of participants are key to the success of any clinical study. 在临床研究中, 过度乐观的招募和保留预测是常见的 。如果招募或保留不足,一项研究可能无法实现其目标。研究人员可能无法回答他们提出的研究问题,被招募到研究中的参与者可能被置于毫无目的的风险之中。因此, 招募和保留参与者是任何临床研究成功的关键 。 A successful recruitment and retention strategy requires informed and detailed planning, commitment of adequate resources, careful monitoring, and timely identification and resolution of problems. 成功的征聘和保留战略需要知情和详细的规划、承诺充足的资源、认真监测以及及时查明和解决问题。 Recruitment and retention strategies, including the wording, presentation and the mode of communication of advertising materials, must be approved by the designated Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to implementation. 招聘和保留策略,包括 广告材料的措辞 、 展示和沟通方式 ,必须在实施前获得指定机构审查委员会(IRB)的批准。 Recruitment and retention are challenges that involve much time and effort on the part of both clinicians and researchers. This module discusses the issues to be considered in the recruitment and retention of participants to studies. Part 1 deals with recruitment and Part 2 addresses retention. 招募和保留是一项挑战,需要临床医生和研究人员花费大量时间和精力。本单元讨论招募和保留研究参与者时需要考虑的问题。第1部分涉及招聘,第2部分涉及保留。Recruitment to a study has two major elements: Ⅰ、Defining a population of appropriate participants to answer the research question. Ⅱ、Recruiting appropriate participants in an ethical manner. 研究招募有两个主要因素: 1、确定 合适的参与者群体 以回答研究问题。 2、以 合乎道德 的方式招募合适的参与者。Defining the participant population for a clinical study involves consideration of various issues, as described below. 定义临床研究的参与者群体包括考虑各种问题,如下所述。The purpose of a study will often define the appropriate participant population for the study. For example, the purpose of a study may be to test an intervention that is aimed at pregnant women with gestational hypertension, runaway teenage girls who are involved in the criminal justice system, military veterans who use tobacco products, or another defined population subgroup. 研究的目的通常会为研究确定适当的参与者群体 。例如,一项研究的目的可能是 测试一种干预措施 ,该干预措施针对的是患有妊娠期高血压的孕妇、参与刑事司法系统的离家出走少女、使用烟草产品的退伍军人,或其他确定的人口亚群。It is important that findings from a clinical study be relevant to people who were not in the study but have the same characteristics as the study participants. This is called generalizability . The number of participants must be adequate so that the study"s results can be applied to the general population that might benefit from the research. 重要的是, 临床研究的结果 与 未参与研究但与研究参与者具有相同特征的人相关 。这就是所谓的普遍性。参与者的数量必须足够,以便研究结果能够应用于可能从研究中受益的普通人群。The 1979 Belmont Report established the three key principles on which the current system of human research protections rests: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. 1979年的 《贝尔蒙特报告》 确立了目前保护人类研究的制度所依据的三个关键原则: 尊重个人、慈善和正义。 The principle of justice requires that participants be selected fairly. Researchers must attempt at all times to distribute the risks and benefits of participation in a study fairly and without bias across the population. 公平原则要求公平地选择参与者 。研究人员必须在任何时候都尝试在人群中公平、无偏见地分配参与研究的风险和收益。 When deciding to select some people for a study and exclude others, researchers must ensure that participants are chosen for reasons that are directly related to the problem being studied and not simply because of their availability, their compromised position, or their vulnerability. 当决定选择一些人参与一项研究而排除其他人时, 研究人员必须确保选择参与者的原因与所研究的问题直接相关,而不仅仅是因为他们的可用性、他们的妥协立场或他们的脆弱 性。 Unless there is a clear justification for doing so, research should not involve persons from groups that are unlikely to benefit from subsequent applications of the research. For example, it would be unethical to select as study participants only persons on welfare, institutionalized persons, or members of a specific racial or ethnic group unless the intervention being studied was intended to directly benefit that group of people. 除非有明确的理由,否则 研究不应涉及不太可能从研究的后续应用中受益的群体 。例如,如果只选择靠福利生活的人、被机构收容的人或特定种族或族裔群体的成员作为研究参与者是不道德的,除非所研究的干预措施旨在直接使这一群体受益。Women and minorities should be adequately represented in the study population so that the research findings will be meaningful for these groups and so that members of these groups can share in the benefits of the research. This is particularly important for studies of diseases, disorders, and conditions that disproportionately affect women or minorities. 妇女和少数民族应在研究人群中有充分的代表性 ,以便研究结果对这些群体有意义,并使这些群体的成员能够分享研究的好处。这 对于研究对妇女或少数民族产生过大影响的疾病、紊乱和状况尤为重要。 Since 1994, the National Institutes of Health has required researchers to provide a clear and compelling rationale for proposing to conduct a study in a population in which women and minorities are not adequately represented. (See NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research – Amended October 2001 .) 自1994年以来,美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)要求研究人员提供一个明确且令人信服的理由,以建议在妇女和少数民族没有充分代表的人群中进行研究。(见国家卫生研究院关于将妇女和少数民族纳入临床研究的政策和指南——2001年10月修订)Certain groups of participants are considered potentially more vulnerable to coercion to participate in research. Children, prisoners, economically disadvantaged, or educationally disadvantaged persons are all considered to be vulnerable populations. 某些参与者群体被认为可能更容易受到强迫而参与研究。 儿童、囚犯、经济上处于不利地位的人 或 教育上处于不利地位的人 都被认为是 弱势群体 。 Generally, participants from vulnerable populations should be enrolled only in studies that pertain directly to their circumstances. For example, pregnant women should be enrolled only in studies in which pregnancy is pertinent to the research question (e.g., investigating if one treatment strategy is more effective than another in pregnant substance abusers). 一般来说, 来自弱势群体的参与者只应参加与其环境直接相关的研究 。例如,孕妇只应参加与研究问题有关的妊娠研究(例如,调查一种治疗策略是否比另一种治疗策略对怀孕药物滥用者更有效) When participants from vulnerable populations are to be recruited for a study, appropriate additional safeguards must be included in the protocol to ensure that their rights and welfare are protected. (This issue is also addressed in the Informed Consent and Institutional Review Boards modules.) However, vulnerable populations should not be overprotected to the extent that they are excluded from participating in research. 当从弱势群体招募参与者进行研究时,议定书中必须包括适当的额外保障措施,以确保他们的权利和福利得到保护。 (这一问题也在知情同意和机构审查委员会模块中讨论)然而,不应过度保护弱势群体,使其无法参与研究。The inclusion and exclusion criteria define precisely who is eligible to participate in the study and who is not. These criteria must be defined in the study protocol. They must also be carefully reviewed for every potential participant. 纳入和排除标准精确地定义了哪些人有资格参与研究,哪些人没有资格 。这些标准必须在研究方案中定义。它们还必须为每一个潜在的参与者仔细审查。 Ⅰ、Inclusion criteria are the characteristics that make a potential participant eligible to enroll in a study. Generally, every potential participant must meet all inclusion criteria in order to be eligible. Ⅱ、Exclusion criteria are the characteristics that prohibit a potential participant from enrolling in a study. Generally, a potential participant will be ineligible if he or she meets one of the exclusion criteria. 1、 纳入标准 是使潜在参与者有资格参加研究的特征。一般来说,每个潜在参与者都必须符合所有入选标准才能符合资格。 2、 排除标准 是禁止潜在参与者参与研究的特征。一般来说,如果潜在参与者符合其中一项排除标准,则该参与者将不符合资格。 Inclusion and exclusion criteria must be reasonable and appropriate to the study purpose. No individual or group should be excluded from eligibility to take part in the study without a valid reason. On the other hand, no individual or group should be included unless they are likely to benefit from applications of the research. 纳入和排除标准必须合理和适合研究目的 。任何个人或团体在没有正当理由的情况下,均不得被排除参加本研究的资格。另一方面,不应包括任何个人或团体,除非他们可能从研究的应用中获益。 Inclusion and exclusion criteria that are too stringent may make it difficult to recruit an adequate number of participants into the study. Modification of overly stringent admission criteria for a study can have a profoundly positive effect on recruitment. On the other hand, inclusion and exclusion criteria that are too broad may make it more difficult for the study to reach meaningful conclusions and may also result in increased safety concerns. 过于严格的纳入和排除标准可能导致难以招募足够数量的参与者参与研究 。修改一项研究过于严格的入学标准会对招募产生深远的积极影响。另一方面, 过于宽泛的纳入和排除标准可能使研究更难得出有意义的结论,也可能导致安全问题增加 。Elements of a successful recruitment strategy include the following: 成功招聘战略的要素包括: Ⅰ、Avoid specifying unnecessarily restrictive inclusion and exclusion criteria in the protocol. Ⅱ、Develop a compensation strategy that adequately reimburses participants for their time and expenses without being coercively generous. Ⅲ、Develop a recruitment plan during the protocol planning stage. Ⅳ、Have the necessary recruitment budget for start-up training, advertising, staff time, and other expenses. Ⅴ、Develop a profile of prospective study participants:    i、What would motivate prospects to join the study?    ii、From what sources do they obtain information?    iii、What radio and television stations and programs do they listen to and watch?    iv、Where do they live, work, shop, and play?    v、In what media outlets would it be appropriate to place recruitment advertisements?    vi、Which caregivers and relatives might serve as referral sources? Ⅵ、Review recruitment rates, dropout rates, and screening success rates from previous studies. Identify and implement strategies that build on previous successes and incorporate lessons learned. Ⅶ、Choose appropriate staff members to conduct recruitment. Ⅷ、Develop a system to track the number of participants enrolled per recruiter per site. Ⅸ、Monitor recruitment carefully and intervene quickly to change recruitment techniques that are proving unsuccessful. Ⅹ、Identify barriers to recruitment. 1、避免在协议中指定 不必要的限制性的纳入和排除标准 。 2、制定一个 补偿策略 ,充分补偿参与者的时间和花费,而不是强制慷慨。 3、在 方案计划阶段制定招聘计划 。 4、有必要的 招聘预算 ,用于启动培训,广告,员工时间和其他费用。 5、建立 前瞻性研究 参与者的简介: (1)什么因素会促使申请者加入这项研究? (2)他们从哪些来源获得信息? (3)他们收听和观看哪些广播电台、电视台和节目? (4)他们在哪里生活、工作、购物和娱乐? (5)在哪些媒体投放招聘广告是合适的? (6)哪些照顾者和亲属可以作为转诊来源? 6、 回顾以往研究的招募率、辍学率和筛查成功率 。确定并实施建立在以往成功基础上的战略,并 吸取经验教训 。 7、选择 合适的员工 进行招聘。 8、开发一个系统来 跟踪每个网站每个招聘人员的参与人数 。 9、仔细 监督招聘,并迅速干预 ,以改变被证明不成功的招聘技术。 10、 识别招聘障碍 。 In general, recruitment strategies are most effective when they are used together in a coordinated fashion. 总的来说,当招聘策略以协调的方式一起使用时, 招聘策略最为有效 。Ⅰ、Contact interested prospects as soon as possible. The longer a prospective participant has to wait before hearing back from study staff, the less likely it is that he or she will ultimately enroll in the study. Ⅱ、Cultivate potential sources of referrals to the study, network with clinic staff who are not working on the study, as well as with other local health care providers. Send direct mailings to selected health care providers. Ⅲ、Give presentations about the study for clinic staff and provide periodic updates on the study"s progress. Ⅳ、Participate in health fairs, speaking engagements, support groups, television and radio interviews, and other forums. Ⅴ、Ask for public service announcements on radio and television. 1、请 尽快与感兴趣的客户联系 。潜在参与者在收到研究人员的反馈之前等待的时间越长,他或她最终加入研究的可能性就越小。 2、 培养转介到研究的潜在来源 , 与不参与研究的诊所工作人员以及其他当地医疗服务提供者建立网络 。直接邮寄给选定的医疗保健提供者。 3、为临床工作人员做 研究报告 , 并定期提供研究进展的更新 。 4、参加健康博览会、演讲活动、支持团体、电视和电台采访以及其他论坛。 5、请求广播和电视上的公共服务公告。Researchers wishing to recruit alcohol or drug abusers into clinical studies must ensure that potential participants are not taken advantage of. 希望招募酒精或药物滥用者参与临床研究的研究人员必须 确保潜在参与者不会被利用 。 The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has issued guidelines for studies involving alcohol-abusing participants. These guidelines apply equally well to studies involving participants who abuse drugs other than alcohol. With regard to the recruitment of alcohol- or drug-abusing participants, the guidelines state: 国家酒精滥用和酒精中毒咨询委员会发布了涉及酗酒参与者的研究指南。这些指南同样适用于涉及滥用除酒精以外的药物的参与者的研究。关于招募酗酒或吸毒的参与者,准则规定: Ⅰ、Alcohol or drug abusers should not be recruited as participants merely because of their easy availability, low social or economic status, or limited capacity to understand the nature of the research. Ⅱ、The proposed population for any study must be appropriate in terms of age, sex, familial or genetic background, prior alcohol use, other drug use, and general medical and psychological condition, including, if appropriate, alcoholism recovery status. 1、不应仅仅因为 酒


recruiting cell:新细胞recruit[英][rɪˈkru:t][美][rɪˈkrut]n.新兵; (机构中的)新成员; 新学生;,征募; 吸收某人为新成员; 动员…(提供帮助); 雇用; vi.征募新兵; 得到补充,得到补偿; 恢复健康; cell[英][sel][美][sɛl]n.<生>细胞; 小牢房; 电池; <诗>墓穴; vi.住在牢房或小室中; vt.囚禁;

recruiting expenses 会计中什么意思



recruitingv. 招聘( recruit的现在分词 );吸收某人为新成员;动员…(提供帮助);雇用


新兵;(机构中的)新成员;新学生,征募;吸收某人为新成员;动员…(提供帮助);雇用vi.征募新兵;得到补充,得到补偿;恢复健康第三人称单数: recruits 复数: recruits 现在分词: recruiting 过去式: recruited 过去分词: recruited

Recruiting Specialist是什么意思

Recruiting Specialist 招聘专员 助理Recruiting & Staffing specialist 招聘专员Recruiting and CandB Specialist 招聘薪资专员APAC Recruiting Specialist 工作地点上海1.Jackson——recruiting specialist, who report to Li Wenhua, but leave from DB at last. 杰生 ――招聘专员,向李文华报告,后离开。

recruiting supervisor是什么意思

recruiting supervisor招聘主管.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


With the development of economy,the demand for talented person in enterprises in various fields is continuous increasing.As a result,difficulty in recruitment is emerging in enterprises from some areas and fields,especially in middle and small size enterprises.Fased with such fierce competition,whether a company is able to recruit the talented or not is a key element to its future survival and development.But,recruitment mechanism is still in the stage of development in many middle and small size companies,and there are various problems need to be solved.This paper studys on the current situation of recruitment in middle and small size companies,and study and analysis on the reasons for the difficulty in recruiting,then put forward the advises and solutions for the problem. Key words:middle and small size companies; recruitment; recruitment mechanism;

Recruiting intern 是什么意思


recruiting partner什么意思

英文:recruiting partner中文:招募伙伴很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

Recruiting Specialist是什么意思

Recruiting Specialist招聘专员双语对照词典结果:Recruiting Specialist招聘专员; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He insisted that failing schools often had problems recruiting specialist teachers neededto trigger better results

Recruiting Specialist是什么意思

Recruiting Specialist招聘专员-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Recruiting Manager和HR manager的区别

Recruiting Manager是招聘经理,专职做人员招募工作的,而HR manager是人力资源经理,是负责人力整体工作的,各个模块都会有涉及。

what is recruiting and headhunting? 最好是英文的!

recruiting is a company wants to get employer;headhunting is more for special company which hunts people with different talents for those companies which needs them.

campus recruiting是什么意思

campus recruiting校园招聘; 例句1.New Starting Now ! NSN 2010 Campus Recruitment Start !校园招聘--求职招聘中华英才网!2.Develop and implement various recruiting program and activities, including campus recruitment;analyze and eval...优创(青岛)数据技术有限公司 - 青岛Position: S&R Manager (招聘经理)Responsibilities:1.3.New Starting Now ! NSN 2010 Campus Recruitment Program Start !华信设计2010年校园招聘火热进行中!4.First of all, welcome to visit Wrigley China 2009 Campus Recruitment Website.欢迎浏览箭牌中国2009校园招聘网站。5.Welcome to CSFB Campus Recruiting简历投递和校园招聘

recruiting services 什么意思

recruiting services招聘服务双语例句Many companies use headhunters& recruiting services that find workers for high-paying positions. 许多公司通过提供招聘服务的猎头公司招揽高薪人才。

willing to supervise与actively recruiting什么区别?

区别是:willing to supervise指的是愿意监督。actively recruiting指的是积极招募。例句:willing to superviseYet, while they can do much to address directors "remuneration if they are empowered and willing to put in the effort, shareholders cannot supervise payacross whole banks. 然而,虽然如果得到授权并且愿意付出努力,股东在解决董事薪酬问题上大有可为,但他们不能监督所有银行的薪资。actively recruitingComputer companies are so desperate to snag fresh talent that many are actively recruiting high school seniors. 计算机公司都拼命物色新的优秀人才,以至很多公司积极招收中学高年级学生。

Recruiting Manager和HR manager的区别?

HR是人力资源管理,Recruiting 只是涉及招聘,是具体工作

recruiting officer是什么职位


HR recruiting什么意思?



招募应徵者之基本目标除了要达到量的需求也必须讲求质的问题。太多不合格的应徵者也会造成问题。运用不同的方式可以解决这些问题。选择何种方法最好必须取决於:应徵工作的本质为何 你想要吸引及发现优秀应徵者的困难度如何 你花费在招募的时间及金钱 不仅是你所选择的方法重要,你所运用的技巧也很重要。 一位已经在公司工作一段时间的员工,你已经可以知道他是否是位可信赖的、努力工作的且诚实的工作者。内部的应徵者已非常熟悉公司的运作方式,对於新工作仅需较少的训练时间,如此你就可以集中精神去筛选应徵职位所需的特定既能及个人特性。运用布告栏张贴、在公司内部刊物或传真宣示的工作公布系统来宣布开放职位及晋升的机会。工作公布系统市在告诉员工:管理阶层是很认真的考量内部晋升并给予员工发展自己潜能的机会。看到自己同事在公司内部获得晋升的员工会较努力工作以求自己获得晋升的机会。此系统也可有助主管知道哪些员工对生涯发展较有兴趣,因为此系统鼓励所有员工,且若未来有工作歧视纠纷时,工作公布系统是个保险。最大的缺点是局限助应徵的范围使得一些新想法无法进入公司内部,此外,拒绝不合格的应徵者后,会得到负面效果并影响其以后之生产力。为了对抗此内部招募缺点, 许多餐饮业公司鼓励员工作职位调换,一段时间即调换员工以避免成为“公司内定”并提供另一职位之学习机会,职场内之怨恨即会减少。内部招募会激起公司内部其他敏感问题,如:将你知道优秀且已工作很久的考量人选拒绝,会使该员工有受伤的感觉。这必须要你及你的主管确定“对的人,不对的职位”;换句话说,”适合“的字眼可能是错的,应用”称职的、有价值“的员工 如果你鼓励员工争取开放职位,你可能会抢到其他部门的优秀员工,为避免此问题,主管们应建立制度及方法,这部指示将依工作换成另一工作,它应该强调:如何接触到工作的未来应徵者。有时主管会对一位应徵者感到最初的兴奋,太快速亲近此位应徵者,而稍晚才给予其心理建设,如此,主管即给予员工无限的希望并产生了目前的工作不适合的观感,有时此位员工还会离开公司。 一部门之主管如何接触有合格应徵者之另一部门主管。不只是专业素养而已,也必须知道此未来应徵者对所选职位会产生何种影响。 人力资源部所扮演的角色。既然,部门已经描绘出对此职位之未来蓝图,他们必须知道会影响主管决策之有关此应徵者之相关资讯。 除了建立内部调职之政策及机制外,人力资源部必须负责监督此规定。有时,各部门主管为了各种不同理由,想要“后门晋用”破坏规定。为了避免这种状况,应该在每一职位开放时,要求主管填写“工作需求表”,此表格不仅是让主管及人力资源部留档作纪录,也提供人力资源部知道应徵者之条件可以告知其他主管。工作需求表的内容有:部门、职位、工时、提出需求日期、需求日期、与谁交接、主管姓名、特别需求、外部招募有许多方法可供选择:walk-ins是应徵者自己来公司寻求职位。有时应徵者是看到报纸广告来的。有许多餐饮服务业对於WALK-INS开放,再每周特定日期及特定时间,应徵者可以应徵开放职位,或根据职位的需求,虽然该职位目前无缺额,但会将资料留存。接受WALK-INS是吸引应徵者的便宜做法,然而,长期看来也不是最有成本效益的方法。当失业率高时,WALK-INS就会很多,但品质参差,一般来说,一合格应徵者要从10名WALK-INS中才能找出。 广告:此为餐饮服务业中最广泛使用的方法,广告的主要价值是可以吸引最多数的应徵者。 有效的广告方式包括报纸、杂志、电台、电视、公告栏及在市场与购物中心张贴告示、收银台广告及直接邮寄等方式。依照所希望得到的反应,广告可以是一般或加以限制的,每次的求才广告都应显现公司的积极面且广告也必须显现出公司的专业素养。因为广告很昂贵,公司必须小心斟酌广告预算及确定预吸引何种应徵者前来,若要应徵一名餐厅经理,可以考虑在销售的餐饮杂志上刊登广告。如果你希望找些较多样的员工,可以将广告刊登在外文报纸上,如果你所提供的工作机会是位於偏远地区,当地的报纸则会是不错的广告媒体,特别是应徵的职位并不是那麼专业性时。你所刊登的广告多大,必须取决於你的预算,通常餐饮业者刊登大型求才广告,是因为有不同职位的许多职缺需求时,通常是开幕前或专门性管理职缺。在周日所刊登的求才广告常能吸引较多的求职者,因为周日的报纸刊登较多的求才讯息。不建议将同一求才广告连续刊登2或3周,因为如此,较慎重的猎人头公司会要找出为何该公司找不到适合应徵者的原因。有时公司刊登的广告似乎很少反应,这是因为:这公司虽然向外徵才,却不希望外面的人来公司工作 这公司的名号及名声无法吸引应徵者 公司并外提供明确的职称只是随便找找 此公司可能有搬迁、建立新产品生产线、改变营运方向或服务阶层却不将这些相关讯息提供给外界。 一搬来说,此种广告及不是好广告,找工作的人不信任如此的广告也不会将自己的资料寄给不清楚来路的公司,而且,如此的广告是不会吸引目前有工作的优秀应徵者前来,他们会觉得太危险。保留每次报纸广告的资料是很重要的,可以追踪应徵者、未来撰写广告及评估广告效用(包括成本花费及应徵者素质)。 虽然履历表不是应徵者合格与否或适合与否的最佳代表,但却是在未来考量时,很重要的评估工具。在看一张履历表时,应注意其写明及隐藏的各项线索。这些线索会因你所提供职位而有所不同。包括了:1.成就。仔细地查看其履历表中的各次工作变换,找出其工作期望,而不是仅看未来期望。经常变换工作的应徵者会藉由规定的履历表中引常经常变换工作的事实。这不表示如此的应徵者不须再次评估其适合与否,只是可能表示其定性不够。注意其教育经历,有越来越多的餐饮业应徵者以一大堆的训练名目来掩盖未受完整教育的事实。2.稳定性及职业性向。经常换工作的应徵者不表示是不适当人选,例如:有可能其每次的转变是越来越好或者是应徵者希望自己可以在不同的公司试试拳脚。3.工作描述中之特别事项,若应徵者在履历表中很少提及他做过什麼,很可能他为了隐藏重要事项,例如:若有一应徵者在其履历表中提及在上个工作他使销售量增加20%,却未提到他做了些什麼,你即必须向他询问更进一步的资讯。4.希望工作勤奋并为公司效命。虽然这很难从履历表中判定出,但你可从其社团活动找到一些线索。例如:应徵者以前在大学为社团社长或自愿做社区服务,我们及可以考虑其为餐饮服务业辛勤工作者,愿意为公司卖力。5.公司特性、服务热诚及利润心性。寻找任何可以证明应徵者知道餐饮业为营利事业,且获利是来自於高品质服务的证据。另外看看是否有任何相关的成就,如:完成服务品质之教育训练。 若你同时必须阅读许多履历,你应每次仅阅读一些,然后将其分成三类:确定、可能的及否定的。首先先看其相关经历,然后教育背景,其余的最后才看。若有其他人协助你完成此工作,应确定他是此方面的专家,知道如何做,并检视他归为否定的履历表,以确认是否与你的评估标准相符。其他外部招募来源员工推荐-运用最有利的广告方法-口碑,员工部会推荐不好的应徵者,因为这会显示此名员工亦不佳。员工推荐应订定奖赏制度,如:对推荐成功并以获录取的员工给予现金奖励。 专业招募。很多公司喜欢招募社会新鲜人,所以会将公司招材讯息给予学校之就业辅导室,同时也会将讯息发送至职业工会或职业训练中心,这些都是专业招募的一部分。 实习。既然大多数大学以下的餐饮科系都有实习课程,这也是很有效的招募管道。实习必须小心规划、协调及监督以确保学生做的是有意义的工作,且主管真正执行此工作。实习给予学生机会作操作实际学习,在学生实习之最出阶段,会被教导公司政策、策略及公司文化。对於管理而言,招募实习学生提供评估一人潜能及能力的机会。 许多公家、法律及社区机构提供招募之极佳来源。 收取费用之职业媒合中心。 为了吸引及获得优秀应徵者,许多公司会提供额外福利(如:交通及儿童照护补助)及选择性工时(如:压缩工时、工作分享及弹性工时)。除了增加士气外,这些规划可以增加生产力及因减少个人工作之延误、缺席及离职所降低之成本。交通补助可以是交通费用为免费或折扣、共乘制或交通车於指定地点接送员工。儿童照护补助,范围从工作地点之托婴日间照护服务、利用弹性工时安排其他地点托婴服务或雇用照护妈妈。压缩工时,每周员工可於少於五天的日子将标准工时上完。工作分享是让两名员工分享一全职工作之职责。如:正常工作应从上午八时至下午五时。让两位员工分摊此一工作一位从上午八时上到下午一时,另一位从中午十二时至下午五时,一个小时的时间重叠给予其工作交接,此制度对於那些想工作但无法全职工作的人极具吸引力,短期看来,此计画将会使公司之人事成本增加,但长期来看,若其中一位离职,公司较有时间可以寻找另一位合适工作者并维持工作之持续性。弹性工时是让员工在一定限制下,可以自由选择工作开始及结束的时间。弹性工时帮助员工避免交通颠峰时间,也像压缩工时及工作分享一般可降低缺席率及工作延误。为了将面试当作筛选应徵者之工具之一,你必须了解有技巧的面试必须包括:知道工作。了解所提供之职位相关事项。预备应徵者可能会问的问题及你应有之回答。 面试应徵者之主要目的是从应徵者处获得足够资讯以作最佳之雇用。所以,在每次面试之前,花些时间想想在面试时,你想完成的工作为何。 与应徵者碰面时,向其解市面式的目的及其范围。如:今天我们面试的主要目的是进一步了解你,以知道哪一职位适合你。 建立和谐并让应徵者感到舒服的气氛。 注意肢体语言 6. 在你开始描述工作之前,必须等到你已经从应徵者触获得资讯才开始。7. 花些时间去得到你所需的资讯。8. 以正确方式提出问题。9. 提供应徵者有关公司之诚实讯息。10 一切在掌控中。 交通问题有困难或无法解决。 经历不够 过去的工作经历及教育背景都指出此应徵者对此职位不会满意。 无法配合工作所需之班表或出差需求。 无法或不愿意配合调职。 要求比职位所能提供之更高薪资。 条件更高的应徵者 一般印象 回答问题的方式 与成功及不成功应徵者作比较 偏差 特性评估 光圈效应 相似度之错误 工作测验 需求测验 药物检验 参考检测

Recruiting students和Students Wanted都是招聘学生吗?有什么区别?

有区别。recruiting students是招生、分类招生的意思,而students wanted是招聘学生的意思。前者倾向于学校招生,后者倾向于找工作或者社团活动招人。拓展资料:recruit英 [rɪ"kruːt] 美 [rɪ"kruːt] v. 吸收(新成员);征兵;招聘n. 新成员;新兵双解释义:v. (动词)vt. & vi. 招募get sb as a new membervt. & vi. 恢复get sufficient quantity of; bring back to what is usual or normal详尽释义v. 动词充实,补充,添补<罕>(使)恢复健康招收新成员,招募(新兵),征求(新成员),征收,征募(新兵)<罕>得到补充雇用,聘用,招聘, 雇佣吸收(党员)保养(身体),补养恢复体力,复原把食品装入(船内)动员…(提供帮助)组建,组成n. 名词新成员,新加入者,新分子,新会员新兵,调来的新兵补给品<美>复员士兵新学生徵募增加赔偿的款子新警员新手“新兵”(美国制造的扫雷舰 )英英释义:Noun:a recently enlisted soldierany new member or supporter (as in the armed forces)Verb:register formally as a participant or member;"The party recruited many new members"seek to employ;"The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants"cause to assemble or enlist in the military;"raise an army""recruit new soldiers"


前者:n. 安置职工,配备职工人数后者:强调动作,招聘,招募n. 招聘;招募v. 招募;聘请(recruit的ing形式)Recruiting Manager 招聘经理 ; 培训经理 


recruiting, 用于强调招聘这个动作(其本身也是英语动名词);recruitment,用于强调招聘这个过程和内容;主要看用在哪种情景下而进行选择。

recruiting 是什么公司?

不是什么公司吧recruiting招聘的意思 就是招人你看的是不是recruiting company那意思就是正在招聘的公司

recruit 什么意思

招聘【♥Me YC♥】的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!

recruiting是什么意思 recruit的现在分词 ); 吸收某人为新成员; 动员…(提供帮助); 雇用; 例句:1.And we bought taleo, a recruiting app. 但我们收购了一款招聘应用Taleo。2.Recruiting and developing an army of top-quality advisers take time. 然而,招聘和建立一支顶级顾问团队需要时间。 3.Transparency is also an essential component of the recruiting process. 透明度也是招聘过程中很关键的因素。4.• Their recruiting process is fundamentally flawed •招聘流程漏洞百出5.--Jennifer peterson, a senior recruiting manager --詹妮弗•彼得森,高级招聘经理


recruit [英]rɪˈkru:t[美]rɪˈkrutn. 新兵;(机构中的)新成员;新学生vt. 招聘,征募;吸收某人为新成员;动员…(提供帮助);雇用vi. 征募新兵;得到补充,得到补偿;恢复健康[例句]It was also a fantastic time to recruit great people ..."那段时间也是招募优秀人才的绝佳时机.....””


recruit美 [rɪ"krut]英 [rɪ"kruːt]v.添补;吸收(党员);保养(身体);把食品装入(船内)n.新兵 招募;招聘;征募过去分词:recruited 现在分词:recruiting 第三人称单数:recruits 例句筛选1.The company had recruited bright young college graduates.这公司招聘了一批年轻能干的大学毕业生。2.This article recruited to popular pork meat, I do not know of.招募流行猪肉这篇文章,我不知道。

Use your creativity toward accomplishments other than work,perhaps hobbies.请帮忙翻译一下。


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来路的伪装可不是通过修改document.referrer来实现的.而是通过发送 Request Headers来实现的,里面包含了所有的请求信息.

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Rejuvenating Cream 湿凝霜本产品向来是干性肌肤者的挚爱!专为干性肌肤配制的成份,能和缓地滋润肌肤,并利用透明质酸来改善肌肤的保湿功能以及防止水分的流失,让干燥的肌肤恢复光滑细腻。使用方法:在爽肤后取适量湿凝霜以由内而外、由下往上的方式按摩于脸上。每天早、晚使用一次MOISTURISING CREAM 滋润霜 它的使用也是在早晚洗脸后使用的! 早晚均可! 如果有精油的话先使用精油再使用滋润霜! 效果很好的! 你说的这两款早晚都可使用,不过这要看你的皮肤实际情况出发! 水平有限 仅供参考!



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最近细看Android docs,发现finish()在不同地方的生命周期有所区别。 在Android Studio中新建Android项目,分别重写onCreate、onResume、onPause、onStop、onDestroy方法,并打印相关信息。 好显然,在onCreate中finish是跳过了onPause和onStop方法,直接执行onDestroy。 原因:开发文档中说到,Activity只有在Resumed、Paused、Stopped这三种状态下存在较长时间(即可以运行较长时间),Activity在其他状态下都是一闪而过。其中,在onResume中,Activity变为用户可见并且可以交互。因此,如果Activity不存在交互的概念(即在onCreate()中finish掉),就不会回调onPause、onStop等需要用户交互的方法。

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Bandari的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Bandari专辑:寂静山林(Silence) 「Sacrifice」作词∶MOMO“mocha”N.作曲∶BACHILOGIC+FAST LANE歌∶露崎春女Oh I should goこれでおしまい。There is no turning back二度と戻れないあなたのWorld (To your world)Even if it"s a mistakeもし间违いだって责任は私にあると思う (Won"t blame anyone)あなたはいつまでも (Live in the past)远い过去を见つめてるから So...Now I gotta go 行かなきゃダメなの Baby (Gotta go)进む为にはこうして Yeah (Gotta go)失うものもあるの (Make a Sacrifice)これはもう谁のせいでもない It"s fate避けることできない运命って思えば楽になるよMaking a sacrifice (何か犠牲に)いつかは後悔することになると知っていても本当は恐い I don"t know what is rightやり直しは効かない私のChoice (It"s my choice)Even if my heart gets tornもし伤ついても受けるべき罚だと言えるでしょう (It"s what I deserve)私は引き换えに (I"ll finally)やっと未来を手に入れるの So...Now I gotta go 行かなきゃダメなの Baby (Gotta go)进む为にはこうして Yeah (Gotta go)失うものもあるの (Make a Sacrifice)これはもう谁のせいでもない It"s fate避けることできない运命って思えば楽になるよMaking a sacrifice (何か犠牲に)いつかは後悔することになると知っていてもDon"t worry about me cuz I"ll be just fine心配しないでいい なんとかやっていけるわ确信なんてないけど手放す勇気があるならFly high to another skyNow I gotta go 行かなきゃダメなの Baby (Gotta go)进む为にはこうして Yeah (Gotta go)失うものもあるの (Make a Sacrifice)これはもう谁のせいでもない It"s fate避けることできない运命って思えば楽になるよMaking a sacrifice (何か犠牲に)いつかは後悔することになると知っていても【 おわり 】

personnel staff crew 区别


Bandari的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Bandari专辑:Magic PianoSacrificeElton JohnIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callingAnd negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsCold cold heartHard done by youSomethings look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allIt"s no sacrifice at allIt"s no sacrifice at allThe End -- By Kuang Yao

班得瑞(Bandari)和神秘园(Secret Garden)的介绍


Translate a letter of credit

天啦,你发了这么多,上面的大部分是跟你没关系的,是银行的解押信息。 Documentary Credit Number:21:M331396 信用证号码 Date of issue:31c:2008.12.15 开证日期 Appllcable Rules:40E:UCP latest version 规则:UCP最新版本 Date and Place of Expiry:2009.01.31 Beneficiary"s country 2009.01.31受益人国家到期 Issuing Bank:52A KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CLEVELAND,United states of America 开证行 Applicant :50 :GOLDEN-TECH INTERNATIONAL,INC.2461 152 ND AVENUE N.E. 开证人 currency code:usd 94600 金额 percentage credit Amount:1.0/10 Tolerance 10%的溢短 Avallable with...By.. :41D: any bank by negotiation Drafts at...:42C: sight 即期付款 Drawee:42D: KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATON partial shipment:43P:partial shipment are prohibited 不可分批 Transshipment:44T:Transhipment are allowed 允许转船 port of loading/airport of departure:44E:China 装运港 port of discharge/airport of destination:44F: seattle,WA,USA 目的港: 美国西雅图 latest Date of shipment: 44C:2009.01.20 最迟交货期 description of goods and/or services:FROZEN TILAPIA FILLETS,SUPER DEEP SKINNED,BULK PACK 1.8-2.6OZ,1*25LBS PER CARTON BOX 100PCT NET WEIGHT,CLEAN,WHITE COLOR,NO MUDDY NO CO TREATMENT FREE OF ALL GROWTH HORMONES AND ANTIBIOTICS 货描 (显示在提单和发票上的货描部分) Documents Required:signed orginal commercial invoice and 3 copies 签署的商业发票3正3副 clean marine/ocean bill of lading covering port to port shipment consigned to the order shipment endorsed in blank marked notify to applicant and marked freight prepaid 清洁已装船提单,TO THE ORDER, 空白背书,通知人为收获人,显示运费已付 packing list in 1 original and 3 copies 装箱单一正3副 cargo insurance certificate in duplicate,in negotiable form for 110 percent of commercial invoice value in U.S dollars 货物保险单一式二份,发票金额的110%投保 endorsed in blank and covering the following risks: 空白背书并显示以下险别: all risks warehouse to warehouse;including war risks and strikes,riots,civil commotion ,and marine risks 仓到仓一切险:包括战争险,罢工险,水渍险


应该是脱口秀的意思吧scratch show

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抓 搔


calendula-gesichtspflege-creme面部护理霜金盏花Calendula extract: Help to stabiles and improve hydration. [金盏花萃取]: 具有镇定及柔软保湿功效.

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scratch ------ 用耙子或手爪抓1)to rub your skin with your nails because it feels uncomfortable2)to cut someone"s skin slightly with your nails or with something sharp【例句】you scratch my back, I"ll scratch yoursThat cat scratches.那只猫会抓伤人。The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface.饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。scrape ---------檫去、用刀刮、挖出1)to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etc2)to make a noise by rubbing roughly against a surface【例句】Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。He suffered a few cuts and scrapes.他割破和擦伤了几个地方。求点赞和关注




1、n.划痕;(皮肤或物体表面上的)划伤;刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声;挠痒;搔痒。2、v.挠(痒处);划破;抓伤(皮肤);(尤指意外地)擦破;刮坏。3、adj.仓促拼凑的;无让步的;无让杆的。4、例句:I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor. 我指向地板砖上的一道道划痕。

scrape scratch有区别吗



scratch 英[skrætʃ] 美[skrætʃ] vt. 擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破; vi. 发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n. 擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画; 全部释义>> [例句]But it is also now possible deliberately to start new financial centres from scratch.然而,如今从零开始建设一个新的金融中心也是有可能的。更多例句>> 复数:scratches过去式:scratched现在分词:scratching过去分词:scratched第三人称单数:scratches易混淆单词: Scratch


scratch[英][skrætʃ] [美][skrætʃ] 生词本简明释义vt.擦,刮;擦痛,擦伤;在…处搔痒;抓破vi.发出刮擦声;擦红,擦伤;搔痒;抓,扒n.擦,刮;刮擦声;搔痕;乱写乱画adj.打草稿用的,随便写用的;碰巧的,侥幸的;东拼西凑的;平等比赛的复数:scratches第三人称单数:scratches过去式:scratched过去分词:scratched现在分词:scratching易混淆的单词:Scratch以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.VERB给…搔痒;给…挠痒If you scratch yourself, you rub your fingernails against your skin because it is itching. He scratched himself under his arm...他在胳膊下面挠了挠。The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side...老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。


scratch[英][skrætʃ][美][skrætʃ]vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破; vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画; adj.打草稿用的,随便写用的; 碰巧的,侥幸的; 东拼西凑的; 平等比赛的; 第三人称单数:scratches过去分词:scratched复数:scratches现在进行时:scratching过去式:scratched以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Did the furniture movers scratch your floor? 移动你的家俱时,地板是否会因此而刮花?


scratch英[skrætʃ]美[skrætʃ]n.划痕;(皮肤或物体表面上的)划伤;刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声;挠痒;搔痒。v.挠(痒处);划破;抓伤(皮肤);(尤指意外地)擦破;刮坏;刮出(或刮去)痕迹;刮(或擦、抓)出刺耳声;勉强维持生活;取消。adj.仓促拼凑的;无让步的;无让杆的。[例句]Knives will scratch the worktop.小刀会在工作台上留下划痕。[其他]第三人称单数:scratches。英语单词scratch有多层含义:以前比赛的时候,都会在地上划一条线作为起点,而划线的动作就是scratch。后来就用from scratch表示“从零开始”、“白手起家”。例如:Start from scratch:To begin from the very beginning without the aid or advantage of something that is already prepared or completed.不借助别人帮助或借助已有优势,完全从头开始。一起来看两个例句:The folder with my outline and notes got deleted, so now I have to start the whole project again from scratch.我的文件夹被删除了,大纲和笔记都在里边。所以现在我不得不从头开始整个项目。Are you thinking of starting a business from scratch? Then you have come to the right place.你想白手起家,开始创业吗?那你来对地方了。还有一个词,也可以表示“白手起家的”self-made。



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请问这句话中scratches能否换成will scratch ?


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scratch英[skrætʃ]美[skrætʃ]vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破; vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画; [例句]He scratched himself under his arm他在胳膊下面挠了挠。第三人称单数:scratches复数:scratches现在分词:scratching过去式:scratched过去分词:scratchedswift英[swɪft]美[swɪft]adj.迅速的; 敏捷的; 立刻的; 突然发生的; n.雨燕; 环球金融同业电讯会; [人] 斯威夫特,《格利佛游记》作者; adv.迅速地,敏捷地; [例句]Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision我们的任务是敦促联合国快速做出决策。[其他]比较级:swifter最高级:swiftest复数:swifts


n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛[ 第三人称单数scratches 过去式scratched 过去分词scratched 现在分词scratching ] from scratch 白手起家;从头做起 start from scratch 从头开始;白手起家;从起跑线开始 up to scratch 达到标准 without a scratch 一点儿也没受伤,安然无恙 scratch the surface 只做了肤浅的研究;不深刻,不周详 scratch for oneself [美国口语]关心自身利益 scratch line n. 起跑线 on scratch 准时,正点 scratch resistance 抗划伤;耐擦伤性 starting from scratch 白手起家;从零开始 scratch resistant 耐划伤性 scratch test 过敏性测验;划痕试验 更多收起词组短语 n.擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写abrasion, brush-burnadj.打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的hit-and-missvt.抓;刮;挖出;乱涂paw, hentvi.抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛grasp, strike
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