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Cradle Of Filth解没解散

Cradle of Filth Cradle of Filth 概述恶灵天皇(Cradle of Filth)在1991年成立于英国,由主唱Dani Filth领军所组成的黑金属乐团。因为他们的装扮几乎都是吸血鬼的模样,所以有人称为吸血鬼派黑金属。Dani Filth利用特有尖高音式的黑腔搭配交响弦乐与阴暗气氛的背景,唱出高文学素质的歌词,影响许多后进黑金属乐团,包括台湾的闪灵乐团主唱Freddy唱腔也有类似Dani Filth的唱法。    [乐队特辑]Cradle of Filth   乐队名: Cradle of Filth (污秽摇篮)   音乐风格: Extreme Gothic Metal (极端哥特金属) ,Black metal(黑暗金属)   音乐主题: Vampires, Dark Erotica, Legends, Tales (吸血鬼, 黑暗色情, 传奇, 叙述)   国家: United Kingdom (大不列颠联合王国)   成立时间: 1991年   所在场牌: Roadrunner Records (走鹃) = =   乐队现状: 活动中   乐队成员:   Dani Filth (Daniel Lloyd Davey) - Vocals (ex-Obsidian (UK)) (1991-)   Paul Allender - Guitar (The Blood Divine, Primary Slave) (1992-1994/1999-)   Charles Hedger - Guitar (2005-)   Adrian Erlandsson - Drums (At the Gates, ex-Decameron, ex-The Haunted, ex-Terror (Swe)) (1999-)   Dave Pybus - Bass (ex-Anathema (UK), Dreambreed) (2002-2005, 2005-)   Sarah Jezebel Deva (Sarah Jane Ferridge) - Session Backing Vocals (Angtoria, ex-Covenant (Nor), ex-The Kovenant, ex-Mortiis, ex-Therion (Swe), ex-The Gathering, ex-Tulus) (1991-)   官方网站:  Former/past member(s) (前成员)   Guitar:   Paul Ryan (The Blood Divine) (1991-1994)   Tishi Mehta (1994)   Bryan Hipp (ex-Brutality, ex-Acheron (US), ex-Diabolic, ex-After Death) (1994-1995)   Gian Pyres (John Piras) (Extreme Noise Terror, Solstice (UK)) (1996-2002)   Stuart Anstis (Bastardsun) (1996-2000)   Jeff Acres (1997-1998) (Brutality)   Jared Demeter (1996)   James McKillboy - Guitar (2004-)   Bass:   Jon Richard (1991-1992) (ex-Hecate Enthroned)   Robin "Graves" Eaglestone (ex-Criminal, December Moon) (1992-2001)   Charles Hedger - Bass (2005-)   Keyboards:   Benjamin Ryan (The Blood Divine) (1991-1994)   Damien Gregori (1994-1997)   Les "Lecter" Smith (Anathema (UK)) (1997-1999)   William A. Sarginson [Was] [1999-2000]   Martin ""Foul"" Powell - Keyboards (ex-My Dying Bride, ex-Anathema (UK), ex-Cryptal Darkness) (2000-2005)   Drums:   Darren White (ex-Anathema (UK), The Blood Divine, Dead Men Dream, Serotonal) (1991-1992)   Nicholas Howard Barker (ex-Dimmu Borgir, ex-Old Man"s Child, Lockup, ex-Brujeria, Monolith (UK), Benediction) (1992-1999)   Was Sarginson (Extreme Noise Terror, December Moon, The Blood Divine, Deinonychus) (1999)   Dave Hirschheimer (Obsidian (UK), ex-Infestation (UK)) (1999)  成立于1992年,来自英国的Colchester,在乐风上,他们受到了一些老团如: Celtic Frost、 Bathory、Diamanda Galas和Mercyful Fate等的影响,同时也具备了一些大文豪如拜伦、雪莱和尼采等同样的思想特质:悲观而厌世。这些都可以在他们的音乐中找到。在当时,由斯堪地那维亚半岛所带领的Black Metal潮流正风起云涌,许多新进团体纷纷成立,而音乐走向也取法挪威派的黑金属,而这样的结果,造成了彼此音乐的重叠性,往往听了一个团就不用听其他的团,Cradle Of Filth确也走出了自己的风格,他们自称:“The Only True English Black Metal Band”(唯一真正的英国黑金属乐团)。  难以置信的事情往往就是这样突然发生的,Sony唱片英国公司收编了Cradle Of Filth并在今年3月推出了全新录音室专辑《Damnation and a Day》。封套设计之精美令人咋舌,有单曲打榜,有Music Video,有主流音乐杂志发评论,甚至还可以在官方网站下载手机铃声。伴随着一系列的商业运作,这个长期在黑暗世界称霸的堕落天使终于在末日降临前回到了人间。  和斯堪的纳维亚半岛的诸神相比,Cradle Of Filth不仅在地域位置和音乐风格上自成一派,而且作为英语背景的黑暗金属乐队,销量得以覆盖美国市场,这大概是Sony唱片看上他们的原因吧。 Cradle Of Filth在商业上的成功还得益于他们的黑暗概念只围绕吸血鬼、地狱、撒旦这些弱智美国人都能理解的东西,再加上流畅而富于变化的旋律和又快又猛的吉他,因此一部分听腻了Rap Metal、Hardcore和Industrial的美国青少年转向Cradle Of Filth这类源自内心深处的黑暗势力也就不足为奇了。  排除商业因素,Cradle Of Filth在极端金属领域一直是倍受尊敬的乐团。他们在多年的探索和尝试中,逐渐形成了一种融各派所长的独特风格:北欧黑金属的猛烈演奏、交响金属的宏大结构、死亡金属的低吼、哥特金属的女高音伴唱再加上主唱Dani Filth招牌式的吸血鬼气质的尖叫。在密不透风的编曲下流动着一幅幅阴暗残暴却又唯美的画卷。相信只要你投入过他们的音乐一次,就会情不自禁地一遍遍反复聆听,这是一种让人上瘾的邪恶感觉。有的评论干脆将他们单立一派,称为“吸血金属”(Vampire Metal),不过这一派旗下门徒寥寥,大概是这种非人非兽般的尖叫实在太难模仿了。   成员介绍:  Dani Filth(丹尼�6�1菲尔斯),原名Daniel Lloyd Davey(丹尼尔�6�1洛伊德�6�1戴维),1973年7月25日出生于英格兰的Hertford,是英国极端金属乐队Cradle of Filth的词作者、主唱、艺术设计,也是乐队的始创成员。Filth是乐队最初成员中唯一一个留到现在的,被以前的队员指责为乐队几乎就是他自己的solo(按照前键盘手Les "Lecter" Smith的说法是“Dani and the Filths”)。   他现居住在英格兰的Suffolk,和他的妻子Toni(2005年10月31日结婚)及女儿Luna(1999年2月8日出生)一起。   他养了三只猫,名叫Lilith、Mushka和Rumble,其中一只少了一条腿。   他有5呎5吋(约1.65米)高。   他曾在一所私立学校上学,星期日也要报到,这令他非常恼火。   他曾有机会选择成为一名记者,或是继续他的音乐事业。   他曾经的乐队是PDA和Feast of Excrement。他的第一个乐队叫做The Lemon Grove Kids(柠檬果园孩子)。   他最喜欢的乐队是Judas Priest、Emperor、Destruction、Slayer、Iron Maiden、Misfits和Paradise Lost。   他曾为Metal Hammer杂志撰写一档名为“Dani"s Inferno”(Dani的地狱)的专栏。   他决定要做音乐的一个原因是他深深着迷于音乐对人的影响力。   他因他的嗓音音域而鼎鼎大名。他有能力唱得很“干净而清楚”,但却选择了一种“肮脏的尖叫”方式,因为这与Cradle of Filth的音乐更为契合。   他通过单边契据的法律方式把名字改成了Dani Filth。   2000年他在电影Cradle of Fear中扮演一个精神错乱的变态,不顾一切地为他父亲所受的迫害复仇。   2003年他在一部动画电影Dominator中献声,扮演一个与影片同名的角色。   2005年他在Roadrunner的合辑CD中演唱了一首曲目“Dawn of a Golden Age”。   他在Bam Margera的MTV系列节目Viva La Bam最后一季的其中一集里出现,这期节目中有Cradle of Filth 在Pennsylvania的现场演出,并以他们表演专辑Nymphetamine的曲目"Nemesis"作为主打。   他正与Gavin Baddeley合著一本名为The Gospel of Filth: A Black Metal Bible(“污秽福音:黑金属圣经”)的书,现定于2006年9月出版。   他的厨房地板中曾经嵌着一个骷髅(看样子像是30年代左右埋在房子周围地里的)。   “我他妈最恨妄自尊大。不,准确地说……我最恨人。他妈的没脑子的一大群人。一般是圣诞节前后或者交通高峰。还有电视里那些僵化的条条框框。恶~~!平常时,等待任何东西(耐心可不是我的品德),乱丢的废纸,钢筋水泥城市化,目光短浅,宗教束缚,偏执狂,海绵蛋糕……全都讨厌透顶。”   “你们肯定烦透了那些平平淡淡、毫无特色的人和乐队,所以我们就试着做得炫一点,这就是我们的方式。我们乐此不疲。”   (问到为什么他厨房里有个骷髅)   “嗯,这是个新厨房……所以我们想有个骷髅在里边会很有讽刺意味。”   (When asked how he trains his voice) "Continual masturbation. I"m masturbating now. This arm is polystyrene."   (问到他怎样锻炼他的声音)   “持续手淫。我现在就在干。这只胳膊是聚苯乙烯的。”   (When asked about what he"s going to teach Luna about religion) "I"ll let her make up her own mind. I"m not going to force her into anything. I"m not going to force her into anything at all."   (问到他会怎样在信仰方面教导女儿)   “我会让她按自己的想法来。我不会强迫她任何事情。我绝对不会强迫她任何事情。”   (Concerning Luna) "She doesn"t use the "F" word though. Just like her daddy."   (同上)   “不过她也不会用F开头的这个词(force,强迫)。和她爸爸一样。”   (When asked what he"s going to expose Luna to) "This is the irony of it. She loves Winnie the Pooh. And she loves The Simpsons. And she loves Disney. And Stuart Little. And stuff like that. And she"ll dance to it, and that"s what you expect from kids. But then at the same time, she"ll be dancing around the kitchen to the new Nile album. At the moment she is too young to understand the difference. And that innocence is worth protecting."   (问到他会向女儿透露些什么)   “这就是事情的讽刺性所在。她喜欢维尼熊。喜欢‘辛普森一家"。喜欢迪斯尼。她还喜欢精灵鼠小弟,以及等等这一类东西。她还跟着它们跳舞,这就是你期望中孩子的样子。可是同时,她也在厨房里跟着Nile的新专辑跳舞。她还太小,不了解其中的区别。这种单纯值得保护。”  专辑:Godspeed On The Devil"s Thunder(2008.10.)




Abercrombie & Fitch(阿贝克隆比 & 费奇),旗下共有Abercrombie&Fitch,abercrombie,HOLLISTER,RUEHL,Ezra Fitch五个品牌。Abercrombie & Fitch1892年创立于美国纽约,至今已是美国本土的百年老牌了,是美国美国休闲第一大牌,是当今年轻人最青睐的品牌,是美国大学生最IN的品牌之一。


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示例代码:*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report Y_ERIC_CREATE_BP*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*REPORT y_eric_create_bp.DATA: it_header TYPE bapibus1006_head OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: it_centr TYPE bapibus1006_central OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: g_bp LIKE bapibus1006_head-bpartner.DATA: g_cat LIKE bapibus1006_head-partn_cat VALUE "1".DATA: it_guid LIKE bus000___i OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: it_custo LIKE bus000_eew OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: i_centraldataperson LIKE bapibus1006_central_person OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: t_centraldataperson LIKE bapibus1006_central_person OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: i_times TYPE n LENGTH 3 VALUE 1.DO 10 TIMES. i_centraldataperson-firstname = "xxxxxxxxxx". CONCATENATE i_centraldataperson-firstname i_times INTO i_centraldataperson-firstname. i_centraldataperson-lastname = "yyyyyyyy". CONCATENATE i_centraldataperson-lastname i_times INTO i_centraldataperson-lastname. APPEND i_centraldataperson. i_times = i_times + 1.ENDDO.LOOP AT i_centraldataperson. CLEAR t_centraldataperson. REFRESH t_centraldataperson. MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_centraldataperson TO t_centraldataperson. APPEND t_centraldataperson. CALL FUNCTION "BAPI_BUPA_CREATE_FROM_DATA" EXPORTING partnercategory = g_cat centraldata = it_centr centraldataperson = t_centraldataperson IMPORTING businesspartner = g_bp. CALL FUNCTION "BUP_MEMORY_BUT000_GET" EXPORTING iv_partner = g_bp IMPORTING es_but000 = it_guid. READ TABLE it_guid INDEX 1. CLEAR it_custo. REFRESH it_custo. it_custo-partnr_guid = it_guid-partner_guid. it_custo-zzdate = "20070819". it_custo-zztstfd = "1". APPEND it_custo. CALL FUNCTION "BUPA_CENTRAL_CI_CHANGE" EXPORTING is_bus000_eew = it_custo* IS_BUS000_EEW_X =* IV_XSAVE = "X"* IMPORTING* ET_RETURN = . WRITE: / g_bp.ENDLOOP.CALL FUNCTION "BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT". "可以写在loop里面09:11浏览 (953)评论 (1)分类: CRM相关推荐评论eastviking 2007-05-22BAPI的字段对照: *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report Z_R_CREATE_BP *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT z_r_create_bp. DATA: it_header TYPE bapibus1006_head OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: it_centr TYPE bapibus1006_central OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: g_bp LIKE bapibus1006_head-bpartner. DATA: g_cat LIKE bapibus1006_head-partn_cat VALUE "1". DATA: it_guid LIKE bus000___i OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: it_custo LIKE bus000_eew OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: it_addr LIKE bapibus1006_address OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: i_telefondata LIKE bapiadtel OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: i_faxdata LIKE bapiadfax OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: i_e_maildata LIKE bapiadsmtp OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: i_communicationnotes LIKE bapicomrem OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: i_centraldataperson LIKE bapibus1006_central_person OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: t_centraldataperson LIKE bapibus1006_central_person OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: i_times TYPE n LENGTH 3 VALUE 1. DO 1 TIMES. i_centraldataperson-firstname = "RXXXXXXXX". CONCATENATE i_centraldataperson-firstname i_times INTO i_centraldataperson-firstname. i_centraldataperson-lastname = "RYYYYYYYY". CONCATENATE i_centraldataperson-lastname i_times INTO i_centraldataperson-lastname. i_centraldataperson-birthname = "BirthName" . "Birth Name i_centraldataperson-birthdate = "19890101" . "Birth date i_centraldataperson-birthplace = "Shanghai". "Birth Place i_centraldataperson-maritalstatus = "1". "Marital Status i_centraldataperson-countryorigin = "CN". "Country of Origin * i_centraldataperson-DEATHDATE = "20991231". "death date i_centraldataperson-nationality = "CN". "NATIONALITY i_centraldataperson-sex = "2". "Sex: 0-unknown; 1-female; 2-male i_centraldataperson-occupation = "CEO". i_centraldataperson-middlename = "middlename" . "Middle Name i_centraldataperson-secondname = "other last name" . "Other Last Name i_centraldataperson-prefix1 = "0001". "Name Affix 1 (Key) i_centraldataperson-prefix2 = "0002". "Name Affix 2 (Key) i_centraldataperson-title_aca1 = "0001" . "Academic Title1 (key) i_centraldataperson-title_aca2 = "0002" . "Academic Title2 (key) i_centraldataperson-title_sppl = "0001" . "Name supplement (Key) i_centraldataperson-initials = "initials". "Initials i_centraldataperson-fullname = "fullname" . "Full Name i_centraldataperson-namcountry = "US" . "Country for format i_centraldataperson-nameformat = "01" . "Special Format i_centraldataperson-correspondlanguage = "E" . "Correspondence lang. :E-English ; 1-Chinese it_centr-partnerlanguage = "1" . "Language: E-English ; 1-Chinese it_centr-searchterm1 = "Search1". "Search Term 1 it_centr-searchterm2 = "Search2". "Search Term 2 it_addr-street = "hubinlu" . "Street it_addr-house_no = "567878" . "House Number it_addr-house_no2 = "12345". "Suppl. it_addr-city = "Shanghaici" . "City it_addr-country = "CN" . "country it_addr-region = "020" . " Region it_addr-postl_cod1 = "123456". "Postcode it_addr-building = "building" . "Building it_addr-room_no = "1106". "Room it_addr-floor = "9" . "Floor it_addr-c_o_name = "c/o name". "c/o it_addr-str_suppl1 = "Street2". "Street2 it_addr-str_suppl2 = "Street3". "Street3 it_addr-str_suppl3 = "Street4". "Street4 it_addr-location = "Street5". "Street 5 it_addr-district = "District". "District it_addr-taxjurcode = "". "Taxjurcode it_addr-dont_use_s = "0001". "Street Address Undeliverale * it_addr-TRANSPZONE = "". "Transportation zone * it_addr-REGIOGROUP = "". "REGIOGROUP it_addr-po_box = "pobox". "PO Box it_addr-po_w_o_no = " ". "PO w/o number flag it_addr-postl_cod2 = "12345". "Postal Code it_addr-po_box_cit = "new york". "other city it_addr-pobox_ctry = "US". "Other Country it_addr-po_box_reg = "NY". "Other region it_addr-dont_use_p = "0001". "PO Box Address Undeliverable APPEND it_addr. APPEND it_centr. APPEND i_centraldataperson. i_times = i_times + 1. ENDDO. ************************************************************************ *telephone number * ************************************************************************ i_telefondata-country = "". i_telefondata-telephone = "1234567". i_telefondata-extension = "110". i_telefondata-flg_nouse = "". "no use flag APPEND i_telefondata. ************************************************************************ *mobilephone number * ************************************************************************ i_telefondata-country = "". i_telefondata-std_no = "X". i_telefondata-r_3_user = "X". i_telefondata-telephone = "12345678". i_telefondata-flg_nouse = "". "no use flag APPEND i_telefondata. ************************************************************************ *fax number * ************************************************************************ i_faxdata-country = "". i_faxdata-fax = "1234567". i_faxdata-extension = "119". i_faxdata-flg_nouse = "". "no use flag APPEND i_faxdata. ************************************************************************ *E-mail Address ** ************************************************************************ i_e_maildata-e_mail = "". i_e_maildata-flg_nouse = "". "no use flag APPEND i_e_maildata. ************************************************************************ *communicationnotes ** ************************************************************************ i_communicationnotes-comm_type = "INT". i_communicationnotes-langu = "E". APPEND i_communicationnotes. LOOP AT i_centraldataperson. CLEAR t_centraldataperson. REFRESH t_centraldataperson. MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_centraldataperson TO t_centraldataperson. APPEND t_centraldataperson. CALL FUNCTION "BAPI_BUPA_CREATE_FROM_DATA" EXPORTING partnercategory = g_cat centraldata = it_centr centraldataperson = t_centraldataperson addressdata = it_addr IMPORTING businesspartner = g_bp TABLES telefondata = i_telefondata faxdata = i_faxdata e_maildata = i_e_maildata communicationnotes = i_communicationnotes. CALL FUNCTION "BUP_MEMORY_BUT000_GET" EXPORTING iv_partner = g_bp IMPORTING es_but000 = it_guid. READ TABLE it_guid INDEX 1. CLEAR it_custo. REFRESH it_custo. it_custo-partnr_guid = it_guid-partner_guid. it_custo-zzdate = "20070819". it_custo-zztstfd = "1". APPEND it_custo. CALL FUNCTION "BUPA_CENTRAL_CI_CHANGE" EXPORTING is_bus000_eew = it_custo * IS_BUS000_EEW_X = * IV_XSAVE = "X" * IMPORTING * ET_RETURN = . *如果要再增加一个address CALL FUNCTION "BUPA_ADDRESS_ADD" EXPORTING * IV_PARTNER = iv_partner_guid = it_guid-partner_guid is_address = it_addr. * IV_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_TYPE = * IV_ACCEPT_ERROR = " " * IV_ADDRGUID = * IV_X_SAVE = "X" * IV_CONSIDER_CONSNUMBER_FOR_INS = " " * IV_CHECK_ADDRESS = "X" * IMPORTING * EV_ADDRNUMBER = * EV_ADDRGUID = * TABLES * IT_ADTEL = * IT_ADFAX = * IT_ADTTX = * IT_ADTLX = * IT_ADSMTP = * IT_ADRML = * IT_ADX400 = * IT_ADRFC = * IT_ADPRT = * IT_ADSSF = * IT_ADURI = * IT_ADPAG = * IT_ADREM = * IT_ADCOMREM = * IT_ADUSE = * IT_ADDR_COMM_USE = * ET_ADDR_DUPLICATES = * ET_RETURN = . WRITE: / g_bp. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION "BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT".

abap creat object 为什么可以直接加exporting

对于函数而言,IMPORTING表示从外面传入的参数,这种参数在函数中不能修改,而EXPORTING表示传出到外面的参数,调用的地方无论是何值,都将被传出去的值所覆盖。 在调用函数的时候,由于导入导出的主体分别是调用者和函数,所以对于调用者和函数

abdominal cramps什么意思!?





abdominal crunch词典仰卧起坐;腹肌练习网络仰卧力拉







同作为JavaScript MVC框架,Backbone和AngularJS各有什么优缺点

 Backbone是一个轻量级MVC框架。  支持单向数据绑定。(Model -> View)。  我们可以定义我们自己的视图、模型和控制器。简化DOM中的事件绑定。对象映射。但因为很轻量,所以灵活性好。通常你可以自由搭配组合各种js库进行定制开发。API非常简单,没几个,基本上学习几个小时就可以轻松上手了。  AngularJS说实话我没亲自用过。不过它是一种MVVM框架。支持双向绑定。(视图<->模型)。使用它的优点是,绝大多数的DOM操作,都可以使用Diretives指令的方式完成,以一种特殊规则的写法,直接写到html当中。然后AugularJS帮你打交道,JS开发人员可以更好的从DOM中解脱出来,专心关注JS的逻辑和业务。 但是AngularJS非常重。而且学习成本高,内容比较多,且复杂。

同作为JavaScript MVC框架,Backbone和AngularJS各有什么优缺点


同作为JavaScript MVC框架,Backbone和AngularJS各有什么优缺点

1、框架的成熟度: Backbone相对成熟稳定,AngularJS有时会出bug,而且AngularJS的下一个版本不兼容以前的版本;(但Angular的思想是比Backbone要先进的——个人认为)2、使用灵活度: Backbone超级灵活,AngularJS则只能使用单一的解决方案;但Backbone过于灵活,所有需要自己写的东西就会很多。3、框架本身大小: Backbone本身要比AngularJS小很多尤其是压缩以后,但Backbone依赖于其他框架,所以在这方面,两者就相差不多了。4、使用框架所带来的代码量: 但Backbone过于灵活,所有需要自己写的东西就会很多。导致开发简单功能时会多出N多代码,当然项目越大越复杂使用Backbone就越理想。5、学习成本: Backbone入门成本比较高,但越往后越轻松,AngularJS入门成本比较低,但越往后越难理解,你需要放弃传统的开发思想,深刻理解AngularJS思想才行。6、与其他框架的兼容: Backbone是可以兼容jQuery的,并且有众多的第三方扩展插件,你几乎可以在网上找到所有你想要的解决方案,但这也意味着你得额外学习第三方的插件。AngularJS只能用Angular的解决方案,就是所谓的Angular only。注:其实框架没有谁比谁好,只能看哪个更合适,或者哪个是你目前项目正在用的。作为合格的前端,最好是这两个都会。



grow develop increase 有什么区别

其实lz这几个单词从词义上就可以看出很多区别了 grow 表示成长,长大 develop 表示发展 increase 表示 增加 希望对你有所帮助 我把每个单词具体意思写一些 你看一下喔 grow 不及物动词 vi. 1. 成长,生长;发育 She has grown into a beautiful young lady. 她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子. 2. 增大,增加;发展 John"s reputation is growing fast. 约翰的名声正在迅速扩大. 3. 渐渐变得[L][+to-v] His cold is growing worse. 他的感冒正在加重. develop 及物动词 vt. 1. 使成长;使发达;发展 Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达. 2. 详尽阐述;展开 3. 开发 The builders are developing that part of the city. 建筑商正在开发这座城市的那个地区. 4. 逐渐产生;逐渐养成;患(病) Try to develop good reading habits. 要养成良好的阅读习惯. 5. 【摄】使显影,冲洗(底片) 不及物动词 vi. 1. 生长;成长;形成 Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成. 2. 进步;进化 3. 发展 Her friendship with David developed slowly. 她与戴维的友谊发展缓慢. 4. 显露;(事实等)被发现 5. 【摄】显影 increase1 及物动词 vt. 1. 增大;增加;增强 Travel increases one"s knowledge of the world. 旅游增进人对世界的了解. 不及物动词 vi. 1. 增大;增加;增强 Foreign investments there increased five times. 那里的外国投资增加了五倍. 2. 增殖 These flowers will increase every year. 这些花会年复一年越长越多. increase2 名词 n. 1. 增大;增加;增强[U][C][(+in/on/of)] His weight showed an increase of 3 a month. 他的体重在一个月内增加了三磅. 嘿嘿 新年快乐哈 亲 (≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

grow develop increase 有什么区别

呵呵 其实lz这几个单词从词义上就可以看出很多区别了grow 表示成长,长大develop 表示发展increase 表示 增加希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈亲~我把每个单词具体意思写一些 你看一下喔grow 不及物动词 vi. 1.成长,生长;发育She has grown into a beautiful young lady. 她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子。2.增大,增加;发展John"s reputation is growing fast. 约翰的名声正在迅速扩大。3.渐渐变得[L][+to-v]His cold is growing worse. 他的感冒正在加重。develop及物动词 vt. 1.使成长;使发达;发展Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达。2.详尽阐述;展开3.开发The builders are developing that part of the city. 建筑商正在开发这座城市的那个地区。4.逐渐产生;逐渐养成;患(病)Try to develop good reading habits. 要养成良好的阅读习惯。5.【摄】使显影,冲洗(底片)不及物动词 vi. 1.生长;成长;形成Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。2.进步;进化3.发展Her friendship with David developed slowly. 她与戴维的友谊发展缓慢。4.显露;(事实等)被发现5.【摄】显影increase1及物动词 vt. 1.增大;增加;增强Travel increases one"s knowledge of the world. 旅游增进人对世界的了解。不及物动词 vi. 1.增大;增加;增强Foreign investments there increased five times. 那里的外国投资增加了五倍。2.增殖These flowers will increase every year. 这些花会年复一年越长越多。increase2名词 n. 1.增大;增加;增强[U][C][(+in/on/of)]His weight showed an increase of 3 lbs. in a month. 他的体重在一个月内增加了三磅。嘿嘿 亲~新年快乐哈如果满意~亲 记得采纳~(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

violent crimes英语作文?

Violent crime is a crime that is seriously endangered by members of a bad society under the guidance and promotion of a culture of violence. The spared of violent culture directly stimulates members desire for violent crime and reduces people"s psychological restrain of violent behavior. The spread of violent culture has become a model textbook for members of society to imitate violent behaviors and learn criminal skills. The values of members make teenagers develop cruel and cold personality traits. Although we cannot establish a simple, direct, cause-and-effect relationship between media violence and violence in our society, there have been extensive research indicating that those who as children are exposed to violent TV show or films are much more likely to later be convicted of crime. Another reason is that too much media violence makes people become "immune" to the horror of violence and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems.

violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year.为什么violent前不加the?



acronym 首字母组成的缩写 a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of sth,for example ‘AIDS" is an acronym for ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome" abbreviation 简写...


acronym 首字母组成的缩写 a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of sth, for example ‘AIDS" is an acronym for ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome" abbreviation 简写,缩写 a short form of a word, etc.: What"s the abbreviation for ‘Saint"?


acronym 首字母组成的缩写 a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of sth, for example ‘AIDS" is an acronym for ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome" abbreviation 简写,缩写 a short form of a word, etc.: What"s the abbreviation for ‘Saint"?

在html中,abbr title和acronym title的区别

<abbr>和<acrony>试用的浏览器版本不同acronym 元素 仅对于 IE 5 中有效Netscape 6.2 中的 abbr 和 acronym 元素都有效

edsealp sesrdad ialstarua emet npeednirf enhcrf 把这些字母拼成单词,写出汉语意思

pleased meet



Babyface的never keeping secrets 的歌词中文翻译,要看的懂的,衔接的上的

I never meant to lie to you 我从未想要欺骗过你But I needed me an easy way out 但是我想要个简单的解脱方式I couldn"t face the truth with you 我无法面对和你在一起的事实Because I didn"t want to lose my clout 因为我不愿失去我的力量I always have been good to you 我一直都对你很好Girl I promise you that nothing has changed 女孩儿,我向你保证没有什么会改变Momentary insanity 片刻的疯狂Must be the reason why I did you that way 一定是我那样对你的原因So now I"m telling everybody 所以现在我告诉所有人That I know I was a fool 我知道我是个蠢货To take a chance of losing 获得了失去你的机会And girl I can"t take losing you 然而我并不能承受失去你的痛苦So I"m 所以我Never keeping secrets 从来不隐瞒什么秘密And I"m never telling lies 而且从来不撒谎I wanna make it up to you 我想对你弥补我的错No I"m 不,我……Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind girl,我发誓那些都是过去I only wanna be with you 我只想和你在一起So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you I didn"t want to lie to you But I didn"t want to let you down 但是我不想让你失望It never did occur to me 这从未在我身上发生过Sooner or later that you would find out 早晚你会发现You know how much I care for you 你会发现我是多么的关心你And I would never want to cause you pain 而且我决不会让你难过I know that there is no excuse 我直到不需要借口How could I ever treat my baby that way 我怎么会对那样对待我的宝贝That"s why I"m telling everybody 这就是为什么我告诉大家的原因That I know I was a fool 知道我是个蠢货But I don"t give a damn about it 但我根本不在乎"Cause I wanna get back with you 因为我只想再次和你在一起So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you If you wanna go 如果你想走I want you to know 我想让你知道Girl that I understand it 宝贝我理解But I don"t recommened it 但是我不推崇"Cause I love you more 因为我爱你更多I know you can"t ignore 我知道你不能忽略我的爱That I will die for you 我会为你而献出生命And lay down my life for you 而且奉献我的一生Girl I wanna see 宝贝我想看到You standing next to me 你站在我的身旁Girl I apologize 宝贝儿,我向你道歉For each and every lie 为每个事情和全部的谎言I want you to be 我想让你成为The only one for me 我的唯一Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever 永远永远永远……So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you So I"m Never keeping secrets And I"m never telling lies I wanna make it up to you No I"m Never keeping secrets Girl I swear it"s all behind I only wanna be with you

求梅玉奈部出品的一个EVA同人 叫做REI crisis

Crimson Comics是什么意思


few 、new、creative、loudly、far、little、dull、popular的比较级和最高级

fewer, fewestnewer, newest more creative, the most creativemore loudly, the most loudlyfarther&further, farthest&furthestless, leastduller, dullestmore popular, the most popular


decrease,lessen,diminish,reduce,abate,dwindle这组动词的一般含义为“减少”。decrease 和lessen比较普通,如果用词不讲究,可以代替这组词中任何其他词。decrease (名词亦为decrease,但重音在第一个音节上)强调数目或使人不快之物的逐渐减少。如:to decrease the number of working hours,to decrease traffic accidents.The workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and increase pay.工人要求减少工作时间而增加工资。lessen 可以表示数量或程度的减少。如: to lessen hazard,to lessen anxiety等等。Light lessens as evening comes on.随着黄昏的来临,光线逐渐变弱。diminish 表示减少损失。如: to diminish research endownmentsHowever,my enthusiasm waned.The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished.然而,我的热情减退了。我在做操上花的时间逐渐减少了。reduce 可以表示尺寸、数量、程度或强度的减少,词义引伸之后,可以表示地位、处境、状况的降低。如:to reduce the speed,to reduce household expense,to be reduced to tears,to be reduced to ashes.This greatly reduced the speed of the ship ,for there was danger that if she travelled too quickly,this rudder would be torn away.这大大减低了船速,因为如果它走得太快,这个舵会有被冲掉的危险。reduce 的名词为reduction,abate 的名词为abatement,dwindle的名词为dwindlement.abate 表示减少时其内涵是使过分或过量的事物得到缓和。如: to abate taxes,to abate imports.The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the powerful pain.医生给了他某种药,以减弱那剧烈的疼痛。This is a pity,because noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science.这是件憾事,因为减少噪音实在是一项美好的事业;如果把它与贫乏的科学知识搅在一起, 那么这种美好的事业有可能使人生疑。dwindle 特别适用表示“眼看着逐渐缩小”或“渐渐趋于消失”。例如透视原理上的近大远小,即逐渐远离观察者的物体变得似乎越来越小,最终完全消失。A thin thread of path dwindled and finally disappeared as it climbed the steep slope of the down.一条小径越远显得越细,在爬上土丘的陡坡时终于消失了。而loweradj.较低的, 下级的, 下等的, 下游的vi.降低, 跌落, 减弱vt.放下, 降下, 减弱, 贬低


decrease n. 减少,减少之量v. 减少例句:There has been a steady decrease in population in this city.这个城市的人口在持续下降。They are making further efforts to decrease military spending.他们正在做进一步的努力来减少军费开支。His interest in this subject gradually decreases.他对这门学科的兴趣逐渐减退。


decrease [di:ˈkri:s]vt. & vi.(使)缩短; 减小, 减少The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year.该城市去年交通事故减少了。n.减小, 降低There has been some decrease in imports.进口货物有所减少。减少(量)The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.销售量差不多减少了20%。用法词典 decrease 来自拉丁词decrescere〈de- 失出+ crescer长大→减少 参考词汇decrease , lessen , diminish , reduce , abate , dwindle 这组动词的一般含义为“减少”。 decrease 和lessen比较普通,如果用词不讲究,可以代替这组词中任何其他词。decrease (名词亦为decrease,但重音在第一个音节上)强调数目或使人不快之物的逐渐减少。 如:to decrease the number of working hours,to decrease traffic accidents.The workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and increase pay.工人要求减少工作时间而增加工资。

lt;script type="text/babel">是什么意思

<script> 标签的 type 属性为 text/babel 。这是因为 React 独有的 JSX 语法,跟 JavaScript 不兼容。凡是使用 JSX 的地方,都要加上 type="text/babel"代码附上:<body><div id="example"></div><script type="text/babel">ReactDOM.render(<h1>Hello, world!</h1>,document.getElementById("example")      );    </script>  </body>React 入门实例教程:网页链接


Babel是一个转换编译器,它能将ES6转换成可以在浏览器中运行的代码。Babel由来自澳大利亚的开发者Sebastian McKenzie创建。他的目标是使Babel可以处理ES6的所有新语法,并为它内置了React JSX扩展及Flow类型注解支持。据codemix创始人Charles Pick介绍,Babel是所有ES6转换编译器中与ES6规范兼容度最高的,甚至超过了谷歌创建已久的Traceur编译器。Babel允许开发者使用ES6的所有新特性,而且不会影响与老版本浏览器的兼容性。此外,它还支持许多不同的构建&测试系统,使开发者很容易将它集成到自己的工具链中。Charles认为,Babel从根本上讲是一个平台,这是它与compile-to-JS语言CoffeeScript和TypeScript最大的不同。Babel的插件系统允许开发者自定义代码转换器并插入到编译过程。这些转换器会接收一棵抽象语法树,并在代码转换成可执行的JavaScript之前对其进行操作。codemix已经尝试开发了静态&运行时类型检查、闭包消除、JavaScript“健康宏(hygienic macros)”等插件。Babel不仅跟踪ES6的进展情况,而且还是ES7或ES2016的试验场。比如,它已经支持async/await, 使开发者更容易编写异步JavaScript代码,而且与使用回调或Promises相比,代码更简洁易懂。虽然主流浏览器可能还需要几年的时间才能支持 这种异步JavaScript代码编写方式,但Babel使开发者现在就可以用上它。这得益于Babel与JavaScript技术委员会(TC39)保持着高度一致,能够在ECMAScript新特性标准化之前为开发者提供现实世界可用的实现。而同时,这也有利于JavaScript的进一步发展,因为其团队可以在ECMAScript规范最后定稿前就获得来自现实世界的反馈。Babel还能提升JavaScript的执行速度。由于JavaScript 文件加载和执行速度慢会严重影响用户体验,所以JIT没有时间在运行时执行所有技术上可行的优化。相比之下,Babel是在编译时运行,没有这么严格的时 间限制。借助强大的作用域跟踪和类型推断功能及插件系统,开发者可以构建转换器来执行此类优化,比如上文提到的闭包消除可以将闭包转换成平常的函数。 Babel本身也内置了一些优化,比如通过utility.deadCodeElimination转换器执行常量合并/常量传播。在接下来的几个月里,我们还有望看到如下插件:任意函数内联:将函数内联至调用点,实现性能最大化,避免多态和函数调用开销;函数复制:在JavaScript中,多态是导致代码执行慢的一个常见原因。因此,在函数无法内联的地方,应该生成一个函数副本,确保函数保持单态;循环内不变代码外提:将循环体内不变的代码移至循环体外;循环展开:如果循环次数N固定,则移除循环,将循环体复制N份。codemix后续将发布多个执行此类优化的插件,感兴趣的读者可以联系他们或者关注其Twitter。关于JavaScript引擎可以做哪些不同的优化,可以查看这里。Babel插件并局限于性能提升,比如,还可以做下面这些事情:i18n/翻译转换器:翻译特定字符串并替换;自定义日志系统:通过环境变量设置日志级别,控制日志粒度;面向可选模板系统(如Mustache或Handlebars)的编译时转换器:将标签模板字符串直接转换成JavaScript代码;文档生成器:利用Flow类型注解和类型推断生成文档。上述插件,有一部分已经实现。总之,Charles认为,Babel是一款优秀的软件,必将成为每个Web开发者工具箱的一部分,而作为ECMAScript的试验场,它在不远的将来很可能会成为推动ES6和ESNext应用和发展的主要动力。


1.dash,crash的区别________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________dash : 1) v.t. To throw with violence or haste; to cause to strike violently or hastily; - often used with against. 2) v.t. To break, as by throwing or by collision; to shatter; to crust; to frustrate; to ruin. 3) v.t. To put to shame; to confound; to confuse; to abash; to depress. 4) v.t. To throw in or on in a rapid, careless manner; to mix, reduce, or adulterate, by throwing in something of an inferior quality; to overspread partially; to bespatter; to touch here and there; as, to dash wine with water; to dash paint upon a picture. 5) v.t. To form or sketch rapidly or carelessly; to execute rapidly, or with careless haste; - with off; as, to dash off a review or sermon. 6) v.t. To erase by a stroke; to strike out; knock out; - with out; as, to dash out a word. 7) v.i. To rust with violence; to move impetuously; to strike violently; as, the waves dash upon rocks. 8) n. Violent striking together of two bodies; collision; crash. 9) n. A sudden check; abashment; frustration; ruin; as, his hopes received a dash. 10) n. A slight admixture, infusion, or adulteration; a partial overspreading; as, wine with a dash of water; red with a dash of purple. 11) n. A rapid movement, esp. one of short duration; a quick stroke or blow; a sudden onset or rush; as, a bold dash at the enemy; a dash of rain. 12) n. Energy in style or action; animation; spirit. 13) n. A vain show; a blustering parade; a flourish; as, to make or cut a great dash. 14) n. A mark or line, in writing or printing, denoting a sudden break, stop, or transition in a sentence, or an abrupt change in its construction, a long or significant pause, or an unexpected or epigrammatic turn of sentiment. Dashes are also sometimes used instead of marks or parenthesis. 15) n. The sign of staccato, a small mark denoting that the note over which it is placed is to be performed in a short, distinct manner. 16) n. The line drawn through a figure in the thorough bass, as a direction to raise the interval a semitone. 17) n. A short, spirited effort or trial of speed upon a race course; - used in horse racing, when a single trial constitutes the race.#@ noun, verb noun sth done quickly 1 [sing.] a ~ (for sth) an act of going somewhere suddenly and/or quickly: When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats. * a 60-mile dash to safety * He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar. * We waited for the police to leave then made a dash for it (= left quickly in order to escape). 2 [sing.] an act of doing sth quickly because you do not have enough time: a last-minute dash to buy presents small amount 3 [C,?usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a small amount of sth that is added to sth else: Add a dash of lemon juice. * The rug adds a dash of colour to the room. * The album is a mixture of rock and gospel, with a dash of jazz thrown in. compare?SPLASH symbol 4 [C] the mark(-) used to separate parts of a sentence, often instead of a COLON or in pairs instead of BRACKETS compare?HYPHEN race 5 [C,?usually sing.] (especially AmE) a race in which the competitors run very fast over a short distance SYN?SPRINT: the 100-meter dash way of behaving 6 [U] (old-fashioned, approving) a way of behaving that combines style, enthusiasm and confidence: He brought youthful energy, dash and charisma to the department. part of car 7 [C] (informal) = DASHBOARD see also PEBBLE-DASH IDIOMS cut a dash (BrE) to look attractive in a particular set of clothes, especially in a way that makes other people notice you: He cut quite a dash in his uniform. verb go quickly 1 [V] ? [usually +adv./prep.] to go somewhere very quickly: I must dash (= leave quickly), I""m late. * She dashed off to keep an appointment. * He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train. throw / beat 2 [+adv./prep.] to throw sth or make sth fall violently onto a hard surface; to beat against a surface: [VN] The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks. * [V] The waves were dashing against the harbour wall. IDIOMS dash sb""s hopes to destroy sb""s hopes by making what they were hoping for impossible: Hopes of a peaceful settlement have been dashed. dash (it)! | dash it all! (old-fashioned, BrE) used to show that you are annoyed about sth ?PHRASAL?VERBS? dash sth<->off to write or draw sth very quickly: I dashed off a note to my brother. v [Date: 1200-1300; Origin: Probably from the sound of something breaking when hit] 1 [I always + adverb/preposition] to go or run somewhere very quickly: --Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again. 2 dash sb"s hopes: to disappoint someone by telling them that what they want is not possible --Hopkins" hopes were dashed when his appeal was denied. 3 (I) must dash/(I) have to dash: BrE spoken used to tell someone that you must leave quickly --Anyway, I must dash - I said I"d meet Daniel at eight. 4 [I,T always + adverb/preposition] written to throw or push something violently against something, especially so that it breaks: dash sth against/on sth --The ship was dashed against the rocks. dash against --Waves were dashing against the sea wall. 5 dash it (all)!: BrE old-fashioned used to show that you are slightly annoyed or angry about something dash off phr v 1 to leave somewhere very quickly: --Harry dashed off before she had a chance to thank him. 2 dash sth <==> off: to write or draw something very quickly --She dashed off a quick letter. dash 2 n 1 small amount: 2 run quickly: 3 line: 4 sound: 5 car: 6 style: 7 cut a dash: 1 SMALL AMOUNT: [singular] a) a small amount of a substance that is added to something else dash of --Add salt, pepper and a dash of vinegar. b) a small amount of a quality that is added to something else dash of --Add a dash of romance to your life with a trip to Paris. 2 RUN QUICKLY: [C usually singular] an occasion when someone runs somewhere very quickly in order to get away from something or someone, or in order to reach them make a dash for sth --He made a dash for the door. --The prisoners made a dash for freedom. --It"s pouring with rain - we"ll have to make a dash for it . --When the alarm went there was a mad dash for the exit. 3 LINE: [C] a line [ - ] used in writing to separate two closely related parts of a sentence, as for example, in the sentence "Go home - they"re waiting for you." --> hyphen 4 SOUND: [C] a long sound or flash of light used for sending messages in Morse code --> dot 5 CAR: [C] AmE a dashboard 6 STYLE: [U] old-fashioned style, energy, and courage in someone such as a soldier 7 cut a dash: old-fashioned to look very impressive and attractive in particular clothes --With her new image, she"ll certainly cut a dash on her holiday cruise. __________________________________________________________________crash: 1) v.t. To break in pieces violently; to dash together with noise and violence. 2) v.i. To make a loud, clattering sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once; to break in pieces with a harsh noise. 3) v.i. To break with violence and noise; as, the chimney in falling crashed through the roof. 4) n. A loud, sudden, confused sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once. 5) n. Ruin; failure; sudden breaking down, as of a business house or a commercial enterprise. 6) n. Coarse, heavy, narrow linen cloth, used esp. for towels. #@1. n. A sudden, usually drastic failure. Most often said of the system (q.v., sense 1), esp. of magnetic disk drives (the term originally described what happens when the air gap of a hard disk collapses). "Three lusers lost their files in last night""s disk crash." A disk crash that involves the read/write heads dropping onto the surface of the disks and scraping off the oxide may also be referred to as a `head crash"", whereas the term `system crash"" usually, though not always, implies that the operating system or other software was at fault. 2. v. To fail suddenly. "Has the system just crashed?" "Something crashed the OS!" See down. Also used transitively to indicate the cause of the crash (usually a person or a program, or both). "Those idiots playing SPACEWAR crashed the system." 3. vi. Sometimes said of people hitting the sack after a long hacking run; see gronk out. From Jargon Dictionary ____________________________________________________________________2.hold on,hold out,hold to作坚持的区别________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________hold on:Seize;Continue;Not anything;Stop ____________________________________________________________________hold out:Support;Maintenance;Out;Uphold;Senegal;Maintenance;Stop;Stop;U.S. - > < detained;Claims ____________________________________________________________________hold to:Making;Uphold;Uphold;Our ____________________________________________________________________3.send,detail,dispatch做派遣的区别 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________send: by mail / radio 1 ~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to make sth go or be taken to a place, especially by post/mail, radio, etc: [VN] to send a letter / package / cheque / fax / e-mail * She sent the letter by airmail. * (BrE) to send sth by post * (AmE) to send sth by mail * A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft. * The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers. * [VN, VNN] Have you sent a postcard to your mother yet? * Have you sent your mother a postcard yet? message 2 to tell sb sth by sending them a message: [VN] My parents send their love. * What sort of message is that sending to young people? * [VNN] He sent me word to come. * [VN?(that)] She sent word (that) she could not come. * [V?to?inf] (formal) She sent to say that she was coming home. sb somewhere 3 to tell sb to go somewhere or to do sth; to arrange for sb to go somewhere: [VN, usually +adv./prep.] Ed couldn""t make it so they sent me instead. * She sent the kids to bed early. * to send sb to prison / boarding school * We are being sent on a training course next month. * [VN?to?inf] I""ve sent Tom to buy some milk. make sth move quickly 4 to make sth/sb move quickly or suddenly: [VN?-ing] Every step he took sent the pain shooting up his leg. * The punch sent him flying. * [VN?+adv./prep.] The report sent share prices down a further 8p. make sb react 5 ~ sb (to / into sth) to make sb behave or react in a particular way: [VN] Her music always sends me to sleep. * Her account of the visit sent us into fits of laughter. * [VN-ADJ] All the publicity nearly sent him crazy. IDIOMS send sb packing (informal) to tell sb firmly or rudely to go away: She tried to interfere but I sent her packing. more?at?COVENTRY, LOVE?n. ?PHRASAL?VERBS? send away (to sb) (for sth) = SEND?OFF?(FOR?STH) send sb<->down (BrE) 1 (informal) to send sb to prison 2 (old-fashioned) to order a student to leave a university because of bad behaviour send for sb to ask or tell sb to come to you, especially in order to help you: Send for a doctor, quickly! send for sth to ask sb to bring or deliver sth to you: His son found him and sent for help. * She sent for the latest sales figures. send sb forth (old-fashioned or literary) to send sb away from you to another place send forth sth (formal) to produce a sound, signal, etc. so that other people can hear it, receive it, etc: He opened his mouth and sent forth a stream of noise. send sb<->in to order sb to go to a place to deal with a difficult situation: Troops were sent in to restore order. send sth<->in to send sth by post/mail to a place where it will be dealt with: Have you sent in your application yet? send off (for sth) | send away (to sb) (for sth) to write to sb and ask them to send you sth by post/mail: I""ve sent off for some books for my course. send sb<->off (BrE) (in a sports game) to order sb to leave the field because they have broken the rules of the game: Beckham was sent off for a foul in the second half. related?noun?SENDING-OFF send sth<->off to send sth to a place by post/mail: I""m sending the files off to my boss tomorrow. send sth<->on 1 to send sth to a place so that it arrives before you get there: We sent our furniture on by ship. 2 to send a letter that has been sent to sb""s old address to their new address SYN?FORWARD: They promised to send on our mail when we moved. 3 to send sth from one place/person to another: They arranged for the information to be sent on to us. send out for sth to ask a restaurant or shop/store to deliver food to you at home or at work: Let""s send out for a pizza. send sth<->out 1 to send sth to a lot of different people or places: Have the invitations been sent out yet? 2 to produce sth, such as light, a signal, sound, etc. SYN?EMIT: The sun sends out light and heat. send sb/sth<->up (BrE, informal) to make people laugh at sb/sth by copying them/it in a funny way: a TV programme that sends up politicians related?noun?SEND-UP v past tense and past participle sent /sent/ 1 by post etc: 2 radio/computer etc: 3 person to place: 4 send (somebody) a message/signal: 5 send your love/regards/best wishes etc: 6 cause to move: 7 send somebody/something flying/sprawling/reeling etc: 8 affect: 9 send word: 10 send shivers/chills up (and down) your spine: 11 send somebody packing: Phrasal verbs send away for something send down send for somebody/something send something/somebody <==> in send off sen

用 Babel 去构建 TypeScript 项目

现在空项目中创建 package.json 文件,再去安装 Babel,@babel/core 是 babel 的核心,@babel/cli 是 Babel 的命令行,可以在终端使用 Babel 的命令行,输入 npx babel --help 查看所有的命令。接下来创建 src 目录并进入: 在 src 里面新建 index.ts 文件,文件的内容为: 为了支持上面的语法需要继续安装三个插件插件和两个预设 @babel/preset-env 预设能够支持大多数 ES6 语法,少数的语法需要使用插件, @babel/preset-typescript 翻译 TS 文件的。 这时在 package.json 文件的 scripts 里面新增以下内容: build 是 dist 的简写版本,功能是一样的,Babel 不能自己识别 .tsx和.ts 文件,所以需要 --extensions 指定文件,简写为 -x 。 还剩最后一道程序,在 package.json 同级目录下新建 babel.config.json 文件,输入以下内容: 好了,现在输入命令行进行编译: 现在我把 index.ts 的内容改为: 输入命令: 依然编译成功,所以: 现在来配置,安装 typescript: 初始化配置文件: 打开配置文件 tsconfig.json,更改 noEmit 配置项,表示 typescript 只执行类型检查不编译输出文件: 这时在命令行执行,持续监听文件的更改就行了: 类型检查配置完成。这时 Babel 负责编译,typescript 负责类型检查。 Babel 环境中 TypeScript 中的语法又四个不能使用: 现在还是推荐使用主流方式去构建 TypeScript 项目,即 webpack 的方式,使用 ts-loader 配合 typescript 实现。附赠一个技巧:





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comment, criticize,remark都有批评,评论的意思,它们的区别

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。comment: 评论(程度轻)critisize: 批评(程度重)remark: 评论(程度轻)comment,:英["kɒment] 美["kɑmɛnt];n. 评论;意见;批评;vi. 发表评论;发表意见;vt. 为…作评语comment on 对……评论 no comment 无可奉告;不予置评;无意见 general comment 一般评论 fair comment 公正批评;公平评论 n.评论;意见;批评opinion, criticism, mind, judgement, thinkingvi.发表评论;发表意见declare oneself, air one"s opinion词根:commentn.commentary 评论;注释;评注;说明commentator 评论员,解说员;实况播音员;时事评论者vi.commentate 评论时事;实况报道vt.commentate 评论;解说;注释comment on评论;对;批评;发表意见comment statement[计] 注解语句;注释叙述;批注叙述comment token注释标记;解释标记;注释标识表记标帜fair comment公正评论;公允评论;合理评论;公正批评comment declaration注解宣告;批注宣告;注解说明Comment Extension注释扩展;注释扩展块comment to评论;品题offer comment提意见;提意Comment Style注释风格criticize:vt. 批评;评论;非难;vi. 批评;评论;苛求;[ 过去式criticized 过去分词criticized 现在分词criticizing ]to criticize批评Criticize Thinking批判性思维criticize unfavorably指摘Slam criticize抨击Cultural Criticize文明批评criticize expose批评Not Criticize而不批评Please Criticize请批评criticize plagiarism批判剽窃行为remark:[ri"mɑ:k] n. 注意;言辞;vt. 评论;觉察;vi. 谈论Introductory remark编辑说明integrating remark整合反应remark list批注清单special remark特殊说明awkward remark不合时宜的话remark about评论interjectional remark插说;插入语Remark C备注三Remark AS备注remark on 评论;谈论;议论 n.注意;言辞regard, notice, publicityvt.评论;觉察observe on, to comment onvi.谈论talk of, discourse词根:remarkadj.remarkable 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的adv.remarkably 显著地;非常地;引人注目地百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

mysterious; mystery ;secretary ;在美音中怎么读? ,求谐音的..




柯林斯英汉双解大词典 arcane /ɑːˈkeɪn/ 1. ADJ Something that is arcane is secret or mysterious. 秘密的; 神秘的 [正式]例:Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki.直至几个月前,现代音乐神秘世界之外只有少数人听说过戈莱斯基。短语Arcane Power 奥术强化 ; 奥术能量 ; 秘法能量 ; 奥术力量同近义词adj. 神秘的;晦涩难解的;秘传的mysterious , uncannyarcane是比mysterious更神秘的,mysterious是神奇的,arcane是神秘的,【正式】arcane用于正式】【正式】的意思就是说,不是用于口语的,一般用于书面的,正式的演讲什么的,就是不是一般人说的一般人平时苦于就说mysterious就可以了,文学家发表演讲的时候有很多人采访他,他对着麦克风说arcane显得有范。

mysterious; mystery ;secretary ;在美音中怎么读? 求谐音的..

mysterious    美 /mɪˈstɪriəs/   美斯-特尔雷尔斯     mystery        美 /ˈmɪstəri/      米斯德尔雷(luei)    secretary       美 /ˈsekrəteri/   塞库勒尔-特雷(luei)希望对你有帮助,其实英语读音尽量不要根据汉语谐音来学习,多听多读才有提升

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please-sub-scribe请订阅 双语例句1. Hello! Please dial Sub - phone number, please dial zero to check the number! 你好,自由者! 请拨分机号,查号请拨零! 来自互联网 2. Please stick on a Sub - Scheme Number label ( if applicable ). 请贴上附属计划编号标签 ( 如适用 ). 来自互联网 3. Please arrange and advise your best sub date by return. 请回信安排和告知你的最佳替代日期. 来自互联网




subscribe 英[səb"skraɪb] 美[səbˈskraɪb] vt.& vi. 认捐,捐赠;签署,题词,署名;认购;订阅,订购 第三人称单数:subscribes;过去分词:subscribed;现在分词:subscribi... [例句]To subscribe via email click here. 订阅请通过电子邮件,点击这里. 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳. 您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


  describe  [英][dɪˈskraɪb][美][dɪˈskraɪb]  vt.叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转;  第三人称单数:describes  现在进行时:describing  过去式:described  过去分词:described  双语例句  1, Did he ever describe him?  他描述过他吗?  2, Can you describe her?  你能形容一下她吗?  3,Shall I describe him for you?  需要我为你指出是谁吗?  4,Oan you describe them?  你能形容一下他们吗?  5,Can you describe him?  你能描述一下他吗?


  increase和improve的区别如下:  1、increase:指数量、强度和大小等方面的扩大或增加。  例句:The company has increased the price of its cars.  公司已经提高了汽车价格。  2、improve多指状态或性质上的深刻或重要改进,也可指自身能力的提高。  例句:Time won"t improve the situation.  形势不会因时间而有所改善。


是动词或者名词. increase [[ɪn"kriːs]] 基本翻译 n.增加,增长;提高 vt.增加,加大 vi.增加,增大;繁殖 网络释义 increase:增加 | 提高 | 增长


increase的意思是增加,增大,提高,增强,增加,增多,增长,(英、美、印、尼日尼亚)英克里斯(人名)。过去式increased,过去分词increased,现在分词increasing,第三人称单数increases,复数increases。双语例句:Our salary increased last month.我们上个月的工资增加了。We will increase our production if you appoint us as your sole agent.如果你方指定我们作为独家代理,我们将增加我们的产量。The increase in population has brought about a series of problems.人口的增长带来了一系列问题。

increase怎么读 increase的意思

1、increase的读音:英[ɪnˈkriːs , ˈɪŋkriːs]美[ɪnˈkriːs , ˈɪŋkriːs] 2、v.(使)增长,增多; 增加; 3、n.增长; 增多; 增加; 4、[例句]Car usage is predicted to increase.汽车的使用率预计会增长。 5、第三人称单数:increases 复数:increases 现在分词:increasing 过去式:increased 过去分词:increased


increase英 [ɪnˈkri:s] 美 [ɪnˈkris] vt.& vi.增加,增大,增多vt.增强,增进; [缝纫]放(针)vi.增强; 增进; 增殖,繁殖; [缝纫]放针increasen.提高; 增长; 增加量网络递增; 增; 上升第三人称单数: increases 复数: increases 现在分词: increasing 过去式: increased 过去分词: increased 形近词: Increase anticrease decrease uncreate increate decrease数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道1The population continues to increase. 人口继续增长。


增加,增大,增多 vt. 增强,增进;[缝纫]放(针) vi. 增强;增进;增殖,繁殖;[


increase可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,当用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。 扩展资料 increase作为动词时,有“ 增加;提高”的`意思,作为名词时,有“增长;延长”的意思,increase可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,当用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。


increase是一个动词,意思是增加、增大、提高、增强,也可以作名词意思是增加、增多、增长,increase这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为两个音节【in】和【crease】,第一个音节in的发音可以为【ɪn】,也可以读作【ɪŋ】,而第二个音节crease的发音为【kriːs】,当第一个音节发【ɪn】的时候,重音在第二个音节上读作【ɪnˈkriːs】,而当第一个音节发【ɪŋ】时,重音在第一个音节上读作【ˈɪŋkriːs】,我们再看一下用法,increase作为增加、增大、提高、增强的意思来使用;例如在下面这个句子里,Reading will increase your vocabulary. 阅读会增加你的词汇量,在这个句子中,increase指的是增加,increase还有一个短语,increase production,指的是增产的意思,The chemical plant proposed,to increase production,and practise economy,and other factories presently responded. 化工厂提出增产节约的倡仪,其他工厂随即响应,increase这个单词你学会了吗?




increase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“增加;增多;增长”。作动词时意思是“增加;增大;提高;增强”。发音:英[ɪn"kriːs];美[ɪnˈkris; ˈɪnˌkris]基本要点1.increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。2.increase既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。3.increase后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量; 后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加; 后接介词to时表示“增加到…”; 后接介词with时表示“随…增长”。4.increase的过去分词increased和现在分词increasing都可用作形容词,在句中作定语。5.increase用作名词的读音为 ["inkriːs] ,意思是“增加,增大,增多”,可指抽象的“增加”,也可具体地指钱的增加额、冷热的增加程度或人口、工作等的增加量或事态达到某种程度等。6.increase既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词。


increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。increase可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。increase后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量; 后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加; 后接介词to时表示“增加到…”; 后接介词with时表示“随…增长”。固定搭配:increase contacts 加强交往;increase contradiction 增加矛盾increase efficiency of labour 提高劳动效率;increase exports 增加出口商品词义辨析: increase, amplify, augment, enlarge, magnify这组词的共同意思是“扩大,延伸”。其区别是:enlarge指面积与范围的扩大,不能用以指重量、速度、时间的增大; increase可指距离、面积、力量、程度的增大,还可指数量、信心等增大和事物强度的加大,特别常用于统计方面; augment属于庄重用语,很少用来说明房屋、土地等物质的东西,通常用来表示势力、权势、财产、幸福、刑罚等增加或扩大。amplify是正式用语,在科技方面常指声音的扩大或电磁波的增强,也可指资料内容的增加; magnify指不从实际上,仅从外观上扩大某物,在俚语中, magnify有夸大事实、虚夸之义。




increase增加双语对照词典结果:increase[英][ɪnˈkri:s][美][ɪnˈkris]vt.& vi.增加,增大,增多; vt.增强,增进; [缝纫]放(针); vi.增强; 增进; 增殖,繁殖; [缝纫]放针; increasen.增加量; 增长; 提高; 第三人称单数:increases过去分词:increased复数:increases现在进行时:increasing过去式:increased以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮




一、词义不同1、critic 名词,批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人。2、critical 形容词,鉴定的;[核] 临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的。3、criticism名词,批评;考证;苛求。4、criticize动词,批评,评论,非难。5、critique 名词,指批评、评论文章;动词,指批判;评论。二、用法不同1、critic 为名词,指批评家、评论家等,可以作主语、表语等。如:Mather was a film critic for many years.马瑟做过多年的电影评论家。2、critical 形容词,指危急的、批评的,关键的等。可以用于修饰名词,或做表语。The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical.德国当局正在考虑如果形势危急时进行空运。The incident happened at a critical point in the campaign.该事件发生在运动的关键时刻。3、criticism名词,指批评、评论等。This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.这项政策在国会反复受到强烈批评。4、criticize动词,批评,可以作谓语等。His mother had rarely criticized him or any of her other children.他母亲很少批评他或她的其他孩子。5、critique 可用作名词,指批评、评论文章,是正式用语;也可用作动词。She had brought a book, a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.她带来了一本书,一本从女权主义角度对维多利亚时期女小说家进行的评论。三、词性不同1、critic 名词,批评家,评论家,指人的名词。2、critical 形容词,批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的。3、criticism用作名词,批评;考证;苛求。4、criticize用作动词,批评,评论,非难。5、critique 用作名词,指批评、评论文章的正式用语;也用作动词,批判、评论。如:The video creates something tangible that allows you to critique your strengths and weaknesses.视频创造了一些有形的东西,让你批判自己的长处和短处。
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