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这两个英语 scratch 和 scrape 怎么念


scratch 基本原理是什么呀~~~摆脱啦~

n. 草稿,抓痕,搔,抓,擦伤,刮擦声,乱写,零,起跑线,未中的一击vt. 搔,抓,挖出,擦时 态:scratched, scratch·ing, scratch·es名 词:scratch"erShe scratched her initials on the glass.她将自己姓名的首字母刻在玻璃上。Our answer only scratches the surface of the problem.我们的答案只是和问题稍微有关而已。Superficial scratches can be easily removed.表层的划痕很容易除掉.The laboratory scratched that experiment for this year.实验室今年取消了那项实验。Hard chalk scratches the blackboard.硬粉笔会把黑板划坏。The dog scratched up a bone in the garden.那条狗在花园里刨出一根骨头.The monkey scratched about in its mate"s fur for fleas.那只猴子在另一只猴子身上找跳蚤.It"s only a scratch,ie a very slight injury.那只是一点擦伤.

alleycat scratch什么意思

alley cat scratch胡同里的猫抓-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

scratch the surface在下面这句里的意思是什么?

scratches the surface本来直译就是 划伤表面、触及了一些皮毛、涉及到表面所以引申一下,就翻译为 浮光掠影 了!这是意译,更加的符合国人习惯


划伤 抓伤

java idea里scratchs and consoles什么意思?

scratches and consoles:提供了两种临时的文件编辑环境,通过这两种临时的编辑环境,你可以写一些文本内容或者一些代码片段。两种 Scratches 分别是:Scratch files 和 Scratch buffersScratch files:Scratch files 有着完整的运行和 debug 功能等等,这些文件需要指定编程语言类型并且指定后缀。Scratch buffers:Scratch buffers 仅仅是为了简单的编辑记录,所以不需要指定编程语言并且指定后缀,默认文件类型是 .txt。需要注意的是,Scratch buffers 最多只能创建 5 个,超过 5 个将开始重用以前的,并且以前文件的内容会被重置。补充:隐藏scratches and consoles在显示Project的地方(左上角)改选成Project Files就行了


划伤 划痕等


  scratch在信息技术里是一个编程语言意思。可以用它很容易的制作动画、游戏、音乐、艺术作品。使用Scratch可以学习数学知识,物理知识等,还能得到创造性思维和团结协作能力的锻炼。  编程语言:  编程语言(programming language),是用来定义计算机程序的形式语言。它是一种被标准化的交流技巧,用来向计算机发出指令。一种计算机语言让程序员能够准确地定义计算机所需要使用的数据,并精确地定义在不同情况下所应当采取的行动。  编程语言的描述一般可以分为语法及语义。语法是说明编程语言中,哪些符号或文字的组合方式是正确的,语义则是对于编程的解释。有些语言是用规格文件定义,例如C语言的规格文件也是ISO标准中一部份,2011年后的版本为ISO/IEC 9899:2011,而其他语言(像Perl)有一份主要的编程语言实现文件,视为是参考实现。  编程语言俗称"计算机语言",种类非常的多,总的来说可以分成机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言三大类。电脑每做的一次动作,一个步骤,都是按照已经用计算机语言编好的程序来执行的,程序是计算机要执行的指令的集合,而程序全部都是用我们所掌握的语言来编写的。所以人们要控制计算机一定要通过计算机语言向计算机发出命令。 目前通用的编程语言有两种形式:汇编语言和高级语言。

scrape 和scratch怎样区别?

scratch ------ 用耙子或手爪抓1)to rub your skin with your nails because it feels uncomfortable2)to cut someone"s skin slightly with your nails or with something sharp【例句】you scratch my back, I"ll scratch yoursThat cat scratches.那只猫会抓伤人。The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface.饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。scrape ---------檫去、用刀刮、挖出1)to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etc2)to make a noise by rubbing roughly against a surface【例句】Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。He suffered a few cuts and scrapes.他割破和擦伤了几个地方。

英语from scratch anyhow怎么翻译?

from scratch anyhow可以翻译为“反正是白手起家的”。重点词汇释义from scratch英 [frəm skrætʃ]美 [frəm skrætʃ]从零开始;从头做起;白手起家举例:1.He usually preferred to train up a crew of enthusiastic young sailors from scratch.他通常更喜欢从零开始对一班满怀热情的年轻船员从头到脚进行训练。2.Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging建立一个全新的家庭既让人兴奋又富于挑战。3.He built this business from scratch.他白手起家建立了这家企业。4.One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago.很难相信这个造纸厂仅仅是在几年前白手起家办起来的。5.He would have to start from scratch all over again.他得重打锣鼓另开张,打头来!6.He started his restaurant from scratch.他白手起家开了这家饭馆。


scratch英 [skrætʃ] 美 [skrætʃ]vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破;vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒;n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画;[例句]Just a scratch on the hand手上擦破一点皮[其他]第三人称单数:scratches 复数:scratches 现在分词:scratching 过去式:scratched 过去分词:scratched


scratch英[skrætʃ]美[skrætʃ]vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画adj.打草稿用的,随便写用的; 碰巧的,侥幸的; 东拼西凑的; 平等比赛的第三人称单数:scratches复数:scratches现在分词:scratching过去式:scratched过去分词:scratched




Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 什么意思?


they are screwing with the wrong people.谁知道这句英文出自什么美剧

字幕错了,应该是fucking with


they are screwing with the wrong people和错误的人死磕

screw up是什么意思?

He is always screwing me up.That"s outrageous.

screwing up 为什么翻译成 搞砸了?求解释


美剧里screw u 什么意思

screw u是screw you的简称,get out 之类的意思。(去你的,滚蛋)拓展资料Screw的用法screw 作为名词,是螺丝钉的意思。但是它的口语使用却远远超过了单词本身的意思,多以动词为主。1. Screw you. 去你的,去你*的,滚蛋(脏话)Screw you,Jack. 去你的,杰克。2. Screw sth. 不管了Screw the party:去你的派对,不管了。Screw the meeting:去你的开会,不管了。3.Screw it:管它呢,不管了,算了。Screw it=F**k it.4. Screw 作为动词,还有“占便宜”“骗诈”的意思,口语理解为坑 的意思。I trust you,but you screwed me.我那么信赖你,你却坑了我。I got screwed by you.5. be screwed:完蛋了。Mark lost his way, He is screwed.马克迷路了,那他完蛋了。I"m so screwed. 我是完蛋啦。6. Screw up:弄糟,搞砸了Don"t screw up the party.别把聚会搞砸了。She had screwed up and had to do it all over again.她把事情搞砸了,只得重新再做。I screwed up this time.这次我搞砸了。7. Screw around: 闹着玩。Are you kidding? I"m not screwing around.开什么国际玩笑?我没给你闹着玩。类似表达:screwing around=messing around8.Screw with:玩弄Don"t screw with me. 别玩我。参考资料:常用美式俚语——百度百科

screwing up什么意思阿

n. 螺丝接合;车削螺纹 v. 拧紧(screw的ing形式);用螺钉固定


srew其中一种用法是粗口,如Scr** you,就是cao你的意思。也有招惹的意思,就是你举的例子,其实本意和粗口的这个用法是一样的。美国早期的经典电影《爱情故事》里面,女主角就说了Screw Paris.


  screw 英[skru:] 美[skru]  n. 螺丝钉; 螺旋桨,螺旋状物; (螺丝的) 转,扭; 吝啬鬼;  vt. 用螺丝拧紧; 扭曲(某人的面孔); 〈俚〉占便宜,诈骗;  vi. 扭转,扭歪; 旋紧; (和某人) 性交;  [例句]Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws.  每个托架只用了3颗螺钉固定在墙上。  [其他] 第三人称单数:screws 复数:screws 现在分词:screwing过去式:screwed 过去分词:screwed


Michael Jackson Tired of injustice Tired of the schemes Kinda disgusted So what does it mean Kicking me down I got to get up As jacked as it sounds The whole system sucks Peek in the shadow Come into the light You tell me I"m wrong Then you better prove you"re right You"re sellin" out souls but I care about mine I"ve got to get stronger And I won"t give up the fight With such confusions don"t it make you wanna scream Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize Somebody please have mercy "cause I just can"t take it Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make you just wanna scream Tired of you tellin" the story your way You"re causin" confusion You think it"s okay Keep changin" the rules While you"re playin" the game I can"t take it much longer I think I might go insane With such confusion don"t it make you wanna scream Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme You find your pleasure scandalizin" every lie Oh father, please have mercy "cause I just can"t take it Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop fuckin" with me Make me wanna scream "Oh my God, can"t believe what I saw As I turned on the TV this evening I was disgusted by all the injustice All the injustice" With such collusions don"t it make you wanna scream Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize Oh brother please have mercy "cause I just can"t take it Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream Stop pressurin" me Just stop pressurin" me Stop pressurin" me Make me wanna scream

Whitecross的《Shakedown》 歌词

歌曲名:Shakedown歌手:Whitecross专辑:Triumphant ReturnKonvictStand upSaluteDevon StephensUp front is in the buildingIt"s the konvict albumYeahYall done fucked up nowI got money now niggaI got enough money to free all the starsHe ain"t lyinIf you sellin we ain"t buyinIf you got it on ya blockYou best believe we supplyin"From a key to a half a poundA quarter to a dimeTryin" to own a piece of BrooklynLike my niggas John KleinHeyYa know me I"m known to rock wit itRoll through your spot wit itPost up block wit itHey ya know me I"m on the block with itNon-stop wit itViolate and get popped wit itSo I suggest ya keep steppin on meCause you will rarely find meWithout my weapon on meGot the whole konvict squad bettin on meAnd now the dots around the worldAre now connectin" on meHey nowA bunch of gangstas strappedSo make a wish nowWhen they come wavin" them ghatsYa know to lay downAnd give em all ya gotCause it"s a shake downOh oh ohDo I make myself clearOh oh oh hey hey heyA fleet of European cars in my drivewayFerarriMy shortie ridin" shotgunBumpin sadieToes hangin" out the windowLoadin" up my armyYou know I keep a bad bitch breathin" on meAlso known to have no business with no beefin on meAnd won"t hesitate to cock itWhen them people on meSo guess whatNo exceptions to ya neither homieYa know I got that African connectionLocked up in a facility correctionI"m a star, style changedHangin" like blowBlack royals in the frontWe in the place nowNow Ima show ya how to break this downHe"ll show ya how to shake this downFirst nigga to create this soundCan"t believe it took a konvict to shake this townDippin" European linen with the v-netDiamond studded vvsNo lessKunta kinte braceletLit up the whole setMy nigga we on deckBelieve it"s no sweatNeed street credibility who you go getI give you that credibility for the right checkKeep your future on the shelfQuiet where it"s best keptDon"t want them upfront shootersBringin" red light

scream 中文翻译

SCREAM 嘶喊 译:allenkidsSCREAM 嘶喊(Michael)Tired of injustice 受够了不公平Tired of the schemes 受够了阴谋诡计Kinda disgusted 真的太讨厌了So what does it mean 这是什么意思Kicking me down 他们要击倒我I got to get up 我必须重新屹立As jacked as it sounds 它就像听起来那样低俗The whole system sucks 整个事件都一样的恶心(Janet)Peek in the shadow 躲在暗处的偷窥者Come into the light 到日光下来吧You tell me I"m wrong 你说我是错的Then you better prove you"re right 那你最好证明自己的正确You"re sellin" out souls but 你们正出卖灵魂I care about mine 我却更珍惜自己的I"ve got to get stronger 我必须更加坚强And I won"t give up the fight绝对不会放弃抗争(Michael)With such confusions 他们如此颠倒黑白Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品(Janet)You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言(Both)Somebody please have mercy 好心人请发发慈悲"Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊(Michael)Tired of you tellin" the story your way 受不了你自顾自的编造故事It"s causin" confusion 它造成的混乱还不够吗You think it"s okay 你却希望这样最好(Janet)Keep changin" the rules 你跟别人玩游戏While you"re playin" the game 却不停的改变规则I can"t take it much longer 我再也不能忍受了I think I might go insane 我觉得我都要疯了(Michael)With such confusion 他们如此颠倒黑白Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品(Janet)You find your pleasure scandalizin" every lie 用谎言中伤他人是你的乐趣(Both)Oh father, please have mercy "cause 哦, 天父,请发发慈悲I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我Stop F*ckin" with me 别再强奸我Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊(Janet)Oh my God, can"t believe what I saw 哦,我的上帝,简直不敢相信As I turned on the TV this evening 今天晚上我打开电视所看到的画面I was disgusted by all the injustice 我对这一切的不公待遇感到厌倦极了All the injustice” 这一切的不公待遇(Michael) All the injustice这一切的不公待遇(News Man) 新闻主播A man has been brutally beaten to death by 一个男子被粗暴殴打致死Police after being wrongly identified as a 他被警察误认为是robbery suspect. The man was一个抢劫疑犯。这个男子是an 18 year old black male一名18岁黑人男子(Michael)With such collusions 他们如此颠倒黑白Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品(Janet)You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言(Both)Oh brother please have mercy哦 兄弟 请发发慈悲"Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 (Repeat 6 times) 重复六次


书面和詹姆斯哈里斯组成的三和特里刘易斯,迈克尔杰克逊 和珍妮杰克逊。 吉米生产果酱和特里刘易斯,迈克尔和珍妮杰克逊。 (迈克尔) 厌倦了不公正 厌倦了计划 有点恶心 因此,这是什么意思 踢我失望 我站起来 至于顶,因为它的声音 整个系统的吸收 (珍妮) 皮克的阴影 进入轻 你能告诉我我错了 然后您更好地证明你是对的 您sellin "的灵魂,但 我关心的地雷 我得更加强大 我不会放弃斗争 (迈克尔) 有了这样的困惑 不要它使你想尖叫 您的庆典abusin "受害的计划 (珍妮) 您尝试,以应付每一个谎言,他们仔细检查 迈克尔杰克逊 (两者) 有人请怜悯 事业,我不能是否可以 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止pressurin "箱 让我想尖叫 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止pressurin "箱 只想让你尖叫 (迈克尔) 厌倦了你tellin "你的故事 这是causin "混乱 您认为这是好的 (珍妮) 保持昌"的规则 当你playin "游戏 我不能是否可以更长 我想我可能会疯 (迈克尔) 有了这样的困惑 不要它使你想尖叫 您的庆典abusin "受害的计划 (珍妮) 找到您的乐趣scandalizin "每一个谎言 (两者) 父亲啊,请怜悯"事业 我只是不能是否可以 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 让我想尖叫 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止fuckin "我 让我想尖叫 (珍妮) “噢,我的上帝,简直不敢相信我所看到的 当我打开电视今晚 我厌恶所有的不公正待遇 所有的正义“ (迈克尔) “所有的正义” (新闻人) “一名男子已被毒打致死 警方在被错误地确定为一个 抢劫嫌疑人。该名男子 一名18岁的黑人男... “ (迈克尔) 有了这样的collusions 不要它使你想尖叫 您的庆典abusin "受害的计划 (珍妮) 您尝试,以应付每一个谎言,他们仔细检查 (两者) 噢弟弟请怜悯 事业,我不能是否可以 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止pressurin "箱 让我想尖叫 (重复6次)


书面和詹姆斯哈里斯组成的三和特里刘易斯,迈克尔杰克逊 和珍妮杰克逊。 吉米生产果酱和特里刘易斯,迈克尔和珍妮杰克逊。 (迈克尔) 厌倦了不公正 厌倦了计划 有点恶心 因此,这是什么意思 踢我失望 我站起来 至于顶,因为它的声音 整个系统的吸收 (珍妮) 皮克的阴影 进入轻 你能告诉我我错了 然后您更好地证明你是对的 您sellin "的灵魂,但 我关心的地雷 我得更加强大 我不会放弃斗争 (迈克尔) 有了这样的困惑 不要它使你想尖叫 您的庆典abusin "受害的计划 (珍妮) 您尝试,以应付每一个谎言,他们仔细检查 迈克尔杰克逊 (两者) 有人请怜悯 事业,我不能是否可以 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止pressurin "箱 让我想尖叫 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止pressurin "箱 只想让你尖叫 (迈克尔) 厌倦了你tellin "你的故事 这是causin "混乱 您认为这是好的 (珍妮) 保持昌"的规则 当你playin "游戏 我不能是否可以更长 我想我可能会疯 (迈克尔) 有了这样的困惑 不要它使你想尖叫 您的庆典abusin "受害的计划 (珍妮) 找到您的乐趣scandalizin "每一个谎言 (两者) 父亲啊,请怜悯"事业 我只是不能是否可以 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 让我想尖叫 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止fuckin "我 让我想尖叫 (珍妮) “噢,我的上帝,简直不敢相信我所看到的 当我打开电视今晚 我厌恶所有的不公正待遇 所有的正义“ (迈克尔) “所有的正义” (新闻人) “一名男子已被毒打致死 警方在被错误地确定为一个 抢劫嫌疑人。该名男子 一名18岁的黑人男... “ (迈克尔) 有了这样的collusions 不要它使你想尖叫 您的庆典abusin "受害的计划 (珍妮) 您尝试,以应付每一个谎言,他们仔细检查 (两者) 噢弟弟请怜悯 事业,我不能是否可以 停止pressurin "箱 刚刚停止pressurin "箱 停止pressurin "箱 让我想尖叫 (重复6次)

Dear"s, Thank you for your letter of 22 May descr


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Microsoft SQL Server 安装失败。 The specified dir?

从字面上理解,你的电脑 C 盘被压缩了。在安装 Microsoft SQL 时则遇到了问题。建议先检查一下 C 盘,看看它的目录是不是字体呈现蓝色字体?若是的话,建议把磁盘压缩功能取消。然后再安装软件。

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它是一款电子音乐制作软件,它可以模拟各种乐器的声音,是很专业的音乐输出设备,我也就 知道这么多了,你也可以在网上查一下



空乘用英语说到底是不是cabin crew?

空姐的中英文称谓: 乘务员 乘务长 空姐 空乘 空中乘务员 Flight Attendant (复数:Flight Attendants) Air Hostess (复数:Air Hostesses) Stewardess (复数:Stewardesses) Cabin Crew 乘乘 - 乘务员的昵称 CC - 乘乘 Cabin Crew 的缩写 查看原帖>>


hypocritical;谐音:黑婆克瑞忒口英 [ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl] adj.虚伪的;伪善的;proposition;谐音:破培zei深英 [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn] n.提议,建议(尤指业务上的);欲做的事;待处理的问题;任务;(美国)法律修正议案;v.求欢;regretful;谐音:瑞阁ruai特否英 [rɪˈɡretfl] adj.后悔的;失望的;令人惋惜的;遗憾的

fast absorbing hand cream什么意思

英语英文:fast absorbing hand cream中文:快速吸收护手霜句型:陈述句


1、ECO:Engineer Change Order即工程变更命令。当发现工程资料有问题时工程部发出的变更指令。2、ECR:Engineer Change Request即工程变更请求。当发现工程资料有问题时生产部门等向工程发出的资料变更请求。当工程部同意后,工程部会发出ECO同意变更。3、PEN:Professional Executive Network即专业人士。4、PCN:Process Change Notification即工艺变更通知。5、MPL:Mozilla Public License即软件许可证,是1998年初Netscape的 Mozilla小组为其开源软件项目设计的软件许可证。MPL许可证出现的最重要原因就是,Netscape公司认为GPL许可证没有很好地平衡开发者对源代码的需求和他们利用源代码获得的利益。6、SOP:Standard Operation Procedure即标准作业指导书。品质主要指定型的科学技术内在信息状态,作为企业要素的人力、人才、产品、服务等,都必须借助科学技术手段,不断的提升其内在的科技内涵,进行必要的信息化披露,准备接受质量标准的衡量和评测。具体而言,产品品质是指产品所具备的一种或几种为达到客户满意所具备的固有特性。扩展资料:品质管理的方法:1、掌握5M1E的品质变异要素;2、运用QC—STORY解决品质问题;3、SQC统计技术的应用;4、QC七大手法;5、其他常用品质管理方法:①实验计划;②抽样计划;③SPC统计制程管制(Statistical Process Control)④APQP,即先期质量策划,真正意义上的做到源流质量管理。参考资料:百度百科——品质管理


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rm(list = ls()) library(dplyr) library(Seurat) setwd("D:/PROJECT/IMC/integration") pbmc.data0 <- read.csv("GSE115746_cells_exon_counts.csv",header=T,row.names=1) pbmc.data0 celltype=read.csv("20180410-BY3_1kgenes/class_labels.csv") pbmc.data2 <- read.csv("20180505_BY3_1kgenes/cell_barcode_count.csv",header=T,row.names=1) pbmc.data2$celltype=read.csv("20180505_BY3_1kgenes/class_labels.csv") pbmc.list=list(pbmc.data0,pbmc.data1,pbmc.data2) for (i in 1:length(pbmc.list)) { pbmc.list[[i]] <- NormalizeData(pancreas.list[[i]], verbose = FALSE) pbmc.list[[i]] <- FindVariableFeatures(pancreas.list[[i]], selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 1020, verbose = FALSE) } pbmc.reference <- pbmc.list[1] query.list <- pbmc.list[c(2,3)] pbmc.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = query.list, dims = 1:30) pbmc.integrated <- IntegrateData(anchorset = pbmc.anchors, dims = 1:30) pbmc.integrated pbmc.integrated@assays$RNA pbmc.anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(reference = pbmc.reference, query = pbmc.integrated, dims = 1:30) predictions <- TransferData(anchorset = pbmc.anchors, refdata = pbmc.reference$celltype, dims = 1:30) pancreas.query <- AddMetaData(pbmc.integrated, metadata = predictions)


anchor 是锚 的意思要看具体的上下文才知道是什么意思

笔记本硬盘问题,显示(c7) ultra dma crc错误计数,求助


to screen什么意思

It means to examine(a job applicant)systematically in order to determine suitability就是说系统地测试(申请工作的人)以决定是否合适To screen在这里是检查的意思

知道recruite和enroll 的区别吗?


培训班招生的"招生"用英语是 enroll 还是 recruit ?


recruit enroll register 这几个单词有什么区别,具体语境怎么用?

recruit 招聘,招兵,聘用的意思enroll登记,使入伍的意思register是登记,注册的意思


enroll和register都可以做“注册”讲但用法上enroll可以是enroll sb “使成为成员”比如 TEM4模拟上有道题The club will enroll new members the first week in September.而subscribe是“订阅,订购(杂志,报纸等)”油管上看视频订阅po主也用subscribe希望可以帮到你~

enroll和register,sign up,recruit有什么区别?

enroll注册(入学籍),register(登记,挂号),sign up(注册账号),recruit (招募士兵)。



振动方向的英文(尤其是auto and cross power spectrum专业名词)怎么翻译?

然后,利用频域信号F(w)和X(w)来计算自功率谱和交叉功率谱。 这是通过将等式(3.4)和(3.5)乘以输入频谱的共轭F *(w)来实现的。 计算得出的输入自动频谱称为Sff(w),而计算得出的输入和输出的交叉功率频谱称为Sfx(w)。 自功率谱和互功率谱分别由方程(3. 8)和(3.9)表示。



Defense Secretary是什么意思

Defense Secretary国防部长;美国国防部长;国防部部长;国防大臣双语例句1. The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far. 国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。2. The United States"Defense Secretary went to Afghanistan for an unannounced visit. 美国国防部秘书长对阿富汗进行了秘密访问.3. He also announced the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. 他还宣布国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德辞职.4. The US defense secretary visited China in July of the same year. 同年7月,美国国防部部长访华.5. The issue also gotten attention from U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates. 这个问题也引起美国国防部长盖茨的注意.

crack the defense是什么意思意思


The witnesses ______ by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight

答案Aquestioned 过去分词表示被动态,被警方质询的目击者。注意witness 是名词,目击者,目睹者。

concrete defense中文翻译



crossbody-bags斜挎包;斜跨包;斜背包斜背包.. 肩背包 Shoulder Bags! 、斜背包 Crossbody Bags! 双肩包 Backpack! ...

bridge across

the train ran ___across__a bridge 在桥的表面通过用across through在事物内部通过 over 在上方

河上有一座桥的英语翻译是什么? 是there is a bridge over the river 还是cross the river。



发表于: #1 UnregisteredWorld"s Tallest Building?(NBC)A planned tower on Chicago"s lakefront will become the tallest building in the world if it"s built. NBC"s Kevin Tibbles reports..<embed src="" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" controls="imagewindow,ControlPanel" height=280 width=320 autostart="false"></embed>Download RealVideo(1"33"")Download mp3(1"33"")注:自7月22日起原AP REPORT节目改为Kaleidoscope频道,以时事专题报道与评论为主,取材不限于AP。【整理】【Kaleidoscope】2005-07-28Chicago was often called the second city, but it"s No. 1 in towering skyscrapers, the Sears Tower is the nation"s tallest. Now a Chicago developer is unveiling his blueprint today for a building that would reach even higher into the heavens. Here is NBC"s Kevin Tibbles. In a city already home to the nation"s tallest building the Sears Tower, it may soon be time to look up, look way up. The skyline is there for us to create. We cannot just remain constantly happy with the past. We have to grow and we have to develop. " The new high-rise, dubbed the Fordham Spire, would twist into the skyline some say like an over-sized birthday candle. A 115 -storey tower with a glistening steel spire that would spike at over 2, 000 feet, 400 feet taller than the current world"s tallest building in Taiwan. "That will be enormous. " "No. I don"t like that at all. " "It is very artistic for one thing, but I think that it"s gonna be just a little too artistic for Chicago. " Plans will be unveiled today. A new shot in the bragging rights war, the Fordham Spire would surpass the planned Freedom Tower in New York and dwarf Donald Trump"s new building already under construction in Chicago. Not surprisingly the Donald is not amused. "I believe in bigger and better is better and Mr. Trump is a investor, he should build a bigger one. " Chicago architect Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a building that was a mile high. That dream was never fulfilled. This new tower, if built, will be close to a half mile high and once again prove that in Chicago size does matter. 一帖一词 [ stocking /"stokiŋ/ n.长袜 ] pelesink Jul 28 2005, 09:50 AM 发表于: #2 标准英语多主题材料用户组: Service Team2发表总数: 979普币: 4895注册日期: 6-March 05用户编号: 189357Chicago was often called the second city, but it"s No.1 in towers and skyscrapers and the Sears Tower is the nation"s tallest. Now a Chicago develper is unveiling his blueprint today for a building that will even reach higher into the heavens. Here is NBC"s Kevin Tables.In the city already home to the nation"s tallest building the Sears Tower, it may soon be time to look out, look way up."Skyline is there for us to create. We cannot just remain constantly happy with the past. We have to grow and we have to develope."The new high-rise, dubbed the Fordham Spire,would twist into skyline that some people say like a over-sized birthday candle. A 115 -storey tower with the glistening steel spire that will spike over 2,000 feet, 400 feet taller than the current world"s tallest building in Taiwan."That"d be enormous.""No. I don"t like that at all.""It is very artistic for one thing, but I think that"s gonna be also a little too artistic for Chicago."Plans will be unveiled today, a new shot in the bragging rights wall. The Fordham Spire would surpass the planned Freedom Tower in New York and dwarf Donald Trump"s new building already in the construction in Chicago. Now surprisingly the Donald is not abused."I believe it bigger that better is better and Mr.Trumps, he should build a better one."Chicago architect Frank Loyright proposed a building that was a mile high. That dream was never fulfilled. This new tower, if built, will be close to a half mile high and once again prove that in Chicago size does matter. --------------------BEEN IN NOWHERE...点击进入KALEIDOSCOPE频道整理稿汇总贴点击进入Business Channel整理稿汇总贴点击进入INTERVIEW频道整理稿汇总贴点击进入British Vision整理稿汇总贴点击进入标准英语多主题材料版点击进入NPR整理稿汇总贴点击进入多主题PDF汇总 一帖一词 [ spin /spin/ v.旋转;晕眩;纺,织;甩干n.旋转 ] lalalala0815 Jul 28 2005, 09:52 AM 发表于: #3 良好百姓用户组: Members发表总数: 46普币: 230注册日期: 14-July 05用户编号: 224278Chicago is often called the second city but its No.1 in tower skyscraper S towers is the nation"s tallest.Now Chicago developer bring his blueprint today for a building that will reach even higher into the heavens.Here"s NBC"s K,T.In the city already home to the nation"s tallest building ,the S tower, it may soon be tired to look up .look way up.The skyline is therefor to create can I just remain constantly be happy with the pastWe have to grow on .We have to develop.The new highrise dark the f... spire will twisted the skyline some say like and overside the birthday camper.A 115-storey tower with a good ..spire.for 100 feet taller than the tallest building in Taiwan.That will be enormous .No.I don"t like it at all.It"s very artistic for one thing ,but I think kind of a little too artistic for Chicago.Plans will be unveiled today.A new shot for the .....the f..spire will surpass the planed Freedom Tower in N.Y.And DT"s new buildings are already under construction in

There is a bridge across the river.改为一般疑问句

Is there a bridge across the river



There is a bridge across the river.为什莫用across?


A bridge is (a way to go across a river.)划线部分提问为什么用what?


increasing petrol price还是increaced petrol price

选D.has increased 价格已经增长了,所以选现在完成时,先排除A和B C.has increased to是增加到 D.has increased by是增加了 (增加了20%)

petrol,oil, petroleum,crude一样的吗,有何区别

先分析意思和种类petrol是指汽油oil意指所有的油 包括石油,食用油petroleum 意思通常指海床开采的石油 用于英式英文多crude意思也是原油,通常指未加工的天然开采的物质 尤其指石油(含大量杂质)而且通常用于美式英语纯度 petrol最高 crude和petroleum最低

国际货运代理----日本基本港附加费BAF/YAS/EBS/CIC/PSS/ECRS/CAF分别是多少 ?

BAF YAS EBS 加一起22000日元 CIC 300人民币 ECRS 300人民币 PSS 100人民币 收费基础都是没TEU



petrol,oil,petroleum,crude一样的吗,有何区别 (种类,纯度 etc)

先分析意思和种类 petrol是指汽油 oil意指所有的油 包括石油,食用油 petroleum 意思通常指海床开采的石油 用于英式英文多 crude意思也是原油,通常指未加工的天然开采的物质 尤其指石油(含大量杂质)而且通常用于美式英语 纯度 petrol最高 crude和petroleum最低

petrol,oil,petroleum,crude一样的吗,有何区别 (种类,纯度 etc)

先分析意思和种类 petrol是指汽油 oil意指所有的油 包括石油,食用油 petroleum 意思通常指海床开采的石油 用于英式英文多 crude意思也是原油,通常指未加工的天然开采的物质 尤其指石油(含大量杂质)而且通常用于美式英语 纯度 petrol最高 crude和petroleum最低




中文名一代骄马外文名Secretaria其它译名赛马传奇出品时间2010年《一代骄马》是由华特·迪士尼电影工作室出品的剧情电影,于2010年10月8日在美国上映。该片由兰道尔·华莱士执导,黛安·莲恩、约翰·马尔科维奇、迪伦·沃尔什等主演。该片由真实故事改编,讲述了在雄性荷尔蒙飞扬的赛马世界,一界平凡女子如何赢得尊重,与爱驹一起创下三冠佳绩的故事。出品公司华特·迪士尼电影工作室制片地区美国制片成本370万拍摄地点美国导 演兰道尔·华莱士编 剧迈克·里奇

mouse、crayon、dog 分别是什么意思

老鼠 蜡笔 狗


body lotion是身体乳,cream bath是沐浴露,bady scrub是磨砂膏。沐浴露就不用说了,磨砂膏是在沐浴露之后使用,深层清洁,祛除角质层,也就是死皮~建议一周一次洗完澡之后使用身体乳,起到保湿滋润的作用,女孩子一定要用哦,皮肤保养趁早开始哦

有一首歌歌词里有bady don"t cry是什么歌?

EXO-M的bady don"t cry


cricket、hockey、volleyball 、badminton、baseball ,具体解释如下:一、cricket发音:英 [ˈkrɪkɪt]  美 [ˈkrɪkɪt] 意思:板球,板球运动;蟋蟀变化形式:复数 crickets短语:Ashes Cricket 灰烬杯板球赛 ; 灰烬杯板球例:During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.夏季学期里我们常在村里的空地上玩板球。二、hockey发音:英 [ˈhɒki]  美 [ˈhɑːki] 意思:曲棍球;冰球, 人名;(英)霍基短语:ice hockey 冰球 ; 冰上曲棍球例:I didn"t cut the mustard as a hockey player. 我不是一个合格的曲棍球手。三、volleyball发音:英 [ˈvɒlibɔːl]  美 [ˈvɑːlibɔːl] 意思:排球短语:Italy Volleyball 意大利女排例:My father is practicing volleyball. 我的爸爸正在练排球。四、badminton发音:英 [ˈbædmɪntən]  美 [ˈbædmɪntən] 意思:羽毛球短语:badminton player 羽毛球运动员例句:I play badminton on Monday, too. 我也在星期一打羽毛球。五、baseballbaseball发音:英 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]  美 [ˈbeɪsbɔːl] 意思:棒球;棒球运动复数:baseballs短语:baseball player 棒球运动员 ; 棒球运带动 ; 棒球运发动例句:He often wore a baseball cap. 他经常戴顶棒球帽。

win7用了AcronisDisk后,开机出现abnormal termination,怎么去掉? 无需注册的一个版本……


审稿结论Revision with justification of criticisms是什么意思

Revision with justification of criticisms批评的修正The electronic office will mean a revision of existing office procedures and job role.电子化高科技办公室意谓著现有的办公方式和角色的变更。

m-bcr-abl/abl 75% 阴性 什么意思

计算的是BCR-ABL与ABL的比值,ABL作为的是内参,bcr-abl(P210)是慢粒中的特异性融合基因。 M-bcr-abl/abl 75%一般来说是接近初发的水平,一般来说比值的上升在5倍以内认为是正常的。超过了的话,可能提示存在格列卫耐药,建议做ABL突变检测,咨询专业的医生。


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