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端午节英语祝福语:1、On the occasion of Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a warm, happy and happysurround.端午节之际,祝你温馨快乐,幸福环绕!2、Bamboo leaves wrapped in your past beauty, rice grain stick to your presenthappiness, dragon boat carries your dream in the future.粽叶裹住你过去的美好,米粒黏住你现在的幸福,龙舟承载你未来的梦想。3、Dragon Boat Festival, like friends, read home, Zhu Jun Ankangbrilliant.端午节,想朋友,念家乡,祝君安康早辉煌。4、Dragon Boat Festival, send you a zongzi, wish you happiness around, goodluck to follow, happy Dragon Boat Festival!端午节,送你粽子一个,愿你幸福围绕,好运相随,端午快乐!5、The Dragon Boat Festival is here. I wish you all the best.端午节到了,愿你快乐相伴,万事如意。6、May flowers and green leaves accompany you to decorate your gorgeous life.May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!愿鲜花与绿叶结伴,点缀你绚丽的人生,愿你端午节快乐!7、Bless the sound, bring joy to the world, wish the Dragon Boat Festivalhappiness!祝福声声不间断,送来欢乐满人间,祝端午快乐无限!