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Total C&F Karachi Seaport, Pakistan 是什么意思


也门有什么主要港口? Hodaidah seaport 是哪个港口,知道的给个回答,谢谢!

有Aden港,亚丁港,属海湾港,设有自由贸易区;好像还有一个MUKALLA港,穆卡拉港,也属海湾港,位于也门南海岸中部的穆卡拉湾内;还有你说的 Hodeidah,荷台达港,也是红海线海湾港,位于也门西海岸中部凯瑟布(KATHIB)湾内,濒临红海的东南侧,也是也门主要港口之一,位于红海出口处,东距首都萨那(SANNA)约155km,有公路所通。


放心吧,海运提单不需要显示by sea,不算不符点,只要你在其他单据比如产地证啊发票什么的上面显示by sea 就好了





泰国siam seaport和sri racha是同一个港口吗?

不是一个港口,你的拼写多处有错误。siam seaport应该是Sian Seaport,泰国西安希伯特港,位置:13 08N 100 53E;吃水11.2m。sri racha应该是Sriracha港,也叫作Siracha港,泰国是拉差港,位置:13 10N 100 56E。吃水14.3m。


seaport和harbour这两个单词的意思相近,都可以表示“港口,码头”,这两个单词的区别是: seaport:这个单词的词义主要指的是港埠。 harbour:属于一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。 扩展资料   seaport怎么解释   seaport这个单词是一个英语名词,这个英语名词的词义为海港,港口都市。   这个名词属于可数名词,这个英语名词的变形规则属于一般可数名词的.变形范畴,seaport的复数形式是seaports。   seaport和harbour的区别是什么   seaport和harbour这两个单词的意思相近,都可以表示“港口,码头”,这两个单词的区别是:   1、seaport:这个单词的词义主要指的是港埠。   2、harbour:属于一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。




pine+apple的结果是pineapple A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A

pineapp 怎么读

英文原文: pineapp 英式音标: [paɪn] [ə; eɪ] [piː] [piː] 美式音标: [paɪn] [e] [pi] [pi]




reappear 英[ˌri:əˈpɪə(r)] 美[ˌri:əˈpɪr] vi. 再(出)现; 再发生; [网络] 复现; 重现; 重新出现; [例句]Thirty seconds later she reappeared and beckoned them forward.30秒后她又出现了,示意他们往前来。[其他] 第三人称单数:reappears 现在分词:reappearing 过去式:reappeared过去分词:reappeared 形近词: disappear


跳蛙(Leapfrog)法:就是 将从 范围大的 开始 积分逐渐缩小

leap frog怎么使用

leap frog是“跳山羊,跳蛙”的意思(最基础的意思)但它在不同语境中也有不同意思:I like to compare economic competition to a game of leap frog .我想把经济竞争比做跳蛙比赛。At the end of the day, What China has achieved in last decade and half is enough to leap frog!一日将尽,中国在最近十五年内所取得的成就足够他们完成‘(蛙跳)"!China has an energy policy based on radical energy efficiency and leapfrog technology .中国出台一项能源政策该政策以全新的高效能源和(跨越式)的技术作为基础。


leapfrog翻译:n.跳背游戏(游戏者轮流从其他弯背人身上跳过);v.越级提升;例句:1.Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.人们完成跳背游戏的时候必须完成所有的跳跃。2.The win allowed them to leapfrog three teams to gain second place. 这场胜利使他们连超三个队,跃居第二位。3.It is already obvious that all four American systems have leapfrogged over the European versions 4个美国系统全部超过了欧洲版本,这已是显见的事实。4.American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two. 美国研究人员现已乘日本人之东风赶超而上,将在一两年内研制出一套数字系统。5.At present, china railway is in the leapfrog development stage. 当前,中国铁路正处在跨越式发展阶段。www.fabiao.net6.Scientific Development Concept as a Guide to Achieving Sustainable Leapfrog Development. 以科学发展观为指导实现跨越式持续发展&西安石油大学十五科技工作回眸。7.China railway leapfrog development strategy focused on large-scale railway network construction. 中国铁路跨越式发展战略的核心是实施大规模铁路网建设。8.The Theory of Industrial Technology Leapfrogging and Its Applied Research in Guangxi. 产业技术跨越理论及其在广西的应用研究。


leapfrog英[u02c8li:pfru0252g]美[u02c8li:pfru0254:g]n.跳背游戏(分开两腿从背弯站立者身上跳过),(两支部队)交互跃进,竞相提高v.跳背,交替前进,跃过网络跳跳蛙; 跳蛙公司; 超越第三人称单数:leapfrogs现在分词:leapfrogging过去式:leapfrogged过去分词:leapfrogged双语例句 Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.人们完成跳背游戏的时候必须完成所有的跳跃。


堆(heap)和栈(stack)有什么区别??简单的可以理解为: heap:是由malloc之类函数分配的空间所在地。地址是由低向高增长的。 stack:是自动分配变量,以及函数调用的时候所使用的一些空间。地址是由高向低减少的。 预备知识—程序的内存分配 一个由c/C++编译的程序占用的内存分为以下几个部分 1、栈区(stack)— 由编译器自动分配释放 ,存放函数的参数值,局部变量的值等。其操作方式类似于数据结构中的栈。 2、堆区(heap) — 一般由程序员分配释放, 若程序员不释放,程序结束时可能由OS回收 。注意它与数据结构中的堆是两回事,分配方式倒是类似于链表,呵呵。 3、全局区(静态区)(static)—,全局变量和静态变量的存储是放在一块的,初始化的全局变量和静态变量在一块区域, 未初始化的全局变量和未初始化的静态变量在相邻的另一块区域。 - 程序结束后有系统释放 4、文字常量区 —常量字符串就是放在这里的。 程序结束后由系统释放 5、程序代码区—存放函数体的二进制代码。 二、例子程序 这是一个前辈写的,非常详细 //main.cpp int a = 0; 全局初始化区 char *p1; 全局未初始化区 main() { int b; 栈 char s[] = "abc"; 栈 char *p2; 栈 char *p3 = "123456"; 123456在常量区,p3在栈上。 static int c =0; 全局(静态)初始化区 p1 = (char *)malloc(10); p2 = (char *)malloc(20); 分配得来得10和20字节的区域就在堆区。 strcpy(p1, "123456"); 123456放在常量区,编译器可能会将它与p3所指向的"123456"优化成一个地方。 } 二、堆和栈的理论知识 2.1申请方式 stack: 由系统自动分配。 例如,声明在函数中一个局部变量 int b; 系统自动在栈中为b开辟空间 heap: 需要程序员自己申请,并指明大小,在c中malloc函数 如p1 = (char *)malloc(10); 在C++中用new运算符 如p2 = (char *)malloc(10); 但是注意p1、p2本身是在栈中的。 2.2 申请后系统的响应 栈:只要栈的剩余空间大于所申请空间,系统将为程序提供内存,否则将报异常提示栈溢出。 堆:首先应该知道操作系统有一个记录空闲内存地址的链表,当系统收到程序的申请时, 会遍历该链表,寻找第一个空间大于所申请空间的堆结点,然后将该结点从空闲结点链表中删除,并将该结点的空间分配给程序,另外,对于大多数系统,会在这块内存空间中的首地址处记录本次分配的大小,这样,代码中的delete语句才能正确的释放本内存空间。另外,由于找到的堆结点的大小不一定正好等于申请的大小,系统会自动的将多余的那部分重新放入空闲链表中。 2.3申请大小的限制 栈:在Windows下,栈是向低地址扩展的数据结构,是一块连续的内存的区域。这句话的意思是栈顶的地址和栈的最大容量是系统预先规定好的,在 WINDOWS下,栈的大小是2M(也有的说是1M,总之是一个编译时就确定的常数),如果申请的空间超过栈的剩余空间时,将提示overflow。因此,能从栈获得的空间较小。 堆:堆是向高地址扩展的数据结构,是不连续的内存区域。这是由于系统是用链表来存储的空闲内存地址的,自然是不连续的,而链表的遍历方向是由低地址向高地址。堆的大小受限于计算机系统中有效的虚拟内存。由此可见,堆获得的空间比较灵活,也比较大。 2.4申请效率的比较: 栈由系统自动分配,速度较快。但程序员是无法控制的。 堆是由new分配的内存,一般速度比较慢,而且容易产生内存碎片,不过用起来最方便. 另外,在WINDOWS下,最好的方式是用VirtualAlloc分配内存,他不是在堆,也不是在栈是直接在进程的地址空间中保留一快内存,虽然用起来最不方便。但是速度, 也最灵活 2.5堆和栈中的存储内容 栈: 在函数调用时,第一个进栈的是主函数中后的下一条指令(函数调用语句的下一条可执行语句)的地址,然后是函数的各个参数,在大多数的C编译器中,参数是由右往左入栈的,然后是函数中的局部变量。注意静态变量是不入栈的。当本次函数调用结束后,局部变量先出栈,然后是参数,最后栈顶指针指向最开始存的地址,也就是主函数中的下一条指令,程序由该点继续运行。 堆:一般是在堆的头部用一个字节存放堆的大小。堆中的具体内容有程序员安排。 2.6存取效率的比较 char s1[] = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; char *s2 = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"; aaaaaaaaaaa是在运行时刻赋值的; 而bbbbbbbbbbb是在编译时就确定的; 但是,在以后的存取中,在栈上的数组比指针所指向的字符串(例如堆)快。 比如: #include void main() { char a = 1; char c[] = "1234567890"; char *p ="1234567890"; a = c[1]; a = p[1]; return; } 对应的汇编代码 10: a = c[1]; 00401067 8A 4D F1 mov cl,byte ptr [ebp-0Fh] 0040106A 88 4D FC mov byte ptr [ebp-4],cl 11: a = p[1]; 0040106D 8B 55 EC mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-14h] 00401070 8A 42 01 mov al,byte ptr [edx+1] 00401073 88 45 FC mov byte ptr [ebp-4],al 第一种在读取时直接就把字符串中的元素读到寄存器cl中,而第二种则要先把指edx中,在根据edx读取字符,显然慢了。 ? 2.7小结: 堆和栈的区别可以用如下的比喻来看出: 使用栈就象我们去饭馆里吃饭,只管点菜(发出申请)、付钱、和吃(使用),吃饱了就走,不必理会切菜、洗菜等准备工作和洗碗、刷锅等扫尾工作,他的好处是快捷,但是自由度小。 使用堆就象是自己动手做喜欢吃的菜肴,比较麻烦,但是比较符合自己的口味,而且自由度大。 堆和栈的区别主要分: 操作系统方面的堆和栈,如上面说的那些,不多说了。 还有就是数据结构方面的堆和栈,这些都是不同的概念。这里的堆实际上指的就是(满足堆性质的)优先队列的一种数据结构,第1个元素有最高的优先权;栈实际上就是满足先进后出的性质的数学或数据结构。 虽然堆栈,堆栈的说法是连起来叫,但是他们还是有很大区别的,连着叫只是由于历史的原因针值读.以上解释是从百度知道问答上转过来的,这两个概念模糊了很久,现在明白了为什么当时计算机专业开“数据结构”了,呵呵,有时间还要补补!


堆和栈的区别:  一、堆栈空间分配区别:  1、栈(操作系统):由操作系统自动分配释放,存放函数的参数值,局部变量的值等。其操作方式类似于数据结构中的栈;  2、堆(操作系统):一般由程序员分配释放,若程序员不释放,程序结束时可能由os回收,分配方式倒是类似于链表。  二、堆栈缓存方式区别:  1、栈使用的是一级缓存,通常都是被调用时处于存储空间中,调用完毕立即释放;  2、堆是存放在二级缓存中,生命周期由虚拟机的垃圾回收算法来决定(并不是一旦成为孤儿对象就能被回收)。所以调用这些对象的速度要相对来得低一些。  三、堆栈数据结构区别:  堆(数据结构):堆可以被看成是一棵树,如:堆排序;  栈(数据结构):一种先进后出的数据结构。





bicycle和pineapple 读音相同吗?


我的英文名字叫pineapple 发到朋友圈去别人看到了会怎样想?



为您解答菠萝,凤梨,手榴弹pineapple[英] [u02c8pu028cu026anap(u0259)l]复数: pineapples名词凤梨; 手榴弹[例句]Would you like to try our new pineapple pie or peach pie?要不要试试我们新推出的菠萝馅饼或是水蜜桃馅饼?





Pineapple 有什么特殊含义吗 除了它本身“菠萝 凤梨 手榴弹”的意思 (就如“the a

没什么特殊含义哈。一定要挖出来的话,pineapple在俚语中还有个意思是 “Vagina",但是很少很少用到。 还有个意思在澳大利亚,Pineapple也可以指一张面值50澳元的钞票。


pineapple:n.菠萝;凤梨;复数: pineapples; 例: Present Situation of Processing and Comprehensive Utilization on Pineapple in China. 我国菠萝加工与综合利用现状。 扩展资料   Study on structure and thermal property of pineapple leaf fiber.   菠萝叶纤维结构及其热力学性能研究。   The Harvest Situation and Analysis on Technical Equipment of Pineapple Leaf in China.   我国菠萝叶收获现状与技术设备分析。   The Study on Fermentation Conditions for Low Alcohol Beverage of Pineapple.   低醇菠萝汁饮料的发酵工艺条件研究。




pineapple读音发音:英[_pa_n_pl];美[_pa_n_pl]。例句:It"sadrinkmadebysteepingpineapplerindinwater.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。Halvethepineappleandscoopouttheinside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


pineapple读音发音:英[_pa_n_pl];美[_pa_n_pl]。例句:It"sadrinkmadebysteepingpineapplerindinwater.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。Halvethepineappleandscoopouttheinside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


pineapple读音发音:英[_pa_n_pl];美[_pa_n_pl]。例句:It"sadrinkmadebysteepingpineapplerindinwater.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。Halvethepineappleandscoopouttheinside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


pineapple,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“[园艺]菠萝;[园艺]凤梨”,作形容词时意为“凤梨科的”。单词发音英[_pa_n_pl]美[_pa_n__p_l]短语搭配pineapplebun菠萝油pineapplejelly。菠萝的英语是:pineapple读音:英[_pa_n_pl]美[_pa_n__p_l]n.菠萝;凤梨;〈俚〉手榴弹相关短语:菠萝蛋白酶bromelain;bromelin。n.[园艺]菠萝;[园艺]凤梨;adj.凤梨科的。扩展资料短语Pineapplesalad菠萝沙拉;菠萝沙律。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com





联想ideapad 710s触摸板双指触摸没有右键菜单怎么办?

解决办法为改为"三指"在ELAN SMART-PAD里:多指->三指->启用轻按->弹出菜单.一、用驱动精灵将触摸板驱动更新到最新版本。二、重新启动电脑。三、打开Synaptics触控设置,中将双指单击的复选框打上勾。四、打开注册表,查找属性“2FingerTapAction”,找到一个后,将值修改为2,然后查找下一个,继续修改为2,“2FingerTapAction”这个属性在注册表中一共有三个,三个必须全部改成2。五、重新启动电脑,会发现再也不要用力往下按了。


pineapple读音发音:英[_pa_n_pl];美[_pa_n_pl]。例句:It"sadrinkmadebysteepingpineapplerindinwater.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。Halvethepineappleandscoopouttheinside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


pineapple是可数名词。 pineapple:n.菠萝;凤梨; 例如:I like the one with pineapple. 扩展资料   The Study on Fermentation Conditions for Low Alcohol Beverage of Pineapple.   低醇菠萝汁饮料的.发酵工艺条件研究。   Research on Pineapple Leaf Fiber Extraction and Processing Equipment.   菠萝叶纤维提取与工艺设备的研究。   Many people claim that pineapple also helps tooth sensitivity.   还有很多人说,菠萝对牙齿敏感也很有帮助。










apple是苹果啦 pineapple就是长了刺的苹果啦 就是菠萝啦 我就是这样记这个词的 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~




pineapple读音发音:英[_pa_n_pl];美[_pa_n_pl]。例句:It"sadrinkmadebysteepingpineapplerindinwater.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。Halvethepineappleandscoopouttheinside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com




Apple 除了指“苹果”外,还指类似苹果的多种果实Apple除了指“苹果”外,还指类似苹果的多种果实。 早在欧洲,所有的果实都叫 apple 。早在欧洲,所有的果实都叫apple。 Pineapple 实际上是: the apple of the pine 。 Pineapple实际上是:theappleofthepine。 "pine" 在口语中指菠萝(树),“pineapple”就是“菠萝树上的 apple(种子)”。"pine"在口语中指菠萝(树),“pineapple”就是“菠萝树上的apple(种子)”。






音译:拍那剖1,pineapple释义:菠萝;凤梨;〈俚〉手榴弹。2,给你链接,可以自己听一下:https://rc.mbd.baidu.com/re83og43,例句:1,A pineapple is different in shape from an apple.凤梨和苹果形状不同。2,It"s a drink made by steeping pineapple rind in water.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。3,I have a banana and a pineapple.我有一个香蕉和一个菠萝。

Cheap Trick的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Now That"s What I Call Classic RockCheap Trick SurrenderMother told me, yes, she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me, stay away, you"ll never know what you"ll catch.Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some indonesian junk that"s going round.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Father says, your mother"s right, she"s really up on things.Before we married, mommy served in the wacs in the philippines.Now, I had heard the wacs recruited old maids for the war.But mommy isn"t one of those, I"ve known her all these years.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Whatever happened to all this season"s losers of the year?Ev"ry time I got to thinking, where"d they disappear?When I woke up, mom and dad are rolling on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my kiss records out.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Away.Away.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/60084909

Cheap Trick的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Original Album ClassicsCheap Trick SurrenderMother told me, yes, she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me, stay away, you"ll never know what you"ll catch.Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some indonesian junk that"s going round.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Father says, your mother"s right, she"s really up on things.Before we married, mommy served in the wacs in the philippines.Now, I had heard the wacs recruited old maids for the war.But mommy isn"t one of those, I"ve known her all these years.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Whatever happened to all this season"s losers of the year?Ev"ry time I got to thinking, where"d they disappear?When I woke up, mom and dad are rolling on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my kiss records out.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Away.Away.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7399776

Imogen Heap的《Lifeline》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifeline歌手:Imogen Heap专辑:LifelineFreeze frame on meMmm, can you read it on my face?Data mining from old memoriesSunflowers and a smile catchingMmm, welcoming a heartbeat to the familyLight tie lanterns, wish bound in the nightWho? What? When?All in one stir of a teaspoonI"m shaken and gasping for airLifeline, before and afterIn an instant of great white gravityHold tight, "cause all is against meEvery cell in my body, brace,And keep breathing,Keep breathingGracious future,Mmm, won"t you lend a hand to pull me through?"Cause me and you"ve got some things we need to see toAdventures in the multiverseEffervescent candlelit closenessPlus, I feel like I"ve just got the hang of this living thingWho? What? When?All in one stir of a teaspoonI"m shaken and gasping for air, air, air, airI will, on one day,And sometime, in some place,I"ve still got some go in me yetLifeline, before and afterIn an instant of great white gravityHold tight, "cause all is against meEvery cell in my body, braceRise high, cling to the laughtersFor that moment of broken tragedyBright-eyed, the world is against meEvery cell in my body, brace,And keep breathing,Keep breathing,Still breathingMy bones stay strong,My days, still long,My heart has many heartbeats,And home is where love isLifeline, before and afterIn an instant of great white gravityHold tight, "cause all is against meEvery cell in my body, braceRise high, cling to the laughtersFor that moment of broken tragedyBright-eyed, the world is against meEvery cell in my body, brace,And keep breathingKeep breathingKeep breathingKeep breathingKeep breathingKeep...http://music.baidu.com/song/52312408

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pineapple读音发音:英[_pa_n_pl];美[_pa_n_pl]。例句:It"sadrinkmadebysteepingpineapplerindinwater.这是用菠萝皮泡在水里做的饮料。Halvethepineappleandscoopouttheinside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

coco pineapple mango 怎么读

咖喱咖喱 - 牛奶咖啡作曲 : 董冬冬作词 : 陈曦泰国 新加坡 印度尼西亚咖喱 肉骨茶 印尼九层塔做SPA 放烟花 蒸桑拿Coco Pineapple Mango沙巴 芭堤雅 阳光热辣辣香瓜 啤酒花 风景美如画夜市下 海鲜架 泳池趴嘟嘟 嘟嘟 干嘛干嘛呀咖喱 咖喱 轻轻一加咖喱 咖喱辣咖喱 咖喱 香蕉木瓜榴莲臭臭配香茶咖喱 咖喱 摩托皮卡咖喱 咖喱呀咖喱 咖喱 夜市酒吧热情奔放火辣辣咖喱咖喱Wu~泰国 新加坡 印度尼西亚咖喱 肉骨茶 印尼九层塔做SPA 放烟花 蒸桑拿Coco Pineapple Mango沙巴 芭堤雅 阳光热辣辣香瓜 啤酒花 风景美如画夜市下 海鲜架 泳池趴嘟嘟 嘟嘟 干嘛干嘛呀咖喱 咖喱 轻轻一加咖喱 咖喱辣咖喱 咖喱 香蕉木瓜榴莲臭臭配香茶咖喱 咖喱 摩托皮卡咖喱 咖喱呀咖喱 咖喱 夜市酒吧热情奔放火辣辣咖喱 咖喱 轻轻一加咖喱 咖喱辣咖喱 咖喱 香蕉木瓜榴莲臭臭配香茶

Linux 搭建JBOSS EAP集群,启动Slaver时报错,连接不到主机;

Mongodb集群搭建过程及常见错误Replica SetsMongoDB 支持在多个机器中通过异步复制达到故障转移和实现冗余。多机器中同一时刻只 有一台是用于写操作。正是由于这个情况,为 MongoDB 提供了数据一致性的保障。担当 Primary 角色的机器能把读操作分发给 slave。Replica Sets的结构非常类似一个集群。因 为它确实跟集群实现的作用是一样的, 其中一个节点如果出现故障, 其它节点马上会将业务接过来而无须停机操作。下面以本机为例介绍一下集群的部署过程,以及部署过程中常见的注意点及错误本例环境是Linux操作系统,mongodb版本:mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.1.tgz,Vmwre虚拟机,虚拟机IP:,集群以本机不同端口模拟三台服务器。1.集群主要分为三个节点master主节点,slaver备用节点,arbiter仲裁节点建立数据文件夹123 mkdir -p /mongodb/data/mastermkdir -p /mongodb/data/slavermkdir -p /mongodb/data/arbiterps:三个目录分别对应主,备,仲裁节点2.建立配置文件夹1)master.conf 打开编辑器:1 vi /etc/master.conf按i 输入下列配置1234567 dbpath=/home/mongodb/data/master logpath=/home/mongodb/log/master.loglogappend=truereplSet=rep1port=10000fork=truejournal=true完成之后按esc 》》 : >>wq>>回车2)slaver.conf编辑器打开和保存按上边的步骤,下边只写详细内容1234567 dbpath=/home/mongodb/data/slaverlogpath=/home/mongodb/log/slaver.loglogappend=truereplSet=rep1port=10001fork=truejournal=true3)arbiter.conf12345678 dbpath=/home/mongodb/data/arbiterlogpath=/home/mongodb/log/arbiter.loglogappend=truereplSet=rep1port=10002fork=truejournal=truesmallfiles=true参数解释:dbpath:数据存放目录logpath:日志存放路径logappend:以追加的方式记录日志replSet:replica set的名字port:mongodb进程所使用的端口号,默认为27017fork:以后台方式运行进程journal:写日志smallfiles:当提示空间不够时添加此参数其他参数pidfilepath:进程文件,方便停止mongodbdirectoryperdb:为每一个数据库按照数据库名建立文件夹存放bind_ip:mongodb所绑定的ip地址oplogSize:mongodb操作日志文件的最大大小。单位为Mb,默认为硬盘剩余空间的5%noprealloc:不预先分配存储3.启动Mongodb 1 cd /home/mongodb/bin启动服务12345 ./mongod -f /etc/master.conf ./mongod -f /etc/slaver.conf ./mongod -f /etc/arbiter.conf有这样的提示说明启动成功如果是下列的提示说明启动失败启动失败的原因有很多,检查完配置文件,如果没有错误,可打开相应的配置文件查看详细的错误信息cat /etc/master.conf最常见的一个错误就是磁盘空间不足,会提示这样的错误因为Mongodb的日志文件是成2g的增长,所以所需空间比较大,这时你可以在配置文件里添加这样的一个配置smallfiles=true。全部三个服务全部启动成功之后4.配置主(master),备(slaver),仲裁(arbiter)节点可以通过客户端连接mongodb,也可以直接在三个节点中选择一个连接mongodb。./mongo #ip和port是某个节点的地址>use admin>cfg={ _id:"rep1", members:[ {_id:0,host:"",priority:2}, {_id:1,host:"",priority:1},{_id:2,host:"",arbiterOnly:true}] };>rs.initiate(cfg) #使配置生效{ "set" : "rep1", "date" : ISODate("2014-09-05T02:44:43Z"), "myState" : 1, "members" : [ { "_id" : 0, "name" : "", "health" : 1, "state" : 1, "stateStr" : "PRIMARY", "uptime" : 200, "optime" : Timestamp(1357285565000, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-01-04T07:46:05Z"), "self" : true }, { "_id" : 1, "name" : "", "health" : 1, "state" : 2, "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 200, "optime" : Timestamp(1357285565000, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2013-01-04T07:46:05Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-01-05T02:44:42Z"), "pingMs" : 0 }, { "_id" : 2, "name" : "", "health" : 1, "state" : 7, "stateStr" : "ARBITER", "uptime" : 200, "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2013-01-05T02:44:42Z"), "pingMs" : 0 } ], "ok" : 1} 配置过程中可能还会出现其他的一些错误,不过都可以去查看相应的日志文件,去解决。

cisco LEAPmodule是什么

Cisco LEAP,即思科的LEAP(轻型可扩展身份验证协议)是一个专有的、IEEE 802.1X端口访问协议标准批准之前的变体。802.1X是一个框架,让一台身份识别服务器在批准无线用户进入接入点的分布式网络(也就是接入点连接的有线网络)之前验证那个无线用户的证书。Cisco LEAP Module是它的硬件模块.一般用于笔记本电脑的无线上网.

Talk Is Cheap 歌词

歌曲名:Talk Is Cheap歌手:Johnny Rawls专辑:My Turn To WinMiley Cyrus - Talk Is CheapAy ay ay ay ay ay ay ayWoohoo woohooAy ay ay ay ay ay ay ayWoohoo woohooIm alone,its just meAnd im watchin" tvAnd im always,oh so bored at homeI get up,I get outDrive my car way downtownKeep on calling ,but your never aroundSee my friends out tonightUnder these city lightsIn the club "til someone starts a fightAnd we get in the carSo know,where you areSo pissed off,always hangin "roundAnd im so tired..Your fired!Im so jealous,restless,relentlessThats just meIm so crazy,latelyCome on,let it beDon"t make me beg for the things I needYou know what they sayWhen theres a will theres a wayLies are free,talk is cheapAy Ay Ay Ay Ay AyWoohoo WoohooNow we"re out in the streetAnd we"re sweatin" the heatAnd we move with the trafficAnd the beatI dont care if you chokeWhen you light up your smokeIts the one thing I cant call my ownIt"s so tragic..Im so manic!Im so jealous,restless,relentlessThats just me.Im so crazy,latelyCome on,let it beDon"t make me beg for the things I needYou know what they sayWhen theres a will theres a wayLies are free,talk is cheapAy ay ay ay ay ay ya yaWoohoo WoohooIm so tired..Your fired!Im so jealous,restless,relentlessThats just meIm so crazy,latelyCome on,let it beDon"t make me beg for the things I needYou know what they sayWhen theres a will theres a wayLies are free,talk is cheapAy ay ay ay ay ya ya ayWoohoo WoohooAy ay ay ay ay ya ya ayWoohoo WoohooTalk is cheapAy ay ay ay ay ya ya ayWoohoo WoohooAy ay ay ay ay ya ya ayLies are free,talk is cheap.http://music.baidu.com/song/15146775

Cheap Trick的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Budokan! (30Th Anniversary)Cheap Trick SurrenderMother told me, yes, she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me, stay away, you"ll never know what you"ll catch.Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some indonesian junk that"s going round.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Father says, your mother"s right, she"s really up on things.Before we married, mommy served in the wacs in the philippines.Now, I had heard the wacs recruited old maids for the war.But mommy isn"t one of those, I"ve known her all these years.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Whatever happened to all this season"s losers of the year?Ev"ry time I got to thinking, where"d they disappear?When I woke up, mom and dad are rolling on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my kiss records out.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Away.Away.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9645423



国外的 ESL 和 EAP 课程1课内容都是什么?


辐射避难所 scrap 3weapons or outfits,神马意思


weapons free什么意思

由形容词 free 构成的合成词指“无人使用…的”或“免除…的”,weapons-free 就是指“无人使用武器的”。另如 a nuclear-weapon-free 无核武器的 duty-free免关税的 interest-free无息的 tax-free免税的




weapons的英音【"wepu0259nz】;美音【"wepu0259nz】。weapons的意思是武器;兵器;;凶器;手段,工具(指用作攻击或斗争的知识、言语、行动等)。含有weapons的双语例句1、A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons。化学武器已被禁止使用。2、The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons。该国并未保证禁用化学武器。3、Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children。愧疚是控制儿童的秘密武器。4、Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease。教育是战胜这一疾病蔓延的唯一手段。5、The police still haven"t found the murder weapon。警方仍未找到谋杀的凶器。6、Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area。究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。


这个... ...我怎么记得是一个武器修改的MOD,游戏文件本身没有的。

Drop Your weapons!翻译成中文是什么意思?


alllight weapons这是什么意思

all light weapons所有轻武器

我的世界Weapons+Mod里怎么造核弹头 还有提炼的铀杆怎么制造

  我的世界Weapons+Mod制作弹头步骤如下:  1.进入弹头制作页面;  2.在周围8个格子中,各放入1-64个工业TNT;  3.在中心格子中放入1-64金属块(铀矿威力最大),即可制作弹头。  我的世界游戏中,弹头的威力根据制作材料的多少决定,周围8个格子放置64个工业TNT,中间格子放入64块铀矿,即可到达最大威力。

arm和weapon 在“武器”这层涵义上有什么区别?

arm指“武器”时,往往要用复数。它特指为战争而制造的枪炮之类的武器,也可指一个国家的整修军事能力和兵种。例如: Lay down arms!放下武器! Take up arms=rise in arms!拿起武器准备应战。 另外,还可作动词,表示“使武装”,“给予武器”。例如: He is armed with a pistol.他佩带一把手枪。 weapon指“武器”时,也需用复数,它和arm经常可以互换。但weapon含义较广,它可指作战中来打击敌人的任何东西。拳头、石头、直至核武器等都用weapon.例如: convertioneal weapons常规武器 a chemical weapon化学武器 a nuclear weapon核武器 The laser can be very use ful ,but it could also be a killing weapon. 激光可以有很多用处,但也可能成为一种杀人的武器。


I walked along the road todayand saw myself in the tired faceand a thousand more look back at meI could almost feel the unityAnd the sun rose high above the treesand the birds were singing over mebut beneath my feet I felt the stingthat was the earth rememberingLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall in loveAnd I used to think we"re just the samefrom a different town and with different namesDo you remember what we said?“We"ll never change,” oh did we forget?Lay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall in loveAnd I walked along to the edge of townand there I threw my burdens downLooking up, at last I foundYou"re never loved if you protect yourselfLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right nowUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, everyone just wants to fall, to fall in loveLay down, lay down your weapons boyRight now, right now you should"ve changed the worldUnder it all, you"re not so toughEveryone, every one of us, just wants to fallLay down, lay down your weapons boyLay down, lay down your weapons boy


weapon[英]["wepu0259n] [美][u02c8wu025bpu0259n] 生词本简明释义n.武器,兵器vi.武装,提供武器复数:weapons第三人称单数:weapons过去式:weaponed过去分词:weaponed现在分词:weaponing以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT武器;兵器A weapon is an object such as a gun, a knife, or a missile, which is used to kill or hurt people in a fight or a war....nuclear weapons.核武器2.N-COUNT(用于应付困境的)工具,手段A weapon is something such as knowledge about a particular subject, which you can use to protect yourself or to get what you want in a difficult situation.I attack politicians with the one weapon they don"t have, a sense of humor.我运用一种政客不具备的武器攻击他们,那就是幽默感。




Milky: 令人在意的室友 秋叶原系婢女 复讐学园
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