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小学一年级作文(600字): 快乐寒假之 滚雪球 (三易其稿)

作文标题: 快乐寒假之 滚雪球 (三易其稿) 关键词: 滚雪球 寒假 小学一年级 本文适合: 小学一年级 作文来源: https://Zw.liuxue86.com 本作文(600字)是关于小学一年级的作文(600字),题目为:《 快乐寒假之 滚雪球 (三易其稿)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。(初稿) 滚雪球 盼星星盼月亮,终于把雪给盼来了!匆匆忙忙吃过午饭,(妈评:期待雪的心情跃然纸上)爸爸便领着我到金水河边玩雪。 爸爸用雪给我做了一个小雪球。(妈评:雪球制作过程可以再详细一些) 只见爸爸把小雪蛋放在雪地上滚动,开始很小,渐渐的越来越大了。高度从我的脚脖子长到了我的膝盖那么高,又慢慢长到了和我的腰一样高了。(妈评:呵呵,雪球长得太快喽) 我学着爸爸的样子让手中的小雪蛋滚动,雪蛋变胖后用脚去使它移动,可不知为什么我的雪球突然一分为二的裂开了。爸爸说是我的雪球心太松了,心实了才不容易断裂。 我又重新做了一个雪球,并让爸爸检验了一下球的硬度。呵呵,还不错,我的雪球也在一点点的变大。(妈评:此处衔接有点突兀,让上下文自然过渡好吗) 爸爸把手搭在我的肩膀上说:“滚雪球不但好玩,还能学到一定的道理,琪琪能说出来一个吗?” 我考虑了一会儿说:“学习就像滚雪球,如果坚持学习,知识就会越来越多。”(妈评:有玩耍有引申不错) “说得很好,我的孩子,琪琪能够通过今天的运动认识到这样的道理,爸爸很欣慰。玩就要玩个痛快,让我们一起转动雪球吧。” 时间一分一秒的过去了,天快黑了,我们只好恋恋不舍的回家了。 妈妈的评价:这是文章的第一稿,尽管也文从字顺,但是没有把滚雪球的过程详细的写出来,详略不是太恰当。我把这个问题告诉了琪琪,第二天琪琪的文章修改后成了这个样子。(第二稿)滚雪球 盼星星盼月亮,终于把雪给盼来了!匆匆忙忙吃过午饭,爸爸便领着我来到金水河边滚雪球。 爸爸用雪给我做了一个小雪球。 只见爸爸把小雪蛋放在雪地上滚动,啊,洁白的雪蛋粘上了黄黄的泥土和碎碎的草屑。小小的雪蛋继续滚动,越来越肥胖了,变成圆圆的球球了。爸爸也由手推雪蛋变成了脚推雪球了,爸爸的脚步随着雪球不停的移动,雪球已经到了爸爸的脚脖那里了。(妈评:嗯,此处加入了爸爸的制作雪球的过程,即照应了题目,又使文章的详略布置比较恰当了) 我学着爸爸的样子让手中的小雪蛋滚动,雪蛋变胖后用脚去使它移动,可不知为什么我的雪球突然一分为二的裂开了。爸爸说是我的雪球心太松了,心实了才不容易断裂。 我又重新做了一个雪球,并让爸爸检验了一下球的硬度。呵呵,还不错,我的雪球在一点点的变大。垂直高度从我的脚脖长到了我的腿肚,又从腿肚那长到了我的膝盖那么高。我手脚并用,推动雪球不停的移动着。(妈评:加入了雪球的成长高度,使制作过程更加详尽了,不错) 功夫不负有心人,雪球已经快到我身高的一半了,也越来越重了,我一个人想推动它已经很吃力了。我站在雪里休息一会儿,并邀请爸爸来观赏我的雪球。(妈评:此处承上启下的效果很好,自然引出滚雪球所学到的道理)爸爸把手搭在我的肩膀上说:“滚雪球和生活中的一些现象有一个共同的道理,琪琪能说出来一个吗?” 我考虑了一会儿说:“学习就像滚雪球,如果坚持学习,知识就会越来越多。” “说得很好,我的孩子,琪琪能够通过今天的运动认识到这样的道理,爸爸很欣慰。玩就要玩个痛快,让我们一起转动雪球吧。” 时间一分一秒的过去了,天快黑了,我们只好恋恋不舍的回家了。 妈妈的评价:第二稿的修改使文章丰满多了,上下文衔接更自然了,滚雪球的过程让人一目了然、一学就会,写得比较成功。最后还能一事一议,突出了玩有所乐、玩有所学。这都是优点。 一篇好文章是需要反复修改的,请妞妞再对文章的开头和结尾检验修饰一番 ,使文章更加有特色。对文章的个别语言再做一下调整,增加文章的深度和层次感。 第三天,孩子将改稿拿给了我,我让她自己说出自己改动的地方并说明原因。(第三稿)滚雪球 盼星星盼月亮,终于把雪给盼来了!匆匆忙忙吃过午饭,爸爸便领着我来到金水河边滚雪球。 选了一处雪比较厚实的地方,我和爸爸每人先做了一个小雪蛋。可怎样才能让小雪蛋怎样变成大雪球呢?(自评:加入此处的目的是吸引读者) 只见爸爸把小雪蛋放在雪地上滚动,啊,洁白的雪蛋粘上了黄黄的泥土和碎碎的草屑。小小的雪蛋继续滚动,越来越肥胖了,变成圆圆的球球了。爸爸也由手推雪蛋变成了脚推雪球了,爸爸的脚步随着雪球不停的移动,雪球已经到了爸爸的脚脖那里了。我也跃跃欲试,想由“看”变成“干”。(自评:加上这句话我觉得使过渡更自然了) 我学着爸爸的样子让手中的小雪蛋滚动,雪蛋变胖后用脚去使它移动,可不知为什么我的雪球突然一分为二的裂开了。爸爸说是我的雪球心太松了,心实了才不容易断裂。 我又重新做了一个雪球,并让爸爸检验了一下球的硬度。呵呵,还不错,我的雪球在一点点的变大。垂直高度从我的脚脖长到了我的腿肚,又从腿肚那长到了我的膝盖那么高。我手脚并用,推动雪球不停的移动着。我下定决心要推一个比爸爸的还要大的雪球。汗水加上滴到脸上就化的雪水一起往下流,我也没有停止! (自评:此处我想突出的是任何事情都不要轻易服输,为下文总结道理做铺垫) 功夫不负有心人,雪球已经快到我身高的一半了,也越来越重了,我一个人想推动它已经很吃力了。我站在雪里休息一会儿,并邀请爸爸来观赏我的雪球。爸爸把手搭在我的肩膀上说:“滚雪球和生活中的一些现象有一个共同的道理,琪琪能说出来一个吗?” 我考虑了一会儿说:“学习就像滚雪球,如果坚持学习,知识就会越来越多。” “如果琪琪在第一次滚雪球失败后就不再继续了,会怎样呢?” “那就只能看着爸爸的雪球越来越大,做事情遇到挫折可以从新开始,只要不半途而废就可以成功。” “如果把雪球比作人的习惯呢?”爸爸问。 “如果是好习惯,就会越来越多越来越好;如果是人一旦养成坏习惯,那人的毛病也会越来越多的。”(自评:又加上爸爸的两次道理的引申,我觉得更有深度了,我也有越到挫折就想放弃的坏习惯,写出来更是为了提醒自己) “说得很好,我的孩子,琪琪能够通过今天的运动认识到这样的道理,爸爸很欣慰。玩就要玩个痛快,让我们一起转动雪球吧。” 两只大大的雪球,两个热火朝天的身影,在漫天飞舞的雪地里别是一种风景。(自评:换了结尾,虽然不再写实了,但我觉得更富有韵致了) 妈妈的评价:第三稿孩子在交稿的时候,特意给我说出了增补替换的地方,并说出这样写的想法。我很感动。第三稿我只给她在结尾改动一处,将原来的“更加好看了”改成了“别是一种风景”。 妞妞写作的过程也在不停的修正着自己的心态,因为我一直认为写文章就是一次次的心灵的修炼。孩子能由原来的懒惰烦躁慢慢静了下来。平时不是孩子写的不够优秀,而是我这做妈妈的没有有效而及时的引导啊! 郑州的雪已经化完了,这定格着孩子成长的稿子虽然没有与雪同步降落人间,但它努力着还是诞生了。我为自己的孩子的进步而欣慰。最后定稿为 滚雪球 盼星星盼月亮,终于把雪给盼来了!匆匆忙忙吃过午饭,爸爸便领着我来到金水河边滚雪球。 选了一处雪比较厚实的地方,我和爸爸每人先做了一个小雪蛋。可怎样才能让小雪蛋怎样变成大雪球呢? 只见爸爸把小雪蛋放在雪地上滚动,啊,洁白的雪蛋粘上了黄黄的泥土和碎碎的草屑。小小的雪蛋继续滚动,越来越肥胖了,变成圆圆的球球了。爸爸也由手推雪蛋变成了脚推雪球了,爸爸的脚步随着雪球不停的移动,雪球已经到了爸爸的脚脖那里了。我也跃跃欲试,想由“看”变成“干”。 我学着爸爸的样子让手中的小雪蛋滚动,雪蛋变胖后用脚去使它移动,可不知为什么我的雪球突然一分为二的裂开了。爸爸说是我的雪球心太松了,心实了才不容易断裂。 我又重新做了一个雪球,并让爸爸检验了一下球的硬度。呵呵,还不错,我的雪球在一点点的变大。垂直高度从我的脚脖长到了我的腿肚,又从腿肚那长到了我的膝盖那么高。我手脚并用,推动雪球不停的移动着。我下定决心要推一个比爸爸的还要大的雪球。汗水加上滴到脸上就化的雪水一起往下流,我也没有停止! 功夫不负有心人,雪球已经快到我身高的一半了,也越来越重了,我一个人想推动它已经很吃力了。我站在雪里休息一会儿,并邀请爸爸来观赏我的雪球。爸爸把手搭在我的肩膀上说:滚雪球和生活中的一些现象有一个共同的道理,琪琪能说出来一个吗? 我考虑了一会儿说:学习就像滚雪球,如果坚持学习,知识就会越来越多。 如果琪琪在第一次滚雪球失败后就不再继续了,会怎样呢? 那就只能看着爸爸的雪球越来越大,做事情遇到挫折可以从新开始,只要不半途而废就可以成功。 如果把雪球比作人的习惯呢?爸爸问。 “如果是好习惯,就会越来越多越来越好;如果是人一旦养成坏习惯,那人的毛病也会越来越多的。” 说得很好,我的孩子,琪琪能够通过今天的运动认识到这样的道理,爸爸很欣慰。玩就要玩个痛快,让我们一起转动雪球吧。 两只大大的雪球,两个热火朝天的身影,在漫天飞舞的雪地里别是一种风景。




1.快乐的寒假英语作文短小带翻译 My Happy Times During Winter Vacation I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside. After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends. When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country. 寒假期间我经常去看望我的爷爷奶奶.他们都已经70岁了,住在乡下.我可以在那里做很多有趣的事情.我习惯一大清早起床呼吸乡下的新鲜空气.下雪后,我喜欢跟同伴们一起滑雪滑冰.夜幕降临时,我就坐在火炉边,听奶奶讲动听的故事.我也会给她讲一些城里的新鲜事.每次该回城时,我总是恋恋不舍.我确实喜欢乡下的生活. 2.寒假你最开心的事,至少5句英语 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It"s usually in January or February. During the time, we usually go shopping to buy new clothes and have big dinner on New Year"s Eve. It"s important to visit some friends on the first day of New Year"s day. Also, children can get hongbao from their parents. Every family makes their home clean and beautiful. They are happy during this time and they hope they can have good luck next year. 3.假期里最愉快的一天,英语小短文30词 我的假期 My holidayMy father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time, he will bring me to the zoo. This hoilday, he finally keeps his promise. I am so happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also broaden my vision.我的爸爸总是很忙,他对我承诺一旦有空就会带我去动物园。 这个假期,他终于履行了他的承诺。我很开心,我看到了很多动物,我对猴子印象很深刻。 他们很活跃,到处攀爬。爸爸和我在动物园里度过了愉快的时光。 我也开阔了视野。 4.暑假7篇英语小短句(五句话,记录你的一天) 第一篇:快乐的暑假 Happy summer vacation 骄阳似火的7月,盼望已久的暑假, 我尽情地翱翔在知识的海洋里,贪婪地吸吮着凉爽的甘露,所以我快乐。 Scorching July, the long-awaited summer vacation, I enjoy flying in the ocean of knowledge, greedily sucking the nectar of cool, so I"m happy.今年暑假, 在学习舞蹈和小提琴的基础上,我主动“请缨”,让妈妈又给我报了一个奥数班。This summer, on the basis of the learning dance and violin, I take the initiative to "find", let my mother gave me a newspaper a Olympic math class.第二篇:快乐的暑假 Second: happy summer vacation 放暑假前,妈妈就说要带我去日照玩,终于盼到了这一天了。 一大早我就起来了,准备好行李和妈妈一起来到车站乘车。在车上,导游阿姨给我们讲笑话、放光碟,我们非常高兴,恨不得插上翅膀早飞到那儿。 车子上了高速公路,又堵车又坏车,高兴的心情一下子凉了半节。司机叔叔忙了大半天才修好了车。 下午我们终于到达了日照,真是好事多磨。Before the summer vacation, my mother told me to take me to the sunshine, and finally look forward to this day. I got up early in the morning, ready to go to the bus station with my mother. In the car, the tour guide told us jokes, aunt DVD, we are very happy, very anxious to wings to fly there early. The car on the highway, traffic jam and bad car, happy mood suddenly cool half. The driver"s uncle was busy for half a day to fix the car. The afternoon we arrived at the sunshine, it is easy to.第三篇:快乐的暑假 Third: happy summer vacation 清凉的微风送走了压抑的学期,丰富多彩的暑假又伴随着炎热的夏日如期而至,我们心中乐开了花,在假期中寻找着自己的快乐。 The cool breeze sent off to suppress the semester, rich and colorful summer vacation and accompanied by the hot summer as scheduled, we are happy in the hearts of flowers, in the holidays to find their own happiness.夏天是炎热的,但此时的我们却是无比惬意的,期盼已久的假期终于来了,我们终于可以不受老师家长的管制,淋漓尽致的玩闹,我们可以吹着小曲,吃着冰棒,看着图书,听着音乐,这样的生活是多么舒适美好啊!Summer is hot, but now we are very comfortable, the long-awaited vacation has finally come, we can finally from the teachers and parents of the control, we can play the most incisive, whistling, eating popsicles, looking at books, listening to music, this life is very comfortable and beautiful!第四篇:快乐的暑假 Fourth: happy summer vacation 时间像流水一样悄悄地溜走了,一个快乐的、愉快的、开心的暑假也悄悄地被带走了。在暑假里发生的事就像天上的星星一样,反复地出现在我的眼前,让我难以忘怀。 Time like running water quietly slipped away, a happy, happy, happy summer vacation has quietly been taken away. What happened during the summer vacation, like the stars in the sky, appeared in my eyes again and again, and it made me hard to forget.因为我平常特别喜欢看一些关于历史的图书,但是我因为作业太多没有看书的时间,所以我十分不高兴…… Because I usually like to read some books about history, but I did not read the book because of too much time, so I am very unhappy。 第五篇:快乐的暑假 Fifth: happy summer vacation “时光如水,生命如歌。”在白驹过隙间,我们又送走了紧张的一学期,迎来了又一个暑假。 "Time is like water, life is like a song." In between, we also bid farewell to the tension of a semester, summer ushered in another.“从今天开始放假了。”老师话音刚落,同学们便欢呼起来:“放假了!放假了。” 老师还说了些什么,没有谁听清了。大伙像放飞的小鸟,摆脱了书本的束缚。 一拥而出,奔回家中。我可是十八般“武艺”个个俱全:打游戏、上网、聊天、qsq、psp、nds……"It"s a holiday from today." As soon as the teacher came in, the students cheered, "it is a holiday! Have a holiday." What the teacher said, no one can hear it. People like flying birds, get rid of the shackles of the books. A hug, and ran home. I like "Wu Yi" all but eighteen taste: play games, Internet, chat, qsq, PSP, nds。 第六篇:快乐的暑假 Sixth: happy summer vacation 我的署假是欢乐的,缤纷多彩的。 在我的假期中最高兴快乐的是和舅舅等人一起去南宁游乐园。这一天的早上,我和舅舅等人一起去南宁游乐园。 一路上,我觉得天好像比以前更蓝,云朵好像比以前更白,花儿草儿都在跟我点头微笑,一切都显得那么美丽。My department is happy, colorful. In my holiday in the most happy and uncle, who go to Nanning amusement park. This morning, my uncle and I went to Nanning amusement park. Along the way, I feel as if it is bluer, the clouds seem more white than before, the flowers in the grass with my smile, everything is so beautiful.。 5.关于“我的快乐假期(寒假)”英语小作文(30字) They have to organize their thoughts about what they think of their teachers. In that way, they pinpoint for themselves what they expect of those teachers. They begin to understand what they value in a teacher and what is phony or useless. Evaluating their teachers is also a way for students to think about how they would evaluate themselves. Are they working as hard as they should in class? Is that why their teachers are sometimes critical of their work? Isn"t that what a teacher should do—push us to try harder? Thinking about these things can help students do better in class. At the very least, they will understand better what is expected of them.Student evaluations of teachers also make students feel as if they have a voice in what happens in their schools. It makes them feel as if they"re part of the education process when their opinion is valued by the administration. Finally, it teaches them responsibility.No one knows me as well as my parents. No one wants the best for me like my parents. It is natural that I should allow my parents to make important decisions for me. I think all older teenagers (15 to 18 year-olds) should take their parents advice on decisions that concern their education, their social life, and their future careers. My parents have always chosen the best schools for me to attend. They have encouraged me to attend special prep classes to make sure that I was well prepared for the exams. They have given me tutors to make sure that I understood my subjects well. When it comes to choosing a college, I will trust my parents to make that decision. They know what they can afford and what will give me a good education. When I was young, my parents would invite children over to play with me。 6.励志英语小句子 1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。) [无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。) 3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。)[从小灌输给孩子的坚定信念。 ] 4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.(风暴使树木深深扎根。)[感激敌人,感激挫折!] 5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.(心之所愿,无所不成。) [坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功。] 6. The shortest answer is doing.(最简单的回答就是干。) [想说流利的英语吗?那么现在就开口!心动不如嘴动。] 7. All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。) [放弃投机取巧的幻想。] 8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。) 9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。) 10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!] 11. In doing we learn.(实践长才干。) 12. East or west, home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好。) 13. Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。) 14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷径。) 15. Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。) 16. Misfortunes never come alone/single.(祸不单行。) 17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.(不经灾祸不知福。) 18. Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。) 19. It"s never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。) 20. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。) 21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(无热情成就不了伟业。) 22. Actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。) 23. Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误。) 24. From small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小。) 25. One today is worth two tomorrows.(一个今天胜似两个明天。) 26. Truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。) 27. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌无骨却能折断骨。) 28. A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。) 29. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.(通百艺而专一长。) 30. Good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。)。 7.英语翻译:快乐假期 Happy vacation In vacation, Schoolmates want to pay attention to safety , still have , bring about when the beginning of the term, the parents advice note accomplish school assignment carefully, ,"" Heavens, is inferior all such, when actor"s line does not all change. Words of song that I have remembered abruptly: "。 。 Schoolmates all are absent-minded/ being counting time being holding minor difference/, ,"" The guiding principle taking a look at the wrist watch , the wall clock again has solidified seemingly , has worried person really. "All right, have had a holiday like this"! "Europe"! Ha, have endured to the destination! As if grasping up the schoolbag , the arrow flying produces campus , school assignment , what end of term tests achievement disregarding what vacation he be , has been cast to the winds at this moment. Bicycle disease his person who is relaxing , driving is giving vent to in the heart be ravished with joy. Be flashing past one idea abruptly, in the brain , be having a holiday except representing bold unrestrained play , what to be representing? With the quickest speed get back home, one throws away the schoolbag , previous sit , just become able to do anything of one"s own free will to the sofa, have lost calmness in the past , have seemed to have become another I. Suddenly, the old mummy gives off without the knowledge of from anywhere , look at the old mummy rictus needing to speak, I just anticipate single-step: "Finish writing vacation first plan ". "How do you know "? The old mummy is a little bit perplexed. "This has been the content that you say necessarily every year , my all quick back has been familiar. Look, vacation the school assignment plan , the daily schedule, have written well". The old mummy has scanned one time , has been at ease such that being snuggled up to the parents, except school assignment by me, not force me what to act as , old dad had spoken: think about on desk I "Vacation to be used to loosen , but not to be used to issue painstaking effort"s, that vacation is tired out very much , not being easy to get along with ". I am old eternal dad sopporter, therefore my vacation has been colour. I often receive schoolmate"s telephone over the past vacation, bring up the thing having holiday the queen , sometimes am a stomachful of bitterness. Is that this cannot but let me think of really , vacation whether be or not now looks like that QQ head portrait, disheartened woollen cloth? More and more as if strenuous school assignment , teacher and parents"s expectation have brought about a hill exercise, but only being hit by in the dream , can happy having a holiday look for. Saying such vacation is rich but a little bit spacious , is relaxed so busily occupied. Our in having the once , the dream, Zeng and schoolmates shout out together to the sky: "Have had a holiday "! What has that "been had holiday " being representing after all? It is representing momentary happy summation be unable completely strenuousness , we may all be some of pitiful children!。 8.暑假7篇英语小短句(五句话,记录你的一天) Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to huashanby bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don"t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I"ve kept the umbrella。 i was very happy。


假期,对于每一个学生来说,都是一个美好的字眼,可是,要想每一个学生都有一个快乐的假期,那可就不是一件简单的事了。 一个快乐的假期不等于一个随心所欲的假期,在一个假期内,你没有学全一项本领,没有体会到一则人生哲理,没有体验一个社会生活,而只是在看有趣的电视剧,打心潮的游戏,那么无论你过的在怎么高兴,都不属一个快乐的假期。那么,一个快乐的假期应该怎么过呢?首先要有所得,就是过一个充实的假期,而不是在虚度年华,浪费时间,而书就是我们最好的选择。一本书好似一艘船,带领着我们从狭窄的地方驶向生活宽广的海洋,书可以让我们领悟到人生的真谛,到知识的宝库里浏览,因此,一个快乐假期的所得,更是指多读书,读好书。书,就像一位智慧老人在启蒙我、教导我。书,又像一位忠实的朋友,陪伴着我,和我面对面地交流。我最喜欢去图书网下载图书看,那里的电子书既可以在线阅读,也可以下载到电脑硬盘里慢慢欣赏,阅读起来非常方便。古人说“书中自有黄金屋”,这句话说得不假,寒假里,我在电脑上读完了《假如给我三天光明》、《木偶奇遇记》和《成语故事》,我被他们不畏困难,顽强不屈的精神深深感动了。在读书之余,我玩得很开心。我和小伙伴们有时打打羽毛球,有时去游泳、滑冰,最开心的要数跳绳了。轮到我跳时,我深深地吸了一口气,紧握绳柄,等大伙儿喊“开始”,我便甩动双臂,一下一下地跳了起来。小伙伴们在一旁大声喊:“加油,加油!”听到小伙伴们的加油声,我跳得更快了。我们快乐的欢笑声在空中回荡。每当我看见妈妈在不停地洗洗刷刷时,我就会上前来帮着做家务。我像一只勤劳的小蜜蜂,来来往往,又是拖地又是擦桌子,不一会儿,就累得腰酸腿痛,坐在椅子上直喘气。爸爸妈妈看见了,连忙乐呵呵地夸道:“我们的女儿真是长大了,会帮我们分担工作了,真不错!”我听了,顿时忘记了劳累,心里甜滋滋的。 其次就要有所思,有所思就是指要给自己制定下学期的目标,思考上学期的不足,怎样改正,每一个成功的人,都需要不断总结自己,改善自己,给自己定下目标,然后付与行动,取得成功,而且,要结合自己的势力而制定目标,而不是荒诞狂妄不切合实际的想法,只有这样,这个假期才不是无意义的假期。 然后就是要有所奉献,有所收获,这里的奉献不是那种空大的舍己为人的奉献,而是为社会做点滴的奉献,例如;去敬老院慰问老人,为社区打扫卫生以及为贫困山区的学生捐献自己的书`衣服,只有这样,你的假期才是一个快乐,有奉献的假期。而有所收获,便是建立在奉献之上了的,当你为社会做了贡献后,你的心情是怎样的?如果是快乐、激动,这便是你所收获的事。如果是疲倦、厌烦,那证明你的假期奉献使你感受不到快乐。 最后便是最容易做的了,那就是放松。这里的放松不是指什么事都不做,而是你累了时候的放松,是让你开怀大笑的放松,是放松心情,让自己感受到快乐的放松。 这些你都做到了吗?每个学生都拥有假期。可每个人假期的过法都大不相同,有出去陆游的,有去探望爷爷奶奶的,有在家呆着的,也有只在电脑桌前晃荡的,要过一个怎样的假期都由我们自己来定,我认为,平常我们认为快乐只是做自己高兴的事,游戏过关、升级。这些都是不正确的。真正的快乐是自己学到有用的知识,别人因为自己的奉献而快乐,这些才是真正意义上的快乐。 我的假期我做主,我的快乐假期我来定。


假期,对于每一个学生来说,都是一个美好的字眼,可是,要想每一个学生都有一个快乐的假期,那可就不是一件简单的事了。 一个快乐的假期不等于一个随心所欲的假期,在一个假期内,你没有学全一项本领,没有体会到一则人生哲理,没有体验一个社会生活,而只是在看有趣的电视剧,打心潮的游戏,那么无论你过的在怎么高兴,都不属一个快乐的假期。那么,一个快乐的假期应该怎么过呢?首先要有所得,就是过一个充实的假期,而不是在虚度年华,浪费时间,而书就是我们最好的选择。一本书好似一艘船,带领着我们从狭窄的地方驶向生活宽广的海洋,书可以让我们领悟到人生的真谛,到知识的宝库里浏览,因此,一个快乐假期的所得,更是指多读书,读好书。