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车载产品要求做EMARK认证。2002年10月起,根据欧盟指令72/245/EEC,以及修正指令95/54/EC的要求,凡是进入欧盟市场进行销售的汽车电子电器类产品,必须通过e-Mark相关测试认证,标贴e标志,欧盟各国海关才会予以放行,准许进入当地市场,所以,汽车电子电器类产品之e-Mark认证,势在必行。E标志源于欧洲经济委员会(Economic Commission of Europe, 简称ECE)颁布的法规(Regulation)。目前ECE包括欧洲28个国家,除欧盟成员国外,还包括东欧,南欧等非欧国家。ECE法规是推荐各成员适用,不是强制性标准。成员国可以套用ECE法规,也可以延用本国法规。目前从市场需求来看,通常ECE成员愿意接收符合ECE法规的测试报告及证书。E标志证书涉及的产品是零部件及系统部件,没有整车认证的相应法规。获得E标志认证的产品,是为市场所接受的。国内常见E标志认证产品有汽车灯泡,安全玻璃,轮胎,三角警示牌,车用电子产品等。E标志认证的执行测试机构一般是ECE成员国的技术服务机构。E标志证书的发证机构是ECE成员国的政府部门。EEC(e-mark)适用产品之范围1、整车-即两轮或三轮以上之电机动交通工具,如客车、货车、摩托车、巴士及道路外之车俩。 2、汽机车零配组件-车灯与灯泡、各种视镜、轮胎、轮圈、刹车、喇叭、防盗设备、安全带、汽车玻璃及排气管等。 3、汽机车附属配件-安全帽、儿童安全椅、车内附属电器产品等。自2002年10月起﹐规定所有车辆, 车辆零部件﹐以及用于车上的电子性产品必须强制执行EMC测试。所有在欧盟销售的电子零部件须统一符合EMC指令95/54/EC, 根据EMC指令89/336/EEC进行的自我宣告将不再有效。而由欧盟授权车辆类产品的公告机构出具E/e Mark证书。也就是说﹐车辆类电子及电子零部件原先申请的CE(EMC)认证将从 2002年10月起不再有效。必须重新申请欧洲国家交通部门出具的E/e Mark证书后方可在欧洲市场销售。




emark是欧洲经济委员会、欧盟针对车辆及零部件产品实施的认证制度。根据ECE Regulation和EC Direction规定,凡是需要进入其成员国市场的车辆及主要零部件产品,必须通过emark相应的测试和生产一致性检查,并在产品上印刻相应的标志。emark认证有两种形式:E-mark认证和e-mark认证。1、E-mark认证是以欧洲经济委员会ECE Regulation为测试标准,也称为ECE认证,主要针对车辆零部件产品; 其中零部件的EMC指令为ECE R10.06。2、e-mark认证是以欧盟指令(EC Direction)为测试标准,也称为EEC认证,主要针对整车。e-mark 早前也有零部件的EMC指令2004/104/EC,已废除,不采用。


E-mark认证是以欧洲经济委员会制定的技术质量标准(ECE Regulation)为依据,主要针对车辆零部件实施的一种产品认证制度。由于使用的测试标准是ECE标准,所以E-mark认证也称为ECE认证。了解更多的信息,欢迎致电400-807-8070与工程师沟通。




Hi steveostl,Thanks for your post.Which kind of project do you want to create? Does it a WPF template?Your issue appears to be a template corrupt issue. To fix it, please follow some steps below:1. Open your Control panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features, right click Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 -> Uninstall/Change -> repair/reinstall2. Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to <Visual Studio Installation Path>Common7IDE (by default is C:Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDE);3. Delete the ItemTemplatesCache, ProjectTemplatesCache folder;4. Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) under Start menu -> All Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 -> Visual Studio Tools (run it with Administrator privilege: right-click the program -> Run as administrator);5. Run the devenv /InstallVSTemplates switch;6. Run the devenv /Setup switchIf above steps cannot reset the templates, please refer to the following link: this blog the Assembly name or image maybe helpful on your issue, please try the solution listed on this links.Additionally, it seems it is a known issue: this info can help.Regards,


似乎是你的Text="{Binding CatactWay} 后面没有双引号

The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.


oracle set markup csv on 用法

用法如下:_谝徊?:创建目录和赋权限_诙?:建立导出存储过程_谌?:执行该存储过程得到 EMP。


  在Word2007中,格式标记可以帮助用户清楚地了解文档的格式,但过多的格式标记将使文档变得不够简洁,几分钟网教你解决。  工具/原料  Word2007  步骤/方法  关闭选中的格式标记。单击“Office”图标,然后点击“word选项”,在弹出的“word选项”对话框中,点击左侧的“显示”项,切换到“显示”选项卡,设置“始终在屏幕上显示这些格式标记”,被勾选的格式标记将始终显示在文档中。最后确定退出即可。  隐藏或显示格式标记。点击功能区的“开始”项,然后找到“段落”组,点击“显示/隐藏编辑标记”按钮即可显示或隐藏文档中的格式标记。


我们在浏览网页的时候 会看到有些网页的内部又开了一个或几个子窗口 点击相关的文字或图像链接 链接的内容会在这个子窗口中打开 形成了画中画的效果   其实 要实现这个画中画效果很简单 只要在出现子窗口的地方加上下面的一小段代码就行了 <! webbot bot= HTMLMarkup startspan ><iframe name= screen src= height= width= % NORESIZE frameborder= marginheight= marginwidth= ><! webbot bot= HTMLMarkup endspan >   其中 screen 是新开的子窗口的名称 可以任意命名 但要注意的是 如果一个页面中要开几个子窗口 名称不能相同 可以用a a 等表示 是页面打开时首先在这个子窗口内显示的页面 如果要使网页中的其他文字或图像链接的页面也在这个子窗口内打开 只要在超链接的 目标框架 的 目标设置 中填入该小窗口的名称(如screen)就行了 是小窗口的高度 % 是小窗口的宽度 可以根据需要自由设置 lishixinzhi/Article/program/Java/Javascript/201311/25363

word怎么去掉markup area

在word2007中,格式标记可以帮助用户清楚地了解文档的格式,但过多的格式标记将使文档变得不够简洁,几分钟网教你解决。  工具/原料  word2007  步骤/方法  关闭选中的格式标记。单击“office”图标,然后点击“word选项”,在弹出的“word选项”对话框中,点击左侧的“显示”项,切换到“显示”选项卡,设置“始终在屏幕上显示这些格式标记”,被勾选的格式标记将始终显示在文档中。最后确定退出即可。  隐藏或显示格式标记。点击功能区的“开始”项,然后找到“段落”组,点击“显示/隐藏编辑标记”按钮即可显示或隐藏文档中的格式标记。

mark up加订货价的25%什么意思



19/(1-x)=23 x=17.4%


Markup在经济学是利润的意思。 利润不仅在质上是相同的,利润的本质,利润是企业盈利的表现形式,而且在量上也是相等的。利润所不同的只是,是对可变资本而言的,利润是对全部成本而言的。 经济学是研究人类经济活动的规律即价值的创造、转化、实现的规律、经济发展规律的理论,分为政治经济学与科学经济学两大类型。 政治经济学根据所代表的阶级的利益为了突出某个阶级在经济活动中的地位和作用自发从某个侧面研究价值规律或经济规律,科学经济学自觉从整体上研究价值规律或经济规律。



markup和 markdown 的区别

mark up 英[mɑ:k u028cp]美[mɑrk u028cp][释义] 标记; 提高;[网络] 标高价格; 赊帐; 涨价,记帐;[例句]The plugin includes the definition of a new UML profile that is used to mark up a UML model.该插件包含新的用于标记UML模型的UML概要文件的定义。mark down 英[mɑ:k daun]美[mɑrk dau028an][释义] 记下; (商品) 减价; 给低分;[网络] 标价降低数; 标低价目; 挑选;[例句]On the calendar below, mark down 2-3 important things that you need to do this month.请在旁边的日历记下2-3件你在本月要做的重要事情。


似乎是你的Text="{Binding CatactWay} 后面没有双引号

VC++ CMarkup新增节点

CMarkup XML; xml.FindElem(“用户”) xml.IntoElem(); xml.AddElem(“用户”); xml.SetAttrib(“ID”; ,“001”); xml.SetAttrib(“名称”,“张三”); ...


我们在浏览网页的时候,会看到有些网页的内部又开了一个或几个子窗口。点击相关的文字或图像链接,链接的内容会在这个子窗口中打开,形成了画中画的效果。其实,要实现这个画中画效果很简单,只要在出现子窗口的地方加上下面的一小段代码就行了:[code]!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --iframe name="screen" src="qingfeng.htm" height="430" width="100%" NORESIZE frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --[/code][button value="复制代码"]其中,“screen”是新开的子窗口的名称,可以任意命名。但要注意的是,如果一个页面中要开几个子窗口,名称不能相同,可以用a1,a2等表示。“qingfeng.htm”是页面打开时首先在这个子窗口内显示的页面。如果要使网页中的其他文字或图像链接的页面也在这个子窗口内打开,只要在超链接的“目标框架”的“目标设置”中填入该小窗口的名称(如screen)就行了。“430”是小窗口的高度,“100%”是小窗口的宽度。可以根据需要自由设置。如果我们在某一个网页中开了三个子窗口a1、a2、a3,把a1内的链接设置在a2子窗口内打开,a2内的链接设置在a3子窗口内打开。观察一下整个页面,有没有框架网页的效果?呵呵!





markup rate公式

markup rate公式即Markup%=(Retail-Cost)/Retail。Retail=Cost/(1.00-Marup%),零售=成本/(1.00-提价%),FORMULA MARKDOWWN% (MD%) 降价计算公式是Markdown%=Markdown$/Sales $(降价%=降价金额/销售金额)。FORMULA INITIAL MARGIN(MU%) 初始利润计算公式:Markup%=(Retail-Cost)/Retail,提价%=(零售-成本)/零售。FORMULA RETAIL(Rtl) 零售计算公式如果利润(提价,毛利,等等)为20%,则成本率为80%。如果利润(提价,毛利,等等)为45%,则成本率为55%。如果利润(提价,毛利,等等)为5%,则成本率为95%。OFORMULA MARKDOWN$ (MD$) 降价金额公式是Markdown$=Sale* Markdown%(降价金额=销售额*降价率)。


就是我收购,同时又卖相同的物品,差价就是markup。。 也是:成本加价。楼主学习很认真啊,一定成就一番事业的!

word怎么去掉markup area

在word2007中,格式标记可以帮助用户清楚地了解文档的格式,但过多的格式标记将使文档变得不够简洁,几分钟网教你解决。  工具/原料  word2007  步骤/方法  关闭选中的格式标记。单击“office”图标,然后点击“word选项”,在弹出的“word选项”对话框中,点击左侧的“显示”项,切换到“显示”选项卡,设置“始终在屏幕上显示这些格式标记”,被勾选的格式标记将始终显示在文档中。最后确定退出即可。  隐藏或显示格式标记。点击功能区的“开始”项,然后找到“段落”组,点击“显示/隐藏编辑标记”按钮即可显示或隐藏文档中的格式标记。


  在Word2007中,格式标记可以帮助用户清楚地了解文档的格式,但过多的格式标记将使文档变得不够简洁,几分钟网教你解决。  工具/原料  Word2007  步骤/方法  关闭选中的格式标记。单击“Office”图标,然后点击“word选项”,在弹出的“word选项”对话框中,点击左侧的“显示”项,切换到“显示”选项卡,设置“始终在屏幕上显示这些格式标记”,被勾选的格式标记将始终显示在文档中。最后确定退出即可。  隐藏或显示格式标记。点击功能区的“开始”项,然后找到“段落”组,点击“显示/隐藏编辑标记”按钮即可显示或隐藏文档中的格式标记。

mark-up and margin

MARK-UP=Gross profit/ Cost of goods sold X 100% Margin=Gross profit/Sales X100% 简单而言,mark-up和margin都是计profitability (盈利率)的公程式。 mark-up针对的是gross profit即毛利占cost成本的百分比;而margin就针对gross profit占sales售价的百分之.两者最大的分别是mark-up的分母是cost而margin的分母是sales. 举个例子,一件货品卖10元-selling price=$10 成本为8元-cost=$8; gross profit毛利就系$2元 而markup就等于Gross profit/ Cost of goods sold X 100%,即系 2/8X100%=25% margin则是Gross profit/Sales X100%,即2/10X100%=20% 2012-12-30 19:58:47 补充: 楼主如认为回答无法释疑,可即管补充发问,具体表达您不明白之处,不用如此屈就选取最佳解答。我答aount问题并非为了拿分,而是希望用自己过去替人补习的经验帮助别人。margin 和markup是basic concepts,但在correction of error, cash flow statement, consolidated financial statement 甚至 ratio, inplete record的问题常常出现。若然搞不清楚,后果很严重。,MARGIN系毛利,即系销货赚价,MARK-UP系抬价,即系赚到毛利嘅销货价,毛利同抬价无必要相等,因为有其他因素影响。,Mark-up==加价或涨价; 作句:我们所有的存货都加价或涨价。 Margin==商业上指成本与售价的差额; 作句:在汽油的价格上,商人的利润每加仑增加一仙(cent)或一辨士(penny)。,参考: 根据the Advanced Learner"s Dictionary of Curret English with Chinese Trlation by H.K.Oxford Univ.Press in 1975,


Markup在经济学是利润的意思。 利润不仅在质上是相同的,利润的本质,利润是企业盈利的表现形式,而且在量上也是相等的。利润所不同的只是,是对可变资本而言的,利润是对全部成本而言的。 经济学是研究人类经济活动的规律即价值的创造、转化、实现的规律、经济发展规律的理论,分为政治经济学与科学经济学两大类型。 政治经济学根据所代表的阶级的利益为了突出某个阶级在经济活动中的地位和作用自发从某个侧面研究价值规律或经济规律,科学经济学自觉从整体上研究价值规律或经济规律。

Business terminology: Markup 与 Margin 有什么区别?

mark up是加价? margin是佣金?是不是这样理解


mark-up 一般是以成本为基数的,如20%的mark-up就是成本*20%。margin相当于毛利的概念,是收入-成本。profit一般用来指净利润,是扣除期间费用等后的金额。例如,cost-plus/mark-up pricing 为成本加成/溢价定价法cost plus--成本加成mark up 是销售价倍数,5%的mark up--提成为5%mark-up 一般是以成本为基数的.如20%的mark-up就是成本*20%




markup:名词,标记;(基于成本价与销售价之间差价的)加成;(在成本的基础上)加价,利润;赢利;词组:markup language标记语言hypertext markup language超文本标记语言;超文本置标语言例句:You can prepare a detailed copy which includes markup or a customer copy including only materials used and totals.你能够准备包括涨价或者包括被使用的唯一的材料的顾客复件,总共的详尽的复件。XML is a text-based markup language.XML是基于文本的标记语言。Use markup to convey information where possible.如果可能,请使用标记传达信息。请点击输入图片描述


Profit margin means "what percentage OF THE PRICE is profit?" Profit markup means "what percentage OF COST is the profit?"--markup=(price - cost)/cost

WWE~ Big Show与Kane被Mark Henry终结职业生涯后也就退役了是吗????

没有退役的,他们只是剧情中被Mark Henry(马克亨利)打上,为了衬托Mark Henry(马克亨利)的强大而已。目前Big Show(大秀)已经回归和Mark Henry(马克亨利)发展剧情了,并在Vendeance(绝地复仇)上合Mark Henry(马克亨利)打了一场世界重量级冠军争夺赛,还把擂台打塌了,最终两个人在10秒内都没站起来,所以比赛没有结果。他们俩有可能在下个PPV上争夺世界重量级冠军赛,也就是强者生存了!而Kane(卡恩)传闻在未来三个月内将会以反派身份回归~谢谢采纳。

2018年4月雅思阅读模拟题目:Next Year Marks

  4月份雅思考试需要做好万分准备,那么雅思阅读模拟题目有哪些呢?想必是不少出国人士比较关心的问题,和一起来看看2018年4月雅思阅读模拟题目:Next Year Marks,欢迎阅读。   2018年4月雅思阅读模拟题目:Next Year Marks   Part I   Reading Passage 1   You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.   Next Year Marks the EU"s 50th Anniversary of the Treaty   A.   After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter.   B.   There are several reasons for Europe"s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006"s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then.   C.   The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback.   D.   In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU"s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it) they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty. All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional and other reforms extracted from the failed attempt at constitution-building and—hey presto—a new quasi-constitution will be ready.   E.   According to the German government—which holds the EU"s agenda-setting presidency during the first half of 2007—there will be a new draft of a slimmed-down constitution ready by the middle of the year, perhaps to put to voters, perhaps not. There would then be a couple of years in which it will be discussed, approved by parliaments and, perhaps, put to voters if that is deemed unavoidable. Then, according to bureaucratic planners in Brussels and Berlin, blithely ignoring the possibility of public rejection, the whole thing will be signed, sealed and a new constitution delivered in 2009-10. Europe will be nicely back on schedule. Its four-to-five-year cycle of integration will have missed only one beat.   F.   The resurrection of the European constitution will be made more likely in 2007 because of what is happening in national capitals. The European Union is not really an autonomous organisation. If it functions, it is because the leaders of the big continental countries want it to, reckoning that an active European policy will help them get done what they want to do in their own countries.   G.   That did not happen in 2005-06. Defensive, cynical and self-destructive, the leaders of the three largest euro-zone countries—France, Italy and Germany—were stumbling towards their unlamented ends. They saw no reason to pursue any sort of European policy and the EU, as a result, barely functioned. But by the middle of 2007 all three will have gone, and this fact alone will transform the European political landscape.   H.   The upshot is that the politics of the three large continental countries, bureaucratic momentum and the economics of recovery will all be aligned to give a push towards integration in 2007. That does not mean the momentum will be irresistible or even popular. The British government, for one, will almost certainly not want to go with the flow, beginning yet another chapter in the long history of confrontation between Britain and the rest of Europe. More important, the voters will want a say. They rejected the constitution in 2005. It would be foolish to assume they will accept it after 2007 just as a result of an artful bit of tinkering.

Could you tell me there is a big supermarket in the neighborhood?五个同义句,急!

Could you tell me the way to the big supermarket Could you tell me how i can get to the big supermarket Could you tell me where the the big supermarket is Could you tell me how to get to the big supermarket Could you tell me which is the way to the big supermarket

Before going to the supermarket,Mom would like me___ ___ ___ ___ ___(列个清单)the things to be bo

to make a list of

一篇6年级英语作文 《Shopping in the supermarket》

Yesterday was my birthday, my parents decided to take me to the supermarket to buy some cakes and some other food for me. I was very happy to hear that good news. We took a taxi and went to the huge supermarket. The first thing that got into my eyes are some sweet biscuits that I always dreamed of. And so I said to mum,"Can you buy me that kind of biscuits please, mum? I always want one." "Ok, I will take it to you."Mum said. And then, we bought lots of delicious food, like cupcakes, meat, biscuits, bread, sweet and some snacks. How excited I was then! At night, we had a very great dinner. I really loved it and enjoyed it. We had a good time.

I’m going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fruit

a 这是常用的交际英语,没有什么理由的,不同于语法。

canyoutellmethewaytothesupermarket 的中文


Excuse me ___ is the way to the nearest supermarket

选B。which是代词,作主语。此句还可以是Excuse me,which is the way to the nearest way to the supermarket?

She was seen to go into the supermarket by me a moment ago.改为主动.I___ ___ ___ in to the

saw her go

把where is the supermarket can you tell me合成一句话

can you tell me where is the supermaket?

Mary b____ me a toy from the supermarket as my birthday gift last year 补全单词,顺便讲根据哪个


please tall me get to the supermarket

please tall me how to get to the supermarket

求英语题答案。。希望各位大神帮帮忙!! Would you like to the supermarket with me?改为同义句

第一句好像对不上空格的数量啊1. Do you mind2. do not have3. have no relation to

supermarkets 英语作文100字左右


Can you tell me where the supermarket is?

Can you tell me where IS the supermarket ?这是一般疑问句,疑问词加BE动词

I’m going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fruit.fruit 为什么不是复数

一般情况下,fruit被认为是不可数名词,但是用来指水果的种类或类别时,就是可数了 1. 表示“水果”时,通常用作总称或集体名词,不可数.如: He just lived on fruit. 他只靠吃水果维持生命. Would you like some more f...

excuse me where is supermarket的答语怎么说?


英语作文:去超市 Go to the supermarket

  I went to the supermarket the other day with 10 yuan. I was a bit hungry, so I decided to buy a small pack of cookies which cost me 4 yuan. After I ate them, I was still hungry, so I decided to buy a small bag of potato chips which cost me another 3 yuan. After I ate them both, I was no longer hungry. However, I was very thirsty and wanted to buy a large bottle of milk to drink, but I didn"t have enough money left because even a small box of milk would cost me 2 yuan and I needed 2 yuan to pay the bus fare. So I gave it up at last.   我前几天带着10块钱去了超市。我有点饿了,所以我决定买了一小包饼干,花了我4块钱。吃完后,我还是饿了,所以我决定再花3块钱买了一小袋薯片。两个都吃完,肚子也不饿了。但是,我很渴,想买一大瓶牛奶喝,但我没有足够的钱,因为即使是一小盒牛奶也要2块钱,而且我还需要2块钱来支付车费。所以我最后放弃了。

Could you take me to the supermarket等于什么could you — — — — to the supermarket(4个空)

Could you show me how go to the supermarket

-- excuse me could you tell me --- -- in the supermarket



As a cityzen,i think supermarkets act an important part in our daily life,because they supply a comfort and convenient shopping environment.especialy office workers who have no time to buy different goods in different place,so supermarket deals with this proberm perfectly, for me i used to choose big supermarket,such as wal-mart,carrefour,trust-mart and so on,sometimes shopping in supermarket is really interesting and enjoying,you can see different kind of products,clean and beautiful,lovely and creative.

marketing savvy是什么意思

marketing savvy精明的市场营销例句:1.The deep-pocketed korean company has used a combination of engineering prowess, manufacturing heft and marketing savvy to create smartphones that can rival the iphone in both sales and appeal. 这家财大气粗的韩国公司利用自己在设计、制造和营销方面的能力和经验,推出了销量和魅力都可与iphone比肩的智能手机。

mark owen的close to the edge歌词翻译,不要机译谢谢……

I was into, 我陷了进去Like a sudden fix from a bowl of sugar, 就像突然对一碗白糖上了瘾To you 至于你And all that you were standing for, 你所代表的一切Yeah, you knew, 你知道的I was so caught up that I could barely move, 我陷得太深以致不能自拔To stop you, 为了不让你 From having everything and more 拥有一切甚至更多Do you pick me up, 你会结识我吗To put me under 因为爱我Break me in, 当我逐渐习惯So you can choose your ways to put me back again 这样你就能用你之所好使我再次回心转意You can leave a hole like a nail in my head, 你可以在我心中留下一个洞,就像钉进脑袋的钉子You can leave me turned into nothing instead, 相反地你可以使我一文不值You can leave me close to the edge, 你可以使我处在边缘You won"t ever hear me hit the ground 但你再不会听我跌到地面(这里应该是指受到爱人巨大的伤害)Are you into, 你陷进来了吗Have you given up, have we gone to far, 你还没有放弃吗,我们是不是走得太远了Do you wander, 你在四处游荡吗Or are you staying where we are 或是待在我们在一起的地方I abhor you, 我憎恨你Yet all the while still I adore 但我却始终爱着你Knowing you, 我了解你And all that might have been before 那些却早已成为过去Do I say too much, to take you over 我是否因为想要控制你而说得太多?Break me in, 当我逐渐习惯So I can choose my ways to put me back again 这样你就能用你之所好使我再次回心转意You can leave a hole like a nail in my head, 你可以在我心中留下一个洞,就像钉进脑袋的钉子You can leave me turned into nothing instead, 相反地你可以使我一文不值You can leave me close to the edge, 你可以使我处在边缘You won"t ever hear me hit the ground 但你从没有听我跌到地面Cos I"m floored but not broken, 因为我虽受到打击却没有崩溃And I"m scarred but I"ll heal 虽然我被伤害但是我会痊愈Yeah I"m blissfully tortured, 痛并快乐着Naked and real 真诚并真实And I"m stung and I"m sorry, 我很痛苦,我很遗憾But I"m calm now and clear 但我已镇静也已明白Like the sky hanging over, 就像悠闲的苍穹Like the scratch on my shoulder, 就像放松的肩膀That I no longer feel, feel 我再也不会觉得I was into 我爱你了Too close to the edge, 就在边缘Too close to the edge 就在边缘You can leave a hole like a nail in my head, 你可以在我心中留下一个洞,就像钉进脑袋的钉子You can leave me turned into nothing instead, 你可以使我一文不值You can leave me close to the edge, 你可以使我处在边缘You won"t ever hear me, 你再不会Ever hear me 听到我Hit the ground 跌落地面翻译的不准的地方见谅



分析这句英文的主谓宾结构和句子成分,短语之类的:one may miss the mark to

one(主语) may (情态动词和后面的动词原形一起做谓语)miss (谓语)the mark(宾语) too high to low(定语,修饰前面的名词)不知道你打错了没,翻译要根据语境。可能翻译:一个人可能错过/想念 分数/标记,要么太高,要么太低

A good marksman may miss.


a good marks may miss 啥意思



supemarket怎么说如下:supermarket读音:英 [u02c8suu02d0pu0259mɑu02d0ku026at],美 [u02c8suu02d0pu0259rmɑu02d0rku026at]。翻译:超级市场,超市。复数:supermarkets。记忆技巧:super 超,超级 + market 市场 → 超级市场。短语搭配:toyogo supermarket 区域。Lao Dah Fang supermarket 老大房食品总汇。双语例句:1、Community supermarkets provide home delivery service for elderly people.社区超市为年迈老人提供送货上门服务。2、The supermarket chain is being inspected by the relevant authorities.这家连锁超市正在接受相关部门的检查。3、She works at the local supermarket.她在当地的超市里工作。4、I know you like crunchy peanut butter, but the supermarket only had smooth.我知道你喜欢脆的花生酱,但是超市里只有顺滑花生酱。



supermarket怎么读 supermarket的读法

1、supermarket英[?su?p?mɑ?k?t]美[?su?p?rmɑ?rk?t].2、n.超级市场; 超市;3、[例句]The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves early next year.明年初该新产品就会在超级市场上架。4、[其他]复数:supermarkets.



Westlife 中的 Mark 今年多少岁,生日是几月几日?

官网上的出生年份是1980`也有人说是1981,还是以官网为依据咯~1980 5 28

permanent marker中英对照歌词

Permanent Marker 刻骨铭心的记号I know he loved you A long time ago 我知道他喜欢你 已经很久了I ain"t jealous of you 我一点都不嫉妒你 Just thought you should know 只是想告诉你You were never good enough for him 你永远都配不上他 Or anything like me 而且没法跟我相提并论So you might as well sit back cause I ain"t trying to show maturity所以你最好还是少管闲事,我可没打算手下留情X is the shape I drew through your face 我在你的脸上划XXin permanent marker, oh 噢,用的可是洗不掉的记号笔哦~Just like the mark you knew you were making 就像你现在对我的伤害一样刻骨铭心Who do you think you are 你以为你谁啊To write on his heart 还想在他的心里in permanent marker画上刻骨铭心的记号 Well I found that picture 噢,顺便说一下,我看到那张照片了Of you in that green dress 你穿着那件绿色的裙子Sure had a good time 玩得挺爽是吧Cleanin" up that mess 在那边收拾残局感觉如何He found thirty other pieces 他找到了一些碎片But he"ll never find them all 可是他永远都找不全的Tried to tape them back together 想用胶布把它们粘起来 (貌似不太可能吧)Now he knows to keep them off the wall 现在他知道把它们从墙上撕下来了X is the shape I drew through your face 我在你的脸上划XXin permanent marker, oh 噢,我用的是洗不掉的记号笔哦Just like the mark you knew you were making 就像你现在对我的伤害一样刻骨铭心Who do you think you are 你以为你是谁啊To write on his heart 还想在他的心里in permanent marker画上刻骨铭心的记号Well I don"t appreciate you callin him to reminisce唉,说真的,我不怎么喜欢你一直跟他“想当年”The only reason is you"re seein just how much better off he is你想跟他好无非是因为看到他现在过得很好X is the shape I drew through your face我在你的脸上划XXin permanent marker, oh yeah噢,我用的是洗不掉的记号笔哦~Just like the mark you knew you were making就像你现在对我的伤害一样刻骨铭心Who do you think you are 你以为你是谁吖To write on his heart 还想在他的心里in permanent marker画上刻骨铭心的记号X is the shape I drew through your face我在你的脸上划XXin permanent marker, oh 噢,我用的是洗不掉的记号笔哦Just like the mark you knew you were making就像你现在对我的伤害一样刻骨铭心Who do you think you are 你以为你是谁啊To write on his heart 还想在他的心里in permanent marker 画上刻骨铭心的记号In permanent marker刻骨铭心的记号Permanent marker刻骨铭心的记号

it remains understood that the credit will be marked as unutilized for the full invoice amount


Business terminology: Markup 与 Margin 有什么区别?



mark-up 一般是以成本为基数的。如20%的mark-up就是成本*20%margin相当于毛利的概念,是收入-成本profit一般用来指净利润,是扣除期间费用等后的金额。


1、概念上的不同:(1)margin是百分比。(2)profit是绝对值。(3)Markup在经济学是利润的意思。2、代指的意思不同:(1)profit一般用来指净利润,是扣除期间费用等后的金额。(2)margin一般指产品的利润。(3)mark-up 一般是以成本为基数的,如20%的mark-up就是成本*20%。3、计算的方式不同:(1)margin是卖价减成本除以卖价等于百分比。(2)mark-up是卖价减成本除以成本等于百分比。(3)profit是扣除其他税费之后净利润。

Futures Market代表什么?

futures market 英[ˈfju:tʃəz ˈmɑ:kit] 美[ˈfjutʃɚz ˈmɑrkɪt] [释义] 期货市场; [例句]Another way to play gold is via the commodity futures market.玩黄金的另一个方法是通过商品期货市场。





Seven Days Mark Medlock

my god!you take the translation to play us?

Seven Days Mark MedLock

[ti:Seven days][ar:JMark Medlock][00:23.48]oh,one ,we can touch the sky[00:26.72]there"s no reason why ,[00:30.10]you hurt my heart[00:37.41]oh,one ,you will make me blue [00:41.11]]it"s just me and you,[00:44.64]and no one else[00:52.54]please don"t believe what they tell you about me[00:59.03]I love you my baby can"t you see [01:02.39]seven days and seven longly nights[01:05.79]i can hold you baby by my side[01:12.61]love me everything in my life[01:16.82]seven days and seven longly nights[01:21.10]maybe i love you didn"t the day i die[01:27.79]before you love since i see you[01:38.56]since i saw you baby[01:49.06]oh,try you gives us one more chance[01:55.07]forward you and me close and close [02:03.62]don"t cry maybe youself find [02:09.60]you are on my mind for my whole life[02:18.55]remember my words and must be aware[02:23.96]i love you baby na and days[02:28.15]seven days and seven longly nights[02:30.85]i can love you baby by my side[02:37.62]love me everything in my life[02:41.68]seven days and seven longly nights[02:45.98]maybe i love you didn"t the day i die[02:52.27]before you love since i see you[02:56.42]seven days and seven longly nights[03:00.88]oh i wait just hope you die[03:06.27]like sunshine in the winter time[03:13.77]oh i miss you ..[03:25.34]seven days and seven longly nights[03:28.91]i can hold you baby by my side[03:36.59]love you in my life[03:38.94]...[03:38.63]seven days and seven longly nights[03:42.51]maybe i don"t love you since the day i die[03:48.40]before you love since i see you[04:04.45]seven days and seven longly nights(since i see you...)

seven days -- mark


Mark Medlock的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Mark Medlock专辑:世界上最动听的歌超级天籁系列合集 上oh,one ,we can touch the skythere"s no reason why ,you hurt my heartoh,one ,you will make me blueit"s just me and you,and no one elseplease don"t believe what they tell you about meI love you my baby can"t you seeseven days and seven longly nightsi can hold you baby by my sidelove me everything in my lifeseven days and seven longly nightsmaybe i love you didn"t the day i diebefore you love since i see yousince i saw you babyoh,try you gives us one more chanceforward you and me close and closedon"t cry maybe youself findyou are on my mind for my whole liferemember my words and must be awarei love you baby na and daysseven days and seven longly nightsi can love you baby by my sidelove me everything in my lifeseven days and seven longly nightsmaybe i love you didn"t the day i diebefore you love since i see youseven days and seven longly nightsoh i wait just hope you dielike sunshine in the winter timeoh i miss youseven days and seven longly nightsi can hold you baby by my sidelove you in my lifeseven days and seven longly nights...maybe i don"t love you since the day i diebefore you love since i see youseven days and seven longly nights(since i see you...)

mark medlock-seven days 歌词中文翻译

昨天正好听到这首 楼主要手工的来了~ oh,why ,we can‘t touch the sky噢,为什么,我们无法触摸幸福there"s no reason why没有理由为什么you hurt my heart你伤了我的心oh,why, you will make me blue噢,为什么,你会使我忧郁it"s just me and you这就是你我and no one else没有他人please don"t believe what they‘re telling about me请别相信那些流言I love you my baby can"t you see我爱你,宝贝,难道你看不出来吗?seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚i can"t hold you baby by my side在我的身边 我却不能拥抱你 love means everything in my life爱意味着我生命的全部seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚babe i love you till the day i die宝贝,我爱你至死不渝praying for your love since i seen you从见到你起就恳求你的爱since i saw you baby自从我见到你,宝贝oh,try to give us one more chance噢,试着给我们一次机会for a new romance closer than close浪漫渐渐亲密don"t cry baby you"re self blind别哭,宝贝,也许你不了解you‘re all my mind for my whole life我的心中一生有你remember my words 请记住我的话there must be a way总会有办法打动你i love you babe night and days我日复一日的爱你seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚i can"t hold you baby by my side在我的身边 我却不能拥抱你love means everything in my life爱意味着我生命的全部seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚babe i love you till the day i die宝贝,我爱你至死不渝praying for your love since i seen you从见到你起就恳求你的爱seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚oh i"m waiting just to hold you tight噢,我等待着能紧紧抱住你like the sunshine in the wintertime像冬日里阳光一样oh i miss you噢,我想你seven days and seven lonely nights七天七个寂寞夜晚i can"t hold you baby by my side在我的身边 我却不能拥抱你love you...爱着你 my life...用我的生命...lonely nights...寂寞...heyaha...(喝呀哈...)since i‘ve seen you...自从我见到你起...since i‘ve seen you...自从我见到你起... 版权所有 翻版必究!



local market 和regional market 有区别吗?

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