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Mark Twain是谁?

马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国著名作家和演说家,真实姓名是萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门。“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。

Mark Twain的个人资料和他的写的名著

资料:马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (射手座)是美国的幽默大师、小说家、作家,也是著名演说家,19世纪后期美国现实主义文学的杰出代表。名著:《他是否还在人间?》 《和移风易俗者一起上路》 《狗的自述》 《乞丐公主》 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 《密西西比河上的生涯》

Mark Twain是什么人?

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910), was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, of a Virginian family. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri. After his father"s death in 1847, he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother"s newspaper. He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot. The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City, where he edited the Territorial Enterprise. On February 3, 1863, "Mark Twain" was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym. In 1864 Twain left for California, and worked in San Francisco as a reporter. He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union, publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures. He set out on a world tour, traveling in France and Italy. His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad, which gained him wide popularity, and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners. The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870. They moved next year to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces, Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881). Life On The Mississippi appeared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884. In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm. To recover from the bankruptcy, he started a world lecture tour, during which one of his daughters died. Twain toured New Zealand, Australia, India, and South Africa. He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd"head Wilson (1884), Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897). During his long writing career, Twain also produced a considerable number of essays. The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author"s later years, which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924). Twain died on April 21, 1910.

马克·吐温(Mark Twain)

马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日 ),原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门(Samuel Langhorne Clemens),美国作家、演说家,“马克·吐温”是他的笔名,原是密西西比河水手使用的表示在航道上所测水的深度的术语。 “If you tell the truth, you don"t have to remember anything.” “Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” “Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.” “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” “In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.” “Substitute "damn" every time you"re inclined to write "very;" your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” “Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” “Don"t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” “I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” “God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” “I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn"t know.” “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” “But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?” “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. "tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn"t.” “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” “Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.” “Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.”

mark twain的真实姓名是什莫?


翻译短文Mark Twain,the famous American writer


判断正误 mark twain was an American writer


mark twain的幽默故事

在自己家里用   一次,美国着名作家马克·吐温在邻居家发现一本书深深吸引了他,他问邻居是否可以借阅。邻居说:“欢迎您随时来读,只要您在这里看。您知道,我有个规矩:我的书不能离开这个房子。”   几个星期后,邻居来向马克·吐温借锄草机,马克·吐温说:“当然可以,但是按我的规矩,你得在我家里的草坪上使用它。”   马克吐温的幽默故事 有一次,美国小说家马克.吐温到芝加哥一家旅店住宿,有人告诉他此地蚊子特别厉害。他在服务台登记房 间时,一只蚊子正好飞来。马克.吐温对服务员说:“我早就听说贵地蚊子十分聪明,果不其然。它竟会预先来看我的房间号码,以便夜晚光临,饱餐一顿。” 服务员听了不禁大笑。这一夜,马克.吐温睡得很好,因为服务员记住了房间号码,认真地事先做了一切该做的事。 一次偶然的机会,马克·吐温与雄辩家琼西·m·得彪应邀参加同一晚宴。 席上演讲开始了,琼西·m·得彪滔滔不绝,情感丰富他讲了20分钟,赢得了一片热烈的掌声。然后轮到马克·吐温演讲。 马克·吐温站起来,面有难色地说:“诸位,实在抱歉,会前琼西·m·得彪先生约我互换演讲稿,所以诸位刚才听到的是我的演讲,衷心感谢诸位认真的倾听及热情的捧场。然而,不知何故,我找不到琼西·m·得彪先生的讲稿,因此我无法替他讲了。请诸位原谅我坐下。” 法国名人波盖取笑美国人历史太短,说:“美国人没事的时候,往往喜欢怀念祖宗,可是一想到祖父一代,就不能不打住了。” 马克·吐温回敬说:“法国人没事的时候,总是想弄清他们的父亲是谁,可是很难弄清楚。” 当马克·吐温还是一个不大知名的作家时,有人把他介绍给格兰特将军。 两人握过手后,马克·吐温想不出一句可讲的话,而格兰特也保持平日的那种缄默态度。最后还是马克·吐温结结巴巴地说了一句:“将军,我感到很尴尬,你呢?” 马克·吐温外出乘车。当列车员检查车票时,他翻遍了每个衣袋,也没有找到自己的车票。刚好这个列 车员认识他,于是就安慰马克·吐温说:“没关系,如果您实在找不到车票,那也不碍事。” “咳!怎么不碍事,我必须找到那张该死的车票,不然的话,我 怎么知道自己要到哪儿去呢?” 马克·吐温常常向人说起他小时候的一段伤心往事。据说,马克·吐温出生时是双胞胎,他和他的双胞胎兄弟两人长得一模一样,连他们的母亲也分辨不出来。 有一天,保姆为他们洗澡时,其中一个不小心跌入浴缸淹死了,没有人知道淹死的究竟是双胞胎中的哪一个。 “最叫人伤心的就在这里。”马克·吐温说,“每个人都以为我是那个活下来的人,其实我不是。活下来的是我弟弟。那个淹死的人是我。” 曾有一位专门喜欢在细节上吹毛求疵的批评家指责马克·吐温说谎。马克·吐温回答说:假如你自己不会说谎,没有说谎的本领,对谎话是怎样说的一点知识都没有,你是怎样判断我是说谎呢?只有在这方面经验丰富的人,才有权这样明目张胆地武断指责。” 一次马克·吐温应邀赴宴。 席间,他对一位贵妇说:“夫人,你太美丽了!”不料那妇人却说:“先生,可是遗憾得很,我不能用同样的话回答你。” 头脑灵敏,言辞犀利的马克·吐温笑着回答:“那没关系,你也可以像我一样说假话。” 马克·吐温收到一封信。这是一位青年人写来的,他想向马克·吐温请教成为大作家的诀窍。信中说:“听说鱼含大量的磷质,而磷是有利于脑子的。看来要成为一个大作家,一定要吃很多鱼吧?但不知道你究竟吃的什么鱼,又吃了多少呢?” 马克·吐温回信说:“看来,你得吃一条鲸才行。”

英语翻译:马克吐温(Mark Twain)是一位知名的美国作家。用be known as


上海牛津英语9Bunit5课文翻译A story by MARk Twain

马克吐温是美国著名作家。他写了许多故事,其中许多是有趣的故事。这些故事仍被许多世界各地的人阅读。除了写作,他还非常喜欢打猎和捕鱼,所以他有一年去缅因州度假,并在那里的丛林里度过了三个非常愉快的星期。 当他回家,他开着车,带着他的行李到火车站。在那里,他请搬运工人把行李放进火车火车。然后,他进入吸烟车厢和坐在一个舒适的位子上。当他进去的时候这个车厢是空的,但几分钟后,另一名男子进来坐在到了他对面的座位。马克吐温看着那个男子,并认为这名男子看上去很不愉快。然而,如果在这种情况下,不说点什么将不太礼貌,于是,他对那个男子说“早上好”,他们开始交谈。 首先,他们谈到了天气,然后他们谈论缅因州。陌生人说: “我们缅因州有一些漂亮的森林。如果不在那里呆一段时间,那将是来缅因州的一个遗憾。我想你已经到我们的丛林里去过了,是吗? ” “是的,我去过了” ,马克吐温回答说。 “我刚刚花了三个星期在那里,我也度过了一段美好的时光。让我告诉你一些其他的事儿,虽然缅因州在这个季节不允许捕鱼,但是我还是得到了两百磅的非常好的鱼在我的行李里面,放在这列火车上。我喜欢吃鱼,所以我把它们放进冰里带回家起。我想请问你是谁,先生? “ 陌生人看着马克吐温几秒钟,然后回答说: “我是警察。我的工作是抓捕那些在错误的时间狩猎和捕鱼的人。你是谁? ” 当他听到这儿的时候,马克吐温感到惊讶和害怕。他很快地想了一下,然后回答, “嗯,我来告诉你,先生。我是美国最会说大话的人。 ”有帮助的话请给好评哦!

mark twain的名言


Mark Twain 的悲惨人生


mark twain名词解释

可以是马克吐温是美国记者、作家和演讲家。他的风格是幽默,被称之为最伟大的幽默家。他的汤姆索亚历险记和哈克贝利芬历险记被誉为美国历史上最伟大的作品。Mark Twain, American journalist, writer and lecturer, is known for his humor style and is regarded as the greatest humorist. His two adventures are considered as the best books in American history.



查找Mark Twain英文简介

Mark twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in the town of Florida, Missouri, in 1835

mark twain是谁?

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910), was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, of a Virginian family. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri. After his father"s death in 1847, he was apprenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother"s newspaper. He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot. The Civil War put an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City, where he edited the Territorial Enterprise. On February 3, 1863, "Mark Twain" was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym. In 1864 Twain left for California, and worked in San Francisco as a reporter. He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento Union, publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures. He set out on a world tour, traveling in France and Italy. His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad, which gained him wide popularity, and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners. The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870. They moved next year to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces, Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881). Life On The Mississippi appeared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884. In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm. To recover from the bankruptcy, he started a world lecture tour, during which one of his daughters died. Twain toured New Zealand, Australia, India, and South Africa. He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd"head Wilson (1884), Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur"s Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897). During his long writing career, Twain also produced a considerable number of essays. The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author"s later years, which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924). Twain died on April 21, 1910.


Non-price非价格双语例句1The essential method of international cotton market competition includes pricecompetition and non-price competition.国际棉花市场竞争的基本手段包括价格竞争和非价格竞争两类。2David Chan Ke strategic experts may think in terms of price and non-pricecompetition.战略专家戴维贝赞克认为公司可能在价格和非价格等方面进行竞争。

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market oriented 市场导向Second,China faces a very complicated set of challenges as it transitions toward a more open,market oriented economy.第二,中国在向更开放、更为市场导向的经济转型时,面临一系列相当复杂的挑战.


market-oriented以市场为导向拼音双语对照market-oriented英["mɑ:ku026at"u0254:ru026au0259ntu026ad]美["mɑ:ku026at"u0254:ru026arntu026ad]词典以市场为导向网络市场主导; 市场取向; 市场导向数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1Develop labor market, consummate employment services, strengthen job training, and set up a market-oriented labor system.发展劳动力市场,完善就业服务体系,加强职业培训,形成以市场为导向的就业机制。2The situation is different in the case of market-oriented agriculture, which registers huge increases in rural non-farm activities.对于市场取向的农业,情况大不一样,农村非农活动大大增长。

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资本市场业务团队负责人资本市场业务包括:股票、债券和基金业务。 1.股票是股份公司发行的所有权凭证,是股份公司为筹集资金而发行给各个股东作为持股凭证并借以取得股息和红利的一种有价证券。每股股票都代表股东对企业拥有一个基本单位的所有权。每支股票背后都有一家上市公司。同时,每家上市公司都会发行股票。同一类别的每一份股票所代表的公司所有权是相等的。每个股东所拥有的公司所有权份额的大小,取决于其持有的股票数量占公司总股本的比重。股票是股份公司资本的构成部分,可以转让、买卖或作价抵押,是资本市场的主要长期信用工具,但不能要求公司返还其出资。 2.债券(Bonds / debenture)是一种金融契约,是政府、金融机构、工商企业等直接向社会借债筹措资金时,向投资者发行,同时承诺按一定利率支付利息并按约定条件偿还本金的债权债务凭证。债券的本质是债的证明书,具有法律效力。债券购买者或投资者与发行者之间是一种债权债务关系,债券发行人即债务人,投资者(债券购买者)即债权人。 3.基金(Fund)有广义和狭义之分,从广义上说,基金是指为了某种目的而设立的具有一定数量的资金。主要包括信托投资基金、公积金、保险基金、退休基金,各种基金会的基金。人们平常所说的基金主要是指证券投资基金。证券投资的分析方法主要有如下三种:基本分析法,技术分析法、演化分析法,其中基本分析主要应用于投资标的物的价值判断和选择上,技术分析和演化分析则主要应用于具体投资操作的时间和空间判断上,作为提高证券投资分析有效性和可靠性的重要补充。资本市场的资金供应者为各金融机构,如商业银行、储蓄银行、人寿保险公司、投资公司、信托公司等。 资金的需求者主要为国际金融机构、各国政府机构、工商企业、房地产经营商以及向耐用消费零售商买进分期付款合同的销售金融公司等。 资本市场的功能  1、资本市场是筹集资金的重要渠道。  2、资本市场是资源合理配置的有效场所。  3、资本市场有利于企业重组。  4、促进产业结构向高级化方向发展。

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  register trademark  注册商标  N-COUNT标志;特点If you say that something is the trademark of a particular person or place, you mean that it is characteristic of them or typically associated with them.  ...the spiky punk hairdo that became his trademark.  成为他标志的朋克刺猬头

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trademark register商标注册;商标注册服务例句1.Register the trademark of the other side each other, make sense there is what so?互相挂上对方的牌子,这样做有啥意义?2.Register the trademark at uspto. gov.到uspto.gov注册商标。3.The Distributor shall not register the trademark in his or her own name which is in Manufacturer"s use or allowed to use by distributor.经销商不得以自己名义注册制造商正在使用或允许经销商使用的商标。4.To register (something) as a trademark.将(某物)注册商标5.It contains trademark, patent and designs register data as well as protected topographies .它包含商标,专利注册数据,并且这些数据受到保护。

谁有Trademark的《Miss You Finally》的中文歌词

00:02.23]Trademark: Miss You Finally[00:06.50]But I miss you finally我终于失去了你[00:15.94]But I miss you finally我终于失去了你[00:25.16]Try to remember all these years试着去回忆全部的你 [00:29.86]We shared the love we shared the tears我们曾经的欢乐,曾经的悲伤[00:35.30]Hm..Year... 唉.... [00:39.47]Thought that forever it would be原认为我们会直到永远[00:44.20]I realize you lie to me我发现你在对我撒谎[00:48.90]I still hold on我还是坚持着[00:51.86]Still dream of days when we were one还是幻想着在那些我们密不可分的日子中[00:58.62]You played with my heart你玩弄着我的真心[01:01.00]You played with my mind你玩弄着我的真情[01:04.15]But I miss you finally但是最终我还是想念你了[01:08.40]Right from the start从一开始[01:10.62]My love made me blind我的爱使我盲目[01:13.76]But I miss you finally我终于失去了你[01:22.56]All of these promises you mad所有的誓言,似乎全是你的谎言[01:27.13]This 4 letter word it seems to flame...那个四字的词, 也许是命中注定[01:37.16]Baby it"s hard to understand宝贝我很难明白[01:41.92]Now that you"re gone为什么现在你要离开我[01:43.88]We reached the end我不能陪你到永远[01:46.77]I still believe 我仍然相信[01:49.51]Still dream of days when we were one 仍然梦想我们在一起的日子[01:56.28]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[01:58.33]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[02:01.42]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[02:05.99]Right from the start 从一开始[02:08.08]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目[02:10.60]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[02:41.81]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[02:43.75]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[02:46.87]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[02:51.27]Right from the start 从一开始[02:53.25]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目[02:56.44]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[03:00.65]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[03:02.83]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[03:05.67]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[03:10.43]Right from the start 从一开始[03:12.38]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目[03:15.02]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[03:19.90]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[03:22.11]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[03:29.43]Right from the start 从一开始[03:31.49]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目



歌名: only love 歌手:trademark 的中文意思

歌名:只有爱歌手:1. 商标 2. (人或物的)标记,特征补充一下:Trademark  发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer、Sadeghian三位喜欢音乐的好友所组成,他们原来都在餐厅担任服务生的职务,他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,"这三个家伙真不赖。"乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。   成员Sascha Sadeghian12岁即开始学习古典吉他,同样发现他歌唱的天赋。结束高校学业后,他在科伦学习了几年声乐并在几家音乐室工作。成员Mirko Baumer 对QUEEN乐队非常入迷,所以索性自己组织了一个乐队,翻唱自己喜欢的组合的歌曲。他接受了一系列音乐训练以发展自身歌唱潜能。他的音域是这样的有利悦耳,使他很快成为其他乐队的歌手。成员Achim Remling 与音乐有非常特殊的联系。他的父亲是Wolfgang Petry, 一个著名的德国歌星,受其影响,他在很小的时候就接触到流行音乐的世界,但他很快走出了自己的路。Achim 在他作为一个摇滚乐队歌手时积累了最初的经验。很快,不同乐队的邀请纷纷而来。Achim在以一种非常明确的方式和信念生活, 并完全独立于他的父亲。在他25岁时, Achim凭自己的努力成为了一个成功的音乐人。他制作了两首热门金曲和几项奖项。Achim的磁性,沙哑的声音是TRADEMARK的最独特的一项特质。   自从成功的发行了他们的首张专集Another Time -- Another Place, 并打进德国排行前30,TRADEMARK已成功的达到一个国际水准。 在1998年,三人两次在亚洲进行了为期几周的巡演,并与听众进行了灵魂上的交流。每次现场演唱会后,这些耀眼的明星都被数不清的歌迷所包围。"我们甚至不能不为注意的离开宾馆。我们一直都被尖叫的歌迷所包围。到处都在放我们的歌--事情就是那样,简直有如魔幻般。"两首单曲I"ll Be The One 和I"m Not Supposed 在每个广播中重复播放, 歌曲的录影片也在MTV节目中频繁播放。 专集的成功使之成为香港,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾的金唱片之冠。尤其是当他们受邀至亚洲巡回宣传时,更在东南亚各国引起乐迷的骚动,轰动的情形可见一斑。   《Only Love》这张他们睽达二年的最新专辑,光看专辑名称就知道,这又是一张他们颠倒众生的情歌宝典,尤其是首支单曲《Amazed》,这首翻唱至Lonestar称霸全美Billboard单曲榜乡村榜冠军的作品要听音乐网文案,籍由细腻的编曲和他们更深情的歌声娓娓述说一段感情,深深感动听众内心,相信只要听过的人都会喜欢,此外,他们亦借着三人不同的嗓音表现不同的曲风和不同的情绪,在表现他们长足的成熟和进步。


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 本人急需Trademark乐队的英文介绍! 谢谢啦!!! 解析: Trademark are a band formed in 1995 consisting of Oliver Horton, Stuart Meads and Paul Soul *** y (who joined in 1999). They are noted for predominantly using synthesizers and are often branded as Electropop or Synth Pop (and for a short time "Oddball Labcoat Pop"). They have played live regularly since 2002 and over the years their shows have included science lectures, illuminated labcoats, giant perspex plugs and slide projections. They were signed to Truck Records in 2004 and are due to release their second album "Raise The Stakes" in September 2006. Trademark was formed around the time of 1995 by o teenage cousins Oliver Horton and Stuart Meads. They had previously played music together as children, and by their mid teens they wanted to formulate themselves as a group. In 1999 the pair were joined by Paul Soul *** y.A highly successful gig at the 2002 Truck Festival (where Trademark were noted as being the only band without guitars) led to a series of performances in Oxford. The band also played regularly in London with a few notable appearance at The Fan Club at The Verge in Kentish Town. As the band"s reputation grew, Trademark supported Chicks on Speed at Oxford Zodiac and The Human League at Ocean in London. "Fear : Disconnection" was finished in Jan 2003 and was sold by the band at gigs and over the website to a great reception. In January of 2004 the band followed this up by self releasing "This is Our Trademark" an EP with a set of 5 slightly poppier sounding tracks. This lead to them being signed by Truck records and the putting together of "Trademark Want More" which featured tracks from "Fear:Disconnection" and "This is Our Trademark" plus a few new tracks. "Want More" was released in June 2004 to the critical aclaim of The Sunday Times among others. In December 2004 Trademark went on tour with The Human League around the UK. At the start of 2005 they started recording the follow up to Want More. The recording took 18 months to plete as the band wanted to explore new production techniques and instrumentations. During this time the band continued to gig in the UK and recording was finally pleted in May 2006. The album is due for release in September 2006.


Type / model




trademark商标双语对照trademark[英][u02c8treu026admɑ:k][美][u02c8treu026admɑ:rk]n.(注册)商标; (人的行为或衣着的)特征,标记; 如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

我 手表后面有两个单词请问是什么意思TRADEMARK.,TWELVE前面也有这两个单词啊。前面也有这两个单词,



他们合作生涯始于一个"IN"的PUB,在那里音乐家们正在做侍应生。一个晚上,一个现场乐队临时退出,三个侍应生放下他们的盘子而拾起麦克风,并作起娱乐表演。正如被打开的香槟酒,听众们被深深的打动了,一个新的乐队产生了:"HOUSE BRAND" 一个酒吧乐队。消息传的很快,"这三个家伙真不赖。"乐队有了迅速发展的潜力。 成员Sascha Sadeghian12岁即开始学习古典吉他,同样发现他歌唱的天赋。结束高校学业后,他在科伦学习了几年声乐并在几家音乐室工作。成员Mirko Baumer 对QUEEN乐队非常入迷,所以索性自己组织了一个乐队,翻唱自己喜欢的组合的歌曲。他接受了一系列音乐训练以发展自身歌唱潜能。他的音域是这样的有利悦耳,使他很快成为其他乐队的歌手。成员Achim Remling 与音乐有非常特殊的联系。他的父亲是Wolfgang Petry, 一个著名的德国歌星,受其影响,他在很小的时候就接触到流行音乐的世界,但他很快走出了自己的路。Achim 在他作为一个摇滚乐队歌手时积累了最初的经验。很快,不同乐队的邀请纷纷而来。Achim在以一种非常明确的方式和信念生活, 并完全独立于他的父亲。在他25岁时, Achim凭自己的努力成为了一个成功的音乐人。他制作了两首热门金曲和几项奖项。Achim的磁性,沙哑的声音是TRADEMARK的最独特的一项特质。 自从成功的发行了他们的首张专集Another Time -- Another Place, 并打进德国排行前30,TRADEMARK已成功的达到一个国际水准。 在1998年,三人两次在亚洲进行了为期几周的巡演,并与听众进行了灵魂上的交流。每次现场演唱会后,这些耀眼的明星都被数不清的歌迷所包围。"我们甚至不能不为注意的离开宾馆。我们一直都被尖叫的歌迷所包围。到处都在放我们的歌--事情就是那样,简直有如魔幻般。"两首单曲I"ll Be The One 和I"m Not Supposed 在每个广播中重复播放, 歌曲的录影片也在MTV节目中频繁播放。 专集的成功使之成为香港,马来西亚,泰国和菲律宾的金唱片之冠。 歌曲片段 1. I"ll Be The One 2. I"m Not Supposed To Love You 3. Only Love 4. Amazed 5. Miss You Finally 专辑 Fear:Disconnection This is Our Trademark Trademark Want More


这是个德国组合,已经解散,有一首歌Only Love 经典永远是经典 流行只是一时的 就像一阵风 风过曲也就散了采纳哦


“商标”和“品牌”的区别。trade是指“注册”商标,brand是指品牌。1.Trademark 经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用 2.Brand 没有经过正式注册的,不受法律的保护

人性化一点翻译Trademark的something only love can do这首歌歌词

2.a.m.and the rain is falling雨下在凌晨的2点Here we are at the crossroads once again我们再次来到这分手的十字路口You"re telling me you"re so confused你告诉我,你那么彷徨You can"t make up you mind也无法下定决心Is this meant to be世事是否注定You"re asking me你这般问我But only love can say try again or walk away或许唯有爱可以给予回答,我们应该重新开始或离开But I believe for you and me然而我坚信,你我之间The sun sill shine one day阳光会再一次照彻大地So I"ll just play my part因此我将扮演好自己的角色And pray you"ll have a change of heart藉此祈祷你的心情会从此改变But I can"t make you see it through但我无法让你明白That"s something only love can do有些事,只能让爱决定In you arms as the dawn is breaking晨熹在你的臂膀间升起Face to face and a thousand miles apart面对面,心却相距千里I"ve tried my best to make you see我竭力让你明白There"s hope beyond the pain痛楚过后还有希望If we give enough如果我们给予If we learn to trust如果我们相信But only love can say try again or walk away或许唯有爱可以给予回答,我们应该重新开始还是离开But I believe for you and me然而我坚信,你我之间The sun sill shine one day阳光会再一次照彻大地So I"ll just play my part因此我将扮演好自己的角色And pray you"ll have a change of heart藉此祈祷你的心情会从此改变But I can"t make you see it through但我无法让你明白That"s something only love can do有些事,只能让爱决定I know if I could find the words我知道,如果能够找到那些To touch you deep inside深深触动你的话You"d give our dream just one more change你会给我们的梦想再一次机会Don"t let this be our last goodbye不要让这次成为我们的永别


trademark不是牌子!是商标的意思!~quartz 很多表上面也是有这个的,因为表是石英做的啊!~


真诚的推荐楼主only love我一直喜欢的歌曲,还学了一段时间呢? 不过怎么也学不会..原唱唱得实在太好了。.


圈R是我国法定的注册商标标记,有R的即证明是在中国已经获准注册的商标TM 没有任何意思,是外国注册商标的标记

trade name 与trademark是一个意思吗?





trademark 英[u02c8treu026admɑ:k]美[u02c8treu026admɑ:rk]n. (注册) 商标; (人的行为或衣着的) 特征,标记;[例句]“ We bought Proview "s worldwide rights to the iPad trademark in 10 different countries several years ago.“我们已在数年前购买了唯冠在全球十个不同国家的(iPad商标)所有权。


trademark 英[u02c8treu026admɑ:k] 美[u02c8treu026admɑ:rk] n. (注册) 商标; (人的行为或衣着的) 特征,标记; [例句]the designer bars which have become the new trademark of the city.已成为这个城市新标志的时尚酒吧[其他] 复数:trademarks

Finance, Business, Marketing , Economics 这几个专业有什么不同?

finance是金融,关于货币操作和虚拟经济,比如股票,期货,货币发行流通与增值。 business是商务,货物的买卖贸易,商业操作。 marketing是营销,市场营销和商品营销,研究推销出售商品的技巧。 economie是经济,宏观经济是国际或国家的经济状况和运行,以及其变化、发展和控制,微观经济是各个行业或某个地区层面的小圈子的经济状况。 这些专业的内涵不同,但授课时很多课程会相似或一样,因为每个专业都会涉及到其他专业。比如finance和economie的课交叉,因为finance是economie的一部分,经济会影响到金融,金融也会影响经济。而businesse和marketing也会交叉,商务离不开营销,营销是为商务服务的。

Make sentence with these words (20 marks)

1) Genius = 天才 天资 Einstein was a great scientific genius. 2)exploring =探测 They explored this desert region in 1923. 3)marvellous=不可思议的 He had had the most marvelous experience. 4)overjoyed =极度高兴 We were overjoyed that they were safe. 5)di *** elief=怀疑 不相信 The four young people looked around di *** elief because they saw a dinosaur! 1. Genius How geniu he was! Most people need to do the the sum for few minutes but he can handle it within ten seconds. 2. Exploring Mary is exploring new places so that we can go there in our holiday. 3. Marvellous It is so marvellous that a six years old boy can cook dinner by himself. 4. Overjoyed I was overjoyed when I knew that I was the only one who got full marks in class. 5. Di *** elief "Why you look around di *** elief? I have seen the map and this is the right rounte." 参考: 自己 Genius - 天才 It is rare to find such genius nowadays. Explore - 探测、探索 Exploring 是进行式 As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. Marvellous - 极好的、不可思议的 It is marvellous how he is managed to climb that far. Overjoyed - 极欣喜、极高兴 She was overjoyed to hear about the arrival of the baby. Di *** elief - 不相信、怀疑 He listened in di *** elief to this extraordinary story. 参考: Oxford Dictionary Answer : 1. Please make a sentence with the word [Genius]. 2. Please make a sentence with the word [exploring]. 3. Please make a sentence with the word [marvellous]. 4. Please make a sentence with the word [overjoyed]. 5. Please make a sentence with the word [di *** elief].

清除相片上的水印 (watermark)

更新1: the watermark I mean is not marks made by water. I mean the pany logo wordings. 睇下系边个程度既水印. 如果有电脑原犒(psd档) 就好易 如果冇 用photoshop手动慢慢清除 多数系用clone stamp个功能. 这是无可能的 除非你有原电脑稿 (肺腑之言) kaka~~~ 如果是 traditional film type photo paper (i.e. fuji kodarand konica photo paper where it is develope and process in a dark room (not the inkject or deskjet photo paper type) you may use a pond of cold water gently soak it and rinse the watermark out after finishing water rinse stick it onto the wall for drip dry a few minutes and then use hair dryer to dry it up (the photo paper is adopt the same process to make a photo in dark room i.e. develop...fix....stabilized......using water rinse to remove the residual chemical on the photo.......and finally dry it up.

有一道题:mark twain,one of the most important writers in the history of American literature,is


介绍一下MARKMONITOR INC是怎么样的一家公司?



grades 指等级marks 指分数


mall , store



matlab 曲线拟合怎样修改marker大小?

在图上点选之 会弹出框可以修改或者 在编程中定义marker 时,附加大小,如("s ",2)



想问下MATLAB里 ‘Markersize’ 设置的值是‘Marker_size’是什么意思


电脑故障 奇怪的玩游戏自动重启,Furmark极限折磨+LinX拷机无问题


Mark Owen的《Clementine》 歌词

歌名:Clementine歌手:Mark Owen发行时间:2003-10-19所属专辑:《The Green Man (Repackaged)》歌词:She heard a voice from so far awayIt told her her mother had gone awayIn the next room down the corridorHer baby started to cryHer whole life had just fell apartThere was nothing then the hurting startedIn her heavy head on her knees she prayedcould somebody help herClementineIt was never meant to be this wayIt was never meant to be this wayClementineIt was never meant to be this wayit was never meant to be this wayIf only I"d told you yesterdayGot in her car and she sped awayInto the floodlit street down by your wayAs the sun rose by the morning dewWell she returned in such a stateHer baby knew not what was going onBut it could tell from her tears that something was wrong with mumDesperation let out its final screamBut our clementine didn"t hear a damn thing[REPEAT CHORUS]Into the mirror she stared at herselfAsked is that my life is that what I"m here forHer reflection chose not to respondAs she froze to the spot like a cold hard statueAnd bathed in her tears she said her time was through

用"make.....remarks about"造句?

My teachers make different remarks about my study . 老师们对我的学业给出不同的评价。Many countries make divergent remarks about the discover of the UFO.许多国家关于不明飞行物得出各异的评论。Different persons will make different remarks about the same thing . 不同的人对同一件事有着不同的看法。

remarks to the author里边的内容要回复吗

一般对Editor给作者的remarks 要逐一回复。例如:在第几页第几行加入了什么评述,根据remarks的要求,在references中又加入了什么文献。数据的增补等等。


以mark结尾,意思是评论的英语单词怎么写?remark n.评论 复数 remarks remarkable adj.著名的。

concluding remarks是什么意思

你好concluding remarks结束语例1、Let me make just a few concluding remarks.我来讲几句话,作为结束语。2、Concluding remarks and suggestions for further studies.要点及进一步学习研究的建议。希望能帮上忙。如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。

外国机场航班提示显示屏上的 Transfer Remarks 什么意思,急求!


closing remarks是什么意思

closing remarks结束语

author query form里面的remarks怎么填写

当用户用"X"关闭或按ALT+F4关闭窗口时,Form_QueryUnload事件先于Form_Unload事件发生,从字面上理解的话QueryUnload事件就是询问用户是否关闭窗口,参数Cancel为程序设计者设定的值,当条件满足程序设计者设定的条件时令Cancel=0即可发生Unload事件,当Cancel=1时就不发生Unload事件,窗口也不会被关闭,参数UnloadMode 是为了与以前版本兼容留下来的,现在没有使用

closing remarks是什么意思

closing remarks结束语:网络释义1. 闭幕辞例句:1.Medscape: are there any closing remarks you would like to make? 《医景》:你是否有些结束语要说? 2.Carl paladino, the republican, left the stage during closing remarks to find a lavatory. 共和党人帕拉迪诺在辩论赛快要结束时以上厕所为由先行离开




"Remark on" 和 "remark about" 都表示对某事发表意见或评论,但在使用上略有不同。"Remark on" 通常用于对某个话题、事件、行为等进行评论或评价,强调的是对特定方面的评论。例如:She made some interesting remarks on the current political situation.The teacher remarked on the student"s exceptional performance in the exam."Remark about" 则强调的是对整体或者更广泛的话题进行的评论,常常是一个更加泛泛的意见。例如:He made some general remarks about the importance of exercise.She didn"t like the movie, and made some critical remarks about the acting.总体来说,两个短语的差异比较微小,可以互换使用,具体要根据上下文和语境来决定使用哪一个。

提单中的ships remarks是什么意思

字面意思为关于船只的备注。是否为shipping marks(唛头)的笔误?








remarks:备注place of receipt:收货地Commodity:货物品名intended:预期weight:重量一般来说上面会备注这些信息







note与 remarks的 语法

note 表示补充或解释,如对文章的某一各词语、句子或段落的注释。remark 表示评论,如对一篇文章发表的个人的简短意见或作出某种简短解释。



产地证书 remarks怎么填


韩国签证 REMARKS 这栏韩文是什么意思?

ube44uace0: 备注。这是您到韩国后,所属的机构名称。
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