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无法定位程序输入点WTSGetActiveConsoleSeesionId 于动态链接库KERNEL32.dll上 这句话是什么意思




polls suggest their remarks do have a constituency and their bilious contest a prize 是什么意思?

These men do not speak for all Americans; but—not surprisingly, in the wake of the September 11th attacks polls suggest their remarks do have a constituency and their bilious contest a prize.这些人不代表所有的美国人,但不令人惊讶的是,9·11袭击后,民意调查显示他们的言论有一个选区和胆汁的比赛奖。

consumer surplus是啥?

[baidubaike]消费者剩余是指消费者消费一定数量的某种商品愿意支付的最高价格与这些商品的实际市场价格之间的差额。马歇尔从边际效用价值论演绎出所谓“消费者剩余”的概念。范里安提出了关于消费者剩余的几种计算方法。消费者剩余是衡量消费者福利的重要指标,被广泛地作为一种分析工具来应用。产业的社会福利等于消费者剩余加上生产者剩余之和,或者等于总消费效用与生产成本之差。1977年a.k.迪克西特和斯蒂格利茨将内在规模经济引进一般均衡模型,推出了市场考虑最适度边际利润而社会考虑消费者剩余的结论。一般认为,消费者剩余最大的条件是边际效用等于边际支出。中文名消费者剩余外文名consumer surplus应用学科经济学适用领域范围微观经济学

经济学问题,主要是不确定使用provider A时的consumer surplus~先提前谢各位了

a Provider A $75

请问一下边际收益和(marginal benefit) 消费者剩余(consumer surplus)有什么分别?

边际收益是每购买“多一个”,产品消费者的额外收益,其意在extra benefit from one more unit,其实就等于MWTP(marginal willingness to pay)-market price消费者剩余是边际收益之和,强调总量consumer"s gain这种说法不正式,非要定义的话应该是consumer surplus


  Consortium财团;联盟;国际财团  partner伙伴;合作伙伴;合作者  财团〔financial group〕是金融资本集团的简称。指由极少数金融寡头所控制的巨大银行和巨大企业结合而成的垄断集团。它们通常由一个或几个家族集合而成。财团是由极少数金融寡头控制的垄断集团,通常包括少数大银行,保险公司以及为数较多的工矿企业,商业企业和交通运输企业,又称金融资本集团。各个财团都在很多经济部门活动,同时还扩展到文化,教育,科学,卫生,出版各个领域和政府机关等上层建筑部门。  合作伙伴(,即是指能够通过合资合作或其他方式,为了能够给企业带来资金资源、先进技术、管理经验,提升企业技术进步的核心竞争力和拓展国内外市场的能力,推动企业技术进步和产业升级的国内外先进企业之间的合作。


我有罗马LRC 你要么 = =[ti:Monster][ar:Super Junior][al:Sorry Sorry][by:丢丢][00:09.95][00:13.52][00:15.74]eol ma na jjij gyeo ya ha nya go [00:19.60]go min eul ha go weon mang ha go [00:23.74]bbeon han gyeol mal ggeut i bo yeo do [00:26.52] neol ggeunh eul su eobs eo [00:28.65]sum swi neun han neo reul gaj go sip eo [00:31.99]neul ssin han geu rim ja reul dda ra ga [00:35.45]geo ul eul bo neun ceog hum cyeo bwa [00:39.27]i reon ggol u seu weo jyeo po gi hal gga [00:43.22]i reon go min beol sseo myeoc beon jjae ya [00:47.05]Just like that jab jab ji ma nan wi heom hae [00:50.91]Just like that gulm ju rin ya su bo da deo [00:54.66]Just like that o hal su eobs i nan [00:58.97]mog ma reun , ae ta neun , nun i meon ba bo il bbun [01:03.27]eon je bu teon ji do mol ra Just like that[01:07.43]nan sa ro jab hyeo beo ryeoss eo Just like that[01:11.41]o hae ma neol bo myeon [01:14.48] mog ma reun , ae ta neun , nun i meon ba bo il bbun ya [01:19.43]mom bu rim ci go ul eo bwa do [01:22.65]oe rob go da cin ma eum eun a pa [01:26.85]nun bic i heun deul rin geol bwass eo [01:29.84]na ddae mun i a ni ran geos jjeum eun al a neul geu raess eo [01:34.79]sae bbal gan geu ib sul ro mal hae bwa [01:38.41]seong ga si go gwi canh da go mal ya [01:42.44]i reon ggol u seu weo jyeo po gi hal gga [01:46.14]i reon go min beol sseo myeoc beon jjae ya [01:49.89]Just like that jab jab ji ma nan wi heom hae [01:53.85]Just like that gulm ju rin ya su bo da deo [01:57.65]Just like that o hal su eobs i nan [02:01.82]mog ma reun , ae ta neun , nun i meon ba bo il bbun [02:06.50]eon je bu teon ji do mol ra Just like that[02:10.38]nan sa ro jab hyeo beo ryeoss eo Just like that[02:14.29]o hae ma neol bo myeon [02:17.69]mog ma reun , ae ta neun , nun i meon ba bo il bbun ya [02:22.33]o neul bam i ji na myeon neol ij eul su iss eul gga [02:30.40]mo reu gess eo nan i jen a mu geos do [02:34.37]ij go sip eo da eol gul ma jeo do [02:37.78]o neul bam i ji na myeon neol ji ul su iss eul gga [02:46.19]i ge mweo ji da ? dwi seogg in gam jeong , [02:50.10]but just like that dda ra ga go iss eo [02:53.39]Just like that jab jab ji ma nan wi heom hae [02:56.76]Just like that gulm ju rin ya su bo da deo [03:00.55]Just like that o hal su eobs i nan [03:04.90]mog ma reun , ae ta neun , nun i meon ba bo il bbun [03:09.24]eon je bu teon ji do mol ra Just like that[03:13.58]nan sa ro jab hyeo beo ryeoss eo Just like that[03:17.14]o hae ma neol bo myeon [03:20.43]mog ma reun , ae ta neun , nun i meon ba bo il bbun ya [03:28.45][03:32.26]编辑:丢丢[03:35.43][03:40.97]




Pistons是底特律活塞队(英文队名为Detroit Pistons),Pistons是活塞的意思。底特律活塞队是一支美国密歇根州底特律市的职业篮球队,成立于1941年并在1948年加盟美国男篮职业联赛(NBA),现为东部联盟中部赛区参赛球队。活塞队连续1954-55和1955-56两个赛季杀入NBA总决赛,但先后不敌锡拉丘兹民族队和费城勇士队,与冠军擦肩而过。1957年,活塞搬迁至底特律,球队更名为底特律活塞。1981年活塞在首轮第二顺位选择了印第安纳大学的伊塞亚·托马斯,在托马斯的率领下,在1989年的NBA总决赛中4-0横扫湖人队夺冠。球队历史:1941年,汽车用活塞的制造巨头弗雷德·佐尔纳创建了一个俱乐部,并命名为福特·韦恩堡·佐尔纳活塞队。当时活塞队加入了全国篮球联赛(NBL,1937年至1949年),全国篮球联赛主要是由中西部企业球队所组成的联赛。活塞队在第一个加盟赛季里,成绩是15胜9负并给NBL带去了一种全新的职业风格。活塞队甚至最后杀入NBL决赛,不过在三战二胜制的总决赛中,惜败于使用“双塔战术” 的奥什科什全明星队。 从1943到1946年,福特·韦恩堡活塞队创造了NBL的最佳战绩,活塞队还在季后赛中取得佳绩。活塞队依靠速度、爆发力和创造性,连续两次夺得1943-44赛季、1944-45赛季NBL冠军。在1946-47赛季和1947-48赛季,活塞队还创造NBL常规赛的最好战绩,但在季后赛之初就被淘汰。

current LCU与constant LCU的区别?

  LCU是Local Current Unit的简称,是指当地的货币单位。  current LCU即现期的货币单位,就是指名义价格;而constant LCU即不变或者基期的货币单位,就是指实际价格。二者的区别是虽然货币单位是一样的,但是由于物价变动(通胀)的原因一单位货币代表的实际购买力不同。  PS:LCU这种标注一般是出现在国际数据中,各国货币都是不一样的,所以要用Local(当地的)来说明一下。

The reasons why he did it are obscure. 这句话正确吗


cartons pallet



n=const -- n 等于常数。谈折射时,n 表示折射率。谈“费马最后的定理”时,n 表示方程的指数:X^n + Y^n = Z^n 当 n 大于 2 时,这个方程没有任何整数解




consist形容词:consistent是英语单词consist的形容词,意思是“始终如一的,一致的;坚持的”。consistent的短语搭配,如下:consistent with 符合 ; 一致 ; 与某事物并存〔一致 ; 前后一致的。consistent estimation [统计] [数] 一致估计 ; [数] 相容估计 ; 相合估计 ; 一致推定。consistent order [数] 一致序 ; [数] 相容次序 ; 兼容顺序 ; 一致顺序。consistent的双语例句,如下:Our findings are consistent with those of others. 我们的研究结果是一致的,与其他人士。But there have been weeks now of consistent bad news for the regime. 但是现在已经有几周对于政权而言都是一致的坏消息。From one endpoint to the other, data binding must ensure that data is consistent. 数据绑定必须保证从这个端点到那个端点数据是一致的。

防弹少年团血汗泪中间rap monster说的英文是啥

出自《德米安:少年彷徨时》-------He too was a tempter, he too was a link to the second,the evil world with which I no longer wanted to have anything to do他也是一个诱惑者,他也是去往第二个世界的链接,那个我不再想有什么关系邪恶的世界这句话用在《血汗泪》里可能代表了少年成长的蜕变,从叛逆彷徨的青春少年蜕变为成熟的男人

post consumer recycled

recycled content并非是recycle centre,所以不能作回收中心解释. 以下解释可作参考: 再生成分比例(Recycled Content):再生成分的重量占整个物品重量的比例. 消费前物质(Pre-consumer Material):在加工过程中残留的不可被原加工厂使用的物质. 消费后物质(Post-consumer Material):由家庭,商业及公共机构产生的失去原先使用价值的物质. 可再用(Reusable):无需加工(除清洗等以外)便可以被再次使用,无论使用目的是否与原先相同.


pipes:将a程序的运行结果输出作为b程序的输入例如:#ls -l /home | moreredirections:将程序运行产生的结果输出到文件中(>或者>>),或将某个文件作为程序的输入(用 < )#ls -l /home > list 将显示结果添加到文件list的头部#ls -l /home >> list 如果list文件内容为空,则与上面的结果一样,否则将结果添加到list的文件末端。#cat << list 将list文件显示到屏幕

consignee 收货人名字少写了一个英文字母,客户能清关吗?


container to consignee,这个是集装箱收货人的意思吗这句英文?




physical and mental tensions

答案C. 根据句意: ourselves from the physical and mental tensions是做目的状语.我们每个人都需要深刻的思考和内心的宁静是为了解除我们自己生理和心理的紧张.故选C.



装完win7系统过后出现很长一段英文 是什么意思options if you have an oem/recove

系统没有安装成功。用个验证过的系统盘继续重装系统就可以解决这个问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。但关键是:要有兼容性好的(兼容ide、achi、Raid模式的安装)并能自动永久激活的、能够自动安装机器硬件驱动序的系统盘,这就可以全程自动、顺利重装系统了。方法如下: 1、U盘安装:下载个经过验证的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),用ultraiso软件做个安装系统的启动u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利安装系统的; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作。(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料!); 3、图文版教程:有这方面的详细图文版安装教程怎么给你?不能附加的。会被系统判为违规的。在…………si xin zhong…………有!望采纳!



Two teaspoons of yogurt 后面跟IS还是ARE


1.Scrapy爬虫之静态网页爬取之一 了解response.xpath()

我们直接看例子: 网址: http://quotes.toscrape.com/ 1. xpath提取方法: 用谷歌浏览器打开网页,右键检查,选中标签-copy-copyxpath 2.如何得到网页信息: 在jupyter中的terminal中(jupyter中的termimal不能运行在windows系统中) 输入 scrapy shell http://quotes.toscrape.com/ 会有请求信息返回,返回response对象,里面包含网页所有信息。 楼主安装了3.6的anaconda,但是里面没集成scrapy框架。但是也安装了python2.7,里面成功安装了scrapy(添加环境变量了,命令行任意位置识别scrapy命令,不添加环境变量的话,只在它的文件夹下识别这个命令)。打开windows命令行,同样键入:scrapy shell http://quotes.toscrape.com/ 会有请求信息返回。[s]开头 如下: response是请求后所返回的对象,200说明返回正确 要验证表达式对不对,会返回一个对象叫response,这个response包含了这个网页的所有内容: 3.如何自己写xpath获取同一标签下的所有信息:

when life gave you lemons, make lemonade的中文意思是什么?

when life gave you lemons, make lemonade.这个句子的中文意思是:当生活给你柠檬的时候,做柠檬水。

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade 是什么意思?


when life gives you lemons,make lemonade 是什么意思


when life gives you lemons, make lemonade 是什么意思?


when life gives you lemons,make lemonade 是什么意思



公地悲剧(Tragedy of the commons),也译为公共地悲剧、共同悲剧 1968年英国加勒特·哈丁教授(Garrett Hardin)在《The tragedy of the commons》一文中首先提出“公地悲剧”理论模型。 他说,作为 理性人 ,每个牧羊者都希望自己的 收益 最大化。 在公共草地上,每增加一只羊会有两种结果: 一是获得增加一只羊的收入;二是加重草地的负担, 并有可能使草地过度放牧。经过思考, 牧羊者决定不顾草地的承受能力而增加羊群数量。 于是他便会因羊只的增加而收益增多。看到有利可图。 许多牧羊者也纷纷加入这一行列。由于羊群的进入不受限制, 所以牧场被过度使用,草地状况迅速恶化,悲剧就这样发生了。希望采纳




options 可以不写 有默认设置options是一个结构体 要用函数gaoptimset()设置options=gaoptimset() 然后把options填到ga()里面gaoptimset("属性名1",数值1,"属性名2",数值2......)常用设置:根据具体问题类型,进行步骤拆解/原因原理分析/内容拓展等。具体步骤如下:/导致这种情况的原因主要是……

Vicious Traditions 歌词

歌曲名:Vicious Traditions歌手:The Veils专辑:Mr. Brooks: Music From The Motion PictureThe VeilsVicious TraditionI"d pull my weight if it made any differenceHe gave his life for the nine million otherBut on his graves written here lies JosephHis countrys gun and innocent soldierFight your way out of this oneFight your way out of this oneFight your way out of this oneHe grew a blood red vision for all their good intentionsHe made an easy million from a foreign investmentHe danced with the devils in their beautiful buildingsAffirmative action for a useful reunionHe"d change his name if it made any differenceNow he"s waiting in line for the lasting confessionBut on his graves written here lies our son JosephHis countrys gun and innocent soldierWell fight your way out of this oneFight your way out of this onehttp://music.baidu.com/song/58962791


应该有吧,现在大家都呆在家里,大佬们看到了 就发出来吧

wolfram mathematica 软件中 有没有排列;组合的函数....只知道一个 permutations ; binomial

恩呢 继续看




标准发音 [jɑu02d0nu02c8swiu02d0t]用友YonSuite,始于在线,不止于在线。YonSuite 就像一个乐高,iuap5.0 是坚实的基座,财务、营销、采购、供应、制造、人力资源、协同等系统在基座上自由组合,搭配出企业错综复杂的管理系统。之所以说这是一个新乐高,也因为 YonSuite 的发音与众不同。Yon,取用友(yonyou)的"yon",却用了英文单词“Young”的发音(同汉字“漾”的发音)。实际上,一方面延续用友主品牌,用户之友,通过不断发展的信息技术服务更多企业,做用户的朋友;另一方面是彰显年轻、充满活力、拥有无限的未来和成长空间。正如用友高级副总裁徐洋所言,用友YonSuite 上海发布会的场地选择上也紧扣年轻、炫酷。Suite 则是云服务组合,发音[swit],随需应变的一体化云服务,让成长型企业按需组合、快速上线。而 YonSuite 所对应的成长型企业,也正是“年轻”的企业,需要灵活多变,以应对市场环境的变化。这样一个基于云原生的云服务组合套件,已远远超过了传统意义上的 ERP 范畴。它将成长型企业所需的营销、制造、采购、财务、人力、办公、平台融为一体,在推动企业数字化创新和智能化发展的进程中,将为数智企业推波助澜。

请问reliable 和 responsible的区别,谢谢

你可以两者都用上I"m a reliable and responsible person. 这个没有问题。reliable单独就有名词和形容词的词性,名词的时候就指的是可靠的人。而responsible只有形容词的词性。

Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual ( ) A.parts B.pieces C.spots D.sections

Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual ___c___ .a. parts b. pieces c. spots d. sectionsparts表示地点,更强调泛泛而指的区域pieces为碎片spots=place 表示点,飞机着陆通常在一点,所以合适sections时强调整体中的一部分


occasion [英]u0259u02c8keu026au0292n [美]u0259u02c8keu0292u0259n n. 机会,时机;场合;理由;需要 vt. 惹起,引起 [例句]And especially when the occasion in question is valentine "s day.还有就是,尤其谈到的这个场合是情人节。

Frodus的《Explosions》 歌词

歌曲名:Explosions歌手:Frodus专辑:Conglomerate InternationalMarques Houston - ExplosionOoooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Marques HoustonMattress musicOooooooooooTake oneHere we are you and me all alone in this roomDoing things that only grown folks doI"m grabbing you, you grabbing meYour body"s hereI can"t believe it either one us can even breatheNow I am like a rocketGoing into orbitAnd girl you are the cometSo come let me explore itShould we count down(down down down )5,4,3,2,1ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchin BabyDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)Here we are you and me all alone in this roomDoing things that only grown folks doI"l l lick licklick lick licklick lick licklick until I cover every inch of youNow I am like a rocketGoing into orbitAnd girl you are the cometSo come let me explore itShould we count down(down down down )5,4,3,2,1ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchinDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosionFeels like big bumps going all around ya(ooooooooo)And everything"s falling down around yaOh babyBut we can"t be fakeSee the look on your faceAnd it"s telling me that you love itTelling me that you need itOh girl here it comes againExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchin BabyDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)4ever R&B OR制作http://music.baidu.com/song/10442480



求解:consider as和consider of的区别。

consider of 想起,想到,想一想consider of … as 把…看作是,以为…是 ...consider… as 把…看作

How the relations between language and culture?写200字英文小文章?

The relationship between language and culture It is difficult to say whether language affect the culture or the opposite.But the point we couldn"t deny is that when we mention the language,it"s inevitably to think about its culture.They are bounded to each other.Language and culture are existed at the same time.If there"s no language,then culture is nothing.It"s the premise of the cultural formation and development,and the cultural development has also enriched the language.Language is an important symbol that distinguished human beings from animals.It"s said that there are many mons between them in terms of the biology.But people have the language that animals don"t have.Then religions,belief,morality,custom that belong to culture have been exited.Humans have created culture by taking advantage of language,and in turn,culture has promoted humans toward greater progress.The cultural heritage of human society has embedded the language with a deep mark since ancient times.The human language exists in human culture,it has close relations with human society.Language is an access to understand another culture.It"s a window through which you can find another world.If you want to learn a foreign culture,you have to experience by yourself and by your heart.And the only mean is language.Only after master a foreign language can you bee a part of that society,otherwise the feelings you"ve got are that of others.This kind of feeling will change a bit every through a tran *** ission.It"s not enough to master a foreign language.You also have to know the culture well otherwise we don"t know what others are talking about.Like sometimes watching American movies,I don"t know what the performers are laughing at.Like reading an essay,I can"t realize what the author is trying to express even though I know every world.“He is the person that waves feather fan.” If a Chinese learner wants to know what it means,he has to study the Chinese cultural backgrounds.So foreign language learners have to explore the culture,like how to greet each other,how to introduce guests,how to give and receive gifts,just to name a few.The native speakers learn the cultural knowledge unconsciously.These differences are not the maters of grammar or vocabulary,but the language use rules.It is difficult for language learners to master because of the lack of cultural environment.It"s a general topical.Here I just have talked a few points about the relationship between language and culture.In summary,language is a part of culture,but the most special part which can represent some elements of culture.And in turn,culture has strongly influenced and shaped the language.,4,

Topical formulations






see visions歌词

To Aru Majutsu No Index II - See VisionSI"m always running after you. You are my ideal. You are me.ko re i jo u to o ku ma de to be na i to ri ga i ta ki zu mo na i ri ppa na ha ne de a o zo ra wo na ji tta [ko no ba sho mo wa ru ku na i a no so ra wa ta ka ku na i ko no ba sho mo yo ku wa na i ]ka ra da de ka nji ru so ku do wo o so re te ru da re ni de mo cha nsu wa mo te ru ...so no sa ki he yu ke na i [ho nto u wa to bi ta te na i ho nto u wa to bi ta chi ta i ]i ma ka na e ta i ne ga i no mu ko u de ka ga ya ku ki mi ga i ru hi to mi ni u tsu su "mi ra i ni ta tte , i tsu mo tsu yo ku te " so nna ki mi ga bo ku sa ki mi wa ma da ma bu shi i ke do o na ji ki mo chi de ko no te no ba shi te i tsu ka tsu ka mu ge nji tsu no bo ku ga ki mi ni na ru yo ma da ma da ju nsu i de mu ku na yu me da tta ji sha ku mi ta i ni ho shi i mo no su be te hi ki yo se te ta [ko re da ke wa yu zu re na i ko re mo ma ta yu zu re na i ]ga re ki ni u mo re ta tte ko do ku ni i ki te ru ki mi ga i ta hi to mi ga no zo mu "i ma ma de zu tto ... ko re ka ra mo tto !" a su no ki mi wa bo ku sa nu gi su te te so no ka ra go to ha da ka ni na tte mi ga ru ni na tte ma ta sa ga so u yo hi ka ru ge nse ki ni bo ku ga na ru yo a shi mo to ni ko ro ga tta ko i shi wo ke ri to ba shi ta to nde yu ke , ko no o mo i hi to mi ni yu re ru ri so u no bo ku to ki no u no bo ku ga i tsu mo su re chi ga i de a to su ko shi to do ka na i yo ki mi na ra ki tto , ku ru shi ku ta tte wa ra i to ba shi te ...hi to mi ni u tsu su "mi ra i ni ta tte , i tsu mo tsu yo ku te " so nna ki mi ga bo ku sa ki mi wa ma da ma bu shi i ke do o na ji ki mo chi de ko no te no ba shi te i tsu ka tsu ka mu ge nji tsu ni bo ku ga ki mi ni na ru yo ki mi ni na ru yo

visions of johanna 歌词

歌曲名:visions of johanna歌手:Robyn Hitchcock专辑:robyn singsAin"t it just like the night to play tricks when you"re tryin" to be so quiet?We sit here stranded, though we"re all doin" our best to deny itAnd Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin" you to defy itLights flicker from the opposite loftIn this room the heat pipes just coughThe country music station plays softBut there"s nothing, really nothing to turn offJust Louise and her lover so entwinedAnd these visions of Johanna that conquer my mindIn the empty lot where the ladies play blindman"s bluff with the key chainAnd the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the "D" trainWe can hear the night watchman click his flashlightAsk himself if it"s him or them that"s really insaneLouise, she"s all right, she"s just nearShe"s delicate and seems like the mirrorBut she just makes it all too concise and too clearThat Johanna"s not hereThe ghost of "lectricity howls in the bones of her faceWhere these visions of Johanna have now taken my placeNow, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriouslyHe brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerouslyAnd when bringing her name upHe speaks of a farewell kiss to meHe"s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and allMuttering small talk at the wall while I"m in the hallHow can I explain?Oh, it"s so hard to get onAnd these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawnInside the museums, Infinity goes up on trialVoices echo this is what salvation must be like after a whileBut Mona Lisa musta had the highway bluesYou can tell by the way she smilesSee the primitive wallflower freezeWhen the jelly-faced women all sneezeHear the one with the mustache say, "JeezI can"t find my knees."Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the muleBut these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruelThe peddler now speaks to the countess who"s pretending to care for himSayin", "Name me someone that"s not a parasite and I"ll go out and say a prayer for him."But like Louise always says"Ya can"t look at much, can ya man?"As she, herself, prepares for himAnd Madonna, she still has not showedWe see this empty cage now corrodeWhere her cape of the stage once had flowedThe fiddler, he now steps to the roadHe writes ev"rything"s been returned which was owedOn the back of the fish truck that loadsWhile my conscience explodesThe harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rainAnd these visions of Johanna are now all that remainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14588539

大概2000年明珠台出过一部叫夜夜迷离(night visions)的剧集

是的,欧美连续剧《夜夜迷离》Night Visions 每集播出两个半小时的故事,一集一个故事,内容悬疑灵异,2002年以前在明珠台或是国际台播过,现在可能没有地方能看到了,影碟都买不到。


visionsn.视力( vision的名词复数 );眼力;想像(力);美景


不可以! 最好的玻璃钢也就是有阻燃作用,单并不代表它可以耐火!微波加热和明火不是一个概念。 千万不要用明火,要出事的。切忌!

Visions Of A Sunset 歌词

歌曲名:Visions Of A Sunset歌手:Shawn Stockman专辑:LegacyVisions Of A SunsetShawn StockmanO.S.T-《Mr Holland"s Opus》Oh YeahLived all my days trying to embraceLife with my heart by all the beauty I feel and createIt spins and movesFlows at my paceTelling its storyFrom the tear running down my faceVisions of a sunset just appear when I close my eyesTakes me closer to heavenWhen the flute starts to flyAnd the violin criesConfusion leavesWhile peace orchestratesRuns through my veins and in other seekers it penetratesMy reason whyThe big city air smells so sweetTakes me through journeys in timeFrom my youth to as far as I can seeVisions of a sunset just appear when I close my eyesTakes me closer to heavenWhen the flute starts to flyAnd the violin criesIt"s all I need in my lifeIt"s all I need and no oneCan take your place by my sideYou"re all inside of meVisions of a sunset just appear when I close my eyesTakes me closer to heavenWhen the flute starts to flyAnd the violin criesWe"ll free from all sorrowLike the wind blows from the skyTakes me closer to heavenWhen the flute starts to flyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8054481

Last Visions 歌词

歌曲名:Last Visions歌手:Silent Cry专辑:Goddess of TearsLast VisionsThrough his eyesI could escape from myselfPlease, can you help me?In the infinitein my soul... so lonelyI feel his silenceIn serene harmonymy soul burnsLet me touch you, let to hear you.Let me dream in memory of this enigma.Let me remember foreverHis absence makes me feelthe wind screams of painAnd the sadness of traveled roadsin oceans of hope.A vision... the last desirein my heart.End.....................http://music.baidu.com/song/26332105

visions of gideon什么意思

visions of gideon是《请以你的名字呼唤我》这部电影中的插曲,由Sufjan Stevens演唱。visions释义:n. 愿景;幻觉(vision的复数);[生理][眼科] 视力v. 想像;显现(vision的三单形式)例句:I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost.我想象我们完全迷失了方向。词组:computer vision计算机视觉;机械视觉machine vision机器视觉;计算机视觉field of vision视野;[光]视场

珍妮琳纳普的《Visions》 歌词

歌曲名:Visions歌手:珍妮琳纳普专辑:KansasJudas Priest - VisionsAnvils igniteOnce againI watch them dance around the plainSparks start to flyI can"t speakFrom seeing answers that I seekShapes start to formAs I stareThe shadows taunt as if to dareGhostly embrace takes my heartNow I surrender and it startsVisions in the nightShow me what is rightHelp me through the maze...of mysteryI would sell my soulIf only I could knowWhat the future holdsAnd what will beSlowly my hand (my hand)Turns the page (the page)It never ceases to amazeFill me with hope (with hope)If you can (fill me with hope)I will become a better manVisions comeInto my mindForetell the futureOf mankindOnly time will prove that I"m rightWill my words come true (will my words come true)I can"t deny the gift of foresight (I can"t deny)There"s nothing I can dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/15227227

visions concept怎么读




Visions (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Visions (Album Version)歌手:Pendulum专辑:In SilicoJudas Priest - VisionsAnvils igniteOnce againI watch them dance around the plainSparks start to flyI can"t speakFrom seeing answers that I seekShapes start to formAs I stareThe shadows taunt as if to dareGhostly embrace takes my heartNow I surrender and it startsVisions in the nightShow me what is rightHelp me through the maze...of mysteryI would sell my soulIf only I could knowWhat the future holdsAnd what will beSlowly my hand (my hand)Turns the page (the page)It never ceases to amazeFill me with hope (with hope)If you can (fill me with hope)I will become a better manVisions comeInto my mindForetell the futureOf mankindOnly time will prove that I"m rightWill my words come true (will my words come true)I can"t deny the gift of foresight (I can"t deny)There"s nothing I can dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8228350



Julien Lourau的《Visions》 歌词

歌曲名:Visions歌手:Julien Lourau专辑:City Boom BoomJudas Priest - VisionsAnvils igniteOnce againI watch them dance around the plainSparks start to flyI can"t speakFrom seeing answers that I seekShapes start to formAs I stareThe shadows taunt as if to dareGhostly embrace takes my heartNow I surrender and it startsVisions in the nightShow me what is rightHelp me through the maze...of mysteryI would sell my soulIf only I could knowWhat the future holdsAnd what will beSlowly my hand (my hand)Turns the page (the page)It never ceases to amazeFill me with hope (with hope)If you can (fill me with hope)I will become a better manVisions comeInto my mindForetell the futureOf mankindOnly time will prove that I"m rightWill my words come true (will my words come true)I can"t deny the gift of foresight (I can"t deny)There"s nothing I can dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1427158

Bandari的《Visions》 歌词

歌曲名:Visions歌手:BandariJudas Priest - VisionsAnvils igniteOnce againI watch them dance around the plainSparks start to flyI can"t speakFrom seeing answers that I seekShapes start to formAs I stareThe shadows taunt as if to dareGhostly embrace takes my heartNow I surrender and it startsVisions in the nightShow me what is rightHelp me through the maze...of mysteryI would sell my soulIf only I could knowWhat the future holdsAnd what will beSlowly my hand (my hand)Turns the page (the page)It never ceases to amazeFill me with hope (with hope)If you can (fill me with hope)I will become a better manVisions comeInto my mindForetell the futureOf mankindOnly time will prove that I"m rightWill my words come true (will my words come true)I can"t deny the gift of foresight (I can"t deny)There"s nothing I can dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/5882596






pyrex释义: n. 派热克斯玻璃(一种耐热玻璃) 例句: I accidentally broke a Pyrex dish. 我不小心摔碎了一个派热克斯耐热玻璃盘。 词组: pyrex glass派热克斯玻璃;高耐火玻璃;高硬玻璃;高硅玻璃 visions释义: n. 愿景;幻觉(vision的复数);[生理][眼科] 视力 v. 想像;显现(vision的三单形式) 例句: I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost. 我想象我们完全迷失了方向。 词组: computer vision计算机视觉;机械视觉 machine vision机器视觉;计算机视觉 field of vision视野;[光]视场



visions锅是什么牌子 visions锅可以用电磁炉吗

visions锅属于是康宁的品牌,在1983年的时候,康宁就推出了Visions,即琥珀色的玻璃锅,康宁于上世纪九十年代的时候在战略上更偏重企业级玻璃的研发以及生产,所以就把消费市场部门独立出来,也就是如今的world kitchen公司。下面是关于“visions锅是什么牌子”的内容,感兴趣的小伙伴可以继续往下阅读了解。 关于visions锅的简介 1、Visions 康宁玻璃锅采用的是特殊的玻璃制造而成的,被叫做是“一锅到底”,合适用在洗碗机、微波炉、烤箱、冰箱等等的许多种厨房的环境当中。 2、康宁锅的“一锅到底”的特性指的是把全部的烹饪环节都在这一口锅里完成,包含了从冰箱里面存放的,料理台上操作的等等,都能够在这口锅当中完成。 3、康宁锅的锅体在10年之内是保用的,而锅盖则是在2年之内保用,这是康宁在说明书和保用手册里面标明过的,在使用康宁锅的过程中,倘若是由于温度过冷或者是过热造成的破坏,康宁是可以免费换新的。 4、康宁锅能够直接放到炉灶上进行加热,同时在使用完之后,也能够直接使用冷水来清洗干净。 visions锅可以用电磁炉吗 visions锅不可以用电磁炉,原因是因为玻璃是没有办法产生涡流而进行加热的,因此visions锅不可以用电磁炉。

use a truetype font in all console windows是什么意思


with soaring aspirations是什么意思



billion就是 十亿啊前面加个10就是100亿啊,那就是100 000 00


MT 是公吨ton是吨公吨是公制的单位,中国采用公制,所以我们中国人平常说的"吨"指的就是"公吨",可把"吨"看作是"公吨"的简称 1公吨(tonne/metric ton)= 1000公斤 而在英美,"吨"是不大一样的 1公吨(tonne/metric ton)= 1000公斤 1吨(ton)= 1016公斤(英)或907.2公斤(美) 那么我们学习的英文里吨就是ton,这怎么解释呢? 因为1公吨在英文中原本的表达法为tonne或者metric ton,由于用公吨的人太多,人都喜欢偷懒,故常把metric ton缩略为ton。所以外国人说ton的时候,有可能是指metric ton(公吨),也可能指在自己国家的ton(吨),而我们中国人说ton(吨),其实指的都是公吨. 在我国,1公吨=1吨 在英国,美国,1公吨近似于但不等于1吨

求科特勒的市场营销原理(principle of marketing)英文版和HAWKINS的consumer behavior 英文版的PDF




ship to 与consignee的区别


外贸Order上有ship to 和bill to, 报关资料和清关单据上的to分别写哪个? Ship to 是Consignee么?

Ship to 指的是收货人,有很多时候,买方和收货人不是同一家公司,要问清楚后再填写。作为卖方,你要客户提供相关信息好做报关资料。bill to 指的是 开发票时, 客户要求你开票给谁你就开票给谁。


mansion (大厦;宅邸)是可数名词,复数是:mansions. 而mansions (大厦,楼宇)本身已经是复数形式了.
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