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  others的用法:永远表示复数意义,且其后不能再接名词。其用法大致相当于“other+复数名词”,同样地theothers大致相当于“theother+复数名词”。如:Somepeoplefindthismoredifficultthanothers。这件事有人觉得难,有人觉得不难。  others若特指,其前用定冠词;若泛指,其前不加定冠词。如:Onlyoneofthemismine;theothersarehers。这当中只一个是我的,其余的是她的。Hefindsitapleasuretohelpothers。他以助人为乐。  others的意思是:别的;其他的;(两个中的)另一个;其余的。others是other的复数形式。other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人”;others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。  例句:Thechildrenarealwaysbickeringaboutsomethingoroth。孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。Youcan"tgetthereotherthanbyswimming。你只能靠游泳游到那边去。Heovertooktheotherrunnersonthelastlap。他在最后一圈时超过了其他的赛跑选手。


other,others,the other,another的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、otheradj. 其他的;另一个。pron. 其他(人或物)。adv. 以其他方式2、othersadj. 另外的;另一边。n. 其他人(或事)。3、the other(两个中的)另一个4、anotheradj. 另一的;再一个的。pron. 类似的一个;别的二、用法不同1、other直接源自古英语的other,译为第二。意思是“别的”,other则可修饰单数或复数名词而位于其前。other用在the或形容词性物主代词之后时,与单数名词连用表示“(两个中的)另一个”; 与复数名词连用表示某一集体中“其余的,剩下的(人或物)”。They discussed the weather and other topics.他们讨论了气候和其他的话题。2、othersother用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”; others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。I can"t do the fourth question but I"ve done all the others.第四题我不会,但剩下的我都答了。3、the otherthe other 可作代词也可作形容词,表(两者中的)另一个,常用于one..the other..的句型中。The last show headlined another performer.最后一场演出推出了另一个演员演主角。4、anotheranother用作形容词的基本意思是“(又)另一个的”,主要指同类中又多一(个)的或与前述不同的另一个的,在句中只用作定语。another后常接单数可数名词,但当复数名词前有基数词或few时,也可用another修饰。another这个形容词是由an和other两词合缀而成,因此它不能加冠词或其他限定性的形容词。another常用在单数形式的可数名词前。也可以用作是代名词,后不接名词。修饰不可数的复数名词时,通常用more。Have another piece of cake.请再来块蛋糕。三、侧重点不同1、other做形容词时表泛指,指一群中的另外的,其他的,多余的人或者物,后常跟名词复数,不能独立使用。做代词时,指(两个中的人或事)另一个,其他,那个。2、others其他的,另外的人或者事,也是表泛指,相当于other+可数名词复数,就像人称中的形物代和名物代一样,名物代=形物代+名词。3、the other表示“另一个”的意思,但涵义和使用场合不同,the other指两个人或两样事物中的“另一个”。4、another表示“另一个”的意思,但涵义和使用场合不同,another指不定数目中的“另一个”。


其他的,相当于other ones


  一、other和others的区别  other形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。others代词,意为“其余的人 ”。  1.other( +名词):“其它/他的(某人某物)”,形容词。other作形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。例如:   I"ll come again some other day. 我改日再来。  2.others= “other +复数名词”:代词,后面不能再接名词了。others(=other+复数名词) 泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。例如:  The students of Class Four are cleaning the classroom. Some are carrying water, others are sweeping the floor. 四班的学生们在打扫教室。一些人在打水,另一些人在扫地。  二、other及其变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下;  1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。  如:  Do you have any other question(s)?  你还有其他问题吗?  Ask some other people.  问问别人吧!  Put it in your other hand.  把它放在你另一只手里。  2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如:  He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.  他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。  the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如:  On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree.  在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。  Mary is much taller than the other girls.  玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。  He lives on the other side of the river.  他住在河的对岸。  3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。  如:  Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.  我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。  Give me some others, please.  请给我别的东西吧!  There are no others.  没有别的了。  4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如:  Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.  两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。  the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。


other和others和the other和the others的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、other:另外,其他。2、others:其他人员。3、the other:另一个。4、the others:其他人。二、用法不同1、other:other用作形容词作“别的,其他的,另外的”解时,常用来修饰复数名词或不可数名词,如前面有this,that,some,any,each,every,no,none,one等词时,也可用来修饰单数名词。2、others:other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”,others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。3、the other:the other用于两者之间,指特定的某人或某物之外的“另一个”“剩下的”。4、the others:other也可用于单数形式,表示“(两者中的)另一个(人或事物)”,常与the连用。三、侧重点不同1、other:other+名词= others。2、others:指许多中一部分是some,剩下的一些就是others。3、the other:指两者中一个。4、the others:表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物”。


other和others均表示不确指意义,其中other后可以修饰名词,而others后不能再接名词,两者的关系可描述为:others=other+复数名词。如: He never thinks of others. 他从来不为别人着想。 I don"t like these books. Show me some others. 我不喜欢这些书,再拿一些给我看。 第一句中的others=other people,意为“其他人”“别人”,泛指其他所有人;第二句中的others=other books,意为“其他的书”。 但是,若要表示确指意义,我们就在other和others前面使用定冠词,同样地,other后可以修饰名词,而others后不能再接名词,两者的关系仍然存在the others=the other+复数名词。如: I started last in the race but I soon caught up with the others. 我在赛跑中最后一个起跑,但不久就赶上了其他人。 句中的the others=the other people,意为“其他人”,其中的定冠词特指参加赛跑的所有其他人。 注意:the other后除接复数名词外,还可以接单数名词,此时不能用the others代替。如: This seat is free; the other seat is taken. 这个座位空着,那个座位有人。

others是什么意思 解析others这个词的含义?



others是个英文单词,通常作为代词使用,中文翻译的意思是“其他人”,the others 是“其余的”意思。 others这个英文单词,在书写英文短语的时候,经常会使用到,可是这个英文单词在不同的环境下意思也不相同,究竟如何正确使用这个英文单词呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 the others 小岛惊魂 ; 其他 ; 神鬼第六感 ; 其它; Introduce Others 介绍他人 ; 先容别人; Help Others 帮助他人 ; 帮助别人 ; 帮助其他人 ; 助人。 02 Developing Others 发展他人 ; 人才培养 ; 培育部属 ; 展他人能力; among others 除了别的之外 ; 尤其 ; 除了别的以外。 03 and others 等等 ; 什么的 ; 获得医疗福利的权利; Reassuring Others 表示怜悯 ; 劝慰他人。 04 siting Others 造访别人; others flooring 其它地板。 05 Share what you have with others. 和别人分享你的所有。 Should i explained to the others? 我该向别人解释什么吗? He cares only for others and not for oneself. 他只关心别人而不关心自己。


  1、others,英文单词,代词,作代词时意为“其他人”。   2、短语搭配:   (1)IntroduceOthers介绍他人   (2)HelpOthers帮助他人   (3)DevelopingOthers培育他人   (4)amongothers除了别的之外   (5)ReassuringOthers劝慰他人   (6)sitingOthers造访别人   (7)othersflooring其它地板

others和the others有什么区别???






others 是什么意思

其他的(复数)others 和some对比使用时, 是“有些”的意思而不是做“其他”讲。给你推荐一个网站,以后不懂就查www.iciba.com

each other和others的区别在哪儿?

each other和others的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、each other:互相,彼此。2、others:其他人员。二、用法不同1、each other:each强调的是“集体”或先行词是复数或先行词的主语是由两个或两个以上的单数名词或两个复数名词组成时,谓语动词和相关的物主代词则用复数。2、others:other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”,others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。三、侧重点不同1、each other:侧重于指说话的两个人。2、others:侧重于指说话的人之外的人。

each other,each others,other,to the other区别

1、each other只能用于两者之间,是互相、彼此的意思。如:We promised each other other to work hard. 我们彼此允诺要努力用功.2、没有each others这种用法。3、other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人。 也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。4、the other 定指其它的……,其后可接可数名词和单数,如: the other book 另外的一本书, the other map 另一张地图, 其后也可跟可数名词的复数形式,如: the other flowers 其他的花朵,the other teachers 其它的老师们,还可以接不可数名词,如:the other water 剩下的水,the other beer 别的啤酒

请问:both,each,other,the other,an other,others,the others的区别

both,指的是“两者都”,肯定两者; each other,指“彼此,互相”的意思; the other,指的是两者之间的“另一个”; another,指无次序的“下一个”; others,指“其他的”复数; the others,指“剩余所有的”.


each other和others的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、each other:互相,彼此。2、others:其他人员。二、用法不同1、each other:each强调的是“集体”或先行词是复数或先行词的主语是由两个或两个以上的单数名词或两个复数名词组成时,谓语动词和相关的物主代词则用复数。2、others:other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”,others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。三、侧重点不同1、each other:侧重于指说话的两个人。2、others:侧重于指说话的人之外的人。

each other,each others,other,to the other区别

1、each other只能用于两者之间,是互相、彼此的意思.如:We promised each other other to work hard. 我们彼此允诺要努力用功.2、没有each others这种用法.3、other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他...

each other和others的区别


each other和others的区别


each other,each others,other,to the other区别

1、each other只能用于两者之间,是互相、彼此的意思。如:We promised each other other to work hard. 我们彼此允诺要努力用功.2、没有each others这种用法。3、other 可以做形容词,表示其他的,比如other people其他的人。 也可以做代词,但是做代词时一般不以原形出现,一般用以"the other"或者以复数形式“others”出现。4、the other 定指其它的……,其后可接可数名词和单数,如: the other book 另外的一本书, the other map 另一张地图, 其后也可跟可数名词的复数形式,如: the other flowers 其他的花朵,the other teachers 其它的老师们,还可以接不可数名词,如:the other water 剩下的水,the other beer 别的啤酒

each other,each others,other,to the other区别


Jonas Brothers的《Year 3000》 歌词

歌曲名:Year 3000歌手:Jonas Brothers专辑:It S About Time 年少轻狂Year 3000jonas brothersOne day when I came home at lunchtime I heard a funny noiseWent out to the back yard to find out if it was one of those rowdy boysStood there with my neighbor called Pete and a Flux CapacitorHe told me he built a time machineLike one in a film I"ve seenYeah he saidI"ve been to the year 3000Not much has changed but they lived under waterAnd your great great great grand daughterIs doing fine (doing fine)He took me to the future in the flux thing, and I saw everythingBoy bands and another one and another one and another oneGirls there with round hair like Star Wars float above the floorWe drove around in a time machineLike the one in the film I"ve seenYeah he saidHe said I"ve been to the year 3000Not much has changed but they lived under waterAnd your great great great grand daughterIs doing fine (she"s doing fine)I took a trip to the year 3000This song had gone multi-platinumEverybody bought our 7th albumIt had outsold kelly clarksonI took a trip to the year 3000This song had gone multi-platinumEverybody bought our 7th albumHe told me he built a time machineLike the one in a film I"ve seenYeahI"ve been to the year 3000Not much has changed but they lived under waterAnd your great great great grand daughterIs doing fine (doing fine)He said I"ve been to the year 3000Not much has changed but they lived under waterAnd your great great great grand daughterIs doing fine (doing fine).He said I"ve been to the year 3000Not much has changed but they lived under waterAnd your great great great grand daughterIs doing fine (she"s doing fine)He said I"ve been to the year 3000Not much has changed but they lived under waterAnd your great great great grand daughterIs doing fine ( doing fine)http://music.baidu.com/song/1237275

The Chemical Brothers的《Galvanize》 歌词

歌曲名:Galvanize歌手:The Chemical Brothers专辑:Brotherhooddon"t hold back...cause you woke up in the mornin, with the mission to to move, so I make it harder...don"t hold back...if you think about it, so many people do, be cool man, look smarter....don"t hold back...and you shouldnt even care, bout those losers in the air, and their crooked stares...don"t hold back...cause there"s a party over here, so you might as well be here, where the people care...don"t hold back...--the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...galvanize!c"mon, c"mon c"mon....--dont hold back...if you think about it too much, you may stumble, trip up, fall on your face...dont hold back...you think its time you get up, crunch time, like a sit up, come on keep pace...dont hold back...put apprehension on the back burner, let it sit, dont even get it lit...dont hold back...get involved with the jam, don"t be a prick, hot chick, be a dick....dont hold back...--the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...galvanize!c"mon, c"mon c"mon....--world, the time has come to...push the button...world, the time has come to...push the button...world, the time has come to...push the button...world, my finger, is on the button...my finger, is on the button...my finger, is on the button...push the button...the time has come to...galvanize!dont hold back...dont hold back...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...the world, is holdin back...the time has come to...world, my finger, is on the button...my finger, is on the button...my finger, is on the button...push the button...the time has come to...galvanize!完http://music.baidu.com/song/13981108

英语作文How to get along well with others

How to Get Along Well with OthersIn our daily lives, we interact with people from all walks of life. Therefore, it is essential to know how to get along well with others. Here are some tips on how to do so.Firstly, it is crucial to be respectful and considerate towards others. This means being polite, using good manners, and showing empathy towards others. It is also important to listen actively to what others have to say and to be open-minded.Secondly, communication is key. Effective communication involves expressing oneself clearly and listening attentively to others. It is also important to be assertive when necessary, but without being aggressive or confrontational.Thirdly, it is important to be patient and understanding. Everyone has their own unique personality, background, and experiences that shape who they are. Therefore, it is important to be patient and understanding towards others, even if they have different opinions or beliefs.Fourthly, it is important to be cooperative and collaborative. Working together towards a common goal can help build strong relationships and foster a sense of teamwork. It is also important to be willing to compromise and find solutions that work for everyone.Finally, it is important to be kind and helpful towards others. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in building strong relationships and creating a positive environment. Whether it is offering a helping hand or simply saying a kind word, these actions can make a big difference in someone"s day.In conclusion, getting along well with others requires respect, communication, patience, cooperation, and kindness. By following these tips, we can build strong relationships and create a positive environment for ourselves and those around us.

how can teenagers improve relationships with others

Understand Their AngstWe have all been teenagers; we understand the confusion and changes that we have to adapt to. When we make an effort to understand their angst, we give them an outlet and a source for comfort. Most of the time, you will find that you can relate to their frustrations and may be able to offer suitable advice to help them.Use Your Own ExperiencesTeenagers are at a unique stage of their lives where they are trying to discover and understand more about their world and the society. This may get them into trouble with the authorities as they develop a rebellious streak.In such a situation, the last thing you should do is to be quick to judge your child. Instead, put yourself in their shoes; think of how you felt when you were a youth and what helped you to cope. Offer the same words of comfort that you needed as a teenager to your child now. Technology Can Be Your FriendWith the internet, teenagers have access to far more information than any of us ever had growing up. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, play integral roles in your teenu2019s life, and are important tools in keeping in touch with your teenu2019s movements and behaviour in society. Learn to use these same tools and reach out to your teen in the same language and in the same media and build more bridges between yourself and your teen.The Road To Respect Works Both WaysAs parents, there is nothing more offensive than a disrespectful child. Put aside your pride as a parent, and remember that respect is a two-way street and this will help maintain a healthy family. Simple things can help build respect between you and your teenagers; action such as giving them their privacy, treating them like young adults, and respecting the choices that they make.

other others another anothers 的区别

您好:  the other 是只有两个时,其中一个是one,另一个用the other .     如:There are two apples on the table.one is red,the other is green.others.是有许多,其中的一部分是some,另外的一部分叫others.但注意并不是全部.    如:There are a lot of people on the beach.some are taking the photos,           others (=other people)are swimming.(others =other+名词复数) another是另一个,后接单数可数名词一.    如: Could you show me another coat?this one is too small.anothers没有见过.

A mothers love plus为什么没声音

解决方法:方法一、检查手机设置:检查手机是否设置为静音,苹果手机的静音键在手机左边,仔细检查下。方法二、可能手机开启勿扰模式先看看自己的未解电话,进入手机后在通话记录可以看到自己的未接电话,看看自己漏接了哪些重要电话,先打回去。我们进入到手机设置这里。取消这个模式需要在手机设置或者控制中心进行取消。进入到手机设置后,继续点击勿扰模式。在这里把定时勿扰模式的时间进行取消关闭,把下面的重复来电 开关 进行打开。这里的重复来电开关打开后如上一个电话没有注意,没有接到,那么打开重复第二次三分钟内这个开关,在他三分钟时间内再次拨打你手机,铃声就会想起来。完成设置。另外我们也可以在控制中心这里,直接开启或者关闭勿扰模式。利用手指在屏幕向上滑即可出现控制中心。方法三、检查是否扬声器无声拨打电话测试听筒和送话是否正常。若通话测试正常扬声器故障可能性较大,建议送修。使用原装耳机测试播放音乐是否正常。若使用耳机正常,扬声器故障可能性较大,建议送修。方法四、排除软件冲突引起:备份好手机数据(电话簿、短信息、多媒体文件等),恢复出厂设定(功能表-设定-重置-恢复出厂设定)。方法五、检查耳机模式:有时候可能是因为手机的耳机模式没有自动转换,大家可以将耳机再插进耳孔试试,一般是会恢复的。如果实在不行再用棉签棒把耳机孔清理干净,没一会儿就会恢复正常了。

keep up with the others如何翻译呀?



《The Brothers Karamazov》(Fyodor Dostoevsky)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Cm1xMpi-V1BvbvQ9nUZTRw 提取码:n4yb书名:The Brothers Karamazov作者:Fyodor Dostoevsky译者:Larissa Volokhonsky豆瓣评分:9.5出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux出版年份:2002-6-14页数:796内容简介:The award-winning translation of Dostoevsky"s last and greatest novel.作者简介:陀思妥耶夫斯基(Ф.М.Достоевкий,1821~1881),俄国19世纪文坛上享有世界声誉的一位小说家,他的创作具有极其复杂、矛盾的性质。陀思妥耶夫斯基生于医生家庭,自幼喜爱文学。遵父愿入大学学工程,但毕业后不久即弃工从文。在法国资产阶级革命思潮影响下,他醉心于空想社会主义,参加了彼得堡进步知识分子组织的彼得拉舍夫斯基小组的革命活动,与涅克拉索夫、别林斯基过往甚密。1846年发表处女作《穷人》,继承并发展了普希金《驿站长》和果戈里《外套》写“小人物”的传统,对他们在物质、精神上备受欺凌、含垢忍辱的悲惨遭遇表示深切同情。唤醒他们抗议这个不合理的社会制度。《双重人格》(1846)、《女房东》(1847)、《白夜》(1848)和《脆弱的心》(1848)等几个中篇小说使陀思妥耶夫斯基与别林斯基分歧日益加剧,乃至关系破裂。后者认为上述小说流露出神秘色彩、病态心理以及为疯狂而写疯狂的倾向,“幻想情调”使小说脱离了当时的进步文学。1849~1859年陀思妥耶夫斯基因参加革命活动被沙皇政府逮捕并流放西伯利亚。十年苦役、长期脱离进步的社会力量,使他思想中沮丧和悲观成分加强,从早年的空想社会主义滑到“性恶论”,形成了一套以唯心主义和宗教反对唯物主义和无神论,以温顺妥协反对向专制制度进行革命斗争的矛盾世界观。他流放回来后创作重点逐渐转向心理悲剧。长篇小说《被伤害与被侮辱的人们》(1861)继承了“小人物”的主题。《穷人》里偶尔还能发出抗议的善良的人,已成了听任命运摆布的驯良的人;人道主义为宗教的感伤主义所代替。《死屋手记》(1861~1862)记载了作者对苦役生活的切身感受,小说描写了苦役犯的优秀道德品质,控诉了苦役制对犯人肉体的、精神的惨无人道的摧残,无情揭露了沙皇俄国的黑暗统治。《罪与罚》(1866)是一部使作者获得世界声誉的重要作品。《白痴》(1868)发展了“被侮辱与被损害的”主题,女主人公娜斯塔西亚强烈的叛逆性和作为正面人物的梅什金公爵的善良与纯洁,使小说透出光明的色调。但一些用以攻击革命者的“虚无主义者”形象,削弱了小说的揭露力量。在《鬼》(1871~1872)中已没有被伤害与被侮辱者的形象,而只有对革命者的攻击了。最后一部作品《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》(1880)是作者哲学思考的总结。作者以巨大的艺术力量描写了无耻、卑鄙的卡拉马佐夫家族的堕落崩溃。对颠沛流离、生活在水深火热之中的人们表示深厚同情,但也流露出消极的一面,例如认为只有皈依宗教才能保全道德的价值,只有宽恕和仁慈才能拯救人类社会等说教。陀思妥耶夫斯基擅长心理剖析,尤其是揭示内心分裂。他对人类肉体与精神痛苦的震撼人心的描写是其他作家难以企及的。他的小说戏剧性强,情节发展快,接踵而至的灾难性事件往往伴随着复杂激烈的心理斗争和痛苦的精神危机,以此揭露资产阶级关系的纷繁复杂。矛盾重重和深刻的悲剧性。陀思妥耶夫斯基的善恶矛盾性格组合、深层心理活动描写都对后世作家产生深刻影响。

far from, away from, away, far away的区别 the other ,another ,other ,the others的区别


Do you like travelling from one city to ___________? A.other cities B.the other C.others

D 试题分析:other cities其它城市;the other两个钟的另一个;others其他人;another多个中的另一个。句意:你喜欢从一个城市到另一个城市旅行吗?结合语境可知本句中指的是多个中的另一个,故选D。

one ones another others 的区别最好带例句?

1.one(一个),可以指人,也可以指物。在句中可作主语、宾语和定语。one(主语)should not praise oneself(宾语).一个人不应炫耀自己。(one作主语和宾语)If one wants to visit the city,one must find one"s own guide.如要参观这个城市,得自己找向导。2.one,ones(one的复数形式)可用来代替前面出现过的少数名词,以避免重复。Do you have a car?Yes,I have one.你有一辆小汽车吗?是的,我有一辆。I like small cars better than large ones.我喜欢小汽车,不喜欢大汽车。3.another(=an other),别的、另一个,泛指众多中一个,一般后面接单数名词,前面不能加定冠词。This book is too difficult for me.Will you please give me another one(=another book)?这本书对我而言太难了,可以给我另一本吗?(another是指许多书中的一本,作为定语)I don"t like this one. Show me another.我不喜欢这个,4.other+名词=others(别的)Some are listening to the radio,others are watching TV.一些人在听广播,一些人在看电视。Some students went to the Summer Palace. Other students(=others)stayed at home last Sunday.上周日,一些同学去颐和园,一些同学(还有同学)呆在家里给我看看另一个好吗?

Temptation (Brothers in Rhythm Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation (Brothers in Rhythm Remix)歌手:Heaven 17专辑:Temptation - The Best Of Heaven 17TemptationGarbageVersion 2.0I"ll tell you somethingI am a wolf butI like to wear sheep"s clothingI am a bonfireI am a vampireI"m waiting for my momentYou come on like a drugI just can"t get enoughI"m like an addict coming at you for a little moreAnd there"s so much at stakeI can"t afford to wasteI never needed anybody like this beforeI"ll tell you somethingI am a demonSome say my biggest weaknessI have my reasonsCall it my defenseBe careful what you"re wishingYou come on like a drugI just can"t get enoughI"m like an addict coming at you for a little moreAnd there"s so much at stakeI can"t afford to wasteI never needed anybody like this beforeYou are a secretA new possessionI like to keep you guessingYou come on like a drugI just can"t get enoughI"m like an addict coming at you for a little moreAnd there"s so much at stakeI can"t afford to wasteI never needed anybody like this beforeWhen I"m not sure what I"m living for(When I"m not sure who I am)When I"m not sure what I"m looking for(When I"m not sure who I am)When I"m not sure what I"m living for(When I"m not sure who I am)When I"m not sure what I"m looking for(When I"m not sure who I am)When I"m not sure what I"m living forWhen I"m not sure what I"m looking forWhen I"m not sure what I"m living forhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2710783

请问母亲节的英文到底是Mother’s Day 还是Mothers’ Day?

Mother"s Day

no one others

none 1.既可指人也可指物,反义词是all. 2.用于三者或以上,意为“没有人;没有什么东西;一个也不”. 3.它与of连用修饰名词复数或代词宾格复数作主语,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数.多用单数. 4.可一般用来回答how many +n, how much +n 及含any+n引起的疑问句 . 1.no one意为“没有人”,只能指人,不能与of连用. 2.作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式 3.可回答来回答who,及含anyone,anybody引起的疑问句 one… the other 只有两个          some… the others  有三个以上  one… another,another…  some… others,others…  others = other people/things  the others = the rest 剩余的全部    1) 泛指另一个用another.  2) 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other.  3) 一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third.  4) 一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others.  5) 泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others.

1.There’s no ____A_ way to do it. A. other B. the other C. another D others

B 是特指 指两者当中另一个 C指三者或三者以上当中的另一个 D 泛指 其他的,复数

in god we trust all others pay cash 什么意思

我们相信上帝,其他人得付现金。这是一句玩笑话。"In god we trust"是一句很常见的宗教格言,也是美国的国家格言。这里用"trust"做了个双关,本来在宗教格言里面它是信仰的意思,这里故意用做“信任”之一,意思是我们相信上帝赊账不会欠钱不还,但是别的人就得用现金付账了。

Brothers (Caribou Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Brothers (Caribou Remix)歌手:Hot Chip专辑:We Have RemixesHot Chip - BrothersBrothers, I can take it if I know I"ll see my brotherAnd just step back when I"m dancing with my brother is dancing with meBrothers, I would give my life for my brothersWhen we"re driving and its late with my brother sat next to meIt"s a wild love I haveit"s a wild love that I haveit"s a wild love I haveit"s a wild love that I have for my brothers, for my brotherBrothers, I can play "Xbox" with my brotherIt"s not about who won or lost with my brotherWe play to be freeBrothers, I will drink my fill with my brothers,And if one of us is ill then my brothers will watch over meIt"s a wild love I haveIt"s a wild love that I haveIt"s a wild love I haveIt"s a wild love that I have for my brothers, for my brotherBrothers, when will we be three again my brothers?The way we used to be again my brothers?Now I bounce you on my knee again, my brotherWe should be together now my brothersThere"s four of us and what is more my brothers, my brothers, my brothersIt"s a wild love I haveIt"s a wild love that I haveIt"s a wild love I haveIt"s a wild love that I have for my brothers, for my brotherIt"s a wild love I haveIt"s a wild love that I haveIt"s a wild love I haveIt"s a wild love that I have for my brothers, for my brotherhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2824578

Brothers的《Brothers》 歌词

歌曲名:Brothers歌手:Brothers专辑:BrothersOla Svensson - BrotherLike a shelter in the storm, I′ll keep you warmKnow that you always can count on meWhen everything fails, I′ll be the wind in your sailsKnow that you always can count on meWith you I am strongI feel ten feet tallIf things go wrong you′re there to break my fallIt′s not our colorsIt′s not our raceThat makes us brothersNo matter what we might faceIt′s not our last name, not the blood in our vanesThat makes us brothersThe love we share makes us the same.Like the ground you walk on so solid and strongKnow that you always can count on meAnything that you need, even the air that I breatheKnow that you always can count on meWith you I am strongI feel ten feet tallIf things go wrong you′re there to break my fallIt′s not our colorsIt′s not our raceThat makes us brothersNo matter what we might faceIt′s not our last name, not the blood in our vanesThat makes us brothersThe love we share makes us the same.I want you to know, in my eyes you′re heroesAnd I can′t imagine a life withoutAnd if tomorrow never comes, I′ll thank you for todayIt′s not our colorsIt′s not our raceThat makes us brothersNo matter what we might faceIt′s not our last name, not the blood in our vanesThat makes us brothersThe love we share makes us the same.It′s not our colorsIt′s not our raceThat makes us brothersNo matter what we might faceIt′s not our last name, not the blood in our vanesThat makes us brothersThe love we share makes us the sameThe love we share makes us the samehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7817501


首先玩家需要有2个游戏手柄。 另外游戏需要支持双人游玩。最后玩家必须要有psn的账号。然后进入游戏,选择双人模式。而另外一个人则以游客的身份进入游戏,然后就可以双人一起玩了。




重新创建windows用户,并且用户名为英文,使用该用户登录并运行游戏即可。brothers 是一款非常暖心的双人合作的游戏,此版本可以支持玩家们在不同的手机上一同联机完成挑战,在同一局域网之内就能完成同步了。brothers游戏中兄弟两人的动作按键分别为右Ctrl和空格键。


brothers游戏中兄弟两人的动作按键分别为右Ctrl和空格键。由于与输入法的切换会引起冲突,影响游戏进行,现在说明一下修改方式,按键修改的方法,1、找到游戏安装文件D:SteamsteamappscommonBrothers - A Tale of Two SonsP13Config(可能不是D盘以个人实际为准),打开里面的DefaultInput的配置设置文件,找到PC Bindings。然后找到,2、Bindings=(Name="Space",Command="GBA_Interaction_Old"),Bindings=(Name="c",Command="GBA_Interaction_Young")。3、第一个是控制哥哥的,第二个是弟弟,将Name=后头括号里的按键改为你方便使用的即可。



谁能帮忙把Jonas Brothers和Demi的on the line歌词翻译下~`

i didn"t wanna say, i"m sorry, for breaking us apart.我不想说,我很抱歉,为了我们的分离。i didn"t wanna say, it was my fault, even though i knew it was.我不想说,那是我的错,尽管我知道那是我的错。i didn"t wanna call, you back,"cuz i knew that i was wrong.我不想祈求你回来,因为我知道我是错了。yeah i knew, i was wrong.是的我知道,我错了。one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变。our love was beautiful.我们的爱是幸福美好的。we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受爱,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的。wanted to call, no need to fight.我想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你明白我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.但是今晚,我们通宵在线。listen baby.“听着,亲爱的。”never would"ve said forever, if i knew we"d end so fast.“如果我知道我们会结束的这么快,我就不会说永远,”why did you say,"i love you", if you knew that it wouldn"t last?“那为什么你要说爱我,你明知道那爱不会长久。”baby i just can"t hear what you"re saying.“亲爱的,我听不清你在说什么”the line is breaking up.“信号不好断线了”or is that, just us?或者是,我们要分手(断线)了?or is that just us?!难道我们真的要分手。one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变。our love was beautiful.曾经的爱是幸福美丽的we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的。wanted to call, no need to fight.想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你明白我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.所以今晚,我们要通宵在线。try to call again and get in your mailbox.(断线)我会不停尝试的打你电话,发你短消息。like a letter left unread.就像一封未读短信。apologies are often open ended,我的歉意不会停止。but this one"s better left unsaid.这次,无言是最好的选择one in the same, never to change.至始至终,我心不变our love was beautiful.我们的爱是幸福美好的。we got it all, destined to fall.我们享受爱,不甘堕落。our love was tragical.我们的爱是悲哀的wanted to call, no need to fight.想挽回,不需要争执。you know i wouldn"t lie.你知道我不会说谎。but tonight, we"ll leave it on the line.今晚,我们要通宵在线。we"ll leave it on the line.我们要通宵在线(yeah, oh yeah)we"ll leave it on the line tonight我们今晚要通宵在线!支持JB。呼~好累。

jonas brothers 中的Joe和袁成杰长得像吗?


寻jonas brothers的《burning up》歌词翻译

i"m hotyou"re coldyou go aroundlike you knowwho i ambut you don"tyou"ve got me, on my toesi"m slipping into the lavaand i"m trying to keep from going underbabyyou turn the temperature hottercause i"m burning upburning upfor you babyi fell(i fell)so fast(so fast)can"t holdmyself, backhigh heels(high heels)red dress(red dress)all by yourselfgotta catch my breathi"m slipping into the lavaand i"m trying keep from going underbabyyou turn the temperature hottercause i"m burning upburning upfor you babyi walk in the roomall i can see is youyou"re staring me downi know you feel it tooi"m slipping into the lavaand i"m trying keep from going underbabyyou turn the temperature hottercause i"m burning upburning upfor you babyi"m slipping into the lavaand i"m trying keep from going underbabyyou turn the temperature hottercause i"m burning upburning upfor you babywe"re burning up in this place tonightyou brothers sing it loud(and we"re feeling right)get up and dance don"t try to fightbig rob for real (and that"s no lie)stop drop and roll (and touch the floor)(to keep from burning up)more and morei got jb with me(we"re it laying down)come on boyslet"s bring the chorus aroundi"m slipping into the lavaand i"m trying keep from going underbabyyou turn the temperature hotteri"m burning upburning upfor you babyi"m burning upburning upfor you baby

jonas brothers 歌词中文

"O-M-G, did you hear?I"m dating a Jonas Brother! It"s so hot."“天哪,你听见了吗?我在跟乔纳斯兄弟约会,他是如此的性感”You met at work你在工作时遇见了You should"ve known better你应该知道得更清楚That it"s gonna suck那是多么糟糕When the camera stops rolling当相机停止运行And you"ll find out soon而你迅速的发现That the treatment wasn"t worth it这种待遇不值得They"re all the same他们都是一样的They all want the money他们都想要钱They"re all insane他们都疯了They live for fame, honey亲爱的,他们为了名誉而生存着They laugh at you他们嘲笑你When you"re not even being funny当你并不是很好笑的时候Well, I"ve been here before是的,我也曾经像你一样And I"ve seen firsthand我也曾看过第一手的The front row seat在第一排的This little thing they call a Video Girl被他们称作录像女孩儿Video Girl rocked my world录像女孩颠覆了我的世界For a whole two seconds只在整整两秒钟内And now I know现在我明白了I"m not about to be another victim我不会成为另一个录像女孩儿的受害者Of Video GirlGet out of my face从我的脸上消失Get out of my space从我的世界里消失Get some class and kiss the past让自己变得高尚,吻别过去"Cause I"m not about to be another victim因为我不想成为录像女孩综合征的另一个受害者Of Video Girl SyndromeYou know it"s bad你知道那是不对的When your mama doesn"t like her当你的妈妈表示不喜欢她All your friends sayin" she"s a liar你所有的朋友说她是个骗子Never ending phone calls aren"t enough从不停歇的电话还远远不够(It"s not enough, it"s never enough)不够,不够Move to LA, got no talent搬到洛杉矶,却没有任何才能Not even like you won a Miss Teen pageant甚至没有获得过少女选美比赛的任何奖项Daddy pays your bills爸爸为你买单But you still whine但你仍然哀号Well, I"ve been here before是的,我也曾经像你一样And I"ve seen firsthand我也曾看过第一手的The front row seat在第一排的What happens to a man发生在那个男人身上的事(What happens to a man)When he gets in the hands of a...当他被……掌控的时候Video Girl rocked my world录像女孩颠覆了我的世界For a whole two seconds只在整整两秒钟内And now I know现在我明白了I"m not about to be another victim我不会成为另一个录像女孩儿的受害者Of Video GirlGet out of my face从我的脸上消失Get out of my space从我的世界里消失Get some class and kiss the past让自己变得高尚,吻别过去"Cause I"m not about to be another victim因为我不想成为录像女孩综合征的另一个受害者Of Video Girl SyndromeYou are never gonna see me miss her你从不会看见我想念她Video Girl Syndrome那个录像女孩儿I"m not gonna be another victim我不会成为录像女孩综合征的另一个受害者Of Video Girl Syndrome大意是讲教育孩子吧,关于追星,关于成人 录像什么的!全手工打的哟!

跪求Jonas Brothers 《S.O.S》的中文歌词

I told you I made dinner plans 我告诉你 我准备了一次晚餐聚会 for you and and me and no one else 仅仅为了你和我 that don"t include your crazy friends 也不包括你那些疯狂的朋友们 well I"m done 好了,我已经做好了准备 with awkward situations empty conversations 面对这次尴尬的你我之间的对话 oooh, this is an S.O.S 袄,这是一次求助 don"t want a second guess 不要再有别的猜想 this is the bottom line 这就是底线 it"s true 是真的 I gave my all for you 我已经给了你我的所有 now my heart"s in two 现在我的心成了两半 and I can"t find the other half 可是我找到不另一半 its like im walking on broken glass 它就像在碎了的玻璃四贱 better believe I bled 我相信我流了血 its a call I"ll never get 它是一种警告 我将远永得不到 So this is where the story ends 因此在这里结束这个故事 a conversation on I.M. 一场(激烈)的对会 这个i.m.也不会翻译…… well I"m done 好了我已经准备好了 with texting 还有纸条 sorry for the miscommunication 对不起那是给错了人 oooh, this is an S.O.S oh... 这是在求助 don"t want a second guess 不要用第二种想法 this is the bottom line 这已经是底线 it"s true 这是真的 I gave my all for you 我给了你我的所有 now my heart"s in two 现在我的成了两半 and I can"t find the other half 但我找不到另外的那半 its like im walking on broken glass 就像飞贱的碎玻璃 better believe I bled 我的心已受伤 its a call I"ll never get 那是种警告 我将永远得不到 Next time I see you 下次再见到你 giv"n you a high five 不能再与你拥抱 (a high five不知道什么意思,但从下文感觉是这个意思) cuz hugs are overated 因为拥抱已经不再可能 just FYI 仅供参考 (下面的都重复了) oooh, this is an S.O.S don"t want a second guess this is the bottom line it"s true I gave my all for you now my heart"s in two Yeah! ooh, this is an S.O.S don"t want a second guess this is the bottom line it"s true I gave my all for you now my heart"s in two and I can"t find the other half its like im walking on broken glass better believe I bled its a call I"ll never get call I"ll never get call I"ll never get----------------------------------就是一个小故事,说 这个人准备了一次晚餐 打算与他分手,这个人的心已经让他伤的很碎,可以说是“最后一次晚餐”…… 因为这个人感觉总让他伤害 而无法真正的得到他的心,感觉这样没有结果,所以就做个了解。中间解释了一下 上回的给他的信也是发错了人(当然是特意给他写的,但现在只能这么说了)还告诉那个人,这只是一次为了让他帮助的请他的客 不要让他多想……就这样了……

寻jonas brothers的《burning up》歌词翻译

歌曲名称:Burning Up歌手:Jonas Brothers所属专辑:A Little Bit Longer歌曲时长:2分55歌曲语言:英语歌词中文释意:你能告诉我你是否真的爱和失去和当你说再见的时候,告诉你是值得的如果你的爱只是一场游戏谁是一个承担责任的时候你,你不能在晚上睡觉因为内心深处我燃烧着你因为内心深处我燃烧着你因为内心深处我燃烧着你你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想。独自走在夜晚的街上然后她打电话给你因为她,她不能在晚上睡觉现在的夜晚结束了,她抓住我的手。她想知道,今晚我想回家她床冷,她不喜欢独自一人我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想就把我带到离这里很远的地方就把我带到离这里很远的地方告诉那个房间,我不会显示我的恐惧告诉那个房间,我不会显示我的恐惧我不想让你知道真相我不想让你知道真相从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧不想让你知道真相英文歌词:Could you tell me if you ever really loved and lost andtell was it worth it cause when you, you said goodbyeAnd if your love was just a game thenwho"s the one to take the blame whenyou, you can"t sleep at nightCause deep inside I"m burning up from youCause deep inside I"m burning up from youCause deep inside I"m burning up from youYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of you.You walk the streets at night alonethen she calls you on the telephonebecause she, she can"t sleep at nightAnd now the night comes to an end,as she grabs me by the hand.She wants to know, do I want come home tonighther bed is cold, she don"t like to be aloneI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youJust take me somewhere far away from hereJust take me somewhere far away from hereTell that room where I won"t show my fearsTell that room where I won"t show my fearsI don"t want you to know the truthI don"t want you to know the truthBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youDon"t want you to know the truth

Jonas Brothers是真的亲兄弟吗?


求jonas brothers just friends 中文歌词

用金山 翻译出来能笑死你

Jonas Brothers(乔纳斯兄弟)这个组合的三个成员是亲兄弟啊?


Jonas Brothers三个人分别是谁

老大Kevin Jonas现年21岁会弹吉他,老二Joe Jonas现年19岁会弹吉他、钢琴,打小手鼓,老三Nick Jonas现年16岁会弹吉他,打鼓,和弹钢琴,http://images.starpulse.com/Photos/Previews/Jonas-Brothers-ta01.jpg中间Kevin Jonas左边Nick Jonas右边Joe Jonas

Jonas brothers有什么比较经典的歌???


one more,more one,other,others的区别


与one more意思相近的单词 A another B others C the others D the other


在指事代词中one,ones,the ones,other,others,the others,witch,that该在什么情况下用。

other, another, others, any other, the other 的用法 1)other表示泛指,意为“另外的、其它的”。常与复数名词或不可数名词连用。如果其前有the, this, some, any, each, every, no, one 以及形容词性物主代词时,其后就可接单数名词。 eg. I have no other place to go. 2)another 常用于指三者或三者以上中的“另外一个”,泛指单数。可单独使用,也可后接名词。如果其后接复数名词,则表示“又、再、还”。 eg. This cap is too small for me. Show me another(one). We need another three assistants in our shop. 3)others:它是 other 的复数形式,表示泛指,意为“别的人或物”,但不指全部。特指时在其前加定冠词;前面可加任何限定词以及数量词。 eg. He has more concern for others than for himself. 4)any other 表示一个之外的其他任何一个,而不是两个之中的另一个。 eg. China is larger than any other country in Asia. 5)the other:表示两者中的另外一个。可单独使用,也可接单数名词。 eg. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.

33. It’s no good _________him. He is always indifferent to others.

no use/no good/useless doing sthchoose B

other,nother,another,others, the other,the others的区别和用法

some...otherones...othersone...,the other____,another

another other others nother的区别


there are no 后跟other,the others ,

1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如: Do you have any other question(s)? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里. 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如: He has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人. the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词.如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树. Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多. He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸. 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”.在句中可作主语、宾语.如: Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动. Give me some others,please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了. 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”.特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”.是the other的复数形式.如: Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里. the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍. 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词.如: I don"t like this one.Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个. I have three daughters.One is a nurse,another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿.一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人.

请问other,others,the other,the others的用法


nother another nothers 的区别

other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如: Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如: Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。 the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如: I don"t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人 61

再也没有你这样的人 为什么是no other 不是 no others

Others相当一名词 other相当一形容词.后面肯定要跟名词.有时后面的名词单复数同形



英语中的other another others和the other又什么区别

(1)another指不定数目中的“另一个,又一个(三个以上)”,用来代替或修饰单数可数名词。例如:I don"t like this one. Please give me another. (2)other意思是“另外的,其他的”,修饰复数名词。例如: What other animals do you like? (3)the other通常指两个中的“另一个”。例如:She has two daughters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. (4)others泛指“另外的人或物”。例如:Some people like swimming, and others like boating. (5)the others特指某范围内的“其余全部的人或物”。例如:There are forty books in the box. Ten are mine, and the others are my father"s

other others the other another 的区别

1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如: Do you have any other question(s)? 你还有其他问题吗? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里。2.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如: Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。 Give me some others, please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了。 3.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。 He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。 4.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如: I don"t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人。

every other,many others,some other,other than的区别

every other 每隔一; 其他的...都other than不同于; 除了some other基本上同anothermany others 不常见,就是许多(人)

other,others,another,the others,the other的区别和用法


we happy few.we band of brothers


What would you do to help others?


求解" other " " the other " "others" "the others"和"another"的区别

other 其他的 后面加名词 What other books do you have ?你有什么其他的书么?" the other " 另一个 通常跟One 连用 I have two books, one is an English book , the other is a math book. 指的是 两个事物之间的另外一个怎么样 "others" 等于 other 加 名词 What others do you have? 你有什么其他的书么?跟第一句一样"the others" 这个一般不怎么用到吧 貌似没有的"another 再来一个 I want another book.我想要另外一本书

... at times, ... at others表示什麽意思?

1.at times有时,间或Everyone may make mistakes at times. 每个人不时都会犯错误。 at others其他人等

Red Hot Chili Peppers的《Otherside》 歌词

歌曲名:Otherside歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers专辑:Tokyo Dome, Japan 06.06.2007How long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everI heard your voice through a photographI thought it up it brought up the pastOnce you know you can never go backI"ve got to take it on the othersideCenturies are what it meant to meA cemetery where I marry the seaStranger things could never change my mindI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everPour my life into a paper cupThe ashtray"s full and I"m spillin" my gutsShe wants to know am I still a slutI"ve got to take it on the othersideScarlet starlet and she"s in my bedA candidate for my soul mate bledPush the trigger and pull the threadI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everTurn me on take me for a hard rideBurn me out leave me on the othersideI yell and tell it thatIt"s not my friendI tear it down I tear it downAnd then it"s born againHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everHow long I don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54554098

brothers PS5 怎么双人玩


care for others 英语作文100字

Take Care For OthersPeople hold different opinions about relationship between each other.In my opinion,we should take more care for others to build up a sound and harmony relationship.More care for others brings love to the world.In 2008,there was a serious earthquake in SiChuan and thousands of people were made victims and homeless in an instant.But at that moment,the whole country went into action immediately.The PLA rished their lives to save the victims.Groups of volunteers rushed to the disaster areas to give relief.The Party and the government made every effort to help those in the disaster areas to get over the difficulties.We all show love towards the unfortunate and then SiChuan get rid of the difficulty.On the other hand we can"t take more care for others so as to get some rewards.Each should give others whatever help he can when they need it regardless of self-benefit.However,to do this needs a moral soul and it"s not so easy to get such top level.But we should act as possible as we can.Let"s be unself-fish to show our loves to others and make the world warmer and warmer


帮助他人 help others 不特指什么人帮助剩下的人 help the others 特指某些人

others the other的语法上的区别,怎么用

other ,the other ,others , the others 区别other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other, others, the others, another 等。它们的用法现归纳如下;1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”。如:Do you have any other question(s)?你还有其他问题吗?Ask some other people.问问别人吧!Put it in your other hand.把它放在你另一只手里。2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词。如:He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker.他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词。如:On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree.在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。Mary is much taller than the other girls.玛丽比其他的女孩高得多。He lives on the other side of the river.他住在河的对岸。3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”。在句中可作主语、宾语。如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动。Give me some others, please.请给我别的东西吧!There are no others.没有别的了。4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”。是the other的复数形式。如:Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍。5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。如:I don"t like this one. Please show me another.我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and another is a worker.我有三个女儿。一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人。百度专家组为您解答,请按一下手机右上角的采纳!谢谢!
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