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Treaty of Paris是在何时何地所签定的呢?

Treaty of Paris :1763年在巴黎订立的有关结束七年战争并确定其结果的条约。同年 ,在胡贝图斯堡还订立有《胡贝图斯堡条约》。 1763年2月10日英国为一方,法国、西班牙为另一方(後葡萄牙加入)在巴黎签订《巴黎条约》。条约规定:在欧洲,英国收回梅诺卡岛,法国收回贝勒岛。在美洲,法国将加拿大、布雷顿角岛、密西西比河以东的全部土地(新奥尔良除外)让给英国,西班牙将佛罗里达让给英国,从法国手中得到路易斯安那、新奥尔良和部分金钱补偿。在西印度群岛,法国将特立尼达、圣文森特、格林纳达、多巴哥诸岛让给英国,收回马提尼克、圣卢西亚、瓜德罗普和玛丽加朗特诸岛。在非洲,法国将马略卡岛让给西班牙,将塞内加尔让给英国,收回戈雷岛。在印度,法国仅保留5 个城市,且不得设防驻军。西班牙收回古巴和菲律宾。该条约还规定,法国撤出汉诺威选帝侯国、黑森、不伦瑞克、普鲁士的莱茵区、奥地利的奥斯坦德和纽波特。法国和西班牙撤出葡萄牙及其殖民地。该条约的签订打击了法国在海外的势力,标志着英国海上霸权的确立。 1763年2月 15日参加七年战争的普鲁士与奥地利、萨克森在萨克森境内的胡贝图斯堡签订《胡贝图斯堡条约》。该约规定,普鲁士仍保有西里西亚,萨克森恢复战前疆界; 在秘密条款中,普鲁士保证举玛丽亚·特蕾西亚之子约瑟夫二世为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。该条约的签订标志着普鲁士开始崛起。

Treaty of Paris是什么意思

Treaty of Paris巴黎条约双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 巴黎条约2. 巴黎和约例句:1.New france: possessions of france in north america from 1534 to the treaty of paris in 1763. 新法兰西:从1534年到1763年签订巴黎条约期间,法国在北美洲的殖民地。

求一首英文歌的名字求一首英文歌歌词里面有一句歌词是巴黎伦敦东京PARIS LONDON TOKYO

是不是ansrj 的楼下等你 b站有视频的可以看看




MASA 是个品牌 法国的 PARIS是 巴黎。









朋友送瓶香水 LANCOME下面是paris,再PARIS下面是Eau de Toilette再下面是VAPORISATEUR-NATURAL SPRAY




lancaster paris是什么牌子_什么档次?

lancaster paris是一个很受欢迎的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包设计很简单大方,质量非常好,选择的面料都是精挑细选的。下面我给大家讲讲lancaster paris是什么牌子?lancaster paris是什么档次? lancaster paris品牌 Lancaster Paris这个包包品牌设计的非常OL风,不会太复杂,低调中带着质感。 Lancaster Paris是法国知名皮具品牌,近年开拓美国市场,由当红超模Karlie Kloss代言广告大片。Lancaster Paris的水桶包有平价版Mansur Gavriel之称,颜值和质感也很棒哟。这款颜色多样的水桶包可以适用各种场合,简约而百搭,夏天就要背着它浪啊浪。Lancaster制作皮件已经20多年,早年为伊丽莎白赫莉代言的法国知名品牌lancaster的指定制造厂,于1990年创立个人品牌。品牌以传统工法制作皮包、配件等。时尚简约、多功能。lancaster paris档次 Lancaster是法国设计师品牌,价位在1000至5000RMB之间。蛮小众的,她家的水桶包比较出名,但是我个人还是比较喜欢工整有型的通勤style。lancaster paris怎么样 今年特别喜欢藏蓝色,总想来个同色低调的包包,这回遇到Lancaster Paris法国“国民包”,哦啦!划算、好用、随便背、不心疼、跟今年的衣服都很搭。这款光面哑光皮的,皮质手感稍微有点硬,但是也很有型,不会趴趴的。它还是韩剧女星的新宠,众多名模代言呢! 男朋友送的七夕礼物 开始纠结mansur 但是mansur有点长 怕显得腿短个子矮 正好lancaster颜色也好看 就买了 是牛皮二层皮 很耐磨 不容易有划痕 形状也很满意 很漂亮 觉得不输大牌 是最近最喜欢的一个包啦 第二张加了滤镜 颜色是第一张的样子本来想买coccinelle的B14的。结果sales告诉我coccinelle在香港撤柜了,结果逛了Coach和Furla,没有看到特别喜欢的款式,最后阴差阳错买了Lancaster。入手的这款是薰衣草紫灰,十字纹牛皮,Size S。虽然是小号容量却蛮大,放阳伞+保温杯+钱夹+化妆包都OK。总体而言还是貌美又实用的。 lancaster paris水桶包购于尚品网,价格挺划算的,容量也很大。皮质偏硬,但不算沉。这款包包有超多颜色,我选的这个颜色有点棕又有点金,比较成熟优雅。配图倒数第棋牌没加滤镜,但实物会更亮更看些。最后两张是官网配图,感觉自己这款就是banner头图款。

lamour paris是什么牌子

lancaster paris,是一个很受欢迎的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包设计很简单大方,质量非常好,选择的面料都是精挑细选的。 Lancaster Paris这个包包品牌设计的非常OL风,不会太复杂,低调中带着质感。 Lancaster Paris是法国知名皮具品牌,近年开拓美国市场,由当红超模Karlie Kloss代言广告大片。Lancaster Paris的水桶包有平价版Mansur Gavriel之称。





法国买来的,香水瓶上NOB PARIS请问是什么牌子?

法国的在地香水品牌 中国目前应该没有卖的 其实不是什么大牌子

Van Gogh Zundert to Paris这篇文章的第一段的中文翻译是?

虽然艺术史学者用了几十年梵高神秘化的传说, 他们采取什麼行动来削弱他的巨大声望。拍卖价格仍然高涨, 旅客仍超过填充凡高展览,这些仍然是星夜 无处不在的宿舍和厨房的墙壁。所以,完全是梵高的全球 神化,日本游客现在朝圣瓦兹洒 他们的亲人的骨灰在他的坟墓。什麼占了无休止的上诉 梵高的神话?它至少有两个深而有力的来源。在最 原始的水平,它提供了一个令人满意的,几乎普遍报复幻想解散 guised作为英勇牺牲的故事的艺术。任何谁曾经感到孤立 可以认同和赞赏凡高和希望,不仅为 spectac 而且,分化成赎回提出批评和怀疑亲属的耻辱。在 同时,神话提供了一个诱人的概念非常简单的艺术 产品,而不是特定的历史情况和艺术家的心血 计算,而是自发的天真和澎湃的疯狂,圣洁的傻瓜。 张开之间的差异凡高的长期遭受苦难的生活,他再次 死后的声名了显著的仍然是一个伟大的和不可否认的历史讽刺。 但是这种观点,他是一个艺术白痴学者甚至很快一扫而空 最一眼考试画家的信。它还必须删除后重新认识自己的起码的事实凡高的家庭后勤 地面,抚养,和成年早期。

谁能给我提供一些英文城市名字 要著名点的 由5个字母组成 如 巴黎Paris 东京Tokyo

多佛 Dover 阿尔斯特 Aalst 索非亚 Sofia 米兰 Milan 都灵 Turin 波尔图 Porto 哈根Hagen西藏:Tibet

write two comparisons about two topics.write tr

write two comparisons about two topics.write tr翻译:写两个比较两个主题。写tr如果满意请点击右上角评价点【满意】即可~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~答题不易..祝你开心~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

Paris for President的中文歌词

Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统At the Palms chillin" with the martini. 在Palms chillin" (应该是夜店一类的名字)喝着马丁尼Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统Your commander in bikini. 你们的指挥官穿着比基尼(她自称‘比基尼总统")When they tell you "bout my policies 当他们告诉你我的政策To stop the player-hating on the USA, 要停止其他人对美国的鄙视Incentivize nuclear non-proliferation and ratify Kyoto today. 今天就促成核不扩散条约和京都协定(‘Kyoto Protocl"目标是控制温室效应气体排放)You can ride in the motorcade… 你可以在车流中in the hybrid, pink Escalade! 在粉红色混合动力凯迪拉克中穿行Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统Not another oldie cliche. 而不是另一个陈词滥调(讽刺麦克凯恩)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统you can get married if you"re straight or if you"re gay. 不管你是异性恋同性恋都可以结婚If you"re gonna put lipstick on a pig, make sure that shit it matches her skin tone. 如果你要给猪画口红,只要保证搭配好它的肤色you can trust me with my finger on the button, 你们可以信任由我掌权“Nucular” is a vocabulary don"t. ‘核"的词义就是‘不要"Trading in the cabinet for a walk….in….closet…hey! 内阁交易一边歇着去,上衣柜里去吧(cabinet既指内阁也指柜橱,这里就是说完全铲除非法权钱交易)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统America should put me in charge. 美国应该由我领导Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统look at Bush it cant be that hard 看看布什其实也没那么难(意思是bush那样的都能当总统)Simon Cowell, he might be a little mean, Simon Cowell,他也许有点坏but when his oldest kicks the bucket 但是当他老死I"ll put him on the court supreme 我会把他送上最高法院 (不好意思,我没查到他干了什么坏事)Then I"ll paint the white house pink 然后我会把白宫刷成粉红色and move Camp David to Maui… 并且把Camp David(海军后勤设施之一,一个风景区,总统在此疗养度假)移到Maui(夏威夷群岛第二大岛)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统A proponent of clean energy.一个清洁能源的支持者 Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统The real maverick in D.C. 在华盛顿唯一真正会独立思考的人Water boarding is torture and, 海平面上升是一种折磨global warming is totally not hot. 全球变暖一点都不好玩I"ll make a department called the Fashion Police 我会设立一个叫做时尚警察的部门and boost the economy with all of the new jobs. 然后用全新的职业来重振经济Make over Lady Liberty…in Donna, Tommy, and Calvin Klein. 把解放女性运动发展到Donna,Tommy和CK(这三个全是纯男装品牌||)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统Get your cute little butt out there and vote. 带上你们可爱小小支持,去投票Paris for president,支持Paris当选总统Dispensing beauty tips and hope. 省掉寻找美女的秘诀和期望(意思是因为Paris我就是美女。。自恋)Paris for president, hey! Paris for president, hey! Paris for president, hey! 支持Paris当选总统!I"m Paris Hilton and I approve this message.我是Paris Hilton 我赞这个讯息(I approve this message是美国政客在做选举广告时必说的一句话,为了证明以上信息的确是参选人的意愿)

Lamb Of God (Paris) (Sanctuary Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lamb Of God (Paris) (Sanctuary Album Version)歌手:Twila Paris专辑:SanctuaryThere was Christ in the metal shell.披着盔甲的救世主。There was blood on the pavement!人行道上的血!The camera will make you god!摄象机将制造出你的上帝!That"s how Jack became sainted!直到男人变成圣徒!If you die when there"s no one watching!如果没人发现你死!And your ratings drop and you"re forgotten!那你就会渐渐被忘却!If they kill you on their TV!如果在他们的电视里杀死你!You"re a martyr and a lamb of god!你就会成为上帝的忠诚信徒!Nothing"s gonna change!没什么会改变!Nothing"s gonna change the world!没什么可以改变世界!There was Lennon in the happy gun!列农死在幸福的枪下!There were words on the pavement!人行道上的诺言!We were looking for the lamb of god!我们寻找上帝的信徒!We were looking for our David!我们寻找我们的戴维!If you die when there"s no one watching!如果没人发现你死!And your ratings drop and you"re forgotten!那你就会渐渐被忘却!If they kill you on their TV!如果在他们的电视里杀死你!You"re a martyr and a lamb of god!你就会成为上帝的忠诚信徒!Nothing"s gonna change the world!没什么可以改变世界!Nothing"s gonna change!没什么会改变!Nothing"s gonna change the world!没什么可以改变世界!Nothing"s gonna change-- 没什么会改变--The world!世界!It took three days for him to die!他用了三天才死去!The born again could buy the serial rights!复仇之神重生了!Lamb of god have mercy on us.上帝的信徒对我们表示怜悯。Lamb of god won"t you grant us?上帝的信徒怎能令我们满足?Nothing"s going to change the world!没什么可以改变世界!Nothing"s gonna change!没什么会改变!Nothing"s gonna change the world!没什么可以改变世界!Nothing"s gonna change!没什么会改变!Nothing"s gonna change the world!没什么可以改变世界!Nothing"s gonna change!没什么会改变!Nothing"s gonna change the world!没什么可以改变世界!Nothing"s gonna change-- 没什么会改变--The world!世界!If you die when there"s no one watching!如果没人发现你死!And your ratings drop and you"re forgotten!那你就会渐渐被忘却!If they kill you on their TV!如果在他们的电视里杀死你!You"re a martyr and a lamb of god!你就会成为上帝的忠诚信徒Nothing"s going to change the world!没什么可以改变世界!

Paris hilton--heartbeat 歌词

她的stars are blind很好听

You have a played very happy in Paris语法对吗?


pray for paris中文什么意思

pray for paris为巴黎祈祷请采纳

从巴黎戴高乐机场到PARIS AUSTERLITZ火车站怎么走,大概多长时间?

如果你是在白天,大概一小时路程。 在机场找RER车站,(十欧车票)做B线过12站,到Saint-Michel Notre-Dame,这大概花40分钟。然后换乘C线坐一站到Gare d"Austerlitz 这站下车就到。大概5分钟。只要你找到机场的RER车站,接下来满打满算1小时的行程就好。 转乘的时候注意C线方向,同时每次乘RER注意这车是否到目标站点,关注一个大牌子,上面亮着灯的是这班车会到的站。 具体可下载APP CITYMAPPER查询。好运。

notre dame de paris硬币是钱吗

notre dame de paris ,法语表示“巴黎圣母院”。这个不是钱

谁有notre dame de paris法语歌词啊?? 登录此法语网站,notre dame de paris法语歌词尽在眼前。 Notre-Dame de Paris boire ! Anarkia Ave Maria paen Beau comme le soleil Belle Bohémienne Ces diamants-là Condamnés Danse mon Esmeralda Déchiré Déportés Dieu que le monde est injuste Donnez-la moi Esmeralda tu sais tre prêtre et aimer une femme Fatalité Florence Intervention de Frollo Je reviens vers toi Je sens ma vie qui bascule Je te laisse un sifflet L"attaque de Notre-Dame L"enfant trouvé L"ombre La cour des miracles La fête des fous La monture La sorcière La torture La volupté Le mot Phoebus Le pape des fous Le procès Le temps des cathédrales Le temps des cathédrales (Final) Le val d"Amour Les cloches Les oiseaux qu"on met en cage Les portes de Paris Les sans-papiers Libérés Lune Ma maison, c"est ta maison Mon matre, mon sauveur Où est-elle ? Phoebus Tentative d"enlèvement Tu vas me détruire Un matin tu dansais Visite de Frollo à Esmeralda Vivre 一共有51首歌曲

Notre Dame de Paris 的音标


Notre Dame de Paris 的音标


音乐剧Notre-Dame de paris(巴黎圣母院)LRC格式歌词

les liens d" sang 打印此页 歌手:karemera 专辑:13:13 Quelqu抲n me dise ?partir de quel moment j抋i d関i?br>En t阾e ?queue en train de gerber dans mon 関ierD閖?nerveux dans l" ventre de ma m鑢e 4 kilosJ" balance des coups de pieds elle se met ?perdre ses eaux vais-je na顃re pr閙atur?br>Un doigt sur la g钠hette je suis d閖?pr阾 ?tirer pr阾 ?tuer(Shotgun)Maintenant je sais que nos arr阾s de mort sont sign閟Que nos corps sont libres mais que nos 鈓es sont consign闲sD閟ormais je sais que d抋voir eu ?me porter9 mois dans son ventre elle aurait du m抋vorterDe quoi elle a accouch??Un r闲ugi?politique immatricul?br>Je suis d" ceux ?qui on dit ?premi鑢e vu va te faire enculerP"tite s涡r pleure pas je suis dans le couloir de l扥FPRARER ?Fontenay-Sous Bois 鏰 fait partie du contratQuoi qu抜l arrive on sortira d" ce putain d" SONACOTRAUn an et demi qu" j抋ttends mon tour comptant jour apr镳 jourLe temps te prend de cours sans la carte de s閖ourEt Dieu sait que je l抩btiendrai du premier coup ou en recoursQuestion de vie ou de mort t" as chaud t" as froid tu vas faire quoi gars ?Que je m抏n sorte bless?mort ou indemneJ" garde la t阾e haute de toute fa鏾n c抏st du pareil au m阭eSans piers-pa j" te d閐ie 鏰 avec ce qui reste de mon c涡rOn ne serait pas l?sans Coluche et ses restos du c涡rPas la peine que tu me dises qu抜l y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rondJe l抯ais depuis que j抋i pu lire 8.6 sur mon biberon8.6 l抋lcool le seul vice qui s抏st transmis de p鑢e en fils镨a pas toujours 閠?rose mais il n抷 a jamais euDe quoi faire une overdosePourquoi dramatiser ?Au plus j抋vais juste qu抲ne teille de rhum ?tiserAu pire j掗tais juste un peu traumatis?br>Jouons carte sur tableNul besoin d抲n accord parental souhaitableT" as un ref c抏st ton ref et t" as un ref c抏st une puteT" as une meuf c抏st ta meuf et t" as une meuf c抏st une puteT" as un keuf c抏st un keuf et celui l?on le buteM阭e p鑢e m阭e m鑢e j抋i vu des fr鑢es escrocs me sortir leurs crocsJ抋i vu ma propre meuf me verser des larmes de crocoJ 抋i vu des keufs m抋rr阾er les mains en l抋ir n间roEt Veni Vidi ViciJe suis venu j抋i vu et j抋i vaincu car comme p抪a disait toujoursQui vit par le cul p閞ira par le culJ抋i vu nos liens d" sang se taillader les veines dans un bain d"sangTest?le go鹴 de s閞umFr鬺?des pacemakersL抩p閞ation ?c涡r ouvert dans cette pi鑓e m掗c涡reSenti l抩deur de la mortOh mon Dieu que 鏰 pueJ抏ntends encore le doc me direOn a fait tout ce qu抩n a puFut un temps o?on 閠ait tous berc閟 par une cause communeComment 鏰 se fait qu抩n se retrouve dispers閟 dans des fosses communesContrairement ?ce qu抩n ditJ" suis n??Butare dans le centre des banditsCousins cousines fr鑢es et s涡rs sur le point de s" tuerPremi鑢e option gangster deuxi鑝e prostitu闲Shab?mon boarding pass en pleine forme me voiciSur la plate forme de Roissy et si jamais j抋ffiche ce sourire faut pas s抷 fierJ" suis rentr?dans ce bled avec des papiers falsifi閟Plus de chance qu抩n m抏xpulseQu抲ne balle sur six en roulette russeUn homme de moins un homme de plus dont les yeux convulsentCes menottes me torturent j" voudrais cacher ma gueule et marcher comme une tortueRien que pour tuer le temps et tout pour que le temps me tueVoici qu抩n en arrive au meyday meyday Roissy on a un 慴l鑝eY a pas moyen que je guette cet a閞oport je sais d抩?je sorsSi t" entends dire que je suis ?bord sache que je suis un homme mortIls me parlent d抲n paradis blancMais au fond de moi je sais qu抜l y a un enfer noirEt comme P抪a disait toujoursFils 阾re noir ce n抏st pas ce genre d抙istoires qui finissent le m阭e soirJe connaissais le refrain j抋vais qu抡 pas danserMais dans ce monde faut des fois que tu avances ?pas cadenc?br>Je ne peux pas traduire ni te dire ?quoi 鏰 pourrait correspondreIl n抷 a pas de feu pour tout cramer ni de lacets pour se pendreSi il y a un Dieu pour les noirs j抜mplore sa mis閞icorde pas la mis鑢e sur une cordeMargi fait sa pri鑢e il n抷 a plus rien qu抜ls puissent faireIl avait pris un charter <>Comme c抏st dommage ?son 钝eVoyage en 3e classe dans une classeD抲n train d抋tterrissageSauver son enfance est une cause perdue d抋vanceLe mal est fait il a donn?des cheveux gris ?son p鑢e bris?le c涡r de sa m鑢eTout 鏰 pour une chim鑢e 閜h閙鑢eC抏st pas d" chance tu saisL抙orreur est humaine m阭e la vierge marieJ閟us le fils de Dieu a d闰hir?son hymenJ"suis qu抲n sp闰imen de cette esp鑓e humaineEt ils voudraient m抜nterner pour 阾re n?du mauvais c魌?de la m閐iterran闲J抋i chi?la peur et la honteQuand ils ont flingu?mon oncle ?bout portant depuis le tempsJ抋i retenu qu抲n seul passage de l抋ncien testament宨l pour 渋lDent pour dentCar comme p抪a disait toujours c抏st le struggle for lifeEt si t抋s pas de flingue sers toi de tes incisivesEt sois pr阾 ?subir jusqu抡 ce que mort s抏nsuive

Notre Dame de Paris怎么读?


Two old women live in a quiet street in Paris. They are friends and neighbours. They oft

意思就是说,男的看见漂亮女的两眼放光。你丫这都不懂啊?我靠( ‵o′)

QF FOR SI NONG PARIS PE是什么牌子的香水 是什么味的

泰国进口香水 QF PE香水 泰国男士喷雾型香水 淡雅清馨 淘宝有卖的,我也很喜欢,找了好久次找到有卖

paris hilton 的jealousy的歌词

[ti:][ar:][al:][by:][00:00.00]JEALOUSY[00:05.00]Paris Hilton[00:10.00]Lisa Love Liann ^^y[00:15.00][00:24.78]I thought you were my best friend[00:28.90]I felt we"d be together 2 the end[00:33.03]You"re not the girl I once knew[00:37.29]Tell me where she is cause she"s not you[00:41.33]You used to be that shoulder[00:45.47]That shoulder I could lean on through it all[00:49.55]But now it"s getting colder[00:53.89]There"s no love between these walls[00:56.95]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[01:00.43]It"s such an evil thing to watch someone like you[01:05.24]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[01:08.69]Nobody wins when you"re full of envy[01:13.77]La, la, la, la, la, la[01:17.91]La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la[01:23.18]I was always happy[01:27.22]When I was watching you become a star[01:31.17]But you were only happy[01:35.47]When the world was opening up my scars[01:39.46]And now I"m like the devil[01:43.49]Well if I am then what does that make you[01:47.63]You sold yourself for your fame[01:51.78]You"d still never walk a day in my shoes[01:54.93]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[01:58.39]It"s such an evil thing to watch someone like you[02:03.23]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[02:07.31]Nobody wins when you"re full of envy[02:12.22]La, la, la, la, la, la[02:16.49]La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la[02:36.45]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[02:39.90]It"s such an evil thing to watch someone like you[02:44.74]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[02:47.96]It"s such an evil thing to watch someone like you[02:52.75]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[02:56.48]It"s such an evil thing to watch someone like you[03:01.33]Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy[03:05.43]Nobody wins when you"re full of envy[03:10.35]La, la, la, la, la, la[03:14.63]La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT: PARIS For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? Paris is the capit

For your next vacation ,why not consider visiting Paris ?Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe ,It doesn"t have ang beaches or mountains, but there are still mang things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world. Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it"s usually convenient to take the underground train to most places. In general, though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the wine! Most people in France have learned English. But mang people don"t like to speak English, especially in Paris. So unless you speak French youself, it"s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 翻译??



同义句转换1.I met an old friend in Paris by chance. 2When the flood cane here,the old man held on a

.I met an old friend in paris by coincidence

Mica Paris的《Positivity》 歌词

歌曲名:Positivity歌手:Mica Paris专辑:Whisper A PrayerAshley Tisdale - PositivityFrom where I stand I seeA world of possibilitiesSo don"t be going negative on me babyLove is hardBut that"s alrightGive it timeIt"s worth the rideYou knowIt"s all in the way youYou"re lookin" at meI"m lookin" at youWhat more do wantShow me some positivityIt"s all that I gotIt"s leading me onCan"t leave it aloneShow me some positivityYou"re makin" it harderThan it has to beSo won"t u please show meSome positivitySome positivityWish I could get into your mindSo I could see if I"m inside"Cause I know that you"re right here in mine, oh babyThe glass is half full not emptyWhy do you think u wont" get noneYou know it"s all in teh way youYou"re lookin" at meI"m lookin" at youWhat more do wantShow me some positivityIt"s all that I gotIt"s leading me onCan"t leave it aloneShow me some positivityYou"re makin" it harderThan it has to beSo won"t u please show meSome positivitySome positivityDon"t bring me downBring me down witcha baby, noI"m on a high up hereAnd I don"t want to let goSo I"m gonna tell you one more timeRapYou"re lookin" at meI"m lookin" at youWhat more do wantShow me some positivityIt"s all that I gotIt"s leading me onCan"t leave it aloneShow me some positivityYou"re makin" it harderThan it has to beSo won"t u please show meSome positivityYou"re lookin" at meI"m lookin" at youWhat more do wantShow me some positivityIt"s all that I gotIt"s leading me onCan"t leave it aloneShow me some positivityYou"re makin" it harderThan it has to beSo won"t u please show meSome positivitySome positivityAshley Tisdale - Positivity

The flight goes direct to Paris. 请问这英语为什么不用directly?? 而用direct


Everybody knows the famous building—the Eiffel Tower, which was 【 小题1】 (建成) in Paris, Franc

小题1:built小题2:tallest/highest小题3:appeared小题4:tourists/travelers/visitors小题5:first/firstly小题6:lunch小题7:million小题8:choose小题9:delicious/yummy/tasty/nice/good小题10:eating 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了埃菲尔铁塔及埃菲尔铁塔作为世界著名景点的旅游情况。小题1:结合语境可知本句指的是,埃菲尔铁塔是在1889年,在法国巴黎建成的。本句主语是动作对象,故用被动语态,根据汉语提示,可知填过去分词built,建造。小题2:结合语境及汉语提示,可知填形容词最高级tallest/highest。小题3:句意:直到1930年,当克莱斯勒大厦出现时。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去某时发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。根据汉语提示,可知填过去式动词appeared,出现。小题4:根据前文修饰词more及汉语提示,可知填复数名词tourists/travelers/visitors。小题5:句意:当它最初完成时,结合语境可知填副词first/firstly,做状语。小题6:根据汉语提示,可知填名词lunch,抽象名词,不可数,故用原形即可。小题7:当数词和基数词搭配使用时,一般用单数,根据汉语提示,可知填million。小题8:根据前文时间状语every year 可知本句描述的是经常性动作,故用一般现在时态。主语some表示复数含义,故谓语动词用原形。根据汉语提示,可知填原形动词choose。小题9:根据汉语提示,可知填形容词delicious/yummy/tasty/nice/good,作定语。小题10:enjoy后面一般接名词或者动名词作宾语,enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事,根据汉语提示,可知填动名词eating。

英语encounter paris怎么读






谁有Niggas In Paris中文歌词

[Jay-Z]So I ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款But first ni**as gotta find me 但首先 你们得先找到我啊What"s 50 grand to a muhf*kaa like me 你觉得5W对老子来说算什么Can you please remind me? 罚款 你也得提醒我啊Ball so hard 又赚大了 This sh*t crazy 玩嗨了Ya"ll don"t know that don"t sh*t phase me 你们不是不晓得没啥玩意儿能糊弄哥The Nets could go 0-82 and I look at you like this sh*t gravy 布鲁克林篮网队即使0胜82负 而我看你象中了大奖一样+Ball so hard, 赚大了哦This sh*t weird 太不可思议了We ain"t even spose to be here, 想想我们的出身 我们不能怎样Ball so hard, Since we here 但我们一来这里 就赚大了It"s only right that we be fair 唯一正确的就是我们能成这一点很公平Psycho, I"m liable to be go Michael 我得了神经病 所以我有义务成为下一个乔丹Take your pick, Jackson, Tyson, Jordan, Game 6 你来选我当什么 迈克尔杰克逊?泰森?乔丹?(game 6是指乔丹总冠军第六场绝杀)Ball so hard 玩疯了哦Got a broke clock, Rolleys that don"t tick tok 我这不是买了个破表么 尼玛劳力士也特么不嘀嗒Audemars that losing time, Hidden behind all these big rocks 爱彼(audemas piguet世界名表)还不是看不到时间 怎么呢 因为上面都是钻石 盖住了+Ball so hard+ 好有钱啊I"m shocked+Too, I"m supposed to be locked up too 我尼玛太有钱了 自己都吓傻了 所以我应该被关起来If you escaped what I"ve escaped 要是你能象我一样越狱You"d be in Paris getting f*cked up too 那么你也可以象我一样在巴黎到处嗨+Ball so hard 好会玩啊Let"s get faded, Le Meurice for like 6 days 我们一起玩消失 一起去Le Meurice(巴黎顶级酒店)嗨一周Gold bottles, scold models, Spillin" Ace on my sick J"s 镶金的酒瓶 顶尖的模特 ace酒喝不下都倒在我的air jordan鞋上面了Ball so hard 好嗨啊+B**ch behave, Just might let you meet Ye, 你(biao)们(zi)都乖一点啊 我马上把kanye叫过来Chi towns D. Rose, I"m movin" the Nets to BK 芝加哥公牛队的D Rose 听着 我把网队弄到布鲁克林去了[Hook]Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款That sh*t crazy (x6) 好嗨啊[Kanye West]She said Ye can we get married at the mall? 我女人说 kanye啊 我们能不能就在商场里面结婚啊I said look you need to crawl "fore you ball 我回答她 你想得到我啊 那你是不是应该巴结一下我列Come and meet me in the bathroom stall 来厕所找我吧And show me why you deserve to have it all 我要让你晓得 “我,你值得拥有”That sh*t crazy, Ain"t it Jay? 我们好屌啊 是不是 朋友(JAY)What she order, fish filet 她点的啥菜啊 鱼片么"Your whip so cold", this old thing “你的坐骑好屌啊”她说的这个古董Act like you"ll ever be around muhf***as Like this again 我怎么觉得你表现得象你再也不会出现一样Bougie girl, grab her hand 富二代的姑娘 我必须抓住她的手F**k ol girl she don"t wanna dance 要是她不想跳舞 那她快点去死吧Excuse my French but I"m in France (I"m just sayin) 对不起 我的法语很水 但是我就是在法国很屌(真的)Prince William"s ain"t do it right if you ask me 我觉得威廉王子很2Cause if I was him I would have married Kate &a Ashley 因为如果我是他的话 我绝对会娶kate和AshleyWhat"s Gucci my ni**a? Gucci是啥 我的亲What"s Louie my killa? LV又是啥 我的亲What"s drugs my deala? 白面是啥 我的亲What"s that jacket, Margiela? 这屌衣服啥牌子的? 我去 马丁马吉拉的啊 好屌啊Doctors say I"m the illest 医生说我病得不轻Cause I"m suffering from realness 因为我得病叫现实症Got my niggas in Paris 我的兄弟占领了巴黎And they going gorillas, huh! 他们要轰动全城[Jay-Z]Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款[Kanye West]You are now watching the throne 你们都在盯着我的宝座Don"t let me get in my zone (x3) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们[Jay-Z]I got that hot bitch in my home 我屋里全是**[Kanye West]You know how many hot b**ches I own 你晓得的 我到底有多少**Don"t let me in my zone (x4) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们The stars is in the building 天上的星星都是我家的They hands is to the ceiling 我的人都喜欢“把手放在空中甩”I know I"m bout to kill it 我知道 我屌爆了How you know, I got that feeling 我的东西 你们都体会不了You are now watching the throne 你们就晓得盯着我的宝座Don"t let me into my zone (x2) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们[Jay-Z & Kanye West]I"m definitely in my zone 真的 我的地盘听我的

Elton John的《Paris》 歌词

歌曲名:Paris歌手:Elton John专辑:Leather Jackets「PARIS」作词∶MEG作曲∶田中ヤスタカ歌∶MEGEvian / Cap / Caen / Joinville le Pont / Dijon / Divonne / DieppeBoulogne-Billancourt /Perigueux / Belfort/ Bergerac / Bordeaux / TroyesDouai / Roissy / Cholet/ DinardNancy / Niort / Trouville / DeauvilleBrive-la-Gillarde / Chaloh-sur-SaoneLaon / Quimper / Thionville / ToulonNice / Cherbourg / CarcassonneLa Roche-sur-Yon / Vichy / Besancon / Pau / PoitiersFrejus / Boulogne-sur-MerFontainebleau / Rouen / Le Havre / Lille / Le MansMetz / MohtluconRodez / Rochefort / Juan-les-Pins / LoireSens / Cabour / Saint-Remy-de-Provence / RoanneMonttelimar / Gennevilliers / SaumurGrenoble / CreilLa Roche / Angouleme / Paris / SevranWe can startagain from the beginning, Let"s go!【 おわり 】

英文In comparison/ by comparison差在哪?用法跟中文意思?

英文In parison跟 by parison 中文意思 差在哪?In parison跟 by parison 中文意思几乎是差不多的,都是用来比较两个事物的性质..等,只是用法上有一点点差异而已,而且In parison 会比by parison 还要常见。 下面教学In parison跟 by parison的用法。 parison 相比之下 in parison 无论是放在句首、句中,还是句尾,都是可以的。 例: My shoes are *** all in parison with my sister"s. 我的鞋子比姐姐的小。(句中) 例: This dress is really cheaper in parison. 比较起来,这件衣服真的便宜。(句尾) 例: In parison with other candidates, she was very good. 与其他候选人相比,她非常出色。 这里要注意的是,In parison 放在句首的时候,后面可以接to 或是 with。也就是In parison to /In parison with 都是可以的,意思一样。 parison 通过对比、相比之下 相较于in parison,by parison 反而没那么常见。而by parison 跟 in parison用法几乎是一样的。 例: This dress is really cheaper by parison. 相比之下,这件衣服真的便宜。 例: Jenny was very nervous. Mark was quite calm by parison. 珍妮很紧张。 相比之下,马克很镇定。 3.pale in parison 相形见绌 in parison 还有一个相关的英文片语是 pale in parison 。pale 是指「变苍白」的意思,顾名思义, pale in parison 中文意思是指「 相形见绌」的意思。 例: Today"s economic problems pale in parison with those of the 1930s. 与1930年代相比,当今的经济问题显得相形见绌。 by parison, by parison 中文, by parison 意思, in parison, In parison to, In parison with, In parison 中文, In parison 意思, 相形见绌 英文, 相比之下 英文

make a comparison

make a comparison 和pose a contrast 都是说写出不同 但是comparison 是比较的意思 你的答案可以有它们的相同和不同之处 pose a contrast,contrast 是不同的意思 你的答案只要写一个不同之处就行了

comparison between是什么意思


posing a contrast和making a comparison各自含义?一样吗?05-text1


in contrast with和 in comparison with 的用法

contrast = 对比,强调差异,而不是相似或不同之处 例句:His white hair was in contrast with his dark skin.他的白头发与黑皮肤形成鲜明对比。 comparison = 比较, 用于比较两人或事物(程度上)的相似或不同之处 。例句:Sophie"s dance in comparison with others" is not good enough.苏菲的舞蹈和别人相比还不够好。

beyond compare还是comparison

comparison。compare是个动词,这里应该用一个名词,就是comparison。beyond comparison,表达无与伦比的意思。一些地方的表达,比如说歌词,比如说一些娱乐宣传等等,都是很不规范的,只是表达了一个意思,并不代表语法方面完全没有问题。


1. 用比较和对比的写作技巧写一篇短文 1.你很善于观察生活,能敏锐地捕捉一个个有意义的瞬间;你是个很有潜力的学生。 2.文章的语言很流畅,也写出了老师的感受。你是老师的知音,希望我们共同切磋,在文学的百花园中采撷芬芳的一束。 3.你的字迹工整,书写很优美,老师要向你学习。文章选材如果再新颖些,肯定会与书写交相辉映。你认为呢? 4.太棒了!你的文章,再现了东北人的憨直爽朗,使读者顿感神清气爽。语言流畅至极,通感运用尤为巧妙。你的笔锋具有征服力和感染力。努力,再创辉煌! 5.你的文章象一条缓缓而流的小溪,清秀,流畅。文笔优美,感情真挚细腻,具有个人风格。愿你在写作路上继续采撷生活中的朵朵浪花,让自己的风格更趋完善! 6.涉世不深的少年走进复杂的社会,这本身就是一种睿智。文章语言平实而柔和,描写很随意,似乎引领着读者在心灵的原野上漫步。不足是议论略感缺乏棱角。要知道,精粹的议论可起到画龙点睛的作用,会使你的文章更加深刻。继续练笔,你会更出色! 7.本文文笔优美清新,富有一定的哲理性。文中写“我”在大海边散步,大海不仅给予“我”美的享受,还引起“我”的沉思和联想,可以说是大海给了我畅游的空间,“我”为大海注入了生命,使大海成为一个具有高尚人格力量的“人”。本文读后给人以美感,引人深思。 8. 除了上课就是下课,学校生活似乎平淡乏味,但本文却善于从平凡中发现不平凡,而且写得津津有味:紧张的早晨,战斗的中午,疲劳的晚上,每个时段都选取了极富生活情趣的镜头加以点染。清新活泼的语言,生动地展示了学生积极向上的精神风貌。 9.本文无论是思想性还是艺术性都是很高的,读后让人久久回味。构思巧妙, 运用对比手法,深化了主题;情节也颇具匠心,整个故事既出人意料之外,又在情理之中。语言朴实无华,采用白描手法,作者的爱憎包含在叙述之中,能让读者去体会,去深思。 10、文中对父亲的介绍是全面的:从外貌到内心,从工作到生活;对父亲的介绍又是有重点的:重在写父亲的感情。人物形象丰满、真实,富于生活气息。为这样的父亲自豪吧,再努力,不要辜负父亲的期望! 11.你能够由雪联想到人生追求,从生活细节出发,创新精神可嘉。本文体现了你平白的文风,谁说“白开水”不是最佳的饮料? 12.全文几句俗语的引用恰到好处,以怀旧为线索。这正体现了你的思想意识。 13.你的文章很有创意——用数学证明题的形式来完成构思。全文文学色彩很浓! 14.作为随感,你的文章文思敏捷,意愿纷呈。字里行间流露出的人生体验的丰富和思想感情的细腻让老师感到惊讶。希望你再接再厉,在今后的写作中形成一道属于自己的风景线! 15.你是个很有主见又不乏真知的学生,对你的观点我十分认同,但如果行文安排中结构再紧凑些,那就是锦上添花了。 16.这篇文章选择了一个全新的角度,让你的思想可以在这里自由地驰骋,这是你最大的成功之处。老师要提醒你的是透过纷纭的世事,总有一些准则可供我们处世时把握,让你的思想更深刻些,你将会时时收到“滴水看世界”的效果。 2. A parison beeen life nowadays and life in the past 200字左右的 把你现在的生活和童年生活做比较,写一篇短文, when I was a child ,I like to play with my friends, carefree everyday , play games, I always ask mother bring me to the amusement park, but now I"m a student of primary school, I had a lot of lesson and homework every day I feeling grown up now ,I should try my best on my study ,Then be the person who contributed to the social. 3. 写一篇英语作文 【英语作文】 First of all I have to say under the school uniform meaning: "schools require students to wear school uniform meaning: First, let every student is in school is an equal, whether rich or poor, which the students Growth is beneficial; The second is to wear school uniforms for their students to have a position, whether in school or out-of-school, as will a student And he is a constraint, which is very meaningful education students; Third, to avoid A parison beeen the students; Fourth, the students put an end to the Outrageous outfits, the right to form aesthetics. "We all wear uniforms 【中文翻译】首先我要说下校服的含义:“学校要求学生统一穿校服的意义:一是可以让每一个学生感到在学校里都是平等的一员,不管是富有的,还是贫困的,这对学生的成长是有利的;二是穿上校服学生对自己有一个定位,不管是在校内,还是在校外,都会因为自己是一名学生而有一种约束,这对学生的教育很有意义;三是避免了学生之间的相互攀比;四是杜绝学生的奇装异服,形成正确的审美观。”所有我们要穿校服 自—— 地址弄错了,应该是 抱歉==、 4. 帮我写篇作文关于 about shopping的英语作文谢谢 爱作文网为您收集 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic Media and Shopping. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1当今,各种媒体非常发达,人们通过媒体购物相当普遍起来。 2媒体购物给人们带来很多方便,同时也暴露出其弊端。collected by 爱作文网 3我的看法。 媒体购物(Media and Shopping) With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and the Inter. Collected By izuowen As we know, every coin has o sides and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you do not have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss.Collected By izuowen As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefit to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.Collected by 5. 要写一篇英语作文 Friendship And Love Friendship and love. Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences beeen friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible beeen persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand. What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends. What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship. Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don"t meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no parison beeen love and friendship. 6. 写一篇中外文化差异的英语作文 Long history in China in 5000, western social process of world 56 a hundred years.China is brilliant abundant, great and deep food culture;The western nation then has delicately and particularly , from bee the food civilization of system.Medium the west food cultural collision, exchanges and melted into whole mankind"s civilization to fill up with wear colourful function.Medium the Spanish turn of the difference of educated medium west food culture of difference, but this kind of difference e from medium the west different mode of thinking with conducting philosophy. This text introduced a medium Spanish to turn in the difference of food.West food from the food idea, food object, food method, food ownership and property etc. carry on the parison of the culture. 7. 帮忙写个小作文 It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actions? Though we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don"t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a parison beeen foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness.。 8. 英语中写作文的万能句子 英语作文里没什么万能句子啦,多用用从句就好了,不过连词是关键 order & sequence firstly, secondly, thirdly … finally, lastly, in conclusion, to finish … followed by, subsequently, after that, next … previously, initially, in the beginning … simultaneously, meanwhile, concurrently Additional ideas furthermore … therefore … also we can see that … moreover … and then … one could also say that … continuing this view … it can also be said that … and … additionally… on top of this… in addition… following on from this Compare & contrast this is similar to … even though … just like the … differing from … balanced against … despite … by parison … however … when pared to … contrary to … to pare with … in contrast … on the other hand … whereas … on the contrary … unlike the … a differing view is … a different view is … instead … in contrast … but … peting with this … on the other hand … moreover … yet … nevertheless … correspondingly… similarly… conversely… on the other hand… likewise… while… whereas… noithstanding… conclusion to sum up … in summary … to summarize … in conclusion … to conclude … finally … in other words … as we have seen .. therefore … thus … on reflection… Cause & effect as a result of … resulting from … because of … due to … so … from this … consequently … hence … as a consequence … consequently…。 9. 以water为题目写篇英语作文 Watering-reform project in rural areas in Guizhou province, involved in the World Bank loans, is responsible for the project polling, feasibility *** ysis, project parison, first-stage design, drawing design and budget control. Aiming at improving the condition of potable water in some backward areas in Guizou, this project will partake in the program of sustainable development of water resource and environment. As a place with abundant water resources, Guizhou witnessed its rivers and lakes, to some extent, being polluted in the wake of the industrial development. This report warns people about the current situation of water resources and how to protect water resource to ensure a sustainable growth.。

making a comparison 和posing a contrast怎么区别



comparison (比较)是为了找出两者有否差别或差别有多大contrast (对比)是为了显示两个正好相反的东西差异之大Can you have a comparison between these two tables?你能比较一下这两张桌子吗?(也许只是想知道它们是否一样,做工是否有一张更好,或颜色更漂亮一些)There is a striking contrast between the two of them. 他们两人有天壤之别。相信您对答案满意,请及时采纳, 祝学习愉快!(*^__^*)

compare to和in comparison to的区别是什么呢?

您好,前者in comparison to: 是动词,意为: 相较(同...比较起来) 后者compared with: 是指与...比较 两者的区别主要在于在句子里作的成份不同。 前者一般在一个句子里做副词状语,表示所修饰主语存在和活动的条件和状态。 而后者在句子中做定语来引导定语丛句,用来表示所修饰主语的性质等等。后者常用于句首,而且compared with 也可以说成compared to. 但是compare A to B 是"把A比作B", compare A to B 是”把A同B比较”请注意区别.希望我的回答对您有帮助,谢谢!


这句话的后半句很完整,Hongkongers 是主语,应该填 Comparing to 动名词构成的非谓语应作为伴随状语理解.

posing a contrast 和 making a comparison的区别是什么

这两个短语的区别在于comparison和contrast的区别,而不在于posing和making的区别。Comparison :1)The act of comparing or the process of being compared.比较:比较的行为或被比较的过程 2)A statement or estimate of similarities and differences. 相比:相似性和差别的叙述或估计 3)The quality of being similar or equivalent; likeness: 相似:相似或相同的性质;类似: 例:no comparison between the two books. 两本书之间无比较 Contrast:To set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences: 使对照:为了显出或强调差异而使…对比 可以看出,Comparison是比较两者的相同,而Contrast就是比较两者的不同。


contrast的中文意思是对比,而comparison的中文意思是相比。contrast 是不同处的比较,comparison 是相同处的比较。中文的区别就刚好是英文的区别。例如,中文里你会说“善与恶的对比”而不会说“善与恶的相比”。英语也一样,是“contrast of good and evil”,而不是“comparison of good and evil”。又例如,中文说:“和哥哥比起来,他完全不一样。”这里的“比”是明显的对比而不是相比。所以,英文就用“He"s a complete contrast to his elder brother.”而不要“He"s a complete comparison to his elder brother.”不过如果中文是“和哥哥比起来,他高一点。”这里的比是相比而不是对比。所以英文就用“He"s taller in comparison to he elder brother.”但平常我们很少以这种拗口的方式说话,都只说“He"s taller than his elder brother.”就行了。参考资料爱问:


区别:contrast意为“对比”,着重“相异处”。comparison意为“比较”,着重“相似之处”。词义:comparison:n. (名词) :比较,相比,对比,对照.contrast:n. (名词) 对比,对照.扩展资料:词义:词组搭配

考研英语中的posing a contrast 和 making a comparison 怎么区分


by contrast与by comparison区别?

by comparison with adv. 与...比较 强调相同点,即相差不大。by contrast with 和...成对照; 和...比起来 by contrast对比起来,相比之下。

在英语中,by/in contrast与 by comparison有什么区别?


contrast与comparison 的区别?

区别:contrast意为“对比”,着重“相异处”。comparison意为“比较”,着重“相似之处”。词义:comparison:n. (名词) :比较,相比,对比,对照.contrast:n. (名词) 对比,对照.扩展资料:词义:词组搭配


区别:contrast意为“对比”,着重“相异处”。comparison意为“比较”,着重“相似之处”。词义:comparison:n. (名词) :比较,相比,对比,对照.contrast:n. (名词) 对比,对照.扩展资料:词义:词组搭配


区别:contrast意为“对比”,着重“相异处”。comparison意为“比较”,着重“相似之处”。词义:comparison:n. (名词) :比较,相比,对比,对照.contrast:n. (名词) 对比,对照.扩展资料:词义:词组搭配


compare有对照、比拟、比较的意思。释义:comparison n. 比较;对照;比喻;比较关系。[ 复数 comparisons ]。词组,短语:comparison with 与…相比。in comparison adj. 相比之下;与……比较。in comparison with 与…比较,同…比较起来。by comparison 相比之下,比较起来。comparison method 比较法。make a comparison 进行比较。comparison test 比较检验。comparison theorem 比较定理。beyond comparison adv. 无以伦比。comparison table 对照表。comparison shopping 比较购物;采购条件的比较调查。paired comp。arison 成对比较。同根词:词根: comparing。adj:comparative 比较的;相当的。comparable 可比较的;比得上的。adv:comparatively 比较地;相当地。comparably 同等地;可比较地。n:comparative 比较级;对手。comparing 比较。comparability 相似性;可比较性。v:comparing 比较;对照(compare的ing形式)。


contrast 比较的是不同点 comparison 比较的是相同点 补充: 我买过一本《新编英语辨义词典》 上海远东出版社 外文出版社还有《韦氏近义词词典》也不错,我们老师推荐过的。


contrast的中文意思是对比,而comparison的中文意思是相比。contrast 是不同处的比较,comparison 是相同处的比较。中文的区别就刚好是英文的区别。例如,中文里你会说“善与恶的对比”而不会说“善与恶的相比”。英语也一样,是“contrast of good and evil”,而不是“comparison of good and evil”。又例如,中文说:“和哥哥比起来,他完全不一样。”这里的“比”是明显的对比而不是相比。所以,英文就用“He"s a complete contrast to his elder brother.”而不要“He"s a complete comparison to his elder brother.”不过如果中文是“和哥哥比起来,他高一点。”这里的比是相比而不是对比。所以英文就用“He"s taller in comparison to he elder brother.”但平常我们很少以这种拗口的方式说话,都只说“He"s taller than his elder brother.”就行了。参考资料爱问:




comparison是名词 than 是连词 比如the comparison between A and B he is taller than me

contrast compare comparison 的辨析?求具体!

1、compare 和contrast都是动词,而comparison是名词,但是,contrast也可以当名词.2、compare比较、对比,contrast差异、对比. 从程度上来说,contrast的对比度会大很多,例如中西文化的差异,一眼就知道了,这是种很明显的...

comparasion comparison 有何区别???


pale in comparison是什么意思

pale in comparison 网络意思:相形失色; [例句]But these pale in comparison with private Internet companies.但这些业务与民营互联网企业相比就相形见绌了。

in contrast with和 in comparison with 的用法

contrast = 对比,强调差异,而不是相似或不同之处 例句: His white hair was in contrast with his dark skin. 他的白头发与黑皮肤形成鲜明对比. comparison = 比较,用于比较两人或事物(程度上)的相似或不同之处 . 例句: Sophie"s dance in comparison with others" is not good enough. 苏菲的舞蹈和别人相比还不够好.


"Comparing" 和 "comparison" 是两个词,它们具有一些不同之处:"Comparing"(动词)是“比较”的现在分词形式,用来描述进行比较的行为或过程。例如:I am comparing the prices of different products.(我正在比较不同产品的价格。)"Comparison"(名词)是“比较”的名词形式,用于指代实际的比较或对比过程,或者指代所作的比较的结果。例如:The comparison between the two paintings was interesting.(这两幅画之间的比较很有趣。)因此,可以总结出以下区别:"Comparing" 是动词形式,表示正在进行的比较行为。"Comparison" 是名词形式,表示实际的比较过程或比较的结果。希望这个解释能够帮助你理解它们之间的区别。如果还有其他问题,请随时提问。





in comparison to和in comparison with 的详细区别





比较;对比;相比,对照;比喻;比拟同义词 :contrastjudgmentassessmentevaluationappraisal
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