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regardless 与 in spite of 和despite 区分


regardless 与 in spite of 和despite 区分

despite意为“不管”“任凭”,相当于in spite of,后接名词、代词或动词,但语气比后者轻,不如后者常用.如: ① He went out despite bad weather. 他不管天气恶劣出发了.② Despite the fogs we went out for a walk. 尽管有雾,我们还是外出散步. 【注】despite后可接what引导的从句如: ① Despite what she says, I"ll go.不管她怎么说,我也要去.② I would support him despite what he did. 不管他做什么,我都支持他. despite = in spite of,故不能再与of连用; in spite of / despite + 名词 = although + 从句 in spite of= despite; regardless of = without considering or taking notice of regardless of 不管;不顾;不理会.后常接名词或者接从句 in spite of与regardless of区别 前者:一般是主观上故意去忽视,有时往往是好的条件,因素,或他人的建议,很可能导致不好的结果 后者:一般用于客观上无法避免的事实,往往是不利的条件,因素,需要主语去正确面对和处理,并不是避而远之


regardless[英][ru026au02c8gɑ:dlu0259s][美][ru026au02c8gɑ:rdlu0259s]adv.不顾后果地; 不管怎样,无论如何; 不惜费用地; adj.不重视的,不尊敬的; 不顾虑的,不关心的; 不受注意的,毫无价值的; 例句:1.Regardless, a lot can happen in 5000 years. 无论如何,5000年的时间可以发生很多事情。2.Regardless, the reinvented michigan remains only an idea. 无论如何,彻底改造后的密歇根目前还只是个想法。

Regardless——his appearance uff0che is a learned personu3002

regardless of 是不管 不顾的固定用法

逗号后面跟 regardless of是什么语法现象?

regardless of是一个介词短语,放在逗号后面,通常做句子的状语。意思是,不管,不顾。例如,Jim goes on running in the morning regardless of rain and snow. 不管是下雨还是下雪,吉姆都坚持在早上跑步。Regardless of what you say I will insist on my opinion. 不管你说什么,我都会坚持自己的意见。

regardless of是什么意思,它的近义词是?

不管 不问

Irrespective/Regardless of 的词性

阁下似乎一个很重视语文结构和系统分析的人 但先劝导一句文字的组合和句子的写法不是因为词性配对而是意思表达的选择来决定。 Irrespective/Regardless都是adjective(形容词) 因为它们of的东西(即后面跟住要表达的)是名词(stock cost)而不是动词(动作/行为),这是文法归纳的测试原则。 我也查字典Irrespective标明是adj(只有一类);regardless则有adj 和 adv,adv注明"口语 省略用法" - 意思有时在句尾加上regardless以表示强调或感叹/反话等表达句子中讲述的动作或行为。例如:He loves her regardless.意思不是他不理她是谁也爱,而是表达他无条件地爱她(形容的是爱这动作-所以是副词adv)。 同理full of/out of等后面都是形容物件=形容词片语(用你的理解名称) out of cost你觉得怪是因为英语没有out of cost这phrase; because of something由于because of这phrase是较为普遍(可以百搭),所以Because of COST we will have the work done.你从填上字句感觉上顺,但其实理解意思的逻辑和前后文上并不合理。Because of COST意思是「因为要使钱」,所以我们的工作便将会完成。句意上「要花钱/有价钱」跟「工作完成」的因果关系不成立,所以一样不合理的错句子。句子的成立不单是结构和文法规则(词性位置对)便了,最重要是词的意思跟句子组合要表达的情况/情节/意思是否成立。 你问有那些类同adj of noun唯有你自己多看书,但留心不是所有xxxx of 的phrase都是这种的,因为这类用presposition phrase的结构不是单一的。 regardless (adverb) We carried on regardless. regardless of (preposition) We will continue the race regardless of the weather. irrespective of (preposition) We consider all qualified job applicants irrespective of sex or age 虽然有字典列 irrespective 为副词 但无例子. 因全用 ”irrespective of” 当前置词用. 2014-03-15 04:21:48 补充: irrespective of regardless of out of because of 这种类名称 plex preposition or group preposition ~ bination of 2 or 3 words that functions as a preposition. 其他的例子: in addition to in spite of instead of in case of in front of on account of by way of.... 不是 prepositional phrases. 2014-03-15 05:12:11 补充: 不是形容词 无形容名词或代名词功能 1. It is + adjective. It is irrespective (regardless) ~ 错 2. adj. + noun (生物 东西 事件) regardless (irrespective) thing ~ 错 3. noun + linking verb + adj. The thing is regardless (irrespective) ~ 错 英汉与少数字典列形容词 是无意义 失去形容词功能 最新字典 牛津 剑桥 Longman Merriam Webster 不列为形容词

regardless of造句

regardless of造句有:The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 扩展资料 It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed任何人,不论宗教、肤色或信仰,都可以加入;The club welcomes all new members regardless of age俱乐部对新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。"

regardless of 后能跟句子吗?


regardless to say

我不知道有什么话可以无所顾忌地去说. 1. what there was to say regardless是know 的宾语从句; 2. what是say 的宾语,即:说什么; 3. regardless和regardlessly都是副词,但是意思大相径庭,前者“不顾后果”,而后者“不受注意地, 毫无价值地”

no matter 和 regardless的区别

no matter 是不管怎样,无论如何的意思。regardless 是不加理会的意思。两者意思相近,要看用在什么地方。

regardless of是无论的意思?


regardless of和regardless用法区别 because of和because区别

regardless 和 because 后面加句子,是从句regardless of 和 because of 由于of在这里是介词,后面要加名词、代词或者名词性短语



英语方面的问题;regardless和in spite of 的区别?



regardless of固定搭配,意思是不管怎样...。regardless of cold weather 形容词短语,作状语,整句意思是,他热衷跑步,不管天气多冷 。

regardless of 的用法 带两句例句

不管, 不顾;无;不拘e.g1.Still, we should consolidate our powers regardless of the three.2.Regardless of what authority figures say and do to us


regardless是个副词,但是,它本身是不能构成介词短语的,而是regardless of构成介词短语。类似结构:instead ofNow I can walk to work instead of going by car. 现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。《牛津词典》

regardless 可以直接接从句吗?

造句就可以明白,The work is done regardless it"s raining. 意思是尽管下雨,这工作还是完成。所以regardless 接著从句没有问题。


1、regardless是副词,而despite是介词,所以 one carried on regardless 是正确的表达,而 despite 不能这样使用,毕竟词性不同嘛. 2、但 regardless 可与 of 形成固定搭配并当作介词使用,所以 you insist on putting it regardless of regular rules.而 despite = in spite of,因此,不能与 of 搭配使用. 3、regardless of 常使用 how,what,why 即 w- 系引导的从句,而despite 通常接名词或名词性短语,当然再来个同位语从句也行,如 ...despite the fact that ...,较少使用what之类的名词性从句. 4、despite可以接反身代词,而regardless (of) 却不能.所以,Almost despite himself,as he jumped into the terribly cold river to save the drowning boy.但是 He ever jumped into the river for saving life of a boy,regardless (regardless of ...).却也不错啥. 其它的,一时半会也想不起来了哈.

英语方面的问题;regardless和in spite of 的区别

regardless 用英语翻译在作副词是指In spite of everything,给你看个例句看看能否说明问题:例句:anyway:continues to work regardless.没有对象,一切而In spite of 属于短句,也表达了不顾的意思.例句:They kept on in spite of their fears.通常有具体所指的东西所以区别就能看出虽是一个意思,但是用法不同,如果想简明笼统一点就用regardless,如果想强调特定的,你不顾忌的东西就用in spite of,也只有后者才能让人明了究竟什么是不顾的,至于regardless则有大小通吃的意思,任何事,任何人,任何情况都可以不管.


我不知道有什么话可以无所顾忌地去说.1. what there was to say regardless是know 的宾语从句;2. what是say 的宾语,即:说什么;3. regardless和regardlessly都是副词,但是意思大相径庭,前者“不顾后果”,而后者“不受注意地, 毫无价值地”




usual寻常的 typical典型的 common普通的,普遍的 normal正常的,ordinary 无特点的,普通的 regular经常的,有规律的,average平均的

Greg Johnson的《Liberty》 歌词

歌曲名:Liberty歌手:Greg Johnson专辑:Chinese WhispersLibertyStratovariusSun is shiningSky is so blueI"m filled with hopeIt"s promisingThe course my life is takingSearching of my truth has brought me hereFacing things with confidenceThat all will be okPast is goneLife goes onMemories remainI break the chain of misery and painMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthI"m standing here today and understandThere is no reason to hide anymoreSo many things to see so many things to gainMy life is not in vainMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earth

__________ [A]habit [B]tradition [C]region [D]idea


 Permian Sedimentary Basin and Regional Sedimentary Models in the Southwest China

8.9.1 IntroductionEleven third-order sequences were already recognized in Permian strata of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi region(Chen Hongde et al"s another paper in the issue).We have noted that the same sequence indifferent areas are synchronous,but its characteristics are varying from area to area.There are many factors to influence sequences.This book attempts to interpret this difference in terms of basin type and then establish the development models in different types of basins and the sedimentary models of different ages throughout the study region.Finally,we make correlation of changes of sea level in the study region with global changes of sea level.8.9.2 Types of BasinsAccording to analyses of 11 sequences and their system tracts and considering other geological data,especially data of tectonic setting,we recognized 5 types of Permian basins in the study region:cratonic basin,foreland basin,passive epicontinental,rift basin,passive epicontinental strike-slip basin and back-arc rift basin. Cratonic basinsCratonic basins are in fact a large-area settling platforms or gentle slope.A typical cratonic basin in the study region was the Upper Yangtze cratonic basin.This basin covered central and southeastern Sichuan and northern Guizhou.It showed three environments in different times of Permian.It appeared as the Upper Yangtze carbonate platform in the Maokou Age,as the Upper Yangtze terrigenous clast-carbonate mixed platform in the Qixia Age,and as the Upper Yangtze carbonate gentle slope in Late Permian.The Upper Yangtze carbonate gentle slope was determined on the basis of Sequences 1,2 and 3;the Upper Yangtze carbonate platform was determined on the basis of Sequences 4,5 and 6;and the Upper Yangtze mixed platform was determined on the basis of Sequences 7,8,9,10 and 11.Carbonate platforms and mixed platforms have characteristics below:①sequences are regressive ones consisting of weakly retrograding,aggrading and weakly prograding parasequence sets,show obviously transverse changes,and usually have top unconformity;②depositional agents are mainly tide,wave and gravity flow;and③there are organic mound-reef-bank complexes which were formed by keeping up-catching-up type aggrading,prograding or mix-grading and appeared in various system tracts.Carbonate slopes have characteristics below:①sequences are progressive ones consisting of strongly prograding or strongly retrograding sedimentary wedges,and show no obviously transverse changes,and usually have a lot of terrigenous clast sediments in their lower parts;②depositional agents are mainly wave,storm wave and storm flow;and③there are deep water catching-up reef-mound complexes. Foreland basinsA typical foreland basin appeared in the Shiwan Dashan Mountains area of Guangxi Province in Late Permian.It was determined mainly on the basis of Sequences of 7,8,9,10 and 11.In such basins LST sediments are relatively poorer developed and TST and HST sediments are prosperous.The former has a weakly-prograding-weakly-retrograding parasequence set consisting of turbidite fan facies and fan-delta facies;but the latter has a strongly-prograding parasequence set consisting of fan-delta facies and alluvial fan-plain facies.In addition,TST and HST sediments are coarse in grain size;large in thickness,and not easily identified and correlated,sea level showing a high amplitude and low frequency change. Passive epicontinental rift basinsA typical passive epicontinental rift basin appeared in the Youjiang area of Guangxi in Early Permian.It was determined on the basis of Sequences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.Such basins had an(isolated)platform alternating with(platform)basin framework.In isolated platforms,water was relatively shallower;sequences was formed by catching-up and keeping-up deposition,showing characteristics of retrograding,aggrading and prograding parasequence sets.Platform basins were compensative,in which water was shallower and sequences were formed by calcareous debris-gravity flow,showing characteristics of aggrading-prograding parasequence sets. Passive epicontinental strike-slip basinsA typical passive epicontinental strike-slip basin appeared in the Qinfang area of Guangxi in Early Permian.It was determined on the basis of Sequences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.Such basins were controlled by strike-slip faults.They were usually poor-compensative trough-like deep water ones.Sequences filling in them are made chiefly of silicolites and are not easy to be identified but easy to be correlated.Such sequences may indicate global changes of sea level characterized by high-amplitude and low frequency.A typical back-arc rift basin appeared in the Youjiang area in Late Permian.It was determined on the basis of Sequences 7,8,9,10 and 11.Such basins had a(platform)basin-surrounding-(isolated)platform framework.Platform basins were usually non-compensative deep water ones,which were in brooding and sequences filling in them,were made of turbites and silicolites.Isolated platforms in which water was shallower were in contraction;prograding,filling-up and spilling-up,showing characteristics of aggrading-prograding parasequence sets formed sequences filling in them.It is the five types of basins that essentially decided the main characteristics of individual sequences and even individual system tracts.As to details of some sequences or system tracts,special intrabasinal environments or outbasinal conditions may interpret them.8.9.3 Regional Sedimentary ModelsRegional sedimentary models can be set up according to the distribution of the five types of basins and their sequences and system tracts in the study region.Figs.8.36,8.37and 8.38 are three regional sedimentary models we set up.From the three models we can read out the Permian sedimentary evolution of the study region.Again,these models help predicting areas favorable for generating,storing and covering of oil-gas.The Caledonian Movement made the Yangtze Landmass and the Cathaysian Landmass have been jointed the South China Plate to a large extent.From Devonian on,with opening of Paleotethys,passive continental margins appeared in the south,west and north sides of the South China Plate,and thus the Upper Yangtze area and adjacent areas were in a tensile tectonic stress state throughout the Hercynian Movement.It is in the stress state that Permian sedimentary basins in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi formed.These basins had obvious inheritance in the Late Paleozoic depositional history,but owing to their locations and peripheral environments as well as synsedimentary faulting and the Dongwu Movement at the end of Early Permian,the sedimentary pictures of the study region were varying both from stage to stage and from basin to basin to some extent,distinct from their late sedimentation.The west part of the study region,i.e.,areas east of the Sichuan-Yunnan Old Land,changed from a carbonate platform through a mixed platform to a carbonate gentle slope and received very thick shallow marine carbonate sediments.The southeast part of the study region changed from a strike-slip basin to a foreland basin,owing to its special tectonic location,and the sediments showed a certain complexity.The vast area between both changed from a passive epicontinental rift basin which had a platform alternating with basin framework to back-arc rift basin which had a basin surrounding platform framework,and the sediments showed considerable diversity.8.9.4 Global Correlatability of Sea Level ChangesThe changes of sea level are also an important factor to influence sequences.The eleven third-order sequences identified in Permian strata of the study region represent 11 times of third-order sea level cycles.The curve of sea level cycles drawn by means of the 11 sequences had a certain correlatability with Vail et al.(1977)and Ross curve(Fig.8.39).Vail et al.regarded the Leonardian and Guadalupian of Lower Permian in Europe and North America as the lower progressive sequence of a second-order sea level cycle and the Upper Permian there as the upper regressive sequence of this cycle.The Leonardian and Guadalupian in Europe and North America correspond to Sequences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in the study region,i.e.the Qixia Formation and the Maokou Formation of Lower Permian.Ross(1988)regarded the whole Permian as the upper regressive sequence of the second second-order sea level cycle of Upper Paleozoic.According to Zeng Yunfu et al.(1993),the Lower Permian in the Youjiang compound basin corresponds to the upper regressive sequence of the Hercynian sea level cycle and the upper Permian does to the lower progressive sequence of the Indo-Chinese sea level cycle.Considering that the study region and even southern China are lack of more or less of Devonian and Carboniferous strata and that the top unconformity of the Maokou Formation is widespread,we consider the Lower Permian to be a relatively independent second-order sequence,in which the Qixia Formation corresponds to TST sediments,and most of the Maokou Formation does to HST sediments,and the bottom of the Maokou Formation does to CS sediments.The Qixia Formation and the Maokou Formation in the study region and even southern China have 6 third-order sequences,and compared with most of Europe and North America,and they are short of one sequence or two sequences.This is because the bottom of the Qixia Formation is short of one sequence and the top of the Maokou Formation suffered denudation.In the Youjiang basin area where Carboniferous and Permian are continuous deposition.However,the bottom of the Qixia Formation has a sequence corresponding to that absent sequence,but we incorporated it into Sequence I in order to correlate throughout the study region.Fig.8.36 Regional sedimentary model of the Qixia Age of Permian in the study regionFig.8.37 Regional sedimentary model of Maokou Age of Permian in the study regionFig.8.38 Regional sedimentary model of Late Permian in the study regionOn the other hand,the curve of sea level change for the Upper Permian of the study region has considerable differences from Vail et al."s curve and Ross curve.The upper Permian of the study region represents the early progressive stage of a second-order sea level cycle occurred during Late Permian and Early Triassic and is a progressive Carbonate sedimentary sequence,which is similar those in Alps,Outer Caucasus,Iran,northern Vietnam,Japan and so on.The second-order progressive sequence corresponds to 4 third-order sequences identified by Dennison(1984)in the Upper Permian of Tethys,of which the two sequences of the Kazanian correspond to the three sequences of the Wujiaping Formation in the study region,i.e.,Sequences 7,8 and 9,and the two sequences of the Tatarian correspond to the two sequences of the Changxing,i.e.,Sequences 10 and 11.Obviously,the Upper Permian of the study region is typical in Tethys.Vail et al."s curve and Ross" curve are too simple in describing medium-short cycles because data they used were chiefly from North America,West Europe,Russia and the Gondwana Land whose Late Permian sedimentary records are not typical:either dominated by continental facies in some areas or lack of some or all of the strata corresponding to the Changxing Formation.Yin Hongfu et al.(1994)thought that these differences may be due to that the Cimmerides separating Paleotethys from Mesotethys fast moved towards Eurasia continent and that Paleotethys closed from east to west.It follows that changes of sea level reflected by the sequences of Late Permian in the study region are typical in the world.Therefore we recommend that the segment of Late Permian in the curve of global sea level cycles of Phanerozoic Eon should be corrected using the curve for the Upper Permian in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi region.Fig.8.39 Changes of sea level in the study region and global changes of sea level during Permian

bore,register 在关于泵类的英语中是什么意思啊


Well regarded是啥意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: In an old house, this friendly, well-regarded backpackers is clean and homely and offers winning free extras like Inter, breakfast, and wine in the evening. It"s down-to-earth and chilled. 解析: 文章不太全,不知道backpackers在此处是否是背包的意思。如果是的话,那我认为well-regarded是倍受喜爱的


圈R是我国法定的注册商标标记,有R的即证明是在中国已经获准注册的商标TM 没有任何意思,是外国注册商标的标记

overlook ignore neglect disregard omit有什么区别

一、词义侧重不同:1、overlook :忽视或没有注意到;因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园。2、ignore : 通常指故意忽略或忽略明显的东西。故意强调忽略,知道做什么,不要认为是不必要的,而是故意不做。If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow.如果你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦。3、neglect : 指粗心或疏忽。强调不经意的疏忽,懂得去做,却因疏忽,导致不去做。You shouldn"t neglect your health.你不该忽略你的健康。4、disregard : 多指有意或自觉地不顾某事。We cannot disregard his coming late to work so often.对他上班经常迟到,我们不能不管。5、omit : 有意或无意地忘记做某事,或省略被认为不重要或不受欢迎的事情。强调遗漏。知道要做什么,但不要因为觉得没有必要就去做。I could omit the overseas section at this point.我可以暂时把海外部分省略掉。二、用法不同:1、overlook :可以用来指对不良现象的盲目性。可以用来指及物动词后接表示被忽视对象的名词。The mother overlooked her little boy"s bad behavior.那位母亲忽视了她的小儿子的不良行为。2、ignore v:忽视,不理睬,指有意识地拒绝。She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见。3、neglect :指因不留心或遗忘而疏忽。可接不定式结构,形成neglect to do sth 固定结构,表示因疏忽而忘记干某事。如:He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘记了修理房子。4、disregard:指有意不顾某事。及物动词,后接名词作宾语。I have no way not to disregard his feelings.我没有办法不去不顾及他的感受。5、omit:指由于“疏忽”而忘记,也可以表示因不利或不好而被忽略等。She omitted several steps in the experiment and it failed.她在实验中遗漏了几个步骤,结果实验失败了。三、除“忽视”外的含义不同:1、overlook可用于指俯瞰。及物动词,后接名词作宾语。Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.那些漂亮、舒适的房间俯瞰着一个花团锦簇的花园。2、ignore可用于指不理睬,及物动词,后接表示不理睬的对象的名词。She said her husband ignored her.她说她丈夫对她置之不理。3、Neglect 可作名词,指疏于照管。The town"s old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.这座小镇的旧码头区在多年疏于保养后快要坍塌了。4、disregard可作名词,指无视、不尊重。后接for +名词结构,表示不尊重某事物。He has the greatest disregard for all formality.他全然不顾一切礼节。5、omit可指删节、 省略, 及物动词,后接名词作宾语。Omit the salt in this recipe.去掉这个食谱中的盐。

overlook ignore neglect disregard omit有什么区别

overlook一般比较口语化,常用语表示忽视或忽略而造成错误 ignore 有故意忽视的意思,有主观色彩 neglect,常常表示因遗忘而忽略,比较客观时用 disregard 更倾向于因不尊重而忽视,从词跟regard前接否定前缀dis就能看出来 omit 多用于省略的意思,被省略,忽略的一般是不重要或不必要的部分






GregNorman品牌是中等档次,以Greg Norman为灵感,设计展现了他的冒险精神和自信自立的生活方式。品牌设计抓住了Greg Norman先生的优雅、热情和投入的特质,因此被称为大白鲨。Greg Norman是史上最出色的高尔夫球手之一,曾获得91项专业赛事殊荣,包括20项美国职业高尔夫巡回锦标赛奖项,以及2次英国公开赛大满贯冠军。如今,Greg Norman是全球高尔夫殿堂的名誉会员。

我的regedit下为什么没有applications?我是win7 是不是只有正版的才有?




我有一枚英国的硬币上面印有ELIZABETH.II D.G.REG.F.D.1981

你好!这是英国1981年的1便士硬币正面图案为英国女王伊莉莎白二世肖像背面图案为古城闸门与链条、皇冠NEW PENNY 新便士ELIZABETH.II 伊莉莎白二世英国于1981年实行了币制改革1981之后便士币制:1 Pound (镑) = 100 Pence (便士)1英镑=10.7812人民币元 市场价格1元

Elizabeth.2 DGREGFD 1977硬币来历,价值多少

这是英国1977年发行的英国女王登基25周年25新便士纪念硬币。“ELIZABETH II”翻译成汉语就是“伊丽莎白二世”。邮币市场上全新品相单枚价格在50元左右。

vba这个语句是什么意思? Range("M2:M" & [G1].CurrentRegion.Rows.Count).FillDown


register of directors是什么意思

register of directors董事登记簿;register[英][u02c8redu0292u026astu0259(r)][美][u02c8ru025bdu0292u026astu025a]n.登记,注册; 记录; 登记簿; 自动记录器; vt.登记,注册; (仪表等)指示; 表示,表达; (感情)流露; vi.登记,注册; 留下印象; 完全符合; [印刷]对齐; 第三人称单数:registers过去分词:registered复数:registers现在进行时:registering过去式:registered易混淆单词:Register例句:The law required voters to register online at least two weeks beforehand. 新选举法要求选民至少提前两星期在网上登记

register of directors是什么意思

register of directors董事登记簿; 双语例句1register of directors and chief executives interests and short positions董事及最高行政人员权益及淡仓登记册2According to its register of directors, its occupation is “ Merchant. Hardware, clothing, footware, military paraphernalia and accessories importer and exporter ”.根据其董事登记簿,其职业是“商用五金、服装、鞋类、军用随身用品和配件的进口商和出口商”。




车的型号。赛欧Sail,君威Regal,凯越Excelle,君越LaCrosse,陆尊FristLand,林荫大道ParkAvenue,昂科雷Enclave上海通用汽车有限公司成立于1997 年6月12日,由上海汽车工业(集团)总公司、通用汽车公司各出资 50% 组建而成,别克是其成功的一个品牌。

prudential regulation是什么意思

prudential regulation 审慎性监管prudential regulation的用法和样例:例句Hellmann,Murdock,Stiglitz(2000).Liberalization,Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation:Are Capital Requirements Enough[J].The American Economic Review, Vol.90.张春.A statutory body, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) tasked with the responsibility of theprudential regulation and supervision of the MPF System and compliance with the MPFSO, was set up in September 1998.强制性公积金计划管理局(积金局)已于一九九八年九月成立,是一个法定机构,负责规管和监察强积金制度的运作,以及确保《强制性公积金计划条例》得以遵守。A statutory body,the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) tasked with the responsibility of theprudential regulation and supervision of the MPF System and compliance with the MPFSO,was set up in September 1998.



[A] regarding[B] reflecting[C] revealing[D] representing


the regenerating serum海蓝之谜,海蓝之谜活颜焕肤精华露怎么用

很多人想要买护肤品之前可能都会遇到选择困难的问题,因为市面上销售的护肤品实在是太多了,不管是国内还是国外的护肤品品牌都有研发制作各种款式的护肤品,在这其中找一款适合自己使用的护肤品可以说是非常令人纠结的,那么有人想知道the regenerating serum海蓝之谜,海蓝之谜活颜焕肤精华露怎么用?he regenerating serum海蓝之谜中文全称是海蓝之谜活颜焕肤精华露,官方介绍称这款海蓝之谜活颜焕肤精华露里面的成分分别有神奇活性精萃、焕能代谢精萃、酸橙茶精萃,这些精萃成分可以帮助提升肌肤的新陈代谢速度,换货肌肤的胶原蛋白,让皮肤变得有弹性,减轻脸部细纹情况,有效抗老化。 海蓝之谜活颜焕肤精华露的使用方法是先试用修护精萃液,让皮肤被精萃液唤醒之后,再使用活颜焕肤精华露,这样可以深度激活肌底,激发肌肤的活力,接下来使用修护眼霜,最后使用精华面霜进行密集修护。使用精华露的时候,大家可以轻轻按摩面部促进肌肤吸收。 大家使用护肤品之前建议先了解清楚自己的肤质,购买适合自己的护肤品才是最好的,没有必要一定要买贵价高端的护肤品。

brooks puregrit适合跑步吗

PURE是布鲁克斯前进新推出的轻量化系列跑鞋,Pure系列一共有Grit Trail 、Flow、Connect、Cadence等几个型号,而这款pure grit是其中的越野款跑鞋,官方的介绍是这样的:以DNA智能型科技和BioMoGo环保中底相结合的技术,有效提升运动反应及避震性能,能够适应户外不同环境的变化;鞋面采用透气聚酯+尼龙网带,拇指处的鞋底分割有助于增加脚趾的灵活性,加上Nav Band伸缩织带设计,用于维持足部中段的包覆感,鞋舌和鞋身外侧相连,能够减少户外运动时对脚背产生的压迫,一体式成型泡沫鞋垫,透气舒适,橡胶外底提供良好的抓地效果。如果你平时喜欢越野跑,那么可以选这款grit,如果你觉得轻量化的跑鞋的保护性能不足,可以选择布鲁克斯的CASCADIA;如果你一般都跑铺装路面或者橡胶跑道,可以考虑PURE系列的Cadence 4,这款是pure系列的最高端型号。


二、输入文件CGF文件:是一个log文件,在使用MemoryEditor时记录用户定制的输入以产生COE文件。该文件可以用于定义memory块(COE文件)的数据内容。COE文件:是一个ASCII格式的输入文件,当一个core需要配置多个数据时使用该文件。比如为FIR滤波器指定多个系数,为相关器指定mask模式,以及为memory模块指定初始化值。XAW文件:是一个二进制文件,是使用CoreGen产生Core时一系列输出文件中的一个,里面存放了使用“architecture Wizard”产生core时所设置的参数。当重新定制该core时,XAW文件可以作为一个输入文件提示原来的设置。XCO文件:是使用CoreGen产生Core时一系列输出文件中的一个,里面存放了产生core时所需的参数。当重新定制该core时,XCO文件可以作为一个输入文件提示原来的设置。三、输出文件ASY文件:一个图形symbol文件,用于ISE或者第三方接口软件表示该core。coregen.log文件:故名思忆,是coregen过程中的log文件。 EDN文件:是Core的EDIF implementation Netlist文件,用于描述该Core的实现方法。是ISE实现时的输入文件。padded.edn (略) flist.txt:所有输出文件的列表。MIF文件:Memory initialization file。是memory初始化文件,当指定HDL simulation flow时,该文件自动生成。该文件可以用于支持某些模块的HDL功能仿真。比如前面提到内存、FIR滤波器和bit相关器。NDF文件:这是产生带NGC文件的core时可选的输出文件。该文件允许第三方综合工具利用NGC文件推导资源利用和时序信息。NGC文件:一个二进制Xilinx implementation netlist文件。某些CoreGen IP的逻辑实现通过一个顶层的EDN文件加上若干NGC文件来描述。 padded.edn (略) SYM文件:schemetic symbol文件。在使用ISE schematic editor时,用于例化Core的图形。UCF文件:用户约束文件。当使用architecture wizard产生core时产生该文件。文件内部的约束内容会被粘贴到ISE工程的UCF文件中V文件:verilog wrapper文件,该文件用于支持针对core的verilog 功能仿真。V wrapper 将用户定制的参数传递到通用的core仿真模型文件中。如果V输出文件命名为core_name_for.v,那么该文件支持形式验证。VEO文件:Verilog 模板文件。该文件中的组件可以用于例化一个core。VHD文件:该文件功能同V文件,不同之处是他是VHDL格式的。VHO文件:同VEO文件,不同之处是他是VHDL格式的。XAW文件:二进制文件,内含architecture wizard core 的配置信息。该文件由CoreGen在生成Architecture wizard core时产生。该文件也可以作为CoreGen的输入。 XCO文件:该文件存储了生成特定core时所必需的项目和Core参数。在项目目录下创建Core时XCO文件自动生成。 XSF文件:一个xilinx netlist format 端口列表文件。Readme文件:(略)


二、输入文件CGF文件:是一个log文件,在使用MemoryEditor时记录用户定制的输入以产生COE文件。该文件可以用于定义memory块(COE文件)的数据内容。COE文件:是一个ASCII格式的输入文件,当一个core需要配置多个数据时使用该文件。比如为FIR滤波器指定多个系数,为相关器指定mask模式,以及为memory模块指定初始化值。XAW文件:是一个二进制文件,是使用CoreGen产生Core时一系列输出文件中的一个,里面存放了使用“architecture Wizard”产生core时所设置的参数。当重新定制该core时,XAW文件可以作为一个输入文件提示原来的设置。XCO文件:是使用CoreGen产生Core时一系列输出文件中的一个,里面存放了产生core时所需的参数。当重新定制该core时,XCO文件可以作为一个输入文件提示原来的设置。三、输出文件ASY文件:一个图形symbol文件,用于ISE或者第三方接口软件表示该core。coregen.log文件:故名思忆,是coregen过程中的log文件。 EDN文件:是Core的EDIF implementation Netlist文件,用于描述该Core的实现方法。是ISE实现时的输入文件。padded.edn (略) flist.txt:所有输出文件的列表。MIF文件:Memory initialization file。是memory初始化文件,当指定HDL simulation flow时,该文件自动生成。该文件可以用于支持某些模块的HDL功能仿真。比如前面提到内存、FIR滤波器和bit相关器。NDF文件:这是产生带NGC文件的core时可选的输出文件。该文件允许第三方综合工具利用NGC文件推导资源利用和时序信息。NGC文件:一个二进制Xilinx implementation netlist文件。某些CoreGen IP的逻辑实现通过一个顶层的EDN文件加上若干NGC文件来描述。 padded.edn (略) SYM文件:schemetic symbol文件。在使用ISE schematic editor时,用于例化Core的图形。UCF文件:用户约束文件。当使用architecture wizard产生core时产生该文件。文件内部的约束内容会被粘贴到ISE工程的UCF文件中V文件:verilog wrapper文件,该文件用于支持针对core的verilog 功能仿真。V wrapper 将用户定制的参数传递到通用的core仿真模型文件中。如果V输出文件命名为core_name_for.v,那么该文件支持形式验证。VEO文件:Verilog 模板文件。该文件中的组件可以用于例化一个core。VHD文件:该文件功能同V文件,不同之处是他是VHDL格式的。VHO文件:同VEO文件,不同之处是他是VHDL格式的。XAW文件:二进制文件,内含architecture wizard core 的配置信息。该文件由CoreGen在生成Architecture wizard core时产生。该文件也可以作为CoreGen的输入。 XCO文件:该文件存储了生成特定core时所必需的项目和Core参数。在项目目录下创建Core时XCO文件自动生成。 XSF文件:一个xilinx netlist format 端口列表文件。Readme文件:(略)

Receiver not registered

这个错误产生的原因:是在我们销毁广播的时候会产生的这个错误:翻译后的意思是 广播接收者(这个接收者可以注册可以接收指定action的广播)未注册。 销毁的广播真的没有注册(registerReceiver()) 我们就进行了 销毁:unregisterReceiver() 我们注册了时的 receiver和销毁的receiver不是同一个对象 当然也会出现上面的问题。 我们注册和销毁的是同一个广播接收者(BroadcastReceiver)也会出现上面的问题 这个时候我们的解决办法是 加一个标识 如 注册后 把一个boolean 值置为true 然后我们判断这个boolean 值如果为true的话再销毁广播接收者。 不明白为什么要加个标识才能注销广播 ,有知道的可以告诉我一下哈,我明明确确的 注册了广播再注销广播竟然会出现 Receiver not registered 错误......

Android: 为什么调用unregisterReceiver()后还能接收到广播?

当注册广播时,常会遇到的问题就是重复注销广播处理函数是会报错,而且会让进程奔溃。一般来说,可以通过一个变量来保存广播处理是否被注销,每当注销时,将它标记为false。如果再次注销时遇到false就不对他进行注销处理。但是程序比较复杂的时候会比较难控制。可以使用try catch方式捕获错误。[java] view plaincopytry { unregisterReceiver(receiver); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage().contains("Receiver not registered")) { // Ignore this exception. This is exactly what is desired } else { // unexpected, re-throw throw e; } }

为什么ivregress 2sls和ivreg的结果不一样

首先看一段来自一个笔试题的程序段:float f=1.1; double d=1.1; cout<<(f==d)<<endl; //0这段代码输出0,那么为什么同为1.1的doble和float不相等呢?我们知道float和double比较的时候后发生类型提升,也就是float会提升为double。我们先来看一下这样的情况:float f=1.1; double d=1.1; double d1=f;

rule law regulation priciple 表规则的区别



module FADD(A,B,Cin,Sum,Cout);input A,B,Cin;output Sum,Cout;...endmodulemodule Test;...FADD M(C1,C2,C3,C4,C5);...endmodule答案Cin(wire) Cout(wire/reg) C3(wire/reg) C5(wire)能举例说明百度知道说清楚c3应Cin能wire另两都定义wire 用assign输节省拍且节省资源消耗用寄存器保存值assign赋值主要用场合

verilog assign可以给reg赋值吗 和assign给wire赋值有什么区别


in the northern border of China, the inner mongolia autonomous region is a long and narrow shape.


autonomous regions是什么意思

autonomous regions 西班牙自治区;摩尔多瓦自治区例句筛选1.General plans for land use of provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities shall be approved by the State Council.省、自治区、直辖市的土地利用总体规划,报国务院批准。2.Execute the economic autonomous power in national autonomous regions andpromote the economic sustainable development around Bohai行使民族自治地方的经济自治权促进环渤海经济持续发展


bam good prk fine thim mv ,后面的不知道


regurgitate美 [ru026a"ɡu025crdu0292u026a.teu026at] 英 [ru026a"ɡu025cu02d0(r)du0292u026ateu026at]v.反刍;使(咽下的食物)返回到口中;照搬;拾人牙慧反胃;回流;喷回第三人称单数:regurgitates 现在分词:regurgitating 过去式:regurgitated 例句筛选1.For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information.对于考试,你必须能够让知识重现。2.regurgitate : To cause to pour back, especially to cast up (partiallydigested food).造成回翻,特别是反胃(部分消化的食物)




neat1.整洁的,干净的;例句:She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner.她脱掉衣服,把湿衣服整齐地码成一堆放在角落里。2.爱整洁的;会收拾的,例句:"That"s not like Alf," he said, "leaving papers muddled like that. He"s always so neat."他说道:“这不像是阿尔夫的风格,他不会把文件弄得那么乱。他一向很爱整洁。”3。匀整的;秀气的;小巧优雅的 例句:...a faded woman with neat features.姿色虽衰但五官清秀的女人4.巧妙的;简洁的;简便易行的 例句:It had been such a neat, clever plan...这曾是个如此巧妙、机智的计划。5.很好的;很棒的 例句:He thought Mick was a really neat guy.他认为米克真是一个好小伙。6.(烈性酒)未掺水的,纯的 例句:He took a mouthful of neat whisky, and coughed.他喝了一口纯威士忌,咳嗽了起来regular1. 有规律的, 定期的, 定时的 He leads a regular life. 他过着有规律的生活2. 合乎原则的; 符合规定的; 正当的; 适当的 A period is the regular ending for a sentence. 句点是一个句子符合规则的结尾。3. 均匀的; 整齐的; 对称的 The chairs were placed at regular distances. 椅子等距摆放着。 4. 正常的, 经常的 I had no regular education. 我没有受过正规教育。 5. 连续的; 习惯性的; 固定不变的 He has no regular work. 他没有固定职业。 6. 频繁的;经常做(或发生)的 7. 通常的;平常的;惯常的 8. 标准尺寸的;中等大小的;中号的 9. 普通的;平凡的 10. 常备军的;正规军的 11. (尤指动词或名词)规则的;按规则变化的 12. 完全的;彻底名词n. 常客;主力(或正式)队员;(电视节目的)老主持人;正规军人methodicaladj.有方法的;有条不紊的;井然It seemed a sensible and methodical way of proceeding. 这似乎是继续下去的一种明智而有序的做法consistentadj. 1. 一贯的, 始终如一的 She is a consistent girl in her feeling. 在感情方面她是个始终如一的女孩。 2. 一致的, 符合的 His account of what happened was consistent. 他对于所发生事情的叙述前后一致。 3. 连续的;持续的 4. 相符的;不矛盾的 5. 相互连贯的 6. 协调的,和谐的 7. 坚持的,固守的 8. 【数学、统计学】相容的;一致的,无矛盾的如满意,请采纳


no more goodbye没有更多的再见

To this day I do not regret having made that remark.为什么用having made而不是making?

毕业了 该去那里

residential segregation是什么意思

esidential segregation 居住隔离,居住区分割,居住割裂

想知道本特利的3500的软件程序中的参数设置,想请大家帮忙翻译一下: Circular Acceptance Regions

Circular Acceptance Regions:循环可监测靶面区域(这个是42里的嘛?)shaft Absolute Radial Vibration:轴绝对振动thrust position:轴向位移

Last Regret 歌词

歌曲名:Last Regret歌手:Seventh Day Slumber专辑:A Decade Of Hope『KANON』OPテーマ作词/作曲:KEY(麻枝准)歌:彩菜ありがとう言わないよずっとしまっておくさよならは翳りない梦のあと静かに降り立つ两手には降り注ぐかけらをいつまでもいつまでも抱いて最後まで笑ってる强さをもう知っていたおはよう目觉めは眩しくて悲しいさよなら 许せない仆たちの弱さがよかったふたりにはありふれた优しさ花のように恋のように移ろう低い云 风を待つ静けさもう闻こえない两手には降り注ぐかけらをいつまでもいつまでも抱いて最後まで笑ってる强さをもう知っていた

owl;regional ;marginal ; intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?

owl [au028al] 啊窝regional [u02c8riu02d0du0292u0259nl] 瑞珍闹marginal [u02c8mɑu02d0du0292u026anl] 马振闹 intellectual[.u026antu0259"lektu0283uu0259l] 因特来客戳

owl;regional ;marginal ; intellectual 这英语用谐音怎么读?


这句话是什么意思?regarding a welfare concern of his children在句中这如何来理解

关于 他孩子的福利问题。


音标:/ri " ga:d/ (单数)/ri " ga:dz/ (复数)或者用英语拼:Ree - gar - z ree 和 ‘里"谐音 不过是r开头 gar 和 "盖儿" 同音 z - 滋 Ree盖儿滋

The new safety regulations were agreed on after _____ with the work-force. A.conference B.p.

D  consultation商议:hold a consultation with sb. about sth.(与某人商谈某事)。  conference讨论会;participation参加,参与;intervention干预,干涉。

registered residence是什么意思

registered residence户籍登记地例句1.within the "home" for the business license of registered residence.表内“住所”,为营业执照登记的住所。2.It needs to be audited for the question of registered residence and so on.由于户口所在地等问题,需要进行一个审核。

switch regulator 和linear regulator的区别

switch 方式最主要的好处是效率(Po/Pi)的提升, 而且可以做升压(boost), 降压(buck), 升降压(boost-buck). 而Linear regulator 效率低於switch, 由於输出电压小於输入电压. 目前Power supply 需求大功率(etc. 200W) 都是采用switch. 而小电流(mA)的就比较常见用regulator.switching regulator需要外加电感,电阻和电容,如果要提供超过500mA的情况,通常会比较建议采用外加Power MOSFET如果是linear regulator,一般来说大都是on-chip build-in,所能提供的电流大都不会超过100mA(泛指在SOC),因为若要提供大电流,其POWER MOSFET的Size就要很大,而且会有current density的问题,如果要linear regulator且又要超过100mA,绝大部份是采用外接的BJT


  大致原因主要有:   被病毒感染,建议重新启动系统到安全模式下,使用最近更新过病毒库的杀毒软件对系统进行查杀;安装软件时不小心安装了一些流氓软件而导致的,可以使用流氓清除软件进行清除;安装的软件与其他软件之间的冲突,例如安装一些虚拟光驱类软件就出现过类似的问题,将这些软件卸载掉看能否解决问题。   方法1:修改注册表中所有的shdocvw32.dll为shdocvw.dll即可。恢复被隐藏的桌面图标,重启后生效[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]添加Nodesktop值为0。   方法2:   1:进入任务管理器的“新任务”里面输入“regedit”调出注册表,查看HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonshell shell的值是Explorer.exe   2:从正常的系统(windows2000和XP都可以)里复制c:windowssystem32shdocvw.dll文件,重命名为shdocvw32.dll,粘贴到问题电脑的c:windowssystem32文件夹里,运行explorer.exe,(alt+ctrl+delete —>文件->新建任务运行->浏览->C:WINDOWSexplorer.exe)一切就都恢复了。   3:如果手动加载也不行的话,可能是Explorer.exe文件坏了,到别人的电脑上复制一个回来就行了。原因。可能是病毒损坏了explorer.exe文件。   方法3:在注册表添加注册表项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun新增:Explorer c:WindowsExplorer.exe   方法4:打开任务管理器,输入CMD,运行:C:WINDOWSsystem32dllcacheexplorer.exe,回车   方法5(此法适用于Explorer.exe加载不正常,必须先结束进程再创建): 在电脑的“显示属性→效果”选项中选择了“按Web页查看桌面时隐藏图标”导致看不见桌面图标。只要将前面的“√”取消即可。   2.鼠标右击桌面,选择“排列图标” ,选择“显示桌面图标” 。   3.重启之后还不行,可能中木马了。建议先杀毒,然后运行msconfig,定位于System.ini和Win.ini文件System.ini[boot]项原始值配置:“shell=explorer.exe”,explorer.exe是Windows的核心文件之一,每次系统启动时,都会自动加载。[boot]项修改后配置:“shell=explorer C:windowsxxx.exe”(xxx.exe假设一木马程序)。Win.ini(位置C:windows)[windows]项原始值配置:“load=”;“run=”,一般情况下,等号后无启动加载项。[windows]项修改后配置:“load=”和“run=”后跟非系统、应用启动文件,而是一些不熟悉的文件名。这时,可将shell=改为 explorer.exe,就可以自动加载,或是在启动项中新建个explorer.exe就可以了。   机子上没有桌面进程时,首先下载几个相关的进程,然后需要注册这些dll文件del c:winntwc98pp.dll del c:windowswc98pp.dllregsvr32 actxprxy.dll /sregsvr32 shdocvw.dll /sregsvr32 mshtml.dll /sregsvr32 urlmon.dll /sregsvr32 msjava.dll /sregsvr32 browseui.dll /sbrowseui.dll这个文件是在windows/system32下,有的时候需要首先把这个文件放到该文件夹下,然后注册,再在任务管理器里新建桌面进程就可以了3.电脑屏幕上的图标都没有了!只有一背景.无法加载explorer.exe进程   解决办法如下:   按CTRL+ALT+DEL 调出任务管理器--文件--新建任务--regedit--你在注册表HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer右面窗口中删除NoViewContextMenu键值,如果有NoDesktop键值,也一并删除,然后 注销重启一下。如果并非因NoDesktop键值引起, 一、加载explorer.exe 大多数情况下,无法显示桌面图标是因为系统启动的时候无法加载explorer.exe, 1、在“开始”“运行”处输入regedit,启动注册表,找到下面路径,如果shell下没有explorer.exe那就自己鼠标右键新建一个explorer.exe即可 路径: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrososftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonShell 2、如果手动加载也不行的话,可能是Explorer.exe文件坏了,到别人的电脑上复制一个回来就行了。 3、桌面图标消失,空白处右键-选择显示桌面。 关于explorer.exe加载不了 无法显示任务栏与桌面解决办法 登录后无法显示任务栏与桌面,鼠标右键没有任何响应。 至于如何发生的暂不做考虑。 Ctrl+Alt+Del打开“Windows任务管理器”,发现进程里没有Explorer.exe。说明系统启动时候没有加载Explorer.exe。(explorer是Windows程序管理器或者Windows资源管理器,它用于管理Windows图形壳,包括开始菜单、任务栏、桌面和文件管理。删除该程序会导致Windows图形界面无法适用。) 点击“Windows任务管理器”-->“文件”-->“新建任务(运行……)”敲入Explorer.exe看看是否能够执行,如果不能执行说明系统的winnt目录下没有Explorer.exe这个文件或者Explorer.exe文件损坏。 首先尝试下面的方法: 1 打开系统组策略编辑器就是gpedit.msc,找到“用户配置”——“Windows设置”项——脚本(注销与登录)——登录(添加,将脚本路径改为Explorer.exe的路径,如:C:windowsExplorer.exe)即可。这样在登录时系统会再加载一次Explorer.exe就可以显示出桌面了。但也有如我的状况,gpedit.msc打不开。 2 打开注册表,找到子键“HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer”,新建“DWORD”值“NoDesktop”,其值为“1”。(这个是我在网上搜索的方法,为什么要使用这个健值我不清楚。)再检查注册表....HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonShell 看是否为explorer.exe,不是的话自己改. 第一个,把Explorer加入进程: 开始菜单→运行→输入“regedit”,回车→打开注册表内的HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun项,在该项下新建一个名称为“Explorer.exe”的新字符串值,编辑该值,数据为你系统中Explorer.exe的位置。 第二个,取消开机项目 开始菜单→运行→输入“msconfig”,回车→在『启动』选项卡中,找到那个安装程序的对应的值(如果不知道就把一些没有必要的全部去掉),去掉前面的“√”,保存,退出。 重启电脑。

无法定位程序输入点_BinkRegisterFrameBuffers@8 于动态链接库binkw32.dll上


无法定位程序输入点_BinkRegisterFrameBuffers@8 于动态链接库binkw32.dll上

无法定位动态链接库的原因1.病毒木马导致的,比较典型的病毒是绑架类木马,它是一种新型破坏性极强的木马与传统病毒不同,它是通过绑架系统文件dll实现开机启动,该木马主要表现,2.升级某个软件导致的。重装该软件即可解决该问题。3.自己误操作造成的。无法定位程序输入点的修复方案:软件修复:下载安装金山卫士,进入主界面进入【查杀木马】然后点击【快速扫描】即可手动修复无法定位程序输入点于动态链接库上方法1.通过互联网上搜索下载下载你所需dll,把你所想要的dll输入到搜索框里去,注意搜索时一定要开启金山卫士的上网安全浏览功能,以免因无法定位程序输入点的问题导致进入挂马或者钓鱼站点引起电脑中毒。 2.重启电脑快捷键f2或者f8进入安全模式 3.将缺少的dll放到C:windowssystem32即可




关于regret用法如下:regret是一个常用的动词,表示“后悔,遗憾”。以下是其用法及常见的固定搭配:1 regret+现在分词/过去分词/不定式:表示后悔已经发生的事情。She regrets not taking the job offer.(她后悔没有接受工作机会。)I regret saying what I did.(我后悔说了那些话。)He regrets having missed the opportunity.(他后悔错过了这个机会。)2.regret+that从句:表示后悔已经发生的事情。I regret that I didn"t study harder when I was in college.(我后悔大学时没有更努力地学习。)She regretted that she had been so rude to him.(她后悔对他如此无礼。)3.regret+to do:表示后悔没有做某件事。I regret to inform you that the job has been filled.(很遗憾地通知您,这个工作已经被填补了。)He regrets to say that he cannot attend the meeting.(很抱歉地说,他不能参加会议。)常见的固定搭配:no regret:无悔例如:I have no regret about my decision.(我对我的决定没有任何后悔.)regret the loss:感到失落例如:We regret the loss of our great leader.(我们为我们伟大的领袖的离去感到失落。)live with regret:心有余悸例如:I don"t want to live with regret for the rest of my life.(我不想余生都心有余悸。)regrettable:令人遗憾的例如:It"s regrettable that we couldn"t complete the project on time.(很遗憾我们不能按时完成项目。)
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