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您好,我们生产的URK产品共分为三个型号分别为:BA-urk/A BA-urk/B BA-urk/c目前市场上比较多的是A和B的机器这两款设备清附赠的软件内都有一项叫:初始化指纹机。选择后会直接将设备做初始化,恢复到原厂出厂状态建议您谨慎选择。如果非要初始化,可以将指纹及数据通过U盘或者485等方式备份出来,以备不时之需



URK H10P指纹考勤机软件程序 怎么用







荷兰的于尔克 是地名不是国家


urk的中文解释是"荷兰、地名",作为名词时有"于尔克"的意思,发音是[urk],urk在英语中经常以名词形式出现。1. The smell of the rotten fish made me go, "Urgh!"那腐烂的鱼味道太臭了,让我发出了“呕”的声音!2. Just looking at the slimy texture of the snail made me feel urk.只是看到这只蜗牛黏糊糊的质地就让我感到恶心。1. Our next issue is... about the Urk volunteering team. (翻译:下一个议题是 关于派遣医疗服务团到乌鲁克的事)。2. Urk is considered... so we can"t legally send any civil servants. (翻译:那个地方目前被定为战乱国家 法律上是不能排遣民间的)。3. The peace reconstruction work began... after the war ended in Urk. (翻译:在乌鲁克战争结束后展开的 和平重建事业中)。4. which is about 200km... the capital of Urk. (翻译:这次地震发生在距离乌鲁克首都200公里的莫乌鲁地区)。5. People of Urk believe that if they take the pebbles from this beach, they will be able to come back here for sure. (翻译:这里的人相信 从海边带走石头的话 就一定会再回到这里)。6. Visserijcooperatie Urk, a Dutch fisheries-equipment firm, has already expressed an interest in using the new device to catch sole, another bottom-dwelling species. (翻译:一丹麦渔业设备公司Visserijcooperatie Urk,对新装置感兴趣,想用于捕捞另一种海底栖息生物,比目鱼鳎。)






Navisworks时AutoCAD产品中的可视化和仿真,分析多种格式的三维设计模型。想在“菜单”浏览器/“顶级”菜单上添加NavisWorks菜单。这样可不必在命令提示栏中键入Naviswork命令。解决方法参考: NavisWorks菜单(mnu / .mnl)文件安装在程序文件的普通文件夹中,而不是默认加载到应用程序中。欲将Navisworks菜单添加到AutoCAD,请按以下步骤操作:1. 在命令提示栏中键入“Menuload”2. 点击“浏览”。3. 浏览: C:Program FilesCommon FilesAutodeskNavisWorks2009nwexport2009 (对于AutoCAD2009) C:Program FilesCommon FilesAutodeskNavisWorks2009nwexport2008(对于AutoCAD 2008) 4. 设置“文件”类型为.MNU,查看该文件夹中的菜单文件。5. 选择lwnw_export.mnu -> 点击“打开”。6. 点击“加载”。这样将在“菜单”浏览器中添加“NavisWorks”菜单。您也可以按以下步骤进行操作: 1. 启动AutoCAD应用程序。2. 在命令提示栏中键入“APPLOAD”3. 点击“STARTUP SUITE” -> 选择“ADD”。 4. 浏览: 对于AutoCAD 2009产品: C:Program FilesCommon FilesAutodeskNavisWorks2009nwexport2009 对于AutoCAD 2008产品: C:Program FilesCommon FilesAutodeskNavisWorks2009nwexport2008 5. 选择“NWEXPORT2009.arx”并点击“ADD”。同样地添加“NWNAVIGATOR.ARX”。这种方法将添加arx到应用程序启动套件中,且AutoCAD中NavisWorks功能将变得可用。



sniper Marksman Sharp Shooter 是什么意思?





fork英[fu0254u02d0k]美[fu0254u02d0rk]n.叉(挖掘用的园艺工具);餐叉;(道路、河流等的)分岔处;岔路;叉状物;车叉子。v.分岔;岔开两条分支;走岔路中的一条;叉运;叉掘。[例句]Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost.清除土中的杂草,然后叉入大量堆肥。[其他]第三人称单数:forks。复数:forks。现在分词:forking。过去式:forked。过去分词:forked。fork可以用作名词fork的意思是“餐叉,耙子,叉,(道路或河流的)分岔处”,是可数名词。fork用作名词的意思是“叉子,耙,(路、河、树)的分岔处”,转化为动词则为“叉起,耙起,在分岔处拐弯”的意思。fork可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。



one step at a time-jordin sparks 中英对照翻译歌词

hurry up and wait 加快速度可是仍然等待 so close, but so far away 尽管靠近却依然遥远 everything that you"ve always dreamed of 每一件你常常梦想的事情 close enough for you to taste 与你的期待已经如此的接近 but you just can"t touch 而你却就是不能触及 you wanna show the world, 你想要向世界展示你自己 but no one knows your name yet 而还没有人知道你的名字呢 wonder when and where and how you"re gonna make it 你总是在好奇在什么时候在什么地方你能做到 you know you can if you get the chance 你自信你能做到只要你能抓住这机会 in your face as the door keeps slamming 可你脸上写着通向机会的门好像总是关着 now you"re feeling more and more frustrated 现在你感觉到越来越失望和挫败 and you"re getting all kind of impatient waiting 所以现在的你那样不耐烦的等待 we live and we learn to take 我们生活着并学习着如何去 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 you believe and you doubt 你确信着同时又怀疑着 you"re confused, you got it all figured out 你很疑惑,你计算着 everything that you wished for could be yours, should be yours, would be yours 一切你希望的事情可以成为你的,应该成为你的,总会成为你的 if they only knew 只要他们知道 you wanna show the world, 你想要向世界展示你自己 but no one knows your name yet 而还没有人知道你的名字呢 wonder when and where and how you"re gonna make it 你总是在好奇在什么时候在什么地方你能做到 you know you can if you get the chance 你自信你能做到只要你能抓住这机会 in your face as the door keeps slamming 可你脸上写着通向机会的门好像总是关着 now you"re feeling more and more frustrated 现在你感觉到越来越失望和挫败 and you"re getting all kind of impatient waiting 所以现在的你那样不耐烦的等待 we live and we learn to take 我们生活着并学习着如何去 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 when you can"t wait any longer 当你再也不能等待的时候 but there"s no end in sight 而你的眼界却依然高远 it"s the faith that makes you stronger the only way you get there 记住那唯一的真理能让你更强大并达到你的目标 is one step at a time 就是一步一个脚印啊 take one step at a time 一步一个脚印的走下去吧 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 哈哈.完成~!^^

GX Works2 安装好了 新建工程怎么出现闪退?



输入三菱电机的官网地址,找到服务,点击进去选择软件下载安装包,再点击下载就可以了。 1、首先我们到三菱官网下载一个GXWORK2安装包。2、解压到随便那个文件夹中,要能够方便的找到该文件夹,打开该解压之后的文件夹,找到带图标的setup。3、双击带图标的setup开始安装,会弹出对话框,点击确定。4、出现安装向导,点击下一步。5、需要输入个人信息及安装ID,这里需要我们输入使用的用户信息和注册码,注册码:570-986818410 ,姓名和公司随便输入,密匙需要打开解压文件夹中的文本文档,复制进去就可以了。6、点击更改,可以改变软件的安装位置,尽量不要安装在C盘,在其他盘新建一个文件夹安装软件,选好之后点击确定。7、坐等软件安装,大概需要十分钟的样子,最后会安装两个驱动,点击安装即可








先说mark.名词中有分数的意思,但是那是英式英语中,美式中没.做动词是,表示打分的意思.The teacher marked the examination papers.教师给试卷打了分数。 再说score,作名词,表示(比赛中的)得分,比数;(测验的)成绩,分数 His total score was one hundred and fifty-five. 他的总积分是一百五十五. 作动词时, 1.表示给...打分,给...评分 Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 亨特教授正忙于给考试评分. 2.体育比赛中或者考试中得(分),记(分);使得分 Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. 玛丽考试中得了个最高分。



完形填空mark was an 11-year-old orphan .he lived with his aunt,who was not greatly with the burden


Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿). He worked in a factory and every da?

小题1:D 小题2:A 小题3:D 小题4:A 小题5:C ,9,Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿). He worked in a factory and every day he got a little money. Hard work changed him thin and weak. He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn to paint pictures, but he did not think he could pay off the debts.One day the lawyer said to him, “One thousand dollars, and here is the money.” As Hobbs took the package of notes, he was very dumbfounded(目瞪口呆的). He didn"t know where the money came from and how to spend it. He said to himself, “I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days; or I give up my work in the factory and do what I"d like to do: painting pictures I could do that for a few weeks, but what would I do after that? I should have lost my place of the factory and have no money to live on. If it were a little less money, I would buy a new coat, or a radio, or give a dinner to my friends. If it were more, I could give up the work and pay for painting pictures. But it"s too much for one and too little for the other.” “Here is the reading of your uncle"s will(遗嘱),” said the lawyer, “telling what is to be done with this money after his death. I must ask you to remember one point. Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money, as soon as you have spent it.” “Yes, I see. I"ll do that.” said the young man. 小题1:He wanted to borrow money because he wanted to_____. A.study abroad B.work abroad C.pay for the debts D.learn to paint pictures 小题2:Hobbs was dumbfounded on receiving the money because he thought_____. A.the money was too much B.the money was too little C.he would be di *** issed D.the lawyer meant to punish him 小题3:With the money he got, first Hobbs_____. A.planned to have a happy life for a few days B.decided to give up his work in the office C.was to give a dinner to his friends D.had no idea what to do 小题4:What Hobbs was asked to do was_____. A.to tell the lawyer what he did with the money after spending it B.to read his uncle"s will C.to tell the lawyer what was to be done with the money D.nothing but to buy some pictures 小题5:What Hobbs really loved to do was_____. A.working in the factory B.living in a fine hotel C.painting pictures D.saving the money

Little Smirk 歌词

歌曲名:Little Smirk歌手:Theory Of A Deadman专辑:Scars & SouvenirsTheory of A Deadman - Little SmirkIf heaven is a place where the angels go,Well then I"ve got a story to tell,If heaven is a place where the angels go,Then I guess you"re going straight to hell!Don"t wanna leave you no never,Cause we"re perfect together,Never wanna be apart,Dared to take on the simple life.There was trouble for us when I came home early,Never would expect to see this,Its fair to say "Couldnt believe my eyes"You cracked a smile but had nothing to say,So I made a list of on how you"re going to pay!I Locked you out, left you naked in the front yard,Burned all of your clothes, having nothing can be really hardNow I"m on the run,I"d do it all again,So Catch me if you can,Cause, I took your car,With your baby in the back seat,Wracked your credit card,Your in debt to deadbeat,Maybe now you know how much it hurt,When I caught you in the act wearing nothing but a Little Smirk!Now I feel better, but its hard to forget,I never think about looking back,Cause time has no meaning when your free,This is what you get,Karma bitch,Now I see what you really are,Cause happiness is the best revenge,Caught red handed with a grin on your face,Didn"t think you"d be easy to replace!I Locked you out, left you naked in the front yard,Burned all of your clothes, having nothing can be really hard,Now I"m on the run,I"d do it all again,So Catch me if you can,Cause, I took your car,With your baby in the back seat,Wracked your credit card,Your in debt to a deadbeat,Maybe now you know how much it hurt,When I caught you in the act wearing nothing but a Little Smirk!Again and again and again and again and e-yeah....If heaven is a place where the angels go,Well then I"ve got a story to tell,If heaven is a place where the angels go,Then I know I"m going straight to hell!I Locked you out, left you naked in the front yard,Burned all of your clothes, having nothing can be really hard,Now I"m on the run,I"d do it all again,So Catch me if you can,Cause, I took your car,With your baby in the back seat,Wracked your credit card,Your in debt to a deadbeat,Maybe now you know how much it hurt,When I caught you in the act wearing nothing but a Little Smirk!Wearing nothing but a Little Smirk!http://music.baidu.com/song/7704619


奸笑 幸灾乐祸 hiahia 的意思




smirk [英]smɜ:k [美]smɜ:rkn. 傻笑,得意的笑;假笑vi. 傻笑;假笑着说[例句]We can thus watch the wedding of prince william and kate middleton with a bit of a smirk.那么我们可以带着一些傻笑看着威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿的婚礼。傻笑 应该根据具体语言环境。

SmirK 英语的含义



n. 傻笑;假笑;得意的笑vi. 傻笑;假笑vt. 以假笑表示;以傻笑表示to smirk at one"s foolish action为自己的愚行而傻笑


感觉买皮鞋一定要穿着舒服,再者就是看鞋垫跟鞋底材料,要透气。以下是ecco,rockport,clarks这三家鞋的介绍。ecco:三大鞋履之一,高密度PU加强鞋底,双倍柔韧鞋底弹性让您走起路来更轻松,独特PU特性,超耐磨,越穿越软。OCKPORT:中文名字叫乐步(同上)Rockport 美国白宫鞋,其鞋子的科技含量非常高,依靠科学的数据加上人性化的设计,Rockport每一款鞋子推出的背后,都伴随着大量的科学研究和长时间的实物测试,因此Rockport的每一双鞋子,都是非常的出色,非常的舒适。clarks:ecco在设计上更侧重舒适,还会出一些运动鞋,相对鞋的创新多,但是没有给大家留下太多映像深刻的作品。clarks因为有一些经典款所以在时尚圈也吃的开,也在慢慢的推进改良,但是比较稳,在英国相对价格更便宜。


GoalkeepersAlphonse Aréola (17) GK _ PSGDavid De Gea (19) GK _ At. Madrid [wikipedia]DefendersSebastián Coates (19) DC _ Nacional [wikipedia]Mateo Musacchio (19) DC / SW _ Villarreal [wikipedia]Ezequiel Mu_oz (19) DC _ Palermo [wikipedia]Leonel Galeano (18) DC _ Independiente [wikipedia]Breno (20) DC _ FC Bayern [wikipedia]Phil Jones (18) DC / DM / MC _ Blackburn [wikipedia]Mario Fernandes (19) DC / DR _ Grêmio [wikipedia]Mamadou Sakho (20) DC / DL _ PSG [wikipedia]Serhiy Kryvtsov (19) DC / DR / DM / MC _ Shakhtar [wikipedia]Danny Wilson (18) DC / DL _ Liverpool [wikipedia]César Azpilicueta (20) DR / WBR _ OM [wikipedia]Davide Santon (19) DRL / WBRL _ Inter [wikipedia]Jo_o Paulo (19) WBL / DL / MC / AMC _ FigueirenseMidfieldersFranco Zuculini (19) DM / MC / MR _ Genoa [wikipedia]Andrea Poli (20) DM / MC _ Sampdoria [wikipedia]Yann M"Vila (20) DM / MC _ Stade Rennais FCMoussa Sissoko (20) MC / DM _ Toulouse [wikipedia]Leroy Fer (20) MC / DM / AMC _ Feyenoord [wikipedia]Lorenzo Crisetig (17) DM / MC _ InterAaron Ramsey (19) MC _ Arsenal [wikipedia]Alan Dzagoev (20) AMC / MC _ CSKA Moscow [wikipedia]Coutinho (18) AMC / MC / ST _ Inter [wikipedia]Paulo Henrique (20) AMC / MC - Santos [wikipedia]Christian Eriksen (18) AMC / MC _ Ajax [wikipedia]Miralem Pjanic (20) AMC / MC _ Lyon [wikipedia]Sergio Canales (19) AMC / MC _ R. Madrid [wikipedia]Levan Kenia (19) AMC / MC _ Schalke [wikipedia]Martin Galván (17) AMC / ST _ Cruz Azul [wikipedia]Gareth Bale (20) ML / DL / WBL / AML _ Tottenham [wikipedia]Giuliano (20) MRC / AMRC _ Internacional [wikipedia]Douglas Costa (19) AMRLC / MRLC _ Shakhtar [wikipedia]James Rodríguez (18) AMLC / MLC _ Porto [wikipedia]Jack Wilshere (18) AMRLC / MRLC _ Arsenal [wikipedia]Eden Hazard (19) AML / MLC _ LOSC Lille [wikipedia]Adem Ljajic (18) AMRLC / MRLC _ Fiorentina [wikipedia]Stevan Jovetic (20) AMLC / MLC _ Fiorentina [wikipedia]Toni Kroos (20) AMLC / MLC _ FC Bayern [wikipedia]Jano Ananidze (17) AMLC / MLC _ Spartak Moscow [wikipedia]Lewis Holtby (19) AMRLC / MRLC _ Mainz [wikipedia]Georginio Wijnaldum (19) AMRLC / MRLC _ Feyenoord [wikipedia]David Alaba (18) MC / ML _ FC Bayern [wikipedia]StrikersAbel Hernández (19) ST _ Palermo [wikipedia]Pato (20) ST / AMR _ Milan [wikipedia]Neymar (18) ST / AMLC _ Santos [wikipedia]Romelu Lukaku (17) ST _ Anderlecht [wikipedia]Khouma Babacar (17) ST _ Fiorentina [wikipedia]Alberto Paloschi (20) ST _ Parma [wikipedia]Guido Marilungo (20) ST / AMRL _ Sampdoria [wikipedia]Yaya Sanogo (17) ST _ Aj Auxerre [wikipedia]Thomas Müller (20) ST / AMRC _ FC Bayern [wikipedia]André Schürrle (19) ST / AMRL _ Leverkusen [wikipedia]Mario Balotelli (19) ST / AMRL _ Man City [wikipedia]Federico Macheda (18) ST _ Man Utd [wikipedia]Miguel Medina (17) ST _ Sport Colombia [wikipedia]Iker Muniain (17) ST / AMLC _ Athletic [wikipedia]Vaclav Kadlec (18) ST _ Sparta Prague [wikipedia]Son Heung-Min (17) ST / AMRC _ HSV




按先后顺序将梁绑定到实体,同时将pinball 半径改大,就可以了。 自ANSYS 7.0开始,ANSYS公司推出了ANSYS经典版(Mechanical APDL)和ANSYS Workbench版两个版本,并且目前均已开发至15.0版本。

请问在Ansys Workbench中,有间隙的两面之间如何定义接触

pinball 半径

想买一台联想笔记本,4000-5000之间,要求;运行cad、SolidWorks ,protel等软件,温度不要太高,




WXWTZXRKS,JBJS,YNCZYG 这是每个拼音的第一个字母,帮帮忙翻译成为汉语,前面五个汉字是:我希望躺在

wxwtzxrks 我希望躺在向日葵上jbjs 既不沮丧ynczyg 也能穿着阳光大概这么个意思吧

jessfield park中文歌词

Dj Dave Liang - Jessfield Park Joss Stone - Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye 郑可为 - The Scientist Sophia Black - Everything Breaks Keke Wyatt。





take up和work on区别


英语作文 Volunteer work80字

u3000With the rapid development of techndogy(technology) and communication in our society, the sense of competitiveness and cooperation filled our mind steadily. At the same time, the owarness(awareness) of helping others in people"s mind also became stronger and stronger. This situation led to the start of a new “job”—volunteer.u3000u3000We just found from the passage that the increasing number of the vdunteer(volunteer) touched all the people home and abroad. And I argue the point that volunteer work plays an integral part in our daily life especially for the youth in China.u3000u3000First and foremest(foremost), nowadays, parents can only have one child and he or she may be given the best care of the other members in the family. As a consequence, the only clild(child) may become selfish and self-centered unconciously(unconsciously).u3000u3000The volunteer work, as a special lessons can help the youngster put the other people"s feeling before theirs and ask for their opinion before taking actions. Second volunreer(volunteer) work is not only a training of do others a favour but a process of improving your cooperation ability as well.

my volunteer work 英语作文80词即可

 With the rapid development of techndogy(technology) and communication in our society,the sense of competitiveness and cooperation filled our mind steadily.At the same time,the owarness(awareness) of helping others in people"s mind also became stronger and stronger.This situation led to the start of a new “job”—volunteer.  We just found from the passage that the increasing number of the vdunteer(volunteer) touched all the people home and abroad.And I argue the point that volunteer work plays an integral part in our daily life especially for the youth in China.  First and foremest(foremost),nowadays,parents can only have one child and he or she may be given the best care of the other members in the family.As a consequence,the only clild(child) may become selfish and self-centered unconciously(unconsciously).  The volunteer work,as a special lessons can help the youngster put the other people"s feeling before theirs and ask for their opinion before taking actions.Second volunreer(volunteer) work is not only a training of do others a favour but a process of improving your cooperation ability as well.

my experience in volunreer work英语作文

my experience in beijingone night in beijing~~~i was leaved any feeling.~~~~~~

英语中文出现pick up the garbage in the park..




solidworks 资源 面板显示英文 怎么改为中文

打开SW2016,新建一个零件。然后看到英文的前视基准面等英文显示,鼠标选中这个前视基准面 英文字 ,点击鼠标右键,选择属性,直接把英文改为中文就可以了。另二个一样。

ansys workbench 12.0中 为什么 inflation选择边界时用框选得到的面 点apply后却一个面都没选上?


workbench inflation 主要起什么作用,下面的模型是否需要在出口或入口进行inflation。

infation 是流固交界面的定义 因为流体靠近固体边界的时候他的流动出现了分层的情况 所以要设置in...

ANSYS Workbench划分网格时,inflation有什么作用,什么时候下会用到?


词语辩析:supermarket, hypermarket, shopping mall







细胞调亡时,DNA在核小体间断裂形成的一些DNA片断,经提取后在凝胶电泳上产生n条带的核酸片段组成,由于成梯状,故称之为DNA Ladder。其形成与细胞调亡密不可分,是判断细胞调亡的重要标准。当然,DNA Ladder也可作为一种即用型的DNA分子量marker。DNA Marker是几种分子量已知的DNA片段混合物,主要用途就是作为分子量标准,凝胶电泳时用以定性比对目标DNA分子的大小和浓度。虽电泳图谱也成梯状,但并非和细胞凋亡直接相关。此外,marker是个很广义的概念,不止是分子量标准(DNA、蛋白质等)的含义。生物标志物(biomarker)是现在疾病研究领域的热点。就感觉来说,ladder更倾向于表示电泳显示的梯状图谱,而marker更倾向于表达一种对照标准。

surrogate marker是什么意思

surrogate marker替代指标代理标记


列线图(Alignment Diagram),又称诺莫图(Nomogram图),它是建立在多因素回归分析的基础上,将多个预测指标进行整合,然后采用带有刻度的线段,按照一定的比例绘制在同一平面上,从而用以表达预测模型中各个变量之间的相互关系。它的基本原理,简单的说,就是通过构建多因素回归模型(常用的回归模型,例如Cox回归、Logistic回归等),根据模型中各个影响因素对结局变量的贡献程度(回归系数的大小),给每个影响因素的每个取值水平进行赋分,然后再将各个评分相加得到总评分,最后通过总评分与结局事件发生概率之间的函数转换关系,从而计算出该个体结局事件的预测值。列线图将复杂的回归方程,转变为了可视化的图形,使预测模型的结果更具有可读性,方便对患者进行评估。正是由于列线图这种直观便于理解的特点,使它在医学研究和临床实践中也逐渐得到了越来越多的关注和应用。 解释: 假设有一个患者,治疗方式是Resection,肿瘤大小是3-5,复发部位是Intrahepatic,多处复发是No,复发时间是1-2,复发时AFP是>200,复发时albumin-bilirutinl grade是II, III,抗病毒治疗是Yes。在图上找到各个点,对应上方Point的值,将所有的值相加(本处只是讲解大概的值,具体数值应该在模型中计算:Total Points=0+42+20+0+4+31+22+0=119)。在Total中我们可以看到,119对应的2年和5年的生存率分别约为0.80和0.68(本处是大致值,由于没有具体模型参数,无法给出精确值)。这就进一步说明Nomogram图的内容,本质就是对模型各个参数的一个直观展示。 结果如下:这类结果过于简陋! regplot包中的regplot()函数可绘制较为美观的nomogram。但是,它目前只接收coxph()、lm()和glm()函数返回的回归对象。 如下图,regplot绘图更加美观,可以比较灵活的定义细节。 可任意标记想突出的患者在列线图上的分值分布,及事件发生风险概率! 网络参考 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BWpy3F-nEKXCdVXmY3GYZg https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gpR6IlS4XGaE8xngS7bQrQ 往期回顾 TCGA+biomarker——常见结果展示 TCGA+biomarker——Sample基线表 TCGA+biomarker——单因素Cox回归 TCGA+biomarker——多因素Cox回归 TCGA+biomarker——Cox回归森林图 更多内容可关注公共号“YJY技能修炼”~~~



linkin park 的runway中文、英文歌词

胡乱地往墙上涂抹 沙尘扬起遮云蔽日 不断涌来的紧张感伴随着信任的破碎 这些教训让我懂得我了解的都是错的 现在我想找到答案 他们又开始指责我 都联合起来冲着我 你们又开始指责我 我想逃离这里 永不再回来 我想知道真相 不要再猜测 我想知道答案 不再有谎言 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 纸袋满地吼声 满天沙尘扬起遮云蔽日 紧张感再一次袭来填满我的整个身体 我主张要采取行动 我的话没有对过的 现在我想找到答案 他们又开始指责我 都联合起来冲着我 你们又开始指责我 我想逃离这里永不再回来 我想知道真相 不要再猜测 我想知道答案 不再有谎言 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想逃离这里 永不再回来 要逃走 / 要逃走 我要逃走不要知道答案 要逃走 / 要逃走 我要逃走把心灵敞开 要逃走 / 要逃走 要逃走 / 要逃走 我想逃离这里永不再回来 我想知道真相 不要再猜测我想知道答案不再有谎言 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开

We Work The Black Seam 歌词

歌曲名:We Work The Black Seam歌手:Sting专辑:Bring On The Night-A&MSting - We Work The Black SeamThis place has changed for goodYour economic theory said it wouldIt"s hard for us to understandWe can"t give up our jobs the way we shouldOur blood has stained the coalWe tunneled deep inside the nation"s soulWe matter more than pounds and penceYour economic theory makes no senseOne day in a nuclear ageThey may understand our rageThey build machines that they can"t controlAnd bury the waste in a great big holePower was to become cheap and cleanGrimy faces were never seenBut deadly for twelve thousand years is carbon fourteenWe work the black seam togetherThe seam lies undergroundThree million years of pressure packed it downWe walk through ancient forest landsAnd light a thousand cities with our handsYour dark satanic millsHave made redundant all our mining skillsYou can"t exchange a six inch bandFor all the poisoned streams in CumberlandOur conscious lives run deepYou cling onto your mountain while we sleepThis way of life is part of meThere is no price so only let me beAnd should the children weepThe turning world will sing their souls to sleepWhen you have sunk without a traceThe universe will suck me into placehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1702632



freemarker 获取当前域名

很遗憾的告诉你,frremarker没有类似方法,freemarker最大的用处是 设计一个模板展示数据,数据从哪里来,当然是在后台装载后,在前台显示。 所以解决方式,从后台servlet获取域名;或者从写freemarker的拦截器,在拦截器中获取域名



jsp 能用freemarker标签么

  在jsp页面中使用FreeMarker标签,需要在html引入相应的标签,如下步骤:  1.在web.xml文件中启动JspSupportServlet:  在web.xml文件中作如下配置  Xml代码  <servlet>  <servlet-name>JspSupportServlet</servlet-name>  <servlet-class>  org.apache.struts2.views.JspSupportServlet  </servlet-class>  <!--配置JspSupportServlet自启动-->  <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>  </servlet>    2.在FreeMarker模板文件中使用“assign指令”导入标签库  Java代码  <#assign s=JspTaglibs["/WEB-INF/struts-tags.tld"] />    3.编写登录页面FTL文件:  Html代码  <#assign s=JspTaglibs["/WEB-INF/struts-tags.tld"] />  <html>  <head>  <title>登录页面</title>  </head>  <body>  登陆  <@s.form action="Login.action">  <@s.textfield name="username" label="用户名"/>  <@s.textfield name="password" label="密码"/>  <@s.submit value="提交"/>  </@s.form>  提示:${name1}=${name2}  </body>  </html>  注意:  name1和name2属性,是后面从Action里面获取的属性,这里是为了验证在模版中获取属性值  WEB容器默认不会处理 FreeMarker模板页面,如果直接通过浏览器直接请求该页面,否则看到的不是我们想要的结果,而是该模板页面的源代码


先找到当前界面的上一级目录../css.css :其中“../”指当前目录的上级目录,其中CSS文件为上上级目录中文件找到其他目录以此类推------解决方案--------------------------------------------------------这个{base}是你再模型中定义的,你没定义当然不可用了啊,假设你再freemarker模型中定义了一个变量叫 base,这个base是, request.getContextPath(),其中request.getContextPath()是你项目的根目录,;那么您的在ftl文件中引用css就可以通过<link rel=stylesheet href=${base}/css/您的.css这里base是您的项目根目录,css是项目根目录下的css文件夹。


我就不理解你为什么这么写??freemarker是一个模板引擎,你要想用好它,你就应该提前设计好,而不是像你这样动态生成一些变量,data.pk_1是一个变量;data_pk_+i 是一个字符串;试问 字符串怎么等于编另呢...


<servlet-name>mvc-dispatcher</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <!-- 可以通过contextConfigLocation来自定义SpringMVC配置文件的位置,如不指定,则默认在WEB-INF目录下,名称为[<servlet-name>]-servlet.xml, 此时文件名必须为[<servlet-name>]-servlet.xml,否则会出错--> <!--以下init-param是自定义SpringMVC的配置文件的位置 -->



freemarker 有没有附件下载功能



<@p.tree root=treeRoot showDeep=3 url="v_list" durl="v_list" dparams={"ctgId":"id"} params={"ctgId":"id"} childName="child" treeName="name"/>


<c:forEach var="each" items="${typeProList}" begin="0" end="0"> <c:forEach var="product" items="${each.proList}" begin="0" end="1"> <div class="bot_right_pro_1"> <div class="pro_1_1"><a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/s/product.shtml?method=productinfo&proid=${product.id }"><img src="${pageContext.request.contextPath }<%=SConstants.CEM_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_PATH %>${product.picurl }" title="${product.name }" width="90" height="90"/></div> <div class="pro_title"><a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath }/s/product.shtml?method=productinfo&proid=${product.id }" title="${product.name}"><strong><shopping:TagUtil type="string" begin="0" end="5" target="${product.name}"/></strong></a></div> <div class="pro_title"><img src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/images/huigou/icon_2.jpg" /><strong><span class="red">${product.hmprice }元</span></strong></div> </div> </c:forEach> </c:forEach> 这是我根据以上写的ftl(freemarker 标签写的) <#if typeProList?exists> <#list typeProList[0..0] as each> <#list each.proList[0..1] www.hbbz08.com as product> <div class="bot_right_pro_1"> <div class="pro_1_1"><a href="/huigou/s/product.shtml?method=productinfo&proid=${product.id }"><img src="/huigou<%=SConstants.CEM_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_PATH %>${product.picurl }" title="${product.name }" width="90" height="90"/></div> <div class="pro_title"><a href="/huigou/s/product.shtml?method=productinfo&proid=${product.id }" title="${product.name}"><strong><shopping:TagUtil type="string" begin="0" end="5" target="${product.name}"/></strong></a></div> <div class="pro_title"><img src="/huigou/images/huigou/icon_2.jpg" /><strong><span class="red">${product.hmprice }元</span></strong></div> </div> </#list> </#list> </#if>


${product_index+1}<#assign index =1> <#if list2 ??> <#list list2 as product> <#if index ==1>。。。。。 </#if> <#if index > 1 && index< 5 >... </#if>


1.在lib中加入freemarker的包2.在文件templates创建一个文件 test.ftl内容为: ${name},你好,${msg}3.创建类4个步骤,具体看类中的使用package abin;import java.io.File;import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import freemarker.template.Configuration;import freemarker.template.Template;/** * 模板文件(hello,${name})+数据模型(name="******")----------经过FreeMarker整合----输出(hello,******) * 经过4个步骤,见下面 * @author chenhaibin * */public class HelloFreeMarker{ private Configuration conf; //1 创建Configuration实例,该实例负责管理FreeMarker的模板加载路径 public void first() throws Exception { conf=new Configuration(); //放置test.fsl文件的路径 conf.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File("templates")); } private Template t; //2 使用Configuration实例生成Template实例,同时加载指定的模板文件 public void second() throws Exception { t=conf.getTemplate("test.ftl"); } private Map datamap; //3 填充数据模型 public void third() { datamap=new HashMap(); datamap.put("name", "chenhaibin"); datamap.put("msg", "欢迎使用FreeMarker!"); } //4 合并处理 public void four() throws Exception { t.process(datamap, new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HelloFreeMarker hfm=new HelloFreeMarker(); hfm.first(); hfm.second(); hfm.third(); hfm.four(); }}4.结果是: chenhaibin,你好,欢迎使用FreeMarker!






private Teacher teacherid;????你的变量名是teacherid,可以改students.teacherid.name或定义private Teacher teacher;

freemarker 指令函数 显示html标签

不推荐。 要使用FreeMarker的标签必须能够被FreemarkerServlet截获,然后解析加工成HTML 所以你直接上线FTL页,为什么要静态和动态Web模板混合它如果你真的想用。 。 web.xml文件中的freemarker拦截(拦截器开发的*。html页面)


想要获取list值下标种某个值: 请直接使用 list[i]

freemarker 遍历list去除重复值问题

貌似没有这个方法,集合去重一般都是放在后台操作的,List() list = new ArrayList<String>();list.add添加list{A,A,B,C,C}Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();set.addAll(list);//实现去重//重新定义一个list2集合List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<String>();list2.addAll(set);将list2这个集合传到前台<#list list as node>集合中进行迭代
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