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He always goes shopping on Sundays是对的吗?

此句是正确的。He always goes shopping on Sundays.?译:他总在星期天去购物。时态:此句是一般现在时。句子成分:主语+谓语+状语



go shopping英语作文带翻译

Shopping is one of the most popular avtivities,and most women like to go shopping. When you are shopping , you will have time to enjoy everything . And you will find the happiness of shopping . you can buy the thing you like but not the thing that you only imagine . Go shopping and you will find the happiness of it.


【含义解释】:"Do shopping" 指购买物品或者进行购物活动,通常用于英国英语中。"Go shopping" 意为去购物或者去商店,可以指逛街或者购买物品,是美国英语和英国英语中常用的表达。【语法、使用方法不同之处的对比】:"Do shopping" 是一个动词短语,常常与情态动词一起使用,如 "can", "should", "must" 等,构成完整的句子。例如:I can do shopping tomorrow."Go shopping" 则是一个动词短语,通常使用时需要加上副词 "to" 或者介词 "for",表示去某个地方购物或者为购物而去。例如:She went shopping for some new clothes.【具体用法举例】:"Do shopping" 用法举例:I have to do some shopping for dinner tonight.We can do shopping together on the weekend.She must do her Christmas shopping soon."Go shopping" 用法举例:I am going shopping at the mall this afternoon.Let"s go shopping for some new shoes.She went shopping for groceries at the supermarket.【决策参考】:两种表达方式都可以用于表示购物活动,但使用场景和语气略有不同。"Do shopping" 更加强调购买行为,而 "go shopping" 则更加强调行动过程。在英国英语中,"do shopping" 更为常见,而在美国英语中,"go shopping" 更为普遍。选择使用哪种表达方式,需要根据具体语境和所处地区的语言习惯来决定。以下是 "Do shopping" 和 "Go shopping" 的比较表格:通过这个表格,可以更加清晰地看到 "Do shopping" 和 "Go shopping" 之间的差别和区别,更容易进行对比和理解。

去购物用英文怎么说?Go shopping?Go to shopping?

go shopping去买东西,Would you like to go shopping with me?你愿意和我去购物吗?

买东西 除了用go shopping ,还可以用哪个词的英文说

1. a buying spree 拼命买东西 2. go shopping 去买东西 3. May I help you? 您买东西吗? 4. Do you want to buy something here. 要买东西吗。 5. An will buy the thing. 安将买东西。 6. We can go shopping. 我们可以去买东西。 7. Shanghai has good shopping 在上海买东西方便。 8. Women are fond of going to town to buy things. 女人喜欢进城买东西。 9. I am going shopping. 我要去买东西。 10. You have made a good choice . 您真会买东西。 1011. I must clean the hospital.我必须去买东西。12. Mrs. Jones is fond of shopping.琼斯太太喜欢买东西。13. I am thinking of going shopping.我想去买东西。14. buy a pig in a poke瞎买东西; 盲目答应15. They have gone to do some shopping.他们买东西去了。16. My father likes to go shopping.我父亲喜欢买东西。17. She has gone out to shop.她出去买东西了。18. To buy anything in the local market you will have to learn to haggle.在当地市场买东西。19. do some shopping on the pedlars" market在集贸市场上买东西20. I am going shopping.我要去买东西。

英语翻译: 购物中心(是shopping centre吗?)


Shopping habits in the United States have changed


购物车英语为什么是shopping cart 而不是shopping car

car指的是体积较大的汽车; cart购物车是小型的车状承载物



有个朋友心情不好,我给他提建议帮他调试心情,这样的英文E-mail怎么写呢? go shopping , go swimming ,

go traveling

mall和shopping mall都是购物中心的意思,它们有什么不同吗?


词语辩析:supermarket, hypermarket, shopping mall


a shopping mall的音标

shopping mall英[ˈʃɔpɪŋ mɔ:l]美[ˈʃɑpɪŋ mɔl]n.大型购物中心



Ben goes to the supermaket 和Ben goes to the shopping mall,意思一样吗?

基本一样supermarket是超市shopping mall 是大型购物中心

How is she going to the shopping mall和How does she going to shopping mall一样吗?


Shopping is not as simple as you may think! Much has to be done for the producers before puttin...

小题1:B小题1:C小题1:A小题1:A小题1:B 小题1:根据第二段第二行Health foods are packed in greens, yellows or browns可知,黑色不是用来包装健康食品的颜色。故选B。小题1:根据第三段第二行the color of the package(包装) caused the shoppers to lose interest可知,药品的包装颜色使顾客失去兴趣。故选C。小题1:根据倒数第二段可知,包装要花费产品费用的40%。故$60*40%可得$24。故选A。小题1:根据最后一段最后一行 it takes a talent to sell it可知,光产品质量好还不够,还需要销售技巧。故选A。小题1:文章首先讲了包装的颜色,后来又讲了包装的尺寸、费用等。故“包装的重要性”符合题意。故选B。

买东西用英语怎么说?(除“go shopping”以外)

buy something.

go shopping 和do some shopping有什么不同










go. shopping怎么读?





a shopping List中shopping是什么词性,这样的句式为什么用shopping?

But he was anything but discourageed.



shopping是什么意思? shopping究竟是购物,还是逛街?(它的解释哪一个更为准确?)

shopping英音:["u0283u0254piu014b]美音:["u0283ɑpu026au014b] 名词 n.[U] 1.买东西,购物 Mother does her shopping on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 母亲在星期三和星期六去买东西. 2.所购买的物品 She put her shopping away in the kitchen. 她把购来的东西在厨房里放好. 3.商业设施 New York has good shopping.


可以,如:I am shopping now

go shopping含义

go shopping含义去购物


I like shoppingu3002I go to shopping about twice a weeku3002I go to shopping all buy a lot of food every timeu3002There are a piece of candy u3001a carton of ice creamu3001a bag of chipsu3001chocolateu3001chicken and cookiesu3002Maybe it isn"t for my healthy,But I like it very much!I always take a bus to thereu3002I like going shopping very much uff01This is our life will be virtual one thingu3002And youuff1fByeuff0cbye




shopping|u02c8u0283u0252pu026au014b| noun Uncountable①(activity)购物to do some or the shopping买东西we are open for lunch-time shopping午餐时间我们是开门营业的a shopping area/street购物区/街②(purchases)购买的东西don"t forget your shopping别忘了带走您买的东西望采纳!


go shopping 去购物




shopping意思如下:n. 购物,买东西;工作室,制作室;车间;家庭作坊vi. 选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店;到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它vt. 逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西

go shpping和do some shopping的区别



n. 购物,买东西; 工作室,制作室; 车间; 家庭作坊; vi. 选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店; 到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它; vt. 逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西; 用shopping举例造句:如果不下雨,我本来要去买东西的。I would have gone shopping if it hadn"t rained.我们就定在下星期五去买东西吧。Let"s make a date to go shopping next Friday.我反对与他人一起外出购物。I am opposed to going shopping with others.

go shopping是什么意思





shopping,就是购物的就是购物的意思一般用于购就是购物的意思一般用于购房的一块叫去购物go shopping




shopping意思是购物。1、词形变化:(1)名词复数:shops。(2)过去式:shopped。(3)过去分词:shopped。(4)动词现在分词:shopping。(5)动词第三人称单数:shops。2、短语搭配:(1)go shopping:去买东西。(2)shopping mall:大商场,大型购物中心。(3)shopping center:商店区,购物中心。(4)online shopping:网络购物。(5)shopping centre:购物中心。(6)shopping bag:购物袋。(7)shopping cart:购物手推车。(8)shopping list:购物单。(9)shopping online:网上购物。(10)shopping arcade:购物商场;商店街,商场部。shopping例句:1、When shall I do the shopping ?我什么时候去买东西呢?2、We do our shopping on Saturdays.我们星期六购物。3、Maybe they"ve just gone shopping.或许他们刚刚去买东西了。4、She spent her free time shopping.她将空闲时间花在购物上。5、I"ve got a bit of shopping to do.我要买点东西。


shopping 英[u02c8u0283u0252pu026au014b] 美[u02c8u0283ɑ:pu026au014b] n. 购物,买东西; 工作室,制作室; 车间; 家庭作坊; vi. 选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店; 到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它; vt. 逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西; [例句]I"ll do the shopping this afternoon.今天下午我会去买东西。




go shopping




shop n. 商店;店铺vt. 购物vi. 购物;买东西shopping n. 购物,买东西v. 购物(shop的ing形式)搭配 go shopping


购物的英文:shopping。拓展资料购物,英文Shopping,台湾人取其近音俗称“血拼”。指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种经济和休闲活动。现在网络购物是一种潮流,大的像淘宝、京东,但是现代模式花样越来越多。每个平台的模式都不一样。购即为买,物即为所出售之物品。无男女老幼之分,乃居家生活之必备!购物在不同的古代文明早已出现。在古罗马,图拉真市场(Trajan"s Market)的taberna就是一种小零售商店,而在哈德良长城上发现罗马人为士兵而写的购物清单,历史可追溯至公元75至125年。购物是一件很开心的事情,购物[Shopping]意指:购买物品。简单来说就是人们购买各种各样物品的行为或方式,物品包括实物和虚拟物品。对很多人来说,购物是一种休闲活动,可以逛不同的商店选购产品。同时又出现了所谓的“橱窗购物”(Window shopping),意指浏览商店橱窗中的货品,未必会真的购买。但对于一些人,购物可能是困扰的。例如,买到的产品货不对板,甚至被骗,需要退货,还有人出现购物上瘾,即所谓的购物狂,这些购物者不受控制的购物,可能会引起个人和社会问题。简单来说,网上购物就是把传统的商店直接“搬”回家,利用Internet直接购买自己需要的商品或者享受自己需要的服务。专业地讲,它是交易双方从洽谈、签约以及贷款的支付、交货通知等整个交易过程通过web和购物界面技术化的B2C模式一并完成的一种新型购物方式,是电子商务的一个重要组成部分。




shopping mall是什么意思

shopping mall英 [u02c8u0283u0254pu026au014b mu0254:l] 美 [u02c8u0283ɑpu026au014b mu0254l]n.大型购物中心;[网络]销品茂; 购物商场,商业街; 购物广场;[例句]Many attended the opening of the new shopping mall.很多人参加了新购物中心的开幕。[其他]复数:shopping malls


缩写是:shop'in单词:shopping英['u0283u0252pu026au014b]释义,买东西的ing形式)短语:Online Shopping网络购物;网上购物;网购;线上购物词语辨析:department,store,shop这3个名词都含有“商店”之意。1、department作商店解时,是美国英语,通常写为department store。2、store在美国指出售同一类商品的小型商店。在英国用复数形式表示百货商店。3、shop指规模较小,出售同一类商品的店铺。

do shopping和 go shopping的区别?

do shopping和go shopping的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。意思不同1、do shopping:去购物。2、go shopping:买东西。

go shopping 和do some shopping 的区别在哪儿


go shopping是什么意思





go shopping是用在准备要去逛街这样的话里do the shopping是比如说家里缺什么知道要买什么了就让家里的谁谁去把东西给买了doing shopping就是正在买东西

Shopping 这个英语词是什么意思







shopping 英[u02c8u0283u0252pu026au014b] 美[u02c8u0283ɑ:pu026au014b] n. 购物,买东西; 工作室,制作室; 车间; 家庭作坊; vi. 选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店; 到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它; vt. 逛(某一个商店)或(在某一个商店)买东西; [网络] 购物; 血拼; 购物中心; [例句]I"ll do the shopping this afternoon.今天下午我会去买东西。[其他] 形近词: slopping glopping propping




shopping 美[ˈʃɑpɪŋ],买东西I"ll do the shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我会去买东西。 v.shop的现在分词形式常用短语 centern.购物中心,商店区 centren. 商店区 bagn.(带挽手的)购物袋 malln.大型购物中心;商品步行街

英语常用日常交际用语购物 (Shopping)

1. - What can I do for you?- I"d like some apples.2. - Where can I buy some stationery?- Let"s look at the shopping guide. Oh, it"s on the ground Floor.3. - Could I buy half a kilo oranges?- Certainly. Here you are. 4. - Will you please show me that radio?- Certainly. 5. - How much is the radio?- Ninety yuan.6. - Good morning, sir. May I help you?- Yes, I"d like to buy a sweather

go shop和go shopping的区别

"Go shop" 和 "go shopping" 都表示“去购物”,但是二者的语法结构略微不同,意义上也有细微的差别。 "Go shop" 意味着去某个商店只是看看或购买一两个物品,这通常是针对近距离的购物,比如你正好经过商店,想进去买一个物品。"Go shopping" 意味着花费一些时间走遍多个商店,面对多种选择,寻找和比较多种商品,并且往往和社交事件相关,可能跟朋友或家人一起出门购物。例如:- I need to go shop for some milk. - 我需要去商店买些牛奶。- We are planning to go shopping for new clothes this weekend. - 我们计划在周末去购买新衣服。

doyouoftengoshopping on saturdays shopping为什么不用原形?

go+doing去干什么事go shopping去购物 go boating去划船go swimming去游泳go skating去溜冰go skiing去滑雪go climbing去爬山

I often go shopping on saturdays对划线部分提问

一、含有be动词的一般疑问句,通常把be动词调到句首.例如:陈述句:They are in the swimming pool.一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool?注意:一般疑问句句末要用“?”.二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句(can,may...),把情态动词调到句首.例如:陈述句:He can drive a car.一般疑问句:Can he drive a car?三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”.一般疑问句式有两种形式:1.把have/has调到句首.例如:陈述句:Tommy has a computer.一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer?2.加助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其他人称用do.其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + have...例如上句可变为:Does Tommy have a computer?四、一般动词的一般疑问句,也要借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do.其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形+其它?陈述句:Amy speaks English.一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English?好了,知道了如何问话之后,我们来了解一下如何回答一般疑问句.首先要有人称的改变.当主语为名词时,在答语中要改成其相应的代词.另外,答语有两种,肯定的回答(用yes)和否定的回答(用no),否定式常用缩写形式.现在还是让我们分句型一一说明.一、一般疑问句含be动词时,用be动词回答,句末用句号.例如:-Is Mary your sister?-Yes,she is./ No,she isn"t.(缩写) 二、一般疑问句含有情态动词(can,may,should等)时,用情态动词回答.例如:-May I come in?-Yes,you may./ No,you can"t.三、一般疑问句含有have(译为“有”)时,有两种回答方式.1.直接用have/has回答.例如:-Have they any pictures?-Yes,they have./ No,they haven"t.2.用助动词do/does回答.例如:-Does Millie smoke?

No,she doesn't.she goes shopping no saturdays汉语是什么


填介词:They usually go shopping[ ]saturdays.



shopping的翻译是:购物,买东西。购物,台湾人取其近音俗称“血拼”。指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种 经济和休闲活动。现在网络购物是一种潮流,大的像淘宝、京东,但是现代模式花样越来越多。每个平台的模式都不一样。购即为买,物即为所出售之物品。无男女老幼之分,乃居家生活之必备!购物在不同的古代文明早已出现。在古罗马,图拉真市场(Trajan"s Market)的taberna就是一种小零售商店,而在哈德良长城上发现罗马人为士兵而写的购物清单,历史可追溯至公元75至125年。web和购物界面技术化的B2C模式一并完成的一种新型购物方式,是电子商务的一个重要组成部分。目前有多种网购模式,一是C2C模式,另一个为B2C模式,还有就是CBC模式。因此,有人将此视为一个面向中国乃至全世界的大而统的虚拟商场。这个电子商场并非虚拟,因为购物的每一个步骤甚至每一个细节都很真实,与传统购物模式的唯一区别仅在于少了言语交流而有了更多的填单与确认过程。

Tom, I’mgoingto do some shopping是什么意思?

汤姆 我正准备要去购物了

shopping mark是什么意思


reuse shopping bags是固定搭配吗?


go shopping = do some shopping 那其它短语可以替换吗?如:go jogging可以等于do some jogging吗?

无do some jogging这种说法。很多短语都是一种习惯说法。

作文:go shopping 就是明天是我的生日,我上街去买生日须要布置的饰品

明天是我的生日,我上街去买布置的饰品为了我的生日派对。Tomorrow is my birthday and I went to buy the ornaments for my birthday party.由于的你要求不明确我也不太知道你想要怎么写 这有两篇挺适合模仿的文你自己看看吧文还是自己写比较好哦A memorable day 难忘的一天 Today is a memorable day for me. It is my birthday. My parents helped me to hare a birthday party. I have invited all of my classmates to my house to celebrate the day. 今天是我难忘的一天。这是我的生日。我的父母为我举办了一个生日派对。我邀请了全班同学来我家庆祝。 The house was decorated nicely with colorful balloons and ribbons. My father bought me a big cake and my mother prepared many foods. When all of my friends came, they sang birthday song for me. After that, we ate and played happily. 家里用五颜六色的气球和彩带布置得好看极了。我爸爸帮我买了一个大蛋糕,我妈妈则准备了很多食物。当我的朋友们都到齐时,他们就为我唱生日歌。之后,我们开心的吃东西和玩耍。 I had a wonderful party and received many presents from my parents and friends. I really felt happy and will not forget this memorable day. 我经历了一个难忘的派对,并且收到很多父母及朋友送的礼物。我真的觉得很开心并且不会忘记这一天。我的生日 8月16日是我的生日,我非常高兴。我邀请了三个最好的朋友参加我的生日聚会。一大早,妈妈在我耳边说:起床啦,太阳晒屁股啦!我伸伸懒腰,咕碌一下,从床上爬了起来。我拉开窗帘,阳光一下子就照进了我的房间,这真是一个好天气呀,前几天还是阴雨绵棉,今天就阳光明媚。耳边传来妈妈的声音:快洗脸、刷牙、吃早饭,我们要打扫卫生啦! 于是,我用速雷不及掩耳的速度洗漱完毕,我刚要剥开鸡蛋。妈妈叫住我:别着急呀,你应该把鸡蛋在桌子上滚一圈,代表一年就会顺顺利利的过去。我照着妈妈的话做了,当我吃饱喝足了后,我们就开始打扫卫生了。 我倒了一盆水,洒上洗洁精,开始刷板凳,我用小刷子认真仔细地刷着,不漏掉一个地方,刷完一个凳子后,我用干布擦干净,崭新的凳子就出现在我的眼前了。爸爸呢?哦,原来他正在拖地呢!只见他弯着腰,一前一后来来回回的拖着,不一会儿,地就被爸爸拖得干干净净了。妈妈却在厨房里忙得热火朝天。只见妈妈一会儿洗碗洗锅,一会儿擦桌子。整个橱房被妈妈打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐了。打扫完后,我和爸爸妈妈到超市去买东西。我们买的东西可多了,有薯片、雪碧、牛筋、饼干、果冻等等很多好吃的东西。然后,我们又去订好了蛋糕。 下午2点钟,朋友们都来了,他们给我带来了很多礼物,我非常开心。我拿出了所有的零食,分给他们吃。我们一边吃零食,一边开开心心的玩。我们玩了一会儿电子游戏,又玩了捉迷藏,打仗等等。过了很久,我们拿出了生日蛋糕,点燃蜡烛。朋友们给我唱起了欢快的生日歌。优美动听的歌声让我非常快乐。唱完后,我开始许愿。其中一个愿望是:我希望我下个学期能好好学习,天天向上,成为全年级成绩最好的学生。许了愿,我们开始吹蜡烛。“一,二,三,吹”随着我的口令,大家一起用力,呼的一下,蜡烛吹灭了。我们都欢呼了起来,爸爸妈妈也在一旁使劲的鼓掌。该切蛋糕了,爸爸握着我的手,把蛋糕上的兔子切给了我,其他的三朵花切给了我的三个朋友。我们津津有味的吃了起来,蛋糕的味道又香又甜,真好吃! 我又长大了一岁了,我想我会更加爱学习,更加独立自主,自己的事情自己做,还要为爸爸妈妈分担更多的家务活。 My birthday August 16th is my birthday, I am very pleased. I invited three best friends to my birthday party. Early in the morning, my mother in my ear said: Qichuang La, sun naked! I stretched goo busy, from the bed and climbed up. I open the curtains and the sun suddenly shines into my room, this is really a good weather Yeah, a few days before cotton or cotton rain, the sun was shining today. Ears heard the voice of her mother: quick wash, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, we have to clean up it! So, I used less than their ears fast speed wash mine finished, I just want to peel eggs. Mom called to me: Do not worry Yeah, you should put a circle rolling eggs on the table, representing a year will be a smooth past. My mother"s words according to do, and when I satiate the latter, we started cleaning up. I poured a pot of water, sprinkled with detergent, start to brush off the bench, I used a small brush to brush with a careful look, do not miss a place, brushing a stool, I wipe with a dry cloth, brand new stool on in my eyes the. Father? Oh, he was dragged to it! I saw him bent over, then a back and forth before a drag, soon, the land was a father for too clean. Mom was busy in the kitchen in full swing. I saw my mother while washing Xiguo, while desks. My mother clean the kitchen was clean, neat the. After cleaning, my father and mother to the supermarket to buy things. What can we buy more, there are potato chips, Sprite, tendon, biscuits, jelly and so many delicious things. Then we went to set a good cake. 2 pm, friends came, they brought me many gifts, I am very happy. I took out all the snacks, and give them to eat. We eat snacks, while very happy to play. We played video games while also playing hide and seek, war, etc.. After a long time, we come up with a birthday cake, lit candles. My friends sang cheerful birthday song. Beautiful sounds of the song I was very happy. Over and over, I began to make a wish. One wish is: I hope I can learn next semester, every day, full year results as the best students. Promised, we began Chuila Zhu. "One, two, three, blow," as my password, everyone hard, call the look, the candle blew out. We all cheer up, my parents are straining the side of applause. Cut the cake, my father held my hand, put the rabbit on the cake cut to me, the other three cut flowers to my three friends. We relish eating up the taste of the cake fragrant and sweet, so delicious! I grew up was a year old, I think I would love to learn more and more independent, doing their own things, but also for the parents to share more housework.你主要可以模仿: The house was decorated nicely with colorful balloons and ribbons. My father bought me a big cake and my mother prepared many foods. When all of my friends came, they sang birthday song for me. After that, we ate and played happily. 家里用五颜六色的气球和彩带布置得好看极了。我爸爸帮我买了一个大蛋糕,我妈妈则准备了很多食物。当我的朋友们都到齐时,他们就为我唱生日歌。之后,我们开心的吃东西和玩耍。My father and mother to the supermarket to buy things. What can we buy more, there are potato chips, Sprite, tendon, biscuits, jelly and so many delicious things. Then we went to set a good cake. 我和爸爸妈妈到超市去买东西。我们买的东西可多了,有薯片、雪碧、牛筋、饼干、果冻等等很多好吃的东西。然后,我们又去订好了蛋糕。

near和next to 在什么情况下都可以互相替换吗?supermarket和shopping mall有什么不同?

near 在...附近next to 紧靠..距离上肯定是next to近supermarket超市shopping mall 购物中心美国人喜欢用mall的

初中英语作文shopping on line

Shopping Online Today, the development of the science and the technology are fasterthan before. So more and more people like shopping online. In our real life, it"s different argument about online shopping.Firstly, we can only see the picture of the goods. So we can onlydecide by our eyes. Secondly, we maybe lost the enjoyment ofshopping with our friends. At same time, if we want to shopping online ,we must have a computer at first. So we need to pay much moneyfor the computer. It"s not suitable for everyone who don"t havea computer. At last, the security is the most serious problem online.Our private information maybe discovered by somebody.In fact,there are some cheat on Internet.On the bright side, as we know online shopping is handy,besides this most sellers use express to send the goodsto the buyers, so it can advance the development of the express. Finally, in my view, every coin has two sides. We shouldshopping online at a proper way.上文一百六十多个词。其中,为了适应初中水平,“今天”、“商品”等词,我有意识用today、goods这样的浅显单词表达。对于词汇比较丰富的中学生,如果用“Nowadays”以及“commodity”、“merchandise”更拽一些。以下所附英译汉,是为了你理解英语原文:“今天,科学和技术的发展比以前更快。因此,越来越多的人喜欢在网上购物。在现实生活中,对于网上购物有争议。首先,网购时,我们只能看到商品的图片。这样,我们只能通过自己的眼睛来判定。再者,我们也许(因网购而)失去了与亲友共同外出购物的乐趣。而且如果想在网上购物,必须先有一台电脑。因此,我们还得花些钱添置电脑,这不是适合每个人(的经济状况)。最后,尤其严重的问题是网络安全。我们的个人信息可能被泄露,事实上已经发生过一些网络诈骗。在有利方面,众所周知网上购物很方便,大多数卖家用快递将货物发送给买家,因此可以促进快递业的发展。最后,依我之见,任何事物都具有两面性。网购时,我们应该适度。”希望我的解答能帮到你。如果还有什么不明白的,欢迎你追问。
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