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What many scientists believe is that the continue


完形填空,第一句话:Scientists recently discovered that animals who live

Scientists recently discovered that pictures on cave walls at Creswell Crags are the oldest known in Great Britain. But they didn"t find out in the usual way.Archaeologists often date cave art with a process called radiocarbon dating. The technique can measure the age of carbon found in charcoal(木炭)drawings or painted pictures. Carbon is an element found in many things, including charcoal and even people. But in this case, there was no paint or charcoal to test. People carved the pictures of animals and figures into the rock using stone tools. The scientists had an “aha!” moment when they noticed small rocks stuck to the top of the drawings. The small rocks must have formed after the drawings were made.“It is rare to be able to scientifically date rock art,” said Alistair Pike, an archaeological scientist at Britain"s University of Bristol. “We were very fortunate that some of the engravings were covered by stalagmites(石笋).When a test proved that the stalagmites formed 12,800 years ago, the scientists knew the art underneath them had to be at least that old. And some of the animals shown, like the European bison, are now extinct--another tip-off that the art is quite old.The artists came to Creswell Crags, This place is one of the farthest points north reached by our ancient ancestors during the Ice Age. At that time, much of the North Sea was dry, so people could move about more easily.Some tools and bones found there are 13,000 to 15,000 years old. They show that the travelers hunted horses, reindeer, and arctic hare. Their artwork is similar to art in France and Germany. It tells scientists that the Creswell Crags artists must have had a close connection to peoples several thousand kilometers away-another important clue to understanding how humans spread out across the world.62. Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage?A. Cave Art About Animals Is Most BeautifulB. Cave Art Found in an Unusual WayC. Cave Art Turns Out to Be Britain"s OldestD. Cave Art in Britain63. The underlined word “archaeologists” in this passage probably means people ________.A. who study things left behind by people in the pastB. who have rich experience in paintingC. who are interested in wild animalsD. who are good at using stone tools64. Why do scientists say the art is quite old?A. The art was carved into stone with stone tools.B. The animals carved in the stone are beautiful.C. The cave is one of the farthest point in the world.D. Some pictures were covered by stalagmites more than 10,000 years old.65. By studying the cave art, scientists know something about _________.A. how ancient people crossed the North SeaB. why some of the animals have died outC. how humans spread out across the worldD. what kind of animals people hunt at that time答案 CAD

Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need. They said that there are sev...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:文章是一篇说明文,说明全世界不同地区的人,有不同的饮食习惯,不论怎样,最重要存在两大问题,一是消除饥饿,二是吃出健康。小题1:推理判断题。由文章第一段科学家列出的每天应吃的食物种类,包括蔬菜、水果、谷物,鱼肉蛋、奶、坚果,要均衡饮食,可推断出C答案中包含的种类多,所以选C。小题2:细节理解题。由此句It doesn"t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked,“食物是生吃还是熟吃都没关系。”可知raw和cooked应该是对应词,cooked在此的意思是,做熟了的,所以raw是“生的”。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句话The important thing is what you eat every day.“最重要的事情是你每天吃什么。” 可知选C。小题4:主旨大意题。由第二段第四行It doesn"t matter whether food is eaten raw or cooked, cool or hot.,推出B不正确;由最后一段第二句话The first is to find some ways to feed the world"s population so that no one in hungry.可知C不对,再根据全文的中心意思,故选A。

scientists have showed that英语短文

Scientists have known for decades that having measles (麻疹)suppresses kid"s immune systems for several weeks or months, leaving them ill-equipped to fight off pneumonia, bronchitis and other infections.Now a team of researchers has suggested that the measles vims may also leave a longer-lasting sort of “immune-amnesia” that makes it harder for people to stave off other illnesses for two years or more.That re-emphasizes the importance of vaccination (疫苗),said biologist Michael Mina, lead author of a paper that was published in the journal Science.“There may be a long-lasting impact that you can"t undo if your child gets measles,M he said. “I hope this stu% can impress upon people the danger measles poses.”The rearchers used what Mina called “an unconventional approach" to search for the long-lasting immune system effects. Previous work in monkeys suggested that monkeys with the disease lost white blood cells their bodies had trained to fight off other illnes^s, leaving them more likely to be infected.To test if a similar thing may occur in humans, the group mined historical data to find out the relationship between measles incidence (发病率)and deaths from other infectious diseases.and deaths from infectious disease both before and after the introduction of the measles vaccine in the U.K. in the 1960s,Mina and the team saw a sort of shadow effect, where deaths from a variety of non-measles infectious diseases closely tracked measles incidence. The more measles in a population, the more deaths from other illnesses in the 28-month period that followed.“Really it didn"t matter what age gj*oup, what decade or what country, said Mina. “They all showed consistent results ... what we"re suggesting happens over the long term is that your immune system works fine,but it has forgotten what it previously learned.”Some researchers who were not involved in the work questioned whether the reductions in deaths as measles cases declined may have had more to do with improving nutrition and smaller family size than with prolonged immune suppression.Others thought the paper"s opinion of years-long suppression was seemingly reasonable but said they could not comment on the mathematical models the group used.To know for certain what was behind the effect the group saw, Mina agreed, scientists would need to look at immune cells and observe their behavior. He said he would like to push the work in a more traditional direction: back into the laboratory.

Scientists have learned a lot about the kinds of food people need.They say that there are



赞同楼上回答~~是 revealing的宾语

September 21, 2050----At a press conference today it was announced that the first tourist headi...

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A 试题分析:本文介绍了2050年的第一批去火星旅游的游客的情况,如何做准备,还有费用等问题。小题1:计算题:从第二段的句子:Not only will he spend five months in getting to Mars, but another 600 days there before he can go back home.可知是5x30+600=750,选D。小题2:句意理解题:这句话的意思是:回来后,你不会看见他乞讨的,说明不要担心他的经济状况。选C小题3:推理题:从最后一段的句子:I have plenty of time to come up with a new business idea”, he says and laughs.可知他是乐观的。选A点评:此类文章的最大的障碍是词汇以及考生对阅读内容的不熟悉,需要考生在阅读的时候有足够的耐心。要养成在上下文串联中猜测词义的能力,根据上下文中出现的同义词,近义词,反义词,以及词义的解释来理解生词。同时要抓住文章的中心,不要受其他信息的影响。要根据题目及选项以及文章的上下文串联合理的判断推理。

It was imperative that I be as close as possible.请帮忙翻译

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: I be...这是什么用法 解析: 这是句虚拟语气句,在be 前省去了should/would. 注意:It is/was+形容词that后得用虚拟语气句.表示:做什么是应该(实际没有做) It was imperative that I be as close as possible.我应该尽可能地多接近.

It is imperative that you ___ here in time


请问It is imperative that every one of us 这句哪错了?

remold要用第三人称单数remolds.在that引导的从句中,主语是one,故动词用三单.即,It is imperative that every one of us remolds our world outlooks.希望对你有帮助!

It is imperative that the students______________writing their papers by the end of the month.

【答案】:A【译文】学生必须在月底以前做完论文。 【考点】虚拟语气 【解析】 imperative的意思是“必要的,强制的”。当表示建议、指令、愿望、个人意见或判断、要求时,构 成It is...that…结构,主语从句要用虚拟语气,动词形式为"should+动词原形”或只用动词原形,故选A。

it is imperative that

应该选择选项A imperative用作形容词的基本意思是“必要的,紧急的,极重要的”,在句中多用作表语,在“It is/was imperative that-clause”结构中从句的谓语动词多用虚拟式,英式英语中常用“should+动词原形”,而在美式英语中则常省略should.

英语It is imperative that this mission not fail


t is simply that the room is in fire 。为什么用simply?


since与since that在意思和用法上有什么区别

1. 两者都是 自从 的意思2. since 后面可以接句子,也可以接时间点,比如,since I graduated(自从我毕业之后),since 2002(自从2002年之后)3. since that:自那之后,that这里是代词,上文一定提到了某个时间或者某个事件,比如 since that I have never seen him(从那之后我再也没见过他)

Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh是什么意思

Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh[地名] [越南] 胡志明市; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Ho chi minh in 2010 is booming. 胡志明市在2010年是蓬勃地发展了。

后街男孩歌曲I Want It That Way 哪年的歌曲,以及资料

歌曲I Want It That Way在1999年出自专辑《Millennium》。 1.此歌在17个国家上榜第一,8个国家蝉联冠军。 2.第一单曲IWITW在除了BILLBOARD HOT 100单曲榜上是#6外,其他都是第一位 丶MILLENNIUM创造的奇迹也是特别吓人的,他是全美历史上第一张首周销售量破百万的专集,第一天即破52万,这个成绩带动了之后包括Nsync甚至可以说像Usher,Eminem这类歌手首周狂卖的先锋。1.MILLENNIUM让BSB首次尝到了傲视群雄的感觉,在那一年BSB的MILLENNIUM在BILLBOARD TOP 200专集榜上呆了77个星期,连续七周冠军。2.首周全球28个国家和地区专集榜第一位3.被提名千禧年Grammy年度最佳专集4.第一周销量113万4000张,共销量1100万张。

i want it that way 是什么时候发行的啊

歌曲I Want It That Way在1999年出自专辑《Millennium》。 1.此歌在17个国家上榜第一,8个国家蝉联冠军。 2.第一单曲IWITW在除了BILLBOARD HOT 100单曲榜上是#6外,其他都是第一位 丶MILLENNIUM创造的奇迹也是特别吓人的,他是全美历史上第一张首周销售量破百万的专集,第一天即破52万,这个成绩带动了之后包括Nsync甚至可以说像Usher,Eminem这类歌手首周狂卖的先锋。1.MILLENNIUM让BSB首次尝到了傲视群雄的感觉,在那一年BSB的MILLENNIUM在BILLBOARD TOP 200专集榜上呆了77个星期,连续七周冠军。2.首周全球28个国家和地区专集榜第一位3.被提名千禧年Grammy年度最佳专集4.第一周销量113万4000张,共销量1100万张。

om is very stupid.He failed to pass the exam once more . ---He is than stup



Please chop.Please have a chop.Please chop on it.

But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of N than it is of the

But my own 【worry】 today 【is】【 less】 that of the overwhelming problem of N 【than】 it is of the slightly more luxurious agony of the decline in M even of the educated teenagers【】标注的是主干结构。翻译:我如今对不可抗拒的问题N的担忧,要少于有点奢华烦恼的问题M,甚至还比不上接受教育的青少年。如果有上下文,能翻译的更得心应手。

跪求mcfly的that girl的歌词

ain"t ever met a girl beforeThat came on in and shook up my lifeSomeone who"d make me give up everythingGo for broke and fall in love withBaby girl thats somethingOh my heart and my time means nothingGirl oh, her kiss just can"t do without withOh it"s all about the things you doOh and everytime I think of youI get excited cause your my girlThat girl, just the way i like it got have it just the way that girl keep me hopin i"ll be hopin that im gonna be with that girli cant believe (that girl) is killin me crazy sexy cool baby you that girlNothing bout this girl is typicalGot body right out of magazines She"s just so incredibleShe"s the type of girl that you might search your whole life forOh my heart and my time means nothingGirl oh, her kiss just can"t do without withOh it"s all about the things you doOh and everytime I think of youI get excited cause your my girlbaby takes me highi just cant explain it somethings got me feeling you lovebaby but even if I tryi could never shake itooh my baby"s got me in love(that girl) that girl, that girl (ha, ha, ha)(that girl) that girl, that girl (ha,ha,ha)that girl, that girl, that girl (ha,ha,ha)she knows how to do it yeah yeahthat girl, that girl, that girl (ha,ha,ha)she knows how to do itthat girljust the way I like itgotta have it just the waythat girl keep me open I be hopen that I"m gon be with that (that girl)I cant believe that girl is killing me Crazy,Sexy (you crazy girl and you so sexy baby),Cool baby you that girl.that girl, that girl (ha, ha, ha)that girl that girl that girloh that girl you know I like that girlthat girl that girl(oh that girl) that girlCrazy,sexy (that girl that girl)cool (oh that girl you know I like that girl)baby you that girlThat girl

McFly的《That Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:That Girl歌手:McFly专辑:Greatest HitsThat Girl歌词-McFlyWent out with the guysAnd before my eyesThere was this girl she looked so fineAnd she blew my mindAnd I wish that she was mineAnd I said "hey wait up cos I"m off to speak to her"And my friends said(you"ll never get her)But I didn"t care(you"ll never get her)Cos I loved her long black hair(you"ll never get her)And love was in the air(you"ll never get her)And she looked at me(you"ll never get her)And the rest was history(you"ll never get her)Dude you"re being silly cos you"re never gonna get that girlAnd you"re never gonna get the girlWe spoke for hours(she) took off my trousersSpent the day laughing in the sunWe had funAnd my friends they all looked stunnedDude she"s amazing and I can"t believe you"ve got that girlMy friends saidShe gave me more street credI took she books she readAnd how could I forgetShe rocks my worldMore than any other girlDude she"s amazing and I can"t believe you"ve got that girlAnd I can"t believe you got that girlShe looked incredible just turned 17I guess my friends were rightShe"s out of my leagueWhat am I to do?She"s too good to be trueBut 3 days laterWent round to see herBut she was with another guyAnd I said "fine"But I never asked her whyBut since then loneliness has been a friend of mineMy friend"s said(such a pity)I let her slip away(such a pity)They tell me everyday(such a pity)That it will be ok(such a pity)She rocks my world(such a pity)More than any other girl(such a pity)Dude its such a pity(such a pity)And I"m sorry that you lost that girl...And I"m sorry that you lost that girl

It’s understandable that作什么成分

充当主语成分的句子,主语从句, 主语从句,即在复合句中充当主语成分的句子. 例如"That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all"

a snap poll showed that。。。 这里的snap是什么意思?


it’s clear that Macy’s believes its trouble run

梅西百货显然认为其问题不仅仅是气温暂时偏离正常水平run deeper than 可以翻译为不仅仅,或远不止是

that counts 是主语吗?

你说的没错,“思维能力和心智水平”的确是两个词。可是你知道,翻译往往就是这样,总是讲比较简单的词句译成最精准的意思,原文的字面意思应该是“思维的质量”,对吗?可是如果这样翻译就不好了,就没有美感了。所以才会扩充成这样子。that counts也不是主语,主语是the quality of the mind是主语。这是一个强调句,句型是“it is...that”。

few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen 中的a是不是多余的?

这里的that是一个副词 意思类似于so so +adi+a+可数名词 是强调“那么...的一个...”


stage 是一个地点名词,在定语从句中用where 来代替, situation 是 用when 来代替

pets5 未来教育 the revolution that turned education sentimental 文章翻译

教育变娘炮60年代中期的英国,全国的课堂都在发生变革。此前,课堂里是一排排整齐的斜面课桌,后面坐着身着制服的学生,严肃刻板的老师校长在前耳提面命;而在那之后,则是一圈一圈的课桌,学生们穿着随意,老师像朋友一样和蔼可亲,甚至像学生们一样爱唱KTV。虽然这是一幅教育漫画,但决不是空穴来风,这就是出于善意,良好,对我们下一代的关爱而实施的教育改革,并且显然已得到我们这个时代那些最伟大的头脑所认可。改革的目的是帮助孩子们更好成长,具体手段就是“平等”。随着ShirleyWilliams引入了综合中学以代替很多文法学校,改革按部就班进行。这就是我们和威尔士王子所见的那场不能避免的灾难。了解其来龙去脉和它失败的原因虽然亡羊补牢,但犹时未晚。简单来说,就是因为它看起来是那么地“理所当然”:老师理当帮助孩子成长;学校理当不论高低贵贱;严师理当让位于慈长,这些众多看似理所应当的事,却是由一个主观的想法所创造,就凭这个“理所当然”才应该被取消。首先是不要被政治所迷惑(意即这个问题本身与政治无关,只是被政客们所利用)。今天的老师们不再是激进的托利党极端分子和没有脑子的八卦长舌妇,事实上,老师们多半都赞成稳妥的保守党政策。问题的真正根源是对教育理论没有透澈的理解和误用。如,王子提到:“为什么今天学校不再教莎士比亚了?”一个最直接的原因是教育专家和老师们一致认为——当代的和多元文化的作品更贴近于生活,而莎士比亚和其它90年前的文学作品,都已无法吸引学生。从某种程度上讲,这就是“以学生为中心”教育方针的结果。正是Plowden女士的委员会将我们都带入到自由散漫的教学班当中,学生们幼稚无知却还无比自负。这种放任式教育已成今天的主流模式。Plowden的信心来自于Frank离谱的调查数据。Frank是“自由读书”的鼓吹者,“让孩子们自己选择读物,好的东西自然会起效。”这是大概是对自由理论最俗表述。而Frank和他的信徒们没有看到的一点是“阅读是一个人为的活动,受我们的文化所影响。”弗洛伊德、尼采、卢梭,从生理学中的消化不良得到灵感,强烈地相信应该让孩子自己控制受教育的节奏。教学的全部重点就是在灌输文化与自主学习两者之间摆动。它的结果就是导致了学生们特别“多愁善感”,我们这个时代过度的矫情,和一堆娘炮。说得严重一点,它把老师变成了搞慈善的社会义工。就实际而言,它侵蚀了知识的权威性。对于一个初级学校的孩子,理解乘法原理既无必要,也不现实。这是多少理论学家都没搞明白的事。但“儿童中心论”要求理解而不是死记硬背,因此,按这个逻辑,乘法表是错误的教学工具。孩子们丢弃了由前人确定下来便捷的文化遗产——三七二十一。文学也因为那些不着边际的学术理论而受到极大的阉割。60年代末到70年代初,结构主义横扫英国的大学,后结构主义紧随其后。整整一代的法国巨匠——Derride,Barthes,Lacan,Levi-Strauss,Foucault——共同感叹:文学已死!剩下的只是一堆字符。大批作家和他们的思想都充满了错觉、妄想,内涵只是无意中被植入到文字当中。从这个角度来看,哈姆雷特不比豆腐乳配料单更有价值。他们(法国巨匠)都是天才,聪明绝顶,而那些普通老师们从未读过他们的书,但自以为了解了他们的思想,把先哲们的思想等同于简单的纵容式管理。把这种思想照搬进小学教育无异于塞给四岁小孩一支AK47。 “文化相对论”是高智分子堕落的最后一层内衣。因这种观念最普遍,也隐藏最深。从本质上讲,这种论调即是说我们的文化无特别的价值(因为各民族的文化是等价的,也即无特别的价值,也就没有先进和落后之分)。这种迂腐观念在NBS广告中比比皆是。一群跳舞挥矛的土著被当成了古老文明的象征,而哈姆雷特和九九表却被丢弃,还有什么能教?我们为啥需要信这些狗屁逻辑?为啥不能心安理得地做真正的自己?然而“文化相对论”是我们教育机构的全部信仰,结果传染了学生。这解释了恐怕所有进入课堂的“相关”材料和文化多元主义。正是这些东西使我们搞不清哈姆雷特优于臭豆腐配料或是Rap明星的原因。查尔斯王子在1990年7月读到托利党议员George Walden的一份报告时获悉此事。George Walden是我们时代的Jonathan Swift(相当于鲁迅),痛斥教育机构的堕落正在毁掉我们的民族文化。表面上看是外交主题的报告,实际却转入为民族文化的衰落而痛心疾首地凄厉呼号。——国家的经济可能马上就能得到恢复,而文教却保持着末流,他们的主要城市,包括了一些欧洲最荒芜的城市景观,正变得令人窒息。他说到“垃圾的社会,垃圾的广播,垃圾的报纸,垃圾的财富,这都拜垃圾的教育所赐,我们真是欧洲的乡巴佬!”难以想象有谁愿意当这么个地方的老大。因此,Walden明智地见了王子,王子却不明智地批评了教育方针。就像王子评价建筑的情况一样,这可能引发平民化的问题。民众已不相信那些自大的专家了。因此,像评价建筑一样,让王子评价教育就是一场高风险的游戏。Walden借由王子表达的主张其实不过是不知所措。在托利党激进政策统治了12年后(Walden就是托利党议员,所以他也很迷惘),在大家都已意识到我们的教育系统一无是处的氛围当中,为毛我们的学校仍无起色?为什么打不得骂不得?政治方面的问题是教育并没有引起撒切尔首相(当朝首辅)的足够重视,最起码不像她对待联邦统一(马岛战争)和工业国有化(反对国有化)时的态度那样!她认为人们只要管好自己,坏学校会自生自灭。而这是一个巨大的错误,在战后,教育机构无疑应是撒最需要施行改革的地方。但她的大臣们,他们的孩子都呆在私立中学(不关心公立学校的问题),所以根本没有促使她纠正这种偏见。因此,王子的迷惑受到了政治上的错误和对高智群体的不做为行为所刺激,希望他的干涉会推动舆论的关注而被撒注意到。不幸的是,接手自由式教育机构会成为烟雾弹。与他们讨论这个问题无异于自讨苦吃。他们将注意力放在“资源”问题上,如老师们的专长或通过其它方式一样能接触到莎士比亚,他们决不会接受在教育传承上的完全失败的事实。当然,这毫不奇怪,因为他们早就丢弃了文化传统。王子正在雄心勃勃地重整旗鼓。不同于Walden,CorrelliBarnett(历史学家)将教育系统比做专门生产“目光短浅,咬文嚼字,艺无所长,四体不勤,刻板保守的国家寄生虫的机构。”在美利坚,Allan Bloom在他的著作《美国人的暗弱无能》一书中已然控诉了自由主义教育家们已经毁了本国的文化。但真相是,不论美英,这些先知们正在审视着一场无法挽救的溃败。国家积重难返,她的公民们都已自甘堕落。莎士比亚还是九九表都不能解决社会问题,自由主义者如是说。悲剧是他们真的这么认为。

the revolution that turned education sentimental 文章的翻译


“将损失降至最低”英语怎么说?多来几种说法 thanks

minimize the lost 这个最好reduce the lost as much as you can


bertha英文名含义是:bertha意思为“聪明;美丽;灿烂的”;悦耳动听、朗朗上口;长度为6,简单、易写。从整体来说,bertha提取作为女生英文名,带有那种简单的高级美。常见英文名:1、Kamdyn此英文名字,中文音译为坎德恩,整体好看与众不同,是一个霸气的英文名,尤其对于工作中需要英文名的小女人来说,运用此英文名非常合适。Kamdyn源自苏格兰盖尔语,这个名字在国外较为常见。源自卡姆登(或卡姆登),意思是蜿蜒的山谷。更流行的拼写是Camden,发音(KAM den),苏格兰语,更常用作姓氏,好的兄弟姐妹名字Kaleb,kalter(可以在这里互换使用K和C来匹配)。2、IIndie此英文名字,中文音译为英迪,共有2个音节,听起来音律优美大气,此外,这个英文名字还有很好的印象,象征女性敏感、率性。Indie最早出现于英语,这个名字在国外较为常见。3、Agar此英文名字翻译为阿加,该名是由4个字母组成的,听来朗朗上口又与众不同,以此来作为女性的英文名寓意着他是个自觉,高贵、深沉的人。Agar历史出自拉丁语、希腊语,这个名字在国外超级流行。阿加包含陌生人的寓意。它通常用于甜点(烹饪)和细菌和真菌的生长(生物学)。4、Kae该名读音是[kae],整体简单响亮,是一个中性的英文名,把这个单词当作女性子的英文名字,会给人一种坚决、讨人喜欢的感觉。Kae历史上最早出现于英语,这个名字在国外流行度尚可。5、Katida此英文名字翻译为卡蒂达,长度为6,易读与众不同,适合大家英文起名,尤其对于工作中需要英文名的女人子来说,运用此英文名非常合适。Katida历史上最早出现于英语,这个名字在国外超级流行。

I made suer that I followed throgh with

I made suer that I followed throgh with the right departments, keeping my team informed of the progress.我相信我有权力让部门通过,并让我的团队知道进展。


What is your nationalityuff1fI am Thai.



Psychologists say that our behaviour is influence

主要就是这个句型可以这样理解: ...到...比如 too fast fo detect ----- 形容快到无法察觉too small to see ---- 小到看不见所以too subtle for us to consciously scheme 也是一个句型

___it seems that there is a discrepancy between your expectations and his behaviour.

选 B 。

简写英文 如you=u thanks=thx 之类的 多写些生活中较常用的

u=you r=are bf=boyfriend gf=girlfriend 2=to 4=for want to=wanna going to=gonna love=luv what=wut what"s up= wassup/ waz up/ "s up i see(我明白)=ic see you= c ya better=betta ever=eva anyways=anywayz my=mah birthday=bday asian=azn i don"t know=i dunno tomorrow=tmr girl=gurl boy=boi though=tho alright=alrite night=nite yes=yup hot girl(or sth else)=hottie sweet girl=sweetie cute girl=cuttie oh my god!=OMG thanks god it"s friday=TGIF talk to you later=ttyl can=kan that=dat the=da crying=kryin because=cuz ok=okay blah blah blah=等等等 homework=HMK biology=bio chemistry=chem find out=fyne out sorry=sry information=info life=lyfe just=jus picture=pic pictures=pix kind of=kinda sort of=sorta baby=babee/babe/baybie... sexy=sexi

急~~帮忙给这个英语故事提出问题和答案,3个(都要翻译哦) Thank you!!


希腊女神 塔利亚 thalia,谁能告诉我关于她的故事


Thalia的《Rosas》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosas歌手:Thalia专辑:Por AmorRosasEn un día de estos en que suelo pensar 这是那些日子当中的某一天,我习惯了说服自己说"hoy va a ser el día menos pensado", “今天把心放下,什么也不想”nos hemos cruzado, has decidido mirar, 我们擦肩而过,你下了决心看看身旁a los ojitos azules que ahora van a tu lado 身旁飘过的那双蓝眼睛,正向你看过来Desde el momento en el que te conocí 从我认识你的那一刻开始resumiendo con prisas Tiempo de Silencio 那匆匆一瞥,沉默的一刻te juro que a nadie le he vuelto a decir 我向你发誓没有再向任何人提起que tenemos el récord del mundo en querernos. 我们拥有的这个世界上最短的一见钟情Por eso esperaba con la carita empapada 于是我在此等候泪流满面a que llegaras con rosas, con mil rosas para mí, 等你带着玫瑰,一千朵给我的玫瑰,向我走过来porque ya sabes que me encantan esas cosas 因为你知道的,这些能让我开心起来que no importa si es muy tonto, soy así. 傻也没有关系,我就是这样Y aún me parece mentira que se escape mi vida 生活在悄悄溜走imaginando que vuelves a pasarte por aquí 我还在欺骗自己想象着你会回来经过这里donde los viernes cada tarde, como siempre, 在每个星期五的下午, 一如往常那样la esperanza dice "quieta, hoy quizás sí..." 有丝希望在对我说:“嘘,说不定就是今天。。。”Escapando una noche de un bostezo de sol 太阳打了个哈欠,黑夜逃离me pediste que te diera un beso. 你那时祈求我给你一个吻Con lo baratos que salen mi amor, 那么廉价地我的爱离去了qué te cuesta callarme con uno de esos. 一个吻的代价缄了我的口Pasaron seis meses y me dijiste adiós, 六个月过后,你向我说再见un placer coincidir en esta vida. 成了那种生活中的又一次无聊邂逅Allí me quedé, en una mano el corazón, 我在那边踟蹰希望能敞开心扉y en la otra excusas que ni tú entendías. 为你的无法理解再找一个完美的托辞Por eso esperaba con la carita empapadaa que llegaras con rosas, con mil rosas para mí,porque ya sabes que me encantan esas cosasque no importa si es muy tonto, soy así.Y aún me parece mentira que se escape mi vidaimaginando que vuelves a pasarte por aquí,donde los viernes cada tarde, como siempre,la esperanza dice "quieta, hoy quizás sí..."Y es que empiezo a pensar 于是我开始想que el amor verdadero es tan sólo el primero. 只有一开始啊,才是真爱Y es que empiezo a sospechar 于是我开始怀疑que los demás son sólo para olvidar... 其他的一切不过是为了遗忘啊。。。Por eso esperaba con la carita empapadaa que llegaras con rosas, con mil rosas para mí,porque ya sabes que me encantan esas cosasque no importa si es muy tonto, soy asíY aún me parece mentira que se escape mi vidaimaginando que vuelves a pasarte por aquí,dondé los viernes cada tarde, como siempre,la esperanza dice "quieta, hoy quizás sí..."---END---

KJ-52的《Thank You》 歌词

歌曲名:Thank You歌手:KJ-52专辑:KJ-52Yo, listen, huhI just wanna thank you, for bein aroundAnd patiently waitin and holdin me downIt"s easy to see, for Mr. X to the ZThat without no you, there could be no meI just wanna thank you, for bein a fanAnd watchin me grow from a boy to a manIt"s easy to see, for Mr. X to the ZThat without no you, there could be no meYou "bout to hear some words, that you ain"t probably heardWith all of these rappers pullin triggers and flippin birdsI know it sound absurd, cause they don"t tell the truthThey prostitutes, fuckin contaminate the youthBut yet I"m guilty of, the things I said aboveNo matter my faults still continue to show me loveNaw I ain"t perfect mayne, but yet I stay the sameI play chess not checkers but this is not a gameAnd this is not a song, and this is not a verseIt"s not conceived, or simulated or been rehearsedSpent the first half of my life, thinkin that I was cursedCould have been hit with a hollow, follow behind my hearseThat wasn"t meant for me, I spent a decademakin it what it"s "sposed to be, hopefully brought you close to meAll these people approachin me, don"t even know the halfI could be facin life but X is signin autographs, damnMy son"s 11 now, I got to see him growMakin his free throws, the way he laughin at the showYo he remind me of me, when I was ridin bikesHe gon" be taller than me, he got my mother"s heightBut yo you know the difference, between me and them othersThey say you buggin when I call you my sisters and brothersI coulda missed it all, I coulda dropped the ballMind of Metallica, motherfuck "em and "Kill "Em All"I used to hustle raw, I used to run the streetsI used to hustle heats, I grinded all my beefMost of my homies is gone, restin in peaceSome"ll never see release from custody of police, but meBut nah my little dude get to go to private schoolAnd I can do the things my father couldn"t afford to doThat"s what it"s "sposed to do, this is from me to youSupport from you and yours, thank you for gettin me through, trueWe buried Proof today, it really broke me upto see my brother in that casket, maaan what the fuck?Media made me angry, I had to soak it upThe future is fragile never promised to none of usHittin so close to home, but what I focused onis how he lived, the lives he touched, the cornerstoneWe never walk alone, although sometime it seemsthat nightmares go hand in hand with livin out dreamsSo let me take this time, from my struggle my grindto let you know that I appreciate you by my sideIt"s been a long ride, a lot of long nightsA lot of long flights, worth every sacrificeA soldier of fortune fearless fightin the good fightI never had a plan B, I never lost sightThat"s why I hit the stage, that"s why I kill the micIt"s for my fans that"s ridin with Xzibit for life, RIGHT!Thank you, for lettin me breatheFor lettin me be who I am, huh, yeah, huhTwo little words, y"all never get to hear enoughKnahmsayin? Yeah that, hehe..Yes.. the returnUh-huh.. breathe!

A computer(  )is a program that maliciously causes unwanted behavior on a computer.



th有两种发音。(1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。在名词、动词、形容词和数词中th发清辅音θ。如:thing, theatre, thunder, thermos, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thrive, thicken, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough 在代词和一些功能词中th发浊辅音.如: them, their, theirs, there, the, than, then, though, thus, therefore, they。只有介词through是个例外。(2) th位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清辅音θ,如:bath, breath, tooth, 等。只有在少数单词中,如:

Some foreingers say that the Chinese have traditionally handled succession abysmally的翻译

一些外国人说中国人有保持含蓄的传统。 succession:连续 继位;继承权abysmally:深不可测的,极度的。 (口语)极差的。

Those who say that life is a ________ of misfortunes are certainly either ill or poor


选词填空why do we always assume that a"good students



美国浪漫主义诗人William cullen bryant 的诗作。译作汉语《死亡随想录》。诗一首关于人类对死亡的看法的诗歌,很具哲理性。Thanatopsis 一词来自于希腊语thanatos,意思是死亡。下面是全文Thanatopsis TO HIM who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms she speaks A various language; for his gayer hours She has a voice of gladness and a smile And eloquence of beauty and she glides Into his darker musings with a mild And healing sympathy that steals away Their sharpness ere he is aware. When thoughts Of the last bitter hour come like a blight Over thy spirit and sad images Of the stern agony and shroud and pall And breathless darkness and the narrow house Make thee to shudder and grow sick at heart;— Go forth under the open sky and list To Nature"s teachings while from all around— Earth and her waters and the depths of air— Comes a still voice—Yet a few days and thee The all-beholding sun shall see no more In all his course; nor yet in the cold ground Where thy pale form was laid with many tears Nor in the embrace of ocean shall exist Thy image. Earth that nourished thee shall claim Thy growth to be resolved to earth again And lost each human trace surrendering up Thine individual being shalt thou go To mix forever with the elements; To be a brother to the insensible rock And to the sluggish clod which the rude swain Turns with his share and treads upon. The oak Shall send his roots abroad and pierce thy mould. Yet not to thine eternal resting-place Shalt thou retire alone nor couldst thou wish Couch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down With patriarchs of the infant world —with kings The powerful of the earth —the wise the good Fair forms and hoary seers of ages past All in one mighty sepulchre. The hills Rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun; the vales Stretching in pensive quietness between; The venerable woods—rivers that move In majesty and the complaining brooks That make the meadows green; and poured round all Old Ocean"s gray and melancholy waste — Are but the solemn decorations all Of the great tomb of man! The golden sun The planets all the infinite host of heaven Are shining on the sad abodes of death Through the still lapse of ages. All that tread The globe are but a handful to the tribes That slumber in its bosom.—Take the wigs Of morning pierce the Barcan wilderness Or lose thyself in the continuous woods Where rolls the Oregon and hears no sound Save his own dashings —yet the dead are there: And millions in those solitudes since first The flight of years began have laid them down In their last sleep—the dead reign there alone. So shalt thou rest; and what if thou withdraw In silence from the living and no friend Take note of thy departure? All that breathe Will share thy destiny. The gay will laugh When thou art gone the solemn brood of care Plod on and each one as before will chase His favorite phantom; yet all these shall leave Their mirth and their employments and shall come And make their bed with thee. As the long train Of ages glide away the sons of men The youth in life"s green spring and he who goes In the full strength of years matron and maid The speechless babe and the gray-headed man— Shall one by one be gathered to thy side By those who in their turn shall follow them. So live that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan which moves To that mysterious realm where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death Thou go not like the quarry-slave at night Scourged to his dungeon but sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him and lies down to pleasant dreams. 这是一首关于死亡的诗歌,谁有它的解析,哪怕是翻译也不错。本诗歌附在其后Thanatopsisby William Cullen BryantTo him who in the love of nature holdsCommunion with her visible forms, she speaksA various language; for his gayer hoursShe has a voice of gladness, and a smileAnd eloquence of beauty; and she glidesInto his darker musings, with a mildAnd healing sympathy that steals awayTheir sharpness ere he is aware. When thoughtsOf the last bitter hour come like a blightOver thy spirit, and sad imagesOf the stern agony, and shroud, and pall,And breathless darkness, and the narrow house,Make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart;--Go forth, under the open sky, and listTo Nature"s teachings, while from all around--Earth and her waters, and the depths of air--Comes a still voice. Yet a few days, and theeThe all-beholding sun shall see no moreIn all his course; nor yet in the cold ground,Where thy pale form was laid, with many tears,Nor in the embrace of ocean, shall existThy image. Earth, that nourished thee, shall claimThy growth, to be resolved to earth again,And, lost each human trace, surrendering upThine individual being, shalt thou go To mix forever with the elements,To be a brother to the insensible rockAnd to the sluggish clod, which the rude swainTurns with his share, and treads upon. The oakShall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mold.Yet not to thine eternal resting-placeShalt thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wishCouch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie downWith patriarchs of the infant world -- with kings,The powerful of the earth -- the wise, the good,Fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past,All in one mighty sepulchre. The hillsRock-ribbed and ancient as the sun, -- the valesStretching in pensive quietness between;The venerable woods -- rivers that moveIn majesty, and the complaining brooksThat make the meadows green; and, poured round all,Old Ocean"s gray and melancholy waste,--

请问so that 和 such that怎么来区分

such…that作“如此…以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。与so…that 意思相同,但用法不同。如:so…that这一结构中,so后边可加形容词或副词, 而such后边要用名词(这个名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带)。因此, such…that的句型结构可分以下三种: 1) such+a(an)+adj.+单数可数名词+that…clause He is such a clever boy that everybody likes him. 他非常聪明,大家都非常喜欢他。 He was such an honest man that he was praised by the teacher. 他非常诚实,因而受到了老师的表扬。 2)such+adj.+复数可数名词+that…clause They are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again. 这些小说非常有趣,我想再读一遍。 3)such+adj.+不可数名词+that…clause He has made such great progress that the teachers are pleased with him. 他进步得很快,老师们对他感到很满意。 注意:如果such后边的名词前由many、much、few、little等词所修饰的话,则不用 such而用so。例如: He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over. 他摔了很多跤,以致于全身上下青一块,紫一块的。 He had so little education that he was unfit for this job. 他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作。 There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building. 街上有那么多人观看大火,以致于消防队员无法接近大楼。 6.In fact, his English is one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it. 事实上,在那些文章中有一篇他的英文写得很好,恩格斯曾写信赞扬他。 so…that也作“如此…以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句。so…that与such… that意思相同,但用法不同。现将so…that用法总结如下: so+adj./adv.+that…clause(so的后面跟形容词或副词) He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him. 他跑得非常快,没人能追上他。 Dr. Wang is so good that everybody loves and respects him. (=He is so good a doctor that everybody loves and respects him. =He is such a good doctor that everybody loves and respects him.) 他是一位好医生,大家都尊敬并爱戴他。

so that 和such that的区别是什么?

so that与such that的不同之处:1、连接的从句不同suchthat作“如此…以致”解,连接一个表示结果的状语从句,与sothat 意思相同,但用法不同。双语例句:He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.他跑得非常快,没人能追上他。They may be able to help with childcare so that you can have a break .他们也许能帮助你照看孩子,这样你就可以休息了。2、后接词词性不同so后边可加形容词或副词,而such后要用名词。双语例句:It was so cold outside that we had to stop the game.外面太冷了以至于我们不得不停止比赛。They are such good students that the teacher likes them.他们都是好学生,老师很喜欢他们。3、后面所接名词修饰词不同如果such后边的名词是由many、much、few、little等词修饰的话,则不用such,而使用so。双语例句:He is such a little boy that he can"t lift the box.他是这么小的小小孩,提不到那个箱子。He ran so quickly that we all couldn"t catch up with him.他跑得很快,我们都追不上他。


such…as是“像…样的”,such…that是“如此…以至于”,还有,在"such a (an) +形容词+单数名词"结构中,such可以换成so,但a (an)要置于形容词之后.如:such a good film→so good a film.as作关系代词可与其他词连用引导定语从句. 如:和such或so 连用 1.用于such...as结构中 I don"t like such books as he recommends.我不喜欢他推荐的那些书. 2.用于"so +adj.+ a/an + n.(单数) + as "结构中 I am not so strong a man as I was.我已经没有从前那么强壮了.在表示“如此……以致……”之意时,常用“such a/an + 形容词+名词+ that 从句”或“so + 形容词 + a/an + 名词 + that 从句”.在表示“如此……以致……”之意时,常用“such a/an + 形容词+名词+ that 从句”或“so + 形容词 + a/an + 名词 + that 从句”. 2.在such that,so that中 that 不做成分,引导的是结果状语从句. 结构如下: such+ a(形容词+)单数名词 + that such+ (形容词+)复数或者不可数名词 + that so + 形容词 + a + 单数名词 + that so + many(much,few,little)+复数或者不可数名词 + that/such+ a(形容词+)单数名词 + that so + 形容词或副词 + that 3.such as用法太复杂,只说一下as引导定语从句的情况: 在such as 中 as 是关系代词,做主语、宾语或表语. 结构如下: such+ a(形容词+)单数名词 + as such+ (形容词+)复数或者不可数名词 + as


such…that从句结构中,such后面跟的中心词为名词,三种构成:①such + a/an +(形容词)+ 可数名词单数 + that从句例:He is such an excellent student that every teacher likes him.他是如此优秀的一个学生以至于每个老师都喜欢他。②such + (形容词)+ 可数名词复数 + that从句例:They are such excellent students that every teacher like them.他们是如此优秀的学生以至于每个老师都喜欢他们。用法:引导结果状语从句③such + (形容词)+ 不可数名词 + that从句 用法:引导结果状语从句例:It such good weather that we want to go out to play. 天气如此好以至于我们想去外面玩。扩展资料;such 英 [su028ctu0283]     美 [su028ctu0283]    adj. 这样的,如此的adv. 如此地pron. 这样的人或事,其本身,这,那用作形容词时;1、such用作形容词时,常放在不定冠词之前,all, many, no, any, one, few, some等之后,但其前不可用many of, some of, all of等。通常用了such后,不可在同一句中再用which, who, where等词。2、such有时在后面的分句中,对前面的分句加以解释,说明原因,两个分句间用逗号隔开,后面分句比较强调。3、such常与as连用,用于列举事物,意为“例如,像…一样”,其后所述数量也不可全部列出,偶尔可用etc。such as在同一句中也可分开配合使用,此时as在从句中用作主语或宾语。4、such用作代词时,可用来表示单数,也可表示复数,在句中多用作主语或表语。

such much that

so 后面可以加many ,much,few,little等表示数量多少的限定词 such是形容词,它所修饰的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带.如果其后是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an.因此,such…that…的句型结构可分为以下三种: such+a(n)(+adj.)+单数可数名词+that从句 such(+adj.)+复数可数名词+that从句 such(adj.)+不可数名词+that从句 so是副词,与形容词或副词连用,其结构是:so+adj.(adv.)+that从句. 注意:①当名词前面有many,much,few,little等表示数量多少的限定词时,应该用so,而不能用such. ②当单数名词前有形容词时,既可用so,也可用such,但不定冠词的位置却有所不同. This is such an important meeting that you should attend it.(=This is so important a meeting that you should attend it.)这是一次很重要的会议,你一定要参加.

初音未来的圣诞之歌「39(Thank you)!!」

这首歌收录在初音未来5thBirthdayBest~memories~这张专辑里无损的 第二首就是



I convinced that he would come here 曾经我相信他一定会来的 这句话为什么不对

可以改为I was convinced that he would come here

I am convinced that she is innocent.?that引导的是什么从句呢?


be convinced that

convinced是一个形容词 把它看成sure 也行 I am sure that引导宾语从句 believed是believe的过去式 及物动词加that 引导的也是宾语从句 be convinced 看成be happy be sorry be sure都可以 是一个词组 sure sorry 等形容词不能单独使用 所以要有be动词 而believe本身就是一个及物动词了 所以不用加be动词了 否则一个简单句出现两个谓语动词 是犯语法错误的

million of people rush to california, ( )that they would find gold and become rich!

B 因为是主动

be convinced that用法

be convinced that:确信;确信,承认; convinced:adj.坚信;深信;确信 扩展资料   Therefore, developers need to be convinced that they should adhere to standards.   因此,需要说服开发者去遵循标准。   But here"s the problem. Children can"t be convinced that they are competent.   但是这里有一个问题,孩子们不能被说服相信他们是有能力的"。   You will soon be convinced that she is innocent.   你不久就会确信她是无罪的。

关于convince that..和be convinced

The experts from the zoo were convinced that the animal was a puma. 分析一下这个句子,the expert是主语。from the zoo是定语,修饰the expert。were convinced 是被动语态,convince that 主动语态

何时用be动词 比如i am convinced that 用到be , i believed that 没用到be ,为什么

主动和被动 我被说服 be convinced 我相信 主动

We all left the police station,convinced that Tom was innocent。这里的convinced是什么用法?


何时用be动词 比如i am convinced that 用到be ,i believed that 没用到be ,为什么

convinced是一个形容词 把它看成sure 也行 I am sure that引导宾语从句 believed是believe的过去式 及物动词加that 引导的也是宾语从句 be convinced 看成be happy be sorry be sure都可以 是一个词组 sure sorry 等形容词不能单独使用 所以要有be动词 而believe本身就是一个及物动词了 所以不用加be动词了 否则一个简单句出现两个谓语动词 是犯语法错误的

that is where you are mistaken 为什么中间用where 我好像记得


That is just ______ they are mistaken.

C. where的这就是他们出错误的地方。where引导表语从句,表示地点。

that was just as wrong as it being dominated by men.其中that是关系代词?指代什么呢?

that是代词,指代"the profession would become female dominated ".

tai和thailand 有什么区别

Tai 是指"泰语",或者"泰语的"Thailand 是"泰国"的英语单词,缩写为“Thai”

That is a butterfly on the flower. 改成复数形式并说明是为什么 谢谢


That player is eternally arguing with the referee.


Mike gets up earlier than Tam.的意思?

Mike gets up earlier than Tam.的意思是麦克笔汤姆起得早。

NGUYEN DUC THANH越南语 中文什么意思? Tam越南语 中文什么意思?


on condition that是什么意思

如果条件是假如The logjam was broken this afternoon when Brown yielded on condition thatBritain obtained the foreign policy job in return. 今天下午,直到布朗以英国人相应获得外交政策职位为条件作出让步,僵局才被打破。I shall give you the dictionary on condition that you return in no later thantomorrow. 只要你决不迟于明天还给我这本词典,我就将它借给你。

Space vegetables are grown from seeds (种子) that have been taken to space and brought back to th.

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:B小题4:C 试题分析:本文主要讲述了太空蔬菜是由从太空带回来的种子种植的蔬菜,比普通蔬菜要更大更健康。有人担心蔬菜种子在太空中收到辐射,长出的蔬菜会对身体有害。其实不然,从太空带回来的种子经过精挑细选来保证它是安全的。一些太空蔬菜要比普通蔬菜更好,比如太空西红柿可以保鲜20天,比普通的多一周。在经历了市场转基因实物之后,人们会担心他们在吃一些自己不知道的食物。太空食物是不发生基因变化的。小题1:细节理解题。 根据文章中When they are brought back to the earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger and healthier than normal vegetables. 可知选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据文章的句子Unlike genetically modified food, space vegetables have not been genetically changed. 可知,转基因蔬菜的基因是发生变化的。故选C。小题3:细节理解题。根据文中的句子space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes.可知普通的西红柿是20天减一周,是13天。故选B。小题4:主旨大意题。文章主要在证明太空蔬菜是健康的。故选C。

It is reported that the unemployed____ the great threat of economic crisis this winter

b are facing the unemployed 是失业人员face the threat是面临。。。的危险用进行时表示事件正在发生

it is that 强调后可以跟上whether吗? 即it is 句型可以强调选择吗?


Stronger Than I Am 歌词

歌曲名:Stronger Than I Am歌手:Ronan Parke专辑:Ronan Parke (Deluxe Edition)Stronger than I am--Ronan ParkeIf I close my eyesI know you"re near meAlways right thereWhen I need you the mostYou are my shelterMy shoulder when I"m wearyBut I"m the strongest manWhenever you"re closeWith your lovingI"m somethingYou need to knowIf I could just reachA little higher becomeA little wiser I"d haveJust you to thankI only see clearlyWhen you guide me succeedWhen you"re beside meAll I need is your helping handTo be a little stronger than I amEvery step I take of this journeyI want to share every moment with youTo know at the end of each dayYou will hold meAnd even when it"s hard to win I can"t loseBecause of you this dream I"m living is trueIf I could just reachA little higher becomeA little wiser I"d haveJust you to thankI only see clearlyWhen you guide me succeedWhen you"re beside meAll I need is your helping handTo be a little stronger than I amWith your lovingI"m somethingAnd you need to knowIf I could just reachA little higher becomeA little wiser I"d haveJust you to thankI only see clearlyWhen you guide me succeedWhen you"re beside meAll I need is your helping handTo be a little stronger than I amTo be a little stronger than I am

That place in your heart-Ronan Hardiman这是谁唱的?

Leslie Dowdall主唱的That Place In Your Heart能通向你心里的某个地方In your heart... 你的心灵Walk with me 曾与我同行break some bread here with me 某些利益使你我反目成仇Enemy 敌人Why can"t you live with me? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处?Who are you? 你是谁?what did i do to you? 我曾对你做了什么吗?Wish i knew 但愿我知道Why can"t i live with you? 为什么彼此之间不能和平共处?We are all born the same 我们都生于同一片蓝天Then we separate 然而却要分道扬镖Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂and blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨we can not contemplate 我们根本无法凝思出how far apart we are 我们之间的差距有多远there is always a way 总是有一条路to that place in your heart. 能通向你心里的某个地方Hated one 互相仇恨的人Just put down your gun 只要放下手中的武器done is done 过去的已经过去了why can"t we live as one? 为什么我们不能像一家人一样相处?feel no shame 没有尴尬the air we breath is the same 因为我们呼吸的是同样的空气heal the pain 结束痛苦吧why do we live in vain? 为什么我们要空虚地生活?We are all born the same 我们生于同一片蓝天Then we seperate 然而却要分道扬镖Then the world falls apart 我们的世界因此而破裂and blame turns to hate 埋怨也渐渐变为仇恨we can not contemplate 我们根本无法凝思出how far apart we are 我们之间的差距有多远there is always a way 总是有一条路to that place in your heart 能通向你心里的某个地方

In this paper, we have argued that exposing uncommitted data is

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