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文献精读 | 基因组6mA修饰相关文章解读及部分分析重现

Zhu S , Beaulaurier J , Deikus G , et al. Mapping and characterizing N6-methyladenine in eukaryotic genomes using single molecule real-time sequencing[J]. Genome Research, 2018, 28(7):gr.231068.117. Xiao C L , Zhu S , He M , et al. N6-Methyladenine DNA Modification in the Human Genome[J]. Molecular cell, 2018, 71(2). 简单来说,这篇文章从“华夏1号”的PacBio三代测序数据出发, 前6个results 介绍了PacBio测序寻找6mA修饰的精准度,并对基于二代测序的6mA-IP-seq,基于质谱的LC-MS/MS,以及基于qPCR的6mA-IP-qPCR和6mA-RE-qPCR等方法进行验证和补充说明,结论是基于二代测序的6mA-IP-seq能够得到的6mA修饰位点在SMRT的数据中都有,但是位点要显著少于SMRT测序数据能找到的6mA位点。 Result-7和Result-8 分别介绍了基于猜想寻找人类系统中6mA修饰的甲基化和去甲基化酶,分别是N6MT1和ALKBH1。这里主要是进行了一系列细胞水平的过表达或者干扰/敲除实验,以及体外甲基化实验。首次鉴定了人类基因组6mA修饰的甲基化酶——N6AMT1。最后两个 结果9和10 主要是粗略研究了一下一小部分gastric cancer 和liver cancer病人中的6mA修饰情况以及N6AMT1/ALKBH1的表达情况,得出 癌组织比癌旁组织的6mA修饰少 , 值得注意的一点是,这篇文章当中,对癌和癌旁组织中的6mA进行检测用的方法是免疫组织化学(IHC),而不是测序的方法 。并且发现6mA修饰水平和预后有关。通过对肿瘤细胞系做N6AMT1和ALKBH1过表达、沉默实验发现6mA修饰水平的高低会影响肿瘤细胞的增殖、迁移、侵袭等表型。 个人觉得这篇文章值得参考的地方是利用PacBio的测序数据去提取修饰信息的Bioinformatics分析部分。 Cell. 2018 Nov 15;175(5):1228-1243.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.10.006. Epub 2018 Nov 1 N6-methyladenine DNA Modification in Glioblastoma. 我个人感觉 这篇文章思路比较迷 (也许应该说比较丰富,所以一遍读不明白),发表于第二篇文章之后,出现很多有意思的,与第二篇文献的结论完全相反的结果。在看了Author Contribution之后我的感觉更加强烈——即这篇文章应该是两个竞争课题组后来整合成果共同发表为一篇文章的套路。(只是猜测,不一定对哈)由于相对来说这篇文章比肖传乐的文章更复杂,所以在附上完整思路整理图的同时,我对单个result进行拆分梳理如下。前三个结果主要谈论的是N6-mA修饰;后三个结果主要谈论的是ALKBH1这个基因。 首先是 背景 ,值得一说的是为什么作者选择了神经胶质母细胞瘤(Glioblastoma)来研究DNA的6mA修饰。Glioblastoma是一种发病率很高,并且很具侵略性的原发性脑肿瘤, 这个癌种被证明有广泛的表观遗传修饰失调 ,例如DNA 5mC的高甲基化、染色质重塑酶基因如EZH2和BMI1的表观修饰变化。然后作者们就选择了用来自病人的胶质母细胞瘤细胞对DNA 6mA修饰及其功能进行研究。 这部分主要用dot blot, MS和免疫细胞荧光(ICC)三种技术对Glioblastoma病人衍生的干细胞GSCs和两个primary tissues进行研究(primary tissues只做了dot blot),然后发现 在GSCc和primary tissues中的6mA修饰都比human astrocytes (人类形形胶质细胞,作为normal control)中要高。这个结论与第二篇肖传乐等人的文章中得出的‘normal组织中的6mA修饰水平更高"刚好相反 。 这个部分主要是对两个GSCs细胞系和一个primary组织进行了N6-mA DIP-seq测序。分析测序结果发现(1) 每个样本能检测到7,282-17,263个N6-mA peak, 这一结果与2018-molecular cell上发表的肖传乐等人的文章中用的6mA-IP-seq在HuaXia1基因组中检测到的(21,129)差不多? (2) 每条染色体上都检测到了N6mA,其中7号染色体、19号染色体和21号染色体上最多; 而关于分布的染色体的特征,肖传乐等人的文章似乎表示6mA在常染色体上的分布是比较均一的? (PS: 在文章中进行了Genome Background比较得出的这个结论,由于我是生信菜鸟,我不太懂,希望有专业人士可以指导一下~)(3) GO富集分析发现m6A修饰的基因主要富集在神经发生和神经发育通路;(4) motif分析发现6mA的常见修饰寡核苷酸是GGAAT,肖传乐等人的文章中得到的motif是[G/C]AGG[C/T] 。 作者提出 “N6mA是一种抑制性的表观修饰” 。怎么说呢,因为在Result-2中鉴定到的富含6mA修饰的DNA motif- GGAAT-是人类大部分微卫星重复序列的结构,而人类微卫星重复序列主要在异染色质区域。所以Result-3就开始探索N6mA与异染色质之间的关系。首先对Result-2部分的三个样本进行了H3K9me3,H3K27me3和H3K4me3的ChIP-seq,发现80%的N6-mA的峰能和异染色质marks,即H3K9me3, H3K27me3重合。之后又对387这个GSC做了WGBS (全基因组甲基化测序),发现有轻微差异。(小声:连显著性都没标是不是因为没有显著差异,23333) 这个结果部分首先对ALKBH1这个基因进行体外和体内实验,均证明能影响6mA的量; 最重要的是,这篇文章也做了N6AMT1这个基因,通过CRISPR构建N6AMT1敲除的细胞系的6mA修饰水平没有发生变化。体外的实验也没有变化。这里有几个地方我个人认为比较不明确:首先,做CRISPR-Cas9敲除的GSCs细胞系未告知明确是哪个;然后做dot blot的DNA用量也没有标明。因此不能和肖传乐等人的文章进行更精确的比较。 _________________________________________________________________________ 还有不解的是:后面他们先是做了CRISPR敲除ALKBH1基因的细胞系,然后去做了RNAseq,得到表达变化了的差异基因;然后他们用shRNA干扰ALKBH1表达的细胞做N6-mA DIP-seq去找ALKBH1被knockdown之后N6mA修饰发生改变的位点,然后比较ALKBH1被敲除后表达下调的基因的N6-mA的修饰的变化情况。为什么不直接用ALKBH1-KO的细胞系做N6-mA DIP-seq呢???关键是他文写的还是"after ALKBH1 deleption"???感觉略混乱啊。。 ________________________________________________________________________ 继续‘震惊"的是,他们又做了ATAC-seq,发现ATAC-seq的峰刚好和N6-mA DIP-seq的峰呈负相关。。。这思路真(kan)清(bu)奇(dong)。。。难道前面不是已经证明了N6-mA喜欢在异染色质区域吗?异染质区域难道不是开放性弱的区域吗??那么不是理论上就是在ATAC-seq不能拉到的区域吗?? ________________________________________________________________________ 然后,为了搞明白ALKBH1到底是怎么去掉N6-mA修饰的,他们做了ALKBH1 pull-down实验。发现ALKBH1喜欢跑到带有N6-mA修饰的寡聚核苷酸那里去。。为了解释这种现象,他们又做了ALKBH1的ChIP-seq。。。然后发现ALKBH1 ChIP-seq的峰和N6mA的峰重叠。。然后得到的结论是:ALKBH1是一个转录因子,它跑到N6-mA富集的地方去并且移除N6-mA修饰的抑制作用。。思路绕吗??可能CNS级文章就是这样吧。。 第五个结果比较简单,但是到了第五个结果这里,ALKBH1, Histone modification (eg, H3K9me3), N6-mA modification和Gene expression这4者之间的关系其实相对来说似乎就明朗了。 (1) ALKBH1升高会减少N6-mA的修饰; (2) N6-mA修饰减少会去掉基因表达的抑制性修饰,所以理论上来说正常组织中带有较多N6-mA修饰的基因在ALKBH1表达升高之后它们的表达也会升高,即ALKBH1的水平与基因表达呈正相关; (3) N6-mA修饰与H3K9me3的修饰peaks高度重叠 ; 所以在第五个结果里,通过对ALKBH1 knockdown的细胞系做H3K9me3 ChIP-seq,弥补上了ALKBH1与H3K9me3的关系。本文的研究结果是: 检测到ALKBH1 knockdown的细胞系基因组中有更多H3K9me3 peaks,因此认为ALKBH1可以调控组蛋白修饰的形成。 这篇文章内容很丰富,思路很丰满,太累了。后面主要是设计了相对完整的对照实验做RNAseq等实验证明N6-mA与缺氧调控通路的关系,以及去做了个ALKBH1敲除后的肿瘤细胞表型实验等。 Wu T P , Wang T , Seetin M G , et al. DNA methylation on N6-adenine in mammalian embryonic stem cells[J]. Nature, 2016. Yao B , Cheng Y , Wang Z , et al. DNA N6-methyladenine is dynamically regulated in the mouse brain following environmental stress[J]. Nature Communications, 2017, 8(1):1122. 这篇文章的第二个结果,通过6mA-IP-seq测了3对stress/control鼠脑PFC区的6mA变化,得到主要变化——不论gain 6mA还是loss-of 6mA都是发生在intergenic基因间区。当关注基因内的6mA变化时,发生主要是发生在introl区。 而2018-Moleculer Cell-肖传乐等人的文章的结果是6mA在基因内intragenic的修饰区域主要是在exon区。 在第四个结果里,通过对RNAseq的数据进行分析,并且结合6mA-IP-seq数据,把所有基因分为以下四类:① gain-of-6mA/upregulated; ② gain-of-6mA/downregulated; ③ loss-of-6mA/upregulated; ④ loss-of-6mA/downregulated。GO分析之后发现只有第③类loss-of-6mA/upregulated的基因能够富集到与神经发育及功能相关的通路上。 Liu J , Zhu Y , Luo G Z , et al. Abundant DNA 6mA methylation during early embryogenesis of zebrafish and pig[J]. Nature Communications, 2016, 7:13052. 这篇文章比较短,只有7页pdf,接下来按照文章给出的result来理一下整个项目的思路。 首先第一个结果部分 (1) DNA 6mA modification during early embryogenesis of zebrafish ,作者主要利用UHPLC-QQQ-MS/MS超高分辨率-三重四级杆-串联质谱,以斑马鱼为模型,非常细致地研究了斑马鱼的精细胞、卵子、早期胚胎发育的各个细胞时期(受精卵、2细胞、4细胞、8细胞、16细胞、32细胞、64细胞、128细胞、256细胞、512细胞时期)以及成年斑马鱼的不同组织器官(包括脑、眼睛、心脏、卵巢、精囊、肌肉和肠)进行了6mA丰度研究,平均每一个实验组需要约10,000个细胞提取的基因组DNA。结果表明精细胞中6mA/A的比例约在0.003%,卵母细胞中约为0.015%;在32-64细胞时期6mA/A的比例达到最高,约为0.1%,之后慢慢下降,直至回归原始基因组水平。 同时成年斑马鱼的不同组织器官中6mA/A的丰度也是符合一般水平,无明显变化。

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首先要告诉你的是铝业进出口有限公司营销策略的英文是The marketing strategies of aluminium enterprises in importing and exporting.我帮你找了些资料,希望会对你有帮助;Dhttp://www.sibran.ru/psb/phsb/papers/CSD2004_4e_12.pdfhttp://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2006/05/28/stories/2006052801960200.htmhttp://www.bharatbook.com/businessreports/European_Aluminum_Market_(2007).htmlhttp://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/waste/packaging-accord-action-plans-jul04/plan-aluminium.htmlhttp://dsir.nic.in/pubs/te/te200603.pdfhttp://www.prime-tass.com/news/show.asp?topicid=65&id=426711Chinese Aluminium Demand This Year Will Be About 14.9 Million Tons, A 24 Percent Rise From 2007DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c88404)has announced the addition of China Industry Research and Investment Analysis: Aluminium Mining and Dressing Industry to their offering.One of the exits for a U.S. recession is... China. In fact, China"s continuing demand for metals for its economic growth is buffering the impact of a U.S. recession on mining producers. China"s economy expanded last year at its strongest pace in 13 years, marking the fifth consecutive year of double-digit growth. A U.S. recession only has a minimal impact on China"s demand for metal.Aluminum is the third-best performing industrial metal in the world.Aluminum price is rising because of a supply shortage. High demand growth for primary alumina in China will be a key support for prices going forward.http://msl1.mit.edu/msl/meeting_05082000/prz_pdf/Globalization.ppt#447,14,CASE STUDY: ALUMINUM ENGINE BLOCKS IN BRAZILThe supply is tight and the demand is higher than ever. China is the world"s largest aluminum producer but there is a scarcity because of snowstorms in China in 2008. On the demand side, China has become the world"s largest aluminum products maker and consumer. Chinese demand this year will be about 14.9 million tons, a 24 percent rise from 2007. The country will account for 35% of total demand by 2020 from 13% in 2000."China Industry Research and Investment Analysis: Aluminum Mining and Dressing Industry, 2008"", is an invaluable asset for anyone who wants to invest in the aluminum mining and dressing industries, to import into China, to partner with one of the key Chinese corporations, or to compete in the segment. The report provides in-depth analysis and detailed insight into China"s aluminum mining and dressing industries, market drivers, basic industry indices, competitive landscape, key enterprises and their strategies, as well as technologies and investment trends.This report is divided into 8 parts (a total of 19 chapters):1. Industry overview2. Basic indices3. Economic operation4. Competitive landscape5. Key enterprises6. Business strategy7. Market investment8. TechnologyData source: national statistics, market research and monitoring, industry associations and institutions, import-export statistics, and others.In 2008, China"s domestic consumption, investments, and exports are all expected to continue their rapid growth. In addition, China"s hosting of the 2008 Olympics will give rise to an Olympic boom that will boost domestic consumption. Get the report and see how China impacts the world!Content Outline:Part 1 Industry Overview1 Definition of the industry and an overview of its development2 Analysis of the industry"s macro environment and impact3 Analysis of the industry"s international market4 Analysis of the industry"s domestic marketPart 2 Basic indices5 Analysis of the industry"s scale and condition: 2004-20076 Analysis of the industry"s asset status: 2004-2007Part 3 Economic operation7 Analysis of the industry"s gross industrial output value: 2004-20078 Analysis of the industry"s sales revenue: 2004-20079 Analysis of the industry"s gross profit: 2004-200710 Analysis of the industry"s import/export sector: 2007Part 4 Competitive landscape11 Analysis of the industry"s competitive landscape12 Comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the industry"s key enterprisesPart 5 Key enterprises13 Comparative analysis of the economic indicators of the industry"s key enterprisesPart 6 Business strategy14 Development bottlenecks and coping strategies of the industry15 Analysis of enterprise development strategies in the industry and recommendationsPart 7 Market investment16 Comparison and analysis of investment activity coefficients and investment returns in the industry17 Analysis of the industry"s investment environment and investment risksPart 8 Technology18 Current situation and trends of the newest technology applications in the industry19 Development trends of and operating capacity forecast for the industry 156EJEP"s seminar advances strategy on Aluminium exports to EUIn its drive to promote Jordan"s exports of Aluminium products, the Euro-Jordanian Action for the Development of Enterprise (EJADA) held a seminar in Amman last month under the auspices of its Euro-Jordanian Export Programme (EJEP). Addressing the seminar, Mr Vogt Otfried (project consultant) presented the export penetration strategy for Aluminium extruders and fabricators into European markets. Mr.Otfried detailed his findings over the prospects that exist for Jordanian Aluminium extruders and fabricators to export to EU countries, and he summarized his recommendations on how best to prepare a penetration strategy taking into consideration the existing demand and supply factors governing the EU markets.Mr. Otfried summarised the results of the Inward Buying Mission that took place in Jordan during the 3rd week of September 2005 when six European buyers (extruders and fabricators) held one-to-one business meetings with their Jordanian counterparts (SMG members). In the strategy, Mr Otfried recommended that Jordanian companies within this sector should: become sub-suppliers to extruders in the Western European countries; cooperate with EU companies in promising industries other than Construction as the prices in Construction standard profiles in Europe are hardly cost effective. The companies should concentrate on added value manufacturing processes and aim at establishing joint ventures with partners in Central Europe and the Balkan States to enable them to participate in tender bids in Europe. Addressing Jordanian Aluminium fabricators Mr. Otfried suggested that, to penetrate the EU market, several significant changes need to be managed successfully on a short term and to start in the non-EU states through establishing partnerships. He said that the first results from the Inward Buying Mission for the Aluminium fabricators are promising and fabricators should build-upon the business opportunities that were presented to them under this mission. On the other hand, Mr Otfried recommended that Aluminium manufacturers should consolidate through establishing their own sector representative association. Mr Otfried recommended that the association be grouped by product. A sample association structure was presented to the participants during the meeting. “The meeting was quite fruitful, and we hope that regular visits by experts would enhance our production quality and our export potential to enable us to penetrate efficiently into EU markets,” said Mr. Mohammad Marashdeh, general manager of Arab Aluminium Industry Co., extruder. He indicated that the sector needs ample support in the field of investment in training through donor programmes, and he lauded the Royal Scientific Society"s support which has benefited the sector through the bringing in of experts to give advice on Clean Product, and on methods to save energy and reduce water consumption. Marashdeh suggested that outsourcing by EU companies from Jordan would be the most viable option to enhance exports of Aluminium profiles and casts. Mr. Naji Al-Naji, sales manager of Modern Aluminium Industries Co., extruder, hailed the seminar as an eye opener and said, “More visits by experts are needed to upgrade the industry to European standards.” On the fabricators side, Mr. Shadi Izmiqna, projects manager of Al-Faqeer Industrial Co., said the meeting was useful as it pegged our industry"s capabilities against the standards in Europe. “The comparison enables ground for improvement and hence there would be always need for experts" visits to evaluate the scope of development that we would require to attain European standards…Visits by SMG sector members to EU industries would also give us a hands-on knowledge of procedures implemented there. On his part, Mr. Omar Shegem, managing partner of Petra Aluminium Co. said, “EJEP has implemented its role as an entity geared towards helping Jordan"s Aluminium exports.” However he was critical of the buying mission that visited Jordan. “The Inward Buying Mission included two European companies that were more interested in exporting to Jordan; however one company from one of the Baltic States has shown interest to buy from our company,” Shegem declared. http://www.1stjordan.net/actuuk/archivesuk/resultat.php?id=934&debut=0http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&q=aluminium+export+strategies&btnG=Search&meta=

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Composite Materials (Composite materials), is based on a matrix material (Matrix), a material for the reinforcement (reinforcement) material combination. Performance on a variety of materials in each other, creating synergies, so that the integrated performance of composite materials than the original composition of material to meet a variety of different requirements. Matrix material is divided into two major categories of metal and non-metallic. Commonly used in metal matrix aluminum, magnesium, copper, titanium and its alloys. Mainly non-metallic matrix of synthetic resin, rubber, ceramics, graphite, carbon and so on. Main reinforcement glass fiber, carbon fiber, boron fiber, aramid fiber, silicon carbide fibers, asbestos fibers, whiskers, wires and other fine-grained and hard. The use of composite materials can be traced back to ancient history. From ancient times to enhance the use of straw and clay for centuries has been the use of reinforced concrete formed by the two types of composite materials. The 20th century, 40"s, due to the needs of the aviation industry, the development of glass fiber reinforced plastic (commonly known as glass fiber reinforced plastic), a composite material from the name. After the 50"s, have developed a carbon fiber, graphite fibers and boron fibers high strength and high modulus fibers. 70"s a aramid fiber and silicon carbide fiber. These high-strength, high modulus fibers with synthetic resin, carbon, graphite, ceramic, rubber and other non-metallic substrate or aluminum, magnesium, titanium and other metal matrix composites, which constitute the composite material features. [Edit this paragraph] Classification Is a mixture of composite materials. Composite materials into their component metals and metal composites, non-metallic composite materials and metals, non-metallic and non-metallic composite materials. According to their structural characteristics are divided into: ① fiber composite materials. Body will be placed in a variety of fiber-reinforced matrix--《复合材料学报》2004年05期


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Chapter 6: Property Management Functions (I) 第六章 物业管理职能(一) Having looked at how requirements for management vary by property type, we will now examine a manager"s day-to-day duties in more detail. Like many working people, a property manager wakes up in the morning, dresses for work, eats breakfast, and drives to an office (either on or off the managed premises). Once there, what does he or she do? We will first list all of the functions and then cover the most important ones in greater detail. 在看到随物业类型不同管理要求的变化之后,我们现在详细查看一个物业经理日常职责。如许多工作的人一样,物业经理早上起床,穿上职业装,吃早饭,然后开车去办公室(在或者不再所管理的物业内)。在那里,他或者她又做些什么?我们先列出所有的职能,然后详述最重要部分。 MAKING A MANAGEMENT PLAN As the agent of the property owner, the property manager is bound to carry out the owner"s objectives. Making explicit those objectives is the first step in creating a management plan. As we have seen, properties under paid management may be very small, or they may be multimillion-dollar complexes. A management plan can be equally simple or elaborate, as suits the scope of management and the market area of a property. Regardless on size, it is important to make a plan (which could range from a handwritten half page to 50 pages typed and bound, depending on the project…). Here we should note that a management plan for any size property contains three points: (1) an analysis of the competitive environment; (2) an analysis of the property itself, and (3) enumeration of the owner"s objectives and recommendations for achieving them. 制定管理计划 作为业主的代理人,物业经理有责任实现业主的目标。创建管理计划的第一步是使这些目标明晰化。如我们所看到,付费管理的物业可能很小,或者可能是数百万美元的建筑群落。管理计划可以相等地简单或者精细,与物业的市场区域和管理的范围相适应。无所谓大小,重要的是制定计划(可能从手写的半页纸到打印且装订好的50页,依项目而定……)。这里我们需注意用于任何大小物业的管理计划包含三点:(1)一份竞争环境的分析;(2)一份物业本身的分析;和(3)列举业主的目标及实现它们的建议。 MAKING A BUDGET A manager collects money, pays the bills, and sends what is left to the owner in millions or hundreds. A budget is essential for two reasons: (1) to regulate cash flow that is , to make sure sufficient cash is on hand to meet obligations like taxes, mortgage payments, operating expenses, and special capital improvements (e.g., new roof) when needed; and (2) to measure performance to act as a standard for measuring the manager"s success in meeting objectives. 制定预算 物业经理筹钱,付账,然后把或多或少的结余结算给业主。预算是必要的,有两个原因:(1)调节现金流,用来确保手头有充足现金以应付必须时的如税收,抵押金,运营费用,及特别设备改建(如,新屋顶)这些负担;及(2)在会议目的中做为权衡表现的标准用来衡量物业经理成功与否。 PAYING EXPENSES; KEEPING BOOKS AND RECORDS The property manager must see to it that operating expenses, real estate taxes, insurance premiums, and mortgage payments are paid when due. Depending on the arrangement, a manager may be authorized to sign checks or may only prepare a list of payments for the owner"s attention. The manager also keeps records of income and outlays and works with the owner"s accountant in preparing annual financial statements and tax returns. The manager may also be responsible for reports required by government authorities. 支付费用、保留记录 物业经理务必保证运营花费,房地产税,保险费,抵押金到期时已经支付。取决于安排,物业经理可能被授权签署支票或者仅仅预备一张让业主留意的费用列表。物业经理也要保留收益和费用的记录,和在准备年度财政陈述和退税时和业主的会计协同工作。物业经理可能同样要为官方要求的报告负责。 Chapter 7: Property Management Functions (II) 第七章 物业管理职能(二) Showing and renting space Although marketing real estate is a function distinct from managing it, the two are often combined in the hands of the property manager or management firm. In the case of apartment buildings, the manager actually on the site (the resident manager) usually shows vacant apartments and may handle lease negotiations as well. In the case of commercial or office space, leasing is often performed by specialists within a property management firm or may be handled by a separate brokerage firm. 展示和出租空间 尽管买卖房地产是不同于管理的一个职能,两者通常合并在一起交由物业经理或者管理公司负责。就公寓建筑来说,物业经理实际上在现场(常驻经理)通常展示空闲公寓,并且可能还经手租约谈判。就商业或者办公空间来说,出租通常由物业管理公司内部的专家来完成,或者可能交由别的经纪公司。 Because of the importance of leasing and the expertise and special effort required to do it well, a property manager who handles the lease function often receives a commission over and above his regular management fee. The leasing function can be classified into three steps, all or some of which may be performed by the property manager or management firm. 出于出租的重要性和要把它做好的特别努力及专家意见,经手出租的物业经理通常会收到超过或者高于正常管理酬金的一份佣金。出租职能可以分为三步,所有的或者某步可能由物业经理或管理公司来完成。 SETTING RENTAL LEVELS. A rent schedule should be established with the objective of maximizing future rental income from the property. Setting rents is far from an exact science: it calls for the exercise of good judgment based on a knowledge of rent rates and available space in comparable buildings as well as the features, functions, and benefits of both the subject property and competing space. A technique used by many professional property managers is the base-unit-rate approach. This involves choosing a standard unit in an apartment building (e.g., a two-bedroom apartment on the sixth floor) or a specified number of square feet in an office or derived from a study of the market with adjustments for differences between the particular property and its competition. (For example, a newer building normally commands higher rent for space than an older building, all other things being equal.) Within the particular building, rent rates will vary depending on the relative merits and deficiencies of each unit. For example, space on higher floors usually floors offer the amenities of less street noise and a better view. 设置出租等级 以最大化物业未来的出租收益为目标建立出租日程。设置租金不是一门精密科学:它需要基于可以比较的建筑物的出租费用和可用空间,同样如所属物业和竞争空间的特色,功能和利益的这些学问的良好判断力。许多专业物业经理所采用的一种方法是基本单元等级逼近。这包括选择公寓建筑内一个标准单元(如,六层的两卧公寓)或者一个办公室的指定平方英尺数或者得自带有对特定物业和它的竞争对象的差别的调整的市场研究。(比如,较新建筑通常要求比较旧建筑更高的对空间的租金,在其他都相同的情况下。)在特定建筑内,出租费用取决于各单元的相对优点和不足而变化。比如,高层空间通常要由于没有街道噪音和更好的风景租金更高。 SOLICITING PROSPECTS The second step in the leasing process is to advertise space in appropriate media (whether billboards, newspapers, radio, or television) and show in a perfunctory way, this task should properly be regarded as the time for intensive personal selling on the part of the leasing agent. To sell space effectively, the leasing agent must not only be familiar with every detail of the property being shown, but also should ascertain the precise needs and desires of the prospect. 征集可能的客户 出租过程的第二步是为所出租空间在合适媒体登广告(无论是广告牌,报纸,电台,电视)。如果只是敷衍了事,这个任务可能会被认为出租代理的一次过分的人员推销。要有效的出售空间,出租代理要不仅熟悉展示物业的每个细节,也要探知这些可能的客户的精确需要和期望。 NEGOTIATING AND EXECUTING LEASES Finally, the property manager will be involved, to a greater or lesser extent, in the negotiation and execution of the lease. In the case of an apartment project, where standard form leases are used and little negotiation normally occurs, the manager may perform the entire process. On the other hand, a long-term lease of several floors in a major office building will require the efforts of both legal counsel and the owner. Even here, however, the property manager plays an important preliminary role because of his initial contacts with the tenant. 谈判和执行租约 最后,在租约的谈判和执行上或多或少对物业经理来说有些棘手。就公寓项目来说,采用标准形式的租约,正常地很少有谈判,物业经理完成整个过程。另一方面,一个主要办公建筑的多层长期租约需要业主和法律顾问双方的努力。甚至在这时,物业经理还是有初步的重要作用,由于他和承租人最初的合同。




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文献翻译时,fig和scheme是不是都直接翻译成 图?



scheme: 图表,图解scheme:A chart, diagram, or outline of a system or object.


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