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parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it,什么意

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it如果没有人可接受的话,在该处所留下的包裹


这里的Pickle和cPickle是模块名称不能用小写;cPickle 和 Pickle 是python的两个模块,提供了数据持久化的方法,其中cPickle是Pickle的C语言实现。try: import cPickle as p # 若能导入cPickle模块则导入,并以p命名except: import Pickle as p # 若导入cPickle模块导入错误,则导入Pickle,并以p命名

Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience my leaving may cause。请问这句话里?


福克纳诺贝尔奖致辞(William Faulkner: Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech)

不管在什么地方,只要谈到美国文学,人们都认为威廉·福克纳是二十世纪最伟大的作家之一。他是美国“南方文学”派的创始人,也是整个西方最有影响的现代派小说家之一。他的代表作品有《喧哗与骚动》、《八月之光》等等。 福克纳从小生长在美国南方,年轻时曾在当地邮政局做过一阵不太负责任的局长,后因玩忽职守而被辞退。他游历过许多地方,但最终依然回到美国南方,并且所有的作品都以南方为背景。1949年,因为“他对当代美国小说作出了强有力的和艺术上无与伦比的贡献”,福克纳获诺贝尔文学奖。 本片演讲的内容,是福克纳在一九四九年度诺贝尔文学奖获奖时所作的答辞。这是一篇脍炙人口的演讲词。然而,由于福克纳本人对语言运用的独特性和精深性。对初学者来说,这篇美文也许颇有些难度。 I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work -- a life"s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit not for glory and least of all for profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. 我感觉,这个奖不是授予我这个人,而是授予我的工作,它是对我呕心沥血、毕生从事的人类精神探索的工作的肯定。我的这项工作不为名,更不图利,而是要从人类精神的原始素材里创造出前所未有的东西。 演讲全文:Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech / William Faulkner I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work -- a life"s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit not for glory and least of all for profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it mensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail among whom is already that one who will some day stand here where I am standing. Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this the young man or woman writing today has fotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about worth the agony and the sweat. He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and teaching himself that fet it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed -- love and honor and pity and pride and passion and sacrifice. Until he does so he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value of victories without hope and worst of all without pity or passion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands. Until he relearns these things he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice but because he has a soul a spirit capable of passion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet"s the writer"s duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and passion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet"s voice need not merely be the record of man it can be one of the props the pillars to help him endure and prevail.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory

在调用的时候需要加入juli这个包,具体操作步骤是:首选项--tomcat--tomtca6.x--path 第一个选项中加入这个包,此包位于tomcat根目录的bin下。


Karl"s Scepter是"法老的传说‘是一款南澳产的西拉酿造的干红

我在演示一个项目时出现type Exception report message 怎样解决?

HTTP Status 500 - type Exception reportmessage description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /books.jsp at line 1714: <%15: TitlesBean titlesBean=new TitlesBean();16: //调用访问数据库方法,返回所有书籍的信息列表17: List titles=titlesBean.getTitles();18: BookBean currentBook;19: //把书籍列表保存在session中20: session.setAttribute("titles",titles);Stacktrace: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(JspServletWrapper.java:524) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:435) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:320) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:266) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:803)root cause java.lang.NullPointerException biz.TitlesBean.getTitles(TitlesBean.java:17) org.apache.jsp.books_jsp._jspService(books_jsp.java:75) org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:70) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:803) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:393) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:320) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:266) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:803)这个哪地方不对?请哪位高手帮忙 谢谢

英语中表示 接待游客 的接待应该用accept还是receive?急!!!!!!!

  接待是receive(reception也可以表示接待,但是是名词)  满意请采纳,谢谢

C# windowsform DATATABLE 导出EXCEL 报错:System.FormatException 输入的字符串格式不正确!




Android开发 - 处理 null 和 预防空指针异常(NullPointerException) 的一些经验

在实际编码中总是会遇到 空指针异常 ,本文总结了一些处理空指针的个人经验。 尽早的检查,尽早的失败。 比如: 通过intent传参到新的目标 activity,而且一定需要这个参数,那么在新的目标activity中 onCreate方法中 判断中这个参数,如果null,直接抛出空指针异常让程序崩溃。取代在使用该参数时进行检查,这样能更早的发现问题。或者在 一个普通的方法中,一个 参数必须不能为null ,那么我们在这个方法的第一行就做出判断,如果参数为null,抛出空指针异常。 1.不要在Set中使用null 2.不要把null作为map的键值。 3.尽可能的尽早检查,如果为 null 不执行或者 结束本方法 4.遇到必须的参数,比如通过intent传参到新的目标 activity,而且一定需要这个参数,那么在新的目标activity中判断是否有参数 5.判断字符串是否空 6.对字符串比较时,如果和常量进行比较,把常量放在前面,比如: 7.将某个对象 toString时,比如: 8.使用注解 @NonNull 和 @Nullable 配合AndroidStudio 帮你检查你是否没有检查可能为null的对象,或者你是否做了多余的检查。 9.我们引用Guava来帮忙检查 null 的情况,我们使用 checkNotNull 方法来替代写 if( obj == null) throw new NullPointExcetion(); ,示例: Guava是什么: http://ifeve.com/google-guava/

英语翻译So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here?

除了到处飘荡的风,清晨是如此的美好,海天一色,浑然一体,仿佛帆漂浮在空中,云坠落到了大海里.,3,各处那么优良是早晨除了海和天空看所有一种织品风的条纹, 好象风帆陷进的上流在天空, 或云彩滴下了下来入海。,2,英语翻译 So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there that the sea and sky looked all one fabric,as if sails were stuck high up in the sky,or the clouds had dropped down into the sea. 希望翻的有诗意一点哟

socket 编程中 accept 函数返回

嗯 你的理解是对的

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: 文件过早结束,怎么解决




创建数据库连接失败! com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: 通过端口 1433 连接到主机 loca


java.lang.ClassCastException: com.pojo.Studentpojo cannot be cast to java.lang.String

你把类直接转成String 所以出现类转换异常

fedex 送到美国的 ,显示 Shipment exception代表什么意思。要怎么处理,不要

表示派送不成功,快件将退回美国当地Fedex仓,待处理。 你可以在Fedex网站输入Tracking Number进行查询。最好要求你美国的收件人联系当地Fedex服务中心, 安排再次派送。

weblogic.management.DeploymentException: Application shepherd does not have any Components in it

说你的application shepherd里没有任何组件。

lucene CorruptIndexException 异常怎么解决

在test1应用的index.jsp中增加如下代码 test2 index.jsp 在test2应用的index.jsp中增加如下代码 (输出为NULL)

用Lucene 做搜索引擎的时候预处理出错java.io.IOException: 另一个程序已锁定文件的一部分,进程无法访问.


利用lucene建立索引java.io.FileNotFoundException: F:segments (拒绝访问。)

lucene jar包版本问题,Lucene版本变化很大的,如果你用的新版本jar,而程序中却用了以前版本的方法,很容易出错!!

java编译错误显示Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"



中文叫 艾斯匹克


检测底层对象是否一致,开启scrub和deep-scrub后性能会降低很多,因为在做scrub的时候,ceph会对这个chunk进行加锁,这个也就是为什么有slow request,读锁和写锁都会进行。 注: 测试以上参数优化后IO降低了40%左右 https://ceph.com/planet/关于scrub的详细分析和建议/

Ceph 集群 scrub 设置策略(数据一致性校验)

基本概念 1、什么是 Scrub Scrub是 Ceph 集群副本进行数据扫描的操作,用于检测副本间数据的一致性,包括 scrub 和 deep-scrub。其中scrub 只对元数据信息进行扫描,相对比较快;而deep-scrub 不仅对元数据进行扫描,还会对存储的数据进行扫描,相对比较慢。 2、Scrub默认执行周期 OSD 的scrub 默认策略是每天到每周(如果集群负载大周期就是一周,如果集群负载小周期就是一天)进行一次,时间区域默认为全体(0时-24时),deep-scrub默认策略是每周一次。 配置scrub策略 为了避开客户业务高峰时段,建议在晚上0点到第二天早上5点之间,执行scrub 操作。 1、设置标识位 在任一monitor节点进行如下操作: 2、临时配置 先通过tell 方式,让scrub 时间区间配置立即生效,在任一monitor节点进行如下操作: 3、修改配置文件 为了保证集群服务重启或者节点重启依然有效,需要修改Ceph集群所有节点的配置文件 /etc/ceph/ceph.conf 添加以下区段配置: 注意: 该时间设置需要参考物理节点的时区设置 4、取消标识位 5、向 OSD {osd-num} 下达一个scrub命令. (用通配符 * 把命令下达到所有 OSD 。实测ceph 12.2.x版本不能加*) 6、设置 light scrub 周期 将osd_scrub_min_interval 和 osd_scrub_max_interval都设为4分钟,这里的单位是秒 7、通过命令手动启动scrub : 8、尝试 pg repair 9、(Deep)Scrub的相关配置选项 同前端IO和Recovery一样,Ceph通过控制PGScrub来间接控制Scrub的所有IO优先级。

java.io.IOException: File Not Found 求解决!!!!



receipt 收据


例:上传图片 accept:表示可以选择的文件MIME类型,多个MIME类型用英文逗号分开,常用的MIME类型见下表。

C# 运行中出现 用户代码未处理 Exception

throw new Exception(ex.Message,ex);第一个是异常的错误消息即文本提示,第二个ex参数为异常的一个实例,这个实例其实就是 我们再次捕获异常的时候 有个 InnerException 那个属性您可以调试一下 捕获异常就会发现InnerException 了 也就是传入的ex

hive安装失败,提示找不到类 org/apache/thrift/TException


recepit number是什么意思


weblogic 启动时 报错 weblogic.management.ManagementException:

weblogic启动时报错:weblogic.management.ManagementException,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先在$Domain_Home目录下,执行nohup ./startWebLogic.sh&。2、使用tail -f nohup.out查看日志,出现如下报错,看类型是无法获取本机的地址。3、然后查看主机/etc/hosts文件配置信息。4、没有配置本地的ip地址和主机名映射关系,按照图中增加本机地址。5、再次启动管理节点,查看日志,启动正常。

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException


Javax.naming namenotfoundexception:name wfdatasour

server.xml里面<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver" maxActive="20" maxIdle="10" maxWait="-1" name="ds/flexeraDS" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:derby:flexeraDB;create=true" />


A Specimen Letter Dear Sirs: We are glad to know from your letter of May 15th that you have ac-cepted our offer dated May 4th. In reply, we confirm having sold to you 10,000 metric tons of small red beans on the following terms and conditions: Price: at U.S. $400 per metric ton C.F.R. Vancouver. Packaging: in gunny bags of about 50 kilograms net each Quality: FAQ 2001 Shipment: to be effected from New York to Vancouver during Jan u ary 2001. Payment: by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of cred it in our favor, pay able by draft at sight. We are pleased to have transacted this first business with you and look forward to the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit. 先生: 我们很高兴从贵方五月十五日的来信中得知,你们已接受我方五月四日的报盘。 对此,我方确认按下列条款售给你方一万公吨小红豆: 价格:每公吨成本加运费四百美元 目的港:温哥华 包装:麻袋,每袋净重五十公斤 品质:2001年产大路货 装运:2001年1月船期,从纽约至温哥华 支付:以我方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,凭即期汇票支付。 非常高兴此次与你们达成第一笔交易,盼望以后能进一步发展双方互利的贸易。Substitution Drills 1 The gap between your price and mine is still great. the quantities the prices 你我之间的 价格差异 仍然很大。 数量差异 价格差异 2 will lead to the change of our trade policy in the future. The execution of the contract The falling of the price The absence of the tariffs The coming of the financial reforms 合同的执行 将会导致我们未来贸易政策的变化。 价格的下调 关税的免除 即将到来的财政改革 3 We can assure that everything is in order. Thank you for your sincere cooperation. you they"ll be safe that your goods will be safe and sound 我们可以保证 事情都会有条不紊的。 谢谢您的真诚合作。 他们将会很安全。 你的货物将会完好无损。 4 You mean we should meet each other half way? choose the minimum? accept the adjustable price? 你的意思是说我们应该 各让一半吗? 选择最小量吗? 接受可调节价格吗? 5 Mr. Green, do you think it"s time to sign the contract? discuss the terms of payment? start working? 格林先生,你认为是该 签协议了吗? 讨论付款条件了吗? 开始工作了吗? 转












receive和accept的区别:Accept是指主观上自愿主动去接受、接纳,也可以说是思考过某人或某物在某方面足够好、满足自己的期望而接受。Receive是指客观上的接受、接受这种行为和动作,并不涉及主观意愿。Receive和Accept的区别:性质不同。receive表示客观的,accept表示主观的。感情色彩不同。receive表达的情绪比较中立;accept具有明显的主观色彩,不仅客观上“接”,而且更主要的是主观上的“受”。词性不同。receive可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词;accept主要用作及物动词。Receive用法1、receive通常指被动地“收到”或“接到”,而accept则指主动地“接受”。如:We haven"t received his letter for a long time.我们很久没有收到他的来信了。注意:有时用词要视语言习惯而定,而不能简单地认为receive=收到,accept=接受。如“接受礼物”说成英语是accept a gift,而“接受教育”却是receive an education。2、表示“接见”、“接待”时,要用receive而不用accept。


besides 是说的事包括在内,如i"m a student besides i"m a girl,我是个学生,除此外我也是个女生,except 是不在内,如everyone went to the party except jim,除JIM外,每个人都去了晚会,而且,besides还有而且之意,except 没有,不懂再问我吧



膜受体激素(membrane receptor binding hormone)


jetty 报错 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: MALFORMED



从异常日志可知是jetty准备会写response发现connection已经被关闭导致。应用部署架构代码 http2.2.15+mod_proxy+jetty7.2.0

OGRE EXCEPTION (7:InternalErrorException):./data17.dat-error whilst open pak:open


ogre::FileNotFoundException 搞了半天,是怎么回事啊?


HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException


英文单词 but、except、besides等其他中文意思为“除了”的区别是什么。

besides,but,except,exept for,excepting,apart from的区别 (1) besides与except 前者表示”除...以外,还有...”;后者表示”从整体中除去...” 这个大家都知道,就不举例子了. ( 2)except与except for a.除去的和非除去的是同类事物,用except eg: All the essays are well written except Nelson"s. Nelson的文章(除去的)和All the essays(非除去的)是同类事物,所以用except. b.除去的和非除去的不是同类事物,用except for,并且从语气上通常表示遗憾. eg:His essay is well written except for a few spelling mistakes. a few spelling mistakes(除去的)和His essay(非除去的)是不同类的事物. (3) apart from 具有多重意义:既可表示besides,也可以表示exept或exept for,还可以表示without的意思 eg: Apart from the cost,it will take a lot of time.(=besides) The orphan had no one to take care of him apart from his uncle.(=except) He has done good work,apart from a few slight faults.(=except for) There can be no knowledge apart from practice.实践出真知.(=without) (4) excepting =except,但一般用于句首或用于not,without,always等词之后 eg: Excepting his brother,they are all right. Everyone,not excepting myself,must share the blame. All of us,without excepting those who know more about the subject,should study. All my brothers com here every day,always excepting the youngest. (5) but与except同义,但but多用在every,any,no等和由这些词构成的复合词如everything,anywhere,nobody等词以后及all,none之后 eg: The children go to school everyday but Sunday. They are all gone but me. You can get the book anywhere but here. There is no one but me. Who but George would do such a thing? 8 回答者: duyiran


1.使用 Windows 10 自带的恢复功能开始之前· 确保当前设备运行的Windows 10系统版本非Version 1803· 如果你不清楚如何确定当前设备的Windows 10版本,下面的步骤会帮助你确认...2.使用Surface恢复镜像恢复Windows开始之前· 本文中涉及到的符号"表示可选步骤· 确保你有可用的Internet连接· 确保你有一个可用空间至少为8GB的U盘· 拥有Internet连接并运行




重启计算机。1、在开始菜单中点击运行,→输入“services.msc”→找到“windows update”右击选择“停止”。2、进入C:windows:SoftwareDistribution→删除DataStore和Download这两个文件夹。3、在开始菜单中点击运行,→输入“services.msc”→找到“windows update”右击选择“启动”。4、重新启动计算机。







surfaceprox 可以剪辑4K









对象存储(OSS)中文件夹的概念仅是一个逻辑概念,在通过API/SDK的方式设置文件夹的时候可以指定object对应的key值包括前面的目录即可实现该功能。例如,定义object的key为abc/1.jpg就会在该bucket下创建一个abc的文件夹,而在文件夹下即会有一个1.jpg的文件。 对象存储(OSS)中的文件夹其实是一个大小为0KB的空文件。因此,用户创建一个key值为1/的object就会定义文件夹1;并且如果用户创建文件abc/1.jpg,系统是不会创建abc/这个文件的,因此在删除abc/1.jpg后将不会再存在abc这个文件夹。 由于对象存储(OSS)采用的是分布式存储的方式,object并不是根据文件夹进行物理存储的。也就是说并不是一个文件夹下的所有的文件都会存储在一起的。在后端存储的过程中不同的文件夹的文件仅仅是key值的前缀不一样。因此这种架构下就会导致无法很方便的统计某个文件夹下的汇总信息,如文件夹大小、文件夹PV数等。而想要遍历某个文件夹下的所有的文件也需要首先通过ListObject接口获取文件夹下的所有文件的key值(这里需要通过prefix指定文件夹),然后再进行操作。 在逻辑上“中国.mp4”将存放到目录“videos”中 https://help.aliyun.com/knowledge_detail/39527.html https://www.jianshu.com/p/4212d37c0e0f

为什么我的3dmax渲染不了图,一渲染就出现一个V-Ray exception这个窗口


vr出现V-Ray exception错误怎么解决?

vr出现V-Ray exception错误的解决方法如下: 方法一:你可以先把VR插件卸下来,然后再重新装下就可以了 方法二:右键“我的电脑”--系统属性--高级---性能------设置,打开性能选项----高级------更改,打开虚拟内存,把空间不大的盘都用“无分页文件”关掉,(需要点次"设置"键),找一个大空间的盘,设定成 "1024-8096",意思就是从开始就创建一个1024M的虚拟文件,最大8096M,这样一个虚拟文件,就不会造成更多的错误,问题解决,貌似系统也更快了 方法三:第一步:打开渲染设置 第二步:找到系统菜单 第三步:在系统子菜单里找到vary日志 把显示窗口去掉勾 就ok了u200b


DevicePhysicalMemory 可以获取R0权限,进入底层操作他的权限级别比你的做面上的程序级别都搞(他们是R3的),理论上说IE是不会操作设备物理内存,建议加入黑名单,再给你补充下,操作DevicePhysicalMemory 很多都是进程防杀,恢复ssdt==

VMWare14使用快照功能时出现“Exception 0xc0000005 (access violation) has occurred.”

https://www.vmware.com/go/getworkstation-linux Guide for Debian : sudo apt-get install gccsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgradesudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) sudo reboot sudo apt-get install make sudo chmod 544 ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle sudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle .Guide for Arch users : sudo pacman -R linux&&sudo pacman -S linux-lts sudo reboot sudo pacman -S linux-lts-headers gcc make Alternative Guide : Search GitHub for vmware patches for the latest kernel . sudo chmod 544 ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle sudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle Additional operations : sudo pacman -S gksu sudo cp -f /bin/gksu /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-gksu Guide for RedHat CenOS : sudo yum install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) kernel-devel-$(uname -r) gcc make sudo chmod 544 ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle sudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundle

@Transactional(rollbackFor=Exception.class) 是什么意思,干嘛用的, 在service页面里看见的


The bus is empty ( )the driver and the conductor.A.except B.except for

except for 后面加名词而except后面加句子

an accepted counter offer 和a firm offer的区别?贸易方面

Firm offer 是:实盘、肯定报价 的意思http://www.iciba.com/firm+offercounter offer 是:还盘、还价 的意思,例如,你提出成交价为5元每斤,对方提出4元一斤,此处的4元一斤为还价及counter offer。如果你接受了对方提出的还价,这个还价便成为 an accepted counter offer.以下是一些有关offer的解释:offer 报盘,报价 to offer for 对……报价 to make an offer for 对……报盘(报价) firm offer 实盘 non-firm offer 虚盘 to forward an offer (or to send an offer) 寄送报盘 to get an offer(or to obtain an offer) 获得……报盘 to cable an offer (or to telegraph an offer) 电报(进行)报价 offer and acceptance by post 通过邮政报价及接受 to accept an offer 接受报盘 to entertain an offer 考虑报盘 to give an offer 给...报盘 to submit an offer 提交报盘 official offer 正式报价(报盘) 回答补充:an accepted counter offer 是对方提出了还价后才接受的报价。a firm offer 是指最初提出的报价,还没经过对方的还价,也没有被对方接受。

counter offer和acceptance的区别

Counter offer的意思是还盘,Acceptance的意思是接受。还盘:是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘人在发盘中提出的条件,并提出对发盘的修改意见,而进一步与发盘人协商的行为,还盘又称还价,在法律上称为反要约。可以说还盘是对发盘条件进行添加修改或其他变更的答复。接受:在法律上称为承诺,是指交易的一方在发盘的规定期限内无条件地完全同意发盘中所提出的交易条件,并同意按发盘条件订立合同的一种表示。接受的实质是对发盘表示同意,这种同意发盘的意旨必须以某种方式表示出来。

“某某项目概念方案设计”-- 英语翻译是不是:concept design of xx project?

Concept Design of Project XXX

Exception EConvertError in module AJW_AH2.exe at 00009172."2011-11-10" is not a valid date.什么意思

意外错误,AJW_AH2.exe 文件转换错误,“2011-11-10”属于非有效日期。


Some movies have a little subtext. Christopher Nolan"s challenging and quite bracing new film, "Inception," is all subtext. Gloriously so.Structured as a state-of-the-art noir,"Inception" has something to do with a small band of intellectual adventurers who invade - and often share - the dreams of clients with lofty problems that need to be solved.They are provocateurs who suggest ideas to their clients, manipulating their thought and dream patterns, and particularly astute viewers might sense that Nolan is using dream manipulation here as an allegory for filmmaking itself and that his chief protagonist is an auteur of sorts.Arcane wordplay is used to explain everything and simply listening to it can lull one into a seductive dreamworld that is not unlike a movie.And that is not at all unpleasurable.A commanding Leonardo DiCaprio, Nolan"s on-screen surrogate, is physically even a dead-ringer for Nolan here as he leads a world-class supporting cast through an intimidating maze of rushing action and melancholy moods. The latter is driven by DiCaprio"s relentless pursuit of his late wife (the magnetic Marion Cotillard) in a dreamworld that he would like to share with her but, for apparent reasons, can"t.Their "relationship" is the core of "Inception" and it"s clear that Nolan shrewdly used Alfred Hitchcock"s woozy, iconic "Veritgo" (1958) - the last word in a man hopelessly stalking a woman - as his template.This most audacious film tackles remarkably serious matters - loss and the fear and sense of exclusion that come with it - and, in the end, despite its willfully confusing vision, "Inception" is astonishingly simple.It is that rare modern movie that has a moral conscience.



电影 INCEPTION 盗梦空间里,在第二层梦境中偷走继承人的钱报的那位美丽性感的女郎是谁啊?

= =你么看懂吧..? 那个女的是阿瑟化妆成的 钱包在第一层富二代就给出去了。。

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