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mariah carey-i don t wanna cry 的中英文歌词

mariah carey好像没有这样的一首歌啊。。。。看看是不是记错了。。。



Nowhere (Crazy P S Heatwave Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Nowhere (Crazy P S Heatwave Mix)歌手:Aquanote专辑:Bare Essentials Vol. 2Sevendust - NowhereIs this the life you madeThe kind of life you fakeIs there a point we break?Or do we sing that same old songAnd hope they play along (We follow)We"re well on our way now to nowhere(To nowhere)We"re so far away from getting somewhere(From where getting somewhere)Please stop the broken recordYour worthless effortThat makes you feel like GodSo play that songAnd watch it all go wrong(Where do we search to find the honestyIn a world so fucked up and bleeding)Knowing we will followClose to anything at all(On our way)


于DVD,TS, TC等常见术语 有很多网友问及SCREENER,TS,TC,PDVD是什么意思,以及质量如何。也看见有网友发表关于电影发布版本术语的解释,我觉得有不确切的地方。比如PROPER并不代表质量完美,TS或Telesync并非指从放影机转制。其实Telesync和CAM都是用digital camera或camcorder在影院录制(俗称枪版),质量起伏很大。 下面是我从VCDQuality.com转摘的关于这些术语的解释。本人现在翻译了关于片源部分。中英文对照,因为错误总是难免的。 翻译者:huaye at TLF BBS CAM - CAM通常是用数码摄像机从电影院盗录。有时会使用小三角架,但大多数时候不可能使用,所以摄像机会抖动。同时由于放摄像机的座位并非总是空的,使得有时拍摄不是水平的。如果后期剪裁很好,这很难看出,除非屏幕下方有字幕。由 于声音是从摄像机自带的话筒录制,所以经常会录到观众的笑声等声音,尤其是喜剧片。因为这些因素,图象和声音质量通常都很差。但有时很幸运电影院相当空,这样会录到好一些的声音。 TELESYNC (TS) - 除了使用外置的音源(一般是影院座椅上为听力不好的人设的耳机孔),TELESYSNC(TS) 和CAM的标准是相同的。这个直接的音源并不能保证是好的音源,这是它因为受到很多背景噪音的干扰。很多时候TS是在空的影院录制,或是用专业摄像机在投影室录制,所以图象质量可能比CAM好。质量的起伏可能很大,在下载前最好查看SAMPLE。很大比例的TS是从CAM错误标记成。 TELECINE (TC) - TELECINE (TC) 使用电视电影机从胶片直接数字拷贝,其图象和声音质量应该很好。但由于使用的设备和费用很高,TC很少见。通常会使用正确的高宽比,但有时也有4:3的TC。 SCREENER (SCR) - SCREENER(SCR)是在电影发行VHS录象带之前送到录象出租店及其他地方用做促销目的。SCREENER使用VHS录象带,通常使用4:3(全屏)的高宽比,但有时也会有LETTERBOXED(1.85:1宽银幕) SCREENER. 主要的缺点是有“TICKER”(在屏幕下方)



为什么roche qpcr的软件计算不出浓度

一般来讲,进行real-time qPCR MasterMix都是2×的浓缩液,只需要加入模板和引物就可以。由于real-time qPCR灵敏度高,所以每个样品至少要做3个平行孔,以防在后面的数据分析中,由于Ct相差较多或者SD太大,无法进行统计分析。



rails 向数据库插入数据时怎么跳过before_create

save:rails中的save其实是create_or_update,新建或修改记录!不一定是新建,切记 new :只是在内存中新建一个对象,操作数据库要调用save方法。 create = new + 执行sql。 build:与new基本相同,多用于一对多情况下。还有一个不同请看使用示例 !:new!, create!, build!与new, create, build的区别是带!的方法会执行validate,如果验证失败会抛出导常。 save是实例方法,而create, build, new是模型类的类方法还有另外一种说法,也挺好,如下 首先说new吧,app =[:app]),这个是用给定的params来实例化一个app对象,注意此时只是初始化了一个对象,ruby只是在内存里面给app分配了一个内存地址,但是,这 个地址还没有指定任何的有效的内存,所以接下来ruby要做的就是调用model里面的initialize函数来根据给定的参数进行初始化这个对象,并将该对象保存到堆里面。 对于new!来说,这个跟new相比,就是在save到数据库的时候,如果save失败,就会报一个错误。 对于create来说,过程大致跟new差不多,唯一的区别是,create = new + save,即create一步操作等于new和save的两部操作。 对于create!来说,类似于new! 过程大致也是跟new!差不多 区别是create! = new! + save 如果保存失败的话会返回一个错误。 对于build来说,主要的混淆的地方在于与new的区别,其实,我认为build是new的一个别名,但是用的地方可能跟new有点区别,在我看来,build大多是用于有关联关系的对象模型的时 候,用来创建子model用的,比如说 Person 与 Order是一对多的关系,那么我们可以用方法来创建于该person对应的orders





keep it secret和keep a secret在用法上有没有区别?

keep it secret 这件事要保密. I did something silly yesterday. I"d like to keep it a secret.keep secret 保密,如:Friends should keep secrets. 前者有针对性,后者是普遍性

《Secretsand Lies》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Secrets and Lies》(Bruce Schneier)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 2c4a书名:Secrets and Lies作者:Bruce Schneier出版社:Wiley出版年份:2004-1-30页数:448内容简介:Bestselling author Bruce Schneier offers his expert guidance on achieving security on a networkInternationally recognized computer security expert Bruce Schneier offers a practical, straightforward guide to achieving security throughout computer networks. Schneier uses his extensive field experience with his own clients to dispel the myths that often mislead IT managers as they try to build secure systems. This practical guide provides readers with a better understanding of why protecting information is harder in the digital world, what they need to know to protect digital information, how to assess business and corporate security needs, and much more.* Walks the reader through the real choices they have now for digital security and how to pick and choose the right one to meet their business needs* Explains what cryptography can and can"t do in achieving digital security

《Peak Secrets》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Peak》(Anders Ericsson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:5lui书名:Peak作者:Anders Ericsson豆瓣评分:8.5出版社:Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版年份:2016-4-5页数:336内容简介:“This book is a breakthrough, a lyrical, powerful, science-based narrative that actually shows us how to get better (much better) at the things we care about.”—Seth Godin, author of Linchpin作者简介:K. Anders Ericsson (born 1947) is a Swedish psychologist and Conradi Eminent Scholar and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University who is internationally recognized as a researcher in the psychological nature of expertise and human performance.

keep secrets to oneself是什么意思?

意为对自己保密 Keep有保守 secrets 是秘密的意思 oneself是自己的意思 to是介词没有意义

求文 哈利波特同人《secrets》《eclipse》 猫爪有的话给个链接 拜托~ 邮箱


歌曲:secret the pierces,求此歌的英文歌词(最好是全的)还有中文意思。

是这个么?翻译是我自己写的,仅代表个人看法希望对你有帮助。。。副歌部分重复,我就偷懒了。。见谅SECRET - THE PIERCEs Got a secret, can you keep it?有一个秘密,你会为我保守吗?Swear this one you"ll save向我发誓你会的,Better lock it in your pocket最好让它烂在心里Taking this one to the grave直到你进了坟墓If I show you then I know you我是因为了解你才告诉你Won"t tell what I said不要透露我告诉你的话"Cause two can keep a secret因为两人才可保守秘密If one of them is dead如果其中一个人不在了Why do you smile你为何Like you"ve been told a secret?像当初得知这个秘密时那样喜悦Now you"re telling lies如今你背叛了誓言"Cause you have sworn to keep it因为你曾经发誓为他保密But no one keeps a secret但是没有人会为你坚守秘密No one keeps a secret没有人会为你保密Why when we do our darkest deeds, do we tell?当我们进行这些私下的交易They burn in our brains become a living hellCause everybody tells everybody tells因为他们都这么说*[Got a secret, can you keep it?Swear this one you"ll saveBetter lock it, in your pocketTaking this one to the graveIf I show you then I know youWon"t tell what I said"Cause two can keep a secretIf one of them is dead]*Look into my eyes正视我的眼睛Now you"re getting sleepy你昏昏欲睡Are you hypnotized你被曾经发誓去保守的秘密催眠了吗?By secrets that you"re keeping?I know what you"re keeping我知道那个机密I know what you"re keeping*[Got a secret can you keep it?Swear this one you"ll saveBetter lock it, in your pocketTaking this one to the graveIf I show you then I know youWon"t tell what I saidCause two can keep a secretIf one of them is dead]*Alison?爱丽森Yes, Katherine什么事,凯瑟琳?I have something I want to tell you,我想告诉你件事 but You have to promise to never tell anyone但你要发誓不告诉任何人I promise我发誓Do you swear on your life? 用生命担保吗?I swear on my life我用生命担保!You swore you"d never tell你发誓不会泄密You swore you"d never tellYou swore you"d never tellYou swore you"d never tell*Got a secret, can you keep it?Swear this one you"ll saveBetter lock it in your pocketTaking this one to the graveIf I show you then I know youWon"t tell what I said"Cause two can keep a secretIf one of them is deadGot a secret, can you keep it?Swear this one you"ll saveBetter lock it in your pocketTaking this one to the graveIf I show you then I know youWon"t tell what I said"Cause two can keep a secretIf one of them is deadGot a secret, can you keep it?Swear this one you"ll saveBetter lock it in your pocketTaking this one to the graveIf I show you then I know youWon"t tell what I said"Cause two can keep a secretIf one of them is deadYes, two can keep a secretIf one of them is deadYes two can keep a secretIf one of us is dead*

secrets to beauty翻译

"Secrets to Beauty" 可以翻译为 "美丽的秘诀"。下面是例句:1.She always follows the secrets to beauty, and her skin looks flawless and radiant.她一直遵循美丽的秘诀,她的皮肤看起来精致无瑕,容光焕发。2. The magazine promised to reveal the secrets to beauty, but most of their tips were just common sense.这本杂志承诺要揭示美丽的秘诀,但其中大部分技巧都是常识。3. The cosmetics company claims that their product contains the secrets to beauty, but customers have mixed reviews.这个化妆品公司声称他们的产品包含了美丽的秘诀,但是消费者们对此好评不一。

rell secrets后接形容词还是副词



一般情况下,我们只能管理A站点,如果也想管理B站点,这时就需要建立VPN隧道yum install openswan lsof禁止VPN重定向for vpn in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*;doecho 0 > $vpn/accept_redirects;echo 0 > $vpn/send_redirects;done修改内核参数启用转发和禁止重定向vim /etc/sysctl.confnet.ipv4.ip_forward = 1net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0sysctl –p放行openswan服务端口和NAT规则iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPTiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPTiptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPTiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s site-A-private-subnet -d site-B-private-subnet -j SNAT --to site-A-Public-IP修改配置Site-A VPN Server:vim /etc/ipsec.conf## general configuration parameters ##config setupplutodebug=allplutostderrlog=/var/log/pluto.logprotostack=netkeynat_traversal=yesvirtual_private=%v4:,%v4:,%v4: disable opportunistic encryption in Red Hat ##oe=off## disable opportunistic encryption in Debian #### Note: this is a separate declaration statement ##include /etc/ipsec.d/examples/no_oe.conf## connection definition in Red Hat ##conn demo-connection-redhatauthby=secretauto=startike=3des-md5## phase 1 ##keyexchange=ike## phase 2 ##phase2=espphase2alg=3des-md5compress=nopfs=yestype=tunnelleft=<siteA-public-IP>leftsourceip=<siteA-public-IP>leftsubnet=<siteA-private-subnet>/netmask## for direct routing ##leftsubnet=<siteA-public-IP>/32leftnexthop=%defaultrouteright=<siteB-public-IP>rightsubnet=<siteB-private-subnet>/netmask## connection definition in Debian ##conn demo-connection-debianauthby=secretauto=start## phase 1 ##keyexchange=ike## phase 2 ##esp=3des-md5pfs=yestype=tunnelleft=<siteA-public-IP>leftsourceip=<siteA-public-IP>leftsubnet=<siteA-private-subnet>/netmask## for direct routing ##leftsubnet=<siteA-public-IP>/32leftnexthop=%defaultrouteright=<siteB-public-IP>rightsubnet=<siteB-private-subnet>/netmask身份验证可以通过几种不同的方式,此处使用pre-shared方式vim /etc/ipsec.secretssiteA-public-IP siteB-public-IP: PSK "pre-shared-key"## in case of multiple sites ##siteA-public-IP siteC-public-IP: PSK "corresponding-pre-shared-key"启动服务和排错service ipsec restartchkconfig ipsec on如果能正常启动,从A端就能ping通B端私网地址在Site-A VPN Server上ip route 就可以查看相关的路由[siteB-private-subnet] via [siteA-gateway] dev eth0 src [siteA-public-IP]default via [siteA-gateway] dev eth0两边的VPN Server都配置完成后即可互访私网,其他重要命令:查看隧道状态service ipsec statusIPsec running - pluto pid: 20754pluto pid 207541 tunnels upsome eroutes existipsec auto –status## output truncated ##000 "demo-connection-debian": myip=<siteA-public-IP>; hisip=unset;000 "demo-connection-debian": ike_life: 3600s; ipsec_life: 28800s; rekey_margin: 540s; rekey_fuzz: 100%; keyingtries: 0; nat_keepalive: yes000 "demo-connection-debian": policy: PSK+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+PFS+UP+IKEv2ALLOW+SAREFTRACK+lKOD+rKOD; prio: 32,28; interface: eth0;## output truncated ##000 #184: "demo-connection-debian":500 STATE_QUICK_R2 (IPsec SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 1653s; newest IPSEC; eroute owner; isakmp#183; idle; import:not set## output truncated ##000 #183: "demo-connection-debian":500 STATE_MAIN_I4 (ISAKMP SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 1093s; newest ISAKMP; lastdpd=-1s(seq in:0 out:0); idle; import:not set相关日志文件(记录了认证、Key交换信息等,可用于排错):/var/log/pluto.log注意事项1.运营商可能会屏蔽端口,通过telent命令测试确保运营商允许使用UDP 500, TCP/UDP 4500 端口2.确保防火墙放行相关端口3.确保终端服务器pre-shared密钥是相同的4.遇到NAT问题,尝试使用SNAT 替代MASQUERADING

求歌名。歌词i know all you secrets i know all you lines


LSA Secrets 是什么??

LSA密码(LSA?Secrets)是微软Windows NT/2000/2003 注册的一部分,在那里本地安全认证机构(LSA)代表应用程序存储安全信息。


主语+谓语+宾语该句意思是我和她分享秘密,share sth with sb表示和某人分享某物

Keep Secrets 歌词

歌曲名:Keep Secrets歌手:Saosin专辑:The Grey EPSaosin - Keep Secretsyou should have never come here, i knowyou"re making a mistakekeep your eyes shut, tightly closed, &pray for yourselfi"ve said all i can sayyou keep yourself so tightly wound, it"s about time you breakit"s not enough, my foolish words will never..i"ve kept my secrets, you will never knowbut you"ll stay and you"re still hereso get it out now, get it out now where we can goi feel like there is someone still here, hiding in this placemaybe they"re beneath the floor boards, she"s scaredfighting to keep it safeyou keep yourself so tightly wound, it"s about time you breakit"s not enough, my foolish words will never..i"ve kept my secrets, you will never knowbut you"ll stay and you"re still hereso get it out now, get it out now where we can goi never had the faith to pick myself upcalm down and take mei never had the faith to pick myself upbreathe in, breathe outlike a magnet, you keep pulling me closerall these words (something) to end like thisI was (something)Then you entered my life and held it in your handsi"ve kept my secrets, you will never knowbut you"ll stay and you"re still hereso get it out now, get it out now where we can gois this the end of myselfis this the end, is this the endis this the end of myselfis this the end, is this the endthis is the end of myselfthis is the end



英语keep secrets for sb和keep secrets to sb的区别是什么请详细


有人知道One Republic的 secrets中文歌词

i need another story我需要另一个故事something to get off my chest一个发自我内心的故事my life gets kind of boring我的人生充斥了无聊need something that i can confess我要坦白一切till all my sleeves are stained red知道我的衣袖被血染红from all the truth that i"ve saidcome by it honestly i swear所有的事实来自我的誓言thought you saw me wink, no,让你认为你看到了我的眼神,不i"ve been on the brink, so我已经处在边缘tell me what you want to hear告诉我你想要听到什么something that will like those ears一些像其他人听到的那样sick of all the act sincere那些病态的真诚so i"m gonna give all my secrets away所以我要坦白我所有的秘密this time此刻don"t need another perfect line不再需要任何完美的线don"t care if critics never jump in line不要担心评论者会扭曲事实i"m gonna give all my secrets away我会坦白我的秘密mygod, amazing how we got this far上帝,想象我们距离如此遥远it"s like were chasing all those starswhose driver shining big black cars就像驾驭着一辆黑色的轿车追逐着所有的星星and everyday i see the news每天我看到新闻all the problems we could solve所有的问题我们都能解决and when a situation rises当事情变严重we"ll ride it into a mountainstraight to though我们会将它扔进山谷i don"t really like my flow, oh, so我真的不喜欢我的贪婪,所以got no reason没有原因got no shame没有羞耻got no family没有亲人i can blame我能够负责just don"t let me disappear只是别让我消失i wanna tell you everything我要告诉你一切all my secrets away我的秘密

Seal的《Secret》 歌词

歌曲名:Secret歌手:Seal专辑:6: CommitmentSeal - SecretYou must know me, I"m one of your secretsYou must know me, I"m one of your secretsI belong to youI belong to youAnd you belong to me.You must know me, I"m one of your secrets oooh whooa oohFrom what I see, you"re trying to hard to keep it oh yes you areWell I belong to youI belong to youI belong to youAnd you belong to me.Look at me, I"m your hearts keeper.Met for 3:21 AM, she will be here, oh yes she willAnd I belong to youYes I belong to youI belong to youAnd you belong to me.Look at me, I"m one of your secrets.From what I see, you"re trying hard to keep it.Oh yeahBut I belong to youI belong to youI belong to youAnd you belong to meYou belong to meYou belong to me

谁能告诉我One Republic的 secrets中文歌词

i need another story我需要另一个故事something to get off my chest一个发自我内心的故事my life gets kind of boring我的人生充斥了无聊need something that i can confess我要坦白一切till all my sleeves are stained red知道我的衣袖被血染红from all the truth that i"ve saidcome by it honestly i swear所有的事实来自我的誓言thought you saw me wink, no,让你认为你看到了我的眼神,不i"ve been on the brink, so我已经处在边缘tell me what you want to hear告诉我你想要听到什么something that will like those ears一些像其他人听到的那样sick of all the act sincere那些病态的真诚so i"m gonna give all my secrets away所以我要坦白我所有的秘密this time此刻don"t need another perfect line不再需要任何完美的线don"t care if critics never jump in line不要担心评论者会扭曲事实i"m gonna give all my secrets away我会坦白我的秘密my god, amazing how we got this far上帝,想象我们距离如此遥远it"s like were chasing all those starswhose driver shining big black cars就像驾驭着一辆黑色的轿车追逐着所有的星星and everyday i see the news每天我看到新闻all the problems we could solve所有的问题我们都能解决and when a situation rises当事情变严重we"ll ride it into a mountainstraight to though我们会将它扔进山谷i don"t really like my flow, oh, so我真的不喜欢我的贪婪,所以got no reason没有原因got no shame没有羞耻got no family没有亲人i can blame我能够负责just don"t let me disappear只是别让我消失i wanna tell you everything我要告诉你一切all my secrets away我的秘密望采纳哦

求one republic的secrets的歌词

OneRepublic - Secrets歌词:I need another storySomething to get off my chestMy life gets kinda boringNeed something that I can confessTil" all my sleeves are stained redFrom all the truth that I"ve saidCome by it honestly I swearThought you saw wink, noI"ve been on the brink, soTell me what you want from hereSomething that were like those yearsSick of all the insincereSo I"m gonna give all my secrets awayThis time, don"t need another perfect lineDon"t care if critics never jump in lineI"m gonna give all my secrets awayMy god, amazing how we got this farIt"s like we"re chasing all those starsWho"s driving shiny big carsAnd everyday I see the newsAll the problems that we could solveAnd when a situation risesJust write it into an albumSinging straight, too coldI don"t really like my flow, no, soTell me what you want from hereSomething that were like those yearsSick of all the insincereSo I"m gonna give all my secrets awayThis time, don"t need another perfect lineDon"t care if critics never jump in lineI"m gonna give all my secrets awayOh, got no reason, got not shameGot no family I can blameJust don"t let me disappearI"mma tell you everythingSo tell me what you want from hereSomething that were like those yearsSick of all the insincereSo I"m gonna give all my secrets awayThis time, don"t need another perfect lineDon"t care if critics never jump in lineI"m gonna give all my secrets awaySo tell me what you want from hereSomething that were like those yearsSick of all the insincereSo I"m gonna give all my secrets awayThis time, don"t need another perfect lineDon"t care if critics never jump in lineI"m gonna give all my secrets awayAll my secrets away, All my secrets away

victoria secrets是什么意思


One Republic的 secrets歌词

OneRepublic - SecretsI need another story Something to get off my chest My life gets kinda boring Need something that I can confess Til" all my sleeves are stained red From all the truth that I"ve said Come by it honestly I swear Thought you saw wink, no I"ve been on the brink, soTell me what you want from here Something that were like those years Sick of all the insincere So I"m gonna give all my secrets away This time, don"t need another perfect line Don"t care if critics never jump in line I"m gonna give all my secrets awayMy god, amazing how we got this far It"s like we"re chasing all those stars Who"s driving shiny big cars And everyday I see the news All the problems that we could solve And when a situation rises Just write it into an album Singing straight, too cold I don"t really like my flow, no, soTell me what you want from here Something that were like those years Sick of all the insincere So I"m gonna give all my secrets away This time, don"t need another perfect line Don"t care if critics never jump in line I"m gonna give all my secrets awayOh, got no reason, got not shame Got no family I can blame Just don"t let me disappear I"mma tell you everythingSo tell me what you want from here Something that were like those years Sick of all the insincere So I"m gonna give all my secrets away This time, don"t need another perfect line Don"t care if critics never jump in line I"m gonna give all my secrets awaySo tell me what you want from here Something that were like those years Sick of all the insincere So I"m gonna give all my secrets away This time, don"t need another perfect line Don"t care if critics never jump in line I"m gonna give all my secrets awayAll my secrets away, All my secrets away

哈利波特中一首插曲 ---- Underwater Secrets(水底秘密)的歌词




能告诉我One Republic的 secrets中文歌词

One Republic-Secrets共和时代-秘密I need another story 我需要一个故事Something to get off my chest 把闷在胸口的话都输出来My life gets kind of boring 我的生活变得有点乏味Need something that I can confess 我承认我需要这些(这份感情)Till all my sleeves are stained red (我愿为我说的抗争)直到我的衣袖沾满血迹From all the truth that I"ve said 我说的句句属实Come by it honestly I swear 对此我信誓旦旦Thought you saw me wink, no 你以为我神采奕奕,不I"ve been on the brink, so 我的心走到了崩溃的边缘,那就请Tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I"m sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I"m gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don"t need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言Don"t care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I"m gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密My God 我的天啊Amazing that we got this far 我们何时变得如此遥远It"s like we"re chasing all those stars 就好像我们在追逐着那些明星大腕Who"s driving shiny big black cars 他们开着宽敞漆黑闪亮的豪车And everyday I see the news, all the problems that we could solve 每天我看到新闻里 似乎所有问题我们都可迎刃而解And when a situation rises, just write it into an album 当重大事件来袭时 仅仅是顺手写入专辑Seen it straight to go (让时间)去做个了断I don"t really like my flow, no, so 我真的不愿随波逐流 不Tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的Something that‘ll light those ears是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I"m sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I"m gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don"t need another perfect lie 不需要完美的谎言Don"t care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I"m gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密Got no reason, got not shame 无需理由 无需羞愧Got no family I can blame 无需向我的亲朋好友责备抱怨Just don"t let me disappear 只是不要对我视而不见I"mma tell you everything 我会向你倾吐所有So tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I"m sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I"m gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don"t need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言Don"t care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I"m gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密So tell me what you want to hear 告诉我 你渴望听到的Something that‘ll light those ears 是那些意耳目一新的事情吗I"m sick of all the insincere 我已厌倦了虚情假意So I"m gonna give all my secrets away 因此 我要倾吐我所有的秘密This time 此时此刻Don"t need another perfect lie 不再需要完美的谎言Don"t care if critics ever jump in line 也不需在乎是否会有接踵而来的指责I"m gonna give all my secrets away 我要倾吐我所有的秘密All my secrets away 倾吐我所有的秘密All my secrets away 倾吐我所有的秘密

Eternal的《Secrets》 歌词

歌曲名:Secrets歌手:Eternal专辑:Power Of A WomanSecretsGood CharlotteIn the darkIn the darkness you will findDirty little secrets we all hideCause" we all have a darker sideA place we keep where no one else will findCause" everybody wants to hide their secrets awayNobody wants to stand up to the painBut I will stand up to the painWake up and fight againIf you could dance with me through this rainAnd we will fight, we"ll fight again, fight againIn the back, in the closets of your mindThat"s where skeletons and dirty secrets hideAnd I"ll rip out my insidesAnd leave them on this bed for you tonightCause" everybody wants to hide their secrets awayNobody wants to stand up to the painBut I will stand up to the painWake up and fight againIf you could dance with me through this rainAnd we will fight, we"ll fight again, fight againFight againNobody left, I hide my secrets awayIn the dark, in the dark, in the darkWe all try to hide our secrets awayIn the dark, in the dark, in the darkStand up to the painWake up and fight againIf you could dance with me through this rainAnd we will fight, we"ll fight again, fight againFight againCause" everybody wants to hide their secrets awayAnd that"s okNobody wants to stand up to the painFight again

Eternal的《Secrets》 歌词

歌曲名:Secrets歌手:Eternal专辑:Power Of A Woman/Club #1SecretsGood CharlotteIn the darkIn the darkness you will findDirty little secrets we all hideCause" we all have a darker sideA place we keep where no one else will findCause" everybody wants to hide their secrets awayNobody wants to stand up to the painBut I will stand up to the painWake up and fight againIf you could dance with me through this rainAnd we will fight, we"ll fight again, fight againIn the back, in the closets of your mindThat"s where skeletons and dirty secrets hideAnd I"ll rip out my insidesAnd leave them on this bed for you tonightCause" everybody wants to hide their secrets awayNobody wants to stand up to the painBut I will stand up to the painWake up and fight againIf you could dance with me through this rainAnd we will fight, we"ll fight again, fight againFight againNobody left, I hide my secrets awayIn the dark, in the dark, in the darkWe all try to hide our secrets awayIn the dark, in the dark, in the darkStand up to the painWake up and fight againIf you could dance with me through this rainAnd we will fight, we"ll fight again, fight againFight againCause" everybody wants to hide their secrets awayAnd that"s okNobody wants to stand up to the painFight again


secrets中文谐音是:色克瑞日n.秘密,机密( secret的名词复数 );[例句]One cannot be too careful in guarding Party and state secrets.保守党和国家的机密,慎之又慎。[原型]secret

The Pierces的secret完整歌词和中文翻译

1楼Got a secret有一个秘密 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save 发誓你会保守这个秘密的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你那么我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我所说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Why do you smile你为什么笑呢 Like you have told a secret似乎你已经说出了秘密 now you"re telling lie现在你在说谎 Cause you"re the one to keep it因为你是要保守秘密的那个人啊 But no one keeps a secret但是没有人能够保守秘密 No one keeps a secret没有人能够保守秘密 Why when we do our darkest deeds do we tell为什么 当我们做些不光彩的事情时 我们会说出去吗 They burn in our brains给我们留下不可磨灭的印象 Become a living hell让其变成了一个人间地狱 Cause everybody tells因为每个人都说 everybody tells每个人都说的 Got a secret有一个秘密哦 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save发誓你会保守这个秘密的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Look into my eyes看着我的眼睛 Now you"re getting sleepy现在你感到困了吧 Are you hypnotized by secrets that you"re keeping?你被你要保守的秘密弄得恍惚了吗? I know what you"re keeping我知道你在保守什么秘密 I know what you"re keeping我知道你保守的秘密 Got a secret有一个秘密哦 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save 发誓你会保守的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Allison? 艾莉森? Yes, Catherine.嗯, 凯瑟琳 I have something I want to tell you我有些事情想告诉你 But you have to promise to never tell anyone.但是你一定要答应不告诉任何人 I promise我保证 Do you swear on your life? 你可以以你的生命发誓吗? I swear on my life我以我的生命发誓 You swore you"d never tell...你发誓你绝对不会说出去… You swore you"d never tell...你发誓你绝对不会说出去… You swore you"d never tell...你发誓你绝对不会说出去… Got a secret有一个秘密哦 Can you keep it? 你能够保守吗 Swear this one you"ll save 发誓你会保守的 Better lock it in your pocket最好把它藏在你的口袋里 Taking this one to the grave 带着这个秘密直到进了坟墓 If I show you then I know you 如果我把秘密告诉你我知道你 Won"t tell what I said 不会把我说的说出去的 Cause two can keep a secret 因为想要两个人守住秘密 If one of them is dead...(X3)除非他们其中的一个已不在这个世上 Yes two can keep a secret是的 想要两个人保守这一个秘密 If one of us is Dead……(X2)除非我们其中一个已不在世上

求德哈的 《 Secrets 》翻译




Keeping Secrets 歌词

歌曲名:Keeping Secrets歌手:Element 101专辑:Future Plans UndecidedMotor Ace - Keeping SecretsTook all week for the feeling to comeDry your eyes we"re staring at the sunWanna call I"ve got nothing to sayWant it all got a line and the nerve to stayYou"re keeping secretsThere"s only one i need to findShaking myself from the hum of the morningSaving it all for the rest of the nightLosing myself to the drug of the city lightsYou"re keeping secretsThere"s only one I need to findSaid it all now theres no mysteryTalk so much I force myself to breatheUnderhand but it all went to planSold my soul to an understanding manYou"re keeping secretsThere"s only one I need to findShaking myself from the hum of the morningSaving it all for the rest of the nightLosing myself to the drug of the city lightsYou"re keeping secretsThere"s only one I need to findStay up all night for the kidsIts getting betterStay up all night for the kidsIts getting betterYou"re keeping secretsThere"s only one i need to findShaking myself from the hum of the morningSaving it all for the rest of the nightLosing myself to the drug of the city lightsYou"re keeping secretsThere"s only one I need to find


其实to of的区别还是很明显的,从字面的理解来看,to就是为了/去往 of就是包含在内的。 那么关于秘密,有两种: 一种是你想达到某处/达成某事的秘诀,就用the secret to 另一种是你想了解某现象的发生的原因,就用 of。 我用二个例句来表述一下: The secret to grow faster, is to eat more 长得快的秘诀是吃的多。。。 The secret of him being a tall guy, is that he eats a lot.. 那个人个子高的秘密是因为他吃的多。

求《Secrets》(作者:Vorabiza 译者:石头)

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谁来给我翻译下Onerepublic的《secrets》歌词 高手进


secrets onerepublic的前奏好熟悉



总体来说配置比较简单,跟着官网的说明做就ok。官方连接: 。这里面值得注意的是,kube-apisever的加密插件配置参数为 --encryption-provider-config ,在1.13版本之前是 --experimental-encryption-provider-config ,该参数在1.14版本之后已经被正式废弃。 配置文件示例: 其中 resources 可以是多组独立的配置,每组配置下定义了该组资源的加解密的策略,比如这个配置文件定义了secrets资源的加解密策略。 providers 定义了加解密的实际提供者,目前k8支持的provider如下所示: 其中identity就是明文,不加密。其余就是各类加解密算法,建议使用 aescbc ,足够用了,其实就是使用CBC模式、PKCS#7填充的aes256加密。这里要注意的是,providers中可以设置多个加密 provider ,每个 provider 可以设置多个加密的密钥。 到这里按照常规流程你一定想 kubectl create -f 来创建这个资源了,如果你这么做了,不出意外的话会看到如下的报错: 这是因为, kube-apiserver的相关资源,是不能通过kubectl命令来创建的 ,官方文档并没有明确说明,其实也很好理解,自己怎么创建自己嘛!这个资源,只能是通过配置启动参数在kube-apisever启动的时候来加载。这边我使用kubeadm安装的集群,配置文件位置在 /etc/kubernetes/manifests ,找到 kube-apiserver.yaml ,这个就是kube-apiserver启动用的配置文件(用其他方式安装的也类似,只要找到这个配置文件就可以)。所以说这个加密插件的启动,目前来说貌似只能在私有集群中实现,如果你用的是gke、ake、tke这样的云服务商提供的集群就不行了。 我们在这个配置文件中加入如下信息: 其中 encryption-provider-config 就是配置插件插件启动时读取的配置文件所在位置,这边我们把前面写的配置文件命名为 encrypt.conf ,放在 /etc/kubernetes/pki 目录下,通过阅读配置文件,我们可以看到kube-apiserver在启动的时候会挂载三个宿主机目录,其中就有 /etc/kubernetes/pki 。所以你把配置文件放在这里,kube-apiserver启动的时候就能正确找到这个配置文件了。 kube-apisever重启后,我们就可以尝试一下,看看加密功能是否生效。这里我们用到的配置文件如下: 这个配置保证了我们新建的secrets资源都会默认使用 aescbc 加密算法,并且使用key1中定义的这个密钥来加密数据。注意 identity 这个参数必须要设置,否则所有我们之前建立的secrets都会无法访问。具体原因其实上面已经讲过,大家可以想一下为什么。 现在我们来新建一个serctes资源来验证一下 之后登陆入容器etcd中 执行etcdctl命令查看刚才建立的secret1密钥的内容,这里要注意的是etcd默认的api版本是v2,k8默认使用的版本是v3,两者互不兼容,所以在执行的时候需要在命令前显式的加上 ETCDCTL_API=3 来告诉etcdctl我要调用的是v3 api,或者使用环境变量export指定也可以。由于v3默认开启了ssl认证,所以在调用的时候还需要加上连接认证信息,这部分内容可以在 etcd.yaml 的 livenessProbe 这个配置中查看到,把这条命令复制出来,后面加上secret1的路径,就可以查看到secret内容了 注意在数据头部出现 k8s:enc:aescbc:v1: ,说明数据已经被正确加密,使用的是 aescbc 算法,使用的密钥为 key1 。 接下来我们看下kube-apiserver在读取的时候是否正确解密了,执行下面的命令 得到 mykey 的base64编码数据 bXlkYXRh ,将其decode一下 没错,正是我们设置的sercets机密数据,试验成功! 通过kubernetes提供的加密插件,使得etcd中存放的secrets数据都以密文的形式存放,这无异大大提高了数据安全性。但是要明确一点, 加密插件只是加密了etcd中保存的数据 ,这意味着你执行 kubectl get secrets mysecret -o yaml 这样的命令看到的仍然是明文,在容器内部注入的secrets文件或者环境变量看到的也是明文,原因当然是kube-apiserver在从etcd中取出数据的时候已经帮你自动解密了。如果你有全程加密的需求(比如说想在容器内看到的也是密文),这显然是kubernetes这种平台层的工具做不到的,因为这已经涉及到了应用的改造。 其实就目前的实际使用场景看, 如果你有将etcd直接暴露给集群内第三方服务使用或者直接暴露给外部服务使用的需求 (一般非常少),那么你最好使用加密插件,否则会面临机密数据泄漏的风险。而如果etcd仅供k8s的系统组件来使用的话,由于kubernetes本身已经有比较完善的rbac机制,那么你只要做好kube-apiserver的权限管理即可,例如: 那么其实也未必需要加密,k8s默认提供的secrets策略已经完全能够满足要求(毕竟你即使在etcd中加密了,有kubectl权限的和有访问secrets权限的账号还是可以看到明文)。

One Republic的 secrets中文歌词


吸血鬼幸存者secrets中的所有内容怎么解锁呢?很多玩家还不太清楚,下面给大家带来的是吸血鬼幸存者secrets全解锁攻略。吸血鬼幸存者secrets全解锁攻略白幽灵:玩家可以在Exdash和Toastie解锁后解锁这个角色。在主菜单中输入“spam”——这将启动一个隐藏的 30 秒计时器。进入人物选择输入“spam”,进入舞台选择输入“spam”,进入run输入“humbug”。狼人:使用增加的“吸附”奥术牌(每两分钟)在地图奶牛场开始游戏 捡起奶酪道具出现6个大狼人 击杀解锁peppino小树解锁方法:使用osole角色(狗)在伊尔莫里塞地图给植物回血即可,触发成功的时候会有音效。Gains Boros(龙虾):骨区地图往上走,在银戒指上面,在上图绿色区域呆着,出现音效即可解锁三头龙:在在boss rash地图单武器通关解锁,也就是达到15分钟商人:在moongolow地图拾取所有被动升满解锁,注意复活被动,死完了就会消失,建议玩家升满所有被动之后被打死或者直接退出凤凰:使用无金蛋的角色,携带黑白鸽子武器,到地图5上面,提拉米苏上面有个喷火道具,玩家可以拾取喷火道具喷开下面的门,拾取凤凰解锁女王:收藏表满了之后即可解锁破碎死神:绿地地图一直往左下角走,没有标记,不停走即可,比较远,然后触发彩蛋,很多绿格子,出现一些大眼睛蝙蝠,击杀所有怪物之后解锁随机角色:图5地图上问号标记点棺材解锁secrets就是隐藏人物的解锁,以上就是截止到0.11.303版本所有隐藏角色的解锁方法


secrets是什么意思:秘密;机密;诀窍;秘诀;奥秘;奥妙1、The two friends shared everything ─ they had no secrets. 这一对朋友无话不谈——彼此之间毫无秘密。2、She always manages to winkle secrets out of people. 她总是能从别人那里探听出秘密。3、He"s the last person I"d trust with a secret. 我要是有什么秘密,告诉谁也不能告诉他。4、The secret number is my phone number in reverse. 这个密码是我的电话号码的逆序排列。5、He tried to keep it secret from his family. 这件事他试图瞒着家里。6、Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children. 愧疚是控制儿童的秘密武器。7、Shall we let him in on the secret? 我们要不要把秘密透露给他?8、She kept her past secret from us all. 她对我们所有人都避而不谈她的过去。


secret[英]["si:kru0259t][美]["si:kru0259t]n.秘密,机密; 秘诀; 奥秘; adj.秘密的,机密的; 神秘的; 隐秘的; 复数:secrets例句:1.The recipe is no secret. 这又不是什么秘密。2.The secret of their success? 它们的成功秘诀是什么?3.The exact number is a state secret. 准确的数据是一项国家机密。4.The cost of these is secret. 所有的这些开支都是保密的。5.Howell froze; he"d tumbled into a secret little game. 豪厄尔僵住了;他跌进了一个秘密的小游戏。

Jennifer Lopez的《Secretly》 歌词

歌曲名:Secretly歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:J.LoSecretly, I"m wanting youAnd I"m hoping you want me tooI semll your scent across the roomAnd I can"t wait to get next to youWhatever I see(When I look at you across the room)Whatever I hear(I wonder if he loves me too)Whatever I do(I just think about you for hours)Oh baby and it"s got me thinking of youSecretly, I"m wanting youAnd I"m hoping you want me tooI semll your scent across the roomAnd I can"t wait to get next to youWhenever you speakWhenever you, ooh(You"re all I think about)Whenever you breatheBaby, let me touch you pleaseSecretly, I"m wanting youAnd I"m hoping you want me tooI semll your scent across the roomAnd I can"t wait to get next to youSecretly, I"m wanting youAnd I"m hoping you want me tooI semll your scent across the roomAnd I can"t wait to get next to youIt smells so goodI just wanna, kiss youI wanna, lay with youI don"t know how to tell youBut secretly, I want youI just wanna get next to you

cry sob weep的区别

cry 因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等出声地哭。 weep偏指无声流泪,这种情绪悲伤会产生流泪,喜悦也会产生喜极而泣,weep书面化用语。 sob强调因为抑郁、悲伤等情绪产生的抽泣、哭诉。 扩展资料   I hung up the phone and started to cry.   我挂掉电话,开始哭了起来。   She wept tears of joy.   她喜极而泣。   She sobbed she hadn"t gone to there.   她呜咽着说她并没有去过那儿。


这3个动词均有“哭”之意. cry :普通用词.指因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等出声地哭. The baby can cry as soon as he is born.(婴儿生下来就会哭 .) weep :书面用词,指小哭或无声地哭,侧重流泪. She wept her sad fate.(她为她的悲惨命运而哭泣.) sob :指抽泣、呜咽. )


cry、weep、sob这3个动词都有“哭”之意。以下是三个词的具体区别:cry : 普通用词。指因痛苦、悲哀或伤感等出声地哭。The baby can cry as soon as he is born.(婴儿生下来就会哭 。)weep : 书面用词,指小哭或无声地哭,侧重流泪。She wept her sad fate.(她为她的悲惨命运而哭泣。)sob : 指抽泣、呜咽。


cry的同义字不少:有 weep,wail,sob,whimper,keen,bowl,howl,blubber等。其中与“cry”含义最相近的要算是“weep”了。 weep是因(1)悲痛或悲哀而(2)流泪。换句话说“weep”是从心底发出来“声泪俱下”的恸哭。weep常用于写作,并指流泪多于哭声,也就是重“泪”而不重“声”;cry则是相反,是重“声”而不重“泪”。 wail是指由于悲伤或哀痛而尖声地哭哭啼啼,或哭个不停: The woman wailed with sorrow. 那妇人悲凄地哭个不停。 “哭哭啼啼”还有一个字 whimper。"whimper"与"wail"的不同之处在于"wail"是用尖锐的声音而"whimper"是用低声哭啼,也是呜咽地、抽噎地低泣,也常指因委屈、胆怯或恐惧而发出来的啜泣。 The sick boy lay in bed and whimpered. 病童躺在床上呜咽啜泣。 sob是指受委屈,虐待或悲伤而无处诉苦时,抽噎地唏嘘或哽咽而哭泣;"sob"也可以说是最容易引起别人的同情,也令人鼻酸的哭法: The boy sobbed because he lost all of his money. 那男孩因丢了他所有的钱而啜泣。 sob是抽噎而唏嘘地哭泣;如果把嗓门提高一点哭声放大些就变成"to bowl" (vi. to cry or sob loudly)。此字常用做及物动词,意谓“大声喊叫”,“粗声咆哮”等。 blubber是相当于中文的“嚎啕大哭”或“放声大哭”甚至有时指无理取闹地大叫大哭,或谐谑地指哭得天翻地覆: Stop blubbering! I can"t hear what you"re saying. 不要哭成那样,我听不清楚你在说什么! blubber还有“(vi.)哭肿眼”及“(vi.)哭诉”之意。 最后在此列举其他若干“嚎啕大哭”的说法: He cried loudly. He cried like a baby. He cried unrestrainedly. He burst out crying. He wept aloud. He cried his eyes out. He cried his heart out




PCR技术的基本原理 类似于DNA的天然复制过程,其特异性依赖于与靶序列两端互补的寡核苷酸引物.PCR由变性--退火--延伸三个基本反应步骤构成:①模板DNA的变性:模板DNA经加热至93℃左右一定时间后,使模板DNA双链或经PCR扩增形成的双链DNA解离,使之成为单链,以便它与引物结合,为下轮反应作准备;②模板DNA与引物的退火(复性):模板DNA经加热变性成单链后,温度降至55℃左右,引物与模板DNA单链的互补序列配对结合;③引物的延伸:DNA模板--引物结合物在TaqDNA聚合酶的作用下,以dNTP为反应原料,靶序列为模板,按碱基配对与半保留复制原理,合成一条新的与模板DNA 链互补的半保留复制链重复循环变性--退火--延伸三过程,就可获得更多的“半保留复制链”,而且这种新链又可成为下次循环的模板.每完成一个循环需2~4分钟,3小时就能将待扩目的基因扩增放大几百万倍,1,①模板DNA的变性:模板DNA经加热至93℃左右一定时间后,使模板DNA双链或经PCR扩增形成的双链DNA解离,使之成为单链,以便它与引物结合,为下轮反应作准备;②复性:模板DNA经加热变性成单链后,温度降至55℃左右,引物与模板DNA单链的互补序列配对结合;③引物的延伸:DNA模板--引物结合物在72℃、DNA聚合酶的作用下,以靶序列为模板,按碱基互补配对与半保留复制原理,合成一条新的与模板DN...,2,不太懂,1,这个!!!!!,1,






PCR原理:DNA的半保留复制是生物进化和传代的重要途径。双链DNA在多种酶的作用下可以变性解旋成单链,在DNA聚合酶的参与下,根据碱基互补配对原则复制成同样的两分子拷贝。PCR技术的基本原理类似于DNA的天然复制过程,其特异性依赖于与靶序列两端互补的寡核苷酸引物。PCR由变性--退火--延伸三个基本反应步骤构成:①模板DNA的变性:模板DNA经加热至93℃左右一定时间后,使模板DNA双链或经PCR扩增形成的双链DNA解离,使之成为单链,以便它与引物结合,为下轮反应作准备;②模板DNA与引物的退火(复性):模板DNA经加热变性成单链后,温度降至55℃左右,引物与模板DNA单链的互补序列配对结合;③引物的延伸:DNA模板--引物结合物在72℃、DNA聚合酶(如TaqDNA聚合酶)的作用下,以dNTP为反应原料,靶序列为模板,按碱基互补配对与半保留复制原理,合成一条新的与模板DNA链互补的半保留复制链。重复循环变性--退火--延伸三过程就可获得更多的“半保留复制链”,而且这种新链又可成为下次循环的模板。每完成一个循环需2~4分钟,2~3小时就能将待扩目的基因扩增放大几百万倍。扩展资料:特异性强 PCR反应的特异性决定因素为:①引物与模板DNA特异正确的结合;②碱基配对原则;③Taq DNA聚合酶合成反应的忠实性;④靶基因的特异性与保守性。其中引物与模板的正确结合是关键。引物与模板的结合及引物链的延伸是遵循碱基配对原则的。聚合酶合成反应的忠实性及Taq DNA聚合酶耐高温性,使反应中模板与引物的结合(复性)可以在较高的温度下进行,结合的特异性大大增加,被扩增的靶基因片段也就能保持很高的正确度。再通过选择特异性和保守性高的靶基因区,其特异性程度就更高。灵敏度高 PCR产物的生成量是以指数方式增加的,能将皮克(pg=10-12g)量级的起始待测模板扩增到微克(ug=10-6g)水平。能从100万个细胞中检出一个靶细胞;在病毒的检测中,PCR的灵敏度可达3个RFU(空斑形成单位);在细菌学中最小检出率为3个细菌。PCR反应的延伸温度一般选择在70~75℃之间,常用温度为72℃,过高的延伸温度不利于引物和模板的结合。PCR延伸反应的时间,可根据待扩增片段的长度而定,一般1Kb以内的DNA片段,延伸时间1min是足够 的。3~4kb的靶序列需3~4min;扩增10Kb需延伸至15min。延伸进间过长会导致非特异性扩增带的出现。对低浓度模板的扩增,延伸时间要稍长些。循环次数 循环次数决定PCR扩增程度。PCR循环次数主要取决于模板DNA的浓度。一般的循环次数选在30~40次之间,循环次数越多,非特异性产物的量亦随之增多。参考资料:百度百科——PCR扩增


PCR技术是模拟体内DNA的天然复制过程,在体外扩增DNA分子的一种分子生物学技术,主要用于扩增位于两段已知序列之间的DNA区段。在待扩增的DNA片段两侧和与其两侧互补的两个寡核苷酸引物,经变性、退火和延伸若干个循环后,DNA扩增2u207f倍。PCR的每个循环过程包括高温变性、低温退火、中温延伸三个不同的事件:(①变性:加热使模板DNA在高温下(94℃左右)双链间的氢键断裂而形成两条单链;②退火;使溶液温度降至50~60℃,模板DNA与引物按碱基配对原则互补结合。3、延伸:溶液反应温度升至72℃,耐热DNA聚合酶以单链DNA为模板,在引物的引导下,利用反应混合物中的4种脱氧核苷三磷酸(dNTP),按5"一3"方向复制出互补DNA。扩展资料【技术原理】DNA的半保留复制是生物进化和传代的重要途径。双链DNA在多种酶的作用下可以变性解链成单链,在DNA聚合酶与启动子的参与下,根据碱基互补配对原则复制成同样的两分子拷贝。在实验中发现,DNA在高温时也可以发生变性解链,当温度降低后又可以复性成为双链。因此,通过温度变化控制DNA的变性和复性,并设计引物做启动子,加入DNA聚合酶、dNTP就可以完成特定基因的体外复制。但是,DNA聚合酶在高温时会失活,因此,每次循环都得加入新的DNA聚合酶,不仅操作烦琐,而且价格昂贵,制约了PCR技术的应用和发展。发现耐热DNA聚合同酶--Taq酶对于PCR的应用有里程碑的意义,该酶可以耐受90℃以上的高温而不失活,不需要每个循环加酶,使PCR技术变得非常简捷、同时也大大降低了成本,PCR技术得以大量应用,并逐步应用于临床。【工作原理】类似于DNA的天然复制过程,其特异性依赖于与靶序列两端互补的寡核苷酸引物。PCR由变性--退火(复性)--延伸三个基本反应步骤构成:①模板DNA的变性:模板DNA经加热至90~95℃一定时间后,使模板DNA双链或经PCR扩增形成的双链DNA解离,使之成为单链,以便它与引物结合,为下轮反应作准备。②模板DNA与引物的退火(复性):模板DNA经加热变性成单链后,温度降至50~60℃,引物与模板DNA单链的互补序列配对结合。③引物的延伸:DNA模板--引物结合物在DNA聚合酶的作用下,于70~75℃,以dNTP为反应原料,靶序列为模板,按碱基配对与半保留复制原理,合成一条新的与模板DNA链互补的半保留复制链重复循环变性--退火--延伸三过程,就可获得更多的“半保留复制链”。而且这种新链又可成为下次循环的模板。每完成一个循环需2~4分钟,2~3小时就能将待扩目的基因扩增放大几百万倍。【工作步骤】标准的PCR过程分为三步:1.DNA变性(90℃-96℃):双链DNA模板在热作用下,氢键断裂,形成单链DNA2.退火(复性)(40℃-65℃):系统温度降低,引物与DNA模板结合,形成局部双链。3.延伸(68℃-75℃):在Taq酶(在72℃左右最佳的活性)的作用下,以dNTP为原料,从引物的5′端→3′ 端延伸,合成与模板互补的DNA链。每一循环经过变性、退火和延伸,DNA含量既增加一倍。现在有些PCR因为扩增区很短,即使Taq酶活性不是最佳也能在很短的时间内复制完成,因此可以改为两步法,即退火和延伸同时在60℃-65℃间进行,以减少一次升降温过程,提高了反应速度。参考资料来源:百度百科-PCR技术


PCR技术的基本原理 类似于DNA的天然复制过程,其特异性依赖于与靶序列两端互补的寡核苷酸引物。PCR由变性--退火--延伸三个基本反应步骤构成:①模板DNA的变性:模板DNA经加热至93℃左右一定时间后,使模板DNA双链或经PCR扩增形成的双链DNA解离,使之成为单链,以便它与引物结合,为下轮反应作准备;②模板DNA与引物的退火(复性):模板DNA经加热变性成单链后,温度降至55℃左右,引物与模板DNA单链的互补序列配对结合;③引物的延伸:DNA模板--引物结合物在TaqDNA聚合酶的作用下,以dNTP为反应原料,靶序列为模板,按碱基配对与半保留复制原理,合成一条新的与模板DNA 链互补的半保留复制链重复循环变性--退火--延伸三过程,就可获得更多的“半保留复制链”,而且这种新链又可成为下次循环的模板。每完成一个循环需2~4分钟, 2~3小时就能将待扩目的基因扩增放大几百万倍











pcr 技术

program control register 程序控制暂存器



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