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1、vocabulary怎么读英语。 2、vocabulary怎么读音。 3、vocabulary怎么读音发音。 4、vocabulary怎么读语音。1.vocabulary英[v??k?bj?l?ri]美[v??k?bj?leri],n.(某学科中所使用的或某一语言的)词汇; (某人掌握或使用的)词汇量。 2. [例句]His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。


vocabulary既可以做可数名词也可做不可数名词。 a wide/limited vocabulary词汇量大/有限,就是可数名词。 The word has become part of advertising vocabulary. 这个单词已经成了广告用语。就是不可数名词。 扩展资料   vocabulary:   n.(某人掌握或使用的)词汇,词汇量;(某一语言的)词汇;(某学科中所使用的)词汇;   复数: vocabularies   例句:   Love was a word he"d erased from his vocabulary since Susan"s going.   自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提“爱情”这个词了。   Most people have a smaller vocabulary in speech than in writing.   多数人口语的词汇量比书面语少。   Many technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary.   很多技术性工作使用专业词汇。   This child commands a large vocabulary of English.   这个孩子对很多英语词汇都能运用自如。


选 B.单词vocabulary 词汇,单词




vocabulary有复数,复数是vocabularies。一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,它取单数形式,如pen,dog,tree,fact,church,kiss。如果表示两个或更多的这类东西,则需要用名词复数形式,如pens,dogs,trees,facts,churches,kisses。 复数变化规则: 1、一般情况加s。 2、以s,sh,ch,x结尾加es。 3、以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es。 4、以y结尾的专有名词或元音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s。 5、以o结尾的词部分加s,部分加es。有生命加es无生命加s。 6、有些以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe变ve加s。


名词 n.1.(某一语言的)词汇,词汇量 The basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt.一种语言的基本词汇是那些必须掌握的词语。2.(尤指外语教科书中附有释义的)词汇表 There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book.我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表。3.(某人掌握或使用的)词汇,词汇量4.(某学科中所使用的)词汇












vocabularyn.(某一语言的)词汇; (尤指外语教科书中附有释义的)词汇表双语例句1. Love was a word he"d erased from his vocabulary since Susan"s going. 自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提“爱情”这个词了。来自柯林斯例句2. His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited. 他说话很幼稚,使用的词汇有限。如有疑问,请追问!



vocabulary英文解释 vocabulary是什么意思

1、vocabulary,词汇,读音:美/v??k?bj?leri/;英/v??k?bj?l?ri/。2、释义:n.词汇;词表;词汇量。3、例句:Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.阅读能扩大词汇量。

这个英文单词用谐音怎么读 vocabulary


vocabulary是不是可数名词? 如题

不可数,vocabulary指的是词汇量,这是一个整体,不能说我有几个词汇量.只能说我有几个词,因此word可数vocabulary不可数. vocabulary n. 1.(某一语言的)词汇,词汇量2.(尤指外语教科书中附有释义的)词汇表3.(某人掌握或使用的)词汇,词汇量4.(某学科中所使用的)词汇

vocabulary and structure是什么意思

vocabulary and structure词汇和结构双语对照词典结果:vocabulary and structure词汇与结构; 例句:1.They provided vocabulary and structure to all subsequent discussions of the topic,whether it was american politics, defense policy, democratic transition, or americanidentity. 不管是涉及美国政治,国防政策,民主转型,还是国人对美国的认同感,他的文章为后来大家的讨论话题提供了丰富的词汇和理论架构

求英语作文《ways to enlarge vocabulary》万分火急 一百二以右的单词量就好

As an English learner,vocabulary lays the foundation for further study.There are several methods of enlarging vocabulary. First and formost,reading as much as you can is an effective approach for increasing vocabulary.Through extensive reading,we can form our sensitivity to language and become more familiar with a good deal of words,from which we will benefit in future reading and writing. Secondly,it is fundamental to practise writing if we want to consolidate the memory of words.Language can be mastered only by practical usage.Thus,keep on writing will be helpful for increasing vocabulary. Apart from the above mentioned methods,memory is also necessary for enlarging vocabulary.In short,we should form a good habbit of excersing and reciting as more as we can so that to enlarge vocabulary. 大概130个词,基本比较简单,如果有需要修改的地方,你再看看.

vocabulary可数吗?我们老师说不可数。但是a large vocabulary怎么解释



glossary,vocabulary误:I have been studying English for ten years,but I still have avery poor glossary.正:vocabularyglossary作“词汇表”解,特别指书后附的词汇表,在此意义上常和vocabulary换用,但vocabulary还可以表示“某人知道的词汇量”:His vocabulary is limited.




vocabulary是指词汇或词汇量,要广义点。1.He commands a large vocabulary.他掌握大量词汇。2.His English vocabulary is limited.他的英语辞汇极有限。3.Your Latin vocabulary is good.你拉丁文的词汇量不错。4.He has a very large vocabulary.他的词汇量很丰富。word是指单词,要狭义点。1.What does this word mean?这个词是什么意思?2.new words 新单词.

lexical和vocabulary 的区别

The main difference between lexicon and vocabulary is that the lexicon refers to the list of words along with its related knowledge on their linguistic significance and usage etc. while the vocabulary merely means the list of words a person knows of a particular language. Linguistics is the study of the evolution and the science of language.lexicon和vocabulary的主要区别在于,lexicon是指“单词表”及其语言学含义和用法等方面的相关知识,而vocabulary仅表示某种语言的“单词表”。语言学是研究语言的进化和科学。简单说lexicon包括了vocabulary的词汇部分的含义。


1.envelope (信封) 2.Stamp (印章) 3.Stamp (邮票) 4.Parcel (包裹) 5.postcard (明信片) 6.Scales (磅) 7.bag (for postman carring letters) 袋 8.post Box (for ppl mail letters) 邮筒 - 用作市民寄信用 9.Post Box (rent for one"s or pany to correcting all letters ) (邮箱 - 租予市民人作收邮件用) 10.Service desk (服务台) 11.handcart (手推车) 12.Water stand (for one"s who paste stamp on envelope) (水座-作市民贴邮票用) 13.Pen stnad (笔) 14.Poster (on wall ) 海布 15.wall clock 钟 16.stand (for people queue up purpose) (座 - 用作控制市民排队用) 17.stamp selling machine (邮票售价机) 18.Boxes( for sorting all letters that would sent in difference zone) (分件箱) 19.Gule stand (胶水座) 20. Chair (椅子) 参考: My friend is a postman What does it mean of external envelope ? 1)LIGHT光 2)postage邮票 3)people人 4)postal remittance邮汇 5)a stamp machine邮票自动出售机 6)a mailbag邮袋 7)mail advertising邮寄广告宣传品 8)a mailing list邮寄名单 9) a money order邮政汇票 10)Postmaster General邮政部长 11)a postal clerk邮政人员 12)a postal kiosk邮亭 13)a postal parcel邮包 14)a mail-order house邮购商店 15)postal number邮件编码号 16)a post office邮局 17)a stamp邮票2 18)money钱 19)postbox邮箱 20)postman邮差 参考: 自己 好辛若想的...投我la~pls


word指的是单独的单词。 例: I couldn‘t hear the words you said just now.(我听不到你刚刚说的啥);vocabulary 指的是词汇,比如:四级词汇, vocabulary of CET 4.



vocabulary bank是什么意思

vocabulary bank词库




vocabulary[vE5kAbjJlErI; (?@) -lerI]n.-ries词汇He has a very large vocabulary.他的词汇量很丰富。专业用语;专业词汇词汇表The vocabulary used in the course book is printed at the back.这本教科书里要使用的词汇表印在书后。(= vocab)


vocabulary的用法和解析   “vocabulary”这个单词大家知道怎么运用吗?下面是我为大家整理了vocabulary的用法和解析,希望能帮到大家!    一、详细释义:    n.    (语言、个人、行业或知识领域等所使用的)词汇(量)[C]    例句:   He commands a large vocabulary.   他掌握了大量的词汇。    例句:   Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.   博览群书会增加你的词汇量。    (外语教科书等书后通常按词序排列并注释义的)词汇表,词汇汇编 [C]    例句:   You can look up this word in the vocabulary   你可以在词汇表里查这个词。    例句:   This is a good word for English learners to add to their vocabulary.   这个词对于英语学习者来说是个应该加进词汇表中的有用的词。    词汇 [C]    例句:   Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of the chapter.   做这一章末尾的词汇练习。    二、词义辨析:    word,vocabulary,language,term,lexicon   这些名词均有“文字,词,语言”之意。 word普通用词,指语言的最小单位的单词、字,也可指话、整句话或一段话。 vocabulary集合名词,指词汇、语汇或词汇量。 language普通用词,指国家、民族或种族内部使用,已经系统化的语言。 term指有特定意义的词,词语或术语。 lexicon指某种语言、某人或某一知识领域的全部词汇。    三、参考例句:   He has an extensive vocabulary.   他词汇很丰富。   He commands a large vocabulary.   他掌握了大量的词汇。   He has a large vocabulary in English.   他的"英语词汇量很大。   Teachers were impressed by his vocabulary.   Use Correct grammar, vocabulary and punctuation.   使用Correct(正确)的语法,词汇和标点符号。   You can look up this word in the vocabulary   你可以在词汇表里查这个词。   Vocabulary flashcards can help you quickly remember new words.   单词抽认卡可以帮助你快速记忆生词。   The lexicographer knew that the English vocabulary is always changing.   字典编纂者知道英语词汇总是在不断变化的。   She has a large English vocabulary at command.   她能灵活运用掌握的大量英语词汇。   His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.   他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。 ;


  vocabulary通常用作名词,有 词汇;词汇量 的意思。那么你知道vocabulary是否可数名词吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    vocabulary词语用法:   既可以做可数名词也可做不可数名词,如:   1、a wide/limited vocabulary词汇量大/有限,就是可数名词。   2、The word has become part of advertising vocabulary. 这个单词已经成了 广告 用语。就是不可数名词。    vocabulary英语例句:   1. Love was a word he"d erased from his vocabulary since Susan"s going.   自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提“爱情”这个词了。   2. His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.   他说话很幼稚,使用的词汇有限。   3. His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.   他的词汇丰富,语法也很精通。   4. Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism.   他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。   5. There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book.   我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表.   6. The teacher tied in what he said with the vocabulary in the previous lesson.   老师把他所讲的同前一课中的词汇联系起来.   7. The basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt.   一种语言的基本词汇即必须掌握的词语.   8. This book is intended to enlarge vocabulary.   这本书的目的是为了扩大词汇量。   9. The vocation advocate found the word "vocal" and "reciprocal" not in thevocabulary.   职业倡导者发现“嗓音的”和“交互的”两词不在词汇表中。   10. My passive vocabulary in Spanish would not be up to the task.   我的西班牙词汇不够用,因此难以胜任. ”   11. There are differences between British and American English in spelling andvocabulary.   英国英语与美语在拼写和单词使用上也有不同.   12. Dictionaries are often unhelpful for language - learners because the definingvocabulary is unknown.   据称COBUILD使用的是“普通日常英语”,但当然不是“简易英语”.   13. Other imitations of this type are to be found in Italian vocabulary.   在意大利词汇中也可以见到这类仿造词.   14. He has a vocabulary of only a few hundred words.   他掌握的词汇只有几百个字.   15. For the practical aim, you should increase your vocabulary.   为了实用目的, 你应该增加你的词汇.


既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,1.当(某人掌握或使用的)词汇、词汇量讲时,既是可数可数也是不可数 eg:to have a wide vocabulary 2.(某一语言的)词汇、词汇量时,是可数名词,eg:When did the word "great"enter into the vocabulary? 3.当表示词汇表的意思时,既是可数名词也是不可数名词 一般我们用这个词时,复数 形式用得较少. 这些是我在牛津字典查的,应该没错




既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,1.当(某人掌握或使用的)词汇、词汇量讲时,既是可数可数也是不可数eg:to have a wide vocabulary2.(某一语言的)词汇、词汇量时,是可数名词,eg:When did the word "great"enter into ...


1. 词汇;语汇;用词范围[C][U]2. 单词集;词典[C]


既可以做可数名词也可做不可数名词, 如:1、a wide/limited vocabulary词汇量大/有限,就是可数名词。2、The word has become part of advertising vocabulary. 这个单词已经成了广告用语。就是不可数名词。

词语区别2 vocabulary,word 请不要从字典上抄来,要简明扼要.



名词 n.1.(某一语言的)词汇,词汇量 The basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt.一种语言的基本词汇是那些必须掌握的词语。2.(尤指外语教科书中附有释义的)词汇表 There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book.我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表。3.(某人掌握或使用的)词汇,词汇量4.(某学科中所使用的)词汇





havoc in heaven什么意思

大闹天宫 这个是直译

havoc in heaven是什么意思


passive vocabulary是什么意思

就是 被动词汇 的意思

passive vocabulary是什么意思

passive vocabulary 被动词汇网络释义 专业释义 被动词汇 消极词汇 被动字词 动词汇柯林斯英汉双解大词典passive vocabulary1.N all the words, collectively, that a person can understand 全部能理解的词 →compare active vocabulary双语例句1.The results show that passive vocabulary size progresses very well at the earlystages of learning, but not at the later stage; 跟读分析,得出以下结果:三个年级的被动词汇在不同的学习阶段都有不同程度的增长,但不是直线。

self-advocacy 什么意思

self-advocacy 自我宣传

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Mina Alla Bussola Dal VivoLA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.http://music.baidu.com/song/8109100

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Del Mio Meglio BoxsetLA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.http://music.baidu.com/song/8165166

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Canzonissima 1968LA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.http://music.baidu.com/song/8108983

La Voce Del Silenzio 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:The Best Of Andrea Bocelli - "Vivere"LA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.http://music.baidu.com/song/7378871

La Voce Del Silenzio 歌词

歌名:La Voce Del Silenzio歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:La Voce Del Silenzio地区:欧美LA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.


您好,SVC 和 SVOC 中的 Complement 在汉语译为(补足语)。所以1)SVC 中的 C 通常是(主语补足语)2)SVOC 中的 C 通常是(宾语补足语)而补足语又可以是很多种,可以是名词、形容词,不定式短语,非谓语动词等单词或是结构。



求东方Vocal BGM-Phantom Liberation歌词罗马音

去日语吧问下~哪里有TH fan的

vocational and technical college怎么缩写



一个是职业型大学,一个是学术型大学。职业技术学院 (Vocational Technical and Career College)顾名思义,这些学院是为了培养某些具有特殊职业技能的人才而建立的。比如烹饪、消防、牙医助理、医疗档案管理等等。这些学校可以授予证书和副学士学位。课程设置实用性非常强,以就业为导向。很多美国人选择就读这类院校。在中国学生都在拼命追求排名名校的同时,美国人在职业技术学院里更多体现的是一种接地气的生存状态。综合性研究型大学(University)综合型研究型大学顾名思义,最大、最多、最综合。他们一般提供更多的专业选择和学位阶段,包括本科、硕士和博士。专业设置一般都会划分为不同的学员,比如工、商、文理、艺术、管理学院等等。他们的主要目的是引领全美各个学科的研究方向,完成普通本科生高等教育教学工作并给与职业指导,培养各学科领域的硕博研究生高级人才,为未来学术研究作人才智力储备。

Professional College和Vocational College的区别

  A vocational school (or trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. Traditionally, vocational schools have not existed to further education in the sense of liberal arts, but rather to teach only job-specific skills, and as such have been better considered to be institutions devoted to training, not education.

外国college和vocational college的区别

你好,根据您的描述,出题者应该是想让您分别讨论Vocational college和University的区别,也就是技校与普通大学的区别。College单独有附属学院的意思,可以是某所大学的学院,当然也有技术学院的意思。如果您当时讲college的时候是按照技校的概念去写的话,应该不会判跑题。



什么是鼓吹性新闻学Advocacy Journalism?

Advocacy journalism is a genre of journalism that intentionally and transparently adopts a baised viewpoint, usually for some social or political purpose. Because it is intended to be factual, it is distinguished from propaganda. It is also distinct from instances of media bias and failures of objectivity in media outlets, which attempt to be—or which present themselves as—objective or neutral.[citation needed]Traditionally, advocacy and criticism are restricted to editorial and op-ed pages, which are clearly distinguished in the publication and in the organization"s internal structure. News reports are intended to be objective and unbiased. In contrast, advocacy journalists have an opinion about the story they are writing. For example, that political corruption should be punished, that more environmentally friendly practices should be adopted by consumers, or that a government policy will be harmful to business interests and should not be adopted. This may be evident in small ways, such as tone or facial expression, or large ways, such as the selection of facts and opinions presented.[citation needed]Some advocacy journalists reject that the traditional ideal of objectivity is possible in practice, either generally, or due to the presence of corporate sponsors in advertising. Some feel that the public interest is better served by a diversity of media outlets with a variety of transparent points of view, or that advocacy journalism serves a similar role to muckrakers or whistleblowers.


是歌词吧,我也喜欢女高怪谈,大爱啊…这首歌的发声和歌词…这有点象拼音和英语,看不懂我帮你分一下吧。[开头]Te quie ro a un. que yo de.sa pa rez.ca se so lo tu pue .des ser fe liz Yo con. mis la gri mas te pue.do bo rrar si pue do.Si so lo tu eres fe liz .高潮Por que eres mis can ci on es[可以发音为as].Yo can to can to por ti .Por que eres mis can cion es Yo can tocan to . so lo ti que eres .[结尾]Te quie ro aun.que yo de sa par ez.ca Se solo tu pue des ser fe liz Yo con .mis la gri mas te pue.do bor rar si pue do.Si so lo tu eres .fe liz 有点乱,手机打的,请采纳。


ROMANCE(爱的罗曼史) Te quiero aunque yo desaparezca Se solo tu puedes ser feliz Yo con mis lagrimas te puedo borrar,si puedo Si solo tu eres feliz Porque eres mis canciones Yo canto,canto por ti Porque eres mis canciones Yo canto,canto por solo ti Te quiero aunque yo desaparezca Se solo tu puedes ser feliz Yo con mis lagrimas te puedo borrar,si puedo Si solo tu eres feliz 歌词中文大意: 哪怕我会消失,我也依然爱你 我知道只有你能够幸福 只要我能够,我会用我的眼泪把你擦去, 如果你是幸福的 因为你是我的唯一呵(转义,愿意是歌曲) 我歌唱,歌唱只为你 因为你是我的唯一呵 我歌唱,歌唱只为了你 哪怕我会消失,我也依然爱你 我知道只有你能够幸福 只要我能够,我会用我的眼泪把你擦去, 如果你是幸福的 由于原网址不能复制 所以偶是一个一个转打过来的啊。。。。好辛苦的。。。。一定要给偶分哦!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 偶也超喜欢看女高! 原网址:http://bbs.nanpufood.com.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=87&ID=1732&page=2 试听速度快的网址:http://space.koook.com/song617921.html不好意思 这三天被管理员莫名其妙地封号了!这个歌词没有错的!第二遍是重复了第一段的!我修改了一下~你看看吧!


韩国电影《女高怪谈4声音》ROMANCE(Vocal)的歌词 原版 ROMANCE(爱的罗曼史) 现在找到说是西班牙语 Te quiero aunque yo desaparezca Se solo tu puedes ser feliz Yo con mis lagrimas te puedo borrar,si puedo Si solo tu eres feliz Porque eres mis canciones Yo canto,canto por ti Porque eres mis canciones Yo canto,canto por solo ti Te quiero aunque yo desaparezca Se solo tu puedes ser feliz Yo con mis lagrimas te puedo borrar,si puedo Si solo tu eres feliz 歌词中文大意: 哪怕我会消失,我也依然爱你 我知道只有你能够幸福 只要我能够,我会用我的眼泪把你擦去, 如果你是幸福的 因为你是我的唯一呵(转义,愿意是歌曲) 我歌唱,歌唱只为你 因为你是我的唯一呵 我歌唱,歌唱只为了你 哪怕我会消失,我也依然爱你 我知道只有你能够幸福 只要我能够,我会用我的眼泪把你擦去, 如果你是幸福的

Broken Hallelujah (Medium Key Performance Track With Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Hallelujah (Medium Key Performance Track With Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Broken HallelujahMandisa - Broken HallelujahWith my love and my sadnessI come before You LordMy heart"s in a thousand piecesMaybe even moreYet I trust in this momentYou"re with me somehowAnd You"ve always been faithfulSo Lord even nowWhen all that I can singIs a broken hallelujahWhen my only offeringIs shattered praiseStill a song of adorationWill rise up from these ruinsI will worship You and give You thanksEven when my only praiseIs a broken hallelujahOh Father, You have givenMuch more than I deserveAnd I have felt Your hand of blessingOn me at every turnHow could I doubt Your goodnessYour wisdom, Your graceSo Lord hear my heartIn this painful placeHallelujahI lift my voiceYour Spirit movesI raise my handsI reach for Youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2832572

He Is With You (Performance Track In Key Of Ab Without Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:He Is With You (Performance Track In Key Of Ab Without Background Vocals)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: He Is With YouMandisa - He Is With YouThere"s a time to liveAnd a time to dieThere"s a time to laughAnd a time to cryThere"s a time for warAnd a time for peaceThere"s a hand to holdIn the worst of theseHe is with you when your faith is deadAnd you can"t even get out of bedOr your husband doesn"t kiss you anymoreHe is with you when your baby"s goneAnd your house is still, and your heart"s a stoneCryin" God, what"d You do that forHe is with youThere"s a time for yesAnd a time for noThere"s a time to be angryAnd a time to let it goThere is a time to runAnd a time to face itThere is love to see youThrough all of thisHe is with you in the conference roomWhen the world is coming down on youAnd your wife and kids don"t know you anymoreHe is with you in the ICUWhen the doctors don"t know what to doAnd it scares you to the coreHe is with youWe may weep for a timeBut joy will come in the morningThe morning lightHe is with you when your kids are grownWhen there"s too much space and you feel aloneAnd you"re worried if you got it right or wrongYes He is with you when you"ve given upOn ever finding your true loveSomeone who feels like homeHe is with youWhen nothing else is leftAnd you take your final breathHe is with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2832810


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