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英译汉 化学

3.1溶剂反溶解的物产要求 The溶剂和反溶剂应该是液体的在操作条件。 因此在沸点(T b)和熔点的限制(T m)被强加给被设计的溶剂和反溶剂。 溶剂应该有非常异丁苯丙酸的高可溶性。 通常有的溶剂可溶性接近那的参量(?)价值溶质有溶质的高可溶性。 异丁苯丙酸的估计的可溶性参量是19 MPA被设计的溶剂应该有可溶性参数值近19被设计的MPA 1/2.The溶剂应该能生产equant形状的水晶的1/2.Hence。 为掩护的目的,在氢接合可溶性参量的一个限制( 强加H??)溶剂。 被设计的反溶剂应该有异丁苯丙酸的低可溶性。 在可溶性参量的一个限制照料此。 溶剂和反溶剂应该是完全地混溶性的在整体构成范围。 混合物应该有溶质的高可溶性在溶解和低可溶性的更高的构成溶质的在反溶剂的更高的构成,以便出产量高。 使用小组贡献方法,各种各样的物产估计。


百度一下 好文章300 文摘酷 有你想要的。

翻译 求高手英译汉 。。


英译汉文章翻译 谢谢了

这个房子是为了想把家建造在农场旁边的客户设计的。总占地有1.25英亩,坐落在北以色列的田园地带。它的设计结合了当地建筑的实用主义风格和乡村特色的建筑结构。灵感被运用,转化到了这栋房子的布局用料以及外观上。房子一共被分为三个平行的部分,私人区,半私人区和公共区。这样做使得当后院和周围的场景被扩展成为公共空间时,一块主要的生活区有可能受到北方的光。南方的私人区域被很好的用复杂设计的墙保护了隐私。在公共区和半公共区之间有一度厚墙,那里设有 空调系统,贮藏室,洗手间等。线形的天窗结构性地分割了房子,也照亮了交错的栋梁式建筑结构。中心那道复杂的墙上的梁用来做生活区线形屋顶的悬臂。这使得北面建筑的玻璃外表不需要柱子支撑。环形的外部线条影响了内部的设计,在私人区的客厅里创造出一条供以休息的长凳和窗户与墙上独一无二的线条。超出房子的复杂的线(可能是通道一类的设计)使得外部的早餐区可以概览农场。公共区和私人区之间的区域提供了隐蔽的“公众之外地区”,也是房子入口的中心线。累死我了。

英译汉The view that you should never spend more than


英译汉:Just like an emotion stays firmly in your mind ,what you are studying stays there too


Starlight---Neverest 求中文歌词翻译,不要英译汉那种翻译的



总统 clinton 了解-当我们全部一定-那今天的经济是全球的。我们住在一个时代在哪一个数据、货物和首都在地球的周围加速。 每个小时,每 day.whether ,我们喜欢它,我们的全部财富一起系,我们真正相互依赖。 因为我们基本上相信贸易将会使接受它的训练的那些国家富足,所以美国支援剩菜国际的贸易。贸易的棒诺言是促进相互的繁荣它的潜能-而且加强在有主权的国家之间的束缚。 大部份国家的尽管经济的研究,年轻人被使那信服爬出后退。他们只将会得到 spleading 繁荣的极小部份-或全然的无。 他们是感到幻灭的世代、 20 多岁的人和想知道的 30 岁出头,不论什么发生在美国梦上了。 过去,它几乎是一个国家的生得权期待跟一个父母比起来住得更好-拥有一比较大的在家,为休闲追求驾驶一辆爱好者汽车而且有较多的钱。 然而今天,为许多年轻的成人,超过梦已经变成一个时尚斋戒的海市蜃楼。


turn on the light 关上灯 的意思

翻译 英译汉 翻后再加分 alere为公司名

抑郁 Alere的萧条方案提供支持个人的抑郁症,经常抑郁症和抑郁型精神病,双相情感障碍躁狂发作,精神分裂症,精神病和类似条件的除外。经鉴定,评估计划资格,报名时使用Whooley问卷。与会者同意报名,然后由注册护士使用警察总部,9大萧条程序进一步分层,AI九症状抑郁症抑郁症严重程度的检查清单。高和中等风险的成员收到预定的电话呼叫和低风险的成员只接受教育。类似的以Alere,AOS MSP的程序,成员或雇员,就可以毕业从大萧条的程序,一旦他们被授权负责他们的抑郁症,并按照他们的治疗计划。 数据驱动的干预措施 AOS方案的Alere的核心,是一个严格的,持续的识别过程,其中包括预测模型,索赔的分析,利用管理资源,耳鼻喉科,和自我转介。这使得计划的参与者将从事一项有意义的经历,是单独为中心,采用多技术模式,包括共同护理(医生和案例)管理与数据驱动的支持,。 Alere利用Pro的影响,领先的预测建模中的应用,结合专有的危险分层标准,分成不同的风险类别小组成员疾病管理。成员将确定和分层,按月捕捉及时的风险水平的变化。我们的预测模型和病人分层方法的关键优势是,我们纳入我们的预测建模过程中的多个数据源。各位成员都是分层不仅风险评分的基础上利用他们的医疗报销数据标记,也是基于病人,AOS impactibility和医疗信息方面的差距。 Alere也有能力预测建模过程中添加到HRA数据。 Alere的综合卫生管理制度,阿波罗,集成各种数据源,包括(不限于):数据的资格,医疗报销,药店索赔,实验室,健康风险评估,每天住院,直接转介,和生物识别/远程监控数据。 Thro UGH我们全面的预测建模和识别方法,我们能够更好地以最适当的干预战略目标的具体成员。临床预先确定的层次结构定义的服务和他们应交付的顺序。例如,利用数据上传到Alere的临床系统提供护理经理后出院的参与者与后续的信息。 无限呼入电话 最低的三个预定出境干预每年调用 24 / 7护士为DM参与者线路接入 通过邮件的参与者和向医生CareAlerts朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音





domestic 英译汉



But the fate of the European Union itselfwell be very different .The creation of the single currency—obeying the law ofunintended consequences—set in motion a powerful process of Europeandisintegration .The fact that not all 27 EU members joined the monetary unionwas its first manifestation .Today we have a two-tier system ,with 17member-states sharing the euro, but 10 other states—notably Britain—retaining theirown currencies.但命运欧盟本身是非常不同的。创建单一货币服从意想不到的后果的法律建立一个强大的欧洲解体的过程。事实上并不是所有27个欧盟成员国加入货币联盟的第一次表现。今天我们有一个双层的系统,拥有17个成员国共享欧元,但其他10个国家尤其是英国保留自己的货币.The result is that key decisions today—particularlythose about the scale of transfers from core nations to the periphery—are beingmade by the 17, not the 27.But the 10 non-euro members may still find themselveson the hook to help fund whatever combination of bailout, haircut and bankrecapitalization the 17 decide on. They may also face more stringent financialregulation or a financial transaction tax, ideas that are much more popular inBerlin than in London.结果是,关键的今天尤其是那些关于从核心国家转移到周边规模的17,不是27,而是10个非欧元区成员国仍然受制于资助任何组合的救市,发型和银行注资17决定。他们也可能面临更严格的金融监管或金融交易税,这一观点在柏林比伦敦更为流行。This is an unsustainable imbalance. If theeuro countries are intent on going down the road to federalism—and they don"thave a better alternative—the non-euro countries will face a stark choice: givingup monetary sovereignty or accepting the role of second-class citizens withinthe EU.这是一个不可持续的失衡。如果欧元区国家在走向联邦制道路的意图,他们没有更好的选择,非欧元区国家将面临一个选择:放弃货币主权或接受二等公民的角色在欧盟。Under these circumstances, the logic ofcontinued British membership in the EU looks less and less persuasive. Britishpublic opinion has long been deeply Euro-skeptic. If it came to a referendum, asmany Conservatives would like, Britons might well vote to leave the EU. And underArticle 50 of the Treaty of European Union ,withdrawal would simply need to beapproved by a qualified majority of EU members.在这种情况下,继续英国的欧盟成员国的逻辑看起来越来越不太有说服力。英国舆论一直深受欧洲怀疑论。如果它是一次全民投票,因为许多保守党人会喜欢,英国人可能会投票给欧盟。而根据欧盟条约50条的规定,欧盟成员国必须通过一个合格的欧盟成员国的批准,这一退出将很简单。


(1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.   我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利-准确-恰当.   (2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.   寻找学伴一起练习口语.英语角是个不错的地方,在那我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣.   (3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少,那么也没有关系,有很多种方法可以自己练习口语.比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境.可以对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情. (4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.   *这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.首先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步. 请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物,且应大量做,只做一两篇效果是不明显的.开始可能较慢,费时较多,但请坚持,整体上这是一个加速的过程. 高级阶段请计时练习,以加快反应速度和口语流利度.   *作为成人学英语,记忆力差是个拦路虎,作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心,或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难,那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题::先学习英文课文,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文, 把汉语译文口译回英文. 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译(语)练习,可谓一石双鸟!   *这样作的好处:   1.自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.   2.始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.   3.题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.   4.选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.   5.有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.   6.对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.   7.经过大量的练习,你会有这样的感觉:没有什么东西你不能翻译,你的翻译水平大大加强了,你的口语表达力大大提高了!   (5).Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.   听译法-角色互换:三人一组,模拟翻译实战.一人将汉语,一人将英语,扮演老外,一人作翻译.练习一段时间后互换角色.这是一种非常好的翻译训练方法,也是很好的相互学习,取长补短的方法.而且可大大提高反应速度和能力.此法的高级阶段为同声传译,我们可以在听广播或看电视或开会时,把所听内容口译英文.   (6).Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.   口语作文和3分钟训练法:此法适用于强化训练.找好一个题目作一分钟的口语作文,同时将其录音.听录音,找出不足和错误,就此题目再作两分钟的的口语作文,同样录音,再听并找出不足与进步,继续作三分钟口语作文.这是高级口语训练,效果不俗.   (7).Retelling exercise: Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.   复述练习:最简单也是最有效的口语学习方法.从治本上攻克英文的方法,特别适合初学者和中级学者,用自己的话背颂所听的英语故事或文章短文,应该大量地练习.   (8).If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.   如果可能我们也可以大声且快速朗读英文绕口令(就象相声演员练嘴),还可以同时口中含块糖以加大强化训练的力度.这样来强我们的口腔肌肉迅速适应英文发音,使我们的口语相当流利,清晰,而且还有自信.例如:   ☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.   ☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin;   This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.   (9).Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.   特别注意短语(词组)和小词的运用,中国式的英语尤其是口语一个很大的缺点就是中国学生喜欢用大词,而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小,活泼,生动的短语,富有生气.而这些短语大部分有小词构成.   (10) Thinking in English.英语思维的培养。   1. 大量根据图片来了解生词的含义,故事的情节.这是少儿英语中常用的方法,也试用于成人.   2. 习惯于使用英-英字典而不是英-汉字典会起相当重要的作用.   3. 加强听力训练,尤其是听用英语解释英语的课程讲解.   4. 如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话, 就尝试一下自我封闭语言环境的创造与训练.如:强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话,全部用英语表达.只要你能坚持一周,效果就相当明显,而无论你所表达的英语有多糟!.   (11).Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.   口语虽自有特色,但与英语的其它方面紧密相连.比如,经常练习写作,可使口语精密,准确.


严重抑郁的人认为自己处于非常不利的方式。他相信,他是单独和绝望。他经常指责自己的普通错误和缺点,他夸大。他非常沮丧的自己,面向世界,和他的未来。他不再感兴趣,正在发生的事情在他周围,并没有得到满意的事情,他用来享受。疲劳和清晨失眠现象相当普遍。抑郁的人可能想睡觉更比平常多。他可能会失去他的食欲和减肥,或者吃超过正常,体重增加。另一个特别的迹象,看到的妇女,正在哭泣。许多这些规定是短期和共同点。 Depressives分享的感觉是他们失去了一些很重要的人,但往往这不是真的如此。从感觉丧失,抑郁的人,以虚假的进步思想,他是一个失败者,将永远是一个失败者,他必须是毫无价值的,也许不适合居住。他甚至企图自杀。 因此,许多人非常沮丧自杀未遂的抑郁症患病可能被视为唯一的致命的精神疾病。并非所有的那些患有抑郁症的疾病做自杀未遂。但关系是惊人的。据估计,有多达百分之七十五的人谁企图自杀是严重的抑郁症。其他的研究表明,人的住院治疗抑郁症的约36倍更有可能自杀,比非抑郁的人。最大的风险发生期间或之后立即住院治疗。 40岁以后的可能性,自杀增加非常沮丧的人。几乎两倍,许多妇女与男子患有抑郁症的疾病。几乎两倍,许多妇女与男子企图自杀,但3倍以上的男性比女性成功。 61 。 Depressives分享的感觉是they______ 。 字母a.已失宠湾成长岁 角已经失去的东西D.必须的东西 62 。抑郁症的疾病可被视为唯一的精神illness_____ 。 A.哪些是致命湾哪些令人费解 角哪些是不治之症D.可悲的是哪 63 。人民谁企图自杀, _____ 。 字母a.只有一小部分患有抑郁症 湾近一半患有抑郁症 角最患有抑郁症 D.没有遭受抑郁症 64 。最大的风险发生的自杀____ 。 字母a.只是圣诞节后湾在金融危机期间 角住院后,住院前D. 65 。统计显示that______ 。 A.了解更多的男性比女性自杀 B.儿童爱谁是永远不会萧条 角没有男性和女性自杀 D.抑郁症的疾病最明显的是在男子



[VOA英译汉-双语][35]John Kennedy: Young 约翰·肯尼迪:年轻

VOA Learning English presents America"s Presidents. 美国之音慢速英语介绍美国总统栏目。 Today we are talking about John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was also known as Jack Kennedy, or by the letters JFK. 今天,我们来谈论约翰·菲茨杰尔德·肯尼迪。他也被称作杰克·肯尼迪,或名字首字母JFK。 When he took office in 1961, Kennedy was 43 years old. He was the youngest elected president in United States" history. 1961年就任总统时,肯尼迪年仅43岁。他是美国历史上最年轻的当选为总统的人。 Kennedy was also the first Catholic to be elected U.S. president. 肯尼迪也是第一位罗马天主教徒的美国总统。 Kennedy"s youth and religion raised questions in the minds of some Americans that Kennedy could lead the country. They wondered if he would always follow the policies of the Roman Catholic Church . 肯尼迪的年轻和信仰让一些美国人不禁产生了他是否能够领导美国的疑问。他们怀疑肯尼迪会一直遵循 罗马天主教会 的政策。 But Kennedy became well-known as a statesman, and popular with people around the world. He was intelligent, funny and good-looking. For many, Kennedy was a sign of new energy and hope. 但肯尼迪成为了一名著名的政治家,并受到全世界人民的欢迎。他富有智慧,有趣并且英俊。对许多人而言,肯尼迪意味着新能量和希望。 The public was shocked, then, when the president"s term was violently cut short. 然而,公众对于这位总统的职业生涯被暴力打断而感到震惊。 John F. Kennedy was born in 1917 near Boston, Massachusetts. He was the second of nine children. 约翰·F·肯尼迪1917年出生于马萨诸塞州的波士顿附近。他在九个孩子当中排行老二。 Both his parents were Catholic, with ancestors from Ireland. Many years ago, Irish Catholics often faced discrimination in the United States. But the Kennedy family was also politically powerful and wealthy. 他的父母都是天主教徒,祖先来自爱尔兰。很多年前,爱尔兰天主教徒在美国经常受到歧视。但肯尼迪家族在政治上非常有影响力并且很富有。 As a result, young Jack Kennedy grew up in big, beautiful houses and received a top quality education. His family did not suffer during the Great Depression, as many Americans had. Instead, the Kennedy children swam, sailed boats and played sports. 因此,年轻的杰克·肯尼迪是在宽敞漂亮的房子里长大,并且接受最顶尖的教育。美国经济大萧条时期,很多美国人受到了影响,但肯尼迪家族却没有。相反,肯尼迪的孩子们照常游泳,划船和进行体育运动。 Jack also enjoyed reading books and following the news. His older brother Joe wanted to enter politics, but Jack said he might become a teacher or writer. When he was a college student at Harvard, Jack wrote a long paper about Britain in the years leading up to World War II. A version of it was published in 1940 as a book . 杰克还沉迷于阅读以及追踪新闻。他的哥哥约瑟夫想要进入政坛,但杰克说他想要成为教师或作家。杰克在哈佛期间写了关于英国在二战前期的长篇论文。这篇论文的一个版本在1940年出版成书。 The war changed Jack"s thinking about his future plans. During World War II, both Jack and his older brother joined the U.S. Navy. In the Pacific, Jack became a hero. He won medals for leading some of his troops to safety after a Japanese warship struck a boat they were on. 战争改变了杰克的未来规划。二战期间,杰克和他的哥哥都参加了美国海军。杰克在太平洋成为了英雄。一艘日本军舰撞上了他们的船,他带领部队脱险,因此获得了一枚勋章。 But Joe was killed. In 1944, his airplane exploded over Europe. 但他的哥哥约瑟夫牺牲了。1944年,他的飞机在欧洲坠毁。 When the war ended, Jack"s father urged him to follow his brother"s dream of succeeding in politics. Jack agreed, and he set his sights on becoming the country"s first Catholic president. 战争结束后,杰克的父亲催促他去完成他哥哥在政治上的遗愿。杰克同意了,并将目标瞄准在美国第一位天主教徒总统。 Kennedy was nominated as the Democratic Party"s candidate, and he was elected in 1960. 肯尼迪被提名为民主党总统候选人,并于1960年当选为总统。 He easily defeated Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, in the Electoral College. But Kennedy won only narrowly in the popular vote. 他在选举团的投票中,轻松击败了共和党候选人、副总统理查德·尼克松。但在普选中肯尼迪只稍微赢了一点点。 Though he was young, Kennedy brought experience to the job. In addition to being a naval officer, Kennedy had been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives as well as a senator from Massachusetts. 尽管肯尼迪年轻,但当总统前还是积累了不少经验。肯尼迪除了当过海军军官,还当过众议员以及马萨诸塞州的参议员。 He also published a Pulitzer Prize-winning book called “Profiles in Courage.” 他还出版了一本获得普利策奖的书,叫作《 肯尼迪:信仰在风中飘扬 》 And he had become a husband and father. He married a wealthy, well-educated woman who had been working as a newspaper photographer. Her name was Jacqueline Bouvier , but she was sometimes called Jackie. 他是一位丈夫和父亲。他娶了一位富有、受过良好教育的报社摄影师,她的名字叫杰奎琳·鲍维尔,但有时人们称她为杰基。 She became pregnant five times, but only two of her children would survive: a daughter named Caroline, and a son, John F. Kennedy, Junior. 她怀孕了五次,但只有两个孩子活了下来:一个女儿卡罗琳,一个儿子小约翰·F·肯尼迪。 The family of four moved into the White House in January 1961. On the day he was sworn-in, Kennedy gave a speech that many people still remember today. It celebrated the “new generation of Americans,” and promised to “pay any price” for liberty. 1961年1月,这个四口之家搬到了白宫。肯尼迪宣誓当天,发表了一篇至今让人们记忆犹新的演讲。他宣告了“新一代美国人”的到来,并承诺不惜任何代价来捍卫自由。 Supporters of the new president loved his energy and sense of hope. In his most famous line, Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” 这位新任总统的支持者喜欢他的活力和希望。肯尼迪最著名的一句话是:“不要问国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为国家做什么。” Many young people remembered that line when they volunteered for a program Kennedy created in 1961: the Peace Corps. 许多年轻人在自愿参加肯尼迪1961年创建的“ 和平队 ”项目时,还记得这句话。 Other Americans remembered the line when they watched two Apollo 11 astronauts walk on the moon in 1969. Kennedy strongly supported the country"s space program. He promised that Americans would land on the moon by the end of the 1960s, and they did. 1969年,当其他美国人看到两位阿波罗11号宇航员登上月球时,他们想到了这句话。肯尼迪非常支持美国太空项目。他承诺美国人会在20世纪60年代末登上月球,他们做到了。 Kennedy also supported efforts to improve civil rights across the U.S., although his administration moved slowly. Calls to end legalized racism were growing stronger during Kennedy"s time in office, particularly because of the leadership of Martin Luther King, Junior . 尽管肯尼迪政府行动缓慢,但肯尼迪还是支持改善美国的公民权利。肯尼迪执政期间,呼吁废除种族歧视合法化的声音越来越强,尤其是因为马丁·路德·金的领导。 In June of 1963, King spoke to hundreds of thousands of people at a civil rights protest called the March on Washington. He told the crowd that he dreamed “my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content [1] of their character.” 1963年6月,马丁·路德·金在一个名为“华盛顿大游行”的民权抗议活动中对数十万人发表了讲话。他对群众说,他梦想“我的四个孩子将来有一天能够生活在一个不以肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评价的国家。” The March on Washington, among other events, showed the power of the civil rights movement. In late 1963, President Kennedy sent a civil rights bill to Congress and spoke to Americans about the injustice that remained in the country. 夹杂在其他事件中的“华盛顿大游行”显示了民权运动的力量。1963年末,肯尼迪总统向国会递交了一项民权法案,并向美国人民讲述了这个国家仍然存在的不公正。 The Peace Corps, the Space Race, and civil rights are all part of Kennedy"s legacy [2] . 和平队,太空竞赛,以及民权都是肯尼迪的部分功绩。 Kennedy is also remembered for several troubling international events. In one, known as the Bay of Pigs, Americans supported Cuban refugees in an effort to oust the government of Fidel Castro. Not only did the refugees fail, but Kennedy"s government was found to be lying about their support of the effort. 肯尼迪也因多个棘手的国际事件而知名。其中一个便是 猪湾事件 ,美国人支持古巴流亡分子驱逐菲德尔·卡斯特罗政府。但流亡分子失败了,而且肯尼迪政府还被发现在支持流亡分子的问题上撒谎。 And Kennedy faced off with the leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev. In 1962, American leaders learned that the Soviets had hidden nuclear weapons in Cuba. The missiles would be able to reach the U.S. mainland easily. 并且,肯尼迪与苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫也一直对峙。1962年,美国领导人了解到苏联在古巴秘密部署了核武器,这些导弹能够轻易打到美国本土。 Kennedy ordered a blockade of Cuba. People around the world held their breath as they waited to see if the U.S. and the Soviet Union would launch a nuclear war. They did not. After several very tense weeks, Kennedy and Khrushchev reached an agreement that ended the crisis. 肯尼迪命令 封锁 古巴。全世界人民都屏住呼吸, 等着看 美国和苏联是否会发动一场核战争。最终,他们没有。经过几周非常紧张的局势之后,肯尼迪和赫鲁晓夫达成一致,结束了危机。 Kennedy went on to reach an agreement with the Soviet Union and Britain to limit nuclear weapons testing. He said the agreement was one of the presidential acts of which he was most satisfied. 肯尼迪与苏联和英国后来达成一项协议来限制核武器试验。他说,这项协议是他总统生涯中最满意的成果之一。 Historians still debate Kennedy"s actions, and what else might have happened during his presidency. They wonder especially what he would have done about the increasing conflict in Vietnam. 历史学家对于肯尼迪的行动一直持有争议,以及在他总统任期内可能会发生的其他事。他们尤其想知道,肯尼迪在持续升级、日益加剧的越南冲突中会做些什么。 But Kennedy did not live to finish his first term. 但肯尼迪没有活到第一届任期结束。 By November 22, 1963, Kennedy had been president for just under three years. The next election was still a year away, but it was time to start campaigning again. 截至1963年11月22日,肯尼迪执政不到3年。下届大选还有一年时间,但是时候再次开始竞选活动了。 So the president and his wife went to Dallas, Texas to connect with voters. They were riding in a car with other official vehicles that drove slowly through the center of the city. Jack, Jackie, and the Texas governor and his wife sat in a convertible – an automobile without protection over the seats. 所以,总统和他的妻子去了得克萨斯州的达拉斯与选民互动。他们坐在一辆车里,和其他政府车辆缓慢驶过市中心。杰克,杰基,以及德州州长和他的妻子坐在一辆敞篷轿车里,没有保护座位。 The president was waving at the crowd. Suddenly, several gunshots were fired. The president was struck twice. 总统正向群众挥手致意。突然,几声枪响,总统被射中了两枪。 The governor was also hit and injured. 州长也被击中并受伤。 Kennedy was hurried to a hospital, but doctors were unable to help him. News reporters announced his death to a stunned public. 肯尼迪立即被送往一家医院,但医生们束手无策。新闻记者向还处于震惊当中的公众宣布了他的死讯。 Hours later, Jackie Kennedy appeared next to the former vice president – now president – Lyndon Johnson. She still wore the clothes with her husband"s blood on them. 数小时后,杰基肯尼迪出现在前副总统、现任总统林登·约翰逊的身旁。她仍然穿着沾有他丈夫鲜血的衣服。 The events remain intense in the minds of many Americans who were alive at the time. The images remain easily recognizable parts of American history. The pictures of Kennedy"s family at his funeral are especially memorable. In one, three-year-old John holds up his arm and salutes his father"s casket [3] . 该事件在当时许多美国人的记忆中仍然非常强烈。当时的场景仍然是美国历史当中很容易回忆起的一部分。肯尼迪一家在葬礼上的照片尤其令人印象深刻。其中一张是3岁的约翰举起手臂向他父亲的棺材致敬。 Attention quickly turned to the gunman. It was reportedly a 24-year-old man named Lee Harvey Oswald . Shortly after the president and the governor were shot, Oswald shot a policeman who questioned him. 注意力很快转移到凶手身上。据报道,凶手是一名叫 李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德 的24岁男子。总统和州长被射击后不久,奥斯瓦尔德又射杀了一名询问他的警察。 Oswald was eventually detained. Officials planned to bring him to court for the death of the president and the policeman. But on the way from the police station to the jail, a local night-club [4] owner shot and killed Oswald. 奥斯瓦尔德最终被拘留。警察计划将他告上法庭,因为他杀害了总统和警察。但当奥斯瓦尔德从警察局转移到监狱的途中时,当地一名夜总会老板开枪击毙了他。 As a result, the case never came to trial. Many Americans believe the reason for the attack has yet to be clarified. 因此,这件案子一直没有审讯。许多美国人认为此次暗杀的原因还没有调查清楚。 Historians have a mixed reaction to Kennedy"s years as a president, although their opinions are generally positive [5] . 历史学家对于肯尼迪的总统生涯有着不同的反应,尽管他们的看法总体上是积极的。 His image with the public suffered some years after his death because of reports that he had romantic relationships with women other than Jackie throughout his marriage. 他死后几年,公众对他的印象有所下降,因为有报道说他与杰基的整个婚姻过程中与其他女人有染。 In time, the public also learned about Kennedy"s health problems. He suffered from severe back pain and Addison"s disease. He often used strong medicine to help control the conditions. The health problems are at odds [6] with Kennedy"s image of health and love of sports. 最后,公众了解到肯尼迪的健康问题。他有严重的背痛和爱迪生氏病。他经常通过大量药物来控制身体状况。健康问题由于肯尼迪给人们以健康和热爱运动的印象而存在争执。 Quai D"Orsay, Paris Yet even with these new details, Kennedy is still one of the country"s best-remembered leaders. He was a charismatic [7] man whose career influenced many other Americans to enter public service. 然而,即使有这些传闻,肯尼迪仍然是美国最出名的领导人之一。他拥有超凡魅力,职业生涯影响了其他许多美国人进入公共服务。 Americans also remember his stylish, cultured wife. Jackie Kennedy compared the Kennedy years at the White House to Camelot , the legendary court of King Arthur. 美国人对他的时尚以及有涵养的妻子印象深刻。杰基·肯尼迪将肯尼迪在白宫的岁月比作传说中亚瑟王的宫殿卡米洛特。 Their remains, along with those of two of their children, are buried at Arlington National Cemetery , across the Potomac River from Washington. They are honored there with an eternal [8] flame [9] – one designed so the fire will never go out. 他们和两个孩子的遗体,被安葬在阿灵顿国家公墓,公墓从华盛顿穿过波托马克河。他们在那里被纪念为永恒的火焰 — 一种被设计为永不熄灭的火焰。 https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/americas-presidents-john-kennedy/4085635.html


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英译汉常用的方法和技巧   引导语:英译汉常用的方法和技巧,由应届毕业生培训网整理而成,谢谢您的阅读,祝您阅读愉快。    一、 词义的选择、引申和褒贬   1.一词多义(Polysemy)   regular   regular reading / regular job / regular flight / regular visitor / regular speed / regular army / gasoline   delicate   delicate skin / porcelain / upbringing / living / health / stomach / vase / diplomatic question / difference / surgical operation / ear for music / sense of smell / touch / food   2.注意有线词的词义   He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.   He now saw plainly the meaning of all. In the beginning, he had got a job the first day; but now he was second-hand, a damaged article, and they did not want him. They had got the best out of him, and now they had thrown him away. The situation had now become desperate. Then came another incident.   3.词义的引申(Extension or Generalization)   1) Extend the word meaning to cover an abstraction concept   His novel is a mirror of the times.   The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.   Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine.   2) Extend the word meaning to cover a specific concept   In two years, he was a national phenomenon.   Public opinion is demanding more and more that something be done about noise.   Maryu2019s father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Jane, Maryu2019s half-sister.   4.词义的"褒贬(Commendatory and Derogatory)   The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.   Poor Joeu2019s panic lasted for two or three days; during which he did not visit the house.   It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.   John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.   The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people.   She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.   5.Exercises   I have no opinion of that sort of man.   She put five dollars into my hand. “You have been a great man today.”   Iu2019m afraid youu2019re being too particular about your food.   I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two.   The picture flattered her.   The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.    二、 词类转译法   (一)转译成动词   (1)名词转译动词(Convert nouns into verbs)   My admiration for him grew more.   He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown.   To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.   The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry were rewarded to Americans, giving the U.S. a clean sweep of all the 1976 Nobel prizes in the sciences.   Television is the transmission and reception of image of moving objects by radio waves.   In the absence of friction, the vehicle could not even be started.   Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.   I am no drinker, nor smoker.   The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.   (2)介词转译成动词(Convert prepositions into verbs)   There are many substances through which electric currents will not flow at all.   We are fortunate in our opponent.   Captain Ford was between the sheets by 9 last night.   The most he is after at this time is a chance to get more money.   I tried to talk him out of the idea, but he was unpleasant.   Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.   “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.   (3)形容词转译成动词(Convert adjectives into verbs)   He said the meeting was informative.   They were news-hungry.   It was a very informative meeting.   (4)副词转译成动词(Convert adverbs into verbs)   The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.   It has snowed over.   Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they canu2019t sell their own goods?   (二)转译成名词   (1)动词转译成名词(Convert verbs into nouns)   She knows whatu2019s what.   They thought differently.   TV differs from radio in that it sends and receives pictures.   The computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.   He roared, which threatened his enemies away.   The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American.   (2)形容词转译成名词   The new treaty would be good for ten years.   The language of the poem is colloquial, yet itu2019s deep in its understanding of human emotions.   Then the monkeys were trained according to different plans so as to make them highly individualized.   Everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are more stable than light ones.   (三)转译成形容词   名词转译成形容词   Their physical experiment was a success.   The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision.   Said a New York bullion trader, “The marketu2019s gone banana.”   He found on this issue, as on Taiwan, an identity of approach.   In Europe, his name was well known, if not a household word.   (四)其他词类转译   副词转译成名词   The air-conditioning unit is shown schematically on Page 2.   Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world, it is very active chemically.   The image must be dimensionally correct.    三、被动语态的译法   (一)大量的英语被动句要化成汉语的主动句   1. He said the pact had now been reduced to less than a shadow.   2. She had no knowledge of this and had not been consulted on these reported plans.   3. What has just been written runs the risk of oversimplification.   4. Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.   (二)以by为着眼点,进行多种译文   1. But real influence is not built up by striking attitude or by throwing insults.   2. Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds.   3. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.   4. Many expect that he will be outed by one of his rivals.   5. He said he was assured by the State Department that the U.S. is willing to normalize relations with his country.   (三)“it + be + p.p. + that clause”的句型,常以下列形式表达   1. It should be noted that he and she were academically more than just friends.   2. It should be understood that to err is human.   (四)汉译中需用被动式时,也最好多找一些字眼来取代“被”字   1. The visitor was flattered and impressed.   2. Everybody was fed up with her gossip.   3. He was set upon by two naked men.   4. If the expenditure is really necessary, the money can be found somehow.   5. He was released immediately after Batista fled Cuba.    四、增词法   (一)名词、动名词前增补动词   1. We often go to the school-run factory for labor.   2. Testing is a complicated problem and long experience is required for its mastery.   (二)英语抽象名词的翻译   1. He was still reluctant to talk substance.   2. Many changes take place during the transformation.   3. Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.   4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquid can turn into gases under certain conditions.   (三)将具体形象的词译成该形象所具有的属性和特征,这是一种引申,需增词   1. It was a Godsend to him.   2. If you dare to play the fox with me, Iu2019ll shoot you at once.   (四)增添“概括”性的词   1. He had slept there before, in July and again in October.   2. Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.   3. The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.   4. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.   5. This report summed up the achievements in technology and education.   (五)英文中为避免重复而省略之词,汉译时需补上,作必要的重复   1. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.   (六)汉译文根据原文意思增加一些必要的解释性文字   1. And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his university of the future.   2. Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for, “like Aaronu2019s rod, with flowers”.   (七)增补量词   1. Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a piece of glass, a metal spoon, a coin, a piece of paper, a pin, a plastic comb, a key, a pencil, a tin lid and a rubber eraser.   2. On April 24th 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite.   (八)增补表示复数含义的词   1. But that the old workers helped us, we should have failed.   2. The moving parts of a machine are often oiled so that friction may be greatly reduced. ;


英译汉常用的方法技巧   在英译汉的过程中,有哪些好的方法与技巧呢?下面就和我一起来看看吧!   一、一词多义(Polysemy)   regular   regular reading / regular job / regular flight / regular visitor / regular speed / regular army / gasoline   delicate   delicate skin / porcelain / upbringing / living / health / stomach / vase / diplomatic question / difference / surgical operation / ear for music / sense of smell / touch / food   二、注意有线词的词义   He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.   He now saw plainly the meaning of all. In the beginning, he had got a job the first day; but now he was second-hand, a damaged article, and they did not want him. They had got the best out of him, and now they had thrown him away. The situation had now become desperate. Then came another incident.   三、词义的"引申(Extension or Generalization)   1) Extend the word meaning to cover an abstraction concept   His novel is a mirror of the times.   The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words.   Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine.   2) Extend the word meaning to cover a specific concept   In two years, he was a national phenomenon.   Public opinion is demanding more and more that something be done about noise.   Maryu2019s father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Jane, Maryu2019s half-sister.   四、词义的褒贬(Commendatory and Derogatory)   The reckless driver died in the traffic accident.   Poor Joeu2019s panic lasted for two or three days; during which he did not visit the house.   It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.   John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.   The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people.   She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.   Exercises   I have no opinion of that sort of man.   She put five dollars into my hand. “You have been a great man today.”   Iu2019m afraid youu2019re being too particular about your food.   I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two.   The picture flattered her.   The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.   五、转译成动词   (一)名词转译动词(Convert nouns into verbs)   My admiration for him grew more.   He said he did not know whether Tom was ready for a showdown.   To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.   The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry were rewarded to Americans, giving the U.S. a clean sweep of all the 1976 Nobel prizes in the sciences.   Television is the transmission and reception of image of moving objects by radio waves.   In the absence of friction, the vehicle could not even be started.   Vietnamese War is a drain on American resources.   I am no drinker, nor smoker.   The application of electronic computers makes a tremendous rise in labor productivity.   (二)介词转译成动词(Convert prepositions into verbs)   There are many substances through which electric currents will not flow at all.   We are fortunate in our opponent.   Captain Ford was between the sheets by 9 last night.   The most he is after at this time is a chance to get more money.   I tried to talk him out of the idea, but he was unpleasant.   Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty.   “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.   (三)形容词转译成动词(Convert adjectives into verbs)   He said the meeting was informative.   They were news-hungry.   It was a very informative meeting.   (四)副词转译成动词(Convert adverbs into verbs)   The experiment in chemistry was ten minutes behind.   It has snowed over.   Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they canu2019t sell their own goods?   六、转译成名词   (一)动词转译成名词(Convert verbs into nouns)   She knows whatu2019s what.   They thought differently.   TV differs from radio in that it sends and receives pictures.   The computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.   He roared, which threatened his enemies away.   The man I saw at the party looked and talked like an American.   (二)形容词转译成名词   The new treaty would be good for ten years.   The language of the poem is colloquial, yet itu2019s deep in its understanding of human emotions.   Then the monkeys were trained according to different plans so as to make them highly individualized.   Everyday experience shows us that heavy objects are more stable than light ones.   七、转译成形容词   名词转译成形容词   Their physical experiment was a success.   The nuclear power system designed in China is of great precision.   Said a New York bullion trader, “The marketu2019s gone banana.”   He found on this issue, as on Taiwan, an identity of approach.   In Europe, his name was well known, if not a household word.   八、其他词类转译   副词转译成名词   The air-conditioning unit is shown schematically on Page 2.   Oxygen is one of the important elements in the physical world, it is very active chemically.   The image must be dimensionally correct.   九、大量的英语被动句要化成汉语的主动句   1. He said the pact had now been reduced to less than a shadow.   2. She had no knowledge of this and had not been consulted on these reported plans.   3. What has just been written runs the risk of oversimplification.   4. Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.   十、以by为着眼点,进行多种译文   1. But real influence is not built up by striking attitude or by throwing insults.   2. Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds.   3. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.   4. Many expect that he will be outed by one of his rivals.   5. He said he was assured by the State Department that the U.S. is willing to normalize relations with his country.   十一、“it + be + p.p. + that clause”的句型,常以下列形式表达   1. It should be noted that he and she were academically more than just friends.   2. It should be understood that to err is human.   十二、汉译中需用被动式时,也最好多找一些字眼来取代“被”字   1. The visitor was flattered and impressed.   2. Everybody was fed up with her gossip.   3. He was set upon by two naked men.   4. If the expenditure is really necessary, the money can be found somehow.   5. He was released immediately after Batista fled Cuba.   十三、名词、动名词前增补动词   1. We often go to the school-run factory for labor.   2. Testing is a complicated problem and long experience is required for its mastery.   十四、英语抽象名词的翻译   1. He was still reluctant to talk substance.   2. Many changes take place during the transformation.   3. Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.   4. From the evaporation of water people know that liquid can turn into gases under certain conditions.   十五、将具体形象的词译成该形象所具有的属性和特征,这是一种引申,需增词   1. It was a Godsend to him.   2. If you dare to play the fox with me, Iu2019ll shoot you at once.   十六、增添“概括”性的词   1. He had slept there before, in July and again in October.   2. Their host carved, poured, served, cut bread, talked, laughed, proposed health.   3. The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that area.   4. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.   5. This report summed up the achievements in technology and education.   十七、英文中为避免重复而省略之词,汉译时需补上,作必要的重复   1. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.   十八、汉译文根据原文意思增加一些必要的解释性文字   1. And he launched into a speech, eloquently advocating his university of the future.   2. Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for, “like Aaronu2019s rod, with flowers”.   十九、增补量词   1. Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a piece of glass, a metal spoon, a coin, a piece of paper, a pin, a plastic comb, a key, a pencil, a tin lid and a rubber eraser.   2. On April 24th 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite.   二十、增补表示复数含义的词   1. But that the old workers helped us, we should have failed.   2. The moving parts of a machine are often oiled so that friction may be greatly reduced. ;

英译汉 高分求下面一篇文章的翻译


英译汉 shortcut

名词 n. 1.捷径,近路;快捷办法 He was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune. 他总是在找成名发财的捷径. 2.被切短的东西(尤指烟草) 形容词 adj. 1.形成近路的;提供捷径的 2.被切短的


【导读】眼瞅着,2020年英语翻译考试时间距离的越来越近了,相信很多考生都在紧张的复习备考,与此同时,小编在各位小伙伴复习备考过程中,发现很多小伙伴将口译英译汉视为老大难,为此小编决定整理一个系列的2021年二级口译英译汉练习,希望可以帮助各位考生专项提高成绩,下面我们一起来看看2021年二级口译英译汉练习:海南岛介绍。海南岛介绍(英文标注版)The climate of Hainan varies from subtropical to fully tropical从亚热带到热带,各地气候不同. Northern Hainan, including the island"s capital Haikou, has a humid subtropical climate湿润的亚热带气候, while most of the rest of the island has a tropical monsoon climate热带季风气候 with warmer annual temperatures the further south a location is越往南年气温越高.The coldest months are January and February when temperatures drop to 气温降至16 to 21 °C ; the hottest months are July and August, and the temperatures 气温可数!are 25 to 29 °C (77 to 84 °F).Except for the mountainous regions 山区in the central part of the island, the daily average temperature日均气温 in Hainan in all months is well above 10 °CThe average annual precipitation年均降雨量 is 1,500 to 2,000 millimetres (59 to 79 in) and can be as high as高达 2,400 millimetres (94 in) in central and eastern areas, and as low as仅为 900 millimetres (35 in) in the coastal areas of the southwest.Parts of Hainan lie in the path of typhoons位于台风带, and 70% of the annual precipitation is derived from来自于 typhoons and the summer rainy season夏天雨季.The fog remains from day to night日夜不散, and is evenly distributed分布均匀. Visibility能见度 may be reduced to 50 metres for days at a time.可以一次连续数日。。。During this period, residents normally keep windows shut.通常关窗闭户 The moisture in the air is so extreme空气里的湿气重 that the walls in homes weep室内墙上返潮, and floors often accumulate a layer of water several millimetres deep.However, due to an invasion of exotic species由于外来物种的入侵, human impact from tourism, deforestation, and the release of pollutants旅游业,森林砍伐和污染物排放等认人为因素的影响, many species are under threat面临威胁.200 species are near extinction濒临灭绝, with 6 species already extinct.已经灭绝The majority of Hainan"s land mass陆地大部分有森林覆盖 is forest with 61.5 percent coverage 森林覆盖率(210,000 hectares) reported at the end of 2012.There are numerous protected areas 保护区and wildlife preserves野生动物保护区 on the island.Animals that are ubiquitous throughout the island全岛都有分布的动物物种包括 includeThe lakes are largely populated with carp and catfish. 湖里生活的鱼类主要是鲤鱼和鲶鱼Similar to many subtropical areas, insect species are diverse有多种昆虫物种, and mosquitoes are very common.Declared sanctuary for the species extends along the coasts沿海地区均被划为该物种保护区.These dolphins may appear among clearer waters such as vicinity to Sanya.在靠近三亚的更清澈水域还可以见到这些海豚The population density人口密度 of Hainan is low compared to most Chinese coastal provinces.The Li黎族 are the largest indigenous group 最大的土著居民on the island in terms of population.信奉民间宗教和佛教 practice Chinese folk religion and Chinese BuddhismChristians constitute占比 0.48% of the province"s population.Encompassing包括 more than 50 km2 (19 sq mi) of rainforestBe abundant in lotus flowers 有大量荷花At the heart of the valley is the grand Nanshan Temple, its gates flanked by stone figures of Buddha in front of the Tang dynasty-style entrance.The interior displays images of the Four Heavenly Kings四大天王 amid statues of other deities 神灵塑像enshrined in renderings of stone, gold and jade.石塑,金塑,玉塑The awe-inspiring stone rendering of the bodhisattva Guan Yin令人望而生畏的观音石塑高达。。 stand at 108 metres, taller than the statue of liberty.自由女神像参观这一圣地 pay homage to the site that plays a significant role in the religion in China and to sample 品尝some of the finest Buddhist vegan cuisine素斋 on the island.以上就是小编今天给大家整理分享的关于“2021年二级口译英译汉练习:海南岛介绍”的相关内容,希望对正在备考的你有所帮助。总的来说翻译资格考试含金量在行业里是屈指可数的,建议大家报考。




址、资料都给你!看的完不?写毕业设计论文吧? 这里有一大堆:http://www.sciencedirect.com 进去搜下“平面设计”。不过你那里不一定能浏览全文。标题前面有个小绿色方格的才可浏览全文。 A Product–Delay algorithm for graphic design Asok K. Sen Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana University, 402 N. Blackford Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA Available online 9 February 1999. Abstract A Product–Delay algorithm is presented for creating graphic designs on a computer. In this algorithm two functions u(t) and v(t) are multiplied yielding a function x(t). Another function y(t) is formed by delaying or advancing x(t) by a fixed amount of time t. These functions are evaluated over a suitable time interval and the results are plotted in the x–y plane. For appropriate choices of the functions and parameters, the x–y displays exhibit interesting geometric patterns. In this paper the algorithm is illustrated with a pair of sine and square waves. It is shown that a wide variety of graphic designs can be created with these simple waveforms. By virtue of its simplicity this algorithm can be programmed easily and quickly using general purpose software such as Maple, Matlab or Mathematica. It can be executed on standard platforms such as IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh computers or workstations. Some results in polar coordinates are also given. Author Keywords: graphic design; product-delay algorithm; computer art 1. Introduction It has long been recognized that mathematics and computers can be used in a complementary fashion for the creation of visual arts. Several mathematical methods have been developed over the years for generating graphic designs on the computer. The methods range from simple iteration schemes such as fractal generation techniques to solving systems of differential equations of nonlinear dynamics and chaos[1, 2]. In this paper we will present a different methodology for creating graphic designs using computers. This methodology is based on the idea of Lissajous figures and is referred to as the Product–Delay algorithm. We will illustrate its application to graphic design with a pair of sine and square waves. It will be seen that with these simple waveforms the Product–Delay algorithm can produce a multitude of interesting geometric patterns. Our formulation is based on multiplying two functions u(t) and v(t), yielding a new function x(t). It is convenient to think of the variable t as time. The function x(t) is delayed or advanced by a fixed amount of time. The resulting function y(t) is plotted against x(t) in a phase-plane like representation. For suitable choices of the functions and parameters, the x–y displays exhibit a rich variety of geometric patterns. We will appropriately call this procedure the Product–Delay algorithm. The concept of a time delay is often used in nonlinear signal processing applications including the analysis of chaotic dynamics. The purpose is to construct a phase portrait from the measurement of the time series of a single system variable. In these applications the original time series is delayed by a certain amount of time. The original time series and the delayed series are plotted to construct a phase portrait of the system dynamics[3]. The notion of a discrete time delay has also been used recently in a different context[4]. All the computations reported in this paper are performed using the software Maple V (Release 4) on a SUN Ultrasparc workstation. They can also be carried out with other general purpose software such as Matlab or Mathematica, and on different platforms such as IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh computers and other workstations. 2. Pattern formation with sine and square waves To begin with our development we consider a simple combination of sine and square waves. In particular, we take u(t)=a1+sin(2 πf1t), (1) v(t)=a2+sin(2 πf2t)/|sin(2 πf2t)|. (2) Here the vertical bars denote the absolute value of the function inside them. The function u(t) is a sine wave of amplitude unity, frequency f1 and offset a1, whereas the function v(t) represents a square wave of amplitude unity, frequency f2 and offset a2. We now form the product x(t)=u(t)v(t), (3) and select a delay/advance time δ to construct the function y(t)=x(t+δ). 2.1. Effect of a nonzero offset Here we investigate the effect of a nonzero offset in the sine or the square wave. First consider the sine wave u(t) as before with no offset (a1=0) but the square wave with an offset a2=u22120.25. In other words, we use u(t) as given by Eq. 5, but Eq. 6 is replaced with v(t)=u22120.25+sin(2π.3000t)/|sin(2π.3000t)|. (8) These functions together with those given by Eq. 3 and Eq. 7 are evaluated over the time interval [0, 1.5] at 500 numpoints. The result is the pattern depicted in Fig. 2. From a comparison of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 it is apparent that Fig. 2 possesses a similar structure as Fig. 1 around its center but the presence of an offset in the square wave has led to significant deformation in Fig. 2 from the outer periphery inward. As the offset a2 is increased through negative values, the pattern continues to lose its central structure and in the limiting case a2=u22121, i.e., when the magnitude of the negative offset equals the amplitude of the square wave, the inner structure around the center is completely lost and the twelve limbs intersect in a single point at the center. We now consider an offset whose magnitude is larger than the amplitude of the square wave. Fig. 3 portrays the scenario for a2=u22122. Observe the emergence of a clear region around the center. If the offset is increased through large negative values, the central clear region tends to increase in size and the resulting pattern tends to approach a circle with no internal structure when the magnitude of the offset is very large. Note that all these patterns are rotationally symmetric. Display Full Size version of this image (5K) Fig. 2. Same parameter values are used as in Fig. 1 except with an offset of u22120.25 in the square wave Display Full Size version of this image (5K) Fig. 3. Same parameter values are used as in Fig. 1 except with an offset of u22122.0 in the square wave Next we examine the effect of introducing a nonzero offset in the sine wave. Consider, for example, a1=u22121 with a2=0. These choices lead to a bundle-like pattern with bilateral symmetry as shown in Fig. 4. If the offset a1 is increased through negative values, the bundle continues to become narrower, and for large negative values of a1, the pattern approaches a line of slope unity. Other interesting patterns can be created by introducing a nonzero offset in both the sine and square waves. Display Full Size version of this image (5K) 5. Concluding remarks We have presented a few prototypical examples of graphic patterns that can be created with the Product–Delay algorithm using sine and square waves. Clearly it is possible to create numerous other patterns with these waveforms by appropriately selecting the various parameter values. An even richer variety of patterns can be produced by using other types of functions. In a future paper we will explore the effect of amplitude and frequency modulated waves and other complex waveforms on pattern generation平面设计英文书目列表 来自: cognito (北京)5/5人推荐 共 34 个条目 我不喜欢 欢迎推荐豆列,请先登录或注册快速注册你的email地址:请填写email 用于确认你的身份, 豆瓣绝不会公开你的email。给自己设一个密码:请填写长度大于3的密码 你需要用它登录, 请使用英文字母、符号或数字。给自己起一个名号:起个名号吧 中、英文均可。The Form of the BookJan Tschichold / Hajo Hadeler / 1997-10 / Hartley & Marks Publishers / Essays on the Morality of Good Design (Classic Typography Series) / USD 19.95 / PaperbackThe New TypographyJan Tschichold / 2006-09-01 / University of California Press / USD 32.50 / PaperbackStop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, Second EditionErik Spiekermann / E.M Ginger / 2002-07-15 / Adobe Press / USD 30.00 / PaperbackActive LiteratureChristopher Burke / 2007-08-16 / Hyphen / Jan Tschichold and New Typography: Jan Tschichold and New Typography / USD 50.00 / HardcoverPaul RennerChristopher Burke / 1999-01-01 / Princeton Architectural Press / The Art of Typography / USD 35.00 / PaperbackMeggs" History of Graphic DesignPhilip Meggs / Alston W. Purvis / 2005-12-07 / Wiley / USD 75.00 / HardcoverLook at ThisShaughnessy, Adrian / Chronicle Books Llc / $35.00 / PapGrid SystemsKimberly Elam / 2005-08-01 / Princeton Architectural Press / Principles of Organizing Type (Design Briefs) / USD 19.95 / PaperbackGrid Systems in Graphic DesignJosef Muller-Brockmann / Josef Muller - Brockmann / Arthur Niggli / USD 78.00 / HardcoverNew Typographic DesignRoger Fawcett-Tang / 2007-05-21 / Yale University Press / USD 35.00 / PaperbackThe Elements of Typographic StyleRobert Bringhurst / 2004-10-09 / Hartley and Marks Publishers / USD 29.95 / PaperbackTypographyFriedrich Friedl / Nicholaus Ott, Bernard Stein / Konemann UK Ltd / when who how / HardcoverAbout FaceDavid Jury / 2004-08-30 / Rotovision / Reviving The Rules Of Typography / USD 30.00 / PaperbackTypographyEmil Ruder / A. Niggli / USD 88.00 / HardcoverThe Thames and Hudson manual of typographyRuari McLean / Thames and Hudson / Unknown BindingMaking and Breaking the GridTimothy Samara / 2005-05-01 / Rockport Publishers / A Graphic Design Layout Workshop / USD 25.00 / PaperbackSwiss Graphic DesignRichard Hollis / 2006-04-28 / Yale University Press / The Origins and Growth of an International Style, 1920-1965 / USD 50.00 / HardcoverJosef Muller-BrockmannPaul Rand / Lars Müller Publishers / Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design / USD 69.95 / PaperbackWhat is Graphic Design For? (Essential Design Handbooks)Alice Twemlow / 2006-05-15 / RotoVision / USD 35.00 / HardcoverThe Graphic Designers and His Design ProblemsJ. Muller-Brockmann / Josef Mullerbrockmann / 2003-09 / Arthur Niggli / USD 79.95 / HardcoverNo More RulesRick Poynor / 2003-10-01 / Yale University Press / Graphic Design and Postmodernism / USD 37.00 / PaperbackInfluencesAnna Gerber / Anja Lutz / H. Hellige Klanten / 2006-10-30 / Gestalten Verlag / A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design Practice / USD 45.00 / HardcoverPaul RandSteven Heller / 2000-08-29 / Phaidon Press / USD 35.00 / PaperbackPaul RandPaul Rand / 2000-09-11 / Yale University Press / A Designer`s Art / USD 32.00 / PaperbackPaul RandDerek Birdsall / Steven Heller / Nathan Garland / Paul Rand / Milton Glaser / Ivan Chermayeff / 2003-11-02 / Center for Art and Visual Culture, UMBC / Modernist Designer / USD 45.00 / Paperback


通过的流失储存,运输和发生 分配最终结果的30-35%,交货存储 植物吸收的水(帕蒂尔,1988年; Anbumozhi等。,2001)。传统的洪水或脊沟灌溉领域的方法,如患有大量渗水(穆尔曼,1985;霍奇森等诸多问题。,1990; Kahlown和肯珀,2004年),运送和蒸发损失(里约和阿尔梅达,1993;辛格等。,2006年),更高的能源成本,降低水的生产率,灌溉引起的土壤侵蚀(Ferna"ndez - Go"mez等。,2004年),和浸出造成地下水污染(堪等昂贵的农业投入。 ,1989)。此外,这种方法是供给驱动,而不是作物需求驱动制造不同需要的作物和水的供应量不匹配。在对水与农业生产率的提高,加上农业的要求,供应减少意味着没有选择,只能提高用水效率。这必须包括对现有的水,否则会挥发或过滤从根部土壤有效利用。 在灌溉技术的最新发展已取得了蔬菜,园艺作物的种植进展。在微灌系统(MIS)前沿技术不仅提供了更高的水的生产率,而且最大限度地减少与传统的灌溉系统有关的问题。在山与山农业生态系统的特点是很少的灌溉土地,地势崎岖。该地区目前的阳台种植提供了充足的余地重力灌溉管理信息系统(巴特纳格尔和Srivastava,2003)。这最大限度地减少燃料的能源或电力管理信息系统的运作要求的盈利能力进一步提高。 基于伟大的垂直多元化的变化,喜马拉雅山脉的西北丘陵地区,可明显分为在热带,亚热带,温带和高山地区。山上的气候差别很大高度和坡向而定。加强和维持山农业劳动生产率是农业的主要挑战是生态脆弱的环境下练习。 种植下进行剧烈海拔,气候和地形的变化,这些因素导致许多社会,经济和物理问题。本研究设想通过gravityfed管理信息系统通过加强用水在水资源开发和利用作物生产范围半山和西北喜马拉雅高山条件。


英译汉翻译15种技巧1. amplificationamplification for the purpose of rhetoric or coherence(修辞性或连贯性增I came to a garden of grottoes, pavilions and shapely rocks and trees.我来到一个假山花园前,园中亭阁玲珑,山石嶙峋,树木葱茏。Amplification by repetition (重复性增词)Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.不要在过冷,过热,灰尘过重,湿度过大的情况下使用此电脑。2. omissionomitting the pronounpronouns are more frequently used in English than in Chinese. Therefore , when translated into Chinese, many English pronouns may be omitted so as to conform the rendering to the accustomed usage of Chinese expression.For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its bath and its garden.两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,查看各个房间,留心电线的走向,通道和花园的布局。Omitting the articleAny substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.任何物质,不论是固体,液体还是气体, 都由原子组成。3. divisionSometimes, an English sentence with a restrictive attributive clause is too long or too complicated for the translator to take as a single sentence. In this case, we may divide it into two or several parts, placing the attributive clause after the principle clause to conform to the Chinese usage, repeating the antecedent being modified.Eg: They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which , in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives。他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each.他种出了200个大得惊人的西红柿,每个重达两磅。4. combination( combination in restrictive attributive clauses)Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with.污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。5. extensionthe extension of meaning may be either from the specific to the general or from the concrete to the abstract, and vice versa.It is more than transient everydayness.这远非一时的柴米油盐问题。(from the abstract to the concrete)Americans love work, it is meat and drink to them美国人热爱工作。对他们来说,工作就是乐趣。6. substitutionthe technique is used to replace the words of the original expression with Chinese synonyms or idioms according to different situations.He was indeed a good riddance他还是不在的好。The same is not true with a mortal illness.

英译汉翻译技能:释义 (Paraphrase)

释义 (Paraphrase) 释义是指舍弃原文的具体表达形式和比喻形象,采取解释性的方法译出原文的意思。1) Bill"s new girlfriend is certainly a knockout. 尤物2) I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. 内*3) The weather forecast seems to be accurate. No sooner had I fortunately come back home than rain poured cats and dogs.——touchwood. 老天保佑4) Don"t you think it"s weird for a husband to appreciate his pinups with his wife?  美女照5) He was smooth and agreeable. 八面玲珑6) What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 过度的肥胖或消瘦7) He acts a lot older than his years. 少年老成8) The kid went through fire and flood to save his mother.  赴汤蹈火9) Mary is now between the devil and the deep sea on dealing with her job. 进退维谷10) That fellow is always an easy-going guy. He always throws her cares to the winds. 无虑;把烦恼抛至九霄云外11) The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars. 搭车


是的。一、Paraphrase (写)英文解释为:"express the meaning of (the writer orspeaker or something write orspoken) using different words, especial-ly to achieve greater clarity."Paraphrase的根本意思就是根据原文的意思以自己的 话重新表达出来二、Paraphrase的目的主要有三种:1.提高论文的水平以及深度2.展现你对于原文的 理解3.用简单的文字更清楚的表达复杂的原文或者理论三、一个优秀的paraphrase包含以下特点:1.paraphrase写作只能包含作者的观点,不得更改或是加入自己的观点。2.必须要充分表达原本的观点,不得忽视重要的细节。3.在不重复原文使用的词句之下,完全使用自己的语言来进行解释。4.必须要适当地使用引用信息四、.Paraphrase改写方式1.将信息调换顺序,用不同的顺序呈现。You should learn paraphrasing, for it is very important.(A,因为B)改为Paraphrasing is extremely important,so it should be learned.B,所以A)2.改变句子的语态,比如将主动语态改为被 动语态。You should learn paraphrasing:it(paraphrasing) should be learned.3.变换词汇,这个时候可以利用一些同义词典,用意思相同或相近的单词代替原文。You should learn paraphrasing, for it is veryimportant.2 Paraphrasing is extremely important, so it should be learned.对1做了如下改动:very换为extremel.五、Paraphrase改写注意事项1.仔细阅读原 材料并确保你完全理解,确认原文主要的观点和证据。2.在做笔记时一定要使用自己的语言,以免之后被判定为抄袭。这点一定重视。3.在做笔记时,也需要记录你获取信息的位置,包括页码。在改写句子的时候,可以使用表示关系的逻辑词:because,therefore,however.


智能拍照翻译文章或一段话, 支持英译汉等很多语言


在午夜, 这些玩偶被烧掉了,以此来表示过去一年的坏东西都走了。新的一年可以重新开始了。另外一个在新的一年远离坏运气的常见传统包括扔东西到河或者大海里面,或者在新年第一天说一些特殊的事情。另外一些新年传统要遵循把好运带到新的一年这个规则一个广为流传的对于好运的西班牙传统是在新年那天吃葡萄


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一,76. Living out in the country, she felt very cut off from her city friends.住在乡下,她觉得很切断从她的城市的朋友。77. That child is the apple of his father"s eye.那个孩子是他父亲的掌上明珠的眼睛。78. He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate superior on a number of important matters.他辞职了,因为他没有亲眼看见他的顶头上司眼睛在许多重要的事情。79.I have gradually become a faithful spectator, for what I think I see in sports is the process by which young people become mature men and women.我已逐渐成为一个忠实的观众,我想我看到运动是指年轻人成为成熟的男人和女人。80. I can"t find the file I need because they‘re all out of order.我找不到文件我需要因为他们都是坏的。二,76. It is impossible to identify and isolate an “English” culture that is common to all the speakers of English.那是不可能的鉴别和隔离一个“英语”的文化,所有的演讲者是常见的英语。77. A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.一位总统应该充满对国家的责任感。78. Parents can help teens focus by making education relevant to their lives and by understanding how they learn best.父母可以帮助青少年的关注使教育有关他们了解他们的生活和学习得最好。79. Science has developed no cure for envy, so our wealth boosts our happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors.科学也尚未研制出治疗嫉妒,因此我们的财富让我们幸福的时候,我们只有片刻我们的邻居。80. At first they refused but I managed to bring them around to my way of thinking.起初,他们拒绝了,但我还是带他们来我的思维方式。三,76. It"s not for nothing that scientists are in such a footrace to get the human genome mapped. 这是奇迹,科学家们在这样的赛跑获得人类基因组绘制出来。77. He is a hypocrite, a liar, a thief—in fact, he is the greatest scoundrel I ever know.他是一个伪君子、一个骗子,一个thief-in事实,他是历史上最伟大的歹徒我一直都知道。78. Some organisms are beyond saving because they can no longer reproduce in the wild.在一些生物,因为他们不再能节省复制在荒野上。79. Her mother waited on him as long as she lived at home.她的母亲一直在等待他只要她住在家里。80. She never took her eyes off the stage for a moment.她从未将目光从舞台上一会儿。

翻译 英译汉

so easy

题目what should I do,英语翻译,求英译汉,人工翻译非常感谢





我非常感到惊讶等级的大你学校,磘有一所大的学校这里君和班级的主修科目多许多是有关 thrre 或五在 hig 学校中,藉由 30位同学的平均。在这里,在巴西,我们一星期 5 天去上学,从星期一起-星期五而且然后我们也走开有周末。学校开始在早晨在 7:45 和在 12:15 的完成.因为等级是不同的 , 所以我们通常有学校的葡萄牙人,英国人 ( 非常贫穷的在学校,它作英文的课程磗第一理由磎) ,数学,艺术 (平局) ,化学,物理学,地理学,历史,生物学,文学,宗教, Phisical 教育和受扶养者,有哲学或心理学。这里等级有相同的, 没有选择, 君磘有一种艺术分类或科学班级 , 有所有的教育两位同学,它磗非常坏的, 因为着磘 criate 从大学来的一个意见, 这一个大的问题,...当你完成中学的时候, 君磘 waht 在大学 ( 或学士学位) 制造。。而且我们为被选择的课程为 aprovation 有一个测试,...如果你着磘去得好,有许多问题,而且几乎全部碰撞, 约 30 为训练,你击中约 20 为 conquist aprovation!它磗非常困难的...。现在,我在大学 (学士程度), 我研究国际的贸易, 而且有许多交换,精选的你训练和做你需要的成功因素的你,每课程有有你的训练你等级,... 有 8个学期由于约 5 或 6种训练, 每个学期你做登记和对选择 ... 和班级有 50位同学的 avaerage 的 eact.在这学期内,举例来说,我正在作二种训练, 因为我磎在私人的大学, 和它磗非常贵的 !我磎 studing 国际的贸易和人管理的介绍 , 我的课程它磗行政立基于。 过去,我想要学习医学, 但是我君磘是非常好的在科学中。。。主要地 Physic 和化学, 然后我选择我的课程因为我总是去在数学方面, 而且喜欢其它耕种,... 我主要地喜欢亚洲和欧洲中国而且意大利是我的梦国家。我太更加几乎喜欢全部,食物, 人它磗奇妙的而且 fascinant,此外有一座 encahnted 城市。。因为我们喜欢在 commom 上的许多事物 , 所以我你喜欢太多。 我们有相似的同类。 我也喜欢旅行, 巴西它磗一个美丽的地方,有一个好人 , 和令人惊异的海滩和自然,...我住在巴西的南方, 这里它磗和亚热带的气候一个地方,藉由凉爽的和热数天... 相似的在欧洲国家。我写作诗和诗,它磗我的嗜好, 我君磘是威廉莎士比亚,但是人我磎善行 (如果你喜欢, 我能订购你。。.) 你喜欢吗学习葡萄牙语? 它磗我的国家一种语言,它磗非常相似的西班牙人。。。 关于我们你到什么交换未来的信? 也能交换毫米或 SMS(经过行动电话)

法律英语翻译(英译汉)Trade Law, Labor and Global Inequality

i. 贸易法的范围Trade法律设置跨越边界交易的法律体系。 贸易法在政府之中的全球性,地方和分区安排有成效。 在same时间,所有国家维护在贸易的国内法和贸易law"sapplication介入和解矛盾的超国家的规则和国内法规。Domestically,美国有法律治理的国际性组织一个广泛的系统 trade. 首先和完全,美国法律设置了的进口关税进入美国。 许多people不知道20世纪30年代的臭名昭著和高Smoot-Hawley关税是在书的still。 他们由WTO"s最惠国的应用代替 (MFN)规则,要求WTO成员必须延伸到所有的贸易对象tariff水平被授予他们的唯一“most-favored”成为伙伴。 这就是为什么的MFN状态当中国不是a, China是这样一个引起争论的问题通过许多20世纪90年代WTO成员和国会必须年年行动授予MFN状态中国。 如果MFN没被授予的were的进口关税从中国将攫取对Smoot-Hawley水平,高费用making中国的产品。Congress最后授予永久MFN状态中国避免每年吵闹,在过程拥护者的though从“most-favored-nation” 改变了命名原则避免的to “normal商业relations” (NTR)给中国得到的印象some种类有利治疗。 NTR现在成为了艺术的期限在美国贸易的MFN原则的discourse,和在世界其他地方风行。对布什总统的In 2002年国会被授予的贸易谈判的当局在什么之下使用了to称“fast track”期限,执行委员谈判一完全商业与贸易对象或小组的agreement伙伴和国会迅速投赞成票或no,没有校正,在最后的成交。 良好的跑道当局及早被否认了在关心的President大克林顿劳工标准和环境保护在立法不充分地演讲的were。

求翻译 英译汉

共享精神障碍的第一次是在1877年的疯狂à deux.10这是一种罕见的疾病,两个或更多的人共享紧密的情感联系。案件涉及三名或以上的人是非常少见。 1942年,出版了4 Gralnick11共享精神障碍的亚型分类: 亚型一个被称为疯狂imposée。以妄想为主人施加一个更年轻,更顺从的人,他或她的幻想。两个人都密切相关,与受援国的幻觉消失后分离。 B亚型称为疯狂simultanée。一个相同的精神面貌发生密切相关的同时,并倾向于个人在两个病态。 C亚型称为疯狂communiquée。收件人开发后的抵抗精神和保持长期甚至离职后的症状。 D亚型称为疯狂induite。新的错觉是通过个人与精神病谁下了另一个人与精神病的影响。 关于信息共享的发生率和精神障碍的患病率不足,作为文学完全由案件reports.1218的障碍的特点是从一人由妄想转移到另一个地方。关于案件的百分之95之间出现的同一家庭的成员,超过百分之七十之间的丈夫,妻子,母亲和儿童,或者两个sisters.19在已婚或同居夫妇的发病率是相同,但在兄弟姐妹。兄弟姐妹之间,这种疾病是比brothers.19更多的姐妹共同的几乎所有的案件涉及一个family.20成员 个人谁第一个有妄想(该指数的情况下)往往是长期病患者,通常是一个更耳根人(第二案)的密切关系有影响力的成员,谁后来发展了的错觉。主要案件往往有诊断精神分裂症和妄想狂显示事件。其他诊断可能包括妄想症或情绪与精神功能紊乱。该共享的妄想内容可以对原发性病例的诊断依赖,可以包括奇异的幻觉,情绪一致的错觉,或不奇怪的错觉。 据报道,第二例是典型的年轻,那么聪明,更容易上当,更被动的,低自我比指数情况自尊,虽然这些研究结果并没有影响一直replicated.19个人经常住在一起,通常有一个陷入他人的关系,他们分离,这种情况有助于通过others.19的检测缺乏受损程度较轻,通常在第二案(第比指数的情况下)。

翻译 英译汉19





love to be loved by you 这是我最喜欢一首英文歌,希望你会喜欢。


在恐怖分子袭击世贸中心、结构工程师正在努力解决一个问题,一个月前就已经被完全不可思议:建筑设计的所能承受的爆炸造成灾难性的(灾难的)被恐怖分子吗? 在恐怖袭击后十天的双子塔、结构工程师在布法罗大学(布法罗),国立成功大学土木工程研究所(MCEER总部(总部)在布法罗归零地旅行的计划中的一项由国家科学基金会资助。访问网站的一部分作为一个MCEER侦察的访问。他们花了两天的任务,就是要如何设计这样的结构和寻找线索怎么在建筑被毁,但是仍然站着 “我们的目的是在参观归零地去看看这个建筑物周围的世界贸易中心,这些建筑物,仍然站在那里,但持续的伤害,说道:“先生Bruneau博士说:"我们的直接,希望是我们可以建立一个更好的理解为什么这些建筑,而我们的长期目标是看地震工程技术是否可以嫁给现有的技术来提高绩效的建筑物的恐怖袭击事件。”他补充道。 照片被调查者演示在惊人的细节上的重大伤害的世界贸易中心大楼,大楼在附近。一个建筑的一个街区,却依然矗立在塔严重受损。”这个建筑是多米远的地方,世界贸易中心,然而,我们看到了一列在过去的一部分。”罗纳尔多解释:垫,惠塔克博士。”栏变成了一枚导弹,导弹射击穿过马路,透过窗户和地板。 参观这个地区还透露了一些惊喜,根据工程师。例如,在一个楼(屋)盖系统的相邻建筑物相当坚固(高低不平的),那些被吨的岩屑保持完好无损。"高度多余的延性框架系统提供了一种简单,但具有较强的鲁棒性策略,并对稻瘟病,”他补充说。其他策略可能包括提供备用(交替)的路径来考虑重力如果承载柱失败了。“我们还需要一个更好的理解这个机制的崩溃。”说:“我们需要惠塔克是什麽原因造成的房屋倒塌,你怎么能预测它。”




26.1行为学的重点是自然历史的行为。 行为是一种适应性反应,以刺激的环境中。动物的感觉系统检测和处理这些信息的刺激。 1 。如何混合lovebird的方法进行比较巢材料是其父母?这是什么比较建议的行为是否是本能或教训? 2月26日比较心理学学习的重点是如何影响行为。 行为是本能(影响基因)和中学到的经验。基因被认为是限制在何种程度上的行为都可以进行修改和类型的社团可以作出。 最简单的形式的学习和宣传涉及习惯。更复杂的联想学习,如古典和操作性,涉及方面正在取得两刺激或刺激和反应。 动物的内部状态的影响何时以及如何行为将出现。激素可以改变动物的行为和认知刺激的方式,有利于繁殖。 2.怎么不联想学习不同于非结合学习?如何经典条件反射不同于操作性? 3.什么是孝顺印记?什么是性印记?为什么有些年轻动物印记就像一个移动的物体框? 4.怎么不马勒的工作宋发展白色加冕麻雀表明,行为是由学习?它是如何表明,行为是由本能? 3月26日通信是一个关键因素,许多动物的行为。 动物沟通所产生的视觉,听觉,和化学信号。这些信号都参与交配,觅食,抵御掠食者,和其他社会状况。 5.怎么做通信信号参加生殖隔离?举一个例子的一个信号,是物种。为什么一些个别具体的信号? 4月26日洄游行为提出了许多难题。 动物线索,如使用的立场,太阳和星星指导日常活动,并在浏览过程中远距离迁移。 6.什么的定义是的士?什么是kineses ?什么线索做候鸟使用方向和浏览他们的迁徙过程中? 5月26日在何种程度动物“认为”是一个主题的生动争端。 许多轶事帐户指向动物的认知,但研究处于起步阶段。 7.什么证据你会接受这种动物是“思想” ?



英译汉: saying, quote, "We are not going to let these guys win."

queto 引用,举例说明


《怦然心动》美国版电影的主演是以下哪位?A. Juli BakerB. 玛德琳·卡罗尔C. 卡兰·麦克奥利菲D. 艾丹·奎因正确答案是B. 玛德琳·卡罗尔。


2015英语翻译考试英译汉必备技巧   英译汉技巧   一、英译汉翻译的基本程序   1.通读并透彻理解原文。翻译之前仔细研读原文,解决好“翻译什么”的问题。边读边琢磨,确切理解原文所述事物本身的含义与之相关的外延联想,如原句的中心意思是什么,有没有褒贬义或寓意,对其中的修饰语的把握等。   2. 组织语言。考生要根据上下文的语境选择适当的词汇和表达手段。   3. 表达。 考生要从内容和语言两方面来考虑译文,尤其注意不能扭曲原意,不能错译或漏译。   4. 审校。这是英汉翻译过程中必不可少的环节。考生将自己的译文与原文进行对照,看看译文是否忠实于原文,是否通顺易懂,是否符合汉语规范。   二、英汉翻译的基本方法   直译与意译   直译指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译;意译是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文做相应的调整。如:   Good marriage doesnu2019t just happen. They take a lot of love and a lot of work.   Good marriage doesnu2019t just happen. They take a lot of love and a lot of work.   直译: 好的婚姻不会仅仅发生—它们需要大量的"爱和大量的工作。   意译:幸福的婚姻不是凭空发生的---它需要你为它付出大量的爱和做大量的工作。   或:美满的婚姻不会从天上掉下来---你必须为它付出大量的爱,做大量的工作。   很显然,本句话的意译要比直译更符合汉语表达习惯。当然,一句话并不限于一种译法,要根据具体需要而定。一般来说,在英汉翻译考试中,如果直译能达意就用直译,如果直译效果不好,就应该考虑意译。只要译文内容忠实,意思明白就行了。   顺译法(又名句型对应法)   顾名思义,顺译法(句型对应法)就是按原文句子结构的排列顺序进行翻译,这种译法适合于原文叙述层次与汉语相近的长句翻译,如只含名词性从句的复合句、前置的状语从句或从句在后的长复合句等等。   As an obedient son, I had to accept my parentsu2019 decision that I was to be a doctor ,though the prospect interested in me not at all.   作为一个孝顺的儿子,我不得不接收父母的决定,去当大夫,虽然我对这样的前途毫无兴趣。   3.倒译法   倒译法就是颠倒原文句子结构的排列顺序来进行翻译。   例1: The moon is completely empty of water because the gravity on the moon is much less than on the earth.   因为月球的引力比地球小的多,所以月球上根本没有水。   例2:The football students can be removed from the university if they fail to pass their examination.   作为足球运动员的学生如果考试不及格就要被开除。   4.分译法分译法,又称拆译法,也是一种基本的句法变通手段。从被分译成份的结构而言,分译大致可以分为单词的分译、短语的分译和从句的分译三种。   单词的分译即拆词,将难译的词从句子主干中拆离出来,另作处理,这种方法常常引起句式上的调整,英译汉中要拆译的词常常是形容词和副词。如:   He unnecessarily spent a lot of time introducing his book, which the student are familiar with.   他花了很长时间介绍这本书,其实没有必要, 因为学生们对它已经很熟悉了。   They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.   他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。   短语的分译即将英语的某个短语单独拿出来译成一个独立成份、从句或并列句。如:   例1:We tried in vain to persuade him to give up his wrong belief.   我们尽力劝说他放弃错误的信念,但没有成功。   例2:The professor entered the laboratory followed by his graduate students.   教授走进教室,后面跟着他的研究生。从句的分译则是根据译文需要打散句子,重新组织。英语的长句主要由主从复合句构成,结构严谨,只要明确其主从关系,就能正确分译。如:   He told me such experience as I had never heard of before.   他给我讲述了他的经历,那些经历是我以前从未听说过的。   He did not remember his father who died when he was three years old.   他三岁丧父,所以记不起父亲了。   Strange enough they were the same age to the day. 合译是将原文的两个或几个分开叙述的意思或层次合并重组,如将两个分句合译为一个简单句,或两个简单句合译成一个复合句等, 使全句的结构更加紧凑,语气更加顺通。   There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the north.   从全国各地来的人中有许多是北方人。   说来也巧, 他俩年纪一样大, 而且还是同日的。   5.合译法   5.合译法   合译是将原文的两个或几个分开叙述的意思或层次合并重组,如将两个分句合译为一个简单句,或两个简单句合译成一个复合句等, 使全句的结构更加紧凑,语气更加顺通。   There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the north.   从全国各地来的人中有许多是北方人。   There are many people who want to see the film.   许多人要看这部电影。   The time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was light.   10点30分的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了。 ;


直觉地, 第一件事物我们想要知道,一种疾病是它是否要杀我们。 如犹太法典说,非常所有其余者是注释。 二十五年前,这是我们可以以任何的确定回答的关于爱滋病的唯一疑问;如何使它失去方向感现在是那, 注释的巨大量稍后,我们真的一点也不能够很好地回答的是唯一的疑问。 到如今, 那些我们在长期已经照顾数以千计的病人的爱滋病生意方面。 没有人用那种个人的经验能怀疑一会儿 H.I.V. 的有恶意潜能,否则药物的救命能力发展对抗它。 但是现在也有数以百计的脚注和例外和针对那些的修正二种使大的照片曾经变成更黝暗的事实。 是每个人谁被传染变得不舒服。 不是每个人谁被对待变得很好。 一些人进步沿着道路,从到前进的免疫缺乏的开始传染到威胁生命的疾病,在预期的速度,然后以治疗头正确地再一次对健康支持。其他沿着方法停顿, 病人或很好地, 藐视我们的可怕预测和快乐的安心一样。 病人崭新诊断群众进入了我们的临床讲义, 他们之中的许多非常年轻的, 而且完全地被他们的传染未能吸引。 他们为事实「新的药物将会作每件事物所有的权利」知道。 我去年在医院上给予了他们的其中之一他的诊断病房。"试不要再烦恼太多 ," 当他茫然地盯着他的计算机荧屏看的时候,我告诉他; 它把他关掉更关心藉着他的弱无线的连接超过作为一个患有先进的爱滋病的人他的新状态。找人翻的,不是机器咯。


DFA方法DFA分析结果展示在幂律关系清晰时间尺度缩放至少4年的2号和3号(数字)。在原pH系列,至于湖,进气道在r d1 ? 0.82 - 2 ? 0.997;而以湖的电源插座上,在r d2 ? 0.99 2 ? 0.994。为了验证d值的确反映一些信息的时间变化的酸碱度系列中,我们做了同样的分析随机慢吞吞地向版本的原始两个pH系列。我们得计算d值为每个慢吞吞地向系列在内,如图2和3的分别。至于湖,进气道在r d1s 2 ? ? 0.52 0.983湖畔;而作为电源插座,d2s ? 0.51在r ? 0.991 2。系列中随机慢吞吞地向,显示明显的随机性差别极大,从计算,对原有系列。原pH系列表明高坚持或长期的记忆中。高坚持表示水pH值波动在湖的进口和出口,从小型到较大的时间间隔(4年),至少是在一个幂律时尚呈正相关。例如,有一种倾向,以提高水的pH值在其后的另一个增加水的pH值在不同的时间在一个幂律时尚。这表明波动之间的关联的湖泊水体的pH值不能很好地遵守古典Markov-type随机行为(指数随时间递减),但是显示更多的慢慢腐朽的内在联系。这意味着长期记忆中需考虑的趋势预测的水pH值作为一种重要的因素。但是,这些数据集是仅4年的延续。它需要长系列确认关键相关时间尺度在幂律缩放是多样的

Dance Of A HummingbirdErnesto Cortazar英译汉


英译汉 急!!



怎样成为一个成功的英语学习者?‘学习一门语言是容易的,甚至一个孩童都可以。"大多数正在学习第二或一门外国语言的成年人或许不会同意这个论断。对他们来说,学习一门语言是个非常困难的课题。需要长时间的学习和练习,甚至即便如此也不能保证每一个成年学习者都会成功。语言学习不同于其他种类的学习,很多非常勤奋并且在各自领域很成功的人士都认为学习一门语言很困难。同样的,一些成功的语言学习者也觉得在其他领域成功不容易。语言老师通常提供如下的建议给学习者:‘尽量在新语言环境下广泛阅读"‘每天练习口语"‘生活在说这门语言的人群周围"‘不要翻译-试着用新语言的思维"‘像个孩子一样学习,在语言中取得乐趣" 首先,成功的语言学习者是独立的个体吗?难道他们不依赖与书本和老师?他们有他们自己的方法,而不是等着老师去解释。他们试着找出自己的途径和规则。


“中文译英文1.Surf the Internet (for us) are no longer strangers. 2. In a way, it is becoming part of our






但是,如果语言习惯并不代表阶级,社会分层成作为过去的“贵族”和“商品” ,但他们仍然当然有助于查明的社会群体。


没有任何意义。是他女朋友的名字缩写 李莹英


Specific elements: Television drama works and television programs as cultural products, in addition to their own original entertainment features, but also derived from a new media function, and thus develop into a new forms of advertising - implant-up ads. Television ads with implantable theater works and television programs are changes in the development of the form and content to a more hidden, and the pace of humanity towards the audience, which carry advertising embedded into the hidden nature, advertising demands mandatory and targeted, commercial and cultural nature, such as the organic integration of new features to the form of non-advertising goods or unwittingly expose their brand message, transmitted to the audience, so that the audience was deeply unconscious in brand impression , subconsciously for the audience, but also to businessmen and investors and generate tremendous benefits. This article mainly film and television drama works and television programs in the implant-up ads as the research object, more systematic analysis of the nature of implantable advertising features, advantages and defects. Implantable ads on the prospects for a way out and realistic application of careful reflection and exploration. Implantable ads to its own advantages determine its development prospects are broad affected by many factors, however, is currently in the development bottleneck. Therefore, we should actively explore new forms of advertising that the laws of science, summed up the reality of science and correct methods of operation, so that the healthy development of implantable ads continue.

encourage 英译汉







- What is this? - A letter! Above heart hey ~ ~ it is a love letter! ? - Do not let - Fast, open look at the - Not to you, you come to - Good good - Wow, hey love are true, or he has written, you did not promise Answer -Em you know, others do good, kind, there is a sense of responsibility - En er, I know I know, congratulations you pyronaridine successfully from the single life - It and you still continue to do, make haste to find a boy - Not to you, I am now too small, etc. I would like to more sophisticated, 20-year-old to say about it and why, let me not continue to indulge freely for some time now - Hey, just you - Yes, love love, I suddenly think of it, you have not read the "love", and that the Department of Japanese cinema, super-romantic that - No hey ~ nice not -En, super good-looking, that"s one of my most touching love story ah - Is not it? Good to see ah - That we look at it, let me again remind ourselves that romantic love - Good


规范围栏 网围栏 PVC涂层链条击剑作出(热浸镀锌线)的3.55/4.75mm直径,网目尺寸40 * 40毫米,二点四〇米高,一端扭曲和其他终端用户屈服。绿色。核心线60大湄公河次区域锌涂层。 线线 5行线的PVC涂层钢丝制成的(热浸镀锌线) 3.55/4.75mm核心diameter.green颜色电线60gms锌涂层。 9000线 PVC涂塑丝做的(热浸镀锌线) 2.50/3.55mm天。线线,以确保所有击剑职位。绿颜色。芯线与60大湄公河次区域锌涂层。 铁钢丝 PVC涂塑丝做的(热浸镀锌线) 2.24/3.50毫米直径。为了确保远东海军司令部线丝织物,以每300毫米连铸。绿色。核心电线60gms锌涂层。 铁丝网 6层的顶部,围墙从3毫米行线与2毫米barbing线。 4点刺。冷嘲热讽之间的距离60毫米+ - 15毫米。锌层对镀锌钢丝重按学士443 。 规格员额 中级职位 出于七十六点一毫米( 3.25毫米厚的-锌涂层按学士1387年)质谱管,总高度为二点五〇米地面+ 0.90米埋到地下0.65米“ Y ”型102-92顶部的铁丝网,在每一个三点○米中心。管道总长度四点七米 紧张员额 出于八十八点九毫米外径(四点五零毫米厚锌层为每基站1387 )质谱管,总高度为二点五〇米地面+ 0.90米埋到地下0.65米“ Y ”型102-92顶部的铁丝网上每一个50米中心。管道总长度四点七米。 加上 2不支持括号对角线作出了七十六点一毫米外径(三点二五毫米厚锌层为每基站1387 )质谱管道总长度为3米的管道;以及所有安装附件如消化道短络筒机,聚氯乙烯瓶盖,支撑带,张力带,轨端帽,双钳。 角柱 放在角落的变化方向及建设地点,这是上述表示还要紧张职务。 完/门员额 正值围栏终止或起始位置, construcions如上角柱而是只有一个支持。 担架杆 取得了20 * 5毫米厚的质谱持平酒吧年底编织网和通过的担保后,伸展后的织物在笊职位。 配件的 消化道短络筒机,聚氯乙烯瓶盖中间/拉伤后,支撑带,张力带,铁路端盖。双钳。 所有邮政局及配件PVC涂层,以1mm/1000光在道德6005

英译汉, 谢谢 Company A represents and warrants that Company A’s solution will perform 。。。

公司一表现,而且正当理由那一家公司解决将会实质上运行如公司 A. 公司所指定唯一的责任和公司 B 脚掌有关于如此的担保治疗法将会是公司义务使用商业合理的努力改正,在合理的时段内,任何证明,而且引起系统的解决可再生的缺点在所有的材料符合公司一规格不要再运行尊敬。


我希望您享受您的假日。 Yes,我在3月上旬将参观林海。 我希望看您。 I认为2008将是Tongfeng的一非常好年。 它将采取更多工作,但是为更多事务是可能的。 I不认为休斯敦将做淘汰赛。 他们是一个非常好队,但是西部会议是非常强的。 密尔沃基是作为象新泽西的坏。 See很快您。

angels 歌词英译汉?robbie willams 的

Sparkling angel I believed You were my saviour in my time of need. 闪光的天使,我相信,你会在我需要的时候来拯救我 Blinded by faith I couldn"t hear 被信仰蒙住了眼睛我什么也听不到 All the whispers, the warnings so clear. 所有的私语和警告都那么清晰 I see the angels, 我看见了天使 I"ll lead them to your door. 我会把他们领到你的门口 There"s no escape now, 再也没有逃避 No mercy no more. 再也没有怜悯 No remorse cause I still remember 再也没有懊悔因为我仍然记得 The smile when you tore me apart. 你让我心碎时的微笑 You took my heart, 你带走了我的心 Deceived me right from the start. 从一开始就欺骗我 You showed me dreams, 你给了我美梦 I wished they would turn into real. 我多希望他们都能变成现实 You broke the promise and made me realise. 你带走了承诺让我明白 It was all just a lie. 一切只不过是个谎言 Sparkling angel, I couldn"t see Your dark intentions, your feelings for me. 闪光的天使,我看不到你的意图 Fallen angel, tell me why? 堕落的天使,告诉我为什么 What is the reason, the thorn in your eye? 什么原因使我成为你眼中的刺 I see the angels, 我看见了天使 I"ll lead them to your door. 我会把他们领到你的门口 There"s no escape now, 再也没有逃避 No mercy no more. 再也没有怜悯 No remorse cause I still remember 再也没有懊悔因为我仍然记得 The smile when you tore me apart. 你让我心碎时的微笑 You took my heart, 你带走了我的心 Deceived me right from the start. 从一开始就欺骗我 You showed me dreams, 你给了我美梦 I wished they would turn into real. 我多希望他们都能变成现实 You broke the promise and made me realise. 你带走了承诺让我明白 It was all just a lie. 一切只不过是个谎言 Could have been forever. 什么能够永恒 Now we have reached the end. 现在我们走到了尽头 This world may have failed you, 这个世界让你沮丧 It doesn"t give you a reason why. 甚至都不给你个理由 You could have chosen a different path in life. 你本应在生活里选择另一条路 You took my heart, 你带走了我的心 Deceived me right from the start. 从一开始就欺骗我 You showed me dreams, 你给了我美梦 I wished they would turn into real. 我多希望他们都能变成现实 You broke the promise and made me realise. 你带走了承诺让我明白 It was all just a lie. 一切只不过是个谎言 Could have been forever. 什么能够永恒 Now we have reached the end. 现在我们走到了尽头


摘要: 现在的工作为堆积线的刀锋的设计运行数字的最佳化对于一个轴的流程狂热者以使用三度空间的海军的回应表面方法-添加燃料分析, 而且评估扫除和倾斜对狂热者刀锋的表现的效果。 雷诺- 平均了海军-添加燃料相等与有限之物-体积的近似值一起使离散使用无社会组织的格子。 四个几何学的变数关于 spanwise 分配堆积线的扫除和刀锋的瘦肉被选择当找最大的效率设计变数。 计算的结果表示与实验的数据良好一致性。 完全的效率比较的增加藉由将 threedimensional 最佳化成功地和叁考狂热者在一起用扫除和倾斜堆积线。 扫除和瘦肉的联结也改善离开-设计显着地的刀锋的表现。 牛鼻子字: 设计最佳化、狂热者、刀锋,扫除, 倾斜

英语翻译 英译汉



Door closer, are you?“关门者”,你是吗?1、 The next time you"re deciding between rival options, one which is primary and the other which is secondary, ask yourself this question: What would Xiang Yu do?译文:下次你要在两个难于取舍的、主要的和次要的选择之间做决定时,不妨问自己这样一个问题:项羽会怎么做?2、 Xiang Yu was a Chinese imperial general in the third century BC who took his troops across the Zhang River on a raid into enemy territory. To his troops" astonishment, he ordered their cooking pots crushed and their sailing ships burned.译文:项羽是公元前三世纪中国古代王朝的一位将军。他带领他的部队横渡漳河,突袭进入了敌方的领地。他下令砸锅烧船,令他的部队大为震惊。3 、He explained that he was imposing on them a necessity for attaining victory over their opponents. What he said was surely motivating, but it wasn"t really appreciated by many of his loyal soldiers as they watched their vessels go up in flames. But the genius of General Xiang Yu"s conviction would be validated both on the battlefield and in modern social science research. General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a veteran leader who was highly respected for his many conquests and who achieved the summit of success.译文:他解释道,他强加给他们的是战胜对手的必要举措。他所说的无疑十分鼓舞士气,但当他那许多忠诚的士兵眼睁睁地看着他们的船只在火焰中被焚毁时,他们并不赞成他的做法。不过项羽将军的这种砸锅焚船的做法所显示出的天赋,在战场上和现代社会科学研究中都将得到肯定。项羽将军是一个罕见的不墨守成规的人,他是一位经验丰富的领袖,由于他征战无数并达到了成功的顶峰,他深受尊敬。4、 He is featured in Dan Ariely"s enlightening new publication, Predictably Irrational, a fascinating investigation of seemingly irrational human behavior, such as the tendency for keeping multiple options open. Most people can"t marshal the will for painful choices, not even students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral economics. In an experiment that investigated decision-making, hundreds of students couldn"t bear to let their options vanish, even though it was clear they would profit from doing so.译文:丹·阿雷利极富启迪性的新书《可预见的非理性》对项羽作了专题介绍。这本书对看似非理性的人类行为,譬如人类总想留住多项选择机会的倾向,进行了引人入胜的调查。大多数人都不能整理自己的思路来做痛苦的选择,麻省理工学院上阿雷利博士行为经济学这门课的学生也不例外。在调查作决策的一项实验中,几百名学生都不能忍受眼睁睁看着他们的选择机会消失,即使他们很清楚这样做对他们有利。5 、The experiment revolved around a game that eliminated the excuses we usually have for refusing to let go. In the real world, we can always say, "It"s good to preserve our options." Want a good example? A teenager is exhausted from soccer, ballet, piano, and Chinese lessons, but her parents won"t stop any one of them because they might come in handy some day!译文:实验是围绕着一个游戏展开的,这个游戏排除了我们通常不肯放手的借口。在现实世界里,我们总会说:“保留我们的选择机会是对的。”想要一个好的例子吗?一个十多岁的女孩被足球、芭蕾舞、钢琴、中文课给累得筋疲力尽,但她的父母不会让她停止任何一项活动,理由是它们有一天可能会派上用场!6、 In the experiment sessions, students played a computer game that provided cash behind three doors appearing on the screen. The rule was the more money you earned, the better player you were, given a total of 100 clicks. Every time the students opened a door by clicking on it, they would use up one click but wouldn"t get any money. However, each subsequent click on that door would earn a fluctuating sum of money, with one door always revealing more money than the others. The important part of the rule was each door switch, though having no cash value, would also use up one of the 100 clicks. Therefore, the winning strategy was to quickly check all the doors and keep clicking on the one with the seemingly highest rewards.译文:在这个实验里,学生要玩一个电脑游戏:在电脑屏幕上会显示三扇门,每扇门后都会提供一些现金。该游戏的规则是每个人都只能点击100次,你点击获取的钱越多,你就玩得越好。学生每点击一次打开一扇门,他们会用掉一个点击数,但却不会得到任何钱。然而,随后接着在那扇门上的每次点击都会挣得数额不等的钱,三扇门显示的钱总有一扇比另外两扇多。这个游戏规则的重点是虽然每次换门没有金钱回报,可还是会用掉一次点击数。所以,制胜战略是要迅速查看所有的门,然后只点击那扇似乎是钱最多的门。7 、While playing the game, students noticed a modified visual element: Any door left unclicked for a short while would shrink in size and vanish. Since they already understood the game, they should have ignored the vanishing doors. Nevertheless, they hurried to click on the lesser doors before they vanished, trying to keep them open. As a result, they wasted so many clicks rushing back to the vanishing doors that they lost money in the end. Why were the students so attached to the lesser doors? They would probably protest that they were clinging to the doors to keep future options open, but, according to Dr. Ariely, that isn"t the true factor.译文:在玩游戏时,学生们注意到了一个视觉上的变化:如果有片刻没点击某扇门,那扇门就会慢慢缩小并消失。由于他们已了解了游戏规则,他们本应对要消失的门不予理睬。然而,在它们消失以前,他们却迫不及待地去点击那些变小的门,试图让它们开启着。结果是,他们在匆忙回去点击那些快消失的门时浪费了很多点击数以至于最后输了钱。为什么学生对那些变小的门如此依恋呢?他们可能会争辩说,他们紧抓住这些门是为将来多留一些机会。但是,据阿雷利博士说,这不是真正的原因。8 、Instead of the excuse to maintain future options open, underneath it all the students" desire was to avoid the immediate, though temporary, pain of watching options close. "Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a big price to avoid the emotion of loss," Dr. Ariely says. In the experiment, the price was easily measured in lost cash. In life, the corresponding costs are often less obvious such as wasted time or missed opportunities.译文:在他们为将来多留一些机会的借口背后反映出的是所有的学生都不堪目睹眼前的选择机会被剥夺,尽管这种痛苦是临时的。阿雷利博士说:“每闭上一扇选择之门就如同经受了一次损失,人们宁愿付出很大的代价,也要避免情感的失落。”在实验中,损失很容易用丢失的现金来衡量。在生活中,相应的损失就往往没那么明显,如浪费时间,错过机会。9、 "Sometimes these doors are closing too slowly for us to see them vanishing," Dr. Ariely writes. "We may work more hours at our jobs without realizing that the childhood of our sons and daughters is slipping away."译文:“有时候,这些门是慢慢关闭的,我们没有看到它们在悄然消失,”阿雷利博士写道:“我们可能花很多时间在工作上,却没有意识到我们子女的童年正在悄悄溜走。”10 、So, what can be done to restore balance in our lives? One answer, Dr. Ariely says, is to implement more prohibitions on overbooking. We can work to reduce options on our own, delegating tasks to others and even giving away ideas for others to pursue. He points to marriage as an example, "In marriage, we create a situation where we promise ourselves not to keep options open. We close doors and announce to others we"ve closed doors."译文:那么,我们可以做些什么让我们的生活恢复平衡呢?阿雷利博士说,一个办法是制止更多的超额预约。我们可以自己减少选择,将任务委派给其他人,甚至放弃一些点子,让其他人去做。他用婚姻作为例子:“在婚姻中,我们承诺不保留选择机会,我们就创造了获得最佳选择的有利局面。我们关上可选择的门,并告诉别人我们已作出选择。”11 、Since conducting the door experiment, Dr. Ariely says he has made a conscious effort to lessen his load. He urges the rest of us to resign from committees, prune holiday card lists, rethink hobbies and remember the lessons of door closers like Xiang Yu.译文:阿雷利博士说,自从进行了这个点击门的实验,他已经有意识地努力减轻自己的负担。他敦促我们辞去委员会的工作,删减送节日贺卡的名单,重新思考兴趣爱好,并记住像项羽那样的关门者给我们的启示。12、 In other words, Dr. Ariely is encouraging us to discard those things that seem to have outward merit in favor of those things that actually enrich our lives. We are naturally prejudiced to believe that more is better, but Dr. Ariely"s research provides a dose of reality that strongly suggests otherwise.译文:换言之,他是鼓励我们放弃那些似乎只有表面价值的东西,而去追求那些能真正丰富我们生活的东西。我们很自然、很偏执地相信选择越多越好,但阿雷利博士的研究却强有力地告诉我们事实并非如此。13 、What price do we pay for trying to have more and more in life? What pleasure and satisfaction can be derived from focusing our energy and attention in a more concentrated fashion? Surely, we will have our respective answers.译文:我们想在生活中得到越来越多选择的代价是什么?我们能从更集中的精力和注意力中获得什么样的喜悦和满足?当然,我们每个人都会有自己的答案。14、 Consider these important questions: Will we have more by always increasing options or will we have more with fewer, carefully chosen options? What doors should we close in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open?译文:试想一下这些重要的问题:怎么做会使我们获得更多,是不断增加选择,还是只保持少数精心挑选的选择?我们应关闭什么门,以便让机会和幸福之窗打开?


1.caf é 在角落上,相对事物百货公司。2. ,你应该拿一些睡着的平板,但是你不需要服用其他的药。3.我们何不有一串烤肉?好主意。4.我们在星期五能见面吗?你在 moring 中是有空的吗?5.我想要约订一个预约今天早晨看医生,谢谢。6.北京是中国的首都。7.caf é 在角落上,相对事物邮局。8.那月然后之后,我将做三建身房会议。9.我已经得到感冒.我已经得到一个喉咙痛和温度。10.每个人都正在戴一顶好笑的帽子。


73. CORPORATIONS ACTING BY REPRESENTATIVES 代表公司代理 Any corporation which is a Member of the Company may by resolution of its Directors or other governing body authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or any class of Members of the Company, and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual Member of the Company. 任何公司的成员来说,这是一个公司可以通过解决其董事或其他监管机构批准这样的人,因为它认为适合作为代表本公司或任何会议成员的任何类公司,授权的人有权行使权力一样代表公司的代表,他的公司可以锻炼如果是一个成员的公司。 74. INSTRUMENT APPOINTING A PROXY TO BE LEFT AT OFFICE 如需委托代理要留在办公室 The instrument appointing a proxy, together with the power of attorney (if any) under which it is signed or a certified copy thereof, or the power of attorney or other authority, shall be deposited at the Office at least forty eight hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in such instrument proposes to vote; otherwise the person so named shall not be entitled to vote in respect thereof. 指定代表代理,连同委托书(如果有)或在签署一份核证副本,或委托书或其他机关,应当存入办公室至少有40岁前八小时指定举行这次会议延期召开这样的仪器以提出人投票,否则人这样命名无权就该投票。 An instrument appointing a proxy may also give authority to the person named in the instrument (who shall sign under hand his/her specimen signature on the instrument) to formally agree to any written resolution of the Company, for and on behalf of the appointer, and shall be valid for any written resolution. 乐器指派一个代理也可能会给人以权威的仪器(谁能签下他/她的手签名式样的仪器)的正式同意任何书面决议的公司,并且代表appointer,有效期为任何书面决议。 75. FORM OF PROXY 代表委任表格 Any instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing in the common form or any form approved by the Directors. 任何乐器上指定一个代理应以书面形式在常见的形式或者任何形式经董事。 DIRECTORS 董事 76. NUMBER OF DIRECTORS 理事名额 All the Directors of the Company shall be natural persons and subject to any provisions of the Act, the number of Directors shall be not less than one who must be ordinarily resident in Singapore. 所有公司董事会的自然人应受本条例规定,大量的董事应不少于一个必须“在新加坡常驻。 Until otherwise determined by a General Meeting, there shall be no maximum number. 直到否则由大会,应无最大数量。 77. REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS 去除董事 The Company in General Meeting may, subject to the provisions of these Articles, from time to time remove any Director before the expiration of his period of office (notwithstanding anything in these Articles or 公司在大会上,经本章程规定,从时光移除任何董事期满前他长期的办公室(尽管这些文章或什么


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