barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-12 16:24:51
TAG: 英文 单词

positive adj.






, ,


favorable adj.








approval n.






enthusiasm n.






supportive adj.









I agree with you…

I cannot agree with you more.

I have no problem with that…

I feel the same way.

I see what you mean.

I go along with you.





in favour of

have the same opinion/idea/view

approve of

I think so.


i agree with you

i have a same idea as you did

i think so

that"s a good idea

i approve of your idea/plan



I think so

That s a good idea



2023-08-08 03:16:136


观点:[ guān diǎn ] 1.point of view 2.standpoint 3.viewpoint 4.opinion
2023-08-08 03:16:291


观点用英语怎么说 point of view standpoint viewpoint perspective outlook attitude of mind view a point of view view point frame of reference slant sentiment eye 观点 [guān diǎn] - point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; blush: disagreement;  观点不同 identity of views;  观点一致 例句 他只是偶尔一次公开自己的观点。 Only rarely does he let his own views become public. 我们之间的观点不一致。 The views between us are discordant. 这些观点在知识分子中很普遍。 These views were common among intellectuals. 他因观点不受欢迎而见弃于社会。 His unpopular views made him a social leper. 我们的观点存在着严重的分歧,绝无调和余地。 Our views diverged so greatly that it was impossible to agree. 这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。 These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 他们代表我们向议会表达我们的观点。 They were deputed to put our views to the assembly. 短语: 着眼点tarting point; focus of attention; object in mind 如果你不以一个旁观者的身份从另一个着眼点来看待事物你就很难了解你自己的所作所为。 It"s hard to know what you"re doing unless you can stand back to look at it from another point of view. 视角angle of view; visual angle visual angle angle of view optical angle optic angle viewing angle
2023-08-08 03:16:391


opinion view
2023-08-08 03:16:478


opinion/ view in my opinion或者,from my point of view
2023-08-08 03:17:453


问题一:“我的观点如下”用英语怎么说 My views as follow郸 My opinions as the following 问题二:“这些就是我的观点” 用英文怎么说 these are my views ( view points) 问题三:这是我的观点用英语怎么说 It"s my opinion 问题四:“就我个人观点”用英语怎么说 In my opinion = To my mi浮d = As far as I am concerned = I"m of the opinion that... = It seems to me that = As to me =From the point of my view, 以上都可以 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!O(∩_∩)O~~ 问题五:“就我个人观点”用英语怎么说如题 以下都可以 In my opinion To my mind As far as I am concerned I"m of the opinion that... It seems to me that As to me From the point of my view 问题六:我的观点是用英语怎么说? In My opinion 问题七:有一下几个原因可以解释我的观点用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 有一下几个原因可以解释我的观点。 There are several reasons to explain my point of view. 希望我的回答对你有帮助。 问题八:我将从三方面来阐述我的观点用英语怎么说 I"ll clarify my points in three aspects. 问题九:我的观点是用英语怎么说啊??? My point is....或者是My view is..通常会用My point
2023-08-08 03:17:531

以下是我的一些观点 用英语怎么说

Here are some of my ideas
2023-08-08 03:18:035


在众人面前表达自己的观点,尤其是和大家不同的观点,是件很难的事。你可以一步一步地练习,来克服这个障碍。 5: It is tough for me to speak up and share my opinions, especially if they are somewhat controversial. 要我直抒胸臆很难,尤其遇到那些有争议的事 Addresses expressing your opinions 如何表达自己的观点 When people lack assertiveness, it is difficult for them to share their ideas, especially if they differ from the majority or from an influential person"s opinion. The key to getting yourself to share your ideas is to be clear on what they are and how others could benefit from them. 当人们缺乏主张力时,要他们分享自己的看法是一件困难的事情,特别当他们的观点和多数人或有影响力的人的观点不同时就更难做到了。要把自己的观点表达出来,首先要清楚了解自己的想法,以及别人如何可以从中受益。 The best way to work on this assertiveness skills is to share your opinions in increasingly difficult situations. You may begin by expressing your semi-controversial views in a conversation with a friend. Then you express your opinions to your direct reports at work. Then you state a potentially unpopular viewpoint with your boss. And finally you express an outside of the box idea in a board meeting in front of your VP. 训练这项主张能力水平的最好办法是逐渐增加表达观点场合的难度。开始你可以在和朋友聊天的时候表达一些有点争议的观点;进一步,你可以在工作中向你的顶头上司表达自己的观点;然后,向你的老板阐述一个可能不是很多人认同的观点。最后,在董事会上你可以在副总裁面前表达一个“跳出了思维框架”的观点。
2023-08-08 03:18:261


2023-08-08 03:18:363


  清晰而明确地表达自己的观点,让别人能够清楚地了解我们的想法,对于两人之间的相处是有很大的助力的。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   :表达观点   a: do you mean to tell me you don"t care for modern art? not any of it?   b: that"s right. i don"t understand it and i don"t like it.   a: that"s a very narrow-minded viewpoint. if you don"t understand it, how can you say that you don"t like it?   b: perhaps i am a little conservative. i just can"t imagine that the modern artist is really serious.   a: i won"t argue with you, but i think you are unfair. the modern artist has a different approach to his work with the more traditional artist.   b: are you trying to tell me that these peculiar paintings mean anything? a child could paint better than that.   a: i guess there"s no point in discussing the matter any further. you have your opinion and i have mine.   b: i agree there are two sides to everything, but this time i see only one of them.   a: well, i am attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him.   b: then he should keep his feelings to himself.   a:你的意思是说你不关心现代艺术?一点都不关心?   b:是的。我不懂也不喜欢。   a:真是眼光狭隘。如果你不懂艺术,你怎么能说你不喜欢呢?   b:也许我有点保守。我只是不敢想象现代艺术家们真的严肃地对待艺术。   a:我不想和你争执,但是我想你有失公正。现代艺术家对待他们的工作的方式与传统的艺术家是有区别的。   b:那你试试告诉我这些奇特的画表达什么含义?一个小孩都比他们画得好。   a:我想没必要再进一步讨论这个问题了。你有你的观点,我有我的。   b:我同意任何事情都有它的两面性,但是现在我只看到它们中的一面。   a:很好,我也想解释一下的就是:现代艺术家尝试着表现出他们个人对他们周围环境的感觉。   b:那他也该保持他对自己的感觉吧。   :表达思想与观点   A; are you good at making decisions?   B: not really. Sometimes, I even let other people make key decision for me.   A: what kinds of decisions do you leave to other people?   B: there are basic decisions like which restaurant to go to. I can never seem to choose. I let my parents make big decisions for me. They chose my university and my course. I ended up studying something that I didn"t like, although the university they choose was fine.   A: your parents will be choosing your girlfriend if you aren"t careful! Why don"t you try being more decisive? Start with some basic ones. When your friends are discussing which restaurant to eat at, make a suggestion. As you haven"t suggested anything before, they"ll probably accept your choice.   B: that"s a good idea. You"re very decisive, I"ve noticed. So, which bar are we going to this evening?   A: I can"t make a decision. You"ll have to put forward an idea.   B: you see? You"re being more decisive already!   A: I find it really hard to express myself in class. I have lots of ideas, but they never seem to e out of my mouth.   B: let me give you a little advice. You know what the topics are going to be, so prepares what you would like to say in advance.   A; I often do, but I"m worried about the responses from other people.   B: you have to be realistic. Not everyone is going to agree with you, but people will respect your opinion and they will respect the fact that you have contributed something to the discussion.   A: I"m worried that what I say will not make sense.   B; we could chat about the topic before class. I could check that what you want to say is logical and it would also give you a chance to practice speaking.   A; that"s a good idea. What should I do if I am in two minds about a topic?   B: that"s easy. Express possibilities. People will think that you are pretty *** art to be able to look at the topic from more than one angle.   A: I didn"t realize that speaking in class could be so easy.   B: the most difficult thing is being able to predict what other people will say. They will reply to your statements, but you can"t be sure how.
2023-08-08 03:19:411

英文:在我看来,我的观点是 的说法,越多越好

in my opinion ,my view is that ,my viepoint is ,my consideration is,in my view,my view is ,as for me
2023-08-08 03:19:504


2023-08-08 03:20:096


从法律的观点来看的英文:in the eyes of the laweyes是什么意思:n.[pl.] 眼睛An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.他们在这一点上见解一致完全是巧合。 I think we see eye to eye on that subject. 我认为我们在那个问题上看法一致。 Eye broccoli is the exact opposite of eye candy.Eye broccoli 和 eye candy(外表悦目的人)意思相反。Her eyes rolled with curiosity.她的眼睛因好奇而左右转动。law是什么意思:n. 法律;法规;法学;定律the spirit of the law.法律的实质 It is a law of creation.这是一条宇宙万物的法则。juggle with the law歪曲法律 Law makers should not be law Breakers正人先正己Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
2023-08-08 03:20:251


2023-08-08 03:20:357


Has the following three views
2023-08-08 03:20:544

观点,急剧上升/下降 英文怎么说?

观点除了opinion, viewpoint有没有别的? 观点 [guān diǎn]基本翻译point of viewstandpointviewpoint网络释义观点:point of view|outlook|viewpoint观点:transaction-specific|theory-perspective新观点:LaVIEW|recent years|new idea上升除了rise,raise,ascend,increase有没有别的? 上升 [shàng shēng]基本翻译to ascend网络释义上升:go up|buoy up|rise上升段:ascent stage|up-leg|ascending branch上升沿:rising edge|leading edge|positive rise下降除了descend,go down,decrease,drop off有没有别的? 下降 [xià jiàng]基本翻译to declineto dropto fallto go downto decrease网络释义下降:fall off|go down|descend下降段:descent stage|descenttrajectory下降沿:Failling edge|low-going edge还有表示比较的英语? 比较的基本翻译comparativerelative网络释义比较的:comparative|ひかくてき|relative可比较的:comparable|bo comparable to不能比较的:incommensurable|incomme urable
2023-08-08 03:21:152


Above is my point of view以上就是我的观点
2023-08-08 03:21:572


There are several perspectives as the following:观点 译为 perspectives 应该更恰当。如以下的 - as the following
2023-08-08 03:22:132


表达个人观点的英语句型如下:1、As for me,Iam on the latter part of the argument.The reasons are as follows.至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下。2、From my point of view,it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第—种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。3、The following reasons can account for my inclination.如下的原因可解释我的倾向。4、To make myself as plain asI can,Ishould give my standards for.为使我的观点更加清楚,我给出我关于......的标准。5、I disbelieve,and therefore strongly resent, the claim that.我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即。6、My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is.我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是。7、For the same reason, it matters to me that.同样原因,我很在乎。8、For these reason,I recommend that.出于这些原因,我推荐/建议。9、My answer is that.........I have several reasons,and theyre good ones. The first is the one that.我的回答是。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是。10、My view is that.我的观点是。11、Like almost everybody else,I believe that.正如几乎所有人一样,我相信。12、ljust donit get excited over the idea of.我对.......主张并不感到激动。13、I"m not entirely convinced of.我并不完全信服。14、I cannot entirely agree with the idea that.我无法完全同意这一观点。15、I"m not suggesting that.我并不是建议。16、I do not choose to.......merely becauselfeel that.我没有选择......知识因为我觉得。17、T have nothing against something,But.我并不反对某事,但。18、I think it"s time we put a stop to something.我认为是我们停止某事的时候了。19、I find the statement of be too narrow.我觉得.......的观点过于狭隘。20、I can tell you from experience that .凭我的经验可以告诉你。21、Personally,Iam standing on the side of.就个人而言,我站在......的—边。
2023-08-08 03:22:521


比较,代替,压力,继续,发展,造成,典型的,观点全部释义和例句>>Comparison, replace, pressure, continue, development, cause, typical, point of view 比较,代替,压力,继续,发展,造成,典型的,观点全部释义和例句>>Comparison, replace, pressure, continue, development, cause, typical, point of view
2023-08-08 03:23:361

正方 反方 陈述观点怎么说 英文怎么说

正方proposition反方oppostion陈述观点make a statement
2023-08-08 03:24:462


首先:first of all, firstly其次:secondly, in addition(此外), what"s more(此外)最后: finally, lastly, last but not least做总结(前三是用来引出观点): in a nutshell, in conclusion, therefore, hence英语作文中我们还可以使用关联词使英语作文更加清晰紧凑,增加特色。我们还可以用以下修饰作文,比如表对比与转折:yet,however,nevertheless,in contrast (to),whereasin spite of(despite),instead,on the contrary,even if(though),unlike,conversely.
2023-08-08 03:24:5713


i agree with u
2023-08-08 03:25:3710


different ideas/opinions/views
2023-08-08 03:26:092


My point of view
2023-08-08 03:26:193


2023-08-08 03:26:291


大学英语四级句型1. I reckon, 用于阐述自己的观点,比 “I think I”更正式。eg. I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train.2. In my view,比 “in my opinion更正式,经常用于讨论重要的事情。eg. In my view, they made a huge mistake in not selling the company whenthey had the chance.3. It seems to me & All things considered,皆可用于仔细思考问题或局势时。eg. (i) It seems to me that they are spending more money than they need to attract new talent into the company.(ii) All things considered, I think we made a wise choice in recruiting James.4. If you ask me,用于当你的观点于对方十分重要时;eg. If you ask me, she has spoilt her children far too much.不过有时人们会在没被提问的情况下用到此句;eg. “If you ask me,u2026..” “But I didnu2019t ask youu2026.!”大学英语四级句型5. To be honest &To tell you the truth &To be frank,皆用于知道对方可能不喜欢你的观点时。eg. (i) To tell you the truth, your father was right when he said that youundersold the company.(ii) To be honest, I preferred it when you were blonde.(iii) To be frank, I thought her acting was simply terrible.大学英语四级句型6. Frankly speaking,更加直白的方式,用于熟悉的人。eg. (i) You would use this expression to give your opinion in a more familiar and forthright way.(ii) Frankly speaking, I donu2019t know what she sees in him.7. Personally,这用于强调自己在阐述个人观点时。eg (i) This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion(ii) Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behavior at the shareholdersu2019 meeting.8. To my mind& As far as Iu2019m concerned,皆可用于对方不同意你的观点时。eg. (i) To my mind, private education is better than state education.(ii) As far as Iu2019m concerned, tennis is a much more interesting sport than football.更多关于大学英语四级考试的备考技巧,备考干货,新闻资讯等内容,小编会持续更新。
2023-08-08 03:27:191

“持有 的观点”英语怎么说

Held view
2023-08-08 03:27:393

我赞同你的观点 英语怎么说

I approve of your idea.我赞同你的观点. I agree with you.我同意你的观点.
2023-08-08 03:28:041


in my point of viewin my viewin my opinionas you knowi think as far as i can concernedi considered"s your opiniondo you agree with me whould you mind me shoould i ...shall we ...would you like to...would you please...can you... please....
2023-08-08 03:28:462


表达个人观点的高级英语句型如下:1、As for me,Iam on the latter part of the argument.The reasons are as follows.至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下。2、From my point of view,it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第—种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。3、To make myself as plain asI can,Ishould give my standards for.为使我的观点更加清楚,我给出我关于......的标准。4、I disbelieve,and therefore strongly resent, the claim that.我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即。5、My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is.我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是。6、My answer is that.........I have several reasons,and theyre good ones. The first is the one that.我的回答是。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是。
2023-08-08 03:28:551


如果你已经提到三个观点,用 first,second,third 比较清晰明了,也可以用 finally来表明所述的最后一个观点。如果还想补充说明,可以用moreover,in addition,furthermore,apart from,in particular 等等继续阐述。
2023-08-08 03:29:201


agree with sb;appreciate;admire;praise.
2023-08-08 03:29:271


两种不同的观点吧:Normally,there are 2 kinds of different opinions. normally 可以用in general 或者是generally 代替, opnions 可以用views 代替
2023-08-08 03:29:371


1、《弹丸论破:希望与绝望的高中生》2、《弹丸论破:绝望篇》3、《弹丸论破:未来篇》4、《弹丸论破:希望篇》电视动画《弹丸论破:希望的学园与绝望的高中生》是改编自同名推理PSP游戏,动画由云雀工作室负责制作。2012年12月7日决定动画化。该动画以私立希望之峰学园为舞台,讲述各个领域的高材生们被关在这所学校,开始了赌上生死的绝望校园生活的故事。其电视动画《弹丸论破3 -The End of 希望之峰学园-》的《未来篇》作为动画的正统续作,而《绝望篇》作为动画前传于2016年7月开始播出,《希望篇》作为“希望之峰学园”的完全完结于9月播出,动画更换成Lerche制作。扩展资料:剧情简介据说光仅仅是从那里毕业,人生的成功就等于掌握在手掌心的“私立 希望之峰学园”。然而能够进入这学园的,仅限于极少数的人们——被称为“超高校级”,拥有突出才能的学生们而已……。而现在,有一位少年正准备踏入这一所学园。没有什么值得一提的特征,极为平凡的主角·苗木诚。他就是透过抽选,拥有入学许可的唯一一位“超高校级”的幸运的持有者。面对自己的幸运及崭新的环境,苗木难掩心中的兴奋。但是等待着他的,却是完全想象不到的事态。当苗木踏进这学园的大门的同时,冲击遍布了整个身体。苗木再次睁开眼睛时,他与其他十四名伙伴一同得知被困在已经封锁住的学校内。紧接着自称为校长的黑白熊出现在因为突发情况而不知所措的苗木等人面前,他向大家这么宣布:“从现在开始就要请大家在这里生活一辈子。如果想要从学园毕业的话,你们必须要将伙伴给杀死”。
2023-08-08 03:27:501


Is she puts on the cross trousers, tight-fitting white vest and tie appearance! !
2023-08-08 03:27:505


铁路通信系统包括如下子系统: (1)传输子系统为其它通信子系统和信号系统等提供信息传输及交换信道。该系统由光数字传输设备及光纤环路组成。 (2)无线通信子系统为固定用户如调度员、车站值班员等与移动用户如列车司机、维修、公安等流动人员之间提供通信手段,它对行车安全、运营效率、服务质量、应付突发事件提供保证。该系统由数字集群设备组网。 (3)程控电话子系统供工作人员与内部及外部进行公务通信联系的通信子系统。该系统由数字程控交换机网络构成。 (4)数字专用调度电话子系统是列车运行调度指挥、电力调度、防灾救护及维修等部门提供作业指挥而设置的专用直达电话系统。该系统由数字调度主系统、分系统、前台及分机组成。 (5)闭路电视监视子系统为控制中心的调度员、各车站值班员、列车司机等提供有关列车运行、防灾救灾以及旅客疏导等方面的视觉信息。该系统由图像摄取、图像显示及录制、车站控制、中心控制、视频信号传输等部分组成。 (6)广播子系统用于向旅客通告地铁列车运行以及安全、向导等服务信息,向工作人员发布作业命令和通知。该系统由中心控制设备、车站及车辆段广播设备和传输接口组成。 (7)通信电源由交流电源切换及配电屏、电源、高频开关电源和蓄电池组组成。 (8)其它系统包括光缆光纤监测、动力环境监测、时钟等系统。
2023-08-08 03:27:572


2023-08-08 03:28:055


1、《弹丸论破:希望与绝望的高中生》2、《弹丸论破:绝望篇》3、《弹丸论破:未来篇》4、《弹丸论破:希望篇》电视动画《弹丸论破:希望的学园与绝望的高中生》是改编自同名推理PSP游戏,动画由云雀工作室负责制作。2012年12月7日决定动画化。该动画以私立希望之峰学园为舞台,讲述各个领域的高材生们被关在这所学校,开始了赌上生死的绝望校园生活的故事。其电视动画《弹丸论破3 -The End of 希望之峰学园-》的《未来篇》作为动画的正统续作,而《绝望篇》作为动画前传于2016年7月开始播出,《希望篇》作为“希望之峰学园”的完全完结于9月播出,动画更换成Lerche制作。扩展资料:剧情简介据说光仅仅是从那里毕业,人生的成功就等于掌握在手掌心的“私立 希望之峰学园”。然而能够进入这学园的,仅限于极少数的人们——被称为“超高校级”,拥有突出才能的学生们而已。而现在,有一位少年正准备踏入这一所学园。没有什么值得一提的特征,极为平凡的主角·苗木诚。他就是透过抽选,拥有入学许可的唯一一位“超高校级”的幸运的持有者。面对自己的幸运及崭新的环境,苗木难掩心中的兴奋。但是等待着他的,却是完全想象不到的事态。当苗木踏进这学园的大门的同时,冲击遍布了整个身体。苗木再次睁开眼睛时,他与其他十四名伙伴一同得知被困在已经封锁住的学校内。紧接着自称为校长的黑白熊出现在因为突发情况而不知所措的苗木等人面前,他向大家这么宣布:“从现在开始就要请大家在这里生活一辈子。如果想要从学园毕业的话,你们必须要将伙伴给杀死”。
2023-08-08 03:28:051


述职意思是对你一年的工作进行总结,述廉意思是在组织纪律方面遵守情况,结构是 一、在政治理论修养方面, 二、在履行岗位职责方面 三、廉洁自律情况 四、存在的不足 五、今后努力方向
2023-08-08 03:28:063


常用的英语打招呼句子   在英语交流中免不了打招呼,打招呼也是英语交流的.日常,那么有哪些常用的英语打招呼句子呢?下面我们一起来看看这些我为大家整理的常用的英语打招呼句子吧!   常用的英语打招呼句子   1.Hello!   你好!   (也可以这样说:Hey!/Hi!)   2.How do you do?   你好!   3.Good morning/afternoon/evening!   早上/下午/晚上好!   4.How are you?   你好吗?   (也可以这样说:How are things with you?   How are you doing?)   5.How is everything?   一切都好吗?   (也可以这样说:How is everything going?   How is everything with you?)   6.How"s it going?   近况如何?   (也可以这样说:How goes it with you?   How are you doing these days?   How have you been recently?   How are you doing these days?)   7.What"s going on?   最近怎么样?   (也可以这样说:How are you getting along recently?   How are you getting on?)   8.How is the world going?   你过得怎样?   (也可以这样说:How"s the world treating you?   How is life treating you?   How is your life going on?   How is your day going?   How have you been? )   9.How is your family?   你家里人怎么样?   (也可以这样说:How is your father/ mother?   How is your wife? )   10.Are you well?   你还好吗?   (也可以这样说:Are you all right?   Are you OK?)   11.Not bad.   还过得去。   12.Pretty well.   棒极了。   13.Terrible.   难受极了。   14.Not too bad, thanks.   还不算太坏,谢谢。   15.So far so good.   到目前还好。   16.I"m fine, thanks.   我很好,谢谢。   17.Couldn"t be better.   好得不能再好了。   18.Just so-so.   一般。   19.Pretty fair, thanks.   相当不错,谢谢。   20.About the same.   差不多一样。   21.Everything is fine, thank you.   一切都好,谢谢。   22.I"m fine. Thanks for your concern.   我还好,谢谢你的关心。   23.How do you feel today?   你今天觉得怎样?   24.How come you look so tired?   你怎么看起来这么疲倦?   25.Why are you in such a good mood?   你怎么心情这么好?   26.You look under the weather today.   你今天好像不舒服。   27.Are you better?   好点了吗?   (也可以这样说:Feel better?   Are you feeling better?)   28.You look pale.   你脸色不太好。   (也可以这样说:You look a bit of color today.   You don"t look well.)   29.I"m better now. Thank you for your concern.   我感觉好多了,谢谢关心。   30.I"m just a little tired.   我还好,就是有点累。   31.You look better than ever.   你看起来不错。   32.Yeah, I"m just great.   是啊,我好极了。   33.What"s up?   有什么新鲜事?   (也可以这样说:What"s new?   Anything new? )   34.What"s happening?   最近忙什么呢?   (也可以这样说:What have you been up to?   What are you doing these days? )   35.Nothing much.   没什么。   36.Where are you going?   你要去哪儿啊?   (也可以这样说:Where are you heading?   Where art} you bound for? )   37.Long time no see   好久没见了。   (也可以这样说:We haven"t met for ages.   It"s been a long time.   Haven"t seen you for a long time. )   38.What a coincidence!   真巧啊!   (也可以这样说:What a coincidence to meet you here.   What a lucky chance to see you here!)   39.You haven "t changed a bit.   你一点也没有变。   (也可以这样说:You"ve changed little.   You are still the same.)   40.Hi, how is your business?   嗨,最近生意如何啊?   (也可以这样说:How is your business getting along?   How is your business doing?   How are things going on in your business?)   41.Oh, it s not good.It"s been going down recently.   噢,不太好,近来生意在走下坡路。 ;
2023-08-08 03:28:151


2023-08-08 03:28:151


hello hi都可以。我们口语老师才给我们说的。
2023-08-08 03:27:423


2023-08-08 03:27:422

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

package com.test;import java.util.Vector;public class yourhomework { public static String reverseSort(String str) { String str2 = ""; for (int i = str.length() - 1; i > -1; i--) { str2 += String.valueOf(str.charAt(i)); } return str2; } public static String addkuge(String str) { int i = str.length() - 1; for (; i < 11; i++) { str = str + " "; } return str; } public static String addstar(String str) { int i = str.length(); for (; i < 6; i++) { str = str + " *"; } return str; } public static void main(String[] args) { String star = " *"; for(int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) { System.out.println(" "+star); star = star + " *"; } for(int j = 6; j > 0 ; j--) { star=star.substring(0,j*2); System.out.println(" "+star); } Vector<String> star3 = new Vector<String>(); star = ""; String star2 = "*"; for(int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) { star2 = addkuge(star2); star2 = reverseSort(star2); System.out.println(star2 +" " +star); star3.add(star2 +" " +star); star = star + "* "; star2 = star; } for(int j = 6; j > 1 ; j--) { System.out.println(star3.get(j-2)); } }}
2023-08-08 03:27:411


Both of us have cool clothes.
2023-08-08 03:27:411


2023-08-08 03:27:404


一、什么是述职报告想要写好述职报告,那你首先得对述职报告的概念要清楚,知道报告的对象、内容和目的,对症下药才能药到病除。述职报告是企业管理层依据自己的职务要求,就一定时期内的任期目标,向企业董事会、总经理、企业高管等,汇报自己履行岗位责任情况的书面报告。年终向领导提交一份述职报告,既是对自己一年工作的总结回顾,又能很好的促使自己思索下一年的目标和规划,同时也让领导更直观了解自己的工作情况。述职报告有以下几种类型,年度述职报告、阶段述职报告和任期述职报告。年度述职报告是最常用的一种。二、述职报告的特点1、内容的规定性述职者应当根据自己所在岗位的职责和目标,述说做了哪些工作、取得了哪些成绩、工作效率如何、还有哪些地方存在着不足、工作上是否存在失误、工作作风如何等,切记不能离开自己的工作范围,漫无边际地东拉西扯。2、行文的述评性述职者除了在述职报告中陈述自己的工作情况之外,还必须进行自评。对于考核者而言,仅仅根据述职者对工作的陈述,还不足以对述职者的成绩做出客观的考核。因此,由述职者进行自评。3、风格的严肃性述职是一种十分严肃的活动,述职报告作为考核、评优、晋升的一个重要依据,要求述职者必须客观地陈述自己履行岗位职责的情形,不允许随意夸大事实,甚至于是虚构事实,更不允许刻意掩盖工作中的失误。越是诚恳、客观的述职报告,越有助于公司和个人的发展和成长。三、述职报告与其他报告的异同性述职报告作为一种工作报告,尽管与工作总结有诸多的相似之处,但也有明显的区别,其相似之处如下:1、二者都是自述性的文种,都采用自述的表达方式,都使用第一人称。2、二者所涉及到的时间、范围都是确定的,都是汇报、总结过去某一时间内工作上的成绩与不足、经验与教训。3、二者都必须遵循实事求是、一分为二的原则,既报喜亦报忧,既要总结成绩、经验,也要找出差距、教训。二者的不相同之处有:1、立足点不同,总结的写作立足于部门的工作,而述职报告立足于个人的工作。部门的工作成绩和不足之处不能简单地归因于个人的作用。2、侧重点不同,总结必须全方位地反映部门工作中的成绩和不足,而述职报告则仅仅是为了表述个人在组织工作中所起到的作用。总结是为了部门工作的进一步开展,而述职报告则是对个人工作能力及成果的一次自我评估。3、表达方式不同,总结主要用叙述的方式和概括的语言,归纳工作结果。而述职报告则可采用夹叙夹议的方式来表达,既陈述履行岗位职责的有关情况,又要说明工作的出发点和思路,还要申述处理问题的依据与理由。4、目的性不同,总结主要是为了总结经验教训,把今后工作做得更好,而述职报告主要是为考核述职者提供依据。四、述职报告的写法(一)标题1.单标题职务 + 文种:如《××公司总经理述职报告》时间 + 文种:如《2018年年终述职报告》文种名称作标题如《我的述职报告》或《述职报告》2.双标题将内容的侧重点或主旨概括为一句话做标题,以年度和文种构成副标题。如:《团队建设,市场扩张——2020年度述职报告》《抓生产,促增长——我的述职报告》(二)前言述职报告的前言一般包括三个方面的内容:一是岗位职责,二是工作成果,三是下一阶段计划,四是总结分享。岗位职责包括自己从何时起担任何职,主要负责什么工作;工作成果是对这一阶段工作成果的展示分享;下阶段计划是针对部门发展及自身提高进行的规划;总结分享是对自己工作的中的感悟总结的分享。四个方面的内容都要简略地写,一般一个自然段即可。(三)主体(根据具体情况,可选择任意方法)1.工作项目归类法即把自己所做的工作按性质加以分类,如生产方面、销售方面、后勤方面等等,一类作为一个层次依次进行阐述。自己主持的工作和协助别人做的工作要分开写。另外,对自己做出突出成绩的工作、有创造性、开拓性进展的工作要重点写,即在反映一般成绩时突出重点。一般性的工作,日常事务性工作要简单一点。2、时间的发展顺序即把任期内的工作按时间先后顺序分成几个阶段,然后逐段叙写。这种形式在任期述职报告中经常采用,因为任期时间较长涉及面广,所做的工作和存在的问题较多,为了便于归纳总结,以展示工作的全貌,所以将一个时期的主要工作按时间分段,这样也便于在各个阶段中详细叙述所取得的成绩和经验。3、内容集中分类式这种形式是最常用的,一般分为:①主要工作、成绩效益②经验教训、存在问题③今后拟采取的对策等4、结尾和落款。必要时,可以安排一个专门的结尾部分。可以对自己做一个基本的评价,也可以简要说明自己的一些体会或今后打算。这些内容如果前面已经说过,也可以不写结尾部分五、写作要点写好述职报告,要注意下面几点写作要求:(1)实事求是。述职报告要讲真话、讲实话、讲心里话,以诚感人。无论称职与否都要与事实相符。要正确处理个人与集体、主观与客观的关系,要分清功过是非。承担责任要恰如其分,既不争功,也不必揽过。(2)写“述职报告”要形成制度,不仅在离任前要述职,而且在任期中也应定期述职。只有这样,才能更好地起到述职和鞭策的作用。(3)内容要周详,述职报告要重点突出。在全面汇报任职期间所做各项工作的基础上,要突出任职期间的重大成绩和创造性业绩,以表明自己的胜任和事业心。应当明确,述职报告必须围绕“职责”二字做文章。它的写作目的,不是评功摆好,而是为了说明是否称职。(4)情理相宜。述职报告在叙事说理过程中,要有适度的感情色彩。(5)态度要诚恳。述职,是向机关和群众汇报工作。写作述职报告之前,应对自己进行认真的全面的反思,并虚心听取群众的意见,弄清群众的不满和要求,对群众意见较大的问题尤其要如实阐述,以坦诚的胸怀,赢得群众的谅解和支持。接受群众的监督,而不是作报告,这个特定的角色必须明确,也是写好“述职报告”的前提。
2023-08-08 03:27:372


2023-08-08 03:27:342

依然酷酷的你 英语怎么写

依然酷酷的你英文:You are still cool
2023-08-08 03:27:341