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secretaryn.秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣;










secretary读音:英["sekrətri]、美["sekrəteri]。释义:n. 部长;秘书;书记;大臣;写字台。例句:1、He was the then secretary of Defense.他是当时的国防部长。2、He buzzed for his secretary to come.他按蜂鸣器叫秘书进来。3、At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.这时她注意到书记走了进来。4、Janet put several dictionaries on the shelf of her secretary.珍妮特在她的写字台架子上放了几本字典。用法1、secretary的基本意思是“秘书”,也可作“书记”“部长,大臣”解,是可数名词。2、当secretary表示唯一职务时,其前不加定冠词。3、secretary作“部长,大臣”解时,首字母大写。4、secretary常和介词to或of连用,表示“的秘书”。接人时常用to,接物时常用of。5、secretary作名词,特指某一职位时,前面不加冠词a,后跟介词to。


secretary中文意思是:秘书;(俱乐部、社团等的)干事;文书;部长;大臣;助理。secretary是可数名词,其复数形式为:secretaries。当secretary表示唯一职务时,前面不加定冠词。secretary作“部长,大臣”时,首字母需要大写。secretary常和介词to或of连用,表示“......的秘书”。secretary的造句1、My secretary is very good at filtering my calls. 我的秘书很会替我推掉不相干的电话。2、Please contact my secretary to make an appointment. 请和我的秘书联系,预约一个时间。3、It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary. 这是外交大臣典型的有信心的表现。4、She started as a secretary but ended up running the department. 她起初只是一个秘书,但最后掌管起了整个部门。


secretary 英["sekrətrɪ] 美[ˈsɛkrɪˌtɛri] n. 秘书;干事,书记员; 部长,大臣 名词复数:secretaries [例句]A secretary assists his work.一个秘书辅助他的工作。


secretary美 ["sekrə.teri] 英 ["sekrətri]n.秘书;大臣;部长;(俱乐部、社团等的)干事书记;文书; 例句筛选1.The president is ill tonight so the secretary will be sitting in for her.会长今晚生病,所以秘书代替她。2.She was not a secretary but that she was kept busy raising money forthe poor and the sick and the mad.她不是秘书只是不得已忙于为穷苦人、病人和精神病患者筹集资金。

Total Aerobic Microbial Count是什么意思

Total Aerobic Microbial Count 好氧微生物总数检查法;总好氧微生物计数;需氧微生物的总数例句筛选1.Microorganism Preparation of Total Aerobic Microbial Total Yeasts TotalAerobic Microbial Total Yeasts and Molds Count总酵母菌和霉菌计微生物

Aerobic exercises create a _____ oxygen in the body without seriously

有氧运动造成了身体对氧气的需求同时又没有严重干扰身体的各项功能。demand做名词 需求demand for oxygen 对氧气的需求。


the lithe figure of Planter Paul Jones. T


CBN刀具属于干切削 最好不要加切削液

genius and the craftsman 课文翻译是什么?

genius and the craftsman课文翻译是:天才与工匠。重点词汇:genius英['dʒi:niəs]释义:n.天赋,天资;天才,智商很高的人;(擅长做某事的)高手;精华,精髓;对某人有很大好(或坏)影响的人;(神话中某个人、地方或机构的)守护神;(民族或时代的)普遍特征。adj.<非正式>天才的。[复数:geniuses或genii]短语:Evil Genius邪恶天才;邪恶天才心得篇;完美汉化版;汉化版。词语辨析:ability,capacity,capability,genius。这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。1、ability普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。2、capacity侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。3、capability多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。常与of或for连用。4、genius语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。

screen agency 什么意思

screen agency 屏幕代理agency 英[ˈeɪdʒənsi] 美[ˈedʒənsi] n. 代理; 机构; 力量; +screen 英[skri:n] 美[skrin] n. 屏幕; 银幕; 屏风; vt. 掩藏; 庇护; 检查; 放映;


creative-agency创意机构双语对照例句:1.The khan videos are resources that support student knowledge workers asthey tackle the more cognitively rigorous challenges of the creative-agencyclassroom. 当学生处理“创意机构”课堂更富认知挑战性问题时,可汗视频就成为支持学生探求知识的资源。.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!








creative-agency创意机构.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


creative-agency创意机构双语对照例句:1.The khan videos are resources that support student knowledge workers as they tackle the more cognitively rigorous challenges of the creative-agency classroom. 当学生处理“创意机构”课堂更富认知挑战性问题时,可汗视频就成为支持学生探求知识的资源。



increase & improve区别是什么

improve vt. 1. 改进,改善;增进 He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production. 他提出了一个提高生产率的计划。 2. 提高(土地,地产)的价值 3. 利用(机会等) She improved her leisure by learning foreign languages. 她利用闲暇时间学习外语。 vi. 1. 改善,变得更好 Their working conditions are improving. 他们的工作条件正在改善。 2. 增加,提高 The price of steel improved. 钢材价格提高了。 increase1 vt. 1. 增大;增加;增强 Travel increases one"s knowledge of the world. 旅游增进人对世界的了解。 vi. 1. 增大;增加;增强 Foreign investments there increased five times. 那里的外国投资增加了五倍。 2. 增殖 These flowers will increase every year. 这些花会年复一年越长越多。 increase2 n. 1. 增大;增加;增强[U][C][(+in/on/of)] His weight showed an increase of 3 lbs. in a month. 他的体重在一个月内增加了三磅

increase improve develope的区别?

increase意思是增加增长improve是改进改善develope意思是发展促进increase增加,主要指的是数据方面的增加 improve是提升,提高,进步,属于比较小的,比如说学习进步了 develop是发展,一般指的是比较重大的,像历史发展之类的

expensive与cheap与safe的最高级是什么,还有cheap, creative, 的比较级是什么

most expensivecheapestsafestcheapermore creative

you cried。你哭了,为什么cry要变成过去分词啊,直接为 you cay,用法正确吗



不存在的生物:cave pigman(洞穴猪人?原版哪有这种东西?)1.spider jockey(蜘蛛骑士,特指骑着蜘蛛的骷髅射手,小几率刷出)2.cave pigman(原版不存在)3.charged creeper(高压苦力怕,被闪电击中后的苦力怕,爆炸伤害上升)4.wither skeleton(凋零骷髅,在地狱堡垒才会刷新的特殊骷髅,伤害较高)

secret cave是什么意思


crazy swing什么意思

  crazy swing直译为“疯狂的摇摆”。  swing  [英][swɪŋ][美][swɪŋ]  vt.& vi.(使)摇摆; (使)摇荡;  n.秋千; 摇摆,摆动; 摆程,振幅; 音律;  vt.使旋转; 使做曲线运动; 挥舞; 悬吊;  vi.悬摆; 迅速打击; 侧转,转弯; 轻快摇摆地走;  第三人称单数:swings  复数:swings  现在进行时:swinging  过去式:swung  过去分词:swung  例句:  1、A campaign swing through South Dakota and Texas.  在南达科他州和得克萨斯州的巡回竞选活动。  2、When we returned, the party was in full swing and the dance floor was crowded.  我们回来时,聚会已进入高潮,舞池里挤满了人。  3、The international rugby season is in full swing.  国际橄榄球赛季正如火如荼地进行着。

night cream是什么意思

night cream的意思是:晚霜night 读法 英 [naɪt]  美 [naɪt] 1、n. 夜晚,晚上;黑暗,黑夜2、adj. 夜晚的,夜间的短语:1、from morning till night 从早到晚2、night and day 日以继夜地3、tomorrow night 明天晚上4、the other night 前两天的夜里;不久前的一个夜晚5、all night long 整夜,通宵扩展资料一、night的近义词:eveningevening 读法 英 ["iːv(ə)nɪŋ]  美 ["ivnɪŋ] 1、n. 晚上;傍晚;(联欢性的)晚会;后期2、adj. 在晚上的;为晚上的;晚上用的3、int. 晚上好(等于good evening)短语:1、evening dress 夜礼服2、english evening 英语晚会;英语之夜3、evening primrose 月见草;<美>夜来香4、early evening 傍晚5、evening paper 晚报二、night的词义辨析:Good night,Good evening这两个短语的区别是:1、Good night是晚上分别时的用语(无论时间有多早),意思是“晚安”; Good evening是晚上见面时的用语(无论时间有多晚),意思是“晚上好”。2、Good night有时用作感叹语,表示惊讶。例如:The man"s eyes opened wide when he saw the big fish his little boy had caught, and said,“Good night!”这个人看到他的小儿子捉到一条大鱼时,眼睛睁得老大地说:“好家伙!”

cry on my shoulder表达的是什么意思


cry my shoulder是什么意思





<strong> 定义语气更为强烈的强调文本。 <small> 定义小号文本。 <sup> 定义上标文本。 <sub> 定义下标文本。 <i> 定义斜体文本。 <em> 定义强调文本。 <big> 定义大号文本。

criterion ;chopstick; cautious 这英语用谐音怎么读?

cri+ter+ion n.标准,准则,原则chop+stick n筷子 cau+ti+ous adj. 小心的,谨慎的

reputation, reputable, purposeful ,crucial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~


scrupulous 、prudent 、cautious、careful有啥区别

careful,cautious,attentive,prudent这些形容词均含有“小心的,谨慎的”之意。 careful 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。cautious 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。prudent 指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。scrupulous 良心不安的;有顾忌的近义词,但是侧重的意思是不一样的~~

scrupulous 、prudent 、cautious、careful有啥区别



一、侧重点不同1、“prudent”侧重于表示遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。例句:Prudent tax increases need to be part of the solution. 译文:谨慎的加税必须是解决这个问题的一部分。2、“discreet”侧重于表示因为有辨别力而谨慎、考虑周到。例句:I am discreet in where I go and who I see. 译文:我很谨慎,在那里我去和谁我明白了。3、“cautious”侧重于表示考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。例句:The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.译文:科学家们对于人体使用酶疗法持谨慎态度。二、语气强度不同cautious比prudent、discreet的语气强,特指强烈的要请慎重的处理事情。扩展资料“prudent”的近义词:wary1、读音:英 [ˈweəri]  美 [ˈweri] 2、意思是:adj. 谨慎的;机警的;惟恐的;考虑周到的3、相关短语:wary of 小心翼翼的;警觉的;谨防的4、例句:Your frailty makes them wary of buying anything from you. 译文:你的虚弱使他们从你那里购买任何东西都很谨慎。

the cranberries一共出过多少张专辑跟多少张EP.

一) Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can"t We?中文名: 每个人都可以做, 我们又有什么不可以?发行时间: 1993年2月22日歌曲列表:1. I Still Do2. Dreams3. Sunday4. Pretty5. Waltzing Back6. Not Sorry7. Linger8. Wanted9. Still Can"t...10. I Will Always11. How12. Put Me Down乐迷评论:《Everybody else can do it, so why can"t we》是乐队的初试啼声,却赢得满堂喝彩,而且在比较排斥英伦摇滚的美国,也获得极大成功,乐队正式凭借单曲 "Linger" 红遍美国, 而后再在英国出名的, 抛开销量,另类等不谈, 单说他们的音乐, 是非常动听的. 不但是Dolores的嗓音, 更主要, 我认为是他们把握住了旋律与节奏的变换, 快慢相宜, 英伦吉他流行曲的旋律与在当时比较少见的女主音结合,非常入耳, 尤其以 "Linger" (徘徊),"Dreams" (梦),"How" (怎么了)为甚, 美中不足的就是专辑内过多的情歌虽然增加了流行面,却削弱了爱尔兰乐队独有的音乐天分和气质.专辑列表[2](二) No Need To Argue中文名: 勿需争辩发行时间: 1994年9月27日歌曲列表:1. Ode To My Family2. I Can"t Be With You3. Twenty One4. Zombie5. Empty6. Everything I Said7. The Icicle Melts8. Disappointment9. Ridiculous Thoughts10. Dreaming My Dreams11. Yeat"s Grave12. Daffodil Lament13. No Need To Argue乐迷评论: 乐队在第二张专辑里显然要比第一张专辑显得成熟和圆滑,为了避免在流行的曲调中显得过于苍白和无力,他们特意创作了专辑里唯一一首爱尔兰之歌 "Zombie" (行尸走肉),反战几乎成了所有爱尔兰乐队固有的传统,但除此以外,乎都是情歌,其实我们不妨把他们放在流行层面上看待,就不会理会什么概念和深刻,好听足矣,但能做到这点,又能有几支乐队?Dolores的嗓音在这张专辑里表现得淋漓尽致,无论是Zombie里的高亢,还是在 " Dreaming my dreams" (独自做梦)里的婉转,真假嗓音的变换和独有的高音,让人陶醉不已这是乐队最为经典的作品.专辑列表[2.5] - 无甚新歌的合辑不能称作新专辑(三) Everybody Else Is Doing It/ No Need To Argue说明: 综合了前两张专辑的合辑发行时间: 1995年11月27日专辑列表[3](四) To The Faithful Departed中文名: 致逝去的信徒发行时间: 1996年4月29日歌曲列表:1. Hollywood2. Salvation3. When You"re Gone4. Free To Decide5. War Child6. Forever Yellow Skies7. The Rebels8. I Just Shot John Lennon9. Electric Blue10. I"m Still Remembering11. Will You Remember?12. Joe13. Bosnia14. Cordell15. The Picture I View乐迷评论:《To the faithful departed》整张专辑制作得非常完整,也没有水平参差不齐的歌.乐队第一次把歌词放到了"反战"这个字眼上,但不仅仅如此,他们还嘲笑了偶像(也许还包括自己),Dolores的嗓音终于可以畅快淋漓一把.这张专辑比起他们的上两张专辑而言,在编曲和配器上精巧细致,在歌词里,内容更广泛,更广阔,The Cranberries可以歌颂爱情,可以庭院深深,可以幽怨曲曲,但他们也可以关注不幸,指责战争,呼唤和平,而且他们还可以做的很好.专辑列表[4](五) Bury The Hatchet中文名: 和解发行时间: 1999年4月19日歌曲列表:1. Animal Instinct2. Loud And Clear3. Promises4. You And Me5. Just My Imagination6. Shattered7. Desperate Andy8. Saving Grace9. Copycat10. What"s On My Mind11. Delilah12. Fee Fi Fo13. Dying In The Sun14. Sorry Son乐迷评论:《Bury the hatchet》这张专辑除了封面设计是一流以外,其余都不入流,也是最让人失望的一张专辑,似乎在产子后,Dolores 整个曲风就潜移默化地变得 "母性" 化了,曲调更柔弱,嗓音也离高亢越来越远,也许Dolores在加拿大呆久了,把那点爱尔兰的灵气也失掉了, 旋律滞重呆扳不少, 歌曲快又快不起来, 慢也没慢下去, 像温开水一样,听完毫无印象.4 专辑列表专辑列表[4.5](六) Bury The Hatchet : The Complete Sessions (双碟合辑) 2000年4月19日DISC 11. Animal Instinct2. Loud And Clear3. Promises4. You And Me5. Just My Imagination6. Shattered7. Desperate Andy8. Saving Grace9. Copycat10. What"s On My Mind11. Delilah12. Fee Fi Fo13. Dying In The Sun14. Sorry SonDISC 21. Baby Blues2. Sweetest Thing3. Woman Without Pride4. Such A Shame5. Paparazzi On Mopeds6. Promises (Live)7. Animal Instinct (Live)8. Loud And Clear (Live)9. You And Me (Live)10. Shattered (Live)11. Desperate Andy (Live)12. Delilah (Live)专辑列表[5](七) Wake Up And Smell The Coffee中文名: 醒来闻闻咖啡香发行时间: 2001年10月3日歌曲列表:1. Never Grow Old2. Analyse3. Time Is Ticking Out4. Dying Inside5. This Is The Day6. The Concept7. Wake Up And Smell The Coffee8. Pretty Eyes9. I Really Hope10. Every Morning11. Do You Know12. Carry On13. Chocolate Brown乐迷评论: 在沉寂乐坛两年后,卡百利乐队带着最新鲜的音乐回来了!《Wake Up And Smell The Coffee》由昔日的制作搭档 Stephen Streets在爱尔兰首府都柏林制作完成.透过新专辑,可以听见团员们内蕴的感情充分获得释放,而纯熟的技术和默契更是发挥的淋漓尽致.旋律流畅轻快的首支单曲 "Analyse" (追根究底)提醒乐迷别钻牛角尖,别追根究底,要懂得享受生活中简单的幸福,极致展现主唱 Dolores的招牌唱腔俳句式的"Pretty Eyes" (迷人的眼睛)散发出迷人的60年代风味, "Time is Ticking Out" (时光飞逝)则延续The Cranberries的批判风格.此外, 这张专辑还根据不同的版本, 加入了几首附送的歌曲.专辑列表[5] - 附加歌曲Japanese version (日本版)14. I Can"t Be With You (Live in Paris 1999)15. Zombie (Live in Paris 1999)16. In The Ghetto (Studio version)International version (国际版)14. Salvation (Live in Paris 1999)15. In The Ghetto (Studio version)UK version (联合王国版)14. Dreams (Live in Paris 1999)15. Promises (Live in Paris 1999)16. In The Ghetto (Studio version)North American version (北美版)14. Capetown专辑列表[5.1] 总的来说, 卡百利的专辑只有五张, 其它的都属于精选Treasure Box (四张CD的珍藏版套装)发行时间: 2002年4月8日歌曲列表: 较多, 与前面的无多大差异, 欠奉.专辑列表[5.2](九) Stars - The Best Of 1992 – 2002中文名: 星光大道 - 1992-2002精选集发行时间: 2002年9月16日歌曲列表:1. Dreams2. Linger3. Zombie4. Ode To My Family5. I Can"t Be With You6. Ridiculous Thoughts7. Salvation8. Free To Decide9. When You"re Gone10. Hollywood11. Promises12. Animal Instinct13. Just My Imagination14. You & Me15. Analyse16. Time Is Ticking Out17. This Is The Day18. Daffodil Lament19. New New York (preciously unreleased)20. Stars (preciously unreleased)专辑列表[5.3](十) Stars - The Best of 1992-2002(Limited Edition / Bonus CD)中文名: 星光大道 - 1992-2002精选集 (限量版/附送1张CD)发行时间: 2002年9月24日歌曲列表:Bonus Tracks:1. Zombie (live)2. Ode To My Family (live)3. Animal Instinct (live)4. Salvation (live)5. Daffodil Lament (live)Track Listing:1. Dreams2. Linger3. Zombie4. Ode To My Family5. I Can"t Be With You6. Ridiculous Thoughts7. Salvation8. Free To Decide9. When You"re Gone10. Hollywood11. Promises12. Animal Instinct13. Just My Imagination14. You & Me15. Analyse16. Time Is Ticking Out17. This Is The Day18. Daffodil Lament (bonus track)19. New New York (previously unreleased)20. Stars (preciously unreleased)

do you know you make me cry .这句歌词来至哪首歌?


The Cranberries



cry的第三人称单数:cries right的同音词:write run的现在分词:running beautiful的比较级:more beautiful

the Cranberries乐队的资料

又名:小红莓乐队职业:主题曲演唱演唱所属地区:爱尔兰生日:1990年卡百利乐队是一个来自爱尔兰(爱尔兰是以英语为主要语言的欧洲音乐重镇)的知名摇滚乐队,与U2、SineadO"Connor、Enya等一样,都是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量.  在卡百利乐队成立以前,三个主要成员Noel,Mike和Fergal都是在一个名叫”TheCranberrySawUs”的乐队中干了大约半年.后来,这个乐队的主唱Nial因为个人的原因,决定退出,为了不影响乐队的正常发展,他把他的一个好朋友推荐给了乐队,这个人后来成了卡百利乐队最重要的人物,她就是Dolores(德洛丽丝),全名为DoloresMaryEileenO"Riordan(德洛丽丝·玛丽·艾琳·奥里奥丹),在嫁给巡回演出经纪人DonBurton后,改名为DoloresMaryO"RiordanBurton(德洛丽丝·玛丽·奥里奥丹·伯顿).

英语讨论-Critical Thinking

Pascal said that people are reeds who can think. However, in such an era of information overload, all kinds of voices are mixed with opinions. We living in the torrent of information should learn to think critically to avoid drifting with the waves and achieve true independent thinking.Critical thinking is a reasonable, reflective, and open-minded way of thinking. This way of thinking allows you to express clearly, reason logically, proof reasonably, and cultivate a spirit of speculation. Critical thinking emphasizes the importance of evidence and logic in seeking knowledge. It opposes relying on authority and popular opinion. It requires the ability to distinguish between reason and emotion.Critical thinking advocates rational public reasoning, so it should also become the basic quality of modern citizens. In short, critical thinking is not to criticize for criticism, but to make better judgments through analysis and evaluation. There is no absolute authority in this world, and any viewpoint has its limitations. Without critical thinking, human civilization will no longer be able to progress, and technology will not develop rapidly. We should use critical thinking frequently, combine with the current social environment to find an independent way of thinking, and form our own cognitive(认知的) system. Living in the Internet era of information explosion, you need to learn to think rationally in order to be able to recognize the large amount of information received every single day. In English learning, critical thinking is a set of framework standards for observing the world. It can establish a value judgment standard for understanding the foothold of book content and the real world. Only with critical thinking ability can we adhere our own standards in the ocean of opinions. When writing English papers, you can use critical thinking to provide talking point and evidence to support your arguments in different aspects to convince your readers. Pascal说,「人是会思考的芦苇」。然而在这样一个信息过载的时代里,形形色色的声音与观点鱼龙混杂。生活在信息洪流中的我们,应该学会批判新思维,从而避免随波逐流,做到真正的独立思考。 批判性思维是以一种合理的、反思的、心灵开放的方式进行思考。这种思考方式能够让你清晰准确地表达、逻辑严谨地推理、合理地论证,以及培养思辨精神。批判性思维强调求知中证据、逻辑的重要性,反对依靠权威和流行观点,要求能够区分理性和情感的观念。它倡导理性的公共说理,因此也应该成为现代公民的基本素养。总之,批判性思维不是为了批判而批判,而是通过分析和评估做出更好的判断。 这个世界上根本就不存在绝对的权威,哪怕是道德经,也一定有其局限性。如果没有批判性思维的存在,人类文明将不能再进步了,科技也得不到飞速发展。我们应该多使用批判性思维,结合当下社会环境找到独立的思考方式,形成自己的认知体系。在信息爆炸的互联网时代,懂得理性思考,能对每天接受到的大量信息有辨识能力。 在英语学习中,批判性思维是观察世界的一套框架性标准,它能树立一个价值判断标准用来理解书本内容和真实世界的立足点。有了基本的逻辑思维能力才能在众说纷纭的,观点中坚守标准,坚持己见。写英语论文时要利用批判性思维,从多方面提供论证和论据来支撑论点从而说服你的读者。

right同音词 black对应词 l宾格 right反义词 cross 名词 foot 复数 f




increase multiplier by 1是什么意思


credit multiplier是什么意思

credit multiplier 英[ˈkredit ˈmʌltəˌplaɪə] 美[ˈkrɛdɪt ˈmʌltəˌplaɪɚ] [释义] 信贷乘数; [例句]However, China did not suffer a liquidity shortage and credit crunch. Its monetarymultiplier has been more or less stable.然而,中国并未遭遇流动性不足和信贷危机,其货币乘数一直也基本稳定。求采纳


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为 强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜



House Democratic Caucus是什么意思


民航英语的screen hight的中文术语是什么?

应该是:screen height意思是: 屏幕高度(从屏上看出来的高度)

fresh body cream是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你回答,fresh body cream的意思是“身体乳霜”。fresh 英 [freʃ] 美 [frɛʃ] adj. 新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的n. 开始;新生;泛滥adv. 刚刚,才;最新地cream 英 [kriːm] 美 [krim] n. 奶油,乳脂;精华;面霜;乳酪

CRA和 CAU是什么意思

CRACRA是英文缩写,一是药品研究注册单位的代表-监察员的缩写;二是临界回归分析的缩写;三是成本回归分析的缩写;四是社区再投资法的缩写。 CAU: China Agricultural University(CAU)中国农业大学

microsoft advertising是什么意思

microsoft advertising微软广告双语例句1After losing out to Microsoft"s powerful advertising campaign, Chu went into semi-retirement.结果朱邦复不敌微软强大的广告营销战略,进入半退休的状态。2• Microsoft named Frank Holland its new corporate vice president of Microsoft "s advertising sales business.•微软公司(Microsoft)任命弗兰克•霍兰德为主管广告销售业务的公司副总裁。

英语流利说 Level5 Unit3 Part3-Describing Actions & Personal Traits

描述操作 Silly : foolish or stupid or ridiculous, the opposite of serious. 愚蠢的:愚蠢或愚蠢或可笑的,严肃的反义词。 He is being silly, so we should just ignore him. 他很傻,所以我们不应该理他。 That"s a silly idea, so I don"t think she means what she"s saying. 那是个愚蠢的想法,所以我不认为她是认真的。 This is no time for  silly behavior , so I"m  asking   everyone to work harder and take things  seriously . 现在不是做傻事的时候,所以我要求每个人都更加努力,认真对待。 He expects people  to laugh   when he"s being  silly , but I don"t think it"s  funny . 他希望人们在他做傻事时发笑,但我不认为这很有趣。 That kind of  silly   behavior isn"t  acceptable   in our  office. 那种愚蠢的行为在我们办公室是不能接受的。Amazing : to be incredible or so good as to be hard to believe; the opposite of ordinary. 令人惊奇的,令人难以置信的;平凡的反义词。 That company"s new products are truly amazing. 那家公司的新产品真是太棒了。 She gave an amazing performance, especially after all the difficulties she had to overcome. 她的表演非常精彩,尤其是在她克服了那么多困难之后。 It"s  amazing  what people can  accomplish  if they are  determined . 如果人们下定决心,他们能完成的事情是令人惊奇的。 He was in a  terrible  accident, so it"s  amazing   that he is still  alive . 他遭遇了一场可怕的事故,所以他还活着真是令人吃惊。 It will be an  amazing  accomplishment if they can  finish  the project on  schedule . 如果他们能按时完成这个项目,那将是一项了不起的成就。 Crucial : to be of extreme importance or an essential part; the opposite of optional. 至关重要的;至关重要的;可选的反面。 It"s crucial that we get them to sign the contract by the end of the week. 让他们在这个周末之前签合同是很重要的。 Getting that data is crucial for our success. 获取这些数据对我们的成功至关重要。 We can"t do this  without   their help, so it"s  crucial   that you get them to  cooperate . 没有他们的帮助我们无法做到这一点,所以让他们合作是至关重要的。 It"s  crucial   that airplane pilots get   enough   sleep before they  fly . 飞行员在飞行前保证充足的睡眠是至关重要的。 We  need  her help because she has  unique  skills that are  crucial  for the success of our project. 我们需要她的帮助,因为她有独特的技能,这对我们项目的成功至关重要。 Impressive : to stand out and be unforgettable in a good way. 令人印象深刻:脱颖而出,以一种好的方式令人难忘。 His presentation was so impressive that we decided to hire him right away. 他的演示给人留下了深刻的印象,我们决定马上雇用他。 They have an impressive website, but the quality of their products is pathetic. 他们有一个令人印象深刻的网站,但他们的产品质量是可怜的。 Their design was  impressive , but the costs were much higher than we could  afford , so we had to  reject  it. 他们的设计令人印象深刻,但成本远高于我们的承受能力,所以我们不得不拒绝。 He made an  impressive  entrance , but when he left the meeting he looked tired and  defeated . 他进场时给人留下了深刻的印象,但离开会场时,他看上去疲惫不堪。 She  impressed  everyone with her powerful speech,  but we were soon  disappointed  by her  inability  to meet her goals. 她强有力的演讲给每个人留下了深刻的印象,但我们很快就对她无法实现自己的目标感到失望。 It"s ok for you to have high expectations, but they need to be realistic or you"ll fail. 对你有很高的期望是可以的,但是它们必须是现实的,否则你会失败。 Realistic : to be possible and attainable. 现实的:可能的和可实现的。 That deadline isn"t realistic, so we need to ask for more time. 那个截止日期不现实,所以我们需要更多的时间。 He isn"t being realistic when he expects to charge such high prices for his products. 他期望自己的产品要价如此之高,这是不现实的。 His proposal wasn"t  realistic  because he doesn"t understand the  details  and potential  risks  of such a project. 他的建议不现实,因为他不了解这样一个项目的细节和潜在风险。 She gave an  amazing  performance, especially after all the  difficulties  she had   overcome . 她的表演非常精彩,尤其是在她克服了种种困难之后。 Getting that  data  is  crucial  for our  success . 获取这些数据对我们的成功至关重要。 That  deadline  isn"t  realistic , so we need  to ask  for more time. 那个截止日期不现实,所以我们需要更多的时间。 Don"t worry about what she said because she was just being silly. 别担心她说的话,她只是在装傻。 That deadline isn"t realistic, so we need to ask for more time. 那个截止日期不现实,所以我们需要更多的时间。It"s amazing what people can accomplish if they are determined. 如果人们下定决心,他们能完成的事情是令人惊奇的。The words silly and serious are antonyms because they have opposite meanings. silly和serious是反义词,因为它们的意思相反。Their design was impressive, but the costs were much higher than we could afford, so we had to reject it. 他们的设计令人印象深刻,但成本远高于我们的承受能力,所以我们不得不拒绝。Sincere : to be honest and trust worthy. 真诚:诚实可信。 I think she was being sincere, so I think we can trust her. 我觉得她很真诚,所以我们可以信任她。 Sometimes it"s very difficult to know if someone is being sincere, or it"s just a good liar. 有时候很难知道一个人是真诚的,还是只是一个好的骗子。 I doubt if he"s being  sincere , so we should  protect  ourselves in case he  breaks  his promise. 我怀疑他是否真诚,所以我们应该保护自己,以防他违背诺言。 I thought he was being  sincere  ,but when I  looked  into his  background  it seems that he can"t be  trusted . 我原以为他是真诚的,但当我调查他的背景时,我发现他似乎不值得信任。 Naive : overly simple and lacking experience. 天真:过于简单且缺乏经验。 He wants to change the world, but he"s very naive, so he needs someone to help him. 他想改变世界,但是他太天真了,所以他需要有人帮助他。 I think we can take advantage of him, because he is naive and impatient. 我想我们可以利用他,因为他又天真又没耐心。 Internet criminals are very clever and can often  fool naive  people into giving away  confidential  information. 网络犯罪分子非常聪明,他们经常能愚弄天真的人,让他们泄露机密信息。 Some people can be really  cruel , so don"t be  naive  or you can be  hurt . 有些人真的很残忍,所以不要太天真,否则你会受伤的。 she isn"t as naive as she looks ,so we should be careful not to reveal our plans until she signs the contract 她并不像看上去那么天真,所以我们要小心,在她签署合同之前不要透露我们的计划 Brilliant : highly intelligent or exceptional in brightness; the opposite of dull. 聪明的:高度聪明的或异常明亮的;无聊的反义词。 There is no doubt that he is a brilliant scientist, but he is a very poor manager. 毫无疑问,他是个有才华的科学家,但他是个很差劲的经理。 It"s amazing how such a brilliant man can be so stupid around women! 一个如此聪明的男人在女人面前竟然如此愚蠢,真是不可思议! That"s a  brilliant idea , so  let"s  get started as soon as possible. 那是个好主意,所以让我们尽快开始吧。 The  ideas  in his paper were  brilliant , but the  quality  of his writing was pathetic. 他的论文思想很好,但写作质量却很差。 he"s  brilliant  but naive, so he  needs  someone with a lot of  experience  to help me. 他聪明又天真,所以他需要一个经验丰富的人来帮助我。 Cruel : mean, manipulative and hurtful; The opposite of kind. 残忍的:刻薄、控制欲强、伤人的;kind的反义词。 He can be cruel when he doesn"t like someone, so don"t expect him to be nice to you. 他不喜欢一个人的时候会很残忍,所以不要指望他对你好。 I was shocked by how cruel he was when he fired her. 当他解雇她时,我对他的残忍感到震惊。 People who are  cruel   to animals should be  punished  for their  behavior . 虐待动物的人应该为他们的行为受到惩罚。 I can never  forgive   him for his  cruelty , so don"t ask me  to meet  with him ever again. 我永远不会原谅他的残忍,所以不要再叫我和他见面了。 some people can be really  cruel , so don"t be  naive  or you can  be  hurt. 有些人真的很残忍,所以不要太天真,否则你会受伤的。 Clever : innovative, creative, very smart. 聪明的:创新的,有创造力的,非常聪明。 He found a clever solution that allowed us to reduce costs. 他找到了一个聪明的解决办法,使我们能够降低成本。 Advertisers are very clever at getting people to buy things they don"t really need. 广告商在让人们购买他们并不真正需要的东西方面非常聪明。 They have developed a very  clever  way  to increase the  efficiency   of their sales team. 他们想出了一个非常聪明的方法来提高销售团队的效率。 He isn"t as  clever   as he thinks he is, so we may  be able   to find a  weakness   in his plan. 他并不像他自己认为的那样聪明,所以我们也许能在他的计划中发现弱点。 It appeared to be a  clever   idea at first, but it  failed  because it  ignored   some important details. 起初,这似乎是一个聪明的想法,但它失败了,因为它忽略了一些重要的细节。 Skeptical : needs proof or evidence to overcome doubts; the opposite of convinced. 怀疑的:需要证据或证据来克服怀疑;说服的反义词。 I"m sure they will be skeptical of our results, so we need to bring convincing evidence. 我肯定他们会怀疑我们的结果,所以我们需要有令人信服的证据。 I"m skeptical that such a simple design can satisfy our requirements. 我怀疑这样简单的设计是否能满足我们的要求。 He"s  skeptical  that we can   satisfy   their needs, so he wants us to  provide   more details about our plan. 他怀疑我们能否满足他们的需要,所以他想让我们提供更多有关我们计划的细节。 she was  skeptical  that we could  finish  the project on time, and now she has been  proven  right. 她怀疑我们能否按时完成这个项目,现在事实证明她是对的。 Sometimes it"s very difficult  to  know   if someone is  being sincere , or it"s just a good  liar . 有时候很难知道一个人是真诚的,还是只是一个好的骗子。 It"s  amazing   how   such  a  brilliant   man can be so stupid around women! 一个如此聪明的男人在女人面前竟然如此愚蠢,真是不可思议! Advertisers are very  clever   at getting people  to buy   things they don"t really  need . 广告商在让人们购买他们并不真正需要的东西方面非常聪明。 She was  skeptical   that we could finish the  project   on time, and now she has been  proven  right. 她怀疑我们能否按时完成这个项目,现在事实证明她是对的。 I think we can take advantage of him, because he is naive and impatient. 我想我们可以利用他,因为他又天真又没耐心。It"s amazing how such a brilliant man can be so stupid around women! 一个如此聪明的男人在女人面前竟然如此愚蠢,真是不可思议!I don"t know how people can be so cruel to animals. 我不知道人们怎么能对动物如此残忍。I doubt if he"s being sincere, so we should protect ourselves in case he breaks his promise. 我怀疑他是否真诚,所以我们应该保护自己,以防他违背诺言。



growing increasely

这样改下 The situation has been increasingly growing difficult these years.

关于growing 和 increasing 的辨析?growing 与 increasing分别与什么搭配。



.then字面意思就是上一步执行完了,执行下一步,不过这是 Promise 对象的方法,非 Promise 对象没有 then 方法。在 jQuery 中 Promise 叫作 Deferred 对象。

ice cream 可数吗?两份冰淇淋怎么说?先谢了~~~~

应该是不可数的吧two glassses of ice cream

Do you like ice cream for ______ dessert? A. a B. the C. / D. 选什么 为什么


请问 ice creame 与salad dessert是否可数? 请帮助翻译以下: 1份冰淇凌 2份冰琪淋 1份甜点 2份甜点

1 ice cream 2 copies of ice cream 1 dessert 2 copies of dessert 1 salad 2 salad You need some ice cream do? You do need some salad? You need some dessert?

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growth growing increase 的不同点?

growth是名词 growing是grow的动名词形式 increase是动词



categories and subject descriptors 有哪些

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:categories and subject descriptors分类和主题描述希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳



hypocritical and disgusting 是什么意思


campus recruitment是什么意思

campus recruitment校园招聘双语对照词典结果:campus recruitment校园招聘; 例句:1.Microsoft has a strong internship and campus recruitment programme, says malcolm bentley, microsoft"s regional staffing director in beijing. 微软驻北京地区人力资源主管马尔科姆本特利(malcolm bentley)表示,微软拥有强大的实习和校园招聘项目。


n.1. 校园,校区[C]They are asked to live on campus.校方要求他们住校。2. 大学,学院[C]I visited a few campuses when I was in America.我在美国时访问了几所大学。3. 大学生活[U]4. 【美】(大学的)分校[C]5. 校园内的草地[C]vt.1. 【美】【口】限制...在大学(或校园)内的活动a.1. 大学的;校园的[Z][B]Do you like campus life?你喜欢学校生活吗?

decreasing returns是什么意思

decreasing returns收益递减;报酬递减Result shows that corn production in main producing areas is mainly scale inefficiencyand is at the stage of decreasing returns to scale. 主产区玉米生产全要素生产率提高主要是由于技术进步速度大于技术效率下降的速度。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

gross Increase 和 net income 的区别

  gross income总收入;毛收入  net income净收入  1)毛收入=主营业务收入-折扣与折让-营业费用-主营业务成本-主营业务税金及附加  2)净收入=主营业务利润+其他业务利润-管理费用-财务费用+投资收益+补贴收入+营业外收入-营业外支出  gross income总收入;毛收入;总收益  Chinese farmers" property income is derived from their property and constitutes a gross income of farmers together with rural household business income, wages income and transfer income, etc.  财产性收入是由其财产带来的,我国农民的财产性收入与农民的家庭经营收入、工资性收入、转移性收入等,共同构成农民的总收入。  Property income of fanners makes up a comparatively small proportion of gross income, usually at 3% or lower.  农民的财产性收入在总收入中所占的份额相对较小,一般不超过总收入的3%。  As for Em$,the output,gross income,and net income of modeⅠwere respectively 50%,102.6%,and 136.4% higher than those of modeⅡ.  以能值-货币价值计算,模式Ⅰ的产投比、毛收入和净收入分别高于模式Ⅱ50%、102.6%和136.4%.  net income  [会计]净收入;收益净额  1.The second-quarter improvement in net income was the smallest gain in nearlytwo years, according to the FDIC.  据联邦存款保险公司数据,第二季度净收入增幅为接近两年来最低。 2.Net income climbed to 2.8 trillion yuan ($438 billion), the National Bureau of Statistics said on its website today.  国家统计局今天在其官网上说其净收入攀升至2.8万亿人民币(约合438亿美元)。

raw, crude, rough的区别是什么?

rough 在修饰人和思想、行为时,仅仅表示“粗”,比如我们常说的“大老粗”,并不含有“粗鲁”、“无礼”及“村野”的意思。在修饰物或所做的活儿时,rough表示非精心制作的,有时表示有意做的粗糙,因为只要满足了需要就行,不必做得精细;有时表示半成品, 有待继续加工;有时制作人为了表示谦虚,把自己完成的工作说成rough workThe English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town.英国的绅士们总是不肯接近这个城市的粗人居住的地区。The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed delt roughly with foreigners on several occasions.那位律师查明有个警察的确在好几个场合中粗暴地对待了外国人。The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from.穿越原野的粗糙道路,不久变得非常糟糕,以致我们努力说服布鲁斯,把车开回我们出发的村子。crude的原义是“天然状态的”,在修饰物时指的是“未加工的”、“粗糙的”。在修饰人或思想、行为时,指的是“未开化的”、“低级的”、“粗鲁的”I"ve never appreciated his crude sense of humour.我从不欣赏他那低级趣味的幽默。However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match.然而,当时拳击非常粗野,因为没有规则,在比赛中职业拳击家可能受重伤,甚至被打死。Yet there is little resemblance between these crude vehicles and a modern scientific ballon,…然而这种原始的运载工具与现代科学性的气球之间很少有相似之处。raw在修饰物时,意思是“生的”(即未加工处理的)、“未熟的”。如raw meat(生肉),raw eggs(生蛋),raw material(原材料),raw hides(生牛皮)等等。在修饰人及思想、行为时,raw指的是“未成熟的”、“无经验的”、“不老练的”They are raw recruits.他们是些新兵。The bulk and weight of coal required in the majority of manufacturing industries is large in comparison with the bulk and weight of other raw matericals.在大多数制造工业中,所需要的煤的体积和重量,与其他原材料的体积和重量相比都显得很大。

His cruelty,selfishness made her life() A.misery B.miserable 选哪个请帮忙解释?

选择B,make sb+形容词,misery是名词,miserable是形容词


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